ATROTTINGWONDER Hickok Says Ho Will Bring a Plyer From California TO MATCH PEINCE WILKES. Some Interesting News Received in Pittsburg Yesterday. JACK DEMPSEY AND li'CAFFRET. An Important Objection to the New Pool Selling Bill. GE.VEEAL SPOETIXG SEWS OF THE DAT Mr. J. A. McKelvey, the -well-known horseman of this city, received some very interesting and instructive news regarding trotting horses and people interested in trotters yesterday. It may be stated that "Reddy" McKelvey, as he is familiarly called, is almost daily in correspondence with the most prominent people connected with the trotting track. Besides being a first auctioneer at horse sales he is possessed of useful knowledge concerning men and horses connected with the leading tracks. Yesterday afternoon Mr. McKelvey smiled, he even seemed heartily pleased when he ac costed the writer as follows: We will have a bona fide race for Prince Wilkes sure now. I have just received a letter from Cnt Davis who has the Prince and the balance of his stable in Kentucky. The letter goes on to say that Hickock, who is in Califor nia, is coming East with a trotter that can bo matched against Prince Wilkes or any other trotting horse in America. From what lean Icara the intimation of a great matcn is genuine. However, Mr. Davis informs roe that Prince Wilkes win be ready for action when the time comes. EEADY TOE AXTBODY. Mr. Davis says more. He gives me to under stand that the Prince will not only be likely to trim the Western visitors up in the East, bnt that he will probably be taken West and will there score some victories. To beat champions on their own heath is a great honor, and Prince Wilkes is a likely horse to do it. It may seem Etrange, however, when I say that in his letter Mr. Davis tells me that the famous Prince is now running loose on the grass, and that no body at first sight would be prepared to offer more for him than about SUO. However, I am told by Mr. Davis himself that the horse is all right and was never in better condition than be is now. Undoubtedly there will be a great match race if Hickock fulfills his offer. 1 know that the Prince Wilkes party will be prepared to make a match against anybody. I am also inclined to think that Mr. Hickock will find others who will be ready to accommodate him. J also received another letter from a well known horseman, continued Mr. McKelvey. This letter amuses me, and doubtless will amuse many other patrons of trotting meetings when they "know the color of mv hair. John Bplan, who will undoubtedly be immortalized as an author shortly has written me from Chi cago as follows: SPLAN'S IhTERESTIXG LETTER, Colonel Bed McKelvev: Dear Friend Yours of the 4th inst re ceived and for the list of names please accept thanks. I recognize enough of them to be of use to us. There is no doubt in my mind but what you will receive a complimentary copy of the book and I can assure you ot one thing you are illuminated in the book brighter than your red hair, and in years after, when you and I have given up trying to tell which horse is going to win the beat, your grandchildren will read with astonishment what a wonderful man their grandfather was. Hoping that French pools may be easier to beat next year, I remain your friend, as lbng as yoor money lasts. John Spulx. Everybody who reads the above letter who knows anything at all about trotting tracks will at once recognize the genial, humorous and honest snirit of John Snlan. Comment is unnecessary to those who know him, and to those who don't know him only his personal appearance and company wonld give a correct estimate. He is progressing w ell in the work of publishing his book, and it will be before the pnblic ere long. Regarding the trotter that Mr. Hickock is bringing East to beat Prince Wilkes or any other there is much conjecture. Atpre-ent at.d for some time past California has been noted foi Jihenomenal pacers, but first-class or anything ike pbenonmenal trotters have not been heard of. Of course SunouL by Electioneer, made a mark of 2:18 last jear as a two year. This year the youngster may be considerably faster, bnt it is hardly likcl v that SinOuIwill be pitted against Prince Wilkes in a match. Certainly AVestem people produce wonders now and then. Guy Wilkes, another good trotter, is out on the slope somewhere, but certainly there w ill be plenty of money for the Prince against Guv. It is also possible that a trotter has been kept on the Q. T. to mr-ch Prince Wilkes. If this is so the race will still be more interesting. Stamboul is also coming East and he may be the flj er. A FLAT DENIAL. Jack Wnnnop nnd Others Deny That Snl livnn Was Drunk. New York. January IS. Jack Wannop, telegraphs to the World trom Boston this card: "Please deny for me that John L. Sullivan and I engaged in a wrestling match in Patsey Shep pard's saloon yesterday. I met Mr. Sullivan, exchanged compliments, and spent a couple of hours in conversation with him. Sullivan drank nothing but temperance drinks, and im. pressed me as being a nice, quiet, gentlemanly lenew, ana we parten tne best or mends, I hope, in justioe to me as a stranger in this country, you will make this denial.' Wannop's declaration is fortified by the fol lowing telegram from Patsey Sheppard, pro prietor of the Abbev, Boston: "The statement that John L. Sullivan was drunk in my saloon yesterday Is entirelv with out foundation, as is also the story that he indulged in a wrestling bout while in my place. The champion paid me a social tisit, which covered a couple of hours, and the only liquid he partook of was apollinaris. I take decided objections to my name being used in any way in an unwarranted attack on Mr. Sul livan." STOPPED TOE MAIN. A Sheriff nud Ills Deputies Arrest Thirty Two Chicken Fichtcrs. ISFXCIAI. TELEOUAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Tzs dlay, 0 January 18. A great cocking main between Findlay and Lima birds, which was In progress on a farm five miles east of here atan early hour this morning, came to a sudden termination just after three battles had been lought bv the Sheriff and a posse of officers surrounding the old barn in which the main was going on, and capturing 32of the par ticipants and ten pair of the game birds. In the darkness and confusion about 50 spectators got away, but the captured ones embraced the principals in the mam. They were brought to the city and fined J8 each and costs. Among those arrested were some of the leading citizens of Findlay, Lima, Toledo. Tiffin, Sandusky and other neighbor ing towns. In the excitement of the moment when the Sheriff's forces appeared some un known person commenced hnng a revolver, one shot hitting Officer Toin Shirley in the neck, inflicting a slight flesh wound. The Mayor has a fine lot of fighting cocks on hand to srll cheap. Sailor Brown All Right. New York. January 18. The editor of a sporting paper to-day received this dispatch from "Sailor" Brown, dated San Francico, January 18: 1 met Paddy Gorman at the Cre morbe Theater last nicht and, whipped him easily In fonr rounds. Will make match with him, Frank Hall representing ine, aud Joe Mc Auliffc backs Gorman. Stake money posted to-day at 3 o'clock. I am a dead-sure winner." More Champions Entered. The local dog show will soon be here, and the entries are pouring in. Yesterday Superin tendent Kruger reported the largest and most Influential batch that he has so far received. Among y esterday's entries were champion dogs of various classes from Chicago. Philadelphia and other cities. As far as entries are con cerned the show promises well. Going to 1'lecen. IFrXCIAt. TU.EGRAU TO THE DrSPATCTM Wabbw, O., January IS. Nolan, ot Pitts burg, finished 100 miles in 20 hours in the three days' walking match this evening; Paff, of War ren, 97 miles, closely pushed by Largin, of Cleveland. Prlddy, Monigan and Waddcll, the Pittaboxgers, axe going to pieces. MssisliinisssssMisftiiyi) -i ft TssJtrWirkr i nr --- -fr .:- ..-r-,, rrrrtrtrfV ii.-' - Jfe Z&&d&iik ..fu. -exl Vktik& - &&J&-. & i-:Z&&. NOT SATISFACTORY. Bon. 91. B. Lemon Talks About Ibo New Poolsellins Bill. Hon. M. B. Lemon, the well-known local member of the Legislature, returned from Har risburg j esterday. During a conversation on the proposed amendment of the poolseUinglaw he said: "So far the amendment bill has not caused much excitement, chiefly because there is a prevailing opinion that it is a bill to benefit one man more than anybody else. The bUl is a Philadelphia measure pure and simple, and is inferior to the bill drafted in this city. The Philadelphia measure will benefit Frank Her dic more than an) body else, simply because bo has the selling at almost all the tracks. The proposed amendment will limit poolsciling to Ve tracks. Therefore Herdic will be the great gainer. Of course, there is a general desire to amend the old law. but nowa days people want new laws that will reach ne void individuals and distribute privileges or benefits all round. Certainly it is possible to amend the propose! amendment bill, but it would be better to have the entire case pre sented fairly at first. The Philadelphia peonlo will have to see that there arc other places in terested than Philadelphia." The amendment bill will be introduced next week, and it is probable that important amend ments to it will be moved, not only by Fitt-s-burgers, but by others, when the right time comes. CALLING JOHNSON DOWN. The Knmsi City Bnll Club Will Discipline n Player. Kansas City, Mo., January 18. "Ralph Johnson will have to play where Kansas City dictates." said President Speas, of the Kansas City club, this morning. "Or we will know the reason why," said Man ager Watkins. "The tail feather of the American eaelo will be drooping before our hold of the third base man is broken," remarkod another member of the club. From these remarks it will be gathered that, notwithstanding John fi. Day's ultimatum in the Johnson matter, Kansas City will not lay down its bands at the strong game of bluff that is being made. It is proposed to carry the mat ter through the mill. It is understood now that Columbus has signed Johnson. Johnson tele graphed to Mr. Day and asked Ins opinion of his (Jobnson's) case. Mr. Day. who, as a mem ber of the Arbitration Committee, will be called upon to take action upon the case, did not seem to recognize the delicacy of his position, and telegraphed back that Johnson was as free as the wind and could sign when and where he pleased. A telegram has been sent to Wheeler Wyc koff, which reads In this wav: "Johnson is re served by the Kansas City Western Association Club. D"o not approve any contract with him until released by us." DEMPSEY IB AYILLING. He Agrees Sleet McCaffrey at San Francisco. New York, January IS. Jack Fallon and Dominick McCaffrey to-day signed articles for a ten-round fight under Marquis of Queens berry rules to box at Hobokcn in about a fort night. McCaffrey has also written to the California Athletic Club offering to fight Jack Dempsey to a finish for a purse of $5,000, to be made up by the club. Jack Dempsey and his genial manager, Mr. McAdow, were shown the above dispatch last evening, and the former, without any hesita tion, made the following reply: "Certainly I will meet McCaffrey at the place named if his offer is accepted by the club. Of course every contest there is to a finish. I want no percentage business, and if I lose I want nothing: if 1 win I want the entire nurse. I will fight McCaffrey at catch weight, and that will be a great advantage to him. One thing I will sav: I will be in better condition when I meet McCaffrey again than I was when I de feated him previously. I have tried my best to secure a match witb Mitchell and failed, and I hope that McCaffrey means business." East Liverpool Wakloir Up. There is now little doubt but what East Liv erpool and Steubenville, O., will have a base ball club in the Tri-State League next season. A meeting was held at the city building, East Liverpool, last evening, at which a number of baseball lovers expressed themselves as being willing to take stock in a club to represent that place in the League. The projectors of the club decided to appoint committees in the different wards to secure the necessary number of ball lovers that would take the required $1,500 this city has to furnish in stock, at the rate of S23 a share. Steubenville has raised the $1,500, and is waiting to see what East Liver pool does before taking further action. Some of the committeemen circulated through Eat Liverpool to-day and secured enough men to take half the required stock. The International League Stracuse, January IS. Secretary CD.White has issued a circular calling a special meet ing of the International Association and the Board of Directors in Buffalo on January 22, at 10 a. sr., to fill Hamilton's place. Hamilton has failed to deposit the 1,000 guarantee money and the 200 club dues, and has thus forfeited its membership in the Association. An effort was made in Hamilton yesterday to raise the amount. Only S200 was subscribed, and it was thought unsafe to go ahead with this sum. No formal application has been made for the Ham ilton vacancv. The Western clnbs favor Grand Rapids, but the Eastern will divide between Utica, New ark and New Jersey City. Frceport's Amntcnr Wnlkers. rrrrciAL telegeam to the DisPATcn.t Freeport, Pa., January 18. The first 12 hours of the 24-hour-go-as-you-please amateur walking match closed at 12 o'clock, midnight, as follows: Duffy, 55 miles; Atkinson, 16 miles 4 I laps: w. Hoover. 33 miles; Kuhn. 50 miles; Hoover. 40 miles; Donlev. 58 miles 4 laps: Bru ner. 47 miles; Shcvick, 38 miles. For over an hour the race was between Donley and Duffy. At last Duffy had to retire, and the first 12 hours closed with Donley 1 mile and 4 laps in the lead. A New Gun Clnb. Another local gun club has been organized. It is named the Baldwin Gun Club and its aim is the advancement of wing shooting. The best shots in that locality are numbered among its members. The grounds of the new club are near the Point View Hotel, Brownsville road, and a shoot will be held there to-morrow,under the management of Fred. P. Slicker, captain of the new organization. Sporting Notes. O'Cojtxor has gone West to row Gaudaur at San Francisco on March 1. A. H. Phillips, of Salem, O., is at the Cen tral Hotel visipmg his brother, the manager of the local club. James Dolau, a novice, defeated James Glynn in a ten-round fight at Providence, H. L, on Thursday night. Beach says that he docs not intend to row Scarle, as the latter is the better man, and Hanlan sajs that Beach is far superior to him (Hanlan). As a wind-up to all the recent talk abont Proctor Knott, George Rye aff ers to bet $1,000. play or pav, tuai uis con iong uance, by Long fellow, will beat Sam Bryant's Proctor Knott, or any other named hone, in the Kentncky Derby. Whex Jem Mace, the English pugilist, ar rives In New York in the spring he will form a traveling company with Joe Coburn as partner, and do the country. Cobnrn is 54 years old, while Mace is 57. This old-time pair should create quite a furore in fistic circles. Maud S is in perfect health and full vigor, and Mr. Bonner jogs her every day in Central Park. Shoes have been kept on her becauso the winter has been so mild. The hope of her admirers is that she will have an opportunity next summer to go ahead of her own record of 2:0 Turf, Field and Farm. Mr. W. E. Spier has purchased of Senator Leland Sanford the 3-year-old trotting stallion May King, by Electioneer, dam May Queen, by Alexander's Norman. The horso will re main at the Palo Alto stock farm,in California, until April. The price is not made public, but as another breeder offered $7,500 and was re lused, Mr. Spier probably paid a larger sum. Arthur Ory, the editor of the London may say to the contrary, both men had fair play, and had Sullivan only adopted bis hurri cane tactics my precautions would have been amply warranted, as I had made every arrange ment for a bed and medical attendance for Mitchell." Two Cincinnati players are looking on with interest at Cleveland's fight for Pitcher Spraguc. Minneapolis claims a transfer of franchise holds tbe Chicago Maroons' reserved E layers. Cleveland begs to differ, and if lereland wins its case such a decision in its favor will free Fulton and Keogau, who are claimed by Morton under precisely similar cir cumstances. Knowing ones assert that Cincin nati will play in Philadelphia on Decoration Day and the Athletics have tbe Fourth of July date here. The Beds will doubtless be tho Labor Day card in Brooklyn. Xew York Bun. FTinilFTTP iIn- Sftcrtcoorf answers U I lUUt. I I u.. a number o social prob lems in the etiquette acpartment of to-morrow' Dispatch. NOT BOSOM FBIENDS. Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Blaine Scarce ly Spoke as They Passed By. THE FDTDRE FIRST LADY TALKS. Wine Will te Served at the White House if Occasion Demands, SOUTHERNERS ADTISE THE GENERAL Ai to the Cabinet and (he Settling of the Vexatious Eace rroblem. rSrXCIAT. TXLXOnAM TO THE DISrATCIT.l Indianapolis, January 18. Little in terest was caused by the stories printed some days ago alleging that Mr. Blaine could not get into the Cabinet because once upon a time Mrs. Blaine had grossly affronted Mrs. Harrison, since which time the two ladies had not spoken, but the matter seems to have excited so much attention throughout the country that what may he called a semi official statement as to it has been given out through a friend of the Harrisons. It is substantially a denial of the truth of tbe story, although it is admitted that the re lations between Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Blaine have never been cordial. Mrs. Blaine, when Mrs. Harrison first went to Washington, treated Mrs. Harrison abont as she treated all the "new ladies" who made an appearance in "Washington society, with a good deal of disdain. Mrs. Harrison is of a nature to receive that sort of treatment with cheerful resignation, but not with thanks. She iound herself very comfortable at Washington in spite of the cold shoulder turned toward her by the wife of the Secretarv of State, and she ignored Mrs. Blaine about as Mrs. Blaine ignored her. Mrs. Harrison is a true "Western girl, and if people don't want to associate with her they needn't, and she can get along without them. SO OPEN QUAEKEIi. She met Mrs. Blaine occasionally in "Washington society, bnt the acquaintance ot the two ladies never progressed any fur ther than the implied limits which Mrs. Blaine herself had fixed. There were no affronts direct or indirect from either side to the other and the matter of her probable social lelatinns toward Mrs. Blaine had not been considered by Mrs. Harrison until brought up by the publication of a lew days ago. In any event the relations of the two ladies would have had no influence upon the chances of Mr. Blaine for the Cabinet. Mrs. Harrison has from the very start de termined that she would keep her part of the administration entirely clear from poli tics. Her invariable reply to the hundreds who have written soliciting her influence for some appointment has been that she had nothing to do with politics or offices. So far as the social obligations imposed upon her by the official position of her husband are concerned they will be scrupulously ful filled without regard to personal feelings. If she has any personal likes or dislikes they will be exercised outside of the range of her official social duties. It is the same with the wins question, the bustle question and a score of other questions upon one side or another of which her influence is con tinually being sought. WIXE AND BUSTLES. "It was not I that the people elected President," she put it once "but the Gen eral. I don't propose to set up at the "White House as a dictator of manners or customs. If he wants wine on the table, or if it seems to be necessary for the fulfillment of our obligations to official guests, it shall be there. My personal feelings about it have nothing to do with the matter, and as to tbe bustles, why, if some ladies want to wear them, they can do it, I'm sure, and if others don't want them, why they needn't. It's none of my business either way." The dancing question is another about which the women reformers have been try ing to worry the wife of the President-elect, but she won't have anything to do with that either, personally. She likes to dance and she will dance whenever she feels like it. Other people, she says, are at liberty to dance or not just as they please. One peculiar development of Mrs. Harrison's in dependence of character is a dislike to be copied after, or made to set a fashion in dress or manner in spite of herself. If she gets an idea that other women are wearing their hair in a certain wav. or draping their skirts after a certain fashion just because she does it, she gets provoked and changes the style of her hair or her skirts at once. There will be no fashions set from the "White House while she is there. It is said that recently a hair-dressing es tablishment in the East sent two women here ostensibly to make money out of the rush of business at the time of the Gover nor's ball and other social affairs, but really to find out how Mrs. Harrison and the ladies of the Harrison family dressed their hair, so as to get up some new style to be called the "a la Harrison. They Here baffled, because Mrs. Harrison didn't seem to have any particular style of dressing her hair", but put it up in different ways as happened to strike her fancy, but never in a peculiar or original fashion. buck's cabinet chances. Colonel Alfred E. Buck, the Georgian Cabinet possibility, who has come here upon much the same sort of an invitation as that which brought John P. Plummer here a few days ago, made his call upon the President-elect this afternoon, and had quite a long conference with him. Although Colonel Buck was accompanied here by Dr. C. W. Arnold, of Atlanta, and D. K. Locke, of Macon, he went up to see General Harri son alone. It is said that General Harri son's letter to Colonel Buck was in sub stance a statement that Colonel Buck's name had been mentioned to him in such high terms by Republicans from his part of the country that he desired to talk with him upon the Southern question. It is not supposed fhafthereisanythingof cabinet signmcance about colonel Buck's visit so far as he is concerned. Colonel Buck says himself that he has no idea that his name is being seriously considered bv the President-elect, and intimates that he is very well contented with his present office, that of Cleikof the United States Circuit Court for Georgia. He thinks that if any Southern man goes into the Cabinet it is likely to be Mahonc, because the appoint ment of Mahone would, he thinks, make Virginia pretty safe for the Kepublicans. Colonel Buck was reticent as to his mission both before and after his call upon the President-elect, but Dr. Arnold talked more freely. THE BACE QUESTION. "Down our way," he said, "the one pre vailing question is that of race. Until that is disposed of we cannot hope for the polit ical peace or the material prosperity that we desire. As we see it, the only possible way of dispoSing of the race question is by the division of the white vote, now concentrated practically upon the Democratic side. Gen eral Harrison can, we believe, bring about such a division of the white vote, if he acts as he must act if he fully understands the situation in which we are placed. The great thing to be done is to use the utmost care in making appointments and pick out the very best men in the communities. There areplenty of able men whose selection for Federal offices would strengthen the party vastly all through the South. They are not all Kepublicans, but the lines should not be drawn too closely between the parties in this matter. If they are not slighted because onthe race issue they have sided against us, it will make them our friends and aid us greatly by convincing the white people of the South that we are first for the country and for the party afterward." Dr. Arnold was an enthusiastic Buck man, when it came to the South in the Cab inet, and that was probably one reason why he and Mr. Locke did not call upon the President-elect at the same time as Colonel Buck. They wanted to call when , th,ey would be free to speak out their minds in the Colonel's behalf. One of the Visitors at the Harrison house to-day was an ex-Pro-hibitionlst of some renown from Iowa, W. S. Kenworthy. He was converted before the last campaign and made Harrison speeches all through it. John "I. Davenport, the New York In spector of Elections, al;o paid a ,somewhat mysterious visirto the President-elect. He jumped from the train before it reached the depot, and drove to the Harrison residence in a close carriage, using every effort to keep his identity and mission concealed. He had a long private conference with the General. LOVE AT THE WASHTDB. A Queensland Cattle Knlscr Wins a Baxom Bride In Very Short Order. A Eockhampton, Queensland, Australia, letter to the New York Sun, says: Mar riageable young women are in great demand in this part of the Queen's dominions. The sexes in this colony are in the proportion of 125 males to 86 females. The towns however, retain more than their share of the fair sex. and in the'sugar planting districts there is a deplorable dearth of women. Nearly all the land owners and large planters are mar ried, but most of the whites in their employ are bachelors, and, what is worse, many of the poor fellows haven't a chance to change their condition if they wish to The result is that whenever a nice white girl goes into the interior on the plantations she has to get married in self protection or else she is so Eestered with attentions as almost to drive er out of the country. A remarkable case of sudden and almost unpremeditated matrimony occurred on a plantation near "Winton a few weeks ago. A planter had been to Eockhampton, and here engaged a strapping, good-looking girl to assist his wife in her household duties. After she had been in her new home for several days she took her washtub out of doors one morning to do the family washing. "While hard at work, with soap suds up to her elbows, along came ajsquat ter, who kept a small herd of cattle in the neighborhood. He didn't intend to lose his chance to make the acquaintance of a woman. So he sidled up to the washtub and began to talk, and it wasn't long before she was giving him more than half her at tention. After a while the young man owned up that it was a case of love at first sight as far as he was concerned and he popped the question without any ado. The girl said she was willing if her mistress would in dorse him as a worthy young man. That ladv thought it would be a good match and said so, and a quarter of an hour later the brand-new lovers, in their working clothes were footing it three miles away to the house of a magistrate, where the knot was legally tied in short order. The bride fin ished her washing in the afternoon and that evening she transferred herself to the home ot the squatter which she now adorns, ap parently as happy a woman as there is in Queensland. A great many people do not like this climate, for we are 20 degrees nearer the equator than the residents of New York. But those who do not object to our supera bundant sunshine, which'inakes most of our days pretty warm, though not unhealthful, are doing well; and any presentable young woman who ventures into this colony is apt to have her name changed almost before she knows it. A CURIOUS CASE Which a Slembcr of the Psychical Research Society Did Not Attempt to Explain. j From tbe Boston Globe. One interesting case, which Prof. Koyce did not attempt to explain, was that of a drummer, who, while in St. Joseph, Mo., saw one evening at his hotel the form of his sister, who had been dead five years. It made such a powerful impression upon him and he was so sure it was not a hallucina tion, that he went home instantly to his parents in St. Louis and told them of it, mentioning the fact that there was a long scratch on his sister's face, of which he had known nothing. His father laughed and told him his mind was wandering, but his mother nearly fainted on hearing the scratch referred to. Sho told them that no one knew anything about tbe mark on the face of the deceased, as she (the mother) had accidentally made it in performing some little duty of love to the corpse and had afterward covered it with powder, so that it was not visible. She had never told anyone about it, and was sure that her son had actually seen his deceased sister. Prof. Koyce's comment on this case was that the incident was sporadic and proved nothing, standing alone as it did. t TRICKS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. How Some of the Delusionsln Snn Picture nre Produced. Photographic Keview. Another novel trick was shown recently in a photograph reproduced by a prominent trade journal, which represented the pho tographer, seated at a table, playing chess with himself seated on the opposite side of the table, while he himself stood up in the background looking at his two selves play ing. The figures were all on the negative, which was produced by three successive exposures of the plate, parts thereof being masked each time by a black velvet shutter. Still another trick is that by which a person who liked that sort of thing may appear to be photographed riding upon a flying goose or a fish, or any other desired style of ridiculous locomotion. This is done by the subject holding upon his lap a huge piece of white or sky-tinted card, with the fanci ful figure upon it. His face appears above the upper edge" of the card, and seems,in the picture, joined to the funny little body mounted on the goose or fish. The statue picture is made by about the same device. DE 1ESSEPS STILL THERE. Ho Will bo President of the New Company An Annual Surplus Assured. Pabis, January 18. In the new Panama Canal Company M. De Lesseps will be President, and his son Charles Vice Presi dent, Count Dilhan and M. Cottu, a director of tbe old company, will be on the new Board ot Directors. The Credit Pon cier announces that the interest on stocks and obligations deposited will, after the fiavment of the prizes of the lottery bonds, eave an annual surplus of over" 400,000 francs toward the ultimate redemption of the bonds. Scott Ridicules WbWtlcr. London, January 18. In connection with the recent quarrel in the London Artists' Club, Scott writes ridiculing the idea of "Whistler's assaulting him, he being a small man. Scott hints that he gave a lesson to "Whistler which the latter took quite gently. Another Blot on Monte Carlo. Pa'kis, January 18. A young woman and a man, from Lyons, were found dead in a room in a hotel at Monte Carlo to-day. In a letter to a friend they said they had suffered losses at the gaming tables, and intended to commit suicide together. Arrested for Robbery. Officers Manning and Elmore arrested Win. O'Donnell at his home on High street at 2 o'clock this morning and sent him to the Cen tral station. He is charged with robbing James Sweeney, a gripman on the Citizens' Traction road, of a silver watch and some money. Frank McMahon, who, it is claimed, was with O'Don nell, was arrested yesterday afternoon. Use "Rosalia" Flour. The best patent in the market. Manufactured by Whit myre & Co. B. 6c B. Special notice Notwithstanding the un precedented sale of yesterday many rem nants remain and the sale is continued to day, and all must be sold, no difference how great the loss..- - Eoaas & Buhl, PLUMETl'S CHARGE. He Alleges That a Farmer Was Assas sinated Because He Was DENOUNCED BI A PAEISH PRIEST. Some Very Sensational Features of the Parnell Inquiry. TERRIBLE MINE ACCIDENT IN ENGLAND. Large Liberal Gains in the Elections. English County fBT CABLE TO THE DISrATCII. London, January 18. (Copyright.) It was expected that the Times would make a great fight over the admissibility of the plan ot campaign, but to the general sur prise the Attorney General informed the commissioners this morning that he would not, under the evidence therein, at any rate as an independent branch of the case. This decision, together with certain other ar rangements among the counsel for shorten ing the inqniry, actually brings us within a measurable distance, as Mr. Gladstone would say, of the termination of the Times' case, and the sanguine spirits are blithely prophesying that all will be over by the time Parliament meets, the 21st of February. Several land agents had been examined before luncheon time to-day, and everybody felt good and happy at the phenomenal progress which wus being made, when Mr. Keid, one ot the counsel for a majority of the Irish members, gave all a cold chill by suddenly jumping up and displaying a bulletinbill of a Tory daily newspaper upon which, in big fat letters, were the words, "The league murder ring," ''Confession in open court." In view of President Han sen's appeal to tho press-on Wednesday this thing-was in the worst possible taste, but it might well have been suffered to pass unnoticed. It will now have to be dealt with and the result will be worth nothing, for the proprietor of the offending journal is a rabid Tory, whom the Queen made a Knight last year. The afternoon was occupiedwith the ex amination and cross-examination of Captain Plunkett, a Divisional Magistrate by grace of Balfour Pasha. Plunkett is an unwholesome-looking creature, blue-eyed, bloated, carbuncle-faced, whose appearance in the witness box caused a profound sensa tion in the court. His evidence was domin ated by violent hatred of the league and everybody and everything connected with it, so violent in truth as to spoil whatever value it might otherwise have possessed from the Times' point of view. Captain Plunkett testified that he had heard Father O'Connor, the parish priest of Firies, denounce at a cattle sale a farmer named Curtin, and that a week later the farmer was murdered. Father O'Connor did nt name Curtin, but he alluded to him in such a way that there could be no mistake as to whom he meant. LARGE LIBERAL GAINS. Results of the London County Elections Boodlers Rejected. London, January 18. The London county elections have been completed. Of the 118 members 70 are Reformers, including Lord Boseberry, Sir John Lubbock, Lady Sandhurst, Mr. Harris, of the Drury Lane Theater, and the Socialist, Burns, and 48 are Independents. The contests did not in volve politics, but the large proportion of Liberals returned causes rejoicing in the party, as indicating a change of opinion in the metropolis. All the candidates who were members of the Board of Works asso ciated with-the recent plunder revelations were rejected. In the Parliamentary election in Govan division to-day Mr. Wilson, Gladstohian, received 4,420 votes, and Mr. Pender, Unionist, 3,349. In the last election Pearce, Conservative, received 3,574, and Dickson, Gladstonian, 4,212 votes. Tho result of the Govan election occa sioned much rejoicing among the Liberals of Glasgow and Edinburgh. The crowds that had gathered in front of the newspaper offices received the announcement of the Liberal victory with frantic cheers. The Tories are dismayed. It is thought that the Ulster orators spoiled Sir John Pender's chances. The defeat of the Conservative candidate is considered a heavy blow to the Government. The Tory papers refer sadly to the result, while the Daily JVetcs is jubi lant. Commenting on the Govan election the Standard says: Unionists will not conceal regret at the contretempts, which, though foreseen, is undeniably inopportune. The Times says that there is ground for regret at the result, but no ground for disappoint ment. THE EAST AFRICAN BILL Is for the Protection of German Interests and Combatting; tlio SInve Trade. Berlin, January 18. The East Africa bill was submitted to the Bundesrath to day. It is entitled "A bill for the pro tection of German interests and combatting the slave trade in East Africa." It asks a grant of 2,000,000 marks. The task of executing the provisions of the bill is entrusted to a commission which shall have the right to supervise the pro ceedings of the East Africa Company. Ke garding the proposed expedition, the bill authorizes the Chancellor to draw the neces sary money from the imperial funds. The preamble declares that the guiding prin ciples of the German colonial policy as dis cussed and approved by the Keichstag in 1884 and 1885 continue unchanged. rflS CURIOSITY IS SATISFIED. Rogsenbnch Wanted to Know tho Effect of tho Publication of Frederick's Diary. Berlin, .January 18. The Post says that a letter written by Baron Roggenbaeh to Prof. Geffcken in the autumn of 188S, shows that Geffcken had consulted the Baron about the publication of the extracts from Frederick's diary, and that Roggen baeh bad advised him against the publica tion until the Emperor saw the original. The Baron remarks in the letter that he was curious to know what impression the per usal of the diary would make on the court. SIXTEEN NEW KNIGHTS. The Yonng German Emperor Bestows Bnnblcs on Distinguished Subjects. Berlin, January 18. The Emperor, with the usual splendor accompanying a chapter of the Order of the Black Eagle, to-day in vested sixteen new knights, including the Grand Duke of Hesse, Prince "William of Hesse, Dr. Friedberg and Dr. Simson. The National Gazette denies the truth of the report of the retirement of Dr. Simson from the Presidency of the Leipsic tribunal. A Dig nt America. Madbid, January. 18. In the Chamber of Deputies to-day, Senor Lastres, Con servative, criticized the Government nego tiations with America regarding the Moracuban compensation claim. In reply, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, deprecated debate on the subject as inopportune, the negotiations not having been completed. He said that the Cortes would be consulted at the proper time. A Terrible Disaster. London, January 18. An explosion of fire damp occurred to-day in the Hyde col liery, near Manchester. Seven bodies have been taken from the mine. One hundred persons are still entombed. The latest esti mate places th$ number of killed at 30. THE HUM CONUNDRUM. Continued, from First Page. of the February elections makes hastevery desirable. IT BAES COMPETITION. Representative Lnflcrtj's Street Railroad Bill to Prohibit Parallel Lines and GlvlnE Existing; Corporations Great Privileges Trans fer of Franchises. tntOMA STAFF COKRESPOlfDBNT.l Habbisbttrg, January 18. Representa tive Lafferty, of Pittsburg, to day intro duced a bill, the title of which explains the measure as follows: An act for the incorporation and regulation of passenger railway companies, that corpora tions may be formed in the manner hereinafter mentioned by the voluntary association of five or more persons for the construction and opera tion of passenger railways for public use in the conveyance of passengers in any street or high way in any city, borough or township of this Commonwealth, provided that the construction and operation of such railways shall be subject to the consent of a majority of the property owners alone the streets or highways of tho proposed route, and of the councils of any city or borough in which the same is proposed to be built and operated, by ordinance duly enacted. In the bill it is provided that companies may be re-chartered under this act, but no fiart of this act shall be construed as a re ease of any restrictions in regard to fares charged and shall be subject to existing contracts and other obligations. Two im portant sections are these: Section 17 No passenger railways or any branch or. extension thereof shall be con structed within thelimitsof any citv or borough without the consent of the local authorities thereof and subject to tbe conditions imposed therein, nor shall any such company parallel, build alongside of or straddle or use upon the street the tracks of any otherpassenger railway company, now or hereafter constructed, for a greater distance than 500 feet without the con sent of the company already occupying the street. Section IS JJo passenger railway shall con struct its road along tbe route or upon lines paralleling or running in the same direction as those of another passenger railway already in existence and in operation nearer than 1,000 feet of the tracks of tbe railways so in exist ence and operation, except for the purpose of making a circuit, connections or crossings as provided by the provisions of this act without the consent of the company whose tracks are so paralleled. Section 19 Requires the company to begin work within a year after obtaining the consent of Council. Section 20 Gives the company, its officers and servants the right to select a route over, upon and along any bridges but steam railroad bridges, not exceeding tbe space necessary for two tracks. This act includes bridges owned by bridge corporations or individuals, whether such bridge spans a stream or river, navigable or otherwise, and includes all bridges over which tracks of a passenger railway are now laid or used, provided that before laying such tracks they shall give a bond as security against damages. Section 21 Provides for the settlement of damages by a commission of three freeholders appointed by the Court of Common Pleas, from whom an appeal to tho court may bo taken within 30 days. Damages for construc tion over bridges shall be kept separate from damages for operation. Damages to bridges may be payable, if acceptable, in the stock or bonds of the company. Street railways may cross others diagonally'or at right angles. Section 29 Passenger railway companies heretofore or hereinafter incorporated under general or special laws are hereby empowered to sell or lease their property or franchise to motor power companies now or hereafter in cornorated under laws Anthorizinfr sneh com panies to lease the franchises of passenger rail'' way companies. THE WORK OP THE HOUSE. Bills Reported Favorably and Unfavorably, and New legislation Introduced. rSrECIAl. TELEGRAM TO TOE DISPATCH.l Hakbisburg, January 18. The Senate was not in session to-day. In the House the following bills were reported favorably: Proposing amendment to the Constitution abolishing the poll tax qualification for voters. Preventing District attorneys from standing aside jurors. To give bicycles and tricycles the same privi leges as other vehicles on the pnblic highwaps. To enable boroughs to establish and construct sewerage systems and assess and collect taxes for the payment of the same. Requiring Supreme Court judges to write out all opinions in cases In which excep tions were taken In the lower court. Appropriating $71,000 to "Western Peniten tiary for payment of salaries. Validation acts of councils other than of cities of the first and second classes, done un der municipal act of 1SS7. The following bills recommendations: received negative To amend the Sunday law of 1791 so as to allow druggists to sell soda water and articles other than drugs on Sundays. Requiring coroners to hold inquests on fires and collect statistics of the same. Authorizing Judges to sentence persons to life imprisonment convicted of murder in the first degree on recommendation of the Jury. To enlarge powers of boroughs so as to enable them to supply consumers with natural gas. .New bills were introduced as Jollows: To prevent intimidation by threatening let ters, circulars and posters, providing for three year's imprisonment orSI.000 fine. Empowering the Commissioners of the Sink ing Fund and Auditor General and State Treas urer to omit from annual reports the unfunded debt and the debt upon which interest has ceased, amounting to about 535,000. To enable the investment of Orphan's Court funds in other States. Brooks bill to prohibit brutalizing circulars which had been negatived, was ordered to be placed on the calendar, to enable the author an opportunity to discuss It before the committee. A resolution adopted created a committee on sanitation and health. Wants It Transferred. FROM A STAFF COBItESPOXPEST. Harbisbtjbg, January 18. Representa tive Pugh, of Somerset, left for Philadel phia to-day with a petition from his county asking that it be transferred from the East ern to the "Western Judicial District. If the petition is denied he will introduce a bill in the Legislature to divide the State into three judicial districts. Cbnplaln of tbo Semite. CFBOM A STAFF COnBESFOXMNT. Habeisbubg, January 18. It is said Rev. Thomas T. Everett, D. D., will be ap pointed chaplain of the Senate by President pro tem Grady on Tuesday next. Dr. Ev erett is pastor of the Forster Street Lutheran Church, of this city. Senator Rntan Will be on Iland. rrnoM a statf cobbespokdest.J Habbisburo, January 18. Senator Rn tan took a stroll to-day in company with Mrs. Rutan, and expects to be in his place in the Senate Tuesday night. Flashed Under the Sen. A portion ot the Imperial palace at Pekin has been burned. The gifts to the Pope from Ireland, which are boing exhibited in the Isish College, in clude 300 chasubles. The Chinese Government is spending enor mous sums of money In preparation for the cel ebration of tbe marriage of the Emperor. The Ostervatore Jiomani denies that the Pope interfered In any way in the matter of the English office to purchase the Chartreuse liqueur monopoly. TnnA'ofoi Vremya says that a pokhasan Mission is coming to St Petersburg to propose the cession to Russia of a frontier province in return for the restoration of Samarcand. The campaign committees of M. Jacques, the opponent of General Boulanger, in the De partment of the SIno, publishes daily a list of the donations to the election fund. M. Ceon cherlo heads it with 15.000 francs. Tbe total amount subscribed is 0,000 francs. TUCCCRMAN Society's popular dance, inCUCnrTlHri, minutely described in to-morrow's mammoth Dispatch. THE PEOPLE'S STOKE, Ladlea, Before buying ribbons look at our assort ment and prices and save monev. Campbell & Dice, 631 and 633 "Wood st. B. &B. Prices to-day to clear out the balance of the remnants. Although thousands were sold yesterday, some remain and they most .be sold. Boggs & Buhl, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THs PEOPl-Pe '.'STORE; 531 and 533 Wood St., Pittsburg. REMOVAL S-AJLE. ; Dress Goods Department.' PLEASE NOTE THE REDUCTIONS. 54-incIi, Tricots, all Shades, now - GOc, were $1 OO. 54-inch Tricots, all Colors, now - GDc, were 75c. 40-inch Wool Plaids, Good Styles, now 39c, were 50c. 46-inch Henricttas,Splendid Cashmeres now Cashmeres, extra weight, now 42-inch Plaids, Good Styles, now 54-inch Plaids now -64-inch Cloth Plaids now 60-inch Fitie Arlington Suitings 42-inch Fine Checlcs noto 40-inch Cashmere noiv 36-inch Dress Goods now Good Assortment of Fluids now Plain and Brocade Dress Goods Jamestown Dress Goods now And considered BliACK DESS GOODS. 36-inch Cotton Chain from 16c to 3lc. 40-inch All-wool Cashmeres, full line from the lowest number up to finest grades. Mack and Pancy "Weaves in Diagonals, Checcs, etc. Come now to our Dress Goods Dspartinent if you want genuine bargains. CAMPBELL & DICK, Jal9-TT3 BUBBLE PARTIES. ONE of the most amusing, as well as easily arranged entertain ments for the Holidays, is a "Bubble Party." Twenty or more ladies and gentlemen, enough clay pipes so each will have one, three or four bowls of soap-suds, and, say, half a dozen trifles, for prizes, are all that is required, the prizes to be awarded to those who blow the largest bubbles, one of the party to act as referee. The suds should be of Ivory Soap, as it gives a clean, white, and abundant lather, with an entire freedom from oil or grease; . and as the materials of which it is made are so clean and pure, it is not at all offensive to the smell or taste, like ordinary soap. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented to be ''just as goad as the 'ivory' 5" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. Copyright 1S86, by Procter & Gamble. TTII fSjl '"Uri THE WBATHEK. For Western Penn sylvania and Ohio, fair, except along the lakes, light local snows, much colder northerly winds, veer ing to northeasterly. For West Virginia, fair, much colder northerly winds. PrrrsBtnto. January IS, 1SS9. The United States Signal Service officer In this city furnishes the following. Time. Til IT. Tlier. 7:00 a. if... :oka.x... 1:00 r. M..., 4:00r. M.... Mean temp 32 Maximum temp.... 37 ... ...35 ...SI Minlmam temp...... 30 fiance 7 Precipitation 00 7:03r. M..., .31 10:00 p. 11 Ji Hirer at S p. 11., J. 5 feot. a fall or 0.3 feet In the hut 24 hoars. Klvcr Telegrams. rSPXCIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Moroajitowk River 4 feet 6 inches and stationary. Weather clear. Thermometer 39 at 4 p. 31. Brownsville River 8 feet 3 inches and stationary. Weather clear. Thermometer 32 at6 p. si. Warben River 3 3-10 feet and stationary. Weather cloudy and cold. Tutt's Pills After eating, persons of a bilious habit will derive great benefit by taking ono of these pills. If you have been DBINKING TOO MUGH, they will promptly relieve the nausea, SICK HEADACHE and nervousness which follows, restore tho ap petite and remove gloomy feelings. Elegantly sugar coated. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray street. New York1. TTSSU NEVER FAILS TO CURE CONSTIPATION, SICK HEADACHE BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA. Little Falls, K. Y I was troubled with Headache, Constipation. Loss of Spirits and Weak Stomach, but since commencing the use of your BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS I feel better than I have for years. Have recommended it to many friends with the most excellent results. MRS. JAS. A. EKWIN. IS Hi Cloths, now 68c, were $1 OO, 30c, were 50c. Z6c, 69c, were $1 OO. 98c, were $1 50. 59c, were $1 OO. now 75c, were $1 50. 59c, were $1 OO. - 44c. 19 c, were 25c. 10c, were '15c. now Oc, were 12'Ae 19c, were 25c. good value at that. NOT FfJRSI0,000. Mrs. Weaver's suffering hejKin with pain In her head, stomach, side and small of her back. She had much eructation of gas from her stomach. Her food would sour, causinz nausea and frequent vimiting. Sho became very weak, and she also suffered with those diseases corn mon to women. She treated with many physi cians, and also at a hospital, but all to no pur pose. She was finally cured by the physicians of the Catarrh and Dyspepsia Institute. Sha speaks: "i wouia not again suner as I have for 12 years for $10,000. It was in this condition that I began treatment with these specialists, and to my great joy I am again a healthy woman. ' "MRS. MARY WEAVER." Her full testimonial and address can he seen at the Institute, 22 Ninth street. Ladies sufferinc f rom diseases peculiar to their sex will find a lady connected with the Institute present for consultation. Office hours, 10 A. af. to i p. m and 6 to 5 p. M. Sundays, 12 to 4 p. m. Consultation free. Treatment by correspondence. jall-35-irs Eczema,, Itchy. Scalr, Skin Tortures. SWAYNE'S OINTMENT 3be limple application of " Swats Onrwsr" witiool inr Internal medicine, will care any eae of Tetter. Salt SWAYNE'S OINTMENT Bheum. Bin worm. Files. Itch. Sorw, Pimplea, SrrwpeUa. all SKIN DISEASES no matter how obstinate or long ttaodioc. Sola branig3tti, or tent or lor SO ou. 3 Boies, (LIS, Addreti, D. S.liSoi.. PBTUddpU.P. AjijoordmKlJtlbrll. DON'T COMPLAIN Of Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Mala-t ria, Nervousness, Loss of Appo-.' tite, Weakness or Prostration As lon as you can obtain the Pure Eight-year. old Export Guckenbeimer "Whisky at Jos. Fleming & Son's Drujr Store. This old export drives away any sleeplessness, clears up mala, ria. braces np the nerves, tones up tbe appetlta and strengthens the weak and prostrated. Wbat more can we sav for a pure, good wuiaky t Bold in full qnarts at SI 00, six for S3 00. Where old people are trouoled with drowsi. ness, depression, kidney trouble and debility, but no particular disease exists; OUR PURE IMPORTED HOLLAND GIN will prove to be invaluable to them if used mod eratelv. Full quarts. SI 25. All orders and communications promptly at. tended to. Call on or address Jos. Mill & Son. Drniists, 84 Market Street, Pittsburg, Pa,' TTSSU PENGERIAN TEEL PENS Are the Best,y. IN THE ESSENTIAL QUALITIES OF Durability, Evenness of Point, and "Workmanship. Samples for trial of 1 2 different style by mn. on receiptor lOcentsinsUmps. AakforcardNat PON.BUUCEMAN&CO,,1..4 g s