Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 17, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Leading Features of Markets at the
East Liberty Yards.
Supply of Bulls Beyond Demand Sheep
and Lambs Steady.
"Wednesday, January 16. 18S9. J
The run of cattle on Monday was very
heavy, being close to 140 carloads, an excess
of 50 or more loads over the previous Mon
day. On Tuesday a half-dozen more loads
was received, giving a total so far this week
almost double that of last week. The run
this week has been the largest since the
middle of Xovember. The bulk of the re
ceipts have been medium grades, ranging
from 1,200 to 1,300 pounds in weight. Be
tween 700 and 800 head of common stock ar
rived from Chicago.
From 30 to 35 loads of heavy cattle, rang
ing from 1,400 to 1,000 pounds, are reported
among the receipts. "Very few low grade,
poor cattle are coming in from the country
this season as compared with former years.
Mild, spring-like weather and plenty of good
feeding is so far favorable t J quality of stock
showing up at markets. HeaTy weight cattle
are off 25c per 100 from last week's prices, and
light grades 10Q15c
All the dealers unite In reporting a very slow
market. Some 20 to 25 loads arc unsold, and
from present outlook mnst be sold at a sacri
fice. Among receiDts this week were Scar
loads of bulls, when the demands of the market
do not call for more than 2 loads. For a few
weeks past the supply in this line has not been
up to demand. This fact having been circu
lated far and wide, there comes at last such a
rush of bulls to market that prices hive fallen
from S3 25 to J2 50. with a goodh number un
sold at last accounts. Said a leading live stock
dealer: "I have not known for many years such
a sudden drop in prices of bulls as this week.
Somehow we are apt to have a feast or a
famine. For two or three weeks past the sup
ply of bulls was away below aemand. Is ow we
can hardly give them away."
Sheep and Lambs.
Monday's supply of sheep and lambs was
about double that of the two previous Mon
days, footing np between 25 and 30 loads. There
are still unsold three or four loads. Markets
ruled steady, by reason of favorable news from
UewYork, Monday and Tuesday, but to-day
gave signs of weakening. On Monday prices
were a shade better than last week, but the
situation is now reversed. Good sheep were
sold to-day at 4 40 which would have brought
H 50 yesterday. Holders ask S6 50 to $6 75 lor
the best lambs, but at last accounts were not
able to get their figures.
The market for both sheep and lambs is a
shade off from ruling prices a week ago, but
has held up remarkably well considering the
doubling up of receipts.
After the temporary break in the market for
hogs at the beginning of last week, caused by a
big run, prices rallied and held up well all
through the week. Holders became so firm in
their ideas of value that urders were sent out
to Chicago by a number of dealers. To-day
the Chicago supplies begin to come in, and as a
result prices are off 10 to 15c from those which
ruled for a few days past. There is still the
complaint of too many heaw weight hogs lor
the needs of the market. The mild weather
and abundant corn crop conspire to add an ex
tiaordinary amount of lard to porkers showing
up this season.
The farmer can get most for his corn By put
ting it into hogs. Last season the corn crop was
short, and hogs were shoved on the markets as
quickly as possible. Then heavy weights were
most in demand and brought the best crices.
Now the demand is alitor light weights, and on
this grade the best prices are obtained.
McCnll it Co.'s Report.
E. M. McCall t Co. in their weekly review
say: The receipts of cattle have been heavy for
this season. The market ruled very slow and
lower on all grades except good straight steers
weighing L000 to 1,100 pounds, which were
steady at last week's prices, while good to
prime may be quoted as very dull at a decline
of 25c per cwt, quite a number of the latter
grades are goingthrough in first hands. Wcgive
the following as ruling prices: Prime, 1,300 to
1.600 fts 51 404 80: good. 1,200 to 1.400 lbs., S)i
g4Vc: good, 1.000 to 1,200 B S3 604 00: rough
fat, 1,100 to 1.300 ts., S3 403 05; stockers and
feeders. S2 503 00; fat cows, bulls and heifers,
fully 50c per cwt. lower at 2 00Q3 00. mostly
2 50; tresh cows and springers, $2U 0010 00 per
The receipts of hogs have been liberal, and
the market ruled active. Monday, yesterday
and to-day, the supply was equal to the de
mand and the market slow. Prices, 20c lower.
Advices from the West show markets weak,
and the outlook at present is not favorable for
the ueek. We quote: Philadelphia?. $5 15
5 25: best light Yorkers, S5 255 35; heavy York
ers, S5 i05 23; roughs, 54 251 75.
The receipts of sheep Monday and Tuesdav
were fair, and tho market was firm at an ad
vance of 1525c over last week's closing prices.
IleceiDtsof lambs were rnnal tn thpripmanrt-
prices ruled slow and 1015c lower than last1
week, lo-uay s receipts were light and the I
market steady. We quote: Prime Ohio and
Indiana wethers, weiching here 110 to 120 fts,
S4 805 10 good wethers, 90 to 100 as, S4 60
4 90: fair to good mixed. So to 90 . S4 254 65;
common to fail, 70 to bo bs. 3 006:3 60; prime
lambs, 75 to 90 J.s, SO 00G 60; fair to good, 59 to
65 fts U 75g5 40; veal calves, 110 to 110 lis,
S6 256$ 75.
By Telecraptu
New YORK-Beeves Receipts, 2,000 head,
including 26 carloads for city slaughterers di
rect and 84 carloads for the market, and S car
loads of sale cattle were in the pens besides,
from previous arrivals. The market was dull
and lower for all below good and prime and
good cattle were barelv steady. Steers All
natives sold at J3 755 00 per 100 pounds; bulls
and dry cows at S2 103 30 with a few choice
bulls up to S3 75. Exports 50 beeves and 800
quarters of beef. Sheep Receipts 8,003 head
and LOO0 carried over yesterday; firm at strong
prices. Sales of common to best Slgfi per 100
pounds. Lambs rather dull; easier feeling and
downward tendency; ordinary to strictly prime
went at S6 40S7 75 per 100 pounds. Hogs
Receipts. 10.500 head, all for slaughterers direct;
pone offered alive; dull feeling; nominal value,
S5 25S5 75.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 2,500 head: ship
ments, 100 head; market slow; choice heaw
native steers. SI 40go 00; fair to good native
steers. S3 4D(ffi4 40: butchers' steers, medium to
choice. S3 ttit 00; stockers and feeders, fair to
good, S2 003 10; rangers, corn-fed. S3 00375;
grass-fed, S2OO3 00. Hogs-Receipts, 7,700
head; shipments. 500 head: market lower:
choice heavy and butchers' selections, S3 955 C5;
packing medium to prime. S4 SVSJ4 95; light
grades, ordinary to best, SI S55 00. Sheen
Receipts, 1,300: shipments 209 head; market
strong: fair to choice, $3 004 65.
Chicago Cattle KeceiDts. 11,000 head: ship
ments, 3,500 head: market weak and 10c lower;
choice to extra beeves. S4 75: stocker and
feeders, S2 103 25: Texas cattle, S2 1003 25
cows, bulls and mixed, SI 503 00. Hoes Re
ceipts 29.000 head; shipments, 6,000 head;
market weak and 5 to 10c lower: mixed. S4 S0
6 05: heavy, S4 S55 05; light S4 S55 05; skips,
S3 40g5 5. Sheep Receipts, 7.000 head; ship
ments 2.000 head: market stcadv; natives, $2 75
6o 00: Westerns, corn fed. S4 404 75; Texans.
S3 0C3 25; lambs $1 756 GO.
Buffalo Cattle Receipts, 1,500 head
through. 40 head sale: no demand; feeling weak
and tendency lower. Sheep and lambs Re
ceipts. 200 head through: 5,000 head sale;
market quiet and feeling weak: tendency
lower: nothing sold np to noon. Hogs blow
and 10c lower than Monday: receipts. 3,700 head
through. 9,000 head sale, mediums, $5 205 25;
Yorkers and pigs So 35.
Cmcrsv ati Hon weak and lower; common
and light S4 00g5 10: packing and butchers',
S4 855 00; receipts, 7,543 head; shipments 2.500
Ladles Sew Garments All Day for Home
opathic Hospitnl Patients.
About 60 ladies of the First Presbyterian
Church had a day of sewing yesterday in
the chapel on "Wood street Theie were four
sewing machines at work all day, beside
the ladies who tewed by hand. The ma
terial was donated by the ladies themselves,
and the articles made were for the benefit of
the patients in the Homeopathic Hospital.
Sents on Sale.
The sale of reserved seats for the News
boys' Home fund benefit performance be
gan yesterday in Kleber's music store,
COB "Wood street The event promises to be
a monster success
Asthmatic troubles and soreness of the
lungs or throat, are usually overcomeby Dr.
Jayne's Expectorant, a sure enrative for
TFbeat Dratornllzed by Unfounded Rumor
and Henvr Feeling Corn and Oati
Steady Pork nndLnrd Unet-
llcd and Pricee Irreenlnr.
CHicAGO.Jannary 16. Wheat was again fairly
active and prices ruled both higher and lower
than yesterday's closing. The market started
out very firm and about 1c higher than yester
day's closing, being a continuation of the firm
ness developed yesterday and the result of good
buying, possibly the greater part for covering
of shorts. Domestic markets all sympathized
with the advance, and all opened higher. But
the advance brought out considerable wheat,
and it was reported that parties who did the
buj ing yesterday were prominent in the selling
to-day. The offerings were sufficient to create
weakness, and changed the tendency of prices
downward. Prices settled back with numerous
fluctuations 1. This decline was partly as
sisted by rumors that tho Cincinnati .Price
Current would publish an article confirming
the agricultural report, and also by the report
of the "Winter Wheat Millers' Association.
Later the market became stronger on the re
ceipt of a dispatch from the editor of the Price
Current, in which he stated the exportable sup
plies of wheat for the next six months would
be about 20,000,000 bushels, of which 18,000,000
bushels was on the Pacific slope. Prices recov
ered H, and the closing was steadier and about
low er than yesterday.
Corn was moderately active and firmer early,
and later became quiet and easier. This, mar
ket opened c higher than the closing prices
yesterday, was firm and advanced IKc, but
later eased off lilc and closed about the same
as yesterday.
Oats were more active but steady, with about
the same range as yesterday.
An unsettled f eelinc prevailed in mess pork
and prices ruled nmewnat irregular. Opening
sales were at 25c advance, but with slightly
increased offerings the market weakened and
prices gradually receded 17K20c Later the
market ruled steadier and prices rallied 12$
15c and closed comparatively steady.
Considerable interest was manifested in lard
and an unsettled feeling prevailed. Early a
few sales were made at 25c advance, nut
offerings being liberal a weaker feeling set in
and prices were reduced 1015c Toward the
close the feeling was steadier again, and-prices
rallied 25c and closed quiet.
Rather a quiet feeling prevailed in short ribs
and prices ruled irregular. Early sales were
made at 2c advance, but the market weak
ened and prices receded 710c Toward the
close the market was steadier and prices rallied
2M5c and closed quiet.
The leading futures ranced as follows:
Wheat So. 2. January, 97K97K695V
93Jc; February, PftSWc: May, SI 01K1 01?4
9cSl 00; July. SJ3K93VyiK91Jkc.
Cork No. 2 Januarv, 3333kSft33Vc:
March, 35K35c: May, 36?i63dK3b5&c
Oats No. 2 January. 24c: February, 21
24c: May. 27iZi&nfi&7c
Mess Pork, per bbl Januarv, $12 80;
March, $12 90Q12 DO; May, 813 17K13 l'ii
12 97K13 12H.
Lard per 100 fis. January, $7 007 0OS6 95
6 H7K: March, $7 17KQ7 177 02K6" 05;
May,7 27K7 307 157 17
Short Ribs, per 100 its. Januarv. f6 65
6 67K0 C50 GTii: March. S 808 9036 70
0 75;TkIay. So" 906 906 S0g6 85.
Cash quotations were as follows: Flour,
steady and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat,
9o95Wc; No. 3 spring wheat. bOS7c: No. 2 red,
y5aJ5iic. No. i corn. S3JJC No. 2 oats, 24
24Mc No. 2 rye, 47c No. 2 barley, nominal.
No. I flaxseed, ;i 63. Prime timothy seed, SI 58.
Mess pork, per barrel. S12 80. Lard, per 100
lbs. $7. Short ribs sides (loose). SO 70. Dry
salted shoulders (boxed). J6 256 37. Short
clear sides (boxed). S7 127 25. Sugars Cut
loaf. 7JiSc:cTanuIatcd, 7c; standard "A,"
7c Receipts Floor. 13.000 barrel'; wheat, 18,000
bushels; corn, 181,000 bushels: oats. 102.0UO bush
els: rye, 7,000 bushel: barley, 9.1,000 bushels.
Shipments Flour, 8,000 barrels; wheat. 8.000
bushels: corn. 87,000 bushels: oats. 70.000 bushels;
rye, 5.000 bushels; barley, 45.000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was dull and weak; fancv creamerv,
2025c; choice to fine, 1825c; fine dairies, 16
18.": good to choice. ll12c Eggs steady at
New York Flour Receipts. 1S.807 pack
ages, 8,484 barrels, 12,791 sacks: market gener
ally easy, with moderate trade; sales. 15,350
barrels. Wheat Receipts. 16.550 bushels; ex
ports, 37 bushels; sales, 2.176,000 bushels fut
ures, S.UOQbushels spot: spot market unsettled,
closing weaker with options dull; No. 2 red,
9fi97c. elevator: No. 3 red. 91c; No. 1 red,
SI 07; N o. 1 white. SI 00: No. 2 Chicago, nominal;
options less active, irregular, lower; opened 1c
higher, declined fiQltic, and closed weak at
c under vesterday; N o. 2 red, January closing
at 9fc; February, 97S98KC, closine at 97Kc;
March, 98-g99';c closing at 9ic; Mav,
SI 01Ji102H. closing at SI OIK: June, SI 00
1 02, closing at SI O0J; December. 953i97ic
closing OiJtc Barley heaw. quiet; No. 1 Can
ada, 87&)c No. 2 do. 85S7c Barley, malt
quiet Corn Receipts, H5.S0O bushels; exports,
211.295 bushels; sales, 432,000 bushels futures.
174.000 bushels spot; spot market moderately
active, stronger; No. 2 44'444?c in elevator.
4546o afloat; No. 2 white, 45c; No. 3, 30
40-Xc: ungraded Tmixed.S916c; steamer mixed,
UliWKc; options steady, fairly active; Jan
uary. 44j44c closing at 41Kc; February,
4154IKc closing at Uc; March. 45K45?c,
closing at45Kc: May. 451i45!4cclosingat45Kc;
steamer mixed. February, 42c Oats Re
ceipts, 23.000 bushels: exports 417 bu'hels;
sales, 115,000 bushels lutures, 139,000
bushels spot; spot market more ac
tive. USKc: Mav. 32c: cloelno- t
32JJc: spot No. 2 white, S4Hs45ic;
mixed western, 2S32e; white do., 3340c; No. 2
Chicago, 32c. Hay steady and quiet
Iioiw firmer and in better demand.
Coffee Options opened steady and unchanged
and 510 points above vesterdav; dull:
sales. 33,500 baps. including January.
1540c; Februarv. 15.35c: March. 15.25ffil5.3ik-
April, IS.25ai5.30e: May, 15.3015.35c: June,
Jo-Soc; July, laSSla 40c; August, 15.4015.45c;
oepieraDer. in.iaouc; uctoDer. io.5iJc: Jc-
vember. 15.5715.b0c: spot Rio quiet: fair car
goes, lc fencar Raw nominal: refined dull;
C, 6c: extra C, 6c: white extra C, 65-16Gc:
yellow. 5J7r; off A. 6i6Kc; moldA,7Kc;
standard A, GKc: confectioners' A, 6J,'8c: cut
loaf; crushed, 8c: powdered, 7Jir; pran
ulated. 7c; cubes, Tc Molasses
Foreign nominal: New Orleans dull;
open kettle, prime to choice, S015c
Rice more active and firm. Cottonseed oil un
settled and weak. Tallow depressed and dull
Eggs quiet and weaker; western, 17K18c;
receipts, 2.871packagcs. Cutraeats slow; pickled
bellies 7Jii?7Jc; pickled hams 10c; pickled
shoulders. CJc Middles dull. Lard dull, but
steadv: western steam, S742Kspot. and $7 40
c and f.; city. $7 05; options .Sales 5500 tierces;
January. S7 4G: February, $7 45: March, S7 45
747. closing at $7 47; April, 7 48, closing at
74&May, J7 50ff7 60. closing at S7 52; June.
S7 52: Jnly. S7 53 bid; August S7 53bid; Septem
ber. S7 53 bid. Butter dull and easier: western
dairy, 1420c: do creamery. 16fi8Jc: Kleins, 27c
Cheese strong and in fair aemand; western, 11
St. Louis Flour easy and unchanged.
Wheat opened firm and advanced JiKc, but
later prices broke and closed Ha below yester
day; No. 2 red. cash. 93JJ91c: February. 94JJ
95c. closing at 9in nominal: Mav. 96J98Kc
closing at 9C9Gc; June. WA4c closing
at 93&c asked: July. S5S7c, closing at 85Kc;
Angust 84c nominal. Corn hie:her most of
the session, but closed easier: No. 2 cash, 29JJ
29c; February, 29Jo asked and closed
at 29?c bid; March. SOJimic; Mav.
3232'c closing at 32c Oats" firm;
No. 2 cash. 2Kc bid; Mav, 27a
Rye and barley neglected. The latter could
hardlv be sold at 5c decline Bnrrcinc weak at
1012c Iron cotton ties SI 201 25. Pro
visions dull and weak, with onlv a jobbing
trade. Pork, S13 13 25. Lard, S6 80. Dry salt
meats Loo-e shoulders S6 00: longs and ribs,
$6 75; short clear. 56 95. Bacon Shoulders,
S6 75: loncs S7 507 75: ribv S7 807 85; short
clear. $7 95. Hams S1012 25.
Baltimore Wheat Western. 92393c;
Febnnry, 931493K'": March, 9593Vc:' April
96K9lc; May, 97ffi98c Corn-Western
steady; mixed spot 41l41Jf;c: February. 415
fi41Jc: March. 42?42J;;c; steamer, spot 39Jc
Oats qmet and about steady; graded. No. 2
white, 33c asked. Rye dull but steady at 59
60c Provisions dull at the declines Butter I
very ami; western pack-ea. lSBiec: creamery,
arrivals poor quality, lS26c Eggs steady at
CINCINNATI Flour steady. Wheat dull; No.
2 red. SI 0L Receipts, 400 bushels; shipments
3,000 bushels Corn firm; No. 2 mixed, 35Uc!
Oats quiet and steidv at 27Jg2Se. Rye easy
No. 2, 5555Kc Pork dull at $13 50. Lafd
steadv at 57. Bulkmeats dull and lower; short
rib. $6 87K07 00. Kacon quiet and steadv;
short clear, SS 37. Butter dull. Sugar quiet
Cheese steady.
Milwaukee Flour qniet and unchan"ed.
Wheat easier; cash. 8S5o; May, ajUc: July
82J. Corn steady; No. 3,31c Oats dull; No. 2
Toledo Clovcrsecd lower: cash, $5 30; Feb
ruary. $5 32&; March. JS 37.
Kletnl Markets.
St. Louis Lead Dull: refined, S3 tiO.
New York Pig Iron firm. Copper unsettled
and heavy: Lake. January, S17 15. Lead Arm
and quiet; domestic, 3 87f. Tin dull and eas
ier: straits 521 75; plates firm and quiet Spelter
unchanged: domestic, 5 05. On 'Change, sales
25,000 barrels g. m. b. copper, February, $15 75.
Wool Markets.
St. Loots Wool steady: bright medium, 19
2Sc: coarse braid, 1222c; low sandy, ll18c;
rme lieht, 1723; fine heavy, 13Q19; tub-washed.
Wldaky Marker.
The ruling rate is SI 03 at points of produc
tion. The demand Is steady to active.
Valuable Property Handicapped by
Inefficient Drainage.
The Festive Bears Knock All the Life Oat
of the Petroleum Market.
"Do you know that one of the greatest
drawbacks to portions of the East End for
residence purposes is bad drainage, or rather
no drainage at all?" said a Homewood
Crasus yesterday. The Dispatch repre
sentative intimated that he had beard some
thing of the kind, but asked for particulars.
Crasus continued: "I refer particularly to
Homewood, Brurhton, Park Place and
"Wilkinsburg. At all of these places the
most of the land is low and flat. After
every rain or snow the ground is covered
with from one to three inches of water, and
it remains there until it soaks into
the earth or is removed by
exhalation There Is no chance for it to run
on. xo maice tne situation worse, tne ncignuor-
ing hills act as a conduit for the watershed, of
which they form the barrier.and pour floods of
water over the valley after every rain or thaw.
The consequence is that citizens of those lo
calities are compelled to wade through mnd
for about nine months in the year. Gum boots
aro in greater demand than shoeblacks."
Further on he adverted to this aqueous inflic
tion upon the general health in the localities
indicated, and remarked;
"A large number of the citizens use well
water. It is generally almost generally bad.
Owing to the flattish topography of the ground
surface water cannot be excluded. It gets into
the wells despite every effort to keep it out
This renders it impure and unwholesome. In
many cases the water is boiled before using,
but this is troublesome and is often nezlected.
The serious effects of drinking water impreg
nated with surface impurities is known to
everybody who has paid any attention to the
matter. It is a fruitful source of typhoid and
kindred ailments. All of the places mentioned
suffer more or less from those diseases every
year. Ten years 'ago Wilkinsburg was almost
decimated by typhoid, originating from impure
water. All this comes from lack ot drainage,
which, in addition to poisoning the water,
renders a considerable area of otherwise good
land practically worthless"
The abdvo statements were corroborated by
other authorities; but it is only just to add that
the citizens are fully alive to the inconven
iences and dangers pointed out by Mr. Croesus
and are doing all they can as individuals to
remedy the evils But until a general system
of drainage is entered upon no material im
provement can be expected. This would ad
vance tho varac of property at Benwood and
Brushton from 25 to 50 per cent and scarcely
less in the low-lying districts of Wilkinsburg
and Park Place.
Stocks Firm, With No Disposition to Damp
Them on the Market.
There were more inquiries for stocks than re
sponses at both of the calls at the Exchange
yesterday, indicating a firm feeling and no
danger of an immediate reaction. Gas and
electric were in good demand. There was more
talk about La Noria than had been heard for
some time. There was some bidding for bank
stocks but none was offered. Bids and offers
STOCKS. Bid. Asked
Allefchcnv National Bank - 60
Diamond National Bank V
Freehold Bank 49
(ierraan National Bank 140
Ileal Estate Man and Trust Co 71 ....
Allecheiiv Gas Co. (Ilium.) 36 ....
Cliartlcrs Valley Gas Co 57
Natural Gas Co., TV. Va 55 59
Ohio VallcrGasCo 34
Phllarlrlplila Gas Co S9 TO
Wheeling Gas Co WH 20.
Citizens' Traction 3H
Pittsburg Traction 59
I,aNoria3IlnIneCo v ljj
ivesungnouse ueciric .t 3 as
National Insurance Co
Chartlers Valley Gas Co
Natural Gas Co. of V. Va.
Philadelphia Co
Wheclinc Gas Co
Tuna Oil Co
"Washington Oil Co
Citizens' Traction
Pittsburg Traction
La Noria illnlnp Co ,
Allegheny County Electric
East End Electric
tVcstlnchouse Electric
Union Switch and blgnal Co
. 53
. 39
. 23K
'. 'z"
The sales in the forenoon included 75 shares
La Noria at 1, 75 Westinzhouse Electric 36,
2o shares Philadelphia Gas 89. Under the title
'sales" in the afternoon was the significant
word "goose egg." It told the whoie story.
There had been no business.
A Peculiar Condition of Business ai Illns
trnted nt the Bnnka.
"The money market presents at least one cu
rious feature," said a Fourth avenue financier
yesterday evening. ''In former Presidental
contests there was a falling off in business be
fore the election. Capitalists were governed by
their doubts and were slow to invest until
they saw how the cat jumped in other words
until they knew the result This season sees a
reversion of the custom. Banks were busy as
they could be all through September and Octo
ber, and not until a few days before the ballots
were cast was there any perceptible diminution
in tho volume of transactions. Everybody who
had money interests at stake seemed confident
that protection would triumph, and kept right
along as if there was nothing unusual going on.
Since the election, however, business has been
comparatively slack. At least, we have not
been crowded."
"How do you explain this change of base?"
"I hardly know, except upon the theory that
all things come out about even in the end. It
maybe further accounted for by the law of
supply and demand. This time a large amount
of business was transacted before the election
that is usually put off until after it takes place.
It is, I presume, nothing more than the natural
reaction from flush to easy times. Don't un
derstand me as complaining. Times are good
better than at the same time last vear but
scarcely tip to what we expected. However,
there will be an improvement before long.
Everything points to a prosperous year."
The total sales of stocks in New York yes
terday, were 217,998 shares including: Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western, 44,220; Erie,
21.201; Lake Shore, 8,579; Missouri Pacitic,
9.295; Northwestern, 6,130; Northern Pacific
preferred, 3,500; Oregon Transcontinental, 7.170;
Reading, 38,600; Richmond and West Point 3.
825; St PauL 30,228; Western Union, 16,870,
Money Gets Into Ono of It Pcrlodlcnl
Rata An Explanation.
or .. I. 1. ... .. J..1t ..tj -r imni
T ' J ,i7 p ', T i vT . .?
Rosebur of Tthe Bank ot Pittsburg, yesterday
afternoon. "It gets that way occasionally.
especially in the middle of the week when
there are few accounts to liquidate. To-morrow
and for tho rest of the week It will be all
right The checks are only temporary. So far
our business since January 1 has been larger
than during the same period last year."
Other banks reported an average amount of
checking and discounting. Holders of good
collateral find no difficulty in securing accom
modations. Kates on loans may be quoted at 5
6g7. the former being exceptional and only
on gilt-edged paper. Exchange and currency
wero easier, showing a good supplv ot tho
former. Clearing House figure show: Ex
changes $2,145,895 49; balances $378,410 8S.
Money on call in New York yesterday was
easy at 23 per cent It was offered at 2W at
the close, Prime mercantile paper was 4
Bonds closed in New York yesterday; U. S.
4s registered, 12o IT. R. 4s. coupon, 126 U.
8., 4ls registered. 10SJ6 U. S. 4Ks coupon,
10S3S; Pacific & of '95, 119.
New Yoek Clearings $129,365,870; balances
Boston Clearings $18,873,807; balances $1.
710,653. Money. 2 per cent
Baltimore Clearings, 52,307.861; balances
PHILADELFHIA-Clearings, $14,434,317: bal
ances $1,901,742.
Chicago Money weak; on call, 5 per cent;
time loans 77K per cent. Bank clearings
St. Loots Clearings, $3,105,069; balances
Mining Stocks.
New Yobk, January 16. Mining stocks
closed: Amador, 175; Caledonia. 290; Consoli
dated California and Virginia, $9; Gould and
Curry, 810; Hale and if orcross 525; Homestake,
1225; Iron Silver. S15; Mutual, 140; Ontario,
8250: Plymouth, 825; Savace, 320; Sierra. Nevada,
350;,Unlon Consolidated, 310:Yellow Jacket, 4S0.
The Beit Oil Sharp Unable to Throw Light
on the Situation.
, Except for an hour or two in the morning
business on the Petroleum Exchange yesterday
was very tame. The opening price, 85Jc, as
against BBia on Tuesday, disclosed the dom
inating influence to be decidedly bearish. New
York bought and Oil City sold. Pittsburg did
neither to amount to anything. Sales were
made at fluctuations of two or three points.
There was nothing to attract outsiders
From the lowest point, 86c, there was a
spurt to 86Jc some trading being done in the
meantime. This little diversion soon ceased,
hon ever, and the market lapsed into a condi
tion of quietude seldom experienced on tho
floor of the Exchange For about two hoursin
the afternoon not a single trade was effected.
Toward the close there was more animation,
but prices did not improve. The final figures
were 85Kc, Vc above the close ot Tuesday, but
with a weak feeling and a large element of un
certainty as to the future.
No one seems competent to give an explana
tion of the condition of the market Each
operator has his theory, and no two of them
agree Some think the producers' millions are
at the bottom of the trouble. Some lay itto
tho secret workings of the Standard. Others
hold that somebody is doing some heavy dump
ing, but whero or how they don'tknow. It is a
time for guessing, and the best guessers will be
The onenine was 85ic: highest SSJSc; lowest
S5Kc: closed, 85c Tuesday's clearings 2,
814,000. A. B. McGrow quotes puts 84?t & calls
Tne following tabie, corrected by llo "Witt 1)11
worth, broker In petroleum, etc., corner I'lfth
avenue and Wood street Pittsburg, shows the
order of fluctuations, etc. :
Time. Bid. Ask. Time. Bid. Ask.
Opened E5t Sa's 12:45 P. St.... MM 85?
10:15A. M.... 85X S5H l:0OP. M... S5X 85H
10:30 JU If.... ; S3k 1:15 P. at.... 85M
10:45A. M.... M!4 85 130P, M.... S5U 85i
11:00A. M.... KH biV 1:45 P. X.... MM 85H
llilSA. M.... tili S5S 2:00F. M.... S5!i S5
11:30 A. it.... &3W &H ::15P. 11.... 85M 834
U:5ju a.... Sii SoH i:30T. it.... S.VA t&H
12:0OM 85 85S 2:45 P. II.... 85 H 8o)
12:13 P. M.... &i S5H Closed &5K ....
12:30 P. M.. 85X &S?j
Opened. S5c:
highest 63Ho; lowest 85c:
, 47,920
"'""''1 4L0U
closed, BJjt.
Dslly runs ,
Average runs
Dally snipments ,
Average shipments
Ualiv charters ,
Average charters
New York closed at S5Hc
Oil city closed at S5c.
Bradford closed at S5f e.
Jew York, rerinert. Tc
London, renned. 6,Si.
Antwerp, resned. la.r.
- 103,174
..- S3,79
Taylorstovrn Bulletin.
TaylokstowN, January 16. Huston No. 1
is in the sand and has already made several
flows although only one bit in the sand.
Caldwell & Marsh gave their No. 3 Crothers
well 15 quarts to which she responded nicely.
Conckle & Morrisy have recovered the tool at
Robert Noble No. 2, for which they have
been fishing about two months. Carson
3 is down 1,000 feet. Donaliey 2 has
been tubed and is doing 60 barrels.
"W. "Werrick No. 1, near the Crothers and
Thompson line, struck the iand late yesterday,
and for first bit showed no oil.
Sixty drilling wells are in operation and 20
ready to start. Five wells will start this week.
Flack No. 2 struck sand and Is showing up for
a nice well. The tools are in the hole at James
Hodgens, Jr., No. 2, and a loug fishing job Is
Other Oil Markets.
Bradford, January la Opened, 8514c; high
est, 85c: lowest, 85c: closed. 85c
Oil. CITY. Jannary 16. Opened, 85ci high
est, 85c; lowest, S5c; closed, c5c
Txtusviixs. January 16. Opened, 85c;
highest, S5Kc: lowest, 85c; closed, 85c.
New "Soek, January 16. Petroleum was
dull and fluctuations were confined within a
range of Kc The opening was steady at
&c, and alter a slight advance the market
reacted to opening fljrures, but slowly recovered
and closed firm at85c Sales 513,000 barrels.
Xo Let Up in tho lnqnirlcs for Ileal Estate
Iinporlnnt Deals on tho String.
There was considerable snap iu the real
estate market yesterday, but it cropped out
more in the direction of Inquiry than sales
As usual, a nnmber of important deals were re
ported on the string. Nothing furtber'could
be learned about the "Wood street transfer.
There were rumors about It, but they were con
sidered unreliable. From all that could be
learned it is probable the transaction has not
been entirely closed up.
Samuel W. Black t Co. sold a piece of prop
erty in Scwickley, corner of Peebles and Clark
streets to James C. McKown at a price ap
proximating So.600. They are having quite an
inquiry for property in Sewickley and along
the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Rail
road. John F.Baxter sold lot No. 43 Bank of Com
merce addition extended, Brushton station,
frontage of 50 feet on Baxter street by 150 to a
20-foot alley, to Henry Kettelmann for S550.
Black & Baird sold to A. C. Blackmore, for
Conrad F. Ahlers, a lot on the north side of
Lytle street. Hazelwood. in the Ahlers' plan of
lots, being 25xil9 feet, for S875 casb. They also
sold a similar lot in the same plan to Harry
McClure for $875.
"Dixon & Co. sold an eight-room brick bouse
on Scott street, lot 24x100 feet, for $3,000. They
also placed a mortgage on Penn avenue prop
erty for $400 at 6 per cent.
James W. Drape & Co. closed a sale yester
day of a dwelling house of six rooms, and two
lots, 48x120 feet, on Wilson avenue, Allegheny,
for 3,000.
The firm of Samuel W. Black & Co.. 99 Fourth
avenne, sold a mortipico for S500 on Sewickley
property, for three months, at 6 per cent.
Reed B. Coyle & Co. sold to Mrs. McCrea a
lot on Kelley street, Homewood, Pennsylvania
Railroad, size 25x13a, for $100 cash. They also
placed a morteage on Allegheny City property
for 2,500 for three years at 6 per cent.
A Pressure to Sell Provei Fatal to Prices
London a Free Bayer The Conl
ers Lead the Downward
New York, Jauuary 16.-The stock market
was again moderately active to-day, but it
shows the effects of the recent liquidations.
The general bullish feeling, especially on the
foreigners, kept the market firm during the
afternoon, but later the pressure of stocks for
sale for both accounts knocked the entire list
off materially. London was a liberal buyer at
the opening, and considerable demand for
stocks existed, especially in the Grangers and
trunk lines
St, Paul was tho feature on a report of a
heavy increase of the earnings. The Coalers
were the weak spot, Lackawanna leading. The
liquidation of long accounts was resumed, and
pressure of short sales was added. Among the
specialties Chicago Gas Trust was especially
weak, sympathizing closely with Cotton Oil,
which made a further drop on a very large bus
iness The market closed quiet but weak at
about the Ion est figures. Chicago Gas Trusts
declined 2 Lackawanna VA. Missouri Pacific
and Michigan Central each .
The railroad bond market was less active.
Erie seconds furnished $275,000 to the day's
total business, followed by the Reading fours,
with 242.000, the firsts 130,000 and the seconds
with $122,000. The tone was strong, but the
movement was not so marked as usual of late,
and important changes are few. Big Four
fours rose 2. to 9G; Erie seconds IX, to 99, and
r,ne iunuea uves z, to iy.
The following tablo shows the prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected daily for The Dispatch by "Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenne:
Open- High- Low.
ing. est est.
Am. Cotton Oil 50
Atch.. Top. ft b. F.. 54M
Canadian Pacific
Canada Southern 52Vf
Central of New Jersey. SSU
Centra! Pacific J6K
0., Bur. & Qulncy Ill
C, Sill, ft St. Paul... 65
C, Mil. & St. P.. pr...,105X
C, Kockl. ft P 99X
(X, St. L. ft Pitts
Cbt. L. 4 Pitts, pf.
(i,St. P.,M. &0 33M
C.,St. P.,M.ftO pr. 94
C. 4 Northwestern. ...1CSX
C& Northwestern, pf. ....
U. C. C ft 1.... i. 59
Col., Coal ft Iron...... 30K
Col. ft Hocking Vat .. 25
Del., L. &W itH
Del. ft Hudson 133K
E. T Va. &Oa tw
E.T.,Va. ftUa., lstpf ..."
E. T., Va. ft Qa. 2d pf. ....
Illinois Central 11BK
Lake Erie ft Western.. 16K
Lake Erie ft "West. pr.. 52H
Lake Shore ft M. 8 102H
Louisville ft Nashville. 57 fi
Michigan Central ts6S
Mobile ft Ohio
Mo., X. ftTexas
Missouri Pacific
ing. 4S
Wi 54), 54
62'4 52 SI!
W& 7K Siii
361$ X 34
HI HOW 110
654 HH 64(
Ittrs 105 106U
100 83X i$
& m m
94 94 83)
108 103 108
m is 5s
26" 25H 25 X
uih i.i)4 ih
133H 132 i 133
!),' 94 e
liM lisK ill
1I HJJ 16K
52 62, 52S
K2U 1021 T.i
57 iVi 67W
M S5tf S2
iiii m nx
x. r i,. e. a v
. 7XH
N. Y., li. E. St W.pref 63tf
n. I., U. St Li
N.V., C&Bt. L. pf.
N.Y., C.4StL.2dpf40
M.YtM. E 43)4
H. Y., O. & W
Norfolk St Western
Norfolk St Western, pf SU
Northern Pacific 28
Northern Pacific pref. 6H
Ohio A Mississippi..... 22M
Oregon Improvement
Orcjton Transcon 31
Pacific Mall 36!4"
Peo. Dec & Kvans 24
Phlladel. & Beading.. 49M
railman Palace Car...l82H
Richmond & W. P. T.. 23
Richmond & W.P.T.pf 80
fet. Panl&Dalnth 40
Bt. Paul DUuth pf.
lit P., Minn. & Man. .103
BUI,. ASan Fran SI
St. L,. St San Fran pf.. 66
St. L. ft San F. 1st pf.114
Texas Pacific Sti
Union l'aclflc C5
Wabash '
"Wabash preferred S5
"Western Union M,',"
Wheeling & h. K 81
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks fur
nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers No. 57
Fourth avenne.
jucmuers neir
York Stock Ex
Pennsylvania Kallroad hi
Beading Railroad 1 5-15
benign valley 54M
Lehigh .Navigation 51
Northern Pacific 25
Northern Pacific preferred 60
Business Notes. .
The new quarters of the Allegheny Safe 'De
posit Company have been completed. The
building is supposed to be burglar-proof.
About April 1 the Keystone Bank will begin
a building for itself on the lot just above the
Citizens' Insurance Company's block on Fourth
A PrnsBtnto grain firm yesterday received
a letter from San Joaquin, Cat. "Wheat was 12
inches high. They had had two frosts, and con
sidered the winterbroken.
Ownro to the non-arrival of Mr. Llgget from
the East, yesterday, the meeting of real estate
men to take action on the Exchange project
was postponed. Due notice of the time will be
There will be a special meeting of the Ex
change on Saturday next at thejclose of the
stock call, to consider the petition of certain
members to amend the by-laws touching the
powers and duties of the Room Committee.
The Iron City Gold Mining Company has
elected the following Board of Directors: T.
S. Irwin, Thomas Brown. Erastus "Wilson,
George A'exander, C. F. Ingham, George D.
McGrew, Peter "Walters Jr., David McFerron
and Henry A. Spangler.
The stockholders of the Independent Nat
ural Gas Company, of Sewickley, have elected
the following Board of Directors: J. Morton
Hall. D. W. Murray, A. P. Lvon, J. M. Ban
man D. C. Herbst, F. Osborn, L. A. Miller, E.
C'Niel, a Chamberlain,
Captain Barbour did the honors at the
Exchange yesterday with his customary grace.
He attended the meeting of the constitutional
reformers, Tuesday afternoon, to consider tho
outlook of the bill now before the Legislature.
He says it is in good shape, and thinks it will be
Mb. George J. Gorman has been chosen
President of the Mechanics' National Bank, to
flU the vacancy caused by the death of the late
"William Carr. Mr. Samuel C.'Applegate was
unanimously nominated cashier. His formal
election will go over, under the laws, until next
Yesterday's bond offering aggregated $640.-
New York wants to spend 52,000,000 on street
United States Minister Phelps will return
to this country on the 31st inst
Anthony Higgins was elected United States
Senator by the Delaware Legislature yester
day. At the annual meeting of tho trnatees nf
(Racine College, held yesterday, Right Kev. W.
t. jucuaren, .Bisnop oi inicago, was elected
Yesterday morning Tom Angus, a backman,
shot and killed Bradley, a celebrated profes
sional base ball catcher. It is said there is a
woman at the bottom of the affair.
The Emperor of Germany slightly wounded
a citizen while out shooting yesterday. He
apologized properly and invited the injured
man to visit him when he got well.
Mr. Bagley, of Virginia, was refused liie In
surance because he had been bitten by a Spitz
dog. Bagley wrote to Dr. Pasteur, who replied
that the bite of a healthy dog was harmless.
All Republican members of both branches
of the Arkansas Legislature have held a meet
ing and adopted a resolution unanimously
recommending General Powell Clayton for
Cabinet position.
"William Rind, 53 years old, was fonnd near
his home, on East Fifty-thirdstieet,New York,
yesterday, nnder the influence of liquor, and
wiw ms mroat cut. xae ouiy imormation be
could give was that he had been cnt by two
men. He will die.
The west-bound passenger train on the
Little Rock and Fort Smith road ran into a
slide one wile from Ozark yesterday. The
whole train was wrecked, and the engineer, "W.
A. Voss, buried beneath the wreck. The fire
man and a number of others were seriously in
jured. At a meeting of the directors of the Union
Pacific Railway, held in Boston Saturday, Ed
win F. Atkins was elected a director in place of
Elisha Atkins, deceased; P. Spanlding Jin place
of M. I). Spauldlng and J. H. Millard, of Oma
ha, in place of Ezra H. Baker. President
Adams made an address in which be spoke in
high terms of the deceased directors.
The United States Court at Philadelphia is
considering a suit against James Lee & Son for
importing contract labor from England. Coun
sel for Lee t Son claim that the men over the
engagement of whom the dispute is waged were
employed to perform work in introducing a
class of goods that bad never been maim,
factured in this country before, and that snch
employment came within the exception intend
ed by the law.
Late advices from Costa Rica regarding the
earthquake of December 30 last, briefly men
tioned in the cable dispatches a snort time
ago, say the shocks wero the most Severe ex
perienced since 18S2. In San Jose both the
national capitol and the magnificent Cathedral-fronting
the public square, which re
quired ten years or labor to erect, at an ex
penditure of $1,000,000. are in ruins. The Presi
dental palace, city ball, national postoffice
and a dozen other public buildings are almost
For two weeks past the demi-monde of St
Louis have been persecuted by a letter writer,
who signs himself 'The Seer." He has been
threatening them with physical and moral de
struction of the most ttery character, and the
women by the score have been appealing to the
police for protection. Not only did he threaten
them with swift judgment from on high, but
said he would call around and do a little "Jack
the Kipper" business. The Chief of Polico has
SO of these letters in his possession, and yester
day, after a long hnnt, ran down "The Seer,"
who proved to be a religious crank. His name
is William Brennan. A woman was arrested
with bim.
are; intend Itcblnc
and fttlnclnjci moatat
night; "womc by
noratrlilnx. If nl
Q lowed to continue
(amors lorm una
becoming Very ore. SWAYJSE'S OlAT.
JIKST atop the itching and bleeding, heals
ulceration, and tn moiit cjismi rcmoYeA the tn.
mors. Swim's Oistmot is sold bj dratgisu, or asilcd to
nj s4iR!i on recrlpt of price, M eti. box ; I boxes, 1J5.
Address letters, DR. SU'ATNE k SOS, Philadelphia, Ps.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week in
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
No. 410 Smithfield St.
CAPITAL,- - . $300,000 00.
JAMES P. SPEEB, Vice Prest
juiux a; axEJSiJ, uasnier.
New York Central.',
iiuui. i'.oiujjvwuior, ivitwnjiKiwv.iji:LiVYtauvuiu,ooibw;iWiiiViJunfyllJ.lKi, j H00-Jt01-i'3UWJi -' JB
No Recovery From Depression' in
Butter and E?g Markets.
The Quality of Corn and Oats Received Not
v Up to Standard.
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch,
Wednesday, Jannary 16, 18S3. J
Co on try Produce, Jobbing Prices.
There are no signs of recovery from the long
continued depression in butter and eggs. The
Elgin board on Monday was compelled to recog
nize the situation by another drop, and price
there is now 26c Choice nearby eggs in single
cases bring 19c and 20c, but go slowy at these
figures. Some dealers quote the range of prices
from 16c to 18c. Cold storage eggs are a drug
on markets, and holders would be glad to come
out somewhere near whole. Cheese loses
nothing of its firmness. Apples and potatoes
give no signs of improvement. So many over
ripe apples are being forced on to markets at
nominal prices that the trade in this line is de
moralized. Produce commission men And it
hard to submit to the balmy weather. "The
best laid schemes o' mice and men gang aft
a' glee," Burns said, and the commission men
who laid in large stocks of potatoes, cabbage
and. onions in the fall at what was then con
sidered remarkably low prices, now in mid
winter have a practical demonstration of the
truth of Burns1 aphorism.
Beans Navy from store, primehandpicked,
S2 002 10 per bushel; medium, 2 00; Ohio and
Pennsylvania do, prime and medium, f2 U)
2 10; imported do. SI S02 00: Lima, 5c per fi;
marrowfat, $2 7S2 80 per bushel.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 2830c: Ohio do,
2127c: fresh dairy packed, 2023c: country
rolls, 1822c; Chartlers Creamery Co. butter, 23
Beeswax 2325c per & for choice; low
grade, 1618c
Cidek Sand renned, 6 507 SO, common,
$3 50(34 00: crab cider, 58 0003 00 t? barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c V gallon.
Cheese Ohio choese, fall make, 12lZc;
New York, fall make, 12K13c; Liraburger,
llk12Kc: domestic Sweitzer cheese, 1313Kc
Dried Peas 51 451 SO f) bushel; split uo,
2K3Ko W B.
Egos l920c ? dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, 51 00 to Jl 50 1fl barrel; evap
orated raspberries, 23c & &; cranberries, S3 00
? barrel: S2 1032 50 $1 bushel.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. I
do. 4045c; mixed lots, 3035c f? B.
Hominy J3303 40 barrel.
HONEY New Crop, 1617c; buckwheat, 13
Potatoes Potatoes, 3540c f? bushel; $2 50
2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 253 50 for Jer
sey sweets.
Poultry Live chickens, 5570o B pair;
rail KlbOJ
10 pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 As to bushel, 56 per
bushel; clover, large English, 62 As, 56 25;
clover. Alslke, $8 50; clover, white, 59 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 As, 51 90: blue grass, extra clean.
14 As, 51 CO; bine grass, fancy, 14 As, SI 20;
orchard grass, 14 As, 52 00; red top, 14 As, 51 00;
millet, 50 As, 51 25; German millet, 0 As, 52 00:
Hungarian grass, 43 As, S2 00; lawn grass, mix
ture of fine grasses, 25c per A.
Shellrarks SI 50 1 75.
Tallow Country, 4J5c; city rendered,
Tropical Fruits Lemons. S3 003 50 '$
box; Messina oranges. $2 503 50 tt box;
Florida oranges, 52 753 00 ff box: Jamaica
oranges, fancy, $4 505 00 barrel; Malaga
grapes. So 507 00 1 keg: bananas, 5250
firsts, 51 502 00; good seconds ty bunch; cocoa
nuts, 54 00 S3 hundred;newfigs,1214c pound;
dates, 6Kb"Kc 39 pound.
Vegetables Celery, 4050o doz. bunches;
cabbages, S3 005 00 ft 100; onions, 50c $1 bushel:
Spanish onions, 75290c 1 crate; turnips, 30
40c fl bushel.
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 20J21Kc;
choice Rio, 1920c; prime Rio, 19c; fair Rio,
18lSfc; old Government Java, 26c; Mara
caibo, 21 22c: Mocha, 3031c; Santos, 1S
22c: Caracas coffee, 1921c; peaberry, Rio, 20
21Kc: Laguayra, 20K21Kc v
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 22c:
high grades, 232fic; old Government Java,
bulk. S0K31c;Maracaibo. 25J26Kc; Santos,
2122c; peaberry, 25c; choice fiio, 2c; prime
K10, 21c; good Rio, 20kc: ordinary, 19c.
spices iwnoiej uioves, ziqtzoc: aiiaf
n-aai GTO-t lunnar Iflft nntma-' rftCA,
ispice, c;
Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, TWc:
Ohio, 120, 8Kc; headlight. 150, 9c; water white.
10c; globe, 12c; elalne, 15c; carnadlne, llc;
rovaline, 14c.
Syrups Corn syrups, 2325c: choice sugar
syrup, S538c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime, 33 35c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, old. 48c; choice, 45c;
mixed. 4042c; new crop, 4350a
Soda Bicarb in Kegs, 34c: bi-carb In s,
6c; bi-carb, assorted packages, o6c; saisoda
in kegs, 13c; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weisht. 93c: stearin.
per set, 8Kc; parafflne, HK12c.
Rice Head, Carolina, 1lic; choice, 6
7c; prime. 56Vc; Louisiana, 66Jc.
Starch Pearl, 2c; cornstarch,57c:gloss
starch. 5i7c.
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, 52 65: Lon
don layers, 53 10; California London layers,
52 50; Muscatels, 52 25; California Muscatels,
S2 35; Valencia, new, f3i7c; Ondara Velencia.
7V7Kc; sultana, 7c; currents, new, y.
5c; Turkey prunes, new, 44Jc; French
prunes, 8H13c; Salonica prunes, in 2-A pack
aces. 8kc: cocoannts. ner ICO. 56 00: almnnri
Lan., per A, 20c; do Ivic3, 19c; do shelled, 40c;
walnuts, nap.. 1215c: Sicily Alberts. 12c:
Smyrna figs, i2J0i6c: new dates, 56c: Brazil
nuts, 10c; pecans, llloc: citron, per fi, 2122c;
lemon peel per A, 1314c; Orange peel, 12Kc
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per A, 8c; ap
ples, evaporated, 6g7Kc; apricots, California,
evaporated, 1518c:peaches,ovaporated, pared,
2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, un
pared. 12K13Kc: cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpttted, 56c; raspberries, evap
orated, 2421Jc; blackberries, 78c; huckle
berries. 1012c
Sigabs Cubes, 8c powdered, 8c; granu
lated, 7c; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A,
"Kc; soft whites.67c; yellow.choice, 6K6c;
yellow, good, 66c; yellow, fair, 6ic; yel
low, dark. 5Jjc
Pickles .Mediums, bbls (1,200), S4 75; me
diums, hal f bbls (600), S2 85.
Salt-No. 1 f bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, a bbl, SI 05:
dairy. ? bbl. SI 20; coarse crystal, f bbl, SI 20;
Higgin's Eureka, i bu sack, 52 80; Higgin's
Eureka. 16-11 A pockets, 53 00.
Canned Goods standard Peaches. SI 50
1 60; 2d., 51 301 35; extra peaches, 51 351 90;
pie peaches, 90c; finest corn," Jl 3C1 50: Hfd.
Co. corn. 7090c; red cherries, 80c?l 00; lima
beans, $1 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 7585c:
marrowfat peas, SI 10i31 15; soaked peas. 70
75c; pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do, 52 75;
damson plums, 05c; green gases, 51 25: egg
plums. 52 00: California pears. S2 50: do preen
gages, $2 00; do egg plums. S2 00; extra white
cherries, S2 90: red cherries, 2fis 00c; raspber
ries, $1 151 40: strawberries. SI 10; gooseber
ries SI 2001 30: tomatoes, 9295c; salmon, 1
A, SI 752 10: blackberries, 80c: succotash, 2-A
cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2As, SI 251 60;
corn beef, 2-ft cans, SI 75; li-A can, 313 50:
baked beans, $1 4C1 45; lobster, 1 ft, SI 75
1 80: mackerel. 1-6 cans, broiled, $1 50: sardines,
domestir,J4. 54 254 50; sardines, domestic
Ks. SS 25S850; sardines, imported. !, Sll 50
12 50; sardines, imported, Ks. SIS 00: sardines,
mustaid. SI 00; sardines, spiced, 54 23.
Fish Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, SS8 f?
bbl; extra No. 1 do, messed, S40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
536: No. 2 shore mackerel, 524. Codfish "Whole
Pollock, 4c A; do medium George's cod, 6c;
do large, 7c; boneless hake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod. in blocks, 6K7c. Herring
Round shore, $5 50 ?! bbl; split. s7; lake. $3 25
? 100-B. half bbl. White fish. S7 $ 100-B half
bbl. Lako trout, $5 60 jl half bbl. Finnan
hadders 10c A. Iceland halibut, 13c $1 A.
BucKwncAT Flour 252c.per pound.
OATMEAL-S8 30g8 60 fl bbl.
Miners' Oil-No 1 winter strained, 6962c
?? gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Flour nnd Feed.
Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change were 21 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne
and Chicago. 5 cars of hay, 2 of oats, 2 of bar
ley, 1 of malt. By Pittsburg, Cincinnati and
St. Louis, 4 cars of corn, 3 of bay, 1 of wbeat
and oats, 1 of bran, 1 of oats. By Baltimore
and Ohio, 3 cars of. hay, 1 of corn. Sales on
call: Ono car spring wheat bran, S13, 5 days; 1
car No-1 timothy bay. 14Je, P. & L. E.; 1 car
No. 1 timothy hay, 14c, B. & O.; 2 cars No. 2
y. e. corn, 38c, 10 days, B. & O.; 1 car w. w. bran,
S15, track, P. fe L. E. Total receipts bulletined
this week have been 179 cars, of which 04 were
hay. With one-half of the first month of the
new year gone, there are still no signs of the
hoped-for improvement in grain and hay mar
kets. Retail dealers complain that the bulk
of stuff coming in la of inferior quality, and
say that choice oat3 and corn are bard to get.
A choice article in either line would bring
prices quoted below. Said a leading operator
in grain and hay: "The bottom is out of mar
kets, but this is not altogether due to the over
supply. Tbe quality of stuff coming in has a
good deal to do with demoralization of mar
ets." wheat Jobbing prices No. 2 red, $1
i uo; no. area, wtjyoc
Coen No.2yellow,ear,39H10c;high mixed,
ear, 3SX39c;No.l yellow, shelled, 3S39c; nigh
mixed, shelled, 36g37c; mixed, shelled, So36c
OATS No. 2 white, 323Sc: extra No. 3,
S03IKc;No. 3 white, 30K31c; No. 2 mixed,
Rye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, S055c:
No. 1 "Western, 50ffi53c.
Barley No. 1 Canada, B508c: No. 2
Canada, 9095c: No. 3 Canada, 88090c; No. 2
Western. 8385c; No. 3 Western, 6570c; Lake
Shore, 7580c , , ...,.
Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, 88 60
6 75; spring patents, S6 757 00: fancy straight,
winter and spring. 55 758 00; clear winter,
$5 505 75; srrignt XX XX bakers', S5 25o 50.
Rye nour. 53 75.
Cornmeal In paper. 60 , 0c
MILLFEED-Mlddlings, tine whltev S20 50
21 00 ton; brown middlings, 117 60Q18 00:
winter wheat bran, J15 5016 00; chop feed
15 0018 00. , .., .M,
HAY-Baled timothy, choice. J15 6016 00;
No. 1 do, 515 00015 25: No. 2 do, J120013 00:
loose from wagon, $23 0026 00: No. 1 upland
prairie. $9 5010 00; No. 2, 58 00Q8 60; packing
do. 56 507 00.
Straw Oats. $3 008 25; wheat and rye
straw, $7 OOfflT 25.
Large bams. 18 As and upward, 10c; medium
hams, 11 to 18 fts. llc; small hams, 14 Sts and
under, llc; picnic or California hams, 9c;
boneless (in skins), 12c; sugar-cured shoul
ders, Kc: bacon. Se; dry salt, 9c; breakfast
bacon, lOJc; ronletts (boneless s. c shoulders),
10c; regular smoked sides, 9c; bellies,
smoked sides, 9c; regular dry salt sides, Sc;
bellies, dry salt sides, 8c; dried beef, sets 3
pieces. 10c; dried beef, fiats. 9c; dried beef,
rounds, 12c: dried beef, knuckles, 12c: pork,
mess, 518 50; pork, family, 517 00; pig pork, half
barrels, $9 00; long sausage. 5Jc Lard
Tierces. 325 lbs, 7c ft: half barrels, 120 As,
oe ?! B; tubs, wooden. 60 Bs. 8Kc 9 fi: buck
ets, wooden, 20 fts, 8c ft ft; 3-B tin pails. 60 Sis,
8c f" &;5-B tin pails. 60 &s, Kc if) A; 10-Ik tin
Sails, 60 lbs. 8c ft A; 20-ft tin pails, SO As, &c;
)-A tin pails, 100 As, be A.
Dressed Meat.
Armour &. Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 A. 5
5Kc; 600 to 650 As, 66c: 700 to 750 As, 707J4C
Sheep, 7c f) A. Lambs, 8c $1 A.
Clear hoards, ner M. .
SS3 C0.B 03
Select common board, per il..
Common boards peril
Pine trame lumber per M
Shinnies, No. 1, 18 in. peril...,
Shingles, .No. 2, IS in. per M...
13 00
, 22 00(2-7 00
Clear boards, per St. f 80 00
Surface boards 30 00a5 0O
Clear, X-lnch beaded celling "X 00
Partition boards, peril 35 0O
Flooring, No. 1 30 00
Flooring, No. 2 23 00
Yellow pine floorluer 30 00) 00
"Weather-boardlnsr, moulded. No. 1.... SO 00
Weather-boarding, moulded, No. 3.... 25 CO
Weather-boarding, J$-!nch 20 00
rabd woods yard quotations.
Ash. 1 to 4 In
Black walnut, green, log run
Black walnut, dry, log ran
Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 in...
Dry white oak plank, 2 to 41n
Dry white oak boards, lin
"WestVa. yellow pine, 1 inch
"West Va. yellow pine, IK inch....
West Va. yellow poplar, to 1 in.
Hlekorv. IK to 3 In
Hemlock building lumber, peril.
jiudk rails .....
lioat studding
Coal car plank
Ash, 1 to 4 In 125 00(3.10 00
Black walnut, green, log run 45 COM) on
Black walnut, dry, log run.
. 30 00faiso6
Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 in 17 0OMCO 00
Dry wniteoak plank, 2 to 4 In 18 00020 00
Urv white oak boards. 1 in.
19 00320 00
West Va. yellowplne. 1 In..
19 00a22 00
16 0U&5 00
10 00Q12 00
14 00
14 00
la oo
WestVa. yellowplne, in.
WestVa. vellow noDlar. Kto
Hickory, IK to 3 in ,
Hemlock building timber, f M.
Bunk rails
Boat stnddlng. ,
Coal car plank
Oil bought and sold on margin. de27-2I-Dsu
On the construction of a public sewer on
Westminster street, from Fitcairn street, to
Lilac street.
To the Select and Common Councils of the
city of Pittsburg:
Tbe undersigned Viewers of Street Improve
ments in the city of Pittsburg, appointed by
the Court of Common Pleas ot Allegheny
county and authorized by an ordinance passed
on tbe 30th day of December, A. D. 18S7, a copy
of which is hereto attached, to make an assess
ment of tbe cost and expense of constructing a
public sewer on Westminster street, from Plt
cairn street to Lilac street, in said city, unon
the property benefited thereby, under the pro
visions ot and in accordance with an act of
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, entitled, 'An act authorizing and di
recting Councils of cities of tbe second class to
provide for the improvement of streets, lanes
alleys and public highways, sewers and side
walks, requiring plans of streets, providing for
the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street
Improvements, prescribing their duties, grant
ing appeals to Councils and Court, providing
for the assessment and collection of damages
and benefits, authorizing the use of private
property and providing forftiingliens and regu
lating proceedings thereon, and prohibiting tbe
use of public streets, withont authority of
Councils," approved the 14th day of June, A,
D. 1887; respectfully report:
That, having been first duly sworn and quali
fied according to law, they proceeded in the
manner and according to the directions of said
act, to discharge the duties of their appoint
ments; that having viewed the premises, they
made an assessment of said cost and expense
upon tbe property benefited, and caused a plot
and statement to be made, as required by said
act, and haying given to the owner of each lot
ten days' notice of tbe time and place of meet
ing, they met on the 14th day of January, A. D.
1889, at the office of tne Board of Viewers in tbe
city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evi
dence offered, and having made all modifica
tions and corrections which they deem proper,
assessed the cost and expense of constructing
said sewer upon the following property, upon
each for the amonnt set opposite the name of
the owner thereof, viz.:
Chief Department Public Works, statement
of cost
477 lineal feet 15-in. pipe sewer, SI 75. . S834 75
3 drops, E60 ISO 00
2 manholes, $30 60 00
Extra workon 2 drops 21 70
6,330 lbs. castings (to Fisher F. and M.
Co..) SI 68 106 35
Superintending, engineering, adver-
tising.ctc SO 00
Printing ordinances and notices 40 03
Printing viewers' report 16 75
Makingplan and serving notices 10 00
Viewers' time 21 00
51,370 55
Westminster street, north side, from Lilac
street to Pitcalrn street.
Hatjie B. Aiken (H4),B0feet 170 51
George Crawford (114), 90 feet 168 51
Thomas R. Robinson (114), 90 feet.... 168 51
South side
Jennie Graham (178). 140 feet 266 23
Jennie Gillespie (229), 180 feet. 342 52
W. H. Hays (170),131 feet 254 27
$1,370 55
Respectfully submitted,
Pittsburg1, January 14,1889.
construction of a sewer on Turrett street,
from Shetland to Renfrew street.
Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the
city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun
cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and
enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the
Chief of the Department of Public Works be
and is hereby authorized and directed to adver
tise in accordance with the acts of Assembly of
the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania and tbe
ordinances of tbe said city of Pittsburg relat
ing thereto and regulating the same for pro
posals for the construction of a pipe sewer 18
inches in diameter on Turrett street, from
Shetland street to a connection with sewer on
Renfrew street, tbe contract therefor to be let
in the manner directed by the said acts of As
sembly and ordinances. The cost and expenses
of tbe same to be assessed and collected in ac
cordance with the provisions of an
Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, entitled, "An Act authorizing
and directing Councils of cities of tbe second
class to provide for the Improvement of streets,
lanes, alleys and public highways, sewers and
sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing
for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of
Street improvements, prescribing their duties,
granting appeals to Councils and Court, pro
viding for tbe assessment and collection of
damages and benefits, authorizing the use of
private property and providing for filing liens
and regulating proceedings thereon, and pro
hibiting the use of nubile streets, without
authority of Councils," approved the 11th day
of June, A.D.1887.
40 oaaso oo
45 oopo oo
65 003)75 00
'.'.'.'.7. 25 oaspo oo
35 00040 00
20 0025 00
25 00(430 CO
25 00S30 00
13 0022 00
13 00
15 00
IS 00
On the construction of a public sewer on Out!
auey, irotn Htevenson street to igan street.
To the Select and Common Councils ot tho
City of Pittsburg:
The undersigned Viewers of Street Improve,
merits in the city of Pittsburg, appointed by the)
Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county,
and authorized by an ordinance passed on tba
21st day of November, A. D. 1887. a copy of
whica Is hereto attached, to make an as
sessment of the cost and expense of construct-'
ing a public sewer on Our alley.from Stevenson
street to Logan street,ln said clty.npon the prop- 4
erty benefited thereby under theprovistons or
and in accordance with an act of Assembly of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled,
"An act authorizing and directing Councils of
cites of the second class to provide for. tbe
improvement of streets. lanes, alleys and public
highways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring
plans of streets, providing for the appointment
of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements,
prescribing their duties, granting appeals to ;
Councils and Court,provlding for the assess
ment and collection of damages and benents,
authorizing the use of private property, and
providing for filing liens and regulating pro- j
ceedlngs thereon, and prohibiting the nse of ?
public streets, without authority of Councils;" M
approved the 11th day of June. A. D. 1887, re f
spectf ully report:
That having been first duly sworn and quali
fied according to law. they proceeded In tha
manner and according to the directions of said,
act, to discharge the duties ot their appoint
ments; that having viewed the premises, tbey
made an assessment of said cost and expense)
upon the property benefited, and caused a plot
and statement to be made, as required by said
act, and having given to the owner of each lot
ten days' notice of the time and place of meet
ing, they met on the 31st day of December, A.'
D. 1888, at the office of the Board of Viewers,
in the city of Pittsburg, beard ail complaints -and
evidence offered, and bavinz made all .
modifications and corrections which they deem."
proper, assessed the cost and expense of con-:
structing said sewer upon the following prop
erty, npon each for the amount set opposite the)
name of the owner thereof, viz.:
Chief of Department of Public "Works, state
ment of cost
330 lineal feet 12-inch pipe sewer, 51 19.5
392 70)
60 Ul
12 00
j. wo manholes, ISO..
Extra work connecting drODS...
273.5 lbs. castings (to FisherT. fc M.
L.O.). SI 68.. ...... ............
Superintending, engineering, advertis-
Printing ordinances and notices
Printing viewers' report
Makingplan and serving notices
Viewers' time
45 95
50 OO
40 00
17 75
5 00.
5644 10
Our alley, north side from Logan street to -Stevenson
Mrs. M. V.Ashe. 24 feer. S 53 70
W. P. Greer. 48 feet..
, 107 40
George Heaps, 24 feet ,
vVilliam Moore. 24 feet
James Moore. 24 feet
James Archibald, 24 feet....,
Mary A. Gallagher, 24 feet.,
George Ammon, 24 feet ,
Mrs. A. B. Duncan. 24 feet...
53 70
53 70
..... 53 70
53 70
....... 53 70
53 70
53 70
107 40
644 40
George H. Bennett, 43 feet...
Respectfully submitted.
Pittsburg. January 7. 1889.
On the opening of Beeler street, from Wilkin
avenue to Forbes avenue.
To tbe Select and Common Councils of the City
of Pittsburg :
The undersigned Viewers of Street Improve"
ments in tbe city of Pittsburg, appolnte.l by tha
Conn of Common Pleas of Allegheny county,
and authorized by an ordinance passed on tho
29th day October. A. D.. 18S8, a copy of which is.
hereto attached, to appraise the damages sus
tained in the opening of Beeler street, from
Wilkins avenue to Forbes avenue. In the city
of Pittsburg, and make an assessment therefor
nnder the provisions of and in accordanca
with an Act of Assembly of the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An
Act authorizing and directing Councils of
cities of tbe second class to provide for
tbe improvement of streets, lanes, alleys
and public highway, sewers and sidewalks,
requiring plans of streets, providing for tha
appointment of a Board of Viewers of
Street Improvements, prescribing their duties,
granting appeals to Councils and courtprovid
ing for the assessment and collection of dam
ages and benefit3,anthorizIcg the use of private
property and providing for filing liens and
regulating proceedings thereon,and prohibiting
tbe nse of public streets, without anthority o
Connrils." approved the 14th day of June, A.
D. 1887. Respectfully report:
That, having been first duly sworn and quail
fled according to law, they proceeded in tha
manner and according to the directions of said
act, to discbarge tbe duties ot their appoint
ment; and having given the notices required
by said act, they viewed the premises and heard
all the allegations and evidence of the several'
parties claiming damages, and after fnll con
sideration thereof, find t&at no owner of
property has sustained any damage by reason,
of said improvement, that, after ascertaining;
tbe whole amount of costs, they made an
assessment of the same upon tbe properties:
benefited by said Improvement, and caused a
plan to be made, and prepared a statement, as.
required by said act, and having given to tha
owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time
and place of meeting, they met on the 31st day
of December. A. D. 1888. at the office of tho
Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg,
heard all complaints and evidence, and after
full consideration thereof, presented the fol.
lowing report, showing tbe amount each,
property holder is entitled to pay as the proper
proportion of said cost.
Lnciuda A. Beeler. 31,000 00
Printing ordinances and notices 40 CO
Printing viewers' report.
18 25
42 OO.
Making plan and serving notices,
v JcWcis tun "., .
8L110 25
Beeler street, north side, from Wilkins ava
nue to Forbes avenne.
John Haller. 678 feet $230 97
Miss Kate Beeler, 375 feet . 127 75
A.andW.K.Nimick,695fee. 236 78
South side ,
James Mnrdock, 203 feet 6 50
John Haller. 632 feet...,. 215 31
Miss Kate Beeler, 380 feet 129 45
A.andW.K.Nimick(4S0),6i0feet... 163 51
$1,110 25v
Resnectfnll v submitted.
D. WENKE, f Viewers.
Pittsburg. January 12, 18S9.
As old residents know ana back files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established and -most
prominent physician in the city, devoting
special attention to all chronic diseases. Front
responsioie persona Mil ill
NlCDnIIQ and mental diseases, physical
IvLnYUUOdecay, nervous debility, lack
of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
cry, disordered sight, self-distru3t,bashfulness,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business,society and mar'
nage, permanently, saieiy auu privately cnxea.
blotches, falling hair, bona pains, glandnlat?
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throaS,
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIDIMAPV kidney and bladder derange
U HI INnn T ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment,
prompt relief and rei.1 cures.
Dr. Whittier life-long, extensive experience'
insures scientific and reliable treatment oa
common-sense principles. Consultation free..
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as U '
here. Office hour 9 a. m. to 8 r. m. Sunday. -10
A. K. to 1 F. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, SM
Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. jaik-5-DSuw
For LOST or Kallin
MANHOOD. Nervous
ness. Weakness of .
Body & Mind, Lack of strensrth. Vigor and De-L
velopment. caused br Errors, Excesses, Ac. Book,
Mode of Self-Treatment, and Proofs mailed
(scaled) free. Address EIUE MEDICAL CO.,
Buffalo, U. Y. de2-57-TTSJtwk
sniENCK of HEALTH." for"
h..n.w4,.OT,Tanf Worvnn.TlriilltT.LO.t Man&OOd.
Desnondency. etc A copy of this bookwui be sent . 4
free, sealed. Address SCIENCE olllKALTU,
130 West Sixth Street, Cincinnati, Ohlo .
For men! Checks the worst cases In threo
days, and cures in five days. Price Jl 00. at
ja5-29-TTSSU 412 Market street. 0
wmznxs. now to jut.
LostyicorsndMuibwxiEestoKd. Pra-
inature Dee! Ina and Functional disor-
derarureduilAoM Stomach Medic ices.
Sealed Treatfseseat free on application.
f"B5T0H C9J9ruknaeaJwTK.
de-15 -gTTSWsT
fnfffrlnff from the ef
fects of youthful er
1 U inlrt)n,tarirclfiy,It, HH
manhood , eta. I will send a Taloabla treatise irfealed' -5B
contabilnir fall particular tor borne cure tree oC.."B
eharar- Address, -, vH
PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moodusf Conru JH