SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS For to-morrows DISPATCH can be left at main office till mid n iffJi tor at branch office till 9 J?. 31. FORTY-THIRD TEAR. IT IS A STUNNER, The Question Asked by a Dis patch Correspondent of the Republican Leaders. THEY DID'NT THINK OF IT. "Will an Extra Session be Held if Prohibition Has a Majority? - IF KOT, FREE L1QU0E WILL rEEYAIL The Question Cause Consternation Gov ernor Beaver Ilndn't Tuoucut of it Bcnntor Cooper Sees the Foint Mate Clinirman Andrrna is Ea!vc Xevr mycr Thinks n Little Extra Expense May as Well Go He Would Like to Know Who Wants a Mircial Election Not His Constituents He Blames it Ail on Cooper. The Dispatch's staff correspondent at Harrisburg has raised a question in connec tion with the possible passage of the pro hibitory amendment which excites the Re publican leaders. He wants to know whether, if the amendment passes, it will not be necessary to call an extra session of the Legislature to pass penal laws to en force it. The next regular session after the special election does not occur until 1891, and in the meantime the high license law will be unconstitutional, and there will be no way of regulating the liquor traffic. Be low is given the views of the prominent ad vocates in the party of the submission of the prohibition question to the people. mot A staff corkespokde:-t. Haeeisbukg, January 1". "T have not even thought of it, and never cross a bridge before I come to it." This was the reply GorernorBeaver made when the following question was asked him this afternoon: "Should the constitutional prohibitory amendment pass at the special election on June 18, would it, in your judg ment, be better to call a special session of the Legislature to pass the law necessary to enforce it, or await the regular session?" If the Governor had not thought of this branch of the subject Bomeone else had. The Senator from Delaware, Hon. Thomas V. Cooper, when asked the same question early in the day, met it as though it was the one subject that filled his mind. "A special session?" he repeated, "cer tainly. If the amendment passes a special session will be necessary, or we will get into just such a snarl as Ohio did a few years ago, when the Supreme Court of the State ruled one thing on the liquor law when it had a Democratic majority and another when it had a Republican majority. Between Two Stools. "Our constitutions are very much the 'same, and if the amendment passes it won't do to leave us between the newly adopted provision and the Brooks law." Another gentleman whose conspicuous ness in State politics does not take off its hat to the Republican ex-Chairman, refused to permit the use of his name, but thought an extra session unnecessary. "What is your reason for this opinion?" "My reason is that if the amendment passes it will be a part of the organic law of the State, and it will then, in my opinion, be the duty of the courts to take cognizance of it when applications for license come be fore them. This ought to do until the Legislature meets." "When Republican Chairman Andrews was asked for his opinion a smile lit up his countenance as though it gave him the greatest pleasure in the world to reply that he had given that branch of the subject no thought hatever. "If you tret time in the summer come and see mea.tTitusvilIe,and we will try to make it pleasant for you." Representative Brooks, whose aqueous name will be remembered at least as long as high license lusts in the Keystone State, seemed surprised by the question. A Cosily Necessity. "I hadn't thought of that," he said. "It's a little soon yet, but " here lie paused to consider "I believe it would be best to have a special session of the Legislature to settle that matter." Representative Graham, of Allegheny, wanted to think about it before giving an opinion, and Chairman Dearden, of the Ap propriations Committee, acted, when ap proached, as though the idea was a new one. At first he didn't think the time very long from the special election to the regular ses sion of the Legislature, but, after reflecting a moment, reversed that opinion and prom ised to think about the subject if the appro priation bills didn't press him too hard. Just before leaving for Pittsburg Senator Ncwinyer said: "A special session, why not? If there is to be a special election at a cost of not much less than 81,000,000, why not add the expense of a special session of the Legislature? The expenses of the elec tion to the State and the Various counties won't fall much below thatin the aggregate. But who wants this matter decided at a spe cial election, is what I'd like to know. None of my constituents have asked for it, and I don't know who else has I have no idea who wants it but Tom Cooper." Hon. Alfred Marland. of Pittsburg, ex piesed his opinion this morning that the Legislature was being driven into this pro hibition matter. "Why, sir," he stated, "two-thirds of the members here would vote it out of sight in (o time if they had someone to lead them. I know it, my dear sir; I have talked with them about it." , To Amend Brooks' Measure. The House Ways and Means Committee this morning found before it half a dozen bills.amendatory of the Brooks high license law. It expects to receive at'least as in tnv more similar in character. Those of this morning and those yet to come it was de cided to place in the hands of a Mib-commit-tce with Mr. Brooks as Chairman. The other members are Dravo, of Beaver, Nes bit, of Allegheny, and Wherry, of Cumber land. The attention of .Mr. Brooks was called to the statement that there is a movement among the lricnds of his measure to prevent liquor legislation until after the people had voted on prohibition. "I know there is such a feeling," he re plied, "but there has been no concerted action on the subject and I do not know that there will be. 1 am not prepared to say, though, that the idea is not a good one." Governor Beaver, Adjutant General Hastings and Secretary ot the Common wealth Stone are quoted to-night as highly pleased with the action of the caucus and hope the question will be kept wholly apart lroni politics. SnirsoN. A SHOW FOE THE VETEKAXS. Despite Opposition a Bill for Their Relief Passes Second Rending. fmOM A STAFF CORRESrOIfDEXT.l Hakkisbukg. January 17. There was a lively time in the House to-day when Mr. Stewart's bill to give preference of appoint ment or employment to honorably dis charged soldiers, sailors and mariners who fought for the TJnion'cause in the late war came up on second reading. The bill provides that these veterans shall not only be employed in the public service in preference to others, but that they shall be discharged only for cause shown after a full hearing, and all official or other persons having power of appointment shall be guilty of a misdemeanor if they do not ob serve the provisions of the act, and shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than 9500 or undergo imprisonment of not more than six months, cither or both, at the dis cretion of the court. Mr. Stewart, of Philadelphia, in advo cacy of the bill, said it was in operation in the'State of New York, and he held in his hand evidence of the conviction of three persons under its provisions. The most pronounced opponent of the bill, Mr. Skinner, of Fulton, said the vet erans had not asked the bill and did not want it. He spoke as a veteran and a Demo crat. He also said he regretted to note in the big roll, numbering in the neighbor hood of 450,000 pensioners, that the men who didn't do the fighting were far more numerous than those who fought their way from the opening campaign to Appomattox. Mr. Skinner said much more in this vein, and very vehemently and with much feel ing. Mr. Fow, of Philadelphia, mentioned for the benefit of the House that the Grand Army man who runs that city's gas depart ment had not long ago discharged 25 old soldiers to give employment to one iron man, as the steam shovel is termed by the labor ers. This gave Dr. Walk, of Philadelphia, an opportunity to say that business and not sentiment ruled inthat case and should in this. If some people had'their way the Pennsylvania Railroad would be abolished and the roods of the country transported in wagons driven by old soldiers. But the veteran had his friends, and they talked manfully for him and voted the bifl to third reading by a large majority. MAXUAL TRA1N1XG. Schools to be Established Under the Super vision of tbcStntc. tritOM A STAFF CORRESPONDENT. Habbisbueg, January 17. Senator Mylin, of Lancaster, to-day introduced a bill providing for the establishment of manual training schools in districts employ ing not less than 50 teachers. Preparatory to such establishments 100 residents of the district, 50 being guardians or parents of one or more pupils of the schools must peti tion for it. Pupils not enrolled iu the ordinary schools may attend, and instruction rnav be given at night. The Department of Public Instruction is empowered to prepare a course of instruction and the buildings and equipments of schools must be appro ved by a commission appoint ed by it. A special State appropriation for the salaries of competent instructors is pro vided, but they must not exceed 5 per cent of the salaries of the ordinary teachers for the preceding year. EXTENSIVE CLAI3IS By tho State Against n Number of Wcnlihy Corporations. rsrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Haerisburg, January 17. Settlements made against the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Philadelphia and Reading Rail road Company, Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, Lehigh Valley Railroad Com pany, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company, Erie and Western Transportation Company and Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company, involving claims of about 5,000.000, were sent from the Auditor General's Department to-day to the proper officers of the alleged delinquent corporations. The amounts were settled 'against the companies as a result of the investigation ofRufus E. Shapley, of Philadelphia, em ployed while the late Colonel Wilson Norris was Auditor GeneraL A XEW MISIXG LAW Glvicc Men of Experience a MIno Boss'Cer tificntc Without Examination. iritOM A STAFF COnUESPOVDEXT. Harrisburg, January 17. The mining law now provides that a person having been a miner for five years and a pit boss for one year prior to the passage of the act of June 30, 1885, can have a certificate as mine boss without examination, but he is restricted as such to employment only under the employ- J ers tor wnom ne worsen at tne time of the passage of the act. Since several mines have been worked out a number of persons have gone out of the coal busiucsand their mine bosses can not under the laV secure employment as such. Representative Jones has introduced a bill to place them on a par with the hold ers of the examiners' certificates. PEXITEXTIARY EXPENSES. Lnree Sums Appropriated to Pay Salaries A Xrvr Asylam Bnilding. FROM A STAFF COREESrOM)ENTO Habiusbubg, January 17. The Appro priations Committee of the House has passed favorably on the salary requirements of the Eastern and Western Penitentiaries, respectively 535,000 aud 571,000. The Huntingdon Reformatory, which asked for 812,000, will be given 8,000. The llarrisburg Insane Asylum wants $500,000 for a new building, and the matter has been placed in the hands of a sub committee, cousisting of Representatives Wherry, Dickinson and Morrow. It Won't Take Sides. FROM A STAFF CORRESPONDENT. HAiuusiiUBG, January 17. It is author itatively denied that the Pennsylvania Railroad will take sides against Armour on the granger bill. The position of the road is described thus: "We will carry live stock or dressed beef for all and fight none." Trcparins for the Inauguration. rn:OM A STAFF CORRESPONDENT. Harkisburg, January 17. Adjutant General Hastings arrived from Bclleloiite to-day, and left to-night for Washington to look after the inauguration parade. A Tiuie-Snvins Invention. IFROM A STAFF CORRESPONDENT. Harrisburg, January 17. Governor 'Beaver to-djy received irom some crank a substitute for a hangman's knot, warranted to do the business iu less than three u.inu!cs. fflfo A LIMIT FIXED To the Monopoly of Rlelits-of- Way by Rail road Companies Strict Regulations Concernins Railroad Crossings All Cars to Have Auto tnatlo Couplers. FROM A 6TAFF CORnXSrOXDEXT. Harrisbubo, January 17. The corpora tions got a number of doses to-day in both Houses. The first blow at their influence was in the shape of a favorable report on the bill forbidding grade crossing by railroads to be bnilt in the future. The next blow was a bill introduced in the House by ex Speaker Graham, and in the Senate by Sen ator Newmyer for Senator Rutan. The bill was declared by an Allegheny member to be in the interest of the Pittsburg Junction Railway, and its fiist section is ns follows: That the lands and properties of incorporated companies devoted to or held by public pur poses in the exercise of the franchises of such companies or otherwise, may be taken and sub jected to public use by any other incorporated company, lawfully possessed of the right of eminent domain, to the extent and for such Eurposo or purposes as the said right may have een so conferred, upon making just compen sation therefor to the incorporated company owning sucn tanas; proviaen, mac sucn lanus or property proposed to bo taken shall nit be essentially necessary to tho exercise of the franchises of the company holding the same, and may be taken In the manner and for the purpose proposed without defeating or destroy ing the franchises of sucn company. The remainder of the bill provides for pro-' ceedings in court if the corporations cannot agree. Another bill of interest to Pittsburg was also introduced in the Senate by Senator Upperman for Senator Rutan. It provides that street railway companies shall hereafter have authority, with the consent of the city or borough in which they are located, to construct extensions or branches as deemed necessary, and also authorizes them to sell or lease portions of their tracks to other pas senger companies for the purpose of making connections, shortening routes and crossing tracks, and permits them to lease their prop erty and franchises to motor power com panies. Representative Shiras, when told about this measure, said it covered some of the features of the bill he intends to introduce, but his bill goes much farther in that it is a measure providing for the incorporation of street railways, which is made necessary by the fact that "there is no such law now, the Supreme Court having declared it uncon stitutional. Senator Upperman Introduced a bill reg ulating the manner in which trains shall pass over grade crossings in cities. In the first place it provides that no train longer than ten cars and an engine shall go over such crossing. Five minutes must inter vene between the passage of trains and the speed must not exceed six miles an hour. No train shall stop on a grade crossing; no frog, switch or connecting track shall be placed at a crossing; two trains may not pass each other on one, and any violation will be punished by fine and imprisonment. Representative Dravo introduced a bill in the House to the effect that all railroad cars hereafter built or rebuilt, must have auto matic couplers. STILL MAKING LAWS. The More Important Bills Introduced by Mate Legislators Yesterday. rSrECfAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Habrisburg, January 17. Among the bills introduced in the Senate yesterday were the following: Making the first day of September a legal holiday to be known as Labor Day. To assent to tho provisions of an act of Con gress to establish agricultural experimental stations in the several States. In the House a number of bills were in trpducedatnong which were the following: Amendment to the Constitution abolishing poll tax. To provide penalties for peddling without license. To provide transportation to Gettysburg for surviving soldiers on the occasion of dedicating monuments, appropriating S5O.O0O. To regulate county officers' fees. To regulate insane hospitals by providing for uniformity in management Regulating the traffic in milk. To prohibit the manufacture and sale of adulterated food and drugs. Requiring the exterior of buildings in cities of the second class to be of stone, iron, brick or other incombustible material, unless granted permission by Council. Requiring insurance agents to make an in spection of bmldings before insuring, and, in case of fire, requiring companies to pay only actual loss. MAT REVERSE ITSELF. The Supreme Court Expected to Chance Its Opinion oftho Act of 1SS7. 'FROM A STAFF CORRESPONDENT. Hareisbueg, January 17. The joint session of the Municipal Committees of the House and Senate having decided to have the municipal bill first introduced in the House, the committee of the latter is working hard on their bill, which is for the government of cities of the third class. Th e Senate committee will on Tuesday report a bill classifying cities, and it will be made to apply to the House bill if it passes, and. if not, to the act of 1874, concerning which the Supreme Court is expected to reverse.its de cision of unconstitutionality. For the comfort of the cities whose legis lation is mixed by the decision that the municipal act of 1887 is unconstitutional. Senator Mchard, of Mercer, has introduced a bill validating Select and Common Coun cils and their acts done under authority of that law. A bill will probably be introduced, also, to make certain features of the law govern ing cities of the second class optional with cities of that class. This is to meet the case of Allegheny, which, owing to the certainty that its population is in excess of 100,000, will be legislated into that class. MAI PR0YE C0STLT. Bills Introduced Which Mny Cost tho State Several Million Dollars. IFROM A STAFF CORRESPONDENT. Habbisbubg, January 17. Representa tive Skinner, of Fulton, is the author of a bill providiug ways and means for bringing suits against the Commonwealth. It is pointed out that it the bill becomes a law the old border raid claims may be revived for the benefit of Franklin, Fulton, Adams, York and Cumberland counties at a possible expense to the State of several millions of dollars. 'Mr.'Rose, of Philadelphia, offered a similar bill to-day. An Expensive Contest. IFROM A STAFF CORRESrOXDEXT.5 Haekisbubg, January 17. The House during a discussion of printing on the Philadelphia contested election cases to-day was told by the Chairman of the Appropria tions Committee that the bill for these two cases was likely to be any amount between 30,000 and 50,000. Object to Being Taxed. tFROM A STAFF CORRESPONDENT. Haekisbubg, January 17. The Auditor General is trying to tax the Adams Ex press Company -as a corporation. The officers object that they are merely a joint stock partnership. UP GOES OIL. Tho Scotch and American Oil Companies Continue Their Agreement. LoNDON.Oanuary 17. TheScotch Mineral Oil Association met in Glasgow on Wed nesday and unanimously agreed to continue the agreement with the American companies for another year. A committee was ap pointed to confer with the American agent and to-day "the matter was settled. The result was a big advance in mineral oil si.ures. pt$foi Bi$mtri). PITTSBURG, FRIDAY, IS E0SSA A COWARD? Dayitt Says Ho Hasn't the Courage to Fire a British-Haystack. UNIFORMS AS AIDS TO SOBRIETY. Parncll Commission Witnesses Cause a Public Scandal. SOME HOPE TOR THE PANAMA CANAL. Bismarck Scored by the German and English Tapers for tho Geffcken Affair. The incident of the Parnell Commission yesterday was a letter from Davitt in which he asserts Rossa is a coward. The consta bles who have been attending as witnesses have created a scandal by going on extensive sprees. Bismarck is being roundly abused by the German and English press for his action in the? GefTcken matter. rBY CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.! London, January 17. (Copyright.) In former Delaney was cross-examined this morning by counsel representing the various Irish members, and by Michael Davitt, but, although the witness' evidence was further discredited, no new facts of importance were elicited. Counsel, however, have not yet finished with Delaney, who, by special request and evidently to his own annoy ance, will be kept within convenient reach at a London prison for the present. Delaney was followed by land agents, whose evidence was of the familiar type, and by policemen who deposed of the seizure of letters at the house of Matt Harris, the well-known eccentric member of the Irish Parliamentary party. The letters were read, but to the disappointment of everybody they contained nothing that could be called sensational. The most in teresting was written to Harris by Davitt from New York, in which the latter says: Perhaps you are not aware that John O'Leary is here. He came from Paris to upset my land League endeavors. He will go back a wiser though sadder man. He is supported by no body saving the few bostboons following that blatant ass, Rossa. The Nationalists on this side are common-sense men. O'Leary failed to get up a crusade against the league in America. Rossa is now trying his hand. He will achieve more success upon your side than upon this. He is a cowardly, low ruffian, who has not the courage to resent an insult I offered him in the Berald. He has not sufficient courage to set fire to a British haystack. Do your utmost to keep tho people within bounds. The rest of the afternoon was occupied by legal argument as to whether the plan of campaign came within the Times' charges, in regaid to which their lordships were un able to make up their minds offhand. It was noticed to-day that all the police, witnesses in waiting wore their uniform for the first time since the commission com menced. Tne change is advantageous to their personal appearance, but the reason for it is not complimentary. The stalwart con stables, living in unaccustomed luxury and with an abnormal amount of pocket money, have been, it appears, succumbing by whole sale to the temptations of this great city, and, in the safe disguise of civilians' attire, have been nightly- goingf upon-ihe-mu tremendous sprees. The matter has become almost a public scandal, and the authorities hope the return to Her Majesty's uniform will have a sobering effect. BISMARCK'S BLUNDER. English and German Papers Score Him for the Gcflckcn Affair. London, January 17. The Pall Mall Gazette, commenting upon the GefTcken aflair, says: The animus of Price Bismarck against Prof. Geffcken is of long standing. Ten years ago, at a social meeting, in unreserve after dinner, Prof. Geffcken delivered an extravagant dia tribe, declaring that Bismarck hadn't one single noble trait of character and was without a trace of kindliness or pity. Thesa words, in accordance with the system of espionage prac ticed byiGermany.were reported to the "Reptile Bureau" at Berlin, and noted dowm in Bis marck's black book. The whole affair recalls the story of Haman and Mordecai. The Ger man Hainan seeks to gibbet his Mordecai. by publishing the indictment, the only result being to justify Geffcken in tho eyes of the world. The Vossische Zeitung, referring to the publication of the Geffcken indictment says: We protest against the public being invited to deliver a verdict on the accusation1 alone after the highest court in the empire has de livered judgment. Wo cannot recollect any previous Instance In Germany or any other country of a trial of the kind being conducted belore the bar of public opinion in an official form by means of legal documents. The foregoing article reflects the general opinion of the Liberal press. The Post says that the time will come when on account of the Leipsic decision the Conservatives and many others will take up a position, not against that individual court, but against the whole tendency of German criminal law legislation and practice. The Roggenbach-Geffcken correspondence which was submitted to the Buudesrath to day covers 180 folios. It is not, as is the custdm, marked "Confidential." HOPE FOR PANAMA. The Bnnk of Parts Will Dig tho Ditch for One Per Cent of Profits. Paris, January 17. The Banque Paris ienne has assumed the entire cost of the is sue aud constitution of the new Panama Canal Company, but it stipulates that after the opening ., of the canal it shall receive annually one per cent of the net profits. No doubt is entertained that the meeting to be held on the 2Gth inst. will approve the scheme. If 300,000 proxies are not obtained the company will be judicially wound up. The bankruptcy bill pissed the Senate to day. The measure has especial interest at the present time, because it enables the Panama Canal Company to convert the old organization into a new concern. GOOD NEWS FROM STANLEY. Tho Explorer All Right Last August Ho Had Not Srcn Tippoo. Loudon, January 17. Sir Francis. De Winton is of the opinion that Stanley reached Emin in November, and that his journey from Emin's headquarters to the East coast would occupy from six to ten months. Sir Francis has received a letter from Major Palminter, dated Kinchassa, on Stanley pool, Novem ber 30, reporting the arrival there of Lieutenant Baert, Tippoo Tib's Secre tary, on boaid the steamer Stanley en route for Leopoldville. Baeit was suffering from tlysentary. He said that Stanley returned at the end of August to the camp where Partellot was murdered, and found the remainder of Jameson's de tach nent in charge of Bonny. Svuley wrote Tippoo to como and see him, the distance bemtr 12 dajs hard march ing. Tippoo did not arrive, and Stanley proceeded to Wadelai with Binnie's detach ment. Baert confirms the news contained in Stanley's letter, adding that Stanley said that Tippoo would not sec him JANUARY 18, 1889. again, so Stanley evidently did not intend to return the same way. Baert further says that Stanley wrote to nobody" excepting Tippoo, and sent no letters home. Stanley had not heard of the death of Jameson. Baert positively denies the rumors spread by the Assyrian interpreter with reference to Jameson. DIMUESKA'S.BAD END. She Dies In Poverty and Her Flcnrt Broken Daughter Takes Poison. Munich, January 17. Mme.DiMurska, the singer, died here to-day in extreme pov erty. Her daughter, who was heart broken at the loss of her mother, committed suicide by taking poison. TONS OF FLOWERS To bo Used In tho Decorations of tho In- augural Ballroom Pretty Conceits 1 of the Florist The Wholo to Cost SIO.OOO, ISrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THEDISPATCIt.l New York, January 17. Five thousand -dollars' worth of flowers and 3,000 worth of bunting will be used in decorating the in terior of the big pension building at Wash ington, for the ball on the evening of March i, which will close the ceremonies attend ing the inauguration of Harrison and Morton. When General Harrison and the others of the Presidental party enter the hall, at the west end they will pass under a floral ball 15 feet in diametsr. Somebody will pull a string, the big floral ball will open, and a Snowstorm of cut flowers will descend upon the new President and his attendants. The operation that releases the flowers will also set free a flock of canary birds and paro quets imprisoned in the ball. At the other end of the hall there, will be another ball exactly like the first, and when the Presi dental party gets over there it will be pelted again with flowers and canary birds. A ship of state, 30 feet long, one of the largest designs in cut flowers ever made, will be suspended from 'the ceiling. The galleries and the columns supporting them will be decorated with garlands of laurel and smilax, and smilax will hide all the -gas fixtures. Garlands of laurel and palm leaves will entwine the eight large columns supporting the roof. From the lowermost gallery will depend seven panels of cut flowers, each panel 10 by 15 feet, and bear ing a floral relief one of typical of the executive departments of the Government. Over the fountain in the center of the hall will be a two-story Japanese pagoda, covered with tropical plants. In this the musicians will be stationed. At one end of the hall there will be a conservatory scene of tropical plants, outof which will rise the words, in gas jets: "Inaugural Ball, 1889," and pictures of Harrison, and Morton, also done in gas jets. THOSE UGLY CHARGES. Mayor Roche Wants All of tho Evidence Before Dismissing Bonfield. Chicago, January 17. The Times con tinues its demands upon Mayor Roche to dismiss from office for corruption and dis honesty Inspector Bonfield and Captain C. Sehaack, the two officers so widely kuown through their connection with the Baymar ket riot and the hanging of the Anarchists. A proposition was sent this afternoon from Mayor Roche asking that all the evi dence against the police officials be submit ted to three well-known citizens named, the purpose stated bv the Mayor being to de termine whether the Times' demand for an immediate suspension of the accused should be acceded, to, pending a trial of the matter in court. The Times will reply that the sworn proof already advanced is sufficient for that purpose, and that it will not expose its full testimony until the big libel suits come up lor trial. It promises, however, to make damaring revelations concerning these and other officials in the near future. OYERTOOK THE BICYCLE. Two Men Instantly Killed by a Runaway Railroad Car. rSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Charleston, W. Va., January 17. A car on the Mount Carbon Railway, run ning from the river to the company's works, yesterday afternoon became detached from the train and started back down grade to the river. The brakeman, in endeavoring to check the speed, broke the brake. In the meantime Charles Craig and C. F. Vajidergrift, two of Fayette county's best citizens, who had purchased a railroad bicycle and had been in the habit of riding up 'and down the road, had started on their bicycle to the river. The car soon overtook and ran over them, decapitating Mr. Craig, his head rolling down an embankment, and instantly killing Mr. Vandergrift also. The noise of the bicycle is supposed to have pre vented them from hearing the approaching car. OUR NAVY TO THE RESCUE. Government Crnlscrs Are Preparing to Sail for the Snmonn Islands. San Francisco, January 17. There is considerable activity at the Mare Island navy yard, owing to recent orders lrom Washington in regard to the preparation of vessels for sea, and the Vandalia, which has been ordered to Samoa, will be ready to sail Saturday. Orders also have been re ceived to prepare the Mohican for sea at once. It is believed she will proceed to Panama and there receive a new crew from the East, and possibly go to Samoa. The Mohican will be ready to sail in two weeks. An order was received yesterday to fit out the store ship Monongahela. and dis patch her to Samoa soon as possible with supplies for the fleet. GENERAL WASHBURN WINS. A Very CIoso Contest for the Repnblicnn Scnntorlal Nomiuntlon in Minnesota. St. Paul, January 17. The Republicans of the Minnesota Legislature met in caucus to-night to select a candidate for United States Senator to succeed D. M. Sabin. Beside Senator Sabin, General W. D. Washburn and Hon. Ignatius Donnelly were nominated. One informal and three formal ballots were cast, the last and decid ing ballot being: Washburn, 62; Sabin, 54; Donnelly, 4; Start, 2. General Washburn and Senator Sabin were called before the convention, the former returning thanks and the latter offering congratulations. General Washburn is from Minneapolis, and is well-known throughout the country as a leading business man of the Northwest. SELF-DEFENSE Will bo the 'Flea in tho Bnckns-Grcen Murder Trlnl. SPECIAL TILIORAM TO THE DISrATCn.J Gkeensburg, Pa., January 17. Nich olas Glessner, a witness for the prosecution in the Backus murder trial here, testified this afternoon that Green, the murdered man, threatened to strike Backus with a shovel, and that he saw the defendant re treat in the yard with a knife in his hand. The counsel for the defense will now, in all probability, make their plea self-defense. It is the general impression that the de fendant will not be convicted of murder in the first degree. The counsel for the de fense are making a vigorous fight, as their case was generally considered a hopeless GALLANDW0RMW00D The Bitter Pill TVhicIi Colonel Hatch Would Have to Swallow IP MB. C0LMAN WERE HONORED By a Seat in President Cleveland's Cabinet, Eyen for a Month or Two. A SOUTHERNER Y0TES HIS SENTIMENTS. Intcr-State Commerce Commissioner Bragz to Succeed Himself. The possibilities of an understanding on the subject of making an eighth Cabinet office of the Department of Agriculture, are rapidly vanishing. Petty personal jeal ousies are alleged to be at the bottom of the failure. A Southern Senator is accused of breaking the line of party to vote his sentiments. Inter-State Commerce Commis sioner Bragg's nomination to succeed him self has been reported favorably to the Senate in executive session. rSnCIAL TELEORAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Washington, January 17. President Harrison Js not likely to have the privilege of appointing an eighth Cabinet officer as the result of the effort to make an executive department of the Bureau of Agri culture. The bill passed the House several months ago, and provided for transferring the Signal Service Bureau to the proposed new department. This amendment was stricken out by the Senate, the bill passed that body, and has been in conference committee since last summer. All attempts to reach an agree ment upon it have thus far failed. Chairman Hatch, of the House Committee on Agriculture, predicts the early passage of the bill, but the Senators are beginning to think that he is the real opponent of it at least, he has caused frequent delays in its consideration in conference, with the propositions to include within the jurisdiction of the new department the Geological Survey Bureau and the Bnrean of Labor, both of which propositions are coldly received bv the other members of the conference committee. It is said that the well-known enmity of Mr. Hatch and that other prominent Mis sourian Commissioner, Colman, of the De partment of Agriculture, is at the bottom of Colonel Hatch's opposition. Should the bill become a law now, Presi dent Cleveland might clothe Com missioner Colman with the brief authority and honor of a seat at the Cabinet table, and this would be gall and wormwood to Colonel Hatch. Mr. Colman, it is well known, is opposed to making the bureau an executive department, perhaps for the same reason that causes Mr. Hatch to block its progress. One thing is certain, and that is that the Senators will never yield on the signal service provision; and as at least one of the Honse conferees will stand by them, it looks as if the Signal Service Bureau would remain under the control of the War Department, whether the bill be comes a law or not. ' MADE THEM ALL MAD. The Mills Committee Can't Qalte Get Orer tho Cowlcs BUI Reference. tSFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Washington, January 17. If you want to make a member of the Committee on Ways and Means mad just begin to talk to him about the Cowles revenue bill abolish ing the tobacco tax and its reference to the Committee on Appropriations. The longer the situation remains the madder they get. Mills pretends that he held back to keep him from resigning, but it is evident he takes good care some one has hold of his coattail before he begins to threaten. Even McMillin. who is noted for his eood nature, can hardly refrain from replying impatiently when he. is approached on the matter. "I don't like to talk about it," he said to the correspondent of TheDispatch to-day: "It makes me.feel uncomfortable. I can't understand w"jy they wanted to do it, and I regret very much that anvthing has occurred to excite a bitter feeling be tween the two committees. Why they should want to bring in, as a separate meas ure, a measure which has already passed the House, is rather strange. I hope the Committee on Appropriations will decide to let the matter drop." Chairman Randall, of the Committee on Appropriations, will not say a word as to his intentions, but those who are in his con fidence assert that the bill will speedily be reported, though there are reasons for a supposition that this step will not be taken until after the tariff bill passes, the Senate substitute, referred to the Committee on Ap propriations, thus taking the tariff matter clean out of the hands of the Mills com mittee. Y0TING HIS SENTIMENTS. A Southern Senator Falling Out of Lino on the Tat iff Question. tSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Washington, January 17. Some of the Senators seem to think that the vote to-day with the Eepublicans of Senator Brown, of Georgia, on the. tin plate amendments of Senator Allison, is an indication that that Senator will vote for the Senate substitute in its entirety. Mr. Brown hts been in his seat very little since the beginning of the discussion of the tariff bill, and the votes he has cast hitherto have hardly been suffi cient to place him on the record. It is well known that he is personally in sympathy with nearly every provision of the bill, and if he votes against it, it will be merely to keep himself in line. THE SAME DULL OUTLOOK. Green Glass Bottle Sinkers Have Nothing Encouraging to Report. ISFECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Washington, January 17. The asso ciation of green glass bottle manufacturers met at Willard's Hotel to-day, the person nel of this meeting being much the same as that of the window glass association, which met yesterday. The session was very short, and merely for the hearing of reports of statistics of the trade, and for the election of officers. The oldofficers were re-elected. The reports with regard to the condition of the trade were not very encouraging, but that seems to have become so common that they are used to it. Very little increase in either the bulk of domestic manufacture or foreign importation was reported. BRAGG SUCCEEDS HIMSELF. ' His Komlnntfan Reported Favorably to tho Senate la Secret bcsslon. Washington, January 17. The nomi nation of Walter L. Bragg, to succeed him self as Inter-State Commerce Commissioner, .was favorably reported to-day in the execu tive session of the Senate by the Committee on Inter-State Commerce. . 515,000,000 Refused for Chartreuse. London, January 18. The Grand Prior of the Carthusian Monks has refused the London offer of the three millions for a monopoly ot the manufacture and sale of the Chartreuse liqueur. IT'S JL. SPLENDID MEDIUM. vf: CASHIEETOIGHIJ. 3 az, "ii. A .-. c? .!. T. . ISttA WW, Anoinsr RBMnuanai Dieu m tuv . -. .v.T.n tho Farmers and Mechanics' Ba -ff o Fallnro on the Boatbtldt. J 1, Yesterday afternoon an information fo Q American PrOteCtlYB made acrainst nenrr js. voieui, " cashier of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, of the Southside, the cases growing out of the failure of the bank. The charges were made by J. H. Sorg, Hugh Lafferty and John Nusser before Alderman Schaffer. Mr. Sorg and Mr. Lafferty charged Voight with "embezzlement by an officer of a bank;" with "making false entries by bank cashier," and with "altering book of a cor poration with intent to defraud." Mr. Nusser, Mr. Sorg and Mr. Lafferty entered a fourth charge of perjury. The warrants were taken by 'Squire Schaffer personally, instead of being intrust ed to a constable, and he started to search for Mr. Voight. The latter was found and told that he was under arrest. He was taken to 'Squire Schaffer's office and kept there for some time. The Alderman offered to give him an opportunity to visit his fam ily or to hunt bondsmen, but the prisoner declined the offers. The bail had been fixed at 10,000 on each charge, or $4U,0uo m all. He took his arreBt with considerable calm ness. In the evening 'Squire Schaffer brought him over to the city and placed him in jail. Mr. Sorg could not be found last night and a visit to his house failed to arouse any one. From Mr. Nusser it W3s learned, through a son, that the arrest was made on information received from the expert book keeper who has been working on the ac counts of the bank since the failure. The books were removed to Mr. Nusser's house, at the head of South Twelfth street, when the investigation was commenced, and the work was done there. The expert notified them a few days ago that the books gave warrant'for the bringing of the charges, and after a consultation the course carried out yesterday was decided upon. Mr. Musser could not give the figures on which the suits are based, saying that the examination had not progressed that far. Mr. Voight will have a hearing on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Voight was cashier of the bank until last April when he retired and became actively connected with the Independent Glass Company of the Southside. In Sep tember the bank was forced to close nnd the investigation which lead to the arrest yesterday was put on foot. While no figures can be obtained of an official or semi official nature, it is reported that the deficit in the bank was $257,000, including stock and deposits, and that this sum has been reduced by the sale of property, etc., to 200,000. CUT THEIR OWN THROATS. Boston's Democratic Councilmcn Conrt a Wholesale Expulsion. ISrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCn.l Boston, January 17. The Common Council distinguished itselt this evening by a proceeding which will undoubtedly result in the snecess of the efforts to entirely abol ish that branch of the city government. In other words, 30 Democratic members, by voting to unseat two other Democratic members who declined to vote with them for President, have cut their own throats. There was not the slightest ground for the action except the desire of the Democrats to gain a majority and unseat the present Re publican President, who was elected by a vote of 37 to 30. The Couucilmen thus summarily "bounced" are Messrs. Reed, of Ward 3, and Hayes, of Ward 12, and the "true blue" Democrats placed in their seats are Messrs. Dillon and Mulholland. It was also on the programme to elect a new Presi dent, but the leaders lost tfieir nerve and adjourned before doing so. President Alien gained a point on them, however, by announcing his committees at the opening of the meeting, before anyone had a chance to interrupt. A TRUST IN PRISON GOODS. Tho Corner Corner In Brushes Extending Its Field of Operations. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TJIE DISPATCn.l Cleveland, January it. Through, a proposition made to the local Board of Workhouse Directors by C. C. Corner, of Columbus, O., it is learned that a trust has been formed to control the sale of allcommon or prison-made brushes in America. Corner offers to take the entire product of the labor of the workhouse and house of correction, and pay 21,000 a year over the present cost of production. This offer is made because the local institu tion is,mecting and underselling the combi nation in the market. A bid has been sub mitted in Writing, and the Board of Work house directors will pass upon it in a few da vs. The Corner trust already manufactures S7o0,000 worth of common brushes a year. The institutions controlled by it are the Albany Penitentiary, the Phila delphia House of Refuge, the Eastern Pennsylvania Penitentiary, of Cherry Hill; the House of Eefuge, of Morganza, Pa.; tha Boys' Industrial School, of Lancaster.Ohio, and the St. Louis Workhouse. The trust also controls large works employing free labor in Elmira and New York City. A DEAD WOMAN'S CHECK Presented InPaymcnt for a Horse Unenrtbs n Pension Fraud. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Baltimore, January 17. August Weaver and Catherine Miller were arrested to-day on the charge of conspiring .to de fraud the Government. A pension had been granted, some time ago, to Laura Weaver, of this city, and a check for 7,100 was sent here. Yesterday Mr. Joseph Friedberger, a horse dealer, called on the District Attor ney and said that a pension check for Sl,700 had been presented to him in payment for a horse purchased by August' Weaver, but that he declined to give the change until he had been satisfied that the check was good. An investigation followed, and it was found that Laura Weaver, for whom the check was intended, had died about a year ago. Weaver claims that Laura was his mother, and that the pension agent knew that she was dead when the check was issued. Cath erine Miller is charged with personating Laura Weaver. Thcvwere arraigned this afternoon before United States Commis sioner Rogers, and waived a hearing. , THE I0RKT0WX A GOOD ONE. Cramp & Sons Delighted With the New Government Cruiser. rSrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCn.l Philadelphia, January 17. William Cramp & Sons this morning, decided to give the new United States cruiser Yorktown another spin down thg river. The trip was an entirely unofficial one, and was made solely for the gratification of the builders, who desired to test a new grade of coal for tho furnaces. The only persons aboard ex cept the crew were William H. Cramp and Andrew D. Cramp. The vessel steamed slowly out of her dock, shortly after 8 o'clock, and, taking the center of the stream, was soon spinning along at a lively rate toward ship John Light, where she was put over the course a couple of times, very much to the satis faction of her 'builders, after which her nose was turned toward the shipyard. The official trial will be made in about two weeks. O HOUSES TO LET can reach the best tenants throuah the columns of THE DISFA TCIT. THREE CENTS M EAGLE SCREAMS .a, j "i TkV'ff Ifiacmft's Dinner. ar AN AMERICAS GATHEEDfa WhiclfEepresented aThonsand Mill ion Dollars of Capital. POLITICIANS H0TABLY AH Jiavinff ABSENT.' I John Jarrett Speaks on Protection American Labor. tU GENERAL HARRISON CONGRATULATED The American Protective Tariff Leagna held its first annual dinner yesterday, and it was a notable gathering of millionaires and manufacturers. The speakers dwelt on the beauties and benefits of protection, and congratulated themselves and President elect Harrison on the perpetuation of it principles. tPPECUL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. New Yoke, January 17. Everything was intensely American at the first annual dinner of the Amtrican Protective Tariff League at Delmonico's to-night. Even the bill of fare was almost entirely in the Amer ican language; the orchestra played Amer ican airs most of the time; the room was profusely decorated with the American col ors; the table ornaments comprised Amer ican designs in confectionery, and great banks of American roses and American ferns took the place of tropical plants. Among the 350 guests there was a very large representation of the very largest manufact urers in the United States. All parts of the country were represented, so that, in fact, New Yorkers seemed rather scarce. But it was distinctively an American gathering. At the head of the main table sat R. H. Ammidown, President of the League. With him were Warner Miller, Colonel Henry M. Hoyt, Colonel Legrand S. Cannon, John Jarrett, Hon. W. W. Morrow, Hon. Rufus S. Frost, Colonel J. P. Ransom, ex-Governor P. C. Cheney, of New Hampshire, Governor P. C. Loundsbury and the Hon. John C. Burroughs. The eight tables were respectively headed by Cornelius N. Bliss, C. A. Hats'horn, A. R. Whitney, John P. Porter, T. M. Ives, Mahlon Chance, Richard Campron and M. M. Endlong. A CONGEEGATION OF CENSUSES. Every guest saw printed on his menn a cut of the seal of the League, which is an exceedingly rampant American eagle with outstretched wings and indignant mien, as if to repel the slightest intimation of for eign importations. On a rough estimate there was a thousand millions of dollars of capital represented at the tables and the employers of a million American workmen. There was a noticeable absence of politi cians. President Ammidown welcomed th e guest3 as representative Americans. He rezretted the absence of the Hon. AVilliamMeKinley, of Ohio, and the Hon. Thomas B. Reed, of Maine, and Chauncey M. Depew, who were down for speeches. Mr. McKinley sent a telegram pleading official business, and Mr. Reed did the same, saying that we want not only the home market for American manu factures, but we want American manufac tures for the home market. Chauncey M. Depew sent a letter of apology in which he said : At the critical period the League came Into existence. It understood from the beginning that the fascinating generalities of free trade, which bad captured colleges and were pene trating schools, must be met bv a clear present ation of both theory and practice. It boldly and confidently challenged discussion, ana nailed its propositions upon the doors of th universities. A GREAT TICTOKT. The situation was critical and the peril great, but the League had made a gallant tight and won a great, but not decisive, victory. Tne enemy are alert and audacious; they have the devotion of propagandists and the fire of cru saders. They preach an industrial millenium for America in the revolution of its industries, and pray for the speedy death of manufacturers and millionaires that they may bear the resur rection trumpet and review the ghostly proces sion ot happy and more spiritual workers. The toast, "The Workingman's Interest in the Tariff," was responded to by Mr. John Jarrett, of Pittsburg. He said: The workingman's interest-in the tariff is ereat, because under its overshadowing influ ence and fostering care tho conditions have been established whereby our great natural re sources and advantages have been utilized to the extent they have been. One of the chief of these conditions is that of restricting or lim iting competition on the part of foreign pro ducers in our home market. American capital has thus been encouraged to embark in a diver sification of industries in manufactures and commerce, thus creating a market for Ameri can labor and securing to it increased and diversified employment. Limiting foreign com petitions in the home market has enabled the American workingman to demand and receive higher wages than is paid in any other country. EESULTS OF PEOTECTION. The result of higher wages has been to place tha social standing and progress of the work ingman far ahead, bis opportunities and ad vantages aro better, and his skill and intelli gence superior to these of any other country. I maintain that these conditions are chiefly the result of the last 28 years. It is an incontest able fact that the home", the dress, the table and other surroundings of the large mass of the British orking classes are hut very little better to-day than they were in I860. With the Ameri can working classes, however, a marked and apoarent progress has taken place th home, the dress, the table, and all their surroundings are very much improved. Another indication of the progress wrought under protection U Increased Mages and cheaper products. I will quote only a few instances. Take a ton of bar iron. In I860 the price of a ton of bars was $58; the wages of the puddler at Pittsburg was S3 50 per ton. Hence a puddler had to produce it tons of puddled bars to earn the pnee of a ton of finished bars. At present bars aie S48 per ton, and puddling at Pittsburg $5 30 per ton. Hence a pnddler has to produce out eight tons of puddled bars now to earn the price of a ton of bars. In England the price of a ton of bars equal in quality to ours is about f 6 10 or SI 20; the" puddler gets SI 73 per ton. Hence, in England a puddler has to produce IS tons of puddled bars to earn the price of a ton of bars. SOME COMPARATIVE FIGURES. If we. take the total wages paid to inside roll ing mill labor in producing a ton of bars from pig iron wo find that in England It amounts to S3 11 per ton and in this country to $13 96. Hence it requires the wages of six tons in En gland and three and a half tons m this country to be equivalent to the price of a ton ot bars. The wages of labor in this country is not only actually, but also proportionately, double the wages paid in England. The glass worker, thepotter, the tailor, tbeshoemaker and a large number of others alsoearn proportion ate! v double here that similar workmen e.irn in England. When did you ever hear of workingmcii, bona fide wage earners, appear before the Ways and Means Committee advo cating lower duties? On the other hand, dozens of committees representing largo bodies of wage earners, have been before that committee time and again; yes, every timo that measures have been introduced to reduce duties. This clearly indicates the interests of workingmen in tho tariff. Warner Miller's speech on the influence of the tariff on our commercial and shipping interests was a concise argument to prove Continued on Sixth Page. i one. . ' - ft-fe. &'.'.