THE PITTSBUEQ- DISPATCH, MOND'A JANTTART 21, 1889. tljje Btgpfalj. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 8, 1SJS. Vol. , No. 349. Entered l Pittsburg l'ot o&lce, November it, 18S7. as secona-ciass matter. Business Offlco--G7 and 99 Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House--75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. Till paper bitting more tban Double tho circulation of any otber'ln tbe State onttlde of Philadelphia, Its advantages a an adver tising medium will be apparent. TERMS OF THE DISPATCH. postage rscz ih the wited statbb. Daily Dispatch, One Year. f 800 DAlLTDlsrATCU, Per Quarter 200 Dailt Disr-ATcn, One Month 70 Daily Dispatch, Including Sunday, one year. 10 00 Dailt Dispatch Including Sunday, per qnarter 150 Dailt dispatch, Including Sunday, one month. M BOXBAY Dispatch, one year. ISO Wexelt Dispatch, one year 125 The Daily dispatch 1 delivered by carriers at It cents per week, or Including the Sunday edition, at 20 cents per week. PITTSBURG, MONDAY, JAN. 21, 1S89. THE VAKDEEBIIT PURCHASE. The announcement that the entire Hos tetter interest in the stock of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad has been closed out to the Vanderbilts is the new point in the business movements of the day which will set Pittsburg on the qui vive this morning. Speculation as to what it means will vary widely, and it will probably remain noth ing but speculation until the future develops the Vanderbilt policy in this section. "We are inclined to augur favorably from this increase of the Vanderbilt interest in Pittsburg's railroad. The old fear that the Vanderbilts would repeat the South Penn operation and turn over the property to Pennsylvania Railroad control, has been allayed by the policy of the present genera tion of Vanderbilts. They have completed the Beech Creek road and made it a profit able investment They profess a readiness to do their share to carry out the South Penn enterprise in good faith to their partners in the project. In connection with these fact? this addi tional investment in the road which will be a connecting link in the new throngb line, may be regarded as evidence that the Van derbilts are in the Pittsburg railroad busi ness to stay, if not to expand. It is quite possible to deduce from this purchase the expectation of a prompt com pletion of the South Penn or of a connecting road between the Beech Creek road and the Pittsburg and Lake Erie, or possibly both. But it may be wiser to let the future show what will be done in that direction. wanted, the excuses for it would be far more plentiful than the money. The great recommendation to such a meas ure would be that it would put the-exercise of suffrage in its proper light, that of a duty, and would remove the error that it is a priv ilege. The great majority of the women who are asking tor suffrage consider it in the latter light, and many of them say that they are not certain that they would vote, but they want the right if they should choose to exercise it "We have too many voters of that sort already. The men of in telligence and culture who (ail to perform their duty, and so leave elections to the con trol of the ignorant and vicious, would be iniormed by a law of this sort that they must do their duty in voting just as they must in paying taxes. The weak point of such a law is that afforded by the question whether it would be enforced. Would the influential and wealthy citizen who stays away from the polls be punished, or would the law, as so many of our statutes do, fall promptly to the status of a dead letter? Two such alternatives constitute the condi tion known as a dilemma. President Adams, of tho Union Pacifio Railroad, leaves the country in doubt in his letter accepting Mr. Bromley's resigna tion, whether he means to abandon the work oi securing a compromise of that corpora tionsdebt with the Government, or whether he thinks it can be secured without effort from the next Congress. HARRISON'S GENEALOGY. THE PEOPLE OK PBOHIBITIOK. The commencement of a series of articles giving the local views of the various coun ties in the State on the question of prohibi tion, appears in another column. The view of Washington county is presented in this article, and it is hardly necessary to state that the Washingtouians ore true to their name in being strongly in favor of the pro hibition amendment That tendency of opinion may be regarded as typical of a leading class in the rural districts of "West ern Pennsylvania, though it may well be doubted if it is as strong anywhere in the State as it is in Washington county. The Dispatch will continue its researches into the opinion of the State until all sections of the Commonwealth are heard from, and our readers will have a very good chance to learn how the verdict of the people will he given on the question next June. PARTISANSHIP AND NEW STATES. The bill which the House has passed for the admission of new States, while it has been held up as an indication of readiness to perform a long-delayed act of justice to the Territories that were qualified for State hood, is in reality a reassertion of the old platform of the Democrats, that they will not aid in the admission of new States un less they can get something out of it Jot themselves. Briefly stated, the bill offers to the Senate the proposal that South Dakota, with a per manent and growing population of over 350,000, can come into the Union if she is yoked with Montana, which has a popula tion of 140,000, largely of the mining class, which the example of Nevada shows is not to be depended on. These are for immediate admission, while for the future, Washing ton with 300,000 and North Dakota with 230,000, must be saddled with New Mexico, which has 175,000, three-fifths of which is of the Mexican and half-breed stamp that is wholly unfit for citizenship. Such a propo sition, which can only delay the admission of the Republican Territories six months, reveals partisanship in its most impotent form. It is a pity that the Democrats could not have shown, in the last session that they will control the House, enough ability to rise to the level of statesmanship and offer a meas ure presenting the standards of population, wealth and enlightenment, which should admit any State to the Union. THE HEW WASHBHEN. The selection of a Washburn by the Re publican caucus on the United States Sena torship from Minnesota, and this time tbe Millionaire Washburn, affords ground for some curious speculations, in view of the previous announcement that Ignatius Don nelly and the Farmers' Alliance would be able to control tbe election. It hardly seems that the leader of the millers' com bination to make wheat cheap and flour dear would be persona grata to the Farmers' Alliance; while Donnelly's famous expres sion of opinion concerning the predestin ation of the Washburns for Congressional positions, while it will not bear publication, is calculated to create the opinion that the cipher discoverer would not rally to the sup port of the new representative of money in the Upper House. Has Washburn devel oped a cipher in the Senatorial canvass that convinces Donnelly, or beats him? Or is more music still to be heard from Minnesota, with the granger element interposing its veto on the further reinforcement of the money-bag contingent in the Senate? HAVE WE GOT TO FIGHT! The intelligence from Samoa, which was published in yesterday's issue of Dispatch, indicates that the nation is confronted with a graver crisis than it has known in its foreign relations since the days of the Civil War. It is doubtful whether even the Vir- ginius dispute or any international ques tion since the days of the Trent capture, equaled in gravity of consequences the in sult which the United States is reported to have received at Samoa. Unless the report is wholly and intentional ly exaggerated, the German forces at Samoa have not only disregarded the treaty be tween the three civilized Powers, but have insulted, fired upon and destroyed property under the protection of the United States flag. It "might be hoped that the re port was untrue, if it were not that the ruling powers of Germany have lately taken no pains to conceal their con tempt for a Government which makes so little preparation for war as ours does. The administration by ordering all avail able vessels on the Pacific coast to proceed at once to Samoa, indicates the possession of official intelligence that conveys grave news. Of course if we submit to open insult such as this we only invite further aggressions from a republic-hating Government like Germany. It is a very different matter to deal with than that of Hay ti. Onr knowl edge of this difference, and the close ap proach to pusillanimity, which has marked our conduct in the Samoan difficulty has probably gone far to create the idea among the Germans that we will accept almost any outrage meekly. It is time to correct that notion. THE WAY TO LEAL WITH IT. The people of New Hampshire seem to have no trouble in solving the White Cap question. That is the fair conclusion from the report of what one village has done upon the appearance of that epidemic. Some one in that vicinity conceived the idea that it would be very nice to frighten the public by the anonymous letters with which this class of law breakers threaten people under pretense of regulating public morals. Their career had not gone beyond the distribution of the letters, however, be fore some sharp detective work was done, and 13 persons were lodged in jail under ar rest for conspiracy. By the time they have served a term in the workhouse, it is safe to say they will be cured of all tendencies to ward night-riding and whipping women. Governor Foraker, and all advocates of the policy of making agreements with "re spectable citizens" who adopt the tactics of organized ruffianism, will please take notice that the way to deal with White Capism, is to have a vigorous system of laws and en force it without fear or favor. The Northwestern millers combination is still struggling with its mightiest efforts, to realize its idea of cheap wheat and dear flour. It is interesting to learn, on the authority of Mr. Childs, that Mr. Singerly finds Mr. Cleveland acold man;butitis not especially surprising nor is the fault peculiar to Mr. Cleveland. It is natural, if not inevitable, that the Democratic wheel horses should find pretty nearly everything very cold this winter. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Dr. Chabcot, the famous French doctor, Is opposed to tho admission of women to his pro fession. The Emperor of China has 30 physicians and surgeons In his household, notwithstanding which he is frequently ill. Mr. Gladstone lunched in Jupiter's Tem ple at Pompeii on Tuesday. While in the his toric town tbe Homeric scholar witnessed an interesting excavation. M. Jacques, who is opposing General Bou langer in the Parliamentary contest in the De partment of the Seine, is a rich distiller, but politically he is comparatively unknown. The Rev. Mother Mary Aloysios O'Connell has jast died in her 73d year. In tho St. Bede's Convent of Mercy, Sunderland, England. She came from Cork in 1843. at the foundation of the convent, and continued in charge until her death. She was a cousin of tbe great Daniel O'Connell. A Washington man. Major J. H. Stine, is making a collection of branches from trees that crew on the great battlefields of the late war. He bas Just received from a Virginia friend pieces ot pine from Chancellors ville,cedar from Slaughter's Mountain and from Hancock's winter quarters in 1863-64. Chief among Boston's capitalists is Mont gomery Sears, whoso vast holdings of valua ble real estate give him a claim to be called the Astor of the modern Athens. He inher ited $9,000,000 a few years ago from his father, Joshua Sears, who came to Boston without a penny and established a small grocery business. J AT Gould has been ordered to the South by his physician, Dr. John P. Munn. Prepara tions have been in progress for the trip for some little time and a start will be made almost immediately. His younger children will ac company him as far as the White Sulphur Springs, in Virginia. Whilo no great peril threatens Mr. Gould's life, his physician will insist on an extended tour through the semi tropics. SCOTT NOT OUT OF POLITICS. Somewhat He Descended From Stnater John Harrison, Virginia' First Governor No Relation to Cromwell's Batcher His Family Tree, Cont-of-Arms end Creat. tCOKItESPONDENCE Or THE PISFATCH.l Washington, January20. There have been many statements made in the past month to the effect that the President-elect was a de scendant from Cromwell's General Harrison. The President-elect has been written to on the subject and his widely-published reply went to show that if he did not believe that the asso ciate of the "bloody Cromwell" was his ances tor, he was not entirely Bure of the fact I am able to asseverate and conclusively prove, I think, that the next President of the United States is no more descended from the regicide than he is from tbe regicide's chief, whose history is entirely damnable, and whose very name is an utter abomination. Mr. B. E. Blackford, originally of Freder Icksburg, Va., but a resident of Washington for the past five decades, bas made heraldry and genealogy his fad for many years and has made an especial study of the lineage and an cestry of the old Virginia families. He fought beneath the stars and bars In tho rebellion, ana YESTERDAY'S DISPATCH. The The last stroke of policy on the part of the young German Emperor is to dismiss all the French cooks in the Imperial employ and to substitute for them native Germans. Possibly this may be explained on the ground of an indigenous taste for saur kraut and wurst; but it looks like the outbreak of a spirit which may yet forbid tailors and modistes from using French chalk in mark ing out their patterns. With the imperious masters of Germany putting both France and the United States under the ban, the two great republics may take the notion of presenting their claims to respect in a joint form. It is rather misstating the case to assert, as a Republican organ does, that "a United States Judge very promptly and vigorously sat down on the attempt to smirch Colonel Dudley." Such talk, in view of tbe facts is likely to accentuate the general bdief that Colonel Dudley smirched himself. The report of a case in New York in which a woman was arraigned for pawning twenty-seven pairs of trousers which she had been making at the ideal wages of 35 cents a dozen, and defended herself by the fact that she could not get the wages due her for making eighty-eight pairs for the same employer, should lead society to ask itself in earnest whether the present rule of shaping economic operations for the benefit of the rich is not a failure. Story That He Is Has a Antique Flavor. Special Telegram to the Dispatch. Washington, January 20. The Herald, a Sunday morning Democratic newspaper of this elty, has the following this morning: "The cor respondents who predicted that Hon. 'William L. Scott was about to retire from politics will be surprised to learn that be was elected last week a member of the Democratic State Committee of Pennsylvania. Also, that Instead of aban doning the tariff reform, that committee have passed resolutions favoring It. That Mr. Scott will not retire from pol itics W- have from a very intimate political friend of the member from Erie. Jnst such talk was heard about Mr. Scott in 1877, and it grew out of Mr. Scott's disgnst at the abandonment of the constitutional method of settling the disputed Fresidental election. He was then in favor of seatingTilden, and because it was not dono some people said at the time that he would give up politics. Again, in 1SS0, an attempt was made to shelve him. After a fight and a compromise at tbe State Conven tion at Harrisburg he was sent as Delegate at Large to Cincinnati, the representative of the Ti den-riandau combination. Alter tne nomi nation of Hancock, an attempt was made to force him to withdraw from the position of member of the National Committee, and to substitute Wallace in his place. This he de clined to do, and then, after the Hancock cam paign, it was said that he was 'out of politics.' "Once more, in 1884. when Wallace was put to the front, ostensibly as the Pennsylvania leader, Mr. Scott took a vigorous part in tbe campaign, contributing more money, it is said, than anyone else, and doing a great deal of hard work. And now the same story Is going the rounds, equally devoid of truth, that Mr. Scott will go out of politics because Mr. Cleve land failed of election on the tariff reform issue. 'I predict,' said my Informant that Mr. Scott will be on hand at the next National Democratic Convention and play his part In it His health is not so Infirm as some of bis enemies say it is in fact all he needs Is such rest as he can take whenever be feels so dis posed. He is not at all disheartened by the result of the campaign, which he doesn't con sider a fair test of public sentiment on the tariff reform issue.'" in bis Democracy be Is noteworthy and unre lenting. These facts gavo an additional em phasis when he said to me the otber day: "As an old Virginian I resent the idea that the descendants of one of the oldest of our Virginia families and the President-elect of our country should for a moment bo considered to have sprung from regicides and Cromwellian satraps. The glaring character of the mis statement can De snown in a lew woras. urum well's General Harrison is merely supposed to have come to America after Cromwell's execu tion In 1660. Now, as. I will prove to you, the ancestor of the President-elect was governing Virpinia in 1623, 27 years before the Cromwell lte is said to have come to America. Master John Harrison. "Among the second Importation of Virginia colonists under John Smith, about the year 1609, was one Master John Harrison, gentleman. In 1623 the Virginia Company, as a private cor poration, was extinguished, and Master John Harrison was made Governor of Virginia. To him, in 1613. was born a son, who in due time became known as Beniamin Harrison.of Surrey. This son was the first great landed proprietor of bis name In Virginia. He was tmried at Westover, on the James river, and amonument was erected on the lawn of the family estate. Tbe monument, which is still extant, bears the following epitaph: Here lyeth the body of Honora ble ltenlamln Harrison. Esnulre. whodldjuilice, loyed mercy and walked numbly with his God; was always loyal to his l'rlnce, ana a great Denei&cior to his OP STDRDI ST0CE. An Interesting Old Keystone Statesman With a Centenarian Mother. Harrisburg, January 20. The most Inter esting figure in the Pennsylvania Legislature is the Hon. John S. Rhey, member of the Lower House from Cambria county. He Is past 70, was Speaker of the House in 1852, and Is the only representative of the old school Democ racy now in public life in Pennsylvania. As Speaker of the House in 1S25, he appointed the committee that looked after the entertainment of Louis Kossuth and his suite when they visited Harrisburg and escorted tbem across the State to Pittsburg, a large part of tbe journey having to be made in sleighs, there being no Pennsylvania Railroad to Pittsburg then, and the State canal being frozen. Mr. Rhey is one of the oldest and ablest lawyers, journalists and politicians In active life in tbe State to-day. His mother is living, and will soon be 100 years old. A NEW. OCEAN CABLE COMPULSORY SUFFRAGE. Governor Hill's recommendations for bal lot reform have provoked a good deal of sarcasm which is not unjustifiable, in view of the source from which they come. It is justice, however, to rcognize that he made a novel and pertinent snggestion in recom- mending an enactment for compulsory vot ing. This is presented as a means of removing a cause for a large amount of corruption. With a fine imposed upon every elector who fails to vote, unless prevented by sickness or unavoidable absence from his place of residence, tbe excuse for raising large sums of money "to get out the vote" would, it is argued, be taken away. We doubt whether that argument is well-founded. There are plenty of other excuses for raising big cam paign 'funds; and when the money was Governor Hoard, of Wisconsin, makes good his claim to the title oi "the cow Gov ernor by recommending the total exclusion of bull butter from his State. The Gover nor should cast his eye over to Pennsylvania and learn that it is easier to enact such a law than to get it obeyed. The recent touch of blizzard in the Northwest does not seem to have had vital ity enough to reach this section. The ther mometer went down to 36 degrees below zero at Winnipeg, which was sufficient to raise a general hope of an ice crop in the Northern tier of States. Probably yester day's snow storm was the southern edge of that cold wave; but so far at least, the stock ofgelidityin the latitude of Pittsburg has not been increased. The Washington Post attacks the idea that a protective tariff could develop the art of painting. The esteemed Post is evidently familiar with the art of painting the town, and knows that it defies foreign competi tion, protected or unprotected. The interview with Mr. O. P. Scaife, printed on the fifth page of this issue, sets forth fully the practical workings of the new street railway bill. He also shows wherein the obnoxious clause affects con templated improvements and proposed lines of road to open np the outlying distiicts of Allegheny City. The Allegheny members should carefully peruse Mr. Scaife's re marks. It is interesting to learn that an alter native to Mahone, as a Southern representa tive in Harrison's Cabinet, is presented in the person of Powell Clayton, of Arkansas. To bo Laid From Cuba to Yncatao Conces sions Granted. City or Mexico, January 20. The Spanish Government has granted a concession for a submarine cable from Cuba to Yucatan, but the concessionaire will find difficulties here. It is claimed that the Mexican Telegraph Com pany's charter gives it the sole right to operate a cable line. The Government will probably take steps airainst tbe railroad telegraph lines, as their charters do not allow them to transmit messages for the public A MIX IN MEXICO. The Government Charged With Mismanage ment of tbe Country's Finances. City of Mexico, January 2a The VozDe Mexico (Conservative), the organ of Arch bishop Labastide. has begun an attack upon tbe Government for alleged mismanagementof the country's finances. The JOfaro Official, the organ of the Government denies the charges and declares that tbe Government was never in a more prosperous financial condition. In tbe First Bank. From the Philadelphia Daily News.: In some respects The Pittsburg Dispatch is the best newspaper published In the State. In all respects it is in the first rank, very near the head of the column. One Form of Editorial Amusement. From the Chicago Inter-Ocean. I Democratic editors who are using President Cleveland as a springboard for leaps into space should have more consideration for the man who is down. After Babbits Bat Got Gold. Lotns viixe. Jan 2a Near Eckert yesterday, while three boys were hunting, they dug Into an old log after a rabbit and discovered a pot of gold coins. The treasure counted out 51,000. DEATHS OF A DAI. Isaac Brit, Jr. NEW YOBX, January SO.-Isaac Bell, Jr., ex TJnlted States Minister to the Netherlands, died this morning at 9:3 o'clock. country, "This worthv man," continued Mr. Black ford, "left thre'e sons. The eldest was a Ben jamin Harrison, of Berkeley, who died in April, 1710, at the age of 37. A monument was erect ed to his memory In Westover, at the expense of tbe State. He left a son named Benjamin, who married a daughter of Robert Carter, of Corotoman called King Carter, and a celebrity in those days. This Beniaman Harrison was, with his two daughters, killed by lightning. Of hi3 sons, tbe first was Benjamin, the great grandfather of the President-elect, and one of the Blgners of the Declaration of Independ ence. It conld not have been said of him that he was always loyal to his Pnnce, but it can be said that he was tho father of a ruler and the great-grandfather of a ruler or a country far more great and happy tban ever Pnnce or King drew bounty from. "Tbe signer of the Declaration of Independ ence married Miss Bassett. They bad three sons Benjamin, Carter(amemberof Congress) and William Henry, ninth President of the United States. There was one daughter who married Randolph N. 'Wilton. "President Harrison's son, John Scott was tbe father of tho President-elect, and I think you will admit that the succession from Mas ter John to the gentleman who will succeed Mr. Cleveland on the 4th of March has been very clearly shown." Harrison's Family Tree. Mr. Blackford rapidly drew a partial genea logical tree, which tells its own story at glance: Master John Haheisox, First Governor or Virginia In 1(23. Ills son, Benjamin Harbison, op Subeet. Born 1645. His son, liENVAMIN HARRISON, OP BERKELEY, Died AprU, 1710. His son. 15EXJA1IIX HAItlUSOX. Killed by lightning. His son, BENJAMUr HAIUJISON. Great-grandfather of the l'resldent-elect. His son, William Henry Harrison, President of tbe United States. His son, John Scorr Harbison, father of THE PRESIDENT-ELECT. "Hugh Griggsby,"contInued my genealogical enthusiast, who insisted on supplementing bis facts with documentary evidence, "in his book on the 'Convention of 1776,' sajsof the Harri son family: 'Of all the ancient families in the colony, tbat of Harrison, if not the oldest, is one of the oldest;" and added: 'From 1023 to this date, a period of two centuries and a half, tbe name has been distinguished for the patri otism, the Intelligence, and the moral worth of those who have borne it' " Mr. Blackford also showed me the coat of arms of tbe Harrison family, and described them as fo lows, in heraldic vernacular: "Percale git. and az.; an eagle displayed or, rnuraUy gorged of tbe nrstbetween two pheons in fesse arc., chief indented erminois. "Crest The faces fessivise ppr. banded gu., surmounted by an anchor erect entwined by a cable all sold. "A prominent English family, the Harrisons of Tynemoutb." said Mr. Blackford in con clusion, "of record in Burke's Landed Gentry, has adopted these arms and the crest, although their genealogy is not traceable to the far older family, the Harrisons of Virginia." All Eyes ou Blaine. The presence of Mr. Blame in the city has ex cited a lively local interest in tbe question of Cabinet possibilities. Mr. Blaine is placed, by this condition of affairs, in a very unenviable position. His hotel bas been besieged by re porters and correspondents of metropolitan papers who have been instructed by manag ing editors to obtain interviews with him on the ruling political question of the day: and to ail of these Mr. Blaine has been obliged to deny himself studiously. He cannot comment on the President-elect or venture an opinion of the possibilities of his choice for members of his political family. Mr. Harrison bas toldbim no more tban he has told anyone else, and I have the authority of those who have talked with Mr. Harrison recently, and for whom be sent to Washington, that he bas told no one any thing concerning his plans. One Senator who went to Indianapolis and had a long talk with General Harrison said to me on bis return to this citv: "When they tell you that Harrison has said or intimated this or that concerning his plans, believe nothing of what they say. Mr. Harrison asks a great many questions but he has not committed himsclf'in any way, and I do not believe he bas made up his mind yet." Knowing nothing, then, Mr. Blaine would be much embarrassed by curious questions con cerning bis political future and that of the new administration. For this reason he has been denied to newspaper men and has received only tho personal friends who have called to pay their respects. A Significant Straw. During his brief stay at the Richmond, and before bis removal to his permanent quarters at the Nonnandie, Mr. Blaine was entertained informally at dinner by General John B. Hen derson, of Missouri, and his wife. This event was looked upon by some people as significant as General Henderson is regarded as a strong Cabinet possibility. I do not believe it bad any political significance, however. Mr. Blaine bas been a friend of Mr. Henderson for a long time. Mr. Henderson was chairman of the convention which nominated Mr.BIaine tor the Presidency nearly five years ago. Mr. Hender son was not at tbat timo a Blaine maD, bow ever, and he bas never been a supporter or Mr. Blaine for the Presidcntal nomination. He had hoped, before the convention of 1888. that Mr. Sherman would be nominated, but when he saw that the nomination of Mr, Sherman was not possible, he did some strong work for General Harrison. Dnring tbe campaign in October, when money was being freely spent in Indiana, Chairman Huston, of tbe Indiana State Committee, made an appeal to General Henderson for financial assistance, and within 48 hours a meeting had been called in St. Louis, and 835,000 raised and forwarded to Mr. Huston. It was done so Quietly tbat not 200 Renublicans In St. Louis knew anything about it. Tbat $35,000 did a "power of good" in the campaign, and General Harrison has probably not for gotten It It was an odd feature of General Henderson's relation to tbe campaign that he, like Mr. Quay, did not know General Harrison. His service in tbe Senate was long before General Harri son's time, and although he has met the President-elect, he bas no acquaintance with him. This does notprevent General Harrison know ing General Henderson by reputation, and be bas made Inquiries about him of several of those whom be bas summoned to Indianapolis to advise with him. This is significant of noth ing except that General Harrison bas had Gen eral Henderson's namecalledtobis attention in some strong and impressive way; but it opens the road to many speculations. General Hender son was responsible in a great degTee for the surprising political change in Missouri In the recent election, and it is possible that the next presiaenc win minx mat a recognition or that State will pave the way to bring it into the Re publican fold in the near future. O'BBnaj-BAiN. I Brief Summary of tbe Leading Features of tbe Mammoth Doable Number. Startling news comes from Samoa. The Ger man forces are reported to have torn down the United States flag, fired upon, beaten and stabbed American citizens. Secretary Bayard has been notified of the numerous outrages. The East Africa bill is likely to be passed by the Reichstag with little onnositlon. Bismarck will then make a statement as to the co-operation of the German Government. Boulanger has spent a fortune to gam a victory in the Parisian election, which occurs next Sunday. Those who bet are offering odds that the Gen eral will triumph. An English paper exposes its ignorance and makes ridiculous statements anent the rumor tbat Carnegie is to enter Har rison's Cabinet. The cable dispatches were unusually replete with interesting news. Advices from Washington and Harrisburg state that a perfect understanding has been effected been Quay and Magee, and that all Is now harmonious In the councils of the Repub lican party of Pennsylvania, Harrison made a pleasure trip to Terre Haute, and succeeded in eluding the office seekers for one day. A passenger train jumped the track on theNorth western Railroad in Northern Michigan. Three persons were killed and a large number Injured. A French woman, who led a romantic career, died in poverty near Baltimore. Miss Haffa, a boautlful young lady of Philadelphia, was taken to the Insane hospital. Her malady was caused by unrequited love, and the object of her affections was the son of Chief Justice Williams, of Pennsylvania. Senator Brown, of Georgia, a Democrat enlivened the monotony of the tariff discussion, by de livering a speech in favor of protection. The statue of General Cass, presented to the United States by the State of Michigan, has arrived in Washington and will soon be un veiled. A. dispute between two fanners near Canonsburg, Pa., over the right of way, led to the burying of one of the wranglers op to his neck in a pit. White Caps attacked and brutally treated a half-witted boy near Sham okln. Pa. A pneumatic dynamite gun for naval use was tested at New Yoik, the experi ments proving partially satisfactory, n. Adam Slater, of Cbartiers township, was killed by Thomas Holloway at his boarding house about midnight Slater's head was nearly cutoff by a blow dealt with a butcber knife in the bands of bis assailant. The Coroner's jury, Investigating the Wood street disaster, returned a verdict charging negli gence against O. I. Wllley, Huckenstein & Co. and Building Inspector Frank, for allowing the erection of the Willey building to proceed without taking more precautions to insure safety to the workmen and others. Several lawyers gavo their views on the proposed pro hibition amendment to the Constitution. Rep resentative Lafferty's Dill conferring certain powers on passenger and traction railroad companies was explained at length by Attorney F. M. Magee. The sporting review and gossip, market reports, editorials, and the usual inter esting departments devoted to society, the theaters, music, military, G. A. R., etc, were other important news features. m. In the second part of the paper Franklin File's interesting novelette was brought a step nearer completion. Bill Nye paid a tribute to the memory of his old friend, Colorow, chief of the Utes, which for exquisite humor is prob ably equal to anything that this gifted writer ever produced. Ouida added to herarguments against clubs for women. E. W. Bartlett gave some interesting Information regarding tobac co and its manufacture in the form of cigars. Captain King described some remarkable feats of Indian horsemanship. Blakely Hall contributed an entertaining paper on a youthful New Yorker of princely wealth. Shirley Dare told how to train girls to make them beautifnl. Marion Hood sketched the luxurious apartment of a metropolitan bachelor. Henry Haynie fur nished an essay of interest to sporting men on the bookmakers of France. John Dean Brown gave an interesting history" of the steam engine. Mrs. Sherwood discussed the latest fashions. James W. Breen dealt with recent decisions of the Supreme Court regarding the rights of natural gas companies, present ing a logical and intelligent review of the mat ter. The letters of Bessie Bramble, written from the South, Edgar L. Wakeman, from Ireland and Jesse Shepaxd, from .Paris, were worthy of careful perusal. The' fashionable dance, tbe German, furnished a text for a two column illustrated article which the ladles will read with interest A new and valuable feature was the department entitled "Sunday Thoughts on Morals and Manners," by a clergyman. Other original contributions were from the pens of Rev. George Hodges, Prof. Shaler, Clara Bel'o and Bart 0UE MAIL P OUCH. The Outrages In Samoa. To the Editor of the Dispatch: As an American citizen I respectfully ask your kind permission to express my opinion about this outrageous Samoa insult Don't let us be bluffed by tbat much overrated and ar rogant German statesman who has been made famous by a victorious army, and whose men tal capacities are not above those ot our es teemed Ben Butler, whose image he very nearly represents. We must recollect that Germany played the bluff game on Spain only a few years ago, trying to annex the Caroline group. Spain, however, showed flgbt and Bis marck wandered, disgraced, to Rome, begging the Pope to arbitrate. Let it be remembered that our Minister, A. A. Sargent, was grossly insulted at tbe Court of Berlin five years ago. The Deutsche Tageblatt called him a toelpeL railroad swindler, eta, because Sargent dared to defend tbe American flag and American in terests in general. A high tariff is put on our products, such as petroleum and cereals, and everything American is smitten and talked down whenever a slight occasion 13 offered. Onr navy is weak, but five times stronger tban tbat of Spain, and sufficiently strong to drive German commerce off tbe ocean in less than a year. The loss of commerce would cost uermany at least 1,000,000,000 of marks annually. We need not fear that a German force will everlandonour soil. Tbeir ships may bom bard a few insignificant port inflicting dam ages of a few millions of dollars to our own citizens: but in any event it is better for the United States to pay a few millions indemnity to its own citizens than to be the target of in sults from an insolvent foreign nation. "" A Citizen. Allegheny, January 19. count or a G. P. M. Titled Personages. To the Editor of tbe Dispatch: What is a duke or a duchess, a conntess? Pittsburg, January 19. In Great Britain the word duke is a title of nobility next below that of Prince. In some countries the title belongs only to princes or sovereigns of a State. A duchess is the consort of a duke. The term count Is about equivalent to the English earl, which signifies a nobleman of the third rank. After the Conquest English earls were called counts, and bad tbe govern ment of a shire or county. Atthe present time it is merely a hereditary title, generally at tached to the possession of certain estates, and neither sovereignty nor jurisdiction goes with it In England the wife of an earl is termed a countess. Bad Soathslde Streets. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Recently I noticed in your paper some ac count of the muddy condition of the East End streets. I would like to call the attention of tho authorities to some of the Southslde thoroughfares, especially South Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth streets. Tbe latter leads to the Jones & Laughlins' bridge, and I mnst say it Is nearly impossible for men, much less women, to reach tbe bridge on account ot mud. If anyone doubts this statement let them come and look at the street It is so cut by heavy teams that light conveyances cannot get through. It is not right and I would like to see the matter remedied speedily. J. W. S. Pittsburg, January 19. CUEI0DS (MDENSATIOBS. - A Louisville, Ky., doctor tries to prove that elopements are hereditary. There are 7,809 places licensed to sell liquid refreshments in New York City. Berry, England's famous hangman, has his calling engraved on his visiting card. The actual value of the real estate of New York City is said to be $18,000,000,000. ' Under the terms of a will left by an Iowa man, the same gold watch was left to IS different persons. At BrattIeboro,Vt., last week, a farmer was plowing, while ten miles back in the coun try people were sleighing. There is a young man in Carrollton C Ga., over 21 years old who never ate a bite of butter or drank any buttermilk in his life. There is a young lady in DeLand.Fla., whp is collecting all the mustaches she can get and weaving the hairs thereof into a watch guard. There are two Episcopal ministers, mis 8lon"i". on. the Yukon river, Alaska. They are 3,000 miles from the southeastern line of the Territory. The Rev. Anthony Swensson, of De troit, is the first Swede to become a Roman Catholic priest since the Reformation. Out of a population of 6,000,000, Sweden bas only 2.0CO Roman Catholics. Residence and Taxation. To the Editor of the Dispatch: How long must a person be in this country before he is required to pay a tax? Mansfield, January 19. Reader. lUntil he becomes a resident one year in Pennsylvania. A HEW BUSINESS. SENATORIAL AMUSEMENT. Eight Divorce Cases for Canadian Senntors to DenI With. Ottawa, January 20. The hoary-headed old Senators of the Dominion Senate have a rich feast in store for them during the coming session of Parliament, which meets here on the 31st instant They will have eight divorce cases to deal with, and if there is any one part of his legislative duties that a Dominion Sena tor enjoys more than another it is the Divorce Committee. Every divorce case has first to eo through the Senate, the only legislation which is initiated in that chamber. After it passes the Senate it goes to the House of Commons in the form of a bill, and, if passed there, it becomes a law on receiving the signature of the Governor-General. There are several which might be called "toney" cases to come up this session, re dundant with spicy evidence, in which the old Senators revel. I say old, because the average age of a Canadian Senator is Co, while several of them will never see 90 again. The Middleton case, in which the nephew of General Sir Frederick Middleton is suing for divorce from his naughty wife for running away with a bank clerk, will rank among the pithiesr. Insurance Companies Taking- Charge of the Shipment of Money. Special Telegram to the Dispatch. Washington, January 20. A new business enterprise has been disclosed to your corre spondent The insurance companies, it seems, have taken away from the express companies of recent days much of their business in trans porting money. The Postofflce Department will take money in small sums only for trans mission through the mails, and even then it is accepted through the owner's risk. The ex press companies transport money in any quantity, and assume all risks of loss. Now the Insurance companies have stepped in and undertaken to insure those who ship money bv mail against ail loss by theft or otherwise, and they do it for about one-half the sum which the express companies charge. There are disadvantages connected with the new system. The money to be shipped must be counted by a notary public who seals the en velope, and sees that it is posted. The assur ance of this notary, made under oath, is the warrant of the insurance company for enter ing the amount on their open policy as a regu lar risk. Then, In case of loss, there is the usual insurance delay of 30 to 90 days before tbe amount is made good. Still tho new sys tem has proved sufficiently pepuiar to take from the express companies about one-half of their business in the transportation of money. Hereafter the wily road agent will not pay so much attention as heretofore to the express car, and he will betray a livelier interest in the car that carries the mail. KILLED BI HIS CORNS. BISHOP COBRIGAfi'S CIECUIAE Brines Oat Strong; Comments Upon Father McGIynn From Catholic Clergymen. New Yobx; January 20.'-Archbishop Corri gan's circular regarding Dr. McGlynn's meet ings of the Anti-Poverty Society and those who attend tbem, was read at all tbe masses in the various Catholic churches In this city to-day. Some of the Driests commented stronirlv nn the action of Dr. McGlynn, in continuing his tirades of abuse against the church au thorities. When Scalps Were In Demand. At the meeting of the Maine Press Associ ation, held In Augusta last week, the following advertisement, taken from a newspaper printed in the last century, was read by one of the speakers: PrnsBOBG, May 17, 1791. We, the subscribers, encouraged by a large sub scription, do promise to cay f 100 for every hostile Indian's scalp, with both ears to It, taken between this date and the 15th day of June next, by any in habitant of Alllgbany county. George Walton, and others. Peculiar Death "of a Wealthy CIncinnatlan After Ten Days' Illness. CracDfNATr, January 20. It is not always either a safe or prudent thing to pare one's corns. Ten days ago Emanuel Montz, of No. te) Freeman avenue, one of the oldest stock- dealers in the city, performed a chiropodist operation. He died yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. A few hours after he had removed pedal excrescence bis entire foot became very painful. Erysipelas set in, followed by a gan grenous condition of tbe foot and bis physi cians pronounced the case fatal. Mr. Moritz was 64 years of age, and a native of Hesse-Darmstadt, and before the war was a Fourtb street drygoods merchant For the past century he has been a well-known figure at tbe stock-yards, and pnrchased quantities of stock, principallyfor the dairymen. Ue leaves a widow hut no children. His estate is esti mated at from 375,000 to 5100,000. He was a member of the Order of B'nai Brith. Peculiar Patronyms. Prom the New York Graphic What's in an executive name? The Governor of Illinois is a Flfersof California, a Waterman; of Arkansas, an Eagle; of Colorado, a Cooper, and New Jersey has a Green executive. A Fowle cackles over North Carolina and a Beaver works for Pennsylvania. ARISTOCRATIC COREASS With Their Wives and Suite's Traveling; to Washington. Chicago, January 20. Ye Cha Yun, Secre tary of the Corean Legation at Washington, and his suite, were at the Grand Pacific Hotel betreen trains to-day journeying to Washing ton. The Secretary passed through Chicago two monthsago with the Corean Minister, who was taken sick in this country, and was too ill to go home unattended. Cha Yun is now going back to Washington prepared for a permanent residence. Mrs. Cha Yun, a little bit of a woman who was so muffled in folds of green silk tbat one could scarcely see her. Is with her husband. - In the party of the Secretary is Ye Wah Youg, a high Corean official, who, with his wife, is traveling for pleasure. A Considerate Cashier. From the Chlcaeo Tlmes.3 A Pittsburg cashier has been arrested in his own town for embezzlement They ought to let him down with ease, for it isn't often that an embezzling cashier consents to remain In his own country long enough for the officers to nab him. Sprang; a Lenk. New Yoek, January 20. The State line steamer State of Nebrask a, which sailed hence for Glasgow on Friday last, returned to this city in a leaking condition about 10 o'clock this morning. Tbe damage will be repaired in a couple of days, when the Nebraska will again proceed on her way. Proof of Patriotism. From the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Tbe Congressman whe serves bis country best at the present session Is the one who makes the most motions to adjourn. Postal Cards by the Carload. Cincinnati, January 2a Acting on an order from the Postmaster General, postal cards for this city will be ordered by the carload. There are 4,000,000 postal cards to the car. FDNERAL OP KEY. J. P. BOICB, President of the Southern Baptist Theolog ical School of Loalsvllle. LotnsvrLLE, January 20. The funeral of the Rev. James P. Boyce, President of the South ern Baptist Theological School, who died at Cannes, France, three weeks ago, took place here this afternoon. Resident members of the Confederate Asso ciation of Kentucky and the students of tbe school attended in a body. A number of rela tives and friends from abroad were present Ingalls TIam Ills Joke. From the Baltimore) American. Electoral messengers from only two States arrived at the capital to-day. The first to ar rive was Mr. E. W. Pou. Jr., who transmitted with all due solemnity the II votes of North Carolina for Cleveland and Thnrman. Later in the day Mr. Robert S. Green, Jr., presented, with equal solemnity, New Jersey's nine votes for Cleveland and Thnrman. Mr. Ingalls ac cepted the certificates with a smile. "On the face of the returns," he said, pleasantly, "Mr. Cleveland has undoubtedly been elected." It cost a county in Nebraska $2,893 25 to run the poor farm last year. As there were b'ut two paupers, the dally cost per capita was slightly more than S3 about the same as a first class hotel would charge. Elijah Martin, of Sand Plains, W. Va., is 83 years of age, but is still as spry as a man of 60. He works every day at his trade of blacksmitbing. and can shoe horses as rapidly as any smith in the county. A letter was received at the Executive office in Atlanta which ought to be framed or placed among the archives. In the letter oc curs this sentence: "I was mortally wounded, twice In active battle at Griswoldrille." The thistle at the antipodes seems to attain a most vigorous growth. Its root pene trates to a depth of from 13 to 20 feet and this root, even when cut into small pieces, re tains vitality, each piece producing a new plant. W. C.Vandegriff, of Lithonia, Ga., had had a game rooster to commit suicide by jump ing into a well last week because be was whipped by another rooster. The rooster had. never before been whipped, and the humility of defeat was more than he could stand. James Carroll, a San Francisco milk man. Is the possessor of a horse whose hide is covered with a thick mass of curly white hair, about three inches in length. When seen from a short distance, the bide presents a woolly appearance, and the animal looks as though nature had given him the skin of a sheep through mistake. Prof. Mnlhall gives the following figures as to the average number of children to a mar riage in the chief countries of Europe: Ire land, 5.20; Russia, 4.83: Spain. 165; Italy, 4.5J; Scotland. 4.46: Holland. 4.22; Sweden, 4.12: Ger many, 4.10: England, 408; Austria, 4.04; Bel gium, 4.04; Switzerland, 3.91; Hungary, 3.70; Denmark, 4.61; France, 3.03. A German trade journal advocates tha following method of testing the quality of roof slates: The samples of the slate to be tested should be carefully weighed and then put Into boiling water for a quarter of an hour. Tba water must however, be fairly free from lime, saltpetre and anmonia. The slates are then re weighed, and those that show the greatest in crease of weight are those most capable of re sisting deterioration. A fan for cars and other moving vehicles is a most admirable invention. To one of the wheels of the vehicle a pulley is attached by a belt to a vertical shaft having suitable bear ings on one end nf the car, adapted to be clutched and nnclntcbed from another shaft extending the length of the car. The fan shafts are atrosa the car, and are operated by belts or cords lrom the first, keeping fans aloDg tbetop of the car in vigorous motion, causing a con stant circulation of air. In the Pine Grove Mines, Esmeralda county, Nevada, there is a blind boy employed to do errands, tend cars and the like. He has a most remarkable faculty of finding his way, not only through the intricacies of tbe mine, but about the town. He goes to any Dart of the mine for tools and never goes astray, and ou dark nights be guides the other miners from tbe town to the house where most of tbem lodge. They can't easily find the way without him. for the trail is narrow and crooked and on each side are many prospect uoieajinu oiu cellars. The British Government has at last settled on a white, almost smokeless, powder for use in firearms. The importance of this statement is evident in view of the fact that until the powder bad been decided upon it was Impossible to ascertain accurately the length of the cartridge, and, consequently, the pro portions of the coming weapon. There i. therefore, no longer any obstacle to tbe manu facture of the new magazine rifles, tbe pro duction of which will make rapid progress. Tbe powder gives out a very small report not much greater than tbat of an air gun. Several improvements are claimed in autocopying printing presses by Mr. T. Reiner, ot Leipsic He provides two cylinders which may act as receiving surfaces for the writing. and which also operate with pressure to feed tbe paper to be printed upon. The patentee provides tbe cylinders with a surface composed of a mixture as follows: 100 parts soluble glass, 10 parts whiting. 10 parts magnesium carbonate. 10 parts silicate of magnesia, 10 parts glycerine, 10 parts water, 5 parts oxalic acid, 5 parts manganese ore, and 6 parts mineral color. These substances may be used on anv snitabla supports, as plates of metal, glass, earthenware, for replacing lithographic stone. In combina tion with the cylinders is an ink trough con sisting of two parts separated by a slit having a regulating screw. By tbe action of a lever the inking mechanism maybe thrown in or oat of action. Cincinnati has the champion absent minded man. A gentleman living in the suburbs went in a store on Walnut street to make a few purchases. The only light in tho store was a candle standing on the counter near the money drawer. After making his purchases he handed the propiietor a bill, and, after returning him the change, the proprietor walked to the rear of the store to arrange) something when suddenly he was left in the dark. He started toward the counter, and, groping around on it found, not the candle, but the change. It struck him then tbat prob ably tbe man, in a fit of absent mindedness, bad taken the candle instead of his change. He started out after him, and catching up with him, saw tbat he bad the bundle in one band and tbe candle in the other. After apologizing for tne mistake tbe stranger took his change and gave back the candle. ' FUNNY MEN'S FANCIES. Real Estate Rising. From the New York Telegram. l General Lew Wallace Is building a house ia Indianapolis and he expects to live in it after next March. All tbe otber Republicans in that State are building castles in the air. Off With the Coachman. Omaha. Nkb., January 2a Miss Louise Zimmerman, aged 18 years, daughter of aprom inent fur dealer, eloped with one of her father's drivers, an old gray Dalred man- She was en gaged to be married to a young, rich and hand some man. Her father is on the trait Sure to Be Prominent. From the Chicago News. It looks as if Tom Flatt would be the sore thumb ot the next administration. An nnsuitable figure-Salesman "There' a very handsome carpet sir; only fl 75 per yard." Customer-"Can't say that 1 like the figure." "Which flfrare, sir?" "Why, 11 73." lonkers Statttman. Hatred Overcome by Sympathy Winks ' "So you married a divorced woman whose bos band Is still living. Don't you hate him?" Jinks "Welt I felt that way at first, but now I'm beginning to sort o' sympathize with him." Philadelphia Stcord. Doctor "What your husband needs Madam, is change of scene." Mrs. De Temper "Do you think he should go off for hi healthl" "Welt it doesn't matter which goes you or he." Philadelphia Record. They Often Are. Mrs.llnggins (reading) "Every man gets the wife that heaven Intended for him." Mr. Mngglns (musingly) It mast be true, then, that men are punished in this world for their slns."-Aw York Wetkly. A Husband to he Avoided Mrs. Gahb "1 see mind reader Bishop's wife wants a di vorce." Mrs. Gabb "No wonder. It must be perfectly awful to be married to a man who can read your mind." Philadelphia Record. Pater Pamilias (interrupting) Ton girls should fix your minds on something higher than dress. Mary Ann Tbat Is what we have, pa. "We have got our minds fixed now on a couple of lovely high hats down atMrs.Feather'smllllnery rooms, Yankee Blade. Lawyer And so you really thin t.Bobby, of becoming a lawyer when yoa grow up? Bobby Yes, sir; my TJnde James thinks I ought to be a lawyer. "Does he, Indeed? And why does your Uncle James think so because yoa are bright and smart?" "No, sir: becau se I ask so many fool questions." Texai Siftingi. A Misunderstanding Bobby (proudof his progress ioLatlu) "Pop, what's tba Latin Tor people?" Father-"I don't know." Hobby (Ioudly)-"Popull. Father (fiercely) "What do yoa mean, too yonng scamp? Lie, do I? By the piper, lad, I've half a notion to baste yoa."-toff lutmpton publican, i SSk ' ' BlMMtoMifeigiMMissslsssssM V ---'-..---.. - -J-. .-i' a . ,vtjj,i'.. "..-, ' ,. ..u, -. flji attejJiitAri V Si. x.i. a, . ' -,trfBfejlsc ,l,1PWsspsMsssMBillwWsMjss;psas