Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 18, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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A Survey of the Week's Transactions
At Liberty Stockyards.
Hogs Keep Driftinir to Lower Prices
Uearj Weights a Drag.
Office or the Pittsburg Dispatch, 1
Thursday, January 17, 18S9. j
"With the returns all in for the week, it
appears that through receipts of cattle this
week are 1,630 head more than last week,
and local 590 more. There has been an in
crease of local receipts every week since the
middle of December. For the weeks before
and after holidays the receipts were 1,200 to
1,500 head. By reference to October and No
vember reports, it is discovered that local cattle
receipts ranged from 3,000 to almost 4,000 head.
The largest receipts Mere for the week ending
October IS, when the total was 3,9-JO head. The
smallest was for the week ending December 27,
with 1,260 as the total of local receipts.
The heavy run of cattle this week broke
markets from 10 to 25c, and a number of loads
are left unsold at last accounts. The biggest
dron in prices this Mock was on bulls.
Last week supply In this line was not
up to demand. Tins week about four times as
Tiianv as wore wanted wnre shoved on to mar-
ket While the wants of trade called for two
loads, eight were on sale, and some were still
on sale at 50c to 75c per 100 below last w eek s
Of the cattle supplies un hand this week the
general averace was pood. Out of 140 loads
there were about 35 loads of low grade stock
from Chicago, and about a many heavy cattle,
weighing from 1.J0O to 1,600 counds. About
1.200 head were ihat is termed in the trade
meilinm to good butcher stock from 1,200 to
1,300 pounds in weight This grade sutTered
least from the drop, and some dealers claim
that good straight steers weighing 1.000 to 1.100
pounds brought fully last week's prices. The
market as a whole has not been satisfactory.
Veal calves are still in good demand.
The stiff prices maintained for hogs since the
early ran of last week induced purchasers to
send large orders to Chicago, where prices
were relatively lower. The Chicago orders be
gan to show up yesterday and markets at once
fell off 15c To-day another drop of 10c has
come. Advices from Chicago indicate a drop
there of o to 10c to-day, with receipts of 1S.090
head. The range ot prices at Chicago to-day is
SI SK)5 15.
The promise of the Signal Service that a cool
wave is on the May braces up the spirits cf
dealers in hogs. Mild weather and an abund
ance of corn we responible for the late down
waid drift in prices. Heavy hogs are particu
larly dull. Light weights from 110 to 160
pounds are most sought after and secure the
best prices.
Shcrp nnd Lnmb.
The run of sheep this week aud last has been
large, compared with two weeks ago. Not
withstanding liberal receipt, markets held up
well, and at the beginning of the week prices
were a shade better than at the close of the
at the close 01 tne
week before. To-day prices arc again a shade
on, with a lew neck-s lelt unsold. Lambs arc
notasactive as for some Meeks nast. and are
notasactive as for some weeks past, and are
10c t 15c lower than a week ago. Following is
tl.e report ot the weeks transitions at the
East Liberty yards:
cattle, i noes. SHEEP
Thro'. I Local.
5. TO
4. MO
5.4.MI 2.230! 31, 5!
Last week.
3,7P0 1,6401 4iS23 19,890
Thursday 1J S.7S3
Friday I 3.SJ2 249
Saturday 1, l.STO eJ
-Monday l,77Sl 6,4i 5.351
Tuesday Ji 1.44".' 2.645
Wednesday 9V 2,KIij 933
Total I -li I9.4T9! H.&99
Last week 1,6021 25,5501 lLSW
fly Telecraoh.
New York Rppvp Rerpint n earlmrU-
mmib Tho ii,5rL-oi-,vic Hi,n i rfr-cc,i ,
cattle. The market M'as dull and depressed for
dressed beef at 5?M?7Kc ncr nounil for noor to
goid sides; all natuo stnek, with prime se
lected sides, gcing up to TJigSc Exports to
day. 37 beeves, 61 sheep and 1.4S0 quarters of
beef. Sbeei Receipts. 5,200 head; dull trade,
and lie per pound lower before the finish.
Sales included sheep at 36c pcrpound, mainly
at4cand lambs at CJiS'Kc with one caf
loirt at $7 CO per 100 pound. "Hogs Reccints.
2,660 head; none offered alive. Market reported
steady at the nominal range of & 255 75.
St. Loris Cattle Receipts. 1,000 head; ship
ments, 400 head; market slow; prime heavy
native btccrs, ?4 204 80; fair to good do, S3 80
4 30: butchers' steer, medium to choice, Ji 75
3 75; btockers and fci'dcrf. fair to good. $SpZ;
rangers, corn-fed. S3 O0S3 oO; grass-fod, S2 W
2 70. Hogs Receipts 3,b00 head; shipments.
00 head: market higher; choice heavy and
butchers' selections, $5 00g5 10; packing,
medintn to prime. Si SOifio 00; light grades, or
dinary to bet, SI tio5 00. .Sheep--Reoeipts,
1,000 headrtlnpmenK 300 head; market strong:
fair to choice, S3 O0l 6a
Chicago The Drovers' Journal reports:
Cattle-KeceiDts. 12,000 head: shipments, 3,500
head: market very low, but steady; choice to
extra beeves, !l 30tl 75: steers S2 904 25;
Mockers and feeder, S2 503 40: cows, bulls
and mixed. SI 703 20: Texas cattle. S2 003 5a
Hogs Receipts. 16.5'X) head: shipments, 8,000
shipments, 2,000 head: market steadv; natives,
S3 005 00: Westerns corn feu, SI SOffil SO;
Tcxans S3 004 30; lambs. S4 756 CO.
Baltimore Beef cattle Market slow;
values 12je lower with quality better; best
beeves. SI 2MJ4 50; generally rated first qual
ity. S3 87Jf(S4 25: medium or cood fair
quality, S3 253 62: ordinary, S2 002 75; mot
sales were from S2 25 to S4 25: receipts, 1,400
head; sales, 670 heat1. Arrivals of sheep and
lambs were 3,163 head: sheep, S2 505 50; lambs.
$o005 75.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts, L200 head
through: no sale; no market, and feeling weak.
Sbeep and lamb-Rcceipts, none through. 6,000
head sale, with 4,000 held over; market weak;
sheep. S4 505 00: good lambs. S6 IK?C 5a
Hogs Receipts. 3,750 head through. 9,000 head
sale, market fairly active and 10l5c lower;
mediums, S5 10; Yorkers and pigs, $5 2D5 35.
CncctNJfATi Hogs firmer; common and
light, S4 00g5 15: packing and butchers', S4 S5S
6 00; receipts, 3,840 head: shipments, 3,250 head.
The Mnrket in Cood Condition For the
Coming Boom.
There is nothing special to report in the local
iron market this week. There has been a slight
improvement in the demand at the ruling rates.
The outlook grows brighter. Tins causes man
ufacturers to be indifferent about forcing sales
and at the fame time stimulates inquiry. '
PIG IKON Neutral Grav forge, S15 2515 50.
cash: wtite and mottled, Sll &15 oorcasb:
all ore mill. $16 0016 25, cash; No. 1 foundry
S17 5017 75, cash; No. 2 foundry. Si 7517 00
cash; No. 2 charcoal loundrv.SU 5022 00, cash
cold blat charcoal, S25 0028 00, cash; Bessemer
iron. SI7 00, cash.
Ferbo-Manganess Eghty uer cent, $54 50
55 00: speigel-eisen, $28 002S 50 for20per cent
Manufactured lp.ox-Bars, ?i 75i so, 60
days, 2 per cent off ; skelp, grooted, Si 70fil75:
fclieared. SI S01 95. '
Mcck Bab S2S 00328 SO are the extremes.
Billets Bessemer steel, Sii 50 cash: nail
Eians, iZi og2S w; aomestic uioom and rail
ends. S19 0019 50.
Nails Carlots 12d to 40d, $1 SO, GO davs; 2
per cent off for cash.
Wrought Iron PirE Discounts on steam,
gas and water pipe: 1 lack. lA to lV-inch, 52J per
cent, to 12 inches, 62k; calvanized. k to
l"4-inch, 45 per cent; 1 to 12 inchc.. 62 per
cent: oil well casing, 60 per cent; 5 inch cas
ing, 37 per net foot; 2-inch tubing, 13c: boiler
tubes aud oil well casing, 60 per cent off large
Merchant Steel Tool, SJc; crucible
spring, 4c; crucible machiner', 5c; open
hearth machinery. 2a
Rail Fastenings Spikes, 22c per pound,
30 days; splice bats. LbOgl S5c per pound: square
nut track bolts, 2.85c, and hexagon nut. 2J0
2.95c. f. o. 1). Pittsburg.
Old KAHA-Ainerican tees, 521 5025 00;
tteel do. $18 50 for short, S19 50forlnng.
Steel Rails Heavy sections. S2SQ29 cash,
at works.
Scrap Iron-No.1 wrought, S2121 25pernet
ton; cast scrap, $15 5016: wrought turnings, S13
l-:!-: cast borings 81213, gross: car axles.
$2o 50028 50, net; old car wheels, $19 6020 (XI,
gross; rail ends, $19 5020 00; bloom do, $19 60,
Wbent Boomed by a Change In the Weather
Corn and Oats Move Up n Point
Pork and Lard Steady.
Chicago Just a fair business was trans
acted in wheat to-day, and the feeling
was stronger with prices sustained above the
closing quotations of yesterday. The opening
was about the same as yesterday's closing flg
ures,but steadily advanced, w ith only slight fluc
tuations, IJc above inside opening figures, rece
ded Jcagain advanced Jj'c, and closed firm and
about ic higher. There was good local buying,
part o which may have been influenced by the
sudden change in the weather. The ground in
the winter wheat districts Is reported bare of
snow, and fears of freezing m eathcr may have
induced some covering and also buying on
"long" account.
Corn Mas dull and neglected early in the
session, trading being ot a light local charac
ter, with fluctuations very narrow. The feeling
was quotably firm, and the market was much
the same as on jesterday. There was little if
auy outside news of consequence received, but
at the close prices wcreJiJc higher than
In oats only a moderate interest was taken,
and a decreased volume of business was done
at a trifle higher prices than yesterday.
Trading was moderate In mess pork, and the
feeling Mas steady. Prices were 57c higher
early m the day. but the appreciation was not
supported, auo tne marKct closed quiet.
A very quiet feeling pi evailcd in lard, which
was steady. Puces averaged slightly higher,
but the market closed quiet.
Trading was moderate in short ribs, and the
changes in prices were slight.
Theleadmg Jutures ranged as follows:
Wheat No. 2, January. We6c; March,
97K097V: May, SI Olgl Ul 1 001 01;
July. S1925eille92;8c
Cons No. 2 January, 33Ji'31K335i31c;
March, 33J53535c: Ma. 36fc&37c
Oats No. 2 January. 2152ljic: February,
213,25K24K2oc; May, 2727J7
Mess Pore, per bbl.-January, 112 82J;
March, S12 9J12 92; May, S13 2013 20$
Lakd per 100 6s. January, S6 97K07 050
6 976" fe; March, S7 07W;7 07 ; May, $7 22
7 22Ji7 207 2).
hiioRT Bibs, per 100 ft?. January, ffi72K
6 726 656 65; March, S6 75ii 77UQ6 724
6 72H; Maj-. S6 8766 85.
Cash quotations were as lollows: Klour,
quiet and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat,
M96c; No. 3 springwheat. 8S90c; No. 2 red,
6asi6c. No. 2 com. 34Jc No. 2 oats, 21c
No. 2 rye, 47c. No. 2 barley, nominal. No. 1
flaxseed, SI 63. Prime timothy seed, SI 571 58.
Mess pork, per barrel, $12 60. Lard, per 100
lb. J7. Short ribs sides (loose), SO 70. Dry
salted shoulders (boxed), JC 256 37pr. Short
clear sides (boxed), S7 007 12JJ. Sugars Cnt
loat unchanged. Receipts Flour, 110,000 bar
rels; wheat, 9,000 bushels; corn, 73,000 bushels:
oats. 5S,CU0 bushels; rje, 1,000 bushels: barley,
53,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 10,000barrels;
tt heat. 13.000 bushels: corn. 81.000 bushels: aats.
96.000 bushels; rye, 2,000 bushels; barley, 43,000
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was dull and weak; fancy creamery,
2425c; choice to fine, lfc20c; fine dairies, 16
ISc; good to choice, 114S12C Eggs steady at
New York Flour Receipts. 19.529 pack
ages, tS3 barrels. 55 sacks: market dull; sales.
13,550 barrels. Wheat Receipts. 1.650 bushels;
cxporis, none: sales, 976,000 bushels futures,
8.000 bushels spot: spot market dull, stronger
Mith options: No. 2 red, 96K97!c. elevator;
9SJi09iic, afloat; )6cn W i. o. b.; No. 3
red.yijc; No. 1 red, SI 07K;Nq.l white, SI 00;
No. 2 Chicago, nominal; options dull, but firm
at 3iJic higher: No. 2 red, January closing at
!9ac; February, 97HS97c, closing at 97Jc;
Match, 9S;899ic closing at 93Kc; Ma v.
l 011-1G1 , closing at SI 02; June, SI OOJ,
i 013 -i7.c.r. c, ,,SV. W ... Z.,nA'v?
i cIo'-c & fcJnhE
I S5efRlr Tiirfor n,,;t iiiri,- Wiaii- n,,n
TEST'S,. H?ly,T.V.r'c ??' ":
'v,u ic,ueijj,&, ij,oiji uuwiej&; expons, o-.wo
buicls; sales, 312.000 bushels futures. 191.000
bushels spot; snot market moderately active,
stronger; No. 2 Jlgll1 c in elevator. "45S46Kc
afloat; No. 2 white. 45&c; Ko. 3, 3910K"c;
ungraded mixed. 3916c; steamer
mixed, ili2Mc; options quiet. He
higher, firm: January, 4ijic: February,
H-''Mc, closing at 4!c; March, 45KJ3Kc,
closing at 45c: May,45V45c,closingat 45c.
Oats Receipts, 31,000 bushels; exports 463
bu-hels; sales, 350,000 bushels luturcs, 102,000
bushels spot; spot market falrlv active and
Options opened steady and unchanged to 5
points up; closed steady at 510 above yester
day, dull: sales. 24,250 bags, including January,
15 o015.55c; February. 15.40c; Match. 15.35
fil5.40c: April, 1535: Mav. 15.3015.10c:
June, 15.35cR15.40c; July, 15.45c: August,
15.50c: September and October, 15.5-5
little: November, 15.60c: December. 15.05c;
spot Rio strong: fair cargoes, ITKc Sugar
Raw dull; fair refinincr, 4 13-I6c; centrifugals, 96
test, 5;c: refined dull, steady; C, 6c: extra C,
63-16c; white extra C, CKc: yellow, 5J6c:
off A, d6c; mold A, 7c; standard A, trc;
confectioners' A, 6Jc; cut-loat Sc; crushed, Sic;
powdered, 7ic; granulated. 7c; cubes, 7Jc.
Molasses FoieignnominaI:Ncw Orleans quiet.
Rice hrm and fairly active. Tallow nominal;
city, 6c Cottonseed oil steady. Eggs d ull and
cuy' Dc- nseeumi sicauy. r,ggsauuanc
' ?c?5 fork dull. Cutmcats quiet: pickled
aniet: nickled
bellies, &c; pickled hams 1010jf. Lard
about steady: spot quiet: option moderately
active: western steam, $7 oO; January. $7 45;
February, S7 41 asked; March, S7 43747. clos
ing at $7 45; April, S7 4" asked: May, S7 50
7 52. closing at S7 50: June. S7 50 bid; July.
S7 52; August, $7 52 bidi Butter quiet and
caier: western dairy, 1319c; do creamery, 16
25c: FJgins. 2Gc Cheese firm with moderate
inquiry; western, llgllj-jc
Sr. Louis Flour quiet and unchanged.
Wheat The market was unsettled and irregu
lar all the session at somewhat higher range of
values; near the close there was a better de
mand and prices were steady, closing: Mav, e
dim uii ?;HSgi: auiivu lesieruaj; o. 2 red,
ing at 32c bid; July, 33c, closing at 31c
aked. Oats firm; cash, I'oc; Mav, 27J,'c hid.
Rye dull. Provisions very dulL Pork, S13 25.
Dry salt meats Loo-e shoulders. S6 00: longs
and ribs, S6 75; short clear, $6 95. Bacon
Shoulders, S6 75: longs and rib. S7 707 87K:
short clear. S7 9of S 00. Hams steady at $10 25
CT12 00. Bacging demoralized; lk-pounrt, 7c;
2-pound, 9c. Iron cotton ties, SI 10.
Baltimore Wheat Western steady; No
2 winter red, spot, 92j92c; February, 93i
41c: March. JMmie; April, 42-gc;
Eteamer, spot, 3930jc Oats dull and
sicady; Western white. 3233c; do mixed,
2931c; graded, No. 2 white, 33c. Rye
dull at 5SC0c Provisions dull. Butter
very dull; estern packed, 1519c; creamery
1926n. Ecgs steapy at 16c Coffee quiet: Rio
fair, 1717fa
CiNCiNNATi-Fiour dull. Wheat dull; No
2 red. SI OL Receipts, 100 bushels; shipment'
2,000 bushels. Corn active: No. 2 mixed, 35Uc!
Oats firm: No. 2 mixed,2SS2S!;a Rve quictand
firm: No. 2. S2 56. Pork ouict: barptr sto.i
at S13 50. Lard neglected at S7. Bulkmeats
ana uacon quiet, winter easy, lower; lancy
noithwcstern, 28c; prime dairy roll, 12ffillc.
Sugar quiet Cheese firm.
Philadelphia Flour dnll and barely
steady. Wheat quiet. Corn steady but quiet.
Oats-Demand light. Butter dull; Penusyi
vania creamery extra, 2C27c; do prints, 29c.
A Comparison of the Production Daring
ISSr nnd 1SSS.
Iron and Steel ISulletln.
Through the continued courtesy of the manu
facturers we are enabled this week to give
complete returns of the production of Besse
mer steel rails in this country in 18S8, not in
eluding a few thousand tons which were rolled
by iron rolling mills from purchased blooms,
but including all mils rolled by our Bessemer
steel works. Wc give below In net tons the de
tails of the production by these works in the
first half and second half of 188S, compared
with the production of the Bessemer steel
works of the country in 18S7.
911.2fC L2SI.2S9
4S7UT.I 721.5.-6
I3L1K 3W.3S2
Da, 3371
Totals 771,201
702.796' 1.528,0.571 2,230,197
The total production of steel rails in lss by
theork alwve mentioned was l.S2S,057net
tons, or L364.337 gross tons, againn 2.290,197 net
tons or 2,044.619 gross ton, in 1877 a decrease
in 18SS of K0.4S2 gross tons, a shrinkage which
is greater than our total production of steel
rails in 1879. when (re made 610,682 gross tou
The decreased production of 1838 as compared
with the production of 1SS7 was almost exactly
33J4 per cent. It will be noticed that tne pro
duction in the lsrhalf of ISSS was less than in
the first half.
Our consumption ot" steel rails inlSSSwas
fully 750,000 gross tons less than in 1887, the im
ports in 1888 having declined about 77,000 tons
as compared with 1887. In 1887 they amounted
to 137.588 gross tons, and in ltsiS to about CO.O00
gross tons.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castorla
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
Vvhen she had Children, she gave them Castorla.
stronger: options more active, & higher;
January, ZYiic, February, 32J32!c; spot No.
2 white, 34afi33c; mixed Mettern, 2S;XJ3c;
white do., 31540c: No. 2 Chicago. 33c Collee
casn. :; Mvic: .May. :'oj!iu-;sc, closing at SIM
975c; June, 9195c. closing at 95c: July!
fc5H&86c. closing at S6SS6c Corn dull; No.
2 mixed, cash. 24J30c: Mav. 82Mi323fe. clns.
.j;p. .uaim, svjuiojv; ajhii, mAWJOiiC: Ma',
97JPTc, Corn-Western steady; lnixed,
snot and January. lklSll'c: Fchrnarr jivb
The Insurance Interest of Pittsburg
on a Firm Foundation.
The Petroleum Market Goes All to Pieces
Dnder Oil City Hammering.
Fire insurance is a leading business in
Pittsburg. There are 21 companies in the
field, all thoroughly equipped and man
aged by able and enterprising men. A few
of them are competitors with similar organi
zations in foreign fields, where they have
established agencies, but the others, vhich
constitute a large majority, confine them
selves to what they call local work. This
means that they restrict their operations to
Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and
West Virginia, with an occasional foray over
the Maryland border.
There is no friction between the companies
in the natter of rates. The schedule adopted
last year continues in force, and is working
satistactorily. Pittsburg and Allegheny are
thoroughly inspected, and improvements in
the way of safeguards against fire suggested by
the inspectors must be made before policies
can be obtained at schedule rates. Neglect in
this direction is punished by an extra charge
commensurate with the greater degree of risk.
In some cacs Insurance at any price is refused.
This makes property holders careful and tends
to reduce the number of fires.
The insurance business, so far as it affects
Pittsburg, is in better shape this year than ever
before. All of the 21 companies have ample
surplus to meet any ordinary exigency. Noth
ing less than a general conflagration, such as
swept over Pittsburg in 1845, would compel any
of them to throw up the sponge. The fact that
there is very little insurance stock for sale
shows that the business is upon a solid and pay
ing basis.
Fire insurance is of modern origin. It was
unknown to the Greeks and Romans. The first
official notice of it in England occurs in a
statute passed by Parliament in 1601, a year
before the death of Queen Elizabeth.
Stocks II eld for a Rise The Case of tho
Two Governors.
There was not much snapin thestock trading
yesterday, the inquiry being limited to the
specialties and the sales few and far between.
The situation presented a striking parallel to
that which existed between tho Governor of
North Carolina aud tho Governor of South
Carolina. The annexed quotations show the
drift of the day's business:
STOCKS. lild. Atked
Allegheny National Bank C0.S
Citizens' National Fan I. S3
Diamond National Hank 151 ....
Exchinpe National Bank 81 ....
Farmers Deposit .National Bank 400 ....
Iron Cltv National Hank 90
Iron and GlassDollarSavlngs Bank 125
Kerstonc Bank of l'itUbiirg Vi9
Masonic Bank 58f ....
.Merc' Is' and Manuf. National Bank... Wi ....
Heal Kttatt Dan and Trust Co 71 ....
Allegheny Gas Co. (Ilium.) 36 ....
Chartiers Valley Gas Co 67
People's Natural Gas Co 15
Pennsylvania Gas Co 39 Stt
Wheeling Gas Co 27f OTa
Citizens' Traction 75,'i 79
nttsliurg Traction , SO
La Norla Mining Co l!f ....
Sllvcrton Mining Co , 1h
Wcstinghouse Electric 35 36
Union bwltch and Signal Company.... 9,'i ....
Keystone Bank of Pittsburg S3
Allegheny Gas Co. (Ilium.)
Philadelphia Co KC4' 3S
Wheeling Gas Co 29.!4 ai'f
Tuna Oil Co 63
Westlnghouse Electric S5"i 36'i
Union bn Itch and bignal Co 9,'j
Sales at the morning session of the exchange
included 201 shares La Noria at 1J 100 Wheel
inc Gas at 2! and 20 at 29.
Theafteruoon call lasted just 15 minutes.
The sales vrere 5 shares Wetinghonse Electric
at 36, and 100 Philadelphia Gas at 39.
Private sale were: By Mr. Stark, 50 shares
Philadelphia Gas at 3K: by Henry M. Long, 50
snares csungnousc .electric at so.
The total sales of stocks in New York yes-
terday were 210,181 shares, including: Dela-
ware, ijacKn wanna ana w estci n. 43,1136; Dela
ware and Hudson, 64,337; Erie, 12.905: Lake
Shore, 4.210: . Missouri Pacific, 8.950; North
western. 7,157; Reading, 33.100: St. Paul, 32,425;
Union Pacific, 6,750; Western Union, 6,858.
Bnnks Get Out of the Rut Big Clearing
House Ficnrcs.
The banks braced up yesteiday and did a
large amount of business, as is shown by the
Clearing House report. Checking and deposit
ing were up to high water mark. Money loaned
at 67 as the rule. A small amount of gilt
edged paper was taken at 5. There was no
special movement to or from the country, and
none is expected before the farming season
opens. The exchanges at the Cleanne House
were $2,013,007 61 and the balances $316,738 41
Money on call in New York yesterday was
easy at 22K per cent: last loan 2; closed
offered at 2, Prime mercantile paper, 46c
Sterling exchange dull but firm at $4 S5.JS for 00
days' bills and $4 8SJ for demand.
Bonds closed in New York yesterdav: U. S,
4s, registered, 127K; U. S. 4s. coupon, 127U; TJ.
S. 4Ks, registered. 10S U. S. 4Ks, coupon,
lOSJjfPacinc 6s of '95, 119.
New York clearings. $137,263,236: balances,
BoSTOX-Clearincs, $16,277,376; balances, Jl,
2tSS,623. Money. 2 per cent.
Philadelphia Clearings. $13,190,590; bal
ances, $2,316,425.
BALTIMORE-Clearings, 1,931.654; balances.
Chicago Money steady at 5 per cent on call
and 7 per cent for time loans. Bank clearings,
St. Louis-Clearings, $3,343,430; balances,
Prices Do Some Grand nnd Lofty Tumbling
Benis in Clover.
Oil opened strong yesterday at S5Jc, He bet
ter than on the previous day, and for a short
time the feeling was decidedly bullish, with a
generous volume of business. This condition
was short lived, however, for Oil City became a
seller, and a reaction followed which sent prices
below zero. The bulls made gallant efforts to
stem the tide, but finally gave up- in despair,
some of them changing front and joining the
bears. There was no recovery after the first
break, the tendency being steadily downward
until the close. The range of prices was the
lowest for many months. The opening was
S55c: lowest, SlVic; close, 84c New Yorkwas
a buyer under 85c.
The influence at work is incomprehensible.
Bullish nens and a decline in prices cannot be
satisfactorily accounted for. They are not con
vertible terms, lhe cause for the depression
must be looked for elsewhere. More impor
tance is attached to the producers' bundle than
it is entitled to. If it were all dumped its effect
would be over in two or three davs. That some
body is loading up is generally admitted. Noth
ing 'can be made by selling in the present con
dition of the market. But who the mysterious
Individual or corporation is, is a puzzle. As
soon as he or it ceases to gobble a change will
come there are signs of it in the air and it
will likely be in an upward direction, for it is
hard to believe that there is a lower depth to
nhicli oilcan sink.
A. B. McGrew quotes: Puts, 83c; calls, 5
Ine followlne taDiC. corrected bv Dc Witt 1)11-
worth. broVer in petroleum, etc.. comer Fifth
avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the
order of fluctuations, etc:
Ask. I
lild. I Asfc
Opened ,
10:15A. M...,
10:30 a. m...
10:43a. n...
11:110a. 31....
11:15a. !....
U:J0A. M....
11: to A. 11....
i:::5r. it....
U':30r. ....
Si's 12:45 P. M...
8M 1:15 p. M...
85) 1:30P. W...
i:r. u...
:.-oop. m...
J:lSr. m...
84 44.
S3' 2:30 P. M.
8)i, 2:45P. II...
W"; Closed
OpenrL SiHc: highest, SSHc; lowest, Si!4c:
closed. S1S-
DMlv runs 49,4.16
A vera reruns..
Average shipments
Dallv cnarten
Arefaje charters
New York closed at Sic
OU CUT closed at &mr.
Bradlord closed ai SlVc.
.New YorK, reused, Ic
0G0, 000
London, rcilned. 6.l.
Antwerp, Mined. 1SXC
Other Oil Itlnrkcu.
Bradford, January 17. Opened, 85c; high
est, 85Jc: lowest, 81c: closed. S4c.
Oil City. January 17. Opened, tSUex high
est, 85c; lowest, 84Jic; closed, 84?c
Titusville, January 17. Opeued, 85c;
highest, 85c: lowest, 8ijc; closed, 84Kc
New York, January 17. Petroleum opened
steady at 85K but after the first sales the mar
ket became weak, and declined to 84c. A re
action then set in and it closed firm at 84c.
Sales, 1,325,000 barrels.
Several Rcnl Estnto Dickers of More Than
Common Magnitude,
The movement in real estate yesterday was
greater than appeared upon the surface. There
was some sort of a deal in a big block of Elcrron
Hill property, but the gentleman who was
handling it was mum as Mr. Quay before the
election. Something was going on also in
Wood street property, but it, too. was carefully
kept out of sight. One benefit of the proposed
Exchange would be to remove the veil of
secrecy from business in which everybody takes
a lively interest,
Allcs it Bailey, 161 Fourth avenue, sold to
George Schmidt lot95xI95 feet on Fifth avenue,
extending back to Colwell street, having there
on an old stone house ot six rooms. Mr. Schmidt
Intends to build a block of fine residences ou
the lot. The consideration was S9.400 cash.
George Stewart, S3 Federal street, sold for
James Hamilton to Peter Stackhouse five
acres of land, with desirable residence of 10
rooms aud carriage house, fronting on Beaver
road, at East Bellevue. Price S12.500. They,
also sold tor il. .until to J. H. Kammerer
large frame house fronting on Allegheny
avenue, lot 00x110 feet, for $9,000. They also
laced a mortgage of $1,200 on property in the
econd ward, Allegheny, for three years, at 6
per cent.
Black Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to
Sarah K. Dicus for B. Kahl a good frame
dwelling, being No. 81 Sheffield street, Alle
gheny City, with lot 20x141 feet, for S-1000.
Also to Ecfchart Daum lots Nos. 32 and 33 in
the Pier fc Berkowitz's plan of lots at Oak
land, each about 25x100 feet to an allev, for 5700
W. A. Herron fc Sons sold a house and lot on
North avenue, near Rcsaca street. Allegheny,
21x170 feet to an allev. for over S18.U00.
Jamison & Dickie sold for A. L. Watkinsa
new frame bouso of eight rooms on Sheridan
avenue. East End, withmodern improvements,
lot 2Sxl20 feet, to Mary B. Klncaid for 84.000
cash; also for R. G. MacGoniele. a small house
with lot 24x100 feet on McDonald street. East-
Jind, to W. R. Wcidtick for $750 cab. They
also placed two mortgages on East End prop
erty, one of $1,000 and the other S2.O00, for threo
years at 6 per cent, and sold $2,000 Pittsburg,
Cincinnati and St. Louis Railroad Company
mortgage 7 per cent bonds at 120.
C. Beringer & Son sold three brick houses on
South Sixteenth street and 60x53 feet to Charles
Berg, for Mary Rebstock, for $4,000 cash.
John M. Onklcy & Co. Cnt Down tho Com
mission Fee.
John M, Oakley & Co., 45 S.xth street, an
nounce that until further notice they will
charge only one-eighth commission for the
round turn on all trades in the Pittsburg and
Chicago markets. This small fee will undoubt
edly augment their already large business, es
pecially when, in connection with it, their am
ple and unusual facilities for handling business
are taken into consideration.
They are members of the Pittsburg Petro
leum Exchange, and are the only members in
this city of the Chicago Board of Trade, with
which they are in constant connection by wire.
Their standing as energetic men of business is
first class, and their experience large and
thorough. Tins recommendation is based upon
a full knowledge of the character and business
methods of the firm.
Over the Fnilnro of Wall Street to Elevate
Stocks Coalers and Trusts Still
Prime Favorites Prices
Slightly Better.
New York, January 17. The stock market
was less active to-day, with a feverish tone,
although rather heavy in the forenoon and
stronger later in '.he day. London was not so
much of a factor In this market to-day, the
disposition on the other side being to await
action by the local operators, as there is con
siderable disappointment over the failure of
the market to respond more freely to the
developments of the past week. Chicago was
a seller to a moderate extent, especially of
Cotton Oil. and the news from that center was
of a mixed character, some cutting of rates
w"t reducing expenses in many
The coal stocks were the great feature of the
day, and considerable pressure was brought
upon Reading and Lackawanna. The last
named stock was quite weak in the forenoon,
but later recovered handsomely, and is one of
the few showing a material gain for the day
this evening. Delaware and Hudson was un
usually active arid strong, and moved up rap
idly on a report that there would be an increase
in the rate of dividend or an extra dividend at
the next meeting. Outside of the three stocks
mentioned, Reading, Lackawanna and St. Paul
in the regular listand Cotton Oil in the unlisted
department, thero was very little interest in
the transactions, and fluctuations were small
and unimportant, except in Chicago Gas Trust,
which recovered some of the loss of the past
few days.
First prices were about steady, but the mar
ket in the succeeding transactions became
auite feverish, and excent in the Coalers and
the Trusts there was very little movement out
side of Delaware and Hudson. The market
closed quiet and firm at fractional advances
for the day. The final changes are almost all
in the direction of higher figures.
The transactions in the bond list showed a
marked falling off to-day, being only $1,423,000,
against $1,975,000 yesterday. To this amount
tho Reading fours contributed $232,000, and the
Atlantic and Pacific fours $141,000, but there
was no otheF special animation in the list.
The following table shows the pricesof active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue:
Open- High- tow- Clos
ing, est. est. in?.
Am. Cotton OU f 5o
Atch., Top. & S. F.... So 55H 54),' 55
Canada Southern 51 8li 61&
Central of Sew Jersey. SS S8 j;;f 9314
Central Pacific 36
C, Bur. & Qulncy....
C, Mil. & St. Paul...
C, Mll.iSt. P.. pf...
C, KOCkl. &-P
(' St. L.& Pitts
uu urn 110 io
65 M'i UU Kt!
m.( 103", 105 105Ji
1 KITS ITJ.'i S33
31 '-i
24 i
C, bt. L. & Pitts, pf.
C St. P., M. & O ait
C, St. P..M. &0., pf. 83
C. & Isoriiiwesern....ivo
C.& northwestern, pf. ....
0.C.C.&1 m
Col., Coal & Iron
Col. A- Hocking Val .. IS
Del., L. & W 139V
Del. & Hudson 133
E. T Va. ,tOa $H
E.T.,Va. 4Ga.. lstpf ....
E.T., Va.&Ga.2dpf. 22'4
Illinois Central 115
Lake Erie A Western., lfl'i
Lake Erie & West. pr.. 52'
Lake Shore JtJI.S 102
Louisville A Nashville. 57j
Michigan (Antral S5.'4
Mo.. K. ATexa
Mlssonrl I'aclflc 3i
2er ork Central 10S!j
h. V.. L. E. V 2Slj
N. Y., L. E. & W.prer 61
N.Y., C.&St.L.2dpf ....
N.YAN. E 44!
N. Y., O. & W 15
Norfolk A Western
Norfolk & Western, nf 52
Northern Pacific i!6
Northern P.iclfic prcf. 61$
Ohio & Mississippi
Orezon lmDrotcment
m m
Oregon Transcon 303;
PnciiicMall . 3SS,
Pco. Dec. . Evan 24K
Phlladtl. & Keadlnir.. ASH
Pullman Palace Car.. ,183
Richmond & W. P. T.. 25
Ktchmond ft W.l'.T.pf ....
bt. 1'auKt Dulutli
bt. Paul Dulutli pf.. ...
St, P., Minn. AMan,
St.L. ASan Frau 2f
Bt. L. & San Kran pf.. 6o
St. L. & San P. 1st pr.' ...?
Texas l'acinc Z!i
Unlonl'acific 643?
Wabash preferred 23,y
Western Union M
Wheeling i, L. E 61 '
6 Hi
Boston Stocks.
Atch. & Toe. lit 7s. m
Old Colony. vcfli
KuUand preferred.. 39
Wls.Ccntrai.com... 16)4
Wis. Central pr.... 37i
AIloueziI'j;Co.(new) i
Calumet A flecia....290
A.&T. LandGr't7s.ll3)
Atcn. stop. K. K... 55
Boston i Albany.. .312
iloston & .Maine 173
C 11. 4 110S
unn. can. & cieve. 2IJ4
eastern it. it m
Kastern It. IC 6s 124
Flint.t FcreM 30
Kllnt.tl'ereAl. nfd. m
.... Ki
.... 5
.... SI
.... 7),
.... 8)4
.... 26
Hell Telephone.,
Boston Land,...
Water Power...
iucicau icnirai .... ia
31. C, lstilort. bds. 69,
S. Y. & Sew Ene... 45U
N. X.&HewEag 7S.125J4
San Diego.......
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphli stocks, fur
nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers, No. 57
Fourth avenue. Members New York Stock Ex
change. , - Bid. Asked.
Pennsylvania Kallroad U'j UH
Mining Stocks.
New York, January 17. Mining stocks
closed: Amador, 175; Bodie, 150; Deadwood, 160;
Consolidated California and Virginia, 912;
Homestake, 1225; Iron Silver. 310; Plymouth,
823: Ontario, 3300: Sierra Nevada, 330;Standard,
SI; Silver King, $1; Yellow Jacket, S5J
Business Notes.
That big Wood street real estate deal is
almost as mysterious as the Wilkinsburg gas
The Real Estate Exchange scheme is coming
to a head. Ten thousand dollars is already
pledged for a building.
S. J. Fleming has practically disposed of 50
of the 154 lots which he has in charge at Marion
station. Twenty-third ward.
One of the city banking institutions has pur
chased ISO acres of land from John Chambers,
of Coal Valley, at $125 per acre.
Messrs. Rea Bros. & Co. have issued a
handbook of railway securities which is valu
able to investors. It is of convenient size and
attractive in style.
opening of Grazier street from Home
wood avenue to the city line.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsbur" in Select and Common Coun-
l.cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted lv tho authority ot tne same. That
the Chief of the Department of Public Works
bo and is hereby authorized and directed to
causo to be surveyed and opened within 60 days
from the date of the passage of this ordinance.
Grazier street from Homewood avenuo to the
city line, at a width of 60 feet. In accordance
with a plan on file in the Department of Public
Works known as "Plan of streets in the
Twenty-first and Twenty-second wards," ap
proved November 11, 1S72.
The damages caused thereby and the benefits
to nay tho same to be assessed and collected in
accordance with the provisions or an act of As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
entitled "An act authorizing and directing
Councils of cities of the second class to provide
for the improvements of streets, lanes, alleys
and public highways, sewers and sidewalks, re
quiring plans of streets, providing for the ap
pointment of a board of viewers of street im
provements, prescribing their duties, granting
appeals to Councils and court, providing for
the assessment and collection of damages and
benelits,authorizing the use of privato property
and providing for filing liens and regulating
proceedings thereon, and prohibiting tho use of
public streets without authority of Councils,"
approved tho 11th day of June, A. D. 1S87.
On the onenincr of Glenwood avenue, from Sec
ond avenue to lot No. 38 in the plan of Upper
To the Select and Common Councils of the city
of Pittsburg :
The undersigned Viewers of Street Improve
ments in the city of Pittsburg, appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county,
and authorized by an ordinance passed on the
27th day Septcmbcr.A. D.,lbSS,a copy of which is
hereto attached, to appraise the damages sus
tained in the openingof Glenwood avenue from
Second avenue to lot No. 38 in tho plan
of Upper Glenwood, in tho city of
Pittsburg, and make an assessment therefor
under the provisions of and in accordance
ft ith an Act of Assembly of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An
Act authorizing and directing Councils of
cities of the second class to provide for
the improvement of streets, lanes, alleys
and public highways, sewers and sidewalks,
requiring plans of streets, providing for the
appointment of a Board of Viewers of
Street Improvements, prescribing their duties,
granting appeals to Councils and court, provid
ing for the assessment and collection of dam
ages and benefits,authorizing the use of private
property and providing for filing liens and
regulating proceedings thereon.and prohibiting
the use of public streets, without authority of
Councils." approved the 14th day of June, A.
D. 1887, respectfully report:
That, having been first duly sworn and quali
fied according to law, they proceeded In the
manner and according to the directions of said
act, to discbarge the duties ot their appoint
ment; and having given the notices required
by said act, theyvlened tho premises and heard
all the allegations and evidence of the several
parties claiming damages, and after full con
sideration thereof, find that no owner of
property has sustained any damage by reason
of said improvement, that, after ascertaining
the wholo amount of costs, they made an
assessment of tho same upon the properties
benefited by said improvement, and caused a
plan to be made, and prepared a statement, as
required by said act, and having given to the
owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time
and place of meeting, they met on the 12th day
of January, A. D. 1SS9. at the office of the
Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg,
heard all complaints and evidence, and after
tun consideration tnereoi, present the fol
lowing report, shoning the amount each
property holder is entitled to pay as the proper
proportion of said cost.
Printing ordinances and notices..
Printing viewers' report
Making plan and serving notices..
Viewers' time ,
..$40 00
.. 17 75
.. 500
..21 00
$83 75
Glenwood avenue, east side, from Second
avenue to lot No. 38
St. Nicholas Seminary, 770 feet S 46 49
West side-
George C. Burgwin, 1M feet
George C. Burgwin, 311 feet
Gcoree C. Burgwin, 120 feet
George C. Burgwin, 68 feet
Reading Railroad 24&
Buffalo, Pittsburg and Western 1231
Lehigh Valley MM
Lehigh Navigation SIX
Allegheny Valley bonds 113'4
U.Co.'s New Jersey 23
Northern Pacific i6H
Northern Pacific preferred 60H
7 25
18 78
3 9S
83 75
Respectfully submitted,
Pittsburg. January 12, 1389.
On the construction of a public sewer on
Lilac street, from Westminster street to a
point near Elmer street.
To the Select and Common Councils of the
city of Pittsburg:
The undersigned Viewers of Street Improve
ments in the city of Plttsburp, appointed by
the Court of Common Pleas ot Allegheny
county and authorized by an ordinance passed
on the 30th day of December, A. D. 1887, a copy
of which is hereto attached, to make1 an assess
ment of the cost and expense of constructing a
public sewer on Lilac street, from West
minster street to a point near Elmer
street. In said city, upon tho property ben
efited thereby, under the provisions of
and in accordance with an act of As
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsvl
vania, entitled, "An act authorizing and di
recting Councils of cities of the second class to
provide for the improvement of streets, lanes
alleys and public highways, sewers and side
walks, requiring plans of streets, providing for
the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street
Improvements, prescribing their duties, grant
ing aDpeals to Councils and Conrt. providing
zor tne assessment ana collection 01 aaraages
and benefits, authorizing the use of private
property and providing for filing liens and regu
lating proceedings thereon, androhibiting the
use of public streets, without authority of
Councils," approved the 14th day of June, A,
D. 1887: respectfully report:
That, having been first duly sworn and quali
fied according to law, they proceeded in the
manner and according to the directions of said
act, to discharge the duties of their appoint
ments: that having viewed the premises, they
made an assessment of said cost and expense
upon tho property benefited, and caused a plot
ana statement 10 ne mane, as required uy sam
act, and having given to the owner of each lot
ten days' notice of the time and place of meet
ing, tbey met on the 11th day of January, A. D.
1889, at the office of the Board of Viewers in the
city of Pittsburg, heaul all complaints and evi
dence offered, and having rnide all modifica
tions and corrections which they deem nroner.
assessed chc cost and expense of constructing
said sewer upon the following property, upon
each for the amount set opposite the name of
tho owner thereof, viz.:
Chief Department Public Work;, statement
of cost
722 lineal feet 18-in. sewer pipe, $1 87. . 31,350 14
4 drop,S65 2M) 00
3 manholes, $35 105 00
Extra work on connection near Elmer
street 133 CO
8,400 lbs. castings (to Fisher F. and SI.
Co.,)$l 63 141 12
Superintending, engineering, adver
Printing ordinances and notices
125 00
40 GO
22 00
10 00
42 00
rnnting viewers- report
Making plan and serving notices
Viewers time ,
$2,223 86
Lilac street, cast side, from Westminster to
sewer near Elmer street
W. It. Mooney (120), 101.67 feet $ 192 14
W. R. Mooney, 163.5 feet. 257 73
Thos. J. Stevenson (113). 102.33 leet... 18S S8
ilary Stevenson (109J. Mfeet 174 07
Thos. Aiken heirs (109). 150 feet. 267 65
West side
Cath. B. Borland (1(56), 175.25 feet.
272 71
121 57
230 CO
Thos. Aiken heirs (74), 60.25 feet..
Annie E. SDencer (140). 115 feet.
jiuuia o. AiKen iiioj, iwieei l
Caroline A. Wilson (115),95feet. 188 93
Thos. Aiken heirs (89), 70 feet 146 21
32.223 E6
Respectfully submitted.
17m. O lt 1I? fir jr. .. ,ni nf.
PrrrsBtmo, January 14, 1889.
Mid-Jannary Lull in Produce, Worse
Than Bargained For.
Cereal Markets Give No Sign of Kally From
Office of PirrsnnRO Dispatch, j
Thursday, January 17, 1889. $
Country Prodnce, Jobbing Prices.
As it was in the beginning ot the year, it is
now and it is fervently hoped shall not ever
he in produce lines markets are very dull.
The quietness of trade, generally looked for
throngh January, is thus far more than was
bargained for. The mid-January lull has been
intensified by the spring-like weather. Any
announcement of cold waves from the Signal
Service is hailed with delight by produce com
mission men. The accumulation of country
butter gives no signs of abatement. Eggs, too,
aro still coming to tho front in quantities too
large for demands of trade. It will require a
goodly nnmber of Manitoba blizzards, well
lengthened out from now till spring, to Bave
prodnco markets from the demoralizatiou
which has prevailed through the first half of
Beans Navy from store, prime hand picked,
$2 002 10 per bushel; medium, $2 00: Ohio and
Pennsylvania do, prime and medium, 32 00
2 10; imported do, $1 D02 00: Lima, 5c per It;
marrowfat, $2 752 SO per bushel.
Butter Creamery, Klgin, 2S30c; Ohio do,
21S27c: fresh dairy nacked. 204823c: country
rolls, 1822c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 26
Beeswax 2323c per & for choice; low
grade, 1618c
Cider Sand refined, $6 507 50, common.
$3 MijH 00; crab cider, $8 00S 50 $1 barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c $1 gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese, Tall make, 1212c;
Now York, fall make, 1213c; Limburger,
llK12Kc: domestic Sweitzer cheese, 1313Xc
Dkied Peas 51 451 50 fl bushel; split do,
2?i3Kc W B.
EGGS l90!2Oc 13 dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, 31 00 to $1 50 ?1 barrel; evap
orated raspberries, 25c ?) &; cranberries, $8 00
H barrel: $21002 50 ? bushel.
Feathers Extra livo geese. 5060c; No. 1
do. 4045c: mixed lots. 3035c 13 ft.
Hominy S3303 40 V barrel.
Honey New Crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13
Potatoes Potatoes, 35 10c 53 bushel; 32 50
2 75 for Southern sweets; 33 2o3 50 for Jer
sey sweets.
Poultry Live chicken", 5570c 33 pair;
dressed chickens. 1315c pound; tnrkes, 13
15c dressed f) pound; ducks, live, SO 5c J
pair; dressed, lbc fl pound; geese, $1 00
1 10 ? pair.
Mvpna rinvn. aIirIaa n Ka tn lin.k.1 ..am
bushel; clover, large English, 62 Its, 38 25;
clover, Alsike, S3 50; clover, white, 39 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 fis, $1 00: blue grass, extra clean.
14 fts. 31 00; blue grass, fancy, 14 lis, 81 20;
orchard grass, 14 lis, $2 00; red top, 11 lis, $1 00;
millet, 50 Bs, $1 25; German millet, 50 fts, 32 00:
Hungarian grass, 48 ft?, $2 00; lawn grass, mix
ture of fine grasses, 25c per ft.
Sheli.barks 31 501 75.
Tallow Country, 4K5c; city rendered.
Tropical Fruits Lemons, 33 003 50 ?1
box; Messina oranges. 32 503 50 1 box;
Florida oranges, 32 7J3 00" f? box; Jamaica
oranges, fancy. 34 505 00 9 barrel: Malaga
grapes. S3 507 00 Vt keg: bananas, $2 50
firsts, 51 50(S2 00; good seconds t bunch; cocoa
nuts, 34 00 hundred; new figs, 1214c pound;
dates, 5Kb'J3c j3 pound.
Vegetables Celery, 40350c doz. bunches;
cabbages. S3 005 CO fl 100; onions, 50c V bushel:
Spanish onions, 7590s 33 crate; turnips, 30
40c fl bushel.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 20S21c;
choice Rio, 1920c; prime Kio, 19c; fair Rio,
18lSJc; old Government Java, 26c; 3Iara
caibo, 2IX22c; Mocha. 3031c; Santos, 1S3
22c: Caracas coffee, 1921c; peaberry, Rio. 20
21c; Lagnayra, 202lKc
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 22c:
high grades, 23k2fic; old Government Java,
I bulk. 30K3IKc;Maracaibo, 2526Kc; Santos,
2122c: peaberry, 25Mc; choice llio, Z,ie prime
1110, zic; gooa 1110, ajc: ordinary, iujc.
Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, Wc;
cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c: nutmeg, 7080c.
Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110test, TVe:
Ohio, 120, yte headlight. 150, 9c; water win te.
10"4c; globe, 12c;- elaine, 15c; carnadine, llc;
royaline, lie.
Syrups Corn svruns. 235225c: choice sntrar
syrup. 3536c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime, 33iJ35c.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, old. 48c: choice, 45c;
mixed. 4042c: new crop,"4350c
SoDA-Bi-carb iu Kegs, 3K4cj bi-carb in Ks.
5c:bi-carb, assorted packages, 56c;salsoda
in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine,
per set, 8Kc; paranlne, ll12c.
Rice Head, Carolina, T7Jc: choice, WM
7c; prime, 5K6Vc; Louisiana, ti6kc.
Staecu Pearl, 2c;cornstarch,o3V7c:gloss
starch. 67c.
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, 32 C5: Lon
don layeis, $3 10; California London layers
J2 50; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels,'
S2 3-5: Valencia, new, 6;7c; Ondara Veloncia.
K"Kc; sultana, c; currents, new, 4Jf
oc; lurkey prunes, new, 4J4Jc; French
prunes, 813c; Salonica pnines, in 2-ft pack
ages, V,e: cocoinuts per 100, $8 00: almonds.
Lan., per 3b, 20c; do Ivfca, 19c; do shelled, 40c;
walnuts, nap., 12k15c: Sicily Alberts. 12c;
Smyrna figs, iy.3$e; new dates, 5X6c: Brazil
nuts, 10c; pecan, ll15c: citron, per ft, 21(S22c;
icuiuu pcci per jg, 101-iu; urauj;e peel, Ufte.
Dkied Fkuits Apples, sliced, per ft, 8c; ap
ples, evaporated, 67c; apricots, California,
evaporated, 1518c;peaches,evaporated, pared,
2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, un
pared, 12J-J13Kc: cherries, pitted, 21022c;
cbernes, unpitted, 5j?6c; raspberries, evap
orated, 242lJc; blackberries, 73c; huckle
berries. 1012c!
St'GAKS-Cubes, 7c powdered, 75c: granu
lated. 7Jc: confectioners' A. 7c; standard A,
yellow, good, 6j46t; yellow, fair, 6Jc; yel
low, dark. 5c.
PlCKLES-Medium . bbls (1,200), $4 75; me
diums, half bbls (GOO), 32 85.
Salt No. 1 9 bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, fl bbl, 31 05;
dairy, fl bbl. 31 20: coarse crystal, W bbl, 31 20;
Higgin's Eureka, 4 bn sack, $2 80; Higgin's
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets. 53 00.
Canned Goods standard Peaches. $1 50a
1 60; 2d.. $1 301 35; extra peaches. $1 331 90;
pie peaches. DOc; finest corn, $1 3001 50: Hfd.
Co. corn. 7090c; red cherries, 90c$l 00; lima
beans, ?1 10: soaked do, 85c; string do do, 7585c:
marrowiat peas, 51 ivipii 10; soaued peas. 703
75c; pineapples. $1 401 50; Bahama do, $2 75;
damson plums, 95-j; green gaces, $1 25: egg
plums, 32 00; California pears, $2 SO; do green
gages. $2 00; do egg plums. $2 00; extra white
cherries, $2 90: red cherries, 2&i. 90c: raspber
ries, $1 151 40: strawberries. SI 10; gooseber
ries 31 20&1 30: tomatoes, 02Q95c; salmon, 1
ft, 81 752 10: blackberries, 80c: succotash, 2-ft
cans, soaked. 90c: do creen. 2fts. SI 2ffil SO:
corn beef. 2-ft cans 31 75; H-ft can, $13 50:
baked beans, Jl 401 45; lobster, 1 ft, Jl 5
1 80: mackerel. 1-J cans, broiled, $1 50: 6ardines,
domestic, ". 34 2")4 50; sardines, domestic.
Ks.38 258 50; sardines, imported. 14s, $11 50
12 50; sardines, imported. Jjs. 318 00: sardines,
mustard. 54 00; sardines, spiced, SJ 25.
Fisn-Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel. $36 a
bbl; 'extra No. 1 do, messed, $40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32: extra No. 1 do. messed,
336; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
Pollock, 4Jc fl ft; do medium George's cod, 6c;
do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips. 6c; do
George's cod. in blocks, 67c. Herring
Round shore. $5 50 & bbl; split. 37; lake. S3 25
ft 100-ft half bbl. White fish, $7 W 100-ft half
bbl. Lake trout, 35 50 fl half bbl. Finnan
haddew. 10c fl ft. Iceland halibut, 13c fi ft.
Buckwheat Flour-2)2c per pound.
Oatmeal S6 30S6 60 a bbl.
Miners' Oil No 1 winter strained,
f) gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grnin, Flour nnd Feed.
Total receipts bulletined at the Grain Ex
change were 2S cars, giving 207 cars for this
week, -n ith two more days to hear from. Re
ceipts by Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago
were. 4 cars of hay, 1 of feed, 1 of bran, 7 of
barley, 1 of oats, 1 of middlings. 1 of wheat, 1
of shorts. By Pittsburg and Lake Erie. 2 cars
of wheat, 3 of middlings, 1 of flour, 1 of hay.
By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 3 cars
hay, 1 of corn. Sales on call: One car No..l
timothy hay. small bales. 315, spot; 1 car large
bales. HKc, spot; 1 car oat straw, $7 50. spot; 1
car i o.l timothy hay, Sll 50, 10 days, P. & L. E.;
2 cars Iowa npland, $9 50, track, B. & 0. The
cereal situation still remains in the buyers'
favor. There is general complaint among deal
ers that the bulk of stuff coming In is of in
ferior grade. This, with the over-supply, keeps
markets in a depressed condition. The heavy
receipts of hay for the past week or two makes
trade in this Hue particularly slow. Packing
hay is especially dull, and purchasers can no
doubt obtain concessions on prices quoted be
low. Wheat Jo'ohing prices No. 2 red, Jl 050
Corn No.2vellow,ear,S9K10c:hIgh mixed,
ear, 3S39c;No.l vcllow, shelled, 3839c; high
mixed, shelled, 3C37c; mixed, shelled, 3536c
Oats-No. 2 whlte, 32KS?c; extra. No. 3,
8031c;No. 3 white, 3031c; No. 2 mixed,
Kye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 5055c;
No. 1 'Western, 5053c.
Bablet No. 1 Canada, 950Sc: No. 2
Canada, 8095c; No. 3 Canada, &90c; No. 2
Western. 8385c; No. 3 Western, 6570c; Lake
Shore, 75S0c.
Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, 36 50
6 75; spring patents, $6 75S7 00: fancy straight,
winter and spring. 35 758 00; clear winter,
$5 SOko 75; stright XXXX bakers', S3 255 50.
Rye flour. $3 75.
ComotEAii In paper. 6070c.
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, $20 50
21 00 fl ton; brown middlings. Sir 501S 00:
winter wheat bran. $15 5016 00; chop feed
$15 00018 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice. $13 6016 00;
No. 1 do, 315 001S 25: No. 2 do, $12 0013 00;
loose from wagon. $23 0026 00: No. 1 upland
prairie. $9 5010 00; No. 2, $8 008 50; packing
do. $6 50l7 00.
Straw Oats. $8 008 25; wheat and rye
straw, $7 007 25.
Large hams, IS Its and upward. 10c; medium
hams, 14 to 18 fts. llc; small bams, 14 fts and
under, HKc; picnic or California bams, 9c;'
boneless (in skins, 12c: sugar-cured shoul
ders, Jc: bacon. SJic: dry salt, Oc; breakfast
bacon. 10c; roulctts (boneless s. c shoulders),
103ic; regular smoked sides, 9Jic; bellies,
smoked sides, 9c; regular dry salt sides, &c;
bellies, dry salt sides, 8c; dried beef, sets 3
pieces, juc; uneu oeei. nats, c; uneu neei,
rounds. 12c: dried beef, knuckles, 12c: pork,
mess. $18 50; pork, family, $17 00; nig pork, half
barrels. $9 00: Iomr sausage. 510. Ijiril
Tierces. 325 fts. 7c 13 ft; half barrels. 120 fts,
SJc ?1 ft; tubs, wooden. 60 Bs. fij-ic t ft; buck
ets, wooden. 20 fts, 8Jc fl ft:3-ft tin palls, 60 fts,
&c m ft; 5-ft tin pails. 6U fts, 8c 1 ft; 10-ft ttn
Sails, 60 fts. 8c fi a; 20-ft tin pails, SO fts, 8Kc;
)-ft tin pails. 100 fts, 8c fl ft.
Dressed Illenr.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 ft?. 5id)
5c; 600 to 650 fts. 66Kc: 700 to 750 fts, 77Kc
Sheep, 7c fl ft. Lambs, 8c ft ft.
DIetnl markets.
St. Louis Lead dull and weak; common.
New York Copper quiet and steady: lake,
January, $17 25. Lead heavy; straits, 321 70.
Wool markets.
St. Louis Wool quiet and steady; receipts,
;9S0 pounds.
Whisky market.
Prices are steady at $1 03, with a good de
mand. A Big Difference.
The Dispatch was in error when it
stated that Boggs & Buhl, the Allegheny
drygoods merchants, had increased their
subscription to the Exposition to $2,000 by
subscribing an additional $1,000 at the pub
lic meeting in the Old City Hall last Tues
day evening. It should have read: The
firm subscribed $2,000 additional, making
their total subscription $4,000 now.
Bilious Headache,
Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, Constipation, Dizziness
Positively cured by
The People's Favorite Liver Pills.
They act slowly, but surely, do not gripe, and
their effect is lasting; the fact is they have no
equal. Small dose: big results. Sugar coated
and easy to take. Send for testimonials. 25c,
at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepared
by an old apothecary, Five bottles $L
The HOP PILL CO., New London, Ct.
Hop Ointment cures and makes chapped
rough, red skin soft and clear- 25 and 50c.
Chartiers Creamery C01
Warehouse and General Offlce3,
Telephone I428L Bissell Block.
Factories throughout Western
For prices see market quotations
Wholesale exclusively.
Dressed Beef, Mutton, Pork,
Hams, Breakfast Bacon,
Pork Bologna
And all other varieties of Sausage of the finest
?;uality, at very moderate prices, received daily
rom their immense cooling rooms at Chicago.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
No. 410 Smithfield St.
CAPITAL. . . - . 3200,000 00.
JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Presr.
sel-lcSJ-D JOHN F. STEEL Cashier.
Oil bought and sola on margin, de27-21-D3U
Until further notice, commission
on all trades in the Chicago market'
and Petroleum will be i for the
round turn. No extra charges.
Members Chicago Board of Trade,
and Pittsburg Petroleum Ex
change. jal&58
As old residents know and back tiles or Pitts,
burg papers prove, is the oldest established and
most prominent physician in the city, devoting
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
gsponsglepersons NQ prrjr J
MCDVnllQ and mental diseases, physical
lLn VUUO decay, nervous debility, lack
of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem.
ory, disordered sight, self-distrust,ba3hfulnesa,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak,
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business-society and mar.
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bona pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood!
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
1 1 Q I M A R V kidney and bladder derange
UnllNnil I 1 ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment
prompt relief and rel cures.
Dr. whittier's life-long, extensive experience
Insures scientific and reliable treatment on
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if
hem. Office hours 9 a. si. to 8 p. x. Sunday,
10jLH.tolP.lt. only. DK. WHITTIER, soi
Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. jaik-5-DSuw
A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treatise on
tire Xiiruroui iuuui, .neuuiiurcx'eciiiie,..icrvuua
and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood,
W VSl 7iif
Reaultingtrom Folly, Vice, Ignorance. Ei ceases or
Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim
for Work, Business, the Married or Social Relation
Avoid unskilful pretenders. Possess this great
work. It contains 300 pages, royal Svo. Beautiful
binding, embossed, full gilt. Price, only $1.C0 by
mail, post-paid, concealed in plain wrapper. Illus
trative Prospectus Free, if you apply now. Tha
dietingnished author, VTm. II. Parker, if. D.. re.
from the National Medical Assoolaticn.
for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and
PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr. Parker and a corps
of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, conli
dentlallv, by mall or in person, at the office of
No. 4 llnlflnch St., Iloston, Mas., io whom all
orders for books or letters for advice should b
directed as above.
Gray's Specific Medicine.
lug cure for
Seminal Weak
ness Sperma
torrhea, lmpo
tency, and all
diseases that
follow as a se
quence of Self- 4
Aouse: as loss
sltude. Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Pre
mature Old Ajee and many other diseaes tbat lead
to Insanity or Consumption and a Prematura
5Ful. particulars In our pamphlet, which we
dexlre to send free by mall to every one. 43-Tha
Specific .Medicine Is sold by all dnijrslstsiit SI per
package, or six packages Tor S3, or will be sent free
by mall on the receipt of the money, bv addressing
T11EOKAY JIElJlClNECO., Hutfalo. X. Y.
On acconnt of counterfeits, we have adopted ths
Yellow Wrapper: the only genuine.
bold In Pittsburg by S. S. HOLLAND, corner
Smlthfleld and Liberty streets. mhI3-k43
2Z3 CZ3Z3 3LU10ID ZZ1S3.
OtHbiI, beat, onljftnaiae as i
rellnile pill for sale, AcTfrfaiLi
. aic jor tmcietter zngiJiii
.Diamond Brnnrl In red me-
uilto boxe. Kiicd with blu nb-
Ibon. At DroffEht. Accept
no other. All rUls In ttut
board boxes, pink wrappers, are 3 (Ian jct
on a counterfeit. Send 4. filamoii fiir
Uf parUcnliri tad 'Belief for Ladle," &
lettertlT return miiL 10.000 ttU
uonunafroaLABIESvbaaTeUMRn- KamsFapcr.
Chichester Chemical Co.,3l2dIsonSq.3PliilaPi,
All forms of Delicate and Cora,
plicated Diseases rcoulrinr Cos.
I'lDEXTTAT-and SrTK7TTirm "1en,
cation are treated at rtiis Dispensary with a suc
cess rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake i3 a member
of tho Royal Collcgo of Physicians and Surgeons,
and is the oldest and most experienced Specx
1ST In the city. Special attention given to Ner
onsDchility from excessive r mtal exertion, in
discretions of youth, &c, cnusing physical and
mcntil decay, lack of energy, despondency, eta :
aho Cancers, Old Sores, Fits. Piles, Rheumatisi
and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Limps, Urin
ary Organs, ic Consultation free and strictly
confidential. Office hours 0 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. i
Sundays 2 to I p.m. only. Call at office or addrea.
K.Lakf,M.D.,JI.R .C.P.S..or E.J.Lalce,iLD."
EROY and strength secured by nsinc Am,
oranda Wafers. These wafers are the only rell
able safe remedy for the permanent cure of Im
potency, no matter how long standing,seperma
torrhoea, overwork of the brain, sleepless,
harassing dream", premature decay of vital
power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis
ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wastin"
of vital forces; 75c per box or six boxes for J)7
six boxes is the complete treatment, and with
everv purchase of six boxes at one tiro-) we will
give "a written gnarantee to refund tha money
if the wafers do not benefit or anect a perma
nent enre. Prepared only by the BOSTON
MEDICAL LNT31TUTE. For salo only hi
JOSEPH FLEMING.. 81 Market street. PitS.
burg; Pa.. P. O. box 37 apl0-k65-irwrsa
:na i valuable
suff ertns from tho f.
ot yoataful er
at1t i!at. frtrf
manhood, etc. I will send valnable treatise (sled
conttdainsf fall particnlars for home cure, fxeo oC
chare. Andrew,
PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moadusi Conn.
1 4. ur
( J
;' I
' P-y..-i'ftifcai-?.
-.. '-
iOia :&.