Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 16, 1889, Image 1

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For to-morrow's DISPATCH can
be loft at main office till midnight
or at branch offices till 9 P. Ml '
All having housea to Let can
reach the be3t tenants through tho
Columns of THE DISPATCH.
4J n
Faces the Thunderer's Court
and Defiantly Pleads His
Case While
Bismarck Boldly Criticised by Lib
erals in the Reichstag.-
An Accommodating Witness
Against Pnrnell Germany's
Policy Aailcd BlMiiarcU Defends His
Course He Also Strokes lue Lion's
Mane Hi Son Likewise Hatters En
glnnd Stanley Has Written Letters, but
They Are Withheld It is Said They
Establish tho Tact of nis Safety.
The Parnell Commission has reassembled.
The defiant O'Brien bearded the lion in its
lair, and, instead of humbly apologizing to
the august commissioners, says he will do it
again, should occasion arise. Another
offender, who happened to belong to a Tory
family, humbly apologized and was not
even censured. It was a great day in
Berlin. The Beichstag reassembled and
Bismarck was kept busy replying to the at
tacks of the Liberal leaders. Important
letters have been received from Stanley, and
it is certain that he is alive. The bicycle
man sent by Mr. Pulitzer to look him up
seed not leave London, so 'tis said.
London, January 15. On the reassem
bling of the special Parnell Commission to
day, after a well-earned holiday, Sir Charles
Bussell, by way of further discounting the
Attorney General's application again3t
From His Last Photograph.
United Ireland, drew attention to an equally
gross contempt of court committed by an
English Tory newspaper.
Then the learned Commissioners and
crowded court had an unexpected treat in
the shape of a speech by "William G'Brien,
delivered in the eloquent Irishman's best
parliamentary manner, with an admirable
blending of deference and dignity. The
substance was a repudiation of intentional
disrespect to the Court in the contention
that the Commissioners, being more political
than judicial, were liable to be criticised as
well as reported, and finally an insinuation
that United Ireland would not hesitate, if
need arose, to offend in the same manner
again. The speech was really a gem in its
way. and many who heard it restrained with
difficulty a natural impulse to clap their
hands and cheer.
A Tory Let Down Easy.
After this came the case of Mr. Broderick,
a member of a noble Tory family, and holder
of a dignified post at Oxford University,
who had distinguished himself by compar
ing Irish members to the Whitechapel mur
derer. Broderick wisely apologized, and
was allowed to go without even a caution.
The decision in the other case was postponed,
and everyone hopes the court will adopt
O'Brien's view and take no notice hence
forth of newspaper articles, except where
their purport is clearly to intimidate wit
nesses. These lengthy preliminaries so curtailed
the time available for business that only two
witnesses were examined to-day, but both
proved interesting. The first was Major
Tanner, brother of Dr. Tanner, the famous
fighting member of the Irish Parliamentary
party, and the best hated Irishman in Great
Britain. The Major is a land agent, and
therefore fiercely hates his patriotic brother,
to whom in particular and to the League in
general he attributes the destruction of
landlord ascendency in Ireland. The Major
cherishes, or professes to cherish, the de
lusion mat only tne lear of outrages pre
vents the tenants from throwing themselves
on the benevolent bosoms of loving land
lords. An Accommodating Witness.
The next witness, Francis Jagoe, a peas
ant trom Longford, disgusted everybody in
court bv the cool impudence with which he
avowed himself a murderer. He killed a
man years ago of course at the bidding of
Jhe League and airily admitted complicity
in a number of minor outrages. Neverthe
less in cross-examination Jagoe declared' he
earned his living by honest labor, never in
his life did anything wrong or disreputable,
would scorn to do a mean thing, and volun
teered to give evidence through his love of
truth and justice. This peculiar peasant
has been living on the fat of the land at a
hotel in London for nine weeks at the
Times' expense.
Attorney General "Webster said .he
had carefully considered the question of
shortening the inquiry, and with this view
he proposed to produce neutral statistics
from "Blue books" and a report which the
Irish Under Secretary's solicitor offered to
compile from the police outrage book. It
would, however, te necessary to call a few
more land agents and to deal with speeches,
but this would not take long. He hoped to
produce evidence relating to the forged let
ters next week, and would then take up the
Eubject of the League's American connec
tions. A summons has been served upon .Mr.
Dennis Kilbride,
Member of Parliament j
for South Kerry, to answer charges made
against him under the crimes Act Mr.
Kelly, a National League organizer, was
arrested at Falcarragh to-day. Father Mc
Fadden was served with a summons at the
same place for inciting tenants to adopt the
plan of campaign.
Mr. John Dillon made a farewell address
at the Nationalist Convention at Mary
borough to-day. He praised the Lugga
curran tenants for their straggle against
Lord Lansdowne, and advised them to con
tinue the contest until he returned from his
tour. He was confident that the movement
would soon be brought to a successful issue.
The contributions from America to the
National League during the past two weeks
amounted to 2,000. ,
Lively Spats in tho Reichstag Liberals
Assail the Chancellor's African Schemes
The Prince Evidently Trying to
Please England.
Berlin, January 15. To-day's meeting
of the Beichstag was awaited with the keen
est interest. The house was crowded. The
committee proposed that all the Foreign
Office estimates be passed without amend
ment. On the clause dealing with the salaries
of Herr Yohsen and other Zanzibar officials,
amounting to 73,000 marks, Herr Bichter,
after remarking incidentally that the East
Africa Company's officials were mostly
blamablo for the troubles in Africa, held
Herr Yohsen also responsible, as he knew
the company was absolutely incapable of
fulfilling the treaty with the Sultan. After
a brief explanation from Prince Bismarck,
Eichter's motion to strike out the clause
was rejected.
Herr "Woermann said Germany would be
wise to prevent further encroachments of
the British Niger Company, and see that
British privileges were not further extend
Prince Bismarck replied that he should
be glad could Herr "Woermann produce an
English member to deliver the same speech
in the English Parliament. He said:
1 believe that verj many British interests go
band in hand and sympathize with Interests
like ours, winch sutler trom the conduct of the
colonial authorities and the Niger Company.
The foreign office, however, lacks a substantial
handle to interfere in ith the internal affairs of
the English colonial administration or legisla
tion. 'e sought to divide our spheres of in
terest bv treaties and by the exchange of notes.
both in the direction of the Cameroons
and Southwest Africa. To adhere to these
theoretical lines is difficult enough in itself, as
the recent occurences in Southwest Africa
prove. The control of a Government over tho
action of its subjects in those regions is not
always so easy as we are accustomed to find it
in the orderly State organization of this conti
nent, but we possess no treaty in justification
for addressing a specific demand for the British
Government. The English Ministry acts in re
gard to the Niger Company and the trade of
that district in accordance with its own
Parliamentary and economic interests.
Should wc attempt to interfere in this domes
tic affair, we should thereby lay ourselves open
to a claim for a certain reciprocal accommoda
tingness which might bo detrimental to our
independent colonial action for several years.
The foreign office has bad occasion to direct
the attention of England to the proceedings of
the Niger Company, which have been hard to
reconcile with the otherwise liberal principles
of the English commercial policy.
Count Herbert Bismarck also spoke
favorably of the attitude of friendliness as
sumed by the English Government. The
Chancellor, in replying to liichter's re
marks concerning the slave trade, said his
(llichter's) organs patronized everything
likely to cause difficulties and embroglios
for the Fatherland.
To Bismarck's remark that the press was
without the Fatherland, Bichter said he
would briefly reply that his party was
proud of possessing a lrec and independent
press, which dared to tell the most power
ful man in Europe the truth. Dr. Bokel
here exclaimed: "The Jew's press." Herr
Bichter, continuing, said that Germany
was foreign to such Chauvenism as was dis
played by the semi-official press, which pre
sented the most ignoble spectacle that bad
ever been witnessed.
Prince Bismarck again arose, and during
a lengthy speech defended England's policy
in Africa. In commenting on Herr Bam
berger's hint that the colonial projects had
been a failure, Prince Bismarck said:
Well, gentlemen, thank God the German na
tional character is on the whole not so easily
intimidated as to allow itself to be frightened
by a few false steps, errors or sacrifices. It is
useless to let English know that n e aro so easily
lrightened and that we are now tired and dis
heartened in an enterprise which we com
menced four years ago. I do not consider it
advisable to maintain this publicly especially in
respect to England.
Herr Bamberger replied that the Chan
cellor had recounted nothing but what the
whole world knew. If he had disturbed
the Chancellor's diplomatic sphere by
merely asking more information, it gave
him a new insight in art of dipt. macy. The
time was passed for a personal approach.
Doctor of Theology Von Bismarck had said
that he learned from his opponents. Let
him, then, seek out opponents at home. He
( Bamberger) obtained no more profit than
did Bismarck from upholding his opinions.
Let each do his duty. As lor himself, he
thoucht that he was doing right in uttering
a warning against the Government's Colo
nial policy, and the past was his best justi
fication for doing so.
During the debate Prince Bismarck be
came excited. At times he paced up and
down the tribune waiting impatiently for
the conclusion of his opponent's remarks
to reply. He constantly took notes.
He looked well and spoke with a
strong voice. Upon entering and leaving
the Beichstag he was loudly cheered. He
wore a heavy Itussian cloak, the weather
being intensely cold. He made nine short
speeches, and the fact is taken to indicate
anxiety on his part to avoid annoying En
gland. The London Daily News, commenting on
the debate in the Beichstag, says:
We hope this debate will open people's eyes
in England to the cart that Lord Salisbury is
really playing. It becomes too painfully evi
dent that he is a mere creature and cat's
paw of Bismarck. The German Liberals,
to whom the thanks of both England and Ger
many are dne for their manly and outspoken
criticism, drew from the Chancellor a frank
avowal that the pretense of suppressing slavery
is a mere device for leading Salisbury into a
trap. It is time the country spoke its mind in
regard to Salisbury's muddling.
Important Letters Received Ills Waere
nboats a State Secret.
London, January 10. The Chronicle
days with reference to the telegram that
Stevens, who rode through Europe and
Asia on a bicycle, has started to find
"We may say that Stevens is now. in
London, having arrived by the Umbria on
Saturday, and that the Government will
have information of Stanley's safety long
before Stevens can reach the east coast of
Africa. Eecent letters from Stanley will
be soon published in London. There are,
meanwhile, certain reasons why the exact
whereabouts of the famous traveler should
not be made public"
A Coneressmnn's Bank Snspends.
Sckanton, January 15. The bank of
Congressman Bunnell, at Tunkhannock,
has been forced to suspend, owinc to a run
due to the rumor that an execution for $10,
000 had been issued against the bank, which
Mr. Bunnell was unable to meet
The Republican Senators Obstinately Re
fuse to Organize That Body Demo
crats Fight Against Adjournment
Two More Contests In
the House.
Charleston, W, Va., January 15. In
the House this morning petitions were pre
sented contesting the seats of "Win. Bandy
and K. G. Meader, Republican Delegates
from McDowell and Mercer counties. No
business was transacted and an adjournment
was had until to-morrow morning. In the
Senate the usual filibustering was carried on
by the Republicans. Already the election
of United States Senator has been delayed
one week by the non-organization of the
Senate, and it is impossible to predict when
the end will be reached. It is reported that
Smith, the Bepublican Delegate who has
been unable to attend on account of illness,
will be here in time to vote for the United
States Senator, which may partially account
for the Bepublican delay.
Exactly why the filibustering tactics are
continued isUnknown to all except the Sen
ators themselves, and they keep their own
counsel remarkably well. The Democrats
this afternoon concluded to force an organi
zation, defeating motions to adjourn by a tie
vote, "Senator Carr voting with them, and
the session lasted until 11 o'clock to-night,
when it adjourned until to-morrow.
It is said that Bepublicans will continue
to hold deadlocks till the end of the 45 days
prescribed by law for the session, thinking
that in this case G off, who has "by the re
turns certified by the county courts a small
majority, will become Governor and will
then appoint a Bepublican United States
Senator. In this they are mistaken. It
also provides that the Governor holds over
till his successor is duly elected and quali
fied, which must be after his election is
certified by the Legislature.
A Resolution Thnt Was Catcly Intended to
Confound the Opposition.
New York, January 15. Christian
Goetz.the Bepublican Alderman from John
J. O'Brien's district, produced in the board
to-day a carefully constructed typewritten
resolution, by which the Aldermen, as rep
resenting the people of this city, asked the
Legislature to legalize the sale of beer, wine,
and liquor on Sundays, fiom noon to mid
night. One of the whereases was as follows:
Whereas. From the issues of the last
State campaign, and the vote cast for the re
spective Gubernatorial candidates, it is ap
parent that the tendency of the people is to
ward greater liberality as to matters of excise.
It became clear in a moment or two that the
board was going to pass the resolution, and
Alderman Fitzsimons, when he saw that,
had the presence of mind to deprive it of
the peculiar point injected into it by the
astute Bepublican who drew it up, be said:
"The second preamble seems to say that the
reason why the people of this State voted as
they did for Governor was on account of the
attitude of theHiffcrent candidates on the
excise question. I don't know that as a
matter of fact, and do not believe it. It
ought to be stricken out, and I move that
the resolutions be so amended."
Alderman Goetz hastily accepted the
amendment, and the resolution was carried
so quickly that a call for the yeas and nays
came too late, and the record does not show
the attitude of the city fathers on the main
The Ohio Association Prepares to Enter
the Progressive Union.
Columbus, January 15. There were
about 60 delagates at the Eighth Annual
Convention of the Ohio Miners' Amalga
mated Association. President John Mc
Bride occupied the chair, and after the pre
liminary work of organization had been
afiected, delivered his annual address. The
speech was quite lengthy and reviewed the
growth of the organization, advocating arbi
tration as a means of settling disputes be
tween labor and capital. The new Miners'
Progressive Union was indorsed as a body
founded upon a proper basis.
A large number of committees were ap
pointed for the woik to-morrow, when the
State Association will be reorganized as
district 10 of the National Progressive
Union of Miners andMme Laborers.
The Stndcnts In a Panic Over a Case
Ithaca, N. Y., January IS. There has
been some alarm at Cornell University over
a case of varioloid. Miss Annie P. Moon,
of Newport, N. Y., a sophomore, was ex
posed to the smallpox in the cars after the
holidays. ShcbecameillonSundayand was
promptly quarantined, and every precau
tion taken to prevent further exposure.
She is now isolated in a suburb of Ithaca.
President Adams told the students this
afternoon there was no danger, but that, as
an additional precaution, every student in
the university should be vaccinated at once.
Four doctors in the faculty will perform the
King Humbert Called on to Tarn Over Red
Nosed Mike's Companions.
HakrIsbubg, January 15. The Gover
nor to-night ordered a requisition to be
made out in the State Department, on the
King of Italy, for the delivery into the
custody of Pennsylvania officers of Vincenzo
Villolla and Guiseppe Bevevian, the two
Italians alleged to have been concerned
with "Ked-Nosed Mike," in the murder of
McClure and his friend in Lucerne county.
Mrs. Friend Won't Open Her Mouth for a
Faltry S3.O0O.
Detroit, January 15. President Cot
terill and Mrs. Friend met in Ann Arbor
to-day to diFcuss Electric sugar affairs. The
result of the meeting isn't known here.
Mrs. Friend's attorney advised her to take
the 5,000 offered and give up her secret.
The 215-pound widow replied: "Sir, I pay
you to inform me as to my legal rights, not
to conduct my business."
The Coroner's Jury Finds Thnt the Wind
Was Alone to Blame.
Beading, January 15. TheCoroner held
an inquest this evening on the bodies of the
18 persons killed by the collapse of the
Beading silk mill during the recent tor
nado. The testimony adduced showed that
the mill went down because of the fearful
force of the storm, and that it was a sound
afld substantially built structure. The jury
so found. '
Not Jack the Ripper.
London, January 15. A dispatch from
Tunis states that no importance is attached
to the report that one of the robbers arrested
there to-day is "Jack the Bipper."
Keystone Democrats Burying tho
Hatchet in Some Secluded Spot.
Senator Cooper Now Considered Out of the
Gubernatorial Eace.
Knmerons Ideas Advanced for the Improvement
the LIcenso System.
Among the Democrats arriving at the
State capital all seems to be harmonious.
In the evening Chairman Kisner started
the champagne corks flying, and a love
feast ensued. Chauncey Black says Chris
Magee is a good man to lead the field
against Quay, and thinks that Mr. Magee
will be on top in the next State Convention.
Last evening's session of the Senate was a
short one, and the day was an unoventful
one in legislative circles.
Harrisburg, January 15. The Demo
cratic committeemen began arriving in
town this afternoon, and the Pittsburg
delegation was first on the scene. Ex
Chairman Brennan is on hand with the
solid n eight ot the Allegheny indorsement
for State Chairman behind him. He ad
mitted to-night that he didn't expect to cap
ture the honor, and really didn't want to.
Patrick Foley, Bernard Bafferty, Chairman
"Watson and the other Allegheny delegates
are here for the purpose of seeing that the
position goes to some good Democrat, and
from the' fact that Mr. Brennan was heard
to refer to Mr. Kisner as big-hearted and
whole-souled, it looks as though the hatchet
would be taken out and buried in some
secluded spot in the interest ot white-winged
Chauncey F. Black paid a visit to Pitts
bung headquarters at room No. 18 at the
Bolton House this evening, and as Mr.
Brennan made his harmonious declaration
a little later, it is not improbable that
Chaunccy's presence on the scene had a
soothing and conciliating influence.
Mr. Black was questioned this evening
concerning the difference that agitates the
Bepublican ranks just now, and hazarded
the opinion that after Mr. Quay has ex
hausted the patronage that fall to his share
his importance will decrease. "The field is
bound to win against a self-confessed boss,"
said the ex-Lieutenant Governor, "and Mr.
Magee is a very strong man to lead the
field. It is by no means unlikely that he
will be on top in the State Convention of
Altogether, it looks as though the Demo
crats were closing up their ranks in expecta
tion of another Pattison year at the close of
Beaver's term. Notwithstanding this, there
were at least three Bepublican possibilities
for Governor in the .Capital City to-day.
The Secretary of the Commonwealth is con
sidered to be'one of these. The other two
were Senator Delamater aud Major Mon
tootb. These two met and conversed affably
in the Senate Chamber during the latter
part of the forenoon. -"Senator
Cooper is considered out of the
Gubernatorial race entirely, his ambition
pointing to the Colle6torship of the Port of
Philadelphia. It isn't likely, therefore,
that he is caring a great deal whether his
Senatorial district is knocked out or whether
it is left.
Chairman Kisner spread a table at Demo
cratic headquarters to-night, with the
choicest viands from the best caterer in Har
risburg. Champagne and more Democratic
drinks were in equal abundance, and Dem
ocrats, official and private, gathered at the
love feast and showed tht'ir good will by
their storage capacity. The Pittsburg dele
gation attended and participated, and
though they will cast their complimentary
vote for ex-Chairman Brennen, they seem to
like to have it understood that it is a slap
at Tim O'Leary, and not at the present and
prospective State Chairman.
Congressman Scott came in to-night, but
didn't mingle with the festive throng at the
committee rooms. He is anchored at the
Bolton, and heard none of the speeches and
jubilant remarks which betokened Demo
cratic forgetfulness of the November earth
quake. SlMTSOK.
Tho Most Important Bills Introduced Yes
terday lu tho House
Harrisburg, January 15. Among the
bills introduced iu the House to-day were
the following:
By Mr. Bichards, of Allegheny Eelatlve to
the descent of estate of intestates.
By Mr. McCullough, of Allegheny Author
izing councils of boroughs to establish license
tax on wagons and other vehicles.
By Mr. Graham, of Allegheny For the bet
ter protection of wages ot labor, and prescrib
ing the manner in which they may be col
lected. By Mr. Bichards, of Allegheny Authorizing
any legal insurance company to nominate any
partnership association of Individuals, either
general or limited, as such company's agent.
By Mr. Farrell, of Clearfield To prohibit
mining and manufacturing corporations from
carrying on company stores, by direct or Indi
rect means.
Among the appropriation bills was the fol
lowing: By Mr. Lemon, of Allegheny For the
Homeopathic Medical and Surgical Hospital,
of Pittsburg, J67,OU0 for maintenance and to
pay deficits.
A Proposed Amendment Offered by Mr.
Williamson in the Senate.
Harrisburg, January 15. In the Senate
to-night bills were introduced as follows:
By Senator Williamson A supplement to
tho high license bill, prohibiting 'drugpsts
from selling liquor to any minor or persons of
known intemperate habits, with or without a
physician's prescription; -also providing that
any one, with or without a license, selling and
snipping intoxicating liquors to a minor or
person of known intemperate habits, resident
many other county than that in which tho
seller resides, shall be indicted under the pro
visions of the Brooks act in the county in which
said liquor shall be delivered.
By Mr. Hines A bill to prohibit anthracite
mining and manufacturing companies from
keeping company stores.
Committee ou a Normal School.
Harrisburg, January 15. Colonel S.
M. Jackson, of Apollo; Hon. Samuel H.
Miller, of Mercer; Colonel Silas J. Marlin,
of Brookville, and Hon. William McNair,
of Oil City, with the school superintendents
of Allegheny, Beaver and Butler counties,
are the committee to examine and report on
the new normal school building at Center
ville, and will do their work on February 1.
Rlshts of WhnrfaKO Prlvllcces.
Harrisburg, January 15.-The bill
giving boroughs the right to purchase river
fronts for wharf purposes and charge wharf
age has passed the Committee on Judiciary
local, and will be favorably reported, This
uui uueuui xiumesieaa. aiaxr SON.
The Bills toAmcndlho Brooks Law Not Con
sidered Very Dangerous.
Haerisburo, January 15. The unani
mous favorable report to-day by the House
Committee on Constitutional Reform, of the
prohibition amendment to the Constitution,
didn't cause even a ripple. The resolution
will go through without a hitch and many
members think .other liquor legislation
might as well wait the verdict of the
people unless here is special urgency for
Representatives Lemon's bill, which he
received to-day fronfPittsburg and .will in
troduce to-morrow, has caused something of
a stir, but the onlv opinions expressed are
that it is not likely to pass. It takes the
l,v: i '-a. J i..-
...teusiug power lruiu uic uuuria uuu. jjjuucs
it inthe hands of three high-salaried cora
missioners and a large staff of deputies.
Representative Lemon has also another bill
in his possession, transfer the licensing
power from Courts of Quarter Sessions to
Courts of Common Pleas.
To Add to tho Western Penitentiary Prop
f erty Is to Bny 26 Lots Outright.
Harrisburg, January 15. Major Mon
tooth was in town to-day in the interest of a
measure for the Western Penitentiary. He
wants a bill to authorize the penitentiary to
purchase the 20 lots of the Hartman prop
erty, immediately adjoining the penitentiary
on the north. A street is wanted on that
side the penitentiary, and enough of the
property can't be bought to make it.
The plan MaiorMontooth advocates is the
purchase of the lots eniire, the making of
lug oucct UUU UJO ⁢ Ul LUO ICUIAlUUCr Ul
the lots, which he thinks can be disposed of
at the original crice after the street is taken
The Municipal Corporation Committee Beady
' to Report in a Hury.
Harrisburg, Pa., January 15. The
Municipal Corporation Committee will to
morrow favorably report the street and
sewer bill, which supplies the part of the
Pittsburg charter declared unconstitutional.
The early report is designed to give the bill
a good place on the calendar, but Represent
ative Bob in son is given the privilege of
calling it back to the committee if it doesn't
meet the views of Pittsburg's city solicitor.
As the inter-municipal bill will probably
Erovide that cities of the second class shall
e those containing 100,000 population and
over, Allegheny will also be interested in
this measure.
Allegheny's Representatives Will Work for
Their Home Interests.
Harrisburg, January 15. It was re
ported this forenoon that the Allegheny
members would caucus in the evening on
amendments to the Brooks bill, but the
gathering was a purely informal one, in
which the members participating ftgreed to
act together in the legislation for the benefit
of Allegheny county.
The members present were Bepresenta
tives McCullough, Weaver, Chalfant,
White, Lafferty, Lemon, Shiras, Bichards,
Marland and Bobison. and the conference
took place in the apartment of the latter,
at the Leland.
Mr. Shims Will Introduce a BUI for Street
Rnllway Companies' Relief.
Harrisburg, January 15. About 18
months ago the Supreme Court declared un
constitutional a certain act for the charter
of street railways. The lines affected in
Pittsburg and Allegheny are the Pittsburg,
Allegheny and Manchester, the West End,
the Union Line, the Pleasant Valley, the
Second avenue, and the Wylie and Center
avenue line.
Eepresentative Shiras will to-morrow in
troduce a bill to meet their case, and also
to give motor companies power to acquire
rights of way of passenger railways.
Governor Bearer Not Ready to Approvo a
Much-Opposed Measure.
Haerisbueg, January 15. Members of
the House from Beaver, Lawrence and But
ler counties, with a delegation of citizens
from those counties, told the Governor to
day why he should disapprove of the estab
lishment of the miners' hospital for the
district at Mercer.
The Mercer county representatives argued
the other way, and the Governor will take
time to think about it before he gives the
work of the commission his approval.
A Short Evening Session,
Harrisburg, January 15. The Senate
met to-night at 9 o'clock and adjourned half
an hour later. A few resolutions and bills
were introduced. One by the Luzerne Sen
ator is against the keeping of stores by cor
porations. It has its counterpart in a
House bill introduced this morning.
The Appropriations Committee at Work.
Habeisbukg, January 15. The Appro
priations Committee began its work to
night, and will consider appropriations for
State institutions first. Bepresentatives
Marshall, Walk and Wherry were ap
pointed a sub-committee to assist the Chair
man classify the bills.
Ohio Stack Breeders Want to Furnish Their
Own Products.
Columbus, January 15. At the meeting
of the Ohio Association of Shorthorn Breed
ers to-day, after numerous interesting pa
pers had been read and discussed, a resolu
tion was adopted unanimously taking a
strong stand against foreign , dressed beef,
and favoring the passage of the Senate bill
now pending; that all cattle furnished for
beef in Ohio shall first be inspected ,in the
State, while alive and on foot.
This is the bill which resulted in an in
vestigation of Senate members last winter.
charged with offering to accept a bribe trom.
Chicago parties. Unicago, bt. Louis and
Pittsburg firms all do a heavy business in
furnishing dressed beef in the various Ohio
In Consequence, tho Girl He Left Behind
Him Gets 84,000.
Auburn, N. Y., January 15. In the
Supreme Court in this city to-day, before
Judge Adams and a jury, Miss Ella Strat
ton, of Cayuga, In this county, was given a
verdict for 51,000 for breach of promise, the
defendantbeing Frank A.Lowell, who is now
in the State of Michigan, engaged in teach
ing school.
Miss Stratton is the daughter of a country
minister, and Lowell told her be loved her.
They became engaged, and shortly afterward
"Lowell went Wesf. Miss Stratton sued for
The Wily Treasurer of the Bepublican
National Committee "Will
Judge Woods Decides That the Famous
Letter Was Not Criminal,
And Conspiracy Clearly Shown in Order to Make a
Binding' Case.
" The Indianapolis grand jury applied to
Judge Woods yesterday for further instruc
tions on the Dudley case. The Court held
that sending a letter advising the purchase
of votes did not In itself constitute bribery
under the Indiana law. This is regarded as
equivalent to dismissing the case. Promi
nent lawyers differ with the opinion of the
Indianapolis, January 15. The Fed
eral grand jury this morning asked to be
conducted before Judge Woods for further
instructions. The foreman asked the
court for instructions touching let
ters written with an evident intent to cor
rupt voters and requested to know what ad
ditional proof aside from the authorship of
such letter or letters was necessary to estab
lish a conspiracy and justify an indictment.
Judge Woods' instructions to the jury were
substantially as follows:
Just before your last adjournment I wis in
formed that you desired instructions upon tho
question of whether or not, if the evidence
showed that a letter or circular containing ad
vice to the voters was sent by mall or otherwise
by one out of the State to one in the State,
whoso namo the jury was unable to discover, an
indictment could properly be found describing
such person as one whose name was unknown.
It is a familiar and proper practice where the
evidence shows the existence and identity of
a person, but not his name, to describe him in
an indictment as ono whose namo is unknown,
and if your request had meant no more than
that, it might have been answered at once.
But it implies more. It includes a proposition
which, although embraced in the charge given
when you were impanneled,was notstated with
such explicitness as to be apprehended, except
by lawyers, nor, perhaps, by them, unless they
had given special attention to tbo subject.
The matter was left fn this shape for the pur
pose of investigation, not because. In the
opinion of tho Court, there was room for dis
agreement, but because the Court had learned
that the counsel for tho Government and
another gentleman of high standing in
the State as a lawyer and citizen had
adopted a view different from my
own. And these gentlemen had
placed on the statute a more stringent con
strnction than mine, and one which might tend
more efficiently to guard tho elections and the
elective franchise from pollution. It was deemed
proper to say to you nothing more explicit on
the subject until the question should be investi
gated and determined so far as practical on
authority. Besides, it was possible, and may
yet be, that your discoveries may beor have
been such as to make the matter compara
tively unimportant.
The question on which there is difference of
opinion between the Court and counsel for the
Government has reference to tbe force and
meaning to be given to the words "aids, coun
sels, procures or advises" as nsed iu section
5,511 of the Bevised Statutes, and it is whether
or not one who counsels or advises another to
commit a crime may bo punished, though tbo
counsel or advice may not be acted upon, and
no attempt made to act upon it by the person
This is, of course, a question of construction
and interpretation to be resolved upon the
consideration of the etymological and ordinary
meaning of the words, the construction in
which they are found, and the technical or
legal significance they may have acquired by
uso in tbe common law and other statutes, and
in the legal literature.
To "procure" moans moro than to "aid." It
means to "contrive" and "effect" or "cause."
They both differ from "counsel" or "advice,"
and "counsel," while it includes "advice."
means alscTmutual "advising, instructing or the
interchanging of opinions." But evidently one
cannot be said to procure another to commit a
crime which he never commits, and one cannot
well be said to "aid" another to do something
which is never done.
The early rule having been that the principal
must have been convicted before prosecution
of the accessory, it results that the mere
sending by one to another of a letter or docu
ment containing advice to bribe voters or
setting forth a scheme for such bribery is not
This charge of Judge Woods is regarded
here as a clear and unqualified dismissal of
the Dudley bribery case from the further
consideration of the grand jury.
A Little Girl Helps n Man to Get Away
With $7,600 In Cash.
Ottawa, Ont., January 15. The Vil-
lepnarie Bank at Hull, on the other side of
the Ottawa river, was robbed to-day. A
well-dressed stranger managed to get away
with ?7,600 of the bank's funds. He entered
the bank, presumably to make a deposit
of a small amount, and while talking
with the teller, who was the only employe
in the bank, a little girl ran in and told the
teller that a priest wished to speak to him
Oitshi,e. The teller ran out and was absent
only about 30 seconds, but when he returned
he found the man had gone out of the back
door, and that 7,600 of the cash was miss
ing. There isn't the slightest clew as to who
either the man or the little girl, who is be
lieved to have been working the racket with
him, is. The manager of the bank is absent
in Montreal.
A Western Chief of Police Who is Able to
Stand it Good Joke.
Plattsmouth, Neb., January 15. The
Bepublicans elected their municipal ticket
here about a year ago. The Mayor's first offi
cial act was to appoint a Chief of Police.
To-night the Chief sat in a saloon with his
boon companions and sang and shouted with
drunken tury.
Tbe uproar at last became so offensive that
indignant citizens got a cannon firecracker
and exploded it under the Chiefs chair.
The explosion created consternation among
all the singers except the Chief, who con
tinued to sing and yell until midnight.
He Is Finally Arraigned for the Slnrder of
Drover ItlcCauiland.
Wathesburg, January 15. The trial of
Zach Taylonfor the McCausland murder
commenced in the Criminal Court this morn
ing. Court convened at 9 A. M. and imme
diately commenced the empaneling of a
a jury. Twenty-six were called and dis
missed for cause and peremptorily, 11 stood
aside and four were accepted, when court
adjourned till 9 A. M., to-morrow. W. S.
Anderson, of Youngs town, is here as coun
sel for the Commonwealth.
Indiana to Purify tbo Ballot, Suppress White
Caps and Smash Trusts Sweeping
Measures Before tho
Indianapolis, January 15. When the
roll was called in both branches of the
General Assembly to-day for legislative
measures nine bills proposing reforms in the
methods of Indiana elections were intro
duced. Three of them embodied a combina
tion of the Australian and New York
regulations, while others proposed severe
penalties for bribing or intimidating voters
or selling of votes. One of the bills em
bodying the provisions of the Australian
system was introduced by Senator Cox, the
usurping President of the Senate during
the four days that Lieutenant Governor
Bobertson was prevented from occupying
the presiding officer's chair.
Senator Thompson, a Bepublican, pre
sented to the Senate a bill regnlating cam
paign methods, but proposing no change in
the election system. It is his belief that the
trouble 'arises from the improper and de
moralizing work done by the politicians,
and is not due to any defects in the election
laws. It is as good as settled that there will
be a radical change in the system, however,
and it is not improbable that the Australian
law, with some modifications, will be
The Legislature will also take a whack at
the White Caps, the Southern Indiana out
laws, who have baffled the Governor and
judicial officers of the State, although they
have been subdued some in the past few
months in the persistent but fruitless en
deavors to bring them to justice. Senator
Trailer, who represents one of the counties
in which some of the outrages have been
committed, to day introduced a bill defining
the crime of riotous conspiring in such a
way as to make it apply to the White Caps,
for whom it is specially intended to reach.
As the bill itself states, any person convicted
oi riotous conspiracy, it tne bill becomes a
law, may be imprisoned for 14 years.
Indiana legislators evince a determina
tion to break up trusts in Hoosierdom, A
bill against them was introduced into the
Senate to-day by Senator Barrett, of Fort
Wayne. It makes any pool agreement;
combination with a view to preventing full
and free compettiion or in any way tending
to create a monopoly, a conspiracy to de
fraud, and persons entering into the trust or
combination may be fined from 51,000 to
J10.0Q0 and imprisoned from two to five
A K. of l. Wnlklng Delegate Has to Answer
a Walker for Work.
New York, January 15. Charles
Camp, a tin roofer, who lives with bis wife
and six children at 211 Fast One Hundred
and Twentieth street, has for two years be
longed to Local Assembly No. 2412, of D.
A. 49, Knights of Labor the Slate' and
Metal Eoofers' Protection Union but, ac
cording to the officials of tbe assembly, he
has not been iu good standing, which has
put upon them the painful duty of treating
him as a scab. Their walking delegates
have kept an eye upon him, and whenever
he got a job in the city his boss was in
formed that Camp must be discharged.
Camp hasn't paid his due3 and assessments,
they say, and he must be kept out of work
until he comes to terms.
AValking Delegate Timmins upholds his
action and says that Camp must expect to
be hounded throughout tho city as long as
he is not in good standing with tho- union.
Timmins says that Camp has failed to pay
his dues, and is being disciplined accord
ingly. Camp declares, though, vhat they
won't give him a chance to right himself
with the union, although he has done his
best. Last year he called upon James E.
Quinn, then the ruler of D. A. 49. He was
kicked out, he says, and didn't even get a
Camp got a summons to-day for Dcle
gate Timmins to appear before Justice
White, in the Harlem Court to-morrow
morning, and answer a charge of conspir
Inquest Begun on tho Victims of Monday's
Xypnno Wreck.
Akron, January 15. Coroner Sargent
began an inquest at the Mayor's office to
day over the charred remains of six of the
victims of Monday morning's railroad
wreck near Tallmadge. Five of the train
men were examined to-day and the inquest
was then postponed until such time as En
gineer Kobinson, of the freight train, who
is now kept at Gallon by his injuries, can
be present to testify. Itailroad officials
were present and toot notes of the testimony
of the men.
Fireman Bradley, who was left at Tall
madge to signal the express after the first
part of the freight train had been put on the
side track there, testified that he was
stationed at Tallmadge as flagman, and
after waiting some time for the engineer to
signal, he heard four whistles, which is the
signal for the west flagman to come in. He
supposed the detached part of the freight
had got back to the siding, and putting out
his red signal light, started to walk back.
He had gone but a short distance when the
express whizzed past, and in another min
ute the awful crash came. He was corrobo
rated by other witnesses.
The effect of to-day's testimony is to lay
part of the blame on the engineer for sound
ing the wrong signal, but railroad men sav
that no matter what the signal was Bradley
was bound to flag the eipress, which was
then due.
A Western Bride Conrlndes She Married
the Wrong Itoy.
St. Louis, January 15. Charles and
Albert Marx are sons of a wealthy Hebrew
shoe manufacturer of St. Louis. Charles is
21 years of age and Albert 21, and both oc
cupied positions with their father. Both
feli in love with the same young lady, Miss
Eva Berger. Charles, the eldest 'vounx
man, won the prize, and, on May 27 last, he
married Miss Berger, and they went at once
to keeping house.
Meanwhile, Albert left the city and opened
a branch store in Arkansas. He returned
just before Christmas, and yesterday he
eloped with his brother's wife to Arkansas.
The husband is very much afiected by the
elopement, but says he will not follow or
prosecute the guilty couple.
After SoTcral Attempts no Erie Man Palls
the Fatal Trigger.
Erie, January 15. Political circles were
considerably excited to-day over the suicide
of R. A. Bain, who was for several years
Secretary of the Democratic City Committee
and who had been a clerk in the City
Clerk's and Controller's office for some
time. Bain, although well bred, was in
clined to be dissipated, and of late he had
financial troubles.
The death of his only child aggravated
his situation, and, he grew desperate. His
wife bad frustrated two or three attempts at
suicide, but he fiually succeeded in landing
a ball in his brain. Bain was well edu
cated and was well known.
M&of the Exposition'
A.r Enthusiastic,
BOMTIM $15,000 MOBE.
Tne Public Meeting at Old City Hall f
Last Nteht and Its Incidents.
And Determination Expressed to Complete -the
Public Institution.
The public meeting at Old City Hall last
night in the interest of the Exposition
scheme did not at first look like a success.
The number in attendance wa3 not all that
could be desired. But spirit was not lack
ing, and the audience, small aa it was,
treated the society to a genuine surprise be
fore the evening was over. They subscribed
nearly 315,000 in individual sums, ranging
from $5 to $1,000. Bepresentatives of the
working classes appeared eager to start a
popular subscription, but on second thought
they decided to wait and see if- the wealthy
people, whom they think should build tha
institution, fail to come to time. If they
do then the laboring classes will contribute.
In all the expositions of the future there
should be one picture framed and hung in
a conspicuous place. It ought to be a
photograph of the interior of Old City Hall
last night. It would show the earnest faces
of 300 business men and citiiensof Pittsburs
assembled to carry the Exposition enterprise
over the most critical period of its career.
In the years to come there could
not be, exhibited 9 greater curiosity. Tha
descriptive lecturer could point out in tha
photograph the 300 faces as Pittsburg's
public spirited men. The interest of tha
picture might then be enhanced by the state
ment that at the date of the meeting the two
cities had a population of nearly 400,000,
wearing a gilt-edge of 100 millionaires, and
reveling in a natural common wealth unsur
passed by any other city in the world.
"And were there then no more than 300
of the 400,000 willing to rally to the support
of such a great public institution?" would
possibly be the remark of a dozen of specta
tors. Yet, while that mar be the reflection of
the rising generation, the fact remains that
at this moment.when the Exposition project
is passing through its darkest hours, tbe gath
ering of last night brightened the eyesof the
plucky directors, nd 300 enthusiastic
friends were to them an immense encourage-"4
ment. It was really more than some ex
pected to find in the hall, although some of
the speakers frankly admitted that such a
large city should have turned out 3,000.
The 300 may congratulate themselves that
they will win all the honor there is in tha
occasion, especially as they subscribed
10,000 in 20 minutes.
The audience was offa substantial char
acter. Besides Chairman W. E. Schmertz
and tbe speakers named below there were
in the audience Messrs. A. P. Burchfield,
A. F. Keating, John B, Jackson, William
P. Lare, Thomas P. Eoberts, Percy and E.
D. Smith, H. H. Byram, S. S. Marvin,
Herman Handel, W. A. Magee and a num
ber of other prominent men in business and
official life.
Besides these there was a significant rep
resentation of the smaller class of business
men, a sprinkling of mechanics, and not a
few professional people. It was just such
an assemblage as will thoughtfully consider
all the ideas brought out in the speeches,
and if not able to do much themselves finan
cially will set an agitation in motion which
will extend widely among various lines of
trade and manufacture until much profit
will inure to tbe Exposition.
S. S. Marvin, President of the Exposition
Society, called tbe meeting to order at 8
o'clock. He nominated W. E. Schmertz aa
Chairman and read the list of Vice Pres
idents as printed in The DISPATCH of yes
terday. Captain James W. Batchelor was
appointed Secretary. Mr. Schmertz ac
cepted the honor with a few appropriate
words and then introduced Rev. James Al
lison, D. D., editor of the Presbyterian Ban
ner, as the first speaker. Dr. Allison,
among other things, said:
Pittsburj: is historic ground. It was here that
it was decided whether this country was to be
divided into two empires the English on one
side and the French on the other. The people
of this place decided that there would be but
one. and that tne Anglo-Saxon, and we stand
to-day one nation. Tho cause of the Revolution
was started here not in Boston, as it has been
claimed bnt here, where the first resistance
was made the attempt to tax tbe colonies. Also
here was resistance first madu to secession.
when John II. r loya maue nis attempt to take
away the puns from the arsenal here 10,000
strong arms were raised and prevented it."
A New York banker told me that the only
objection to Pittsbnrgers was that they didn't
appreciate their Dosition and importance.
When New York men have any great project
on hands they look to Pittsburg, for the reason
that Pittsburg produces everything that Is used
in agricultural pursuits and Is therefore the
pulse of the financial world.
There is hardly-auother city in the country
that has had so many men make such great
successes in life as Pittsburg. The enterprise
of individuals hero is something wonderful;
but the great difficulty is hat they don't act in
association enough. If they would do so, when
one man prospered everyone would feel the
benefit. The duty of every man as a loyal cit
izen Is to do all he can to push forward his city
and make its performances commensurate
with its opportunities. We are all bound up
together manufacturer, mechanic and laborer
ana one neips mo uwer. -ah iua. 13 neeuea
is that the Exposition matter be stimulated a
little and then those who took up the burden
would reap the benefits.
Charles F. McKenna, Esq., was the next
speaker. He deplored the fact that after
the call issued for the meeting for the pur
pose of indorsing an object in which the
community is so much interested, there
should be such a slight response. He said:
The location that has been donated by the
city, you might say. is all that could be de
sired. It is on historic ground, and the Exposi
tion will be a fitting monument to old Fort
Duqnesne. The site Is bound up In the history
of the Indians, French and English. It abounds
in Btirrms memories and brings back Braddock
and his young Lieutenant, Washington.
Mr. McKenna briefly mentioned tha
beauty of the proposed building, the artistic
designs and the skill in its arrangements
and the plans of the different departments.
Continuing he said: