SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS JTor to-morrow's DISPATCH can be left at main office till mid night orat branch office HU9 P.M. FORTY-THIRD YEAR. MARTYREDGORDON. The Authentic Story of His Death Dramatically Related By an Eye-Witness. THE VICTIM OF TREACHERY. He Died Like a Hero With His Face Toward the Foe. FOULLY MURDERED BY GEX. KASSAS The Story of Drmctrio Gcorclo The Fall of Khartoum Tienebery Within the Gates Patba Fnrfc's 3Icsai;e to the Mnlidl A City of Lamentations The Attack on the Government Houe Gordon's Defi ance A Knight!) bnrreutlct ATicacu crous Blow The Last Tragic Scene. The authentic account of the death of General Gordon, England's hero, is now given to the world for the first time. The story is told by Demetrio Georgio, a Greek, who was an eye-witness of the tragedy. Gordon was the victim of the foulest treachery, both on the part of his allies and of his enemies. Khartoum was delivered over to the Mahdi by Pasha Farig. Gordon defied the enemy until the last, and looked death calmly in the face. After surrendering according to the usages of war he was treacherously killed. TBV CABLE TO THE DISPATCn. LoyDOS, January 18. (Copyright) The u ail from Suakim to-night brings dis patches from General Grcnfell, among which is die latest, and this time the ab solutely authentic account of the last hours cf Gordon, the hero of Khartoum, whose lonely tomb in the center of the Soudan is now venerated even by Mahdists as that of a saint The account, which has been collated with various documents and reports and oificially declared to be true, is furnished by Demetrio Georgio, a Greek, who recently arrived at Saukim from Khartoum. Georgio was horn at Berber and was present at the capture and sack of Khartoum. Here is his story as told to General Grcn fell. Khnrtoum Left Unguarded. "I was at Khartnnm the night it was taken. The Xile had gone back so that part of the city was open. Gordon didn't construct fresh trenches and ramparts, be cause he thought there were sufficient troops there, 3,000, I think. The gaps and all roundabout were held by. a large force un der. Farig P.-.sha that night. Farig moved his troops, especially the blacks, from the gaps, saying the soldiers were wanted on the other side. Gordon had perfect confidence in Farig. The attack took place at two points. At the largest pap there was no resistance. If the British army, or even a few of them, had arrived even one hour before the attack, the place would not have been taken and Gordon's troups would have fought to the last. Farig Pasha's Treachery. "Farig had sent word to the Mahdi, Unless you attack to-night all is lost.' "That night all was blood and flames, and the city had passed over from the com mand of Gordon to the Mahdi. It was a dire and dreadful night. I shall remember it to my dying day. The air echoed with horrible shrieks, yells, lamentations and vrailing, and smelt of blood. "I had three friends, Greeks. I hastened to rescue them. 1 had two Mahdist uni forms given me by an Arab friend. One I gave to a friend, putting on the other my self. It was nearing daybreak when some Arabs rushed in, telling me I ought to go to the Government house at once. "I said, 'Why?' "They replied that all the great officers of the Mahdi have gone there to kill Gordon Pasha. The seraglio they called it. When they saw my third friend had no Mahdi gar ment on they slew him. The Scene of the Tragedy. "We were then taken into the court yard. I saw Gordon Pasha smoking a cigarette on the balcony facing the river. We had en tered at the back of the palace, entering at the yard where the sycamore tree is. Georgio Demetno, the principal medical officer ot the Soudan province, and Nicola Lemindita, the Greek Consul, were with him. Five hun dred dervishes, who had been sent by the Mahdi with special orders to take Gordon alive, stood at the foot of the staircase. I went up the stairs, being sent hy the men below, who were vociferating 'Gordon Pasha. "Gordon coolly left the balcony. " 'Fly,' said the other two, 'white there is yet time. Go in at the little door take the boat " 'Shall I fly and leave my post? Gordon replied, indignantly, 'that, indeed, would be a disgrace. I shall not fly.' Dauntless in the Face of Death. "He then went into his inner room and donned his full uniform and sword. Then became out and grandly drew himself ud to his full height On his visage was a look of scorn. " 'Whom seek ye?' he asked, gazing at the sea of angry faces of the dervishes. " 'Gordon Pasha,' they cried. " Tou want him, do you. I am he, come tip hither,' Goraon replied. "On being again urged by Demetrio and the Greek Consul to fly, Gordon replied, for shame, would you have me abandon my post ignominiously?' "He could easily have escaped at the rear. Then as Gordon stood boldly facing the dervishes several superior Mahdist Generals came up. The df Irishes allowed them to pass. They ascended the stairs and asked for the Pasha. Gordon met them, saying, 'I am he," and handed them his sword in the military fashion, intimating that he knew they had taken the place, and that consequently he surrendered according to the usages of war. Thus Died the Martyred Gordon. "Xassas, one of the Generals, snatched, hold of his sword at the same time in a brutal and most cowardly manner, striking Gordon an unexpected blow. The Pasha would have fought desperately had he thought he would not have been treated in an honorable manner. He fell, rolling down the stairs. As be rolled another Gen eral speared him on the left side, inflicting a grievous wound. "Thus died Gordon. I was there,a specta tor of the ghastly deed, and got out of the way when he rolled to the bottom of the stairs. Some say Gordon was cut up into little pieces, but others relate that they em balmed his body and took it to the Mahdi. There were bodies cut up, but I am inclined to believe that these were the bodies oi the Consul and the doctor." SEVEN 3I0BE BALLOTS. A Fruitless Night Session of the West Vir ginia Senate A Democratic Caucus to be Called The End Still in the Futnrc. rsrrciAL telegram to the Disr-ATcn.l Charleston, W. Ya.. January 18. In the Senate to-day the petition of A. P. Mor ris, contesting the seat of J. W. Yeater, Democratic Senator from the Second dis trict, was filed. Five more ballots for President were taken, and at one time it seemed that Thomas E. Davis, the Itepub licau member from Taylor county, had been elected. He received the votes of Senators McCallister and Price from the Democratic side, but before the vote was announced Senator McCallister chanced his vote to Senator Scott This prevented his election. Ninety ballots had been taken when a recess was taken until 7:30 this evening. The general impression among members of both parties was that an organization would be effected, but in this they were again mis taken. Seven more ballots were taken without any election, and about 8:30 an ad journment was had until 11 o'clock to-morrow. A Democratic caucus to decide upon a candidate for United States Senator will be called in the near future, but the exact date has not been decided upon. From present appearances a repetition of the deadlock of two years ago, which resulted in the defeat of Senator Camden, .seems possible, if not probable. AK0TIIEE FATAL WKECE. One More Accident on tho Nrpnno Near the Scene cf the Late Disaster. . Kent, O., January 18. Hew York, Pennsylvania and Ohio freight train 24 and second section ot train 87, went heads to gether one mile west of here at 6:05 this evening, and Edward Washner, of train 87, was killed. Engireer E. E. Roberts, of train 24, and both firemen escaped with a few bruises. Three tramps, who were steal ing a ride in a box car of 87, were more or less bruised. The body of Washner was not found until 9:45, when it was discovereSunder the ruins of a box car, 25 feet from his engine. Train 24 was running about 30 and train 87 about 12 miles an hour. Both engines and some 15 cars were demolished. The accident occurred within four miles of the bcene of the terrible disaster of the 14th, and was caused by the crew of train 87 overlook ing the register at Kent THE EETIVAL WILL BOOM. Strange Tilings That Happened In a Little Indiana Church, rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUB DI6PATCII.1 Jeffeksoxviexe, Ikt., January 18. For two weeks the people of Owen township have labored hard to get up a revival at Shiloh Church, hut with out success. They were ready to give up when at the last meeting a pious-looking stranger walked into the church, was asked to pray and readily re sponded. His supplication was fervent and extraordinary. He asked that a sign he given them. His desire was answered. All the lights went out, the pulpit was violently fluns into a corner, and at the same moment the stoves were upset, leaving the church in utter darkness. The congre gation fled panic-stricken. In the morning the more courageous returned. They found stoves and pulpit in their usual places, and no signs of any disturbance. SUE DIDXT WANT TO DIE. Mrs. Kress Threatened Suicide Merely to Frighten Her Husband. tSrECIAL TELEGKAM TO THE DISrATClI. New York, January 18. A woman's screams in First avenue, at Twenty-eighth street, called Policeman McCabe to the spot at 2 o'clock this morning, where he found Mr. and Mrs. August Kress struggling on the sidewalk, .fie took them to the station. Mr. Kress is the son of the well-known brewer, and he and his wife live at Seventh avenue and Thirty-second street Mr. Kress said that his wife had left her home, half dressed, in the night, threatening to throw herself into the river. He had followed her across town to stop her. Mrs. Kress was locked up. She said that she had threatened to drown herself solely to frighten her husband, who had neglected her. She had no idea, bhe said, of suicide. The Justice discharged Mrs. Kress. "WISCONSIN WHITE CAPS. They ore Preparing to Protect Girls nnd Summarily Punish Murder. ISFECIAL TELEOBAM TO TUB OISPATCn.l Ashland, Wis., January 18. Billy Andrews had been acquitted of cutting his wife's head off. Yesterday he received a White Cap notice to leave to-day. To-day he was on the streets with two six-shooters in his overcoat pockets. He says he is not going away. One of the citv preachers, speaking about the reign of lawlessness in the pineries, and the attempt to break ud the intamons stockaded dens, declared to-day that when it came to pass that girls were lured from their homes to these vile prisons in the woods, he was a White Cap, and he didn't care who knew it. The preacher is known to be a member of the se cret organization which has just been formed to grapple with the evil. New Mexico's Earnest Plea. Santa Fe, January 18. A lengthy me morial to the President and Congress of the United States passed the Xew Mexico Leg islative Assembly to-day by a unanimous vote, praying for the admission of this Ter ritory to the Union of States. A committee will be appointed to convey the memorial to Washington. AIvlo Joslyn Fined for Naughtiness. IsrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. J New York, January 18. "Alvin Jos lyn" Davis, the actor, arrested some time ago by Anthony Comstock for having in decent pictures in his possession, was fined $150 for the offense in the Court of Special Sessions to-day. w A FALSE DOOTBIHE. Archbishop Corrlgaa Tronounccs Against the Anti-Poverty Society Right of Property Sanctioned by the Law of Xatnrc. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! New Yoek, January 18. A circularwas sent to-day to all the priests of the archdio cese of New York.of which the followingare parts: Reverend Dear Sm Although the so called Anti-Poverty Society has been nearly two years in existence, I have refrained hither to from taking notice of it, hoping that time and experience would lead its votaries to wiser counsels, and that the members if left to them selves would gradually disperse. The successor of St. Peter, addressing and teaching the universal church, has affirmed that "the right of property is sanctioned by the law of nature." Tho founder of the Anti Poverty Society proclaims the opposite. The Holy Father has branded the doctrines of this unhappy leader as "false and pernicious." He has stated that ho "will never retract them." The Holy Father, through his organ, the su preme tribunal of the holy office, of which he himself is the President, has declared attend ance at these reunions an "open and public sin." Tho rejoiner of the ex-communicate 1 will not repeat. In order, therefore, to safeguard the Interests of souls for whom I must render an account on the day of judgment, I hereby make and de clare attendance at meetings of the Anti Poverty Society a reserved case. I need not expect you, reverend dear sir, should occasion require, bringing back to the fold those who may have strayed from the path of duty. 1 am, very faithfully, jour devoted servant in Christ, SlicnAEL Augustine, Archbishop of New York. P. S. Please read this circular at all the masses on Sunday. DISRUPTION OP A CHURCH. The Communion Service Stolen and tho Chnrch Doors Nailed Up. rsrrciAL telegeam to the DisrATcn.i Boston, January 18. There is serious discussion in the First Independent Bap tist Church, colored, of this city, the facts of which are being aired in court in a suit brought by the old Board of Deacons, who claim to have been unlawiully re moved. The trouble began last September, but the brethren have kept the matter within the sacred precincts of the church. It seems that at the annual meeting, Deacons Moore, Mercer, Wise, Saunders and Kemp were unceremoniously dropped, and Deacons Taylor, Kendall, Henry Hill, Kussell and Wheeler were elected in their places. There had been some back talk for several weeks, and this culminated in a seizure of the communion service and church by the deposed deacons, according to the pastor's testimony. The complainants in this suit are charged with hiding the communion service, after which they nailed up the church so that it was impossible to open it for the annual meeting. The next day an entrance was forced and the victorious party pro ceeded to count out the deacons who had tried the freezing-out process. The case is still on trial, and some interesting testi mony is expected. A QUEER GHOST IN CHICAGO. It Wears the Usual Garments, but Walks on All Fours. rSPECIAL TELEGKAM TO TITE DISPATCn.l Chicago, January 18. People who live on State street, between Forty-fifth and Forty-ninth streets, declare that a ghost patrols that district at midnight every night The specter is de scribed as being dressed in white, flowing garments, and as walking on all fours. The conductors and drivers of the street cars on Forty-first street are greatly alarmed. Two of them refused to take their cars out last night. Hyde Park policemen saw the apparition about midnight last night, and pursued it, firing their revolvers as they ran. When the spook reached the Grand Boulevard it suddenly disappeared. The officers reported their adventure to Captain Hunt To-night several officers were detailed to lay in ambush for the ghost THE TESTIMONY ALL IN. A Verdict in the Tnllmadgo Wreck Inquest to be Rendered boon. ISPECIAI. TELEGKAM TO THE DISPATCH. Akeok, January 18. Coroner Sargent concluded his inquest to-day into the cause of the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio wreck of Monday morning at Tallmadge, and will render his decision in a day or two. Engineer Robinson, of the freight train, the parting of which was the first in the train of circumstances that caused the wreck, went upon the stand. He testified that when his fireman (Bradley) left the engine to flag the fast express he told Bradley to be sure and hold the train at Tallmadge. There was a definite understanding to that effect. Operator Harbison said he had mistaken whistles on the Pittsburg and Western road for Nypano whistles. The tendency of to day's testimony is to put the responsibility pretty solidly on Fireman Bradley. ARRESTED BT T1GILANTS. A Church Deocoo Discovered in the Viola tion of tho Prohibition Law. Fort Dodge, Iowa, January 18. The arrest of Thomas Cooper, of Lehigh, a deacon in the Christian Church, by a set of vigilants last evening, was the cause of con siderable excitement in the little mining village. Several kegsof the prohibited were captured and Cooper was turned over to the new authorities, to whom he pleaded guilty of violating the law and was placed in the county jail at this place. Church services were being conducted at Christian Church at the time of the arrest, and the proceedingawere reported by the vigilants to the meeting, wLereuDon Cooper was promptly suspended from church mem bership. THE LAST SAD RITES Paid to the Memory of Charles R. Frank, of rhillipsburg. r SPECIAL TELEOEAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Phillipsburg, J anuary 18. The funeral services of Charles It. Frank, who died suddenly on Tuesdav, took place this after noon at the German Lutheran Church, and were largely attended. The services were conducted by Key. F. C. E. Lcmcke, of Rochester, assisted by Rev. W. A. Passa vant, of Pittsburg. The Jr. O. IT. A. M., of which the de ceased was a member, turned out in a body, and a number of his fellow newspaper workers were present. STILL AFTER 5I0RIER. The Originator ofilie Scandal Snys Bnznlne Was Childish and Not Reliable. Berlin, January 18. The Cologne Ga zette publishes an anonymous letter, stating in effect that Count Solms-Sonnewalde, the German Minister at Madrid, confirmed Major Von Deine's report on the Morier affair. The letter also hints thatCount Solms said that General Bazaine, during the last days of his life, often wandered in mind, and would only have written a denial at someone's dictation. Tho Mnbdl io Invade Egypt. Suakim:, January 18. Bazar rumors are current to the effect that the Dervishes are massing at Khartoum for an attack upon Pongola, and that the Mahdi intends to invade Egypt ffl$bwc PITTSBURG, SATURDAY, HIS LOTE OR LIFE Demanded of Kyrle Bellew -by Eccen tric Miss Harriet Colin. SHE GOES GUNNING FOR HIM AGAIN But He Gives Her the Slip and Eos Her Placed Under lock and Key. ANGERED BI HIS JIIMIC L(JYE SCENES, She Insists Upon His Eehearslnj With Her, bat He Seriously Otjects. Miss Harriet E. Coffin seems determined to have handsome Kyrle Bellew's life if she can't have his love. She became so furi ous watchiug him making mimic love to Mrs. James Brown Potter that last evening she made another attack on him. On being arrested, taken to the station and searched, a pistol, lots of money, some letters and a compromising diary were found. Sho was locked up for the night. rSPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCU.l New Yoek, January 18. Harriet E. Coffin, the eccentric young Cincinnati woman who has followed Actor Kyrle Bel lew all over the country for a year past un der the crazy delusion that he is madly in love with her, met him face to face to-night infrontofthe stage door of Palmer's Thea ter. She had a loaded pistol, and he did not stop to talk with her, but hurried into the theater. Miss Coffin has haunted the neighborhood of the theater ever since Mrs. Potter put on "Antony and Cleopatra." The actor was warned that she was after him, but he was used to it. On Thursday night Miss Coffin sat in the orchestra and watched the simu lated love scenes between Mrs. Potter and the actor with growing excitement, and she hurried around to the stage door at 31 West Thirtieth street, after the play, and tried to see Bellew and expostulate. He chanced to go out the other way. KYLE PUT TO rLIGIIT. About 6:30 o'clock to-night Miss Coffin began to pace up and down in front of the stage entrance, determined to intercept the actor as he went into the theater. She wore a fur ulster and a becoming bonnet over her jet black banged hair, and carried a leather band satchel. Bellew came sauntering along in a light overcoat at 7 o'clock, and Miss Coffin stopped him just as he was about to go up the high brown stone stoop. He didn't recognize her, and she petulantly told her name and began an unintelligible tirade against him. Then she moved her hand toward her pocket, and he vanished into the theater. Two minutes after he was in the office asking Howard Perry where he could get a constable. "That woman Coffin is after me again," he said, "and she wants to shoot me." Perry shut the boxoffice door and ran around to Miss Coffin, who was still at the stage entrance. She made a motion toward her pocket again, but Perry shook his fist at her and frightened her. She denounced Bellew, and then turned awav contemptu ously and walked up toward Fifth avenue. HIDING FOR HEK VICTIM. Five minutes later Gasman Joe Driscoll came into the theater and said that she was hiding in the area, two doors east of the stage door. Perry Dent a messenger to Cap tain Reilly, and Policeman Reed and Dolari came around and got her. She fought acainst arrest and tried to get at her pocket aeain. but the policeman heldher arms. At the station house they took irom her pocket a new silver-plated, pearl-handled 32-caliber revolver. Only one of its five chambers was loaded. The prisoner became furious when the weapon was taken from her, and kicked Policeman Reed's shin. She declared her arrest an outrage, and insisted that it was part of a plot of Kyrle Bellew to kill her. Sergeant Sheldon found a big roll of bills in her pocket, which he returned to her. He took her hand satchel away and locked her up in a cell. An hour later she tried to run her long steel hat pin into the arm of an attendant, and the pin was taken away. WILD IN HEK RAGE. She raved in the cell about Mrs. Potter and Bellew. Later still she prayed Ser geant Sheldon to release her, and offered him first ?50 and then increased the offer to 300 and $500. Captain Beilly made an inventory of the miscellany in the satchel. There was a partly-emptied box of arsenic wafers, an empty bottle that had contained some nar cotic, a pocketbook containing crumpled new bank notes, and a pawn ticket showing that the prisoner had pledged a ring under the assumed name of Mr3. Stafford at Stern's pawn shop, at & "West Thirty-first street, for 12 on January 15; a lot of corre spondence from her attorneys, Charles B. "Wilby and Gustavus H. Wald, of 218 Main street, Cincinnati; 16 paid checks tin the Second National Bank at Fifth avenue and Twenty-third street, and a Russian leather diary. The letters apparently indicated that Miss Coffin owns considerable property in Cin cinnati. The checks aggregated ?1,672 99. The diary was filled with references to Bel lew's mysterious power over Miss Coffin. She calls him "Her death," and under date of July 11, 1888, wrote this entry. A MILD BIBTHDAY GREETING. My birthday last feeling gone; the love I live for has left me. I feel the strength my God! I will fall senseless. Have taken a few arsenic wafers, but only two a day. Curse yet I wih a post mortem examination. She also had a newspaper clipping re porting that the Chicago police bad been warned that she had followed Bellew there with a pistol to kill him. The'orisoner told Sergeant Sheldon that she was 21 years old, and lived at 256 "West Fifty-sixth street. It was discovered that Miss Coffin had been living recently at the Murray Hill, Rossmore, Barrett, Oriental and the Grand Hotel. She was turned out of the latter three weeks ago, and the em ployes had to lock the door afterward to keep her from forcing her way back to the office. Dr. Hill treated her at the Murray Hill for insomnia on New Year's Day with out knowing who she was. Miss Coffin's mother lived at 1133 Madi son avenue until two months ago, and Miss Coffin has been around there with her pistol hunting for Bellew. Howard Perry will appear against her in Jefferson Market Court to-morrow. She was committed to an asylum here at the time of her last escapade, but fled to Jersey City and has been at large ever since. LN'SISTS HE IS CHRIST. A Sacrlleslons Scamp Severely Punished For Personating Ills Savior. f8FECUL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH! Belvidere, N. J., January 18. The jury in the case of Mason Heuntsman, ac cused of personating Jesus Christ, receiving divine honor from his followers, and passing judgment on his enemies, having rendered a verdict of guilty on Thursday night Judge DeWitt passed sentence this morn ing. He impospJ the full penalty, six months in the qounty jail, 100 fine and the costs of prosecution. The prisoner made a ten-minute speech, declaring that his life was in keeping with Christ's and the Apostles', and that he was ready to go to the stake for his religious belief. JANUARY 19, 1889. SOME EM AHEAD. Indications of, a Brash at Hnytl How I'Csltlnin Raises Loans Another Yunkeo War Ship Getting Ready to Sail. 7FPECIAL TELEGKAM TO TITE DISPATCIM JfEw York, January 18. The Atlas Line steamship Andes, Captain Evans, which was at Port-au-Prince on December 29 and at Kingston on January 10, came in to-day. Captain Evans says that Legitime raised a loan of ?2,000 at par from Port-au-Prince merchants, and next day locked up many of those who had declined to subscribe. Captain Evans says that the forces of Legitime and Hippolyte ate about equal, and that neither side wants to fight. Legitime, he says, is now attack ing St Marc bv land and sea. The Toussaint shelled the Thermopylean Pass there and drove off itsde(enders,but Legitime's troops did not dare enter. N The Galena was still at Kingston on the 10th, with all well aboard. The hi? pro peller of the modern cruiser Atlanta, Captain Howell, stirred up the black mud in the navy yard creek this afternoon and to-night She- is under orders to sail for Hayti; and Chief Engineer Kelly was breaking in bis new engines and new men. The ship's engines were kept going at slow speed for 12 hours to give each watch a chance to become familiar with their duties. Lieutenant Conden had the foresail, topsails, topgallant sails and fore and aft sails bent, boats noisted aboard and swung in, and every thing put in shape for sea. Captain J. A. Howell hopes to bid New York goodby to morrow afternoon,but some trouble with one of the boilers she may not get away until Sunday morning. In the Erie basin to-day all was bustle at tha dock where lay the steamship Madrid, which is supposed is fitting out for a gun boat for Hippolyte. Scores of men were engaged in fastening tripple sheets of steel seven-sixteenths of an inch thick on the vessel's sides, and these were backed with strong timbers ot live oak. At the foundry nearby the steel plates for the work was being turned out as fast as possible. foiTtiie benefit of labor. An Important BUI Introduced In the Illinois Legislature. Springfield, III., January 18. A bill introduced in the House to-day entitled "Employment inspection bill," makes elaborate provision for tha comfort and safety of employes ff in all manner of establishments throughout the State, where labor is employed. An inspector is provided for, whose duty it shall be to see that the law is rigidly en force'd and violators prosecuted. Among other provisions is that any establishment wherein girls or women are employed there shall be provided conveniently" located seats sufficient for comfort, and during such time as they ate not necessarily required by their duties to be upon their feet they shall be allowed to occupy seats provided. It shall be lawful hereafter for any em ploye to sue for and recover any sum of money that may have been retained or de ducted from his or her wages by employer as fine of forfeiture, any agreement, custom, rule or practice to contrary notwithstanding. This measure was prepared by a Knights of Labor committee. "CHEERED BI THE CROWD. Dramatic Scenes at the Acquittal of a Man Clinrgcd With Murder. Elizabeth, N. J., January 18. The trial of Frederick Baldwin, who was ac cused of the murder of Edward L. Miller, ftC'iAiiltYtldent, who.r body was -fciitjat Westfield on July 15, ended this afternoon in a verdict of acquittal. The jury, with out leaving their seats, immediately at the finish of the Judge's charge, which was strongly favorable to the prisoner, gave their verdict A dramatic scene took place. Baldwin fell upon his knees in prayer and thanksgiving, while the crowd cheered the verdict. lie was escorted through the streets bv hundreds of people. Baldwin, passing John Keron, the State detective, said to him: "I forgive you for the cruel wrong you did me and my family." The case against Baldwin was based on the fact that a satchel left with Baldwin by Miller was destroyed by Baldwin after the dis covery of the body. A FAMOUS HORSE DEAD. Imported Billet, One-of the Rest Modern Sires, Dies at Rnnnymede. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCU.l Paris, Ky., January 18. Imported Billet, one of the most famous sires of race horses in America, died to-da at the Rnnnymede stud. Billet was a brown horse, foaled in 1865, and was owned by Messrs. Clay Woodford, of the Eunnymede stud. He was by Voltigeur (son of Voltaire and Martha Linn, by Mulatto), dam Calcutta, by Flatcatcher (son of Touchstone, winner of the St. Leger in 1834). Billet was the sire of Miss "Woodford, Sir Dixon, Eaceland, The Lioness, Belvidere, Kuanvmede, and other cracks. He was second on the list of winning sires this season, with 120,000 to his credit. Since 1883 his get have won $520,000. A NEW REFINERY Stnrts in Washington Connty With Good Prospects of (Success. rsrECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! "Washikgton, Pa., January 18. The Washington Eefining Company starts its plant north of town with bright prospects. More than 1,000 barrels of refined oil have already passed through the four 480-barrel stills, and the result shows that "Washing ton county crude will yield 75 per cent of illuminant Twenty tank cars for shippinir oil in bulk have been secured at a cost of 515,000. The rate to New York will be 55 cents a barrel, 5 cents more than from Pittsburg. The capacity will be about 6,000 barrels a week. The cooper shop will employ 40 men. ALLEGED RAILROAD DEFAULTERS. Ofllclnls of tho Penniiylvnnta Company Charged With Extensive Slcnlingj. Trenton, N. J., January- 18. Serious defalcations by officials of the Pennsylvania Bailroad have just been brought to light. It appears that J. P. Cox, Assistant Super visor of the New York division of the road, and W. A. Howell, Supervisor, have for some time been collecting old ties and rails along the division, disposing them to pri vate parties and appropriating the funds, amounting to over $5,000, to their own use. Both men have been arrested nnd placed under bail. The examination is still going on and further developments are expected. JAY GOULD GOING SOUTH. Tho Ble Llttlo Man Utterly Prostrated by His Wife's Death. ISPECIAI. TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH. New York, January 18. Mr. Jay Gould, who is much worn out by his wife's illness and death, will go South in a few days. He will be accompanied by his younger children and his physician, Dr. J. P. Munn. It was reported that he would start to morrow for the White Sulphur Springs, but George J. Gould said he did not think his father would be able to get away before the first of next week. fllll DA Ml whV ienible women thould juiun iieer clear of club life in The Dis patch to he istucd to-morrow. MMm NOT IN GOOD SHAPE. Eepublicans Not United in the Sup port o Their Tariff Bill. QUAY AND CAMERON OPPOSE IT. The Former Declares Flatly lie Won't Tote for It, and Tells Why. MK. SPEISGER FLUSHED WITH VICTORY. An Outline of the Ford Committee Immigration Re striction Bill. Senator Quay's vote with the Democrats, vesterday, on the sugar bounty amendment to the Eepublican tariff, emphasizes the an nouncement that he doesn't intend to vote for the bill in its entirety. It is also said that Senator Cameron will not vote with his colleagues. Colonel Quay gives his reasons for not acting with his party. The bill proposed by the Pord convict labor committee is outlined. Congressman Springer, in the first flush of victory, feels certain the Senate will pass his omnibus territorial bill. rsrECIAL TELECItAM TO TUB DISPATCH. Washington, January 18. Senators Allison and Aldrich, who have done the bulk of the work on the Senate tariff bill are disgusted at the opposition cropping out on every side and are becoming discouraged at the outlook for the bill. The Pennsylva nia Senators still continue to make threat ening remarks about not voting for it, not withstanding the great amount of protection which the bill extends to Pennsylvania. A new feature of opposition has turned up in the antagonism between the wool growers and the manufacturers They have been here for several days, attempting to arrange legislation that would be agreeable to both factions,but all efforts have failed, and their interests still come into direct conflict No arrangement satisfactory to both can be made and the committees will be obliged to arbitrarily d the best they can. There is genuine fear, however, among the Ee publican Senators that the bill is in danger of being slaughtered in the House by its friends. QUAY WON'T VOTE FOB IT. Messrs. Allison and Aldrich yesterday sent a man to see Quay, who said that he had said he would not vote for the Senate tariff bill, because he thought the internal revenue should be reduced before the tariff. He had opposed the bill from the first, but Allison and Aldrich think he will vote for it. It will be remembered that Chairman Quay did all he could in and out of caucus last summer to prevent Allison and Aldrich from bringing in a substitute for the Mills bill reducing the tariff duties. He held that the Eepublican platform committed the Eepublican party to the maintenance of the tariff as it is', at least until after all in ternal taxes shall have been abolished. He thought the Eepublican campaign ought to be fought against the Mills bill and not in defense of the Allison-Aldrich bill. SOME OTHERS DISGRUNTLED. The Pennsylvania Senators are not the only Eepublicans who are causing trouble. The Senators from Maine are badly dis gruntled because their proposition to allow materials for iron ships to come in free was so effectually sat upon, and they are not neiping the Dill along by cheering words or hard work. The Sub-Finance Committee has become so disgusted and discouraged that they are about ready to throw up the sponge and let the bill take care of itself. Party discipline is very strong with Ee publicans, however, and" having stuck to their work so faithfully for six months, the committee will probably continue the fight a little longer. All debate will close on Tuesday next, when amendments will be acted upon at once. A final vote on the. passage of the bill will be reached about the end of next week. The effort to keen all the jealous and warring cliques on the Eepub lican side in line, so that there will be no deserters on the last roll, puts a great strain upon the Eepublican leaders, but they will now fight the battle to the bitter end. QUAY VOTES WITH THE DEMOCRATS. The debate to-dayon the sugar schedule the pressing question being on the amend ment reported from the Finance Committee, allowing a bounty of 1 ceut per pound on sugar produced ' from beets sorghum and sugar cane grown in the United States was exceedingly livelv, and when it ended in a vote by which the amendment was adopted, the interest was added to, as it was discovered that party lines had been fol lowed with two notable exceptions Mr. Quay, of Pennsylvania, had voted with the Democrats, and Senator Payne, of Ohio, with the Eepublicans. During the discussion the race tronbles of tho South were touched upon, but it was agreed to drop them till the resolution for the investigation of the election in Louisi ana last April was taken tip. Several times the repartee became quite personal, Mr. Butler once telling Mr. Hawley that he wasn't as smart as he thought he was. The vo(e was taken amid perfect silence. PUTTING UP THE BARS. Outline oi the Proposed Immigration Bill of the Ford Committee. ISPICIAI. TKLEBRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Washington, January 18. The select committee on importation of contract labor, convicts and paupers, has finished its inves tigation and is now ready to report to the House. The report will be argued by all the members of the committee, though Mr. Gnenther and General Spinola do not ap prove of all the features of the bill ac companying the report The following is an abstract of the bill: Section 1 provides that no person being an Idiot or insane, or a pauper liablo to become a public charge, or convicte.l of felony or any lnfamou3 crime: no l'oljcamist. Anarchist nr Nihilist, or any perron afilii ted with a loath some or contagions disease shall he admitted to the United titates. All persons who entored into a contract of any kind or form, express or implied, to perform labor or service lor any person, firm or corporation, or who came over or undertook to come on a prepaid ticket, or received money to pay their passage, or promise or understanding to perform labor, and all persons excluded by the contract labor law of lb85 are prohibited from landing. Only pro fessors in universities or ministers of the gos pel are excepted. Section 2 provides that all aliens who come. to the United States in violation of the provisions ot this act, and all aliens assisting others to immigrate uhliwf ally shall be cailty of a mis demeanor punishable b' a fine up to 51,000 or imprisonment at hard labor up to three years. All such immigrants may be returned during the lirst two years of their sojourn in tho United States at the cost of the company which bronsht them over, and if that is the United States. Section 3 provides that no vessel engaged in transporting emigrants shall carry more than one passenger to every registered ton (that is about half the number carried now). Section 4 imposes a head tax ot 55 on every alien passenger, except diplomats and diplo matic agents, this tax to be a lien oh the vessel or rolling stock of the transportation company and to be paid into the United States Treasury as an immigration fund, ont of which all ex penses of controlling aud inspecting tho immi grants and caring lor tho sick, etc., shall be paid. Section S provides that all persons intending to emigrate to the United States" shall notify the American Consul of their desire three Tnnnth h.fnrfl thpir ilATmrtnrd. Th fnninl -shall ascertain whether the person intending I IT'S A. SPLENDID MEDIUM. to emigrate Is excluded or not by tho laws of the United States, 'and if not objectionable shall issue a certificate of emigration. But this certificate is not conclusive evidence, and no relief for the master of a ship or any trans portation company if the owner of the paper is rejected, by the United States. The remaining sections provide for the inspection of emigrants under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall appoint a sufficient number of mspectorsfor all ports, railroad centers on the frontier, etc., hese Inspectors to receive $4,000 per ye7 . ,- i!: fn T.'UTISFIED, Wo A r v-n" v-fi, -ijoil .11 m He Think the &F,?VnbrT to nis 'Ow. . 1 i'T unninni uft.r - rSFICIAL TILEGKASl TO TEE DIS rCII.l Washington, January 18. Mr. Spring er retired to his committee room after the House adjourned this afternoon, flushed with victory and the effort to make himself heard. Mr. Springer said: We have provided for admission for five new States, and it is the first time in tho history of the country that more thin two territories have been bunched. We have had a hard fight, but we have won. The bill has undergone no ma terial changes in the House. The Republicans have made a factious light at every point and have been beaten. The only material amend ment to the bill is the allowance of two repre sentatives to South Dakota, and that is assented to. As to the political effects of tho admission ot the new States, nothing can be said definitely. The immediate gain will be to the Republicans. They will cet more of tho new Senators and Representatives that we shall, they will get more electoral votes from the five new States in 1892 than we shall, but these States would have to come in before that time any way. The position of the Democratic party in the new States will bo proved by the passage of this bill through a Democratic Honse. Party ties are looser in the Territory than in tho States. The closeness of Washington Terri tory and the large changes in Montana show that neither party in these Territories is se cured in its control, and the Democratic party has a fair chance of getting Its share of the new States in the immediate fnture. I believe this bill will pass the Senate substantially as we have passed it. The delegations from both South and North Dakota and other prominent Demo crats oi aoutn uatota, who have been here urginetbe passage of the Senate bill forthe admission of South Dakota and an enabling act for North Dakota, feel very much dis satisfied with the provisions of the Springer bill. They are all united in saying that it will merely serve to delay the admission of South Dakota and render useless all that has been done since the organization of the movement for admission, five years ago. They are asking the Senate to reject it and are willing to talce their chances with the new Congress, hoping and expecting that an extra session will be called by the President-elect when he takes office. The dele gation regards the provision of the bill un fair in a political sense, and also unsafe for the material interests of the territory. A LYHGLAWYEK. Hon. Samuel B. Wilson Ncnrlnn the End of Earth Sketch of His Brilliant Career He Hlfl Be Itlisaed by Many. rSPJCCIAI. TELEGRAM TO TIIE DISPATCU.l Beaver, January 18. The death dew, is" fast settling on the brow of one of the Beaver Valley's brightest lights, in the per son of Samuel Beatty Wilson, an old mem ber of the Beaver bar. He has been cer tainly and surely sinking, and the end is now not far distant "Sam known, was born Febru ary 2, 1820, near Jfew Castle, Pa. He was a son of a farmer, Patrick Wilson, of Scotch ancestry. After passing through thecommon school course, he en- S. B. WiUon. and an academic tered Jefferson College, at Can graduated nonsburg, where he June, 1848, standing without a peer among his classmates. His mastery of the construction of the English, Latin and Greek lancuages was never questioned by his associates. With grit and grip he daily increased his classic knowledge by reading and conversation. After graduating he was chosen principal of the Darlington Academy, which position he filled with honor forone year, after which he entered the law office as a student under Hon. Jeremiah S. Black, then Judge at Somerset, Pa. In November, 1830, he was admitted to the bar, and at once moved to Beaver.where he was admitted to practice in the several courts of the county. In 1851 he married Miss Elizabeth Robinson, daughter of then Sheriff George Robinson, of Beaver, who not only proved an affectionate wife and mother of four children, but a very efficient aid to him in his legal pursuits, and who, with two daughters and one son, is still living, the son following the vocation of his father. For almost 40 years Mr. Wilson has en gaged in most of the important legal busi ness that has been transacted in the county, and always with clean hands. He was not a politician, but had decided political opin ions, which, on proper occasions, he ex pressed fearlessly. He aimed to become a thorough scholar and an honest, successful lawyer, and was a good tutor, under whose instruc tions many of the legal profession were led to victory and honor. He filled many im portant positions to which his fellow citizens called him. He took sick during the celebrated Hib-bard-Fry case in the November term of court, in which case he was employed, and the trouble is nervous prostration. His presence in the courtroom, on the street, in the assemblies for the interests of the peo ple, and in the Masonic order of which he was a member, will be greatly missed. His family have the sympathy of his numerous friends. KAILR0AD OFFICES BURNED. Some Narrow Escape From a Lively and Destructive Fire at St. Pnnl. St. Paul, January 18. Late this after noon this city wns visited by a disastrous fire, and as a result the Omaha Bailroad general offices have been temporarily remov ed to another part of the city. The flames started in the basement of the building oc cupied by the railroad offices, shot up the elevator, and soon great volumes of smoke were pouring from the fourth floor of the building, nnd the flames soon ate through the roof. Those on the lower floors easily escaped, but the clerks on the third floor had some narrow escapes and mauy lost all their wraps. Two messenger boys jumped from the sec ond story window. One of them, Frank Peterson, cut his head badly, while the other, named Ferdman, broke'a leg. Three others were were injured, one of them, a telegrapher named Tracy, breaking a leg. The flames were confined to the third and fourth floors, and it is thought the loss will not exceed 540,000, which is covered by in surance. leo Pleased With Aiucrlcnn Catholics. Bome, Januiryl8. The Moniteur denies that the Pope has admonished the American Bishops in account of the ism among American Catholics. On the contrary, the paper says His Holiness has eulogized the religious zeil and activity displayed by Catholics in America. RIM WVC America's greatest humorist, USUU lilt, contributes one of hts funniest papers for to-morrow's issueoTlis Dispatch. ,-AV All having HOUSES TO LET can reach the best tenants through the columns of THE DISPATCH. THREE CENTS THE RUM CONUNDRUM Still Puzzling the Minds of the Politicians and Legal Lights. A MKMBER SPEAKS PLAISLY. The Point Kaised by The Dispatch Corre spondent Causes a Flatter. A SWEEPIJiG STEEET EAILWAI BIIL That Snucts of Monopoly and Is Probably DecMedly Unconstitutional. ' The Dispatch this morning furnishe fresh food for thought for Prohibitionists and liquor men. The point raised as to the necessity of a special session of the Legisla ture appears to be conceded by those con versant with the subject. The Deputy At torney General acknowledges it to be a del icate question, and will look up authori ties. In the meantime the amendment is to be pushed through the Legislature, and the Governor announces that he will sign the special election bill. rrr.031 A STAFF COBRESPOSDKtT.l Hakrisbukg, January 18. The ques tion now pushed forward concerning the prohibitory constitutional amendment is an interesting one. If the amendment Is adopted by the people will it operate as a repeal of the Brooks high license law and other liquor laws? A Democratic member, who does not wish to be quoted, thinks it will, and holds that these laws will be repealed by the amend ment to the organic laws, and as there is no penalty provided for in the enforcement of the latter, there will be a state of affairs in the liquor trade not hitherto contemplated. The gentleman argues that the Bepublfean leaders have no idea that the amendment will pas3 or they would have already taken steps to provide against this. In the lan guage of Governor Beaver they are waiting to come to the bridge before they cross it A FINE LEGAL QUESTION. Attorney General Kirkpatrick is not in the city and in his absence the Deputy At torney General was asked for information as to whether the Constitutional amend ment, if adopted, would wipe out the liquor laws of the State. As to that he preferred not to hazard nn opinion without taking time to look into the subject. As to the result, if the amendment should act as a repeal of the liquor laws, he considered it too delicate a question for immediate answer. It might possibly be held, he thought, that the amendment would be self executing, and violation of it would be a misdemeanor in common law and punish able as such. He considered that the ques tion opened up many very fine points which could not be answered on the instant with any degree of anthority. PKOHIBITION 3IADE THE SPECIAL OBDEB. In the House to-day, Mr. Dravo offered a resolution that the prohibition amendment to the Constitution be made the special . order for third reading and final passage on Tuesday, January 22, at noon, until the same shall be finally dlsposea of by'that-""-- House. Mr. Hasset, of Philadelphia, objected, but the motion was carried by a large ma jority. The Speaker quickly decided so, but Mr. Hasset wanted the yeas and nays. The Speaker informed him the question had been decided and the yeas and nays were not in order, but 3Ir. Hasset continued to insist that he must have the yeas and nays, even after other business had been taken up. Finding himself unnoticed, he dropped into his seat with the complacent smile of a man who had done his full duty to his constitu ents and his feelings. Governor Beaver says he never says what action he will take on a bill until he sees it, but if the special election bill is all right and in proper form, it is quite likely he will sign it. Simpson. HIS FIKST OKDEE. Governor Bcnver Accept tho Position of Chief rUnrnhn! of the Innngural Parade. FROM A STAFF COBBESFOSDEST. Haekisburg, January 18. General Bea ver, Chief Marshal of the inaugural parade at Washington on March 4, has issued the following as his first order: Having accepted the invitation of the com mittee in charge of the inaugural ceremonies attending the inauguration of General Benja min Harrison as President of the United States, to act as Chief Marshal of the inaugural pro cession, the following appointment is an nounced: Chief of Staff. Brigadier General Daniel II. Hasting. Adjutant General, Penn sylvania. All organizations desiring to partici pate in the parade will notify these headquar ters on or lie fore February 20, in order that they may receive proper assignment in the pro cession. No civic organization will be permit ted in line numbering less than SO men. No organizations wearing improper costume or equipment will be assigned a place in the parade. Further announcements will be pub lished in future orders. STATE AUT0CEATS. The Supreme Court a Law Unto Itself and llie Commonwealth. trnOM A STAIT COKBESrOXDElT.J Hakeisbdkg, .January 18. The Tele graph this evening contains this paragraph, rendered particularly remarkable by Mr. McAlarney's closeness to the Eepublican powers that be: There was reported from committee in the Honse this morning a bill requiring the Su preme Conrt to write out opinions when re quested. That hill must certainly have been introduced hy a member of the Legislature from the backwoods who has not yet learned that the present Supreme Court does as it pleases. It not only wears gowns, but it makes a constitution for the people, legislates and docs about everything else that could be ex pected to he done by the Czar of all the Rus sia?, and there is no one to molest it or make it afraid either. W0DLD NOT RECEIPT. A Point of Procedure Which the House Wll Hare to Settle. FBOM A STAFF COREZSFOSDEtT. Harbishurg, January 18. On author ity of Chief Clerk Morrison, Chairman Keyser, of the Committee on City Passenger Railways, was given Representative Laf ferty's street railway bill and this afternoon carried it with him to Philadelphia. Resi dent Clerk Voorhees, finding it missing when the bills were returned to him, re fused to receipt for them. Mr. Voorhees holds that Chairman Keyser should not have been given the bill and the House will have to decide the point. Will Rash the illnnlclpnl Bill. rri:ox a staff connz;srosnENT.j Hahrisbueg. January 18. The munici pal bill was made special order for Tuesday and Wednesday in the House to-day and special reading for third reading and final passage .mesa ay, January 2J. Then the passage xuesuay, j anuary ; Senate is expected to rush it. xne nearness Continued on Sixtn Page. A., $&