2 THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, MONDAY, JANUARY 14 1889. 1 S '-A A TEACTM TIP With Gigantic Possibilities Behind it Conies Home. POINTERS ON ANEW BILL, Furnished From the East, Show How Cable Lines May Stretch ' LONG ENOUGH TO BIND THE CITY. Grade Crossings, Gas,Water and the Bridges All Subordinated. PRESIDENT PATRICK OX ITS DANGERS "Whether with or without adequate rea son, considerable excitement has already been stirred up in the eastern end of the Etate over a seemingly innocent but un doubtedly important supplement to the act incorporating motor companies, prepared and about to be in. troducedinthe Legis lature by Represen tative Marland, of Pittsburg. The Dis patch has before alluded to the bill. The Ihther of the BilV , , . ... J x J but, it appears, with out any detailed information as to its actual or implied purposes. If the Philadelphia Press of yesterday morning was right in its interpreta tion of the bill, the people of Pittsburjr, or at least scores of Pittsburg corporations whose privileges are defined and limited by the act, are vitally interested in it, pro or con. Here is what the Press said of it: Mr. Marland is a Pittsburg member, and while he presumably introduces the bill In the inter est of the motor company of Pittsburc, the traction company will also derive every advan tage contained within its provisions. The law prohibits any person from tunneling under or passing over, by work, the conduits of any motor or cable company for the purpose of malting water, gas or other connections for any purpose whatever, without first notifying the company. Tinder this provision if a private citizen wanted to connect his house with the gas and water mains and it was necessary to pass under the conduits of the traction company, he wonld have to first notify the company before the work could be done. The law also gives the company the option of doing the work itself if it does not care to trust a private contractor. Any violation of these provisions is punishable by a fine In addition to this the proposed law gives the motor companies the right of way. This the traction company always had. Other privi leges granted them are to cross tracks of all other companies, to build bridges at grade and to cross all bridges along lhe route of the com panies' lines. Any person who obstructs the pafsage of the cars is, under its provisions, liable to arrest and a fine of 10. The small boy will have to forego the pleasure of dropping a string down the slot with a tin can, or any other article, attached and seeing it carried along the conduit by the cable. This is made an offense and is punl9hablebyafine or imprisonment, or both in aggravated cases SIR. JIABLAXD EXPLAINS. The Hon. Alfred Marland, who will' in troduce the bill, was seen at his residence on Mount "Washington last evening. He has been ill for several days with throat troubles, and talked with difficulty. He said: The bill is divided into several sections. The first part is to prevent any person from tunnel ing under or passing over the works of any cable or motor company for the purpose of making water or gas connections, or for anv purpose whatever without the consent of the company; and the latter may do the work itself if the company does not care to trust a private corporation. A traction or motor company is for public convenience, and its cars should not be delayed by persons lay ing gas or water pipes just whenever they choose and without the consent of the com pany. This section conforms with the law re lating to other railroads and street car lines, and I do not think it should be in any way ob jectionable. If the consent of the company cannot be obtained, the persons who wish to lay the gas or water line can, by a proviso in the bill, appeal to the courts of the county, and the judges will decide who is in the right. It is not unfair that the company should be permitted to have the right of seeing that the work Is performed satisfactorily, and if the parties who are laying the line will not or can not perform it with satisfaction, the company should be permitted to do the work. That part of the bill needs no defense. If either one of the parties thinks he is being cneatea, ne may appeal to the courts, who will decide. That right is provided for in the measure. THE CEOSSING PEOVISO. Another section will give a traction or a motor company the right to cross the tracks of any other corporation, provided certain ..satis factory arrangements can be made with the party of the second part. If not, the matter may be earned to court, and the court will de cide. Some corporations imagine they havo the ex clusive right along a certain highway, and they prohibit all other corporations from running cars along that road or street. Now, it is the intention of this bill to prohibit snch practices and allow the traction or motor company to obtain redress in the courts. It also permits the named companies to con struct bridges at grade crossings. Suppose a traction line would have to cross a gully through which a railroad passed, and this rail way line did not, for reasons of its own, wish to have a bridge constructed across its tracks, bnt wonld do all in its power to prevent Its erection? The object of my bill is to permit the traction people to construct snch a bridge, provided they do not violate the ordinances as regard height above the tracks, etc., of the city in which the proposed bridge is to be constructed. BIG BRIDGE PRIVILEGES. It will also give traction and motor roads the right to cross any bridges along the route. Wnen satisfactory arrangements cannot be made with the said bridge company the traction companies may appeal to the courts. This is to prevent any bridge company from giving one railway company the exclusive right to cross its bridge, and will remove all barriers from a traction or motor road crossing, with the exception of the matter of making terms. The judges in our courts will decide how much should be paid, provided no arrangements can be made. The last section of the bill provides for the imprisonment and fining of persons who will fully destroy or interfere with the property of the company. The only copy of the bill that I have is in my desk at Harrisburg. I think,' when the bill comes from the committee, the public will de cide that it is a very satisfactory measure, and contains some common sense. There is noth ing monopolistic about the bill, and as traction and motor roads promise the coming methods of transportation. It will give them some rights which are now prohibited. The bill needs no defense. DOESN'T BELIETE IT WILL PASS. President Patrick Talks on Representative Marlnnd's Bill. The bill prepared by Mr. Marland, grant ing new powers for traction companies, "has a snake in it," some street railroad men say. None of those who were seen last night knew very much about the bill, and had not heard that such a measure was to have been presented. This bill gives motor companies the right of way and the priv ilege to cross tracks of all other companies, to build bridges at grade and to cross all bridges along the route of the companies' lines. Mr. "v7. W. Patrick, President of the wBttUgjtilBkL, , 1 . t " ti -i , 1 - -v C-if '; ,. - """' ,- - ? -lirJ jftiK. Jet " " " ;Lsl ''? iiiff',r' frtjusmsWsyrjrJJisfBBRSS I't v! r sSSmJl'' S&i&Gt&x Birmingham line, was seen last night in re gard to the bill, and said he had not heard anything about it, but could readily see the object of the traction people to secure its passage. He declined, however; to express an opinion at present, but said: OuF company Is operated under a charter granted in 1559, and the Pittsburg Traction Company was granted permission by us to cross our tracks. We made a contract with the com pany, and one of the provisions is that our cars have the right of way across Fifth avenue and that they must stop their cars on both sides of Smithfield street. This contract, however, has been violated, and I believe we can annul it at any time. They are probably afraid that this may be done, and propose to relieve themselves of the contract In some way. Our company pays 35 per cent of its net re ceipts every year, 10 per cent going to the State and the balance to the city and county. "We have a contract with the State, and I do not believe that a bill as proposed bv Mr. Marland can be legally passed, as the State would be compelled to violate its contract with us and other like companies by So doing. The traction company does not pay any tax and should not be allowed more privileges than we enjoy." FIRE AT BRADDOCK. Two Buildings Burned Down onMnin Street Early Yesterday Momlne Conors of an Incendinrr Orlcln. At 4 o'clock yesterday morning a very disastrous fire occurred at Braddock which caused the total destruction of two build ings and the partial loss of another. The1 flames were' first discovered in the'front windows of a building owned and occupied by John Gorham.Ko. 1214East Main street. The alarm was given, but before the volun teer firemen could arrive the frame build ing was almost burned to the ground. Although the firemen did efficient work, the storeroom and dwelling of Thomas Gor man, next to it, on the east side, was also burned down. A three-story brick belonging to Mr. Jacob Walters "on the west side was very badlv damaged. His loss will be about 5300 or S400. It is fully covered by insurance. The building in which the "fire originated was formerly used for saloon purposes by John Gorham. The one occupied by Thomas Gorman was form erly occupied by Joe Kidge, who was en gaged in the same business. They both failed to get license last spring. Both the buildings and the household effects and con tents of the stores of Gorman and Gorham were well insured. The origin of the fire is a mystery. As both the buildings were well insured and burned very readily it was openly stated yesterday that tbey were set upon fire by persons unknown. GLUTTED WITH GRAIN. About 2,000 Cars Being Held on the Penn sylvania Lines. The officials of the Pennsylvania Com pany are exerting themselves to relieve their yards of the large number ot cars of grain which is being held west of Pittsburg. A few weeks ago when the different lines ont of Chicago were cutting each other's throats on grain rates, the export shippers succeeded in getting thousands of cars loaded, which thev started east at the reduced rates. There were so many cars loaded and shipped over the Pennsylvania lines to Bal timore that the company could not get steamships enough to unload the cars at the point of destination. At present there are 250 cars on the Pennsylvania Kailroad be tween Pittsburg and Baltimore, 400 cars be tween Columbus and Pittsburg, and 1,300 cars on the Yandalia lines. The Western roads have been notified that they must stop the shipment of the grain until the large number of cars on hand are unloaded. COLORED CHURCH DEDICATED. Tho New Edifice on Market Street, Alle gheny, Opened. The Merrill M. E. Colored Church, on Market street, Allegheny, was dedicated yesterday with appropriate ceremonies which were held in the morning, afternoon and evening. There was a large crowd of colored people present from all parts of the two cities. The morning service was conducted by Dr. L C. Pershing, at 1030 o'clock. He delivered an interesting sermon. In the afternoon a platform meeting was held and addresses were made by Dr. C. W. Smith, Dr. Fulton and Dr. Mead. The evening service was conducted by Dr. Joseph Horner, assisted by G. W. W. Jenkins. The pastor of the church, Dr. Horner, delivered the sermon. The music was rendered by the choir of the Warren M. E. Church. There was a good attendance at each service and about 5350 was taken up for the church. A MONSTER PARADE. Catholics of Western Pennsylvania to Cele brate Washington's Birthday. Pour hundred delegates, representing ISO Catholic societies of Western Pennsylvania, met last night in the hall of Company B, Knights of St. George, 1516 Penn avenue, and formed preliminaries for a parade on Washington's birthday. Speeches were made to the effect that the demonstration was intended to be an en tirely patriotic display. None but national colors will be permitted in line. The parade is to take place in the morning, and it is expected that about 3,000 Catholics will be in the procession. SMALL HILL ROBBERIES. Two Dwelling Houses and a Batcher Shop VUIted by Thieves. , Thieves entered the residence of Mr. J. C. Henry, on Marion avenue, early yester day morning and took an overcoat. Thev then visited the house next door, Mrs. Mary Benter's, and stole a silver watch and 52 in money. They were frightened away be fore they finished their work. Samuel Jones' butcher shop, on Forbes street, was entered on Saturday night by thieves and $25 worth of meat taken. Dan Craig and Jacob Spellman were arrested last evening on the suspicion of their being the guilty parties. 0'NEIL, OF MISSOURI. He Tells That His Opponent Spent $75,000 to Defeat His Re-Election. Congressman O'Keil, of Missouri, passed through the city last night, on his way to Washington. The Congressman is one of the many Democratic representatives who were not returned to Congress at the recent election. At the Union station last night he sighed heavily and thought of "what might have been' as he told how.his oppo nent had "stent $75,000 to secure the seat" and O'NeiPs defeat. THE GENEROUS ELKS. 8100 Toted for the Benefit of SnfTerers by the Dlnmond Street Wreck. Pittsburg Lodge No. 11, B. P. O. E., held its regular communication last evening. Daring the transaction of routine business the recent disaster on Diamond street was referred to and immediately a resolution was adopted donating $100 to the fund for the sufferers. A committee, consisting of Messrs. W. G. Lee, -Oscar Tanner and Quincy Eobisou, was appointed to place the generous gift in the hands of any person or persons authorized to collect the same. ROBBED WHILE AT CHURCH, Bemlndlng East Endern of the Attack at the East Liberty Station. While the family of L. K. St, Clair were at church last evening thieves ettectedan entrance to the house, a furnishing store on Wood street, Wilkinsburg, and stole $150 in cash, about, $100 worth of jewclrv and a cold watch valued at $55. The.police are after the robbers. STUCK Iff THE MUD. The Suburbans Must Swim or Drown, as Walking is Impossible. A PBETTY GIRL AND A DARING COP. Huckster Wagons and Fashionable Hacks Fall in the Soup. SOME CROSSINGS THAT DO NOT CROSS INGULAB as it mayseem,allroads from Pittsburg do not lead to Borne by any means, but rather to the other extreme, for Bo man suburbs are noted for their magnificent roads, while some of the suburbs about Pittsburg are fa mous.or rather in famous, for mud so ft, slimy and con sistent and truly that is the chiefly consistent thing about her suburbs. ' Shadyside, proud and pre-eminent, actu ally stands np to her neck in the mud, and, queerly enough, doesn't even give one sign of complaint. This augurs one of two things: Either ber citizens are content with a farmer's life, or they have more faith in the future than satisfaction in the past, and are contented to wait until they get what they may, not what tbey deserve. Just imagine (and it is true) a splendid family coach toiling wearily through mud up to the hub. up to the horse's knees, and actually splashing in thecarriagedoor upon a pair of dainty shoes, and that same pair of dainty shoes actually drawn way up on the enshioned seat, but to Broad Tires Keep the Cab Afloat. no avail. There is a terrifio lurch, a crash of broken springs, a scream from the inside and a swear from the outside, and the coach actually sticks in the mull on Aiken avenue, one of the most fashionable streets in a fashionable suburb. NO FICTIOK ABOUT IT. All this happened within a square of where a huckster and his lean horse had struggled vainly against fate and Pittsburg streets, and had lain down to die unnoticed. What in the world to do with suburban streets in the wet season is a problem that occupies more time than officials will even acknowledge. They (the streets, not the officials,) cannot all be paved at once, for the expense would be too great, and selec tions cannot be made, for in that case one man would be pleased and a hundred dissat isfied. Baltimore has found a solution, and has bedded her streets with a thick layer of oyster shells, making the most beautiful driving imaginable, even in very wet weather; but then Pittsburgers scarcely have time to coat their stomachs with oysters, let alone their roadbeds. New York has settled the question for herself bv bnildinp mnila lrtncr TtafXvA .nit. urban residences are put up, thus avoiding any growl from the country folk, and an ticipating any from the city. He Wades in in Quest of the Overshoe. It remained for Philadelphia, however, that backward, backwoods city, to discover the cause and apply the relief; and suburban grocers, suburban drivers and suburban residents have been seeking the courts with a list of injuries to business, stock and even personal apparel, and they are winning, too, the papers say, though how they can hold the city responsible in all cases it would take even a Philadelphia lawyer to discover. ONE FAIB EXAMPLE. To return to Pittsburg streets, the treat ment of Ellsworth avenue is given as an example. Two years ago that central drive was bad, one year ago it was worse and this year it is nngrammaticallv, but undeniably, worse'r. Formerly it was p'aved with uneven wooden blocks on end, and, though as rough as corduroy, it had the virtue of being neitner dnsty nor inuddv. Bad Enough to be Dixmont. Then some brilliant intellect no matter whose, they are all brilliant hit upon the idea of macadamizing the street. Instead of taking up the blocks a layer of broken limestone was thrown over; engine crushers traveled up and down, and in two weeks the most beautiiul, permeating, suffocating dust imaginable filled every residence, and pre ceded and succeeded a horse that had any pretense to speed, and hung about in clouds, descending unanimously upon the just ana unjust, the spring bonnet and the Mackinac hat. When the rainy season set in the dust re fused to pack, ot course, on a wooden foundation, and it became clay; more rain, and it became slime; still more rain, and to day it looks like a fish pond of mud that can be neither traversed nor even crossed. BOTH POETIC AND PBOSAIC. An overshoe once-lost is lost forever, un less some gallant policeman swims to the VwT t IHkl'ili!iS?MM! b - -. IE'1" rescne of a pretty pair of number twos; and alasl pretty pairs of nnmber twos are far more frequent than gallant policemen I The crossings are marvels of the earth earthy in a wet state. The pretty resident may lift her skirts never so highly, and step never so widely, the result is the same: "Oh, dear!" Mud on her rubbers. Splashed in her hose; Mud on white skirts. And danbed on her nose. Mnd to the left offer, Mad to the right; Mud In the darkness And mud in the light. With mud on her gloves And mud on her cheeks, Girl like, she sits In the mud and weeps. The artist, in drawing a scene to illustrate the sad plight of a mother and child getting off an accommodation train into the mud, has, perhaps, overdrawn it a little, so that the only Pittsburg snburb to which the sketch could be entirely applicable might be Dixmont, the asylum station. But then happy thought! why not Dixmont? Why not a train load of passengers as crazy as those in the sketch seem to be, all sym pathetically striving to aid. or extricate, one weak woman thus hopelessly stuck in Pittsburg's suburban mud? OVERCROWDED GRIP CARS. A Great Howl at a Scarcity of Conveyances on Penn Avenue. The delightful weather of yesterday drew thousands Irom their homes to the streets. Thoroughfares leading to the ruins of the wreck on Diamond street were choked with men, women and children, all eager to get a look at the work of devastation. Nothing could be seen except a high board fence, yet a spell held people to the spot and impelled them to gaze with silence on the outside of the inclosure. Thousands of people made their way to the station of the Citizens' Traction Com- Iiany to try.the new Penn avenue and But er street cable cars. There were only 15 cars running on each branch, and they were crowded to over three and fonr times their comfortable seating capacity. On one But ler street car going out there were 105 fares collected. These passengers got on west of Twelfth street, ana after leaving the latter thoroughfare the conductor would not stop for more, although a crowd stood at almost every corner. There were no horse cars run out, and the scarcity ot the grip cars caused the general howl. The company has not yet secured enough competent men to run the other grip cars, which have been lying in the sheds. One of the cars lost its grip west of the power house, and delayed travel about 30 minutes. A GENEROUS AUDIENCE. Those Present nt a Temperance Meeting Respond to a Call for Aid. There was not room for another person in University Hall last night when Captain Barbour opened the meeting of Gospel Temperance Union No. 1. He made the first address, basing his remarks on the Diamond street disaster, and was followed by W. T. Powell, E. P. Long, W. C. Cooke, William Marshall, William Long tnd others. A collection, which netted 512, was taken up for the accident sufferers. Twenty persons signed the pledge. The Moorhead W. C. T. U. held a good meetinz last night. Mrs. M. J. Allen pre sided and Judge Shannon, E. L. Grier and Mrs. Monroe, of Washington, D. C, were among the speakers. The constitutional amendment meeting held by Golden Circle Division, Sons of Temperance, in Moorhead Hall, yesterday afternoon, was addressed by Joseph Veruer, C. Tussey and others. DULY DEDICATED. St. Bonifacins Chnrcb, Allegheny, Thrown Open to the Public The formal dedication of Si Bonifacius B. C. Church on. Royal street, Allegheny, took place yesterday, 'the ceremony being conducted by the Very Bev. Archabbot Andrew, O. S. B., assistedjby Bev. Father Prior, of St. Mary's; Bev. Father Kaufman, of Manchester; Bev. Father Athanasins, of St. Vincent's Abbey, and Bev. Father Bede, of the Church of St. Bonifacius. Bev. Father Hammond, of St. Mary's Church, delivered the sermon, and Bev. Father Gregory, of St. Mary's acted as Mas ter of Ceremonies. Beside the members of the congregation the societiesof the Knights of St. George, No. 3, and St. Aloysius, of St Mary's Church, were present. In the aiternoon solemn vespers were conducted by Father Athanasins, assisted by Fathers Bede and Gregory. A BAD CROWD RAIDED. Tonng Offenders of the Law Are Locked Up for a Hearing To-Day. A number of complaints have been made at police headquarters about a number of girls and young men who made it a habit to congregate on the street in the neighbor hood of Boss and Diamondstreetsand to act in a disorderly manner. A couple of officers made a raid on the crowd Inst night and captured Mary Burk, Maggie Moore, aged 13 years, and" Annie Black, aged 15 years. They were held for a hearing this morning. A SAUSAGE SUPPER. Tho Chief Dish nt a Die Dance and Itecep. tion by Birmingham Turner. The singing section of the Birmingham Turn Vcrein will have a social entertain ment and dance to-night in the Turner Hall, on Jane street. A peculiar attraction to the guests will be the "metzelsnppe," which may be translated as a "sausage supper." Aid for the Poor. Miss Annie McCandless, Secretary of the Allegheny Belief Society, reports that dur ing the past month 191 families have been relieved, $606 30 expended and 5725 col lected. Donations have been received from Mrs. Gusky, Mrs. Hagan and Messrs. Joseph Eichbaum, Fielding and William Thaw. For Mr. Parnell's Defense. Branch 621, of the Irish National Land League, held a largely attended meeting at their hall on Beaver avenue, Allegheny, last evening. The secretary of the branch, Bev. M. Carroll, was instructed to send $100 to the Parnell 'defense fund. LOCAL ITEMS, LIMITED. Frederick Lang, hostler in the car stables of the Birmingham Street Car Company, had one of his legs crushed yesterday, and was otherwise badly braised. The Republicans of the Sixth ward will hold a suggestion meeting at tho Forbes school on Tuesday evening. Candidates for various offices will be named. There is a lively fight between James Williams and Jacob Ruch for the nomination for Council. Services at the jail yesterday were con ducted by Chaplain Milligan of the Western Penitentiary. The musical part of the exer cises was under the care of Professor Martin, mho had a picked choir of about 20 persons. The music was the finest heard at the jail for a long time. CAUGHT ON THE FLY. Wx. Smith, President of the American Flint Glass Workers Association, left last night for Philadelphia on business connected with the association. 8. P. Kennedy, Commercial Agent of the "Cotton Belt" line in this city, went to St. Louis last night to confer with officials of bis road in regard to Texas freight rates which will advance on the 20th Inst James H. Chambers, the window glass manufacturer, went to Washington, D. C, last evening to attend to some business preparatory to the annual meetine of the Window Glass Manufacturers' Association which will meet tneie Wednesday next. AX MAKERS DESERT. L. A. 1548 K. of I. Leave the Knights for Tom Barry's Brotherhood. A LOCAL BRANCH IS FORMED. Window Glass Manufacturers to Form a Big Trust To-Morrow. PROGRESS OF THE MINERS NEW UNION The first break from the Knights of Labor to Barry's new order' (the Brotherhood of United Labor) in this city occurred yester day. Axmakers' L. A. 1548 left in a body. This local was attached to N. D. A. 154, composed of about 1,000 members, and the local here has a membership of nearly 200. Fully 150 members attended a meeting at their hall, corner of Forty-seventh and Butler streets yesterday morning, and T. B. Barry was piesent and delivered an address. At the close of his speech the following was unanimously adopted: Be it resolved. That we the members of L. A. 1548, K. of L., surrender our charter to N. D. A 151, for the following reasons: First Because we believe that tne officers of the General Assembly are and havo been run ning the order for their own interest only, and not in any way to benefit the masses, who fur nish the money to pay their salaries. Second We believe in giving a member a fair.trial when in our judgment we think they have violated the obligation taken when join ing the order. Third At the late convention of the General Assembly the power was given to the General Master Workman to suspend or expel members of the order at his will. We think it is against the ruling of good government. ONE-MAN PCWEB UNFAIR. Fourth The action of the G. E. B. in expell ing our National Master Workman without trial or hearing, by so doing depriving us of a representative in the General Assembly, as well as tho great injustice to Brother Barry. We don't believe in one-man power conferred on the G. If. W. asltis nndemocraticandrepnl sive, and in conflict with the idea of American manhood we leave the Knights of Labor. Mr. Barry was busy all day visiting friends and attending meetings. He will be unable to leave this morning as ex pected, but will spend the day in issuing organizers' commissions. "I expect to have 15 organizers in the field here before the week is out," said Mr. Barry to a representative of this paper last evening. "I will not interfere with any national trade association outside of the Knights of Labor. There are a number of workers who have no national association. There are the carriage workers, galvanizers, textile workers, ax makers, coopers and many others. We will not interfere with the new miners organization, the National Progressive Union, the Amalgamated As sociation, American Flints and like organi zations. They will be eligible to member ship in the order but will be CONTROLLED BY THEIR CRAFT. "The ax makers whom I organized to-day will be known as Local Branch No. 1." Mr. Barry said he had refreshed his mem ory as to the meeting of brickmakers he at tended abont a year ago. Mr. John Flynn said that Barry should have made his charges then and the brickmakers would have believed him. Mr. Barry states that the meeting was an open one and he was not at liberty at that time to divjilge secrets of the order. Master Workman Doyle says the meeting was a secret one and that Barry had the travelling password and had to use it to gain admittance to the hall, although he es corted him from his office to the meeting and introduced him to the members. Several other members who remember tho occasion say the announcement was made that tne meeting would be open. A GLASS TRUST Likely to bs Formed by Window Manufact urers To-Morrow. The following important telegram was re ceived last night from Findlay, O.: The window glass men of this city, who start for Washington to-night to attend the National Convention of the Window Glass Manufact urers' Association, which meets on Tuesday in that city, have received a communication from a Pittsburg manufacturer, whose name they would not disclose, asking them to vote for a proposition he intends submitting to the con vention. A resolution ordering the shutdown of a number of factories in order to relieve the glutted condition of the market and force prices up a little. In his letter the Pittsburg manufacturer in sists that prices are lower than ever before, and that this state of affairs is all dneto the large nnmber of factories started during the past two jears in the West. Ho therefore pro poses that new factories, all but two of which are now in the association, not having any fuel bills to pay on account of getting natural cas free, shall shutdown, thns relieving the market of this output, and that the running factories shall give those closing an equal share of the profits which will accrue from the national ad vance in prices, which this will bring about. Interviews with the glass men here who will attend the Washington convention reveals the fact that with one exception they are favorable to the proposition, and will so 'vote when the matter comes before the meeting, thus assist ing in the formation'of nothing more or less than a window glass trust with all that the name implies. MASTER PAINTERS' MEETING. The Second Annual Gathering of the State Association. The second annual convention of the mas )ter house painters and decorators of Pennsyl vania will be held at the Monongahela House, January 29 and 30. Alter the elec tion of officers the following topics will be discussed and action taken upon them. The relation of the painter to the architect; the abuses of the trade and the remedy; the improvements in American window and plate glass: the proper treatment of hard wood; our relations to our employes; the best method of staining and graining wood; the proper manner of gilding on glass and wood; how to keep var nish from cracking: the various methods of removing blistered paint and its causes; the harmony of colors and their relation to one an other. The oresent officers of the association are: President, E. A. Fisher, of Harrisburg; Vice President, Charles McCartv, of Philadelphia; Secretarv. John Stolen, of this city; Treasurer, Francis F. Black, of Philadelphia. All the master painters of this city are members' of the association. At the meet ing delegates will be elected to the National Convention of Painters, to be held at Wash ington next month. THE K. OF I;. CONTENTION. Preparations Bejng Made for the Annual Meeting This Week. The officers of D. A. 3, K. of L., were en gaged all day yesterday preparing their annual reports for the convention to be held here on Wednesday. There will not be a full representation, as several locals have announced that they would not send dele gates. The fisht for the position of District Master Workman will be an interesting one, there being four candidates for the position, the present incumbent, John F. Doyle, I. N. Boss, James Hooper and Joseph L. Evans. No candidates have yet been named for the position of Recording Secretary, but it is believed that one of the defeated candi dates for Master Workman will be chosen. THE NEW MINERS' UNION. Organizer Penna Does Good Work In the Monongahela Valley. P. H. Penna, of Indiana, one of the or ganizers of the Miners' National Progressive Union, was in the city yesterday. When asked what progress had been made, he said: "I have been at work among the 7,000 J miners in the Monongahela Valley, and was very successfnl. The Knights of Labor have not more than 600 members out of the 7,000, and I believe almost all will join the union. We now number about 40,000 mem bers, which is fully three times as many as N. T. A. 135, Knights of Labor." Mr. Penna addressed a large meeting at Boscoe on Saturday afternoon, the majority of those present being Knights. They ap peared to be pleased with the object of the new union, and many expressed their inten tion of joining. The Block ot Window Glass It is stated that the stock of window glass in this section does not exceed 30,000 boxes. This is considered a fair stock for this time of the year. She Bombarded tbe Hoase. Annie Cornelia, a young Frenchwoman, was arrested for disorderly conduct, because she was found bombarding a house with stones on the Soutbside last Saturday night. When brought before Magistrate Brokaw yesterday morning, the fact was developed that her husband was in the house,. refusing his wife admittance, and the Magistrate dis charged her on that account. Tbey Robbed tbe Preacher. ' During the services at the First U. P. Church, on Union avenue, Allegheny, last evening, s thief entered an ante-room and stole two overcoats. One belonged to the pastor, Bev. W. J. Bobinson, and the other to Dr. Walter Ure. Last Sunday three coats were stolen from the Trinitv Lutheran Church, and one from the Third U. P. Church. Burke Badly Beaten. John Burke and Bobert- McDonald were arrested on Craig street. Allegheny, about midnight Saturday for fighting. At the hearing yesterday morning Burke was un able to see. his eyes being closed and his face terribly swollen from blows received the previous night. He was taken to the Allegheny General Hospital and his assail ant was fined $25 and costs. Sinners Disposed of on Sunday. At tbe Central station Police Magistrate Gripp disposed of six drunkards yesterday by sending them to the workhouse. For robbing an old man John Hammond got 30 days at the same place. Two fighters went ten days to jail, and for creating a disturb ance James Brown went for 30 days in the workhouse. .There were eight cases of dis orderly persons. -- -- - Tho Sufferers' Concert. Extensive arrangements have been made for the concert to be given to-morrow even ing in the Coliseum, Allegheny, for the benefit of the Diamond alley disaster suf ferers. A lengthy and varied programme has been prepared and some of the best vocalists and elocutionists in the two cities will take part in the entertainment. Wanted la Philadelphia. The Philadelphia police yesterday made telegraphic inquiry here for John Byan, aged 19, and another boy, who are alleged to have stolen 800 in the citr of "Brotherly Love." Byan was described as wearing a brown suit and a beaver overcoat. To Let tor Business Purposes. Parties who require a power service in their business and who can see advantages in being in the most central situation'in the city, should call and examine the rooms of all sizes now ready for occupants in the new Dispatch building, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street. Besides being ready of access to custom ers, tenants are supplied with every facility for tbe rapid and successful transaction of business. Elevator service, both passenger and freight; prompt janitor service, steam heat ing and electric lighting free; besides, splen did light and ventilation of the rooms are among the attractive features. Bcononomy, as well as other great ad vantages, in renting here. Apply at Dis patch, new building. Diamond street. Bemember tho B. t O. Excursion to tho Capital. Next Thursday, January 17, only $9 round trip, including a trip to Baltimore. Secure your parlor and sleeping car accommoda tions at once. The Queen of Flours Is a new brand, "Bosalia," manufactured by Whitmyre & Co., Thirty-eighth street and Allegheny Valley Kailroad. Try it and be convinced that it is a flour of most excellent quality. Special sale this week of slightly soiled ends of embroidered, striped and figured flannels. Hugus & Hacks. MWTSu . TJKOM MONTANA. Hexejta, M. T. J jAIf.28,1888. J Messrs. Fleming Bros.: Gentlemen I have taken a great many of Dr. C. McLane's Celebrated Liver Pills, and find them to be a wonderful pill all that you claim for them. They act like a charm in cases of biliousness, sick headache, dysentery etc. IBOX854. MBS. HENRY WlNKIiEifAX. Cure sick headache, hillonsness, liver com plaint, dyspepsia, heartburn, indigestion, mala ria, pimples on face and body, impure blood, etc-, by using- regularly Dr. C. McLane's Celebrated Liver Pills prepared only by Flem ing Bros., Pittsburg, Pa. Price 25 cents. Sold by all drnggists. Insist upon having the gen uine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared only by Fleming Bros Pittsburg, Pa, tho market being tall of imitations of the name McLane. spelled differently but of the same pronunciation. Always make sure of the words 'FlemingBros.,Pittsburg, Pa.,"on the wrapper. auI-p29-MWT FRENCH CORSET . -roB- $1 00 LOVELY FITTING. GIVES YOU. A BEAUTIFUL SHAPE. T. T. T. :: 3 THDMPHnN BROS., X09 Federal Street, ', Allegheny. . , JalO-KWf' $1 00 $1 00 . ' ' .rJ1 1 HEW ADVERTISEMENT. JDS. HDRNE k CDSK PENN AVENUE STORES. GRAND OPENING DISPLAY. SPRING IMPORTATIONS 1889. Xpt- f'ANDERSON'S" SCOTCH GINGHAMS In our Wash Dress Uoods Department. Over 15,000 yards of these finest wash fabrics now In stock, Including all the latest and newest de signs in novel and beautiiul colorings, and pos sessing the perfect finish that distinguishes this make of(' goods above all others that are produced. Wa show many exclusive weaves and effects that surpass the offerings ot any former season. FINE FRENCH SATINES. Over 5,000 yards on sals to-day.making a col lection of choice styles never befors equaled in any wash goods department. The advantage of such an early choice is apparent,as you havs hers the most varied and largest variety is newest and latest effects of design and col. oring. An early inspection is advised, as our expert. enee has been that even in so large an assort ment many of the most desirable patterns ars quietly sold, OUR JANUARY SALE CONTINUES. We still offer many remarkable bargains in Wool Dress Goods, in flue quality dress fab rics, in black and colors. Examine the English Suitings, 60 to 54 inches. wide, at SI, U 0 and S3 a yard, imported to sell . at Jl 0 to $3 50 per yard. Many choice styles at 25c and 50c still hera for bargain seekers. Fins French Broadcloths, in all the most fashionable ahades,all erades to finest, reduced In price. RAW SILK Has advanced 20 per cent, but our prices on Black and Colored Dress Silks are the urns and our stock la very large and com plete in all the best and most reliable makes and newest weaves. Some spe cial bargains in Black Satin ds Lyon, Armures, Failles and Peau de Soies; also many extra good values in Colored Bilks, In plain colors and In fancy and brocaded effects. Bee our all pure Moire Silks at 50c, 75c and 1 a yard. Beat bargains of the year in fins Silk Plushsa and Brocaded Velvets. Nottingham Lace Curtain's 75c to $3 a pair. Our entire stock. Including the most desirable patterns, is marked down; many hundreds of pairs already sold; don't bs too late. This week shows a large importation of new Scotch Table Linens and Napkins at very close prices, MORE BARGAINS IN OUR NEW CLOAKROOMS. Come and see the reductions on Seal Plush Jackets and Wraps. Every garment to be sold before February 1, if low prices will do it. We still have hundreds of stylish Long Gar. ments in plain and fancy cloths that are all marked down to sell them quickly. A sweeping reduction in fine Cloth Jackets, neavy and medium weights. The new Embroideries, White Goods and. Laces are here now. Our stock of 1 , MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Is not only made up in the very best manner , and of good materials, but is composed of a1 multitude of bargains so far aa prices go. r-t JOB. HflRNE I CD.' ?. PENN AVENUE STORES. JiHotWT'. '
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