E5ESS9E9I Tr'F ' KtOffi' THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1889. 7 -" BEN'S BEST FKENDS Are the Newspapermen Who Protect Him From the Office Seekers. THEI STAXD OFF THE BOEES ly tlie Fear Thej IIave of Seeing the Ob ject of Their Begging Visits DISPLATED BOLDLT IN COLD TIPE. Gen. Harrison Evidently Appreciates the Newspapers' Kindness. General Harrison's best friends aw the newspapers. He doesn't probably Know it just now, though. The reason they are is that the fear of publicity through the press prevents many office seekers from going to Indianapolis to ask for what they want, if they don't see it. rgrrciAi telegram to the dispatch. Indianapolis, January 12. If any man In the world has cause to be thankful to the newspaper men, Benjamin Harrison, President-elect of the United States and head of the patronage-distributing business for the next four years, is the man. Trobably President-elect Harrison does not realize this fact yet, bnt it is so, nevertheless. General Harrison will under stand more about it when he goes to "Wash ington and the office seekers have a chance to visit him without having their comings and goings chronicled next day in half the pa pers of the country, with more or less agreeable comments'and interesting little bits of history and reminiscence added. General Harrison has been represented as being overrun since his election by impor tunate office seekers and 'friends of office seekers, but there has been a great deal of exaggeration about this. As a matter of fact, there have been comparatively fexr office seekers from other parts of the country in Indianapolis since the election. Hoosicrs aside, the number of office-seeking callers upon the President-elect has not averaged a dozen a day. A SMALL TEOPORTIOK. There are said to be 100.000 Federal of fices in the country in the filiing of which President Harrison will have a more or less direct hand. It is doubtful if, not counting Indiana people, a thousand applicants for office have made personal visits to the President-elect. The same thing is true in as marked degree as to the more important offices, in the filling of which political influence is the principal thing looked at The amount of personal pressure brought to bear upon the President-elect in the matter of the selection of Cabinet officers has been inflnitessimal compared with the importance of the in terests involved in those places. From all the New England States, for in stance, the only man who has come here especially on Cabinet business was Con gressman Gallinger, of New Hampshire. Of all the Republican leaders of New York State the only ones who have visited Gen eral Harrison have been Vice President elect Morton and Senator Hiscock, with a flying, stop-over, one-train call, one after noon, from Elihu Tedder and Zerubbabel Erwin. Quay is the only Pennsylvanian who has come, although there have been delegations aggregating probably 25 men on behalf of Wharton Barker. THE SOUTH NOT BASHFUL. The South has sent representatives more generously than any other section of the country, considering the lack of the size of the Republican vote in that section. Prob ably 150 to 200 people have come here from the South to visit General Harrison on mat ters connected with the filling of office. Fro oi the Pacific coast there has been just one caller,. Mr. Hazel tine, a representative of Michael DeYoung's paper, who was on his way to business in Washington. Colorado "had had Senator Teller and Senators Plumb, of Kansas, and Manderson, of Nebraska, have also been here, but Manderson did not tee the President-elect, and Plumb spent only 20 minutes with him. The Territories have rivaled the South in the number of theirmessengcrs here. Probably 25 from Dakota and as many from all the rest of the would-be States have visited In dianapolis since election. Minnesota has had half a dozen political callers, and there have been about as many from 'Wisconsin and Michigan. The great bulk of the callers from outside of Indiana have been Jrom the adjoining States of Illinois and Ohio. A hundred apiece would probably cover the number of political advisers and wire-pullers from these two States. H00SIERS HESITATE XOT AT ALL. This makes it apparent that if the President-elect has been overrun at all it must have been by his fellow statesmen of Indiana, and, lor a fact, the Hoosiers have thorn no backwardness about coming forward at this interesting occasion to bespeak choice seats at the banquet that will begin on March 4. There have been doubtless several hundred arjplicants for office among tbe thousands of Tndianians who have pushed the electric button at the Harrison front door since election. The reason for this singular hesitation on the part of office seekers in coming to press their claims personally upon the President elect is easily apparent to any one who has been long in Indianapolis. While obstinate and persistent upon occa sion, the office seeker is as shy and modest as the trailing arbntus when news paper publicity is to be risked. There are very few men who want office who lack the Eupremegall necessary to comeherennd worry the President-elect abont it three months before tbe inauguration, but when it comes to having the whole country read at break fast next morning that "Bill Quigley, who claims to be the boss hustler for the Republican party in Sqneedunk, Mass., called upon the President-elect, yes terday, in reference to the post maslership of his town," the situation is different, and hesitation quickly leads to the determination not to come, when it is considered that the newspaper men may add a paragraph to the effect that "Mr. Quigley is the man who was fired out of the office three years ago upon charges of having opened letters addressed to the Widow Smith." ONLY ONE THING TO GAIN. The only thing to be gained by an office seeker in visiting the President-elect would be the possibility of slipping in ahead of tbe other fellows and getting a claim upon the uuitc uj jjwuukj ui njipiiuaiiuu, anu mis advantage would amount to little when all the other fellowswould read next day the details of the visit, and thus be posted on their opponent's moves in the game. The same influences have been equally efficacious in preventing the visits of more important statesmen. Of the 200 Republi can members of Congress not CO have been here since election, although twice that many have had to pass within convenient distance of Indianapolis on their trips to Washington and back, and the num ber of real party leaders who have called on the President-elect could almost be counted on the fingers. Aud this, al though all the leading Eepublicans of the country have received an informal invita tion to visit General Harrison for the pur pose of expressing personally any views tbey might have as to the public and party questions. The newspaper men have kept tbem away too. The experience of a few real statesmen who have come here has shown that it was practically impossible for such' men to come and go without the purpose and result of their visit becoming pretty nearly known by the newspapers within a short time afterward, even if it was not fully exposed by the next morning. SOURCES OP INFORMATION. There are a dozen or 15 newspaper men here whose particular business is to look after political news, and there are three or four times as many politicians and other men living here who are continu ally picking up. gossip about the visiting statesmen, which they are fairly hungry to give to the newspaper men on the chance of getting themselves mentioned as "close friends of the President-elect," or in some'such fashion. There are some even among General Harrison's most intimate associates who adopt this means of gain ing publicity. It hassometimes happened that informa tion given to a newspaperman at General Harrison's house, merely for personal and not to be published, has within a few hours again been obtained by the same man wnnoui any restriction as to its use, from personal friends of the family who had learned it through their confidential relations there. If Gen eral Harrison could secure from his ordi nary friends the tame discretion that is sometimes exacted from ricwspapermen.there would even fewer state secrets leak out than now become public APPRECIATED BY THE GENERAL. Whether General Harrison understands fully the debt which he owes to the news paper men for scaring away the office seek ers is doubtful, but even so the newspaper men have nothing to complain of at his hands, so far as personal courtesy is concerned. Although he adheres rigidly to his policy of silence as to the state matters, there's probably not a public man in the country to whom the newspaperrepresentatives have freer access. Generally he will see them personally at any reasonable time, and if he is engaged, Private Secre tary Halford is always sent to give any information not within the prescribed limits. The fact that there is so little that is not within the prescribed limits makes the visits of the newspaper men at the Har rison house almost as infrequent as those of statesmen in search of office. One significant thing which may indicate that General Harrison has at least some idea of the value of the newspapers as deterrents to office seekers is the readiness with which he gives information as to the names and other matters connected with his callers. He seems anxious that no newspaper man should fail to secure this information every day. At the same time he is particularly discreet in not mentioning, even indirectly, the object of the visit, if it had anything to do with politics or offices. WILL YISIT MRS. FRIEND. President Cottprill Goes to Canada to Get the Secret of Iteflnlng Snear He Denies That He Ever Descried Ills WIfb nnd Family. rSrZCIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISFATCn.l New York, January 12. President William H. Cotterill, of the Electric Sugar Refining Company, left the offices in Wall street to-day, saying that he would go to Ann Arbor to-night again. His mission this time, he said, was to get the Widow Friend's secret of manipulating refined sugar into super-refined. He was reminded that he had said that Mrs. Friend and Mr. Howard had left the jurisdiction of the United States. Word came in just then from Inspector B yrnes that Mrs. Friend and Mr. Howard were at Windsor, Canada. Mr. Cotterill said he would go to Windsor. Mr. Cotter ill said he didn't mind the report that Mrs. Friend, through her attorney at Ann Arbor, had brought suit for $20,000 against him and Kelson Sutherland, the local Sheriff, who attached her property at Milan. Before leaving Mr. Cotterill decided not to make a public statement of the company's affairs at present He did make a statement concerning the report published in 1876 that he had disappeared from New York, leaving his wife and family destitute, and decamp ing with 540,000, of which 822,000 was owed to Major Patterson. He says that the re port is altogether entirely untrue. He never owed Major Patterson any money. Major Patterson's mother (Mrs. Ward) had invested 53,000 in a mining venture through Cotterill alter Cotterill had warned her of the risks, and, "in common with others, lost her money." Mr. Cotterill says that he had no money to decamp with, and being with out means, determined to return to England with his family. It is true that the steam ship fares of his wile and children were paid by "others, but they all lived together in England and afterward in Canada. Mrs. Cotterill sat beside her husband when he handed out the statement, and handed out one signed by herself in sub stantiation of the statement that her hus band did not desert her. Mr. Cotterill vis, ited the refinery in Hamilton avenue be' fore he went West THERE ARE 50XE SOW. Death of Rev. Frederick Knnpp, the Only Honorary Member of the G. A. R. rfrrCIlLTZLEOEAM TO THE DIfirXTCII.l Portsmouth, N. E, January 12,-Rev. Frederick Knapp, a warm personal friend of General Grant and President Lincoln, died suddenly of heart disease this morning. He graduated from Harvard in 1843, and his death makes a total number of just one half of the class who have passed away. The news of his death will be received with sadness throughout the country by the thousands of old soldiers who are indebted to him for kind offices during the war, and to the many young men he educated later in life at his school. "When the war broke out he was appoint ed Assistant Secretary of the Eastern Di vision of the Sanitary Commission And Su perintendent of the Special Relief Depart ments. "While inthe Sanitary Commission 50,000 wounded and sick soldiers passed through his hands and received aid from him. He afterward officiated as chaplain for the soldiers. After the war he became principal of the Military School, estab lished at Eagleswood, K". J., and while there wrote a history of the department and its war work. In October, 1867, he estab tablished a home school for boys at Sutton. He was the only honorary member of the Grand Army in the country, being a mem ber of Collingwood Post, No. 76, of this town. His services during the war earned him this honor. TWO INQUESTS OS 0SE BODY. The Coroners of Adjoining Counties Qnnr rcling Over the Question of Jurisdiction. Bethlehem, January 12. Coroner Weaver, of Northampton county, and Cor oner Kemp, of Lehigh connty, have been quarreling for months over their jurisdic tion in holding inquests on bodies of per sons who are injured in one county and die in another. On Wednesday James Rehrig, a railroad brakeman, died here from injuries received by falling from a train at Allentown. Cor oner Weaver promptly held an inquest, but while the body was being taken to Lehigh ton, where Eehrig had resided.CoronerKemp intercepted it at the Allentown depot and held a second inquest. As each coroner ex pects his usual pay for his services, the next fight wiH be over the payment of the fees to each official. KILLED HIS WIFE'S KISSER. Sir. Uogmn Too Forcibly Objects to a Crazy Man's Frenk. SPECIAL TILIGBAM TO THE DISPATCIM New Yobk, Janpary 12. Patrick Mc Donnell, a half-demented house painter, kissed Mrs. hogan in her parlor this morn ing. Mr. Hogan came into the room jnst as he stopped doing it He threw McDonnell downstairs and halfway through the door at the foot ot the stairs. McDonnell was taken to a hospital. His injuries will prove fatal. St rack by an Engine. A passenger train on the West Penn road struck William Montrally at Natrona yester day, smashing both arms and injuring him internally. He is 65 years old, and is now at the West Penn Hospital not expected to live. BOUND FOR HAITI. The Steamer Mercedes Leavei for the Al leged Fnrpoie of Agitating Urppolilo Mysterious Departure. In tho KUht A Yankee Capt ain Scares a Gunboat. lEPECIAL TELEOEAM TO THE DISrATCIT.l New Yobk, January 12. At 2:30 o'clock yesterday morning the Mercedes, the re ntmed fishing steamer from Boston, weighed anchor and cleared for southern waters. The i Dominican Consul, Mr. Julia, who claims to be her purchaser, savs she is bound for Samana, on the eastern coast of Santo Domingo. The Haytian Minister, Mr. Preston, says she is bound for Cape Haytien, where she will at once go into the service of Hyppolite, the leader of the North. An effort was to have been made yesterday to prevent her sailing, but Captain Terry, her commander, escaped any interference by the sudden departure in the night Just before she sailed, four sailors from New York were put on board of her drunk. It was reported yesterday that Captain Joseph Sherwood, lately of the Peruvian navy and a former commander of one of the steamers of the Alexandre line to South America, would command the Madrid when she leaves for Haytian waters. It appears that when the Saginaw was at Manzanilla bay, near Monte Cristi, on December 22. a reward of 530,000 was offered by Hippolyte for the capture of Legitime's gunboat, the Toussaint L'Ouver ture. Captain Holmes, of the Saginaw, said he couldn't conscientiously capture the Toussaint, but he added that he could readily blow her np for the money, as he had a spar 40 feet long attacked to his bow below the water line, to which was fastened a dynamite torpedo, which he could run against the Toussaint and blow her to atoms. Of course Captain Holmes only told this story in fun, but it got to the ears of the Captain of the Toussaint, which was lying alongside watching the Saginaw, and that same night he got up steam and fled pre cipitately from the harbor. He never stopped till he reached Port-au-Prince, and told Legitime of his terrible danger and narrow escape. It is said that he was pro moted. WE ARE SOT TO BLAME. SewallSays That the Gcmiansareln Fanlt at Samon. Washington, January 12. The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations continued to-day their examination oT Consul-General Sewall, of Samoa, concerning the condition of affairs in the islands of that group. It was continued on the lines laid down yes terdav. but went more largely into the rela tions of the several governments interested in the maintenance of an orderly condition ot affairs on the islands, and therefore waB more confidential in its nature. The substance of Mr. Sewall's statement. which reviewed in great detail the events of the past few years, and the present unfortu; nate situation there, is that it is due not to .any action on the part of the representatives of the United States, but to the fomentation by interested foreigners of native dissen sions, and to the desire exhibited in a marked degree by those in charge of local ; German interests to obtain personal and commercial advantages and political su premacy. Mr. Sewall has been requested to remain roverand appear before the committee again. to-aay. THE STO.NER-LUSK SUIT. Testimony Taken to Show That tbe Parties Were Man nnd Wife. tSFECIAL TILZGEAM TO TBI DISPATCB.l Habbisbtjkg, January 12. The auditors and lawyers concerned in the case of Jennie . Stoner (or Mrs. Lusk), who claims one third of the undistributed estate of the late A. P. Lusk, aa old man, of this city, to whom she made affidavit she was married, returned this evening from Philadelphia, where several witnesses were exaniine'd to show that Lusk had recognized the woman as his wife. A boarding house keeper testified that he had introduced the female to her as his wife. A waiter in a hotel gave almost similar testimony. An alleged marriage ring, con taining the inscription "A. P. L. to J. E. Sf" was produced in evidence. Further testimony will be taken in this city on the 28th inst. The claimant's lawyers say the amatory epistles read at the recent hearing in this city are but a sample of many others tnat wm oe produced at tne proper time. AN OHIO HUSBAND. The Lode Array of Charses Preferred, In a Divorce Salt. I SPECIAL mr-GUAM TO TOE DISPATCH, Akhok, 0., January 12. Caroline B. Dissinger, wife of Hiram Dissinger, a prominent Canal Fulton physician, well known in Northern Ohio, brought suit for divorce in this city to-day, Akron now being her residence. She alleges neglect, cruelty and unfaithfulness. She says that when she lay ill last summer he'r husband re fused at first to attend her, and that when he did prescribe for her he administered, in tentionally or carelessly, a deadly poison, from which she would Save died but for timely efforts of other physicians who were called in. She involves a well-known young woman, Mrs. Lambright, in the charges, which are highly sensational. IT WAS SOT 11DRDER. A Wan Kills Two Ofllccrs nnd Yet Is Ac quitted. Cleveland, January 12. At Ashland to-day, Elias Chesrown was acquitted of the charge of murder. The trial began on De cember 3. Chesrown killed a constable and his deputy, who were trying to serve a writ of habeas corpus issued by the Probate Court, which called for Chesrown's father, who had been placed in Elias charge by a former decision of the Court. The service of the writ had once been en joined by the Common Pleas Court. The murder grew out of a quarrel between the nve unesrown oromers over tne possession- ot tne latner, ana tne case was involved in a legal tangle that puzzled nearly all of the lawyers. GIRL GAMBLERS. 'Women Run a Gambling; House In Culcaco and Deal Faro and Stod Poker. fSPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Chicago, January 12. Adeline Jones, Maggie Emerson and Annie Smith were arrested to-day for running a gambling house. When , the police burst into the building they found Miss Jones dealing stud poker to six men, while Maggie Emerson and Annie Smith acted as lookouts. The men were arrested with the women, and the faro and poker layouts confiscated. It is said that the gambling has been in progress at the place over six months. The games were patronized by men and women. The prisoners will appear in court on Mon day. MTJBDERED HIS MOTHER, Elmer Sharkey Charged With Committing n Horrible Crime. Eatoit, O., January 12. Mrs. Caroline Sharkey", a widow, living on a farm two and a half miles north ot here, was found mur dered in her bed this morning. Her only son, Elmer Sharkey, who lived with her, is suspected. There were only mother and son in the house. He reported that burglars did the deed, but nothing was taken. Mrs. Sharkey's head was beaten in with a maul. She is a relative of ex-Congressman Milton Sayler. ALLEGHENY'S CRISIS. Citizens' Committee Meetings Bring ing the Thing to a Head. TO TAKE NO CENSUS AFTER ALL. A Portion of What Was Talked About Be hind Closed Doors'. 0HNI0S OP GE0EGE SHIRAS, JK., ON IT Gentlemen active in tbe citizens' move ment against the new Allegheny city char ter met yesterday afternoon with the Finance Committee of Councils. S. Watson presided. Captain W. W. Martin, one of the citizens, said he had legal advice that they could retain the present charter. He didn't think there was any real difference between tbe people and the Councilmen ex cept as to what class they should go into. He wanted things done without haste. Sub-committees to seek legal advice were appointed. Representing the Finance Committee of Councils will be Mr. Lind sey, Mr. Drum, Mr. Wcrtheimer, with Controller Brown to act as clerk. The Citizens' Committee appointed the follow ing: George D. Kiddle, W. W. Martin, William Wilson, William Walker and Mr. Watson. The Citizens' Committee at the joint meeting last night was represented by Messrs. Martin, Wilson, Walker and Kid dle, while Messrs. Wertheimer, Watson, Dunn and Lindsay looked after the inter ests of the Finance Committee. The meet ing was held with closed doors and, at its conclusion, Mr. Wertheimer said: NOT TO TAKE A CENSUS. "I am not at liberty to say what the com mittee intends to do about the matter; but I can say that we will not take any census. Mr. Shiras Indorsed the opinion of City So licitor Elphinstone, and did not reverse the latter's judgment in the matter in one in stance. No, I cannot say that we will offer any amendment to the constitution so as to enable us to cither enter the second or third class without taking a census. What the Citizens' Committee intends to do will be settled at the meeting Monday. It will be decided then whether anvbodr will be sent to Harrisburg or not if course something will have to be done, as Mr. Shiras ex plicitly states that it is compulsory for the city to be either of the second or the third class." City Solicitor Elphinstone said: "It is not necessary for us to offer any amendment to the constitution; ueither is it necessary to take a census. It the committee decided upon the former it would take five years to put it through. It would have to go to two Legislatures and be submitted to the people to be voted upon. We can go in under the classification of 1880, and enter the second or third class, just as we choose. The matter will probably be settled Monday." THE OPINION OF MB.-SHIBAS. In accordance with the action taken in the afternoon the joint committee represent ing the Finance Committee and the citizens meeting called on George Shiras, Esq., in the evening. Mr. Shiras and Mr. D. T. Watson had been engaged at the suggestion of the citizens' meeting. Mr. Shiras had an opinion ready for the committee, and after a brief discussion of an informal nature, Mr. Shiras gave his views in writing as follows: Recent decisions of the Supreme Court, de claring the act ot May 24, 1887, entitled "An act dividing the cities of this State Into seven classes, etc.," to be void, as repugnant to those provisions of the constitution which forbid special or local legislation respecting the char ters of cities, boroughs and villages, seem to render it necessary for the authorities and citi zens of Allegheny to carefully consider the legal position of that city. Under the provisions of the aot of Mar 23. 1874, entitled "An act dividing the cities of this State Into three classes, eta," Allegheny ranks as a city ot the third class, and it has been sup posed by some that Allegheny, which has here tofore subjected herself to the provisions of that act, might yet do so by following the di rections sf its fifty-seventh section. It would, however, appear that the Supreme Court have held the fifty-seventh section to be inoperative, because bestowing on cities the option to adopt the law or to "decline to be affected by it. "Whether the entire act of 1874 is to be regarded as void, it is not necessary now to consider, though I incline to the opinion that, in view of the case of Wheeler against Phila delphia, in which the Supreme Court expressly upheld the poner of the Legislature to divide the cities of tbe State Into three classes, and in view of the large body of municipal ordin ances and contracts created on the strength of that legislation, aud of the decision authenticat ing it. that the validity of that act, in its sub stantial provisions and particularly in respect to its classification of cities, would still bo maintained. Regarding Allegheny as a city of the third class it is plain that she is deeply interested in the legislation that is proposed to affect cities of that class. Such leeislation, if enacted, will necessarily apply to Allegheny, as the act will not contain any provision eiving cities an option to accept or reject the legislation. It has been suggested that, by a special census taken of her inhabitants, Allegheny may be brought into the Eecontt class of cities, and thus subjected to the provisions of the statutes regulating affairs of that class. OF LIVE INTEREST ANYWAY. Whether a municipal organization under the present law regulating the affairs of cities of the second class, or under a new law now pend ing, to suit the emergencies of the cities of tbe third class, would best suit the city of Alle gheny, is a question upon which I venture to give no opinion. But it seems to me entirely clear that common prudence requires the city of Allegheny, if she elects to remain where she is as a city of the third class, to take a lively interest in the bill now pending in the Legisla ture respecting cities of the third class. She cannot elect to exclude herself from such a bill if rnacted into a law. In the present condition of affairs I regard Allegheny aB an existing city of the third class. and if no further or other legislation was to be had introduced and promoted by other munici palities of the State I would see no imperative necessity for Allegheny to interest herself in any immediate change of the laws. But it hap pens that several other cities, whose charters. organized under the act of lhS7, have been stricken down by tho decisions above referred to, find it necessary to appeal to the Legislat ure, at its pending session, to pass an act nnder which they may validly organize themselves as cities of the third class; and it is not to be ex pected that any successful opposition can be made to the passage of such a law. Allegheny must, therefore, as I view it, elect either to remain a city of the third class, and subject to such a law as tho Legislature may enact regulating cities of that class, or promote thopassace of a law enabling her to become wnat her population is sufficient to entitlo her to be a city of the second class. Respectfully yours, George Shiras. The committee, after bearing the omnion, adjourned until to-morrow evening, when the opinion of D. T. Watson will be ready. Mr. Shiras, in declaring that Allegheny must elect to be a city of the second or third class, indorses the opinions given by W. B. Eodgers and City Solicitor Elphin stone. As the Senate Committee on Munici pal Affairs meets on Wednesday to take action on the classification act now pending, it is necessary for Allegheny to move promptly. The representatives of the smaller cities are already in Harrisburg, and their demands for legislation at once must be complied with. It'is probable that at the committee's meeting to-morrow night representatives for Allegheny will be selected to appear before the Senate Com mittee on Wednesday. A Good Place to Emigrate To. IBT CABLE TO THB DISPATCH.! London, January 12. The people who want to go on living had best go to Whip nadetear, Dunstable. The inhabitants of that locality average 56 years of age at death, and as a matter of fact, they appear to have given up all idea of dying, for not one of them has dropped off in two years. Some Other Hanaway. The boy who was arrested n few days ago upon suspicion of being James Eodges, the runaway from Philadelphia, last night con fessed that he was Joseph Wirtshafter, of 1129 South street, Philadelphia, and that he had run away from home. A M " Jefferson Davis, n 12-Yenr.Old Lad, Takes Rough oq Rati to See What It Tastes Like No motive for the Act. A very mysterious suicide occurred in Allegheny yesterday. A 12-year-old boy took a dose of rough on rats, and iu a few hours was a corpse. No motive can be assigned for the act. The boy Jefferson Davis lived on Spring street extension in the Twelfth ward, Alle gheny, and for the past four weeks has worked for Wood & Herman, Real Estate Agents, at 445 Smithfield street. He was at work yesterday as usual, and about 9 o'clock wenf out to a drugstore and bought a box of rough on rats. He took some of the poison and went back to the office. In a little while he became ill and told one of his employers that he had taken something that made him feel siok. They made him wash his face and rinse his mouth out, and then, thinking he Mould be better at home, gave him his week's wages and started him off. The lad went home and gave his money to his mother, but did not tell her why he had returned so early. An aunt, Mrs. Henry Bender, lives across the street and he went to her house, where he played for an hour or so. Then he went home and complained of feeling sick. Mrs. Kennedy accused him of having been smok ing, but he denied this not, however, tell ing what he had taken. He grew worse, and at 2 o'clock, an hour after he showed symptoms of illness, Dr. Robinson was called in. By that time the poison was working and the lad's life could not be saved, and he died at 2:30. Just before he died he told his mother that he had taken the poison and that he had done so to see what the taste was like. No other motive conld be learned by his father, who investigated the matter last night and learned the story as given above. Coroner McDowell was notified last night that a death had occurred on Spring street, but neither name nor number was given and he had nothing for a guide in an investiga tion. He will take up the case to-day. WOULD ABOLISH MINISTERS. SIcAdoo is Opposed to Sending; Representa tives to Forelen Courts. Washington, D. C, January 12. Dur ing the discussion of the diplomatic and consular bill in the House to-day, Mr. Mc Adoo, of New Jersey, said that he could not allow the bill to pass without emphasiz ing what he considered to be the popular demand for abolishing the United States Ministers abroad. One of the great countries of Europe was unrepresented by a Minister in this country. The British Government had refrained from sending a Minister to Washington, for the purpose of resenting what is considered to be an insult. Ninety-nine per cent of our people did not know nor care whether England sent a Minister or not; and the interests of the United States would not suffer if it did not send a Minister to Eng land or any where else. It was a most ab surd thing to his mind that the United States should send Ministers to royal courts. They came in at the tail ot the bespangled, befeathered, bedizened diplomats' of the world. Tbe system was absolutely unfitted to the character of a free country. Mr. McCreary, of Kentucky, was not prepared to say that the diplomatic service should be abolished. The United States had had many distinguished men to represent it abroad who had reflected much credit upon the country. The bill was passed. SUBSTANTIAL RELIEF. Nearly Ten Thousand Dollnrs Rnlsed for tho Rending Sufferers. Reading, January 12. Funerals of some of the victims of the tornado disaster took place here to-day. The funerals were largely attended, and the scenes were most solemn. The fund for the relief of the suf ferers has now reached nearly $10,000. A number of contributions have been received from New York and Philadelphia, and evjen as far west as Montana. The money is needed to bury the dead and relieve the'dis- tress in tne families of the 100 persons in jured. During the search amid the ruins Enoch Saylor, a well-known citizen, thought he recognized a body as that of one of his daughters, and had it conveyed to his home. When he got there he found both his daugh ters there, they having escaped unharmed. MXSTJ3RI0DS MDEDEE. A Methodist minister In Alabama is Stabbed to Death. Haetzkll, Ala., January 13. Last night the Rev. Benjamin Rains, a Methodist preacher in the western part of Morgan county, was brutally murdered. Mr. Bains, his brother Bob, and a man named Sims had been to Somerville, and started home in the afternoon. The minister's horse reached home riderless late last night, and the family sent out messengers to find the missing man. His dead body was discovered eight miles from home lying near the roadside. He had been stabbed to death. There is no clue to the murderer. Superintendent Morrow's Noio Broken. Prof. John Morrow, Superintendent of the Allegheny public schools, was badly hart yesterday afternoon. He was examin ing the new High School building on Sher man avenue, when some boy threw a stone. striking him in the face and- breaking his nose. He was attended by Dr. Shillito. A Benefit nt the Cntliedrnl. By direction of Father Wall, the proceeds of the Cathedral fair on next Thursday evening will be devoted to the fund for the sufferers by the "Wood street accident. A splendid musical and literary entertainment has been arranged, and it is hoped to have the Cathedral crowded on that evening. A Klcn Carried 20 Miles. Messrs. Nicholson & Fehr, Penn ave nue, East End, received by express yester day morning their sign, which was blown away during the storm. It was found on the farm of J. B. Vaskarny, three miles west of Greensburg. An Ovntlon Prepared for Phelps. London, January 12. Minister Phelps will sail for the United States on the North German Lloyd steamer Lahn, which leaves Southampton on the 31st inst Prepara tions are being made for a friendly demon stration on his departure. The Anntomical Lectures. The'first of the series of anatomical lectures will be held in the hall corner Sixth street and Penn avenue at 2 p. M. Saturday next. Dr. R. W. Stewart will lecture upon "Cell Life" and Dr. J. D. Thomas will treat of "Excretion and Secretion." Two Days More. Being unable to properly serve our num erous customers and patrons yesterday dur ing our great $15 sale, we shall for the bene fit of those who failed to receive proper at tention continue this great bargain sale for two days more. This sacrifice sale begins to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock, and closes Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock. You can have yonr choice of, the finest satin-lined overcoats or suits for 515 in our men's fine clothing department. It makes no difference what the former selling price was, $40; 530 or $25, you can take your pick and choice for FIFTEES DOLLAES. Every gentleman in this city should take advantage of this sale. P. C. O. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., Opp. new Court House. ALL FAITH, NO WORKS What a Close Observer of the Future Sees and Fails to Seein UNCLE SAM'S P.B. IN PERSPECTIVE. One Workman, One Brick, One Mariner and One Phantom Ship. TO BE FINISHED WHEN IT'S USELESS TIME and eter nity, love and war, and the old new postoffice buildings still go on with more or less varying speed and uncer tainty. The sacred circle of Uncle Sam has been drawn around the grounds, which are still there, not w i th standing ru mors to the contra ry, and nobody is allowed about the place, not even workmen. Yesterday afternoon there was a "ghastly, grim, ungainly, gaunt and ominous" looTt about the place; its walls were musty and its cellars damp, and the ghostly rigging and the ghostiy crew flitting about the spidery rafters made the silent old quarters look like an anchored ship of the Ancient Mariner. Away off in the darkest, most si lent corner, sitting on top of the debris of years, was the veritable mariner himself with straggling locks, and hands on knees; but, instead of the Alabatross by his side, there lies a rusted, rotted pick, the handle eaten away from the iron by the mould of ages. And his air of melancholy and hope long de ferred "Alas! how is it with him that he does not bend his eyes on vacancy and with the incorporeal air hold discourse?" Listen to its ramblings: "Tenjyears ago to-day I was young, san guine and strong, and with a light heart drove this rotted pick deep into the earth, and, surrounded by an admiring throng, tore from mother earth the first Bpadeful for THE CELLAR AND FOUNDATIONS of the new postoffice; and deep again I drove the shining tool, thus," And he whirled the ax on hifeh; but, "alasl he had forgotten, and pick and handle parted, and his trem bling, palsied old hands fell by his side, and he groaned aloud as he realized that be should never live to see the beautiful towers and battlements finished, and that a letter for him, in that particular postoffice, would never, never come. And the burden of his great woe could no longer be borne, and he weekly drew his scant frame up the totter ing ladders to the second story, where he would never be discovered, ana lay down quietly and died, with his dismantled pick at his head. Down on the ground at quite a distance from the situation, for safety, perhaps, a man paces moodily about. He is the boss; but whom and what he bosses is not known. A good-natured colored man comes to meet him and says, with an air of cheerful certainty: "Boss, kinlhabaiob?" "No," sternly, with a glance upward into the blue air, where the beautiful tower and cornice of the first office are aot. "We we can finish it ourselves." Sublime faith ! Around on Third avenue, over the main entrance (where nobody enters) the sloppy form of a Mercury, disguised as a female, still hangs in a weary sort of way to the stone telegraph wires, while a frightened cherub is still crawling up the pole with an apparent haste that savors of dogs be hind. He appears to remain in the same place, however, and the chances are that he will reach the top of the hole when the building is finished. FOE OBVIOUS REASONS. The men were not asked about the ma terial for the building, for the question is unnecessary, as tho answer is on file in this office ready for occasional emergencies: "A boatload of stone is on its way from Blue Hill quatries, Maine; but the boat, unfortunately, grounded in a fog. We ex pect it here on " A little figuring, however, shows when the building will be finished. It has taken 10 years from the foundation to the second story, and, by the same ratio as 14x2. the dazzling result is reached that the top of the eight-story tower will be ready to gaze down upon a new Pittsburg and a new generation in 1910; and then that new generation, if it have any sense about it, will go around inquiring why a postoffice was completed when there is no use for a postoffice, because the electric tubes and wires will long ago have sus planted the slow mailing svstem. It will be turned into a museum, and the busts of the architect, contractors and officials wilibe exhibited there as horrible examples of a forgotten issne called "faith;" and tbe caricatures on the walls will be accepted as bona fide photos of a queer people that used to live in a town called Pittsburg. Rip Van Winkle. Faith, and One irortman. A PLEA FOR UTAH. Franklin 8. Richards Ask for Her Admis sion to Statehood. Washington, January 12. The House Committee on Territories devoted its seuion this morning to hearing argument upon the claims of Utah for admission as a State of the Union. The element seeking the ad mission of the Territorv was represented b? Delegate Cain, Franklin S. Richards and J. M. Wilson. In opposition were arrayd Judge Baskins, Governor West, Mr. Ferry and Judge McBride. Mr. Richards opened the argument in an address in which he briefly told of the set tlement of Utah and the hardships and sufferings undergone by the pioneers in that country. He spoke of the growth of the Territory in material resources and manu factures, and pointed to large proportion of people in the Territory who owned'theirown homes as compared with other sections of the country. He defended the patriotism of the inhabitants, citing the efforts of their ancestors in war. Touching the charges that have been made relative to the practice of polygamy.he declarrs that since the pas sage of the act of 1882 there had been only ten convictions for new plural marriages, all of the COO other convictions that have been had have resulted in cases where the marriage had been contracted before the enactment of the law. Mr. Richards also attacked the Governor of the Territory, accusing him of misrepre senting the position and intentions of the Mormon inhabitants of Utah, and of per verting facts generally in the interest oftbe Gentiles. He characterized as absurd what he called the dime novel stories of Mormon atrocities, and asserted that there was no danger to be apprehended by the Gentile property holders of Utah in the admission of tne Territory as a State. Property would be protected tinder the State Constitution as it had been under the Constitution of the Territory. In conclusion he set out in detail the claims of the Territory to admission, and appealed to the committee in the name of patriotism, justice and honor not to be in fluenced by the plaints of a few enthusiasts to long keep her loyal people in politi cal serfdom. A MISTEEI SOLVED. A Dying Man Confesses That He Assisted to Murder a Supposed Sniclde. rSFZCIAX. TELIORAM TO TH DISPATCH.! Lima, O., January 12. A communica tion was received here to-day from Atchison, stating that John Morris, a colored barbet, formerly of Ada, O., had made a dying con fession, in which he said he and two others had murdered William Emrich, a livery man at Ada, who was found hanging dead in his barn, about eight years ago. A coroner's jury returned a verdict of suicide. Morris says he and his companions lost all their money to Emrich at cards. They de cided to kill him, and accordingly sand bagged him as he was leaving the room; and, after taking the money from him, carried him to the barn and suspended him. Morris gave the names of his companions. They left this place some years ago, but an effort will be made to locate them. Mrs. Emrich and her three children, who were left in good circumstances, are now living at Alma, Neb. BREAKING UP A FAIR. Strangers at Brnddock Tried to Ran the Town Last Nlghr. A bitter and desperate row occurred at the fair being held at St. Thomas' Catholic Church, Braddock, last night. Some Wil kinsburg parties caused a rumpus inside, when one of their number, Edward JIcGin nis, was ejected. He drew a revolver and opened fire on the crowd. Several shots wen exchanged before he was placed under arrest. Cnt and bleeding, he fought desper ately, and it took the combined efforts of several officers before he was landed in the lockup. An information for felonious shoot ing was preferred against him. ' Several people were badly injured in the row, and Mr. Joseph Kennedy had a very narrow escape, as McGinnis' pistol was pointed at his head when discharged. Another row ocenrred at Hall's saloon on Verona street, between some Turtle Creek men and the proprietors of the saloon. Several of the former were badly used up with beer glasses; no arrests were made. WHICH WAS THE GREATER? An Interesting Debate on the Merits of Grant and MeClellnn ns Generals. To-morrow evening St. Augustine's and St. John's Literary Societies will meet at St. Augustine's Hall on Thirty-seventh street to discuss the question, "Besolved. That McClellan was a greater General than Grant." W. Berger and Ed. Behan will present the affirmative for St. Augustine's, while I. C. Greegan and "W. J. McCormack will try and prove the superiority of Grant as a General. f Besides the debate there will be a very interesting programme, consisting of vocal and instrumental music. HE WAS GROUND TO PIECES. The Frightful Fate of an Allegheny Valley Brakeman Last Night. John Sanders, aged 23, employed as a brakeman on the Allegheny Valley Kail road, was knocked off his train at Forty third street, last: night at 11:40, and instant ly killed. The train broke'into two sections and threw Sanders off the rear end of the car. Thirty-five cars passed over his body and literally ground it to pieces. His remains were taken to Leslie's under taking rooms. Sanders had only been em ployed on the road for two da vs. He lived at Kittanning, and was single. The Coro ner will hold an inquest to-morrow. TOLD TO CLEAR OUT. Morris and Williams, Pickpockets, Take a Skip to Clereland. Yesterday George Morris and George Williams finished their terms of 30 difys in the workhouse for picking pockets. They were rearrested, and Inspector McAleese and Boger O'Mara told the men they would have to clear out. Detective Coulson went with them to the depot last night and saw them board a train for Cleveland. Y. 01. U. A. Lectnre Coarse. The first of the lecture series, to be given by the Y. M. H. A. of Allegheny, will take place at the Eighth Street Temple on Tues day evening next. The Kev. Dr. Kraus kopf, of Philadelphia, will be the" Iectnier, and his subject will be "The Messiah and the Jews." Dr. Krauskopf is not a stranger in .riusDurg, as ne leciurea nere a year ago with great success; and considering the nature of the subject, together with the ex cellent arrangements which have been made, nothing short of a success need be expected this time. Over tho B. Si O. The following named theatrical compa nies will come in and go out of the city over the Baltimore and Ohio road: Bice & Barton's Kose Hill Follv Company to Bal timore: Kate Castleton this morning from Wheeling; Held by the Enemy to Newark, N. J.; Lights o' London to Louisville, and One of the Finest from Columbus. For Common Council. Albert Koenig, the well-known and popu lar young traveling passenger agent of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in this city, has become a candidate for Common Council in the First ward, Allegheny. Fell From the Wall. Charles Wilson, aged 25 years, fell from the wall of the Thirty-third street railroad bridge last night. He fractured his thigh, broke one of his arms and was otherwise severely bruised about the body. ALL BADLY TOM UK The Arrival of So Many Special Treas ury Agents in New York City ALAEMS ALL THE DEPARTMENTS. Lota of Heads to Fall Under the Mercilesf Official Guillotine. NONE KNOW WHEN THEI HATE TO GO 3 Secretary FalrchUd t Personally Attend to tba. Cleaning Oat. The earthquake which has struck the Port Appraiser's office in New York causes every 1 one in the service at that point to tremble. Their agitation is mostly based on facts which are creeping out. A number of them t will have to walk the plank, and it is thif- certainty rather than the uncertainty that .. maintains the excitement. (SrECTAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCS.l !Hew York, January 12. Special Treas ury Agents Tichener and Zingle were the important men at the Appraiser's stores to day. The departments were all torn np by thoir presence and by the authoritative an nouncement this morning that Secretary Fkirchild, Colonel Jewell, Chief of all the Treasury Agents; Colonel Montgomery and otaer Treasury Department vidocqs were alout to assemble in New York and re organize the Appraiser's stores. The plan of reorganization and investigation was abthoritatively confirmed. It was the opinion of many of the depart ptrtments that the investigation was to ba st.'ictly formal, after the manner of tha Byrnes investigation. This is not so. The investigation will be more a verification of the Treasury Agents reporting, its reports affecting nearly all the divisions of tho stores. There are very many of these re ports to be examined. THESE PLACES "WANTED AT OJTCE. It may surprise Appraiser Stearns to learn that the names of Assistant Appraiser Sttirgis, Examiner Hammill and Examiner Bardwell have already gone forward to Washington, with the recommendation that. thy be removed. Special Treasury Agent Tienener sent to Collector Magone this aftrrnoon a report severely reflecting on Mr. McMulIen. Mr. Tichener's report in cluded two invoices for Sumatra tobacco, on which" the name of Lewis McMulIen was stamped in blue by a hand stamp. Mr. Tichtner was at the appraisers' stores yesterday to ascertain when the stamp was used. He questioned Assistant Appraiser Sturgis pad others,but didn't get satisfactory information. It was claimed that the namn of McMulIen as appraiser of the port had been stamped on the invoices after Mr. Mc MulIen had been removed. The stamp register January 9, 1888, as the day on, which it was used. From all that Mr. Tichener learned the stamp was put on that dayatli.30. Mr. McMulIen's letter of re moval ws received by him two hours before Mr. McMulIen was criticised for using a hand stamp signature to important invoices, and the question was raised whether he or' somebody else had used it in this case. THE JEWELERS AEE KICKING. It is also well known that Assistant Ap praiser Stevens, of the jewelry division, is not to get off free. The printed statement that his division was all straight raised, a s rumpus, and letters poured into the Treas ury agents charging discriminations and un dervaluation:. The complaints came from' jewelers. Assistant Appraiser Sturgis was greatly disturbed by the report that he was to be re- moved. "Bemove me?" said he, "Kemove me? Why, I've been here 19 years, and I am an honest man. I know all about' tobacco. Of course there are many men under me, but I cannot be held responsible for them. Besides, I believe them to ba honest." A special from Washington says: Secre tary1 Eairchilds will go to New York to morrow to make a personal investigation ol " the affairs of the Appraiser's office. He" ' will confer with Collector Magone, Acting Appraiser Steams and such other officers as he may deem necessary. Hesaid this after. noon tnat he had not ordered a number of' special agents to New York to make an in vestigation of the office. He declined, how ever, to speak of what he had already done, or what he proposes to do. He had mads' up his mind he said, to one thing, and thai' was that he didn't propose to see any sews, paper reporters while he was in New York 11 lie cuuiu pussiuiy neiy u. xuc secretary expects to retarn to Washington Tuesday morning. ; THE NEW YORK FRAUDS. Ah the Inspectors Ordered to Investigate, the Costom House. Chicago, January 12. A dispatch was received this morning from Washington. which announced that all customs inspec tors in the country had been ordered to New York to investigate frauds in the cus tom House. Inspector Crowley, chief of the Chicago force, denied the rumor as far as his de partment was concerned. A Stepfather's Trouble. Detective Murphy, of Allegheny, last night arrested Anthony Eggert, residing at No. 46 Voegtley street, and locked him up in the underground passage known as the Allegheny town jail. Mr. Eggert was ar rested upon a warrant on a serious charge preferred by his stepdaughter. The girl is. 16 years of age. An Unknown Donor. Superintendent W. D. Slack, of the Homeopathic Hospital, yesterday received, an envelope addressed to him, containing a $50 bill. It was inclosed in an envelope of the Monongahela House, but contained nothing but the money. The money will be used by the hospital, and the donor is ' heartily thanked. Glimpses of Erin. The Kev. H. C. Mulholland, of Derry, Ireland, will deliver his noted lecture on. "Glimpses of Erin," with lime light illus trations, in Kev. Dr. Hays' Chureh, Ander son street, Allegheny, Tuesday evening. ih THE WEATHER. iVV' For Western Penn syhania and Wat Virginia, fair, ez-' ft eept along the lakes, light local tnotas, slightly varmtr, sta .-4 V tionary temperature,',- variable winds, Be. coming southerly. PrrcsBURO. January 12, 1889 The United States Signal Service officer la this city furnishes the following. Tune. Ther. I 7:00 A. V 71 10:00 A. M Z3 Mean temp Maximum temn.. ivnr.lt 32 HlnlmnmteaD Minimum temp.., 4:00 r.M 7.-00 r. jc, Kanzi Precipitation. ,00" lOiODr.x : Hirer at Sr.X. 8.7 fef,a,lUlori.SfSeils,M. '&. kisSlLkMtiitiil- Jr. t-.fr'-fcg-.t- -i '-&!. . 4 'iW&ii&hmSi VKjC.jfiJ - --1 - - k-t. vakQ..iL.