I i Mje Bipp&fj. ESTABLISHED FEBRUARY 1S4G. Vol. 41, o. SJI. Entered m Pittsburg Post office November 11, 1N7, as n-coua-class matter. Business Offlce97 andQD Fifth Avenue. News Booms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 70 Diamond Street. This pnper having more I linn Double iho circulation of nny other in tl-o State ouuirfc of Philadelphia, its advantages as on ndtcr litinE medium i!l be npparenu TERMS OF THE DlSl'ATCIL rosTACE it.ee ijj Tins uxited States. PAILY IHsrATCit, One Year S 800 Uailt DisrATcn, l'cr Quarter Soo Dailv Dispatch. Oncllonth ,u Daily Dispatch, including bunday, one year WOO Daily Dispatch, including feunday, per Quarter -50 Daily Dispatch, Including Mroday. one month - ! EC3CDAT DlsrATCH, one year. 150 Weekly Disr atcu, one year 1 3 The Daily Dispatch Is dellvtrcd by carriers at 15 cents per -ueeL, orlncludlneuiesundaj edition, at 0 cents per eefc. PITTSBURG, WEDNESDAY. JAN. 16. 1SS9. THE EXPOSITION'S PEOGEESS. The meeting in aid of the Exposition fund last evening started out with a light attendance, and the talk at first was not of the most sanguine nature. The lack of faith seems to hare been rebuked by the in creased enthusiasm and final result of the meeting, which resulted in an addition of nearly 15.000 to the fund. When a meeting, of small numbers, results in raising that amount, we see no reason for discouragement. We are glad to see that some of our newspaper cotempora ries put themselves on record with pledges of substantial amounts, and, while others of perhaps equal or greater means are not, as yet, on the list, we hope that all of them will join in that action. The Dispatch, which has been heartily advocating the project from the fir6t, and will continue to do so, will also De heard from in a material form before the subscription lists arc closed. One thing should be impressed thorough ly upon all our citizens, whether capitalists, merchants, manufacturers, salaried em ployes or mechanics. The Exposition will not only be a gain to them in their present career, but, placed on a permanent basis, will be an advantage to their children. Their investment in this enterprise will yield dividends of increased prosperity to themselves and to their followers. With that fact understood, there can be no doubt but that Pittsburg will promptly come for ward with whatever funds are needed to make the Exposition a complete success. The attitude of the labor clement toward the project is also a very encouraging sign. "We can hardly agree with the idea of wait ing until the capitalists fail before thework ingraen take hold and finish it. Why should not labor and capital join hands to make this signally and exceptionally the Exposition of the whole people? CHEAP WATER GAS. The article copied from the London Globe, with regard to the use of water gas in the Leeds Forge Works, presents a btatement of keen interest both to our manufacturers and our gas companies. The experience of the concern in question indicates not only that the supremacy of natural gas in steel man ufacturing :s threatened; but that another competitor for natural gas is within the reach of our manufacturers and domestic consumers. "Water gas at 4d equal to 8 cents per thousand feet, is possibly a little more than natural gas costs our manufact urers at present, but it is less than the cost to domestic consumers. Tet that is the cost which nine months' experience has shown for water gas in England, with coal at the equivalent of ?2 00 per ton and labor at S7Jf c per day. The fact is full of importance for Pittsburg, and in connection with other developments in manufacturing gas should have a decided bearing on the fuel question. SOUND D0CTELNE. Judge Tulcy's decision in the Arbeiter Bund case, at Chicago, yesterday, was a clear avowal of the right of free assemblage and free speech, which ought not to have been needed in this country, but which the facts seem to show was required in Chicago. The right of all classes to meet, discuss public questions and advocate public meas ures as they deem fit, is an essential part of government by the people. To deny it would be as revolutionary as anything which the Anarchists have advocated. If erroneous doctrines or economic questions are disseminated at such meetings, it is the duty of the other side to refute them; and with free speech right ought not to be afraid of error. If conspiracies are urged, or a resort to violence advocated, then it is the duty of the law to step in. Free speech docs not mean license to plot and revolu tion; but it does mean peaceable and un restrained discussion of all public ques tions. The decision asserts the fundamental public rights of a free people, and upholds them, equally against the revolutionists who declare that there is no liberty in this country, and against the police who seem inclined in Chicago to take advantage of the Anarchist panic to override individual freedom. AN UNPEEDICTABLE WIN TEE. The country receives the pleasant assur ance from General Greely, that the continu ance of the present open winter docs not necessarily imply a late spring. This is official; bnt, on the other hand, Wiggs, Wiggins, and the other cranks are certain that it will give us blizzards and storms into April. There is reason to suspect that one knows just about as much concerning what the weather will do this winter as the other. The weather this winter has devel oped such eccentricities and refusal to con form to preconceived notions,as to defy both science and the guesses of the weather cranks. Only one thing can be regarded as a certainty in connection with the present winter. That is, that if it does not give us some blizzards and light freezes between now and April, the lordly iceman will rule the public next summer with an iron hand. VIGILANCE THE PBICE OF SAFETY. So long as the Coroner's jury is sitting on the case, the press will refrain from judg ment of the causes of last Wednesday's dis aster. But there is no need to wait a moment to draw important general con clusions about the future course of build ing in Pittsburg. Leaving the Coroner's jury and evidence that may yet come to fir whether there was negligence on anybody's part, and if so on whose; whether it was "green material" or want of regard for the principles of true construction, or but an "act of God," as the phrase runs, which nobody could have guarded against there is one sure thing, viz.: That builders and architects from now on will, in the light of "Wednesday's disastrous experience, be held to the closest and most rigid accountability for the fate of the structures in which they are concerned. There are certain lines of building as yet comparatively new to Pittsburg. The erec tion of buildings over five stories in height is one of them. Comparatively few years have elapsed since the first of these very high buildings made their appearance here. The additional stories add greatly to the weight and call for different calculations by archi tects from those that answerea for the lower buildincs of the old style. Doubtless, also, they call for a closer supervision of the work and material throughout, from foundations to cornice. It may be thought that all this is so clearly evident as to require no point ing out least of all to practical persons whose very profession and every-day calling it is to build. But it is not alone what hap pened at the Willey building that shows it is timely to press the matter on the atten tion of those interested. There is room for determined and legalized insistence here abouts, upou a much closer measure both of competence and of scrutiny than has been exhibited in not a few instances that might be cited if occasion should arise to go into particulars. It is to architects and builders that the public must look for security. The former avow themselves possessed of the technical knowledge which goes to insure safe build ing. Where employed they must be held strictly to its exercise. Where the con ditions are not safe, or where architects or builders are hindered by limitations by own ers of property being built upon, it is doubly their duty to decline going ahead with doubts upon their minds. The Dispatch trusts that the present generation hereabouts will have no other experience similar to that of last week; but to express the hope, with out insisting on the vigilance that alone can fulfil i t, would b e but a vain and cruel mockery. LICENSE LEGISLATION. The appearance of a new license measure at HarrUburg, which it is expected, will be introduced in the House.rendersit pertinent to remark that any legislation making ma terial changes from the present law would be bad statesmanship and poorer policy. We do not think that changes will be made, beyond such minor ones as may be indicated by experience in the details of the Brooks law, for two reasons which should be obvious to the Republican legis lators. The first is that the present law is giving general satisfaction, not only to the public, but to the venders of liquors of standing and reliability under the law. Only those in terested in the miscellaneous and super abundant supply of drinking places which existed under the old law are desirous of any change. To alienate the public support for the purpose of conciliating this class would be extremely unwise. Another fact would make it suicidal for the party responsible for it, and for the liquor inter ests as well. It is recognized that in the present year a prohibition amendment to the Constitution will be voted upon. Could anything be done which would swell the prohibition vote and go further to insure its adoption, than for our lawmakers to take the back track on the license ques tion and increase the number of saloons? We do not believe that after the Bep ubli can legislators have perceived the ncessity of conciliating the temperance element by submitting the question of prohibition and passing the Brooks act, it will go back from its position at the crucial period. It may be replied that the measure re ported from Harrisburg does not propose a retrograde. But an examination of its pro visions for taking the granting of licenses out of the hands of the courts makes it the best that can be said for it, that it shows a singular readiness to abandon provisions which have furnished the strongest and best feature of the present law. It should be understood that the present law has proved eminently satisfactory to the general public; and its most satisfactory feature is in the strict supervision and careful inquiry exercised by the judges. The duties of the judges may be onerous and disagreeable; but their labors must be compensated by the knowledge of the good results at least until some more efficient substitute is found than excise commissions appointed by po litical influences. The fact that the Brooks law is recog nized by the mass of the puhlic as one of the best measures enacted at Harrisburg for many years should not be lost on our legis lators. AS TO GBAND JUBLES. There seems to be a general impression that the dismissal of the grand jury, the other day, is to he taken as a statement of the vital principle that, while do-nothing grand juries are bad, grand juries in search of free entertainment are worse. The presence of bodies which, by diligent economy of their labor, manage to do in a day abont one-tenth as much business as an energetic set of men would do, is an evil for which a remedy has been sought. The re sort of dismissing it with the work undone is so heroic that it would hardly be resorted to, if there were not another idiosyncrasy to take into account That is the habit of making the rounds of the puhlic institutions and getting a free spread in exchange for a perfunctory certificate of good character. The action of the Court this week knocked one junket of this sort in the head very completely. But this resort does not seem to wholly solve the problem of getting the work of the grand jury faithfully and promptly done. There is little hope that anything will ac complish that much-needed reform, short of getting a new breed of jurors. LIGHT ON LYNCHING. The Attorney General of North Carolina has been doing good work by exposing the character of lynching, in his report to the Governor of that State, and by recommend ing stringent measures to suppress that species of mob murder. He shows that in one case of lynching in that State an inno cent man was killed by the very men who had committed the crime with which they charged their victim, and who took that means of diverting the penalty from them selves. In another case a gang of criminals lynched an innocent man in order to prevent him from giving evidence concerning their crimes. Other cases are hardly less revolt ing as showing the power which this stupid resort to blind force places in the hands of the lawless and criminal. It is not necessary, in condemning the practise of lynching, to claim that all lynch ers are previously criminal. They are all criminal in that act, for to kill a man. ex cept by authority of law, is murder. Prob ably the majority of lynchers are men who are aroused by indignation at some crime, and are determined someone must suffer. But it is clear enough that the very practise of hanging men by mob clamor puts it into the power of criminals to raise an excite ment and work either private vengeance or a diversion of suspicion from themselves by the death of innocent men. Attorney Gen eral Davidson has shown that these things .actually have taken place within the past year; and his revelations should inspire all men with his determination to put down the stupid and uncivilized practice. The country legislators, who are claiming that their constituents hav been ruined by the importation of cheap meats, should pay a little attention to the fact that, while prices of cattle have declined, the prices charged by city butchers are as high for meat; now as they have been since the war. Possibly, if they should investigate that phenomenon, they might perceive some better remedy than combining with the in terests that stand between them and the consumers for the object of securing legis lation to shut out the products of other States. The bill to place General "W. S. Rose crans on the retired list, which is before Congress,oughtnottoarouseopposition. The old soldier has shown needless bitterness against Grant and other military characters opposed to him; but he served the Union well and faithfully during the war. A Desiockatic exchange remarks anent a suppositious but very negligent official: "The fool-killer has not been himself since the late election, which clearly revealed the appalling magnitude of his task." True enough. The number of the people who cannot take the political medicine ot defeat without making faces over it, is enough to discourage any fool-killer without a taste for the task of Sisyphus. The compulsory education bill, which is under consideration by the Allegheny school directors, seems to be a measure well calculated to correct the real trouble with regard to our public schools, namely the number of children who ought to attend school and do not. It is some time since we have heard from Judge Edgerton with reference to the Civil Service Commission. There is reason to be lieve that the Indiana politician has come to the conclusion that under present circum stances the only function which a civil service reformer of the spoils variety can discharge with entire satisfaction to himself and the public, is to draw his salary. Information from the proverbial friend of Mr. Blaine is to the effect that he has re ceived no offer of the State Department "as yet," but that if it should be offered him he "would certainly accept it." Forewarned is forearmed. A NEW poem called "Two Offerings," which has recently appeared ns a hitherto unpublished one of Longfellow's, is claimed by a lawyer out "West. As the circum stances prove that Longfellow had too much literary judgment to lay claim to the poem, the "Western man can be granted the credit of the verses which in this case is a decidedly minus quantity. TnE instructions of the Court, with re gard to that Dudley letter, let the Indiana politician off with a badly spotted reputa tion. "Sheep," remarks the Boston Transcript concerning the railroad agreement, "are not infrequently energetic compared with the average stockholder." Nothing can typify either the stockholder, or the other game for the speculative manipulators, ex cept the frisky but innocent, confiding, op timistic and tender spring lamb. PROMINENT PEOPLE. On the 27th of this month the Emperor of Germany will quietly celebrate his birthday. He will listen to an opera of Wagner and then go home with an earache. Two notable debntantes will formally enter Washington society this week. One is Miss Quay, the accomplished daughter of the junior Senator from Pennsylvania, and the other a daughter of Minister Carter, ot tho Sandwich Islands. TnE mortality among the European navvies at Panama during the past three months has reached the astounding figure of 93 per 1,000. That is as near As may be decimation. The total number of Europeans who have perished in prosecuting this undertaking is 5,200. MR. Barney Beenato is the "diamond king" of South Africa. Sixteen years ago he was a penniless boy of 19 years. Three years later he had 515,000. Then ho bought four claims at Kimberlcy which paid him net 9,000 a week for four years, and then he sold them lor $600,000. A monument is to be erected on the spot in the forest of Eplneuso where stood the oak tree in which Gambetta and M. Spuller alighted from their balloon in their escape from Paris to Tours during the Franco-German war. The tree itself was recently cut down by the owner, who has no regard for relics. The times are changed with royalty, indeed. When a deputation from the Roumanian House of Commons went to the King the other day to present the reply to the speech from the throne, one member assumed a most informal, not to say free-and-easy, posture. "I believe," said the King to him, "it was you, M. Alexandresco, who hissed me at Jassy ?" "Yes, sire; a littler1 What happened afterward is not recorded, but M. Alexandresco is still a member of tho House. James G. Batterson, the Insurance million aire of Hartford, is said to know more about marble in all ages of the world's history than any other man alive. But, throughout, ho is a plain and unassuming person who, while out among the Pyramids in Egypt some time ago, encountered a party of titled Englishmen, and surprised them by talking about what contract he would make to duplicate the great piles of masonry. Later still, one of the English tour ists, a lord, misquoted a Greek line, and Mr. Batterson corrected him, giving the line as it was written, "For heaven's sake, what are youT" the lord asked. "A stonecutter from Connecticut," said Batterson. GLASS MEN GATHERING. Tbcy Find Thcv Have n Number of Import ant Things to Discuss. Special Telegram to the Dispatch. Washington, January 15. The advance guard of the glass men arrived this evening who are to attend the annual convention, which meets at the Biggs House this week, to canvass the interests of their trade. Messrs. Thomas Wigbtman and J. A. Chambers are here from Pittsburg, and a dozen or so of other prominent manufacturers are here from New Jersey and other States. Tho convention will canvass the question of wages and prices, as usual, and. aside from this, will be important in view of the tact that the tariff discussion is not yet ended, and there is still a chance to secure a hearing and revise schedules, if that be advisable, though the loremost reprcentatives of the industry have already been fully heard by the Senate Finance Committee. It Will be Fulfilled. From the East End Bulletin. 3 One of the best literary promises of the new year is the statement that Br. E. E. Hale, Maurice Thompson, Joaquin Miller, Franklin File and General Wallace, aro to write a series of short stories on American themes, for The Pittsburg dispatch, and four other papers. These well-known writers ought to attract numerous readers, and show, them that the best kind of short stories are as interesting as the trashy kind. A Benefit Matinee To-Dojr. Another large audience greeted Herrmann at the Grand Opera House last night. This after noon a matinee will be given for the benefit of the families of sufferers by tho Wood street disaster. ' It promises to yield a handsome sum, as the sale of seats has already been unusually large. Herrmann and D'Alvini are thorough masters of the magic .art, and all who attend the matinee are sure to bo amused and mj stifled. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, "WEDNESDAY, JANUARY, CRUMBS FEOJI THE COBRIDOR. Lcgltlntors Slowly Getting; Down to Busi nessSenator Rutan in a Reminiscent Mood Tho Elder Cnmcron Hearty Gos sip Golne on tho mil. FROM A STAFT COBRESrONDENT. Harrisbceo, January It Tho work of legislation has not yet begun to keep the mem bers of the Legislature too busily employed. The mill has begun to grind, though, and ere long there will bo plenty to do. Now bills are being read in place and ground through the mill of the transcribing clerk to the various committees. Alittlolater a date will be fixed after which no bills will be read in place, and then the work will commence on the material in hand. Opinions differ as to the length of tima that will bo required to dispose of the business that may accumulate, and tho ma jority of tho older members look for a long session, though all cannot see the necessity for it, and many of the new members who have business at'home think that if those in charge had a mind to work diligently the Legislature might go home by the first of May, at least. There is little before the House now to cause much excitement, but the experienced mem bers say tho unexpected is always happening. V Senator Rutan sincerely regrets his con finement to his apartments and chafes under tho restraint. Although continually aavlsing with members who call on him, he longs to actively participate in tho work of legislation. His several outings have not been with tho consent of his physician. While in a reflective mood, induced by the presence of tho Pennsyl vania Republican electors, the Senator recalled the first election of Grant and his adventures at Washington, when, as tho messenger of the Pennsylvania Electoral College, he wended his way to Washington with the official declara tion of the State's electoral vote. He was the first inossenger to arrive, and had a hard time finding where to deliver the returns. Boa Wade was the presiding ofilcor of tho Senate, and when Mr. Rutan called on him in the even ing he found him surrounded by a bevy of ladies and utterly at a loss as to the proper courso to pursue. So embarrassed was he con cerning his official obligation that at last he blurted out to tho Keystone messenger: "Keep 'em, my boy, until morning. They're just as safo with you as with me, and we'll see what to do with them then." . Ex-Speaker Graham, referring to his visit to ex-Senator Cameron on Sunday, said that tho veteran was looking much better on that occasion than when he visited him some months ago. Like good wine, the aged chief of tho Clan Lochiel improves with tho passing of the years. His memory of bygone days mellows and his reminiscences of tho stirring events during the times ho was helping to make his tory seem light by the bright glow of au un clouded sunset. The political scepter may havo departed from his house, but it was not lost by him. V Senator Packer, of Tioga, says the legis lation his people are at present most inter ested in is the repeal of the fence law, which had its origin in colonial dajs. This law com pels the horny-handed granger to maintain a strong fence, the exact proportions of which are specified, to keep the cattle, hogs and horses of his neighbor from his fields. The Legislature passed a law giving counties tho rieht to repeal this law for themselves by pop lar vote. A number of counties did so, but the Supreme Court, on a case from Venango, de cided the law unconstitutional. The court held the law to be indirect special legislation and ruled that the Legislature could not do In directly what it might not do directly. In Tioga and elsewhere farmers had in many cases leveled their fences, and now are com pelled to re-erect them for self protection. Packer has introduced ono bill in tho Senate, and Representative Orr, ot Venango, has in troduced another in the House for repeal of tho law, and people may be compelled to re strain tho wanderings of their own livestock after all. . A bill for a miners' hospital near Connells ville, and another for a mining school, will soon bo introduced from Fayetto county. . Representative Wherry, of Cumber land, who knows considerable concerning the framing of the Brooks high license law, isn't In favor of Mr. Brooks' recently proposed amend ment. Mr. Wherry thinks, though, that there are three points in which the bill might bo much improved. In the first place, he thinks the law should be changed to give tho estate of a deceased person who held a license a rebate proportioned to the unexpired term of the li cense. Ho doesn't think the present rule, which makes the estate lose the money paid for tho license, a good one, and he is strongly opposed to any attempt to make such license a salable asset. He also thinks it unjust to restrict bondsmen to residents of the ward or borough in which the licensee resides. Ho believes any qualified person within the jurisdiction of tho licensing court should be mado acceptable. As to the Sunday clause, which prevents a private citizen treating a friend, he considers it should ccr tainly be repealed. As to the effect the pro posed municipal bill will havo on the price of licenses, he believes so many of the smaller cities will return to tho condition of boroughs that it will not be necessary to revise the scale. Mr. Wherry was the Democratic caucus nomi nee for Speaker of the House, and stands high in the estimation of his Republican colleagues. Simpson. SLlGnTLT SINGULAR. A Plaintiff In a Divorce Snlt Claimed She Never Knew It. New York, January 15. Marlon E. Mc Curdy, who lives in Washington, made an ap plication to have a divorce granted in her favor against her husband, John H. McCurdy, to whom she was married in 1872 by the Rev. Mr. Tilllnghast, at Georgetown, D. C, set aside in the Superior Court In her petition she relates astrango story. Her husband left her in 18S6 at Washington, and she believes he is in Colo rado. Last month sho was handed papers in which she got judgment against her husband in an action for divorce brought in 1881 by her. She sajs she never heard ot such an action be fore and did not bring it. Bat in the referee's report she figures as a witness. Two other witnesses swore to acts of adultery on tho part of her husband. Their names are John McDonald and John E. Bums. They swore that she lived at 281 Fourth ave nue. She says sho was only once in this city, and but for two days in 1872, and not at that address. The court denied her motion. Bad Tlmeifor Inventors. From the Philadelphia Ledger. An inventor named Trusell comes along most seasonably with a process by which he claims to be able to make Ice in an ordinary refrigera tor at a cost that would be about $7 a year for an ordinary family. Owing partly to his name and partly to a recent lesson in scientific swindling, he need not be surprised if he is at first suspected of having an electrical process. A New Comet Discovered. Rochester, N. Y., January 15. Director Swift, of the Warner Observatory, received notice to-day of the discovery of a new comet by Prof. Brooks at Smith Observatory, Geneva, at 6:05 o'clock this morning. Its position is as follows: Right ascension, 18 degrees 4 minutes: declination south, 21 degrees 20 minutes, with a rapid westerly motion. The comet is falntish. Good News for His Patients, Special Telegram to the Dispatch. Washington, Pa., January 15. Tho will of the late Dr. H.S. McKennan contains direc tions that all his book accounts be destroyed. The remainderof his property is bequeathed to his father, lion. Wm. McKennan. The docu ment is dated January 8, 1SSS, one year previous to his death. Two Clairvoyants Arrested. New Haven, January 15. Mrs. J. J. Clark and Mrs. M. J. Wright, clairvoyants, were ar rested to-day under an old blue law, which pro vides for the punishment of fortune tellers. DEATHS Of A DAL Rev. Dr. Hoycs. CHICAGO. January 15.-Kev. George C. Noyes, D.D., pastor of the First Fresbyterlan Church of Evansfon for more than SO years past, died yester day of pneumonia. John W. Dougherty. Special Telegram to the Dispatch. Bellaihe, January li. John W. Daugherty, editor of the Monroe Gazette, died suddenly this morning at his home In Wooasfleld of ratty de generation of the heart. Mr. Dangherty was the most prominent man in Monroe county. Hlsna- Serls the official organ of the Republicans of lonroc county. Mr, Daugherty was 41 years of age. WATER GAS. An English Force Works Believes It Has Solved the Problem. From the London Globe. 1 Although 1889 will not be entitled to claim credit as the parent of water gas, there seems some likelihood of its being hereafter famous as the year in which ono of tho most remark able Inventions of tbo century first became generally known. It was no secret that the proprietors of the great Leeds Forge Works believed they had solved tho problem of ex tracting from water a gas far cheaper and far superior for both heating and lighting to coal gas. So many brilliant discoveries of similar sort have, however, broken down in public, that experts postponed judgment on the process until the realized results wero placed before thorn. This is now done, and, unless somo un suspected defect be developed hereafter, both coal gas and tho electric light will stand in jeopardy. For the last nino months tho Forge works in question a very large concern have used nothing but water gas, with most satisfactory results to the company. In tho.first place, it gives a moro intense degree of heat than can be obtained by any other means, a matter of immense importance in the manufacture of steel and other metallurgical operations. For instance, it is asserted that 30 chargss of steel per week can bo turned outbya furnace heated with water gas, instead of the 11 charges which wero the weekly output with Siemen's pro ducers. Not less is tho gain for illuminating purposes, the light being steady, powerful, and entirely freo from noxious fumes and soot. But all of these advantages would count for little wero the cost much higher than that of the previous agents. It is here, however, that tho inventors claim the greatest gain of all. It is asserted that with fuel at 89 a ton, and labor at 3s 6d per man per day, tho gas can be produced for a fraction less than 4d per 1,000 cubic feet. At the Leeds works the saving is estimated at 10,000 per annum, with much better results, ton, for the smaller outlay. Even if tho cost were thrice as much, neither coal, gas nor electricity could possibly compete on that ground. But it is ono thing to supply a factory; quite another to provide for the illuminating and heating re quirements of urban population spread over largo areas. Petroleum gas can be used, within certain limits for the former purpose, but when it was attempted to be employed somo years ago as a public light, the experiment was crowned with utter failure. THE WEIS-AHL HUPTIALS. A Illnrrlngo Pleasantly Celebrated at the Trinity Church. The marriage of Mr. Philip T. Weis, tho pop ular leader of the Bijou Orchestra, and Miss Frances Valeria Ahl, ot Allegheny, was cele brated at Trinity Church on Sixth avenue at 5 o'clock last evening. The large church was filled with tho many friends of the contracting parties. During tne time intervening between throwing open the church doors and the ceremony Mr. Leonard Wales, tho organist, played appropriate selec tions. As the bridal party proceeded up the aisle of the church the wedding march from "Lohengrin" was played. The bridesmaids were Miss Daisy Ahl and Miss Jessio C. Grant. The ushers were Messrs. Edward Brown, Edward Steele, Joseph Vogel and C. F. Anderson. Mr. Weis, in company with his best man, Mr. John Steele, met his bride-elect at the altar. Rev. Samuel Maxwell pronounced tho cere mony. A reception was held last evening at the former residenco of the bride on Center street, Allegheny. Mr. and Mrs. Weis left for an Eastern wedding trip later. ONLY A BOLL PARTI, But It Gladdened the Day for LIlllo Sweet hearts and Their Mammas. An interesting and very pretty doll party was given by Mrs. E. M. Ferguson, of Shady side, yesterday afternoon in honor ot her little daughters Martha and Helen. The hostess was ably seconded by Mrs. Park Painter, Mrs. Chambers, Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Gcorse Dilworth and Miss McClellan, who were present. The Pnnch and Judy show was followed by danc ing, and at 430 the entlro group was photo graphed. Tea was announced at 5, and was discussed by the 40 little misses present with joy and laughter. After this dancing was re sumed until 0, when the happy party broke up. Among the wee ladies present were Alice, Eleanor and Gladys Painter, Florence and Alice Brown, Bertha and Lois Miller, Matilda Clarkson, Pauline Dilworth, Marian Chambers, Elsie Ashburner, Bessie Long, Katherino Mur doch and Louise and Lilian Donnelly. A Quiet Yet nn Elegant Wedding. A very quiet yet an elegant wedding took place at 6 o'clock last evening at the residence of J. D. Thompson, Union avenue, Allegheny, uncle of the bride. The bride. Miss Ida Thomp son, wore a heavy corded cream silk, en train, with diamond ornaments. The groom, John L. Taylor, is one of Pittsburg's promising young business men. The happy couple left on the evening train for an extended tour of tho East ern cities. ODE MAIL POUCH. That Electric Lighting at the Court House rutting the Blame Elsewhere. To the Editor of the Dispatch: Dear Sir Referring to an article published in your paper, January 9, regarding the work ing of tho electric lighting plant in tho new Court House in your city, we would like to cor rect several misstatements made therein. In the first place the United States Company's bid was not the lowest, but on the contrary tho highest, based on tho specifications submitted, the award being made after tho most spirited competition, solely on the merits of the S3 stem, as compared with those of the so-called "de tractors." Further, tho contract of the United States Company did not include wiring of the Court House building, nor did they assume responsi bility for any detect in tho wiring system, this part of the installation having been awarded to and completed by tho local Edison agents. The character of the wiring is a matter of pub lic notoriety and discussion in electrical circles in Pittsburg and the commissioners rightly place the responsibility for the p oor lighting service on the "grounding" of the wires. The United States system has been too long before the public and too successfully installed in prominent buildings and institutions through out the country to suffer from the malice of in terested detainers, and in this instanco it only desires to place the blame for any dissatis faction with tho Court House plant where it properly belongs. Yours respectfully. The u. S. Electric Lightinq Co. New York, January 12, 1889. HIGGINS THE LUCKY MAN. Delaware Republicans nt Last Agrco on Senator Snulsbnry's Successor. Dover, Del., January 15. Anthony Higgins, of Wilmington, was nominated for United States Senator on the forty-third ballot, in the Republican caucus, at 3.30 o'clock this morn ing. The vote was: Higgins. 9; Massey, 6 one member having left the room and gone to bed. The break to Higgins began ou the fortieth ballot, when tho five men who had stood solidly by Treat went over, Massey, who had received as high as eight votes, lacking only one for the nomination, held seven up to the fortj-second ballot, when one of his men and the remaining Smithers man went over to Higgins, giving him the nomination. The nomination of Mr. Higgins was mado unanimous, after which tho caucus adjourned. The Senate balloted at 11:15 for United States Senator. The seven Democratic members voted for James T. Walcott. the two Republic ans for Anthony Higgins. This makes tho vote of both houses stand: Higgins, 16; Walcott, 9; Robinson, 5. Muscular Missionaries. From the New York World.! Tho German missionaries in Zanzibar aro de termined to resist the efforts of the native in surgents to hurl them into the soup. They are men of peace, but they see no reason why they should sacrifico themselves to the digestive versatility of African warriors. Their defense of the mission station at Dar-es-Salem against the rebels was a great victory for what is termed muscular Christianity, The Quick and tbo Dead. From the New York World. It is now rumored that the man who dram atized "Robert Elsmere" is at work on a stage version of the Andover Heresy. A Pointer for Keely. From the Philadelphia Times.: If inventor Keely could only catch the secret of Boulanger's jaw, his troubles would vanish like snows before the April sun. A Sentn In Many States. From the New York World. J "President-elect Harrison has created a new Republican State that of uncertainty. v 16, 1889. DOMESTIC POISONS. Dangers of the Use of Glass Dnst for Decoratlvo Purposes Action of Cos meticsColors to be Avoided Need for Stringent Laws Against Adatteration. From the London Standard.1 Science has put many contrivances at tho disposal of art, but some of the most useful and popular aro not without their dangers. Yesterday a correspondent called attention to the risk involved in tho rapidly extending use of the glass flux now so much in demand for imparting a frosted appearance to various ornaments. At ono time it was employed sim ply as an adhesive varnish, and in that state could do little harm. But of late it has been sprinkled on flowers, dress, and even on head dresses, with the result that a crowded room is speedily filled with Its subtle spiculaj. Every grain of this powder is a sharp particle of glass, which irritates the eyes and skin, and, if inhaled, is capable of setting up an irritation in tho lungs and bronchia;, perhaps causing serious injury. Ground "glass, it must be re membered, is one of the most deadly of slow poisons, and as such was at one time in great vogue among the more cunning type of murderers. N o doubt, the "flux" which gives the snow-like glitter to Christmas toys, cards and landscapes is less noxious. Yet, like the flinty desert sand, which is almost identical in composition, it is incapable of being dis solved, and if it enters the pulmonary appara tus or the stomach, or adheres to any of the membranes, or gets in contact with the deli cate structures of the eye, it must necessarily create more or less Inflammation. We may, therefore, hope that those who now use it will, in the interests of others more self-denying, abandon a "domestic poisoq," the injurious possibilities of which are so much out of pro portion to any charm it imparts to the human form dlvino. Or, if they feel that this is too great a deprivation, it is no more than reason able that the powder should bo made adherent to the ornaments, instead of being permitted to impregnate the air of a ballroom, concert hail or drawing room with its vicious particles. Women Should Peruse This. Already most wise women have dropped the uso of the dangerous cosmetics at one time so much patronized, simply because they found that, while for tho hour they imparted an arti ficial smoothness to their complexion, in tho end they destroyed it altogether. Arsenic orpiment the yellow sulphide of that deadly mineral ii. Dr. Malcolm Morris tells us, a common ingredient in depilatories, and several of the most popular "washes" contain lead in various forms. Nearly all tho hair dyes do, and cases of creeping paralysis have been traced to their use. Corrosive sublimate is another occasional ingredient in lotions war ranted to improvo tbo complexion. Even bis muth and zinc, so generally employed in vari ous forms, are far from harmless, for. In tho end, they prevent the natural action of the skin, and produce that pitted appearance so frequently observed in the cheeks of elderly actresses and others who habitually use prepa rations In which they are contained. There is, indeed, no cosmetic like fresh air, healthy exercise, early hours and cold water, so that when the Vicar of Wakefield spilt the contents of the vessel In which his daughters were concocting "a wash for the face,'i that astute parent acted discreetly in the young ladles' interests. Stll1, even without the glass flux, the bismuth, arsenic and zinc powders, the various lotions and other cosmetics, there are dangers enough lying in wait for people who, like Branca Doria, do nothing but "eat, drink, and put their raiment on." For, though the keen-eyed analyst has managed to raise a warning cry against a great number of the more common domestic poisons, the progress of luxury, comfort and refinement has, uncon sciously on the part of any one except the man ufacturer. Introduced others in their place. Not that the manufacturer is always guilty of trying to kill his clients out of malice propense. He more frequently errs from ignorance, or by reason of his Inexperience of the effects likely to be caused by the new chemicals he employs in bis eagerness to produce something pretty and cheap. Denth In Dress. As a rule, it may bo said that nearly all the articles of dress in bright reds, analine reds, magentas, and certain greens are moro or les3 poisonous, and the general result of the in quiry made into their composition some years ago was that these dyes very frequently con tain arsenic, which, unless it has been re moved after the purpose for which it has been lutroduccd is served, is apt to precipitate the most painful consequences. Fuscine, as it is called on tho Continent, solferino, rosaniline, and so forth, to use its more familiar names in this country, has been found to yield on analy sis over two per cent of arsenious acid, la ad dition to seven and a half per cent ot arsenic acid. Coraline, another brilliant red dye, has more than once caused poisoning by being ab sorbed through the heated skiu when used in underclothing; while the green arsenite of cop per, employed to color tarlatans, is apt to get rubbed off and inhaled, not only by the wearer, but by others in tho samo room. The symptoms of such poisoning Dr. Morris has desenbed as red and painful swellings of the parts affected, followed by blisters, which in time verge into ulcers, and accompanied by headache, languor, nausea and feverishness, constantly increasing until the offending article is removed. There are, in deed, few pieces of underclothing which have not at some time or other been accused of thus E laying the poisoner. The aniline dye in a annel waistcoat, or in a "chest protector," has been affirmed to be the reason of painful pim ples breaking out on the skin against which they lay. Socks havo been guilty of raising inflammation on tho legs,and even ono of those gaudy-bued hats which for a time were sup posed to be "just the thing" for lawn tennis, was condemned as the origin of a poisoned swelling of the forehead. Gloves have not escaped a well-founded suspicion of not being so innocent as they look, and a case was report ed soma years ago iu which an eruption around the ankles was occasioned by wearing shoes lined with yellow Ieathcr.lnto which some dele terious ingredients bad entered. Very Bitter Sweets. At one time confectioners' shops were well recognized magazines ot domestic poisons, since, apart from tho dubiously wholesome character of their least noxious contents, the green, yellow and rnby hues of the sweetmeats wero oftenindebtcd to copper and other poisons for their brilliancy. Nowadays, however, tho adulteration act has rendered these palaces of youthful delight comparatively harmless, though they still help the general practitioner to a steady income. Even the f uscine-colored wines of France are less in vogue. The com petition of the Colonial, Greek, Hungarian and Italian vintages has made the dealers in these doctored products of Bordeaux and Burgundy ana possibly of quarters not so distant more cautious than of old, since the importers of purer brands are prone to get an analysis of their rivals' bottles, and, like the hero of Burns' song, to "prent it." But even yet, in spite of all the cautions which havo been issued, there are pickles for sale which contain copper, and daintily preserved fruits, the color of which is derived, not from the laboratory of nature, but from the retorts of the chemist. Denth on Parlor Walls. Olive-green wall papers contain or did con tain, for they are eyed askance nowadays un less proof positive of their harmlessness is sup plied to the purchaser arsenic, which, being driven off by tho heat of the room, brings on dysenteric symptoms, with intense weakness and languor. An eminent physician, who was at first sceptical as to the possible evil influ ences of such a paper, learned, to his cost, that it was a real danger. Another medical man and his wile were nearly killed by arsenical paint, and a third practitioner attributed the death of his children to the nursery w all paper, which was found, when too late for the discov ery to bo of any avail, to contain arsenic in large quantities. It is not improbable that much of that weak ness, weariness and depression which many men cxperienco on leaving homo iu the morn ing, and which is again felt on returning in the evening, is due, not to "overwork" that con venient predisposing cause of so much myth ical Illness but, as Dr. Lauder Brunton has suggested, to the drains and the householder's wallpapers. These domestic poisons are, we believe, not now common. Experience has taught even the least scrupulous manufacturer that it does not pay to make them. Neverthe less, they are to bo had often in quarters little liable to suspicion. The dealer will invariably deny tho existence of arsenic in his greens, as the paper banger did in the cases mentioned, and, possibly, with perfect confidence that none has been used. At the samo time, if that kind of wall covering Is selected, it would bo wise to get a ploce tested, sinco there is, per haps no poison in the world so readily detected as the one in question. STEEL RAIL PRODUCTION. Figures Showing the Great Decrease Dur ing the Past Year. Philadelphia, January 15. The bulletin of the American Iron and Steel Association gives the following details of the production of Bessemer steel rails in this country: Total for 1833. 1.KM.057 net tons: total for 1S87, 2,2)0, 197 tons. The decrease in 1&J8, as shown, was 702, 140 net tons, or 680,482 gross tons, which the bulletin says Is greater than the total production In 1879, when 610,032 eross tons were made. The consumption of steel rails In 1888 was fully 750,000 gross tons less than In 18S7. the Imports In 1SS3 avlng declined about 77,000 tons as compared w!thlbS7.- 1IETK0P0LITAN MELANGE. Let the Cat Oat of the Bag. IrW TOKKiBtrnKAU SFXCIALS.1 New York, January 15. The Triple Thermic Motor Company, a concern with a secret. Is greatly put out because two clergymen have brought it to public notice by quarreling oyer the disposition of its stock. The company has feared it would be regarded like other concerns with secrets the Keeley motor and the Electric Sugar Refining Company, for example. It has, therefore, been tremendously careful of late not to let anyone know that it proposed to revolutionize modern methods of transporta tion by an unknown process. But the Rev. Thomas M. Colwell and tho Rev. Georgo F. Warren forgot all about this, and got into a quarrel, which has let the cat out of the bag. The triple thermic motor seems to be first cousin to the motor owned by Mr. Keeley. The Rev. Colwell's brother, who is the inventor of the motor, claims that it will revolutionize th motive forces in this mundane sphere. H proposes to dispense with the use of steam, and in its place use only a bisulphite of carbon, to run every engine in the world. The plant is very expensive, but it will run forever at next to nothing. It seems that the Rov. Colwell got his brother pastor, the Rev. Warren, to push the stock among his flock, Mr. Warren to get half of all the money received for sales. This was a big commission, but a company with $25, 000,000 capital stock can afford big commissions. Brother Warren must have sold at least 44,000 worth of Stock, for his suit is for $22,000 com missions earned. The Rev. Colwell is pastor of the Baptist Church at Mt, Vernon, and the Rev. Warren is pastor of tho Baptist Church at Newark. The officers of the company earnestly deplore this untimely quarrel. Mistreated and Robbed. Three men broke into the house of William Raugherden, in Paterson, this noon. They met Mrs. Raugherden in the dining room. She tried to run away. They knocked her down, gagged her, and beat ber. After she became insensible, they took her earrings and watch. They carried away all tne money and jewelry ft tho house, about 150 worth altogether. They have not been caught. Qnnrrcl Over a Corpse. The body of Lieutenant Miles, who died of yellow fever on tho Yantlc last night. Is a bone of contention between the health authorities and tho Miles family. The Board of Health wishes to inter the body at once on the quaran tine island. The Miles family is anxious to bury it in Woodlawn Cemetery. The body now lies in a closed metallic coffin, on the forward deck of the Yantic. A Lawyer Gets n Neat Fee. Lawyer Carl Kapff got a judgment of 5108,000 lawyer's fee in the Supreme Court, to-day. Some time ago Mr. Kapff did legal work for A. ,0. Dunn, of California. The contract between Air. Dunn and Mr. ivapu stipuiateu mat ine lawyer should get 55,000 in cash and 10,000 shares of mining stock for his services. The mining stock is now worth 210 per share. Mr. Kapff sued for his pay because Mr. Dunn repudiated the contract after he had received Mr. Kapffs services. Sad Fate of a Journalist. George S. Phillips, who was formerly well known In literary circles as "January Searle," died at tho Morristown Insane Asylum yester day. He was sent there in 1878. He was atone time connected with the Sun as literary editor, andlater was connected with the Evening Mail. He was also well-known as a magazine writer. Domestic trouble turned his brain, and in 1373 he was sent to an insane asylum. Have to Fight the Matter Oat. The Chancellor in the Frazer Lee will con test told the di egruntled relatives of the late Mr. Lee to-day that they must fight the matter out. They wished to compromise the suit for $50,000, which the Scotch Plains Baptist Church should pay them out of the $300,000 left to the church society by Mr. Lee. The Chancellor thought, however, that such a compromise would be tho excuse for dozens of similar con tests by other relatives. CHALLENGES COMPARISON. The Truthful Testimony of a Cotcmpornry Heartily Indorsed. From the Forest Republican. We can heartily indorse the following truth ful statement regarding one of the great lead ing newspapers not only of this State, hut of the country as well from the Franklin liven ing Jfews: The Pittsburg Dispatch, daily and Sun day, is the leading city paper In this part of the Union. In its variety of contents, its thorough grasp of the news of the day, its enterprise, judgment and general ability, The Dispatch can challenge comparison and dispute for precedence with the rest of the group of metro politan dailies. Its progress and success have been remarkable, keeping more than abreast of the phenomenal growth of that wonderful hivo of industry from which it issues. The daily edition steadily increases, and its Sunday editions now average over 41,000 copies. In the case of The Dispatch, its success is the meas ure of its merit. Jts management spares no effort or expense to give all the news of inter est, all that may be profitable, entertaining ana instructive. It has a brilliant staff of special correspondents. Its full and accurate market reports and business department are of special value to the farmer, the consumer and the bust-' ness man. The Sondav Dispatch, la addi tion to its regular contributions from the most prominent and popular writers of the day, an nounces a series ot novels by well-known En glish and American authors as among its spe cialties for 1889. That which wo like most about The Dispatch is its cleanness and Its healthy moral tone. This, with its newsy qual ities and general brightness, give it a lasting hold upon Its widening circle of readers. Try it for 1889. FASHION'S FOLLIES. Among tho latest importations from Paris are a number of styles of black lace prlncesse dresses. ' Light delicately tinted ball dresses are now cleaned by a chemical process which leaves the fabric uninjured. Long mantles are now noticeable for the novel and leading feature of double sleeves with which they are adorned. Green is combined with blue, although con trasting shades are used. If the blue is pale the green is deep, and vice versa. TnE two very latest shades of green are known as "nettle" and "box." The French name for these colors are "ortee" and "hues." This is above all things a "fur winter." Wherever room can bo found for a bit of fur ornamentation or trimming fashion demands that it be seen. The new accordion-plaited cloaks have their own peculiar style of trimmings deep yokes of passementerie. In very cold weather a pointed shoulder cape with fur collar may bo worn over this. White handkerchiefs are preferred and they are now severely plain in style. Colored borders are tabooed as, old-fashioned, the only permissible trimming being thread lace and duchess borders. Full pink, white and yellow roses aro car lied in a loose cluster or pinned to the front of the bodice for ball costumes. Wien the hair is arranged high a stiff loop of ribbon and a few leaves or buds are quite admissible. AXI. Paris has returned to the wearing of head-dresses which resemble small and very airy bonnets. Elderly ladies modify them into caps which retain enough of light grace to pre vent them from being classed with tho cap of the angular old-fashioned woman of 25 years ago. A tasty dress which can bo adapted to women of almost any age is described as fol lows: The skirt was of tho softest fawn-colored silk, made to fit about the hips smoothly and. fall straight to the floor. Turned up from the bottom was a border of soft mauve-colored lace nearly five inches deep and worked in a pattern of squares, finished in points. The overdress, of soft cashmere of the same shade as the lace, opened on the left side from the waist down and was drawn up on the right hip to form a long point. Both sides of this point were edged with silk embroidery in long, arrow-head designs. The back draperies fell in long, simple, folds to the skirt hem, while the close-fitting waist bad touches of silk and embroidery at throat and wrists. CUKI003 CONDENSATIONS.. An Indiana woman has had nd less than live husbands and is now ready for a sixth, having been divorced from her last ono a few days ago. Fire Company No. 10, of Cincinnati, owns a dog which is said to have saved the lives of several firemen. The animal Is d escribed as a large, handsome Newfoundland, and is credited with being able to climb a ladder three) stories high. Legally, there is no such city as Mem phis. Some years ago the State Legislature took away its charter and named It "The Tax ing District of Shelby County." The citizens are now tired ot this cumbrous name and want the right to use their old name. Five condemned murderers are now awaiting execution in the New York city prisons. They arc men and will travel by the electric route. Eleven other men and four women are held to answer charges of murder, the evidence against them being very strong. A bulldog with a wonderful history i owned by J. Cram, a New York mlllionafre. With his master he has traveled throughout the world, and thrae years ago was lost on a tiger hunt in the jungles of India. Three days and much money were spent to find him. He was found in a hollow tree. The dog is valued at $500. There are now more prisoners in the) Missouri Penitentiary than in any other State prison in the United States. The number is 1,831. This is 196 more than there were two years ago. In two years there have been L635 criminals incarcerated and 1,330 discharged. Of those discharged only 13 served full sen tences. Fifty-two were pardoned and 1,107 freed under the three-fourths rule. A loving pair (each aged 15 years) out in Comstock, III., ran away from home because the girl's teacher reprimanded her, and walked 35 miles to East St. Louis. The lad dressed himself in some of the girl's clothes in order to avoid detection. He expected to procure work in East St. Loufs for himself and sweetheart, but before he bad opportunity to carry out his plans the girl's fa her put in an appearanco and took her hgme. Texas, has its own idea of the marriage ceremony, 'judge Pruitt, of Centerville, re cently performed a marriage ceremony, which was in substance as follows: "Do you and each of vou solemnly swear that von are in earnest about this business, and that you will stand by each other as husband and wife through thick and thin, sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish;" Both parties nodding their assent they were pronounced man and wife. The pleasant weather which has pre vailed for many weeks past has developed many freaks of nature on Staten Island. On several farms branches of cherry trees put forth buds several days ago, and are now In blossom. Yellow dandelions peep forth from the green turf along the country roads. In sheltered nooks in the woods pretty little wild flowers are in bloom, wbile in almost every part of Richmond county trees of several varieties have budded. A singular accident occurred at Albany, N. Y., the other afternoon to a littla 9-year-old girl named Nellie Bradley. The child was playing with a toy balloon, with a whistle at tached to it, when it suddenly slipped down her throat and lodged inthelarnyx. Efforts were made to remove the balloon bra doctor who was called in soon after the accident occurred, but ic was found impossible to do so. the bal loon having become inflated by the child's breathing, and the victim was literally choked to death. The Maharajah of Baroda is the pos sessor of jewels valued at 3,000,000 sterling. His regalia for state occasions consists of a gorgeous collar of COO diamonds, some of them as big as walnuts, arranged in nve rows, sur rounded by a top and bottom row of emeralds the same size: the pendant is a famous dia mond called "The Star of the Deccan." An aigrette to match is w.orn in the turban; then follow strings of pearls of perfect roundness, graduated from the size of a pea to a largo marble; wondrous rings, necklaces, clusters of sapphires and rubles as big as grapes. A pigeon fancier of Hamme, Prussia, made a bet that a dozen bees liberated threo miles from their hive would reach it in better time than a dozen pigeons would reach their cote from the same distance. Tho competitors were given wing at Khynhern, a village nearly a league from Hamme, and the first bee fin ished a quarter of a minute in advance of tho first pigeon, three other bees reached the goal before the second pigeon, the main body of both detachments finishing almost simul taneously an instant or two later. The bees, too, had been handicapped in the race, having been rolled in flour before starting, for pur poses of identification. A marriage that was attended with numerous difficulties because of the scarcity of money, came off in Cincinnati a day or two ago. After paying for the license (75 cents) the groom had but 25 cent3 left. He collected enough from spectators topaythe magistrate's fee. but then another obstacle arose. The young man man said that if he did not have a certificate to prove his marriage the parents of his bride would not believe the ceremony had taken place, and there would be trouble. Another collection was taken and the certificate wa3 provided. Then the couDle went away happy. They were from Hamilton, Ky.,andhad eloped to avoid the opposition of the bride's parents. John A. Finlayson, of New York.istha owner of a famous lat-killing terrier, which ho imported from Paisley, Scotland. Jess, as she is called, is said to have a record of killing 28 rodents in 30 seconds, and her owner, feeling; confident that she was capable of doing still better, wagered $50 even that she could kill 50 rats in two minutes. Tuesday morning at Cansbad, N. J., the bet was decided. At mid night the 50 rats, all lusty, wicked fellows, were emptied Into the pit, and Jess was dropped from her owner's arms among them. She be gan business at once. There was a snarl, a snap, a crunching of teeth and a show of ag gression on the part of the rats, but their efforts tor self-preservation availed tbem nothing. In exactly two minutes there was not a sign of life in tho pit excepting that displayed by Jess. M. Govi, an Italian savant, has pre sented a paper to the French Academy of Sci. ences, in which he claims for Galileo the dis tinction of having discovered the microscope, as well as the telescope. He has found a book printed m 1610, according to which Galileo had already directed his tube fitted with lenses to tho observation of small near objects. The philosopher himself stated, shortly after this date, that he had been able to observe through a lens the movements of minute animals and their organs of sense. In a letter, written In 1614. he states that ne has with his microscope "seen and observed flies as large as sheep, and how their bodies were covered with hairs, and they had sharp claws." The discovery of the microscope is usually assigned to the year 1621, and the invention Is attributed to Drebbel, s Dutchman. MEANT TO BE FUXXY. Polish helps a -man in society, but not when It Is on his coat. Boiton Courier. ' There may be a difference between homeo pathic and allopathic pills, but there Is very littla perceptible la tho bills. Boston Courier. An exchange asks: Do women live Ion iter than men? Widows certainly live longer than the men whose wives they were. Botton Courier. The professional contortionist may like other people be a little short occasionally, but he can always manage to mako both ends meet. Boston Courier. A Tired Eazor. Customer (after a shave) Great Scott, barber, that razor of yours Is In a terrible condition. Barber-Yes, sah, I spect It am. It was out to s, darncc las' night poeA. "Home, Sweet Home." Flossie (in her mamma's dressing room)-Oh, mamma, I wish yo wouldn't always be going out. Mamma-Don't bother, Flossie. Run away, like a good girl. This Is my day "at home." yoa know. Sew Xork Sun. Tiresome Home Life. Mrs. Gadd Why do you spend so much of your time attending de bating societies and controversy clubs Strs. Gabb iwlth an air of injured innocence) What else can I do? .My huibandTumr .contra dicts me. PhilddetpMa Record. V. . Beats the Nickel in the Slot Machine. Tourist (to stage driver in the Yellowstone region) Are there any wonderful curiosities to be seen In this region, driver? Stage Driver-Wonderful cariosities! Well, I should say there were! Why, you drop a rock down that gorge, come back in three days and you can hear the echo.-.0 Moines Register. CHOICE ADVERTISEMENTS. A firnt-class waiter wanted. One who does not mind doing some work for his employer's customers preferred. A young gentleman desires position In publish er's office. Has been employed for Ave years by well-known boolmake'r. Wanted, a brass finisher to finish off book agents after they hare been kicked downstairs. A glass blower wanted. Parties who do their blowing over a glass not required. Jireadmakers wanted. Must not be loafers. A young gentleman of refinement and cultiva tion, who has had a first rate classical education and can slug, play, or dance, desires an, easy, lucrative position lu mercantile Oxm.-A'ab lort' Evening Sun. ,h 2bssVsssssssssisiss J 5 v ".iiiiV.i-.. vl'iid&lj vtl.-J?Si&ii'ftfeJarSai?&.'j--,i '& x.idLlJiJ , . HsslssssssssssRSslsssI r IHIillH