Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 15, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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. f, ' ' . -h " WEV
Tlie Famous Poolseller
Town and Talks About
Sporting Associations Elect Their Of
ficers for ftext Tear.
Gaudaur and Hamm Start Out for San
Frank Herdic, the evergreen Frank, ar
rived in the city last evening. He was in a
Lurry, of course. Xo one ever saw that
genial pool seller when he hadn't more
business to do in a minute than ordinary
people would think of in an hour. How
ever, Herdic landed here and he consumed
more than two hours in Retting from Union
depot to the Jlonongahela House. Herdic
Is known by many good people In every city.
The King of Pooellers certainly race-track
people needn't lie told of Herdic's calling and
prestige had many thing to say about trotters,
trotting tracks and owners of trotters. Herdic
is always willing to talk to newspaper people
when lie has anything interesting to talk about.
Daring a conversation last evening he
said: "Now
that has been made during the past 12 months
was the resolution of the American Trotting
Association which expelled Sire Bros. These
gentlemen are first class, and certainly they
are in no Aiy connected with the horse called
Lexington, being started at .Kansas City and
St. Louis. Lexington was Ad Terry; hut, be
lieve me. the Sire Bros, didn't know that
Terry was being introduced to Western people
as another horse. However, they are preparing
affidavits, which -will. I hope, result in their
reinstatement in the 'Western Association. We
should all bear in mind this fact, that the Sire
brothers are wealthy and honest men, and they
have a great stable Why, they have Gossip,
Jr., Rosaline "Wilkes, Gracie B, 2:22), and four
or five other good ones, and why should they
try to ring in anything? They have stock
enough to win on the square.
"Regarding the sensations for the approach
ing season in my opinion Rosaline Wilkes and
Prince Wilkes will have to fight for supremacy.
Of course I do not forget Guy and his wonder
ful qualities. He is unsteady and may not be
as regular as the two I have just named, but I
am convinced that Guy will, during the season.
at one time or other, uo 2:10 or better. This
inav seem strange bat 1 am prepared to bet S100
to SSOO on the u-suc and even increase the bet
at the same ratio of odds. Guy is a grcathorse.
but Rosaline Wilkes and Prince Wilkes are
steady customers and real campaigners.
"I have a young stallion. Phil ilkes, by Red
Wilkes, 3 years old, that I am willing to match
against any other 3-j ear-old in the State. Now
for fear there may be any mistake , I ill make
mv offer definite: I will match my stallion
against any other 3-ycar-old in this State that
has had no more handling than him, for S500 or
2,500 a side. NowJthis is no bluff. If I am
called I will proluce the horse and the cash,
and that will settle it. I know there are some
good youngsters in and about Pittsburg.
Throughout the State there are equally as
good, and probably better. I challenge the en
tire State.
The greatest feature of next season's meet
ings will be. I think, the free-for-all pacing con
test. There are some good horses in that class
now, and, if nine or ten of them were to start,
we would all be puzzled to name the winner.
,Just fancv a list like this: Arrow, Adonis,
Argyle. Roy Wilkes. Gossip, Jr.. Mike
Wilkes, Tommy Lynn, Bessemer, Wilcox,
l?nrrn Ttnr- Harrr 7 .Ipprt Allon
Maid. Lady Vilkm, Balsora Wilkes and Ulster !
Belle. Sow fancy the breaking up of heats !
!,- lftt- nnt to Mr nnvthini. nlni.t -k.lia-a !
that we could mention. Depend upon it. the
racers will make it lively this year. The pros
pects of the season are certainly more encour
aging than I have known them for many years.
There will be as much and probably more uionev
Invested in each meeting. The stake races will
be just as valuable, but I hope they will be no
more numerous. Two stake races are sufficient
for any meeting. A slow and a fast class will
corner everything and the two stakes will se
cure almost all the entries that any number of
class stakes would; at least the starters will be
more numerous in the stakes than they would
be iu general.
"In talking about trotting meetings let me
say that i met Jacob Ruppert, of Poughkeepsie,
the other day. He told me that his track
(Poughkeepsie is really his track) will be
grandly in line this year. Mr. Grifhn, a com
petent engineer, has been busily engaged
Sadinc the track, and that able man, Manager
ave Herrington. is also eniplojed assisting
Mr. Griffin. Uhe track will certainly be first
class, and Mr. Ruppert says that hen ill cer
tainly put up as much money as a grand cir
cuit track. Ho means to have a meeting
during the week immediately following the
grand circuit meeting west of his town. He
will offer big attractions."
Frank went on to say that Libby S, the
speedy mare that broke down last season, is all
right again in Texas. She will be a goer this
year, he says. Johnny Goldsmith, he states, is
coming Bast with some flyers, and so is
Hikock. The latter has Adonis. Herdic has
just come lrom Ins ranch in Texas and will
leave to-day. He has engagements in Canada
at ice meetings. He thinks that the uncer
tainty of the weather will ruin all chances
of ice meetings in the United States. He
had a programme which included an ica
meeting here, but the weather spoiled it.
Tim Kcefc's Wcnltb.
New Yobk, January It The fact that Tim
Keefo has not yet signed to pitch for the
Giants next season has caused considerable
talk of late, although the opinion prevails that
he will be on hand when needed. At present
he Is busy establishing a sporting goods em
porium in this city, and is naturally independ
ent Another cause for this independence, it
is said is the sudden increase in value of some
property owned by Tim at Cambridge, Mass.
A few years ago, so the story runs, Kcefe in
vested in a plot of land near the grounds of
Harvard College, paying for it a small price.
Recently the town officials of Cambridge de
cided to erect a public library, and selected as
a site for it the ground owned by Tim. The
latter heard of these plans, and when offered a
fair price for the property refused the offer.
He has refused several others since, the last
.being 530,000. Tim, it is said, holds off for
SoO.000, and is confident of obtaining that sum.
He has also, it is said, a comfortable bank
account and looks hopefully to the time when
he can put the name of Timothy J. Kcefe to a
check for S100.0UO.
The Dog Fanciers.
The annual meeting of the Poultry Associa
tion of Western Pennsylvania was held at
Botrn's gun store, Smithfield street Reports
were read showing the 6ocietyto be allright
financially, and the following officers were
elected for the next 12 months: President Ed
ward Gregg: Vice President W. C. Myers;
Treasurer. C. A. Stevens; Secretary, C. B.
Elbins. The Directors were: B. F. Wilson, G.
O'H. Denny, J. S. Bocgs, Charles Richardson
and Herman Handel. The meeting decided to
make the admission fee to the dog show 23
cents from 9 to 12 A. M., and 50 cents from noon
until the close of each day. Of course three
tickets will be issued for one dollar.
The Professional Scullers.
St. Louis, January 11,-Jake Gaudaur, Al.
Hamm and John Coons left for San Francisco
to-night. Hamm has been a guest of Gaudaur
for a month past, and when the men reach the
slope Gandanr will go into active training for
his race with William O'Connor, the champion,
which is to take place March L
The race will be for 1,000 a side. John
Teenier, who it was thonjrbt would accenpany
Gaudaur. lias written that he intends to re
main In McKecsport until spring. Hamm will
train Gaudaur.
Dempcjs Style.
There was an excellent jratbering of the
"talent" at the Academy of Music last evenins
to witness the set-to between Jack Dcmpsey
and Denny Costigan. The former still has his
original style of boxing, and his lightning-like
anil deceptive mode of delivery enthused the
Immense audience. Dempev repeats his de
Eire to meet Mitchell, and claims that a battle
must take place betn eea them, w as to settle a
long discussed question. Dempsey is confident
of being superior to the Englishman.
He Think Sullivan Is Only Figurine on Good
New Yoke, January It Jake Kilrain, ac
companied by Charley Mitchell, whose right
hand is still slightly swollen from its contact
with a tough's head in Cleveland, got in town
this evening. Kilrain says he thinks that his
match with Sullivan will go on swimmingly
now, and that he has no idea of kicking over
the traces by insisting on all the money being
put un at once or any other unreasonable
"If there's to be any getting out of it," said
Kilrain, "let John do it Mitchell will sail
on Saturday, stay six weeks in England, then
come back, bringing his wife and child, and he
will train and second me against Sullivan. I
am going to Baltimore the same day to see some
friends. I shall take things easy, being particu
lar to keep iu good health, of coarse, till I go
into training, probably somewhere near New
Orleans, if we arc to fight in that neighborhood,
so as to get acclimated."
"What abont Jackson?"
"Well, I said Td fight him, color or no color,
but that was when 1 was hot I won't do it
now, unless I should get beat by Sullivan. I
certainly think Jackson a good one, but I don't
see that he is such a wonder."
"How about your baa egg reception through
the country?"
"They weren't bad eggs," interposed Mitch ell,
'though. I daro say, that wasn't the fault of
the chaps as threw them. We got them twice
once in Cleveland and once in Troy."
Mitchell docs not believe Sullivan intends to
fight "He's nearly broke," he said, "and hopes
to get three or four good benefits on the
strength of being matched to fight for the
championship again, and maybe have asparring
tour, but he'll never face Jack in the ring."
Cardiff's Confidence.
St. Paul, Mi-, January 11 The 15
round fight between Cardiff and Fell will oc
cur January 22 instead of January 21, as pre
viously announced. Cardiff is training hard
and now weighs 180 pound. He will enter the
ring at the Washington Rink weighing not
more than 178 pounds. Fell never paid more
attention to training than he is now. He says
he is going to make it the fight of bis life, and
be seems to realize bow very important it is for
him to win. He says that he did not do his
best with Mart Fahey two weeks ago, for the
reason that Cardiff was present and he did not
want to show him what he conld do. Evident
ly Cardiff is not going to take any chances
with Fell. If he defeats the Michigan man, as
he confidently expects to do, he says he will
go to 'Frisco and fight Jackson.
A Bold Oner.
Jim Conners, the instructor of the East End
Gymnasium, desires that the following state
ment be published:
"I hear that the yonng man, GusHall, is talk
ing extravagantly abont his name being used in
connection with a wrestling match in the East
End on Saturday evening. Of course it is clear
that in the telephoning of names a misunder
standing took place. However, as a means of
bringing Mr. Hall to time, I will give him S10 for
each fall that be gains off me next Saturday
evening at any suitable place, catch-as-caicb"-can
Some Champion Doss
On the eve of the dog show, it will be inter
esting to dog fanciers to know that the stock
of standard bred collies in Pittsburg has been
increased. R. W. IsenthaL of Allegheny, In
conjunction with George Wills, some time ago,
purchased a bitch directly bred, from Baron
Rothschild's famous stock in England. As a
result the two first named gentlemen have five
of the prettiest young puppies that any fancier
need look upon. The sire of the youngsters is
Rob Roy HI., and the dam Belle Scott The
puppies are beauties without doubt and are
well w orth seeing. The sire is a prize winner.
The Sportsmen's Officers.
Tba annual meeting of the Sportsmen's Asso
ciation of Western Pennsylvania was held
yesterdayand the following officers were elected:
President Edward Gregg; Vice Presidents,
three to elect D. C. Phillips, B. F. Wilson. Capt
J. D. Rishen Secretary and Treasurer, J. C.
Brown; Naturalist H. S. A. Stewart; Board of
Directors, Charles H. Shinkle. George R. Law
rence. George J. Gorman, Thomas Herriott,
James M. Bell; Election Committee, seven to
elect, John Caldwell, jr.. J. H. Bughman,
Charles Havs, Benjamin Bakewell. Jr., D. P.
Corw in, William M.Kennedy, James McGregor.
The Pool Selling Law.
A copy of the bill to amend the State law re
garding pool selling on racetracks was received
in the city yesterday. The main provisions of
the bill were published in yesterday's Dis
patch. The local horsemen, or at least track
owners, generally indorse the leading features
of the bill, and it is likely to become a law with
out trouble.
Sporting Notes.
Hughes has signed with Brooklyn.
Lew Dickekson, the old-time ballplayer
here, is in the city.
Jack Ashtox offers to fight Wannop, the
Englishman, for $1,000.
MANAGER Siiaksig, of the Athletics, wants
his team to play exhibition games with N ew
York and Boston.
A 50-nouB race finished at New Haven,
Conn., on Saturday night with the following
result: Sam Day, 205 miles; "Sport" Campana,
200: P. Golden,' 15S; W. Smith, island Sullivan.
It cost the Cincinnati team of 1SS2 just $7,000
for the team which gave that city the Ameri
can championship in that year. In 1&8 the
team which secured only fourth position in the
race cost the Cincinnati club 36,000.
It is reported that the management of the
St Louis Browns will not allow bulletins for
pool rooms and down-town resorts sent out of
the grounds next season. They want the peo
ple to come out and see the game. It is also
reported that this is one of Von der Abe's
The Baseball Committee of the University
of Pennsylvania has succeeded in securing a
loan of H000, with which it is proposed to
build a cage immediately. The cage will be
220 feet long by 110 feet wide, and between 40
and 50 feet high. That team will be able to
begin practice on or about February 15.
Eight Kilroy brothers and Johnson crossed
bats with Mason's hall team in a game of in
door baseball at the State Fair Grounds Satur
day afternoon with a very damaging result
The Kilroys were laid out to the tune of 11 to
0. About 500 spectators were present Phe
nomenal Smith pitched for Mason's team. He
struck out 21 men ana but one hit was made off
his delivery, while 17 hits were the result of
Mat Kilroy's pitching.
Silk Said He Was Goinc to Die, and
Then Killed Himself.
BLOOMKfGTOiT, January 14. A man
went into a telegraph office at Normal last
night and handed the operator a message
addressed to Mrs. John Silk, at Milwaukee.
The dispatch read as follows: "John Silt:
died here to-night"
The operator asked when the death oc
curred, and the sender of the mcfekge re
plied, "It is coing to occur in a few moments,
and I am John Silk."
He then took out of his pockets all the
monev that was in them, with a fer trinkets,
laid diem on the desk, and ran out through
the door. A minute later the operator
looked out and beheldthe man lying flat on
his back in the snow With his arms crossed
over his breast and his eyes closed as if he
was dying.
An officer was called and Silk was lodged
in jail. He gave distinct evidence of being
seized with delirium, and the remarkable
fact was that he continued insisting that
death would soon relieve him of his suffer
ings. At 5 o'clock this morning death
finally came. He had strangled himself
with a silk handkerchief which he tied
tightly around his neck.
An Insurance Agent Secures Over Twenty
Thousand Dollars.
Elmiea, N. Y., January 14. C. N.
Cunningham, for two years agent here for
the Mutual Life Insurance Company of
New York, left town yesterday having
with him New York drafts for $22,
889, obtained by forging checks of
the insurance officers. He succeeded in
exchanging them at the Chemung Canal
Bank for New York drafts, which he
cashed at the Merchants' National Bank
and took a train for New York. This fore
noon the Chemung Bank received notice
from New York that the check on the insur
ance company was a forgery.
The Chief of Police at once telegraphed,
and before night learned that Cunningham
was on the train. The Hoboken police were
notified and arrested him when the train
arrived. The money was found with him.
An officer went after the prisoner to-night.
Indiana's New Governor Strikes
Straight From the Shoulder.
For Increasing Corruption in Elections and
The Afxssment
of Candidates Should
Criminal Offense.
be Made a
Indianapolis, January 14. At 2
o'clock large crowds congregated about
English's Opera House to witness the in
auguration of Governor Hovey. The mem
bers of Honse and Senate marched into the
theater escorted by the band. On the stage
were several hundred distinguished citizens.
Just previous to the entrance of the Legis
lature General Harrison, accompanied by
Judge E. B. Martindale and Mr. McKee,
quietly entered the lower right hand box.
His presence was instantly discovered and
a ripple of applause passed over the house.
The entrance of Governor-elect Hovey on
the arm of Governor Gray was the signal for
a prolonged outburst Hon. Mason J. Nib
lack, Speaker of the House, called the
assembly to order. Kev. Dr. MJpLeod, of
the Second Presbyterian Church, opened the
exercises with a fervent prayer. The Hon.
Byron K. Elliott, Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court, then stepped forward and
administered the oath of office to General
Hovey, at the conclusion of which Speaker
Niblack introduced the new Governor, and
the great audience tendered him an ovation,
General Harrison being one of tho most
vigorous applaudcrs.
hovey's hot shot.
Governor Hovey, in his inaugural, dwelt
at some length upon the purity, or impurity,
of the ballot box. Upon this subject he said:
In the late election charges of fraud and cor
ruption haic been freely made by the contend
ing parties, ana while we are not authorized to
sit in judgment as to the particular acts or
cases, w e cannot shut our eyes to the facts.
There is reason to believe that the ballot has
been polluted, not only in this State, but in
many of the other States, and by both political
parties, nntil in th eyes of many respectable
men it seems to be no longer regarded as a
f crime. This cannot continue and increase if
we hope to perpetuate onr free institutions.
If it does a moneyed aristocracy will soon
control the destinies of our nation, and that
liberty which we now so highly prize will
be lost to us forever. The demagogue, who
would buy the vote of his poor and needy
neighbor. Is far more corrupt and vile than his
victim, and will only wait his chance to sell the
liberties of his country for a higher price. As
a rule, he who buys a vote will fell bis own.
For the purpose of correcting to some extent
the evils which now exist I would recommend
that our election laws be revised in order to
Prevent a far as possible all frauds and bribery,
would call your attention particularly to the
consideration of the necessity of legislation in
regard to several matters not embraced in our
election laws:
First It is the duty of the General A ssembly
under the ninety-fifth section of our Constitu
tion to provide for the registration of all
persons entitled to vote. Thi amendment has
been In force since March 14, 1SS1, but no law
has yet been enacted and the Constitution has
been disregarded. I recommend that provision
be made for a full and fair registration of all
legal voters, when the rights of each elector
can be investigated before the day of election.
Any person who shall hire, or prevent any
elector from beinir duly registered should bo
subjected to fine and imprisonment
Second Limit the number of electors to
each election precinct so as not to exceed 300
Third Provide that every precinct shall be
surrounded or protected by some kind of bar
riers or guard rails which will prevent all per
sons, except the person voting, from anproach
ing nearer than 40 or 50 feet from the judges
and inspectors and clerks of the election, and
make the infraction of this rule a misdemeanor
punishable by fine.
Fourth Provide that the buying or offering
to buy the vote of any elector, directly or in
directly, or by any subterfuge or evasion or
pretense, or by hiring any person to work for
the election of any candidate at the polls, shall
be criminal, with penalty of disfranchisement
for life to the briber and the bribed, and, for a
second offense, after conviction, let the penalty
be not less than two years in the State prison.
Men who will thus pollute, corrupt the ballot
are not worthy of exercising the elective fran
chise, and should never be trusted. I suggest
that it might be policy to exempt witnesses
from punishment in bribery cases where they
may be implicated. It will be almost impossi
ble to convict tho guilty briber without such
Fifth Make it unlawful and criminal for
any political convention or committee to de
mand, exact or receive anv assessment or con
tribution from any candidate for office, and
provido the penalty or disfranchisement for
life to the member or members of such con
vention or committee who may demand or at
tempt to enforce such assessment or contribu
tion. No office should be placed beyond the
reach of the poorest man in the State.
Sixth Make It unlawful, with heavy fine
and imprisonment for any person to challenge
a legal voter at the polls. Let the challenger
beware, and as he impntes an attempted crime
against the elector who offers to vote, let him,
before ho makes the challenge, be assured that
he himself is not the criminal. Many legal
voters have been driven from the polls by un
justifiable and illegal challenges. The dial
lenge at the polls is one of the most successful
devices of the bully and bulldozer, and should
be prohibited under a penalty.
Governor Hovey also advocated a local
option law for tlie sale or prohibition of
ardent spirits, as the people may choose, in
each county, city or incorporated tow n. He
recommends severe penalties for the adul
teration of articles of food, and urges that
the common schools be provided with free
text-books, bongbt by the State or school
districts, and loaned to the pupils.
President-Elect and Sirs. Harrison Attend
Governor Hovey's Keceptlon.
Indianapolis, January 14. The public
reception given at the Capitol to-night by
Governor Hovey, Lieutenant Governor
Chase and newly-installed State offi
cials and their wives, was a most
brilliant affair. About 8 o'clock
President-elect and Mrs. Harrison
arrived at the Governor's rooms, and after
paying their respects to the new executive,
they returned to the parlors, where they
were kept bpsy greeting old friends and
shaking hands.
General Harrison was in full dress, and
wore a white tie; Mrs. Harrison wore a hand
some white China silt, trimmed with silver
lace and braid, simple and very
becoming. They did not hold a
formal reception, but moved about the
spacious executive parlors chatting with
friends. The reception closed at 9 o'clock,
but ovei 1,000 people were in line and
unable to congratulate the Governor. Gen
eral and Mrs. Harrison accompanied the
Gubernatorial party to the hall.
The entrance of the distinguished party
on tlie floor of the ballroom was signalized
by the clapping of thonsands of dainty
hands and the waving of countless hand
kerchiefs from the crowded gal
leries. The great auditorium was
packed. The galleries seat about
3,000 and the aisles were crowded
'with spectators. At a signal lrom Chair
man GolL, of the Floor Committee, the
band struck up a grand march, dedicated to
Governor Hovey, and the Governor, with
his daughter, led the procession around the
great hall, and the first inaugural ball ever
given in Indianapolis was formally opened.
The Owneri of the Seized Steamer to Re
ceive the Sum or $120,000.
New Yobk, January 14. A Port an
Prince, Hayti, special says: The question
of indemnity for the seizure of the Haytien
Eepublic has been settled. The amount
agreed upon is 5120,000. Of this amount
$50,00X1 was to-day paid" to the owners of the
tteamer, and the balance will be paid in
equal installments, March 1 and June L
A Senatorial Seat Won by Delaware Re
nnblicnns In Danger of Being Cap.
tared by the Democrats
Qnny nnd Dndley Ad
vise C'nutlon.
Dovee, Del., January 14. To-day was
the time fixed for caucusing for the nomina
tion for Senator. All the politicians in the
State, irrespective of party, are here to take
a hand in the contest. Early in the day
dispatches were received from M. S. Quay,
W. W. Dudley, and other prominent Re
publicans, urging the Republican members
to come to a decision this evening, and im
pressing upon the members the gravity of
the situation.
Treat replied to Quay, and agreed to go
out of the fight if his candidacy would in
the end prevent a choice. The other can
didates all urged upon the mem
bers the necessity of coming to an
agreement belore adjournment. The
balloting commenced shortly after 8 o'clock
this evening in the hall of the State House
of Representatives. R. A. Davis was se
lected as Chairman of the caucus,
and H. H. Morgan Secretary. Repre
sentative Downham, of Sussex county,
made a motion shortly after entering into
caucus that the members pledge themselves
standing to support the successful nominee
of the caucus. He referred to
attempts that had been exposed dur
ing tlie day by which the Democrats
had attempted to'rjurchase two Republican
members and the repeatedly asserted, fact
by several of the members that they would
not support certain candidates.
The motion was carried and balloting was
begun at once, without any nomination for
candidates. The stubborness of the fight
can no better be illustrated than by the
numerous ballots that were taken
and the persistency with which the mem
bers cling to their favorites. The first
ballot resulted: Treat, G; Massey,5;Smithers,
3; Higgins, 1, and Xiafland, 1 The second
was the same. On the third ballot one vote
was cast for J. L. Willis, and Lafland lost
one. From the third until the seventh
ballot it stood: Treat, C; Massey, 6; Hig
gins, 2, and Smithers, 3.
A recess was taken at the end of the sixth
ballot, to allow Kent county delegates to re
tire. The seventh ballot resulted: Massey
6, Higgins 2, Treat 5 and Smithers 3. This
continued until the twentieth ballot, at 10:30
P. 31., when a recess was again taken.
He Is Collcctine Solid Literature nnd Desires
Better Facilities.
Hakhisbdkg, January 14. State Li
brarian Egle, in his annual report, pro
tests against the conditions which
make3 the State Library a "circulating
library." In the selection of books,
so-called "light literature" has been es
chewed, while works referring to the iate
War of the Rebellion and of historical and
genealogical character have been added.
The Librarian recommends the purchase of
complete files of the State newsDaners. and
asks an appropriation to enable him to sub
scribe for them.
"What maybe considered waste to-day,"
he remarks in this connection, "may be
gold to-morrow. Exchanges with the differ
ent States and Territories and with foreign
countries have been effected. Several thou
sand volumes are badly in need of binding,
but only 200 have been bound
for the reason that the State Binder
refuses to supply binding at 15 cents
a volume when the actual cost to him is GO
or 70 cents. He claims that i n his contract he
made no calculation for rebinding the books
in the library. There should be a special
appropriation. Catalogues are badly needed,
the last one having been made 12 years ago.
Reference is made to the crowded condition
of the library, and increased accommoda
tions are asked for.
A complete classification in detail of the
books has proved an impossible task to
complete in 12 months, but a general classi
fication of tne library shows 1GO,000 vol
umes, of which number 5,000 volumes have
been added during the past year.
Senator Jones, of Xevndn, Makes His First
Appearance la the Senate This Session.
Washington, January 14. Senator
Jones, of Nevada, appeared in the Senate
to-day for the first time this session. He re
mained just five minutes. Tlie question of
silver and the exclusion of the Chinese are
the only ones that have any interest for the
gentleman from Nevada, and it is probable
that he would make his vacations from the
Senate longer were it not that he is Chair
man of the Committee on Contingent Ex
penses, and all vouchers.for the expenditure
of money must bear his signature. Many
an employe of the Senate and many a Wash
ington merchant has cause to regret tne
protracted absence of Mr. Jones.
Senator Stewart, of Nevada, is very dif
ferent from Mr. Jones, because he is always
in his seat. He is one of the first Senators
to arrive and one of the last to depart. He
is interested in every question that comes
up and likes to talk on all of them. Sena
tor Pair and Senator Sharon, both prede
cessors of Mr. Stewart, had Mr. Jones'
habit of remaining away from Washington,
and it was a rare thing for either of them to
be found in his seat. Mr. Sharon, in fact,
was picsent but a little more than a month
during his entire six years' term.
IIow It Led to the Discovery nnd Arrest of
Its Owner.
At 9:30 last night John Eurich, the
tailor, heard inSaders in his residence on
Bluff street. Finding two young men,
whom he suspected were burglars, he raised
an alarm and they fled.
One of the fellows dropped his hat in the
hallway. "When Officer Fitzzerald arrived
at 11 o'clock be found on the inside band of
this hat the name "Charley Conley, Grant
ham street, Allegheny." No number was
given, so he had quite a search for the
house. When he did find it, Officer Fitz
gerald said to Mrs. Conley:
"I have a telegram lor Charley: is he
"He's up in bed," replied Mrs. Conley.
"When the officer stood bv the vounir fel
low's bed and showed him his hat, Charley
confessed to having been in Eurich's home,
but blamed the whole escapade on Henry
Drane. The latter has only been out of
the Reform School three months. He was
also at Mrs. Conley's house. The young
men say they had only gone into Eurich's
house to see a girl. Both were arrested by
Officer Fitzpatrick, assisted by Policemen
Batham and Sheff, of Allegheny.
Arrangements Completed for tho Funeral of
the Wife of Jny Gonld.
New York, January 14. For the first
time death has entered 'the Gould house
hold. A heavy band of crape hung
on the oaken door of the
honse at No. 579 Fifth avenue
to-day, and all the curtains were drawn. A
few relatives and intimate friends were ad
mitted to the house.
The arrangements for the funeral of Mrs.
Gould were made to-day. Mr. Jay Gould
at first wished to have the services
entirely private, but in the after
noon this was reconsidered, and it
was decided to invite all friemh of the
family. The funeral services will 6e in the
parlors, at 9:30 o'clock Wednesday morning.
The Eev. John .R. Paxton, of the West
Presbyterian Church, which Mrs. Gould
attended with her husband, and the
Kev. Dr. Roderick Terry, pastor
of the Collegiate Dutch Reformed
Church at Fifth avenue and Twenty-first
street, of which Mrs. Gould was a member,
will conduct the service.
He Will Neither Retract Nor be One
of the Principals in a Duel.
Socialists Win a Partial Victory in a Ger
man Election.
The Panama Canal Company Claims That It Cannot
Become Bankrupt
Pabis, January 14. M. Floquet, Presi
dent of the Council of Ministers, met M.
Laur, member of the Chamber of Deputies
for the Department of the Loire in the lobby
of the chamber to-day and told him that his
articles commenting on the application of
the secret service fund during the recent
elections were base calumnies and chal
lenged him to justify them from the tribune
of the chamber.
M. Laur reported that he would refer his
accusations to a jury composed of members
of the Chamber of Deputies and would send
seconds to M. Floquet unless he retracted
his remarks.
M. Floquet replied that he would neither
retract what he had said nor receive M.
Laur's seconds, and repeated his challenge
to the gentleman to justify big statements.
The Emperor of Germany Declares That
Peace nnd Prosperity is Assured.
Berlin, January 14. The Landtag was
opened to-day with great pomp. The Min
ister of State, court dignitaries diplomats
and many generals were in attendance.
When the Emperor entered the White Hall
he was enthusiastically cheered. His speech
was frequently applauded. Prince Bis
marck was not present. The Emperor was
heartily cheered as he left the chamber.
The Emperor, in his speech opening the
session.declared that all the foreign relations
of the country were irien Jly. He said that
during recent visits to friendly sovereigns
he gained the conviction that Germany
might confidently cherish the hope of peace.
The continued blessing of peace are shown
in a gratifying manner by the improved
economic situation ol artisans.
The financial position of the country is
satisfactory. An increase of 200,000,000
marks in the savings banks has proved
that trade lias improved. The satisfac
tory character of the finances has enabled
the Government to further reduce taxa
Socialists Win a Partlnl Victory and tho
Africa Bill is Delayed.
Berlin, January 14. An election for a
successor to Herr Kraecker in tho Reich
stag was held at Breslau to-day. The re
sult of the ballot was: Kuehn, Socialist,
7,799; Eriedlander, Preisenniger, 5,533;
Tschocke, Cartel candidate, 4,585; Kuehn,
Centrist, 1,481. As no candidate received a
majority of the votes another ballot will be
It is reported that some delay has oc
curred in the preparation of 'the East
Africa bill. The managing board of the
East Africa Company has prepared a me
morial to the Reichstag and Bundesrath to
the effect that the company has sustained a
lossof GG5.000 marks through the rebellion
in East Africa. It is surmised that the
memorial also defines the legal claims of
the company upon the Sultan of Zanzibar.
The North German Oazette says that these
claims will necessitate further negotiations.
The East Africa bill will be entitled, "A
bill for combating the slave trade of East
The Panama Canal Company Says It Will
Not Become Bankrupt.
Paris, January 14. The Political Coun
cil of the Panama Canal Company declare
that the concern is a civil and
not a commercial organization, and,
therefore, cannot be declared bank
rupt. The first issue of the new shares of
the company by the Banque Parisienne will
amount to 30,000,000 francs. A second is
sue will be made only in case of necessity.
The new company obtains all the rights
and privileges of the old concern, includ
ing the right to issue lottery bonds. The
original holders will receive 80 per cent of
the net profits after the new company shall
have been remunerated.
Allnndred Cossacks With Their Fnmllles
En Route for Obock.
Suakim, January 14. The Austrian
steamer Amphitryte from Trieste, arrived
at this port to-day with M. Atchinoff and
100 Cossacks, including women and chil
dren, on board. The expedition is under
taken for the purpose of founding a colony
in Abyssinia.
The Amphitryte will proceed hence to
morrow. She will be followed by the
Italian gun-boat Barberijo, which will
watch the party to prevent their landing on
Italy's littoral. The Cossacks claim that
they have secured permission from the
French Government to land at Obock.
Irish Patriots Have Their Heads Broken
by the Police.
Dublin, January 14. A dispatch from
Waterford says that the 14 persons who
were sentenced to a month's imprisonment
for participating in a Manchester martyrs
demonstration there, were taken to prison
to-day. They were escorted to the jail by
many policemen, a crowd, with a band of
music, following them.
The police charged upon the cowd, using
their clubs, and quite a conflict ensued.
Several persons were badly injured.
It is Believed tho Explorer Will bo Henrd
From by Steamer.
Brussels, January 14. The Mouve-ment-Geographique
steamer Stanley has
probably brought news of Stanley from
Stanley Falls to Leopold ville. The steam
er left the falls for Stanley Pool on Sep
tember 30 with Lieutenant Kerkhoven and
the vanguard of an expedition charged with
forming a camp on the banks of the Aru
whimi. A dispatch relative to Stanley left
Banana on December 17.
Tho Indiana Grand Lodge of the Pests Not
Yet mastered Our.
Huntington, Ind., January It Wm.
Dowell received warning from White Caps
to quit prowling about at night and go to
work. He did not obey the order. Last
night 20 masked men yanked Dowell out of
his house, put a rope around his neck,
threw the other ena over a cross arm of
a telegraph pole, and hauled Tiim up. He
was lowered a few moments later, and
slipping the noose over his head, escaped.
He was recaptured, but 'his cries brought
men to his rescue, and the White Caps es
caped. Dowell promised to go to work.
The Ber. Mr. Smith, of Lancaster, has
cancelledrhis engagement, because he re
ceived threatening letters from the "Bloody
A Dime Museum Starts a Wood-Sawing
Contest Between Girls.
New York, January 14. The flower of
a large family in Saco, Me., is a mighty
pretty girl with an oval face andaluxurfaut
growth of jet black hair. She is of slim
figure, with small hands and feet, a
prominent nose and liberal mouth and
chin. Her eyes are of the blackest.
At an early age this young women had a
hankering for masculine pursuits. The
toil that men kicked at she did as a
happy release from household labor. When
she was very tired she used to rest her
self by sawing a lot of wood, and this way
of passing her time gained such a hold upon
her finally that it wasn't safe for her parents
to leave anything lying aronnd that conld
be sawed. The bigger the log and the
tougher, the better she liked it.
Now the dime museum has got her and
started a troupe of female wood sawyers in
an alleged contest. They made their first
appearance here to-day. They sat on a big
platform in the center of the second floor,
between the tattooed lady and
the fat man ou one end
and the giant skeleton and the man with
rubber feet on the other. Every one of the
girls is decidedly pretty. In front of each
of them was a red sawbuck and bucksaw,
and on each one of the bucks
rested a stick of pine wood.
Eight or nine times a day,
according to the demands of the public,
these young women sawed off of the end of
the stick of wood. The one severing the
piece off first won. Miss Saco won several
times to-day and lost twice. The lady win
ning the match will receive at the close of
her engagement $500. Tne next will have a
gold watch and chain.
The Alleged Assailaut of Mrs. Kellnin Cap
tared and Will be Hnnged.
Birmingham, Ala., January 14. Yes
terday and to-day have been days of excite
ment at Pratt Mines. On Saturday an un
known negro assaulted Mrs. Kellnm in a
lonely spot near the mines and killed her
little boy, who was with her. Since then the
whole population has been in a ferment and
the male citizens have been busy search
ing for the criminal. Many negroes have
been arrested on suspicion and taken to
Mrs." Kellum for identification, but until
to-day she answered in every case: "Not
the man."
One was brought in to-day, however, at
sight of whom she threw up her hands and
exclaimed in terror: "Take him away; he
is the man." On recovering herself, how
ever, she expressed some uncertainty, and,
at her request, the lynching has been post
poned until to-morrow, when Mrs. Kellum
will have had time to recover from the
shock. If she then deliberately
identifies him, the man, whose
name is George Meadows, will have short
To-night he is guarded at Mines by 20
armed citizens, whose instructions from the
crowd who had him in charge to-day are
that if any military or sheriff's posse come,
to take him away, to swing him up before
he can be rescued. The Sheriff sent deputies
there to-day, who found the crowd quiet,
waiting for the verdict of Mrs. Kellum. The
Coroner was still investigating the case
Senator Palmer Entertains a Number
Friends on the Sabbath.
Washington, January 14. It was not
generally known last evening that Senator
Palmer, of Michigan, had repeated his
offense of last year, of giving a fashionable
dinner party on Sunday evening. The
table was laid for 18 covers. The table
linen was covered with squares of Irish
hand-woven linen, the edges being beauti
fully wrought with drawn work and em
broidered with yellow floss silk. Yellow
tapers burned in tall silver candelabra,
shaded with yellow silk. A mound of La
Prauce and Marechal Neil roses was in the
center at the table, and knots of violets were
in each finger bowl. The napkins were
formed into bishop's miters, and in the top
of each was placed a roll.
The list of guests was almost wholly con
fined to Michigan friends, among whom
were Postmaster General and Mrs. Dickin
son. Outsiders were Justice Lamar, Senator
and Mrs. Manderson and General Greeley,
Chief of the Signal Service. After the din
ner there were large accessions to the com
pany of persons invited to hear selections
lrom the best classical music by a numberof
noted amateurs. It is expected that the ex
ample of the Senator will be followed by a
number of fashionable people ot liberal
views who desire to set" an example which
will tend to liberalize the orthodox Sunday.
Lieutenant C. R. Miles Saccnmbs to the
Scoureo Aboard the Yantlc.
New York, January 14. Lieutenant
Charles Richard Miles, TJ. S. N., the young
naval officer who has been lying very ill
with yellow fever on board the Yantic since
the vessel's return from Hayti, died at 10
o'clock to-night. Lieutenant Miles made a
brave fight for his life, but could not
rally from the extreme weakness that fol
lowed the fever. The young officer, who
had been an assistant instructor of methe
matics at Annapolis, hau but two
hours' notice to join the Yantic. A short
time before he had been ordered to the
Asiatic squadron. Once before, while with
the Darien expedition, he had the chagres
Lientenant Miles was born in Cincinnati
in 1851, and a few years later his family,
which had resided in Brooklyn, returned to
this city. He was graduated frofll the
Polytechnic Institute, and in 18G8
went to the United States Naval Academv.
As a cadest he accompanied an expedition
to South America.
Four years ago, upon attaining the rant
of lieutenant, he was assigned to shore dnty
as instructor at the Annapolis Academy.
He leaves a wife and two children at Nor
folk, Va. His is the second death on the
Yantic from yellow fever. The other two
patients are recovering.
Tutt's Pills
After eating, persons of a bilious habit will
derive great-benefit by taking one of these
pills. It you have been
they will promptly relieve the nausea,
and nervousness which follows, restore the ap
petite and remove gloomy feelings. Elegantly
sugar coated.
Sold Everywhere.
Office, 44 Murray street, New York.
Lrrn.E Falls, N. Y
I was troubled with Headache, Constipation.
Loss of Spirits and Weak Stomach, but since
commencing the use of your BURDOCK
BLOOD BITTERS I feel better than I have
for years. Have recommended it to many
friends with the most excellent results.
531 and 533 Wood St., Pittsburg. -;
This coming week we will offer unparalleled bargains in
Velvet Carpels, $1 20, regular price, 81 50.
Body Brussels, l)est, SI 10, regular price, SI 25 to $1 50.
Body Brussels, l)est, 80c, regular price, SI.
Best Tapestry Brusse s, 69c, regular price, 85c.
Good Tapestry Brussels, 59c, regular price, 75c.
Fair Tapestry Brussels, pS, 45c, regular price, 60c.
Best ali-wool extra super Ingrain Carpet, 54c, regular
price, 75 c1.
Best all-wool extra C. C. Ingrain Carpet, 44c, regular
price, 60c to 65c. ,
If you want lower priced Carpets, we have them as low
as 12c.
Door Mats, 98c, list price, SI 50.
Small Hearth Rugs, SI 98, list price, S3 15.
30x60 Hearth Bugs, S2 48, list price, S3 90.
36x72 Large Hearth Rugs, S3 48, list price, 85 60.
417 feet Sofa Rugs, $5 78, list price, S9.
Several hundred pairs Lace Curtains, from 50c to S4,
and also liner grades at bargain prices. Dado Portieres
from 82 88 per pair upward.
Readers of this advertisement, please note that in giving
you these prices on Carpets and
we have a few pieces at prices quoted to meet the advertise'
ment and then the bulk of our stock at much higher prices,
this is not our style. We mean that you shall have the
choicest and best, and that you can select from the ejitire
stock of each kind, and that we have none at higher prices.
No such opportunity was ever had in Pittsburg to get
such bargains in good, new, reliable Carpets. We have no
old stock. These prices will o?ily last a short time, so don't
put off if you want them.
satisfy yourselves as to whether we are really giving you.
as great bargains as we say we are by finding 'out exactly
what prices are charged by other stores for the same goods.
Carpets made and laid promptly. Come for bargains in every
department in the store.
CONTRIBUTORS to Hospitals, Orphan Asylums, etc., etc, can
donate nothing more acceptable than pure soap, as it is required
hourly. The Ivory Soap is the best for the purpose, as it is equally
well adapted for the laundry, toilet or bath, and is pojj-'pure.
R. Ogden Doremus, M.D., LL.D., says: "I subjected various
samples of the Ivory Soap to a rigid microscopical examination. I
find it to be free from any forms of animalcular or vegetable germ
life, so cordially commend the Ivory Soap for its unsurpassed de
tergent properties and purity."
Send your favorite " charity" & box of the Ivory Soap.
There are many white soaps, each represented to be"just as good as the' Ivory'"
they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of
the genuine, Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it.'
Copyrisht 1CCG, by Procter Gsnfclc.
Of Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Mala
ria, Nervousness, Loss of Appe
tite, "Weakness or Prostration
As long as you can obtain the Pure Eight-year-old
Export Guckenheimcr Whisky at Jos.
Fleming & Son's Drujr Store. Thus old export
drives away any sleeplessness, clears up mala
ria, braces up the nerves, tones up the appetite
and strengthens the weak and prostrated.
What more can we sav for a pure, pood w hisky 7
Sold in full quarts at $1 00. six for S3 CO.
Where old people are trouoled with drowsi
ness, depression, kidney trouble and debility,
but no particular disease exists,
will prove to be invaluable to them If used mod
erately. Full quarts, 51 2j.
All orders and communications promptly at
tended to. Call on or address
Jos. Eeming & Son. Druggists,
84 Market Street, Pittsburg, Pa.
Gestlemes After using one bottle of
Pratt's Aromatic Geneva Gin, find that I
have derived more benefit from its nse for kid
ney affections than any other remedy that I
ever have used. Very truly yours,
Sole Wholesale and Retail Agent in Pittsburg
Rugs we don't mean that
To Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin and Livsrpoot
Cabin passage $35 to SoO, according; to location
of state room. Excursion SGSto 90.
Steerage to and from Europe at lowest rate
53 Broadway, New York,
or J. d. M'CORMICK, Agent,
2I-r79-D FourthAvenus and Smithfield St.
Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia,
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations for
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland. Norway, 'Swe
den, Denmark &c
General agents, 307 Walnut St. Philadelphia,
Full information can bo had of J. 3. McCOR
MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfield street
LOUIS MOESER, 61U Smithfield street T
PHOTO-- jfl
11, ,pmotff?t flSa
Dssips aii Engraiis for the Holidays
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