's In K iack of public interest would hardly lie be lieved In other citie. I would not cbarce that the people were too parsimonious, but they are too busy in their offices, aiid their time too much taken up at their business to give con sideration to the matter. I Tiope that this meeting, small as it may be, will stimulate the Sublic interest, and that a people's movement e started said the affair pushed to completion, so that in after years it might be said that no nag. clique or set of men can claim credit for it, ana it w ill stand a monument to the peo ple. Mr. George A. Kelly followed Mr. Mc Kenna. He said: It is the duty of every pood citizen to partici pate in every enterprise that contributes to the prood of our city, and the Exposition project should commend itself to every citizen. It would certainly be of benefit to the manu facturers and business men. There are plenty of people ready to reap the benefits, but let others perform the labor. It is time people pot up and did their share of the work. Much has been done, but not as much as should have been done in proportion to the importance of our citv. Pittsburg must Make up. and unless it wishes to take a hack seat must push for ward with all its might. The Exposition must tbe finished. It can't be afforded to let it stand as it is." like stoi.es or kome. . H. K. Porter came next. lie said he had a feeling of intense respect and admiration of the men who had put their shoulder to the wheel and worked so hard in spite of the difficulty and in spite of everything. Manv may become tired of the Exposition, but there are multitudes who will take an in- i terest in it and be attracted to the city. As an I educational institution it will help to raise up I the people. The work is a matter that will 1 have to be performed by an individ- 1 ual few, but it ought to interest the I city at large and assistance be rendered them. Let tne terrible blast of the storm come as it came on last Wednesday at noon and it shakes the citizens to their very hearts. They rush from their homes and do all tliey can to rescue even the dead bodies. But in a case of this kind, where energy is also needed and it is an affair of such vast importance to the city there is apathy and indiilerence. Let the stones that are growing up there now be like the stones of Rome, and let an orator come who will call on the very stones lo rise and call our hearts to mutiny, or something better. Councilman "Andy" Robertson said he was surprised to know that it was necessary to call a public meeting to attain an object of this kind. It should be attained by the people without an effort. If the people t .1.1 jt -i-. j- e -- x-.-... &now me ueneiiia iuaL nuw nuui iu .tAtu sition of this kind, w hy then so slow to come forward and assist? He continued: The monied interests ought to come forward more liberally than they have. There is no legal right to compel them, but there is a moral right that should induce them. There are few cities in the w orld where there are so many places lor recreation for the workincmen and the men should give up a portion of that sur plus that the laborer helped him to gain, for such a project. An Exposition would not only be a blessing in a pecuniary sense but it would give a chance to the wcrkmgmen to see the re sults of their labor and make comparisons. It would be an incentive to them to strive for im provement and take their minds a ay from demoralizing influences that tend to cause social revolutions. Captain Charles "W. Batchelor was the next speaker. He said that it had cast a damper upon him when he came into the hall, which seats from 2,000 to 3,000 people, and found in it onlv 200 or 300. He said there was but one Pittsburg, and all ought to be proud of it and come forward in aid of one of its most important affairs. He said: The men who were booked for speeches at the meeting and didn't come, the people that turned their backs on us. will be there when the building is finished, for it will bo finished, and there will be a big public meeting, speeches and a dedication, and these gentle men will be there then; yes, they will be on hands then. SOME GREAT EETUEXS. Captain Batchelor compared the Expo sition work to that of the Sanitary fair in war times. He stated that to carry it out and pay the expenses, John Chalfant, James Park, James I. Bennett, J. D. Hanna and himself had to give a note for $9,700. "When the fair closed they had $320,000 to pay that note with, which showed what Pittsburg could do. Percy F. Smith spoke next. He said that the manufacturing supremacy of Great Britain was based of the fact that it has ' 11.0SD miles of bituminous coal land. Iu the seven States bordering on the Ohio river, at the head of which Pittsburg is, tlieie are 100.000 square miles of coal lands. This shows the advantages of Pittsburg. The attendance at the Centennial was only for three davs. With an Exposition for tin ee months the turnstile -would register 2.000,000 visitors from outside the city. As a member of the Centennial committees it was als my dutv to visit the railroad companies. Their testi mony was that invariably on the day succeed ing a big demonstration in Pittsburg the local freight was immense. People while in the city bought tupplies. So the railroids did not merely have the passenger traffic, but the freight, too. John B. Jackson responded to a call with this encouraging prediction: A capitalist from Philadelphia a few weeks ago told me that Pittsburg is bound to become a greater city than Philadelphia. He reasoned this way: Pittsburg stands alone as the metrop olis of Western Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio, West Virginia and a good part of Man land, too. Philadelphia is constantly overshadowed by .New Yoi U's proximity, and can never grow larger. With this important situation I believe the Exposition has a successful future assured it, and it will certainly pay a handsome return for investments. We want to make one more grand effort. TPE P. B. B.'S PLAN. Mr. A. P. Burchfield, one of the Exposi tion's directors, spoke as follows: Our aim is to make this Exposition some thing more than a peanut stand. When wo applied to the Pennsylvania Railroad officials to ascertain their policy toward the enterprise they said: "Let your citizens show by their contributions what they will do toward start ing the Exposition. Then we will show you what we will do for yon, be it either 51,000 or J1C0.O00. If it is to be a mere peanut stand then e will have notning to do with it But if great buildings are to he put up ami a substantial ariay of industries exhibited, vie will help make It a success and induce people to come to your city irom our lannest terminals." It is not only from the remunerative stand point of dollars and cents that we contemplate this project. We also aim to build an Exposi tion that will educate the people in arts and sciences. The art gallery vt e are erecting can nut be equaled in this country. 2fow "if we have gone too far with the enterprise, let us know. If not then give us some encourage ment. Pittsburg can do anything when she is stirred up to it. Cn that wall is the record of how our city fed over 400,000 soldiers in this historic ball during the war and of TJ,000 sick and destitute victims of the battle fields cared for by the ladies of Pittsburg. And at this date Ihope Pittsburg is loyal to her reputation. Shall a large subscription list be started here to-night? If it is not started soon there will be no Mav musical festival, no art gallery and no Exposition. THE BOOM STAKTS. Mr. Burchfield's speech seems to have stirred up the people. "When he spoke ot Pittsburg's work during the war,, young Brockett, the singer, pushed aside the wall curtains, disclosing the Subsistence Com mittee. Round alter round of applause in terrupted the speaker. "When he was through the applause was continued, ending in a loud suggestion from somebody: "Let us start the subscription at once!" Chairman Schmertz did not have time to go about this in a formal manner, because Ir. Boggs, of Boggs & Buhl, drygoods merchants, got the floor and shouted: "We double our subscription to S-,000!" "And I double my subscription too," piped City Treasurer Denniston. Mr. Bindley, the hardware merchant, held up his hand and called: "We give $1,000 more." "Here's a check for S25," exclaimed John Dure, of Allegheny, a smooth-faced young man. "The Times subscribes 1,000," an nounced W. A- Magee, business manager of that journal. Subsequently H. H. Byram. editor of the Chronicle Telegraph, increased that paper's subscription 5000. Consider able applausa greeted both donations, and it is a pleasure to assure the Exposition management that THE DISPATCH will be heard from also in the near future. Home & Ward gave an additional sub scription of 51,000, making 2,000 for that firm. PEOPLE ANXIOUS TO GIVE. Messrs. John B. Jackson, W. E. Schmertz, George A. Kellcy. Charles F. McKenna and Colonel T. P. Roberts doubled their previous subscriptions. Mr. Hopper, the installment dealer, who has already given 500, stated that he would be one of 25 merchants doing a business of over 100,000 a year to give 1 per cent of all their sales for six consecutive months to the Exposition. Then in quick succession followed these subscriptions: IL K. Porter, 500, making 1,000 f of that gen 7 M4. S vy, . '' ' ' - 1 , , ' ( - ... w.,, , . -, - 1yjii-,1lisfiHSi sjjH BBssssWssslli iIBPwhsW $jjiJf&SQmBEmii9fllM BHwHWB JBHfcjti0ttaflHg tlctna.n:Bover Hotel, S500; Remington Bros., S100: Demmler Bros., J325: H. M. Black. Slfth A. F. Keating. $300: H. W. McKee. $100; William B. Palmer. V.25: H. J. Hcintz, $500; Percy Smith, S100;JohnIimmling,!300; Ripley fc C0..S0OO; J. Kosenbaum & Co., S500; W. L. Coke fc U, S100; Harvey Wattles, $100; J. K. Durr.SlOO. Mr. Durr wanted to start a popular sub scription for workingmen. A letter in the same line was here sent to the chair. Tt proposed to let people buy away in advance books of 25 admission tickets to the coming exhibition, each book to be accompanied by a souvenir of some description. "Andy" Robertson objected to a popular subscription at this time. He said it was the duty of the moneyed men to build this institution, and if they reiuse to do it then it is time enough for the workingmen to take np the enterprise. This idea struck the majority as proper, and a motion was passed referring the ques tion of popular subscription to the Board of Directors. "W. H. Hartley, a young man, insisted that a popular subscription be taken in the hall. So the hat was passed around, and Mr. Hartley was the first to drop in a 10 bill. The whole sum received was nearly $15,000. On motion of Mr. Boggs the meeting ad journed until next Tuesday night, in the same hall. POWDERLY WAS EXPECTED To Take a Hand In the Election In District Assembly 3 to Tnkc Care of Administra tion Candidates. The biggest fight that has ever occurred in D. A. 3, K. of L., will take place to-dav or to-morrow. It will be a fight for suprem acy, and the result will show whether Powderly or anti Powderly men will rule. The annual .: p l j: .; uieeuii ui uic uia M trict, which at one ,U 4. .via ,,-n lia-i3 11 (MIM time UUUtUWtU .L,UVV j members, but is now reduced to 4,500, will begin this morning and will be interest- ThcKingBceThatBuz-mX-zedbut Didn't Come. Doyle and Hooper, both Catholics, are candidates for the Master "Workmanship, against Boss and Evans, both Protestants. It is now called a religious war; but neither side has any apparent advantage. Powderly is iriendlyto Doyle, and is anxious to se cure his election. He has received a num ber of telegrams during the past day ortwo, all of which he filed carefully away in his pocket. It was reported yesterday that Powderly would be here last night in order to look after the election in D. A. 3 to-day or to morrow. A Dispatch reporter had a talk with Mr. Doyle yesterday afternoon, and he said: My communications with the general officers are confidential, and I cannot say much, if any thing about them; but I will say that eitner Powderly or some member of the General Ex ecutive Board will arrive here this evening. If Powderly does not come Morris L. Wheat, the new Worthy Foreman, or some member of the General Executive Board, will surely come. I am going to the depot to meet whoever comes. I do not say that anyone is coming here in my interest; but whoever comes will attend the district meeting and may be given the right to talk. Tom Barry, who has been anxious to meet Powderly for some time, missed his train yesterday morning, and was unable to leave the city until evening. He would have missed several trains for the privilege of meeting the General Master Workman. He was disappointed, however, as Powderly did not come. The limited, which arrived at 8 JO P. M., did not carry any of tne gen eral officers of the Knights of Labor. Master Workman Doyle, who stated in the afternoon that he would meet whoever came, was not there, and unless someone arrives on a train from Philadelphia this morning the district meeting will be held without the presence of T. V. Powderly or any member of the General Executive Board. When Recording Secretary Ross and Fi nancial Secretary Miss Laura Powell, of D. A. 3, were asked yesterday about the pro posed visit of Mr. Powderly and the proba ble result, they both said: "We have noth ing to say, and, in tact, know nothing about it." Neither Mr. Powderly nor any member of the board had arrived at midnight. TIIE IR0X WORKERS' DISTRICT. It Is Reorganized, nnd Pittsburg Will be the Headquarters. National District Assembly, No. 217, Knights of Labor, composed of iron and steel workers and blast furnace men, is not dead, new life having been infused into the organization. Since John Conkling, the Master Workman, took the stump for Har rison and Morton, the affairs of the district have been in the hands of Recording Secre tary Lewis, and the headquarters were in Harrishurg. The district, although it did not have an official head, and has lost some mem bers, is in a very good shape. A meeting of the Executive Board was held yesterday and four, of the five members were present They were William Lewis, of Harrisburg; John Strott, of Allegheny; John Rude, of Wheeling; and David Quinn, of Chicago. James Mahoney, Master Workman of L. A. C660, of this "city, was chosen Master Workman; John Rude was elected Worthy Foreman, and William Lewis was made Secretary. It was decided to make Pitts burg the headquarters. MASSACHUSETTS MANUFACTURERS Come Hero to Hnvc Tronble in Their Glass Factory Settled. There will bean important meeting of the Associated Flint Glass Manufacturers this afternoon. A dispute at the chimney works at Summervillc, Mass., is to be dis cussed. Messrs, Gregory & Dougherty, proprietors of the big shade and chimney works at Summerville, arrived in the city on the midnight train. They discharged several of their men, and the American Flint Glass Workers' Union interfered and demanded the reinstatement of the discharged workers. This has not been done, and a meeting of the Associated Jlanufacturers has been called for the pur pose of discussing the situation. The meeting to-day will be one of the most important ever held since the manu facturers formed the association, the object of which is to discuss labor quef lions. Floersheim Pays the Regular Rate. There is no trouble at the coal works of Mr. Floersheim, at Finleyville, on the B. & O. R. R., as stated yesterday. All of his miners are at work, and are receiving the 79-centrate. Although some of his com petitors are only paying 74cents for mining, Mr. Floersheim still pays the rate decided upon at the Inter-State Convention. A Bis Improvement. Diiworth, Porter & Co. have purchased the property of Chambers & Co., glass man ufacturers at Fourth aud Bingham streets, Southside, which adjoins their works. They propose to tear down the old buildings and make improvements that it is estimated will cost about $150,000. It is rumored that a big steel mill will also be erected. A Fuel Gas Compnny'a Directory. The Fuel Gas Company of McKeesport, which was organized but a short time since for the purpose of piping the city, has elected the following directors, who will meet Friday to organize: Dr. H. W. Hctz rot, Isaac West, Geoigei Mars, Sr., S. O. Lowry, John B. Scott, James E. Patterson, W. C. Sales, Frccland Chester and Joseph Trees. -a. tt Vi-lissssttW.f wma W ALL MEN UP. Allegheny Sees This Picture, Then That, and "Wavers, LEANING TO THE BIG ONE. Her Financial Men Report in Favor of a Second Class Charter, SO DOES THE CITIZENS' COMMITTEE. Attorney Watson States Both Side3 With the Benefit of a Doubt COUNCILS LISTEN, THEN HESITATE All Allegheny is now engaged in the contemplation of two compauion pieces. They are pictures painted by masters in their rival lines, ana, if they were to ap pear in some art gallery's catalogue, might be jointly labeled, "The Municipality Be fore and After Taking a Second Class Charter." Only a few days ago it was thought the If orthside preference ran toward the companion piece "Before Taking." Now, however, the other picture is viewed by many in the more favorable light. Both seem to be popular to a degree, so that the solution of the problem, "To be, or to have been?" is becoming really difficult For example: The Northside Councils held a joint session last night to consider the charter legislation question. On the opening of the meeting Mr. Samuel Watson, Chairman of the Finance Committee, read an extensive report covering the work of the Finance Committee and the Citizens' Com mittee on the charter matter. He first read the opinion of George Shiras, Jr., which has been published, and then followed with the opinion of D. T. Watson, Esq., which is appended: Pittsburg, January 15, 1BS9. Gentlemen By the act approved March 3, 1S70 (P. L. 717), the several acts theretofore ex isting in reference to the city of Allegheny were consolidated and under the name of the City of Allegheny it was made a municipal cor poration of the State. That act. modified and amended perhaps as to some of its provisions by subsequent legis lation, is still in force, but it may at any time be repealed or modified by the State. The charter of a municipality is not like unto a grant by the State of a charter to a private or trading corporation. Such a grant accepted creates a contract between the 3tate and the corporation, which Is protected by the Federal Constitution, which the State cannot repeal, unless the right to do so has been reserved. SUBJECT TO CHAKGIXG UOTIONS. Bnt the erection by the State of a munici pality for the regulation and control in local matters of aportion of the State is the creation of a public corporation peculiarly subject to the control of the State and to the extent that it may at any time repeal or change the char ter. This was held by the Supreme Court of the United States in the Dartmouth College case, and was never more broadly decided than by our own Supreme Court in the case of Phila delphia vs Fox. 64 Pcnna. St, 180. lithe General Assembly of the State shonld piss, and the Governor approve, a proposed act which has been handed me, entitled "An act providing for the incorporation and govern ment of citie' of the third class," I am of the opinion that it would supplant and repeal the charter of 1S70. It is clear, therefore, that action should be taken by the city of Allegheny to determine what is best for the city. It is better for the city to remain as it is now, in class number three, under the Act of 1S74(P, L. 230) or to enter class number two? If it is decidedto re main in clas number three, then what is the better course to taker Should you allow the proposed act to pass as it is now drawn, or should you seek to have it so far qualified to preserve to the city as much as is possible of the charter of 1870. If you determine that it is for the best inter ests of the city to remain as nearly as possiblo in its present position then you should have such steps taken as will either (I) have cm bodied in the new legislation the important provisions of the present charter, or (II) so qualify the language of the proposed act tnat the legislative intent not to repeal the local law of 1870 may be clear, and thus, as far as possible, preserve the said charter. A KNOTTY PROBLEM. "Whether vou can legally effect this latter re sult is a close question under present decisions, and yet I think it may be done if the de cisions of our Supreme Court in the cases of Evans vs Phillipi 117, Pennsylvania State 226, and Malloy vs Reinhart 115, Pennsylvania State 25, are followed. If you did succeed in preserving your pres ent charter, you should remember it would, to some extent, isolate the city from the other municipalities in the State, and thus render it more difficult to secure legislation when it is needed, and such legislation is now said to be needed in reference to assessments for taxation and collection and lien of taxes. This opinion I have submitted to Georce Shiras Jr., Esq., William B. Rodgers, Esq., and George Elphinstone, Esq.. all of whom have heretofore been consulted on behalf of the city, and they authorize me to say that they concur in the same. Respectfully, D. T. Watson. ToW. W. Martin, Esq., William Walker, Esq.. and others. Mr. Watson followed this by reading the reports for the Finance Committee and Citi zens' Committee. When the reading was finished Mr. Wat son moved to adjourn until Thursday even ings as a citizens' meeting was to be held to-night and he preferred to defer action by Councils until after that time. This motion was adopted. Then the question of having the reports printed came up. nnd, after various motions had been offered, a motion was finally passed requesting the official papers of the city to print the law yers' opinions and the Committees re ports in full. CHEAPER FOR ALLEGHENY. E.1..T.. f -m c:Anji n.. n T.vni Tfrf.T.. QUIU1ILO W OLbVUU VIUO) rfftJ UHllCt J.UUU for a Third Clnss One. At the meeting.of the joint committee of the Finance and Citizens' Committees of Allezheny yesterday afternoon, a list of salaries of the city under theipresent char ter and of cities of the second and third class was read. The people in both cities are already familiar with the figures: Without going into detail, the following statement and comparison of salaries' paid in a year fnr a city like Allegheny in the sccoud and third class will be found inter esting: City officers and Board of Assessors S26.90Q Department of Public Safety 9,G0O Department of Public Works 2L500 Department of Charities...' 2,900 Department of Law 2,500 Total .S73,40O Salaries (by comparison) city of third class 578,510 Salaries city of second class. 73,400 Difference in favor of second class S 5,110 CITIZENS YEKSION. Why the Northsldc People's Committee In dorse the Financiers. In the report of the Citizens' Committee read before the Allegheny Councils last night, they indorsed the views of the. Finance Committee, and recommended that the necessary steps be taken to put the city in the second-class grade. Kontine Bnsineis Before the joint session of the Allegheny Councils last night the Common branch passed some ordinances and others were in troduced to view new streets, transfer cer. tain sums of money, assessing damages for j laying ont streets, etc. .Nothing of import ance was transacted. 1 XilSPATCH; ' WEDNESDAY, IN EXCELLENT STANDING. The Manufacturers' Nntnrat Gm Company Closes Its Most Prosperous Year Its Net Earnings Increased to 375,033. f The annual meetinc and subsequent elee-- tion of the Board of Directors of the Manu facturers' Natural Gas Company took place yesterday afternoon in the company's office, Germania Bank building. There were about 30 stockholders present when Mr. Charles Meyran, President, submitted a statement of the company's standing. From this it was learned that, during the last year, nearly ten miles of additional pipe line had been built, which makes the entire line one of nearly 100 miles. Fight new gas wells and three oil wells were drilled, the latter producing, on the average, 70 bar rels per day. The net earnines of the company during the vear amounted to 575,035, reducing the debt of the concern to the amount of $39, 606 10. The monthly .revenue of the com- Eanyhas been increased to 520,000. They ave pow 7,500 acres of tested gas territory and 1,600 acres of oil land. Five hundred and forty-five acres of newgas territory were acquired by the company. The total assets of the company are, in its mains, lines and wells, real estate leases, machinery, telegraph lines, etc., $1,145, 453 93, and the liabilities are composed of: Capital stock, $600,000; bonds, $225,000; floating debt, $114,224 49; surplus, $206, 219 49; total, $1,145,443 98. The company recorded no accidents dur ing the year. The election resulted in choosing the same board as last year: Messrs. Charles Meyran, B. L. Wood, "Jr., James McCutcheon, Fred Fisher, Henry Lloyd, E. H. Myers and E. M. O'Neill. After the business of the afternoon had' been disposed of, a tempting luch was served. A NEW THEORY OP TOE PALL. Coroner's Inquest, and a Contractor's Rea sons for the Accident. At the continuation of the Coroner's in quiry into the Diamond and Wood streeti disaster, Assistant Inspector John Eichleay testified that the work on the Willey build ing had been done in a first-class manner. He thought the storm had something to do with the accident, but it was aided by the haste of the workmen in attempting to leave the top floor. If the joists had been strong enough to have withstood the fall of the top floor the building would have been spared. Barney Wilkey, a mason employed in the building, said that the front walls were six inches thicker than the plans called for, and George C. Miller, carpenter, said the plans had been but slightly changed and only to strengthen the building. Henry Buck mixed the mortar, using 40 of lime to 120 parts of sand, that being the same propor tion as useu in tne .aaams express staoies, the Little Sisters ot the Poor building, etc. Saturday morning some of the injured will testify. A well-known contractor gives as his theory of the accident the rather strange one that the joists were not spiked or spliced together, but merely laid on the girders. The wind could never blow these together so that both walls should fall in, as they did, but, on the contrary, the wind entered the building and actually forced the walls far enough apart to allow the loose joists to fall, when the demolition of the weakened walls was made easy. TO HURRAH FOR BREMEN. A Number of Politicians Go to Harrlsbarx lo Boost Brcnnen. Mr. John Huckenstein, Hon. James Bul ger, 'Squire Boyle and a number, of other leaders of the Democracy of Pittsburg went to Harrisburg last evening on the fast line. They will attend a meeting of the State Democratic meeting, to be held in that city to-day. They propose to hurrah forbBrennen for State Chairman. All unite in saying there is no hope for his being elected, but they are going to show Mr. Brennen he has some friends in Allegheny county. From a private source last night it was learned that Washington countv's delega tion, which was so enthusiastic ior Kisner's selection last year, will vote against him if Wright or Brennen is nominated. Alle gheny county's members are decidedly op posed to him, and will vote against him in any event. Hence it seems Kisner's only hope of success is a want of competitors lor tbe position. He is so certain ot re-election that he has decided and arranged to give a banquet after the adjournment of the com mittee. THEY ADVOCATE REFORM. BIcKecspori's Board of Trade Want the Best Men Chosen for Oulce. The McKeesport Board of Trade has elected the following officers: President, William I. Sharpless; Vice Ptesidents, A. B. Campbell and Dr. T. L. White; W. P. Wampler, Treasurer; E. P. Murphy, Ee cording, and James Derenney, Correspond ing Secretaries. The board adopted an ad dress calling upon the voters of McKeesport to cast their ballots in February for the man found after carelul consideration to be the most competent for the position coveted or aspired to, and also a resolution deeming it unwise to increase the yearly salary of the Burgess. The address will be circulated for the benefit of reform. A GOOD SET OP OFFICERS. Few Changes 9Inde in the Management of the West Pcan Hospltnl. The contributors to the West Penn Hos pital met at Dixmont yesterday. The old officers with one exception were re-elected. Mr. J. B. Scott resigned from the executive committee. A. S. M. Morgan toob'his place. The vacancy caused by the death of General Sweitzenwas not filled. F. S. Bissell was added to the executive committee for the insane department and Dr. W. J. Asdale to the medical staff. FOR THE SDFFERERS. A Benefit Entertainment Given at tbe Coll. senm Last Evening. The entertainment given by Manchester Council No. 124, Jr. O. TJ. A. M., at the Coliseum last night, was a success. The proceeds, which amounted to over $100, were for the benefit of the families of the killed and injured at the great Wood street disaster last week. Over 500 people attended the entertainment One of the features consisted in the selec tions rendered bv the New Grand Army Orchestra, of which Prof. C. W. Gaston is the leader. Miss Lillian Burkhart gav several recitations. The Manchester Quin tet and several local artists participated. A YEAR'S WORK. Tho Humnno Society Handled 1 ,116 Cases la 1SSS Money on Hand. The Humane Society held its annnal meeting yesterday. The Secretary reported a balance on hand of $409 57. In all 1,116 cases were handled during the year 221 for cruelty twhildren, 556 -lor cruelty to ani mals. Sam O'Brieu was reappointed agent. L. H. Eaton was re-elected President and Samuel Davidson Secretary. CONFESSED TIIE THEFT. Tito Moner Was Found Between the Soles of Green's Shoe. James Payne, a farmer near Coal Valley, station, suspected Aaron Green and Charles Hodge, his farm hands, of stealing some money from him. The men were arrested by Detective Murphy yesterday. Sme of the money was found" between the soles of Green's boots, when he confessed the theft. J -Dll. . 1 2- 2-11 -1 .duiu lUKii were jjub iu juii. A HEBRAIC MESSIAH. A Critical.Cultnred Audience Listens lo the Words of the EEV. DB. JOSEPH- KEAUSK0PF. Their Melancholy Religious History Told by a Master Tongue. A STUDY FOR THOSE OF ALL SECTS A most melancholy, but at the same time most charming pleasure, was that experi enced by those last night who listened to the eloquent lecture of the Bev. Dr. Joseph Krauskopf, of Philadelphia, upon "The Messiah and the Jews." The lecture was delivered in the hand some temple, on Eighth street, before a crowded house, made up entirely of the very best Hebrew society of Pittsburg, the well-dressed, handsome class that invariably is to be found in the parquet at the play houses when anything especially good, either in a musical or dramatic way is to be rendered. After a few well-chosen words of-introduction from Mr. Marcus Aarons, of this city, the speaker of the evening opened at once upon his subject, and treated his audi ence to a delightful surprise. He neither ranted, orated nor even conversed, but ran through his entire lecture with a low, pleas ingly modulated intonation that ten . time3 intensified his sad words. He scarcely at tempted even a falling or rising inflection or emphasized a single syllable; but all through the evening his talk sounded like a song, and every word conveyed deep feeling and pathos. After dealing with the mighty power of Judah, he drifted off into a stream that sounded almost like a wail: And now Judah has gone forth into cap tivity; her glory hath departed andher enemies prosper, 'When shall Zion's song again sound so sweet? When shall Judah's harp again be tuned to melody? Yet the prophet Jeremiah was wrong, for the end had not yet come, and the temples were restored and the glory of Jerusalem once more established, and Jesus was named the Messiah of the Jews. Israel's intention and purpose henceforth upon the whole face of the earth was to do nothing but explain, interpret and live up to tho truth. A NEW IDOLATBY. They had lost their idolatry, but worshiped a new idolatry, and loved every sentence, every word and every letter of the Scriptures. The rabbi were In their conclaves quibbling, riddling over the dots, tho dashes and the curves of tbe Bible, and seeking new meanincs and new truths from every word. The Mace donians marched into their country unopposed by the men of the Book, not the men of the sword. Ptolemy advanced with a living wall, and not until he was at the very gates over the very walls of the sacred city, when the wise men threw aside their books and grasped their swords, but alas, too late. Jerusalem lay in ruins, smoking embers marked the site of the beloved temples, and on that day the glory of Israel fell, and it fell forever, and the proud nation ceased as a nation upon the face of the earth. What the famino had left became the prey of the unsparing swoTd, what the sword had left was given to the flames, what was spared from the flames fell before the awful pestilence, and most of the devoted people who survived the murder, the horror of those scenes, were dracged away as slaves to feed wild beasts or to battle brother against brother in the arena. And the handful remaining were forced into exile, obliged to leave their land, the cradle of their birth, and their death and the traditions of their forefathers, friendless, bomeless.heart less; everywhere degraded and despised in every land, and thus ended the Hebrews' sec ond epoch. Millions were slain,-hundreds of thousands enslaved, yet Israel uvea tnrougn it an, through scenes that would hare swept any and every other nation from the earth. Scores of nations lay dead at the feet of Rome, bnt Judea alone outlived that cruel mistress of the world. Then behold nearly all of Palestine In the hands of the Jews, and after three years of war, 22 bloody battles, and all the forces of Rome's ablest generals were demanded before the insurrection was quelled, but Israel was yet unconquered. LIGHT OF THE CENTTTKIES. How shall we account for this? Was it divine, miraculous? No; in this critical age that will not be accepted, for we have learned to trace from result back to caue. On the one side was the Messianic hope of Israel, and on the other rising Christianity. These two proved to be the greatest benefactors of Israel. Ten tribes had been swept away, and only the noble races of Benjamin and Judah were left. These two were looking, hoping, dreaming, praying, believing that a coming Messiah would again find the lost ten tribes, restore us our Jerusalem and again set up our temples. This fancy alas! soon disappeared. They had freedom without liberty, independence in chains and Judea remained tributary to foreign powers. Then it was said the Messiah may and will come at anytime and mysterious and hidden meanings could be found in the Bible. Its pages were ransacked. Rhetorical sentences were accepted s facts, and facts were accepted as rhetoric. The Bible was inverted and sub verted, and it was not long before even the verv dav of His cominc was mentioned, as ac cording to the old prophets, and Judah would acain be set up and all nations made to pay her tribute and honor. In Alexandria tbe Hebrew Bible was first translated into Greek, and strange errors, serious mistakes "and ridiculous absurdities crept in, and alas, the great Jewish population of that city had forgotten the true meaning of their book. Then a Greek philosopher tried to reconcile their Bible with the Jewish, and as they set up statnes to represent Virtue, Liberty, or Intel lect, so they personified tbe divine attributes, and they had the Father 'lie Son, aud the Holy Ghost. Then the Pi- -isn touches to this mongrel Mes3ianic doctri- .rcre given to it hy that preaching, praying, prophesying mo nastic sect. It was a fit time for tbe coming of a Messiah, and there were many who came but were forgotten. Then there came Joshua from Nazareth, the gentle Jesns. who tanght and practiced tbe right, and talked not ot the millenium in this world, bnt of the fond hope of tho next. His wisdom and J3Is power soon drew an army of followers, who succeeded in forcing upon Him the belief that He was the true Messiah, THE EXPECTED MESSIAH, of the Jews. Though He shared the fate of Mes siahs who succeeded Him, and Messiahs who followed Him, yet He alone has indelibly im pressed his name upon the pages of history and upon the tradition of the world as the Messiah of the Jews. His whole biography was rewritten; Bible verses were mistranslated in order to fit one absolutely with another and establish Him as the Messiah, tbongh He did not actually funll one of the Messianic prophecies, and entailed more suffering upon the people after than before His coming. They metamorphosed a Redeemer who never redeemed, a Restorer who never restored, a Savior who never saved, and yet I say ho was the Savior of Israel, for had He not arisen at that tinio Israel would never have outlived the frightful calam ties visited npnn her hy Rome. If He 'tarry, wait for His coming, for Ho will not fail, and so they hoped, and so they do hope, a balm for every wound, a sweet lotion for every Injury. The new Christian sect aided not'a little in perpetu ating the purity of the Messianic doctrine, and for awhile they lived peaceably together, shar ing the same beliefs, with the siogle exception of this doctrine. Then came a change, and the great Christian church grew in power, and vis ited upon the Jews the most frightful and fear ful cruelties. The orthodox element of Israel, by far the largest portion of the Jews, still believe in the, coming of a Messiah to lead them bacK to their borne. Tbe Rationalists of Israel have given up all hope and look not for the coming of a Messiah, but the coming of a Messianic age when man will be unto man as brother to brother. They concede the followers of Jesus as the greatest means of advancing civilization, yet their re jection of Him is as complete as tho orthodox Hebrew. They believe that Jesus was a mortal who lived divinely, not a Divinity who lived as a moital. After the lecture the Rev. Krauskopf was given a pleasant reception by his many friends in this city. The speaker is here under the auspices of the Young Men's Hebrew Association, and on January 30, in the same place, Eev. Dr. F. de Sola Men des, of New York, will lecture, and Febru ary 20 Rev. Dr. David Philipson, of Cin cinnati. Tbuth stranger than fiction. Salvation Oil, the great pain extinguisher costs only 25 cents. AFTER THE ASSESS0BS. Denny Helre File a Bill In Equity Clfllni Ing That Their Property Has Been IHe jrnlly Assessed. Against the city of Pittsburg and the Board of Assessors, the latter composed of Messrs. Frank P. Case.Philip Hoerr and J. J. Larkln,R. B. Carnahan,Esr., attorney for the heirs to the Denny estate, filed a bill in equity yesterday, in which it is claimed that an exorbitant and illegal assessment had been levied on their property, on which Carnegie Bros. & Co.'s Iron "Works are sit uated. The heirs of the estate are Mrs. Mary O'H. Springer, Mrs. Amelia M. Brereton, Mrs. Elizabeth O'H. McKnight, the Eev. TVm. M. Paxton and wife, Charles S. Sar geant and wife and Miss Matilda W.. the Rev. Harmar, "Wm. C, Mrs. Margaret S., James O'H., henry S. and Francis H. Denny. The bill states that the taxes which were in previous years levied upon the lessees of the property have been levied upon the Denny heirs by the Board of Assessors for the year 1889. The plaintiffs claim that they are the owners of a piece of land in the Fifteenth ward containing 8 acrrs, on which the Carnegie Bros. Union Iron Mills are lo cated, and that the present occupants leased it in 1883 on a 21 years' lease. The agree ment provides that all taxes, assessments, etc., against the property shall be paid by the tenants. The "Ward Assessor of the Fifteenth ward, in making the assessment for 1889, assessed the property, the improvements and the ma chinery to Carnegie Bros. & Co. at the amonnt of 292,000, as it had been f done since the lease commenced and as is lawful and valid. Reference is also made to the act of 1876 creating the Board of Assessors, regulating the manner of making assessments and pro viding that the county assessment made by the Ward Assessor shall De the basis for tbe Board of Assessors. It is claimed that while the city assessors were furnished with a copy of the county assessment they made the following assessment for tbe city on January 1, 1888. Denny estate Eight acres and 126 perches of land $197,610 Improvements, machinery and ironclad shop 187,000 5381,610 In conclusion of the doenment the plain tiffs assert that this assessment departs from the legal basis in every element which forms a constitutional part of a valid and legal as sessment; that they believe it illegally made and of no effect whatever. The plaintiffs hold that the assessors have no right to assess the Denny estate the improvements and machinery, in which they have no in terest, and they therefore ask the Court to decree that the assessment be declared nnll and void. IMPROTING THE BRIDGE. Tbe Try Street Structure of the Panhandle to be Remodeled. The Pennsylvania Company will make extensive improvements on the Panhandle railroad bridge, in this city, in the spring. Among othe'r things will be the changing of the first span on this side of the river from a "deck" to a "through" bridge. This will be done to allow the Baltimore and Ohio trains running under the bridge to pass with greater safety to the tops ot the cars. "When the new B. & O. tracks are rnn into the new station the tracks will be so high that it will be almost impossible for a man standing upright on a high boxcar to pass under the bridge without getting knocked off. The heavv iron trusses under 'the bridge will be taken off and put on the sides on a level with the floor. THE,. AND 0. STATUS. Captain Wishart Explains a FewThlugs in Regard to Drnegisti. Captain A. Wishart places himself and the Snnday druggists in a far more amica ble light than has been heretofore thought to exist. In an interview he said that the fact of the druggists all remaining open last Sunday did not affect orders to the Socie ty's agents. He says misapprehension has been caused by the talk of druggists whom he prose cuted, and that he had never said a physi cian's prescription was necessary in order to proenre medicine in a case of emergency and necessity, and he would not recognize a complaint in such a case. HOW IS THIS, JOHN BOIL? The Queen's Very Ln test to Make Her Power Felt in America. In the past five months 52 foreigners have notified the Prothonotary of their intention to become American citizens. The percent age of English is large, and supports the ru mor that in this way the British will try to make themselves felt in Yankee politics. Washington, D. C, Via Pennsylvania Railroad, Thursday, Jan uary 24, special train of parlor cars and day coaches will leave Union station at 8 A. M., arriving at 7:45 p. M. Excursion tickets good for ten days, allowing stop over in Baltimore in either direction within the limit, will he sold at $9, good for use on date named above and all trains except lim ited express trains and on the special trains. Parlor cars on day trains, sleeping cars on night trains. Previous to Stock Taking We shall offer for to-day only25 styles of fine tailor-made suits, manufactured from, im ported whipcord, diagonal, fancy cheviot and worsted, recular price 523 to $30, our price for to-day only 12. Remember, we always produce exactly what we advertise, and We stake our business reputation on the truth of qur advertisements. P. c. c. c, Cor. Grant and Diamond streets, Opp. new Court House. ) Scotch Glnshnms and French Salines ns Usual Tho Lnrcest Display. All the novelties and latest colorings come now and see them in the wash goods department to-day. JOS. HORNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Special Excursion to Washington via Penn sylvania Rnllroad. On Thursday, January 24, the Pennsylva nia Railroad will run a special excursion train to "Washington City, leaving Union station at 8 a. M. Excursion tickets, good to return within ten days, will be sold at rate of 9, allowing stop over in Baltimore on either going or returning trip. Pennsylvania Knilroml. Special excursion to Washington, D. C, tickets being valid on any regular train ex ceptJ"The .Limited," on January 24, will af ford residents of this section an opportunity of visiting this city at most delightful time.' Round trip tickets, good ten days, only $9. Onr Jannnrr Snle of Lace Curtains. More people coming every day and they all buy. Tne prices astonish them and the curtains are going out fast. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S. Penn Avenue Stores. "We are positive that this time we have knocked all onr competitors odt on early spring neckwear. See windows. "Will Pkice, 47 Sixth street. s No trouble to make good bread from "Rosalia,"' the best patent flour in the mar ket. Manufactured by "Whitmyre & Co. Cash paid for old gold and silver at Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. WFSa THEY STAND ALONE. Only One Branch of the King's Sons' Order Located in Pittsburg. THE MEMBERS AFTER NEW ROOMS. Good library, Billiard Hall and Fine Gym nasium Included IN THE PLAH FOR HELPING I0UNG MEN The King's Sons, of Peter's Episcopal Church, corner of Grant and Diamond streets, are now making arrangements for securing rooms to be used for an assembly hall, and as a pleasant and comfortable re sort for the members of the order. C. C. Dickey, Esq., the attorney, is the President of the branch, which is the only one that has beep established in this city. The King's Sons is constructed on much the same plan as the Young Men's Christian Association, and is a brother organization of the order of the King's Daughters, which has become so. popular in the East. Each member of the order wears a little silver Maltese cross, on which are stamped the let ters, I. H. N. The object of the order is to promote sociability and morality among its members, aud to win young men into the churches. The order recently established at the St. Peter's Church now numbers 73 members, and is rapidly growing in membership. Branches are to be established in other churches in the city, and a large member ship is expected here in a few years. The promoters of the new meeting rooms merely intend to secure temporary quarters, as it is expected that in a year or so the order will be rich enough to erect a build ing of its own. The rooms will have a large assembly hall in which the meetings of the clnb can be held, and which can also be utilized for their literary and musical entertainments, one of the featnres of the order. A library with plenty of the best of books will be founded; a billiard room fitted up. A third room is intended as a general lounging room for the members of the club. A gym nasium for the young men will be placed in the rooms. The building is to be fitted up in the best possible style. The committee has not yet decided upon their rooms, but they will probably be located either in Power Hall, on Diamond street, or in the building which was used as. court rooms during the erection of the new Court House. Previous to Stock Taking "We shall offer for to-day only 25 styles of fine tailor-made suits, manufactured from imiiorted whipcord, diagonal, fancy cheviot and worsted, regular price 23 to" $30, our price for to-day only 12. Remember, we always produce exactly what we advertise, and we stake our business reputation on the truth of onr advertisements. " P. C. C. c, Cor. Grant and Diamond streets, ' Opp. new Court House. A Catting Contest Continued. Prices are being cut up right and left, regardless of cost or value. Ladies' new markets, jackets, jerseys, shawls, cashmere and calico wrappers, girls' winter dresses, gretchen coats and plush bonnets, blankets, comforts, lambrequins, mufflers, gloves, corsets, underwear for men ladies and children, and all infants' goods at cnt prices. Busy Bee Hive, cor. Sixth and Liberty. Boys' Star Shirt Waists 30 and 75 Cents. Very low prices, bnt they are all to be sold now nice patterns, best goods 75 cent ones were $1 40; 50-cent ones were 51. JOS. HOBUE & CO.'S .,- Penn Avenue Stores. Special Low Prices This Week For fine watches and diamonds, if yon want to save abont 20 per cent go to Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. Established 1853. wfsu AlJj dress lengths and short ends offered at greatly reduced prices during the morn ings only, at Hugus & Hacke's. mtcesu THROM MONTANA. Helena, M. T. JAX. 26, 1883. J Messrs. Fleming Bros.: Gentlemen I have taken a great many of Dr. C. McLane's Celebrated Liver Pills, and find tbem to be a wonderful pill all that you claim for them. They act like a charm in cases of biliousness, sick headache, dysentery etc. Box Bat MRS. HENRY VlNKitAN- Cure sick headache, biliousness, liver com plaint, dyspepsia, heartburn, indigestion, mala ria, pimples on face and body, impure blood, etc., by using regularly Dr. C. McLane's Celebrated Lirer Pills prepared only by Flem ing Bros., Pittsburg, Pa. Price 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. Insist upon having the gen uine Dr. (X McLane's Liver Pills, prepared only by Fleming Bros., Pittsburg, Pa the market being lull of imitations of the name McLane. spelled differently but of the same pronunciation. Always mako sure of the words tFlemingros.,Pittsburs, Pa.," on the wrapper. aul-p29-jrwy TRENCH CORSET -FOB-l OO $1 OO $1 00 LOVELY FITTING. GIVES YOU A BEAUTIFUL SHAt T T T X Jt X 3 THOMPSON BROS., 109 Fedcral Street, Allegheny. jalO-Mwr FLORIDA ORANGES-ALMfcRIA GRAPES, layer and pulled figs, choice layer and bunch raisins, French prunes, Fard dates, Vos tezzi c rrants, princess and .Languedoc al monds. Texas polished pecano, Grcnoblo walnuts: all selected new crop. JNO. A. REN SHAW & CO., Family Grocers, Liberty and Ninth sts. doU-ws COLGATE'S ODOR CASES Handkerchief extracts and toilet waters ln fancy basketi-and boxes,sultab1e for Christmas. Fine toilet soaps In great variety. JNO. A. RENSHAW & CO.. dell-wa Liberty and Ninth sts. SEW ADVERTISES!!! .NTH. - r- '. JOB. HDRNE-Jc CD3 PENN AVENUE STORES.," j -.- k -. V :.:V " tfi GRAND OPENING DISPLAY' SPRING IMPORTATIONS . 1889 "ANDERSON'S" SCOTCH GINGHAMS In our Wash Dress Hoods Department Over 15,000 yards of these finest wash fabrics now in stock, including all the latest and newest de- signs in novel and beautiful coldrings, and pos sessing the perfect finish that distinguishes' this make of goods above all others that are produced. We show many exclusive weaves and effects that surpass the offerings of any. former season. FINE FRENCH SATINES. Over 5,000 yards on sale to-day,making a col lection of choice styles never before equaled' in any wash goods department. The advantage of such an early choice Is apparent,as you hava here the most varied and largest variety in newest and latest effects of design and col oring. An early Inspection is advised, as our expert ence has been that even in so large an assort mentmanyof the most desirable patterns are quickly sold. OUR JANUARY SALE CONTINUES. We still offer many remarkable bargains is Wool Dress Goods, in fine quality dress fab rics, in black and colors. Examine the English Suitings, 50 to 54 inches wide, at tt. $1 50 and 52 a yard, Imported to sell . at SI 50 to S3 50 per-yard. Many choice styles at 25c and 50c still here) for bargain seekers. Fine French Broadcloths, in all the most fashionable shades,all trades to finest, reduced in price. RAWSILK Has advanced 20 per cent, but our prices oa Black and Colored Dress Silks are the samo and our stock is very large and conn plete in all the best and most reliable) makes and newest weaves. Some span cial bargains in Black Satin de Lyon, Armnres, Failles and Peau de Soles; also many extra good values in Colored Silks, in plain;, colors and in fancy and brocaded effects. See our all pure Moire Silks at 60c, 73c and $1 a yard. Best bargains of the year In fine Silk Plushes and Brocaded Velvets. Nottingham Lace Curtains "Seta So a pair. Our entire stock, including the most desirable patterns, is marked down; many hundreds of pairs already sold; don't bo too late. This week shows a large importation of new Scotch Table Linens and Napkins at very close prices. MORE BARGAINS IN OUR NEW CLOAKROOMS. r 4 . . Come and see the reductions on Seal Plush Jackets and Wraps. Every garment to ba sold before February 1, if low prices will do it. We still have hundreds of stylish Long Gar- ' ments In plain and fancy cloths that are all marked down to sell them quickly. J A sweeping reduction ln fine Cloth JacSets,'.? heavy and medium weights. .-. The new Embroideries, White Goods and1'' Laces are h era now. Our stock of ' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR . :- Is not only made np in the very best manner - --m x and of good materials, but is composed of a- ' KV multitude of bargains so far as prices go. v Mr " JDS. HORNE k CUrBI PENN AVENUE STORES. V ' 'Jall-jtViri