Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 17, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Powderly Arrives, Captures
D. A. 3. E. of L, and
The G. 31. W. Says Tom Barry is a
Lunatic, a Liar and an Ass.
Those Serious Charges Against W. T. Lewis
to be Befuted.
"Wc have met the enemy, and they are
Ibis familiar telegram cent by Commo
dore Perry to "Washington might have been
sent by General Master 'Workman Powderly
to the National head
quarters of the
Knights of Labor at
Philadelphia yester
day. Mr. Powderly ar-
rived in the city in
fm the morning and
after dinner 'was es
corted to the annual
meeting of D. A. 3,
by Master "Workman
Doyle and other members of the order.
Business was suspended and for three hours
the great labor leader addressed the dele
gates and cx-delegates, answering all ques
tions that were put to him promptly and
satisfactorily. Members who have been
classed as "antis." and who have claimed
that they would like to "tear his hair out,"
depose him, or anything to force him out of
the order, practically fell down on their
knees and might have worshiped him with
out seemingly changing their ideas more
completely. In three hours Mr. Powderly
undid one week's work done by Mr. Barry.
Before Mr. Powderly began to talk, a
special oath or pledge was administered to
the members not to divulge anything that
occurred at the meetinc. "When the meet
ing adjourned none of the delegates would
tay a word, except that "Powderly is right,
and Barry is wrong. "We are convinced
that he has been a much-abused man."
Notwithstanding the efforts at secrecy, a
Dispatch reporter obtained a meager but
accurate report ot the proceedings. "When
the meetinjr was called to order by Master
"Workman Doyle, and a Committee on Cre
dentials was appointed, it was found that
58 delegates were entitled to seats in the
convention. This is a decrease of 20 com
pared with the last quarterly convention
held :n October. Mr. Doyle, who is a mem
ber of the Tube "Workers' Assembly, but
who was defeated as delegate and elected
alternate, showed up with the credentials.
The matter was evidently fixed as the delc
gateelected did not pntinan appearance. Mr.
Dovlc is therefore a full-fledged delegate
and entitled to use the rights and privileges
of one.
The work of seating delegates occupied
the morning session, when Mr. Doyle an
nounced that the General Master Work
man would be with them in the afternoon.
This was greeted with cheers, and the mora
ine session closed.
In the afternoon Mr. Doyle made up his
list ot committees Resolutions, Good of
the Order, Distribution and one or two
others but declined to announce them until
this raorni nz. He then introduced General
Master "Workman Powderly in a neat
speech, and it was several moments before
he could speak, on account of the apnlause.
Mr. Powderly began his address by saying
that he had read in Eastern papers tele
grams from Pittsburg to the effect that there
was a religious war here; that the district
was soing to pieces, and other sensational
reports. He tnen determined to come here
and investigate. These reports, he claimed,
proved to be unfounded, and be was pleased
to hear that D. A. 3 is in good shape.
He had great difficulty in arranging the
affairs of the office so that he could come,
and as Mr. Powderly does not make a prac
tice of attending district meetings, his visit
here led people to make the remark that he
was "scared." This Mr. Powderly em
phatically denied, and after reciting the
proceedings of the General Assembly held
at Indianapolis, he said he was rcadv to
answer any questions asked him resarding
alleged crookedness in the general office, or
anything the members present desired to
Before doing this, however, he had the
members nresent give a pledge not to di
vulge either question or answer. This was
evidently done to prevent a repetition of the
notoriety he and others obtained by ex
posing his answers to the 50 celebrated ques
tions asked by Mr. Haskell, and answered
at a district meeting at Denver, about two
years ago.
The delegates, some of whom had been
led to believe some ot the serious charges
made by Tom Barry, seemed to be glad of
the opportunity to clear their minds of
doubt regarding alleged crookedness in the
general office. Instead of having to answer
.W prepared questions, as was the case at
Denver, Mr. Powderly was asked Inlly 100,
and had no time to prepare answers, as
many of them were not anticipated by him.
He was caual to the occasion, however, and
responded instantly to every question pro
pounded by the delegates. His answers
were concise and to the point, and everyone
was answered promptly and satisfactorily.
"When a delegate asked about the cele
brated wine bill alleged to have been paid
with the order's money by John "W. Hayes,
the present Secretary-Treasurer, and the re
fusal ot the convention, through instruc
tions from Mr. Powderly, to hear an item
ized report, be said:
""When Mr. Dovey, of your city, began
to read the report in the General Assembly,
held at Minneapolis, a delegate moved to
dispense with the reading of an
itemized account of the expenses of the gen
eral officers. A vote was taken, resulting
in a tie 62 to 02. I had the deciding vote,
and voted in favor ot reading the r
This I can prove." .
And Mr. Powderly read fro
report of the proceedings of tba
several paragraphs bearing ot
inent. Continuing, he said:
"The wine bill, of which so mu
said, is absurd. There was no win
wav this got out and was so extei
eulated is this: Mr. Hayes' hoti
made up on a printed slip. Onth
word 'wine;' but as there was n
room on the slip for the different ai
tained, the sum of 10 cents wa
alongside of the word 'wine. If M
had purchased wine at the expense
order would any sane person beli
he would put the sum of 10 cents in
pense account? There has been t
deal ot talk and ink wasted over'
cents! You can gauge Barry's call. .
"Did Tom O'Eeilly draw 81,250 fro- U
order's money while he was rusticatu t
.Florida?" was asked.
"Emphatically, he did not," was P
derly's reply; "and the statement that he
sent an alligator to the office at the order's
expense is also false. "We have no use for
"Why do von not meet Barry and answer
his charges?''
"I have answered all the charges he has
made in the General Assembly at Indian
apolis. A report of the proceedings is being
printed, and all good Knights will be
enabled to read it in a few weeks. I have
met Barry for the last time."
"When Mr. Powderly had concluded an
swering questions, the meeting adjourned,
but not one person left the hall until they
had all shaken hands with him. He sat in
the middle of the room, and spoke a pleas
ant word to all. "When the delegates re
tired, a Dispatch reporter had a talk with
the head of the Knights.
"When he was informed that it had been
reported that he came here in the interest of
John P. Doyle, and would try to influence
the delegates to re-elect him, Master "Work
man Mr. Powderly said:
"I did not come here for any electioneering
at all. I heard that D. A. 3 was in a muddle
and came to straighten out tbo affairs if possi
ble. I find, however, that I have been de
ceived and that the order here Is in good shape.
1 consider the Knights of Labor in better con
dition to-dav than ever before. In 1SS5 we bad
100,000 members, and a -ear later 720,000 were
reported on the book. An increase of 000.000
in one year is not healthy for any organiza
tion. Some came in through curiosity, others
came in to carry out certain hobbies which
they found thev could not do; others were dis
appointed. These different classes have
dropped out and to-dav wo have a solid mera
bcrhlp of 300,000. The membership is not of
the fleeting kind that go out at tvery whim.
Last month 49 new locals were organized and
50 locals were restored to membership. We
have exonerated 120.000 members from pay
ment of taxes due the order because they
ere in trouble."
What effect will the secession of the ax
makers here have on the order?" was asked.
"None at all," was Mr. Powderly's reply.
"The axmakers that have been deceived by
Barrv have gone out, but they are intelligent
people and will not be deceived very much
longer. Barrvcanbarkatthe Knights of la
bor, but like the little dog that barked at the
moon the order will move on just the same."
"It is stated that the coopers intend to with
draw. Is the report correct?-'
"No. Two coopers in Chicago were expelled
from the order and held a meeting and issued a
manifesto to the effect that 'We, the coopers
of Chicago, have decided to leave the
Knights.' "
"Barry says that if his charges against you
are not correct you have a good case against
him for slander and he wants to know why you
don't sue him."
"Life is too short to bother with men like
him. I believe he is a lunatic, and know that
he is a notorious liar. I am a public officer,
and cannot sue nersons for libeling me: that is.
I would only be wasting time, with but little
prospect of accomplishing anything."
"Barry says you you got 52,200 from the order
to build a bouse in Scranton which, to his
knowledge, you never paid back."
"I don't owe the order anything, did not get
all that is due me and paid back some that I
"Will the new Miners' National Progressive
Union injure N. T. A. 135?"
"No, sir; N.T. A., 135, is in good shape and
cannot be injured by the new organization. I
do not propose to answer in public the charges
made by Mr. Barry, but as tar as finances are
concerned. I will say this: The first four yeais
I held the office of General Master Workman 1
returned to the order every cent paid me in
salary. That is something that is not generally
known, hut it can be proven by referring to the
Mr. Powderlv. in answer to a question as
to whether L. A. 300, composed of window
glass workers, was not liable to expulsion
lor taking an active part in the recent Presi
dental campaign and replied in the nega
tive. He said there was nothing in the con
stitution to prohibit any local assembly
from doing as the window glass workers did.
Mr. Powderly was here interrupted by a
committee from the Salesmen's Assembly
which meets on "Wednesday evening. "Xh-.j
invited him to attend their meeting and he
accepted the invitation and delivered
another long address, but it was about
the same as his alternoon talk. The
meeting did not adjourn until 11 o'clock
when Mr. Powderly retired to his room in
the Central Hotel. He will attend the dis
trict meeting to-day and will leave for his
home this evening.
A member of D. A. 3, who was seen at
the close of the meeting, gave a reporter for
this paper the exact memb-rship of the dis
trict. Two years ago the district had 11,000
members but to-day only 1,763 are in good
W. T. Lewis Ordered to Refute the Serious
Charges Made Against Him by Secretary
The following telegram was received here
last night from Columbus, in reference to
the serious charges preferred by Bobert
"Watchorn, of this city, against ex-Master
"Workman "W. T. Lewis, of N. D. A. 135:
At the miners' convention to-day the consti
tution prepared in accordance with the Na
tional Progressive Union of Miners and Mine
Laborers was adopted, and the organization of
District 10 affected. Temporary officers were
elected as follows: President, John McBride;
Secretary, Ebenezer Lewis. A resolution was
adopted exempting all miners in good standing
in cither If. IX A. 135, K. of L., or tLe National
Federation of Miners and Mine Laborers on
December 6, 1SS8, from the payment of initia
tion fees to the National Progressive Union of
Miners and Mine Liborers until March L 18S9.
A resolution was also adopted recommending
the miners to use onlv cigars bearing the label
of the Cigarmakers' International Union,
which organization is boycotting prison, rat
and "coolie" made cigars.
The convention went into executive session
during the afternoon to consider the charges
made by Secretary Watchorn. of National
District Assembly 135, K. of L., against ex.
Master Workman W. T. Lewis, now Secretary
of the National Progressive Uuion. It will bo
lememberedjhatat the recent convention of
the Knights in this city Mr. Lewis, with a
number of prominent leaders of National
District Assembly 135, left the order, against
the protestation of General Master Workman
PoderIv. and joined the new miners' organi
zation. His withdrawal from District Assem
bly 133 gave rise to a bitter personal fight, re
salting in Secretary Watchorn. of No. 135. is
suing a circular indorsed by Mr. Powderly,
making some very damaging state
ments against Mr. Lewis. He al
leged that while Master Workman of
District Assembly 135. Mr. Lewis was also
Secretary of a railroad company, and that lie
charged certain expenses incurred in business
connected with the railroad company to Dis
trict 135, and also to the railroad company. In
a circular recently issued, Mr. Lewis denied the
charges made by Mr. Watchorn, and declared
his intention of answering him through the
courts. When it was suggested that the con
Tention take some action in regard to the
charges made by Mr. Watchorn, the situation
was calmly and freely discussed. There was a
general sentiment expressed by the delegates
that Mr. Lewis owed it to the new orgauization
to refute the charges, since he had been ele
vated to such an important position among
None of the delegates were willing to believe
the charges until they had been proven, but if
they were true they wanted to know it. The
charges were put in such a manner in Mr.
Watchorn's circular that it was necessary that
they should be reputed. Many testified to the
character and ability of Sir. Lewis in a manner
very creditable to that gentlemen. One dele
gate said he did not believe the National
Progressive Union, in the present stage of its
organization, could afford to permit tho
National Secrctarv to pass the charges without
rctutlng them. He lurther believed that If
' largeswere proven false it would be a
Soomcrang to the organization in whose
sts they were circulated. The matter
ferred to a committee to be reported in
Mnyor DlcCnllln Kick,
e first annual message of Mayer Mc
o Councils that gentleman expresses
sitiou to some of the estimated ex
es of the different heads of the three
nts of the city for the ensuing year,
1 -xpects to have a particularized ac-
" Knitted to him. Chief Brown, it
d yesterday, did not like the
', ' -quest very much, but he is going
with it all the same.
Cnptnred His Since.
icer John Mercer attempted to
rrest, between Eleventh and
ets, Penn aveuue, yesterday,
aulted him and wrenched his
n. He succeeded in getting
, but the men got away with-
Materialized at an Allegheny Seance
by a Local Medium.
Extraordinary Scenes in the Circle After
ward Formed.)
A series of most extraordinary, events oc
curred in spiritualistic circles last evening
that are worthy of note, as being of interest
to even the unbelievers and skeptics, who
very properly demand proof of everything.
It may or may not be known that in Alle
gheny there is, according to. Mrs. Bliss, one
of the most powerful flower materializing
mediums in the world. He is a pure Mexi
can by birth, and his almost unpronounce
able name has been plainly. Americanized
into Green. - (
The queer events relerred to will be
spoken of here plainly in a descriptive way
as heretofore, without effort to expose or to
confirm. In a house on Sandusky street,
well known to Pittsburg Spiritualists, a
party ot 12 gathered and formed the usual
circle about a plainly-draped corner of the
room. Curtains had been hung up, and an
examination of course revealed nothing.
Flowers in a Spirit Sand.
Green, a tall, dark, melancholy looking
nan, entered the room, advanced to the
center of the circle abd was almost im
mediately "under control."
His trousers were rolled above his knees
and he was stripped to his undershirt to
show that no legerdermain was to be
practiced. He staggered about like a
broken reed lor a moment, reached his hand
up into the air and brought it to his side
again. ,
A faint, delicate perfume of newly budded
flowers told the circle what his hand con
tained, and no one was surprised when,
with averted face, he handed a most lovely
bunch of roses to a chosen one. Then the
flowers came thick aud fast from actually
nowhere. The walls seemed hung with
them and the cabinet became a conservatory,
and one man was nearly frightened to death
upon being presented with a beautiful
stalk ot dewy hyacinth by a fair
The Head Out of the Cabinet
sleeveless hand that was connected with no
body, not even that of a spirit. This cold
statement seems almost ridiculous, but the
result only is given; let others look for and
explain the cause. Then
seemed to occur between Green and an un
known, and the reason was finally obtained
through another medium. ""Josephine,"
his favorjte spirit, had told him his aunt
was to die between the hours of 10 last night
and 10 to-night, and that he was wanted.
The papers ou investigation to-morrow will
confirm or disprove what all present agreed
upon as being a pronounced test The lady
lives in this city. The strain upon the man
was so great that blood burst irom his nos
trils and mouth, and he was taken to an
other room where he completely collapsed.
The Writing Medium.
Meanwhile the heavy narcotic odor of the
flower-perfumed room had be'numbed more
senses than one, and the strangest in
cidents followed so fast one upon another
"(hat they could scarcely be realized. In
olden days it would be sworn that those n
the room were possessed by a thousand
devils. A pretty vouriady was thrown
into a trance, a table was drawn up, and
with a pencil and paper she traced a score
of messages from the spirit world, each in a
different handwriting. All this time she
looked steadily into space, never even glanc
ing at her pencil, yet it never ran oyer the
edge ot the paper, and never faltered or
hesitated for a word or name. '
Even in the midst of the intense interest
created by this magnetic something caused
all to turn their heads to one side of the
room, where another extraordinary spectacle
was presented. "Fred," a medium, was
acting in the strangest manner, exerting
himself violently, as if warding off the gaze
of a voung man in the circle. The air
seemed charged with electricity, and a pale
blue light wavered about the corner of the
room. A deep silence (ell upon all as they
watched the struggle of mind between the
two. Fred was strong, but the other was
stronger, and the former threw his hands to
his face and sunk back asleep, mesmerized.
Another in the room had been overcome
and sought the cabinet, where he snored
comfortably away in an unnatural sleep
uhtil the circle broke up completely demor
alized, many of them stating their belief
that the phenomena of spiritualism should
be left severely alone and all'attention be
devoted to the scientific explanation, be it
mesmerism, magnetism or spiritualism..
It is certainly a question "whether such
scenes are elevating, though the beantiful
results of flowers dispensed with a lavish
hand cannot be called degrading. The
flowers seemed actually wet with dew, they
were so cool and fragrant They had evi
dently not been cut, but each stem bore the
marks of having been violently torn from
the parent plant.
So much for what was- seen. It can all
probably be explained most lucidly by Spir
itualists, and also by unbelievers.
Mr. Barns Says He Paid Money to Member
of tbc Fall Grand Jnrr.
Thomas Burns, the Penn avenue saloon
keeper, arrested on jt charge of illegal
liquor selling preferred by Inspector Mc
Aleese last September, yesterday .made a
confession that puts the grand jury of that
month in a bad position.
Burns says he paid some of the members
"loans" amounting to $400, which he said
he never expected to receive again, not to
find a true bill against him.
The first bill was ignored, but the In
spector appealed, and a true one was found
against him. Burns said he received a pri
vate tip from one of the jurors that such a
bill would be found, and he cleared out and
went to Youngstown. Burns furnished the
names of the jurors who accepted money.
Inspector McAleese said one is a well
known county official, and the others were
rather good citizens. He did not know
what would be donp at present.
Tho Sixth Ward Wishes to Havo Allegheny
Third-Class Still.
The citizens of the Sixth ward, Allegheny,
held a meeting in the schoolhouse last
night to continue the new classification dis
cussion. Dr. "W. J. Eiggs was made Chair
man and George Bothwell Secretary. There
were in ' the neighborhood of 100 people
present, the majority of them being in
clined toward making the city one of the
third-class. Speeches were made by Dr.
Gillilord, Councilman Steffan and Council
man Cochran, ail bearing against accepting
second-class measures.
It was decided that a committee of five be
appointed by the Chair to draft a set of reso
lutions expressing the sense of the meeting
jand this to be read at a future meeting to be
caned oy tne unairmau. xne inairnian
then named John "Wilhelm. George Both
well, Dr. Gilliford, Councilmen Cochran
and Steffan.
The Wcstinchonse Company Scenrci nn
Electric Contract In St. Louis.
The Westinghonse Electric Company yes
terday secured the contract for a large elec
tric light plant in St. Louis. For a number
of years there were four companies in that
city, who formed a trust, and by means of
their monopolv of electric lighting, it is al
leged, they robbed the city and the people
systematically by charging an exorbitant
rate for their commodity.
The "Westinghonse Electric Cimpany is
going into the city as a competitor of these
combined concerns, and it is expected that
the Pittsburg company will soon make
itself felt The contract awarded to West
inghonse yesterday amounts to 5000 16-can-dle
power lights, which is to "be increased to
double that number of lights in a few
He Tried to Make Harrison Commit Himself
on Ills Cnbinet.
Republican Congressman Johnston, of
Indiana, passed through the city last night
on his way to Washington from Indianapo
lis. He was a member of the Electoial
Committee who called upon President-cleet
Harrison aud notified him of the official
result of the vote in Indiana. Congressman
Johnston said last night:
""While with the President-elect I tried
to get him to commit himself as to who
would probably constitute his Cabinet, but
Mr. Harrison was too smart, and would not
even drop a hint I do not think he has yet
asked anybody to accept a portfolio, as it
would not be quite the proper thing until
he is officially elected and notified."
The Disadvantage of Not liming Commer
cial Drummers in'Japan.
Y. "Wooyeno, Manager of the Kan Sai
Trading Company, in New York City,
passed through the city last night on his
way to San Francisco. From that point he
will sail for Japan, where he intends to
make heavy purchases of Japanese goods
for his firm.
He said the craze for Japanese fancy
goods is worse than Anglo-mama in New
York City. Mr. Wooyeno was accompanied
by Y. Nakamura, a Japanese merchant, of
The British American Association a Grow
ing Orennlzaiion.
On next Monday evening there will be a
general rally of the members of the British
American Association of Pittsburg in Law
renceville, when the members ef the Law
renceville branch will be organized under
the National Association.
There are now four branches of the or
ganization in Western Pennsylvania, with
a membership of over 1,500, of whom about
1,200 are naturalized citizens of this coun
try, while the rest have taken out their first
Interest Felt Over tho Mention of Mr.
Thomas M. Kins' Nnmo.
Considerable interest was felt in this city
yesterday by railroad men over the meeting
of the board of directors of the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company, which was to
have been held in the afternoon.
The question of electing a second Vice
President was to come up and it was ex
pected that the name of Mr. Thomas M.
King would be one of those mentioned.
A Rumor Thnt Mr. Tienry Fhlpps la After
Wood Street Proprrty.
It was rumored yesterday that Mr. Henry
Phipps was at the head of a syndicate to
purchase the block of property on the lower
side of Wood street, from Fifth avenue to
Diamond street, and build another large
hotel ou the site.
I.cnf by I.enf tho Roses Fall.
The perennial rumor appearing in yester
day's evening paper to the effect that a new
union depot would be erected, and adding
that it would go up at thePoint, with tracks
laid along the banks of the river to this spot
and across the Allegheny by means of a
new bridge, tfyus obviating all street cross
ings, is denied by Superintendent E. B.
Taylor, of the Fort Wavne, and Superin
tendent Pitcairn, of the Pennsylvania.
Wrecked a Shocshop.
William Becker, John Vochats, Corrio
Oswald, Joseph Richter, John Jones, John
Osching, George Seibert, John Bc-itzer,
Charles Wagner and John Smith, all of
Millvale borough, have been prosecuted
before Alderman Doughty for malicious
mischief in smashing "thing3 in J. L. Shal
lenberger's sboeshop.
Two Frame Houses Bomed.
Two frame houses on Sycamore street,
Southside, owned by Mrs. "Katherine
Walters, were burned yesterday afternoon.
The loss is 83,000, covered by insurance.
The houses were occupied by Fred Walters,
David H. Smith and Hugh Fierst, who lost
their entire household goods.
An Old Resident of Spring Alley Ex
pires at the Age of 102 Years.
He Distinctly Remembered the Capture of
Bonaparte at Waterloo.
Daniel Cain, a resident of Spring alley,
who was probably the oldest man in Alle
gheny county, died yesterday afternoon at
his home, aged 102 years.
The deceased was one of the best known
citizens of the Twelfth ward. He was an
Irishman by birth, being born in County
Kerry, Ireland, September 9, 1786. He
lived there until he was about 25 years of
age, when he moved to the city of Limerick.
In 18G8 he followed, two of bis sons who had
emigrated to this country, and settled in
the Twelfth ward, this city. In 1877 he
moved into the house, No.i319 Spring alley,
where he died yesrday.
The deceased was the father of fonr chil
dren, three boys and one girl. Thelatterdied
in 1878, aged about SO years. His youngest
son is Daniel Cain, living in Spring alley,
and is about 50 years of age. His other two
sons, Michael and John, are living and are
over" 60 years of age each. The former is
living on the hillside above the Twenty
eighth street roundhouse and John is a res
ident of the Twelfth ward.
Mr. Cain was a remarkably healthy man
and had a wonderful memory. Among
other things he nsedto speak of was the
capture of Napoleon at the battle of "Water
loo, which he remembered perfectly.
His remains .were encased in a very
neat and plain casket, and were ex
hibited at the house last night. To an
ordinary observer, Mr. Cain would not ap
pear tojbe more than three score and ten or
four score years. His face was remarkably
well preserved, and was not disfigured by
the large wrinkles that denote old age. The
hands, however, were pinched and wan,
'and the long fingers were shaped like wax
Until abont the time of his death, Mr.
Cain had enjoyed perfect control of all his
faculties. At times he was childish, but
the feeling soon wore away.
It is Cnnaht After a Llroly Steamboat
A fleet of barges broke loose from Joseph
Walton & Co.'s moorings near Saw Mill
Bun yesterday morning. It was feared they
would run into the lock walls at Davis
Island and prove a total wreck.
Two steamboats put out in pursuit. The
chase was lively, but after two miles and a
half were covered a rope was thrown over
the post of one of the barges and the fleet
was captured.
Railroad Offlclnls From Philadelphia Look
Over the Ground.
Some of the officials of the Pennsylvania
Bailresd have just returned to Philadel
phia from a tour over the Turtle Creek
Valley Bailroad. They were accompanied
by twb engineers.
As a result of this visit it is reported that
300 or 4Q0 laborers will be put to work next
month on the little road. Such news
pleases the people out around Murrysville.
A Fanny Case Out la the Twelfth
Ward. f
""Larceny ofagoaf'is the(, charge made
against Frank Neely before Alderman
Nobbs by Edward Canbury. The parties
live on Twenty-eighth street.
Canbury says that he was the possessor of
a fine goat which had defeated all animals
of its kind in that neighborhood. Neely, it
is said, desired to own the goat, but finding
he could not purchase it, took it by force.
The Annual Meeting to be Held In Washing
ton on Monday Next.
A party of about 30 pottery owners from
East Liverpool and vicinity will pass
through the city Saturday evenine on their
way to Washington to attend the annual
convention of potters at that place begin
ning Monday next.
The object of the meeting is to discuss
trade and prices. New officers will be
elected, and a banquet will wind up the
An Old I'cddler Is Instantly Killed Near the
Union Depot.
John Corraher was instantlv killed at the
crossing of the Ft. Wayne Bailroad, at
Eleventh and Liberty streets, yesterday
afternoon. He attempted to cross a moving
freight train and tell under the wheels and
was cut in two. The remains were taken to
the morguefwhere the body was identified.
The deceased was a peddler and lived in
East Liverpool. His friends were notified
last night.
The Allegheny Bunko Man Arrested.
Detective.Matt Pinkerton yesterday ar
rested a man giving his name as C. W.
Goodyear at Windsor, Canada. He is be
lieved to be the man who benkoed John K.
Lemon, of Allegheny, out of $10,000. Mr.
Lemon left last night for Windsor to iden
tify the prisoner, if possible.
Killed by a. Fall.
William Calhoon, a young plumber ap
prentice, fell down the elevator shaft in the
Westinghouse building, corner Penn ave
nue and Ninth street, yesterday, and was
For the Sufferers.
The proceeds of the Cathedral fair, by
the direction of Father Wall, will go to
night to the sufferers from the Wood street
wreck. The fair has been well patronized
so far.
Not Oxer tho Tunnel.
The agent for the Wesleyan Church prop
erty on Wylie avenue, near Tunnel street,
says the chureh does not stand over the Pan
handle tunnel, as has been intimated.
Smashed His Foot.
A pile of iron fell on Fred Eeymer's
foot in the Linden Steel Works yesterday
and crushed it.
H. W. Habtman, President of the Hart
man Manufacturing Company, went to Hew
York last night on business.
A.M. Brackekridge, Passenger Agent of
the Wabash Western Railroad in this city,
returned last evening from the West.
Charles L. Cole, Assistant General
Freight Agent of the Pennsylvania Company,
and two daughters, left for How Yorfc last
evening on a short visit.
James P. Witherow. proprietor of the
Hotel Dnquesne, left last night for lew York
to attend the banquet of tho Central Republi
can League this evening.
State Senator T. A. -Delamater, of
Meadville, is in the city. Yesterday he spent
in consultation with Sheriff McCandless in re
gard to a number of political matters.
The Beral-Annual Conrentlon of the K. of
L. at McKcesport Yeaterday The Uni
form Waco Scale Completed.
The semi-annual meeting of Division No.
5, National District Assembly No. 135, of
the Knights of Labor, which comprises the
Monongahela and Youghiogheny coal
regions, was held at McKeesport yesterday,
in the Odd Fellows Hall. Twenty-eight
delegates were present, besides the officers.
The morning session was devoted to prelim
inary business, such as approving creden
tials. Addresses were delivered by John B.
Itae, of Coalmont, Huntingdon county. Pa.,
who is National District Master Workman
of No. 135, and by Eobert Watcharn, of
Columbus, O., who is Secretary and Treas
urer of No. 135.
The business of the afternoon session was
to take steps to strengthen and solidify the
K. of L. in the two valleys, and to push
forward efficient men for the good of the or
der; to form a wage scale for the two valleys
which will compete with the Kanawha and
Ohio Valleys, was another object, and also
to take steps in the present suspension
among the miners along the Monongahela
river, to close or continue it and make U
universal, as over 1,000 men are at work in
the valley and are being paid 3 cents, while
others are idle, and it is reported right along
that the entire valley is idle.
The scale formulated will not be made
public for the present Almost the entire
afternoon was devoted to preparing it and
it will probably not be completed before to
morrow evening, It is rather a difficult
matter to arrange the scale so as to put the
Kanawha, Pomeroy and Monongahela val
leys on an equal basis. This is the all im
portant portion of the new scale. The two
weeks' pay rule was brought up for discus
sion. A ringing resolution was passed
unanimouslv indorsing the two weeks' pay
rule and calling upon all miners to ask for
it always and to hold ont for it.
Pittsburg Agents Make a Slight Advance on
Western Shipments.
The Pittsburg committee of freight agents
met yesterday in Mr. Means' office to take
action on the old pig iron rates, which
were rednced some months ago from the reg
ular tariff to special rates. It was decided
to restore the rates from the special to the
old tariff figures. This will make an ad
vance of about 10 per cent on shipments to
Chicago, Cleveland, etc.
The class rates from Pittsburg to other
Western points were also advanced. This
does not include articles of iron and steel.
The new rates will go into effect January 28.
Great Preparations Made tn Celebrate
, Washington's Birthday.
The Jr. O. TJ. A. M. have elected Mr.
Stephen Collins Chief Marshal for the
order's parade on Washington's Birthday.
Yesterday Mr. Collins issued his orders, aud
appointed the various subordinate officers.
There will be three divisions, G. M. Mur
phy being marshal of the first; W. An
gloch marshal of the second, and A. J.
Nellie marshal of the third. The parade
will move promptly at 1:30 P. M. About
10,000 men will be in line, and the officers
of the State and National Councils will be
The Washington Accommodation Wrecks a
Freight at Wlldwood.
A slight freight wreck occurred on the
Panhandle Bailroad at Wildwood station
at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. At that
time a freight train was crossing over to get
out of the way of the Washington accom
modation going west.
There was no flagman sent back to stop
the accommodation, and it crashed into the
middle of the freight train. Two cars were
badly smashed and all passenger trains
were delayed.
Mr. Moore Objects to Brace and Johnston as
Witnesses In Vain.
The hearing in the Brace Bros. boycott
case was resumed yesterday before Master
Woodward. J. B. Johnston identified the
matter on the postal card sent to Brace by
John Phillips. Mr. Brace also identified
his reply to the postal card.
Mr. Moore objected to the proceedings
because Phillips is not a defendant in the
suit. The objection was overruled. They
will meet again in another week.
But Dr. McCord's Skill Frustrated Mrs. An
drews' Suicidal Act.
Mrs. Mark Andrews, living in Evans
court, Anthony street, tried to commit sui
cide last night by taking laudanum. Dr.
McCord gave her emetics, and she is now
believed to be out of danger. The reason
givenby her in a letter for the act was that
she didn't believe her husband cared for
Mr. Andrews stated that three years ago
she took a dose of rough on rats.
The Ne-rr Miners' Union.
John D. Conway, ex-Master Workman of
Subdivision 5, N. T. A. 135, K. of L., has
called a convention of miners to be held on
January 30. Mr. Conway is Temporary
President of Sub-divisicn 4 of the new
Miners' Progressive Union. The conven
tion will elect delegates to the Inter-State
Convention at Indianapolis.
The Bnrneil Sleeper Dead.
Mrs. Roddy, the woman who was burned
in bed at No. 514 Carson street, died at 5
o'clock this morning at the Homeopathic
Hospital. An overturned lamp cansed the
Anxious for Her Son.
The mother of Ed. Miller, of No. 6 Bren
wick street, is greatly worried over his dis
appearance January 4. He is of good hab
its and she iears an accident. He is aged
25 and wears a dark double breasted coat
and was last seen on Seventh street.
Nine Dollars for the Round Trip
To Washington, D. C, and return via the
Pennsylvania Bailroad, Thursday, January
24. Special train composed of Day Coaches
and Pullman Parlor cars will leave Union
Station at 8 A. 31. Excursion tickets at this
rate are good on any regular train that date
and to return within ten days, except "Lim
ited." Sleeping cars on night trains. Se
cure your seats in parlor and space in sleep
ing cars at once.
Before buying trimmed hats or bonnets,
look at our styles and prices and save money.
Campbclt. & D'CK,
531'and 533 Wood street.
B. fc B.
Finest French Sntlncs
And a large lot of them go to-morrow at 15c.
Thld will be a picnic for this remnant day.
To-morrow early. Boggs & Buhl.
UyDEBWEAK Largest assortment, low
est prices. All goods marked in plain
figures. Strictly one price.
ttsu 954 and 95G Liberty st.
Use Eosalia Flour, Whitmyre & Co.
Use Bosalia Flour. Whitmyre & Co.
Necktveae All that is new and nobby
at the lowest popular prices. Jackson's,
954 and 956 Liberty street, star corner.Pitts
burg, Pa. xrsu
A Well-Known Minister Beeomesa Western
Missionary nnd Is Tendered a Farewell
Reception In Pittsburg.
Bev. W. W. Carothers had his scalp
fastened on very tight last evening at the
Eighth Street B. P. Church. He is about
to leave for Indian Territory, where he will
establish a mission among the red men un
der the auspices of the Women's Mission
ary Society of the Pittsburg B. P. Presby
tery. All the Covenanter congregations in
the two cities joined in giving him a fare
well reception last evening. Of course his
cultured wife and child were included in
Khe farewell.
Kev. Mr. Carothers has been located at
"Wilkinsburg for several years past. He
volunteered for the Western Mission. His
new home will be near Ft. Sill, in the
Southwestern part of Indian Teiritory.
That point is 80 miles from any railroad
station, and the clergyman is now nego
tiating with the Government for a gTant of
land upon which Is plenty of timber and
limestone. From these materials he ex
pects to build his own house. It is expected
that ample money donations will follow the
minister and his family from Pittsburg.
Fully 700 people were present to shake
hands with Mr. and Mrs. Carothers. Bev.
Dr. D. McAllister, pastor of the church,
acted as master of ceremonies. Hon. Felix
B. Brunot was introduced as the former
President of the Indian Commission under
President U. S. Grant. The gentleman
spoke pleasantly of matters be became con
versant with while among the Indiansof the
far West several years ago. Prof.McClurkin
also madefan address. Miss Bressley, Presi
dent of the Women's Indian Association,
talked briefly, and so did Mr. and Mrs.
Carothers themselves. Miss Martin pre
sented to Mrs. Carothers on behalt of the
ladies of all the churches a basket ot flow
ers. The affair wound up with refreshments
for everybody.
A Prosperous Son Cornea Back to Hunt Up
a Missing Parent.
A gentleman of Oakland, Cal., appealed
to the Department of Charities yesterday
for information about bis father, Nicholas
Carten. Carten formerly lived in Wheel
in?, and the son has not hiard from him for
iv,s: ,.
Don't Miss Them,
As yon may not get such another chance.
The large stoek of pianos and organs in S.
Hamilton's sales rooms, 91 and 93 Fifth av
enue, must be sold. Every year at Febru
ary 1 he takes stock and closes out all goods
possible before that time, and now he is just
in the midst of his annual clearance sale. If
you will go in you will find unheard of bar
gains. There is a number of very fine or
fans in the front wareroom that you can
uy lower than they formerly sold for cash,
and pay for them in monthly or quarterly
payments, all fully warranted.
S. Hamixtos-,
91 and 93 Fifth avenue.
Before buying ribbons look at our assort
ment and prices and save money.
Campbell & Dick,
531 and 533 Wood st.
Great Clearance Snle of Books,
Stationery, pottery, pictures, albums and
many useful articles will open Thursday
morning and continue for three days this
week. H. Watts & Co.,
431 Wood street
B. ib B.
Drcis Goods, Saltings, Broadcloths, Col
ored Cashmeres,
All remnants and all short pieces, up to
full dress lengths, go at this great semi
annual sale to-morrow. Boggs & Buhl.
Suits to measure from $18 up. Pants to
measure from $5 up. Satisfaction guaran
teed at Jackson's Star Tailors, 954 and 956
Liberty street. ttsu
Look out for the great auction sale of
drygoods this afternoon at 2 o'clock at M.
Fire's, 102 Federal st, Allegheny.
Ladies are greatly benefited by the use
of Angostura Bitters, the South American
B. 6tB.
Bemnants of 'black silk warp cashmeres
and all full dress patterns of same will be
measured up and be sold at interesting prices
at to-morrow's great remnant sale.
Boggs & Buhl.
Shirts, our own make, Jackson's SI
shirt 2,100 linen bosom, finest fitting shirts
that can be made. None without the name
of Jackson's. 954 and 95G Liberty st
ttsu "
Look out for the great auction sale of
drygoods this afternoon at 2 o'clock at M.
Fire's, 102 Federal st, Allegheny.
JACKSOS'S, 954 and 956 Liberty St.home
ready-made clothing, the only reliable ar
ticle sold in Pittsburg. Every garment
warranted to give the best satisfaction.
B. fc B.
Bead display ad. this paper and then come
to our great semi-annual remnant sale.
Friday, to-morrow. Boggs & Buhl.
All Winter Goods to bo Converted
Into Money. Prices Made to
Move Quickly.
Flushes, Striped, Brocade and Shaded
Velvets, Short and long lengths
from Holiday Sales.
Fancy Pattern Costumes, Novelty Com
bination ana Dress Lengths.
Yard and a half wide Cloths, 50c. 65c
and SOc; yard wide Novelty Suitings,
35c; double-width Cloths at 23c;
Wool-faced Dress Goods atl2c, are
a few of the many bargains for early
52 50 for a Plain Newmarket with
Cape; 15 for a Fancy Newmarket;
SlOfcr a variety of styles in Plain.
Braided or Cape Sleeve Newmarket
at a uniform price. S20 to $30 can be
saved on Pattern Garments, only
one of a kind, to to $15 on Plash
Garments. Seal Garments of the
best class at special prices.
HEnrd, BitiEFc Eostan.
Allegheny Citizens Decide to Go Into That
Grade A Fall Tote.
At the citizens' meetiae in the Allegheny
Common Council chamber last nfght abont
the new charter, the Citizens' Committee
recommended that they must decide to go
into the second-class grade, or take steps at
once to modify the pending legislative act,
governing third-class cities, to suit the pres
ent charter of the city.
Mr. William Price introduced a resolu
tion that it was the1 sense of the meeting that
they instruct Councils to accept a charter of
the second class for Allegheny. The resolu
tion was passed, not more than four voting
against it The committee was empowered
to represent the citizens before the Council;
A Mother Writes for Her Ennaway Boy
Who Had Been Released.
Louis Wertshafte, a Philadelphia run
away boy, was locked up a few days ago.
His parents were notified, but not replvinj.
soon after the boy was released. Yesterday
a letter came from his mother, asking how
much it would cost to get him out ' j
Officers Installed. -
Davis Camp, Sons of Veterans, installed"
the following named officers last night at
No. 81 Fourth avenue: Captain, H. A.
Davis: First Lieutenant, B. B. Foulk; Sec
ond Lieutenant, T. Miller; Camp Council,
J. H. Seifert, J. A. Irwin, L. H. E. Foulk;
Division Delegate, E. K. Foulk.
JOB. HDRNE i cn:a
' Ladles' doth Ulsters at Jo.
Several hundred Ulsters and Raglans
at $10.
These garments are about half prlos
less than cost. We are in, earnest la .
these "mark downs" as we must reduce
our stock now.
So it goes throughout our entire .'
stock in this Cloak room; never such, '
bargains offered. "" i
See the mark downs in Cloth Jackets,
especially in stylish Colored Jackets, '
very latest styles. 1
MENTS, with quilted satin linings, at jr
20, marked down from S25. r
" it
All these are new goods this season, r.
and are well made and of excellent
material. . '
stoves and ranges while nslne the samafor
cookinsr, or any other purpose, by using tha
Eureka Garbage Bcrner. For illustrative cir
cular, containing f nil information, call on or
53 East Diamond street
Je5-n57-TT3 Allegheny. Pa.
Walter J. osbobk. Richarbbabbowv
90 Diamond street
Telephone No.SU
's-' i .::
" . Ay sjssiMraBBt BBBsiir.