Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 14, 1889, Image 1

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Simon Cameron Expresses a
High Opinion of the President-Elect,
and Says
The Apportionment Bill Not to Afl&t
This End of the State.
General Cameron Talks of Harrison lie
Admire the Prcsldent-Elect-Rutan
Figuring on the Apportionment Bill
Cooper Will Be All BJglit-A Bill to Help
the West Penn Somerset County Wants
n Pledge-Washington County for Pro
hibition Will the W. C. T. V. Scare Off
the I.Iquor Vote
General Simon Cameron, hale and hearty
despite his advanced years, expressed great
admiration for President-elect Harrison.
He thinks the Senate will receive the first
news of the formation of the Cabinet. Sen
ator Rutan is working on the apportionment
bill, bnt it is a question whether it trill be
pushed, owing to the near approach of the
retaking o! the census. An effort will be
made to legalize pool selling at race tracks,
and a portion of the receipts is to be turned
over to the poor authorities. The question
of to drink or not to drink is still being agi
tated, and "Washington county puts herself
on record as being dry.
Harrisburg, January 13. Senator
Rutan stepped from the elevator into the
corridor of the Lochiel Hotel at 3 o'clock
this afternoon, in company with ex-Speaker
Graham. The Sen
ator had determined
to take advantage of
the beautiful sun
shine and bracing
atmosphere to take
the first outing he
has enjoyed in two
weeks. After r c -
ceiving the congrat
ulations of many
friends on his im
proved appearance, he proceeded to the
Capitol in company with ex-Speaker
Graham, and, alter a short stay, proceeded
with him to the residence of General Cam
eron, where they spent a pleasant hour in
company with the veteran statesman and
General Cameron was in one of lis hap
piest moods, and entertained his visitors
with reminiscences of his active political
life for 50 years back. General Cameron
spoke also of General Harrison, and saidhe
had watched his course during the cam
paign, and had formed a very high opinion
of his abilities. He thinks the President
elect is a man who knows the value of
keeping his own counsel, and that the
United States Senate will be the first to re
ceive reliable information of the composi
tion of his Cabinet.
A Political Land Mark.
Senator Rntan found General Cameron
looking remarkably well for a man of his
years, carrying his six feet of stature with a
very slight stoop, and bearing, a youthful
heart beneath the snows of his many win
ters. The one thing he keenly regrets is
the fact that his local cotemporaries have
nearly all joined the silent majority, leav
ing him a lonely landmark, but he finds
enjoyment in the society of the younger
men who call on him during the sessions of
the Legislature and at other times. Their
society is a solace to him. He spends his
time between his old residence in this city
and his adjacent farm.
Before leaving the Lochiel tor the
Cameron mansion, Senator Rutan paused to
chat with Representative Pugh, of Somerset,
who is a member of the House Apportion
ment Committee, inviting him to come to
Ms room to study the intricacies of the
Senatorial apportionment in his company.
"We want it to go through the House
first," said the Senator, and Representative
Pugh said he would join Senator Rutan in
a study of the problem.
This evening your correspondent paid a
visit to the Senator at his room and learned
from him that the bill is not likely to work
many changes in "Western Pennsylvania.
Cooper Is AH Right.
Senator Cooper, he says, will be all right,
(though there have been reports "to the con
trary, Delaware county having a sufficient
population to save the district intact. Sena
tor Gobin's district is in danger, but as he
has just been re-elected he .isn't worrying
much, and besides, says Lebanon county
will have a sufficient population after the
census of 1890 to entitle it to be s separate
The present Senatorial districts were ar
ranged in 1873, Senator Rutan having
charge of the bill at that time. The changes
in population in the meantime have made
the present districts very unequal, but the
time for the next apportionment is so close
that "it is a question whether it is worth
while to do more than making a bluff at
passing a bill now.
The bill of two years ago, If it had poised,
would have lost the Republicans five mem
bers of the Legislature, as the figures of the
last election show. At the time it was
thought the loss would have been but three.
The Republicans and the members who
would have been unseated are now very
glad the bill failed. Simpson.
Belief for Country Editor.
Harrisburg, January 13. The Penn
sylvania Editorial Association, which meets
here on Wednesday, will indorse a bill for
the relief of country editors. It provides
that papers containing county printing shall
be filed with the State Librarian and the
Clerk of the county courts, and that the
latter, instead of the newspaper men, shall
make affidavit to the publication. "This
will relieve the editor of much trouble and
the payment of a notary's fee.
The State Pay the Piper.
Hakrisbuko, January 13. Senator
Grady is quoted as saying that tie two Phil
ndelphia contested election cases will cost
the State 543,000. The legislative contest
is expected to cost 510,000 and the Senato
rial the remaining 533,000.
The Bill Giving Uncompleted Railroads Tiro
Years' Extension of Time.
Harrisburg, January 13, Senator Steel,
of Allegheny county, is sponsor for a bill
which gives uncompleted railroads two years'
extension of tiniabefore their charter is for
feited according to law. Representative
Pugh, of Somerset, to-day expressed the
opinion that the measnre was introduced in
the interest of the South Pennsylvania Rail
road,and stated that the people of his county
are very much interested in it, as the line
of the road crosses the county from east to
west, and at one time excited all Somerset to
a great degree. People invested in lands
along the line of the road and speculation
ran high. Mineral lands were disposed of
subject to the completion ot the road, and
natters took on an air ot prosperity and in
flation. Then came the suspension of work
and prosperity look n tumble, and people
who considered themselves opulent dis
covered that thev were really poor.
"In fact," said Representative Pugh, "a
considerable section of Somerset county
found itself hard up, and has since struggled
with adversity. Therefore, Somerset people
are not disposed to favor the proposed ex
tension of time unless there is some guaran
tee that the road will be completed."
If the proposed extension is merely for
the purpose of giving the stockholders in
the road a chance to recoup themselves,
Somerset is opposed to it, and Representa
tive Pngh will fight it vigorously and
A Percentage of the Receipts to bo Donated
to the Poor.
rrnoii a staff cobbespoxdextj
Harrisburg, January 13. Representa
tive Richmond, of Philadelphia, is prepar
ing a bill somewhat similar to the Ives bill,
which prevails in New York, to permit the
selling of pools at race tracks on race days
only. The act will provide that the stalls
on the race tracks shall not be connected by
wire with any pool rooms fn cities or any
where ontside of the track. It will also
provide that a certain percentage of the net
receipts shall be turned over to the Guardians
of the Poor in the counties where such race
tracks may be established. It is said that
Colonel A. L, Snowdcn, "Vice President of
the National Jockey Association; Frank
Bower, President of the Belmont Driving
Park, and Joseph "Wendworth, President of
the Philadelphia Driving Park, are pre
paring the bill and will take a great interest
in it after it is presented to the Legislature.
The bill is of great interest to persons
interested.in horse racing, and if it become a
law, will give an incentive to the sport
which will materially aid the managements
of the different driving parks in Pittsburg.
The Philadelphia people believe, if the law
is passed, that in a few years the Point
Breeze and Belmont tracks wonld become
as well-known to the country as Monmouth
Park and Sheepshead Bav. Both the New
York and New Jersey Legislatures have
placed laws on their statute books legaliz
ing the selling of pools at race tracks.
A Report on Building and Loan Associations
nnd Coal 31 in en' Wages.
Harrisburg, January 13. Prof. Bolles,
Chief of the State-Burean of Statistics, who
has written several standard works, -pro-"
poses to get out an unusually interesting re
port this year on Pennsylvania industrial
statistics. He has communicated with all
the building and loan associations in the
State and has received information which
satisfies him that these institutions have
contributed largely to the prosperity of tho
towns and cities of Pennsylvania. The
number of these associations in the State is
about 1,200.
Mr. Bolles has gone to much trouble to
ascertain the average wages obtained in the
anthracite and bituminous coal regions.
He has sent to every colliery in" Pennsylva
nia a blank, in which he requests-thai the
daily wages ot ten of the most skilled and
ten of the least skilled workmen be given,
in order that a reasonable correct average of
wages earned can be obtained. The op
eratives of many collieries have responded
to this request for these statistics. Mr.
Bolles expects that his annual report will
give a much more accurate exhibit of the
earning capacity of coal miners than has
ever been priuted in the State.
In Washington County, and Probably
Throngbont the State.
HAbbisbubg, January 13. Hon. E. F.
Acheson, of "Washington, Pa., arrived to
day and expects to attend the meeting of
the Pennsylvania Editorial Association.
He considers "Washington county safe for
prohibition by a large majority, and sees
reasons why the constitutional amendment
should have a much better chance for suc
cess at a special than at a general election.
At the former all the friends of the measure
are certain to be on hand to vote against the
liquor trade, while many who would vote
against prohibition at a general election
will not have enough of the courage of their
convictions to bring them to the polls to
run the gauntlet of the "W. C. T. TJ. work
ers, who will be out in force.
Mr. Acheson also brings the news that a
bill is to be introduced ere long for the re
pair of the national pike, which runs
through Somerset, Fayette and "Washington
counties. It will take a large sum of
money, however, to make the repairs, as
bridges will have to be practically rebuilt.
Members of the Electoral College Arriving,
Harrisburg, January 13. Members of
the Pennsylvania Electoral College are
slowly gathering to-night, and will continue
to arrive during to-morrow forenoon. They
will meet at noon to-morrow to formally
cast the vote of the State for General Har
rison for President. Captain Jones, of the
McKean district, is kept away by illness.
"When the electors organize, his place will
be filled.
Has Ceased, bnt More Trouble is Appre
hended Before Long.
Kansas City, Mo., January 13. A
special from Wichita says: General Meyers
telegraphed that he had arrived at Cimar
ron, the location of the recent county seat
war, this morning, and that all was quiet.
The militia was ordered out and is still in
readiness to move on a moment's rotice, as
it is feared that the trouble is not yet over.
Ingalls was guarded all last night by
farmers, as it had been rumored that Cim
arron sympathizers had threatened to burn
the place. Watson and the deputies had
Leen released by the Sheriff of Dodge City
before General Meyers arrived.
Hope for the Pnnnmn Cannl.
Paris, January 13. The Figaro an
nounces that M. De Lesseps and the admin
istrative council of the Panama Canal Com
pany have signed an agreement with the
Ban'que Parisienne for a fresh issue of 00,
000,000 shares, to be subscribed in two lots.
The first lot will be offered on the 20th inst.
The Iowa Blockade Builder Plays
Into the Hands of the Enemy.
Now They Have an Excellent Chance to Se
cure a Change of the Rules.
Many Members Fcir Their Health Wouldn't Stand eo
llnch Strain.
General Reaver's exposition of the man
ner in which one man can effectually block
all legislation in the House of Congress
under the rules has given Republicans the
very excuse they wanted to change those
rules. It has done more. It has made ene
mies for the Oklahoma bill, who couldn't
now be forced to vote for anything in which
"Weaver takes such an interest. Indian
Commissioner Oberly's report is In. Many
Congressmen fear the eflects of an extra ses
sion on their health.
Washington, January 13. It is seldom
that a man plays so completely into the
hands of his opponents as General "Weaver
has done in his policy of obstruction. The
Republicans in the House have always been
more interested in the rights of majority
than in those of the minority, and
in the next House they will be particularly
anxious to enlarge the powers of the ma
jority, because their superiority in numbers
will be so small that only a change of rules or
Democratic indifference will enable them to
get along at all. They have, therefore,
every reason for desiring for the Fifty-first
Congress a set of rules that will rednce the
influence of the minority to its lowest terms.
But they lacked a plausible excuse, and
they would hesitate some before making
radical changes in their own favor in the
rules which have substantially governed in
the past five Congresses.
Weaver has furnished the excuse. He
has shown the extraordinary power the rules
give one man to delay and indeed prevent
the business of the House. He has kept it
up long enough to breed much discontent in
the Honse, and to attract public attention
to the rules, which were created deliberately
to delay instead of to facilitate legislation.
He has created a sentiment inside and out
side of the House in favor of changing the
rules and reducing the power of a
minority. This is precisely what the
Republicans wanted, more than any
other one thing. The House of the
Fifty-first Congress will adopt rules that
.will not fall far short of eliminating the
minority from the management of business,
and they will do this" ostensibly on the
ground that "Weaver's cantankerousness
has shown the country the absolute neces
sity of the change. Under a new set of rules
the Republicans, with barely enough ot a
majority to organize the House, will ex
perience little delay in disposing of a few
contested election cases, with the result of
seating thcRepublican contestants and in
overbearing Democratic opposition to their
legislative programme.
Many of the Republican leaders have
iranKly declared tnemseives already ns op
posed to the toleration of any dilatory
motions, and they have had the way pre
pared for a very high-handed revision of the
rules, not only by "Weaver's course, but by
the election of several otber members of the
Honse, representing both parties, but mostly
Democrats, for the Fiftieth Congress has
been characterized by far more filibustering
than any of its recent predecessors.
Weaver has done something more than
this. He has made a great many enemies
for the Oklahoma bill, in whose interest he
purported to be filibustering. His compro
mise is due to bis discovery of this lact.
Many friends of the bill declared that if
WtaVer kept up hisfisht they would vote
against the bill. Whether hestopped fight
ing in time to save the bill remains to be
Many Members Afraid It Will Destroy Their
Remaining Health.
Washington, January 13. Thus far it
may be said with truth that the only real
opposition to the calling of an extra session
that has been developed among the mem
bers ot Congress is with those who would
desire to attend to their duties, but who are
either quite old or in delicate health, and
who earnestly wish to avoid the bnrden of
another all-summer session. This is a
serious question with such Senators as
Stanford, Sawyer, Stewart, Morrill and
others, and with sot a few members of the
House. Especially in the latter body it
would be necessary for every man to be on
the ground, bnt the importance of this
would be scarcely less in the Senate. Sevt
eral members of "both Houses were seriously
affected by the long and arduous siege of
last summer, on account of not being ac
climated, and fear that they wonld not be
able to endure a similar strain at all, fol
lowing so soon upon the other.
But among the younger members and
managing politicians of every degree there
is but one opinion. They are absolutely de
termined on an extra session. A score or so
of candidates for Speaker are determined to
have the question of who shall be the victo
rious man set at rest About a thousand
young Republicans want to know who are
going to fill the subordinate positions in the
House, where, a clean sweep of the Demo
crats will certainly be made, if in no other
quarter. Above all. shrewd politicians all
over the conntry will recognize that it is al
most vitally important that the question of
the organization of the House should not
only be settled, but that the bare Repub
lican majority of the Honse be strengthened
by the settlement of contests and the admis
sion of Territories.
Indian Commissioner Oberly Comes Drag
glng Along With His Ueport.
Washington, January 13. John H.
Oberly, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, has
submitted to the Secretary of the Interior
the report of the operations of his bureau
for the year ended June 30, 1888. This un
usual delay is explained by the fact that
Commissioner Oberly was but recently ap
pointed to his present position. The statis
tical and routine matters were, however, laid
before the Secretary in time for review in
bis annual report, issued early in December,
A number of recommendations are made,
including changes in the manner of pur
chasing Indian supplies. The Commissioner
favors the extension of the civil service reg
ulations to the Indian Bureau.
Tho Innngnrnilon I'nrndo n First Bate
Tiling far I ho G. A. U.
"Washington, January 13, General
William Warner, Commander-in-Chief of
the G. A. R., having been urged by General
Rosecrans and Charles P. Lincoln, Com
mander of the G. A. ., of the Department
of the Potomac, to take official action look
ing to the 6. A. It. taking part in the in
auguration ceremonies and parade, has
written a letter ta which he says:
That it is proper- for members of the G, A.
R., either as individuals, posts or departments
to participate in the Inauguration ceremonies,
none will question. It is a time when the
partisan and the sectarian disappear; a time
wnen the citizens of tho republic meet on a
common plane, having but one country, one
flag and one destiny.
The Comtaander-in Chief will secure a
place in the line of march for all G: A. R.
posts that attend the inauguration. He
says it is left to the determination of the
comrades whether or not they will take part
in the ceremonies.
The Preparation of Kami Crullers Thought
to Mean Basinets In Samon.
Washington, January 13. The Berlin
dispatch announcing great satisfaction in
the German capital over ah announcement
by the American Government that the
United States had no interests in Samoa
that warranted it in maintaining a contro
versy with the German Government, and
that the latter wonld probably send rein
forcements to Samoa, is supposed here to
refer to some dispatch from Secretary
Bayard that is not included in the official
correspondence already made public, and is
perhaps later than any of the published cor
respondence. If Mr. Bayard sent such a dispatch it
must have been in one of those pacific
moods which the Secretary of State enjoys
oftener than some of his cabinet colleagues
do. In the Canadian negotiations and in
the Sackville episode Mr. "Bayard found
other portions of the Administration more
aggressive than he, and he modified his
course accordingly. .He may have sent a
supplement to his peaceful dispatch to Ber
lin, supposing that the Berlin dispatch re
ferred to was warranted by the acts.
The activity of the Navy Department in
preparing three or or fonr "cruisers for sea
service, with a marked indisposition on the
part of the Secretary of the Navy in tell
what theservice was to be, is believed by
gentlemen who have been watching tho
Samoan affair to indicate that a naval force
is to be sent to Samoa, and that Germany is
not to have notice in advance of the depart
ure of the ships.
A Decision by tho Attorney General of Great
Interest to Patenters.
Washington, January 13. Commis
sioner Coleman has been informed that in
the suit brought at his request by the At
torney General against Magnus Swenson
for the cancellation of a patent for a
method for the manufacture of sugar from
sorghum cane, the demurrer of Swenson has
been overruled and the case set for trial.
The Commissioner thinks that this action
settled the point of law as to the right of
the Government to bring suit for cancella
tion of patents in cases where employes
make discoveries while employed by the
Why It Is Hard to Get a First-Class Man
to Fill the Appraiser's Shoes.
New York, January 13. Secretary Fair
child came to town to-night, and was at the
Everett House. To-morrow will be a busy
day with him. It is stated that he is to
meet a number of importers of woolen goods,
silks, satins, ribbon's, and general drygoods
men, -and representatives of the sugar trade,
in a conference looKwgJo the selection of
.an Appraiser of theVPorj.C-Mr. Stearns, the
temporal y chief, will return to Boston, It
is donbtful if the candidate selected at this
time will be confirmed by the Senate. But
it is announced that the Secretary and the
merchants who confer with him will go
ahead just the same and endeavor to select a
man against w hom nothing can be said ex
cept that the Senate is Republican.
The Appraiser's salary is only 51,000 a
year, and this will stand in the way of get
ting a first-class man. Naval Officer Burt
gets S8.000 for conducting the affairs of an
office which both Republicans and Demo
crats have frequently declared as a useless
survival of obsolete methods. A movement
is under way to ask Congress to give the
Appraiser a salary sufficient to make the
office worth taking by a fiist-class man.
- It is announced for the special Treasury
agents that they have all the evidence they
want to change "the complexion of the
divisions in the Appraiser's stores before
Saturday night."
The Deposed President of the B. fc O. 3Iny
Take Chngcof n West Virginia Uond.
Baltimore, January 13. Recent move
ments of persons prominently connected
with the "West Virginia Central Railroad
have given rise to a rumor that Mr.
Spencer's hand is in the management of, if
not the entire controljof, that company. On
Wednesday last ex-Senator Camden, of
West Virgina, who is largely interested in
the West Virginia Central, came to Balti
more. Mr. Spencer was at home at the time.
On Friday the two gentlemen went to
Philadelphia. They returned the same
afternoon, and with them was Senator
Arthur P. Gorman, who is also largely in
terested in that 58 miles of road running
from Piedmont to Davis, W. Va., through
the richest coal mines of the State.
The three gentlemen named were in close
conversation all the way from Philadelphia
to Baltimore. Yesterday another consulta
tion was held in Baltimore, and ex-Senator
Camden and Mr. Spencer dined together at
Barnum's. Ex-Senator H. G.Uavis Is now
President of the West Virginia Central. As
he likes to take life easy and possesses an
abundance of wealth to do so, it is reported
to-night he would not be unwilling to let
them take the bnrden of the road from his
He Advocates the Australian System of
Toting, nnd Says It Will be Adopted.
Chicago, January 13. Henry George,
the advocate of the single land tax idea, or
practically the ownership by the State of all
land, was at the Grand Pacific Hotel to-day
on his way to Des Moines, where he lectures
to-morrow night. In coming from New
York he appeared before a committee of the
Ohio Legislature and made an argument in
favor of the Australian system of secret bal
lot. Said he upon this question:
1 believe the Australian system of voting
will be the law.In a ball dozen States before
tho year i over. It will bo adopted again bv"
the New York Leg slature. and 1 have leasoh
to think that Governor Hill will not veto it
again. Governor Francis, of Missouri, is in
favor of it, and the measure will be strongly
5 resented to the Missouri Legislature,
'be system is almost certain to become
a law in Rhode Island and Connecticut,
and may be adopted in Ohio and Indiana. Tb e
arguments in favor of it are much easier to
present since the election than they were be
fore, because the corruption of voters was so
plainly carried to a greater extent than ever
before. The public cannot help seeing that the
only remedy Is some such way of voting as that
provided by the Australian system. The Irish
Parliamentary agitation was made possible by
this system at once. It is a splendid sjstcm-
A Distinguished Edncnlor Dcnrl.
JERSEY City, N. J., January 13. Alex
ander T. McGill, D. D., LL. D.. Emeritus
Professor bf Ecclesiastic, Hnmilctic and
Pastoral Theology, at Princeton Theological
Seminary, died at Princeton, N. J., this
niirning,'in his 82d year.
14 1889.
The Thunderer Sends Two Detectives
to This Country, and They Are
After Imaginary Evidence With Which
to Convict Parnell.
The Perpetrator of the Job Bleeds the Detectires and
langhs at Item.
A Buffalo man who was out of work and
funds, conceived the idea of bleeding the
London Timet. He notified them that he
had evidence implicating Parnell in the
Phoenix Park murders. Two detectives
were sent to this country. The joker got
500 out of them, and then told the story.
Buffalo, January 13. The Buffalo
Courier created a profound sensation this
morning by publishing 13 letters and
a number of telegrams written by a special
detective from Scotland Yard tent out in
the interest of the London Times to procure
evidence that would implicate Charles
Stewart Parnell in the Phoenix Park mur
ders. It appears that in August last, a Black
Rock mechanic, just naturalized, being out
of work and in need of money, conceived
the scheme of making something out of the
London Times. He wrote a letter to the
publishers of that paper to the effect that
while working as a mason on the New York
aquednct he came across two Irishmen who
were in possession of documentary evidence
that would prove the letters on which the
Times relies in the present investigation to
be perfectly genuine.
His language was "There is two Irishmen
here that was indirectly in the combine to
murder Cavendish nnd Burke, where I can
get all the proof you want for very little."
This person received a cablegram from the
London Times telling him "to hold on to
the man at all hazards," and that an
English detective would soon be on Ameri
can soil. '
The detective duly came in the person of
J. T. Kerby, or "Chris Thomas," and was
to be accompanied by a female agent
as sharp as himself. Kerby's first let
ter to the Buffalo man was written from
New York, and directed a reply to be sent
to C. Thomas, care Major Rice, 1237
Broadway. It said that the writer was au
thorized to sec him and others well compen
pensated who were willing to give un
doubted proofs, and also, if necessary, go to
England and give, link by link, testimony
that would be accepted by the courts of
Great Britain and also by the Royal Com
He guaranteed that not only would the
rewards be liberal to all who would serve in
procuring proof, bnt the protection would
be ample. He requested the Buffalo man.to
proceed to New Yorkwith his documents,,
to avoid mixing with anyone in the city and
to keep a elosecf'mouth." This was written
on August 22i
The Buffalo man did not go to New York,
and his replies to Kerby were opened at
Major Rico's by some-third party. There
upon Kerby chanced his name to "Chris
Thomas" and shifted his address to room 34,
Gedney House, Fourth street and Broad
way. ,
This solicitude was making things -varm
for the Buffalo man, especially when he
proposed a meeting at the Tifft House here.
He was equal to the occasion and warned
the English detective that their game had
been discovered, advising him to leave the
city. Kerby and his fair companion there
upon crossed over to Toronto. From
Toronto he went to Montreal and thence to
Chicago, where his headquarters were with
George Harvey & Co., 179NLasalIe street,
all the time imploring the Buffalo man to
hasten to procure his proors,and paying out
money in sums of 525 to $75 at a time,
aggregating in all about ?500.i,
In his last letter from. the Gedney House
he said that he was authorized to assure
both of the supposititious Irishmen comforta
ble farms of their own and secure them in
competencies for their lives. He was will
ing to pay $500 apiece in cash if they wonld
give up the papers. Writing from room
b72 Palmer House, Chicago, on November
23, he began to show petulance, suspecting
that he was being duped, and declared that
he would not pay another dollar until he
could see the papers in his own hands. Be
sides, he had got so much other evidence as
it was that be could afford to do without
them. Still he was willing to get $400. He
Anyway, I would not want either of them or
H. to come here all I want is the paper and
letters, after I see them with my own eyes if
after 1 get them and he has money, he then
consents to go and give evidence, for a further
sum, well and good, but you can tell H. what I
say and nothing will induce me tojiay out an.
other dollar until I cctthe papers. Tbis is hual.
The papers once in my hands I'll do as I havo
said above for them, and all I have said in rnv
previous letter for yourself and more, too. Bnt
only when I'm getting the papers.
The correspondence ceased with the thir
teenth letter, written on December 1, from
the Palmer House, Chicago, announcing his
intention of proceeding to Niagara Falls.
In the course of his wanderings after proof
the Scotland Yard man went to Ravens
wood, 111., where he said his son lived, nnd
thence wrote offering to give the Buffalo
man $500 it he wonld make success certain,
and the same to each of the other men.
There was, of course, no evidence whatever
of the nature sought by the agent of the
Times and the British Government.
At the meeting of the Irish National
League in St. Stephen's Hall this afternoon
the exposure made by the Courier was dis
cussed and the course of the Times, in en
deavoring to trump up evidence asrainst
Parnell, was emphatically denounced in
speeches nnd resolutions. "The rottenness
of the Times' case against Parnell and the
other Irish leaders was never better illus
trated than in Kerby's infamous mission
to suborn perjured and, mercenary
evidence before the Royal Commission,"
said President Callahan, in introducing the
Sho Endows n PreDnrnlory School That
Will Cost at I.enitt 8200,000.
Baltimore, January 13. Itisgenerally
known that Miss Mary Garrett's charity is
most liberal and practical, bnt so carefully
does she gnard it from publio notice that
the world jarely hears of her good work,
Her latest gift is the Bryn Mawr school, now
being erected on Cathedral street, and is in
tended to prepare girls for entrance to Bryn
Mawr College, near Philadelphia. There'is
such an institution here now, but the quar
ters are inadequate.
Miss Garrett is superintending the build
ing of the school in person. The entire cost
will not be lesi than $200,000. The build
iiig will have a frontage pf 8!) feet, and will
be 76 feet deep. It is to be fireproof, the
first floor of different colors worked in
figures. Physical culture is to receive as
much attention as mental improvement. It
will be endowed by Miss Garrett after it is
i'!&ajiaissijss ihHHh
The Wife of the American Cretins Dies
Bnrronnded by Her Family.
New York, January 13. Mrs. Jay
Gould, who has been slowly dying since she
suffered a second stroke of paralysis on the
6th of last November, passed away to-night
a few minutes after 9 o'clock, at her resi
dence, 579 Fifth avenue.
When. .Dr. Jared G. Baldwin called on
Saturday evening to make his customary
visit, he found Mrs. Gould so much worse
that he decided to stay with her through the
nbht. Mr. Gould sat up with him. Shortly
after' the Doctor's arrival Mrs. Gould be
came nnconscions, and she remained'in that
condition until her death. At 4. o'clock
this morning she was so low that Dr, Bald
win summoned the family to her bedside.
From that time on her death was momen
tarily expected. Her daughter Helen was
her most devoted and physical nurse. Com
plete physical exhaustion was the immedi
ate cause of her death.
All of her family were about her during
the last hours, including her husband, Mr.
and 'Mrs. George Gould, and the other chil
dren, and Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Noyes and
Mrs. Dickinson, sisters of Mrs. Jay Gonld.
Her aged mother, Mrs. Miller, who lives
nearby, was not told that Mrs. Gould was
dying. Mrs. Miller, herself, is very feeble,
nnd news even that her daughter was se
riously ill had been kept from her. She is
past 80. Mr. Gould is much worn with
watching at his wife's bedside.
Mrs. Gould was about CO. She was the
daughter ot Daniel G. Miller, of this city.
Mr. Miller was a member of the firm of Lee,
Dater & Miller, dealers in prodnce and
groceries. He amassed a fortune. The
Miller homestead was on Union Square,
where the Century building now stands. It
was there that Miss Helen D. Miller spent
her youth, and there she was mrrried to Mr.
Gould about 27 years ago. Mrs. Gonld was
a gentle and attractive woman, who cared
little for social attractions, but devoted her
self to her family. Without allowint: it to
be known publicly, she was active jn chari
ties, and her eldest daughter, Miss Helen
Gould, assisted her in these good works.
Senator Blair Accused of Jinking False
Statements About Cnnndinn Catholics.
Ottawa, January 13. Senator Blair's
remarks In the Senate on Friday regarding
the French Canadians, in which he is re
ported as having said that they were escap
ing from the Church of Rome, has caused
considerable excitement in French Catholic
circles here. Although a large number
were interviewed to-day and they number
12,000 in this city not one could be found
to indorse the Scuator's vjews. They repu
diate him as stating that which he knew to
be false. Sir Hector Laneevin, Minister of
Publio Works, and brother of Bishop Lang
evin, is most outspoken in his denunciation
of Senator Blair. He says there never was
a more loyal people to the Church of Rome
than the "French Canadian Catholics, and
that whatever motives Senator Blair could
have had for making the statement credited
to him, he did not tell the truth when he
said that they were escaping from that
Sir Hector says that the insult offered the
French Canadian Catholics is most unbe
coming a statesman possessing the ambition
of Senator Blair, and that his remarks can
only be attributed to an inventive mind ora
mischief maker.
Mrs. linger Held In 815,000 on tbe Charge
of Bigamy In New York.
rsrxcun mlxoiia to toe pispatcii.i
Hew York, January 13. Mrs. Kate
Unger, a tall, large-featured woman, dressed
in a long mixed gray ulster, stood at the
bar of the Jefferson Market police court to
day, confronted by two husbands Henry
TJnger, a truck driver, and William Bogart,
a brass finisher. Unger charged his wife
with bigamy, and showed the certificate of
their marriage by the Rev. Thomas Farrell
on November 9, 1S7IJ. Her maiden name
was Wei.
TJnger said that he lived with this wife
until about a year-and a half ago, when he
found fault with her for going out nights,
and they separated. A lew weeks ago he
heard that she was married to Bogart.
Bogart produced the certificate of his mar
riage to Kate Weiss on August 31, 1&87.
Mrs. TJnger pleaded not guilty, and was
held in $15,000 bail. The two husbands lett
court together.
Powdcrlv Alleges That the New K. of I.
Has Been Offered for SIOO.
BlNGHAMTON, N. Y., January 13. Gen
eral Master Workman T. V. Powderly, of
the Knights of Labor, addressed a publio
meeting of D. A. 152 in this city last even
ing. After the public meeting an execu
tive session was held, at which district of
ficers for the coming year were elected.
Mr. Powderly made a long address on
national politics pertaining to the Knights
of Labor. Among other things he stated
that one of the four alleged founders of the
Knights of Labor, who are trying to estab
lish a ntw order in Philadelphia, recently
offered to sell out the new order to him for
$100, and he hnd satisfactory proof that the
same person, had previously offered to sell
out to John Wanamaker.
A Former Slave Presents His Life Savings
lo a Chnreb.
Louisville, January 13. Andrew Fer
guson, colored, has just given to the Pres
bytery of Louisville the use of his church,
property purchased with the savings of a
lifetime. Ferguson is a single man, 70
years old. He was, in his younger days,
the property of Andrew Todd, of Flemings
burg. With bis freedom he began saving. He
lives alone, does his own cookintr, washing,
etc. In 1878 he had saved $5,000, with
which h bought the Knox Presbyterian
Church property, This he at once gave to
his church, rent free, for ten years, and
now has deeded it outright.
A Sinn nnd Woman Meet an Awful Death
While Driving to Chnreb.
New York, January 13, While Henry
Christ, a tailor living at New Hyde Park,
and Mrs. Eva Herkoner, wife of a well-to-do
farmer of the same place, were driving to
church in n bnsgy this morning, they were
struck by the Green Point mail train while
they were crossing the Hinsdale junction of
the Long Island Railroad. Mr. Christ was
thrown almost 25 feet into the nic and was
instantly killed. Mrs. Herkoner fell on the
opposite side of the track. Her injuries are
Rrqntrrd at Snndny Concerts In Ibe Good
Town nf Worcester. .
Worcester, Mass., J.tnu.iry 13. Ella
Chamberlain, the whistling soloist, was
prevented from appearing at a concert at
the theater to-night with tho Boston Ideal
Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar Club.
One ot the local ministers objected, and
the Mayor refused to allow the whistler to
whistle anything but sacred music. Conse
quently the whiktler did not come, and the
entire programme had to be changed.
As laid With Great Pj. on tho
Keystone Gover &
' &
Other Leaders of His Party Fear a Revolt
Against Ilia Policy.
Consisting1 of Chris Magee, Gorernor Bearer and
Senator Cameron.
Senator Quay's firm grip on the reins of
State Government has caused the bit to gall
somewhat, and a number ot those in bis
party who think the result of the national
election has swelled tbe head of the Na
tional Chairman think of kicking over the
traces. A strong combination is talked of
in the triumvirate of Chris Magee, Gov
ernor Beaver and Senator Cameron. It is
insisted that they will lead a revolt if the
course of the junior Senator doesn't here
after indicate that some one's wishes beside
his own are considered.
Haerisbueg, January 13. The ridicu
lous ease with which Colonel Quay, by Sen
atorial proxy, organized both branches of
the Legislature, and the seeming willing
acquiescence of a large majority of the Sen
ators and Representatives in any demands
for legislation inspired by or supposed to
have emanated from him, are annoying cir
cumstances to some of the more sagacious
members of the party, who think they see
in the arbitrary course of the junior United
States Senator an element of danger to the
organization in this State. They claim that
the authority that he so sweepingly exer
cises is certain to bear bitter political fruit,
although it is now scarcely causing a ripple,
by reason of tbe national importance to
which Colonel Quay has attained as Chair
man of the National Republican Com
mittee. In wreaking his vengeance on members of
tbe party against whom he had a real or
imaginary grievance, discounting entirely
their qualifications for the positions which
they filled for years and for which they were
candidates, they declare Colonel Quay has
laid the foundation for
which, if not followed by a more conciliatory
policy toward Republicans who may not he
able to subscribe to all he may do, will not
only result in wresting the scepter of power
which he wields from him, but is likely to
culminate in the defeat of the party in the
Gubernatorial campaign two years hence.
The disastrous history of 1883, when Robert
E. Pattison was elected over General Beaver
by a plurality of 40,000, will be repeated,
they say, unless Colonel Quay should mod
erate his prospective policy, or other cir
cumstances should meanwhile diminish or
obliterate his power.
Even many Republicans in the Legisla
ture who forsook fast friends to accommo
date the Republican National Chairman
adversely criticise his alleged vindictive
course, and declare that it is unwise from a
political standpoint, and that its tendency
will be to weaken Colonel Quay with his
party. 'Possible combinations to curb.if
not destroy, his power are already being dis
cussed. Of course Chris Magee, who dis
creetly recognizes that a fight against Quay
at this time would be the height of folly,
because of its certain failure, is conspicu
ously named as one of the prominent factors
vho will assist in lowering the standard of
party authority as defiantly carried by
Colonel Quay.
Governor Beaver is mentioned as another
distinguished member of his party who will
be found wielding his influence against the
domination of Quay when a good oppor
tunity presents itself to terminate it. Sen
ator Cameron is also spoken of as likely to
join the movement looking to Quay's polit
ical overthrow, if the present plan of pun
ishing suspected enemies and rewarding
only known friends is not abandoned, and a
more conciliatory policy substituted.
Magee, it is claimed, has every reason to
wish the downfall ot Quay, as the latter
took particular pains" to humiliate him by
his selection of men for Chief Clerk of the
Senate and House from Allegheny county,
against the wishes of the legislative delega
tion from that county, and to insnlt him by
every way possible since the election of Har
rison. Magee has other serious grievances
covering a scries of years, to settle with Quay,1
and those who know him have no donbt be
will get even with his adversary before he
is much older.
Governor Beaver is said to be dissatisfied
with the policy of Quay in going out of his
way to reward men who were prominently
identified with the movement which de
feated him for Governor in 1883. It is true
Governor Beaver appointed Samuel W.
Pennypacker, an independent Republican
in 1883, as Common Pleas Judge, at the re
quest of Quay, but it is said he hesitated
several days before complying with it, and
only considered it favorably because tbe
time to antagonize Quay baa not yet ar
Senator Cameron's attitude toward Quay
will depend very largely on the behavior of
the junior Senator toward the senior Sena
tor's candidacy for re-election. It is stated
on what seems good authority that Cameron
expects Quay to manage his re-election to
tlir Senate of the United States in consider
ation .of Cameron's willingness to allow
Qu ly to have substantially control of the
Federal patronage in the State.
If Quay, who has recently found occa
sion to find fault with Cameron, should
take the hit in bix month and adopt some
other candidate for Senator than his old
tim? friend, tbe triumvirate indicated
would form a team that would make it very
warm for Quay If he should ever have the
potent advantage that the control of the
Federal patronage would give him.
Although some of Cameron's friends dis
trust the tcalty of Quay to the senior Sena
tor, it is not probable that the Republican
National 'Chairman will desert nim for
another candidate, in view of the substar
tial favors showered on him by Cameron
It was Cameron who had Quay appointed
Secretary of the Commonwealth by Governor
Hartr.in'ft, and it was Cameron who gavo
him over $100,000 to help him out of s
disastrous stock speculation.
Bismarck to Speak of tbe Cardial Relations
Between England and Germany.
Berlin, January 13. It Is stated that
in tbe, colonial debate in the Reichstag
Prince Bismarck will especially refer to the
cordial and friendly relations between Ger
many and Great Britain.
The whole Liberal press protests against
the action of the North German Ga
zette in utilizingtheletter writeu by the late
Einpcror Frederick to Prince Bismarck
on the question of the latter's entering the
The Votsische Zeltung savs: "This per
sonal mark of attention to tin Chancellor,
cspeciallv when taken in conjunction with
the solicitude of the Commander-in-Chief
for the army, is anything but a refutation of
the political creed laid down by Frederick
in his diary and his governmental actions.
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