Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 19, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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8 BMcfr
Vol ; .No. 347. ruttrcd at 1'lttsburg I'ost
office, ovcmbcrH. isaT, as stcona-ciass matter.
Business Office 97 andOO Fifth Avenue.
News Booms and Publishing House 75,
77 and 79 Diamond Street.
This paper haling more thnu Rouble the
circulation ofnny other in Iho State outsldo
of Philndrlphia, Its ndrantnscs as an adver
tising mcilinm -will be npparcut.
rosTAGE rr.EK in the united states.
Daily DisrATCH, l'er Quarter 200
Daily Dispatch. OnoMonth u
Daily Disfatcu, including Sunday, one
year. t WOO
Daily- Disr-ATcn, Including fcunday, per
quarter - 50
Daily Dispatch, Including fcunday. ona
month 90
EtJKDAY DisrATCH, one year. ISO
Weekly' Dispatch, one year 1 2j
THE Daily DISPATCli Is delivered by carriers at
15 cents per it eel, or including Uic fcunda) edition,
at 20 cents per -week.
The West Virginia Legislature stuck at
its deadlock last night, taking seven more
ballots without any materialization of the
expected break. As far as can be perceived
at present there is no reason why the arrest
of business may not continue indefinitely.
In "West Virginia, as in nearly all close
contests for the past few years, is to
be seen the delirium of partisan
ship. An honest purpose to place public
welfare first and to givea fair force to the will
of the people would settle all these disputes
in a quarter of the time that is usually con
sumed by them. But when the rule is to
place the party interests first, and the pub
lic interests after them, the prolonged fights,
frequently accompanied by scandalous fea
tures, which have been so common of late
years, become an almost inevitable conse
quence. This country is in need of a lesson to the
politicians that honest politics will place
tne interests ol tne wnoie country nrst ana
those of party in the second place.
The DisrATCH correspondent at Harris
burg assuredly raised an interesting ques
tion, and one which the statesmen coniessed
had not previously occurred to them, when
he asked whether, in case a prohibition
amendment were adopted next Juue, it was
the purpose to have free, unlicensed and un
restricted sale of liquor during 1890?
That this result would follow unless an
extra session of the Legislature were called
to prevent it is of course most apparent to
all. Prohibition would not become effective
by a mere constitutional amendment. Acts
of the Legislature would be required to give
the amendment force. But the Legislature
will have adjourned by June 18, not to meet
again until 1S91. Meantime early in 1890
the licenses to sell liquor would expire and
could not be renewed. "With them would
expire the regulations and limitations of
the traffic. So far as can be seen, or as any
body contends, free-trade in liquor would
then be permissible without any sort ot re
striction until the Legislature might regu
larly reassemble in 1891.
An evening cotemporary is good enough
to suggest that there is nothing new or in
teresting in the contemplation of this con
tingency. It saj-s that a year or two of this
free and unrestricted sale would be merely
"a measure of justice" to enable dealers to
get rid of their surplus stock on hand.
We prefer to believe that the Republican
leaders at Harrisburg stated the truth when
they frankly avowed to Thc Dispatch
correspondent that the question was both
new and interesting, and that it will have
to be met by calling an extra session of the
Legislature in case the prohibition amend- ;
ment should be approved in June. The
great numbers of people who are satisfied
with thc operation of the present high
license laws would assuredly less than ever
favor prohibition with a prospect of an in
tervening year of unlicensed and unregu
lated traffi: day and night, Neither raiuld
the Prohibitionists themselves indorse that
interregnum of free sale. As a '"measure of
justice to dealers" it would be totally un
satisfactory; while in its results to the p.ace
and order it would prove more costly to the
State than any sort of compensating bill. J
It is assuredly well that whatever course
is proposed a clear understanding of the ,
programme be had from the first If the
Legislature wishes the people to vote iu
June foi or against prohibition, it is clearly
of interest to know whether or not un
licensed and unlimited traffic during 1890 is
included in this plan.
The prompt action of Judge Collier yester
day in ordering informations to be entered
on the strength of the allegations against
grand jurors in the Burns case, shows that
the Court means to protect itself, so far as
specific complaints of malpractices in the
jury system are brought to its notice. But,
as pointed out yesterday, the Legislature
has also its duty to perform. Thatbodyhas
now full cognizance of the difficulties that
are met with, and of the opprobrium which
attaches to the operation of the jury system.
It should meet the requirements of the situ
ation by passing an act vesting the appoint
ment and removal of the Jury Commission
ers in the Judges. This is the simplest and
surest remedy for the evils that are peren
nially complained of. It will satisfy the
public judgment by affording the surest pro
tection against the existing reprehensible
condition of things.
The drama is being forced upward and
strange to say the machinery by which this
operation is being accomplished only yes
terday was popularly adjudged to be acting
in the contrary direction. Shakespeare is
to be helped upstairs with novel vigor. Mrs.
Langtry has said that she intends to place
her performance of Lady Macbeth on the
plane of art, not millinery. This declara
tion is the more wonderful because it had
been understood that Mrs. Langtry's ideas
about producing "Macbeth" included not a
little attention to such details as the costum
ing of the ushers in kiits, and the provision
of real blood every night for the realistic
smearing of Duncan's grooms.
It is true that Mrs. Langtry has not yet
told us how many frills of lace her sleep
walking costume will contain, nor has the
historic origin of the brooches and bracelets
she will donbtless wear been yet revealed to
us. But something, we are sorry we cannot
say precisely what, unless it may be the
fact that we remember her dresses a great
deal more vividly than her acting, suggested
to us that in Mrs. Langtrj 's Lady Macbeth
Mrs. James Brown Potter's millinery or the
lack of it would be out-Pottered, excelled
and deposited in utter shadow, as it were.
But we must accept Mrs. Langtry's assur
ance and look forward with patient hope to
an exposition, richer than any that has gone
bciore, of what the Jersey Lily imagines to
This is a cheery season of Shakespereaa
revivals. Never until this day has it been
demonstrated that actors could travesty the
works of the immortal bard, not only with
out punishment, but with -profit Henry
Irving and Ellen Terry, according to the
consensus of opinion even in London, have
made "Macbeth" a sort of comedy-melodrama
with marvelous mechanical effects
and in fact lacking only a tank to set it be
side thc superb "Dark Secrets" and "Lights
and Shadows," and the rest of the master
pieces of the modern stage. At the same
time Mrs. Potter has shown how easy it is
to harness Shakespeare to the ballet, and
trausrorm a mythical Cleopatra into a real
female of doubtful character and patent
physical charms. To cap the climax, Mrs.
Langtry comes out to rescue Shakespeare
from the milliners and to set him on the
plane of artl
How grateful we ought to be to Mrs.,
The multiplicity of bills with regard to
street passenger railways, which have been
introduced in the Legislature, may indicate
the general interest which is taken in that
subject But some of them appear to re
quire supervision in the interest of the
public; and notably in that class is thc one
introduced yesterday. "While many of its
provisions are all right, those which can
have no effect except to create a monopoly
are all wronc. The passenger corporations
already existing in the city maybe con
ceded to be adequate to present needs; but
the city is likely to expand into districts at
present sparsely settled. Legislation which
will prevent the building of lines to accom
modate the future growth of any section, or
which would prevent new and improved
methods of transit from any direction, is
antagonistic both to public interest and
public policy.
The most striking provision of this bill is
the section which forbids any passenger rail
road to construct its line within 1,000 feet of
another passenger railway, except for cross
ings and loops, unless the paralleled
j jine consents
An illustration of this
provision is furnished by looking
back and seeing how it would have
worked in the past The most recent
horse car lines in the city are, we believe,
the "West End and the Transverse. It this
law had been in force when they were bnilt,
the Citizens or the Birmingham could have
forbidden the construction of the Trans
verse, and the Union the construction of the
West End if the Union had not previously
been shut out by the veto of the Manchester
line. The fact will be apparent to anyone
upon a moment's consideration that no line
caa reach the center of the city from any
direction, without coming under the prohi
bition of this section. Such an enactment
would mean simply that all projects to im
prove or increase rapid transit, for the future
must come to a halt, unless they are made
grateful to the existing companies.
Hardly less remarkable is the provision
giving such companies the power to cross
bridges and to pay damages in their stocks
and bonds. All companies should be em
powered to cross qr use a public highway,
like a bridge, on equitable terms; but con
sidering the amount of stocks that are issued
nowadays in the proportion of three dollars
for one of actual investment, the proposi
tion to pay damages in that kind of legal
tender is calculated to take away thc breath
of thc unfortunate bridge company.
Such provisions as these raise the ques
tion whether the authors of the bill would
not do well to study the principles of con
stitutional law. The present corporations
will save themselves useless trouble if they
abandon such attempts to create a monop
oly, and devote their attention to the legiti
mate work of transporting passengers as
cheaply as possible. No Legislature can
make such a monopoly permanent; and we
doubt very much if it can take away from
a municipal government the right to au
thorize a street railway to run wherever
public traffic requires it Thc bill is clearly
unconstitutional, and not worth the paper it
is written upon.
The contest among the local Knights,
which terminated yesterday in the election
of officers of District Assembly No. 3, is
widely claimed to be a defeat for Mr. Pow
derly, and is said to be all the more severe
because ol Mr. Powderly's presence in the
city immediately before the election came
off. This position is additionally unique,
because, if correctly stated, it shows that
while the majority of the Knights are op
posed to the administration, they do not fol
low Mr. Barry out of the order, but take the
course of staying in and controlling its local
machinery. Whether this attitude will be
preserved, or whether this important dis
trict will hold itself in readiness to make a
flop when it will do the most good, must be
reserved for the future to disclose; but, it is
clear that events are no't tending toward the
increase or rehabilitation of the strength of
this important order.
If our present jury system is to abide with
us, as mud and malaria are doing this
merry winter, something ought to be done
to fix a regular tariff for the sale of jurors.
As it is now any decent, respectable man
who starts out to buy a jury has really
nothing sure to go by in estimating how
much money he ought to put in his wallet
This uncertainty is decidedly deleterious.
If jurors are for sale they ought to be
marked in plain figures so that the pur
chaser can feel that be is not paying any
more than his neighbor for a prime article
of justice to order.
It is rumored in the neighborhood of the
Court House that some good creatures have
acted as juror-brokers, buying and selling
juries in small and broken lots after the
manner of curbstone dealers in oil or grain.
But it has always been hard to put one's
hand on a jury-broker when one most
wanted him. Indeed, to-day it is probably
a fact that the jury-broker is trying with all
the burning enthusiasm of the gods to be
come extinct Consequently some relief is
needed at once.
How would it do to draw up an official
schedule of prices for jurors, at retail and
wholesale, and intrust its dissemination to
the Jury Commissioners?
There is a curious condition of things in
the Senate over the question of sugar duties.
The Democrats who last year were fighting
for high sugar duties are now protesting
with vigor against the proposition for a sugar
bounty; while the Bepublicans who with
few exceptions hold that the sugar duties
should be reduced, propose by the aid of the
bounty to make thc protection higher than
The Senate bill reduced the duty on raw
sugar from a basis of 1.4c per pound to one
of .7c per pound'.' Since its discussion the
proposition to add .thereto a bounty of Jc
per pound has been accepted. This gives
the sugar grower a protection of 1.7c 'pec
pound against 1.4c at present Consider
ing that the, present ratio of protection on
raw sugars runs from CO up to 88 per cent
does not this addition seem a little unneces
sary? It would be wise and consistent to give
the sugar growers the benefit of a bounty to
cover a portion of the reduction made in
the duties. Thus the original proposition
to put a bounty of 1 cent per pound on raw
sugars produced in this country and take off
all duties, would have given the public
cheap refined sugars, freed them from the
exactions of the Sugar Trust and upheld
the home production of sugars. But to pay
out of the public treasury in bounties a
sum which actually increases the ratio of
protection looks like putting it rather
The public will get cheaper sugars
through the reduction of duty under this
arrangement, but to work the application of
thc bounty idea so hard may prove to be
running the principle into the ground.
The report of a Watermelon Trust has
at least one feature that entitles it to con
sideration. Its stock will be of the typical
kind that the trusts seek to make valuable.
Watermelons are composed of water in the
proportion of nineteen parts out of twenty.
The perversities which sometimes preside
over the types, is seen in the title to Har
per's TVcckhj's illustration of the "Front of
Wilder's Building, on Broad street, Pitts
burg," after the calamity last week. The
curiosity of what wonld otherwise be a very
commonplace mistake of the types, appears
in the fact that thc picture itself shows
Weldin's sign partially erased; and a com
parison shows that thc only letters visible in
the sign are those which are wrong in the
title of the. picture; while those erased in
the picture are those which the types man
aged to get exactly right. This will go far
to confirm the theory which all newspaper
men have been tempted, to entertain at
times, that a malignant spirit must preside
invisibly over the production of typograph
ical errors.
The juror who got into the wrong jury
box without knowing it, and the- Court
which had to order a case begun again on
account of the mistake, present another
object lesson on the jury system. Instruc
tion on that subject is abundant at present.
Senator Quay appears to be develop
ing a line of independent action on the
tariff bill, in defiance of the decision of the
caucus. -Is it possible that the junior Sen
ator who has his grasp on the throttle of
the State machine is going to turn out a
kicker, if not a Mugwump on national pol
itics? The attempt of the Haytian navy to run
down the steamer which the United States
navy had captured does not appear to have
been very successful. The Haytian navy
is not a coal schooner, which accounts for
the safety of the United States vessels.
The stock market still continues to refuse
to boom in response to presidents' agree
ments and bankers' pledges. The stock
market is beginning to have a dim suspicion
of the fact that the only way to restore rail
way investments to a prosperous condition
is to put them on a solvent and honest basis
of capitalization.
The footpads who are making things un
pleasant on the city streets, do not appear to
fear the police very much. One was cap
tured the other night; but it was not don
by the police, and the rule remains un
broken. The declaration of the New York An
archists that Most has become "conservative
and cowardly," indicates that Most must
have found the agitating business profitable.
Nothing is so sure to turn an agitator into a
conservative as to get a little ahead to the
extent of a little money, or an equivalent.
Me. Laffeety's bill relative to the in
corporation of passenger railway companies,
seems to be especially designed to make
things solid for the existing corporations
and to shut out all new ones.
The most striking features about that
prohibition amendment are that the Demo
crats do not know what they are going to do
about the vote on it in the Legislature, and
the Bepublicans do not know what they are
going to do about the vote on it by the
Lord Duffeein's eldest son has been
slaughtering tigers at a great pace in India;
six on one expedition.
Prof. Loyering, of Harvard, celebrated on
Tuesday night the completion of his fiftieth
year as professor of physics.
E. O. Wolcott, Senator-elect from Colorado,
was born in Providence, R. L, where his father
was a Congregational minister. He went to
Colorado 15 years ago as a school teacher, and
then drifted Into the practice of law.
The Uerman Emperor's Christmas present
to his eldest son consists of a complete collec
tion of the uniforms (adapted to the child's
size) which havo been in use in the Prussian
army from the days of the Fredericks to the
present time. Kaiser Wilhelm knows how to
give his own interpretation to the adage
"Train up a child in tho way he should go."
The Empress of Austria recently visited a
small town, where the inhabitants were so de
lighted that, to do her the highest honor possi
ble, they elected her a member of the Chamber
of Deputies, an honor she was obliged to de
cline. In recognition of this favor she sent
quite a sum of money for the poor, but the
Mayor was obliged to decline the gift, as they
had not a pauper in tho place. Literally, honors
wero easy.
A man, old, weazen-faced and shaking with
paralysis, called at the Philadelphia Mint on
Tuesday and said that his name was A. Squires,
and that on Monday, June 11, 1855, he placed
2,201 in the care of tho United States Govern
ment He had a time-worn receipt with him
which seems to establish his claim against the
mint, if he can prove he is really "A. Squires."
He was a forty-niner in California and has been
a gold miner in that State since 1855. It is
probable that he will obtain his $2,201, with in
terest, from the mint after the usual red tape
has been spun out
Piiof. Charles Eliot Norton, of Har
vard College, has been visiting New York on an
odd mission. He desires the rich men of that
city to contribute $75,000 to equip an expedition
to excavate the site of the ancient temple of
Apollo at Delphi. The Greek Government has
given permission to tho American school at
Athens to undertake thc work, and all now
needed are tho funds necessary to employ labor
and organize an expedition. The seat of the
oracle of Delphi, according to tradition, was
established in tho very earliest tipes by Apollo
himself, and at the period of the Homeric
poems a magnificent temple already stood
there. After it had been burned, 543 B. C-, a
still more magnificent edifice was reared on the
same site. The temple, which contained enor
mous wealth, was plundered many times by
various conquerors during the next nine cen
turies, but it continued to flourish until Its
final destruction by the Roman Theodosius in
the fourth century of the Christian era.
Pontage Stamps in New York.
From thc New York 'World. J
Thirteen tons of postage stamps were sold in
this city last, year. There is a good deal of
letter go aboutNow York. -
Good Cornea From the Most Evil Wind
Note of Current Life.
It is curious how even & great calamity will
work to tho advantage of someone. The rail
roads and the hotel keepers and others in this
city havo certainly obtained an increase in
their receipts as an indirect consequence of
tho terrible disaster on Diamond street In
tho crowds which havo ever since AVcdnesday
of last week surrounded the .tottering shell of
Weldin's stores have been many strangers.
Yesterday I encountered a gentleman from
Altoona at the corner of Woodland Diamond
streets, and bo told mo that he had come to
Pittsburg to tako a look at the tracks of the
cyclone. When I expressed some astonishment
at this he told mo that a dozen or so of his ac
quaintances had been drawn to Pittsburg by.
the same attraction. Probably hundreds if not
thousands of people residing in neighboring
towns have paid Pittsburg a visit just to see
for themselves tho ruins where so many human
lives were sacrificed.
Another odd circumstance of tho Willey
building collapse was that from the very first
the disaster was underestimated. Rumor
usually magnifies tho facts, but it did the re
verse in this case. One of tho doctors who was
summoned to tho spot tells mo that the boy
wh) brought the news merely told him that a
man had been hurt by the fall of a building on
Diamond street.
Pittsburgcrs who wcro away from home the
day the accident occurred had a Door chanco to
realize the magnitude of tho massacre. In the
Chicago papers, for instance, on the morning of
Thursday the Reading silk horror dwarfed the
Pittsburg catastrophe, although to-day we
know that so far as the loss of human life is
concerned the latter was fully as destructive.
The congregation in an East End church a
few Sundays ago noticed with somo dismay
that their pastor preached a sermon half an
hour longer than usual. After tbo service one
of the elders of tho church took tho liberty to
remark to tho preachor: "That was a very
good sermon, Mr. C , but wasn't it a littlo
too long?"
Tho minister laughed as ho replied:
"Yes, it was exactly 25 minutes too long. I
had my watch in front of me and I mistook the
time when I looked at it, and tho congregation
had to suffer for my error."
One day last week a lady who resides in Chi
cago, on the Southside, advertised for a serv-'
ant. The first applicant who camo in answer
to the advertisement was a pretty and neat
young girl, evidently but recently from Ireland.
After some little talk the lady asked the girl if
she had any references.
"Oh, yes. Ma'am," tho girl replied, and
handed over a sheet of noto paper, on which
was written the following legend:
Tohoit mol consarn: ""
Italy and thruly she he a good gurlj She kin do
ginral work. She lived with mo sivln months.
She be me cussln.
Mns. rOLiCE officer O'Brien.
Tho reference did not get tho poor girl a
place then and there.
If you want to understand what an offense
and stench the present jury system is to those
who know its working best, call upon a few
lawyers and get them to relate their experi
ences and express their opinions. It is not
exaggerating thc situation at all to say that
there is hardly a lawyer at the bar to-day who
has not known a jury, grand or petit, to be
The lawyers generally seem to favor Tne
Dispatch's suggestion to place the Jury Com
missioners directly within the control of tho
bench. Fortunately Allegheny county has no
cause to doubt the honesty of her judges, and
the lawyers, who are as deeply interested in
the proper administration of justice as anyone,
and perhaps more interested in the matter than
their clients, would almost unanimously ap
prove of a law that would wipe ont the present
system and set up new commissioners ap
pointed and removable by the judges.
The Startling Phenomenon Discovered in a
Denso Indiana Forest.
bpcclal Telegram to the Dispatch.
Indianapolis, January 18. Near Decker, a
village in Southern Indiana, a strange and
startling phenomenon has been discovered. A
small lake two miles from the ulace is burning
and is emitting a peculiar sulphuric odor. 'The
community is excited, ana those living near the
burning lake are preparing to leave the place.
The phenomenon was first discovered by a
couple of hunters. When theyreacbed the lake
they were startled by the strange sight that
met their view. The entire lake was ablaze.
They left tho terrifying place in a fright, scarce
ly daring to look back, and told their neighbors
of the phenomenon, but they only laughed at
tho story. Finally a few went with the men,
and wcro astounded when they found that the
strange tale was true. Tho lake is a beautiful
sheet of water, circular in its outlines, a half
mile in circumference, in a dense wood, and is
skirted by a heavy growth of swamp brush.
Tho fire covers the eastern surfaco with a
steady blazo six inches in height, and as night
comes on it changes to a peculiar purple hue.
It emits an odor like burning sulphur, and re
flects a mild, steady heat. No smoke is per
ceptible, eeverai tneones are suggested, tne
most plausible of which is that a vein of oil
near the surface has burst out under tbo pond,
and that tho oil rose to the surface, where it
was set on fire by a spark from a burning log
heap near by, and that as the oil continues to
rise it keeps burning upon the surface.
The Dispatch Complimented on Its Unprece
dented Success.
From the Allentown Item.
The Pittsburg Dispatch is ono of the
very best newspapers that reaches our table.
By its expenditures, its enterprise and its judg
ment, it ranks front among the leading papers
of the country. It is the first in supplying its
readers every new thing that may be of profit
entertainment or instruction. Every year finds
The DisPATcn tho first in tho field with
whatever is notable or now. The success of
The Dispatch, always wonderful, has never
been so trrcat as at present. The circulation of
its daily edition continues steadily to advance,
and its Sunday issue averages over 44,000 copies
each edition, a circulation unprecedented for
Unclo Sam's Printing.
From the New York World.
Public Printer Benedict's report for 18SS
presents some interesting figures. Among other
things it shows that over 22,000,000 envelopes
were printed for the use of tho Fiftieth Con
gress during its first session. Millions of these
were used by members in sending out tons of
their printed speeches to beloved constituen
cies. The office now uses daily about 20 tons of
paper, and turned out 819,608 bound books
during the last six months of the year. Nearly
4,500,000 pounds of printing and writing papers
were consumed during a period of six months
of the year. Uncle Sam's printing office ap
pears to be doing a pretty fair business, tariff
or no tariff.
Ills Ilnlr Cut in Five-Cent Style.
Chicago, January 18. Jacob Schneider ap
plied to Judge White to-day for a warrant for
the arrest of Barber Mike Ryan, who, when
Schneider offered him 5 cents for a hair cut,
placed him in achair and with his clippers cut a
channel from the back to the front of the head
without touching the rest of the hair. The
Court gave Schneider 2 cents to have the cut
completed and refused to issue the warrant.
Snakes and New Year's Pledges.
From the Hew York Telegram.
Sixty-three snakes wcro killed in one holo
near Harveysburg, O., the other day, and now
there are a number of Ohio men who believe
they can break their New Year's pledges with
Dr. Charles Osterlln.
Special Telegram to the Dispatch.
Findlav, O., January 18. Dr. Charles Osterlln,
the discoverer of natural gas in Findlay and an
eminent physician, died here to-day from paraly
sis, aged' 82 years. Dr. Osterllu was born in
Wlncsburg, K1nirlom of Wurtcmberp, and came
to America In 1832. He settled la Flndlay in 1S31
and has lived here ever since.
Gcorgo Zclglcr.
Special Telegram to the Dispatch.
Carlisle, Pa., January 181 George Zelgler,
tho oldest man In the county, died at Ids resi
dence near this city this morning. He was a
fanner, and died In the house were he was born.
91 j cars ago.
Tho Three Implacnbles nt Last on the Best
of Terns.
Special Telegram to the Dispatch.
Washington, January IS. When it became
generally known to-day that the Hon.
James G. Blaine was a guost at the man
sion of Senator Cameron last evening, on
the occasion of the banquet to the
Pennsylvania "Farmers' Club," that Senator
Quay was there also, and that Cameron and
Quay and Blaino all sat with their legs under
the Senator's mahogany at the same moment
and clinked tho friendly glass, thero was won
derment indeed. It had been reported at all
times that the Pennsylvania Senators would be
the chief stumbling block in the way of the
appointment of the Plumed Knight to a Cabi
net position. All of the old-time opposition to
Blaino on the part of these eminent managers
was recalled, and It was decided that Harrison
could not afford to appoint Blaino without
the consent of Cameron and Quay, and that he
never would get that consent. Theiefore,
great was astonishment of these wiseacres to
know that Blaino had actually broken bread
with the Implacable Quay and the unchangea
ble Cameron. This new friendliness Is accept
ed by most people as evidenco that the Penn
sylvania Senators are not only not opposed to
the appointment of Blaine to a Cabinet posi
tion, but that they know he will bo appointed,
and that ho is quito agreeable to them. It is
the first instance in which these three men
hare been brought close together socially, and
probably the politicians are pardonable forsee-
iK ouiucbiiuii; mure jn it. man jjibiciuum
tion to dinner. It is whispered that the friend
liness between tho gentlemen is sinccro and
complete, and that Senator Ilale, who is a
warm friend of the senior Senator from
Pennsylvania, as he is also of Mr. Blaine, has
had something to do with the union.
Apropos to this, a close friend of Senator
Cameron said to tbo correspondent of THE
Dispatch to-day that he had asked Mr. Cam
eron plainly if there was anything in the re
ported unfriendliness between him and Quay,
and that the Senator responded that he and
Quay understood each other perfectly.
Unlucky Even In the Manner of Ills Death A
.Family's Rough Record.
Manchester, N. II., January 18. If ever a
person could lay claim to having been Dorn
under an unlucky planet, certainly Alexander
Love, a French Canadian, was that one. Love,
with his wife and two small children, came to
thi3 city last spring from Canada. Soon after
arriving here he was taken sick, and for a long
time lay at death's door. Ho had hardly re
covered when his n if e met with an accident
that left her a cripple for life.
Then Love was thrown out of employment.
He moved to Alexandria, wheio he built a
cabin in the woods. He had got out a few
cords of wood, when his ax slipped and nearly
cut bis foot off. He was laid up for two months.
After cettinc ont azain he had cut somo flvo
cords when he was caught by a falling tree and
killed, not instantly that was not his luck
but ho Was so severely injured that
he died in a few hours, after suf
fering terribly. His crippled wife and
children were in the cabin near by, but a mile
from any other building, and were compelled
to witness, without power to alleviate, the
death struggles or the unfortunate husband
and lather. The next morning, with crutches
and pushing a child In a chair, the wife of Love
went nearly three miles beforo she could make
herself understood and securo help to care for
her dead husband. Charitable neighbors have
contributed enough money to send tho family
back to their Canadian friends.
Yico Presldcnt-Elcct Morton Learning Now
to Ron tho machine.
Washington, January 18. This after
noon Vice Prcsidont-elect Morton visited
the Capitol and held quite a levee in
the lobby of tho House. He was in
troduced to members by Representative
Phelps, who afterward accompanied him to the
Senate, where bo was warmly greeted as he
came upon the floor. The Senate rules were
recently amended in order to admit Mr. Mor
ton to the privileges of the floor, and this was
his first visit since then. He will probably re
main in the city several days and spend some
time attheCapitol, studying the working of the
Senate rules, in order to familiarize himself
with the duties of tho position he expects soon
to fill.
Mr. Morton Is also engaged in looking about
the city for a desirable residence, but has so
far failed to find a suitable .one. In answer to
a suggestion on the subjecthe said be did not at
preseut desire to buy or build a .homo in the
national capital.
Taxes to bo Assessed on AH Pittsburg
Schools of Tuition.
It is the interition of tho City Assessors to
mako assessments upon all educational proper
ty, where tuition is charged, as provided in the
decision of Judge Sterrett Tho owners can
appeal, if they desire, and the matter will go
into the hands of the City Attorney. As thero
are a large number of schools in this city of the
class alluded to, the tax would make quite an
item in the city's tax list Aprominentcitizen,
speaking of the case, said in substance:
"This decision places the Catholics in a deli
cate position. They reasoned that, as they sup
ported parochial schools, they should not be re
quired to pay public school tax, and that they
should receive a portion of the school fund.
They must now, if this decision is sustained,
either pay taxes on the parochial schools or else
close them, as these schools all demand a
tuition fco from the scholars."
Arrangements for tho Test of the New
Cruiser's Equipments.
Washington, January 13. The Navy De
partment and the Union Iron Works, of San
Francisco, havo agreed upon the conditions for
the contract trial of the cruiser Charleston.
The preliminary trials of the machinery will be
made in San Francisco bay, near Mission Rock,
after which the vessel will proceed to sea and
go south for ono day's steaming.
The four honrs' full power trial required by
the contract will be made over a straight
course somewhere south of Point Conception,
in Santa Barbara channel. Tho steering quali
ties of tho vessel will then be tested at all
speeds. A board of naval officers will be ap
pointed in a few days to examine the vessel in
the drydock and also to witness the trials at
They Cannot be Used for American Traffic
Without Pnying a Duty.
Detroit, January IS. The new customs
order regarding Canadian built cars is being
rigidly cnfoiced. Heretofore Grand Trunk
and other foreign built cars nave been loaded
in interior points in Michigan and have run
through to Portland, Me., without question.
This was a disregard of tho law.but was tacitly
permitted to go on through some misunder
standing in the interpretation of tho interna
tional arrangement.
Now no Canadian built car can pass Detroit
from any American point to another through
point in Canada without paying duty if such
cars are intended to ply between American
points. Canada roads are preparing according
ly by stopping cars at Detroit that were in
tended for loads between American points.
Tho Seller Refuses a Stnndnrd Check and
Demands Currency.
Special Telegram to the Dispatch.
Findlay, O., January 18. The latest pur
chase by the Standard Oil Company is that of
185 acres of M. S. Priest of Liberty township,
Wood county. The price was $11,000.
A funny thing connected with tho transaction
was that Priest refused to accept the Stand
ard's check for the amount, and insisted upon
being paid tho whole amount in currency.
When it was explained to him that it would
perhaps be difficult to get that amount of cur
rency here on a moment's notice, and that it
would also be somewhat risky for him to, carry
so large an amount home with him, he finally
compromised by taking part in currency and
part in drafts issued by banks on New York.
Episcopal Convocation In Pittsbnrg.
Tho clergy and laity of the Southern Convo
cation in the diocese of Pittsburg, under Rt.
Rev. Cortlandt Whitehead (EDiscopal Church),
hold their winter session at St. Mark's Church,
Southside. on the 5th and 6th of February.
The usual convocation services will be preceded
by a meeting of theclergv for prayer and in
struction, called a "Quiet Day, conducted by
thn Tlv. A. R. firnnsiv. nf Rf Anrlrnw'a
the Rev. A. S. Crnpsey,
of St Andrew's
unurcn, iiocnesier, x. i,
To Make ft Complete.
From tbe Norristown Herald. J
The latest novelty in decanters is a musical
affair which plays "Comin' Thro' the Rye,'"
"When tho Corn is Waving" and "The Wind
That Shakes the Barley." Very appropriate;
but to the list of tunes should be added "Hard
Times," "Dear Father, Come Home," and "We
Won't Go Homo Till Morning."
Eustace Wrszynskl's Story of an Earlier
Scheme Than the Motor.
From the Chicago Tribune.
"I knew John W. Kecly. the motor man, 22
years ago as John Adam Huss," said Eustace
Wyszynski at his house, 1053 North Halsted
street, last night. Mr. Wyszynski is now white'
haired, but his memory is as bright and bis in
telligence as keen as a new knife blade. More
over, bo made the statement over a pile ot
Huss' stock certificates, descriptions of Huss'
and Keely's motors, and a letter from Keely.
"In 1866," said Mr. Wyszynski, "I was en
gaged with my son-in-law, Nicholas Lomos. in
the wholesale cigar and tobacco business in
Louisville, Ky. That year a man named John
Adam Huss came to Louisville with what he
claimed to be a 'hydraulic air engine,' which
would relegate steam as a motive power to tho
past He soon interested a number of promi
nent citizens, among them G. A. Reuter. M.
Wittenstein, the coal merchant, John C. Tel
f orth. Max Leopold, and my son-in-law.
"They organized the Hydraulic Air Engine
Company in three States, paid Mr. Huss sev
eral thousands cash down for exclusive rights
In those States, and put him on a large salary
to superintend the erection of a factory. As
soon as possible he was to finish a sample en
gine and make a trial of it before the stock
holders. After numerous delays be was finally
forced to bring out an engine. It was a bald
failure. But his protestations that a little more
experimenting only was needed to perfect it
rallied the stockholders around him and
they advanced him noney all he asked, in
fact The second trial was postponed from
timo to time, but at last fixed about a year off.
.cverytning was ready lor it. rhe day armed.
The stockholders met When they had waited
an hour an ugly rumor reached them that Mr.
Huss had not been seen for a day or so. An
investigation followed, and it was discovered
that the inventor had silently flown. H ere aro
the stock certificates, cuts of the engine, rec
ords of the money expended they are all tbo
stockholders had loft."
"But how does that identify Huss with
"I will give you proofs of the identity as the
story unfolds. The bursting of the motor bub
blo broke up my son-in-law in business, and I
went to work at my trade of map engraver.
My employers were German Bros., lithograph
ers, and I had been worKing for them about
two years when an incident occurred which
subsequent developments have kept as vivid in
my memory as if it had occurred yesterday.
"All efforts to trace Huss had been fruitless,
and he had almost passed out of mind. But
one day as I was bending over a lithographic
stone I was amused by a voice in conversation
with Charles W. German, the head of the firm.
I looked up. Two men wero consulting him as
to whether he could make a print of a machine
of which they had a small model. One of the
men was Huss. As I recognized him he saw
me. He and his companion madeabolt for the
door, and left Mr. German standing dum
founded. " 'What in thunder's tbo matter?" exclaimed
Mr. German, when ho got his breath.
' That's Hnss, the air engine man.' I said.;
" 'It's John W. Keely. tho machinist.' replied
Mr. German, 'and his friend is C. M. Babcock.
So they introduced themselves.'
"That was the last time," continued Mr.
Wyszynski, "I saw John Adam Huss, alias John
W. Keely. but it isn't the lastl've heard of him
by a erreat deal.
"When Keely began to mako a stir at Phila
delphia with his airmotor I got a description of
his machine so far as it had been mado public,
and found it was the same thing we had put
our money in at Louisville."
Tho Vnrlons manners Which People Select
for Ending Their Lives.
From the Lewlston (Me.) Journal.
"Of various modes of suicide," continued he,
"poisoning has been by far the favorite in the
cities. I find that statistics in New York City
between 1866 and '72, reveal over 600 suicides,
and of these over 200 were by poison. Of these,
the favorite is arsenic in its commonest form
paris green, although the more educated class
of people used chloral or morphine: Paris
green was most popular because it could be ob
tained far more easily. The laws, anyway gov
erning tho sale of poisons are not half stringent
enough, especially thoso governing the sale
of morphine, opium, etc. Drucgists in some in
stances ask few questions, and with a brief
register of tho name, let the person and the
poison go.
"They say that in London, hanging is a popu
lar mode of shuffling off the mortal coih In
France, the charcoal fumes are the popular
method. Now and then they blow out the gas
and more often imbibe absinthe to gradual ex
tinction .a gay and debonaire method of seek
ing oblivion. It is said that 7b per cent of tho
people who shoot themselves, put the pistol In
their mouths and the result is less disfigure
ment of the body. Drowning is very common
method with people who are in mental trouble
and temporary derangement and is sought
chiefly by those who are under surveillance and
escape it to seek refuge in the river or harbor.
I have heard it said that of those who throw
themselves from great heights, many do so un
der a morbid distemper. You have, possibly,
felt that awful inclination to throw yourself
over a high cliff when looking down. You have
probably stood by a high window and thought
bow easy the dajs and their troubles might
cease, by a leap.
"In old davs, the defeated monarch fell upon
bis sword. To-day, he dies to another land or
basks in exile at Monte Carlo. In olden times
till its sunset glow disfigured her face. To-day,
some of them subsist on sleeping Dowders.mor
phine decoctions, chloral salts, etc., etc., until
the noonday of life finds them withered and al
most dead. Voluntary suicide is not worse
than wilful disregard of the laws of life."
Characteristic Meeting of Senator Quay and
Calvin S. Drlcc.
Washington, January 18. It is said that as
Calvin S. Brice was passing the door of the
Senate, the other day, Senator Matt Quay was
standing there. The two men had never met
before. They were introduced, shook hands
cordially, and Quay, in his dignified way, said:
"I think I have heard of you before."
"Yes, I expect you have. Senator. It appears
to me that I have also read your name in the
"Yes, it has gotten there occasionally," re
plied Quay, lifting his Ben Butler eyelid toward
the west.
Quay asked about Colonel Brice's health,
and expressed a desire for him to call upon
him. Brice thanked the Pennsylvania Senator
and said he would be glad to do so, bnt he ex
pected to leave for home during the day.
Nearly a Million Increase In the Receipts In
Six months.
Washington, January IS. The collections
of internal revenue for the first six months of
tho fiscal year ending Jnno 30, 1889, were 563,
312.565, an increase of J868.957, as compared
with, tho collections for the corresponding
period of tho previous fiscal year. The receipts
were as follows:
From spirits, S35.S66.3S8. an increase of S1.310,
841; from tobacco, $15,343,653, a decrease or $511,
245; from fermented liquors, $12,142,306. an in
crease of $23,028: from oleomargarine, $410,989,
an increase of $51,203; from banks, bankers, etc.,
5.747. an increase of $5,392: from miscellaneous,
$43,390, a decrease of $50,262. The receipts for
December, 188S, were 5362,229 less than thoso for
December, 1887.
Invited to Delmonlco's.
Prof. Hermann, who is an intimate friend and
a general favorite of the newspaper fraternity,
yesterday received the following letter:
New York, January 14, 1889.
Prof, nerrmann:
Dear Sin The pleasure nf your company at the
annual dinner of the New York Press Club, at
Delmonlco's. Twenty-sixth street and Fifth
avenue, on Wednesday evening, February 27, Is
specially desired by the members. An early re
ply, accepting the Invitation herewith most cor-
uiauy e.xieuueu iu you, itiii oe ayprcbi.iii-u.
The above letter Is signed by John A, Cock
rell. President, and P. J. Hanway, Horatio C.
King, William S. McLaughlln.William Gibson,
Jr., and John A. Cockrell, Committee on Invi
tations. '
Pqnnrlng tbo Circle.
From the Chicago News. 3
It looks now as if round dances would never
be able to square themselves with tho minis
ters. A MYSTERY.
My fellow-traveler's face was wan apd pale.
And when be met my gaze he seemed to quail.
He made pretense to read somo paltry book;
Yet he could not his hand all nerveless shook.
Some mystery, thought I, doth lie behind
AH this: this creature longs for peace of mind.
Itcmorse is preying on him now, perchance
A crime is here, or may be a romance.
Else why this pallor ? Why these blood-shot orbs ?
And why this sorrow that his life absorbs f
Has he some luckless fellow-mortal slain ?
Or Is he a rejected, love-lorn snalu ?
At last he turned, with a distressing sigh.
And fixed on me his wild and restless eye;
Tnen In a voice emotion seemed to choke,
IIo said : "Rave you got anything to smoke J"
Somewhat Tired of Comstock.
New York, January 18. Anthony Comstock
bad Gustav Zunker, a saloon keeper, and his
bartender fined SI each to-day for conducting a
raffle. Zunker was selling chances in a picture
lottery for the benefit of a widow with seven
children, when Comstock arrested him. The
Judge told Mr. Comstock that similar cases
would be dismissed hereafter without a hear
ing. Collided In a Fog.
The coast steamship Richmond, which sailed
from here yesterday, came back to-day with a
big hole in her side. At 10 o'clock last night
the Richmond steamed into a heavy fog. A
little later the schooper Jacob Reed, of
Barnegat. approached unnoticed and crashed
into the Richmond. The Jacob Reed suffered
little damage. No lives were lost
Tho Atlanta Oat of Keltcr.
The United States cruiser Atlanta will prob
ably not sail for Hayti to-morrow, as has been
ordered from Washington. Four of her boilers
are still entirely our of repair. Her officers
think that two daysat least will be required to
put her machinery in order.
Wnnts $5,000 for Her Hand.
Mrs. Christine Davis stumbled and fell over
Frederick Loeser & Co.'s wire mat some time
ago. Her hand was badly lacerated by a
broken wire. Blood poisoning resulted, and
Mrs. Davis was ill for several weeks. She sued
Loeser & Co. for $5,000 damages to-day.
A Female Mall Smuggler.
Collector Magone has been investigating the
private affairs of Mrs. G. W. Heap, widow of a
former United States Consul, since early this
morning. Mrs. Heap has been smuggling em
broideries, laces and women's underclothes
into the country by means of the mails. Col
lector Magone says the whole affair is a great
secret, and be doesn't know what ho may do
with Mrs. Heap.
Going to Amazo the French.
The Produce Exchange appointed a commit
tee to-day to supervise the American exhibit of
Indian corn at the Paris Exhibition. As the
general appropriation of Congress is inade
quate, members of the Produce Exchange will
subscribe money enough to show the French
what Indian corn 13 like.
A Life's Work Completed.
The Rev. Alexander Kohut finished to-day
his "Arucle Completum," a Talmudic encyclo
pedia, in 12 languages, begun by him 25 years
Ilenry HI. Stanley.
To the Editor of the Dispatch:
Please givo a brief account of the career of
Stanley, the explorer, and oblige
Tarentdm, January 18. Many Readers.
THenry M. Stanley was born in Wales in 1810.
When 3 years old he was placed in the poor
house of St. Asaph, here remaining until he
was 10. At the age of 15 he sailed as a cabin
boy in a vessel bound for New Orleans. At
this place he was adopted by a merchant
named Stanley, whose name he took instead of
John Rowlands, his original name. His patron
died without leaving a will, and young Stanley
was thrown on his own resources. He enlisted
in the Confederate army, was made a prisoner,
and subsequently joined the Federal service,
becoming a petty officer on a war steamer. He
became a newspaper correspondent at the close
of the war, and in 1867 was sent by the New
York Herald as its correspondent with the
British army in Abyssinia. He was Anally sent
to find Dr. Livingstone. Stanley reached Zan
zibaron the east coast of Africa, in 1871, and
in October of that year found Livingstone at
Ujiji. Stanley remained with Livingstone until
about February, 1S72, when Livingstone started
on the journey from which he never returned,
and Stanley mado bis way back to Europe.
Tbe stir made by this exploit induced
the conductors of tho New York Herald
and of the London Daily Telegraph to
send him. at their own expense, on
another African expedition. He reached Zan
zibar in the autumn of 1874, and, learning that
Livingstone was dead, resolved to go north
westward, and explore the regions of Lake
Victoria N'Yanza. This he reached in Febru
ary, 1S75, and found it to be the largest body of
fresh water on the globe, having an area of 40.
000 square miles. He then pushed westward
toward Lake N'Yanza, and was able to satisfy
himself that it was not, as had been generally
supposed, connected with Lake Tanganyika.
He returned to Uiiii. and entered unon the
descent of the river Lnalaba, supposed by
Livingstone to be the Nile. In this task he
was occupied eitrht months. Stanley reached
England after this in February, 1873. A num
ber of volnmes from him, in which he treats of
the wonderful regions explored, have been
published. In 1879 to 1882 he visited Africa
again, his object in this being to develop the
basin of tbe river Congo. The King of the
Belgians devoted from bis private purse $250,1)00
per annum toward this costly enterprise. He
completed the work in 1884, having established
trading stations along the Congo river from its
mouth up for 1,400 miles to Stanley Pool. It
was at the end of 1SS6 that he was charged with
the organization of the expedition for tbe re
lief of Emin Pasha.
A Brilliant Allegheny Reception nnd a
Charming Sewickley Assembly.
Miss Anna Frances Marshall, of Stockton
avenue, Allegheny, gave a brilliant reception
and musicale last evening in honor of her
visitor, Miss Sharp, of Philadelphia, who is a
niece of Mrs. Charles Clarke, of Oakland. The
mansion contained fine floral decorations
throughout, and the mnsic rendered was ex
cellent. About 100 of the most prominent society peo
ple of both cities were present at the festivities,
which lasted from 9 to 12.
Southside Preabyterlnns Tender Rev. T. E.
Fnrrnnd n Reception.
The members of tho Southside Presbyterian
Church gave Rev. T. R. Farrand, their new
pastor, a reception last night in tho lecture
room at the church. About 150 people were
present, and several of the clergymen from
other Southside churches attended also.
Dr. John M. Duff made the address of wel
come, and tho Rev. B. F. Cameron, of St.
Mark's Episcopal Church, also made an ad
dress. About 10 o'clock the party were regaled with
refreshments by the ladles of the congregation.
A Charming Assembly.
In tho second of a series of assemblies at
their delightful home, Sewickley, the Misses
Black last evening entertained in a charming
manner a nico company of guests. It was one
of those cordial receptions which havo made
the homes of Sewickley enviable resorts in
more ways than one.
London, with a population of 4,765,000, has
only 4,193 subscribers to the telephone.
The business failures in tbe United States
for 1S83 amounted to $123,829,973, against $167,
600,911 in 18S7.
China and the East Indies furnish two
thirds as much wool as all the countries of Eu
rope combined.
It is estimated that the packing season,
which ends March 1, will show a reduction of
600,000 hogs from the number packed last year.
Accordino to reliable statistics there are
120,557 women and children engaged in this
country in tbe production of cotton goods, and
89,792 in the production of woolen goods.
Doting tbe year recently closed 22 railway
companies, with 3,720. miles of lines and nearly
$187,000,000 of securities, havo become insolvent
and passed from the control of their owners
into that of the courts.
The gas area of Indiana is 1C5 miles long and
65 miles wide, and contains 381 paying wells.
The daily segregate flow of gas is 60W,COO,000
feet of which probably 100,000.000 feet are
wasted. The averago flow of gas is 1,500,000
feet per well.
The manufacture of silk was first introduced
into Europe from the Indies, 1,353 years ago, by
two monks, who established its manufacture
at Constantinople. It was made in England as
early as the reign of Henry VL, in the middle
of the fifteenth centnry.
It is stated that the English Government is
out with a pamphlet notifying tbe trado at
homo and abroad that adulterated cheese will
no longer be tolerated in the English mar
kets, and the discovery of any offerings of such
lots will result in tbe confiscation of such property.
The veterans of the late war are dying
at tbe rate of 6,000 a year.
A Trenton thief this week got five years
for stealing a 75-ccnt knife.
The weight of the heart is from eight to
12 ounces. It beats 100,UUO times in 21 hours.
One police patrol wagon in Boston
made 58 trips during a Saturday night recently.
An Indiana citizen has followed the ex
ample of a Southern man and eloped with his
divorced wife.
A party of immigTantshasreachedKern
county, California, after a six months' wagon
ride from Nebraska.
At a ball in Paris recently a lady woro
shoes, each of which had a watch inserted in
the leather, near the toes.
A San Francisco detective, aftersearch
ing that city over for a house robber.foundhira
in jail. He had been arrested for opium smok
ing; Charles Allen, of Eed B3nk, TS. J., has
long suffered from an oyster thief's work. A
few days ago he shot the thier, a seal weighing
1C0 pounds.
The sum total of all the counterfeit
money set afloat last year did not amount to
$25,000. and tne "aueer" men were ont of socket
in their transactions.
The English villages are diminishing in
population, owing to the exodus of the unem
ployed, who are flocking into the towns at tit
rate of 60,000 or 70,000 a year.
A family of five in Dakota subsisted for
three .weeks on Ave pounds of pork and a
bushel of carrots, and there is no use in any
young housekeeper trying to beat that record.
Mrs. Jane McCarthy, of Louisville,
waded into a gang of loafers with sleeves rolled
up and knocked five of them down by right
and left Danders before they could getaway.
In so doing she smashed a knuckle, which a
doctor mended free of charge.
The microscopist of the Department of
Agriculture, Professor Thomas Taylor, has
discovered that pepper is adulterated often as
much as 50 per cent, with the seed or stone of
the olive, which are obtained in large quanti
ties from the olive oil factories.
While sawing a log that had beea
chopped down a couple of years agoV. 8.
Whitemore, of Beatrice, Neb., struck a stons
as large as his two fists that bad grown solid in
the heart of tho tree. The tree was sufficiently
large to indicate a growth of perhaps 20 years
or more around the stone.
Tobacco should be credited as a part of
the discovery of Christopher Columbus.
When he first met the Indians they "were im
bibing the fumes of tobacco in tbe shape of a
cigar." This cigar wai not wholly of tobacco,
though. It was a stalk or straw tube filled
with thi3 weed. But the Indians smoked pipes
Theyare still pegging away at the Cape?
Cod ship canal, which was begun" nine years
ago. The contract requires tbe work to be
finished by Jnno 20, ISM. but as there are seven
miles yet to be dug, and as during 1S83 there
was only about seven-eighths of a mile opened,
the prospects are not good for the fulfillment
oi tne contract.
Illinois census returns show that out
side of tbe cities the population is decreasing.
The school census of 1S88 shows that in July
last there were in the"State 843,976 males under
21 years of age. In 1S80 there were 789,676. This
is a gain of 54,300, but the gain in Conk county
was 83,217, so that the loss in the rest of tho
State was 28,917.
Duluth has had a tremendous boom
during the last 12 months. Over $4,300,000 has
been spent for improvements, and 782 new
buildings have been erected at a cost of $2,802.
600. The citizens of Proctor Knott's city are
confident that this year is going to beat th
last, and say that there will be at least 1,500
new buildings put up.
John Derone, of Easton, Pa., must give
up $10 to a wicked small boy or go bald-headed.
During tho cyclone of last week Mr. Derono
had his bat and wig blown offwhilecrossingthe
South Easton Suspension Bridge. The wig and
hat were found by an enterprising youngster,
who undismayed by the agent' threat of a law
suit, refuses to surrender bis find until the
owner pays him $10 for them.
According to a German scientific jour
nal they are using electricity in India to pre
vent snakes going into dwellings. Before all
the doors and around tbe house two wires are
laid, isolated from one another and connected
with an induction apparatus. When a snaka
attempts to enter the house or no under it ho
completes the circnlt as he crawls over the two
wire", and If the shock: be gets doesn't kill him
it is likely to frighten him so that he goes away
from there as soon as he can.
Electricity cut np some queer capers
with a tree down in New Orleans. A guy cable
was attached to the tree from an electric light.
In some unaccountable way the cable became
crossed with a live wire, and on wet days
electricity run down the former. Several
time'i it set the tree afire and eventually
started a blazo which de'troyed that part of
the tree above the wire. The trunk was exam
ined and its heart was found to have been en
tirely eaten out by the electricity, leaving a
mere shell.
Mr. Friese Greene, a British pho
tographer, has actually produced a picture
with only the light lsuing from his eye. Hav
ing stared for 15 seconds at a 3,000-candle elec
tric arc only three feet away, ho closed his eyo
and quickly brought it over a sensitive plate at
a distance of one inch. The result was a very
faint but distinct image of the arc and the car
bons, due. probably, to momentary phosphor
escence of the retina. A second attempt
failed, and gaslights proved too weak to pro
duce enect.
In the Pine Grove Mines, Esmeralda
county, Nevada, there is a blind boy employed
to do errands, tend cars and the like. He has a
most remarkable faculty of finding his way, not
only through the intricacies of tbe mine, but
about tbe town. He goes to any part of the
mine for tools, and never goes astray, and on
dark nights he guides the other miners from tho
town to the house where most of them lodge.
They cannot easily find the way without him,
for the trail is narrow and crooked, and on each,
side are many prospect holes and old cellars.
He playeth best who loveth best
All music, gay and grand.
But give the min two asses ears
Who Wagner's strains can stand. LUt.
Reassuring. Irish Surgeon (to patient
whose legs he has Just amputated) And now, my
good fellow, cheer up. Keep a stiff upper lip and
remain calm, and Inslx weeas, I will pledge you
my word, I'll have you on your feet again. Lies.
Too Useful for Use. Salesman Yes,
lady, this new patent bed contains a sofa, a toilet
stand, a table, chalis and footstool In fact th
whole furniture of a bedroom.
Customer Indeed I but what does one furnish
the bedroom with then? Lies.
Poor Hunting Grounds. "Yon don'fr
seem to like moving about la society," remarked
"No." replied Giles. 'Tmworklng on a so
ciety paper, and the editor told me to mlnzle In
fashionable life and pick up bon mots. I've been
at It a week and haven't yet heard anything said
that Is worth printing."
A Wife's Thoughtfulness. Mrs. Bjones
I suppose that new grand piano was Mr. Fer
guson's present to you? You must be very proud
Mrs. Ferguson Yes, it was very nice of him
hut, oh, Edmund, you must show Mrs. Bjones
that lovely silk handkerchief which 1 gave yon.
Jioiton Post.
Too Good. Customer Say. this rifle yon
sold me yesterday is no good.
Dealer What la the matter with It?
Customer It shoots too accurately.
Dealer Why, Isn't that Just what yon want?
Customer I guese not. I'm the proprietor of a
shooting gallery, and I give prizes tg those who
score the highest number of points. 1'ankts
An Unhappy Admission. He had asked
the old man for his daughter's hand, and com
mented long and earnestly on his bright pros
pects. "UmphI" said the old man when he was
through. "A young fellow with such bright pros
pects as yon Is a blanked fool to marry, and I
don't want any blanked fool in my family."
His Boston Patient "My dear lady,"
said the doctor, "yoa are suffering from undue
excitement on account of the news that John L.
Sullivan Is once more getting into form. The only
thing that will save your life la to put you on a low
A low diet!" screamed Miss Waldo. "I would
die first. Death Is prelerable to being vulgar."
Historic Jokes. Napier's famous dis
patch from India announced his victory in one
word, "Peccarl" which Is. by Interpretation,
lnafbcluda." Verymnchor tho same kind
was General de Bourmout's message to the French
War Minister la 1353, when the Dey of Algiers es
caped him after being taken, "PerdldV" Diem
"1 have lost a Dey." It Is said that'Drake, wfcea
the ships of the Armanda turned their sails, sent
to Elizabeth the word "C'antharldes" that Is,
"The Spanish fly." This last Is probably a fable.
Temple Bar. ,