ITS FEARFUL FLAWS. A Marriage License Law Full of Op portunities for Evasion. THE CHANCE Ml A THUG TO WORK And the Clear Invitation to the Prospective Bride to be Absent. ' KOT COlirULSOEY. FOE ESOCH AEDEX According to Register Connor the mar riage license law does not so much need amendment, in the matter and manner sug gested by Legislator Hall, of Mercer, as iu some other particulars. Mr. Connor says it is to loosely drawn as to permit ot two con structions, and he puts the one on it, when parties wish it, that dis penses with the prospective bride's presence, though Rccistcr Hocrr made both come to the center. Mr. Connor says that, while the word "parties" is used, there is nothing in the act that compels both bride and groom to apply, and he dis penses with the bride's attendance where the parties agree to produce evidence satis factory that they are fit subjects ior the connubial lasso. He states that the Register of Westmore land county has scruples that cause consid erable expense to the blissful couple at times, such as hiring a livery rig to so to the residence of the woman's parents or guardians, and of course ihe contracting parties foot the bill. a seniors defect indeed. Mr. Connor calls attention to a defect in the law, by which it is possible for the meanest tough in the county to procure a license granting him permission to matry one of the best women in it, and she be pow erless to prevent publication of the scandal. He also calls attention to a delect in the marriage law of 1810. Under it, if a pair marry aud the man disappear, and there is a rumor of his death, the woman may marry again without being subject to penalty; but, should he turn up again subsequently, the second husband is obliged to vacate. Take a case in point: A man left his wife in England, and, after long waiting, she beard he was drowned. Alter an unsuccessful search in this country, she gave him np for dead. A man wished to marry her, and she was inclined that wav herself. She could not swear that her husband was dead, and lawyers told her there was no legal impediment. But Mr. Connor says that, under this new law, there does not seem to he permission for her to marry. ALL TIIE ACT HAS TO SAY on the matter is that the Clerk of the Court thall inquire relative to the legality of the marriage. A man needn't be an Enoch Arden unless he wishes to. There teems to be a popular conviction that it is as hard to draw a younglady's age from her as to ''draw out Leviathan with a hook:" but Mr. Connor's experience dis nroves the belief. He says it is painful to listen to some girls swear they are 21 years of age when the most super ficial observer can see they are several years younger, and this.hc says, is of fre quent occurrence. It is said that many Massachusetts women lost their voles a few weeks ago rather than swear to their ages; hut marriage seems to be aj-tronger induce ment to make one of the greatest sacrifices a woman knows, than the temptation to vote, even in Massachusetts. A CARRIER BO!' HURT. Face and Head Torn br Ibc Terror of News Agents, Ferocious Dogs. Clarence Saxtoa is The Dispatch agent at Edgeworth, and a well-thought-of yonng man, by the way. Early Saturday morning he became involved in a discussion with that terror of all newspaper deliverers, dogs. He was badly cut and scratched about the face and head, and, according to the story of Mr. Clapp, of the firm of Hunt & Clapp, lie screamed terribly and they were obliged to drive the dogs away. Mr. Clapp does not'think the dogs reallv ferocious, as the boy playR with them every day, and besides they are of the gentle St. Bernard and shepherd breeds. Neverthe less the boy's scratched and torn face and scalp bear testimony to their claws, if not their teeth. For a long while a collie dog on Aiken avenue was a menace to late or early passers by, bui he was finally placed where all lerocious dogs belong, in a kennel. Strangely Contorted Are the joints by rheumatism. Extirpate this atrocious. diseascas w ell as pout and neuralgia, at the outset with Hostctter's Stomach Bitters, and avoid possible lifelong agonv. It is a tempting of Providence to delay when rheu matism asails yon. as it is not onlv obstinate, butdangcious. Chills and fever, kidney com plaints, nervousness debility, constipation and djspepsia are also routed by the Bitters. Use Mark Down in Men's Underwear and Hnlf IIohc Extra good bargains here, in really fine poods, in natural wool, scarlet wool, heavy Scotch wool and white merino. JOS. HOEKE & CO.'S. Penn Avenue Stores. Dou't be Ilnmbncg-cd By cheap quack dentists, but go to Dr. Charles S. Scott, C24 Penn avenue, opposite Home's, an experienced and reliable den tist, and get teeth that you can eat with. He makes the best worlE in the city, and charges less for it His mineral base" is the finest work we ever saw. n. & b. Only a few days until stock taking. Come quick and secure a bargain in ladies, misses and children's wool and merino underwear. Boggs & BrjliL. We StIH Have Lots of Velvet llnrcnins. Xo inferior poods, but fine and cjegant fabrics and at lowest prices. They are all marked to sell quick. Plushes the'same. Jos. HoiiNE & Co.'s, Penn Avenue Stores. Hats, special styles, Jackson's pocket hat, from 74 cents up. S34 and 9jC Liberty street, Star corner. ttsu Congrc" i Now in Session. $9 00 round trip to 'Washington, D. C, via B. & O. It. 15., on Thursday, January 17. Tickets good to Baltimore and return. The Best Tlint is Made. Marvin's rye bread is made by native Germans and is the best made this side of the Fatherland. If you want a really pure, wholesome article, try it. Tussu Our January no of I.nce Curtnlns. More people coming every day and they all buy. The prices astonish them and the curtains are goingjout fast 't JOS. IIORXE SI UO.'S Penn avenue Store ! btorcs. Tailoring One thousand and one styles of goods on hand at all times lor making to order at Jackson's, 954 and 9M Liberty st TTSU T Grand Reduction Sale in Boj' Fercnle "Waists for ten days, commencing to-day, at Home & Ward's, 41 Filth avenue. Clothing, of our own make, none better In the countrv, at the lowest possible prices. Jackson's, 954 and 95G Liberty st ttsu Only S9 00 Round Trip to Washington, D. C. Via B. & O. It. R., on Thursday, January 1". Good for 10 days with privilege of go ing to Baltimore. X&Display advertisement one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, 3b Let, clc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken or less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BEAXCII OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices -have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with The Dls- rATCJL pittsburg. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 39 Butler street. E.MIL (!. STUCKEV. ZUh street and l'cnn ave. 11 G. sTUCKEY&CO.,VyltcaYe. and Fulton 6t. . sTOKELY, rifth Avenue ilarLet House. EAST END. J. w. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCA LLISTEH & SIIEIULEK, 5th av. & Atwood St. SOUTIISIDE. JACOB SPOHN. No. I Carson stnfet C1IAS. SUIWARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAEKCIIEK, 59 Federal street. McBKlDE 11UOS., Federal and Ohio streets. KREDH. EGGEIte. 172 Ohio street. F. 1L EttGElts&SON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western ana Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, Pennsylvania and Heaver aves. PERRY M.GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ares. WANTED-HELP. 3Ia1e IIclD. "TTTANTEll-A. F1KST-CLASS BLACKSMITH. V Apply In person at 314 DUQUESNE WAY. Jal5-80 VITANTED-A FIRST-CLASS WAITER. Ap V plyl'ICTSUUKG CLUB, tS Venn, from 2 to 3 P. M. jaK-76 WANTEU-HARIiER-FIRsT-CLASS. SOBER and steadv. Immediately at A. N. TUR QEOX'S, 314 Market St., JlcKeesport, l'a. Jal5-30 ANTED-.U5ESTS TO SELL A FULL LINE of household poods; none hut lircl-clsss men need applv. Inquire of R. 31. SII'ES, S35 Smlthfield St., ci'tv. Jal-5 WJ ANTEU-8GOO!) MEN TO TRAVEL AND t advertise: pood salary and expenses paid; send Sic for full particulars. Address ADVER TISE, Dispatch office. jalMl ANTED-A FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN KOK local clpar and tobacco trade; routtliave experience and come well recommended. Ad dress, by letter onlr, It. & W. J., Dispatch oHce. Jal5-2l WANTED - AGENTS TO SELL CLINE'S foot heaters and patent fuel for carriages, wagons, etc.: sell at sight. Inquire after 3 p. M., Tit feEill'LE. JR., 165 Federal St., Allegheny, l'a. dcl6-9-E -rn-ANTED-AGENTS-WE WANT FIRST t CLASS men. who arc already traveling salesmen, tocarrvour lubricating oil samples as a side line. Address J. R. TIJLMINS & CO., Cleveland, O. jall-19 T7"A!TD-SALESMES' EVERYWHERE FOR door plates, bells white enamtl letters, lioac uumbtrs, etc.; excellent sellers and bl) profil-: write for circulars and terms. NE iORKDOOK I'LATECO., Albany, . Y. Jalo-55 TTrANTED-A MAN WHO THOROUGHLr V linderstan Js the makinR of seiner steel, both hlj-h and low carbons; one who Is competent to take charge of a six-ton converter. Address, stating salary, experience, relerencc, etc. BOX 1). A., Dispatch office Jall-12 TIT ANTED- SUPERINTENDENT OF V wholesale ami retail book store at Pitts burg: will have charge of flO.100 stock of mer chandise, large force of emplove3and all finances: salarv e2.O00 and commissions: cash deposit of S3.O.i0nnd best references required. JEWELL, 255 Wabash ave., Chicago. Jal3-76 WAMEU-IF YOU WANT IX) KNOW HOW to write a good business hand, w rite a bus iness letter, add a column of figures rapidly, make out an ordinarv account, write a receipt, write a promissory no'tc, reckon the discount on it for da) s. months and years, and pet a general know 1 cdpe of bookkeeping, penmanship and arithmetic, r.ttend the College of Commerce, 98 Fourth ave. w. w. McClelland, Prin. no2o-sioo-Tus Fcmnle IIclD. WANTEU-GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Inquire of MRS. A.H.LE1TCH, Terrace are., Oaklaud. JH5-15 -TfANTED-LADY TO TEND RECEPTION V room and retouclf negatives. J. II. Tit US ELL. Photographer, 20 Firth ave., Pittsburg, l'a. jalVSJ WANTED-LADIES TO MAKE WORSTED advertisement cards at home; fl to fj week ly: outfit 10c SEDGEW1CS. A CO., New .Ha ven, Conn. al4-16 4l A. JClf-A LUUft JU ItllUJl 4H. I11U11' VI r.oi wages win uu liam. APU1V Wliu reier ence to the residence of WM. FL1NN, 906 North Hlland arc, East End. ja!5-52 YTT ANTED - A GOOD MILLINER AND dressmaker, to go Into business out of the city: small capital required. Call on or address P. C. PERKINS, 445 Wood St. jalj-73 WANTED - A MIDDLE-AGED INTELLI GENT woman (widow without children preferred) as housekeeper for a farallv of four pert-ons; best of references required. "Apply to W3L J. KANE, Natchez st,, 31t. Washington. Jalo-29 TTTANTED- A FIRST-CLASS COOK; MUST t be a reputable, Intelligent woman not over middle age; a steady job to the right kind of a woman at pood wages; none others need applv. Address PARK HOTEL, New Brighton, Pa., for one v eek. Jal2-3 Male nnd Fcmnle ITpId. WANTED-AT ONCE FOR SMALL HOTEL, woman cook, dishwasher aud laundress; 100 house girls, 40 cooks, 10 chambermaids, nun-e and dining room girl; all first-class help report heie. MRS. MEEHAN.S4J Gralit St. JaH-I WANTED-MTCATIONS TTJANTED-SITUATION AtjCUTTER BY AN experienced man. Address CUTTER. Dis patch office. jal3-23 WANTED - POSITION BY AN EXPERI ENCED bookkeeper: fir-class city refer ences. Address O. U. T., Dispatch ouice. JalS-51-TT -rVTANTEO-KMI'LOYMENT BY YOUNG .MAN as driver ror wagon or private carriage. Address DRIVER, 319 Federal St., Allgheny. Jal5-32 -TTTANTED-rOSITION By YOUNG J1AN AS t general office clerk or assistant bookkeeper; best of reference furnished. T. J. 31., Dispatch office. jalj-92 TTJANTED-SITUATION BY A YOUNG 3IAN 1 18 rears old; cau keep books; willing to act in anv capicltv; best of rclercuces. Addrcs It. 1... Dispatch office. a!5-43 WANTED-PARTNEUS. ANTED -PA15TNER-ONE WHO CAN furnish ?1,5)0 cash; non other need an swer. Address GOOD OPENING, Dispatch office. Jal5-63 WANTED-A PARTNER WHO CAN INVEST 8A0U0 for H interest In a S year"' cMab lUhed manufacturing business. Address 31AN U FACTU RER No. 2, Dispatch office. J aI5-44 TTTAN TED-TO SELL A THIRD INTEREST V In a m'fi co.; a good chance for the right J answer. Address INTEREST, Dispatch oflice. Jal5-75 w ANTED-PARTNER, EITHER ACTIVE OR silent, to take a Si. 000 or S10.W0 Interest In an established manufacturing business, paving good profits. Address J. C ST., Dispatch office. Jal5-s3-TT -VT7A.NTED-A PRACTICAL MAN TO TAKE V an Interest in an established planing mill and lumberyard; one experienced In contracting In Pittsburg and Allegbenv 16 desired. Address W. P. POTTER. 110 Diamond st. Jal5-S7-TT WANTED R003IS. HOUSES. -TTTA.NTED-BY APRIL I, SHOWROOM ON V first floor on good business street; itould rent one-half of large room with first-class party. Address SHOWROOM. Dispatch office. dcJ-133 WANTED-HOARDING. "TTTANTED BOARDING IN PRIVATE V lamlly for man and wife near Park In Allegheny. Address A. V. H., Dispatch office. lalS-64 WANTED FINAN CIAL. -VTTANTED-TO LOAN 3IONEY IN SUMS V from fa00 to 831,000 at 4 to 6 per cent, ac cording to size and kind of mortgage: no delay If the title is good. W. A. HEKRON A SONS. 80 Fourth ave. Ja2-12-2,5.8.12,U.19,2;;6,2) -TTTANTED-TO LOAN 5OO,OO0L IN AilOUNTS V of 83,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4 per cent, free of tax; also smaller amounts at 5 and G per cent. BLACK .t BAIRD, 85 Fourth avenue. sc21-d2G-D WANTED-TO LOAN 200,000 ON MORT GAGES; 100 and upward at 6 per cent; 8500,000 at iH per cent on residences or business iiropertv: also in adjoining counties. 8. H. 'REN C'll, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-cS4-D WAN TED-HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS to collect: prompt returns with Itemized statements. Also mortgages in large or small amounts at 4K, 5 and C per cent and no tax or de lay, provided titles be good. J.DERMITT, 407 Grant street: Jal5-J2-TTS a WANTED-3lORTGAGES-?l, 000,000 TO LOAN TO city and suburban properties at 4Jf, Sand 6 per cent, and on larras in Allegheny and auja cent counties at 6 per cent; no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. 3L PEN NOCK i. SON, 103 Fourth avenue. ap7-f41 WANTED-HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS to collect in both cities. We give special attention to repairs, taxes. Insurance and man agement of Dropertles: itemized accounts, inonth lysettlcmcnts. PITTSBURG CO., Llm., 138 Flftn pvenue. Heal Estate and Insurance. jal-94-D WASTED FINANCIAL. WANTED-KENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH LY settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK & BAIHD, 95 Fourth avenue. aI8-&:s-D ANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN In suras to suit, at 4V, 5 and 6 per cent. GKAEUING & LYON, 135 Fourth avc. ap6-el-D TITANTEU-UUSINESS HOUSES, OFFICES y ana dwellings to rent. W. A.IIERKUN& SON. S, SO Fourth avenue. JaI-44-4, 8, 10,15, 17,12, 14.29. 81 WANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP EKTY. over M.CO0; 4H per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 82 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D -VTfANTED-FURCHASER FOR 2,500 GILT- EDGE. stock which secures officer's posi tion: salary $200: reference. Address BOX 12, fetation 1), N?w York. JaI3-74 WANTED-G00D MORTGAGES FOR ANY amount: lowest rates of Interest and commis sion. PITTSBURG CO.. LIMITED, Real Estate and Insurance, 133 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, Fa. jal-ai-p ; t WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-A CORNER LOT COVERING about 2. CM or 3,000 fct. Address, giving location, size and price, BOX 232, 1'ittsbuyK 1. O. JaS-44-TWTS ' -TTTANTED - TO SELL HOKSE, EXl'RESS V wagou and harness; also nice drlvlnjr pony anilrart, and harness nearly new. 45G2 1'ENN AVE. Jal5-77 -TTTANTED-DltESSMAKERS ANO TAILORS V to learn "The True Tailor System" now being taupht by the Inventor at GRAHAM'S FUR STORE, 445 Wood st. Jal3-44-TTS8u ANTED-I'EltSONS WHO ARE WILLING to qualify themselves for positions as stenographers and typewriters. Address or call on MARTIN'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 412 Wood St. ' Ial5-S VT7-ANTEI) - PUPILS TOR LESSONS IN l'lttsburg, I'enna. Jal3-16-D TT7-ANTED-BY I'EARSON, LEADING I'HO- V TOGRAPHER, 90 Fifth avenue, rittsbnrp, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, crerybodyto know that he Is making fine cabinets at ft 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. mhl3-k27 FOR SALE-iaiPROVED REAL ESTATE. CItT Residence. FOR SALE-ONLY f3,000, NO. 133 COLWELL St., brick house. 6 rooms: lot 20x90 ft. to Our alley: neighborhood good. W. A. 1IEKRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. jal2-23-TTS FOR SALE-RUBICON ST., NEAR ROBERTS, Mt. Washington, 8-room cottage house In pood condition: price $000, half cash; lot 50x138. J. C. RE1LL Y, 7. Diamond st. Jal3-84 FOR SALE-CLARK ST.. NEAR CRAWFORD. 2-story brick dwelling. 6 rooms In perfect order, can be bought at a low figure, lot 22x130 to street. J. C REILLY, 77 Diamond st. jal3-84 FOR SALE COR. FORBES AND MARION sts., 1-story brick building, good stone cel lar; would make a splendid building location: can be bought right; lot 62x40. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. Jal3-84 I7WH'. SALE-ALLLENTOWN, WASHINGTON 1 avenue, 2-story frame house, 6 dwelling rooms, storeroom and attic; lot 23x150: city water and gas: well sewered, aud in good condition: cheap. SAMUEL W. RLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenus. Jal2-7-Tu8 OR SALE-EXTRA GOOD ISVESTMENT Wylie avenue, 2 new brick dwellings, 6 rooms each; also 2 brick dwellings on rear ot lot, one of Grooms, other of 4 rooms: rents for 870 per month; lot 40x112 feet; price S3.000. ALLES & BAILEY, 161 Fourth avenue Telephone 167. jal3-6-Tusu FORSALE-ON MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 18. at 2 r. M on the premises, at auction, at 1714 Sidney street, Southslde, frame dwelllng.2 rooms: also, brick dwelling In rear of 9 rooms; lot 30x120 feet to a f trect; vcrv desirable property. ALLES & BAILEY. Real Estate Auctionecis, 161 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. jal2-77-12,13,15,17,19,21 FORSALE-(99)-10 PERCENT INVESTMENT or home M.500, neat Fifth ave., 5 minutes from Court House, substantial two-story and mansard brick dwelling, almost new, containing 6 rooms, finished attic, bath, hall, gas, etc., with lot 19x107 feet to an alley: stable on rear: a bar gain. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. J815-71-TT FOR SALE-ONE OF THE MOST DESIRABLE dwelllnfcson Fifth avenue, onlya fewmln tttes' walk from the postoffice, being three stories high, containing about 12 rooms, hall, range, bath, hot and cold-water, natural and artificial gas, and is in fact one of the most suitable houses for a phj siclan In this locality; will be sold cheap and on very easy terms. BLACK BA1R1). 95 Fourth avenue. jai:-31-TTS Enut End Residences. T7OR SALE -SHADYSIDE, BETWEEN AM ? BERSON and Alkcn avenues, and between P. R. R. and Fifth ave. cable line, elegant resi dence 9 rooms, best finish; all latest conveniences and Improvements: sewer connections: large lot; choice location. HENRY A. BREED, 516 .Market st. jal2-l-D FOR SALE-NEW EAST EN'D RESIDENCE, 2 squares from cable line, on Walnut St., 8 rooms. latest improvements, all In first-class or der, and with a fine large lot. 85x110 feet; price only 85.700. It disposed of brFcb.l: good reasons for selling. W. A. UERRON & SONS, No. SO Fourth ave. Ja9-4S-9,11,15,17,19 FOR SALE-ON LINE OF FIFTH AVENUli cable cars. East End, lot 37!$xl40 to 20-root alley, selected brick house of 6 rooms, bath room, 3 finished rooms in attic, large front porch, shade trees, frame stable, elegant neighborhood, etc.: a perfect house In every respect; terms reasonable. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth are. Jal2-19-TTSSU FORSALE-MEYRAN AVENUE, OAKLAND, an elegant new 2-story and mansard brick dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, range. Inside w. c, stationary washstand, laundry, In side shutters, sliding doors, tile hearths, slate mantels, bay window, front and back porches, etc.; lot 22x141. BLACK i BAIRD, 95 Fourtn ave. Jaivsj-Twrs FOR SALE-AN ELEGANT 10-ROOMED house, two stories and mansard, with all modern conveniences, iuslde w. c.. stationary washstands, range and bath; lot 21x110; side en trance; this property Is convenient to the busi ness portion of the city and on the line of the new cable road: fl.SOO cash, balance long time. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth avenue. Ja8-S6-D FOR SALE ONLY ONE SQUARE OFF THE cable line, in the midst of Oakland, new brick house: latest style of architecture, 9 perfect rooms, finished In the very latest manner even down to paper, with all the latest improvements including electric gas lighting; in Coltart Square with all the streets paved and sewered; only ffi.300; the best house for the monev in the market. V. A. HERRON & SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. jalo-67-TTS FOR SALE-99)-OAKI.AND BROWN STONE front dwelling, $8,500: near Crart ave.: two stories and mansard, containing nine rooms, hall, vestibule, laundry with stationary tubs, range, both inside shutters and w. c, sliding doors, slate mantels with cabinets, tile hearths, electric bells, cemented cellars, etc.; lot 50x200 feet: five minutes' walk from cable line: a bargain. SAM UEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avc. Ja4-95-TF FOR SALE-(99)-$5.000-E. E., NEW TWO STORY frame dwelling, containing 8 rooms, hall In center, bath, laundry, inside shutters and twow. c's.: two bay windows, . gas and water, slate mantels, etc., all handsomely papered and decorated throughout: lot has 52 feet front on newly paved and sewered street, all paid for; four minutes' walk from Llbertv station or cable cars: terms S1.250 cash, balance 8500 per year. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO.. 99 Fourth ave. .'a5-70-IWTS FOR SALE-82. 000 CASH. BALANCE 1.000PER j ear, will buy a new pressed brick dwelling at Brushton station; reception hall and 4 rooms first Boor, 5 rooms on serond and 5 rooms In attic: hardwood stairway, slate mantels, with Improved fireplaces: laundry, with cemented floor: lot 75x140 to 25-foot alley, with perfect sewerage: house now open for inspection; Immediate possession: excep tiouallv low price. See JOHN F. BAXTER. Agt., 512 Stnithfleld street. lal-54-Tusu FOR SALE-BRICK DWELLING. 11 ROOMS, 6late roof, hot and cold water, w. c, porches front and rear, artificial and natural gas, stable, carriage house, lawn, fruit trees, shrubbery, aspballum walks; Lincoln avenue: lot 123x260; 820,000. Also, three new frame dwellings, 7 rooms each, hot and cold water, w. c, both kinds gas, slate mantels, gas fixtures throughout house, sewer; 3Ieadow street; 810.500 for all; this is a bargain: If not sold by February 1 will be for rent. JOHN ALLEN, 6218 Penn ave. Telerjhone 5186. jal5-82-TTS FOR SALE-SEE THIS; ONLY' 86,500 IF SOLD at once: Penn avc, on Hue of nerf cable cars, one of the most desirable homes In the East End, being a two-story and mansard brick dwell ing of 8 rooms, halt vestibule, bathroom, with stationary wash stands. Inside w. c , good dry cellar, etc.; range, hot and cold water, front and back stairs. Inside shutters, slate mantels through out, tile hearth Pocket and Club house grates, sliding doors, stalucd glass windows; honsestands back 23 feet from pavement; the pavement Is 20 feet wide. tc will make terms to suit the pur chaser. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave JalO-87-TTS FOR SALE-3 NEW BRICK DWELLINGS, within 5 minutes' walk of cable cars, luono of the choicest locations of Oakland; the houses are of modern stjlc, built entirely of select brick and contain 9 rooms, hall, vestibule, with tiled floor, sliding doors between parlor and dining room, fine large plate glass windows, clegaut slate mantels and art fireplaces and fixtures, tiled hearths, art stained glass windows. Inside shut ters, large kitchen pantry, an Improved natural f:as range, laundrv, with stationary tubs and dry ng room, hardwood front stairs, also back stairs, a very complete1 bathroom, with w. c. and sta tionary washstand, also w. c. in cellar, a large cedar cloct, elegant chandeliers and gas fixtures, front and back porches, etc; the sewerage and sanitary arrangements are exceptionally good; large lot with walks laid; stone coping In front and flagstone sidewalks; price only fj,000. BLACK Jt BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Jal3-2-TT8 F OR SALE-83,500-A CHOICE OAKLAND nronertv. near cable road: handsome modern style brick dwelling or 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, tmth. laundrv. etc: latest imnroved natural pas range: statlouary tubs in laundry: patent sanitary w. c: large bath tub; marble top stationary wash stand; an abundance of cood, large closets, also china and fruit closets; slldingdoors: Inside shut ters: polished plate-glass windows; tile vestibule; tile hearths: natural gas grates; elegant slate man tels, with French plate mirrors reaching to ceil ings in the first story and hardwood cabinets in second story; stained glass of very pretty design In vestibule door: magnificent chandeliers and excellent gas fixtures: ornamental Newel light In hall; the walls and ceilings arc elaborately dec orated with most beautiful designs of modern art; nice large front and rear porches and bay window baleony; flagstone and cement walks: nice lawn: large lot: iron fence: paved street: both natural and artificial gas. BLACK. & 1JAIKD. 93 Fourth avenue. jal5-33-TTS FOR SAtE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. East End Residences. FOE SALE-ONLY 7,000-NEW AND HAND SOME 10-roomed brick residence at a bargain; St. Clair street. Nineteenth ward, near cable line. MELLON BROS., 6319 Station street, East End. jall-8-11,13,15,17,19 FOR SALE-A GOO D BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT once-a modern built house, 12 rooms, lot 60s 130 ft. on,thc best part Of Emerson St., East End; price 83,000. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. Jal5-68-TT8 FOR SALE-FOR ?50,000-N1NE ACRES AND improvements, corner of Fifth avenue and Frankstown avenue, E. E.; here's a real specula tion. AMERICAN TRUST CO., 5(Hand506Smlth fleld street. ( Jal52 FOR SALE-NO. 1320 VIRGINIA AVE.. 82,000. on payments that should suit any, brick, 6 rooms, bath, range, hot and cold water, nat. gas. Call or send for particulars. AT. A. HEBRON SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. JalO-42-10, 12, 15,18 FORSALE-84.000 WILL BUY A NEW 2-STORY frame of 6 rooms, hall, bathroom, large enp boards.good cellar, natural gas, rrultand6hade trees, nice lawn: lot 100x125: only 4 minutes Irom station. BLACK & UAIKD, 95 Fourth avenue. Jall-97-Tus FORSALE-ON PARKAVE.. NEARFRANKS TOWN ave.; lot 26 ft. front, new frame house 8 rooms, bath room, natural gas, electric bellsand all modern Improvements; about 6 minutes from East Liberty station; only M.000. TII0S. LIU GE'IT, No. 114 Fourth ave. JaHM9-TTESU fJlOR SALE-ON BOND ST.. NEAR H1LAND C avc lot 60x100 to 20-foot alley, good frame house of 8 rooms, bathroom, hot and cold water, natural gas, elegant front and side porches, good neighborhood, etc.: very desirable and cheap. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave, Jal2-19-TTSSU FOR SALE-82.500. BRICK DWELLING OF 4 rooms, basement kitchen, on Lcnora St., 7 minutes from East Liberty station, having slate roof, water, rear porch and good dry cellar: this Is undoubtedly a special bargain. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. JaS-89-S,9,10,ll,12,14,15,18,19 ' FOR SALE-IP SOLD AT ONCE ON ACCOUNT of removal of owner a new modern built bouse, 8 rooms, late improvements, lot 42x100 ft. (more ground can be had If desired); location frood, on Roup, near Fifth avenue, and the cable Ine. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Jal5-66-TTS "I Allecheny Residences. FOR SALE-6-R00M BRICK DWELLING. NO, 50 Arch street Allegheny: $6,500: on easy terms. GEO. D. RIDDLE,Attorney,118 Diamond street. JalO-lo-D, FO H S A L E NORTH AVE., FRONTING parks, Allegheny City, 2-story brick dwell ing 7 rooms, bath, h. andc. water, nat. and art. gas; everything in first-class order: price low; terms to suit: lot 19x100 to alley. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond at. ,jal3-84 FOR SALE-ONLY 86, 100, NEAR ALLEGHENY Park, a desirable 2-story brick dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, range, hot and cold water, nat. aud art. gas, laundry, electric bells and every modern convenience; terms, S1.0U0 cash, bal. to suit purchaser. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. J aS-87-8, 9, 10,11,12 14,17,19 ITIOR SALE-A SUPERIOR BRICK DWELL- ING, in Second ward, Allegheny, on line of 6treet cars, almost new and in prime 'order throughout: possessing all the new and more recent appliances; large lot, side entrance, alley in the rear. J AS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Jal2-94-D FOR SALE-ELEGANT DOUBLE BRICK residence on Washington St.. Allegheny: lot 55x170 ft., running back to Church ave. : close to the parks, and one of the most desirable resi dences In Allegheny; bargain to a quick buyer; owner's onlv reason for selling-Is removal from the city. V. AV. MCNEILL 4 BRO., 162 Fourth ave. jal5-43-TTS Suburban Residences. IT'OR SALE-AT EDGEWOOD, P. It R., A ? very desirable house II rooms; lot 75xlS0ft.; location good; only $3,000. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. JaI3-63-15,17,19,22.25 FORSALE-EDGEWOOD, P.R.R.-A PRETTY cottage of 0 rooms in nice location, lsjustnew, will sell at a very low price and on the easiest of Sayments; it will pav jou to Investigate. See LACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. JaS-M-D FOR SALE-THAT FINE RESIDENCE OF Mary Singer, located In the most desirable part of Wllklnsburg; 31 acres of grounds, elegant stone mansion, grounds planted m lrult, orna mental and forest trees, and arranged In the most desirable manner: worth examining. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 60 Fourth avenue. jal3-63-15,17,19.22,25 F OR SALE-A HOUSE AND LOT AT WIL K1NSBURG. tn line of railroad. 3 minutes walk from station; 6 rooms, hall, cellar, attic, porches, water, natural gas, marble mantels, fine lot slue entrance, alley In the rear; small pay ment down, balance to suit; Immcd late possession. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. a!2-94-D FOR SALE-LOTS. CItT liOt T7V OR SALE GOOD BUILDING LOTS- I? Forty-fifth street, near Butler street: cheap, on your own terms. W. W. MCNEILL A BRO., 162 Fourth ave. Jal5-43-lT3 FOR SALE-ONLY' 8230 IF SOLD IN THE next lew days: lots 24x120 feet onCharlc3 st. near Boggs avenue, Alt. Washington; call at once. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. jaS-94-TTS FORSALE-DICKSON LOTS: DICKSON LOTS; Dickson lots; Dickson plan of lots; Thirty third street; buy a choice, level lot: price low; terms easy. See THOS. 3ICCAFFREY, agent 35C9 Butler st, at once; office open evenings. Jal0-94-TTEu FOR SALE-LOTS, LOTS; BARGAINS IN lots in Dickson and Denny's new plan: 500 building lots, between Twenty-eighth andl'hlrty thlrd street abo e P, R. it. at prices irom 8IC0 to Jl.OOOperlot, on very easy payments; call and see plans at my office at once If you want the pick of location and before the price goes up; come and see me before purchasing elsewhere. Call or send for Immense list of over 700 properties for sale all over both cltlej ind suburbs by THOS. SICCA FREY. Notary Public and Leading Real Estate Agent 3509 Butler street Telephone 1641-2. Office open evenings. Jal-29-TTS Enst End Lots. FOR SALE-LOTS IN ARDARY PROPERTY. Shadyuide, Liberty ave., Atlantic ave., and Rebecca st. ; certain of enhancement. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. Ja8-S6-D F OR SALE-5 LOIS COR. GROSS AND SCIOTA sts.. 20x100 each, within 5 minutes' walk ot Ben Venue station, offered at abargain. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth avc. jal2-19-TTSSu FOR SALE FOUR LOTS, 40x100 feet each, near Shadyslde Station, foronlv81,200 each: these lots are beyond a doubt a special bargain. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. JaS-SS-3, 10, 12, H, 15, 17, 19 IT'OR SALE-1N LLOYD PLAN, LOTS ON ! Fifth avenue, Craig and Dlthrldgc streets, Bellcficld, on line of Fifth avenue traction road; choice lots In "the circle:" location unrivalled. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. Ja8-8G-D T7V)R SALE-BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS D on South lllland ave.. Walnut St., Howe St., JlcCully st.. Roup st., Linden ave. and all tne principal streets and avenues In the East End. THOS. LIGGETT, No. Ill Fourth ave. JaI2-19-TTSSU FORSALE-CH01CELOTS, ATDALLA STA TION, P. R. It, convenient to steam and street cars: cheap and on easy terms, situation unsurpassed: price ranging irom 8400 to 81.00. In quire of D. C. N'EGLEY, 6106 Penn ave.. East End. no28-r7S-TTS FOR SALE-LOTS IN LINDEN PLACE PLAN Linden arc. 50x120 to 20-foot alley, 81.250 each: also on Hastings St., 25x120 to 20-foot allej", from J425 to $000 each: one-third cash, bal. in one and two years. THOS. LIGGETT, No. HI Fourth avenue. Jal2-19-TT8SU FOR SALE 4 ACRES OF DESIRABLE ground at Oakland, only 5 minutes of cable cars, with large mansion and outbuildings: plcntr of fruits: price low and 'terms easy: must be sold to settle an estate. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. jaS-94-TTS FOR SALE-IF YOU HAVE 8500 ONLY AND wish to own a house, we will sell you a lot In Baum's Grove and lend you money to build a house to suit your own ideas, and give you ampletlmc to repay tne loan: send for plan of these choice East End lots. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. Ja8-86-D Alleshcnr Lots. F IOR SALE-FINE LOT 25x90, AVERY ST., Alleghenv. near narks, rhean. w. W. Mo- NEILL Si BRO., 1C2 Fourth ave. JalS-ts-TTS FORSALE-2 CHOICE LOTS ON REBECCA St.. near Llbertv avc; size each 50x130. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. Jal2-87-TTS FOR SALE-8350-BUILDING LOTS 21X100, Second ward. Allegheny; easy terms. W. AV. MCNEILL & BRO., 162 Fourth ave, Jal5-4S-TTS Manufacturing Sites. FOR SALE-31ANUKACTURING SITE; ONE or the best in the city, near Twenty-fifth St., on Allegheny Valley Railroad: has an iron clad building on lot 100x120 feet on long lease; side-track connections with Allegheny Valley Railroad. For all particulars address CARRIER N O. 25, Pittsburg 1 o. la3-90-P Special. FOR SALE WILK1NSBURG, NEAR TO station, large brick house 9 rooms, large grounds, splendid home; 82,500 cash; balance to suit. Also six smaller houses at low prices: monthly payments. Call on J. DEK3HTT, 407 Grant street. Jal5-42-TTS FOR SALE-EAST END, 2 LARGE LOTS.ONE square from Ulland ave., desirable for tamily residence. v " FOR SALE Bcllevue, frame house 7 rooms; cable road pass the door; Iot62xl40, Improved FOR SALE BeUevnc, frame house 8 rooms, near Brighton road; lot 60x228, fronting on two streets. Call on J. DERMITT, 407 Grant St. jal5-42-TTB PERSONAL. PERSONAL-NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! come and see! come and see! good editions low prices. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, 900 Liberty St. no4-18 PERSON AL-YOU WILL RE A LONGTIME dead, but a short time alive, sd be up and make the best of It; Bee that vour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the Tailor, or 63 Firth avenue, corner Wood street second floor, makes a specialty of fine cleaning and repairing; give film a trial. Telephone 1558. Ja8 FOR SALE BUSINESS. Business Chances. F0K SALE-PllYSIClAN'S OFFICE OUTFIT In good town; will include an established practice paving average of 8170 per month cash. Address J. C. L., Dispatch office. al5-36 FOR SALE-BOARDING HOUSE-CENTRAL location; one of the best In the city: 10 rooms well furnished and all occupied: splendid oppor tunity for anyone desiring to engage in the busi ness. J. R. COOPER & Co., 107 Fourth ave. jal5-7 FOR SALE-A FIJP5T-CLASS STOVE AND hardware, tin and sheet Iron Jobbing business In tlielhest location on the Southslde; a good chance for a man wanting mill trade. Inquire or WM. M..MCCOMB3, 10u3 Carson street, South side. Jal3-34 FOR SAL E-fl5.X) WORTH OF STOCK AT par, paying 20 per cent: cxtcuslre coal works, good small hotel, stores, drug stores, boarding nouses, lea stores, shoe stores, bakeries, con fectioneries, and other business chances. SHEP ARD & CO.. 54 Fifth avenue. Ja3 FOR SALE-LEASE, FUHNISHMENT AND good-will 'of the best fanners' hotel and board ing house In Allegheny; 30 rooms, well furnished; SO stalls and yard-room ; all in first-class condition; best of reasons for selling: Immediate possession given. Inquire of J. M. SWAN', 189 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-51 ' Business Stands. FOR SAlkE LIBERTY AVENUE. BETWEEN Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth streets; lot 84x100 to alley: 2-story brick building 50x100, suitable for manufactory, storage or large stable. HENRY A. BREED 516 Market st JarMOO-D FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-nAND typewriters, especially the unequaled Rem ington, at lowest cash prices or on the installment FORSALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22. 1 Ball engine, 1 small dynamo and 2 lamps and meat choppers, rendering kettles, etc. VELTE & MCDONALD, Pennave., cor. Thirty-second st. Jei6-i63-ns FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery: engines from 4-horse power up, boilers, pumps, etc.; call or write for prices. FAHEY & PFALLER, Faber and Washington sts,, near Union depot. ap24-v35K-TTS Miscellaneous. FOR SALE-MILK-I CAN SHIP FROM 5 TO oO callous per day. Apply to JOHN HALL, Hulton. Pa.. A. V. It. P.. Jal5-78 TO LET. CItT Residences. TO LET-815 TO APRIL AND 818 THERE AFTER, a good brick house. 7 rooms, on Webster avenue. Eleventh ward. W. A. HER RON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. JaI2-23-TTS TO I.ET-(99)-5G3 FIFTH AVENUE, TEN minutes from Court House: neat two-story press brick dwelling, seven rooms and attic, salon parlor, bath, range, hot and cold water, both gases: 830 per month; Immediate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenue. J15-63-TTS East End Rcsiaeuces. TO LET-407 LINCOLN AVENUE, EAST END, 2-story and mansard 8-room frame dwelling: all modern Improvements: lot 25x140: a fine resi dence property. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth avenue. JaI2-6-rrs TO LET-ON BOND ST., NEAR HILAND ave; large lot: modern frame houso ot 8 rooms bath room. elegant front and side porches, natural gas. good neighborhood; convenient to both cable lines and steam cars; possession can be had about February 1 If desired. THOS. LIG GETT, 114 Fourth avc Jal3-5-TTSSu Allcshcnv Residences. TO LET-A DESIRABLE THREE-STOKV press brick dwelling house 9 rooms, finished attic, laundry, natural gas throughout heater In hall, all modern Improvements, Sherman avc, Allegheny: also modern improved dwelling, eight rooms. Arch street, near Park way. Apply to ROBERT KNOX, JR., 17 Sherman ave., Alle gheny City. Jal2-25 Farms. TO LET-DAIRY FARM OF 35 ACRES IN Nineteenth ward, near l'enn avenue; good dwelling, capacious stabling and plentv of spring water; rent $500. STRAUB &. MORRIS, corner Wood st. and Third av., Pittsburg. Jal5-39 Apnnmcnls. TO LET-TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, AddrcsB 49 TUNNEL ST., city. Jal5-27 TO LET-DESIRABLE DOUBLE PARLORS on 1st of April next: suitable especial for doctor's offices, on Penn are., between Sixth and Ninth sts. Address V. H., Dispatch office. Jal2-53-TTS Offices. Desk Room. &c TO LET-DESIHARLE OFFICES IN THAT fine new building, cor. Federal and Isabella, Allegheny; rent low. W. A. HlCRRON & SONS, 8J Fourth avenue. Jal2-23-iTS TO LET-DESIRABLE FOURTH AVENUE offices cheap In the Dallmcyer block. Call or send for particulars. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenne. ja3-32-TuF TO LET-LARGE FRONT ROOM, SECOND floor, 518 Smlthfield St., opposite City Hall and adjoining Duquesne Hotel, with chairs, desk, etc. MORRIS & FLEMING, ICG Fourth ave. de4-d63-TTB TO LEI' -OFFICE 18 BY 24 FT.; WELL lighted: on first floor of Germanla Savings' Bank building: rent reasonable to approved tenant. Apply to THOS. D. KELLER, 419 Wood street.. oc25-a64-TTS TO LET-IN THE McCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfield, Liberty and Seventh avenue, well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. JaS-32-D TO LET-(99-REDUCED RENTS: OFFICES IN Eisner building, Flltli ave. and Wood St.; finest location In city: large, light rooms: janitor service and steam heat free. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. oc21-xl7-D rno LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDIDL1GUT. JL The Gcrmanli Savings Bank. 423 Wood st, having changed the Interior of Its building by adding 15 large, alrv and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. dc21-7S-l Business Stands. TO LET-ON LINE OF PENN AVE. AND Butler st. cable roads-first-class storerooms, with r.r without dwellings. M. P. HOWLEY. 3819 Butler street. ja!5-25 T O LET TIVOLI GARDEN-PITTSBURG Oncra House now known as London Thea ter. Apply 10 (AILiUJlBUS UULilUdA, SUpt., opera iiouse nniioing. Ja8-33 LOST. J' OST- ITALIAN GREYHOUND. FINDlSR J will be suitably rewarded by returning to 21 31AR1QN AVE.. Allegheny. J.115-65 BUSINESS CHANGES. PARTNERSHIP NOTICE THE UNDER SIGNED, heretofore carrying on the wholesale drug business under the name of George A. Kelly fc Co., has this day admitted George A. Kelly, Jr., Samuel R. Kelly and A. C, Robertson, to interests in said business, as copartners with him. The said business will continue to be carried on under the name of George A. Kelly fc Co. jal5-53-D GEORGE A. KELLY. rOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. NOTICE X is hereby given -that the partnership heretofore doing; business under the name and style of EAGLE ROOFING COMPANY is dissolved, William D. Creighton havinjr sold bis interest to W. J. McKain. All liabilities will be paid by the members of the new firm, F. M. Reed, John C. Hibbets'W. J. McKain, un der the old name of Eagle Roofing Company, and all persons owing said firm will make pay ment to the EAGLE ROOFING COMPANY, at No. 141 Water street Pittsburg. Pa. jal5-35 RESORTS. HOT SPRINGS, N. O. MOUNTAIN PARK HOTEL. First-class in every particular. Steam Heat, Open Fires. Porches inclosed in glass. Superb Location. Ideal Climaie for the debilitated. Baths in Marble Pools, Finest in America; Waters unexcelled anywhere in curative power or luxury. G. K. LANSING, (Late of Astor House, N. Y.) Manager. jalo-58-D OLD POINT COMFORT, VIRGINIA. HYGEIA, HOTEL. 100 yard3 from Fort Monroe; open all the year, accommodates 1,00U guests; admirable location; delightful climate; thrilling historic surround ings. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric and HOT SEA baths, thelatterespeciallybeneficial in rheumatic troubles. Music by the famous Artillery School Band. Glass-inclosed verandas. Average temperature for winter 4S. Absolutely free from malaria. All things considered, the most comforatablo and delightful resort at which to spenA the winter mouths in the United States. Sendlbr descriptive pamphlet no27-y40-TuFSu F. N. PIKE. Manager. NOTICES County Comjussioners' Office, 1 Pittsbuko, January 12. lSt9. f fPHE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL JL bold appeals on the following named dis tricts as follows, to wit: Tuesday, January 15-Sterrett township, Glentleld borough, Osbora borough. Bellevuo borough, West Rellevue borough. Friday. January IS Greentree borough, Knoxville borough, Alleppo townsbip,Killbuek township. Lower St. Clair township, Saturday, January 19 Etna and CoraopolU borough, Sbalcr and Neville townships. Monday. January 21 ReynoldtOD, Mansfield and Spring Garden borouchs. Tuesday. January 22 Stbwe, VersaIUes,Brad dock and Wilkins township. By order COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. P. W. SIEBERT, Clerk. jal4-15 TOTICE- The regular annual meeting of the stock holders of the United Mutual Building and Loan Association will be held on JANUARY IS, at their office, No. 61 Fourth avenue, be tween the hours ot 7 and 9 P. M., for the pur pose of electing thirteen directors to serve for the ensuing year, and for any other business of importance. 8. H. 'WEAVER, jal5-89 Corporation Clerk. EDUCATIONAL. PENNSYLVANIA FEMALE COLLEGE East End. Pittsburg. Second term opens February 1, IS89. Dllworth Hall is ready for Occupancy and will accommodate a largernum benof students. Apply to MISS HELEN E. PELLETREAU. President jabMS piTTSBURG FEMALE COLLEGE Unsurpassed for health and comfort. Music, elocution, fine arts, English literature, classics, French, German, etc. Full courses of study. Largest and best equipped, school for ladies. Twentv-three instructors. The next term will begin January 29. Send for catalogue co -REV. A. H. NORCROSS, D. D., jaG-48-TnS Pittsburg, Pa. LEGAL .NOTICES. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, AS my wife, Clara M. Pfeil, has left my bed and board without jnst cause, I will not be re sponsible for any debts she may contract alter this da v, January 11, lts8. jal5-38 LOUIS PFEIL. -TOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHAR l TER Notlco is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY, the 23d of January, 188s the undersigned will make an .application to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania for a charter of incorporation for the Totten and Hogg Iron and' Steel Foundry Company. The proposed corporation is one of the second class enumerated in the "Corpora tion Act of 1871,'' and has far its object the manufacture of iron and steel castmg3 and machinery, and is the successor to the business and good-will' of the partnership heretofore existing in the city of Pittsburg un'der the name and style of Totten & Co., Fulton Foundry and Machine Shop. ROBERT C. TOTTEN, x NATHANIEL B. HOGG, GEORGE A. HOGG, f GEORGE E. HOGG. -EST NATHANIEL B. HOGG, JR. GEORGE SHIRAS. JR. Counsel for applicants. jal-89-TU DIVIDENDS. Abtisans' Insurance Company. "i Office, corner Wood street and Third avenue, Pittsburg. Januarys. 1889. DIVIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIREC TORS of this company have this day de clared a dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY" CENTS a share, payable forthwith. jalO-17-D CHARLES P. SMITH. Secretary. Office Armenia Insurance Company, No. 65 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. January 10. 1889. TMVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THIS Xj company have declared a dividend of THREE DOLLARS per share, payable on de mand. W. D. JIcGILL, Secretary. ja!5-57-D Natioks Bank for Savings. "I No. 43 North Diamond Street, Allegheny, Pa., January 2, 1SS9. TMVIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIREC- Jj TORS of this bank have this day declared a dividend of THREE (3) PER CENT out of the earnings of the last six months, payable forthwith, free of tax. JOHN T. MORTON, ja3-58-3,i5-TTS Treasurer. Office Western Insurance Co., j Pittsburg, January 8, 1S89. DIVIDEND NO. 73 THE BOARD OF Directors have this day declared a divi dend of THREE PER CENT, or ONE DOL LAR and FIFTY CENTS upon each share of the capital stock, payable on and after the 11th inst. WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. ja9-3-D Office of the Monongahela Insurance") Company, 9S Fourth ave. y Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 3. 1889. I DIVIDEND-THE PRESIDENT AND DI RECTORS of this company have this day declared a dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF per share, on the capital stock, out of the earnings of the last six months, payablc'on and after Monday, 7th inst. jal66-D JOHN H. CLANEY, Secretary. Ben Franklin Insurance Company 1 of the City of Allegheny, Pa. Allegheny. January 9, 1889. ) DIVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS company have thin day declared a divi dend of THREE PER CENT (one dollar and fifty cents per share), payable on and after Monday, January 14. 18S9. jalO-7 WM. A. FORD. Secretary. ELECTIONS. Iron City Gold Mining Co., 1 Pittsburg, Pa. f ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for Directors of this company will be held at the Columbia Oil Company's Office. Mc Clintock Block, Market street, TUESDAY, January 15, between the hours of Z-SO and 4 F. M. JOHN R. WATSON, Secy. ja6-6-D Office Pittsburg. Allegheny and ) Manchester Passenger Railway Co., Pittsburg, January 10, 1889. ) ELECTION-THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of the Pittsburg, Alle gheny and Manchester Passenger Railway Company, and the election for managers to serve for the ensuing year, will bo held at the oflice of the company, corner of Liberty and Market streets, on MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1SS9, between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock, P. 31. jalWO-D CHAS. SEIBERT, Secretary. Office Pennsylvania insurance Co., 419 Wood Street, PirrsflURO. December 20. 1888 rPHE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR DIREC- JL TORS for this company will be held at the office as above on Thursday, January 10, 1889, between tbo hours of 11 a. Jr. and 12 Jr. THOS. D. KELLER, Secretary. de20-92-TTS Mansfield Coal and Coke Company, J Pittsburg, Januarv 12, 1889. ELECTION THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of the Mansfield Coal and Coke Company will be held at the office of the company, No. 1W2 Penn avenne, Pittsburg, Pa., TUESDAY, February 12, 18S9, at 2 o'clock p. M., to hear the report of the board, elect directors for the ensuing year, and act upon such other business as may be brought before them. JOHN K. SH1NN, Secretary. jal2-72-12,15,17,19.22,2I.2u,fe4.7.9,12 AMUSEMENTS. BIJOU THEATER. "TWO TENS FOR A FIVEI" Charming KATE CASTLETnN -And "A PAPER DOLL!" Next week Gillette' big "SHE." ja!5 "RAND OPERA HOUSE VT Immense success of HERRMANN'S CREMATION AND A HOST OF WORLD ASTOUNDING REVELATIONS. Week January 21 Fanny Davenport. jal3-9 TT ARRIS' THEATER Everj afternoon and evening, "ONE OF THE FINEST." "ONE OF THE FINEST." Next week "Romany Rye." jal3-H TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night Matinees, Tuesday, Thursday and Satnrdar. RICE'S VAUDEVILLE STARS jal3-17 AND JACK DEMPSEY. CASINO MUSEUM WEEK OF JANUARY 14. Largest show of the season, headed with MARKELY AND MADELL, JOHN W. COFFEE and others. Open from 19 A. it. until 10 p. 3t. Jal4 WANTED. BUSINESS HOUSES TO RENT. HAVE GOOD TENANTS WAITING FOR THEM. Samuel W. Black & Co., 99 Fourth Ave. Jall-26-11,12,15,17,19 MRS. WILLS Wishes to return her heartfelt thanks to the members of tho Alaska Club, of Allegheny, for their kind remembrance of her late son Phillip. jalo-24 c. A.BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, u oevenia avenue, ' Pittsburg. Pa. Telephone 1341. se5-n60-TTS A TTRACTIVE AUCTION 8ALE OF ALL Jx consignments, bv order of consigners, at I iub- auction rooms, no. on iuar&ci street, io the highest bidder, TUESDAY MORNING, January 15. at 10 o'crock, line parlor suits in silk and satin brocatelle, silk and plush group hair cloth, oak, jralnutand cherry folding beds, chamber suits, dressers cabinets, cheval glasses, chiffoniers, bedsteads, washstands, bookcases, hall racks, secretaries, desks, side boards, decorated dinner and toilet waro, blankets, pillows and bolsters, mattresses and springs, stoves, lamps, dishes, notions, tea, Rlassware, rugs, curtains, Brussels and ingrain, rag and Venetian carpets, all kinds chairs and rockers, conches, bed lounges, cupboards, clocks, mirrors, pictures, upright piano, cabi net Singer, sewing machine, harness, ladies' newmarketa, gas fixtures, etc., etc etc. HENRY AUCTION CO..LIM., jal3-50 Auctioneers. INSURANCE STATEMENTS. STATEMENT OF BIRMINGHAM FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Pittsburg, Pa., for the year ending December 31, 1888: Cash capital 5200,000 00 ASSETS. Bondsand mortgages $217,030 92 Real estate,. ..f. 13,71'J93 Cash in bank and office 7.681 62 Premiums in course of collection.... 0.8UI 93 Interest due and accrued 3,869 68 Rents due and unpaid 52 75 All other property of the company.. 1,207 72 SE,437 55 .8 19,527 00 . 1,756 (O 19.1 50 99 00 MABIL1TIES. Reinsurance reserve Unpaid losses , Unpaid dividends Unpaid bills, etc S 21.575 50 Capital stock '. 200.00U 00 Net surplus above all liabilities 8,882 05 $250,157 55 RECEIPTa Premiums S 23,383 28 Less reinsurance 933 86 $22,419 12 Interest on mortgages 12,72t)38 Rents 1.0C6 36 g 3S.1S2 16 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses from previous years S 3.CC8 00 Losses in 1888 5,63716 S 8,935 16 Commissions 2.471 69 Salaries, rent, tax, etc 6,954 15 $ 18,564 00 .. 12,000 00 Dividends to stockholders. $ 30,3(H 00 E. G-SCHOLZE.Sec'y. ja8-72-TTS PROPOSALS. TO CONTRACTORS PROPOSALS ARE desired for disrjrinjr trench, layinc 12 inch lead joint pipe-and tilling in trench.on about 10 miles of natural gas line. Specifications maybe seen at office of CARNEGIE NATURAL GAS CO.. 48 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg. jal5-20 Ohio Connecting Railway. Office of Chief Engineer, Pittsburg, Pa.. December 27, 1888. J KOTICETOCOHTRACJORS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned, Pennsylvania Company's Building, Penn street, near Tenth street. Pitts burg, Pa., until Saturday, 26tU January, 1SS9, for the grading, foundations, masonry, and bridge superstructure of the Ohio Connecting Railway, between Nimick station, on the P. U. & St. L. Ry and Wood's Run station, on the P.JFt. W. & C. Ry. The length of the line is two and one-fourth (2') miles, and.embraces the following work: 5,000 Cu. yds. earth excavation. 16,000 Cu. yds. loose rock excavation. 30,000 Cu. yds. solid rock. 19.7C0 Cu. yds. excavation of fonndation, drv. 5,800 Cu. yds. excavation of foundation, wet. 6,340 Cu. yds. excavation for caissons and crilhpe foundations. 5,675 Cu. yds. concrete in foundations. 2,163 Cu. yds. concrete tilling jn caissons. 208,000 feet b. m. timber in foundations on plat forms. 5,000 Lin. ft. foundation piles. 3,400 Cu. yds. abutment masonry. 11,100 Cu. yds. piernasonry. 850 Cu. yds. masonry in viaduct pedestals. 580 Lin. ft. framed wooden trestle work. 860 Lin. U. pile trestlo work. 2 Spans pin connected iron deck bridge 12P 9" each. 1 Span pin connected Iron through bridge 416' 0". 11 Spans pin connected iron deck bridge 171' 1 5-S" each. 1 Span pin connected iron through bridge 62yc'. 1 Span pin connected iron deck bridge 137-6". 2 Spans pin connected iron deck bridge 10o'8"each. 654 Lin. ft. iron plate girderviaduct in alter nate spans of 30 and 46 ft 270 Lin. ft. iron plate girderviaduct in alter nate spans of 30 ft. 75 Lin. ft. iron plate girder viaduct in one span. 1 Span wooden Howe truss through bridge 60 ft. long. Flans and specifications for this work are now ready for examination at this oflice. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. M. J. BECKER. Chief Engineer Ohio Connecting Railwa v. ja3-39-TT3 TO CONTRACTORS FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Oitice or the ) Hoard op I'cblic Impkovemests. ST. LooiS, Januarys, 1380. ) Sealed proposals for the public work hereinafter mentioned will be received at the oflice of the Board of 1'ubllc Improvements of the City of St. Louis. Mo., until 12 m. or the 23th day or February, 1SS9, at which hour they will be publicly opened and read, viz.: For lighting with electricity for the termor ten years from January 1, 1S90, the streets, public places and such public balhling3 as may be desig nated In the following districts ofthe City of be. Louis, Mo., viz.: Letting No. 2,503. The district described ai the southern district in ordinance numbered Unap proved December 3, 1883. Deposit required, &OC0. LettlnsJJo. 2.504. Thedlstrlct described as the northern district In ordinance number HC37, ap proved liecembcr 29. 1SSS. Deposit required, S0W. Itldders will state prices per annum at which are lights of 2,000-candle power each, or Incandescent lights, of 30-candle power each, will be furnished, operated and maintained, for lighting streets and f iubtlc places: also prices per annum at which arc I gilts, of 2.C00-canaIe power eaclvor incandescent lights, of 16-candlc power each, will be furnished, operated and maintained for lighting public build ings. Everything required for the aboveelectrlc light ing sball be furnished and maintained by the con tractor. The contract with the city will carry the privil ege of furnishing electricity for light and power to private parties and corporations along the lines of distribution. The contract will contain stipulations by which the City of St. Louis may acquire the entire elec tric plant and appurtenances st the expiration of the contract. lildders must submit with proposals, general and detailed plans and specifications of tne pro posed system of distributing the electrlcltv, mode of supporting the lights and wires, and of safety appliances. proposals must he made on blank forms and In closed In envelopes furnished by the Hoard of Fubllo Improvements. The certificate of the Treasurer ofthc City of St. Louis that the sum of 83,000 has been deposited In the treasury must be inclosed with the proposal. The right to reject any or all proposals Is ex pressly reserved. Specifications, form or con tract anil plans ofthc districts to be lighted, may be seen at the oflice of the President of the Board of Public Improve ments ofthe City or St. Louis, on and after Janu ary 28, 1839. Any contract let hereunder will require the ap proval ofthe Municipal Assembly by ordinance. By order of the Hoard. IIENltY FLAW, President. Attest: EMORY S. FOSTEH, Jall-22 Secretary. I'OR SALE ONLY $B,8DD. LOCUST, NEAR GIST STREET, Elegant Pressed Brick Dwelling, 9 rooms, double parlors, marbleUnantels, ball, bath, w. c., rane, laundry, with sVtlnnary tubs, natural and artificial gas, large lot; the most desirable location on tnp street; easy terms. J. R. COOPER & C&, f07 Fourth avenne. jal3-92-TTSSu GEO. H. BARBOUR, CIVIL ENGINEER. Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designer of Bridges Roofs and Mill Bnildings, Room G2 Eisner Building. de!2-k6$-D 61 FIFTH AVENUE, ttsburg. Waltek 3. Osborne. Richard babbows. BARROWS & OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, 80 Diamond street Telephone No. 8U se3-k56-TTSSu jDepartmext or Pttblic Works. rlTTSBUKO, rA.. January t, vxsi. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of viewers on the construction of ..... 5n.w,.rf Villavatraot SAWAT-from Eden alley to Forty-secOnd street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) daysfromate:BioELow Chief of Department of Public Works. , jai-19 n Department of Public Works, ) Pittsburg. Pa., January -L1SS9.J -J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE J report of viewers on the gradinj; paving and curbing of Linden street, from Pennsylva nia Railroad to Penn avenue has been ap proved by Councils, which action will bo final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Com mon Pleas within ten (101 days from date. i E. ,M. BIGELOW, r Chief of Department of Public Works. jai-19 Department op Public Safety. It Pittsbuko, January II. 1SS9. j SEALTTD PROPOSALS WILL BE RE CEIVED at the office of the City Con troller until MONDAY, January 22, at 2 P. JL, c for the painting of No. 5 Engine House. . Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of Samuel N. Evans, Superintendent, of ' the Bureau of Fire. ' '. Probated bonds in double the amount of bids are required, and must bo probated before tho City Cleric or Mayor. The Department of Awards reserves the . right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of the Department of Public Safety. jaloO .' DEPART3I EXT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, ( Pittsburo, January 11, 18S9. SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Controller until 2 p. m. on SATURDAY. Jan nary 19, 1889, for the printing and binding of 500 copies, more or less, of Manual Bureau of Building Inspection, specifications for which may be seen at tho general office of the depart ment: also, for remodeling garbage furnace on Hill street, plans and specifications for which can bo seen at the office of the Bureau of Health, No. 7 Seventh street Bonds in double the amount of the bid must accompany eacb proposal; said bonds to be pro bated before the Mayor or City Cleric. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of Department of Public Safety. jalo-J'J VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1.1 assessments fox the opening of the follow ing named streets and avenues, viz: Opening of Center avenue, from Soho to Neville street. ' Opening of Negley avenue, from Bryant to Butler street. Opening of Oreenbnsh street, from Wyoming street to Bofgs avenue. Opening of Bellefonte street, from Fifth avenne to Walnut street Opening of Moultrie street, from Fifth ave nue to Tustin street. , Opening ot Brady street, from Fifth avenue to Monongahela river. Opening of Elwood street, from Roup to O'llara street Opening of Clinton street from South, Fifteenth street to McKee's line. Opening of Cowan street, from Grecnbush to Wyoming street. Opening of Breed street from Uxar alley to South Fifteenth street Are now in my hands for collection, and, if not paid within 30 days of the date hereof, liens will be filed for the unpaid assessments, with interest, cost and fees. W. O. MORELAND. City Attorney. Pittsburo, December 29, 1SSS. de23-78-D TAXPAYERS' NOTICE. ' Office of the Board of Assessors, ) Pittsburo, Pa.. January 9, 1859. Valuations upon property in the Fourth, Eighteenth, and Twenty-sixth wards have bf en completed for the triennial assessment of 18S9. Appeals may be made from January 16 to 19 inclusive, upon forms furnished with tran- ' scripts, which can be had at once upon per sonal apnlication, or by letter or postal card. All appeals must be probated at this office. Office hours from 9 A. 3T. till 4 P. M. Attention is called to section i of the new charter, which provides that "Tbo Board of Assessors shall assess all property taxable for 1 nifv nnmna.a n ltd ..fn.l nneh tMln.m.iL 'M vided, that no property sball be assessed for a less amount than tbo price paid for at the last recorded sale." By order of Board, FRANK P. CASE, ) PHILIP HOERR. Assessors. JAMESJ.LARKIN. S jalfrSO ; JLo LET OR FOR SALE An Elegant. 'Cominoflions anfl Well-Fin- isM House on Mil Ayenne, Near Dinwiddle street Built and finished in the best style. Just tbo place, and an admirable chance for physician, dentist or professional person, the cable cars bringing 20,(XX) people to it every day. SouthsiJe, Lawrcnceviile and Miners ville districts withfh a few minutes by bridge and Fort incline plane; Oakland, East Liberty, and the old city quickly accessible by cable cars. Owing to central situation on main thorough faro and to new facilities for access, this prop erty will soon be as desirable for professional men as Penn avenue formerly was. Apply to BLACK & BAIRD, Real Estate Agents, 95 Fourth avenue. de!3-IG6 TO LET. Some of the finest rooms in the cltv for General business purposes at the "Sevt iispatcii building, 75, 77 and 79 Dia mond street WELL LIGHTED, well ventilated, with con venient passenger and freight elovator service. SITUATION, the most central In the city, within a few hundred feet of the post offices, (new and old). City Hall, the new county buildings. Fifth avenue. Smith field street and Fourth avenue. PARTIES requiring power service also sup plied, with special quarters and every convenience. ELECTRIC LIGHTING, steam beating and janitor service included in the rents, which are moderate. , GREAT advantages and economy in these new quarters. Apply between II A. x. and 5 r. v. at tho , NEW DISPATCH BUILDING. 7a. 77 and 79 Diamond street WANTED -HOUSES BUSINESS AND DWELLING HOUSES TO RENT. Renting and.Collc'cting Rents a Specialty. J. R. COOPER & CO., jalS-93-TTSSU 107 FOURTH AVE. WANTED. -fi HOUSES, 5 TO 8 ROOMS, TO RENT. TENANTS WAITING. Samuel . Black k Co.,' 99 Fourth Ave. jall-25-11,12,15,17,19 NOTICE. REA BROS. & Co., Bankers and Brokers, Will occupy temporarily office in Germanla Savings' Bank Building, corner Wood and Dia mond sts., directly opposite former office. En trance on Diamond St.. rear of Mutual Union Tel. Co. , jalO-57 CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE IN j stoves and ranges while using the same for - cooking, or any other purpose, by using the) S Eureka Garbago Burner. For illustrative cir- .I cular, containing lull information, call on or address JAMES ANDERSON, 53 East Diamond street, . je3-n57-TT3 Allegheny. Pa. PE1MONS WISHING TO LEAKN THE ART- 3 of cutting eentlemen's irarments please call J on ui.l.i:hu Bl.AJUlAtt, .in jrenn are., city, JalO-ol-TTSU 0 URSPECIALTr RENT COLLECTING. SAMUEL W. BLACK &. CO., 09 FOURTH AVE., ESTABLISHED 1S7S. de27-25-W3 XNCORPORATED 17M-THE INSURANCE I COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENN SYLVANIA, of Philadelphia. PabIi merj 9 fV 1AI Art W3UAoac... ...,.,... ... iw;iui W xxisses iuiu bhicu urbanization..... i,vti,ox.uj GEO. W. DEAN & CO., 101 Fourth, ave. . nolS-rlO-ws FRENCH CRYSTALIZED FRUITS AnricOtS. Dears, chprrlps fl nrti o4n- ger and assorted fruits, in fancy cartons and by j iue puuuu, lurouuuY JNO. A. RENSHAW&'CO- 1 dell-wa ., Comer Liberty arnl Ninth stfci A i . i - x . .- j - - . .1 i x i-fcj:i5iaft&ii..,...v.Kj tsbnnckJm&f. EsEEW . .tf ,. - n ", "r St&-v mzfaL ."' t,t4ftstflsESflfiBlKsSyH&BteUfejisSKSH SI