Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 17, 1889, Image 1

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    .w - ImftP HITlHitllTiY iltHilftlrli splend1dpt??m 1
m. WUm.um.j I .r EAAZJ L P L LL, M. 1 IPmkf APLwJwAl iia.n, tenants through the m,-
can be left at main office till mid- QT TJ Sr T (j fWH T fj W rmy f MEDIUM. c0?Mmn - E ?
night or at branch office till 9 P.Jf. r - ' r
To Submit the Question of Pro
hibition to the People at
a Special Election.
Says Republicans Must Act
Boldly and in Good Faith.
Grady Raises a Point of Sclf-Respcct De
lamalcr FaTors an Election In Jane
Newmycr Object lie Didn't Want to bo
Bonn- by Caucus Action Senator
Cooper's Sperch The Position of the
Party on Prohibition Some Unplensant
Reminiscences A Special Election in
Juno Decided Upon.
The Republican legislators held a caucus
in Harrisburg last evening, and came out
very plainly in favor of letting the people
decide the question of prohibition and high
license. Senator Cooper made a speech in
which he showed where the party stood.
There was some slight opposition from Sen
ator Newmyer, but it was finally decided to
prepare a bill for a special election on June
16. The Dispatch's stall correspondent
intimates pretty plainly that there will be
no changes made in the Brooks bill until
after this ejection is held.
Harrisbcrg, January 1G. The joint
Republican caucus to-night proved vastly
more entertaining and important than any
body had anticipated. The opposition of
Senator Newmyer served a useful purpose
in drawing from the ex-Chairman of the Re
publican State Committee a speech which
shows him to be a consummate master of
the art of politics, and which indicates the
true position of the leaders of the Republi
can party on the liquor question. The cau
cus was held in the House, and Hon. Henry
Hall, of Mercer, presided, Senator Packer,
of Tioga, being made Secretary. Repre
sentative Hall, in a few well chosen words,
reminded the gathering of the object that
brought them together, of the party's action
and pledges in the past, and urged that no
step backward be taken, but the pledges
made fulfilled.
Senator Cooper then introduced a resolu
tion which brought Senator Grady, Presi
dent pro tem of the Senate, to his leet with
a point of self respect. Senator Cooper's
resolution recited that the Republican Sen
ators and Representatives "pledge them
selves to submit in good faith the Prohi
bition amendment to the people."
Good Fnitu Wns Understood.
Senator Grady objected to the words "in
pood faith." Senator Cooper, who has a
great deal of experience as the chief engi
neer of the Republican machine, replied
that there were many ways in which Repub
licans might show bad faith, such as long
deferring the election and in other ways.
He didn't consider the words superfluous,
but rather a distinct pledge to the people.
Senator Grady wanted the words struck
out as a tribute to the self-respect of the
caucus. He believed everything they did
was done in good faith, and he didn't want
anything to go forth that seemed like a re
flection on that j osition. He wouhi have
been satisfied if the resolution had been
made to read "in good faith to our party
That way of putting it satisfied Mr.
Cooper, but when Representative "Walk, of
Philadelphia, suggested "in conformity
with our party pledges" instead, the Dela
ware Senator acquiesced, and the resolution
fctood that way. The question having been
thus nicely disposed of to the satisfaction of
the contending Senators.
A Sprclnl Election in Jnnc.
Mr. Delamatcr, who thinks Governor
Beaver's chair a very comfortable seat, came
squarely to the point with a resolution that
a committee of two members of the Senate
and three of the House be appointed by the
chair to prepare a bill to provide for a
special election on June 18, for the purpose
of having the people vote then on the prohi
bition amendment to the Constitution.
Senator Newmyer, of Allegheny, was
brought to his feet by this, and made him
self the solitary opponent of the resolution.
He had known, he said, that the date had
alreadv been fixed, and thought time ought
to be taken to consider this important point.
He was by no means satisfied that a special
election was best, and he wasn't satisfied
that the caucus was either the time or the
place to decide the matter. Senator Mc
Farlane, of Philadelphia, replied that
it was both the time and the place,
and after broadly intimating that the
subject was one that filled the minds of the
people to the exclusion of everything else,
said it was better to prepare to satisfy it in
the caucus than in the House and Senate.
The Senators bass Each Other.
Mr. Newmyer didn't think the question
one to be decided in five minutes; he didn't
see any argument in what Mr. McFarlane
had said, and he didn't think the judgment
of members necessarily bound by caucus ac
tion. He thought the question could be de
cided at a general election as well as at a
special election and at less expense.
Senator Delamater, in measured and im
pressive tones, responded that there were
good and valid reasons for the special elec
tion. It was important to decide the liquor
question aside from all other questions. He
referred to the Governor's message in sup
port of his position, and considered the
caucus as well prepared to decide the ques
tion now as next week or next month.
Alter lurtbcr sparring Senator McFar
lane, in tones tinged with passion and look
ing in Senator Ncwmycr's direction, as
serted that if he had previously entertained
a doubt of the necessity of inserting the
words, "in good faith," in the first resolu
tion, it had been dissipated after hearing
the remarks of the Allegheny Senator.
"What the latter might have been led to
retort, had not Mr. Dearden, of Philadel
phia, secured the floor in favor of the reso
lution, is known only to himself, and after
the latter had finished the Senator'trum Del
aware arose, and in the best speech of the
evening revealed to the caucus the true
position of the Republican party in the fol
lowing language:
Position of the Party on Prohibition.
Mr. Pbesidestt Upon this question the Re
publican partytias turned its face to the future,
and it may be wise to bring that future as close
as possible. If you will examine the temper of J
the Democratic members and Senators, you
will find that they are almost a unit upon the
policy of inaction, believing that, whatever the
result of the election on this question maybe,
the Republican party wiU suffer. Tbey are
partially justified in this impression by the his
tories of the prohibitory straggles in Iowa and
Kansas, where, immediately following the
adoption of prohibition, the Republican majori
ties fell, and, in one instance, almost passed
away. Subsequent history, howevor, proves
that the party in both States, at the recent
elections, redeemed its past historic majorities.
As a politiclan,desiring the continued success of
the Republican party, I would deplore tho sub
mission of a prohibitory question at a general
election even though, as said by the Senator
from Allegheny (Mr. Newmyer), there be but a
State Treasurer to elect, but there will be city
and county tickets to elect in all parts of the
Commonwealth, and Republican candidates
will either have to play the coward or suffer
defeat in many majority sections. Other com
plications will arise, and selfish Interests will
barter for results. It has been tho practice of the
Legislature of this State, and that practice has
received the sanction of the people, to submit
all Important constitutional amendments to
special elections. This was true of the pro
hibitory election of IbSi, of the Constitutional
Convention and of the new Constitution itself.
The Benefits of nigh License.
There is every reason why a course so highly
approved ought not to be adopted In this in
stance, whether or not at a special election the
people of the State will become as greatly ex
cited as described by the Sentator from Phila
delphia (Mr. McFarlane). with men, women
and children participating therein, (" pends
largely upon the improvement of th high
license law. I am in lavor of a reasonable ad
vance in that direction, to the end that the
people may be enabled to make a comparison
between the two good things and calmly judge
which of the two is best fitted to the condition j
of the State. While all the details of high
license are not proper for caucus action, yet I
would like to see the Republican Senators
and members present keep in view the fact
that the benefits of high license shonld be ex
tended to the entire State, regardless of
whether this improvement will have the ten
dency either to increase or decrease the vote
for prohibition. We have witnessed the op
eration of high license in the great cities of
Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and have seen
that it bas broken up and rooted out all the
dens of those places, while in the other parts of
the State, notably in Schuylkill. Luzerne,
Lackawanna and other sections where the
Judges have granted all who applied, we find
three times as many saloons to a given popula
tion than there are In either Philadelphia or
the cities of Pittsburg and Allegheny. This
should not.be.
Let the People Decide.
The best features of the law should be made
to apply equally to all parts of the State, and I
hope before this legislature adjourns these im
provements will be made. What th" Republi
can party ought to do when the question of
high license is to command the improvident
temperament of the people of Pennsylvania, is
to leave the question of high license to a rote
of that people, without regard to party inter
ests. There is wisdom in the selection of the
date named in this resolution. It should be re
membered that another constitutional amend
ment, repealing the taxation qualifications, to a
vote of the people and in the interest of econ
omy it ought to be submitted on the same
date, though voted upon separately.
These two amendments and the laws provid
ing for the conduct of the election have to be
passed and it is hardly probable that they can
be passed before the first of March. This done
tho executive officers of the State ought to
havo at least two w ceks in which to prepare for
advertising, the notice being required to bo not
less than three months prior to the election.
This would bring us to the lotn-of June, where
as the 18th is upon a Tuesday, a day best suited
to elections. In conclusion I see wisdom in the
fact that there shonld be a special election,
wisdom in the date fixed upon lu the resolution,
and 1 hope it will be adopted.
A Spcclnl Election Decided Upon.
After Mr. Bean, of Montgomery, had
spoken, Mr. Newmyer replied to Mr. Mc
Farlane, that as to a question of good faith
he assumed all present acted in that way.
As for himself, if he didn't he wouldn't be
present He was as ready as the Philadel
phia Senator to pass the measure as early as
possible, but thought it bad faith to have
the amendment voted on at a special elec
tion. There was no party pledge to require
it, and no special demand for it, save from a
very few. Candid deliberation was what he
sought, and not popular applause. The
question being called for, all voted aye but
Senator Newmyer.
Senator Hall then appointed the following
committee to prepare the bill: Senators Del
amater, of Crawford, and Cooper, of Dela
ware; Representatives Stewart, of Philadel
phia; Dravo, of Beaver, and Lytle, of Hunt
ingdon. This finished the business of the
caucus and the vote to adjourn was unani
mous. Simpson.
A Bill Introduced to Govern Kntnral Gas
Haekisburg, January 16. Fred Magee
and a pocket iull of bills accompanied each
other to Harrisburg, and the latter are ex
pected to be heard of in the halls of legisla
tion. In fact they have already appeared,
and among them is a bill introduced by
Senator Steel, covering the points against
which the Supreme Court recently decided
in the case carried up to it by the city of
The bill designs to establish by legislation
what was supposed to be a natural right. It
prevents a natural gas company from pur
chasing or leasing the line of another com
pany, fixes the charges to be paid for gas,
confines the privileges of such corporations,
and authorizes the local taxation of pipes
and business. This bill is the production
of the joint Councilmanic committee ap
pointed a few weeks ago to draft legislation
restricting the natural gas companies.
Lobbies In the Interest of Homo Products
Arriving nt Hnrrlsbnrcr.
Hareisbtjbg, January 16. Two in
fluential lobbies are expected to appear in
Harrisburg ere long, one4 in the interest of
dressed beef and the other in the interest of
liquor. Mr. Guckenheimer appeared to-day
as the advance guard of the latter. It is re
ported to-night that the Pennsylvania Rail
road will favor the granger beef bill, for the
reason that the transportation of live stock
is cheaper than that of dressed meat.
A large number of members of the House
and Senate are reported pledged to the bill,
and the rural members will be compelled to
favor it if they wish to retain their seats
another term.
To be Secured by n Bill Authorizing Chem
ical Tests.
rrnoM A staff correspondem.;
Habrisbukg, January 16. Representa
tive Stewart has received from a Philadel
phia constituent a bill to punish food adul
teration. It provides that all cities and
boroughs having health officers shall employ
a qualified chemist to procure food samples
from stores and test them for adulterations.
Finding which, he shall make return to the
proper prosecuting officer. Fines and penal
ties are provided against those making
Until tho Fate of Constitutional Prohibition
Has Been Decided by the People.
Harbisbueo, January 16. Senator
Cooper introduced, the prohibitory constitu
tional amendment in the House to-day, and
Senator Steel, of Allegheny, introduced a
bill providing for payment of the advertis
ing of it. In the House this morning It was
read the first time and to-night the Repub
licans of the houses caucused on it, while
the House Democrats will caucus to-morrow
Liquor bills,- however, are just as numer
ous as though this measure to make them
all unnecessary and superfluous was in
tended to apply to some other State. Among
those introduced to-day was one by Repre
sentative White, of Allegheny, by request,
to permit corporations having a capital
of more than $3,000 to go on the bond of
liquor dealers. Another was introduced by
Representative Smiley, of Clarion, permit
ting bondsmen for liquor dealers to be
chosen from the county, instead of limiting
them to the borough or ward only. Repre
sentative Lemon's bills were also introduced,
and a member from Columbia county intro
duced a bill provi,didg that mercantile ap
praisers shall not classify liquor dealers,
but shall let them severely alone.
These added to the bills already presented
make a respectable numerical showing.
Their originators might as well have kept
them in their pockets though, and others
who have liquor bills to present might as
well do the same, as there is a quiet determ
ination among the old members of the Leg
islature who put the Brook's bill through,
and the new members favorable to it, to
prevent the passage of any liquor legisla
tion whatever until after the fate of the
constitutional amendment shall have been
decided by the people. They admit that a
few amendments might be made with ad
vantage, but they are unwilling to open the
door to amendments lest they should be un
able to close it. Theydesire to let the liquor
question go to the people just as it stands
now, uncomplicated by any act of the.
present law-making body.
A Majority of tho Allegheny Delegation
Make a Vigorous Opposition.
Harrisburg, January 16. The heart of
but one Democratic delegate from the State
of Allegheny throbbed responsive this
morning to the pretty and pacific sentiment
expressed last night by ex-Chairman Bren
nen concerning State Chairman Eisner.
That man was John Huckenstein, of Alle
gheny, and his colleagues, Foley, Giles and
Ennis, not only voted against the old
ticket, but against every resolution that
came up. There were 47 members of the
committee on hand and 44 of these voted to
select Kisner Chairman, and Nead Secre
tary. Hon. William L. Scott, of Erie, is
the Western representative on the Execu
tive Committee, which is empowered to fix
the date for the next State Convention,
whose meeting will be at Harrisburg if the
hotel proprietors pay the necessary ex
penses. The resolutions have the usual ring, and
rely on the sober second thought of the peo
ple in the Democratic fight for lower taxes,
honest government and a pure ballot, a
fight which was lost in the electoral college,
but won in the late election by.a popular
plurality. It was also resolved that the ad
ministration of Grover Cleveland will live
in history, and that Democratic societies
ought to be favored everywhere right away.
He Talks to the Committee About a Morgue
nnd Law nnd Order Agents,
rrnoM a staff cobbespondext.
Harrisbitsg, January 16. Representa
tive Marland this morning appeared before
the sub-committee of the Judiciary General
Committee to argue in favor of his bill
aimed at Law and Order agents, and to
bring the committee around to his way of
thinking offered a proviso expressly ex
empting detectives employed by District
Attorneys from its provisions.
Mr. Marland argued in favor of his morgue
bill before the Judiciary General Committee
in the afternoon.
Providps Tbnt Cities of Less Than 100,000
Go Into the Third Class.
Haerisbtjrg, January 16. The Muni
cipal Corporations Committees of the two
Houses listened to arguments in favor of
the inter-municipal bill this afternoon, and
had its provisions explained to them.
Mr. Richards, of Reading, Secretary of
the committee that framed the bill ex
plained that it provided that all cities of
less than 100.000 population should form
cities of the third class, and that the bill in
the main followed the municipal legislation
of 1887.
On the Snle of the University Building and
the Abolition of Grade Crossings.
Habrisbueg, January 16. A favorable
report was made on Representative Gra
ham's bill authorizing the public sale of
the buildings formerly used for court pur
poses in Pittsburg.
A favorable report has been authorized
on the bill to compel railroads hereafter
built to cross roads and streets above or
below grade.
Omccrs of tho State Agricultural Society.
Harrisburg, January 16. At the an
nual meeting of the State Agricultural So
ciety, held here to-day, John McDowell, of
Washington, was elected President. The
other officers chosen are Corresponding and
Recording Secretary, D. W. Seiler; Treas
urer, John J. Nissley; Chemist and Geolo
gift, Al. Kennedy; Librarian, William H.
Egle; Stenographer, H. C. Demming.
A Rewnrd of Chnrlty.
Habrisbueg, January 10. On the sug
gestion of Dr. Walk, of Philadelphia, the
Appropriations Committee will probably
report to-morrow the appropriation for the
Homeopathic Hospital of Pittsburg, and for
the Reading Hospital, in recognition of
their services to the injured in the recent
WbntDocs It Need?
Hareisbubg, January 16. At a meet
ing of the Appropriations Committee to-day
a sub-committee, consisting ot Neff, Billings
ley and Loomis, was appointed to examine
into the disposition of the appropriation for
the Huntingdon Reformatory, and to ascer
tain what is needed for its support
0 To License Physicians.
Hareisbubg, January 16. Dr. Walk,
of Philadelphia, to-day introduced a bill
for the appointment of a State Board of
Medical Examiners and Licensers, of nine
persons to examine candidates for diplomas.
Money for the Penitentiary.
Habrisbueg, January 16. The Appro
priations Committee has appointed Fruit, of
Continued on Hixth JPage.
' ' " 1 1 i,
And a Spool' Child is Christened in
the Spray of Niagara Falls.
Gets Into the Toils'of the Champion Medium
of the Century.
And fu Summarily Adj ndfed Insane ana Committed
to Allium. ,
A New York medium appears to have
secured another wealthy victim. He was
entrapped through alleged communications
from his dead son, who was married to an
other spirit with great ceremony. His wife
denounces the fraud, and is sent to an in
sane asylum. Some property is involved in
the matter. The story is partially admitted
in an interview.
New York, January 16. Another
wealthy and respected citizen is in the toils
of a spiritualistic fraud. The victim this
time is George C. Carroll, of the firm of
Dempsey & Carroll; manufacturers of fine
stationery. Mrs. Stryker met Mr. Carroll
on Broadway in the early part of 1884 and
said: ,
"The spirit of your son is hovering over
your head. He wants to speak to you."
This interested Mr. Carroll, whose son,
aged 22, had died a few months before,
and he fell into conversation with
the charming stranger, who told him
wonderful things of his son in the spirit
life. She said that his son had his yach
and his dogs, and was leading quite a gay
existence. Mr. Carroll frequented her house
and became a. confirmed sniritualist On
the anniversary of his son's death the young
man was married through the mediumship
of Mrs. Stryker to a gentle young spook
poetess named Brighteyes, who had died
when a child. Mr. Carroll had cards
printed and his parlors decorated most pro
lusely with flowers, and gave a grand ban
quet to the 40 or SO persons present.
Of course the bride and groom were invisi
ble, but Mrs. Stryker was there in a trance.and
she said the spook wedding service, which;
is singularly like that of the Episcopalians.!
After that she conveyed to the bride and
groom the congratulations of the guests,
who filed past the chairs of the bride and
groom two by two and bowed to the invisi
ble ones. A year later Mrs. Stryker told
Mr. Carroll that a spirit child had been
born and that its parents were going to
christen it in Niagara Falls.
Thereupon Mr. Carroll chartered a special
excursion train and went to Niagara to at
tend the ceremony, taking with him abont
90 of his friends, spiritualists and unbe
lievers. Mrs. Stryker, of course, was along,
and she went into a trance, saw the child
baptized in the cataract, and performed the
service and told others about it. The
medium's hold on Mr. Carroll was all this
time growing stronger. In 1884 she lived
in poverty in Brooklyn. Then she moved
to a house near him in New York. Then
he rented a whole house for her, and she
had it fixed up with stained glass windows
and called it "The Metropolitan Temple of
Humanity." Mr. Carroll attended the
services there constantly.
Mrs. Carroll grew very, ,resUye ;j
1886", and told'Mfs- Stryker on the Only 0n
casion when her husband persuaded her to
go to the "Temple" that she was a fraud. A
little later Mr. Carroll had an examination
of his wife's sanity made, and had her com
mitted to an insane asylum. Mr. Carroll is
60 years of ago. Mrs. Stryker is 30 years
of age and a verv pretty brunette. When
a reporter asked Mr. Carroll what truth
there was in the publishsd statement that
gentleman became very excited and said:
"It's a lie. It's a villainous attempt to
injure me and I know the man who fur
nished tne miormaiion. ne is tne only
enemy I have in the world. I saved him
from going to State prison, but I shall fol
low him now until I see him behind the
bars. It is a cunning mixture of truth and
"Is it true that your wife is in an asylum?"
was asked.
"Yes, my poor wife is iu the asylum at
Middletown, receiving the best attentions
that money could procure. The intimation
that she is there because of my acquaint
ance with Mrs. Stryker is infamous.
"What will become of her property?" was
Mr. Carroll again became excited and re
plied: "I hold it only as trnstee, and on
her death it will go to her blood relatives.
I will not get a dollar of it, and I don't
want it."
"Do you know Mrs. Stryker?"
"I do," replied Mr. Carroll, "and I re
spect her very much; and it isa shame to
speak about her in the way that has been
done. But I shall not talk about Mrs.
Stryker's affairs."
"But about vourself?"
"Well, I am a spiritualist, and so is
everyone who believes that the soul is im
mortal. It is untrno that Mrs. .Stryker has
beguiled money out of me. I have only
paid my board to her."
"Is it true that there was a spirit wedding
of your dead son, as stated?"
Mr. Carroll refused to state whether this
was true or false, but admitted that cards,
of which the following is a copy, were
Mr. George D. Carroll requests the pleasure
of your presence at the marriage ceremony of
his son, Clifford Manfred, to Bright Eves, on
the evening of December 9, 1881, at 119 East
Twenty-eighth street.
A Romantic Story Recalled by an Application
for a Divorce.
Detroit, January 16. Mrs. C. R, Mab
ley had been a widow less than a year when
Detroit society was astounded to learn that
she had married the Rev. W. J. Spiers, for
a short time rector of Medbury chapel in
this city. Mabley's death had left his
widow wealthy, but with seven children and
no longeryoung. Spiers W3S only 30 when they
were married in New York in 1886. More
over, he was engaged at the time to a young
ladv of his congregation. Suddenly he left
the church, telling his friends he could not
accept some of its doctrines. He went
straight to New York, where the marriage
It was understood that the bride's gift to
her husband was $40,000 in cash. The
couple were very devoted for a
time, "like two doves in a belfrey,"
as a visitor who saw them in
New York saia. Then Spiers began
to travel. This summer he was seen
at the races here, and appeared to thing of
nothing but horses. Now comes the an
nouncement that Mrs. Spiers is seeking a
divorce, presumably on the ground ot deser
tion. -
Queen Victoria's Iilttle Trip.
London, January 16. It is stated that
the French Government has ordered four
men of war to escort Queen Victoria to
Biarritz. Besides Biarritz the Queen will
visit San Sebastian, accompanied by
Empress Frederick.
Many Think He Is Booked by Harrison
His Opponents Rnklng Up an Old
Scandal A Record to bo
Sent to Harrison.
"Washington, January 16. The poli
ticians and Cabinetmakers, says the Star
will probably find new food for speculation
in the fact that Vice President-elect Mor
ton and Mrs. Morton have taken quarters
in the same house with Mr. Blaine and his
family. In compliance with a request by
telegraph, Mr. William Walter Phelps has
secured quarters at the Normandie for Mr.
and Mrs. Morton, and they are expected
here to-morrow, They expect to remain In
Washington for several days.
Cabinet gossips are more than ever in
clined to accept it as certain that Blaine is
to go into tho Cabinet, notwithstanding the
efforts that are being made to keep him out.
Mr. Blaine's friends have no doubt of his
receiving an invitation from General Harri
son to join his official household. The friends
of Mr. Miller in Congress, are inclined to
make a great deal of the visit of his friends,
Mr. Plummcr, to General Harrison. They
say that Plummer was sent for directly by
General Harrison, and that the result of
the visit was to encourage the hopes of the
Miller men.
Some of the anti-Blaine members of both
Houses of Congress have dug up the old
Peruvian claim scandal that was investiga
ted by the House Committee during the
Forty-seventh Congress, and are attempting
to show to General Hariison that Mr.
Blaine's association with the matter was
too intimate for discretion during his brief
term as Secretary ot State. A great deal
was said at the time about this Peruvian
business, and the connection of Walker
Blaine and Senator Blaine with it, as at-
torneys for the company. Mr. Blaine, the"
elder, was before the committee and at that
time the famous tilt between him and Perry
Belmont occurred.
About n week ago some Senators and
Representatives in Congress who want to
keep Blaine out of tho Cabinet cansed a
search to be begun among the files of the
State Department relating to these Peru
vian claims, in the hopes of finding some
thing, which, in connection with the devel
opments at the investigation, might turn
new light on the subject. They have
gathered all the information on the subject
which could be constructed to reflect upon
Mr. Blaine, and have sent, or intend to
send, at once, a paper on the subject to Gen
eral Harrison as an argument why Mr.
Blaine shonld not be made Secretary of
An Indiana Man Who Wns Threatened Re
covers S50 nt Lnrr.
Indianapolis, January 16. Twelve
good men, constituting a Madison county
jury, has determined that $50 shall be the
fine of posting a White Cap notice in that
community. The postmaster of Myers,
Charles McKce, found on his door, some
time ago, the following:
"Mb. O. SIcKee let us give you a little ad
vice. We sittosons doan't intend for you to act
the raskal any longer in this naborhood, and
meadel with others peoples birness, and tell
d lighs, and swear d llghs, and not pay
your debts much longer. So the best thing
you can do is to post out of the naborhood or
you will have to bide the consequences, and
there is no telling whatt that may bee. You
are worse than a thief. Get out or pay your
debts, and you and your wife quit swaring
d lighs on your nabors. Pleas take notis of
this fotograft." Many Sittosons.
, The "fotograft" was a rude picture of a
man dangling from the limb of a tree, with
a rope around his neck. Mr. McKee sus
pected that the author of the notice was Abe
Doyie.-a weaIthyiaTmcr and aa Influential
politician, whom he had prosecnted. The
trial, which has just closed, has been in
progress a week. The jury deliberated all
night over the evidence,and gave the plaint
iff a verdict for damages to the amount
of 550. ,
C M. Everett Snicldes by Sleeping With a
Bowl of Ether In His Bed.
New Castle, January 16. C. M. Ever
ett, a tinner, this morning requested his
room-mate, William Vance, to prevent any
one from awakening him, as he desired to
sleep late, as his illness, which had been
been giving him much trouble, had about
disappeared. Mr. Vance complied with his
request, and upon going to their room to
night found his companion still asleep. He
went out, and returning later, and seeing
him in the same position, removed the cov
ers from his form and was horrified to find
him dead.
An examination revealed the fact that
Everett had procured a quantity of ether,
which he put into a basin. He then placed
the bowl under the clothing, and covering
his head, permitted the deadly drug to
softly and slowly relieve him of his suffer
ings. He was about 45 years of age, and it
is thought his home was in Sharon. He has
been here for the past four years, and was
considered a sober and industrious artisan.
A Schemer Who Offered Bad Money for
Good Is Promptly Arrested.
Philadelphia, January 16. A green
goods man, who gave bis name as Edward
White and his residence Ninth avenue,
New York, was this afternoon committed by
a United States Commissioner in default of
$2,000 bail for a further hearing on the
charge of using the mails for illegal pur
poses. Several days ago W. H. Agey, a
hotel proprietor at Tvlersburg, Pa., received
a letter signed William Duncan, No. 338
Montgomery street, Jersey City, in which the
writer offered to furnish Agey with a large
amount of counterfeit money for a small
sum of good money, and assuring him that
the counterfeits were so well executed that
there was no danger of detection.
Agey communicated with Chief of De
tectives Woods, of this city, and a corre
spondence was opened with Duncan. It
was arranged that ne should meet Agey in
Philadelphia, and last evening when Tie ar
rived at the Colonnade Hotel and inquired
for Agey he was taken into custody by a
The Rather Sad Romance of One ol Read
tag's Silk Mill Victims.
New Rinogold, Pa., January 16.
Daniel Nester is one of the wealthiest
farmers in Schuylkill county. His 18-year-old
daughter had many suitors,, but her
favorite one was a young man who was her
second cousin. Her father refnsed to sanc
tion a marriage of his daughter with this
young man, his only reason being the bluod
relationship between them.
Miss Nester regarded the opposition of
her father as persecution and she left him
to provide for herself. She went to Read
ing, and on Tuesday of last week found em
ployment in the silk mill there. The mill
was wrecked by thn- cyclone the next day,
and Miss Nester w.is one of the many em
ployes crushed to death.
A European Revolntlon.
London, January 16. The Anarchists
in attendance at the Peace Congress held in
Milan recently, decided to foment a revolu
tion in Europe in the event of war.
Tarn the Tide of Judicial Sentiment
in Fayor of Parnell.
But His Irish Eloquence Will Save Editors
From Farther Annoyance.
Germany's Tonng Emperor Exhibits the Indictment
Against Geffcken.
Exciting incidents enlivened the Parnell
trial yesterday. Editor O'Brien's defiant
eloquence overawed the justices. He was
mildly cautioned, and the Commission will
not bother the newspapers again. A life
convict and a traitor was a witness for the
Times, Sir Charles Russel soon convinced
the justices that the man was a reckless liar.
His evidence left an unfavorable impression
that seems to have satisfied Parnell's coun
London, January 16. William O'Brien
was well advised in deciding to address the
Parnell Commission personally. The most
eminent counsel, larded with the fattest of
fees, could not have put his case in a better
light, and President Hannon, in letting the
offender off with a mild caution, went out of
his way to pay a tribute to the Irish leader's
eloquence and sincerity. Thanks, to
O'Brien's sturdy yet adroit action, the coun
sel on both sides have tacitly agreed to let
the newspapers alone. henceforth.
The evidence to-day was of a most im
portant character. 'Patrick Delaney, for
merly an Invincible, went into the box and
swore that the Land League and all its best
known leaders and members, from Michael
Delaney down to his miserable self, were
'directly in. the Phoenix park murders and
other terrible' crimes; According to De
laney, the entire Irish Executive were to be
murdered,'" D'avitt and the League being not
only in the mad plot, but constant and
munificent paymasters of the entire body of
".another perjurer dissected.
Somehow they people in court instinct
ively became possessed of a feeling that De
laney was laying on the colors with too
lavish a han'd, and the impression was more
than confirmed by Russell's masterly cross
examination. Delaney commenced his
criminal 'career at the age of 17, when he was
sentenced to five years' penal servitude for
highway robbery. Since the Fhcenix Park
murders, and probably previously, he has
been an informer, and there is little reason
to doubt that the Times has received from
him "the bulk of information upon which
they rely to'prove the more serious of their
charge's against constitutional leaders. Bnt
even this man, ready and evidently most
willing to swear to anything, was forced to
admit that theFenians'andlnvincibles were
bitterly oppoied to the home rule movement
and thwarted it upon every occasion, which,
in view of his previous assertions as to the
close association and co-operation of the
revolutionary and constitutional leaders,
struck most people, including the learned
commissioners, as carious.
When pressed in regard to individuals, it
soon became evident, and practically ad
mitted, that the witness knew little or noth
ing of most of the men about whom he had
lied so glibly, and that his evidence, includ
ing some of the most important statements,
were either invented or based upon hearsay.
Russell sat down with a sigh, apparently
satisfied with his afternoon's, work, anil
Michael Davitt having obtained permission
to defer until to-morrow his cross-examination
of Delany, the Court adjourned.
The following summary of Delany's testi
mony is culled from the Press report:
Delany spoke of an attempt to hire a house
on Castle Hill, from which officials of the cas
tle could be Bhot with rifles. Carey failed to
get the houso. In 1881, when Carey was a can
didate for the Dublin Municipal Council Egan
promised that all his expenses would be paid.
Egan held that an Invincible ought be Lord
Mayor. Delany identified letters signed by
Egan. When questioned in regard to Egan's
letter, in which reference is made to a fund.
Delany said he knew nothing about such a
On cross-examination by Sir Charles Russell,
the witness said he enrolled himself with the
Fenians the same night he left prison. When
he was accused of the PhccmxFark murders
he gave the authorities all the information in
his possession. It was his wife who, while vis
iting him in prison, warned him that he was
suspected in connection with the Phoenix Park
murders. He thereupon supplied a written
statement to the prison officials.
When asked how be came to give the Times
evidence, he stated that Crown Solicitor Shan
non came to the jail afortnight ago and took
his sworn statement. Recurring to tho Fenian
organization, he declared that it was
never an assassination society, except
in cases where somebody informed
against them. The Fenians sought to fight
openly, and were very different from the In
vincibles. He knew Egan, Brennan and Byrne
to be Fenians in 1876. having met them at a
secret meeting. He admitted that be never
met them among the Invlnclbles, but knew
they were leaders of Invlnclbles through Carey
and others. He never saw any one of them
giving money to anybody, but had seen money
on a table at which Byrne was sitting. The
witness said that he was sentenced to death for
complicity in the Phoenix Park murders, and
Lord Spencer commuted his sentence to life
imprisonment, which he is now undergoing.
The Indictment Against Geffcken Why the
Chancellor Accused Him of Treason
The Fnbllcntlon of the Diary
e a Blow nt Bismarck.
Berlin, January 16. In accordance with
a command of Emperor William, the Seich
sanzelger to-day publishes the indictment
that was found against Prof. Geffcken, in
order that the people maybe enabled to form
their own judgment regarding the adminis
tration of justice in Germany. The indict
ment states that Prof. Geffcken extracted
from the diary, which contained 700 pages,
and which was confided to him by the late
Emperor Frederick in March, 1873, the
portions published. He had no authority
to mate the diary public, Emperor Fred
erick himself being of the opinion that it
should only be published after lapse of a
long period after his death.
The indictment further states that Em
peror Frederick's proclamation announcing
his accession to the throne, issued on March
12, was prepared by Prof. Geffcken as early
as June, 1885, when the late Emperor
William was seized with fainting fits dur
ing a stay at Em1!.
A number of letters written by Baron
Von Boggenbach and Prof. Geffcken are
appended to the indictment. Baron Von
Boggenbach, iu a letter written in Septem
ber, 1888, after expressing approval of a
political memorial which it was proposed to
resent to the Emperor, savs that in a few
ays a meeting on the subject would be
held at Morier's house. Prof. Geffcken's
letters, which cover the period from 1880 to
1887, are marked throughout bv hostile
criticism of Bismarck and his policy.
Moner (s frequently mentioned in the
course of the correspondence, the references
to him showing that he was in the confi
uence oi me writers,
-he mtchsanzeiger also puoiisnes muw
Bismarck's report to Emperor William, in
which hfe points out the necessity for pub
lishing the indictment in order to counteract
the pernicious effect of the misrepresenta
tions of home and foreign journals which,
he says, aim at representing the public
prosecutor and the Imperial Tribunal as be
ing partial and inspired with a desire for
persecution. The indictment is thus sum
marized: The indictment savs that Geffcken admitted
It was unlikely that Empress Frederick would
have given permission to publish tho diary, and
quotes from a letter written by Geffcken to his
wife from Heligoland as follows:
"The matter worries me so that I cannot
sleep. Oh, If I had only followed your good
advice; my intentions were the purest I had
no Idea that 1 should raise such a storm."
It appears that his wife had warned him
against publishing the diary.
The Geffcken indictment states that Prof.
Geffcken confessed that he believed that Em
peror Frederick would not have given him the
diary had be thought it would be published.
Prof. Geffcken made extracts from the diary
for his own use, never thinking that the
Emperor would die before himself.
His object In publishing the extracts
was to show that Emperor Fredenckk was a
noble ideologist and the moving power at the
fonndation of the Empire. On comparing the
abstracts published with copies of diaries in
Possession of the Government, it appears that
he manuscript from which Geffcken copied
has disappeared without leaving a trace. Three
witnesses were addnced Fran Krugg. a widow.
Minister Von Stosch and the novelist Freytag
to prove that the lata Kmperor Frederick
never contemplated publishing bis diary. The
violation of secrecy, which is the basis of the
charge of treason, is treated under six heads,
as follows:
First, the origin and constitution of the Em
pire; second, relations with the Vatican: third,
with Russia; fourth, with England; fifth, with
Luxemburg and tbe guaranteeing powers;
sixth, with Belgium and France. Under the
first head tbe indictment says that the
idea which Emperor Frederick contemplated,
of employing force against the Southern States,
would beeet a fear of such force in future
which might induce those States, as a safety
precaution, to make agreements with other
powers damaging to their relations with the
The indictment quotes official reports from
the Prussian Legations in Bavaria, Saxony,
Wurtemburg and Baden, and in this sense fur
ther diplomatic and semi-official press reports
from various European capitals are quoted. In
a similar manner, to show how statements In
tbe diary tended to Injure Germany's
interests abroad and incite distrust
of tbe German Empire. The indictment
then proceeds to prove that Geffcken, being a
professor of public law, was perfectly aware of
the consequences of the publication. It
quotes letters disproving the statement that
ho was suffering from mental aberration, as
serts that he burned Rodenburg's letters in
order to put the public on the wrong track as
to tbe authorship of the article and
quotes expressions used by Geffcken
a decade ago at Barmen, from which it is con
cluded that his ambition had been disappointed
and that he desired tho overthrow of Bismarck,
Two letters from Roggenbach were found dis
suading Geffcken from his intention to submit
a memorial to tbe present Emperor and at
tacking and secretly trying to discredit Bis
An English Firm Offers the Monks millions
of Pounds for Their Grand Recipe.
Paris, January 16. The Temps says
that a London firm has offered the General
of the Carthusian monks of La Grande
Chartreuse the sum or 3,000,000 for a
monopoly of the manufacture and sale of
the famous Chartreuse liquor. A Papal
legate who arrived at the monastery on
Monday last has enjoined the monks not to
accept the offer, reminding them that the
Carthusian statutes forbid trading. The
General of the order is disposed to reject
the proposal.
Senator Arkell Says tho Emplro Stats Will
Have a Place Ho Slight Name the
Kan, but Will Leave That
to Harrison.
CANAJonARiE, N. Y., January 16. Ex
Senator Arkell, "W. J. Arkell and Bernard
Gillam, of Judge, and John E. Sleicher, of
the Albany Journal, returned from Indian
apolis this morning. The party have been
besieged with visitors inquiring about Gen
eral Harrison, and in conseqnence the Sen
ator has been scarcely able to handle the ac
cumulation of business at his office. Among
the first callers were several reporters, and
when asked to ennmcrate the objects and
result of the trip and the impression the
party received of the President-elect, the
Senator replied as follows: '
We went to Indianapolis on the invitation of
General Harrison, and had no other motive
than to present to General Harrison a disinter
ested statement of the Republican situation In
New York, and speak In tho interest of the
solidarity of the party. The usual impression
Is that Mr. Harrison is a polite but reticent
man, courteous but Impenetrable. So far as
our experience is concerned, this would be a
misinterpretation of his character.
He discussed with great copiousness and
clearness tbe New York situation, and by evi
dent Indication without statement left the im
pression that ne was not only elected President,
but proposed so to be. Tha this State will re
ceive recognition seems placed beyond doubt,
but what portfolio and to whom tendered is to
be shown in the near future. Inferences might
be drawn from the conversation. It would not,
however, be jnst to crystalize a conjecture into
a statement that is the prerogative of the gen
tleman who has so far carefully kept his own
counsel, and kept it without assistance.
A Farmer In Boring for Water Strikes aa
OH Gusher.
Somerset, y., January 16. William
James, a farmer living four miles east of
this place, yesterday found accidentally
what the geologists knew existed
here in abundance, bnt conld not
exactly locate. Several wells have been
sunk in the immediate vicinity of Somerset
in search of oil, and though very encourag
ing, they failed to find oil in paying quanti
ties, James has been boring a well for water
in his yard and yesterday struck a large
stream of pure oil.
There is great excitement over the matter
here. Companies are forming rapidly and
lands are changing hands rapidly at greatly
increased prices. The company formed will
take hold of the well at once, and it is pre
paring to commence developing the fields.
Thisistheonly real live boom thateverstrnck
Somerset, and the people here are determined
to get as mnch of the benefits of it as possi
ble before outside capital gobbles up their
claims. The well is' only abont 60 feet deep.
The stream is a gusher, and makes the hearU
of the interested parties feel glad.
Democratic Leaders Do Not Agree With
Jndge Woods Summary Decision.
Indianapolis, January 16. Jnue
Woods' instructions to the Federal grand
jury yesterday were the subject of much at
tention and discussion to-day in legal and
political circles.
There are expressions of keen disappoint
ment on the part of many Democrats. The
most noted utterances of this character have
been made by the Sentinel Some of its
expressions are very severe, and gave rise
to an expectation that possibly the Court
would summon the editor and others before
it for contempt, but nothing of the kind oc
curred. '
It is understood that Judge Claypool,
Acting District Attorney, is considerably
wrought up over the Court's construction,
and radically disagrees with Judge Woods'
views. Claypool refuses to eive his views
for publication, stating that he did not feel
at liberty to talk on the 'Subject.
- Vga
fl ?' O
'n -
. i .
t, .1. . . r vj.
Keacneb to.
1 Climax in Its
fi y
v -
lack tAvbnspiracy.
Are. by Lesal Finding, Absolved
From Aiding Qninn's Deal.
HE DIDST LOSE $10,000, BUT $700,
At Their Faro Bank, According; to Henry
A. Davis, the Master.
An important announcement is made in
the Quinn gambling and conspiracy case.
Freyrogle and- McClure, Qninn's co-defendants,
are found to have engaged in no
conspiracy. Moreover, both together they
are fonnd to have cleared no more than 700
from gambling with him at faro or portions
of the 513,000 which he admittedly hypoth
ecated from C. G. Dixon, his employer.
There was no conspiracy abont that great
Qumn-Freyvogle-McClure gambling cose.
it seems, and it isn't right to enjoin the
Duquesne National Bank from paying out
the deposits of Freyvogle and McClure on
that account. Thus the great defalcation-gambling-conspiracy
case, that has dragged
its weary way through the legal channels
for over six months, has entirely petered
out. The Master, Henry A. Davis, Esq.,
yesterday decided this now famous and at '
all times interesting and spicy case in favor
of the defendants.
Why did he do so? Well, there are vari
ous interesting reasons. So let the reader
begin with the writer, at the beginning, and
follow the case through a concise, yet fairly
complete, abstract of the Master's im
portant finding in this case: It was a suit
in equity, remember, brought in June last
in Common Pleas No. 2 by C. G. Dixon,
the well-known Allegheny contractor,
against William McClure, Frank Freyvo
gle, Peter Quinn and the Dnquesne Na
tional Bank of Pittsburg, to recover por
tions of 13,000, which Quinn had, as confi
dential clerk and bookkeeper of Dixon, hy
pothecated from his employer by checking
it oat of the Enterprise Savings Bank, os
tensibly to meet payrolls, but really for
gambling purposes.
A train of novel circumstances led to this
snit. Quinn, the hypothecatnr, unable to
retrieve his great losses at faro, became
frightened nnd fled to Canada, whence he
was induced to rqturn and make confession,
thongh he could not make reparation.
Then Dixon sued in eqnitv, preliminarily
enjoining the Dnquesne Bank from paying
out the funds that Freyvogle and MeClurs
had on deposit there, and there have been
20 or 30 hearings of the case before the
Master, Attorney Davis. Such well-known
counsel as Charles F. McSenna, Esq., Hon.
George A. Allen and Thoma3 M. Marshall
were employed for the plaintiff, with every
confidence in their ability to win his case.
But there were the indefatigable Messrs.
Scott Ferguson and William Hnnter for
the defense, and it wasn't so easy to win as
it might have been for Freyvogle and Mc
Clure at their own little former game with
the bank. There have been upward of 400
type-written pages of evidence taken before
the Master, and from this mass of testimony
he draws in compact form his clear conclu
After reciting in a direct, concise manner
the allegations that, of the 13,000 which
Dixon had missed, Qninn had gambled
10,000 away to Freyvogle and McClure in
a conspiracy to swindle the plaintiff, by
operations at a faro bank on Fonrth avenue,
Mr. Davis says it was further alleged that
part of the money so won was deposited in
the Dnquesne National Bank of Pittsburg
1,727 65 to tbe eredit of McClure and
2,865 to that of Freyvogle but adds that
McClure, in a separate answer, denied juris
diction in equity, denied any conspiracy
whatever, and also denied that he had won
more than 1,000 from Qninn and placed it
on deposit. Then Mr. Davis, in his report,
I find the facts to be as follows, viz.: For
some years past the plaintiff, C. G.Dixon,
has been carrying on a large business in the
county of Allegheny under the name of C. G.
Dixon t Co., with his office in the city of Alle
gheny. For more than a year prior to the
bringing of this suit he had in his employ as a
confidential clerk and bookkeeper Peter F.
Quinn, one of the defendants, at a salary ol
12 a day. It was part of Qninn's business to
make deposits for his employer at the Enter
prise Savings Bank.where he kept his acconnt;
the bank was more than a mile from plaintiffs
office, and the plaintiff very seldom went
Then there are recited by the Master the
proven story ot how Qninn began gambling
by betting on horse races in the summer oi
1887, and tbe systematic scheme to rob the
plaintiff, beginning in February, 1888; how
Quinn on each successive Saturday checked
out of the Enterprise Savings Bank, on
Dixon'3 account, sums in excess of Dixon's
actual pay-rolls, at first getting Dixon to
sign the checks on the pretext that Quinn
was "rushed" and too busy to make out the
rolls in advance; how Qninn absconded,
having gotten more than 1,700 in the final
week by drawing on the savings bank
almost daily; how he had thus drawn or
hypothecated 4,000 prior to March, 1883,
and 8,000 from then until May, and how he
came back and gave testimony of his losings.
The Master finds from the evidence that,
as a matter of fact, McClure and Freyvogle
were professional gamblers and played with
Quinn as alleged, but that they did not
know how or by whom he was employed
until about the time of the bringing of this
suit; that Quinn gambled every day at
their faro bank, 135 Fourth avenue; that
McClure and Freyvogle swore they won
nothing from Quinn as the sum total of
their playing prior to March 14, 18S8. and
Freyvogle nothing after that date, and Mc
Clure only 700, the unsustained 10,000
allegation of Quinn as to their winnings
being flatly contradicted by both. Says
Mr. Davis, "finally:
I therefore find, as a necessary conclusion,
that Qmnn did not lose to McClure and Frcy
vogle any sum in excess of 51,000. I ?.;o Sad.
as a matter of fact, that tbe amount loU by
Quinn was 5700, and that this was won by Mc
Clure at various times from March 1I.1SS, to
Slay 8, IKS; that they won nothing prior to
March 14, and that the STCO was part of Dixon's
Continued on Sixth JPage.