THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH,' "WEDNESDAY, JANUARY- 2&V 1889. i MRS. RAM'S WAYS. The Dramatic Unfolding in Open Court of One More Chapter of HER YERT SENSATIONAL CAREER. Attempt to Bribe a Detective to Kill Her Banker Husband BY TOISONIXG HIS PEIUTE BOTTLE. The Shooting In the Church by Her Son TYai a Pre arranged Affair. Mrs. Bawson, the trife of the Chicago millionaire banker, is again in court. She is on trial for the attempted murder of Law yer Whitney. Sensational testimony was introduced as to her past career. A detec tive swore that she endeavored to hire him to kill her husband, and other damaging evidence was introduced. Chicago, January 22. Another sensa tion developed in the sensationally fruitful experience of Mrs. Meckie Eawson to-day. Mrs. Eawson was the wife of Banker Ste phen G. Eawson, who began an action for divorce from her. During its pendency Mrs. Eawson's son by a former husband, Ealph Lee, shot and dangerously wounded the banker while sitting in his pew in church, and Mrs. Eawson shot and wounded Lawyer "Whitney, attorney for Mr. Kawson, in open court, from the effects of which ex perience Mrs. Whitney is now in an insane asylum, and for which act Mrs. Eawson is now on trial in the Criminal Court. To-day's sensation was produced by the reading of the evidence before the grand jury, on the strength of which Mrs. Eawson was indicted, and, singularly enough, this damaging testimony was presented by the defense. The testimony was read from the fctenographic report of the proceedings be fore the crand jury, and included the evi dence given by L. H. Bisbee, a prominent lawyer, at one time attorney for Mr. Eaw son. Mr. Bisbee told the grand jury that be had been doing business for a man named Bush, from New Orleans. Bush told him be knew a man who could tell him all about Mrs. Eawson and her affairs, and in troduced him to Matt Hogan, a detective, and now a saloon keeper on State street TO KILL HEE HUSBAXD. "Hogan," said Bisbee, in his testimony, "told me he had been in Mrs. Eawson's em ploy for several months. He said she wanted him to put Eawson out of the way in some manner. She tried to hire him to put poison in his gin bottle, which he kept in his bed room, and from which he occasionally drank during the night. There was some poison in the house, which had been there ever since the first Mrs. Eawson died, in 1881, and a little of it mixed with the gin, she said, Would do the business for him." Mr. Bisbee said Bush told him that Mrs. Eawson's record was bad from way back, that she was terribly profane and used to drink a ereat deal. He then told of the negotiations he had with M. A Driscoll, a friend of Mrs. Eawson, who was manager of Lehmann's Hotel at Lake Villa. Driscoll said he wanted 160,000 for a settlement, for that was what Mrs. Eawson valued her dower in her husband's estate at I went to Lake Villa to see Driscoll on a Friday, and offered him $25,000. He wanted $50,000, but we finally agreed upon $32,500. Driscoll said he had come from Mrs. Eawson and represented her. He was sorry, he said, that the settlement could not be consummated before Monday, because there would likelv be bloodshed in the meantime. I became alarmed at this and sent word at once to Mr. Eawson to be careful. Driscoll said Eawson was guarded daily at the bank and at home, and the only place he was not protected was at church. The next Sunday he was shot at church. THE OIHEE ONE. "Lee, Mrs. Eawson's former husband," continued Mr. Bisbee, "was a deserter from the regular army and a gambler. Hogan told me he was in Washington Territory, but that Mrs. Eawson had sent for him to kill Eawson after he (Hogan) had refused to take the job. He found out that Lee got as far as Milwaukee on his way to Chicago, and that there he received a postoffice money order from Chicago for $20 and got it casnea. The stenographer next read the testimony of Mrs. Hattie Hamilton, a woman who said she lived with Mrs. Eawson before she married tbe banker. Mrs. Hamilton said the defendant was profane and violent, and swore terribly because Eawson did not pay her son Ralph, who was employed in his bank, a larger salary. "She said," the Hamilton woman testi fied, "that she would get even with the old spoopendyde. She would marry him, make his money fly, and then get rid of him." Hogan's testimony was read, and it gave more in detail Mrs. Eawson's alleged at tempt to get him to murder the banker. Hogan told tbe story of the gin bottle and the poison. The proposition to commit murder, he said, was made to him bv her at the Leland Hotel while he was acting as a detective for her. He left her at once and went over to Mr. Bisbee's employ. Hogan said Mrs. Eawson told him that if be would not kill Eawson she would send for Lee.and he would do it. SMALLPOX L MICHIGAN. The Sad Fliebt of n Little Tillage IS Miles From Ann Arbor. .Azalia, Mich., January 22. Smallpox in this village has developed from a so-called "scare" into that much-to-be-dreaded real ity an epidemic. There are now 14 cases under treatment, and while everything pos sible is being, ione to prevent its spread, every new case reported but increases the fear that the end is not yet. The town is be ing well guarded, and no one is allowed to leave except one or two whose business it is to provide necessities. The Board of Health has secured the best of male nurses from the senior medical class of the university. Azalia is bnt 18 miles from Ann Arbor, on the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Railroad, and its 200 inhabitants are largely composed of railroad employes, lumbermen and charcoal burners. The epidemic and consequent quarantine has resulted seriously for them. They are mostly poor men, and with the stoppage of work has ceased their source of revenue. A Rnilrond Election. SHABOK, January 22. At ths annual election of the stockholders of the Sharon Eailway, held this afternoon at the First National Bank parlors, the following offi cers were elected: President, E. A Wheeler, Sharon; Secretary, John H. Dynes, Cleve land; Treasurer, Chas. Hall, Sharon; Di rectors, Norman Hall, P.L. Kimberly, J. J. Spearman, Simon Perkins, Sharon, J. J, Pierce, Sharpsville, Earl Tupper and Pay ette Brown, Cleveland. renny Wisdom Ponnd Folly. It is foolish to save tbe little that Sozodont costs, and suffer what will result In bad teeth and larjre payments to dentists. Place a bottle of it on tbe toilet, use fire drops only of it every time after eating, cleanse the month, and show your wisdom. WFSu Thk largest gallery on the Northside; the cheapest on any side for tbe best photos and crayons. Come mothers, bring the babies to Stanford & Co., C8 Federal st. Mlhsu Lies' popular gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth st. Cabinets, all styles, $1 50 per doz. Prompt delivery. mwfsu Cabinet photos, all styles, $1 50 per doz. Prompt delivery. LiesU popular gallery, JO and 12 Sixth st mwfsu MONOKGAHELA NAVIGATION, Continuation of the Arcumcnta In Condrmnn tory I'roceedmEo Colonel Allen tn Earn est for the Government. The United States Court yesterday morn ing was comfortably filled withvthe officers and stockholders of the Mononjfahela Navi gation Company, and with river' men gener ally, all being greatly interested in the contest going on to ascertain whether or not the Mo nongahela river was to be free to all navigators. The case was argued before Judge Acheson, and Colonel L. M. Allen and T. B. Alcorn ap peared for the United States and E, B. Carna han and George Shiras, Jr., fof the company. Mr. Carnahan argned that no part of a sys tem of works could be taken without just com pensation, and several authorities were cited. Colonel Allen, United States District Attor ney, then arose and based bis argument upon the following points, lor which he cited volumi nous decisions: Water ways of inter-State commerce are sub ject to tbe power of Goneness. Tbe charter of the company extends tbe right to erect dams and locks in both Pennsyl vania and Virginia, which rights were a regula tion of commerce between said States; there fore the erection ot dams and locks are obstruc tions in the pathway of tbe United States and ibeir franchise is void against tbe authority of the UniteM States. The United States has a right to remove such obstructions, and any payment the Govern ment may make is a mere matter of grace; therefore, the proviso in the act directing these proceedings is valid and constitutional. All rights were accepted by the company subject to the paramount rights of the United States, and tbe constitutionality of the proviso, if so held, will not necessarily defeat the con demnation proceedings in this case. Mr. Shiras, for the company, then said they wanted also to consider the value of tbe stock before these proceedings were threatened. He cited several cases, and said tbe company was not a trespasser. He did not dispute a right to condemn property as a public nuisance, bnt tbe Government is taking property for their own use, though tbey may not charge tolls. SOME TALL' KICKERS. People Who Think Their Property tn the Suburbs Assessed Too Hleb. The County Commissioners' office was crowd ed all day yesterday with property holders of Wilkins, Braddock and North Versailles town ships, who were appealing from the valuations fixed upon them by the county assessors. To day McKccsport borough and McCandless and West Elizabeth townships will be heard, and to-morrow Braddock, Elizabeth, Charters and West Liberty boroughs will ne taken up. The appeal of the Pennsylvania Salt Manu facturing Company, who are assessed with $291,920 on their property and works in Har rison township, will probably be taken to court, tbe firm claiming that they have been assessed S63.000 too high. The Westingbouse Air Brake Company will also appeal to court, claiming to have been as sessed 20 per cent too high on their land and buildings in Braddock, North Versailles and Wilkins townships. The firm is assessed at $400 per acre on 93 acres in Wilkins township; S300 on 115 acres and $400 on 29 acres in North Versailles; 250 on 130 acres in Braddock town ship. They are also assessed for $1,200 on buildings in Wilkins and $5,450 on buildings in Braddock. The Union Switch and Signal Com pany is assessed 94,525 on buildings in Brad dock township. ANOTHER TIEW OF THE LAW. f Tho District Attorney Doesn't Agree With tbe Coroner. District Attorney Porter says he does not un derstand the law as the Coroner interprets it, and cannot see his way clear to enter prosecu tions charging C. L. Willey, John Huckensteln and Building Inspector Frank with involun tary manslaughter on the finding of the jury in the case of the disaster by the fall of the Willey building on Diamond street. Mr. Por ter thinks informations must precede prosecu tions. Ho is still revolving the case of the charges against tbe late grand jury, and hasn't made up his mind as to what ho will do about it. A TERRIBLE VERDICT. Tbe Moot Court Murderer Receives the Awful Grand Jury Penalty. In the moot court the apocryphal murderer White was again on trial yesterday. District Attorney Lindsay made a rattling speech, and was answered by a rattler from Attorney T Al len for the defense. Judge Porter's charge was clear and pointed, and mnsthave had a terrific effect upon the jury, who brought in the following verdict: "Ve the Jurey find a verdic of Murder In the 2Dgree and Eecomend Him to the extream Mersey to the Cort." To-Day's Trial Lists. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Joseph Demmy, John Griffith, Fred and Karl Grlmpe (4), Dora Moehring, David Elkins, Thomas Brennon, Thomas O'Donnell et aL Emma Cro zier (2), Wesley C. Creae, Albert Goldman, Catherine Martin, P. J. Morrow, Chris Lierzaff, James Flannigan, Weston Cook. Common Pleas No. 1 McGeary vs city of Pittsbure: McCormick vs Willey; Dause vs Kerr & Sons; Galbraith vs Blythe; Capple vs Union township; Barbour vs Cribbs; Gearing vs Ahren et ux; Boggs et al vs Crawford et nx; Oyster et al vs Feidler et ux; Bindley vs Kress et ux: Bacon vs Bigelow et al; Davis et nx vs Ache et al; Neal vs Smith fc Son; Baker vs the United Friends. Common Pleas No. 2 Durst vs Schmertz; Sipes vs Elsessor; Hitzler vs Goidinger; Sil verstein vs Pennsylvania Railroad Company: Mcllvaine vs Ganey; Keep vs Krauth et al; Deckenbaugh vs Roth et al; Irish vs Harrold fc McDonald; Ejnon vs Wensel et al. Lines From Lcenl Quarters. A libel for wages was filed in the United States Court yesterday against the steamer Ben Wood by Marion Swaine, mate of the vessel. Judge Stowe yesterday appointed A. J. Scott and R. Laird appraisers of the effects of J. H. Borland, who on Monday made a volun tary assignment in favor of William Borland. The trial of Joseph Demmy. the colored hack driver who shot and killed William Miller, a private watchman, on Irwin avenue, Allegheny, one night a few months ago, will be taken up in the Criminal Court before Jndge Collier to day. Mr, Joseph Fleming, the Pittsburg drug gist, who, on a technical point of law, was found guilty, last Friday, by a Mercer county jury, for sending liquor into tho county C. O. D., was re leased yesterday on 1,000 bail by a special allocatur granted on an appeal to the Supreme Court pending their final decision. Me. JosEPn Splane, who, after being re fused admittance to the bar, and appealing to the Supreme Court upon a mandamus compel iDR tbe Orphans' Court of this county to admit him, was again refused, says he "will not leave a stone nnturned to surmount the difficulty to his admission to the Orphans' Court, and will fight it to the last notch." The trial of William Miller on a charge of feloniously entering a building on Fifth ave nue and with stealing a watch and other articles, occupied tbe entire dayi Criminal Court. The jury was charged after 4 o'clock bv Judge Collier. They returned a verdict of guilty in 10 minutes after going out. This case was returned by tbe disagreement of a jury about a week ago, and a new trial was necessary. The suit of James T. Toole and others against Jones fc Laughlins, to recoverjdamages for the death of John Toole, on behalf of the widow and children, was begun in Common Pleas Court yesterdav, and juries were out in the fol lowing cases: Mrs. Elizabeth Aiken vs Penn sylvania Railroad Company, an action for damages for the death of her husband; Martha McCombs vs the city of Pittsburg, an action for damages to property In the East End; Thomas McCann vs the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, an action to recover damages for injuries received as a fireman for the defendants. liABOBovercomesevervthingexcept colds, -which Dr. Bull's Congh SyrUD conquers. Valuable Informntlon. When we have something which we think will interest the clothing buyers of Pitts burgh we like to tell them of it. We don't come out with a splurge six times a week and tell of the marvelous bargains we sell, but occasionally (through the medium of the press) we give the public valuable in formation and quote bargaint, and when we do, depend upon it that It's .bona fide and true in every particular. We have a larger stock on hand for this time ot the year than we ever had before, and Ve want to reduce it We've got the goods. You have got the money. We've got to make it an object for you to buy, and a big one at that. See? For three days only we offer all onr fine suits and overcoats, now selling at 28, 525, 820, bunched in one lot, at tbe unheard of low price of $15. Fifteen dollars buys as good a suit as anybody wants to wear, and ?15just now gives you your choice of any overcoat we sold for 528, $25, 520. This offer is for three days only at the P. C. C. C; corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the new Court House. LATE NEWS IN BRIEF., An earthquake, accompanied by a violent gale, has occurred at Athens, Magara and Ara cnova, Greece. Zanzibar demands German evacuation as the first condition te the release cf theXterman missionaries now in captivity. J The Secretary of the Treasury yesterday afternoon accepted the following bonds: 4 per cents, registered, 170,000 at 109. A cruiser belonging to the British-Australian squadron has been dispatched to Samoa, where she will arrive at the end ot the current week. , The Texas Senatei and House re-elected Hon. Richard Coke United States Senate with out opposition. The two Houses meet in joint session to-day to cast the ballot. The Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice in Ireland has quashed tho verdict of murder found by a coroner's jury against Solicitors Dudgeon and Emerson. Tbe Minnesota House of Representa tives adjourned until to-day -without balloting for United States Senator, pending tho charges of bribery in connection with the Senatorial fight,; Rev. Thomas Marcy, a superannuated Methodist clergyman who has lived with rela tives at Newton, Mass., for several years, com mitted suicide Monday night by shooting. He was 75 years old. The President has approved the act increas ing the appropriation for the San Francisco postoffice site: the act for the erection of a pub lic building at Milwaukee, Wis., and the act for a public building at Omaha, Neb. O'Donovan Rossa has begun a suit for libel against the Catholic News, of New York, plac ing the damages at $100,000. It is said that suit will also be brought against Henry Labouchere, ot London Truth, for bis attacks upon Rossa, An Anarchist named Gille has been sen tenced to six months' imprisonment and to pay a fine of 300 francs for crying "Down with the Austrian" when the Queen was passing the place where a Socialist meeting was being held in Brussels. The Southern Pacific train from San Diego was wrecked near Box Springs. The engine was overturned and the express, mail and baggage cars wrecked. Fireman Thomas Carter was seriously scalded, hut passengers escaped with a severe shaking up. John Theodore Wuld, alias John Green wald. who was recentlv convicted of murder in the first degree in Brooklyn, for the shooting of Lyman S. Weeks, in whose honse Grcenwald was committing a burglary, was yesterday sen tenced to be executed on the 12th of nextMarch. He took his sentence coolly. Allot the 120 Alsatian immigrants landed at New York on Sunday by the steamer La Champagne and detained at Castle Garden for an alleged breach of the law prohibiting the importation of contract laborers, ware released by Collector Magone yesterday, as it was shown that they had violated no law. The whole party at once took voyage on the Clyde steamer Sem inole for Florida. ' About 2 o'clock yesterday morning the res idence of Daniel Downey at Vineland, N. J., was discovered to bcon fire. Neighbors rushed to the scene, and upon breaking in the door the body of Mrs. Downey was discovered upon the floor horribly burned and disfigured. She was alone in the house at tbe time, her husband having gone on a visit to Sea Isle City. Mrs. Downey was about 60 years of age. Both branches of the New Jersey Legislature proceeded to tbe election of a United States Senator yesterday morning in separate ses sions. In the Senate the ballot resulted: Mc Pherson, 11; Sewall, 10. In the House the re sult was: McPherson. 32; Sewall, 23. The formal ballot will be taken in joint session to day, when Senator McPherson will be elected for another term. Yesterday morning James Ward, life sav ing patrolman, found two bodies between the third and fourth cliffs at Scitnate, Mass. The heads of both were missing. There is no doubt but that tbey were sailors, probably belonging to the schooner Norton, which was wrecked in the recent gale. Tbe patrolmen have also found parts of oil clothes and shirts strewn along tbe shore since the storm of Sunday night. Charles Lamphear, a woodchopper aged 60 years, was found murdered in the wooas rear his cabin, on tbe line of the West Jersey Rail road just below Manumuskin station, N. J., Monday night. His head was crushed, as though he had been struck with an ax or some heavy weapon. He lived alone in his cabin and was known to always carry with him what money he bad. There is as yet no clew to the perpetrator of the deed.) The Coroner is in vestigating the case. F. D. Rnctasmen shot himself in the head yesterday morning, at bis dwelling in Hoboken, N. J., and almost, instantly expired. He was 65 years of age and fori a month past had, by his peculiar actions,- alarmed his family, who believed his mental facilities were impaired. A close watch was keptVipon him, although he manifested no disposition to do himself harm. The deceased was one if the best known and most popular men in Hoboken German so ciety circles. He waia retired banker and held a seat in the Ney York Stock Exchange. A dispatch from Cincinnati says: A duel in real earnest took place on the stage of the Standard Theater last night between Running T)iuf nn Tii4in aViIot' and Piritiln Ttetlr Pww. ACtlf AAA JVUUJaU VU1V1. UU UUJMtlU M ttbOi Vft W ford, the scout. The Indian was drunk, and in tbe duel scene attempted to kill Crawford. It was a hard and terrible! fight with knifes. Ac cording to tbe play Crawford should have taken the knife from the redskin, who is a Comanche. He refused to give it up and made some vicious lunges. After a desperate strug gle the scout got the npper hand and pricked tbe Indian two or three times in tbe side with tbe threat to kill him if he made any f urther hostile demonstrations. After the play tbe Indian escaped, and the police are looking for bim, fearing that he may do some harm. M. Horwicb, K. Horwich and four other Russian Jews were arrested last evening for an assault on Rabbi Goldstein in the syna gogue on Twelfth and Howard streets, New York. The rabbi. Alexander Goldstein, re cently advanced tbe theory at a meeting of his people that it was Simon Peter, and not Jesus, that was crucified on Calvary. A number of tbe congregation rushed toward tbe pulpit, and be was obliged to rush through tbe back door to save himself. Sunday Goldstein broached the subject again at a regular meeting of tbe syna gogue, when he was overwhelmed with such a volley of imprecations and church furniture as convinced bim that he was still in tbe minority. He escaped from bis assailants, however, and now six of tbe leaders are behind tbe bars. A New Building and Loan. The Merchants' Building and Loan Asso ciation, with headquarters at 628 Liberty, have received their charter and ore now ready to commence active operations. The par value of each share is 5200, with a uni form premium of 10 cents on each share for all borrowers. The officers of the association are: James A. McAteer, President. S. B. Charters, Vice President. Henry Daub, Treasurer. J. McMillen, Financial Secretary. R. A Stevenson, Recording Secretary. Books can be found at the following places, where stock can he subscribed: Henry Daub, 710 Smithfield street. S. B.'Charters, Third avenue aud Grant street. E. H. Debold, 1640 Penn avenne. J. C. O'Donnell, 3310 Penn avenue. Houston Bros., 4.901 Penn avenue. M. J. McDonnell, 149 West Carson street, W. W. Willett, Sidney and South Eight eenth streets. John Wolf, 261C Sarah street S. B. Shoffer, 1819 Sarah street. J. E. Race, 22 Southern avenue. W. B. Benton, 1 Knox avenue. J. A Harbaugh, 512 Homewood avenne. J. H. Friday, 222 Wylie avenue. James A McAteer, 256 Webster avenue. Stevenson Bros., 20 Robert street. The next regular meeting will be held Thursday evening, January 24, at the Gro cers" Exchange, 628 Liberty street. Cash paid for old gold and silver at Hanch's. No. 295 Fifth avenue. wfsu POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur lty, strength and whdlesomeness. More eco nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of ow est, short weight, alum or phosphate pow ders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL 13AKIBW POWDER CO, 106 Wall St, N. Y. oc5-m6-srwrsu oQYAi 4kiH MISS HAFFA EEALLT LNSANU, And a Police Lieutenant Hays Dr. Williams Is tbo Cause of It. fSriCIAL TELEGRAM TO THB DISPATCH Philadelphia, January 22. Police Lieutenant Lyons to-day reported to Di rector Stokley upon the case of Miss Flor ence Haffa, daughter, of ex Jndge Haffa, of Mississippi, who was committed to the insane asylum of the Philadelphia Hospital for her eccen trio behavior toward Dr. Charles N. Will iams, son of Judge Williams, of the Penn sylvania Supreme Court bench. The report first cites the case that on last Thursday Dr. Williams complained at the Twenty, third district station house that Miss Haffa, ofl941Norris street, was annoying him. An officer was detailed, and after arresting her, released her upon her promising to cease the annoyance. On Friday morn ing the complaint came again, and she was rearrested, and when Drought to the station house it was noticed that she was of unsound mind, and her mother, when notified, confirmed this conclusion by say ing the girl had gone crazy over Dr. Will iams' unfilled promise to marry her. The Lieutenant caused a sensation by concludine: "I desire to state here that there are facts connected with this unfortunate affair that will justify a rigid investigation, That Williams is the cause of this young lady's disgrace, both by promise and otherwise, is beyond donbt. There isalso a moral responsibility connected with it, and Dr. Williams should answer for having driven such an accomplished lady to the madhouse. The girl's mother says she will sanction prosecution. A friend of Dr. Williams says he is amazed at the report, and that the Lieutenant has put too much confidence in the utterances of a crazy person. ANOTHER NEW BAILROAD. A Connecting Line Will bo Built From Greenville to Hudson. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Akron, January 22. The New York and Ohio Company filed with the Recorder of Summit county to-day a mortgage for $1,000,000 in favor of "the Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, of New York. The loan thus secured is for the construction of the road which is to run from Greenville, Pa., to Hudson, this county, passing through Portage, Geauga and Trumbull counties. The route adopted is that of the old Clinton Air Line. The road will connect at Hudson with the Cleveland and Pittsburg aud the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus, and give the latter a new Eastern connection, its present Eastern outlet being by the Penn sylvania. Local rights of way have been secured for the extension, and the parts from Streetsboro, Portage county, to Hudson will be constructed under the auspices of a local company. Hon. M. C. Read, of Hud son, is active in the new enterprise. Vnluablo Information. When we have something which we think will interest the clothing buyers of Pitts burg we like to tell them of it We don't come out with a splurge six times a week and tell of the marvelous bargains we sell, but occasionally (through the medium of the press) we give the public valuable infor mation and quote bargains, and when we do depend upon it that it's bona fide and true in every particular. We have a larger stock on hand for this time of the year than we ever had before, and we want to reduce it We've got the goods. You have got the money. We've got to make it an object lor you to buy, and a big one at teat. oeeY For three days only we offer all our fine suits and overcoats, now selling at $28, $25, $20, bunched in one lot at the unheard of low price of $15. Fifteen dollars buys as good a suit as anybody wants to wear, and $15 just now gives you vour choice of any overcoat we sold for $28, $25, $20. This offer lor three days only at the P. C. C. C, corner Grant and Diamond streets, opposite the new Court House. Tbo Rending Disaster. The loss of life at Beading, Pa., by the recent cyclone should warn those who have not provided for their families. If you wish your family provided for in cade of your death by accident secure a certificate in' the National Benefit Association, of Indianapo lis. J. T. Cunningham, 51 Lewis block, Agent ws NOT A PIMPLE ON HIM NOW. Bad with Eczema. Hair all gone. Scalp cov ered with eruptions. Thought his hair would never grow. Cured by Cuticura Remedies. Hair splendid and not a pimple on him. I cannot say enough in praise of the Cuti cura Remedies. My boy, when one year of age, was so bad with eczema that he lost all of his hair. His scalp was covered with eruptions, which the doctors said was scald head, and that his hair would never grow again. Despairing of a cure from physicians, I began tho use of the Cuticura Hemedies, and, I am happy to say, with the most perfect success. His hair is now splendid, and there is not a pimple on him. I recommend the Cuticura Remedies to mothers as the most speedy, economical and sure enre for all skin diseases of infants and children, and feel that every mother who has an afflicted child will thank me for so doing. Mrs. M. E. WOODSUM, Norway, Me. A Fever Sore Eight Years Cured. I must extend to you the thanks of one of my customers, who has been cured, by using the Cuticura Remedies, of an old sore, canscd by a long spell of sickness or fever eight years ago. He was so bad he was fearful he would have to have his leg amputated, but is happy to say be Is now entirely well 6ound as a dollar. He requests me to use his name, which is H.H. UASON, merchant of this place. JOHN V. MINOR, Druggist, Gainesboro, Tenn. Severe Scalp Disease Cured. A few weeks ago my wife suffered very much from a cutaneous disease of the scalp, and re ceived no relief from the various remedies she used until she tried Cuticura. Tbe disease promptly yielded to this treatment, and in a short while she was entirely well. There has been no return of tho disease, and Cuticura ranks No". 1 in our estimation foV diseases of the skin. Rev. J. PRESSLEY BARRETT, D. D., Raleigh, N. C From Pimples to Scrofula Cured. Cuticura, the great skin cure, and Cuti cura Soap jirepared from it, externally, and Cuticura Resolvent, the new blood nuri tier. Internally, are a positive cure for every form of skin and blood disease from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price: Cuticura, 60c.; Soap, 25c.: Resolvent, SI. Prepared by tho Potter and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. S"Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," CI pages. 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. DADV'C Skin and Scalp DMD I O beautified by Ct preserved and iUTICUHA Medi- CATKD OOAF. Every Muscle Aches. Sham aches, dull nains.strainsnni1 weakness, relievpd in one minute by the Cmlcura Antl-Pnin Flnstpr. A Dcrfect antidote t.n nain anil wmK ness. 'the first and only pain-killing plaster. 25c ja21-ws ANCHOR REMEDY COMP'NY, 820 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURG, PA. ABOUT CATARRH. J.M, Jewell, Asst. Supt. Boys' Industrial School. Lancaster. r, u.. says: I havo no hesitation in rec ommending your catarrh remedy. It is by far superior to anv other preparation I have ever used. Its curative ef fect is marvelous. Mrs. M. J Hatton, 72 Forty-third street, says: The Anchor Catarrh Remedy cured me of an aggravated case of catarrh of long standing, which 1 considered hopeless, as I had used many other preparations without relief. We would be glad to have you give our ca tarrh remedy a trial. You will never regret it ja8-MWF YELLOW SIGNS. YELLOW TUBS. Use 'Teerless Brand" BALTIMORE FRESH RAW OYSTERS. Selected and packed with cleanliness and care by O. H. PEARSON & CO., BALTIMORE, MD. They are the Beit Ask your Grocer for them. ja8-74-u JSk n&A MARRIAGE NOT A FAILURE. A New View of this great Question which shows how Ladies may retain the Love of their Husbands. No woman who is unattractive in person, mind, or disposition can hope to Interest or hold men. Bad complexion, dull eyes, a listless nature never did or can attract mankind. On the other hand how many women with clear skin, beneath which tbe blood can be seen throb bing with health, bright eyes and life and ani mation in every movement, make the world a blessing to their husbands, brothers, lovers or friends. The secret of clear skin, bright eyes and animation is good circulation of tbe blood. When tbe blood is slow the person is stupid. Keep tho blood moving. Bnt how? There is only onoway and that is to -help Nature by a gentle stimulant. Exercise is asplendid stimulant but it is almost Impossible for ladies to take tbe kind of exer cise that will produce health and beauty. But tbe blood must be kept moving, and the dis covery which has done more to add health and beauty than any other known cause is Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. This greatrcmedy stimu lates healthily. It is not an intoxicant. Thou sands of women who were once tired, depressed and discouraged aro now in perfect health and beauty entirely through its use. Many promi nent temperance ladles have given it their hearty endorsement, and clergymen and priests in every prominent city use and recommend it Great care should be shown in buying only the genuine, for no other bottled whiskey has the wonderful qualities which aro possessed by Duffy's. When ladles are kept bright and attractive and husbands are considerate and kind, few marriages will be a "failure." ja2-40-W SPECIAL NOTICE. The physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspep sia Institute, at No. 22 Ninth street, give spe cial attention to tho treatment of female dis eases, or those diseases so common to women, including all chronic disorders and weakness The medicines are positively curative, and are so prepared as to allow the patient to use the treatment herself and thus avoid tho unpleas ant and humiliating treatment which most women generally have to undergo. A lady connected with the institute is always present for consultation. They treat catarrh, rheumatism, dyspepsia, bronchitis, asthma, ulcers, seminal weakness, salt rheum, kidney, blood, liver and female diseases. Office hours. 10 A. K. to 4 P. M., and 6 to 8 P. M. Sundays, 12 to 4 p. M. Consultation free. Treatment by correspondence. jall-35-MWF HERE IS THIS RICE AUTOMATIC ENGINE Guaranteed to pull a saw through a log without slackening speed. Guaranteed to do more work, with less fuel, than any eDgine built HANDSOME, DURABLE, HIGH-CLAS8 The J.T. N0YE MFC C0.,BurTato,N.Y. ja2-5S-MWF D. R. SPEER & CO., FRAME HASH, DOOR AND BOX FACTORY, THIRD STREET AND DUQUESNE WAY mhS-dSl ERNST AXTHELM, MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL BELL HANGER Repairing a specialty. 103 THIRD AVE., near Wood St. Telephone 851. au2e"6-ws PITTSBURG, PA MAI SCHAMBERG & CO., ?... tives of Ocean Steamship Lines, 627 Smith held street, Pittsburg, Pa., sell Drafts, Money Orders, Foreign Coin, Steamship Tickets, etc., at lowest N. Y. rates. ja20-wsn OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. DEPART3IENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, 1 Pittsburg. Jan. 16. 1889. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 report of the Viewers on the damages caused by the grading of Holmes street, from Fifty-second street to McCandless street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed In the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) davs from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. jil(M6 Department op Public Works, l Pittsburg, Jan. 16, 1889. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Viewers' reports on the grading, paving and curbing of winebiddle street, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue; Davis street from Wylie avenue to Webster avenne, and Oak land avenue, from Fit tb avenne to Bates street have been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in tbe Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. jalWG Department op Public Safety, t Pittsburg, Jauuarv 22, 18S9. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Controller until Saturday. January 26, 18S9, at 2 P. M., for the painting of No. 5 Engine House. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of Samuel N. Evans, Superintendent of the Bureau of Fire. Probated bonds in double the amount of bids are required, and must be probated before the City Clerk or Mayor. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of tho Department of Public Safety. ja22-79 Department op Public Works, J Pittsburg. Pa., January 19, 1889. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at tbe office of the City Con troller until SATURDAY, the 26th day of Jan uary, A D. 1889, at 2 p. 3i for the construction of about two thousand (2,000) cubic jards of masonry, and about fifteen thousand (15,000) cubic yards ot embankment, at Wilmot and Bates streets, Fourteenth ward. Plans and specifications can be seen and blanks for bidding can ba had at this office. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bond, probated before the Mayor or Citv Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the richt to reject any or all bids. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. jal9-31 I BIS, HDD Well Pleased Customers, the Order of the Day, at DOUGLAS ScMACKIE'S. We'vo had no let np in business, and don't mean to have. New Goods arriving daily, bought from overstocked manufacturers, for spot cash, at our own prices. You'll get the full benefit all this week. Every department crowded with bargains. Following are just a few samples: 550 pieces checked and striped nainsook, from 5c to 35c, they're worth from Sc to 50c Thousands of yards of embroideries from lc a yard up to finest. 26 pieces 4S-inch all-wool black benrietta cloth, that are worth 65c, yonr pick of the lot 60c a yard. 23 pieces only, 48-mch extra fine black henrletta cloth, that usually sell at SI, we'll cut them this week for 75c a yard. A lot of 52-inch habit cloth, to be laid out at 4Sc they'd be cheap enough at 65c 10 pieces only, Gulnet's famed rich black Si 25 silks, this week only $1 a yard. A. lovely lot oi ureas satins, in Deauuiui aarK Bnaue?, lor oc regular pneo u jtuu. low for tie Wraps, They're Really Wonderful! 25 only, ladies' seal plnsh sacques, artistically cut and finished, elegantly satin-lined and four seal loops, that sold at $25, now tor S15 75. Another very handsome lot, that sold at $35, have been marked to sell at $22 each. And the ladies' beautifully fine seal plush sacques, that were $12 SO. will all be laid out this week at S27 50 each. 43 ladies' magnificent striped newmarkets. that all season sold for $18 60, now for $10 7a. About 30 ladies' plush wraps that caused such a sensation last week at $7 75, will be laid ont this morning; they're worth from $12 to $15. And there's a fewof the pretty newmarkets, in checks, stripes and plain colors, at $5 ou, Come soon and secure them. A Large Stock of Misses' and Children's Wraps at Away Down Prices. 151 and 153 FEDERAL .. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS YOUCAFTIISSIT IMMENSE BARGAIN SALE -or-t Boots, Shoes, Gaiters -AND- Slippers. A perfect surprise In good goods and low prices to close them out See bargain counters every day except on Saturday, Here are a few prices: Men's R. R. edge, button and lace, at SI 75, former price $3. Ladies' extra fine Kid Bntton Shoes at $2, former price S2 60 and S3. Gents' fine Calf Sewed Shoes at $2. Gents' fine Buff Sewed Shoes at ?1 50. Good Working Bhoes at SI to $1 50. Ladies' heavy Grain Button at SI. Ladies' Glove Kid Slippers at 50c Boys' heavy Tap Sole Shoes at SI. Misses' Grain Button at 90c. Child's Grain Button at 75c. Every pair prime, good Shoes. G. D. SIMEN 78 OHIO STREET, Cor. of Sandusky st, near Market House, Allegheny. jamO-HW ALMOST GIVEN AWAY. Overcoats, Suits, Ladies' Cloaks, Boys' Clothing, Hats and Furnishings. HERE'S HOW WE DO IT. TAKE THEM NOW FOB 810: Overcoats or Suits marked 81L Overcoats or Suits marked 812. Overcoats or Suits marked 813. Overcoats or Suits marked $14. TAKE THEM NOW FOR 812: Overcoats or Suits marked 815. Overcoats or Suits marked 816. Overcoats or Suits marked 817. Overcoats or Suits marked 818. SMASHUP IN CLOAKS. Striped Newmarkets, sold for SIS, now S10. Seal Flush Wraps, sold for 24, now $14. Seal Plush Sacques, sold for S30, now SIS. Prices slaughtered in all departments. SALLER & CO, Corner Diaioi and SmitMeia Streets. ja20-siWTSu A complete assortment of Optical Goods. The best stock of Artificial Eyes. Spectacles and Eye Glasses in gold, silver, steel, shell and aluminum frames. Glasses and, frames per fectly adjusted at KOBNBLUJUPS Optician Store, jal3-MTWTFSnwk No. 37 Fifth aye. RAILROADS. TDALTIMORE AND OHIO KAILISOAD JL Schedule in eflect November 19, 1SS8. jfor Washington, I). C, Baltimore and Philadelphia, 11:30 a.m.andI0:'J) p.m. ForAVashlncton. I). (J, and Baltimore, t7:Wa.iu. For Cumberland, 17:00, 11:30 a. m., and 10:3) p. m. For Connellsvllle. T7:00 add '11:30 a. m., fl:00, t4:003nd "J0:30p. m. For Unlo'ntowu,t7rf)0,tll:30a.m., tl:OOandM:00 p. p. ForJIt. rieasaiit, f7:O0 and 111:30a. m,, tl:00 and t4:00 p. m. For Washington, Fa.. "7:30; t9:30a. m 3:35, t5:30 and '3:30 p. m. For Wheel ing, 7:30, t9:30a.m., '3:35, 8:3) p. m. For Cin cinnati and St. Louis, "7:30 a. m., 8:30p. m. For Columbus, '7:30 a. m., 8:30 p. m. For Newark, 7:30, 19:30 a. m., '3:35, '8:30 p. m. For Chicago, 7:30, t9:30a. m.. '3:35 aud '8:30 p. m. Trains ar rive from Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wasnlng- ton. "Wa. m. and d 6:50 p. m. From Columbus, Cincinnati and Chicago. 7:45 From Wheeling, 7:45, '10:50 a m. and 9:10 p.m. g, '7:45, '10:50 a. m., tt:00, 0:10 p, ieeolnor cars to Baltimore. Wash ington and Cincinnati. For Wheeling, Columbus and Cincinnati, 11:55 p m (Saturday only). Connellsvllle ac at S3;30 am. Daily. tUally except Sunday. Sunday only. The Pittsburg Transfer Company will call for and check baggage irom hotels and residences upon orders left at B. AO. Ticket office, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street. W. M. CLEMENTS, CHAS. O. SCULL, General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. PITTSBURG AND CASTLE SHANNON K. K. Co. Winter Time Table. On and after October 14, 1883, until further notice, trains will run as follows on every day except Sunday, Eastern standard time: Leaving Pittsburg 6:15 a. m.v 7:15a.m., 9:30a. m., 11:30a.m., 1:40p.m., 3:40p.m., 5:10p.m. 6:30 p. m., 9:30 p. m., 11:30p.m. Ar lington 5:45 a. m., 6:30 a. m 8:00 a. m., 10:20 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 2:40 p. m 4:20 p. m., 5:50 p. m 7:15 p. m., 10:30 p. m. Sunday trains, leaving Pittsburg 10 a. in.. 12:50 p. m., 2:30 p. m., 5:10 p.m., 9:30 p. m. Arlington 9:10 a. m., 12 m., 1:50 p. m 4:20 p. m., 6:30 . m. JOHN JA1IN. Supt. -plTTSBUKG aND WESTERN RAILWAY JL rrains icet'i Stan'dttme) Leave. Arrive. Butler Accommodation.' Day Ex. Ak'n,Tol., CTn, Kane Butler Accommodation Chicago Express (dally) Newcastle and Greenville Ex Zellenople audFoxburg Ac.. 6:00 am 7:20 am 9:20 am 7:10 am 7:23 pm 4:00 Dm 12:30 pm 11:05 am i:du pm 4:40 pm 9:36 am 5:30 ara uuuer Accommooaiion, 5:40 p m :10 pm Through coach and sleeper to Chicago dally, im IS! MID SLAUGHTER STREET, ALLEGHENY. 'Jais-atwy NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.' KAUFM ANNS' Tlml tail Siill!:; anil Eii TO-DAY, WEDNESDAY -THE BROKEN CLOAK .:. DEPARTMENT WILL BE SOLD AT PRICES NEXT TO NOTHING. Our special Odd and End Sales have struck a popular chord. Our Bargafn Counters of Odds and Ends in Overcoats Monday and of Un derwear yesterday have attracted many hundreds of people, and none left without purchasing. For to-day, WEDNESDAY, we will GIVE CHOICE FOR ONLY $4 LADIES' NEWMARKETS All broken sizes have been hung on a rack in front of our Cloak Department, and to-day, Wednesday, (for this day only, remember) we will offer choice for $4 90. To give you an idea of the greatness of this bargain it is but necessary to state that this $4 90 Remnant Sale includes all our broken sizes of Ladies' $8, $9, io,J5ii, I12 and $13 Newmarkets, made of striped, plaid and checked materials in the very latest approved styles. All sizes to choose from. Then we have arranged a BARGAIN COUNTER OF OUR ODDS AND ENDS OF LADIES' TAILOR Left from our celebrated $4, 5 FOR ONLY $2 Providing you will come to-day. No other day will do. Many of these. Jackets have rich silk facings, are made single and double breasted, some', with or without bell sleeves, and all are warranted tailor-made and fitj perfectly. We have them in Cloths, Beavers, Cheviots, Diagonals, Cas- simeres, Twills, etc., in handsome ble plain colors. Manv are made ders them very suitable for the coming season. Your choice from all these handsome Tackets is only $2 greatest bargains ever offered anywhere. On the other Bargain Counter, we have arranged in our Cloak Department you will find all our BROKEN SIZES IN GIRLS' CLOAKS, t And you can come ANY ONE FOR ONLY- $165 You can take your choice from Girls' Cloaks with pleated skirts and gathered skirts, from Cldaks with capes and Cloaks with hoods, etc The patterns are: Stripes and plaids. The materials: Cassimeres and Cheviots. The cheapest garment on the counter is worth $3, while the majority of them were sold at $3 50, $4 and $4 25 before Christmas. To-day, Wednesday, only, you can take your choice for $1 65. G" During the above sale we will also offer 100 Ladies' Genuine Monkey Mufis, well worth $3 for only 98c each. KAUFMANNR I V 44444G4444Q4444w44e444444&4944 n Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street RAILROADS. DENNSY1.VANIA COMPANY'S LINES Central Standard Time. X December 24, 18 TKALNS DEPAKT As follows from Union Station: .For Chlcajro, 7:25 a. m.. 12:20, 1:00, 7:45, 11:3) p. m.: Toledo, 70S a. m., 12:20, 1:00 and 11:20 p m. ; Crestline, 5:45 a.m.: Cleveland, 6:10. 7:25 a.m., 12:50 and 11:05 p. m.: Hevr Castle and Yonngstown, 7:05a. m.. 12:20, 3:45 p. m. ; Meadvltle, Irle and Ashtabula, 7:05 a. m.v 12:20 p. m.: fJUes and Jamestown. 3:45p.m.; aiasslUon, 4:10 p. m. ; Wheeling and liellalre. 6:10 a. m., 12:50, 3:30 p. m.; Beaver .Falls, 4:00, 5:05 p. m.: Leetsdale. 5:30 a.m. ALLEGHENY Rochester, 6:30 a. m.; Beaver Kalis, 8:15, 11:00 a. m.: Knon. 3:00 p. m.: Leets dale, 10:00, 11:45 a. m., 2:00, 4:30, 4:45, 5:30, 7:00, 9:00 p. m.: Conway, 10:30 p. m. SUNDAY TICAINS-From nttsbnrg-For Chi cago, 7:25 a. m 12:20, 1:00, 7:15, 11:20 p. m.: Cleve land. 11.05p.m.: Toleda, 12:20, 1:00 and 11:20 p. m.: Youngstown, 12:20 p. m.: Beaver Falls. 8:20 a. m. From Allegheny Tor Fair Oaks, 11:40 a. m.; Leetsdale, 8:30 p. m. TRAIN SAUUIVE Union station from Chicago, 1:50, 6:00, 6:35a. m., 7:35 p. m.: Toledo. 1:50, 6:35 a. m., 7:35 p. m.. Crestline, 2:10 p.m.: lonngs- town and New Castle, 9:10 a. m., 1:25, 7:35, 10:15 p. in. : Cleveland, 5:50 a. m 2:25, 7:45 p.m.; Wheel ing and liellalre, 9:00 a. m 2:15, 7:45 p. m.; Erie and Ashtabula, 1:25,10:15 p. m.: Masslllon. 10:00 a. hi.; NUcs and Jamestown. 9:10 a.m.; Beaver Falls, 7:30 a. m., 1:10 p. m.; Leetsdale, 10:40 p. m. AKK1VE ALLEGHENY-From Enon, 8:00 a. m.: Conway, 6:50; Rochester, 9:40 a. m.: Beaver Fills, 7:10a. m., 6:40 p. in.: Leetsdale. 5:50, 6:15, 7: a. m.. 12:00, 1:45, 4:30, 6:30, 9:00 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS arrive Union station from Chicago. 1:50, 6:00. 6:35 a. in.. 7:35 p. m.: Toledo. 1:50, 6:35 a. m.; Youngstown, 7:35 p. m.; Cleve land, 5:50a. m.; Beaver Falls. 8:25 p.m. Arrlvo Allegheny from 1'alr Oaks. 8:55 a. m.: Leetsdale, 6:05p.m. E. A. FORD, Gen'l l'ass. Aet. E. a. TAYLOR, Gen'l Snpt. JAMES MCCREA, Gen'l Manager, rittsburz, la. nol7 PITTSBURG AND LAKE KRlrV RAILROAD COMPANY Schedule In effect January 13, lt89. Central time: P. fc L. E. K. K.-DEPAET-For Cleveland. 5:25, 7:40 A. M.. 1:20, 4:15, 9:30 p. jr. For Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, 5:25 A. M., 1:20, 9:30 P. M. For Buffalo, 10:20 A. M.. 4:15 9:30 F. M. For Sala manca, 7:40a. M., '1:20, 9:30 P. M. For Beaver Falls, 5:25, 7:40. 10:20 A. M 1:20, 3:30, 4:15, 5:20, 9:30 P. 11. For Chartlers, 5:25, '5:35, 6:50, 17:00, 7:15, 8:40, '9M, 9:25, 10:20 A. M., 12:05, 12:45, 11:05, 1:45, 3:30, 4:45, '5:10. 5:20, M, 10:30 p. M. AEBIVK-From Cleveland, 5:30 A. St.. '1:00. 5:40. '8:00 P. M. From Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, '1:00, -3:00 P. M. From Buffalo. 5:30 A. M., '1:00, 5:40 p. M. From Salamanca. '1:00, '8:00 P. M. From Yonngstown, 5:30, "6:50, 9:20 A. M., 1:00, 5:40, "8:00 P. M. From Beaver Falls, 5:30, 8:50, 7:20, 9:20 A. M '1:00, 1:35; 5:40, "8:00. P. M. From Chartlers, 5:10, 5:22, 5:30. 10:42, '6:50, 7:08, 7:30, 8:30, 9;20. 10:10 A. It., 120 noon, 12:30, '1:12. 1:35, tO, 4:00, 4:35, 5:00, 5:10, 5:4a 9:12P. M. P., McK. & Y. R. R. Depart For New Haven, 5:40A. m., 3:55 P. r. For West Newton. 3:15 P. M. For New Haven. 7:00 a It., Sundays, only. ARRIVE From New Haven. 9:00 A.M.. OSP. M. From West Newton, 6:45, 9:00A.M.,'5aP.M. Dally. ISnndays only. E. HOLBltOOK, General Superintendent. A. E. CLARK, General Passenger Agent. City ticket office, 401 Smithfield street. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard time): Klttannlng Ac. 6:55 a. m.: Niagara Ex., dally. 8:45 a. m., Hulton Ac. 10:10 a.m.; Valley Camp Ac, 12:05 p. m.: OU City and Duliois Ex- press,2:OOp,m.;Hult(nAc.,3:00p.: )p.m. : huttannlng tOOv.Ta.z Klttann- lng Ac, 5:30 p. m. ; Braeburn Ac, 6:20 p. m.: Hul ton Ac, 7:50 p. m.: Buffalo Ex., dally, 8:50 p. .; Hulton Ac. 9:45 p. m.: braeburn Ac, 11:30 p. m. Church trains Braeburn, 12:40 p. m. and 9:35 p. m. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Pittsburg and Buffalo. E. H. UTLEY. G. x P. A.: L)AV11 MCUARUO. Gen. Supt. SIZES IN OUR- 90 FROM OUR ODDS and ENDS -OF- - MADE JACKETS and $6 lines, and will give choice 39 stripes, checks and all new and desira of spring-weight materials, which ren 00, if you come to-day. They're the! in to-day and take ja23-D RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA after November RAILROAD ON AND after November 26, 1888. trains leave Union Station. Pittsburg, as follows, Eastern Standan June: MAIN LINE EASTWARD. New York and Chicago Limited of Pullman Ve tlbule dally at 7:15 a. m. Atlantic Express dally for tbe East, 3:00 a.m. Mall train, dally, except Sunday, 6:55 a. m. Son day. mall, 8:40 a. m. Day express dally at 8:00 a. m. Mall express dally at 1:00 p. m. Philadelphia express dally at 4:30 p. m. Eastern express daily at 7:15 p. m. Greensburg express5:10 p. m. week days. Derry express 11:00 a. m. week days. erry Uthi All through trains connect at Jersey Clt1 er cut wlta, boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. N. r,. avoiding doable ferriage and Journey through N Y. City. Trains arrive at Union Station as follows: Mall Train, dally 8:2) p.m. Vestern Express. dally..t 7:45 a.m. Pacific Express, dally 12:45 p. nu Chicago Limited Express, dally 8:30p.m. Fasti rin ne, dally 11:55 p.m. suuinjLsi irfin aaxlhai. For Unlontown, 5:45 and 85 a. m. and 4:25 p. m., without change of cars; 1.00 p.m., connect lng at Greensburg. Trains arrive from Union town at 9:45 a. m., 12:20. 6:15 and 8:20 p.m. WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. From FEDERAL ST. STATION. Allegheny City. Mall train, connecting for BlalrsvlUe... 6:45 a. m. Express, for BlalrsvlUe, connecting for Bntler 3:15 p.m.1 Butler Accom 8:2) a. m., 2:25 and 5:45 p. m. hprlngdale Accom 11:40 a. m. and 6:20 p. m. Freeport Accom 4:00, 8:15 and 10:J0p. m. On Sunday 12:50 and 9:30 p. m. North Apollo Accom 10:50 a. m. and 5:0O p. m. Allegheny Junction Accommodation. connecting for Butler 8:20 a. m. BlalrsvlUe Accommodation 11:30p.m. Trains arrive at FEDERAL STREET STArlON: Express, connecting from Bntler 10:.r a. m. Wall Train 2:35 p. m. Butler Accom 9:25 a. m., 4:40 and 7:20 p. m. BlalrsvlUe Accommodation ,.9:52p. m. Freenort Accom.7M0 a.m.. 1:32, 7:20 and 11:00 p. m. On Sunday 10:10a.m. and 70 p.m. Sprlngdale Accom 6:37a. m., and 3:02 p. m. North Apollo Accom 8:40a. m. and 5:40 p. m. MONONGAHELA DIVISION. Trains leave Union station. Pittsburg, as follows: For Monongahela Citv, West Brownsville and Unlontown. 11 a. m. JFbr Monongahela City and West Brownsville, 7:05 and 11 a. m. and 4:40 p. m. On Sunday. 1:01 p. m. Jj'or Monongahela City, 5:40 p. m., week davs. Dravosburg Ac, week days, 3:20 p. m. West Elizabeth Accommodation. 8:50a. m., 2:00, 6:20 and 11:35 p. m. Sunday. 9:40 p. m. Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenue and Try street and Union station. .. ,.. CHAS. E. PUOU, J. R- WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l Pass'r Agent PANHANDLE ROUTE-NOV.12. 1SSS. UNION station. Central Standard Time. Leave for Cincinnati and St. Louis, 7:30 a. m.. 8:00 and 11:13 p.m. Dennlson. 2:45 p.m. Columbus, and Chicago 12:05, 11:13 p. m. Wheeling. 7:30 a. m., 12:05, 6:10 p.m. Steubenville, 5:55 a. m. Washington. 8:55, 8:35 a. in., 1, 3:30, 4:55 p. m. Bulger. 10:18 a. m. Burgettstown, 5:25 p. m. Mansfield, 7:13, 8:35, 11:00 a. m., 1:55, 3:30, 4:55. 6:30, 8:35; 10:40, p. m. aicuonaidJ, 4:1a, iu:uup. m Prom the West, 1:50, 6:00, a. Itonni.nt. OtXi a. m. Stenbe . 3:0a. 8:55 n. m StenbenvUlc 5:05 p. m. vvneeiing, 1:0m o:.i.. , .-wy.m. uukclh- lg. 1:1 town, 7:15a. m. own. 7:15a.m. wasningion, oao, jm v:aaa.m Z:3ol 6D p. m. Aiansiieiu,o:.u, vaj jas v:wa. m XV B!31n. m. 7:50,9 m. Ale 12:45 and 10:00 p. m. Bulger, l:40p. m. McDonalds, 6:33 a. m., :uup. m. Sundav For Cincinnati and the West, 7:30 a.m 8:00and11:Uprm. For Chicago, 11 :15 p. m. Bur- ettstown,.ll:3Sa.m. Mansneld, 8:35 p. m. Me lonalda, 4:15. 10:00 p. n.. From the V est, 1:50, 6:01 a. m. and 5:55p.m. Bnrgettstown, 9:05 a. m. Mc Donalds, 6:33, 9:00 p. m. Mansfield, On, m. E. A. FORD, Gen'l Passenger Agent: J A3. Mo CREA, uen'l Manager, rutsDurg, ra.; j, r, MILLER, Uen'l Sup'u Columbus. O. 1 .a