Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 15, 1889, Image 1

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    For to-morrow's DISPATCH can
be left at main office till midnight
or at branch offices till 9 P. M.
Friends of Miller and Piatt Ruin
ing the Chances of Each
A Delegation From Each of the Rival
Factions States lis Claims.
Senator Arkcll and Tarty Talk for Tlati and
Don't Know as They Did Any Good
Flunimcr and Untcman In the Same Bos
as Kccards Jlillrr The Mule Four
Turn the Tables Plcnsnntly on Their
Brethren of the Press-Caricaturist
Gitlain Was Sure Harrison Was n Ricser
Alan Rack Donn of the Methodist
Two parties of New Yorkers, representing
the rival factions of Piatt and Miller, have
called on President-elect Harrison in the
Cabinet interests of their principals. Both
have returned home. The result is it may
be Miller, will hardly be Piatt, and most
likely will be a third man, as a compromise.
These visits have brought out some other
ccnliarities of political pilgrimages to
Indianapolis, January It It will
probably not be Piatt; it may possibly be
Miller; it is most likely to be a third man.
That is the situation to-night, when all has
been said and done that John F. riummcr
and Arthur E. Batcman could do and say
on one side and Senator Arkell and the
brains of Judge and the Albany Journal
could Eay and do for the other.
Both parties of New Yorkers have seen
ihe President-elect, said their say and gone
home, Mr. Miller's friends with quiet ex
pressions of serene contentment, and Mr.
Piatt's friends with such abundant pro
testations that they have had a perfectly
elegant time and were never better received
in their lives, that there is reason to suspect
that in reality they may have been victims
ot the cold and silent bluff of the sphinx of
2sorth Delaware street.
Came and Went in Icnorancc.
Mr. Plummer, besides spending two hours
with the President-elect last night, went up
azain this morning with Commodore Bate
man, and both gentlemen had a conference
with General Harrison. Thev started back for
New York on the 4 o'clock train, and before
they left Mr. Plummer said: "I remarked
last night that I expected to go away from
here as ignorant as when I came, and I am
doing so. I have learned absolutely noth
ing about General Harrison's views as to
New York and the Cabinet. I spent two
hours with the President-elect last night,
and I bad as free and as pleasant a talk with
him as I ever had with any man in my life.
General Harrison is earnestly seeking tons
certain the true sentiments of the mass of
the party in New York, and I told him
what I could about it. It was for that pur
pose that he asked metocome here. I have
every confidence that his judgment, when
he makes it, will be such a one as to com
mand the respect of the country for his fair
ness and wisdom."
Piatt Aot Sow so Strong.
"Whom do you think, simply as yonr
private opinion, will represent New Yorfc
in the Cabinet, Miller or Piatt?"
"I have no opinion upon that subject. I
simply don't know. I had no idea of find
ing out when I came. All that I can say is
that I do not think -Mr. Piatt's position
nearly as strong as people in the East sup
pose." "Dou think there is a probability that the
matter may be compromised by the selection
of a third man?"
Mr. Plummer took a good, lone; think
before answering this, and then said: "I
think it probable."
Commodore Batemin expressed even
more pleasure than did his companions at
the warmness with which General Harri
son had received them, and he said that he
was surprised at the freedom with which
General Harrison had talked over the New
York situation. Mr. Bateman's explana
tion of his views as to Mr. Miller
was tersely put, as follows: "I am
a business man, and us a Kepublican I am
interested more in seeing harmony in the
party than in the advancement of any one
man. I believe, nevertheless, that Mr.
Miller is nearer the people than any other
man in New York."
All Arc Referred to John New.
'Before leaving town Mr. Plnmmer and
Commodore Bateman spent some time with
John C. New. It is significant that it is
very rarely that any man comes to Indian
apolis on a political errand who does not
call upon Mr. New before leaving town.
The visit to Mr. New could not be more in
evitable it each political visitor to the
President-elect was given to understand that
anything which the visitor might not care
to say direct to the President-elect could be
whispered into the ear of Mr. New and be
Sure of-receiving attedtion.
The other New York party reversed the
order oftheir visits and called upon Mr.
New first. Senator Arkcll, accompanied
bv his son, W. J. Arkell, of Judge; Mr.
Gillman, the Judge artist, and Editor
Sleicher, of the Albany Journal, found his
way around to News ofiice soon after his
arrival. He and his friends came in style
in the special car Wanderer, with their own
cook aboard.
Tables Turned on the Reporters.
They were sidetracked a mile away from
the station, and thus avoided the reporters
until afternoon. Then they turned the
tables by inviting a party of New York
newspaper men out to dinner in the car.
They proved the excellence of their cook to
the satisfaction of all concerned, but as
purveyors of news they were lamentable
failures. They said they really had nothing
to tell, and probably they were right.
"You can put it this way," said young
Mr. Arkell: "We came here simply to pay
our respects to the President-elect. We
were received very pleasantly indeed, and
we are going home perfectly satisfied with
our visit."
Mr. Gillam joined in the expressions of glee
which were made by the rest of the party,
but there was a little sadness mingled with
his joy. He found out that he had had
the wrong idea of General Harrison's per
Hij' - - ii iuijest-.JrjsS'iJ'1 VA- J. I'-f.f -1 flfii- yR a.ai TfiMM-j i ti ""fflltftflrWMBWilHinTl "'iTn' '
sonal appearance, and so had been drawing
him too high and too big and altogether
wrong all through the campaign. This
made him very glum indeed when he
thought of it. "One ought always to have
seen the men he caricatures," he said.
One Mttle Ray of Sunshine.
There was a ray of sunshine even in this
gloom, however, for Miss Harrison had told
him that she thought the picture of herself
printed in Judge was the very best one that
had ever been done. Young Mr. Arkell
felt good over that, too. "That alone repaid
me for my trip out here," he said. '
While the party was still at dinner the
special car was picked up and run rback
into the station, where it was put into the 7
o'clock express for New York. "Now,
don't forget," were Senator Arkell's last
words as the train started off, "we've had
an elegant time; we're perfectly satisfied,
and we're glad we came."
The visit of the party to General Har
rison's house was made at about 1 o'clock,
and was not a very long one. The President-elect
really did receive them cordially,
and expressed tne utmost pleasure at see-
ing them, and he let them talk as much as
they pleased about the situation in New
York, and listened attentively. Occasion
ally he said "Ah!" or "Indeed!" in a care
ful manner, and when they went away he
remarked that it was a fine day, in a per
fectly non-committal manner.
Arrival of the Great Mule Four.
There was a comical incident when the
Arkell party was waiting at the Harrison
front door for an answer to their gen
tle push upon the electric button.
Tne hackman who had brought the
party up stood upon the sidewalk, watching
the efforts to make the bell ring, and was
heard to remark to a companion: "Say,
that ain't no big four; I guess that must be
the little four."
Senator Arkell would be four feet high if
lie were a little taller, and his son can just
tee over the top of his father's head, if he
stands on tiptoe. Mr. Sleicher is also of
diminutive size, and while Mr. Gillam is
rather long, he makes up for it by being
verv thin.
The fuss of the Methodists over the in
augural ball has finally simmered down
into a resolution of Christian greeting to the
President-elect. The dominies held this
morning their first meeting since that at
which the subject was first brought up.
The committee appointed then to
draw up resolutions expressing
the disapproval of the ball by the
ministers had no report readv. It was ex
plained that the members had been unable
to get together Instead, Dr. Keen, who
was the originator here of the anti-ball agi
tation, and who was one of the committee,
offered the following:
A Clear Case of Crawfish.
We, the members of the Methodist preachers'
meeting of Indianapolis, hereby extend to
General Harrison our Christian greetings, and
assure him of our high appreciation of his
Christian character, and that we shall un
ceasingly pray Almighty God may
give to him His continued blessing
as Chief Magistrate of the nation. We ap
point Dr. S. T. Gillette, Rev. D. O. Darling and
itev. J. Q. Jones a committee to convey these
greetings to the President-elect.
This was passed unanimously, and the
subject was dropped without the word ball
having been mentioned.
A Salvation Army sandwich man who
walks about the streets bearing bits of
gospel inscribed on a banner made a sensa
tion to-dav bv cominir out with a new ban
ner inscribed in big letters with the legend:
"State Balls are State Sins."
Of Lycoming County on the Fnco of the
Returns, Says the Attorney General,
and the Governor SInst
Commisfilon Hint.
Hakrisbueg, January 14 Attorney
General Kirkpatrick to-day made public an
opinion written by him, in which he finds
that it is the duty of the Governor to issue a
commission to John J. Metzger, Democrat,
who was elected last November Judge of
the Court of Common Pleas of Lycoming
The question to be decided was whether
the commission could issue pending the
contest which his competitor has instituted,
and the Governor submitted the matter for
decision by the Attorney General, who says
it is clear that the provision that an officer
continnes to hold beyond the time of his
official term until his successor is elected
and qualified does not apply to the cases of
Judges. The Attorney General says there
is no express provision in the Constitution
or the act of 1874 requiring the Governor to
suspend the issuing ot a commission and to
abide the event of a contest.
He says: "It cannot be supposed that the
Legislature intended to postpone the Issuing of
a commission until after the determination of
the contest which might postpone indefinitely
the final determination of the result. His
title is not derived from the judgment of the
Court which finally determines the result of
the contest. The titlo and authority to hold
the judicial office has been confirmed by the
pebple at their election alreadv held. The
only kind of vacancy contemplated by the con
stitution to which the Governor may appoint,
is that which arises from a total failure to
elector cessation of tenure by death or re
moval, and requiring a new election at the
next general election or a subsequent one, ac
cording as to the vacancy occurred more or
less than three months precedingsuch election.
"The doubts and difficulties consequent upon
the attempt to create the present contest as
suspending the issuing of a commission or cre
ating a vacancy, the apparent disregard therein
involved of what the law regards as the thus
far properly ascertained will of the people,
and the presumption of the fairness of the
election until that presumption is overcome
would seem to justify the resolution of any
doubt on this subject in favor of commissioning
lumwhoappears bythe return in the office of
the Secretary of the Commonwealth to have
been the popular choice."
Arrest of a St. Louis Woman Charged With
Wholesale Child Murder.
St. Louis, January 14. Mrs. Rachael
Suffert is the name of a woman who is oc
cupying a large roomy cell in the Four
Courts to-night, pending an investigation of
the deaths of three children which occurred
in her house on Cass avenue. Mrs. Suffert
is charged by the police with being a "baby
farmer." This morning the bodies of' two
dead babies, under 6 months old, were found
in her rooms, and Deputy Coroner Dunbar,
after an examination, said the bodies were
babies who starved to death, aud he would
prosecute the woman. About ten days ago
another baby died suddenly at the same
place, and the body was disposed of in a
criminal manner. Several living children
in various stages of decay were discovered
on the "farm."
Mrs. Suffert acknowledges that she was a
farmer, and furthermore that the knew
nothing about the care of babies. The
mothers of the babies were looked up and
found to be poor working girls, who paid
Mrs. Suflcrt nearly all their wages to care
for the unfortunates. The Coroner will con
tinue his investigation to-morrow.
Allowed to Return Home.
Eeie, January 14. The surety of the
peace case commenced by Dr. J. M. C.
Drake against L S. Norton, last week, in
the midst of the excitement created by Nor
ton's return to Erie, has been discontinued
and Norton has returned to his family in
The West Vlrcinla Senatorial Deadlock
May bo Broken To-Day A Republi
can member Decides to Help
Organize The Kana
wha Returns De
Charleston. W. Va, January 14.
Forty-seven ballots have been taken for the
p'urpose of electing a President of the State
Senate, and the deadlock is still unbroken.
There is, however, a prospect that to-mor
row will see, if not the end of the fight, at
least some interesting developments therein.
Continued filibustering was the order of
the day, but a little speech from one of the
members indicated that he thought, the
thing had gone about far enough, and that
it was time to do some business.
In reply to remarks made by Senator Ox
ley upon a resolution introduced by him re
lating to the organization of that body,
Senator Scott, Kepublican, pledged himself
to vote aud work toward effecting organiza
tion to-morrow. As Silas Smith, Kepub
lican Delegate, is unable to attend on ac
count of illness, it has been suggested that
the Republicans do not intend to organize
until after Tuesday, which will delay the
election of United States Senator one week,
in the hope that by that time Mr. Smith will
be able to be at his post.
The session of the House of Delegates this
morning was marked by no new incidents.
In pursuance to direction of the Court of
Appeals, Secretary of State Walker placed
in tne hands of the Speaker the returns of
Kanawha county.
The Presidental electors met in this city
to-day and cast the vote of the State for
Cleveland and Thurman. Lewis Newman
was selected as messenger to convey the re
turns to "Washington.
The Trial Bcjfun of a Prisoner of the Tombs
for Nearly Three Tears.
New York, January 14. Alexander
Sweeney, a teamster, who has been in the
Tombs since May. 1885, a year longer than
any other prisoner now in the prison, was
arraigned before Judge Gildersleeve to-day,
and put on trial for his life for killing John
Hannon, an employe of the street cleaning
departments, on April 7, 1885, at the refuse
docks at the foot of East Thirty-eighth
street. Sweeney and Peler Smith had quar
reled with Hannon a few hours before Han
non was killed. Smith shot Hannon, and
Sweeney stood by and saw the deed. As
sistant District Attorney Dos Passos, who
opened the case for the people, said that the
theory of the prosecution is that Sweeney
persuaded Smith to shoot Hann'on. In the
fall of 1885 Sweeney and Smith were con
victed of murder, and Smith was hanged on
May 5, 188". Sweeney's conviction was re
versed at the general term.
Sweeney is as pale as an ofiice lawyer. In
his mild, blue eyes and flabby cheeks there
is no trace of passion. He has an almost effem
inate appearance. His manners are gentle
and his speech is soft The usual excite
ment of a journey from the Tombs, an
eighth of a mile, to the General Sessions
building, to hear lawyers wrangle over his
life or death, lent a faint flush to his cheeks.
He has lost th power of extended conversa
tion, if he ever had it, and he is defended
by Lawyers William F. Howe and Joseph
F. Moss. Singularly, one of the talesmen
called was William Bergmanwho was one
of the jurors who convicted Sweeney on his
first trial. Judge Gildersleeve excused him.
Seyen jurors were obtained to-day.
The Brotherbpod of Elks Denounced Vigor
ously by a Catholic Priest.
Glens Falls, N. Y., January 14. Bev.
Father McDermott, pastor of St. Mary's
Catholic Church in this village for the past
20 years, created a sensation yesterday by
preaching a denunciatory sermon against the
Brotherhood of Elks. He referred to other
secret societies, but more particularly to the
Elks, saying that to his knowledge the order
was doing no good to the country. He called
upon all members of the congregation of St.
Mary's who belonged to the order to hand in
their resignations. He made several bitter
personal allusions, and pointed his re
marks with vigorous language. He
also warned his flock against attending
balls. Leading Catholics are not disposed
to say much regarding the priest's action.
hut are inclined to consider his remarks in
bad taste, owing to the fact that only the week
before St. Mary's Church gave a grand fair
in the Glens Falls Opera House, at which
dancing and lotteries were the principal at
tractions. The sermon has fallen like a thunderclap
on many members of the order, who were
not aware that in joining the brotherhood
they were transgressing any of the funda
mental rules of the church. It has been
popularly supposed that the Catholic
church, while forbidding its adherents join
ing other secret societies, drew the line at
the Elks. A prominent Elk said to-night
that, in his opinion, the sermon would not
have any appreciable result so far as mem
bers of the order sending in their resigna
tions was concerned.
A New York Assemblyman Wants a Vote
Taken on the Civil Service Question.
Albany, K.Y., January 14. Assembly
man Endres, of Buffalo, introduced a bill
this evening providing lor the submission
to the people of the State at the election
next fall, the question of whether or not the
present civil service law of the State should
be abolished. No Assemblyman likes to in
troduce a 0111 to aDousu the civil service
laws, as that would bring down on his head
the wrath of the Mugwump papers and
clubs in New York City and elsewhere.
Several bills have been offered to abolish
the civil service laws, but none of them has
been brought forward prominently, on ac
count of the reluctance of the Assemblymen
to put themselves on record in any way
which might affect their renomination or re
election. - "
Mr. Endres has done his best to relieve
the Assemblymen from the responsibility of
vubiu twi uig itfjcai u me civil service
law, while at the same time he wishes to
have the question put before the people, so
that it may be seen how many of them are
in favor of the present civil service laws.
A Pretty Toronto Woman Elopes With a
Worthless Salvation Army Ulan.
Buffalo, January 14. William Win
sor, a Toronto man, was here to-night
searching with the police for his wife, who
eloped two months ago with John Bowen, a
Barric, Ont., shoemaker, much her inferior
financially, socially and mentally.
Bowen is a Salvation Army soldier. He
deserted his wife, to whom he was married
20 years, left her on the poormaster's hands,
and skipped with pretty Mrs. Winsor.
Wandered From Home and Froze to Death.
Leadville, Col., January 14. On Sat
urday night last a young girl named Mary
Spitzer was locked up in a room for mis
conduct by her mother. A window hap
pened to be open, the child climbed out and
wandered into the mountains, where her
dead body has just been found, she having
frozen to death.
Kaufman's Appeal for Early Appro
priation Bills Unheeded.
And Won't Eay That He istobetheNext
Postmaster Genera'l.
Politicians Anxiously Awaiting a More From One Bide
or the Other.
The House held a night session yesterday,
but did very little business. Wanamaker
refuses to sayanything about the Postmaster
Generalship. The State Department had a
narrow escape from fire, and many valuable
documents were threatened with destruction.
Representative Hall objects to brides being
compelled to tell their ages.
Habeisburo, January 14. The visitors'
gallery of the House of Representatives
contained a row of fair women to-night
when Representative Kauffman, of Lancas
ter, arose in his place for the second time to
express his mind on the manner of pushing
through appropriation bills. .The Hous,
in deference to Philadelphia sentiment, met
at 9 r. ji., any other hour being too ctrly,
and after listening to a number of petitions
for the passage of the Prohibition amend
ment in its present form, other petitions and
the titles of a goodly array of bills, took up
Mr. Kaufman's resolution as unfinished
The author of the trouble immediately
explained that he didn't intend to reflect on
the last Legislature's Appropriation Com
mittee, but the fact remained that appro
priation bills were reported to the House too
late for discussion, and he considered it no
more a reflection on the Appropriation Com
mittee that the House should desire to re
view its work than he considered it a reflec
tion on'a grand jury that its indictments
should be subjected to the refining influence
of a formal trial in open court. Having
promised his constituents that certain appro
priations should be investigated, he pro
posed to attend to the matter if his resolu
tion failed.
Chairman Dearden, of Philadelphia, who
figured at the head of the Appropriation
Committee two years ago as now, and who
permitted the committee to appropriate
51,000,000 in excess of the revenues of the
State, thereby making work for the Senate
committee, gracefully accepted Mr. Kauf
man's explanation of good intentions, and
explained to the House that lie had never
heard anyone say anything but good of the
Appropriation Committee.
The committee had labored hard and long,
and if bills were reported late to the House
it was because they were late in coming to
tne committee.
Another Philadelphia centlemnnsnoke
against the resolution, two -other Phlladetl!
phia gentlemen moved that the resolution
be postponed, and a viva voce vote, was
taken. The volume of sound lrom one re
sponse was very much like that from the
other, but the practiced ear of the Philadel
phia Speaker gave it to the yeas, and he
was officially blind when Representative
Kauffman stood up, and officially deaf,
when he demanded a roll call.
It was suggested after adjournment, by a
legislator of iong experience, that an excel
lent solntion of the difficulty would be to fix
a date by which all appropriation bills must
be in the hands of the Appropriation Com
mittee, and then fix a date for their report
to the House. Simpson.
The Records of the State Narrowly Escape
Reins: Consumed.
Hakrisbueg, January 14. Onejday re
cently smoke poured through the bricks in
the executive division of the State Depart
ment at an alarming rate, and subsequent
investigation disclosed a dangerous state of
affairs. A timber had pushed itself into the
chimney of the fireplace, until there was
only one brick between It and direct ex
posure to the ascending heat. This wasn't
enough, and the caloric in the chimney
proved sufficiently intense to char the tim
ber through the thin partition, and cause a
smoke which spread fear for the safety of
the building.
The expert who sized up the situation,
stated that one more good fire in the fire
place would probably burn down the build
ing, and Secretary "of the Commonwealth
Stone considers the incident a valuable
pointer to the Legislature that the Governor
was right when he advised them to provide
fire-proof quarters for the ancient documents
and historic relics of the Commonwealth.
A fire at any moment in fhe State Depart
ment building would result in their ruin.
Both Sides Snying Nothing nffd Undecided
Politicians inn Qimndnry.
Harrisburg, January 14. The Quay
Magee fight is an ever interesting subject,
but there is no room to doubt that for the
present the silent man from the State of
Beaver is on top. What Magee proposes to
do next is a question to which many persons
would like an answer. Even the most jubi
lant enemies of the Pittsburg statesman are
unable to believe him entirely out of poli
tics, and are ready to listen to anything that
may be offered, even though they later cavil
at it.
One interesting story quietly circulated
is to the effect that Mr. Magee intends to
wait until time develops what President
elect Harrison does with Mr. Blaine. Ac
cording to this story, should Mr. Harrison
give the Plumed Knight a dose of cold
shoulder, Magee and his friends will blame
it all on Quay and endeavor to rally the
Blaine forces of the State against him.
In the meantime the lesser politicians and
the new members are very much at sea as
to what is the proper course to pursue, and
many fintLthemselves in ,the ticklish pre
dicament of the man who didn't dare to
hold on and was at the same time con
vinced it was suicidal to let go.
Wages a Preferred Claim.
Haerisburo, January 14. Ex-Speaker
Graham has received from ex-Representative
Sponsler, of Perry, a bill which passed
the Legislature of 1883, but which Governor
Pattison vetoed. It passed one House last
session. It provides for the priority of
claims for wages over all others to the limit
of ?200.
Asking for a Pardon for Gamblers.
Hakbisbubg, January 14. Walter
Lyon, of Pittsburg, is here to argne thetcase
of Freyvogle and McClure before the Board
of Pardons to morrow. - '
.. - -. ..-- fc. S-.r.'?t.. . .
Wanamaker Refused to Sny That He is tho
Next Postmaster-General.
Harrisbuko, January 14. John Wana
maker, of Philadelphia, occupied a front
seat in the Senate Chamber to-day when the
Kepublican Electors of Pennsylvania gath
ered to formally cast their vote for Harrison
and Morton. Mr. Wanamaker was an
elector-at-large and as such and as the pos
sible Postmaster-General, deserved to be
conspicuous by place. The eyes of the spec
tators in the public galleries, including
those of the two ladies who viewed the some
what tedious proceedings, ever and anon
turned to the cleanly-shaven countenance
and substantial form of the great man from
the Quaker City. Mr. "Wanamaker didn't
seem to mind it any and paid closer attention
to the proceedings than did the majority of
his colleagues.
During a lull in the proceedings The
Dispatch correspondent asked him if he
had anything to say concerning national
"It wouldn't be .very politic in me," re
plied Mr. Wanamaker, with a smile.
"Do you expect to go to Washington as
Postmaster General?"
Mr. Wanamaker smiled again and good
humoredly responded: "General Harrison
has not yet announced his Cabinet. Of
course it would not be prudent for him to
let the public know the names of any of the
members until the list can be given entire.
Besides, it might be necessary for him to
make changes, and it would "be very em
barrassing to all concerned if he had to do
so after an authoritative list had been given
out. General Harrison has shown great
wisdom in his counsels," said Mr. Wana
maker, "and I think he has already won the
confidence of the public. He deserves it."
Legislation Introduced Into the Home Last
Evening Some Appropriations.
Harrisburg, January 14. Mr. Shiras
introduced a bill to regulate the renewal
and expenses of charters of State banks, in
tended to apply particularly to the Bank of
Pittsburg. The other bills were:
Providing that bicycles, tricycles and vehicles
propelled by foot or hand, shall be entitled to
same rights and subjected to same restrictions
as are provided by law for carriages drawn oy
Prohibiting fidelity insurance- companies., or
any kind of casualty company, other than life,
liro or marine, to transact business in this State
unless such company has a capital stock' of
100,000. and securities to the above amount
must be deposited with the insurance company
to establish their claims.
To prevent persons unlawfully using tbo.in
signia of the Loyal Legion or Grand Army of
the Republic.
To pay school directors for attending conven
tions to elect county superintendents.
To prevent any person or corporation from
interfering with a farmer disposing of his
farm produce in the markets of any city.
To provide for licensing engineers and those
having charge of machinery operated by steam.
A resolution was adopted extending the
condolence and sympathy of the House to
Berks, Allegheny and other sections of the
State in their sore affliction and bereave
ment on account of the recent tornado.
Representative Ilnll Figuring for tho Favor
of the Fair Sex.
Harrisburg, January 14. Represents-
I tive Henry Hall, of Mercer, promises to
deserve well of the-fair-ser of the Keystone
State, and if the ladies obtain the right' to
vote they will be extremely unkind if their
first effort does not land the.brilliant young
Legislator in the Gubernatorial chair.
Representative Hall's amendment to the
marriage license law provides for more than
at first appeared, and though it has not vet
been introduced it soon will be. In addition
to providing that the presence of only one
party to the marriage contract is necessary
in procuring a license it will also provide
that the specific statement in the license of
the age ot the centracting parties is an unnec
essary declaration or oath that both are of
legal age being made.
Representative Hall rightly argues that
it isn't anv business of the general public
how old the bride is or whether the groom
is the younger and that the original intent
ot the law was not tne placing otsucn in
formation on record.
For the Inspection of Reef Cattle to bo
Haeeisburg, January 14. Worthy
Master Rhone and Secretary Thomas, of
the State Grange, were in Harrisburg to-day
in the interest of Pennsylvania beef. The
granger, of course, is the real force behind
the bill providing for inspection of beef on
the hoof before it is killed for food purposes,
but the granger is very much dissatisfied
that Speaker Boyer referred it to the Ju
diciary Committee, instead of to the Com
mittee on Agriculture. They will endeavor
to have it placed under the protecting wing
of the latter committee.
They are not afraid of the reported ex
pected visit of Phil Armour in the interest
of the Chicago dressed beef concern, and
expect their bill to win on its merits.
.A Bill Introduced in Kegnrd to Revoking
Snloon Licenses.
Harrisburg, January 14. Mr. Quigley,
of Philadelphia, introduced a bill in the
Legislature to-night which is described by
his friends as a slap at the Law and Order
people of Philadelphia. The first section
Section 1 No rule to show cause whv retail
liquor licences sh.ill be revoked shall be granted?)
by any Court of Quarter Sessions of this Com-'
monueaitu, except upon an affidavit first made
and tiled of record, which affidavit shall state
the name and residence of tho party making j
tllA Damn rn.n t.nnnil cnn.lnn nniiiilM .l.n I
.MO DaulVi 1I1C DUW11U DbbllUU I.WV1UCB .114b
personal service of the rule must bo made five
days before he return of said rule.
Appropriations for Local Institutions.
Harrisburg, January 14. Among the
appropriation bills introduced was one by
Mr. Graham, appropriating $71,000 for the
payment of salaries at the Western Peniten
tiary, and one by Mr. Richards, appropri
ating 515,000 to the Pittsburg Free Dis
pensary to aid in the introduction of a dis
pensary, the money not to be paid until a
similar amount has been raised by private
Matt Ransom May be a Senator for Twcnty-
Four Yenrs.
Raleigh, January 14. Never in North
Carolina politics was there a more heated
contest than the present race -for the place
of the Hon. Matt W. Ransom in the United
States Senate, which will' be decided to
morrow night. Ransom is. a candidate for
re-election. Recently two formidable con
testants for his seat have loomed up in the
persons of A. H. Waddell, of Wilmington,
who has served several terms in Congress,
and S. B. Alexander, of Charlotte, Presi
dent of the State Farmers' alliance.
More recently General Jarvis, who has for
iuui vcaia uccu uiuku -oiaies luiuister to
Brazil, came to the front as a candidate. A
majority of the caucus, it is said.is for
Ransom, but it is doubtful whether tle first
ballot will result in any choice. Ransom
lias been in the senate Is years,
,o. .-
. S
Of the Present Session of Congress
Seen in the Strange Attitude of
Messrs. Reed and Cannon, as Serabers of
the Committee on Rules,
L Another Sin jnlar Thing is a Snub for Mills and Honor
for EandalL
One of the odd features of the present ses
sion of Congress was that of yesterday, when
Messrs. Reed and Cannon, candidates for
Speaker of the next House, found them
selves arrayed against their party on the
question of rescinding the resolution to ad
journ'at 5 o'clock- daily. General Weaver
denies that he has made a bargain with the
Democrats to cease his filibustering.
Washington, January 14. Two candi
dates for Speaker of the next House of Rep
resentatives got sadly astray from their
party to-day during the debate on the reso
lution offered by Mr. Randall to rescind the
rule which provides for the adjournment of
the House each day at 5 o'clock. Just what
is involved in this resolution will not be
fully known until the course of legislation
during the next few weeks fully develops it. '
It was claimed that it would do away
with filibustering, but how that can be is
not'apparent, for it will merely enable gen
tlemen like Mr. Weaver to continue his
filibustering indefinitely or else force an ad
journment or submission to his will in the
matter of considering bills. It will certainly
give opportunity for the enactment of legis
lation which would net have been possible
with the 5 o'clock adjournment rule in
force, and possibly there, may some bad
legislation creep in among the good, but
something had to be done to enable the
House to reach important bills, and this
was the only feasible plan, in view of the
near approach of the end of the session.
The curious feature of the short but lively
discussion was the refusal of a large major
ity of the Republicans to follow the leader
ship of Messrs. Reed, of Maine, and Can
non, of Illinois, both of whom are members
of the Committee on Rnles, and joined-the
Democrats in reporting and supporting the
resolution. They are two very prominent
candidates for Speaker of the Fifty-first
Congress, and friends of other candidates
sprang to the support of the opponents of
tne resolution, not Lecause they were op
posed to it, but because it was a good oppor
tunity to score a point for their favorites.
It was one of the fnnny spectacles of the
session to see Reed and Cannon, the war
horses of the Republicans, training with the
Democrats and defending themselves against
the onslaughts ot tne members of their own
party. To this idea of making a point
against Reed and Cannon for the Speaker
ship, indulged in only by a very few, and
to the impression that the resolution was a
Jiart of the bargain between the Democratic
caders 'and Filibuster "Weaver, was due
nearly all the opposition of the Repub
licans. They were indignant that'Repub
lican leaders should seem to De a party to
the bargain.
The opponents of the Oklahoma bill were
determined to oppose anything that seemed
to be satisfactory to Weaver. They saw in
the movement a part of the scheme to pass
that bill, and their bitter opposition to any
thing looking in that direction was vigor
ously expressed through the very able mind
and lungs ot Judge Payson, of Illinois.
The Judge gave the bill the severest blow
it has received when he described how it
would give the railroads the opportunity
absolutely to locate and monopolize the
town sites of the vast territory by paying a
small sum to the Government, and hold the
lots of these town sites at any price they
pleased. He asserted that this was an in
terpolation in the bill which never before
appeared there in all the years the bill has
been before Congress, all former measures
providing that the town sites should be held
for the benefit of those who settled 4n them.
Under this bill, he asserted, a foreign cor
poration could own all the town sites in the
This, he said,' explained why the agents
of corporations had sat in the galleries of
the House month after month, waiting and
working for the passage of the bill.
Whether this radical statement oflthc
Judge was entirely justifiable or not, it has
L possibility that thereis somethingyicious in
me uiii, uuu tucjr tvui uc ouuiu uaxeiui in
their examination ot" it before they cast
their votes.
Mr. Randall warmly denied the allega
tion that there had been any bargain with
Mr. Weaver, but that was probably a hair
splittirg in regard to words. There is no
doubt there was some sort of understanding
with Weaver. The latter was quiet during
the debate, and was only a part of the time
on the floor. He has been exceedingly de
mure since the conclusion of his great fili
bustering feat, but still has the appearance
of one on whose mind rests the burden of
directing the movements of the entire
To the Admission of Utah Into the Union, on
Account of Morinonlsm.
Washington, January 14. President
pro tern Ingalls to-dav laid before the Sen
ate a memorial from the Legislature of
Idaho protesting against the proposed ad
mission of Utah. The memorialists say that
"the members of the treasonable organiza
tion known as the Mormon Church largely
outnumber the loyal Gentile citizens of said
Territory, and consequently will, and for
many years to come would," have absolute
control of all elections therein; that all pre
tenses of an abandonment of bigamy, po
lygamy and other crimes against the laws
of the United States are pretenses, only
made for the purpose of deceiving persons
unacquainted with the abhorred practices of
the Mormon Church and thus create a feel
ing favorable to the proposed admission of
CU1U ItlllWlJ V. vwu
The memorialists ask also that a legislat
ive commission be created for the govern
ment of said Territory.
If Ho Has Said Anything to be Sorry For
Ho Is Glad of It.
Washington, January 14. "If any
body has shut me out of his house on ac
count of anything I have said, I am glad
of it," said Senator Ingalls to the cor
respondent of The Dispatch to-day.
"When it becomes my duty to state unpal
atable truths about people, I do not seek
and would not accept invitations to enjoy
their hosDitality. But I amtostracised prin
cipally in the newspapers, which are so ac
customed to create good stories out of such
poor material as myself that I don't be
grudge them all they can make out of this.
"Even if the stories were true, the people
who are said to ostracise me have been os
tracised by the people of the whole coun
try." ifiiiidsSii &;
Senator Tnnee Stirs Up a Hornets Nest by
' Trylos; to Fnt Salt on Ibe Free List
Mr. Plumb Denis Him Some
Homo Thrusts.
Washington, January 14. Senator
Wfrn. -'o. with Mr. Vest, has been a
jTj -"rats all through the tar-
Ja l!'T hornets' nest this
SI if tj. int salt upon the
aiternoon . v if t int salt upon
free list. The hanu. North Carolinian is
a good bebater, quick, witty and at all times
good-natured and even-tempered. In re
partee he has few equals in the Senate, and
he illustrates nearly every point he makes
by a good story. Vance was rather cor
nered, however, to-day by some home
thrusts from the Republican free lance,
Mr. Plumb. The two Senators kept the
Senators and the gallery in a continuous
"roar of laughter for an hour by cross-fire
debate on the subject of North Carolina pea
nuts, and the Kansan clearly got the best of
it. He was able to do this chiefly because
he found Mr. Vance, like every Democrat
in the Senate, except, possibly,Mr.Vest, elo
quent in behalf of free trade, but watching
with ferret-like eyes, to see that no product
of his own State should by any hook or
crook get upon the free list.
Plumb is a rough-and-ready talker and a
hard hitter. He says things in debate that
none of his colleagues dare say, and every
body is afraid of him, Democrats and Re
publicans both, for he does not hesitate to
attack his own party when he feels so dis
posed. In his characteristic and inimitable
style, Mr. Plumb this afternoon brought out
the factthat while Mr. Vance is crying for
freesaltandcallingfor a redaction of the du
ties on almost every item in the bill, he sat
absolutely silent while thefourprincipal pro
ducts of North Carolina were left heavily
protected sumac, rice, meca and peanuts
are all raised in North Carolina, they are
all upon the dutiable list, and Mr. Vance
has never suggested that they should be
made free.
The jolly, white-haired Senator was
plainly embarrassed by this shoulder hit
from Plumb, and made a lame excuse for
shutting his eye when these items were
under discussion. His endeavors U turn
the laugh upon "the Kansas SenfDr by
twitting him with inconsistency on tariff re
duction tendencies were greatly enjoyed by
the Senators and other spectators, but it was
easy to see that the charge of local selfish
ness struck him as it always does. Plumb
thinks the tariff is a local issue, and he can
easily prove it by such Democrats asTance,
Gorman, Fayne, Faulkner and others, who,
while indorsing the Mills bill and the Dem
ocratic policy in a general way, keep their
eves wide open to see that the products of
their own States are kept well protected.
Republicans Pnt' Out by Ono of tho Dying
Gnsps of the Democracy.
Washington, January 14. The Post
office Department has decided not to put
into effect the new order extending the civil
service to the employes of the railway mail
service, uutntFebruary 15. The officials of
the department are hard at work preparing
the rules to govern the examination and
ap; ointment of applicants, and they will
soon be made public. It was at first in
tended that the examinations should take
place in each Congressional district, but
this plan has been found impracticable, and
the examination will, therefore, be held In
but two points in each State, excepting
Rhode Island and Delaware, where it is
thought that one location will be sufficient.
The Republican politicians and their
ofiice seeking friends who are now beginning
to write numerous letters, and in many
cases make personal visits to Washington,
are raising a great howl of indignation at
the idea ot shutting the doors upon the
5,000 railway mail service employes, just 29
days before the Democrats co out ot office.
They charge that the remaining month of
the power of appointment and removal will
be used by the Democratic officials to get
rid of the few Republicans in office, so that
when the civil service law descends upon
them on February 15, there will be none
but Democrats caught in the net.
"When President Harrison assumes con
trol of the administration he will speedily
be urged to look into the matter of how
civil service reform was applied to the rail
way mail service in the last dying days of
the Democracy.
Tho Author of the House TarllTBill Given
the Cut Direct.
Washington, January 14. Mr.-Roger
Q. Mills is mad. He has not been heard
from as the leader of the House since the
passage of the tariff bill which bears his
name, and there seems now to be a disposi
tion to deprive him of whatever prestige he
has. By a, considerable majority a bill,
whose proper place was clearly with the
Committ on Ways and Means, was to-day
sent to the Committee on Appropriations,
of which Mr. Randall is Chairman. It was
a revenue bill, and involved the complete
repeal of the tobacco tax. It was intro
duced by Mr. Cowles,of North Carolina, who
wears a saber cut an inch deep in the top of
his bald head. When he asked the reference
ot the bill to the Committee on Appropria
tions, he blnntlystated that he did not want
it referred to the Ways and Means Commit
tee, because it would in that case never be
heard of again. Objection was made to this
reference, and the result was that on a call
of yeas and navs the Committee on Ways
and Means, Mills, McMillin, Breckinridge,
and the rest Of them, were downed, and the
House gave a solid vote of confidence in
Sam Randall, so great are the changes
made by the results of the elections.
The bill introduced by Mr. Cowles is
almost a counterpart of the provision for the
repeal of the tobacco tax which is found in
the tariff bill of the Senate, and the vote is
considered by many to be a possible indica
tion that if the Senate tariff bill as a whole
can be brought to a vote in the House, it
will receive a majority of that body.
For Government Employes to Work for Ont-
nlde Parties After Hours.
Washington, January 14. Before the
committee investigating the conduct of the
Supervising Architect's office to-day, As
sistant Secretary Maynard testified that the
office is being conducted strictly within the
terms of the appropriation act as constrned
by the Secretary of the Treasury, which
permitted the employment of outside archi-'
tects to draft plans for buildings, and that
for the first time in many years there would
be no deficiency appropriation bill necessary
ior uncompleted buildings.
Mr. Vonngrta, of the architect's office,
testified that the employes of the architect's
office were in the habit of working out of
office hours for private architect", and that
their employment on plans for Government
buildings given to these outside architects
for preparation was nothing new nor un
usual. After a Dying: Man's Shoes.
Hastings, Neb., January 14. Con
gressman Laird's condition is said to be
hopeless. He is gradually losing his mind.
He will be brought here to-morrow, in Man
ager Haldrege's private car, from Omaha.
Already a number of candidates are seeking
his shoes. Among them are Senator Har
lan, of York, and H.Bostwick, of Hastings.
Prof, James Corkery, a Sonth Amboy
Pedagogne, Acqnires Fame by
He Then Fills Up a Couple Columns of the
local Newspaper With
Ihe South Amboyitea Consider the Hatter as Ererjtlaj
A South Amboy school teacher, Prof.'
Corkery, has made his name known outside
of his New Jersey village by wedding in
his school room a little girl 8 years-old. Not
content with this feat, he wrote up a Iong .
account of the ceremony for the local pa
pers. The people of South Amboy area
queer set, though. They see nothing par
ticularly out of the way in either action.
New York, January 14 A man U not
always appreciated in his own town, not
even in South Amboy. It is there that
Professor James Corkery lives, the principal
of the Park public school. He has about
250 children under his charge. He
instructs many classes himself, and has
, four teachers to assist him. Prof. Corkery
stirs thing3 up every week in Sonth Amboy.
His latest exploit was the marriage of him
self to one of his pupils, little Birdie',
Mundy, the 8-year;pId daughter of a fisher-"'
man of the town. '
The professor wrote an account of the ,
wedding, and the South Amboy Citizen
printed his story in full. Prof. Corkery
tells in his report how the children were all
assembled in school, and the lisping inno
cents formed in a magic circle and sang:
Rockaby baby, on the tree top.
-When tho wind blows the cradle will rock:
When the bough breaks the cradle will fall,
And down will come baby, cradle and all.
J'This," he adds, "was the tender refrain
of childhood which animated and gave
practical embodiment to the entire pro
ceeding.' Then he continnes: "The mar
riage service took place in the morning,
about 10 o'clock, bat was duplicated in the
afternoon in order that not only should
the Princess be married to the spouse, but
vice versa."
The matrimonial programme, briefly
sketched, was as follows: After the cus
tomary devotional exercises, and some in
troductory singing bv the entire
school, and the "Rockaby Baby" song by
the members of the royal family seated be
side the Christmas trees, the bride, attended
dj ner youtniul retinue, left her po
sition by the cradle, and standing
in the center of the platform, with
her relatives to the right and left, be
came the center of all eyes. Her natural
guardians both on her right and left were
one by one interrogated by the' would-be
bridegroom iR to whether they had
any objections to the marriage
of their protege, the pet or "baby."
of the school to the principal. To all these
queries a uniform reply of "No" was the
general response a reply to which tho
''baby" herself finally responded.
Her affianced then, taking the child by
the handln front of her juvenile relatives,
knelt down upon one knee, took
her extended hand in his, and kissing
it, swore by the sun, the dew, the rain,
the winds, and all the elements, visible and
invisible, of life and limb, regardless, to.
guard her honor, to study her happiness)
and to protect her to the last. Then he
stood erect and 'the bridal pair exchanging
kisses, and the diminutive relatives with
hands interlocked, formed a magic circle
round the couple.
In the afternoon, amid a concourse of en
thusiastic citizens, children and invited
guests, the ceremonies of the fore
noon, with some slight variations, were re
peated. Bouquets of laurel boughs, as tokens
of victory, and evergreens, the color of the
everlasting hills, were, in the absence of
spring flowers, to every visitor and child
distributed. A. golden ring, embellished
with three microscopic precious stones, so
arranged as to form a "forget-me-not"consum-mated
the the auspicious ceremonies, and
booming cannon, fired from outside the as
sembly room of the Park public school, an
nounced to every quarter the important fact
that mercy and trnth had met together, that
righteousness and peace had kissed each
The principal, or newly-married bride
groom, in discharging his revolver in suc
cession lrom the open windows to the car
dinal points of the compass, informed the
assembled throng, numbering above 300, that
it was not only a customary salute of wedded
royalty, but a fourfold challenge of defiance
to the powers of darkness, as the expression
of a deliberate purpose of his heart
to defend the young ones to his charge
consigned, the germs of future greatness,
from the murderous attack of every
ruffianly "scab" or tramp, masquerading as
a wolf in the clothing of a sheep, be ha
Pennsylvania Railroad deputy officer of
justice or not.
This "marriage," though thus solemnized
in a public school of the State of New Jer
sey, and thus reported in the local paper
by the bridegroom and author of the whole
proceeding, did not impress the people
of South Amboy as being especially note
worthy in any way. Affairs at the school
went on as usual. Prof. Corkery went and
came and spoke and did as he listed, and
then the time came when he thought
it necessary to have another festal
day in the Park public school.
The professor talked freely about the whole
matter to-day, and furnished copies of the
reports and letters published. He said,
those hostile to him didn't understand his
motives because they weren't of sufficient
mental caliber.
"But what do you think of the mar
riage?" "Oh, that was a real thing. I am mar
ried, sure enough. Birdie is my bride. The
meaning, except what I have already re
vealed oi it, will all be plain in time. She -is
in school day after day, and all the school
affairs are going on regularly."
" .-rf
Attack an Old Dion's House, Kill His Wife
and Wound Several Others.
Raleigh, N. C, January 14. A mob of
men from Burnt Swamp, near Red Banks,"
on the Carolina Central Railroad, supposed
to be what are commonly called "scuffs,"'
had manifested some feeling against Mr..
Harp, who lives two miles from Red Bank,
and invaded his residence last night with
guns and pistols.
His wife was killed and several parties
at the house were wounded in the fray.
Mrs. Harp is 65 years old and is highly re
spected. No reason is known for the action
of the mob.
The Floneer Woman Office Holder.
Oneida, N. Y., January 14. County
Clerk Stapleton has appointed 3Iiss Marv'
Webber Deputy County Clerk of Madison,
county. It is the first time that sucfranf
omce nas oeen conierred on a woman in;this
part oi tne state.
. ' ., -- Sfci-'H'- &