sxELaaS "53)" Sy ff-'tv B irVfr- ffi.' p :r f. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH," SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1889. THE MAEKET BASKET. Ketail Prices of Materials for Sunday Dinner Tables. EGGS DOWN, CHOICE HOTTER FIRM. Vegetables and Fruit Rarely as Low in Mid Winter as Xow. FISH AXD OTSTERS IN FAIR DEMAND Office of the Pittsbckg Dispatch, ( Friday. January 18, 18S9. J There have been few features of special interest in marketing lines developed in the past week. Retail dealers in the lines of material for Sunday dinners tell the same story as job bers, namely that trade is very quiet, not having yet iully recovered from the holiday boom. At the fish and oyster stalls a fair week's trade is reported, with supplies fullv equal to all demand, for everything suitable to the most fastidious taste. The trade with hotels has very much im proved since the opening ot the new year. But outside trade, with country towns, which was large up to and through the holiday week is only fair to middling in the line of nsu ana oysters. The demand for some has very much declined, but a comfortable business is still re ported by dealers. At butcher stalls the feeling is not jubilant over the situation. Diminished demands for game and poultry has thus far brought no great activity to retail meat trade. The heavy drop in eggs the past week or two begins to be felt in retail markets. Butter that retails below 30c per pound gives Just cause to be viewed with a suspicious eye. Alas ! for the weakness of human nature and the want of respect for law. the bulk of the product going into the average citizen under the guise of butter is considerably mixed. It is highly probable that the bucuit spread at the breakfast table of the multitude contains as large a proportion of tallow and cotton seed oil as the product of Jersey cream. A leading produce merchant said within a day or two- "I do not believe that one-tenth of the so-called butter which goes into the stomachs of the people is the genuine article.1' Pure creamery butter and fancy country rolls have not fallen in price. Country women who are known tobnng the genuine product of cows' milk to market find little trouble dispos ing of their goods at 50c a pound, while a sus Eicious article of country butter is slow at one alf that figure. There are no changes to be noted in the prices of vegetables and fruit. It is not often that the market batket can be filled at this sea son of the year with fruit and vegetables at as low figures asnon. Prices range very little from those which ruled in the hai vefct time. Flowers have experienced another drop from fancy holiday prices, as u ill be seen by quota tions below. The feeling among dealers in market basket materials generally is that the trade is now at its lowest ebb, and that another week will show a revival and greater activity, especially if cold weather happens to inter vene. Mcnts. The prices called for at the Diamond Markets remain unchanged. The best cuts of tenderloin f teak range from 0 to 25c, with the last figure for ery fancy, which are very often no bet ter than the 20c article: sirloin, best cuts, from 18 to 0c; standing rib roast, 15 to 20c; chuck roast, 10 to 12c; best round steaks, 15c; boiling beef, 5 to Sc; sweet breads, 25c per pair: beef kidneys, 10c apiece; beef liver. Sea Fiound: calf livers. 2oc apiece: corned beef rom 5 to 10c per pound. Veal for stewing commands 10c: roat, 12 to 15c: cutlets. 20c per pound; spring lambs, fore quarter, 12 to l5c: hind quarters, la to 20c A leg of mut ton, hind quarter, of prime quality, brings 12c; fore quarter, Ec; loin of mutton, 15c Vegetables nnd Frnit. Jersey sweet potatoes, 25c a half peck; potatoes, 15c a half peck; celery. 10c a bunch; squash, 10 to 25c; tomatoes, 50c per quart box; pumpkin. 15 to 25c: cabbage, 5 to 10c; annles 15c to 20c halt peck: bananas, 15 to 25c a dozen: lemons. 25 to 30c per dozen: oranges. 35 Me: Malaga grapes 25c per pound; onions, 25s a half peck; spinach, 25c per peck; lettuce, 10c per bunch, 3 loi 25c: radishes, Sc per hunch; cran berries, 15c perquait: cucumbers, 25c a piece. Game. riovers f2 00 a dozen; woodcock, $6 50 a dozen. Ducks, 75c to $1 00 a pair. Pigeons, oOc a pair. Squirrel?, 40c a pair. Mallard ducks.Sl a pair; quail.53 00 toll 50 dozen; reed birds, 51 CO per pair. Teal ducks. G5c a pair: canvashick duck. Si 00 per pair: red head ducks, S2 50 per pal-. Pheasants, $1 2d a pair. Rabbits, 25c a pair. Venison, 35c pound, steaks; hole deer, loc to ISc. i'rainc chick ens, $1 25 a pair. Bear steaks, 55c per pound. Butter, Ecps nnd Ponltry. The best creamery butter is 40c. Fancy pound rolls of country butter are 50c The ruling retail price for eggs is 20c. Choice country eggs bring 25c The range for dressed chickens is 75c to $1 00 per pair. Turkeys, 15c per pound. FlIi nnd Oyster. Following are the articles in this line still on the stalls, with prices: Lake salmon, 12Jc; Cali fornia salmon, 40c pound; white fish, 12c; her ring, pounds for 25c;fresh mackerel, 2ocapiece; Spanish mackerel. 45c to50c a pound; sea sal mon, 40c a pound:blue fish, 20c; perch. 10c; uauuui, oc; rock oass, ,wc; uiacK uas, MCI laKe trout, 12Jc: lobsters. 25c: green sea tuitlc, 2Sc Oysters: standard, Jl per gallon; select. Jl 50 totl 7o: N. 1. counts, $1 75 per gallon; snaps SOc: shell ojsters. 25c dozen; smelts, 20 to 25c pound; clams, 1 25 gallon; scollops, 50c a quart. FIovi crs. La France roses, $3 00 per dozen; Bride roes, 1 75 per dozen; Perles, 1 00 per dozen; NIphetos, 1 50 per dozen; Bennetts, 2 25 per dozen; Magna Charts, roses, 1 25; American Beauty, 1 25 apiece; Mennets, 1 75 per dozen; De Wattville, 2 00: carnations, 50 cents a dozen: Marguerites, 30 cents per dozen: Violets. $2 50 a hundred: Lilv of the Valley, 75c per dozen; Maiden Hair fern, 50c per doz. fronds. Bermuda Easter lilies,53 50 per dozen; tulips. 75c per dozen. BRITISH IRON. Steel Rails Active nnd Market Strong Manufactured Iron Steady. fcpecial Report by Cable for the American Manu lactnrtr. Londox. January 17. Scotch Pig Barely steady marnet, trade moderate, No. 1 Coltness . .oOs. Od. f.o. b. Glasgow .51s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow .4s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow .49s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow 44s. Cd. f. o. b. Glasgow -43s. Od. L o. b. Glasgow .4Ss. Od. atArdrossan. No. lSummcrlee , No. 1 Gartsherne ...., No. ILangloan No. 1 Carubroe No. IShotts No. 1 Glcngamock. No. 1 Dalmellington ...43s. 6d. atArdrossan. No. 1 Eglmton 41s. Od. atArdrossan. Hesscmer Pig Market continues firm, with good business. West Coast brands quoted at 45s Od for Nos. 1. 2. 3, f. o. b. shipping point. Middlesbrough Pig More demand and prices stead. Good brands quoted at 34s. Od. forNo. 3, f. o. b. Spiegelcisen Market continues firm, but quiet. English 20 per cent quoted at bOs. Od, i. o. b. at works. Steel Hails Active market and prices strong, fetandard sections quoted at 4 f. o. b. ship ping point. Steel Blooms Market holding firm, demand fair. Beemer 7x7 quoted 3 17s. 6d f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Billets This market continues firm, on a good demand. Bessemer (size 2x2$) quoted at 4 os. 6d. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Slabs Steady market and trade good. Ordinary sizes quoted at 3 17s. 6d. f. o. b. ship ping point. .rop Ends Demand only moderate, but market steady. Run of the mill quoted at 2 12s 6d. f. o. b. shipping point. Steel Wire Rods A firm market, but busi ness less active than last week. Mild steel. No. b, quoted at 5 17s. 6d. f. o. b. shippingport. Old Rails Market dull and prices unchanged. Tees quoted at 3 5s. Od. and double heads at 3 10s. Od. c i. 1. New York. Scrap Iron Slow market continues, no change In prices. Heavy wrought quoted at 2 2s. 6d f. o. b. shipping points. Manufactured Iron Market active, prices somewhat irregular, but strong. Stafford, ord. marked bars(f.o.b.L'pool)8 12s Cd " common bars 0 Os Md 5 15s Od " blk. sheet singles 0 0s 0d 715s0d Welsh bars, f. o. b. Wales... 5 2s 6d 0 OsOd Steamer Freights Glasjrow to New York, 4s. Od. Liverpool to New York. 10s. Od. Wool Markets. Philadelphia Wool quiet and prices un changed. New York Wool strongand quiet; domestic fleece, 303Bc; pulled, 2C,c; Texas, 1420c r Louis Wool steady: unwashed bright medium. l!'26Jfc; coarse braid, 1222c: low sandy, llglic; line light, 1723c; fine heavj-, 1319c Metnl Markets. New York Pig iron firm. Copper dnll and heavy: lake, January, $17 25. Lead nominal; j2l'nr 3 Tin qulet and casicr5 raite, ST. Locis-Lcad dull; S3 55 asked. MARKETS BY WIRE. Wheat Unsettled by Henry Dealing, but Closes Firm and Higher Corn and Oats tstronsei Pork and Lard Irregular. Wlih 3Iany Fluctuation. CntcAGO Things appeared to be consider ably mixed in wheat in this market to-day. Trading was heavy and largely local, and cred ited mostly to the large flour traders. Some parties who were credited with having bought very freely a few days ago sold heavily, one dealer being credited with selling 1.000,000 bushels or more, while others were buying, one operator being reported as taking 500,000 to 1,000,000 bushels for covering of shorts, and an other with buying 500.000 bushels on long ac count. The impression prevailed that r. good deal of lorg wheat had been sold and short lines covered. Fluctuations of price were con fined v.itlun a moderate range, considering the active trading, and the feeling was strong most of the session. The opening was about the same as tho closing yesterday, eased oif He and after that rallied with scleral slight fluctua tions tolJc, eased off Jc and closed z higher than yesterday. A sale of 10,000 bushels ot old o. 2 spring was made here to-day to a local miller at 1 00. or 1c under the May prices, shoning that choice milling wheat is not plenty, and that to obtain desirable lots some premium must be paid above regular lots. A very fair trade was witnessed in corn early and the feeling developed was quite strong, after which prices receded and the market was les active. Tho market opened at about cs tcrdaj's closing prices, was unsettled for a time, then advanced c reacted Jc be came steady, and closed K6lc higher than yesterday. Oats w ere stronger, and the nrincinal futures traded in advanced Vi&Ac The near deliveries remained dull, and although at one time higher prices were hid, they tailed to brim out sellers, ana not sumcient trading occurred to establish prices. Quite an active speculative business was rc- Eortcd in mess poik, but prices ruled irregular, larly sales wcie made at about jesterdaj's closing figures, but the market soon weakened aud prices gradually declined 3537Kc Later the market ruled steadier, and prices rallied 12K1 5c but declined again and closed easy. lr.iding was quite active in lard, and prices ruled irregulai. Early sales were made at yes terdays closing figures, but the pressure to sell exceeded the demand, and a reduction of 15 ITJJc was submitted to. Later the market was steadier, and prices rallied and closed quiet. There was good trading in short ribs, and the market was weak during the greater portion of the day. Prices declined 15Sl"Kc, but rallied 'jyndoc and closed steady. The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2, January. 97Jfc; Fcliruarv. 97 R9S9797c; Mav, Sl0lgl016l l 01; juiy. i'iiraiM'4jir.(3Vi;;c X'(M5'. Mtss 'Pork, per bbl. January, fl2 55; March. 12 ft!K13 0012 6512 65; May, 13 20 13 20S12 S2Xgl2 S7U. Lard per 100 fis. January, 7 077 O7K0 6 S75i6 67K: March, S7 107 106 StkSfi !&A; May. 7 22Ug7 2237 057 Uo. SHORT RIBS, per 100 fts January. 16 70 6 756 50&6 50; March, 6 75B 75S6 S7U 6 57K; May, 5 b56 S5Q6 706 70. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, steady and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 97.c; No. 3 spnngwheaU&g&Gc: No. 2 red, lKH,e97i(c. No. 2 corn. 313JJ8"a No. 2 rye, SIKc. No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1 flaxseed, 1 62. Timothy seed, 1 5S. Mess pork, per bar rel, 12 5512 CO. Lard, per 100 lbs. G 99. Short ribs sides (loose), 6 52k. Dry salted shoul ders (boxed). 6 256 37ij. Short clear sides (boxed), S7 007 12K. Receipts Flour, 10,000 barrels; wheat, 16.0u0bushels: corn, 107.000 bush els: oats. 102,000 bushels: rye, 3,000 bushels; bar ley, 54,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 11,000 bar rels; wheat, 17,000 bushels; corn. bo,000 bushels: oats. 66,000 bushels; rye, none; barley, 23,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was dull and weak; fancy creamerv, 24g25c; choice to fine, lS20c; fine dairies, 16 ISc; good to choice. Ilgl2c Eggs steady at 15c New York Flour steady and moderately active. Wheat-Spot firm and Klc higher; options active and firm, and 5gjc higher, Kje heavy and quiet. Barley quiet. Com ir regular, closing weaker and fairlv active; op tions active and kJic higher. Oats Lower on white: unchanged on mixed. Hay firm. Coffee Options opened barely steady and ir regular; closed steady at 520 points up; sales, 41,750 bags, including 15.55i2.75c; February, 15.00c; March, 15.40iai5.50c: Mav. 15.3315.50c: June. 15.454tl5.50c; July, li4:Vi!)l555c: August. 15.5015.00c: September, 15.b015.70.-: October. 15.70c; November, 15.70c: December. 15.60 15.75c; spot Rio strong: fair cargoes, 17'sc. Sugar-Raw dull; refined dull. Molasses Sales, 6 cargoes new crop Cuba, Feb- (iuaij auu -uuiuu ueuvenes, zuc ior oo test; New Orleans delivery moderately active and hnn. Cottonseed oil dull; crude4Gc: yellow, i 5Itf7!;52ff. Tallow nnminnl PV ai, decline; western, 16Kc. Pork quiet Cutraeats strong; pickled bellies, 12 pound. "Kc; 10 pounds, ic: pickled shoulders. 6G)kc: pickled hams lOiSJIOKc. Middles dull: short clear, 7 37K. Lard opened Arm and closed weak at atl213 points decline; sales western steam, 7 50, closing at $7 40; city. $5 00: January. $7 SB February, $7 32 asked; March, S7 3o740, clos ing at 7 33 asked; April. 7 35 asked: Mav, 7 377 52. closing at 7 37; June, 7 33g7 50. closing at 7 SS; July, 7 41 asked; August, 7 43 asked. Butter w eak except for fine; western dairy, 1319c; creamery, 16025c: Llgins. 27c Cheese stiong and wanted; western, llllc St. Louis Flour nominally unchanged. Wheat had more strength and steadiness to day and closed Kc above yestcrdav; No. 2 red, cash and January. 91c; Mav, 97i(g9Sc closing at 97c; July, 85JJ8CKc. closing at S6Kc Corn higher and flrm;No. 2 mixed, cash, 29K30c; March, 3131K closing at 31c bid; Mav. 32 33c closing at S3c Oats higher; No. 2 cash. 24Jc: May, 2Si52SKc, closing at 2Sa Rve firm at 4Sc; but there is no demand. Barley verv dull: one car Iowa sold at 45c. Bag"in" easy at 7J10c, according to weight. Iron ties lower at SI 10. Provisions dull and only a small jobbing trade done. Pork, $13 00. Lard, 6 75. Cincinnati Flour dull. Wheat nuh; No 2 red, 1 01. Receipts, 500 bushels; shipments, 500 bushels. Com in good demand, steady; No. 2mixed,35Kc Oats stead ; No. 2 mixed, 2SS2bMc Rve quiet; No. 2, 2 55. Pork nom inal at 13 25. Lard quiet at 6 90. Bulkmeats and bacon barely steady. Butter weak, lower; fancy northwestern creamerv, 272Sc; prime dairy roll, 1213c. Sugar quiet. Cheese firm. Philadelphia Flour dull and weak. Wheat dull, but with stronger reports from the West prices advanced KSlc and closed firm. Com firm and demand niodctate:uothing doing on speculative account. Oits Carloisdulland barely steadv: No. 3 white, 32c; No. 2 white. 34c do choice, 34c: tutuies quiet but steadv. But ter dull and weak; PcnrslTania creamerv extra,25c; do prints, extra, 28c. Milwaukee Flour dull. Wheat unsettled cash. tiOiSa05c; May, 9lX&SiyHc Corn strong No. 2,S031Kc Oats inactive; No.2white,2Sc Rve buoyant and higher: No. 1, 19c Bailey dull: cash, 64Jsflic. Provisions irregular. Pork, 12 90. Lard, ii 07J. Cheese quiet; Cheddars lOglOKc Baltimore Provisions steady and un changed. Butter weak; Western packed. 15 17c: creamery. lWt26c Eggs firm at 1516c Coffee firm; fair, 17K17Jic. Toledo Cloversccd active and steady cash and February, 5 30; March, 5 37K. HOW TO KEEP FLOWERS. A Florist Gives Some Hints for Preserving Them Frcrli nnd Bright. There were several beautiful bouquets of roses, hyacinths and other hothouse flowers resting on the counter in a florist's estab lishment in this city yesterday afternoon, when a reporter stepped into the store. He asked how long will the flowers last in the bouquets. The general manager replied: That all depends on how they are takncare of. Of course, if a lady carries them in her hand all night in a hot ballroom, there Is no chance for them to last any time at all. But unaer orainary circumstances, mat is, pnt in a vase, thev ought to last a week, at least. Most people make the mistake to moisten the stems of the flowers only. Now that is wrong. The jietals are more liable to wither and drop off than any other part of a flowpr.and they should be moistened as well. In fact, this is the wav flowers sliould be treated : Put them in a basin anl let the water run on them until thev a almo covered with it. Then let them stand- iiKeuiai. mraniguu ids next morning they may be arranged, and then they should be sprinkled with moisture as often as the water jn tho vases is renewed, and they will last CHUNG LEE MAKES TROUBLE. Georgia's Colored Washerwomen Will Not Tolerate Chinese Competition, f SrECIAl. TELEORAJI TO THE DISFATCn,! Albany, Ga., January 18. The arrival of a Chinese laundry irom San Francisco has precipitated a genuine war of races with the negro washerwomen on the one side and the terrified Chinese on the other. Several years ago two Chinese set up busi ness iu this city and were driven out by the negroes, who looked upon them as unfair competitors in the business. The appear ance of Chung Lee yesterday, therefore.and his declared purpose to open up at the old stand, at once aroused the colored people, and thejr freely avow that there will be a dead Chinese in town if he attempts to take in washing here. WHAT MAT HAPPEN. Bustling Boroughs Almost Ready to Drop Into the Big City. BRADDOCK THAT WAS AND IS. Bulls Look On While Petroleum Out of Sight and Sound. Drops REAL ESTATE MEN TAKE ANOTHER STEP Pittsburg feels a motherly affection for the boroughs that lie just beyond her lim its, which is intensified by the fact that they will at no distant day apply for a place beneath her sheltering wings. Wil kiusburg is almost ready for absorption. Braddock may be able to maintain her quasi autonomy for several years longer, but she will eventually, like the prodigal, become tired of chewing husks, and, re penting of her folly, become part and par cel of the big and spreading city, with an interest in the public schools, the municipal building, the magnificent Court House, and last, but by no means least, the Fifth avenue hump. The i apid growth of Pittsburg renders this result as inevitable as tho march ot timo and progre-s. This preliminary being settled, the reproduc tion of the salient points of an interview which The Dispatch representative had with tho pioneer banker of Braddock yesterday evening may be both opportune and interesting. There have been many radical changes there within the past few years changes in business as well as in municipal administration aud generally for the better. Ten years ago the streets were unpaved and almost impassable. It was not an unusual occurrence for horse3 and wagons to stick in the mud on the main thoroughfare. Pedestrians fared no better. This was a serious hindrance to business. Since tho borough sys tem went into operation this inconvenience has been removed in a great measure, but the im provements by which It was accomplished hare cost a largo sum of money. Tho borough indebtedness is not less than 150,000. Nearly all of it has been expended on the streets. But with all this outlay they are not in a condition to satisfy the public demand or meet the requirements of business. After every rain the streets and pavements arc cov ered with mud from tho hills, which overlook the town. This is sometimes swept up and carted away, but more frequently it Is allowed to remain. It is estimated that an additional expenditure of at least 100,000 will be necessary to put the streets in good condition. It is gen erally admitted that the borough authorities have done thebestpossiblennder the untoward circumstances, but their difficulties have been great and the means at their disposal inade quate. Turning from this disagreeable subject, Braddock has other features, showing the pro gressive character of her citizens, to which she can point with pride, among which are the water works, gas and electricity, a small but well organized fire department, a public library. two fine public school buildings, a score of churches, and the great Edgar Thomson Steel Works. These corporations and institutions partly compensate for muddy streets, aud in a measure reconcile the people to a pretty steep tax rate. The population is not far from 10,000. The oldest of the two national banks holds over half a million dollars deposited by 2,000 persons, nearly all of whom reside in the borough. This is the town which, when the fullness of time shall come, will be one of the most flourishing integers of the great city of Pittsburg. BROKERS DISAPPOINTED. Loaded With Orders for Stocks Which They Couldn't Buy. There was more snap tban business at the Stock Board yesterday. Nearly all the brokers were loaded with orders, but the stuff thc7 wanted was held above their figures. No bet ter evidence than this could bo furnished that stocks arc steady, with no visible sign of a re action. The inquiry was practically limited to gas traction and electric. There was a bid of 23 lor Manufacturers' Gas. It is held at 2I25. The transactions were: JIOnSIKO. ATTERSOO"N Hid. Asked. Bid. Asked. 93 93 61 55 90 .... 90K .... 123 125 69 5SJi .... .... 22 "'. 50 36 .... 55 57 55 57 23 38V 33 3SJ 39 29 30 29 30 .. . 79,1 75 79M 47 4S.-4 49i 50 Vi .. 1JJ IK 97 STOCKS. ComniercialNat. Bank Citizens'1 .Nat. Bank... Freehold Bank Iron City National..... Iron A Glass Dol. Sav. Keystone Bank Marine ?at. Bank Boatman's Man. AMcr. Ins Allegheny Gas Co.. Ill Cliartiers Valley GaB.. Manufacturers' Gas Co Philadelphia Gas Co... Wheeling Gas Co Mt. Oliver Inc. Plane. Citizens' Traction Pittsburg Traction LaNoria M. Co Allc.T'v Co. Klectric. Wcst'honse Elec. L't . Union Switch A Signal Pitts. Cyclorama Co... 35V 36,' 35-8 10 .... 5 ... The sales at the morning call were 60 La Noria at 1& 130 Philadelphia Gas at 3S and 20 at Sb Alter the call 50 share Westinghouse Klectric sold s. 0.6 months at 35, and 5 shares at 35. In the afternoon 5 shares Wheeling Gas sold at 29.100 La Noria at lj. 100 Philadelphia Gas at 3 One membership was transferred atS600. The total sales of stocks at New York ye terdav were 162,882 shares. Including: Dela ware, Lackawanna and 'Western. 17,076: Erie, 7.000; Lake Shore, 3.250; Missouri Pacific, 15. 890: Heading. 29.320; B.&W., 3.800; St. Paul, 9.5JS: Tesras Pacific 3,375; Union Pacific, 6.205: Western Union, 5,263. IX FULL SWING. The Banks illnkc a Spurt nnd Regain Lost Ground. The money market yesterday glided alone as smoothly as if it had been lubricated by some of the stuff which the boys at the Petroleum Exchange are so bothered about Counter deal ings were above the average. Loans were made at 67 per cent. It was learned that the bulk of the money realized from mortgages to tho unuual number of which attention has been directed is to be applied .o building purposes and not to hazardous speculation, as had been surmised. The Clearing House did a rushing business, as the report shows: Exchanges, $2, 118.821 34; balances, $132,101 63. The week's total will exceed $12,000,000. Money on call in New York yesterday was easy at 22K per cent: last loan 2: closed offered at 2. Prime mercantile paper, 46kc Sterling exchange active and firm at 54 SoK for 00 daysr bills and $4 SS for demand. Bonds closed in New i'ork yesterday: U. S. 4s, coupon, 12 II. S. 4Ks, registered. 100; U. S. 4s, coupon, 100; Pacific 6s of '95, 119. New Yokk Bank clearings. 5116.345.540: hal. anccs. $5,930,499. BOSTO'-Clearings, $14,306,629; balances, $1, 433,954. Money, 2 per cent Pnn.ADEi.rHiA Clearings, $12,985,992; bal ances, $1,758,348. BALTiJionE Clearings, $1,845,597; balances, $284,702. CHICAGO Bank clearings. $9,894,000. St. Louis-Clearings, $3,467,333; balances, $402.6S9. A BOOM FOR LIMA OIL. A Former Pittsburg Operator Gives His Opinion of tho Stuff". Mr. J. S. Strickler, of Lima, O.. formerly an operator on the Pittsburg Petroleum Exchange, was circulating among old friends on the floor of that institution yesterday afternoon. He is dead gone on Lima oil and gives some forcible reasons for tho faith that is in him. During a brief talk with The Dispatch representative he said Lima oil was rapidly coming to the front in spite of all efforts to keep it in the background. The quality was good 75 per cent of white 110 test One refinery there was turning out TOO barrels of this oil every day in the week. In fact the demand was greater than the capacity of the refineries to supply. These facts were well known there, he said, where no one undertook to dispute them. It was ascertained from another source that the abundance, cheapness and good quality of Lima oil arc among tho bearish influences operating on the general market to keep prices down and unsettled. Lima oil, he added, could not be much longer ignored. THE LOWEST IET. OH Drops Almost Oat of Sight Secret In- flnencrs nt Work. Oil opened up at the Exchange yesterday at the same figures as the day bef ore,Bljc, but with a better feeling, and for a short time the bulls held the reins, pushing the price up Jc, but this exhausted their tactics as well as their patience. It was a fight against fate, or the Standard or some other mysterious influence, and they gave up in disgust. The downward movement culminated at 83?c, which fairly staggered the boys, who had been expecting a different result. This was the last straw that broke the market's back. After that It was n. g., although It firmed up a little jnst before the close, which was S4c, a under the open ing. There were no outside orders to hold up the market. The uncertainty surrounding the producers' reserve was said to be a leading factor in the rbreak. Trading was light and featureless at aU of the exchanges. Pinkerton was the prin cipal buyer here. Thursday's clearings were 2.S10.000 barrels. Refined at Antwerp lost, V,. The opening was 84c, highest 84c, lowest 83Kc closed at 84c A. B. McGrew quotes: Puts, 83c: calls, 84c Tne following tabic, corrected by De Witt Oil worth, broker In petroleum, etc., corner Fifth avenue and Wood street, 1'ltUburg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc.: 'lime. Hid. Alt. Time. Bid. Ak. Opened S4 Sn's 12:p. M.... BV4 M'A I0:1SA. m.... Wi MM 1:00 r. M... Siii Si'A 10:30a. W.... Sl 81V 115 P. M.... 84)i M'i 0:45A. M.... MH S4V 130F. M.... 84 Sl' 11.10A. (.... US SIV 1:45 r. M.... 84 84X 1I:15A. it.... H-m 84V 1:00 P. M.... 84S Wi 11:A. U.... HH S4V 2:15 P. M.... 84 84! 11:45A. II.... HS 84V Z:30r. II.... S4's 84 12:00 M 81;S 84 H 2:45F. U.... tliii Mli I2::5r. M.... 84 84; Closed 84 12:30 r. M.... 84 84 Ji! Opened. 81Mc: highest. H.Vc; lowest, S3?4c; closed, !4c Barrels. lit Ily runs 50,798 Average rnn 42,182 Dally stilmnents Bo.249 Average shipments G45- Dally charters - 79, M5 Average charters 28.710 Clearances , 2,910,000 J.eWXortr closed M S33ic Oil Citv closed at S4c. Bradford closed at S3c New Vorx. retined. Jc London, reSned. 6t. Atatwcrp. retined, ls(f. Oilier Oil Markets. Titusville. January 18. Opened, 84Kc; nigucsi, oiic: lowest, N?ic; cioseo, 4C Bradford. January 18. Opened, 84c; high est. 81Jc: lowest, 83c: closed, 83c Oil crrr. January 18. Opened, 84c: high est, 84JJc; lowest, 83c; closed, 84c New York, January 18. Petroleum opened steady at S4JJc, but after the first sales the mar ket became heavy, and declined to S3Jc, and closed steady at S3c. Sales, 1,112,000 barrels. PITTSBURG ENTERPEISE. Finding unOntlet In the Findlay Oil Field Another Combine. rSPECTAI, TELSGKAX TO TUB DISPATCH.l Findlav, January 18. The Sun Oil and Gas Company is the title under which Pew, Emer son & Miller, of Pittsburg, propose to do busi ness in Ohio. The company has been organ ized under the laws of this State with a capi tal of 300.000. The gentlemen forming this corporation, together with those of the Paragon Refining Company, of Toledo, and the Amazon Oil Company, also of Toledo, arc all Eastern oil men of superior standing, and pos sess sound business judgment. Those men having invested large sums ot money in the Ohio field, the doubting masses have begun to feel that perhaps, after all. the Ohio product has a value to tho world. Tho undercurrent of oil affairs in Northwest ern Ohio is becoming somewhat mixed and sadly disturbed, and something may come out of tho present agitation that will be of general benefit to the trade at large. A FEW LET GO. Fresh Dickers In Real Estate The Buyer Still Abroad. The real estate movement yesterday was not of sufficient magnitude to tarn anybody's bead. The usual number of prospective buyers turned up, but, as a rule, they concluded to watch and wait a little longer. Alles & Bailey, 164 Fourth avenue, sold to George Schmidt for Thomas Jones, lot 33K154 feet on Fifth avenue, opposite Gist street, for $3,750 cash. This property adjoins the property Alles & Bailey sold to Mr. Schmidt on Thurs day, making inaI1133K feet front on Fifth avenue. W. A. Herron & Sons sold lot 100x330 feet on Penn avenue, near Homewood avenue, for SS.000 cash. The purchaser intends to erect a flue residenco on this lot Black & Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold for tho Alta Land Company to Achilles Wagner, a two-story brick residence of eight rooms, being No. 1316 Virginia avenue, Dunuesne Heights, with lot, 19x100 feet, for $2,000, payable 5100 cash and tno balance 5100 everv six months. James W. Drape fc Co. closed the sa'e pf a very firte East End property, yesterday, an er cellent residence on Fifth aveno with large lor, for $35,000. They also closed the sale of a man ufacturing site on a line of railroad on the Allegheny river, near Fiftieth street, f or $23,500. They also closed a mortgage on a house and lot in McKeesport of $2,500 at 6 per cent. Samuel W. Black & Co., 89 Fourth avenue, gold at auction lot No. 64, West End place plan. Thirty-fifth ward, known as Haleman's Hill, to R.L. Simmons for $67. Thev also sold No. 67 in the same plan to James"Keenanfor$66 50. The next auction sale will be held this after noon at 3 o'clock. Reed B. Coyle & Co. placed $5,000. nearly all on property at Torrens' station for five years at 5 per cent. ANOTHER STEP TAKEN. A PrcIIminnry Meeting of the Real Xstnto ExcliaiiRO Committee The Report. The members of the committee of real estate dealers who went to New York for points to aid them m organizing the proposed Exchange in this city, held a meeting at the office of Thomas Liggett 114 Fourth avenue, yesterday afternoon. The only important business trans acted was the preparation of a formal report, embracing the results of their investigations, with some suggestions, for the consideration of the other dealers of the city. The report consisted principally of an elabora tion of the points previously mentioned in this will probably be considered at a general meeting to be called for that purpose. This preliminary settled, books for membership applications will be opened. "We want them all to come in," said one of the committee. STILL PKOPPItfG OFF. Wall Street Continues to Work In the Direction of Ilnrd Pnn Pnllmnn Alone Scores nn Advance Bonds Gnlnlng Strength. New Yoke, January 18. The stock market showed a still further falling off in the amouut of businesj done to-day, and while the trading was even more than usual of late confined to the trading element it reflected a growing in disposition to operate even among that class of operators. The interest of the day centered in the Southwestern stocks. There was heavy selling of Atchison eariy iu the day, presum ably for Boston account, which, however, was accompanied by the usual disquieting rumors which took tho shape that tho company had been compelled to borrow money to pay its interest, that the next statement would show a largo floating debt and that the load had failed to earn its fixer! charws hr about $2,000,000, with the talk or a receiver. The selling movement extended to San Fran cisco, which was sold down from 65jic to 61, although the sales were believed to be for the account of the bear leaders. Missouri Pacific, and Texas Pacific also suffered, though to a smaller extent There was also considerable pressure upon the Coalers. Reading yielded a point and Lackawanna something more, although each recovered a portion of the de cline. The movement in Delaware and Hud son was more marked, while its volume of business was somewhat smaller than usual of late, and it closed with a material loss for the day. First figures were generally slightly better than last evening's prices, and while tho mar ket was quite dull there were further slight gains recorded in the first few minutes. Tho weakness in Atchison and the other South westerns, however, soon changed the temper of the trading, and the early improvement was quickly wiped out San Francisco next came into prominence, followed by Missouri Pacific, and later in the day by Texas Pacific and Cot ton Oik The general list was dull and yielded slowly.and in a lew instances some strength was shown, but the dealings were utterly devoid of feature and fluctuations unimportant The market finally closed dull and heavy at or near the lowest prices of the day. Pullman stands alone this evening in showing an advance, which was lJ per cent, while the rest of the list is almost invariably lower. The trading in railroad bonds aggregated $1,408,000, but this amount was very evenlv dis tributed, although the nnmbcr of issues traded in was somewhat smaller than usual of late. The tone ot the market was still firm to strong, and almost everything traded in shows an ad vance this evening. The following table shows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected dailj for The Dispatch by Whit ney fc Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 67 Fourth avenue: Open- High- Low . . in jr. est. est Clos ing. 625? tVA 97X Am. voiton uii sua Atch., Top. A 15. F.... 85V Canada Southern M Oentralof New Jersey. 874 55J B2 CentralPaclfic C, Bur. AfQulncy U0K C, Mil. & St. Paul..., 5H C. ,Mtl..t-St. P.. of.. ..105 HOI now 643 105 10-5H S7X 83i 15 35V 32K 32K D3li B2j2 mm io7V .... 142 58 biVi Wi 31 X 25 van is 133V 133V 9 9 64 in lis" ii4V 1S!4 KM 52M vna isj SIX 575 85 8 11 ji 72V 0Si 10816 28H 28H 6-5 62M IS 50 38 44M 44 VH 16 5t tni is 60J ma 691$ 30V 30 39V 36 24 4 4SK 133 'i 184 H 24J4 2l!j 79)5 39)4 94 102 lC0?f 21 62V .... 1I2S 22V 21 H UMi 63V 13 32V 25 24V 84 SVi 6i; 61 O., 'Kock I. & P 03 C., St. L. & Pitts J., St. L. & Pitts, pf. ti.St. P., SI. AO...... 33 33 C, St. P.,M. & O., pf. IM W C. & Northwestern... .108M 108M C4 .Northwestern, pf. C. C. C. & I 5SV MJ( Col., Coat & Iron SH 32 Col. A Hocking Val Del., L. V... 140", 140J, Del. Hudson 1347s 134'$ E.T., Va. fttla 9 9 E.T.,Va. AGa., lstpf .... E. T., Va. & Ga. 2d pf. Illinois Central 115 115 Lake Erie .t Western.. 1SK UH Lake Erie & West. pf. Lake Shore M. S 102V ir2V Louisville A Nashville. 57J Sl'i Michigan Central Mobile i Ohio Mo.. K. ATexns.'. Missouri Pacific 7414 74W' Aew York Central lOu1 10SV . Y L. E. & W 235 ZS; if . Y., L. E. & W.pref 65 6SV N. Y C. AM. L .'. n y., c & st. l. nr. N.Y., C. ASt. L.2dpf N. V4K. E 45 45, Y.. V. A W Norfolk A Western Norfolk A Western, pf Northern Pacific ZSX M Northern Pacific prcf. 60V 60V Oregon Improvement Oregon Transcon 3UJ 3I PaciflcMall 37 37 Pco. Dec. A Evans Phlladel. A Heading.. 49 43 Pullman Palace Car...lS.i;s I34"4 Richmond A W. 1. T.. 23 25 Hlchraond A bt. Paul A Duluth St. PjuI A DUuth pf. St. P., Minn. ,t -Man. ..102 102 St. L. A San Fran St. L. & San Fran pf.. 64 St. L. A San F. 1st pf. Texas Pacific 22 22 OnlonPaclfic 645b 64K Wabash J3 13 Wabash preferred 25W 25S Western Union MV 84V Wheeling A L. K 61K 61J BOSTON STOCKS. Atchison nnd (he Coppers Figaro at tho Tnll of the Market. Boston, January 18. Stocks were strong to day, considering that the market was forced to overcome a big slump in Atchison West End. Chicago and Burlington and Northern were the leading features. Atchison and copper stocks were the heaviest A.AT. LandGr't7s.lll Atch. ATop. K. U... 52 Rutland preferred.. 37 Wis. Central, com... 18J4 Wis. Central pr.... 39 AllonezM'cCo.(new) Hi Calumet A Hecla....2S5 Catalna 17 Franklin ir; Huron S Osceola is Quincy R3 Hell Telephone 209 Boston Land 1 Water Power 8U Boston A AIhanv...502 lioston A Maine.. ...178 -.. u. jtv nov Clnn. San. A Cleve. 24b Eastern R. Jt 93J$ Eastern It. It. 6s 124 Flint A I'cresi 30 FUntAPereM. ord. 98 Mcvlcan Central .... 14 M. C. IstMort. bds. 68 V . V. AKewKnir... 44 V. Y.ANewEng 7S.125J4 Old Colony. 171 TamaracK 148 sin Diego 26 Philadelphia Stocks. Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney A Stephenson, brokers. No. 57 xounn avenue, juemuers .new change. Pennsylvania Kallroad Iteadlirg-Kallroad Buffalo, Pittsburg and Western..!(th Vallev...?. Lehigh Navigation U. Co.'s New Jersey Northern Pacific Northern Pacific preferred York Stock Ex- Bld. Asked. .. 54'4 54 ...24 1-16 24 3-16 ... 12V 13 ... 54 54 ... 51J ...223 ...26 2S' ... 60 60 Mining Shares. New Yoke, January IS. Mining shares closed: Amador. 175; Caledonia, 290; Colorado Central, 175: Homestake, 1225; Mutual, 145; Navajo, 150: Plymouth. 825; Sierra Nevada, 335; Silver King, 10c; Standard, $1. LITE ST0C JIAEEETS. Condition of the Market nt the East Liberty Stock Yards. Office of Pittsburg dispatch. ) Friday, January 18, 1SS9. J Cattxe Receipts, 1,154 head: shipments, 1,178 head: market slow and nothing doing; all through consignments; feeling weak; no cattle shipped to New York to day. Hogs Receipts, 4,300 head: shipments, 5,800 head; market fair; Philadelphia, $5 C05 15: pigs and Yorkers, 85 205 2o: 31 cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. SHEEP-Heceipt?, 2,100 head: shipments, 1,600 head; market firm at unchanged prices. By Telcurrntih. New Yokk Beeves Receipts, 3,000 head, In cluding 37 carloads for city slaughterers direct, 67 carloads for the market direct and 70 car loads for exportation dead and alive, and 13 carloads sale cattle were In the pens from pre vious arrivals. The market was extremely dull and closed weak, with a dozen carloads to carryover. Common to strictly prime steers, all natives, sold at from $3 55 to $4 90 per 100 pounds, a single carload of very choice going to $5 00 per 100, and a carload of poor steers at $3 20. Exports to-day and to-morrow, 500 head beeves, 82 head sheep and 1,000 quarters of beef. Sheep Receipts, 6,500 head, and 2,000 head were carried over yesterday; market ex tremely dull and lower, with more than one half ot the offerings unsold at the close. Poor to prime sheep went at $3 255 65 per 100 pounds; common to best lambs at $6 007 62. A bunch or picked wethers sold at $6 00. Hogs Receipts, 6.800 head, including 200 head to be sold alive. These changed bands at$5 50per 100. Market reported dull and lower at $5 20 5 60. St. Louis Cattle Iteceipts. 300 head: ship ments, 500 head; market steady; choice heavy native bteers, $4 304 70; fair to good do, $3 20 fit 25: butchers' steers, medium to choice, S2 77 3 SO; stockers and feeders, fair to good, $2 3 15: rangers, corn-fed. $3 003 60; grass-fed, $2 3 10. Hogs-Recelpts,i 2,200 head; shin- ments, 1,000 head; market steadv; choice heavy and butchers' selections, $5 005 15; packing, medium to prime, $4 855 00; light grades, ordinary to best 4 805 00. Sheep Receipts, 400 head: shipments, 500 head; mar ket strong: fair to choice, $3 004 00. Chicago Cattle Receints, 7,000 head: ship ments, 4,500 head: market steadier: choice beeves. $.4 504 75: stockers and feeders, $2 4003 50: steers, $2 904 15; cows, bulls and mixed, SI 753 05: Texas steers, $2 75. Hogs Receipts. 15,000 head; shipments, 4,500 head; market lower; mixed, $4 905 10: heavy. $4 95 5 15; light $4 905 15; pigs, $3 505 10. Sheep Receipts, 6.000 head; shipments, 1,700 head: market-steady; natives, $3 405 00: Western corn fed, $4404 80; Texans, $3 004 SO; lambs. $4 756 50. Buffalo Cattle No demand, feeling weak; receipts, 900 head through : 140 sale. Sheep and lambs Dull and weak; receipts, none through. 5,000 head sale; good sheep, $4 505 00; good lambs, $0 006 50. Hogs Active and a shade higher tendency; receipts. 4,500 head through, 7,600 head sale, mediums, $5 10; Yorkers, $5 25; pigs, $5 305 35. Cinces-nati Hogs in light supply and strong; common and light 84 235 25: packing and butchers'. S4 905 15; receipts, 2,300 head; shipments, 1,670 head. Whisky Market. The ruling quotations at points of production continue steady at $1 C3. C0MMIS3I0N 1 Until further notice, commission on all trades in the Chicago market and Petroleum will be i for the round turn. No extra charges. JOHN M. OAKLEY & CO., 45 SIXTH STREET. Members Chicago Board of Trade and Pittsburg Petroleum Ex change. , jal&58 X8 DOMESTIC MARKETS. Cooler Weather Brings a Better Tone to Produce Market. A EEVIVAL EXPECTED VERY SOON. Cereal Markets Awakening- From Their Rip Tan Winkle Sleep. CORN AND OATS IN BETTER DEMAND office of PrrTsr.UEO dispatch, Friday, January 18, 1SS9. j Country Prodncc, Jobbing Prices. The drop of the mercuiy has elevated the spirits of produce commission merchants, but it cau hardly be said that trade has improved. Eggs are slow. While some dealers claim that a choice article in single cases brings 20c, others profess a readiness to furnish the best in the market at ISc. Large quantities of cold storage eggs have been of late forced on to markets at a loss to holders. This with the fact that hens do not know that we are in the midst of winter and keep on laying has knocked the bottom out of trade. Country butter still keeps coming in quantities far beyond demand. Only wild win ter weather can lift produce trade out of the ruts in which it has been moving the past few weeks. The supply of poultry is good, but de mand does not keep pace with supply. The general situation in produce lines is one of great expectations, but thus far expectations have not materialized. Beaks Navy from store, primehandpicked, 52 002 10 per bushel; medium, $2 00: Ohio and Pennsylvania do, prime and medium. $2 WJfi! 2 10; imported do. Si 002 00: Lima, 5)4c per ft; marrowfar, $2 752 80 per bushel. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2S30c: Ohio do, 2427c: fresh dairy packed, 2023c: country rolls, 1622c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 26 30c. Beeswax 2323o per ft for choice; low grade, 1618c Cider Sand refined, $6 507 50. common, 53 504 00: crab cider, 88 003 50 jjl barrel; cider vinegar. 1012c $ gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, fall make, 1212fc; New York, fall make, 1213c; Limhurger, HK12ac: domestic Sweitzer cheese, 1313Xc Dried Peas $1 4ol 50 1 bushel; split do, Kggs 19ig20c f? dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples. 81 00 to $1 50 fl barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25c $3 ft: cranDerrics, $800 H barrel: $2402 50 fl bushel. Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1 do. 404oc; mixed lots. 3035c ?1 ft. H031INY S3303 40 i barrel. Honey Now Crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13 15c Potatoes Potatoes, S540c Jl bushel; $2 50 2 75 for Southern sweets; $3 253 50 for Jer sey sweets. Poultry Live chickens, 5570e ?1 pair; dressed chickens, 1315c fl pound: turkevs, 13 15c dressed pound; ducks, live, 805c W pair; dressed, 13I4c ? pound; geese, 10 tic ft pound. Seeds Clover, choice, 62 Its to bushel, $6 per bushel; clover. large English, 62 fts, $6 25; clover, Alsike, $3 50; clover, white, $9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 fts, $1 90; blue grass, extra clean. 14 fts, SI 00; blue grass, fancv, 14 fts, SI 20; orchard grass. 14 fts, $2 00; red top, 14 fts, $1 CO; millet, 50 fts, SI 25; German millet, 50 fts, $2 00: Hungarian grass, 48 fts, $2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, 25c per ft. SHELLBARICS $1 60 1 75. Tallow Country, 4K5c; city rendered, 55Kc Tropical Fruits Lemons, $3 00'J 50 9 box; Messina oranges. $2 503 50 ? box; Florida oranges, $2 753 00 box; Jamaica oranges, fancy. $4 505 00 $ barrel; Malaga grapes. $5 6C7 00 fl keg: bananas, $2 50 firsts, $1 504?2 1)0; good seconds bunch; cocoa nnts, $4 00 hundred; new figs, 1214c fl pound; dates, 5tc fl pound. Vegetables Celery, 4050c doz. bunches; cabbages, $3 005 00 M 100; onions, oOc 1 bushel: Spanish onions, 7590o fl crate; turnips, SO 40c fl bushel. Groceries. Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2021Kc; choico Rio, 1920c; prime Rio, 19c; fair Rio, 18lSic; old Government Java, 2GKc; Mara caibo, 21K22Kc: Mocha, 3031c; Santos, 1S 22c: Caracas coffee, 19J21c; peaberry, Rio. 20 21c; Laguayra, 20KSK1J4C Roasted (in papersj Standard brands, 22c; high grades, 2312(!c; old Government Java, bulk, 30J31Kc;Maracaibo, 25K26Kc; Santos, 21022c; peaberry, 25c; choice Rio, 23Kc; prime Rio, 21c; good Rio, 20jc; ordinary. 19Kc Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, ac; cassia, &g9c; pepper, 19c: nutmeg, 70 80c. Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110test, TUc; Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight. 150, 9c; water white. 10KC! globe, I2c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, HKc; royal in e, 14c SYRUrs Corn syrups, 2325c: choice sugar syrup, 35036c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c; strictly prime, 3335c. N. O. Molasses Fancy, old. 4Sc: choice, 45c; mjxed. 4042c; new crop, 4350c. Soda Bi-carb in kegs, 34c; bi-carb in Ks, 5Jc: bi-carb, assorted packages, o6c; salsoda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c CANDLES-Star, full weight, 9c; steatine, per set, 8c; parafflne, HK12c Rice Head. Carolina, 77c: choice, 6 7c; prime. 56c; Louisiana, 6Q654C Starch Pearl, 2c;cornstarch,5p,7c:gloss starch. 67c. Foreign FRUiTS-Layer raisins, $2 65: Lon don layers, $3 10; California London layers $2 50; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels, $2 35: Valencia, new, 6J7c; Ondara Velencia. 7K7Jc; sultana, 1c; currents, new, i oc; Turkey prunes, new, 44c; French prunes, 813c; Salonica prunes, in 2-6 pack ages, 8c: cocoanuts, per 100, $6 00; almonds, Lan., per ft, 20c; do Ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12K15c: Sicily filberts. 12c; Smyrna flgs, 12)016c; new dates, 5K6c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecan, ll15c: citron, per ft, 2122c; lemon peel per ft, 13llc; Orange peel, 12Jjc. Dried Fruits Annies, sliced, ner fl x." ?it. pies, evaporated, 67J.Jc; apricots, California, evaporated, 15l8c;peaches,evaporated, pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, un pared, 12J13jc: cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evap orated, 2124Kc; blackberries, 78c; huckle berries, 1012c. Sctgars Cubes, 7c powdered, 73c; granu lated, TJc: confectioners' A. 7c; standard A, 7c;softwhites,6j;6Jf'f:yenow,cnoicc,66Kc: yellow, good, t6.L; yellow, fair, 6kc; yel low, dark. 5c Pickles .Medium , bbls (1,200), $45; me- UiUUl?, UMIL unit luuu, 3. CO. Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets. $3 00. Canned Goods standard Peaches. $1 60 1 00; 2ds, $1 3C1 35; extra peaches. $1 351 90; pie peaches, OOc; finest corn, $1 301 60: Hfd. Co. corn. 7090c; red cherries, 90cSl 00: lima beans, $1 10: soaked do, 85c: string dodo, 75085c: marrowfat peas, $1 10l 15; soaked peas. 70 75c; pineapples, $1 401 50; Bahama do. $2 75; damson plums, 5c; green gases, $1 25: eg" plums, $2 00; California pears, $2 50; do green gages. $2 00; do egg plums, $2 00; extra white cherries, $2 90: red cherries, 2 fts OOc: raspber ries, $1 151 40; strawberries, $1 10; gooseber ries, $1 201 30: tomatoes, 9295c; salmon, 1 k, i o(ta- iu; ujdunuerries, ouc: succotash, z-m cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 26s, $1 251 50; corn beef. 2-ft cans. SI 75; 14-fi cans $13 50: baked beans. $1 40SJ1 45: lnhster. I n, i 7SS51 1 80: mackerel, 1-ft cans, broiled, $1 50: sardines, domestic, Ka. $4 254 50; sardines, domestic. K. $S 258 50; sardines, imported. is, $11 50 12 50; sanlines, imported. Ks. $18 00: sardines, mustard. $4 00: sardines, spiced, SI 25. Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $38 fl bbl; extra No. 1 do, messed. $40; extra No. 1 mackerel, shore, $32: extra No. 1 do, messed, $36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole Pollock, 4c fl ft; do medium George's cod, 6c; do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips 6c; do George's cod. in blocks, 67Kc. Herring Round shore, $5 50 fl bhl; split. 7; Uke. $3 25 fl 100-fi half bbl. White fish, $7 fl 10O-B half bbl. Lake trout, $5 50 fl hair bbl. Finnan hadcters, 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c fl ft. Buckwheat Flour 2gz; per pound. Oatjieal ?S SOgfi 60 fl bbl. Mixers' Oil No 1 winter strained, 59g62e f) gallon. Lard oil, 75c Grnin, Flonr and Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change were CO cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 8 cars of hay, I of middling'. 2 of oats, 1 of bran, 3 of flour. By Pittsburg. Cin cinnati and St, Louis, 1 car of middlings, 1 of oats, I of wheat, 4 of hay, 1 of corn, I of flour. By Baltimore and Ohio, 5 cars of hay, 1 of oats. Sales on call: One car No. 3 white oats, SOc, track; I car w. w. bran, $15, 5 days; 1 car Jo. 1 timothy hay, fl450, 5 days; 1 car No. 2 white oats, 33Jic, 10 days; 1 car No. 2 white oats. S3Kc 10 days, elevator; 1 car extra No. 3 white oats, 3I-Sc, 10 days. The tone of cereal markets is very much improved. Oats are in better demand, and prices are stiffer. Corn ami hay are steady. The arrival of the cool wave has braced up markets, and a more hope ful feeling has taken possession of dealers. Low prices havo brought out buyers, and tho Grain Exchange was more fully attended to day than for a week or two past. The feeling among operators is strong that the tide lias turned toward a better day for the grain trade. It is certain that the tone of markets has im proved since yesterday. Wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, Jl 05 1 06; No. 3 red, 0O95c Conx No.2vellow. ear,S9M10c;high mixed, ear, 3S39c;No.l yellow, shelled, 3S39c; high mixed, shelled. 3637c; mixed, shelled, 35S6c.- Oats No. 2 white, S2K33c; extra No. 3, 3P31Kc;No. 3 white, 30j31c; No. 2 mixed, 29030c - Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 5055c; No. 1 Western, 60253c Barley Nn. 1 Canada, 9593c: No. 2 Canada, 9095c: No. 3 Canada, &j90c; No. 2 Western, 8385c; No. 3 Western, 6570c; Lake Shore, 75tS0c. Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, $8 60 66 75; spring patents, $0 latatl 00: fancy straight, winter and spring. $5 756 00; clear winter, $5 505 75; stright XXXX bakers', S5 255 50. Rye flour. $3 7i Cornmeal In paper, 6070c Millfeed Middlings, fine white, S20 50 2100 fl ton; brown middlings, $17 50Q18 00: winter wheat bran, $15 5016 00; chop feed $15 0018 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice. $15 50(816 00; No. 1 do, $15 00015 25: No. 2 do, $12 00I3 00: loose from wagon, $23 0026 00: No. 1 upland prairie. $9 5010 00; No. 2, $8 0O8 50; packing do. $6 som 00. Straw Oats. $8 00S 25; wheat and rye straw, $7 007 25. Provision. Large hams. 18 fts and upward. 10c; medium hams, 14 to IS Its. llc; small hams, 14 fts and under, llc; picnic or California hams, 9c; boneless (in 'skins), 12Mc: sugar-cured shoul ders, SV c: bacon. 8&c: dry salt, Oc; breakfast bacon, lOJc; rouletts (boneless s. c. shoulders), lOJJc: regular smoked sides, 9Jc; bellies, smoked sides, 9J4c; regular dry salt sides, 8c; bellies, dry salt sides, 8c; dried beef, sets 3 pieces, 10c; dried beef, flats. 9c; dried beef, rounds. 12c: dried beer, knuckles, 12c: pork, mess, $16 50; pork, family, $17 00; pig pork, half barrels, $9 00; long sausage. 5Mc Lard Tierces. 325 fts. 7c?lft; half barrels, 120 fts, 8c ft; tubs, wooden. 69 fts. SKc B; buck ets, wooden. 20 fts, 8Uc ?t ft: 3-ft tin pails, 60 lbs, 8o f ft: 5-ft tin pails. 60 fts, 8c ?) ft; 10-B tin Sails, 60 Ids. 8c ft; 20-ft tin pails, 80 lis, 8Kc; )-fi tin pails, 100 Its, be fl ft. Dressed Ment. Armour fc Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 ft. 5 5c; 600 to 650 fts, 66Kc: 700 to 750 fts, 77c Sheep, 7c fl ft. Lambs'! 8c J ft. GEAVE ALLEGATIONS DENIED. A Snit In Equity Against Messrs. W. E. Schmerlz nnd G. DInycr, Which, the Former Says, Are Based Entirely Upon Error. A bill in equity has been filed by A. I. Scott against G. Mayer and William E. Schmertz, in which the former charges that a co-partnership had been agreed upon by which Mr. Schmertz was to receive one fourth the profits of a concern known as the Big Shoe Store, in consideration of his fur nishing all the capital necessary to run the business. Ho also alleges through his attorneys, J. A. Langfitt and Clarence Burleigh, that in Octo ber, '87, W. E. Schmertz sold out the store, and that no settlement was ever made, and that Mr. Schmertz had taken possession of all receipts and books of the firm and had collected for his own use a large amount of the accounts and re fused to show the said books. When the allegations were shown to Mr. W. E. Schmertz he laughed and said the suit was all nonsense. The shoo was on the other foot and A. 1. Scott owed him about $1,000, and he had threatened to sue Scott for the amount He also said that the books had been open for inspection, but that Mr. Scctt had not called or asked to see them. Lines From Lcenl Quarters. Criminal Court will convene to-day only to impose sentences. A subpoena in divorce was issued yesterday in the case of JohnN. Hogland against Ellen L. Hogland,'on the grounds of desertion. The Moot Court will meet again this after noon, and a rare time is expected and much entertainment for visitors. As soon as the present case is disposed of a murder trial will be commenced. An application for a charter for the Iroquois Rifle Club of Pittsburg was filed yesterday, The directors of the club are Julius Zoller. John P. Conrad, L. G. Graul, Fred Lauer and A. O. Deiseroth, all of the Soutbside. Tnn County assessors yesterday heard ap peals from the assessments in Knoxville and Greentree boroughs and Alleppo, Killbuck and Lon er St. Clair townships. The appeals were numerous, but none were of importance. Nijiick & Co., yesterday entered suit against James Marshal', Jr., doing business as James Marshall & Co., for $10,43140, with interest from May 15, 1S83. The suit was for the price of pig irou sold to Marshall, who was an iron broker. Wm. Skinneb pleaded guilty yesterday to assault and battery on Stephen Mitchell.'and was sentenced six months to the workhouse. Before Judge Slagle, George Foster, constable of Chartiers borough, was found guilty of as sault and battery on John Meehan while arrest ing him for assault aud battery. The will of Mary Caroline Bloomer was filed for probate yasterday. The bulk of her estate was given to her only child. George C. Bloom er. A. S. Fuller, of Uniontown, and Kate Mott. an attendant of Mrs. Bloomer's, were each given a farm in West Virginia. The latter also received all the household goods and $5,000 in n. ney. Other bequests were made to Pauline Bloomer, William Bndd and Annie Young. .Applications for liquor licenses have com menced coming in to Clerk of Courts McGun nigle's office. Up to date 19 applications have been filed, all within the last few days Most of the applicants are from the outskirts of Pittsburg and Allegheny, and have never had license before. The rules adopted by the Quarter Sessions Court provide that the appli cations must aU be filed three weeks beforn tho first Monday in March. The hearings com mence on the third Monday in March. AN order was made In the Orphans' Court yesterday for the issue of a rule on William Zoller to answer a charge of contempt, on a petition signed by Wendel Kara and his wife Sophia, nee Zoller. Mrs. Kara was a daughter of Henry and Sophia Zoller, deceased, and was left a one-sixth interest in their estate, ot which William Zoller was testamentary trus tee. The order or distribution was made by Court, but William Zoller, it is charged, has refused to pay to Mrs. Kara $535 due her for interest on her share. LATE NEWS IX BEIEP. A cotton warehouse on the Liverpool docks was burned yesterday, entailing a loss of $250,000. The fund to pay the expenses of Mr. Par nell. in his litigation with tho Times, amounts to 30,500. A shock of earthquake was felt to-day in a portion of the Leith valley and in Western Ed lnburg, but no damage was done. The Florida Board of Irade has adopted a resolution demanding that a protective tariff be imposed upon oranges and lemons. The Secretary of the Treasury yesterday afternoon accepted the following bonds: 4 K registered, $127,000 at 109; 4 Js, coupons, $5,0t! at 109. Mr. Thomas A. Stevens, who has an nounced his intention of penetrating Africa in search of Henry M. Stanley, has started for Zanzibar. Thonsands of persons are applying for per mission to accompany the East African expedi- nun, uui uicmcuau. v iaainau win taxe only a few whites. Henry Irving is suffering from a coir! which affects his throat. SirMorrell Macteuzla au vises him to refrain from using his voico until he is better. Edward J. Anderson, a New York lawyer, committed suicide yesterday at the Putnam House in that city, by hi.otlng himself through the head. Poverty led to the deed. Tho Britimba-kSilbel is posted at Lloyds as missing. She was under command of Cap tain Par'ndse and left New York on June 15 last tor Rangoon, with a cargo ot case oil. John Greenwall, the burglar whois charged with the murder of Lyman S. Weeks In Brook lyn, some years ago, was yesterday convicted of murder In tho first degree and remanded for sentence. The Department of State 'has received a cablegram from Consul Allen, at Kingston, Jamaica, stating that the United States steam ship OsMnpec arrived there yesterday with the Haytien Republic The strikers at Oricny, France, are resort ing to riotous demonstrations. They have set fire to one factory, and seriously damaged others. A detachment of soldiers has been sent to suppress the rioters. Private advices from the Pacific coast stato that a fleet- of nearly 100 American and Canadian vessels will set out shortly for Bchring Sea and take chances of capture by the United States revenue cutter. The coldest cold wave of the season is pass ing over the Northwest. Necke. Dak., reports 42belowzero this morning; at Morri, Minn., it was 30 below; Grand Fork. Dik., VP. There was no great interruption in traffic. Two men, Dennis Contnre and Joseph Noel, were endeavoring to thaw out a stick of dynamite yesterday morning at the mines ot the Albert Copper Company, at Copeton, Que., when it exploded, blowing them to atoms. T. C. Clarke, former President of the Union Bridge Company, has been elected President of the Cleveland, St. Louis and Kansas City Rail road, in place of J. T. K. Hayward. Other changes are expected to be made in a few days. Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain has become al ready a great favorite in Birmingham, and Is the recipient of every delicate attention that can be showered nnon her. She has rJinnufrr, the county, and aU are In Ioto with th "yht An Atlan Hnn ftteamer which. .rrivil 1 New York vesterrtav. rennrU that the Unltad States steamer Galena was at Kingston, Ja- juaica, on tne lutn insi. Aamirai iuce reporc-a edthat there wan nn sickness whatever on?fl ooara tne cruiser. --Adam Berkes. whose treatment by tha i White Caps ot Sandlna. Brown county, O.. -' created such a sensation early In November, has entered suit airarast 17 of the most promt 5 nent farmers of White Rock township, asiimK j damages in the sum of $10,000. - The directors of the Pullman Palace Car Company yesterday declared the regular quar- terly dividend of 2 per cent, payable February f 15. At the New York office of the company it, i Is stated that no reference was made to an ex- tra dividend, and that none is anticipated. $ All the cigar makers employed in 40 Hay- aiia cigar manmaciones iu new x orK wenc on a strike to-day against a reduction of $2 per 1,000, which the bosses made 18 months ago. The strikers, who number over 1,000. are most ly Cubans, with a sprinkling of Americans. The BeU Telephone Company, which il threatened with a curtailment of profits by tho Missouri Legislature, is angry and threatening. mo uuivims ui (119 company saiu lastmgntmac iv If the Legislatnro reduces the telephons A charges the company will withdraw from the -1 State. 3 Although the result of the elections held i for the Loudon County Councils cannot be ac- .Jf curately determined as yet. it is pretty certain f that the Liberals have carried the majority -of the 57 districts. They claim nearly two-thirds 1' of the Council, and there is no good reason to . ? dispute this claim. , The remains of Miss Rosalie A. Booth, sister of Edwin Booth, who died in New York on Tuesday last, were yesterday taken to Greenwood Cemetery. Baltimore, and interred In the family lot. There were no pallbearers. A short service was said at the grave by the Rev. Peregrine Wroth. The Weavers' Union, of Fall-River, Mass have decided to draw up a resolution asking for an advance of wages, condemning the Board of Trade for refusing to listen to the wishes of the weavers as expressed by the union, and advising a strike in the event of a continuence of the present policy of manufact urers. It Is understood on good authority that the Dominion Government has decided not to ex ercise the veto power in the case of the "Jesuit compensation bill" pased bv the Quebec Leg islature, granting $400,000 in lieu of their estate, which was confiscated by the Government a hundred years ago, when the order was sup pressed by the Pope. Judge Clifford yesterday morning issued a capias for the arrest of J. J. West, proprietor- of the Chicago Times, on a charge ot criminal libel, preferred by Police Captain M-. J.' Schaack. This action grows out of the charges of malfeasance in office against Schaack and other police officials, which the 2TimM has been published from day to day. The west wall of the Montreal ice palace tumbled down Thursday afternoon with a crash that surprised the dwellers in the Wind sor Hotel. The heavy blocks of ice bad melted away under a sun which plaved havoc with tha foundations, and now the palace, which yester day was a thing of beauty, is crumbling and dripping away, turning the square into a verit able sea of mud. During the attack on the German mission ary station at Tn"u, the insurgents massacred' four German missionaries one of whom was a woman. Three missionaries fell into the hands, of the Arabs and are held for ransom. OneoC the prisoners is a woman. The Admiral com manding the German squadron has landed a force at Bar-Es-Salam for the purpose of gar risoning the place. A question involving great legal difficulties has arisen in Sweden. When Prince Oscar married Miss Munk, his mother's maid ot honor, last summer, he was obliged to resign hi3 claim to the crown and to the royalty. No.v the question arises, whether he is to be treated as a royal or civic person;;. The King nas appointed him as Governor of a province, with royal rights, and it is asserted that according:' to the laws of Sweden this act is not lawful. EQUESTRIANS SSrKSSKS should read Captain Charles King's paper in to-morrovfs Dispatch. WHOLESALE HOOSt, JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts,, Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings thi3 week in SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOODS, SATEENS,' SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS.- For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively :: fe22-rS5-D ' ; THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield St, capital, . . - . $200,00000. discounts daily. EDWARD HOUSE, Prest. JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prest sel-k3.p JOIIX F. STEEL. Cashier. IIROKEUS F1NANCL1L. De WITT DIL WORTH, BROKER IN PETBOLBTJM Oil bought and sold on margin. de27-21-rjsu WHITNEY & STEPHESSOtf, 47 FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDIT3 DREXEL. MORGAN fc CO NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. an2S-x7 MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTIER 030 VENN AVKNUE, PITTSBBUG. PA, As old residents know and back files of Pitts, burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From, ClTREDPersM N0 FEE UNT,L MCDHl I C ad mental diseases, physical nLnVUUO decay, nervous debility, lacle of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrust,bashfulness,. dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business,society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN rW blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat; ulcers, old sores, are cured for lite, and bloott poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1IDIMADV kidney and bladder derange U n I IN tt n I i ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment prompt relief and reul cures. Dr. whittier's life-long, extensive experience) insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. -Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If here. Office hours 9 a. it. to 8 p. M. Sunday,. 10 A. X. to 1 P. M. only. DK. WHITTIER, il Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. jal'k-o-nsuw MEN ONLY! A POSITIVE CUKE, For LOST or Killing; MANHOOD-Nervous-7 ness. Weakness of- Body & Mind, Lack of strength. Vlitor'and De-" velopmcnt. caused bv Errors, Excesses, ic. Boot. Mode of self-Treatment, and Proors mailed (sealed) free. Address EEIB MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, Ji. Y. dei?-o7-TTSJtwk PRESCRIPTIONS"00" SCIESCE of HEALTH." fo thespeedy cure of Nervous Detiuty,iast Jiannooo Despondency.etc. A copy of tbi book win be sent freeealed"AddrPss SCIENCE ofHEALTH, 130 West Sixth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. ueli-ou-iTSWk HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks the worst cases in three days, and cures in five days. Price $1 00. at J. FLEMING'S DRUGSTORE, " ja5-29-TTSsu 412 Market street. WEAK1 ' ADYIC3 FBEB. BOW TO ACT. ' IxMtVlimrvidMvihoodRertond. Pre. MU'T- mature Decline and Fancttontl ditor. t ftfc Mr .krtfMfnrtdiriMonrStosiMhlledicinei. . . VTQnMl J SeMTrcwiseien! free on truncation. Wl KUN V? ilARSTON KMSrirkFiwcStwlKk. de-I5 -grrswk WFfllf IBf lHraffcrmg from the rf. II unit ii Mfects of youthful er. , 871 La 1 3 rom. etrlr dmr. lost manhood , etc. I win xaa o-Talaabla trcatlw (relied) ) containhur fall particulars for home eon, fr of PROF. F. O. FOWLER, Moodui, Conn, hi", nruvrai.Tisnxric - . DM GOODS ni llIS. I ,v U" w