THE PITTSBTJKG- DISPATCH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1889. THE IAKKET BASKET. Mid-Winter Quiet is Fully On in Country Produce Lines. DEMAND FOR GOOD OYSTERS FAIR. The Press Club ContributesIts Mite to Eerive Trade. THE SITUATION IK CONSUMERS' FATOE OFFICE OF TOE PnTSBUnO DISPATCH, Friday. January 25, 18S9. J Retail trade in the lines of Saturday mar ket basket materials have undergone very few changes in the past week. All dealers report a very quiet week's trade. Keither jobbers nor retailers of country produce and dairy products represent the situation in very roy colors. The open 'weather has been against any revival of trade. With almost two-thirds of the winter cone, and no tight weather show ing up trade has dragged, and business has been generally unsatisfactory to dealers. Sun aaj's snow storm ran its course too quickly to make any impression on the markets, other than to check the downward drift of eggs and butter. Harry Beckert, of the Diamond market, re ports trade very quiet in vegetable lines, but rinds a few crumbs of comfort in some hand some orders for the Press Club banquet at the Hotel Duquesne. for Tuesday night. Among these orderi are 25 pounds of mushroons at SI per pound: 87 dozen asparagus and 9 dozen cu cumbers. The brethren of the press evidently are doing their part to lift trade out of its mid winter ruts. Fish Trade Fnlr. At the fish and oyster stalls a fair week's wholesale trade is reported, but retail trade has been quiet. The open wintor furnishes ex cellent opportunities for catching oysters. With the average winter, the supply ol select oysters would not have been equal to the de mand. Down-the-bay oysters or what are known in the trade as snaps, have been in large supply all season, and for these prices rule lower than last year. A winter like this is better for the consumer than it is for the trade. In the line of meats no improvement in trade is reported. Butchers are able to secure their stock at lower figures than a week ago, but make no cbauge in prices, claiming that such times as these are only a fair offset to such times as last summer and fall, when they had to work for glory. "Shadow and shine is life," and butchers are now in the shine. Butter, eggs and poultry are unchanged. It is a verv rare thing that eggs are as low at this time of the jear as now. Choice country butter has held up well amid all the fluctua tions of creamery. Creamery butter. in a job bing wav, is 15c per pound below November prices. But there nas been very little variation all the season in the price of the pure stuff to the consumer. The flower trade is reported good. Prices bave gravitated back to the ante-holiday fig ures. Following are the latest retail prices for Sat urday market basket material: Meats. The prices called for at the Diamond Markets remain unchanged. The best cuts of tenderloin steak range from 20 to 25c, with the last figure for very fancy, which are very often no bet ter than the 20c article; sirloin, best cuts, fiomlSto20c; standing rib roast, 15 to 20c; chuck roast. 10 to 12c; best round steaks. 15c; boiling beef, 5 to Sc: sweet breads, 2ac per pain teef kidneys, 10c apiece; beef liver, 6c a pound: calf livers. 25c apiece: corned beef from 5 to 10c per pound. Veal for stewing commands 10c: roast, 12 to 15c: cutlets. 20c per pound; spring lambs, fore quarter, 12J to 15c; hind quarters, 15 to 20c. A leg of mut ton, hind quarter, of prime quality, brings 12jc; fore quarter, 8c; loin of mutton, 15c Vegetables nnd Fruit. Jersey sweet potatoes, 25c a half peck; potatoes, 15c a half peck; celery. 10c a bunch; squash, 10 to 25c; tomatoes, 50c per quart hoi; pumpkin. 15 to 25c: cabbage, 5 to 10c; aDples, 15c to 20c half peck; bananas, 15 to 25e a dozen: lemons. 25 to 30c per dozen: oranges. 35 50c: Malaga grapes, 25c per pound; onions. 25c a half peck: spinach, 25c per peck; lettuce, lOo per bunch, 3 tor 25c: radishes. 5c per bunch; cran berries, 15c per quart: cucumbers, 25c a piece; mushrooms, fl pound. Game Plovers 2 00 a dozen; woodcock, $6 50 a dozen. Ducks, 75c to SI 00 a pair. Pigeons, 50c a pair. Squirrels, 40c a- pair. Mallard dncks.fl a pain quail.S3 00 to 8 50 dozen; reed birds, SI OU per pair. Teal ducks; 65c a pain canvasback ducks. $5 00 per pair; red head ducks, $2 50 per pair. Pheasants, $1 2a a pair. Rabbits, 25c a pair. Venison, 35c pound, (.leaks; wbole deer, 15c to 18c Pralne chick ens, $1 25 a pair. Bear steaks, 35c per pound. Batter, Eggs nnd Poultry The best creamery butter is 40c Fancy pound rolls of country butter are 50c The ruling retail price for eggs is 20c Choice country eggs bnng 25c The range for dressed chickens is 75c to $1 00 per pair. Turkeys, 15c per pound. Fish nnd Oysters. Following are the articles in this lino still on the stalls, with prices: Lake salmon, 12Jc; Cali fornia salmon, 40c pound; white fish, 12c; her ring, 4 pounds for 25c; fresh mackerel, 2ac apiece; Spanish mackerel, 45c to 50c a pound; sea sal mon, 40c a pound: blue fish, 20c; perch, 10c; halibut, 2oc; rock bass, 30c; black bass, 20c: lake trout, lic: lobsters. 25c; green sea turtle, 2Sc Oysters: standard, 61 per gallon; select, SI 50 to $1 75; N. V. counts, 51 75 per gallon; snaps, 90c: shell oysters. 25c dozen; smelts, 20 to 25c poana; ciams, ti za gallon; scollops, sue a quart. Flowers. La France roes, 53 00. per dozen; Bnde ro'es, Jl 75 per dozen; Perles, $1 00 per dozen; Niphetos, $1 00 per dozen; Bennetts, $2 00 per dozen: Magna Cbarta roses, SI 25; American Beauty, SI 00 apiece; Mermets, f 1 75 per dozen ; De Wattville, SI 0j; carnations, 50 cents a dozen; Violets, S2 09 a hundred; Lilv or the Valley, 75c per dozen; Maiden Hair fern, 50c per doz. frond. Bermuda Easter lilies, S3 50 per dozen; tulips, 75c per dozen. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Condition or the Market at the East Liberty Stock Yard. Office of Pittsburg dispatch. Feidat, January 25, 18S9. J Cattle Receipts, 1.800 head; shipments, 1,960 head; market nothinc doing, all through consignments. No cars of cattle shipped to New York to-day. Hogs Receipts, 2,100 head; shipments, 3,700 head; market fair; Philadelphias, Si 905 00: pigs and Yorkers. $5 055 75: 12 cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 3,200 head: shipments, 2,200 head; market slow at unchanged prices. By Telegraph. New York Beeves Receipts, LG60 head, including 40 carloads for the mar kct,S5 carloads for city slaughterers direct and 19 carloads for exportation. Really choice cattle were steady, but inferior and common were dull and lower. Sales included native steers at S3 254 90 per rwt with 1 carload at $5 10; bulls and dry cows, S2 002 90. Sheep-Receipts, 3.800 head, and 2.000 were carried over yesterday. The feel ing was about steady, but sales were rather slow. Very poor to prime sheep Fold at S3 50 6 00 per cwt; poor to good lambs at So 007 &U. Hogs Receipts. 3,200 head; all consigned direct to slaughterers: none offered alive; nominal value, S5 255 65. CHICAGO Cattle Receints, 7,000 head: ship ments, 4,000 head: market stronger forcood; choice beeves, S4 10(g!4 70: steers, 52 904 00; Etockers and feeders. S2 253 40: cows, bulls and mixed, SI 503 15: Texas steers, S3 50 3 65. Hoes Receipts. 17.500 head; shipments, 6,000 head; market slow and 5JJ10c lower; mixed, $4 654 85; heaw. $4 654 85; light, S4 705 00: pigs, S3 505 (10. Sheep Receipts. 4.600 head; shipments, 2.000 head; market steady; natives. S3 005 10; choice Western, corn fed, $4 104 75; Texans, S3 004 25; lambs. So 006 50. CiNcnrNATi Hogs dull and easier; common and light, S44 95; packing and butchers', S4 E54 90; receipts, 2,460 bead: shipments, 1,450 bead. Iloatbn Wool Market. Boston There is no change in the wool market and fair trade u noticed in all grades, with sales of 2,054,400 pounds. Prices remain firm and no concessions are accepted by dealers. In Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces there have been sales ofX at 3233c.X and above at 35c XX at3536c and No. 1 at 38c There Is verv little aoing in Michican wool, with small sales at 32c, while New York State and Wisconsin wools are offered at 31 SlJc For combing and delaine fleeces there is a firm feeling and good demand, but sales are limited owing to the small stocks on band. No. 1 combing sells at 31(0c Ohio fine delaine at 20c and Michigan delaine at3435c Unwashed combing fleeces meet with good demand, and the small stock is held firm at 30c for one quar ter and three-eighths blood. Territory wool has been quiet, with small sales at 1725c for fine and medium. Whisky Dlarket. There is an active demand for finished goods t.S101 MAEKETSJY VIBE. Wheat Unsettled bnt n Shnde Higher Operators Make aDlistnUe Corn and Oata Fentnrelcn Pork nnd Lord Hold Their Own. Chicago, January 25. Trading was quite active in wheat, and a large business was trans acted. Heavy coverings of shorts and some new buying by two or more houses were re ported. The feeling was somewhat unsettled, and fluctuations were confined within a 2c range. Opening sales were made at the clos ing figures of yesterday to a shade under, but the market became quiet, and prices declined, with some changes 1C then rallied Irregular ly 2Hc, and closed about c higher than yes terday. The early decline was due to a rush to realize, but when operators undertook to buy there was not much wheat found on sale, and the reaction followed. The decline was in fluenced by the Government report, which, it was claimed, indicated an increased acreage planted to -winter wheat to the amount of about 865,000 acres. .,.., Corn nas traded in sparingly, fluctuations be ing narrow and transactions limited to local op erators. The feeling was comparatively steady, the range of prices oeing much the same as on yesterday, though at the close the market was Az lower. Oats were quiet, with a small improvement in values. , Quite an active business was reported in pork. Prices very irregular. Opening sales were made at a decline, which was followed by a further reduction of 3032Jc Later prices fluctuated considerably within a range of 12 15c, and the market closed firm at about me dium figures. Considerable interest was manifested in lard; prices irregular. Opening sales were made at 2J5c decline, and a further reduction of 7H 10c was submitted to. Later the markets snowed more steadiness, and prices rallied & "Kc and closed quiet. An active business was reported in short ribs, but the market was greatly unsettled. Early sales were at 10c decline, and a further reduc tion of 10c followed. Later prices rallied 7 10c, and the market closed steadv. The leading futures raneea as follows: WHEAT No. 2, January, 9494Jg9194?gc; February. 93Jji9i9945$c: May, 97Ji i35c: March. 355iSlJ5?(ffi35Kff35c: Mar. 37S7fl 36Mg.36Jfc Oats No. 2 January. 24c: February, 1i 25k24Kg25Kc; May. 275g2C. Mess Pork, per bbl. February, $11 3511 47K 11 3511 47K: March, Sll 52Kll 601I 50 11 60; May, tn 22X012 25U 87K11 67K. Lard, per 100 lbs. February, Stl 80J?6 82 6 70g6 82k; March, S6 806 856 77JJ66 &i May, S6 92K8 956 856 92 Snow Ribs, per 100 Iks. February. $8 07K 6 07K5 97K6 07X: March, So 17K6 17K b 02g 126 May, So 2766 27&6 156 25t Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, dull and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. 9K9c; No. 3 spring wheat, 8593c, No. 2 reu, M694c No. 2 corn. 34c No. 2 oats, 25c No. 2 rye, 48c No. 2 barley nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, SI 61. Prime timothy seed. SI 55. Mess pork, per barrel. Sll 05. Lard, per 100 lbs. S6 75 680. Short ribs sides (loose). $6 056 10. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), S6 006 12. Short clear sides (boxed), S6 37b 50. Sugars, cut loaf. TJigSXcjgranulatea, 7c;standard A, 6c Receipts Flour, 8,000 barrels; wheat. 20,000 bushels: corn, 95,000 bushels: oats. 76,000 bushels: rye, 2,000 bushels: barley, 28,000 bush els. Shipments Flour, 7,000 barrels; wheat. 18. 000 bushels; corn. 76,000 bushels; oats. 56.000 bushels; rye, 9,000 bushels; barley, 46,000 bush els. ' On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was dull and unchanged. Eggs easy at 15c New York Flour quiet and firm. Wheat Spot quiet and lc higher; options active, ir regular and c higher. Corn Spot moder atelv active and steady; options steady and doll! Oats Spot a trifle higher: options Kc higher. Hay firm but quiet; shipping. 70s 75c: good to choice, 8095c Hops, choice firm and quiet. Coffee Options opened steady, 1015 points down; closed barely steady, 1540 points below yesterday: sales, 25,000 bags, i ncluding January, 15JS0 15.57c; February, 15.50 15.60c; March. 15.4u15.60c; April, 15.35 15.50c; May. 15.35S15.55c: July, l5.5015.55c; August, 15.5515.65c: September. 15.7515.80c; October, 15.80c; December. 15.S015.85c; spot Rio steady; fair cargoes, 17e. Sugar Raw easy and dull; fair refining, 4 l-164c: centrifugals, 96 test, 5 9-I6c: refined steady and in pood demand. Molasses Foreign firm; New Orleans quiet. Rice firm and quiet. Cottonseed oil weak. Tallow easy; city, 6 Rosin dull. Turpentine steadier at 4oc Eggs dull and lower; Western. 15153ic; receipts. 3,752 packages. Porkdnll; new mess, S13 25S13 50; extra prime, $12 5013 00. Cutmeats irregular and lower; pickled belies, 12 pounds average, 77-16c; loose hams, 10 pounds average, 8c; middles steady: short clear, 6 50. Lard lower; spot dull; options moderately active; Western steam, spot, 5" 2o: city, S6 SO; January, S7 23; Fjebruarv. 87 23; Marcb, S7 17; April, S7 27; May. 57 207 26. closing at S7 26: June. S7 21 7 26, closing at S7 26; July. $7 227 26, closing at S7 26: August, S7 27; September. 87 27. Butter firm for fine; fair demand; Western dairv, IS 18c; do, creamery, 1627c; Elgins. 282Sc Chee6e firm and quiet; Western, 10llc St. Louis KlonrJ quiet and easv. Wheat was eak early and declined Jc but rallied' later and a strong demand set in, prires not only recovered, but May closed lc and Julv c above yesterday; No. 2 red, cash, 9091c; February sold at Sic and closed at 92c, nomi nal; May. 93K95c closed at 95Kc asked; July, 825iS3c closed at S3c: August, 82c Corn Cash was firmer with 30c bid, but options were weak with very light trading; Maysold at 325i32c with that bid at the close. Oats higher and strong: No. 2, cash, 25c; May, 2S&C Rye quiet; No. 2. cash, 47Kc: May, 51c Barley Nothing done. Flaxseed steady at SI 50. Bagging easy at 7J9c Iron cotton ties, $1 10. Provisions lower and steady. Pork, in small lots, S12 25. Lard S6 62. Dry salt meats lower. Ciscinkati Flour barely steady. Wheat dull and nominal; No. 2 red. 97c; receipts, 700 bushels; shipments, 500 bushels. Corn in light demand; No. 2 mixed,, 35c Oats firm: No. 2 mixed, 2S2SJ4c Ryedull;No.2,5455c Pork dull and nominal, S12 25. Lard neglected at S6 75. Bnlkmeats dull; short rib, S6 50. Bacon easy; short clear, $3 12. Butter quiet. Sugar quiet. Cheeso firm. Milwaukee Flour steadier. Wheat strong er: cash, SSe; May, 91 Jc Corn unchanged; No. 3, 32c Oats steady; No. 2 white, 28c Re lowen No. 1, 47c Barley hisrher: No. 2, 63c Provisions weaker. Pork. Sll 45. Lard, S6 80. Cheese dull; Cheddars, 10c Philadelphia Flour dull and 'weak. Wheat opened firm, declined about Jc but afterward recovered and left off ic higher than yesterday's final prices. Corn firm under moderate offerings. Oats steady and demand light. Bntterand eggs steady. Baltimore Butter dull but firm for good trrades; western packed, I621c; cream ery, 2027c Eggs quiet and Btfaay at 1518 16c Coffee firm; Rio fair, 1717c Toledo Cloverseed active and steady; cash and February, $5 SO; March, S5 35. Wool markets. St. Louis Wool quiet and weak, hut not quotably lower: receipts. 18,383 pounds. Philadelphia vVooi quiet: Ohio, Pennsvl vania and West Virginia XX and above, 3430c; X 333Jc; medium, 3S40c; coarse, 3833c; New York, Michigan. Indiana and Western fine or X and XX. 3133c; medium. 3739e; coarse. 373Sc; finewashed delaine X and XX, S639r: medium washed combing and delaine, 4142c; coarse do, 3940c; Canada washed combing, 3135c; tub washed, S542c: medium unwashed combing and delaine. 30 32c; coarse do, 3031c; EasternOregon, 1524c; Valley Oregon, 2329c: New Mexican and Colo rado, 1522c .TOOK NOTHING BUT A GIEL. A Itlnrrled Man Elope With His First Lave, bnt Leaves Ills Accounts Straight. ISFECIAT. TZLEGHAM TO THS DISFATCU.l Lancaster, January 25. John S. Zins ser, a prominent young business man and member of a highly respected family of Columbia, left home some days ago, telling his wife that he was going to Lancaster to visit friends. His father has just received a letter from him stating that he will never return. It has been discovered that he took with him Miss Gertie Kerr a popular young lady of Wrightsville, just opposite Colum bia, on the Susquehanna. He had been at tentive to Miss Kerr before his marriage, and they are supposed to have gone "West. An examination of JIusscr's books and ac counts show everything to be correct. Conclusive Enough to Commit. Albert Campbell and Samuel Geiger, the young men quite conclusively charged with committing the robberies in "Wilkinsburg, had a hearing before Alderman Gripp and were committed yesterday for larcenv and burglary. The prosecutors are "William Harris and L. K. St. Clair, who charged them with breaking into their houses and stealing $58 in money, two gold watches, a revolver 13 gold riug; and a lot of cuff buttons. Montana Untei Advance. On February 1 the freight; rales from Pittsburg to all points in Montana will be advanced. The increase on iron and steel articles in carload lots will be B cents per 100 pounds. KEEP TOUE PEMIES. A New Scheme for the Benefit of People of Very Small Means. EDUCATION IN THE AET OP SAYING. The Agreement Between Standard and Producers Gives Oil a Lift. ELECTRIC EEC0TEES FEOSI ITS SHOqK One of the peculiar monetary institutions of Philadelphia is a Fenny Savings Fund, which went into operation in 1879, and is doing good work. Its promoters and mana gers are men of ability and means, who charge nothing for their services except necessary running expenses, such as rent and clerical labor, which amounts to abont $650 a year. The institution is practically a charity, and is very useful to the poor, by educating them in the difficult task of sav ing their -pennies. There are 3,000 depositors, men, women and children. The Dispatch representative called the at tention of a Wood street savings bank official to this institution, and to the facts in connec tion therewith, as above set forth, yesterday afternoon, and his opinion asked as to its prac ticability in Pittsburg. He said it was an ex ccllent thing as a charity, but that there was no money in it, except for the depositors. As a charity, he was in favor of it. There was noth ing of the kind here, but he thought it would be well enough for some of the liberal-minded, big-hearted citizens to give it a trial. The cost would be trifling, and the results might be im portant. Anything that would promote econ omy among the poorer classes would be worth its cost, and more. too. It could probably bo be made a sort of annex to one of the regular savings hanks, the only cost being clerk hire and room rent. In the event of the organization of such an institution here, he would, he added, do all in his power to promote its success. Another gentleman whose attention was called to the matter said he thought it was a good thing and could be put be put in opera tion here at a small expense Anything that had a tendency to inculcate economy among any class of people was deserving of attention. The penny savings fund scheme was in that di rection. It was a true charity, in that it would have a tendency to teach people to take care of themselves. THE SCAEE SUBSIDES. Electric Stock Comes Up Smiling, but Char tiers a Little Weaker. The scare in Electric caused by the Supreme Court decision had ceased to be a disturbing element In the marketwhen the brokers assem bled at the Exchange yesterday morning for their usual seance The proof of this is seen in the stingy manner in which it was offered. It closed firm and about up to high-water mark. Chartiers was weaker as a result of the report made at Thursday's meeting, but hints here and there by those who were supposed to be on the inside that the company would soon emerge from the entangling alliance with the Philadel phia Company, some going so far as to predict a dividend in April, lent strength to the stock as the day wore on. Holders seemed to be satisfied with the situation, and refused to sacrifice the stuff. The offerings were there fore light. The other specialties were firm. Bids and offers reflect the spirit of the market better than would extended comment. They are appended: MOKSINQ. Bid. Asked. Allegheny Nat. Bank ., 61 .... Commercial National Bank 93 S3 fMllrpniO National Uank 61 .... Diamond M'l Bans 150 First National Bank, Pittsburg lbo Fourth National Bank 119 Freehold Bank 49,' Iron Citv National Hank 91 Iron and Glass Dollar Savings Bank ...125 Tradesmen's N. Bank ..225 AlanTrs and Merchants Insurance Pennsylvania Insurance 27 Union Insurance 46 Western Insurance Allezhenvtias Co. (Ilium.) 36'f S3 bouthslde Gas Co. (Ilium.) 28 Chartiers Valley Gas Co S2i 56 Natural Gas Co. of W.Va. 57 Pennsylvania Gas Co Wi 15 Philadelphia Gas Co MS 33 WheellngUasCo 2S! 2SS Citizens' Traction 79 Pittsburg Traction 43 ,S Vt'estingnouse Electric...., 3S .... Union switch and blirnal Co W4 13 Wcstlnghouse Brake Co.. Llm 119 .... AFTERNOON. Allegheny Gas Co.. . 36M soninsiae uas o., Philadelphia Co 3SV 39 Wheeling Gas Co 28 28M Columbia Oil Co SH 4 Tuna Oil Co 63 1'lttsburg Traction 4K LaNorla Mining Co 1H 1 Westinghouse Electric 36 36 Union Snitch and signal Co 12)4 15 Pittsburg Cyclorama Co 10 10?,' The morning sales embraced 50 shares 'La Noria at IK; "owestinehouse electric at 36K: 35 Union Switch and Signal at 12, and 10 Westinchouse Airbrake at 120. At the afternoon call 5 shares Philadelphia Gas changed hands at 3S. and 550 La Noria at Hi. HcnrvM. Long sold 140 shares Electric at 36K36 and 20 shares Airbrake at 120. s The total sales of stocks in New York yester davwere 152,444 shares, including: Atchison, 6.190; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. 19, 950; Eric, 3.870: Slissoun Pacific, 6,025; North western, S.550; Keadine, 32,570: Richmond and West Point, 5,445: St Paul, 4,336; Texas Pacific, 8,120; Union Pacific, 4,310. THE BANES ALL EIGHT. Local money Dinners Without New Feat ure, bnt Movlnir Along Smoothly. There were no new features in the local money market yesterday, Its condition being about the same as heretofore reported. Call loans were quoted at 506 and time paper at 6 7. The usual counter business was transacted. The Clearing House report shows: Exchanges, $1,685,672 70: balances. 8263,291 32, Exchange and currency traded even. Money onjcall at New York yesterday was easy at 2 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4.1c. Sterling exchange active but steady at $4 8SX for 60-day bills and S4 8S for demand. Bonds closed in New York yesterday: U. S. 4s, registered, 127; U. S. 4s, coupon, 127Jf; U. S. 4s, registered, 109; U. S. 4s, coupon, 109; Pacific 6s of '95, 120. New York Clearings, J107,4S4,76S; balances, $5,096,162. Boston Clearincs. S14.S07.517: balances. $1,601,434. Money 2 per cent Philadelphia Clearings, $1,147,761; bal. ances, 1,495,200. Baltimore Clearings, $2,137,874; balances, $231,982. Chicago Money unchanged. Bank clear ings, $8,773,000. VEEI BULLISH, Eastern News Doomi the Oil MnrUet Look ins Toward Ninety. The effect of the agreement reached by the Standard and the Producers' Association In New York was to make a very bullish oil mar ket yesterday. The price opened at 87c, with nearly everybody wanting to buy. Oil City ab sorbed some large blocks. New York unloaded to a moderate extent, but there was no general selling movement. The bears opened up their batteries and hammered with might and main, bnt tbey made but very little impression. The bulls more than held their own. The struggle between the opposing factions was quite excit ine at times. By sure but easy stages the fig ures grew in importance until 87c was reached. This, it was thought, would be the culminating point of the day, but those who banked upon it and realized were mistaken. Another spurt, caused by advices from Oil City of heavy buy ing there, sent the price up to 87c at which the martt closed. The opening was 87c, high est, 8S3ic: lowest, S7c; closed, 87c. The sma'l selling movement developed dur ing the dav caused considerable talk, as there were several good opportunities to realize at a big profit. It was taken by some as an indica tion of still higher prices. One of the leading brokers thought differently, however. He was of the opinion that the advance was too sharp and sudden to be permanent. He explained his position further by saying the boys felt good over the news and went in regardless of conse auences. He thought the market would open to-dav about where it left off yesterday, but would sell down before noon. But as all this is in the line of prophecy. It must be taken at what it is worth as a factor in influencing oper ations. Although one element of uncertainty has been removed from the market, the situa tion is full of peril, and demands care and judg ment to avoid fatal mistakes. A. B. McGrew quotes puts, 86c; calls, 89U8 sake. - Toe following taDie, corrected By De Witt DI1 worth, broker in petroleum, etc. comer Fifth avenue and Wood street, rittsbnrg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc.: Tune. Bid. Ask."! Tune. Bid. Ask. Opened 87 8a's 15:r. M.... 873i SIX 10:15 A. It.... M R8H 1:00P. M... 87 87S 10:30A. m.... 87 SS ItlSP. it.... Slh 8ni lOittA. It.... m 678 l:30F. X.... 7M fJH 11:00a. Jt.... 87V 87 1:45 F. M.... 87M 87V, ll:15A. it.... 871 87S 2.-O0F. it.... 87 11:30A. M.... 87s 88 1:15 F. M.... 87H 87V ll:UA. M.... 878 88 2:F. U.... 87M 87g 1J:00JI 878 83 2:F. X.... 87M 87V 12:25F. M.... 87H 87V Closed 87M .... 12:30 P. it.... 87H 87V Opened. 87C; hlgheaU SSc; lowest. 67c; closedt tHJin. Barrels. Dillr runs. 43,06 .............. ?r7r' Average rnns. Dally s&loments - $?. Average shipments V?fS vai-r cnarters - -i-SL Clearances .....mwm.2.51ooo New York closed at 878c. OH City closea at S7'c. Bradtora closea at Slh'- NewYorK. refined. 1. 10c London, renned. g 7-150. Antwerp, reaned, 18)41; Other Oil Markets. TrrusvTLLr, January 25. Opened, 86c; highest, 89c: lowest, 86c; closed, 87Jic On,CrTY.January 25. Onened, 86c; highest, nuary Sic; clc 89c; lowest, 86c; closed, 87c. Bradford, January 25. Opened, 86Kc; high est, 88Kc: lowest. 86c: closed. 87c New York, January 25. Petroleum opened strong at 87c, lc above last night's close, and after some exciting trading the price advanced to883ic A sharp reaction then set in, bnt the market rallied in the afternoon and closed firm at 83c Sales, 2,309,000 barrels. SOME SIG DEALS. A Seventeen Thousand Dollar Real Estate Dicker on Duquesne Way. The inquiry for real estate yesterday was of the usual proportions. There was areport that a hotel in Altoona had been purchased by a Pittsburg man, but it could not be verified. One of the biggest deals of the year will soon be completed. W. A Herron & Sons sold the McAuley prop erty on Duquesne way. Fourth ward, city, lot 35x164 feet, with largo dwelling and stable, for $17,200. They report Inquiry for property very good. They are placing a great many mort gages at 5 and 6 per cent. Reed B.Coyle & Co.,131 Fourth avenue,sol d f or D. R. Sneer to M. E. Dethlefs a piece of prop erty in Sbarpsburg borough, fronting the West Penn Railroad, size 60x220, for $1,750 cash. They also olaced a mortgage of $1,100 on Chartiers property for three years at 6 per cent. Black & Balrd, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to G. W. Eagye for A V. D. Watterson, Esq., a lot on the southeast corner of Rebecca and Pitt street, Wilkinsburg. 60x120 feet to an alley, for 51,350 cash. They also placed a mortgage of $1,600 for three years at 6 per cent on Southslde property. "James W. Drape & Co. sold a lot on Liberty avenue, near Mill vale station,40 by over 175 feet, for $4,000; also a piece of ground about 225x300 feet near Homewood for $7,000: also a house and two lots in the Second ward, Allegheny, seven rooms in house and lots 50x125 feet near Ackley street, for $4,000. They also placed two mortgages of $17,500 on manufacturing and dwelling property in the city at 6 per cent: also two mortgages of $2,000 on property in Mc Keesport at 6 per cent LET THEM COME. Some Big Industrial Plants Slay be Located Here Very Soon. Several important manufacturing concerns have had representatives here during the past week looking into the advantages of natural gas as an element of cheap production, exam ining sites for building purposes, etc, with a view to their removal to Pittsburg If all the claimsset forth by the citizens should be ascer tained to be well founded. Two of these con cerns are located In tne East, but they desire to remain in the background until all their ar rangements for removal are completed, If they should finally conclude to come. These firms have not only had representatives here with the object above Stated, but they are also in correspondence with one of the leading real es tate agencies on Fourth avenne. Another concern that has turned its longing eyes toward Pittsburg is the Southern Ice Com Danv. of Columbus. Ga.. which has several . branch establishments in the South. It sent a representative nere sometime ago to iook over the field and select a site for the necessary buildings. He returned home a day or two Should it conclude to locate here, as is prob able, it will and materially to tbe industria 1 re sources of tbe city. The ground and buildings necessary to operate the plant will cost not less than $100,000, TV0JTT GIVE IX. UP. WHkiniburg nnd Turtle Creek Bonnd to Have Gnu and Oil. The good people of Wilkinsburg who have been laboring under a natural gas craze for some time are sanguine of the speedy fruition of their hopes. They have concluded to drill another well, in order to give the field a thorough trial. With this end in view, the company has made a new issue of bonds in order to raise the necessary funds to prosecute tbe work. The most of these bonds have been taken by members of the company, but out siders would probably be accommodated to a limitedfextentupon application. The old well is plugged, but the pressure is said to be as great as ever. Following in the wake of Wilkinsburg, an oil and gas company has been organized at Tnrtle Creek and bonds Issued upon which to obtain money to commence operations on the Mont gomery farm, which has been leased, together with other territory.amounting iu all to 600 acres. A member of the company who was seen yes terday said the prospect for both oil and gas was excellent. Drilling will begin as soon as the funds are in band, which, it is expected, will be in about a month. ONE THING SETTLED. Arbitrators Decide the Herdman Bnildine Need Not be Torn Down. The arbitrators' report on the status of the Herdman building on Wood street, which was among those damaged by the late storm, made a report yesterday to the effect that it was not necessary to tear it down, that the damaged walls conld be repaired and the building thus be made as good as ever. The report was ac cepted. The other four buildings will be razed In ac cordance with tbe decision of Inspector Frank. They will be replaced by a handsome business block, but of what description cannot be stated until the plans bave been completed. These are in course of preparation and will be pre sented to the owners of the property for their consideration some time next week. They will probably be of uniform style and costaudat least five stories high. EEFUSET0 EEA0T. Wall Street Still Dominated by the Benrs Stocks Very Dull, but Close a Little Better Than Opening Figures Bonds Without Feature. New Yore, January 25. The stock market was very dull to-day, while the movements and prices were confined to even a narrower range than usual of late, very few of the active shares fluctuating over a range of moro than ) per cent. The covering movement of last evening extended over into this morning and gave tbe market a firm appearance in connection with the limited purchases for foreign account. The news of the day was of a favorable character generally, and tho statement of the Lacka wanna was considered excellent, but nothing of that sort had power to move the market out of its rut, and dullness and stagnation continued to be the leading features throughout the day. The bears hammered some of the active shares, including Reading, Lackawanna, St. Paul, Union Pacific Richmond and West Point and Texas Pacific In none except the last two was there any impression made, andthat was almost entirely neutralized before the close, when covering was again in order. First r.rices were only slightly changed from those of last evening, and the market was dull with no featnre whatever until after noon, though a firm tone prevailed and most of the list remained upon a higher level than that of the opening figures. Texas Pacific was the first stock to move, and it rapidly declined un der large sales over 1 per cent Tho weakness gradually spread to the rest of the list and roost of the early advances were wiped out with Atchison, Reading and Richmond and West Point showing weakness. After delivery hour there was more animation with a stronger tone and the highest prices were again approxi mated, though there was no movement of im portance whatever. The market finally closed dull but firm at fractional advances In most cases over the opening figures. Tbe railroad bond market was about as active as usual, though there was a very large number of issues traded In. There was extra ordinary activity and strength in the Reading general 4's. and they furnished $1,003,000 out of a total day's business of $2,986,000. At the same time they rose from 90 last evening to 9 closing at the latter figure. The general list was firm to strong, but In few did the movements amount to more than small fraction. The following table shows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Coif ected dallj for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: Open- High- .Low- Clos ing, est est lnr. Am. Cotton Oil m .; iff Atch.. Top. 8.T.... 50. SOJJ MS Canada Southern. BOM I tOH H Central orNew Jersey. 8 SoH SS CentrllPaclfie....r..... 38 38 38 C, Bur. A Qulncy 109 109 108S C, Mil. & St. Paul.... 4 64V 64 C.( Mil. St. P.. pf...,101 101)2 101 C, Rockl. AP...V..... !H 88 mX C, St L. & Pitts C., St. L. & Pitts, pf. C, St. P., M. tU...... Zlii C, St.P.,M.AO., pf. C. & Northwestern. ...106tf 107 106 C& .Northwestern, pf. V. C. C. &1 88 58 88 Col., Coal ft Iron 30 30 298 Col. ft Hocking Val Del., L. 4W.f. 140 1K WO Del. ft Hndson 136i 138V 138 E.T., Va. AOa 8 SH Hi E.T..Va.&Oa.i lstpf K- T., Va. 4 Ga. 2d pf. 21 2IM 21 Illinois Central. .......11354 113'5 113S Lake Erie ft Western.. 16J J6H 16 Lake Erie ft West. pr. . 53& 834 &3H Lake Shore ft M. S 10J' 102H 102)5 Lonlsvllleft Nashville. 878 57V 57li Michigan Central 85J4 833 85 Mobile & Ohio Mo.,K. ATexas 13 UK Missouri Pacific 72" 728 718 liewlork Central.. ...10S8 1088 1088 i. Y.. L. E. ft W 288 H. 23'; N. Y L. E. ft W.pref 65 65)i 6o5? N. Y., C. ft St h, 18 18 18 N. Y., C. ft St L. pf.. 70 70 70 N.Y., C. ft St. L.2dpf N. Y&N. E ...45 45.8 45 N. Y., O. ft W Norfolk ft Western Norfolk ft Western, pf 51 818 518 Northern Pacific Northern Pacific pref. 608 608 60 Ohio ft Mississippi Oreeon TmnrnTpment .... .... 25 140U' 1368 88 64 218 11354 168 538 1028 578 85J Oregon Tianscon Z0H 808 PaciflcMall Peo. Dec. ft Evans 23 23 Phlladel. ft Beadlne.. 43 488 Pullman Palace Car.. .192 193 Richmond ft W. P. T.. 24 24 ftchmond A 77K 78'f. t. PaulADuluth 398 398 St. Paul A Dulnth pf. St P., Minn. A Man.. .1008 I00 8t.L. ASanFran 24 ; HH St L. A San Fran pf.. 628 &8 St. L. A San T. 1st pf. Texas Pacific 208 208 UnlonPaclflc .'.. 628 63 Wabash Wabash preferred Western Cnlon 848 848 Wheeling A L. E 648 648 308 1008 24 628 BOSTON STOCKS. The Market Steady, but Devoid of Exciting Feature Qalncy Drops. Bostos, January 25. Stocks were remarka bly steady to-day. The market lacked special featnre, however, except an advance in West End and a decline in Quincy. Dullness was another feature. Atch. A Toe Ut 7s. 118M Atch.ATon.B.B... SO, Rutland preferred.. 37 18 AlIonezM'gCo.(new) 3V Calumet A Hecla...,277j .Boston AiDany...zoz$ C, 13, AU. 109 Clnn. San. A Cleve. Wi Eastern R. K 93 Eastern R. It 6s 124JJ Flint A PereM 29 FUntAPereM. nfd. 99 K.C.St.J.AC.B.7s.l23 Mexican Cen. com.. WW M. C. 1st Hon. bds. 68 V -N. V. AAewEnr... 45 Old Colony. 170)4 cataina J( Franklin 148 Huron 4'4 Osceola IS Qulncy 70 Bell Telephone 210 Boston Land 7H Water Power 75 Tamarack 148 San Diego 22 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers, No. 57 Fourth avenue Members New York Stock Ex change. , Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Railroad H'i 54 Heading Railroad 24 1-18 24 Buffalo, Pittsburg and Western lFa 12 Lehigh Valley 54X 54J, Lehigh Navigation 61 82 Allegheny Valley bonds 113 .... U. Co. 's New Jersey 225 .... Northern Pacific.... 25 26 Northern Pacific preferred 60 60X Mining Stocks. New York, January 24. Mining stocks closed: Amador, 150; Bodie. 160: Consolidated California and Virginia, 787; Deadwood, 160; Iron Silver, 315; North Belle Isle, 210; Ontario, 8300: Ophir, 450; Plymouth, 825: Savage, 310; Standard. 115; Silver King, 110; Union Consol idated, 29a RESORTS. HOT SPRINGS, 1ST. O. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. First-class in every particular. Steam Heat, Open Fires. Porches inclosed in glass, Superb Location. Ideal Climate for the debilitated. Baths in Marble Pools, Finest in America; Waters unexcelled anywhere in curative power or luxury. G. K, LANSING, (Late of Astor House, N. Y.) Manager. jal5-58-p NOTICES. THE NATIONAL HOD CARRIERS NO. 1 of Pittsburg, will demand $2 50 on and alter MAY 1, with the same system. ALEXANDER BARBOUR. EMANUEL CORBIN. President Secretary. ja23-84-ws County Commissioners Office, i PrtTSBtmo.Uanuary 18, 1889. rriHE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL X hold appeals on the following named dis tricts as follows, to-wit: Saturday, January 26, O'Hara and Union townships. Monday, January 28, Findley, N. Fayette, Robinson and Collier townships. Tuesday. January 20, S. Fayette, Ohio, Penn, Plum and Pine townships. Wednesday, January 30, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh wards, Allegheny City. Thursday, January 31, Seventh. Eighth, Twelfth and Thirteenth wards, Allegheny City. By order County Commissioner, a!9-30 P. W. SIEBERT. Clerk. LEGAL NOTICES. DMINISTRATuR'S NOTICE ESTATE of John P. Meyer. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of J. P. Meyer, late of the city of Pittsburg, Alle gheny county. Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the name will make them known with out delay to EMILIA C. MEYER. Administra trix, No. 2416 Sidney st, Pittsburg, S. S., Pa. jal2-74-s JOSIAH COHEN. 85 Diamond street N THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NO. 1 of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania, No. December term. 1888. In re voluntary assignment of Rosenthal and Bennett to A. Israel. Notice is hereby given that the first and final account of the assignee in the above matter was filed in the Prothono tary's office of said county on FRIDAY, Jan uary 11, 1889, and that the same will be allowed and confirmed nisi by the Court on TUESDAY, February 5,1889, unless cause be shown to the contrary. A. ISRAEL. Assignee. jil2-7s JOHN S. ROBB JR.. Attorney at Law, Fifth and Wylle avenues. JN THE COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS I of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. In re application for transfer of license No. 156 of Marcb term, 1SSS, of Isaac Hippely and Frank Hopf, partners, doing business as Hippely & Hopf, brewers of tbe Seventh ward, Allegheny City, to Isaac Hippely and Clarence P. Hippely, under tbe firm name of Hippely & Son. Notice is hereby given that on Monday, February 4, 1889, at 10 o'clock A. it., the appli cation for tbe transfer of license No. 156 of Hippely & Hopf, for the "Northside Brewery." 314 to 322 Spring Garden avenue. Seventh ward, Allegheny City, to Isaac Hippely and Clarence P. Hippely, under the firm name of Hippely 4 Son, will be beard by said Court, at which time persons opposing the transfer, as well as the parties above named, will appear. ja26-61 BUSINESS CHANGES. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION THE ALLE GHENY Construction Company, limited, of Pittsburg. Pa., has been dissolved uy resolu tion duly nasscd. The undersigned duly elected liquidating trustees will close up its affairs. A. w. Mcdonald, Joseph gianini, d. a. Mcdonald. ia24-52 SPECIAL NOTICE CHANGE OF FIRM. We. the undersigned, having associated ourselves in the firm name of Cruinrine,Bane & Bassett and having purchased the stock, fix tures, lease and good will of the late Thomas Palmer, Esq., respectfully solicit a continu ance of the patronage at the old stand. No. 416 Wood street where we will show the newest and latest-designs in Wall Papers and Deco rations. Wall Moldlncs, etc ja26-76 CRUMRINE. BANE fc BASSETT. TISSOLUriON OF - PARTNERSHIP J Notice The partnership heretofore exist ing between G. W. Hammer and Ewald Riedel, under the firm name of Hammer, Riedel & Co., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent; all claims outstanding and due by the said firm, will be settled by G. W. Hammer, at his office, No. 626 Wood street Pittsburg, Pa. G. W. HAMMER. EWALD RIEDEL. The business will be continued at the old stand. No. 32 First ave., by the remaining mem ber. Ewald Riedel, for whom I respectfully ask a continuanc&of past favors. G. W. HAMMER. Pittsburg. Pa., January, 1S89. Ja2&3 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE have purchased of L. P. Rider his patent dated July 9, 1875, for improvement in casting axle boxes and other tubular articles, and tbat all parties infringing said patent will be held strictly accountable. KINZER & JONES. Pittsburg, January 17, 1889. KINZER 4 JONES, FOUNDERS, - 101 TO 111 PENN AVE. Seamless Axle Boxes, Pipe Balls and Fine Gray Iron Castings A specialty. jaia-Ttora J DOMESTIC MHKEIS. Choice Butter Firmer, an Improved Tone to Egg Markets. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES GO SLOW. Grain and Hay Unsettled, With Situation in Buyers' Payor. GROCERIES EAST, EXCEPT COFFEE OITIGK OF PrrrSBUEO DISPATCH, 1 Friday, January 25, 1889. J Country Produce, Jobbing Prices. Choice butter has been advanced in the East and appearances here are that prices are down to bard pan. Eggs give no sign of improve ment other than tbe tone of markets is a slight improvement on the situation for the past week or two. Fruit and vegetables still drag, with tbe situation In favor of buyers. The produce men who laid in apples and potatoes at the low rates which ruled last fall find them selves left While prices have not advanced, as would have been the case with an average amount of cold weather, enough stuff has gone to the garbage pile to blast all hopes of profit A small loss would be gratefully accepted. Beaks Navy from store, prime band picked, $2 002 10 per bushel; medium, 32 00; Ofiio and Pennsylvania do, prime and medium, $2 U0 2 10; imported do, $1 902 00: Lima, 5c per ft; marrowfat, $2 752 SO per bushel. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2S30c; Ohio do, 2326c; fresh dairy packed, 2023c: country rolls, 1822c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 28 29c Beestvax 2325o per ft for choice; low grade, 1618c Cider Sand refined, S3 507 50. common, $3 504 00; crab cider, $8 008 50 $3 barrel; cider vinegar, 1012c gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212c; New York, fall make, 12K13c; Llmburger, ll12Kc: domestic Sweitzer cheese, 1313c Dried" PEA9 81 451 50 ? bushel; split do, 263Ko f B. EGGS 1617c fl dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, $1 00 to $1 50 barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25c $ ft; cranberries, $8 00 fl barrel: $2 4002 50 p bushel. Feathers Extra live geese, 50a60c; No. 1 do. 4045c; mixed low. 3035c ft. Homkit S3303 40 barrel. Hoket New Crop, 16I7c; buckwheat, 13 15c Potatoes Potatoes, 3540c fl bushel; $2 50 2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 253 50 for Jer sey sweets. Poultry Live chickens, 5570c Ip pair; dressed chickens, 1315c iR pound; turkeys, 13 15c dressed fl pound; ducks, live, 805c pair; dressed, 1314c $3 pound; geese, 10 lie ft pound. beeds uiover, cnoice, ra as to Dusnei, to per bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, S6 25; clover, Alsike.JS 50: clover, white, S9 00; timo thy, choice, 4o fts, SI 85: blue grass, extra clean. 14 fts, SI 00; bine grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 20: orchard grass, 14 fts, $2 00; red top, 14 fts, SI 00; millet, 50 fts, SI 25; German millet 50 fts, S2. 00: Hungarian grass, 48 fts, $2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, 25c per ft. Shellbares Si 50 I 75. Tallow Country, 4J5c; city rendered, 55Kc Tropical Fruits Lemons, S3 50I 50 fl box; Messina oranges. S2 603 50 ft box; Florida oranges, S2 753 00 $) box: Jamaica oranges ..ncy, S4 505 00 $ barrel: Malaga grapes. S5 507 00 ) keg: bananas, $2 50 firsts, SI 502 00; good seconds 9 bunch; cocoa nuts, S4 00 1 hundred;newfigs,1214c If! pound; dates, 5KtiKc ft pound. Vegetables Celery, 4050c doz. bunches; cabbages, S3 005 00 ft 100; onions, 50c ft bushel: Spanish onions, 7590c ft crate; turnips, 30 40c ft bushel. Groceries. Green coffee was advanced 30 points in New York yesterday, and holders are very firm at the advance. A rise in roasted coffee cannot he far away from the present outlook. Sugar continues easy, as, in fact, do all groceries. Unless there is a change In wheat markets soon flour must have a fall at an early day. Greek Coeeee Fancy Rio, 20J21Kc; choice Rio, 1920c; prime Rio, 19c; fair Rio, 18l8c; old Government Java, 26c; Mara calbo, 21K22Kc: Mocha, 3031c; Santos, 1S 22c: Caracas coffee, 19K21c; peaberry, Rio, 20 21c; Laguayra, 20K21Kc R0ASTED(in papers Standard brands,22c; high grades, 212fic; old Government Java, hulk, 3132c; Maracaibo, 2627c: Santos, 21 22Kc: peaberry, 25Kc; choice Rio. 24c; prime Rio. zikc; good mo. 2ic: ordinary, arc. Ohio. 120. &Kc: headlieht 150. 9c: water white. lCc; globe, 12c; elaine,15c; camadlne, llc; royallne, 14c Syrups Corn syrups, 2325c: choice sugar syrup. 3536c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c; strictlypnme, 3335c N. O. Molasses Fancy, old. 48c: choice, 45c; mixed. 4042c; new crop, 4350c boda ci-caro in Kegs, ss4C oi-cam in xs, 5c: bi-carb, assorted packages, 66c; salsoda in kegs, lc;'do'granulated, 2c Caudles Star, full weieht 93c: stearine. per set 8Kc; parafflne, UK12c Rice Head. Carolina, 77c; choice, 6 7c; prime. 56Kc; Louisiana, bg6jc Starch Pearl, 2c; cornstarcb,5&7c:gloss starch. 5M7c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S2 65: Lon don layers, S3 10; California London layers, S2 50; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels, $2 S5: Valencia, new, 63i7c; Ondara Velencia, 7U7Vc; sultana, 7c; currants, new, 4 oc; Turkey prnnes, new, 4K4Jc; French prunes, 813c; Salonica prunes, in 2-ft pack ages, 8c: cocoanuts, per 100, S6 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do duelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12!15c: aiciij filbeits. 12c; Smyrna tja. 12K16c; new dates. 5K6c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c: citron, per ft. 2122c; lemon peel per ft, 1314c; Orange peel, 12Kc Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 8c: ap ples, evaporated, 67Kc; apricots, California, evaporated, 1518c;peaches,evaporated, pared, 2223c: peaches. California, evaporated, un pared, Bl3c: cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, &g6c; raspberries, evap orated. 2424c; blackberries, 7Sc; huckle berries. 1012c Scgars Cubes, 7Jc; powdered, 7c; granu lated, 7c: confectioners A, 7c; standard A, 7c;softwhites,6M6Vr:yellow,choIce,66Kc; yellow, good, 6j46,t; yellow, fair, 6c; yel low, dark. 534c Pickles Medium . bnls (1.200), $4 75; me diums, half bbls (600), S2 85. Salt No. 1 ft bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, ft bbl, SI 05; dairy, ft bbl. SI 20: coarse crystal, ft bbl, SI 20; Hlggin's Eureka, 4 bu sack, 52 80; Higgin's Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets. S3 00. Canned Goods Standard Peaches. SI 50 1 60; 2ds, SI 301 35; extra peaches. SI 351 90; pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, 81 3001 0: Hfd. Co. con.. Wg90c; red cherries, 90cSl 00: lima beans. SI 10: soaked do. S5c: string do do, 7585c: marrowfat peas, SI 10(5)1 15; soaked peas, 70 75c; pineapples. SI 401 50; Bahama do, 32 75; damson plums, 95c; green gages, SI 25: egg plums, S2 00; California pears, S2 50; do green gages, 52 00; do egg plums. $2 00; extra white cherries, S2 90: red cherries. 2 fti. 90c: raspber ries, SI 151 40: strawberries, SI 10; gooseber ries, SI 20rS0: tomatoes, 9295c; salmon, 1 ft, SI 752 10: blackberries, 80c; suceotasb, 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2&s, SI 251 50; corn beef, 2-ft cans, SI 75; 14-ft cans, S13 50: baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster, 1 ft. $1 75 1 80: mackerel. 1-Ib cans, broiled, SI 50: sardines, domestic, , S4 254 50; sardines, domestic Us. SS 258 50: sardines, imported, ls. Sll 5015) 12 50; sardines, imported, s, 518 CO: sardines, mnstard, S4 00; sardines, spiced, 54 25. FlSH Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, 530 ft bbl; extra No. 1 do, messed, S40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, S32; extra No. 1 do. messed, $36: No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole Pollock, 4c ft ft; do medium George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c: boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do George's. cm in blocks, 67Kc Herring Round shore, $5 50 ft bbl; split 57; lake. S3 25 ft 100-ft half bbl. White fish. 87 100-ft half bbl. Lake trout 85 50 ft half bbl. Finnan hadaers, 10c ft ft. Iceland halibut 13c ft ft. Buckwheat Flour 25i2?ic per pound. OATMEAL-58 30g6 60 ft bbl. Miners' Oil No 1 winter strained, 962c $1 gallon. Lard oil, 75c Grain, Flonr nnd Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change were 28 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft Wayne and Chicago, 6 cars of hay, 3 of barley, 5 of flour, 1 of oats, 1 of bran. By Pittsburg, Cin cinnati and St Louis, 3 cars of hay, 2 of corn. By Baltimore and Ohio, 3 cars of hay. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 1 car of oats. 1 of hay. A second day of Exchange has passed without a single sale on call. Grain and hay markets are in an unsettled condition. Dealers appear to be nonplused over the situation. DYSPEPSIA. Riga, Mich. Gents I now write to let yon know that I have been using your Burdock Blood Bit ters, and also to tell you what they have done for mc I have been troubled with dys pepsia for years. I commenced the use of your Burdock Blood Bitters and they have brought me out aU right The use of three bottles conferred the great benefit for which I feel profoundly grateful. I will never be vrtthoutit TT - WM.H.DELKEB. fraf3wBi fellllililP' Said an old time retailer, "I never knew mar' kets so unsettled and uncertain as they are) this week." The wisest cannot tell what a day may bring forth. Heavy receipts, mild weather and small export demand all conspire to de press markets and keep buyers and sellers apart The drift of wheat is still downward, but no change in flour prices Is permitted to go out from wholesale dealers. A jobber of flour reports a decline of 15c per barrel. On the other band, a wholesale grocery firm reports tbat advices from Minnaeapolis arehat prices there are unchanged. Tbe consumer, in tbs meantime, must wall, but lower prices cannot be far away with the present condition of mar kets. Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, SI 04 1 05; No. 3 Ted, POgOoc Corn No.2yellow, ear,3940c:high mixed, ear. 38K39c;No.l yellow, shelled, 3839c; high mixed, shelled, 3637c: mixed, shelled. ZHWic Oats No. 2 white, 3333c: extra No. 3, 32335c; No. 3 white, 3131Jc; No. 2 mixed, 29$330c Sye No. 1 rye, 5556c: No. 2, 5052c; No.l Western. 52053c Barley No. 1 Canada, 9095c: No. 3 Canada. S385c: No. 3 Canada, 7880c; No. 3 Western, 7&78c; No. 3 Western, 6570c; Lake Shore. 7580c Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, S6 50 66 75; spring patents, SO 757 00: fancy straight, winter and spring. $5 756 00; clear winter, $5 5005 75; stright SXSX bakers', 5 255 50. Rye flour. S3 75. Cornjieal In paper. 6070c MrLLFEED Middlings, fine white, $20 50 21 00 ft ton; brown middlings, S17 50 IS 00: winter wheat bran, 513 5016 00; chop feed S15 0013 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice. $15 5016 00; No. 1 do, S15 00015 25: No. 2 do, S12 0013 00: loose from wacon, S23 0026 00: No. 1 upland prairie. S10 0010 50; No. 2, 59 009 50; packing do. So 004315 50. Straw Oats. S8 00S 25; wheat and rya Straw, $7 007 25. Provisions. Large hams, 18 Bs and upward. 10c; medium hams, 14 to 18 fts. lie; small hams, 14 fts and under, llc; picnic or California hams, 8c; boneless (in skins), UJc: sugar-cured shoul ders, &:: bacon, 8c: dry salt 9c; breakfast bacon, 10c; rouletts (boneless s. c shoulders), 10c; regular smoked sides, 9c; bellies, smoked sides, 9c; regular dry salt sides, 8c; bellies, dry salt sides, SJc; dried beef, sets 3 pieces, 10c; dried beef, flats. 8c; dried beef, rounds. He: dried beef, knuckles, lie; pork, mess, $15 50; pork, family, $17 00; nig pork, half barrels, $9 00; long sausage. 5c Lard Tierces. 325 fts, THcftft: naif barrels, 120 fts, TJfc fl ft; tubs, wooden. 60 lis. 7c ft ft; buck4 ets, wooden. 20 fts, 8Kc ft ft; 3-ft tin paiK 60 fts, 8c ft ft; 5-ft tin pails. 60 fts, 8e? ft;10-fttln pails, 60 fts. 8c ft ft; 20-ft tin pails, 80 fts, 8Jc: 60-ft tin pails, 100 fts, 7c ft ft. Dressed Meat. .. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices oil dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 ft". 5 5Kc: 600 to 650 fts, 66c: 700 to 750 fts, 77C. Sheep, 7c ft ft. Lambs, 8c ft ft. Sletal markets. New York Pigiron steady; American, $16 CO 19 00. Copper quiet; lake, January, $16 90. Lead easier and quiet; domestic S3 80. Tin un settled; straits, $21 60. St. Louis Lead active at S3 S5 60. WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO.. Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this weekin SILKS, PLUSHES, DEESS GOODS, SATEENS SEERSTJCKEB, GINGHAMS, PBINTS, and CHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesale"exclusively fe22-r83-D DUES: STMPTOMS-afolBt-urej Intenne Itchfnx andfttlnKlnsimiMtafi 1 CUM worse t tcratcninc it ai lowed to continue tnsiors form ami I TCH NGPlLES5,,.h0"s II bceomtag Ttrr ure. SWAYME'S ULNT M HEAT Mops the Itching and Meedlnr. heal u alteration, and In most cane removes the to mors. Swim s Ormf car Is sold br drnggUts, or mailed 10 snj addreis on receipt of price, 50 ets. s box ; S boxes, SL36 .fcttress tetters. DE. 3WAYNE t SOS. FbUadelpbis. Fs. YELLOW SIGNS. YELLOW TUBS. Use 'Teerless Brand" BALTIMORE PEESH BAW OYSTERS. Selectea and packed with cleanliness and care by C. H. PEARSON & CO., BALTIMORE, MD. They are the Bast. Ask your Grocer for them. ja8-74-D THE FREEHOLD BANK. No. 410 Smithfield St, CAPITAL. . . - . 8200,000 00. ' DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Prest JAMES P. SPEER, Vice Prest. sel-k33-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. UROKEKS FINANCIAL. De WITT DILWORTH, BROKER IN PETBOLEUM Oil bought and sold on margin. deJT-21-Dsu WHITNEY & STEPHENSON, 67 FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS TJIE0UGH - MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN & CO, NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. an28-x78 MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 030 PENN AVUNUE. FITTSBUHU. PA, As old residents know ana back files of Pitts burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, derotlug special attention to all chronic diseases. From mnonsnigpersons NQ p jjj MCDWflllQ and mental diseases, physical iMLnVUUo decay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-dlstrtut,bashfulne33, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un- blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat ulcers, old sorea. are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the systlm. 1 1 D I M A D V kidney and bladder derange Unll'lnn I i ments, weak back, gravel. ca tarrhal discharges. Inflammation and otbee painful symptoms receive searching treatment, prompt relief and real cures. Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive experlenca Insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles; Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 x. K. to 8 P. M. Sunday, 10 A. H. to IP. H. only. DR. WHITTIER. 931 Penn avenue. Pittsburg; Pa. ak-5-rjsuW HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks the worst cases in three days, and cure in five days. Price $1 00. at J. FLEMINU S DRUGSTORE, jaS-29-Trssu 412 Market street. MEN ONLY! A POSITIVE CUKE For LOST or Faltinz- MANHOOO.Nervous- - - - - UC9S, C1CB3 VL Eody&MInd. Lack of Strength, Vigor and De velopment, caused br Errors, Excesses. Ac. Book. Mode of self-Trkatjicst. and Froofs mailed (sealed) free. Address EBIE MEDICAL CO., JUuffalo, N. Y. de2-57-TTSAwt FREE PRESCRIPTIONS"6, xuriEvni! nf HEAT.TR. fnt the soeadr cure of Nervous Debility .Lost Manhood. DesDondencT. etc A copy of this book will be sens Seeded. Address SCIENCE of HEALTH, 130 West Sixth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, UeloOtf-TTSWlC WE A If ABVttS F8SK. K0VTT0A8T. VSj' LostTlforandManhoodKesloral Pre- siEN.rttr mature Decline and Functional elisor. fl M" r red vilhma Stomach Medicines. WTlS aj 2 Sealed Treansesent free-on application. Wl HUla? MARSTOH CtM9ruknaet,IsXors. de-15 .grHtrir Tft wFflKOEM5?Jt522l5?: I snflerlns; from thy ef. I U llnfaHrorrearlrdecar.Iost manhood . etc I wiu send a vail iSSod.etc. I wiu send valuable treatise elj, itiininfl full Dartlcul&rs tor home core, tree oc ran eluuTre. air?F-FOWLER. Moodus. Conn. ( noS-kSl-DSuwk II GOODS and IlliS.