THE PETTSBTTKG DISPATCH ' TUESDAY; JANUARY 22, " 1889. 8 m Jt f ft. A MATTER OF MONEY. Causes That Led to the Present Trou hie in the Samoan Islands. A BOW OVER DRIED COCOANUT. 'German Traders Lost by Brisk American Competition, and Thus POLITICAL EEYOLTS WERE FOMENTED. Bow Germany Worked the Wiro After Ehe Was Set. cral Times Foiled. TSrECIAI. TF.LF.QBAM TO THE DIEFATCII.J "Washington, January 21. Troubles liave existed among the Samoans since I860. In that year the German Commercial and Plantation Society at Apia, or rather its predecessor, the firm of Godcfrov, of Ham burg, stood on the side of Malietoa, a chief belonging to one.of the most distinguished families of Samoa. Throughout the suc ceeding 20 years the foreigners who settled at Samoa, Americans, Englishmen and Ger mans, sought, by taking sides with or against Malietoa, to strengthen respect for 'their respective nations, and thereby in crease their commerce. In 1878 the United States, which had 'previously obtained a concession of a mag nificent harbor in the Samoan Islands and established a coaling station there, made a treaty with Samoa. Being in a state of great confusion. Sir Arthur Gordon, as Queen Victoria's commissioner in the "Western Pacific, established King Malietoa firmly on the throne and issued a proc lamation. This proclamation was followed by a treaty with Jlalietoa, dated August 18, 1879. In the same year Germany also made & treaty with Malietoa. WHAT THE TREATIES WERE. The treaties entered into between the United States, Great Britain, Germany and Samoa were treaties of friendship and re ciprocity, agreed to for the purpose of pro moting the trade which American, English and German merchants had gone to the re mote Samoan Islands to establish. It was understood and acreed amonc the treaty powers that the independence and neutrality of these islands should be forever preserved. While America and England have re mained consistent to the treaty obligations and have recognized Malietoa" as the legiti mate ruler, the policy of the Germans has been a wavering one. At one time they would recognize Malieota as King, at an other the? would take sides with the op posing King. In 1884 King Malietoa was coerced into an agreement with the German government, and sent a protest about it to the German Emperor. Following the protest there was sent a petition to the English Queen, signed by nearly all the Samoan chiefs, praying for annexation to Great Britain, on the ground, anions others, that they were afraid of being forcibly annexed by the Germans. GERMANY FOILED AGAIN. In 1885, and again in 18SG, further at tempts were made by Germany to seize the sovereignty of the Samoan Islands. Each time the attempt was successfully resisted by the British and American representa tives. In the autumn of 1886 a German . named Brandcis appeared in Apia. The public was civen to understand that he was an the service of the German Commercial and Plantation Society. Among the em ployes of this firm, however, it was known that he had been selected to be the minister of Malietoa's rival, Tamaesse. Brandeis at once began to study local conditions, worked at times at the German consulate, made himself familiar with the business and social relations of Apia, and then went to Leulunioego, the home of Tamasese, in the immediate vicinity of the great cotton and cocoa plantation of the German Commercial and Plantation Soci ety. There a house was built and furnished by this society for Brandeis; and there he stayed, without it being publicly known, as theadriser-of Tamasese and perfecting him self in the Samoan language. AEMED BY TnE GERMANS. Tamasese and bis adherents were then amply supplied with arms and munition. At the beginning of 1887, within a brief period, hundreds of muskets were sent throueh the German Commercial and Plan tation Society, through Brandeis, to Tamas- j ce s party. A little later a German fleet of four or five ships was at anchor in the harbor of Apia. Four days later the Germrn consul wrote to Malietoa, complaining that German settlers had been attacked by the natives on March 22 of that year, and that from time to time during the previous four rears the German plantations had been damaged to the amount of some thousands of dollars a year. A heavy demand for compensation was made for the damage to the plantations, without a single item of particulars being given to the Samoan King. The monstrous demand was made that the sum claimed for compensation should be paid the next day a demand which, in such a country, it was practically impossi ble to meet The King wrote, promising an answer in three days, and the reply given by the German commander was the landinc on the next day of 700 troops from his squadron, and the issuing of a proclamation in the name of the Government of Germany, declaring Tamasese, King of Samoa. At the same time Malietoa was deported, first to Ham burg, then to Bremerhaven, was lodged and boarded under police supervision at Lehr, a suburb of Bremerhaven, and then was taken to Australia on board the steamship Ueckar by a German naval officer. THE CLIMAX ARBIVES. The native opposition to Tamasese, or to the Brandeis-Tamasese Government, as it ii called, reached its climax on September 9, 188S, on -which date they crowned Mataafa, a legitimate successor to Malietoa, King of Samoa, with the title of Malietoa Tooa Mataafa. Notices of tne event were at once sent to the American, English and German Consuls, the French priest and to Tamasese. Mataafa is still at the head of the Government, and is doing all in his power to keep it out of the hands of Tamasese and his German allies. The position of the United States to-day is contained in the following instructions which Secretary "Whitney telegraphed to Admiral Kimbcrly at Panama on Janu ary 11: You will at once proceed to Samoa and ex tend full protection to American interests, citizenB and property. You will consult with the American Vice Consul, examine bis ar chives and otherwise inform yourself as to the situation and all recent occurrences. You will protest against the subjugation of the na tive Kamoan Government by Germany as in vio lation of a positive agreement and understand ing between the treaty powers, but inform the representatives of the British and German Governments of your readiness to co-operato In cansinc all treaty rights to bo respected, and in restoring peace and order on the basis of a recognition of Samoan rights to inde pendence. Endeavor to prevent extreme measures against the Samoans and to bring about a peaceful settlement. The coprah trade ot Samoa seems to be the canse of all the present trouble. Coprah, the dried kernel of the cocoanut, is the staple commodity of the Samoan Islands, as it is of all the islands of the "Western Pacific. In 1885 the exports of this article for Ger man account were estimated at the value of 5222,742. The competition of four American houses has greatly irritated the German traders, their profits being thereby cinch in creased. Death by Her Own Hand. ISFECIAI. TELEQBAM TO THE DISFATCII.1 Woostee, January 21. Mrs. Doctor Thomas McClarran, of Wellington, wife of the surgeon recently stationed at the Bose bnd Indian agency, suicided at the resi dence of her sister here to-night by taking stramonium andhydrate chloral. Mrs. Mc tplarran was discharged from Newburg asylum Friday as a recovered inmate, her reason having been dethroned on account of hardships experienced while with her hus band at the Bosebud agency. HE WASN'T SLANDERED, An IotercstlDS Sharpsbure Suit Decided In Favor of the Fnlr Defendant. Joseph Williams, amanufacturerof patent medicines, was the prosecutor in a suit for slander against Cecilia Bender, the one be ing 63, the other 22. It seems a beautiful mix had occurred in Sharpsburg some two years ago, and Williams said he had been slandered, and asked HOOO damages. An unqualified verdict was rendered, fully clearing the defendant. TECHNICALITY WINS. Miller's Trial for Stealing nnd Attempted Jail Breaking Postponed. For the second tlmo IViUiam Miller was yesterday tried for stealing a watch, with the aggravated charge of trying to escape from jail with Thessen. tho counterfeiter. District Attorney Porter was ill, and had appointed R. H. Johnston to prosecute the case. W. D. Moore objected on a fine and almost forgotten point of law, and finally the case was adjourned until this morning. To-Duy's Trial Lists. Common Fleas No. 1 MeGeary vs city of Pittsburg; Watson V8 Scarer; McCormick vs Willey; Ohmlcr vs Weiss; Holtzman vs Peo ple's Gas Company; Dause vs Kerr's Bros.; Van Voorhis vs Gumbert ct al; Galbraith vs Blythe; Tracey vs Klein; Capplo vs Union township; Barbour vs Crihbs (2); Gearing vs Ahrensen et ux; Oyster et al vs Feidler ct al. Common Pleas No. 2 Arrott vs Eltchey; borough oYTarentunivsNesbit, owner; Dnnkel vs Philadelphia Companv: Toole et al vs Jones )k Laughlins; Brown vs Ball, owner; Durst vs Kchultz; Ettingsvs Jones; Bipesvs Elssessor; Hitiler vs Golinger; Silbustein vs Pennsyl vania Railroad. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs John Griffith, Henry Schmutz. Jr., Fred and Karl Grimpe (4), Dora Moehring, William Miller, David Elkins, Thomas Brcnnon.Thomas O'Don nclletaL Emma Crozicr (2). Wesley S. Creal, Albert Goldman, John McCanley, Catherine Martin, P. J. Morrow, Chris Lierzoff. James Flanigan, Weston Cook, Dan McCarty et al, John Smith. Jennie Durnin, Kath. Laughlin, John Comvn. J. YanUUam, Anna Weigert, Charles S. Faraghcr, Alphnnso Yugle Thomas . soimon, .Martin juciaurey, xnomas Har rison. Ijlnei From Lcffnl Quarters. Jacob Denceb yesterday received a verdict of 8,000 against the People's Natural Gas Company for injuries received by an explosion of natural gas at tho corner of Sixth street and Patterson aUcy on the 19th of October, 1SS7. In the suit of John Kiggons against the New York and Cleveland Gas Coal Company, in which the plaintiff, a miner employed by the defendants, was injured while working in their mines, a verdict was rendered in favor of the defendants. Is the Common Pleas Courts the suit of Thomas McCann vs tho B. & O. Railroad Com pany, to recover damages for a broken arm and ribs received on defendant's lines, is on trial: also the suit of Elizabeth Aiken against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to re cover damages for the death of her husband, who was struck by a train on a crossing. The arguments in the suit of the United States against tho Monongahela Navigation Company for the condemnation of the defend ants w orks and improvements, will be taken up inthe Circuit Court this morning. Judge Aclieson will occupy the bench instead of Judgo McKennan, who is a stockholder in the de fendant companv. United States District At torney Allen will represent the Government, and Messrs. Carnanan and Sbiras the defense. In the Criminal Conrt yesterday John Miller was found guilty of selling liquor without li cense at his placecn Beaver avenue. First ward, Allegheny. Constable D. S. McKnight was the prosecutor. Miller had organized 'a German reading and singing sociery, which rn.ido its headquarters at his house and he, act ins in the capacity of steward, served the mem bers of the club on the check system. Mem bership fees in the club were 10 cents, upon the payment of which any person could buy as many checks as he wished, each check being good for a glass of beer. Judge Hawkins yesterday handed down a decision on the suit of Humane Agent O'Brien against Joseph Booker and wife, adopted par ents of Maggie Dyer, aged 18, who were charged ith cruelty and abuse of the girl The judg ment was really rendered on asnit of Booker against O'Brien, who had had the Bookers fined for cruelty and the girl taken from them and placed in the House of Mercv. Booker took the case to court, but Judge Hawkins ordered the child taken from bis care and placed under the guardianship of her stepfather, Thomas Mahoney. TRTING TO GALVANIZE IT. A Dcspcrnte Attempt to Bovlvlfy the Electric Snsnr Refining Company. IEFECIAI. TELEGRAM IO THE DISPATCH. Xew York, January 21. W. H. Cotter ill, President of the Electric Sugar Eefining Company, keeps the memory of the great fraud green by writing daily letters about it to the company's treasurer here. Mr. Cot terill has a treat deal to say about the com pany's big secret, and thinks he will get up a complicated cipher so that he can tell his friends about it here over the wires. The subordinate officials of the company have plucked up courage again, and hint that Mr. CotterilPs secret will give electric sugar a tremendous boorn one of these days. J. J. Powell, the Englishman who came over to investigate the secret, went home Satur day without telling anyone how much he learned about it The Brooklyn end of the great enterprise has shown some signs of activity to-day. Some small debts were paid and building materials of a mysterious nature were hoisted to the top floor of the refinery. BELONGS TO THE STANDARD. Another Big I'arcbnse Practically Covers the Ohio Oil Territory. IEFECIAI. TELEGKAM TO THE DISFATCB.1 Fikdlay, January 21. Duke, Conroy and Myers, who have had a large acreage of valuable oil land in this, the Wood county field, to-day sold their entire possessions to the Standard Oil Company, getting for the same the enormous sum of $140,000. This about clears up the large holdings of oil ter ritory in this locality, and places the North western Ohio petroleum field almost entirely in the hands of the great corporation. THE JIAT0E INDICTED. He I Charged With Dynamiting Fish In the Tnacnrnwas River. rSFEClAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Coshocton', January 21. Thomas Harts horn, Caleb Crawford and W. R. Crater, all of Newcomerstown, have been indicted by the Coshocton county grand jury for dyna miting fish in the Tuscarawas river. Crater is the Mayor of Newcomerstown, having been elected with the aid of the Prohibi tionists. Bridges Across tbo Ohio. Washington-, January 2L Represent ative Taulbee, of Kentucky, to-day intro duced a joint resolution in the House de claring it unlawful to construct any bridge across the Ohio river, between Louisville and Jcffersonville, except upon the favora ble report of a board of experienced engi neers. A Blanth's Luxury for 2 Cents. For 2 cents Colgate 4 Co., 55 John St., N. Y. will mail you a sample of Demulcent Shaving Soap. Come To-Day for tbo S3 Long Garments In our Cloakroom; not jackets, but new markets, ulsters and raglans. Jos. Horne & Co.-s Penn Avenue Stores. Ik order to make room for our spring ar rival, all black silks will be offered this week at imported prices. tts Huous & Hacke. Always Ask lor Marvin's. Marvin's crackers and cakes always lead. Don't take any other make. Grocers keep them. At 40 cents per yard, all-wool English suitings, stripes and mixtures, 40 inches in width, previously sold at 60 cents per yard. tts Huous & Hacke. Come To-Dny for the 85 OOLon Garments In our cloakroom, not jackets, but new markets, ulsters and raglans. Jos. Hobue & Co.'s Penn Avenue Stores. NOT QUITE SO FDHBT. Life is Keal and Quito Earnest Be hind the Magic Footlights. GIRLS AND THEIR JEALOUSIES. A Makeup and Perhaps a Breakup in a Fe male Variety Company. AND THEN AFIEE THE 0PKA IS OYER THAT life behind the footlights isn't just whatit is painted is well known, but that tho mimic world back there is just as real as the outside world is not so pat ent. In order to learn just as much as could be learned in one night, a visit was made last night be hind the scenes where a comedy company is supposed to instruct an American public as to the proper way of dressing, singing, and, perhaps, kick ing. If there is any one inflexible rnle the manager of that par ticular theater has made, it is the rnle that none but employes be admitted behind the magic lights, and last night none but em ployes were admitted, and no one noticed the insignificant snpe who carried a broom around more as a -disguise than anything else. THE SCALES DEOP. The first five minutes back there revealed several shocking things. In the first place a fair singer or dancer isn't made of iron. She doesn't warble her little warb and re turn as coldly as she appears, but on the contrary, hangs anxiously about the flies to watch the effect of her performance upon the audience, and a thousand cheers will not pay for one single hiss. Then again, the girl who sings ot days gone by in a deep bass, yells in the most natural high C manner for some article she has lost. Such a rustling, bustling, gossiping set as the dozen professionals behind the scenes is rarely heard outside of a sewing circle. The merits of the men in the front row are thor oughly discussed, and the private boxes re ceive especial attention. One youns lady, who appears in a beautiful black silk gown and a smile (this is authoritative), actually talked coolly of this morning's prospective breakfast while showing just how a set of miraculously tight tights were put on. They are foiled inside out just like a well, a pair of tight gloves, then one tiny set of toes is inserted, and the rest is easy. .Both lady actors and singers watcn each other most jealously while each is doing her particular part, and the down-trodden, de spised snpe is tne only person who takes no interest in persons or things, though he might waken up long enough to watch an amazon net into her marching costume, but it is rarely of any use, she doesn't get into any. First impressions go for everything, and' a Monday night performance Is attended with unusual care and anxiety for, first, the critics must be pleased, and next, the aud ience must be pleased. it's just as easy. A perfect stage makeup, as one of the fair dancers last night explained can, in a pinch, be perfected in five minutes. The first point seems to be to have everything in its proper place inthe dressing room, though to tne uninitiated confusion reigns supreme. After the appropriate clothing is donned the painting and powdering and the mar velous complexions are added, generally be'bre a little handglass that would make a fright of a belle, but serves to bring the professional to perfection. Then there are all sorts of jealousies in the family. This girl, or that girl, has too much pow der, or her brows are lined too heavily. This fellow, or that fellow, thinks he is the en tire company, and a manager's abilities con sist not so much in managing the public as (adjusting little differences in his own com pany. Then, after the dancing is all over, and after the fun is all done, the popular idea is that a lot of jaded actors ana actresses seek their well-earned rest. Not any. At 12, or 1, they are at their brightest and merriest, and, for pure, unadulterated wit and good humor, a supper with these people in the early hours of the morning is prescribed as a sovereign cure for melancholy. r A EAILWAI SUIT FILED. Stockholders of n Rural Road Want to Re ceive 30 Per Cent. ISFECIAI, TELEGRAM TO THE WSPATCH.l Newark, O., January 21. Suit has been filed in Common Fleas Court by Joseph' Eiber, Daniel D. Wilson, O, F. Mehurin, John E. Fulton, Joseph Kuster, Silas B. Woolson, William H. Davis and Addison English, as holders of 132 shares of stock in the Newark, Somerset and Straitsville Rail road, against the Baltimore and Ohio and the Newark, Somerset and Straitsville Bail road Company, asking that a receiver be appointed for the last named road, and that an account be rendered every six months, the funds to be applied to liquidating the debt. The petition alleges that the Baltimore and Ohio leased said road in January, 1872, and that in 1875 it purchased a majority of tbe stock and changed the directors, select ing men to do as bid; that false and ficti tious accounts had been entered on the books, and the Baltimore and Ohio had failed to pay SO per cent that was reqnired by the terms of the lease. BIX, EIGHT AND FIFTEEN. Children of Weallhy Parents Steal on a Rather Extensive Scnlc. rErECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCII.1 Lima, January 21. For several months past Hoover Bros.' general store at Criders ville, seven miles south of this city, has been pilfered of boots, shoes and other arti cles, amounting in all to several hundred dollars. Yesterday Samuel Shiver, a young boy, aged about 15, years, called at the store and wanted to exchange a pair of shoes for a larger pair. The clerk did not remember selling the lad ofly, and, upon questioning, he confessed having been one of a gang of youthful thieves who had been plundering the store. As a result Shiver, Willie Crider and Johnny Frazier, aged respectively 6 and 8 years, were arrested for the offense and sent to jail. They are sons of highly respected parents, whose aggregate wealth is about 5250,000. THE FE0CEEDIXGS 'STOPPED. Effect of tbe Natural Gas Decision of tho supremo Court. fSFECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCn.l New Castle, January 21. Judge Mo Michael to-day handed down his rulings in the case of this city versus the Sbenango Natural Gas Company, in which the plain tiff prayed for a restraint prohibiting the defendants from increasing thejates of nat ural gas. He refuses to continue tbe Dre- j liminary injunction, basing his conclusions I nnnn Ttntnt decisions of the Snnreme Hnnrt in a like case.- , No trouble to make good bread from "Bosalia,' the best patent flour in the mar ket Manufactured by Whitmyre & Co. BOOTH AND 33ABBETT. Henry Gillie Wants a Itceciver Appointed for tho Combination Becanse of aa Allcscd Debt Colonel Inger soll Appears for the Defense. New York, January 21. Judge Patter son, in Supreme Court Chambers, heard arguments to-day upon an application of Henry F. Gillig, formerly manager of the now defunct American Exchange in Eu rope, for the appointment of a receiver for the Booth and Barrett combination, and for an accounting. Mr. Gillig, in a lengthy complaint, says that four years ago Law rence Barrett was suffering from a lack of funds, and applied to him for financial aid. He induced the directors of the exchange to assume Barrett's liabilities, in considera tion of which Gillig claims that Barrett made an agreement on February 10, 1885, to pav him 10 per cent of his earnings, weekly, until the amount advanced was re paid. Barrett, he alleges, paid about 51,500 and then quit, but he subsequently paid more and "reduced the debt of 40,000 to 515,000. When the money was advanced the plaintiff asserts the Booth-Barrett combination was contemplated, and it was in view of this that the money was advanced. Gillig claims that he is entitled to the money unaer the 10 per cent agreement, which was- made with him personally and not with the exchange. Colonel Robert Ifigersoll, who appeared for the defendants, said that Mr. Gilhg's position was a peculiar one, lor lie seemed to be in quest of a fee for securing loans from his own company. He contended that the qnestion at issue was whether the 10 per cent was bribery of Mr. Gillig or payment to the exchange. If the latter Mr. Barrett owed the exchange nothing, becanse of the usurious interest exacted. He denied that the Booth-Barrett combination was con templated at the time stated, The allega tion that Mr. Barrett was insolvent was characterized by Mr. lngersoll as nonsensi cal, for ho is worth $200,000 over all liabil ities. An affidavit in which Mr. Booth states that on hearing of Mr. Barrett's predica ment he sent him two checks for $15,000 and $2,000 respectively was submitted, and the court reserved its decision. LATE NEWS W BRIEF. The Secretary of the Treasury yesterday afternoon accepted tho following bond otters: Registered 4K, ?30,000, at 109. Yesterday some young men were shooting at a target near Bnrlington. One of the bullets went wide of the mark and killed Frank Allen, a well-known citizen. On copdition of the payment of one year's back rent the Earl of Lucan has offered tho tenants on bis estate at Castlegar, County Mayo, a release from all other arrears. Captain Wissman, who was appointed by the Foreign Office to perform special services in East Africa, will also fill the position of Consul General ot Germany at Zanzibar. The Secretary of the Navy has received a telegram from Rear Admiral Luce, dated at Key West, Fla., January 20, announcing the arrival of the Galena at that port, and saying that tbo health of officers and crew is ex cellent. Father Dowd, of St. Patrick's Church. Now York City, Sunday, condemned the Catholic Order of Foresters of Illinois, conrt3 of which have recently been established there, and cautioned the members of his congregation to have nothing to do with the order. The probability Is, according to opinions of American Consuls in Europe, that while the number of immigrants to the United States from Italy and Ireland will be less during the next season than for the past few years, there will be an Increased influx from Bohemia, Hun gary and Russia. There is no probability of a duel between Messrs. Whistler and Stott, the artists, at pres ent, all rumors to tho contrary notwithstand ing. The American has won his way here in spite of the Drejndlces against him, both on account of bis nationality and his eccentrici ties, and continental critics freely acknowledge the merit of bis works. Miss Harriet E. Coffin, who is at present at tbe pavilion for the insane at Bellcvuo Hos pital, has been pronounced Insane by New York City's insanity experts, and will bo taken to a private asylum as soon as the ne,cessa;y ar rangements are completed by her relatives. Yesterday she ceased raving abont Actor Bellow and turned her attention to Dr. Doug lass and the nurses, to whom she was very abusive. The body of Peter Tilton, aged 60, a promi nent farmer at Hampton Falls, N. H., who has been missing three vears, was found in the woods at Hampton Fails, hanging to a tree. A revolver with which he bad undoubtedly shot himself was found at tbe foot of the tree. It had been tied to bis hand by a string which bad rotted, dropping to the ground where It was found. The loss of his wife i3 supposed to havo caused the suicide. At 7 o'clock yesterday morning Are broke out in the coatroom of the Grand Opera House, St. Paul, and at 9 o'clock the roof fell in and the flames spread with Increased rapidity, and very soon tho Opera House was completely gutted. The Opera Honse, as originally built, cost $200,000, and recently was elegantly reflf ted at an expense of 20,000. The insurance is only about S75.O0O, held by companies in Mil waukee, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, York, Pa., New York, Liverpool and London. The introduction of the organization of White Caps into Iowa seems to be making rapid progress. Since January 1, at probably a dozen different points remotely situated from each other, persons have received anonymous letters advising them to change theieconduct, get out of the community or prepare for a visitation from tbe White Caps. Among others who have received warning notices is the attor ney of the Law and Order League at Sioux City, who has been told by the Regulators to leave the city. One of the large tanks recently erected at South Chicago by the Standard Oil Company, for the storage of oil piped from Lima, O., burst Sunday. More that 35,000 barrels of the inflammable liquid were scattered for more than a block in every direction. Tbe officers of the company are afraid the oil will take firo and destroy the other tanks and much other property adjacent to the plant. To prevent this they employed a force of 50 men who were stationed at the outskirts of the oleaginous mass and instructed to carefully watch it It is hoped that some of the oil may be saved, but it is thought that it will be a total loss. Mrs. David Call and her son, of Franklin, the latter aged 10, attended prayer meeting at Hill, N. H., Sunday night. While returning home in a carriage three men overtook their team in a lonely place called "The Gulf," frightened tho boy awav, dragged Mrs. Call Into the woods and assaulted her. Three men, two of them brothers, named Ballon, and one named Lnvering, aged from 19 to 21 years, who work in Franklin, were later arrested by Con stable Rowell, of Hill, and confessed their gnilt. They were arraigned yesterday and held for the grand jury. Mrs. Call is in a precarious condition. You can cure a sore throat with the help of Dr. Jnyne's Expectorant, a good remedy for coughs, and all 'hroatand lung diseases. 810 for a 820 Ulster or Rnglnn In this cloakroom to-day. This is a special chance, as our stock is entirely too large. This week must reduce it Jos. Hoene & Co.'s ' Pcnn Avenue Stores. Soiled ends of table linens, soiled towels, soiled napkins, scarfs, tidies, etc., to be closed this week. JIucus & Hacke. TTS H Just Wlint Yon Want. If you want a soda cracker, try Marvin's Orange Blossom. It is the best and sweet est made. The best housekeepers use the best flonr. The best flour is "Rosalia," manufactured by Whitmyre & Co. DYSPEPSIA. Riga, Mich. Gents I now write to let you know that I have been using your BUBDOCK BXOOD BIT TERS, and also to tell you what they havo done for me. I have been troubled with dys pepsia for years. I commenced tho use of your BuitDOCK Blood Bitters and they have brought me out all right The use of three bottles conferred tho great benefit for which I feel profoundly grateful. I will never be without it - WM.H.DELKER. A 85,000 Fictnre Free. "Will They Consent?" is a large magnifi cent engraving, 19x21 inches, an exact copy of an original painting by Kwall, which was sold for $5,000. This valuable picture is fitting to adorn any lady's parlor, and in order to offer an extraordinary inducement to introduce onr Wax Starch, this costly picture will be given away, free to every purchaser of a small box of Wax Starch. Ask your grocer for Wax Starch and obtain this beautiful and costly picture free. The Wax Starch Co., Keokuk, Iowa. Ends of embroidered flannels, slightly soiled, at very much reduced prices, rrs Huous & Hacke. Marvin's New Milk Bread. It is the sweetest and most nutritious made. All grocers keep it. Use "Eosalia" Flour. The best patent in the market. Manufactured by Whit myre & Co. i NOT F0R$I0,0Q0. Mrs. Weaver's suffering began with pain in her head, stomach. s!!i and small of her back. She had much eructation of gas from her stomach. Her food would sonr, causing nausea and frequent vomiting. She became very weak, and she also suffered with those diseases com mon to women. She treated with many physi cians, and also at a hospital, but all to no pur pose. She was finally cured by the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute. She speaks: "I would not again suffer as I have for 12 years for $10,000. it was in this condition that I began treatment with these specialists, and to my great joy I am again a healthy woman, "MRS. MARY WEAVER." Her full testimonial and address can be seen at the Institute, 22 Ninth street. Ladies suffering from diseases peculiar to their sex will find a lady connected wfth tho Institute present for consultation. Office hours, 10 a m. to 4 p. si., and 6 to 8 P. M. Sundays, 12 to 4 p. ir. Consultation free. Treatment by correspondence. jall-85-TTS -TTi "TjVS7" SCIENTIFIC Hi C? Jaj OPTICIAN, Patentee and sole manufacturer of the Eureka Eye Glass. No chain required. Eureka noso blades fitted to other eye glasses. Oculists prescriptions a specialty. All kind of lenses ground and spectacles made on the premises. 908 PENN AVENUE, PITTS. Seventeenth and Chestnut, Philadelphia. del-b53-TTS A complete assortment of Optical Goods. The best stock of Artificial Eyes. Spectacles and Eye Glasses in gold, silver, steel, shell and aluminum frames. Glasses and frames per fectly adjusted at KOJtNBLUWS Optician Store, jal3-MTWTFSuwk No. 37 Fifth ave. D.RSPEER&CO,, FRAME SASH, DOOR AND BOX FACTORY, THIRD STREET AND DUQUESNE WAY mhS-dSl BON1STALLI & BIS1, IMPORTERS AND dealers in wines, liquors and French cor dials for family use. Sole agent3 for San Gab riel Wine Company, California. 10 DIAMOND SQUARE, Pittsburg. Foreign produce a snec alty I 6e22Jbl3K-TTS rE FAMOUS GUCKENHEIMER PURE Ryo Whisky of all ages from S2 to o per gallon. THE BEST BRANDS OF CHAMPAGNE, Burgundy, Claret, Rhine and Moselle Wines by case or bottle. Rich Island Madoira, Old Oporto Port and Rare Amontillado Sherry for the sick room. Pinet, Castillon, Otard, Mar tell and Rochelle Brandies, Holland Gins and a full stock of Cordials. English Pale Ale, Brown Stout, Ginger Ale and Pure Vinegars for the table. All goods strictly pure and at cheapest possible prices. F. ANDRIESSEN. 0 and 42 Ohio street, Allegheny. myl2-TTS YELLOW SIGNS. YELLOW TUBS. Use "Peerless Brand" BALTIMORE FRESH RAW OYSTER& Selected and packed with cleanliness and care by O, H. PEAESON & CO., BALTIMORE, MD. They are the Best. Ask your Grocer for them. ja8-74-D f II X F ) ajjj-sMt JAN23, IBB- SLASHING PRICES When we say slashing, we mean cutting them to pieces, cost and value not taken into consideration. The great MARK DOWN SALE That we started last week was a great success, emptying many shelves, and bringing in lots of new customers and, what we appreciate especially at this time of year, CASH. The sale will last until our present stock taking is completed. New bargains have been added, among which are: 150 dozen Ladies' Striped full regular made Hose, i2jc; real value, 20c 80 dozen Ladies' Merino Vests, 30c; real value, 50c. 340 dozen extra fine & pure Linen Hemstitched White Handkerchiefs, i2jc; worth 25c. 180 dozen Hemstitched colored bordered Ladies' Handkerchiefs, 4c each; worth 10c. 60 dozen fine fancy striped White Handkerchiefs', 10c; worth 25c. 104 dozen Gents' fine Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, worth 38c; our price 17c. 586 dozen finest Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, worth from 20c to 25c; our price 10c. 169 dozen Misses' 4-button Embroidered Kid Gloves, selling elsewhere at $1; our price 45c. 108 dozen Ladies' Natural Wool Vests, worth 88c; our sale price 44c. 64 dozen Ladies' fine White Merino Vests, silk stitched and pearl buttons, worth 65c; our price 42c. 36 dozen Ladies' fine all-wool Ribbed Vests, selling elsewhere at $1; going this time at 62c. 84 dozen Ladies' Black Hose, imported, regular made, 13c a pair. 100 dozen All-wool full regular made Cashmere Hose, 25c a pair; regu lar selling price 40c. 219 dozen fine 2-thread Balbriggan Hose, French toes, would be cheap at 20c; our price 12c. Linen Damask Towels, with knotted fringe, 15c New Linen Towels, the celebrated "Barnsley" make, at 25c. The largest and best, ever offered. Fine Linen Towels, 42 inches long, with red, white and blue border, 25 c. Fine Linen Damask Towels, 45 inches long, 30c; worth 40c. 'WHITE GOODS. We have opened the handsomest line of plaid, striped Lace and checked Nainsooks; the sheerest and nicest goods ever brought to this market. All this season's goods, and entirely new patterns, from 10c to 25c. Full lines of India Linens, India Mulls, Victoria Lawns, Sheer Nainsooks, Tucked Yokings, Lace Yokings, Apron Goods, Tucked Skirt ings, Dotted and Plain Swisses, and a full line of plain white and fancy colored materials for sash curtains. New embroideries, from baby edg ings to skirting goods, all of our own importation and the choicest pat terns. Come and see them. BS?64 Ladies' very fine Seal Plush Sacques, equal in appearance to Seal Skin, advertised by competitors at $25; our price $15 75. 30 finest Lister's Seal Plush Jackets, 32 inches long, sizes .34, 36, worth 28; our price 12 ,98. Elegant new Beaded Spring Wraps and Fine Jackets now open. ber(bawm 510, 512, 514 MARKET NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured by Administering Dr. Haines' Golden Specific. It can be given In a enp of coffee or tea wlthont the knowledge of the person taking It: Is abso lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy care, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of Drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken Golden Specific In their coffee without their knowledge and to-day believe thev quit drinking from their own free wlU. IT NEVER FAILS. The system once impregnated with the Specific It becomes an utter, impossibility for the Ilqnor appetite to exist. For sale by A. J. Rankin, Sixth anrt 1'cnn ave.. Wttsburg: E. Ilolden & Co., 63 E. Federal St., Allegheny. Trade supplied by Meo. A. Kelly & Co., i'lttburg. Pa. ue27-58-TT9 J. DIAMOND, Optician, 38 Slxtli Street, Pittsburg. Spectacles and Eyeglasses correctly adjusted to evory defect of sight. Field and Opera Glasses, Telescopes, Microscopes, Barometers, Thermometers, etc ARTIFICIAL EYES mada to order. Land warranted. Always on hand a large and complete stock. aS-TTSSU PRATT'S AROMATIC GENEVA GUI Will be found an invaluable remedy and cer tain care for Bngbt's Disease, Stone in Blad der, and all inflammation of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs. It is also highly recommend ed, and is a sure cure for many female com plaints. JAMES E. MORRIS, Sole Agent, 153 Chambers street, N. Y. JOS. FLEMING, Solo Wholesale and Retail Agent In Pitts burg, 84 Market Street. myl7-n85-TTS Almeria and Malaga Grapes, Bananas, Florida Oranges and all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Fruits, JOHN DEBB & CO., 603 LIBERT!' STBEET. no8-TTS AT COST: All of onr stock of Magic Lanterns, Fancy Thermometers, Steam Novelties Music Boxes, etc., etc., leftover from the holidays. WM.E.STIERM, Optician, 5USMITHFIELD ST.,PITTSBURG, PA. ja8-TTS Established 1519. Telephone Call 1075. FRANK J. GUOkERT, Contractor and Manufacturer of BANK, OFFICE, STORE AND CHURCH FIXTURES, Doors. Wainscoating. Ceilings and Hard Wood Work of every description, for building and decorative purposes. Mantels, Cabineu and Furniture of Special Designs. Drawings and Estimates furnished on application. Office and factory, Nos. 68 and 70 Seventh Avenue, Pltts burg. Pa. Hard wood lumber. n27-hl00-TTS RAILROADS. BAL1IMORE AND OIIIO KAILROAD Schedule in efiect November 29, 1863. For Washington, V. C, Baltimore and Philadelphia, 11:30 a.m. and ):'. p.m. For Washington. 1).C,, and Baltimore, t7:00a.iu. For Cumberland, 17:00, 11:30 a. m., and "10:20 p. m. For Connellsvllle, t7:00 and 11:J0 a. m fl:00, 4:00 and J0:2Od. m. For Uniontown,t7:0O,tll:aa.m., tl:00and4:00 p. p. ForMt. Pleasant, t7:00 and 1 11:30 a. m,, tl:00 and tl:C0 p. m. For Washington, Pa.. 7:30, M:30 a. m., '3:35, t5:30 and '8:30 p. m. For Wheel ing, 7:30. r3:30a.m., '3:33, 8:30 p.m. For Cin cinnati and St. Lonie, "7:30 a. m '8:30 p.m. For Colurabns, 7:30a. m., S:30 p. m." For Newark, 7:30, W:30a. m., '3:35, '8:30 p. m. For Chicago, 7:30, t9:30a. m 3:33and'8:30 p. m. Trains ar rive from Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washing ton, 7:10a.m. and'C:50 p. m. From Columbus, Cincinnati ana inicago. '(. m. anu v:iup. m. rom wnpeiinjr, -:, -iu:oua. m., to:ou, -v:iu ' m. Through 6ieeplng cars to Baltimore, Was & ingion ana Cincinnati. For Wheeling, Columbus and Cincinnati, 11:55 p m (Saturday only). Connellsvllle ac. at (S;30 am. Dally. tDallyexcept Sunday. SSunday only. The Pittsburg Translcr Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences upon orders left at II. & U. Ticket Office, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street. W. M. CLEMENTS, CHAS. 0. SCULL, General Manager, (Jen. Pats. Agt. THTTSBURG AND CASTLE SHANNON K. K. JL Co. Winter Time Table. On and after October foil ISM, until farther notice. trains will run as follows on every day except Sunday, astern standard time: Leaving ntt9burg-:13 a. m., 7:15 a.m. ,9:30a. m 11:30a.m.. 1:40 p.m., 3:40 n.m 5:10 p.m. 6:30 p. m.. 0:30 p. m., 11:30 p. m. Ar lington o:u . m.. 6:30 a. m., 8:00 a. m., 10:30 a. m., 7:ll 1). m.. 10:30 n. in. Bunuav trains. . U U. lil.. Un leaving rHtsourjr iu a. m., izuu p. m., i:ai p. a. m. m., 9:10, 9:30 p. m. Arlington 9:10 :S0 n. m.. 4:20 n. m.. 6:30 m. a, m., 12 m., JOHN JAHN. Sapt. TJITTSBUKG aND WE3TE11N KA1IWAY JL irams (cet'l btan'atime) Lerrte. Arrive. 6:00 am 7:10 am 7:20 am 7:23 pm 9:20 am 4:00 pm 12:30 pm 11:05 am 1:50 pm 9:36 am 4:40 pm 6:30 am 5:10 pm 2:10 pm Butler Accommodation, Day Ex. Alc'n.Tol., 01'n,Kane nutter Accommodation Chicago Express (dally) New Castle and Greenville Ex Zellenople and Foiburg Ac. llutler Accommodation.. Through coach and sleeper to Chicago dally. ST. AND 27 FIFTH AVE. Ja22-TT8SU NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. KAUFMANNS SecoHfl Great Sale of Ouils and flnils TO-DAY, -WILL HAVE From One-Third Former Meo Sizes of Underwear While we write our Bargain Counters of O dtJS'andEndaf Over coats are surrounded with large crowds of bargain seekers, and at the rate they're selling now there won't be many of these garments left. To day, Tuesday, will be devoted to the closing out of our Odd3 and Ends of Men's fine Winter Underwear. To facilitate matters aa much" as"pos sible we have arranged A 63c COUNTER, ON WHICH WE HAVE PLACED ALL OUR I I1! Broken sizes of fine Camel's Hair Underwear, worth $i 50. Broken sizes of White Saxony Wool Underwear, worth $1 25. Broken sizes of extra fine Scarlet Cashmere Underwear, worth 1 60. Broken sizes of brown French Cashmere Underwear, worth $1 25. Broken sizes of finest gray Merino Underwear, worth $x 20. Broken sizes of heavy Wool Mixed Underwear, worth $1 35. Broken sizes of fine imported English, fancy striped, heavy Wool Under wear, in four different patterns, and well worth from $1 50 to $2. To-Day, and To-Day Only, -WE WILL GIVE- CHOICE FOR 63c. Come right in to-day, any hour between 8 and 6 o'clock, and take any size or kind of the above mentioned Undershirts and Drawers, worth from Si 25 to $2, at the unheard of low price of 63c. At this figure it will more than oarvou to lav in a supply of Underwear that'll last von several years to come. Now, remember, you must come in to-day if youj want to buy these goods. Ask for the 63c Underwear Counter as soon' as you enter. You'll easily find it. We have suspended a large sign above it to attract your eye. KAUFMANNS Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street - be STT:e,:E ietjd watch' our "Ads" in The Dispatch this week, if you want to keep posted about our Odd and End Sales. Every day we'll surprise you with something new. ja22-n RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY'S I.INES December SI, 1888, Central Standard Time. TKAIN8 PEPAKT As follows from Union Station: For Chicago, 7:23 a. m., 12:20, 1:00,7:0, 11:20 p.m.: Tolcdo- 7:25 a. m., 12:20, 1:00 and lira p.m.; Crestline. 5:45 a.m.; Cleveland, 6:1CL 7:25 a.m., 12:50 and 11:05p.m.: New Castle anrf Youngstown, 7:03 a. m.. 12:20, 3:45 p. m. ; AleadTUIe, Erie and Ashtabnla, 7:05 a. m., 12:20 p. m.; Nlles and Jamestown. J:p. m.: Masslllon. 4:10p.m.; Wheeling and ISellatre. 6:10 a. m., 12:50, 3:30p. m.: Heaver falls, 4:00, 5:05 p. m.; Leetsdale. 5:30 a. m. ALLEGUENY-Bochester, 6:30 a. m.; Beaver yallv8:15, 11:00 a. m.: Enon, 3:00 p. m.: Leets dale, 10:00, 11:45 a. m.. 2:C0, 4:30, 4:45, 5:30, 7:00, 9:00 p. m.r Conway, 10:30p. ra. SUNDAY TKAIN&i-From Plttsbnrg-ror Chi cago, 7:25 a. m 12:20. 1:00, 7:45, 11:20 p. m.: Cleve land. 11.05 p. m.: Toledo, 12:20, 1:00 and 11:20 p. m.; Youngstown, 12:20 p. m.: Beaver Falls, 8:20 a.m. From Allegheny lor 1'alr Oaks, U:40a. m.: Leetsdale, S:30p. m. THAINSAKK1VE Union station from Chicago. 1:50, 6:00, 6:35a. m., 7:35 p. m.; Toledo. Ida, 6:35 a.m., 7:35 p.m.. Crestline, 2:10 p.m.: Yonngs town and hew Castle, 9:10a. m., 1:23, 7:33, 10:15p. m.; Cleveland, 6:50 a. m 2:25,7145 p.m.; Wheel ing and Bellalrc, 9:00 a. m., 2:25, 7:45 p. m.; Erie and Ashtabula, 1:25, 10:15 p. m. ; Jlasslllon, 10:00 a. in.; Nlles and Jamestown. 9:10 a.m.; Beaver Falls. 7:30 a. m., 1:10 p. m.j Leetsdale, 10:40 p. m. AKRIVK ALLEUHENY-From Enon, 8:00 a. m.: Conway, 6:50; Rochester, 9:40 a. m.: Beaver Falls, 7:10a. m., 6:40 p. m.: Leetsdale, 5:30, 6:1j, 7:45 a. m... 12:00, 1:45, 4:30, 6:30, 9:00 p, m. SUNDAY TRAINS arrive Union station from Chicago, 1:50, 6:00. 6:35 a. m.. 7:35 p. m.; Toledo, 1:50l 6:35 a. m.; Youngstown, 7:35 p. m.; Cleve land, :50a. m.: Ueaver Falls. 8:25 p. m. Arrive Allegheny from Fair Oaks. 8:55 a. m.: Leetsdale, 6:05 p. m. E. A. FOKW, Gen'l Pass. Agt. E. B. TAYLOK, Gen'l Snpt. JAMES McCREA, Gen'l Manager. Pittsburg. Pa. nol7 PITTSBURG AND LAKE ERIE RAILROAD COMPANY Schedule In etlect January 13, 1&80. Central tlmt P. 4L. E. K. R.-DEFAKT-For Cleveland, 6:25, 7:40 a. m., '130, 4:li 9:30p. M. For Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, 6:25 a. l, '1:20, "9:30 r.H. For Buffalo, 10:20 A. M.. 4:15 9:30 P. M. For SIa manca, "7:40 a. at., 1-J, "9:30 p. M. For Beaver Falls, 5:25, 7:40, 10:20 A. 3f '100, 3:30, 4:15, 5:20, 9:30 r. 7 For Chanters, 8:25, '5:35, 6:5n, V-Ou, 7:15, 8:40, Uc, 9:25, 10:3) A. M., 12:05, 12:43, 11:25, 1:45, 3:30, 4:45, '4:10. 8:20, S:X, 10:30 P. M. ARRIVE From Cleveland, 3:30 A. M.. '1:00, 5:40, '8:00 p. m. From Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, 1:O0l 8:00 p.m. From Buffalo, 5:30 a. jr., 1:00,5:40 p.m. From Salamanca, '1:00, '8:00 p. M. From Youngstown, 3:30, 6:"0, 9:20 A. M., 1:00, 5:40, '8:00 r. M. From Bcfver Falls, 5:30, 6:30, 7:20. 9:20 a. jr., '1:00. 1:33: 6:40, 8:0O. p.m. From Chartlers, 5:10, 5:22, 5:30. 6:42, '6:50, 7:08, 7:30, 8:30, 90. 10:10 A. M., 12:00 noon. 12:30. lili Ida. 3:42, 4:00. 4:35, 5:00. 5:10, 5:4a 9:12P. M. P., McK. & Y. R. B.DEPABT For New Haven, 5:40a. M., 3:55 r. M. For West Newton. 5:15 p. H. For New Ilaven. 7:00 A it., Sundays, only. ARWVE-From NcwHaven, 9:00 A.M., 5:05P. 31. From West Newton. 6:45, 9:0OA.M.,5aT5P.M. Dally. Sundays only. E. HOLBROOK, General Superintendent. A, E. CLAKK, General Passenger Agent. City ticket office, 401SmlthfleId street. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD Trains leave Union Station (Eastern Standard time): Klttannlng Ac. 6:5 a. m.; Niagara Ex., dally. 8:45 a. it... liulton Ac., 10:19 a.m.; Valley Camp Ac, 12:05 p. m.; Oil City and DuBols Ex press,2:00p.m.;liultcn Ac, 3:00 p.m.: Kittinnlng Ac, 4:00p.m.; Braeburn Ex., 5:00 p.m.: Klttann lng Ac, 5:30 p. m. ; Braeburn Ac, 6:20 p.m.: liul ton Ac, 7:50 p. m.; Buffalo Ex., dally, 8:50 p. .; liulton Ac. 9:45 c. m.: Braeburn Ac, n:30p. m. Church trains Braeburn, 12:40 p. m. and 9:35 p. m. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Pittsburg and Buffalo. E. II. UTLEx. O. F. Jt P. A.: DAVID MCCABGO, Gen. Dust. 3 TUESDAY, -OUR- TO -GO AT- to One-Half Their Prices. i'i CHOICE FOR 63c. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD-ON AND after November 26, 138. trains leave UnloA Station, Pittsburg, as follows. Eastern Standard Time: SIAIN LINE EASTWARD. New York and Chicago Limited of Pnilmaa Ve Ubule dally at 7:15 a. m. Atlantic Express dally for tho East, 3:00 a.m. Mall train, dally, except Sunday, 6:55 a. m. Sua- aay. mail, b:4u a. m. Mall express dally at 1:00 p. m. Philadelphia express dally at 4:30 p. m. Eastern express dally at 7:15 p. m. Fast Line dally at 9:00 p. m. Greensburg expres95:l0 p. in. week days. Derry express 11:00 a. m. week days. All through trains connect at Jersey Cltywlta boats of "Brooklyn Annex" for Brooklyn. N. Y., avoiding double ferriage and Journey through N. Trains arrive at Union Station aa foUows: Mall Train, daUy 8:20 p.m. Western Express, dally 7:45 a. m. Pacific Express, dally 12:45 p.m. Chicago Limited Express, dally 8:30 p.m. Fast Line, dally 11:55p.m. SOUTHWEST PENN RAILWAY. For Unlontown, 5:43 and 8:35 a. m. and 4:23 p. ra., without change of ears; 1.00 p.m., connect ing at Greensburg. Trains arrive from Union town at 9:45 a. m., 12:20, 6:15 and 8:20p. in. WEST PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. From FEDERAL ST. STATION. Allegheny City. Mall train, connecting for Blalrsvllle... 6:43 a. m. Express, for Blalrsvllle, connecting for Butler 3:15 p. in. Butler Accom 8:20a. m., 2:25 and 5:45 p. m. Sprlngdale Accom 11:40 a. m. and 6;p. m. Frecport Accom..... 4:00, 8:13 and 10:30 p. m. OnSnnday 12:50 and 9:30p. m. North Apollo Accom 10:50 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. Allegheny Junction Accommodation. connecting for Butler. 8:20 a. m. Blalrsvllle Accommodation 11:30 p. m. Trains arrive at FEDERAL STREET STATIONS uay Express, connecting from Butler 10:35 a. m. Jlall Train 2:35 p.m. Butler Accom 9:25 a. m.. 4:40 and 7:20 p. m. Klalrsvllle Accommodation 9:32 p. m. Freenort Accom.7:40 a.m., 1:32. 73) and 11:00 p. ra. On Sunday 10:10 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Sprlngdale Accom 6:37a. m., and 3:02 p. ra. North Apollo Accom 8:40 a. m. and 5:40 p. su MONONGAHELA DIVISION. Trains leave Union station. Pittsburg, as follows: For Monongahela City, Wesi Brownsville and Unlontown. Ua. m. For Monongahela City and West Brownsville, 7:05 and 11 a. m. and 4:40 p. m. On Sunday. 1:01 p. m. For Monongahela City, 3:40 p. m., week davs. DravosburgAc, weekdays, 3:20 p. m. West Elizabeth Accommodation, 8:50a.m., 2:00, 6 :2u and 11:35 p. m. Sunday. 9:40 p. m. Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenue and Try street and Union station. CHAS. E. PUGIL J. B. WOOD, General Manager. Gen'l Pasa'r Agent. PANHANDLE ROUTE-NOV.12, 1SSS. UNIOJC station. Central Standard Time Leave for Cincinnati and St. Louis, 7:30 a. m.. 8:00 and 11:15 p.m. Dennlson. 2:45 p.m. Columbus, and Chicago 12:05, 11:15 p. m. Wheeling. 7:80 a. m., 12:03, 6:10 p.m. Steubenville, 3:55 a. ra. Washington. R. a. m ,.r ?' a. m. Burgettstown, 5:25 p. m. Mansflela, 7:13, 8:35, 11:00 a. m., 1:55, 3:30, 4:55. 6:30, 3:33; 10:40, p. 1..M y u.. A.U.KC,, .v.tV McDonalds. 4:15, 10:00 p. m. From the West, 1:50, A oaA " m.. 3:03. S:5Sn- Tn DennlsoL, 9:35 a. m. Stenbenvllle, 5:05 p. m. Wheellnr. 1:50. 8:45 a.m.. 3:05. 5:55 p.m. Burnett town, 7:15a. m. Washington, 6:55,7:50, 9:55a.m.. 2:35. 6:20 p. m. Mansneld.8:33, 6:33, 7:30, 9:00 a. m.! 12:45 and 10:00 p. m. Bulger. 1:40p.m. McDonalds. 6:33 a. m.. 9:00 p. ra. Sunday For Cincinnati and the West, 7:30 a.n; 8:U) and 11:15 p. ni. For Chicago, 11:15 p. m. Bur- ettstown, 11:33 a. m. Mapsdeld, 8:35 p. m. Me lonalds 4:15. 10:00p.m. From the West, 1:50, 6.-C8 a. m. and 5:55 p.m. Burgettstown, 9:06 a. m. Mc Donalds, 6:35. 9:00 p. m. Mansfield, 6:20 p. m. E. A. FORD, Gen'l Passenger Agent: J A3. Mo CREA, Gen'l Manager, Pittsburg, fj,; j, jp, MILLER, Gen'l Sup't. Columbus, O. i