Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 15, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The Coke Magnate to Enter
Into the Iron Business.
He Purchases D. A. Stewart's Inter
est and Will be Chairman.
The Situation Changing From Bad to Worse
for the Idle Men.
The long-lookea-for election of a successor
to Mr. D. A. Stewart, ex-Chairman of Car
negie Brothers & Co., was made yesterday.
Mr. H.' C. Frick, the well-known coke
magnate, was elected to the position, and
entered upon the duties immediately after
his election.
The election of Mr. Frick to the position
was a surprise to every person who heard
the news, and caused quite a stir among
coke men. The latter thought that Mr.
Frick would sell out his large coke inter
ests, which proceeding would please a great
many of them.
The election was made by the members of
the firm before Mr. Carnegie left the city
lor New York Saturday evening. Several
days prior to that Mr. Carnegie sent for Mr.
Frick, and infermed him that the latter had
the option of the purchase of Mr. Stewart's
interests in the firm. Mr. Frick took the
matter under ndvisemeqt, and on Saturday
notified Mr. Carnegie that he would make
the purchase and accept the position.
Acting upon this Mr. Carnegie issued notice
to that effect, and requested Mr. Frick to
enter at once upon the duties of the posi
tion. Although Mr. Frick has been made Chair
man, and will be supposed to do the wort
that was done by the late Mr. Stewart, he
will not take such an active part as the
latter did in the business. In view of this,
Mr. Frickwill not relinquish the active
management of his coke interests, but the
business will be conducted as heretofore.
Mr. Frick said yesterday: l'The purchase
of Mr. Stewart's interest in the Carnegie
firm will not compel me to give up my coke
business, and the latter will in no wise be
affected by the change. Our way of doing
business has become so systemized that it is
not absolutely necessary for me to devote
my whole time to the manufacture of coke.
I expect to have the work of Chairman of
Carnegie Bros. & Co. so distributed that I
will not have much to do.
"I do not care to say what the monetary con
sideration was. That is a private matter in
which the public is not interested at all.
The relation of the two firms has always
been friendly, and the recent deal will draw
them closer together." "
Mr. John G. Leishman, who has been act
ing Chairman of the company, still retains
the position of Vice Chairman and Treas
urer, and Mr. H, M. Curry, who everybody
interested thought would be tendered Mr.
Stewart's interest, will still continue in his
old position. Mr. Henry Phippa, now in
Mexico, will still be retained as consulting
partner without pay. Mr. Phipps has sold
out his monetary interests in the firm and
, will not enter again upon the active man
agement of the company.
Toe Annnal Merlins of iho Union
Line A
Clean Sweep Mnde.
The annual meeting of the Union Line
Passenger Bailway Company was held yes
terday in the office of the Pittsburg, Alle
gheny and Manchester line, corner Liberty
and Market streets.
An entire new board of directors and a
president were elected. The change was
made by the Manchester Company, who
control the Union line stock. The follow
fng are the names ot the new officers: Presi
dent, J. W. Dalzell; Directors, W. B.
Rhodes, F. C. Hutchison, F. M. Magee,
George C. Wilson, W. L Mnstin and A.
C. McCallam.
Mr. Dalzell, the newly elected President,
is a director in the Manchester line. It is
not known vet what the policy of the new
officers will be, hut it is certain that the
road will be run in the interest of the Man
chester line.
Among other rumors flying about is the
statement that the fare on the Union line
will be raised from 5 to 6 cents.
Kew Officers Installed nt the Annual Sleet
ing Held Yesterday.
The annual meeting of the Builders' Ex
change was held yesterday in their hall in
the Renshaw building. The newly-elected
officers, whose names were published by
The Dispatch Monday last, were in
stalled. The annual reports of the Presi
dent, Secretary and Treasurer were read.
They showed theexchangeto be in a healthy
and prosperous financial condition. A num
ber of the members were present to urge the
election of delegates to the convention of
the National Association of Bnilders at
Philadelphia, but nothing was done about
the matter.
The committee,coinposed of Messrs. Sleel,
Miller and Fulmer, who were appointed to
confer with Harlow & Co. in regard to the
erection of a trade office building, made a
progressive report.
Typos Hustling for Sits nt the Xntionnl
Session in Denver.
A great amount of hustling is being done
by the members of Typographical Union
No. 7 for the election of their favorites as
delegates to the thirty-seventh national
convention of the International Typograph
ical Union, to be held at Denver, beginning
June 3.
There are four candidates in the field
H. J. Kimpton, J. W. Hopkins, Patrick
J. Lydon and Frank A. Lewis, a job
printer. Only two delegates are needed,
and the chances are that Messrs. Kimpton
and Lewis will be elected. The election for
delegates will be held Sunday, March 27.
After this session the conventions will b
held every two years.
If Not Re-Elected Master Workman ne
Will Become nn Organizer.
I1 District Master Workman John F. Doyle,
of D. A. No. 3, Knights of Labor, yester
day received his commission as general or
ganizer of the order from General Muter
Workman Powderly. It "is not general")
known that Mr. Doyle has been for the past
year a reguljrly commissioned organizer,
tut such is the case, although he has not
organized any locals while in the pav of the
organization as District Master Workman.
If he is not re-elected to the office, at the
convention to meet to-morrow, he will travel
about the country securing new numbers
for the order and organizing new local assemblies.
The uflrHncs nf the Idle Coal Miners A
Secret Corfcience of the New Union'
Official! Held Ypsterday.
A secret conference ot officials of the coal
miners' new organization was held yesterday
in the office ot the Labor Tribune. Those
present were Thomas W. Davis, Vice Presi
dent of the National Progressive Union of
Indiana; "W. T. Lewis, National Secretary
of the organization; P. H. Penna, President
of the Indiana State Association and organ
izer for the new union.
The meeting was held for the purpose of
considering important matters, and the re
lations ot the new union to the Knights of
Labor. The officers have antagonized the
national officers of the Knights of Labor,
and will continue to do so. A programme for
work among the miners who have not yet
become members ot the new union was out
lined, and organizers will be sent among
them at once. A vigorous warfare will be
waged against the Knights of Labor, and
everything possible w ill be done to further
the interests of the new union. 'While the
miners will have nothing to do with the
new order now being organized by T. B.
Barry, they will maintain friendly relations
with that organization.
At the meeting the situation among the
Monongahela river miners was discussed.
From the reports read it was iound that
along the whole river there is not one-half
a hundred coal miners working. The only
works doing anything is Eisner's, which are
running about two days per week.
The situation is becoming more distress
ing and the prospects more gloomy as the
announcements of new strikes are made
back in the country, on the railroads. On
Saturday between 350 and 400 men went out
at the Eclipse, Flohersheim's and Anderson
mines, on the Street's Bun division of the
Baltimore and Ohio road, near Gaston
ville. The employers notified the
men that they would have to
suffer a reduction of from 79 to 74 cents. The
men held a meeting and telegraphed to John
McBride, National President of the new
union, at Columbus, O., for instructions.
McBride notified them he could not come,
but advised them to remain firm and resist
the reduction. The men all struck and the
mines have been idle since.
There are between 8,500 and 9,000 miners
on the river. One-half of these are married,
and the sufferings of some of their families
aresML The officials -talked of the dis
tressro condition, but from the reports of
the stocks of coal at Cincinnati and other
places there is no immediate prosoect
of a resumption of work. It has been
stated that the present shutdown if a move
on the part of the operators to present the
miners from asking for an advanca in the
spring. It was stated at the meeting by
one ot the officials that when the miners are
starving they can fight and stick out longer
in a strike than at any other time.
Mr. Penna went to West Newton last
night, where he addressed a meeting of
miners. The other officials will continue
the work oforganization all along the river.
A mass meeting of delegates, to take action
on the shutdown, wa held at Monongahela
City yesterday.
The Manufacturers Will Leave Tor Wash
ington Tlili Evening.
The majority of the windof glass manu
facturers in this city will leave this evening
for Washington, D. C, to attend the annual
meeting of the association to be held there
to-morrow. The prospects for the formation
of a trust and the shutdown of several Ohio
factories grows brighter daily.
The market will be further overstocked
when the new window house at Jeanette
begins to turn out glass. They will begin
work there February 10, and the output will
amount to more than any three of the largest
factories now running.
Or. Kranskopf's Lecture Topte
at the
Trinpte This Evening.
Bev. Dr. Kranskopf, of Philadelphia, the
gentleman who will deliver the first of the
series of lectures to be given by the Young
Men's Hebrew Association, will arrive on
the 8 o'clock train from the East this morn
ing. He will be met by a committee of the
tociety, and taken as a guest to the resi
dence of Mr. M. Oppenheimer, Locust
street, Allegheny.
The subject of his lecture at the temple,
on Eighth street, this evening is, "The
Messiah and the Jews." The exact position
of the Hebrew people on the question of the
Messiah has been one of peculiar interest
and of some doubt, and the rabbi's views on
the subject will do tnuih to explain the real
belief as regards the coming of another
Grand Reception Wm Held at Central
Turner Hnll Lnst Night.
The first annual reception of the Hoi
brook Lodge No. 378, Brotherhood of Loco
motive Firemen, held at Central Turner
Hall, on Forbes street, last night, was a
great success.
The Pittsburg City Band furnished part
of the music. The Committee ot Arrange
ments was composed of Messrs. G. James,
J. Price, A. Hdgerman, Ed Morrow, P. J.
Glancy and D. W. Scott.
Manufacturers' Gas Company Extends Its
j Line to Tnylorstown.
Mr. Charles Meyran states that the Manu
facturers' Natural Gas Company has laid
lines to the Taylorstown oil field to supply
the drillers and the people in the neighbor
hood with fuel. The roads have become so
bad in that section that business is almost at
a standstill, and the action or the company
will be a great relief to the entire com
munity. Installation of Select Knights.
At the regular meeting of Pittsbuig Le
gion, S. K. of A. O. U. W., held last night,
the following officers were installed by D. S.
C. McCutcheon: Commander, Charles V.
Lewis; V. C, W. C. Demorest; L. C, J. 8.
Carson; Recording Secretary, J. S. Frazier;
Recording Treasurer, E. F. Seaman; Treas
urer, A. S. Smith; Standard Bearer,
Thomas Chollis; Senior W., T. Nicholas;
Junior W., S. S. Cunningham; O. 8., W.
The New Electric Cnr.
The work on the electric street car at the
Westinghouse electric building is progress
ing rapidly. It is thus far satisfactory be
yond all expectations. Several tests of the
motor were made by the electricians yester
day. The minor details of fitting up the car
are now being taken in hand, and the car is
expected to be ready for its trial trip in
about a week.
An Alderman's bait.
The new Alderman in the 'Twelfth ward,
J. B. Nobbs, has entered suit before Alder
man Porter, against a man named R. H.
Davis for false pretense. Mr. Nobbs claims
that the defendant got money and goods
from him amounting to $35, representing he
owned property when such was not the case.
Davis gave bail for a hearing on Wednesday
What Drove Him to Suicide.
From the testimony given at the inquest
on the body ot Joseph Kennedy, the little
boy who committed suicide last wee&by
taking rough on rats, it appears, according
to Mr. Harmon and Miss Luce, that the boy
was afraid of going borne, bicjuse he got so
frequently whipped. Ihe inquest Will be
coutiuued to-d.iv.
jsaakkAS.iMjL'v "-a sfciTnr ii-ttW stfi-iaATr iffissfffcsfc'lslislflflfos titffi fe liii V'iMnsiA-' "rsirf siWfif'VT -S Ajf'i
And the Public Meeting To-Night on Behalf of the Exposi
tion Project Promises to be a Great Success.
Undoubtedly there is an awakening of
public interest in the Exposition project.
The last few days have witnessed more ac
tivity among its friends than for weeks past.
More than one business man who a month
ago could not be induced to increase his
subscription, has since paid a visit to the
Point, took a taken at the unfinished build
ing, and said with emphasis, "It must not
fail 1"
It is now the earnest hope of the Exposi
tion Society that this revival of public
spirit will be prolonged into permanent life.
To that end they are working hard. They
feel confident that if the business men can
only be made to feel the benefits which will
eventually flow from an annual exposition,
they will contribute generously to the ob
ject. They have therefore arranged to have
many interesting facts set forth to the public
meeting for business men and citizens, to
night in Old City Hall. The directors met
yesterday afternoon and finished all ar
rangements for this(big gathering. Every
body is invited to attend it, Mr. William
E. Schmertz was selected as Chairman of
the meeting, and the following list of Vice
Presidents has been appointed:
Colonel E. a Allen, Ross W. Drum, H.
Sellers McKee, H. J. Bailev, D. W. C. Bidwell,
A. E. W. Painter, P. Reamer, John Z. Speer,
A. Griscom, IS. Hamilton. George Snlras, Jr.,
M. K. Moorbeid, M. W. Watson, Thomas E.
A Number of Small Rallronds Elect Officers
for the Tear.
The annual meetings of the Mt. Pleasant
and Broad Ford Railroad, the Wheeling,
Pittsburg and Baltimore and the Sharps
ville Railroad companies were held in the
offices of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
The officers of the Mt. P. 4 B. F. road
elected are: Mr. J. B. Washington. Pres
ident; Welty McCullough, Greensbnig,
Secretary and Treasurer Directors-
Messrs. Charles F. Mayer.
Mendes Cohen.
itoDert uarrett, Alexander
Shaw, of Balti-
more; J. B. D. Meeds,
John B. Jackson. J. V.
Patton. John Bissell. Charles L. Fitzhngh. W.
C. Magee1, of Pittsburg; A. R, Banning, of
ConnclIsviUe, Pa ; O. P. Shupe, of Mt, Pleas
ant, Pa.
For the Wheeling, Pittsburg and Baltimore
the following officers were elected: President,
J. B Washington: Secretary. A. W. Black;
Treasurer, W. H. Ijams, BaltimoreiDirectors
Messrs. J. B Washington, Charles F. Mayer,
Johns McCleave, J. V. Patton. J. D. Scully, W.
W. Smith, William Workman.
J. V. Patton was elected President of the
Sharpsville road: J. B. Washington, Vice Presi
dent and Treasurer; S. K. Harris-Secrctary;
Directors Messrs. C. K. Lord, T. D. Messier,
J. B. Caven, E. B. Taylor, Johns McCleave, J.
J. Pierce.
The Monongahela Connecting railroad
also held its annual meeting vesterday and
elected the following named officers:
Preinent, H. A. Laughlin; Vice President,
J. Laughlin, Jr.; Directors B. F. Jones, T. M.
Jones. G. M. Laughlin. W. U Kins. W. L.
Jones, J. Laughlin, Jr.; Treasurer, J. Laughlin,
Jr.; General Manager, W. C. Quuicj; Secre
tary, Benj. Page.
Thejannual meeting of the Southeast
BridgeTiompany, held at the same time, re
sulted in the election of G. M. Laughlin,
President. All the other officers are the
same as tor the Monongahela Connecting
Mr. Watson's Opinion Mny be the Reverse
of That of Mr. Shims.
The joint committee representing the Al
legheny Finance Committee and citizens of
Allegheny, met yesterday afternoon. The'
opinion of Mr. Shiras was discussed. They
also figured up the cost of running a second
and a third class city. The calculation
showed a difference of $8,000 per year in
favor of the second class city. The exact
figures will not be given out before this
afternoon. A general meeting of both com
mittees will be held at 3 o'clock this a ter
noon. The sub-committee will report what
class the city should enter.
If the talk of the members of the commit
tees counts for anything, the city will be
made second class. Around City Hall last
night a number of citizens thought it was
hardly possibly that Mr. Watson's opinion,
which will be sent to the committee to-day,
will be the opposite view from that of Mr.
Shiras. If that turns out to be the case, it
will complicate matters more than ever.
The cost of the opinions will be over $500
each. .
FOR $63,000.
Fittsbnrgers Bur a Large Tract of Land
In San Luce Valley.
A telegram from Denver received here
last night stated that a number of Pittsburg
capitalists had just concluded the purchase
of a large tract of land in the San Luce val
ley. They have formed a syndicate which
will be known as the Allegheny Improve
ment Company, and the purchase was made
from the Empire Land and Improvement
Companv of Colorado for the cash sum of
563,000. '
This is the largest cash sale ever made in
Colorado outside o' the city of Denver. The
tract comprises 3,280 acres of agricultural
land. T. C. Henry, representing the Pitts
burgers, concluded the sale.
The Pension Defaulter Has a Great Many
Friends Left.
S. K. Gay, the defaulting clerk of the
Pension Office under Hon. Russell Errett,
has applied 'or a pardon. His friends have
been active in the circulation of the appli
cation. It is now signed by nearly all the
Government officials except those in the
Department of Justice.
Guy was personallv very popular. It is
understood that prison life has been hard on
his health.
Heart DIsense Killed Him.
William H. Stark, a shoemaker residing
at No. 109)4 Monterey street, dropped dead
about 5 o'clock last evening. For a long
time he had been suffering with heart dis
ease and the maladr culminated last nitrht
in his death.
Watt, D. Herbert Hostetter, Hay Walker. Jr.,
N. P. Reed, H. H. Byram, James Callery, Alex
Bradley, Charles J. Clark, William Thaw, JN.
McCollougb, J. F. Denniston, W. D. Wood,
Alex. Nimicfc. Captain C. W. Batchelor, Albert
Barr, C. L. Magee, Paul H. Hacke,B. F. Jones,
A. M. Byers, E. Frauenheim, J. Scott
Ward, John Dunlap, A. Leggete,
Joseph Eichbaum. John N. Neeb,
JJ. P. Langfitt, B, H. Boggs, Harmar D. Benny,
William Semple, Joseph Horne, Hon. William
McCallin, Hon. R. T. Pearson, E. Witherow,
Frank Hopper, Captain J. J. Vandergrif t, John
B. Jackson, John Flannery, William Neeb,
Thomas C. Lazear. R M. O'Neill, William Hal
pin, William M. Lyon, C. G. Hnssey, E. H.
Meyers, J. P. Hanna, Charles Klopfer, William
Hamilton, T. C. Jenkins, John Haworth, D.
Ewart,A.C. Henderson, William Fltnn, C. C.
Mellor, H. Kleber, Thomas Mellon, A. M. Mar
shall, James J. Donnell.
Stirring speeches will be made by John H.
Bickertson, Rev. W. J. Holland, James B.
Scott, H. K. Porter, George H. Anderson,
Josiah Cohen, Hon. A. C. Robertson,
Charles F. McKcnna, P. F. Smith, R. W.
Carnahan, W. F. McCook, James H. Reed,
Dr. James Alleson, A. M. Brown, W. C.
Moreland, Peter Dick, Colonel W. A.
Stone, Wm. De Wolf, Rev. James J. Mc
Tighe, Judge J. W. E. White.
Owing to the absence of some and the
sickness of others, the street car Presidents'
meeting for the purpose of helping the Ex
position project was postponed yesterday
Mr. F. H. Koliler Gives n Pleasant Dinner
to His Associates.
Mr. Frank H. Kohler, of the People's
Mnf ual Accident Insurance Association ot
this city, gave a dinner last evening at the
Hotel Duquesne to the agents of the com
pany. Plates were laid for about 25 guests.
The table was prettily decorated with floral
designs. In the center was an attractive
lighthonse placed in the middle of a lake of
water. The menu was carefully prepared,
and the dinner was enjoyed by all present
When coffee and cigars were reached the
speech-making commenced. Addresses were
made by Mr. Kohler and by a number of the
guests present. Mr. Kohler's guests were:
Messrs. George B. Raymond, of Chicago, 111 ,
W. R. Beckle, Lexington, Ky.; George H.
Parker, Cleveland, O.: John L. Schilling.
Wheeling, W. Va ; George Stalev, Can
ton, O.; A. G. Saxon, Latrobe, Pa.; F,
B. Turner, Warren, Pa.; H. B. Wilson,
Washington. D. C: H. D. W. English;
R. J. Johnston, Esq , J. G Bergtresser, John
Erwin. Jr.. Hon. R. T. Pearson. B. C. Shore.
Jos. T. Nevin, E. R, Kramer, C. F. Kevin, R.
J. Wilson. W. H. Latshaw. N. M. Gibbs, Jos.
S. Brown, C. C. Dickey. Esq.. Fred. Erwin.J.
wngnt, m. u., i-. a. .tiler ana a., si.
A Number of Pittsburg: Lawyers to Plend
Cases at Hnrrisbnrg.
A number of Pittsburg lawyers left for
Harrisburg last evening to attend to-day's
meeting of the Pardon Board. Major Mon
tooth will appear in the interest of several
clients. Joseph Hays, Esq., will make an
argument before the board in the case of
Ed Coyle, who is now serving a term in the
penitentiary on the charge of murder, arid
Messrs. Lyon and McKee in the McClure
Freyvogle gambling cases.
Mounted Police Xeeded.
Oakland is now at the mercy of an or
ganized band of thieves, who are carrying
on wholesale burglaries. For the past four
nights houses have been entered, and small
sums of money and articles stolen.
Incidents of a Day in Two Cities Condensed
for Ready Rending.
The annual meeting of the Humane Society
will be held this afternoon.
Jons T. McCatjlev, of the First ward. Alle
ghany, has announced himself as a candidate
for Common Council.
Before the grand jury adjourned yesterday
they presented Clerk A. C. Robertson with a
silver butter bowl and knife.
The Allegheny Finance Committee, on mat
ters touching the new charter, will meet the
Citizens' Committee this afternoon.
Abe DtTNCAJf, a fireman on the Panhandle,
was tqueezed between two cars yesterday at
Sheridan station. Two ribs were broken.
Richard Mcbtha was committed to jail
yesterday for a hearing on next Friday for
stealing brasses from Oliver Bros. Tenth street
Eocene Davis, a printer hurt in the Wood
street wreck, was removed from the Homeo
pathic Hospital to his home in Bellevue yester
day. A eao pickek yesterday found the skeletons
of a hand and arm iu the rubbish on Second
avenue, near the incline. The dirt had come
from a doctor's office.
Robert Gay, railroad conductor, refused
to pay some money he owed in a Sraithfleld
street shooline; eallery last night, and was ar
rested by Officer Ketter.
No trace of Mrs. Clara Mossek, who left her
home in Shaler township two weeks ago, has
yet been discovered. She is 23 years old, me
dium height and has dark hair,
TnE Eleventh Ward Republican Club met in
the school house last night. A committee was
appointed to Secure stopping places for mem
bers who will attend the inauguration.
JorfN Stewart, a grinman on the Citizen's
Traction Line, had a leg crushe9 by being
struck by a car at the Butler street curve yes
terday morning. He lives on Forty-fourth
street. v
' William Sweint, a laborer, aged about 35
years, was struck by a train near East Liberty
station yesterday mormng.and probably fatally
injured. He was removed to the West Pcnn
The Colorado Smelting Comnany has started
to Pittsburg a silver brick worth about $50, to
be sold at auction by the Chamber of Commerce
for the beneUt of the sufferers from the Wood
street wreck.
'Patrick Morrow charged John Smith, of
Second avenue, before Alderman Richards
yesterday, with smashing a door and several
windows in his house in the Fourteenth ward
Smith was sent to jail in default of J300 bail.
A horse belonging, to J. R. Bavison, while
crossing the Citizen's Traction track at Forty
foutth and Butler streets yesterday, got a hoof
caudut in a slot, and before he coiild free biui
sen kvas struck by a car and severely injured.
The Present Open Winter Isn't JJuite
as Black as It's Painted.
Of Summery Weather in the Middle
Winter, and Vice Tersa.
The weather, as a topic for the relieving
of embarrassed conversation, has graduated
from the stilteM perfumed ballroom to be
freely cussed and discussed en the streets.
It is no more the dernier resorte of the con
fused lover in entertaining his no less con
fused girl by some brilliantly original re
marks upon the ever-changing subject, but
has become an object of scorn among the
common people, who generally have more
important topies of conversation, but are
forced to recognize the weather at last on
account of its perfect evenness,
It is a queer fact, too, that 'ordinary mor
tals have picked it up for the same reason
the powdered society favorite has dropped
it for the reason that there is no change.
Even the wide intellectual grasp of a dude
in patent leathers and an inane simper can
not invent a new phrase every evening
for an ungrateful kind ot weather that
The M. D. Attending to Business.
obstinately remains the same, and in utter
despair thev grope around blindly for some
thing, anything, to fill up a gap in the con
versation wide enough to swallow the whole
"It isn't natural," say some, "and some
results will follow."
Now this isn't so, for it is perfectly
natural. It would be a most ingenious
paradox indeed for nature to produce any
thing unnatural. There are certain reasons
and laws for everything in nature, so con
vincing and so certain in a direct line from
cause to result, that it is an insult to the old
lady to call anything a f(eak of nature.
She will not then suddenly discard all laws
in order to favor an ingrate country that
doesn't appreciate an open winter when it
does come.
Before going into a little scientific talk
from the Pittsburg Wiggins, it might be
Opening of a KaUgaiion That Didn't Close.
well to look about and see if the terrible
effects of an open winter, as prophesied by
many, are visible.
It is said that typhoid fever is raging in
Allegheny; but doesn't typhoid fever
always rage in Allegheny? and, in the
words of a well-known Pittsburg physician,
"typhoid fever will continue to rage in
Allegheny just as longas people insist upon
drinking fetid water taken from almost the
center of the city; water
swarming with bacteria,
muderia offalyxerse, and all the nameless
and terrible things incident to crowded
civilized life in a crowded city."
Then the open winter has caused a season
of profit and consequent rejoicing among
the rivermen. TJpriver and downriver
packets are running and will run for fully
a month longer than usual, thus giving em
ployment to 240 men able and willing to
earn their daily bread, instead of laying
them off to eat the scant bread of idleness.
The Wild Clothing Dealer.
And it is nowonder the rivermen chuckle
over the present state of coal-boat weather
(though they have all agreed not to ship
more coal for 45 days), as they well remem
ber, and are all airaid of the effects of
hard weather. As a strange example, Cap
tain J. W. Batchelor tells of the queer win
ter of 1872, when he started with a heavily
laden boat from Cincinnati to Memphis.
AVhile on the way a cold snap settled down
like a frigid fact from the north. The wa
ter began to freeze right before their cye3,
cracking as it became frozen like a growing
coru field.
After the most extraordinary adventures
to the common man, but nothing unusual to
the river tourist, they finally rounded into
ureen river, warmiy uowing trom the South
into the frozen bed of the main stream.
Here jhe boat began to rapidly fill with
water,and was only saved by lightening
ber ot cargo and "listing" from side to side
in order that carpenters might calk her.
The reason for her leakage was strange.
The quickly frozen ice had actually cut
through her seams like a keen-edged razor,
and the queerest accident of the times was
only averted by timely discovery.
So much lor hard winters; but the pres
ent season is what might be called a "soft
snap" for everybody, excepting perhaps,
winter clothiers. Theirs is certainly a tale
of woe. They have torn down prices, and
torn their hair, but to .no avail. Winter
clothing will not sell in summer weather,
and as ft is, the average man is even now
wabbling in a delightful state of uncertainty
between heavy undergarments and low-cut
Dealers who sell skates aren't selling
them, and ice dealers are not dealing in ice.
The man with rubber goods for the feet
must wear them himself, and the crassest
man and the most ill-tempered girl on the
streets is the man.who had received a seal
skin cap for a Christmas present, and the
1 w
young girl whahas her first sealskin sacqne
that must hang up in her room unseen, or
must be worn on parade if she smothers
and she generally, smothers.
of an open winter, somebody ought to go up
stairs and comfort the weather clerk, Stew
art. He is cheerful and happy enough, but
somewhat dazed. He does not know whether
it's himself or somebody else who is issuing
summer weather bulle'tins in winter, and
talking of rain and wind instead of snow
and ice.
The weather map yesterday showed re
markable evenness of "temperature all over
the country. Some strange things, however,
are also shown.
In Pittsburg, on the 42 line, an average
temperature ot 3u was recorded. But 140
miles north, at Lacrosse, the frigid figures
of 2 above zero were recorded, while 700
miles south, at Montgomery, it was but 2
warmer than here.
The warm line of 48 hovers away toward
the South, only scooping far enough north
as a doubtful compliment to either the
warm Kentnckv beauties or the warming
Kentucky whisky.
The younger citizens are going aionnd
looking wise and prophesying that ugly
winter blasts will strike a fair balance be
forethe season is over; but the oldest in
habitant sits down upon them with remark
able unanimity and says that, barring oc
casional cold spells, the entire winter will
be pleasant, open and healthful.
Up to date the only actual sufferers, aside
from disgruntled storekeepers, are those
tinged with rheumatio twinges, and they
don't kick very much, probably because
they can't. As a fact, however, this weather
is very, very hard on them.
Meanwhile, pending some definite con
clusion agreed upon between Boreas and
Wiggins, an interested public stands around
watching the fatal struggle, hoping that
each might down the other, and praying
that the reigning fad might not seize them;
that they may not form a trusf, but fight it
out to the death.
Members of Legislature Talk on the Trac
tion Road Measure.
The Hon. Messrs. D. C. Jones, of Eliza
beth, and William T. Marshall, of Alle
gheny, left on the fast line for Harriburg
last evening. The former gentleman,
speaking of Mr. Marland's traction road
bill, said that from the published
accounts of the measure, it would
give traction and motor roads the exclusive
control of the streets of a city. If such was
the case It should not, in his view of the
case, be supported. Neither of the two
gentlemen had as yet seen a copy of the bill,
and for this reason did not care to say which
way they proposed to vote wDen it is brought
before the House.
As it now stands, they say, however, it
looks too much as if the traction roads
wanted to obtain control of all the streets
and shut out other companies, and they can
do so if the measure is not defeated.
When the bill is read, the gentlemen
thought, it mav be more modeiate than it
has been pictured, and their opinions may
change, but from what can be learned at
present it is likely that their votes will be
against the measure.
And So the Wife Snld bho Mnde Her LIvioar
by Telling; Fortunes.
Charles and Mary McMinniman had a
hearing before Alderman Porter yesterday
on a charge of fortune telling. The evidence
showed that they hired girls as drummers in
the business. .j
Mrs. McMinniman claimed her husband
wouldn't work, and she lived by telling
fortunes. She furnished 5300 bail, but her
lord went to jail in default of this sum.
Father McKecver Goes to Latrobe With
Tokens of Affection.
Father McKeever, pastor of the Blairs
ville Sts. Simon and Indes .Church, leaves
to-day for Latrobe to take charge of the
Catholic Church there. His congregation
in Blairsville before he left surprised him
with a vocal and literary jentertainmtpt
given in his honor. ,
He was also presented with a purse and
fine gold v, atch, gifts from the members of
his flock.
Wnnt a Centennial Holiday.
The Ways and Means Committee of the
Washington Centennial Celebration Com
mittee, met last night on the Sonthside and
decided to appoint a sub-committee to get
up a petition aking Legislature to make
April 30, 1889, a centennial holiday, and re
questing Governor Beaver to issue such a
Deferred, bnt Not Abandoned.
At a meeting of the Southside Medical
Society last night, at 1802 Carson street, the
question as to the establishment of a hos
pital on the Southside was delerred until
the next meeting.
Scott's Absolutely Safe Anesthetic.
Painless and Safe.
If you feel the slightest pain the doctor
will make no charge. Forty-four years
proves its absolute safety. Giyen onlv by
Dr. Charles S. Scott, at his dental offices,
624 Penn ave., opposite Home's store.
Marvin Always Leads.
Marvin's new Orange Blossom soda crack
ers, extra soda crackers, Jiittle Gem farina
crackers and superior ginger snaps are un
surpassed. Your grocer keeps them.
Mail orders foranything in the clothing,
hat and furnishing line, promptly filled at
Jackson's, Nos. 954 and 956 Liberty street,
Star Corner. nsu
B. &B.
S0c will buy a good merino union suit
for child; former price SI 25; onlv a few;
won't fast long. Boogs & Buhl.
Boys' Fancy Percale Waists Redacrd
For ten days to rednce stock. Come at once.
Hoene & Ward, 41 Fifth avenue.
Workingmen using overalls with apron
or without try our 50 cent star overalls,
they are our own make and warranted not
to rip. Jackson's,
tisu 954 and 956 Liberty St.
Imported Styles, Thousands of Tnrds, Hun
dreds of Pieces
Now open in our wash dress goods depart
ment. Confe and see them; they're lovely.
Every pattern brand new.
Jos. Horne & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Banner!! Beware!!
Vitalized air killed Mrs. Hirsch. The
only absolutely safe anaesthetic given in
this city is that given by Dr. Chrles S.
Scott, 624 Penn avenue, opposite Home's
store. It has a 44-year clear record, and is
given only at 624.
Scotch Glnshnras and French Pntlnes as
Usual The Largest Display.
All the noveliies and latest colorings
come now and see them in the wash goods
department to-day.
Jos. Hoene & Co.'s
Penn Avenue Stores.
Suits to measure from J18 up. Pants to
measure from $5 up. Satis'action guaran
teedat Jackson's Star Tailors, 954 and 956
Liberty street. ttsu
It Heads the List.
Marvin's new milk bread rivals the best
and sweetest home made article. Your
grocer -rill get it for you if he does not
already keep it TUS8U
An Enjoynble Discussion on the Merits
These Two Generals.
The respective merits of TJ. S. Grant
and G. B. McClelland as Generals
of the Union Army daring the
Civil War, served as the subject of a
debate last night at St Augustine's Hall
on Thirty-seventh street, the discussing
parties being two members of the St. Augus
tine's Literary Society and the same num
ber of representatives of St. John's Literary
The debate lasted for about two hours and
a half. On both sides the language used in
favor of the,"cbampioned hero was very
painted, but, as the unmire afterward re
marked, it was too assertive, and without
argument or proof. The defenders ot Grant
spoke of McClelland as a man without a
head; as a soldier who onght to be stripped
of his title.
Then the anti-Grant men retorted with
similar remarks, until one of them capped
the climax by stating: "What did Grant do
anyhow? Nothing I should say!" This set
the audience rippling with laughter.
While the debating contest was not de
cided, inasmuch as Mr. W. A. Golden, the
umpire declared it a draw, the evening's
entertainment was, nevertheless, very much
enjoyed by the audience.
The New Edifice on ItlrCInre Avenue Will
be Opened Sunday.
The McClure Avenue Presbyterian
Church, Wood's Run, Allegheny, will be
dedicated with appropriate ceremonies next
Sunday. The services in the forenoon will
be conducted by Rev. D. S. Kennedy, D.
D., pastor of the First Church, of Alle
gheny. He will be assisted by Rev. Dr. I.
N. Hays, who will also Breach a sermon.
The church is an elegant brick structure
and has just been completed at a cost of
845,000. It stand on McClure avenue near
the Fort Wayne Railroad crossing. Imme
diately in its rear is a two-storied brick
Sunday school which has an average at
tendance of about 600 people.
The chprch stands on the site of the old
frame building which was formerly known
as the first church built in "the Run,"when
there were very few people in that portion
of Allegheny City. It was first established
as a mission from the First Church in Al
legheny. The new church will have a
handsome pipe organ,which is said to be the
finest in the city.
A Party of Pittsbnrsers to Par a Visit to
the Land of the Aztecs.
Messrs. Herman Kunkle.P. J. Ingoldsby,
C. G. Dickson and J. McCormack left for
Duraneo, Mexico, yesterday. The gentle
men have large business interests in Mex
ico, and Dropose to make an extended visit
A Call From the Nineteenth Ward.
Mr. Samuel D. Warmcastla:
Dear Sir The undersigned citizens and
taxpayers of the Nineteenth ward, desiring
to be represented in the Select branch of the
City Councils by a man who is himself a
taxpayer, who has undoubted courage to
stand for the right and antagonize wrong,
who is not connected with any ring or sub
servient to the will or wishes of any man or
set of men, who will by his voice and vote
see that the expenses of the city government
are kept down to a snm sufficient to run the
city in a conservative, business-like man
ner, who will boldly fieht any measure pre
sented for the consideration of Councils
which would be detrimental to the best in
terests of the taxpayers of the city, and who
is a man of undoubted integrity of character
and purpose.
Believing that you possess all of the qual
ifications above indicated, we earnestly re
quest you to become a candidate before the
qualified voters of the Nineteenth ward at
the ensuing February election for the posi
tion of Select Councilman for that ward.
Thos. Mellon,
A. W.Mellon. John W.Tim.
j. u. isutium
Louis Kable, R. M. Sterrett.
w.w.sneatnen.jonn Williams,-. JlcKelvy,
J. D. Graff, A. M. Voict. Geo. B. Kelly.
D. Linhart, D. C. Kuhn. 1. A. Mellon,
J. A. Peepels, G. M. Dilworth,H.P.McCuH'gh,
H. T. Morns, S. E. Gill. Chas. Lnckhart,
J. H. McKelvy,John T. Wilson.W. R. Knhn,
C. J. Retzter, H. Crawford, A. W. Weber,
Jno.S.HolIand, J. R. Speer. K.B.McAbee,
Andrew Stians A.H.Wilson, J. R. Mellon,
W. R. Scott, T. B. Moreland, W. H. Fritz,
J. C. Dilworth, J. C. Grogan, W. A. Doak,
and many others.
Hon. Thomas Mellon. Messrs. Charles Lockhart.
John W. Tim. John T. W tlson. r. it. Moreland,
John H. McKelvy. D. R. Knhn. Harris Craw
ford, 11. P. McCulIongh and others:
Replying to your too flattering commu
nication, I have to say that after serving
four years in Select Council to the best of
my ability, and having moved into the
Nineteenth ward but recently, I feel re
luctant to stand for the position, which is
one of severe trial and self-sacrifice, if one
acts with fidelity. But if the citizens de
sire my services, and constant personal
solicitation seems to indicate they do, I will
comply with your request, and, if elected,
promise to treat all fairly, regardless of
party ties, and act conscientiously for the
interest of the city. With great respect,
your obedient servant,
S. D. Warmcastle.
Jackson's home-made working pants
and overalls, best known as the 50 cent
Star overalls, to be had only at Jackson's,
954 and 956 Liberfy street. ttsu
AN003TURA Bitters arc the most effica
cious stimuhintto excite the appetite. Try it.
Boys' Fancy Percale Waists Redaeed
For ten days to reduce stock. Come at once.
Horne & Ward, 41 Fifth avenue.
All Winter Goods to be Converted
Into Money. Prices Made to
Move Quickly.
Plushes, Striped, Brocade and Shaded
Velvets, Short and long lengths
from Holiday Sales.
Fancy Pattern Costumes, Novelty Com
bination and Bress Lengths.
Yard and a half wide Cloths, 50c, 63c
and SOc; yard wide Novelty Suitings,
33c; double-width Cloths at 25c;
Wool-faced Dress Goods atl2c, are
a few of the many bargains for early
S2 50 f or a Plain Newmarket, with
Cape; $5 for a Fancy Newmarket;
110 for a variety of styles in Plain,
Brafded or Cape Sleeve Newmarket
at a uniform price. 20toS30canba
saved on Pattern Garments, only
one of a kind. $5 to J15 on Plush
Garments. Seal Garments of the
best class at special prices.
HEBrd, BibGr I Eostnn.
. 603 AND 507 MARKET STREET. , "- - 'J'.KffiRi
I lao-rcasu -' "' -ialJ-Ths . , , skJxgr&gEK(
The Allegheny Committee on Special In
strnetlon Would Appoint Officers to Boat
Up Truants.
The Committee on Special Instruction of
the Board of Controllers of the Allegheny
school district have prepared an act making
education between certain age compulsory,
the substance of which is given below:
All parents and guardians shall see that their
children are instructed In reading, writing,
spelling, English grammer, arithmetic and
geography; and all children between the ages
of 8 and It must attend a day school, public or
private, at least 16 weeks each year, eight of
which are consecutive.
For every neglect ot this duty the offender
shall forfeit $25, unless the child be destitute of
clothing by reason of its parents' poverty, or It
be nnflt mentally orphysicallytoattend school.
Cbilren living remote from any public school
In their district may attend a school In an ad
Joining district, and in case the patents or
guardians cannot provido the children with
text-books, they will be provided by the school
Truant officers will be elected by the respect
ive school boards, who shall see that the law is
obeyed and shall prosecute offenders. Shonld
the school board fail to elect snch officers they
shall be fined a sum not less than $10 and not
more than $50.
The above truant officers shall be compen
sated the same as regular constables.
Every child between the ages of 10 and U re
fusing to attend school, or found wandering
about the public streets, after having been
notified to attend school by the truant officer,
shall be committed to the State Reform School.
If the parents or guardians of a disobedient
child notify the School Board of the fact, they
shall be exempt from any penalties, and the
child shall, as above, be sent to the Reform
It shall be the duty of all school superintend
ents to ascertain by visitation whether the
children in the schools are properly instructed.
In a supplementary act power is givan to the
proper authorities to direct what instruction, if
any, shall be given in the fndustnal arts, and
what books shall be used In the High School.
The Conrt Mnst Decide.
Mrs. Barbara Kovinski, who kept a fence
on Penn avenue, and her .husband, John,
had a hearing before Alderman McKenna
yesterday. The woman made no defence,
and was held for conrt on a charge of lar
ceny. Her hnsband claimed he was ig
norant of his wife's work, and his case is
under advisement.
Ladles' Cloth Ulsters at S3.
Several hundred Ulsters and Raglans
at $10.
These garments are about half price
less than cost We are In earnest In
these "mark downs" as we must reduo
our stock now.
So it goes throughout our entire
stock in this Cloak room; never such
bargains offered.
See the mark downs In Cloth Jackets, .
especially in stylish Colored Jackets,
very latest styles.
MENTSJ with quilted satin linings, at
20, marked down from 25.
All these are new good3 this season,
and are well made and of excellent
I-, .J5V,4e'-JiS ?-