'.! r .-., y- 3sejax'- f pmfcti t r- i "sJ. FORTY-THIRD YEAH. PITTSBUKGr, MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1889. h THREE CENTS Mto A jv W " feS i . v TwrFa"v jpmUI) PROHIBITION. The Dispatch Begins a Canvass of the State on the Great Issue of the Hour. WILL IT BE WET OR DRY? .Washington Comes Outfortlie . Constitutional Amend ment and DOFTCABE TOO KNOWS IT. The Gigantic Business Done by the Distillers in This End of the State, and THE EKOEHODS SUMS INVESTED. Interviews With Prominent People, Who Differ in Their Tiews on the Subject. PARTY LINES WILL HOT BE DRAWN A canvass of counties in Pennsylvania is now being made by The Dispatch on the Constitutional amendment question. June 18 having been virtually fixed by the Legis lature as the date for a popular election to decide the matter, it is now squarely before the people as a live issue. Preparations for the campaign are already being made in Pittsburg and Allegheny county. The Special Commissioner detailed for The Dis patch's work began in the southwestern corner of the State, where vast distilling in terests will be ruined if the amendment is adopted. "Washington county was first isounded. It will give a majority for the amendment. tFBOM OCT! SPECIAL COMMISSIONER. Washington, Pa., January 20. Did you ever sit near a well-behaving man and become impressed with the belief that he was under the influence of liquor because the air about him was redolent with fumes of whisky? Well, you often found, on closer observation, that he wasn't drunk. But there this plenty of whisky about him. It happened that a flask, in which he had no ownership or interest, had been uncorked or broken in his vicinity. A Whlffor Whisky. The counties south and southeast of Pitts burg smell very strongly of whisky. Every lew days you get a whiff of it. The Monon pahela and Youghiogheny Valleys bring the tempting odor almost in an air line to your city's wharves, and with the waters of those two rivers mingle the refuse of a score or more distilleries. Bailroad freights distribute this Southwestern Penn sylvania smell a little faster and farther. It long since penetrated Philadelphia, and 'Gibson's best" is synonomous there with "Old Monongahela Eye" in Pittsburg. But the counties embraced in this whisky producing region are not drunk. It's only the smell that makes their conduct and future policy suspicious. And it must be admitted that the smell is surprisingly and remarkably loud! Here are some figures which will convey some idea of its strength: BeBcnojra of Whlskv. In the territory described there are at this moment 7,000,000 gallons of whisky in bond at the various distilleries. This represents fe capital, in the liquor itself, of $7,000,000, or SI per gallon. "Where will all that ocean ofwhiskygoif Pennsylvania votes for the Constitutional amendment? The amount of whisky taken out of bond in the same district every year is worth about 52,200,000. That represents the busi ness done in a year by the distilleries of Westmoreland, Greene, Payette and Wash ington counties. In addition to all that, the amount of money invested in buildings, apparatus, real estate, live stock, etc, by the distillers will not fall much below 5,'000,000. What effect will the annihila tion of this industry have upon the valleys of the Monongahela and Youghiogheny? A Demand for Kyc. These distilleries must have grain to pro duce whisky. I am told that at one Mo nongahela distillery alone that at Gibson ton, which is the most extensive rye whisky manufactory in the United States rye only is used, and the present daily consumption is 500 bushels, making CO barrels ofwhisky. The establishment has a capacity of double this and sometimes attains it, operations being kept up the year round. The grain is selected, cleaned and ground with all the care and cleanliness of a flour mill. It takes 1,500 cars a year to transport grain to and whisky from this one distillery. The Government tar of 90 cents per gallon amounts to about $50,000 per month on the product of this single establishment, fully 90 per cent of which is clear gain to the Government Eight Government officials are kept busy in the buildings all the time. Whisky made at Gibsonion is exported to all parts of the world. Attached to the works are large cooper shops. About 50 men are employed in all departments. The rnn enforces strict total abstinence about A t v y -t the premises, any employe found drinking (liquor being immediately discharged, and the same penalty is imposed on anyone "known to have seen another drink and failed to report it. Washington for Prohibition. Yet in spite of this large and long-established industry, there is much of encourage ment in the southwestern corner of Pennsyl vania lor the advocates of the prohibitory amendment to the Constitution. A deep rooted temperance sentiment pervades at least two-thirds of the region. This bore its first fruit 15 or 16 years igo when the Legis lature passed the local option law. Under it Washington county voted "no license" with 1,500 majority. Greene county pro nounced against license with 1,400 votes to spare, and Fayette county gave a majority of 1.200 against license. In two of the counties that result was re garded as remarkable. Beside being identi fied with the distilling business, Greene and Fayette were overwhelming Democratic in politics. Can't TJnvo Saloons. It was under the same law that 42 of the 06 counties in the State voted "no license." The next year the law was repealed. 'But never since that day have there been saloons in Greene county or Washington county. Washington county will in June next cast a majority of votes for the constitu tional amendment. It did nottake me very long to find that out. In beginning The Dispatch canvass of the State on the outlook for this unusual campaign, I selected the counties named above. Wash ington county was not picked out as the first reportorialj pumping station because it was considered important in the distilling business. On the other hand less of the distilling interest lay along its Mononga hela river boundary than in either West moreland. Greene or Favette. Gibsonton is in Westmoreland. Knowing that there was harder work beyond, I concluded to make r easy start with Washington, knowing well her temperance proclivities, having heard of her moral influences, and doubting not the reputation she has for political power. llicb Judicial Fences. It has been 20 years since the Judges of Washington county courts commenced re fusing to grant licenses for the sale of liquor. They have adhered rigidly to this policy without interruption up to this day. The judicial fence has never once been jumped by an agile liquor dealer. A few have tried it, but their failures were so funny that they retired to the legal gymna siums of Grant and Diamond streets in Pittsburg to go into training before making such leaps again. I wonder if it ever occurred to the Wash ington county judges of the past 20 years that they have a most illustrious example for their fearless policy toward the liquor interests. If I remember history correctly, Allegheny county got her celebrated Judge Alexander Addison, from Washington county. He first appeared in public as a preacher in the town of Washington, in 1786. The legal profession there tempted him, and reading law in a building that is still standing here, he was admitted to the bar in 1787. The Whisky Insurrection. Subsequently he became the Judze of Allegheny county's courts. He had to exe cute his functions a iionga turbulent people, and it was Judge Addison who undauntedly attended the enforcement of the excise laws of the United States, which culminated in the Whisky Insurrection of 1794. It was his bold stand on this question which made him many enemies, and was partly the cause that led to his impeachment. Washington county was involved in the Whisky Insurrection as badly as either Allegheny, Payette and Westmoreland. It was in Washington county that some of the worst depredations were committed, and it was on that' spot of the county where Monongahela City now stands that the army of 15,000 militiamen raised by General George Washington to put down the in surrection, finally encamped. Washington had stopped at Bedford, and Lighthorse Harry Lee, as commander of the army, issued his proclamation to the insurgents on Washington, county soil. Handsome Majority Predicted. Yet, notwithstanding all the past, the county proposes to stand by its Judges and vote against the liquor traffic. This is the only inference that is to be drawn from sev eral interviews which I have had with lead ing men here. Eev. J. M. Barnett, the financial agent of Washington and Jefferson College, has had perhaps better opportunities of guaging public sentiment than other ministers, be cause of his wide acquaintance throughout the county and his frequent visits to the in terior. When questioned to-day about the coming issue, he said: Washington county will vote for the consti tutional amendment. There is no doubt of it. The amendment will have a handsome majority. This will be about the same as the usual Re publican majority, not that party lines will be drawn in the contest, but that where a great many temperate Democrats will vote with us, about an equal number of whisky Republicans will vote against the amendment. That, I cal culate, will give the temperance people a sig nificant majority. I base my prediction on my knon ledge of the character of the population. AVe are an agricultural people in the townships. devoted to the care of beautiful farms and wool growing. Keeping Students From Temptation. In the towns of Washington, Canonsburg and Monongahela City, we are proud of our seats of learning, and with college students from all parts of the country the common desire seems to be to keep the liquor temptation far out of their way. On the borders of the county, up the Monon gahela river and along the Panhandle Railroad, there is probably a strong liquor element among the coal miners, but whatever influence they exert at the June election will be offset by the vote of sturdy temperance yeomanry in the heart of the county. The policy of the courts refusing license here for 20 years past has bad such a healthy result In educating the people that nobodyln the town of Washington wants saloons. Under the Brooks laweven there were scarcely any applications. On the whole I feel very sure that Pennsylvania will adopt the constitutional amendment, for in every county you will find plenty of drinking men who will vote willinglv for it. That was our experience several years ago when local option was voted for. People who were perfect sots did all they could to abolish that which tb.ey knew was a temptation they were powerless to resist so long as it was around them. It will be so again." One lor Another Aenitut. J. P. Miller, Esq., who was formerly Chairman of the Republican Committee of the county, said when questioned: I believe the legislative caucus did right In ordering a special election for this question. The qnestion is thus removed from all partisan influences. It now stands on its own merits. I feel assured that Washington county will vote for the amendment and give it a safe majonty. It would be difficult at this time to estimate the majority. If gauged by the majority of the Republicans In this county, it would be impos sible to say what it would be, for Republican majorities here have been growing every year. Continued on Fifth Page. TOTHEVANDEKBILTS. Hostetter's Big Stock Interests in the P. & L. E. Eoad Sold Out. WHAT THE TRANSFER ALL MEANS. A New and Formidable Rival to the Penn sylvania Main Line. SHOULD THE SOUTH PENN FAIL, The r. A- L E With the Beech Creek and Beading Would Connect to the' East. The heavy Hostetter interests in the Pitts burg and Lake Erie road have been sold to the Vanderbilts. This means great changes and the probability that if the South Penn is not finished, a rival to the Pennsylvania will be made by connecting the P. & L. E. with the Beech Creek road, thence to the Beading. It seems the Van derbilts will keep faith with their partners. The positive information was received in this office, from a most reliable source, that D. Herbert Hostetter had sold to the Van derbilts all stocks and interests of the late Dr. Hostetter in the Pittsbnrg and Lake Erie road. The information also said that at the board meeting Tuesday some changes would be made, and that the transfer of the enormous Hostetter interests meant a great deal more than a simple transfer of stock in a single road. Mr. Hostetter was called upon at his home, and was perfectly noncommital upon the subject, refusing to either affirm or deny. He said that the developments at the annual meeting Tuesday would be open to all papers, but he did not care to say one word as to whether the report was trne or not. THE REPORT IS TRUE. The information, however, has come from a source th at cannot be questioned, and a well-known financial man who has an in side knowledge of railroad affairs, when questioned as to the significance of the sale, said: "This gives the Vanderbilts full control of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie, which they have desired for several reasons. "The Hostetters held the largest interests next to the Vanderbilts, and though the latter probably wanted the stock as a good investment, there may be deeper and far more important reasons why they should control the road. "In the first place, it has a bearing on the South Penn road in this way. It heavily increases the Vanderbilt interests in a line through Pennsylvania, of which the P. & L. E. will be a most important connecting link. The Vanderbilts held a key of the situation of the South Penn when they held a little under one-half of the stock of the P. & L. E. How they hold three-quarters, and the Sonth Penn will raise the P. & L. E. from a mere local line to the commanding position of a through line toward the West, where it connects, at Youpgstown with- -the Lake Shore. . WHV THE NTPAKO IS SAFE. "There has been some talk about the in crease of the Vanderbilt interests in the Pittsburg and Lake Erie shutting ont the Nypano interests; and this is the reason: The Vanderbilts and Nypano people went into the Pittsburg and Lake Erie on equal terms, with the understanding that the Nypano get the passenger traffic, as the Kypano and the Pittsburg and Lake Erie form a beautiful air line from Pittsburg di rectly to Cleveland, while the Lake Shore goes around by way of Ashtabula. "With reference to the talk that the Van derbilt interests will throw out the Nypano and force them to seek a new connection with Pittsburg, or give it up entirely, I would say that it is impossible, as it would destroy the value of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie and its northwest passenger traffic. This traffic heretofore has not been very great, but is largely increasing during late years. THE 'STOCKHOLDERS NIGHTMARE. "There has always been a dread of large transfers of stocks to the Vanderbilts, for fear thev should repeat what William H. Vanderbilt did with the South Penn, sell to the Pennsylvania Railroad, but at present the youngerJVanderbilts sem to be pursuing a different policy. Beside that, they have been in a position to sell to the Pennsyl vania Railroad for two or three years past, and if such a move were contemplated, it would have been made by this time. "The increase of their interest in the Pittsburg and Lake Erie would indicate that they intend to keep the Vanderbilt in terest in Pittsburg transportation, and pos sibly increase their interests by the develop ment of new lines, as they did in the case of the Beech Creek, and as they profess to be ready to do in the case of the South Penn. "The Pennsylvania Railroad has been moving heaven and earth, and using every possible and impossible means to prevent the South Penn irom being built, because they are so afraid of it as a competitor. President Roberts has been able to convert to his views Channcey M. Depew, who is seeking in the interest of the Pennsylvania Railroad to have the South Penn line shut off. WHEREIN THEY DIFFER. "The difference between the situation of the South Penn and Beech Creek roads is that at the time W. H. Vanderbilt made his agreement to sell out the Beech Creek was nearly completed, while work on the South Penn had only been about one-third done. The Beech Creek was Also merely a coal road, while the South Penn would complete a new trunk line. "The death of William H. Vanderbilt oc curred somewhere about the time the in junction was issued against the completion of the Beech Creek and South Penn bar gain. His sons succeeded him shortly after, and the young Vanderbilts joined their partners to go .on and complete the Beech Creek. "Mr. Depew, as President of the New York Central, had adopted the views of the Pennsylvania Railroad and used all his in fluence with the young Vanderbilts to pre vent them from putting the Beech Creek in operation, and while private reports say that he has the strongest influence with them in all their railroad operations, young Cornelius Vanderbilt told him that as peo ple all along the line of the Beech Creek were interested in the development of that country, and had put their capital in with Vanderbilt in good faith, he regarded it as nothinsr less than binding on the Vander bilt interests to act in equal guid faith with them, and go on and finish the road on the original basis. CORNY STICKS TO HIS WORD. "Their talk and arguments continned long and earnestly, but young Vanderbilt was firm and stuck to the stand he had taken, and the road was finished. I would remark incidentally, too, that the net earn ings of the road each year amount to abont what the Pennsylvania was to pay for the entire property. "This aotion of young Vanderbilt has a double bearing. In the first place it shows the-position. of the younger Vanderbilts toward their partners who put money into railroad enterprises in good faith, and the situation in the South Penn case is in this respect exactly what it was in regard to Beech Creek affairs; that is: Pittsburg cap ital, Heading Bailroad capital and local capital went in for the building of the South Penn, believing that the Vanderbilts would stand up for their partners in that road as they had done with the Beech Creek. A PROBABLE BIO RESULT. "And It shows another tbing If any misadventure, disagreement or inability should devj'op to prevent the building of the South Penn, the Vanderbilts have the Beech Creek road within easy building distance of Pittsburg. "The natural presumptionv since they own a vast majority of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie, and large interests in the Beech Creek, which is at present only a local coal road, is that the day it becomes clear that the South Penn will not be finished, they will start to connect the Beech Creek and Pittsburg and Lake Erie. '.This will'make a through line between Pittsburg' and the East, over a northern route by way of the Beech Creek and con necting with the Reading, instead of over the southern route by way of the South Penn. So it can be seen tha,t the secrets of this transfer probably means something of greater magnitude than appears on the surface." President John Newell, of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad, is in the city. The object of his visit is to attend the an nual meeting of the Board of Directors of the road. SHE WOULD HATE NEITHER. Two Young Men Figlit For a Girl, Bat She Smiles on Another. rSPrCtAJ, TELEOItAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Noewalk, Cojtit., Jannary20. Tommy Donnelly and Edward O'Hara, employes at thq Union Mills, and exponents of the fistic art, met yesterday morning with a number of friends on the county fair grounds here, pitched a 16-foot ring, and then went at each other in true pugilistic style. Don nelly was championed by his brother James, and his antagonist's interests were looked after by William Edgars, a brother work man. There was no time keeper or stake holder, but a mutual friend, who was pres ent to see fair play, acted as referee. After the contestants had pummeled each other to their heart's content for upwards of half an hour they were separated by the lookers-on and later returned to their work. The trouble which led to the fight has been in existence several weeks, and grew out of the fact that both young meii were sweet on the same girl. A meeting with bare knuckles in a 16-foot ring, Marquis of Queensberry rules governing, was considered the only means of settling the matter, but since all this occurred it is said that the maiden refeses to recognize either of the pugilists, and is lavishing her smiles on another fellow. BURNED1 lit THEIR BEDS. A Widow aai Her Four Children OInrdcred 1 and Cremated. rsrxcxii. tzleobam to the disfatcim Bbookfield, Mo., January 20. Mrs. Minnie Hallj a young widow, and her four children lived in a little honse about four miles from this place. At 1030 'o'clock last night the building burned, and when neighbors searched. theSnijii .this-morning- trrcyfound the charred bodies-of the entire familv. The house had been set on fire, for those who were first to reach the building saw hay packed into the basement w indows, and the footprints of a man in the snow. At 3 o'clock this morning James A. Howell was arrested in a room at the Babb House. The prisoner had an unloaded revolver In his pocket. Howell was a cousin of Mrs. Hall, and it is believed that he shot the en tire family, and then set fire to the building in order to conceal his crime. He had been in the habit of spending Saturday and Sun day with the Halls. He says he knows nothing about the crime. Howell is 24 vears old, and does not ap pear to be much agitated over his arrest. There were threats of lynching all day, and to-night a heavy guard was thrown abont the jail. The prisoner will have a hearing to-morrow. STOPPED AT NEW YOEK. A Large Consignment of Contract Laborers Bound for Florida. New Xoek, January 20. What appears to be one of the biggest consignments of contract labor ever landed here in one ship was discovered by accident at the landing of the passengers of the La Champagne at Castle Garden to-day. It was noticed that more than every other one of the 213 steer age passengers were bound for Florida. It was found that all had come from Alsace, Germany, and that their passage money had been paid by a man named George Strum, of that province. Later in the day a member of the firm of Straiton & Storm, of this city, appeared at Castle Garden. He said he was an Alsa tian and had arranged to have his country men come here, bnt denied having paid their fare. He had a large tract of land in Flor ida, and proposed to furnish each family with a house and 40 acres of land and start them at raising Sumatra tobacco. ' He would buy the product The people, to the number of 130, were detained awaiting the action of Collector Mogone. INTERESTING BUT DOUBTFUL. A Report That One of Leclllme's Generals Hns Jumped to tbe Enemy. 1 SPECIAL TELEQI1A1I TO THE DISPATCH. New York, January 20. The brig Alice Bradshaw was at anchor in the bay some where last night. She left Aux Cayes on January 1. Captain Dahm reports that General Paul, of Legitime's forces, with 3,000 men, has deserted the defense of Port-au-Prince and joined Hippolyte's army in North Hayti. outside that Capital. This is interesting if true, and tallies with the recent not well-authenticated reports that Legitime was losing ground, and was about to fly to Kingston, Jamaica, to escape the triumphant North. But word came here three weeks ago that General Paul had been shot. AXWORTHY REFUNDING. Ho Tarns Over to His Bondsmen All His Property in Cleveland. Ci.evet.and, January 20. Attorney An drew Squire returned this morning from Toronto, 'Ont. He bore with him papers to which he had obtained the signature of Thomas Axworthy, the defaulting city treasurer of Cleveland, transferring to J. H. Wade, Jr., as trustee for the bondsmen all of Axworthy's real estate and vessel prop erty. Axworthy's wife is with him, and the couple will settle in Toronto. Miss Cleveland Goes Sonth. SPECIAL TELEOItAM TO THE DISPATCIT.3 Utica, N. Y., January 20. Miss Bose Elizabeth Cleveland has left Holland Patf ent for Naples, Florida, where she will re main till spring. PROHrBITIONVA issue. The Dispatch mill make a thorough canvass of the Stale and se cure the views of all classes on the subject. The first letter appears this morning. Mead it and waicnjor wnaiis iqjouoxv. FIGHT FOBTHE FLAG. The Administration Vigorously Re sents the Samoan Outrages and ORDERS A MAN-OF-WAR TO SAMOA. Germany Will Have to Back Down There Will Be Trouble. or SECRETARY WHITNEI AT THE HELM. Later Intelligence Corroborates the Earlier Accounts of the Difficulty. The Administration is determined to make a bold stand in the matter of the Samoan outrages, which have been con firmed by later intelligence. Men-of-war are to be sent to the scene at once, and Americans are to be protected. Secretary Bayard has turned the conduct of the affair over to Secretary Whitney, who has a rep utation for standing no foolishness from foreign powers, no matter how great they may be. tSPEClit TELEGRAM TO Tni'MSFATCn. Washington, January 20. The Ad ministration is not giving out any valuable information about Samoan affairs, but the control of the operations in that direction has passed with the sailing of the Trenton from Secretary Bayardjo Secretary Whit ney, and American war vessels will Sot be idle spectators of German aggression, as they have been. Mr. Bayard knows noth ing of the art of bluffing; as he didn't feel warranted in plunging the country into war with Germany he felt that he must be very careful not to assume a determined and possibly hostile attitude, but Secretary Whitney has great confidence in our naval resources, and still ereater confidence that Germany would back out of Samoa together rather than risk an un friendly attitude on the part of the United States. The younger members of the Cabinet, Secretary Whitney and Postmaster General Dickinson, for example, believe in maintaining a bold front in Samoa, and the dispatch of ships to the island shows that they have got the President on their side. Secretary Whitney began his administra tion with a very energetic display of force at Panama, and his influence in the Cabinet has been used in the direction of a more ag gressive tone toward England and Germany. The more pacific counsels of Secretary Bayard have generally prevailed. THE STOBYCOMBMED. The Account of the German Outrages Upon Americans at Samoa Substantiated The Germans the Aggressors In the Fight With niatnnfa. San FEANCISCO, January 20. The de tails of the events at Samoa which followed the attempt of the Germans to land their, forces, and the defeat of their troops de scribed at length this morning, are supple mented by other accounts which are pub lished here. The Samoan Times, published at Apia, and which has been impartial in its account of the events on the islands, gives the following version or the hght of Decem ber 18: At 2 o'clock on tho morning of Tuesday SO sailors from the Olga were landed at JIataafa, and 40 more were sent in boats along the coast, thoSOmcn marchlncon land to mectMataafa at a German firm's plantation, Vailele. The shore party were reinforced by all the imoorted labor, said to be New Britain men, so that JIa taafa was between the 200 men who came down the day before and the German sailors and for eign laborers. Mataafa, knowing the danger of interfering with the German soldiers, re tired inland a few hundred yards. THE GERMANS THE AGGRESSORS. The Germans followed up and fired into JIataafa's people, killing a young man, son of the chief. The chief, getting terribly excited, was only prevented by his own people from firing Into the Germans, but while straggling against the former's efforts he himself was shot, and fell dead beside his son. Mataafa's people could not stand this, and by common impulse, without orders, returned tho fire. Their first volley killed six Germans and wounded others. Several of Tamasese's men fled and the laborers refused to fight it out. Knowing that this meant certain death against vast odds,tbe sailors beat a hasty retreat to their boats, Mataafa's warriors following them some distance. Mataaia lostaDout ten Killed and wounded, while the German loss is stated at 20 killed. Among the dead is Lieutenant Sieger. The United States steamer Nipsic steamed to Saluafata on Tuesday on hearing that German war ships were going to shell Mataara's strong hold. Captain JIullan had communications with the German commanders and entered his protest against their renorted project. His protest was not taken notice of, however, for the Olga threw shells into the spot where Mataafa was supposed to be, but which he had vacated. INVITED THEIB FATE. The Chronicle says: Concurrent testimony of the action of the Germans shons that the Germans brought upon themselves the fate that overtook them, as It was not until two of Mataafa's chiefs were killed that he ordered his men to fire on tbe Germans. The marines were only saved from extermination by the prompt arrival of their gunboats. After their defeat the Germans bombarded the village of Mataafagatele, although warned by the American Consul, lilacklock, that three houses In the place belonged to an American citizen. Over these houses an American flag floated, yet the flag was torn down and partially burned by the German sailors, wbe landed to complete the destruction of the place. Correspondents also cive accounts of insults to an American in tbe neutral district of Apia. JIataafa has threat ened that if the Germans again attack his men be will destroy all the German property on the islands. The San Francisco Examiner prints a long letter from its correspondent at Apia, which describes the assault made by the Germans and their repulse, and describes in detail the firing on the American flag and American houses, and the assaults made on the American residents. Speaking of the matter editorially, the Examiner says: INSULTED THE FLAG. It is easy to see why the German officials spread reports of American interference. They had treated American citizens and the Ameri can flag with indignities that demand exem plary reparation, and they thought it advisable to put in a counter complaint in time. In tbe devastation of Samoan towns they seemed to take especial pains to single out the property of Americans for destrnction, and riddled the flags that, if sent to Washington, would be evi dence of friendliness thatneed no commentary. While the United States man-of-war Adams was at Apia, early in December, it appears that an American's house was invaded and his country's flag found therein, cut to pieces by Tarnaseses, men from the stronghold at Mullnuu Point. Cap tain Leary, of the Adams, sent a categorical question to tbe German Consul as to whether Tarnaseses' headquarters were under German protection or not. Failing to get a reply with in reasonable time, the Captain of the Adams begau making arrangements for land ing a batallion, and throwing up a fortification facing Tarnaseses' fort He was determined. if no satisfaction wero given the outrage to march his men upon Tarnaseses' stronghold and take that chieftain Drisoner. The intention of the Cao- ,fain becoming known, great commotion en- sueu in ramaseses camp, ana at iu o'cioce on the same night the evacnation of Mulinnu Point was begun with vigor. The Adams sailed from Apia prior to the occurrence of December 18, and is now in Honolulu. IJEADY TO FIGHT. At 4 o'clock this afternoon the United States man-of-war Vandalia left Mare Island Navy Yard in this harbor, bound for Samoan Islands, the present seat of warlike disturb ances. Next to that of the Trenton, the Vandalia carries the heaviest battery in the Pacific squadron. She carries a 60-pounder breech loading rifle on her forecastle, 8-inch pivot muzzle-loading rifle forward of the foremast, and six 9-incK Dahlgrens in broadside in the waist. She also has a 3-inch rifle, a wicked little gun, on the poop deck, a 20 pound breech-loading rifled howitzer and two Gatlings. She also has a Hotchkiss rifled cannon. To man the ship and serve all these guns the vessel carries a complement of 210 officers, crew and marines. Seven of the officers of the Mohican, who have not yet entered upon their three years' cruise, were transferred to the Vandalia. A number of long-time men were also sent to the Vandalia. DESERVEDLY IYflCHED. A Farmer Kills Two Men Who Were Eloping With Ills Daughters, and Beinrns to Find Two More or Ills Girls Gone. St. Louis, January 20. The little town of Bolar, in Mercer county, Mo., turns out the following tragic story: Henry Thomas, an old farmer, has four grown daughters named Hattie, Margaret, Nancy and Jane, aged 16, 18, 20 and 22 years respectively. Last Wednesday night Samuel and Charles Hasburn, brothers, procured a ladder and helped Margaret and Jane out of a second-story window of their father's house, and as they were about to elope with the girls the old man appeared on the scene, but too late to pre vent their escape. He at once procured the best horse he had and a shoteun and started in hot pursuit. When about 12 miles from home he overtook the party. He immedi ately opened fire on them, killing both the Doys and seriously wounding Margaret. After getting nearly home with the girls he was told that the other two, Hattie and Nancy, had also eloped with Ned Greoson and Thomas Allison. He at once left the girls he had with him in charge of some neighbors and started after the others. After securing the other two girls without any se rious trouble, he started bark, but when about two miles from home a mob took possession of him and strung him up to a tree. The old man was terribly strict with the girls. He would hardly let them out of his sight, hence the elopement. He always bragged that he would not be bothered with lazy sons-in-law. Public feeling is strongly in favor of the lynching. Margaret died last night BARELY ESCAPED BIGAMY. A Woman Who Wasn't the Woman She Thought Herself. tSFZCUI. TILIOKAM TO THE DISFjLTCB.l Wilkesbaere, January 20. Fifteen years ago John Lamb, a machinist, and Miss Mary Cahan, both of Ashley, Pa., were united in marriage. Ths couple went to St Louis, where Mr. Lamb accepted a place as foreman in the Missouri Pacific Bailroad shops. Differences arose between man and wife, and Mrs. Lamb decided to return to her home in Ashley. Her husband wandered through the West, and the last his wife heard of him was that he was drowned in the Mississippi. A friend sent a clipping from a paper giving an account of therowning. Mrs. Lamb, thinking her husband dead, went into mourning. A few months ago the widow accepted the offer of marriage of John Adams, a well-to-do business man. The wedding was to take place the coming Tuesday, and all arrangements had been completed. On Saturday, to the great surprise of the intended bride, her long lost husband turned up. He called at his wife's home, where she was busily engaged in preparing her wedding trousseau. A reconciliation followed, and this evening the reunited couple left for the West. Adams is much put out over the turn af fairs have taken. THE BOY PEEACHEK 0DTD0XE. A 10-Year-Old Kentucky Girl Terr EIo- qnent In the Fulpir. SFXCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 Paimotjth, Kr., January 20. Mary Semons, 10 years of age, has delivered four sermons in this place, and is becoming quite popular as a preacher. She has a good voice and splendid delivery for one so young. Mary is the daughter of a fairly well-to-do farmer who lives about four miles from this place. From infancy she displayed unusual brightness. About eight months ago she joined the Baptist church here,and said that the Lord had called upon her to preach. She first addressed a small congregation at her father's house, and succeeded so well that she spoke next in a church near by. The little girl soon had a repntution throughout this and neighboring counties. After several month's in the countrv she preached here, and her success was greater than it was in the rural districts. Under her ministry several persons joined the church.j',Many allesc that her sermons can not be surpassed by any grown man or woman. Mary is rather small for her years, has sharp features, Dlack eyes and hair, and is very intelligent. She " win continue her services here for several'weeks, and then she will go to the larger Kentucky towns. GOT AWAY WirflOUT MISHAP. The Atlnnta Sails Without Even Sticking in tho Mad. SPECIAL TBLEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.5 Brooklyn, N. Y., January 20. The Atlanta sailed from Cob dock, Brooklyn navy yard, about 930 o'clock this morning. A small crowd was present to give her a hearty Godspeed. As she passed ont of the basin the band aboard of the Vermont and the officers aboard the Atlanta acknowl edged the attention by lifting their caps. Cob dock was the scene of the Galena's in glorious stick in the mnd, but profiting by Admiral Luce's experience, the commander of the Atlanta got away without mishap. The Atlanta had just come from the dry dock and had not had ber powder aboard more than 21 honrs. Her officers and crew were in no fear of "warlike" Haytians, but felt a little nervous about yellow fever. The Atlanta's destination is Port-au-Prince, but it is understood she will stop at Kingston, Jamaica, and take orders from Admiral Luce. L0TTEEI PB1ZES K0 PfiOPEBTY. A New York Judge Throws a S?nit for One Ont of Conrt. rSrECIAL TELEOItAM TO THE DISFATCH.1 Oswego, N. T., January 20. About two years ago Byron D. Houghton drew $25,000 in the Louisiana lottery, one-fourth of which he paid to Mrs. Mary Goodrich, in consid eration of her interest in the ticket. She claimed a one-halt interest, and her suit to recover has just been thrown out in the Cir cuit Court by Justice Churchill, who ruled that the contract entered into was repugnant to the laws of the .State, and couldn't be recognized by the Court. The Court also said that the District At torney would be justified in proceeding against both the parties for a violation of the law prohibiting lottery dealing, and to recover and confiscate proceeds. The case will be appealed. TCUDCD Aline people should bear in I E-mE.TUnlE.,Hid the fact that Tun Dispatch is making a thorough canvass of the Slate in order to ascertain the drift of pub lic sentiment for or against Prohibition. Mead the opening review this morning. m TO BE IDE, ;-sj An Attempt to Bribe a Mercer Member of the House TO AID LIQUOR INTEREST. Representative Speir Says an Effort Was Made to Buy Him. A DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS CALLED, At Which the Beverage Qnestion is Ex pected to he Handled. A EEYISION OP THE BB00S BILL A startling statement is made by Repre sentative Speir, of Mercer county. He says a liquor man approached him and told him he could make "a nice lamp" of money by voting against the submission of tho pro hibitory amendment. A revised version of the Brooks bill is to be introduced in the House this week. It is considered quite an improvement, the most objectionable fea tures of the law being eliminated. The Democratic members of the Legislature will hold a joint caucus to-morrow evening, at which the liquor question, it is thought, will be discussed. ' CrBOM A STAIT CORRISFOOTENT.J Harrisbdrc, January 20. "I am very sorry you feel that way, for there are a couple of millions in the Treasury, and you might just as well have a nice lump of it as not" This remark was made to Representative Speir, of Greenville, 3Iercer county, just before he started forHarrisburg. Mr. Speir is one of the few members of the House of Bepresentatives left in the city. A greater number of legislators than at any time this session, left for their homes after adjourn ment, Thursday and Friday, and the two chambers were almost deserted yesterday and to-day. Representative Speir sat in his seat this afternoon and entertained a group, in" which newspaper men largely predominated, with an explanation of liquor affairs in Mercer county, where the temperance sentiment is so strong that the county is very nearly a Pro hibition one. PLEDGED BY PROHIBITIONISTS. The constitutional amendment was made an issue in the last election, and the mem bers from Mercer came here pledged to sub mission. Before coming to Hamsburg Mr. Speir was approached, he says, by a liquor man of his acquaintance, who said to him: "Speir, when you get down to Harrisburg I want you to vote down the prohibition amendment and help to carry some amend ments to the Brooks' high license law." "It isn't possible," responded Mr. Speir; "don't you understand that I am pledged to my constituents to vote for'the -submission of prohibition? It was made an issue in the campaign, and I was elected to the Legisla ture on it. I always stick to my pledges." Then it Vwas that the liquor man made tbe significant remark quoted above. Mr. Speir thinks the fight will be a hot one in Mercer connty, and that there will be very little dodging of the point at issue at the special election. The county has been so wrought up during several years that the lines between the temperance and liquor forces are sharply drawn. NO POLITICS IN IT. Mr. Speir thinks that about 20 per cent of the Democrats of the county will vote for the amendment, and that probably 30 per cent of the Republicans will vote against it. Beside this, he thinks many of the extreme I' party Prohibitionists will vote against it on tbe ground that no measure not carriea by their party can be a good one. Representative Pugh, of Somerset, who ex pected his county to give a majority for the prohibition amendment, has received a num ber of letters from prominent people in the county which causes him to falter somewhat . in this view. On Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, the Democrats will holci a joint caucus. Rep resentative Smiley, of Clarion connty, one of the few Democrats remaining in the city, says he doesn't know just what the object of the caucus is, but thinks the liquor question may be touched on. As for himself, he is against the constitutional amendment, and so is his colleague, Judge Brinker, and their constituents. Simpson. BROOKS' BILL REVISED. An Improvement on the nish License Bill to Bo Introduced In the House This Week Uniform Fees and One Saloon Only for Bvery 500 Inhabitants A Temperate Measure. Philadelphia, January20. The Press has the following concerning a new high license bill to be presented this week in the Legislature: A new high license law will be introduced in the House next week. It has the sanction of some of the foremost leaders of the Republi can party. Great care has been shown In Its preparation, and it is expected to meet the ap proval of all tbe friends of high license. Tbe object of the new bill is to improve high license in such a way that it will command tbe support of what Senator Cooper calls "the temperate thought of Pennsylvania." . The act ha3 been prepared on similar lines to that of the Brooks bill, with the objectionable features of the latter eliminated. It proposes to keep the power of granting licenses m the courts and to continue the discretionary power of the Judges. In order, however, that the courts of certain counties of the State shall not grant all applications that may come before them there is restriction placed npon the num ber of licenses that may be granted. This is to be regulated by the law, which will provide that not more than one license shall be granted for everv 500 population in any city or county in tne State. It is believed that this restriction will be a great improvement upon the Ucooka bill which leaves tbe wholo matter in the hands'of the courts. In Philadelphia, Pittsburg ana other localities the judges 'have exercised the dis cretion vested in them by the law and have made a great decrease in the number of sa loons. Just the reverse has been the case in Schuyl kill, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Lehigh, Bucks and some other counties. Tbe judges in these tonnties have granted nearly every application for a license that has been presented to them. It is said that Schuylkill county, with a popu lation of abont 150,000, has between 700 and 800 licenses. The same state of affairs exists in other counties. It is to remedy this defect and make tho law applicable to every county in the State that the restriction of one saloon to every 500 of the population of a city or county is proposed. THE PROPOSED FEES. Another Tespect in which the new bill will differ from the Brooks law is the fees to be charged. In Philadelphia and Pittsburg the fee will contmne at $500, but in the cities of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh classes it will be increased from $300 to $500, there by mak ing a uniform fee for all cities. It Is proposed to raise the fee in boronshs from Sl&O to $309 and iu the country from $75 to SIoO. Four-fif tbs of tbe license fees will, as at present go to the local authorities and the other one-fllth will be paid into the State Treasury. There will also be a provision In the new bill for the transfer of licenses In cases of death. The person, however, to whom such a license Is transferred must first pass an examination of the court of the county In which the transfer is made. Still another alteration is one with reference i.X. r