Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 13, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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The Chancellor Hastens to Berlin to
Direct Matters in ferson.
On Tuesday, and Will Strongly Defend the
East Africa Bill.
Property Owners Will Have to Hustle to
Secure Their Titles.
MiiBiBaMMiMMgB!saKyiriTi'i'M"'giiBPMKTi!lt!il ' i 'WMMPWisssssraBiggWHi
. '
time ago in Colorado, where he had gone to HERE THEY ARE. ' M
mi, tjn r f Pornrooa recuperate his shattered health, was buried . . . .. ... . vpv 3
1116 oupreme tOUrt iieversea a ast Wednesday afternoon in the St. Mary's $4frfrt$W4 CM V If llnicSS. S
Judgments Liquor Case Giving gJfi&Z ANTIflllF ROCKERS yjTl U F J fy 2fes. ' 41
lasKunzler, an old resident ot the South- llll I IV-- UvUllLIIU 72v lO M rlM
SOME POINTS TO THE L. & 0. LEAGUE 8ide" . Those that the people raved about. ' ( SI iKv 1
. Midwinter Excursion to Washington, D. C, Hnn Annnnl tyHaarctrra L 5ls - OSS rH'a H
Next Thursday, January 17, 1889. Eate, (wTinNf t . i, rYWLl 9
59 round trip. Tickets sold for all trains. iflU J Sal6 IS HOW 111 mil iOrC6. ff llfll vkallll
jjjjjjll 20 Per Cent Cash Discount n -M jjn f
fcjNf3 from the regular prices of &SS Hi &fc?lw JH
, llOvercdats: XEBMirar I
OTIll m
Socialists Charge the Government With Illegal Elec
tion lYacUces.
Bismarck arrives in Berlin in fairly good
health. He will at once proceed to push
his favorite measures. Berlin newspapers
continue their attack on Morier, but the
public has grown weary of the matter. The
Reichstag has a stormy debate over Social
ist charges against the Government. Em
peror William will open the Landtag tomorrow.
Beelix, January 12. Prince Bismarck
was met on his arrival at the Berlin station
by Count Herbert Bismarck and Dr.
Schwener. He appeared to be in good
health, but he v. ajked stiffly, leaninc heavily
on a stick. He was accompanied by two
large dogs. The Chancellor will address
the Eeichstag on Tuesday in the debate on
the foreign office estimates, some of the items
of which were postponed until his arrival
in Berlin.
There is little doubt that he would have
remained longer at Friedrichsruhe had not
anxiety as to the possible bad effects which
recent incidents might have on public opin
ion, urged him to come to Berlin, in spite
of the fact, that he had barely recovered
from the indisposition traced to his exertion
during the recent fire at Friedrichsrnhe.
Immediately on his arrival last night he
summoned Lieutenant Wissman to a con
ference on the East Africa bill. Herr von
Bennigsen was also present, and the Chan
cellor acquainted himself nith the disposi
tion of the Eeichstag on the subject.
The Chancellor will personally defend
the bill, which will be submitted to and
passed by the Bundesrath without delay,
and will probably be disposed of by the
Eeichstag by the end ot the week. The
question of its adoption is certainly insuf
ricient to account for Prince Bismarck's
hastening to Berlin. The preparations be
ing made convey the impression that the
provisionsof the bill are being energetically
pushed without waiting for the decision of
the Eeichstag. Lieutenant Wisscian will
follow the quickest land route, embarking
at Bnndist or Trieste. He is receiving
numerous offers to join the new colonial
The explanation of the Chancellor's anx
iety to return to Berlin must be sought in
the outcome of the Morier and Geflcken af
fairs, though no attention should be paid to
the rumors of the foreign press that his res
ignation is imminent. The attacks upon
Morier have by no means ceased, and the
apparently endless variations thereon are
becoming wearisome and even disgusting to
an impartial public
The statement that letters from Morier
had been discovered urging Geffcken to
publish Emperor Frederick's diarv will fail
of effect, unless the text of the "letters is
published. Otherwise the public will not
believe the statement, or, at the most, will
suppose that the letters were simply ac
quiescent replies to Geffcken's intimation
of his intention to publish the diary. No
body believes that Morier urged the publi
cation of thp lUnrrr tn cnitp TlicmoT-lr TIi
Kolnxsehe Zeitung, returning to the charge j
10-aay, seecs to throw suspicion upon
Morier's political character. It says:
There exists in England a powerful party
which advocates an Anglo-Rnsian understand
ing, and Morier, who was formerly held in
esteem by Queen Victoria and Empress Fred
erick, forfeited their favor by the decided op
position offered to Battenbergism in the in
terests of this party.
The Xord Deutsche Zeitung, which has
hitherto held aloof from the dispute, to
night inserts the thin end of the wedge.
With the view of showing to what extent
the intentions of Emperor Frederick dif
fered from the tendency of the Liberal
party, it publishes an autograph letter from
Emperor Frederick to Prince Bismarck nn
the occasion of the jubilee of the Chancel
lor's entry into the army. The letter is as
I do not wish to-day to enter upon a long dis
cussion of the statesmanlike merits which have
bound up jour name for ever with our history.
But one thing I must point out, namelv, that
whenever there was a question of assun"n the
well being of Germanj and perfecting its de
fensive power and fighting capacity, you never
failed to tako up the struggle and carry it
through to the end. The armv, with the Commander-in-Chief
at its head, therefore thanks
you for the blessings you have conferred upon
it, w Inch I w ill never forget
The Keichstag to-day, after a somewhat
stormy debate, confirmed the election of
Herr Goetz, National Liberal, as member
irom Aipsig. xne socialists accused the
Government officials of illegal practices to
secure his triumph over the Socialists' can
didate. The Emperor will open the Landtag on
Monday. Yesterday he attended a dress
rehearsal of "Wagner's "Das Eheingold" at
the Opera House. Only his personal suite
and Count Hochberg accompanied him.
The Emperor congratulated Kappelmeister
Sucher, and instructed him to convey his
congratulations to the artists. In the even
ing the Emperor and Empress gave a
musical party to 70 guests, representing
diplomatic, court and military circles.
The Emperor has ordered that the best
boys and girls in the Berlin schools, both
high and low. shall be treated in the even
ing of the 2Gth inst, to a performance at the
Opera House of Wildenbruch's patriotic
play, "Die Quitzows. The two oldest sons
of the Emperor will be present at the per-
Ttvo BeneQt Fcrlormances for Them
Newsboys' Anvil Chorus.
The announcement is made of two bene
fit performances in aid of the Newsboys'
Home fund, to be given on the afternoon
and evening of January 23 at the Grand
Central rink. A number of promineLt
musicians, athletes and journalists have
allied themselves for the purpose of estab
lishing the home for the waifs of this great
city upon a sound financial basis, and to
that end have secured the services of some
of the best talent of the country.
The afternoon performance will consist of
an excellent promenade concert and athletic
exercises, participated in by members of a
number of prominent Ioal amateur associa
tions. There will be bicycle races, hurdle
races, luu-yard dashes, pole and fiat jump
ing, newsboys races and a number of dash
ing events that will be novel and highly en
tertaining. The evening performance will
consist of a grand orchestral concert, fur
nished by several allied orchestras.under the
direction of Prof. John Gernert.
A feature of this programme will be the
anvil chorus, with 40 red-shirted newsboys
as the firemen. There will also he an ad
dress by one of the most prominent Ameri
can divines, and several of the most re
nowned singers of the operatic stage will
also appear. No pains will be spared to
make this performance an artistic and
financial success. Tickets have been
distributed to 500 ladies who
are pledged to sell them. The
price of admission to either perform
ance is 50 cents, no extra charge being made
for seats at the afternoon performance, while
reserved seats to the evening performance
may be had at the box office by exchanging
tickets for coupons and the payment ot 25
cents. Children's tickets to the afternoon
performance will be sold at 25 cents. Eight
hundred newsboys will parade around the
track at the evening performance, and take
raised seats at the back of the stage. The
newsboys and bootblacks of the twin cities
will parade the streets on several occasions
scattering handbills.
Cornopolis Coming to tho Front
Signs of Real Progress.
Some of the people of Coraopolis want to
get out of the mud. The development of
the past few months has made the streets of
the borough so bad that they are next to im
passable, "not even jackassible," and some
wideawake citizens have come to the con
clusion that if there is to be any further
progress there must be roads built, and
though work has not been begun, the main
difficulty has beea overcome the deter
mination has been formed.
As a beginning, what has been known as
the Pittsburg and Phillipsburg road, which
runs through the entire borough and Mill
street, will be macadamized. The cost may
reach 515,000, and bonds will be issued to
pay for the work. It is said some tax
payers who have hitherto squirmed at the
bare idea of the expense until they became
so crooked they could not lie still in bed,
have at last become so far reconciled, when
its advantages have been fully explained,
that they are gradually growing straight
again. It must be done if the place is to
continue to grow.
The antiquated plan of piling mud on the
roads may continue to satisfy a rural com
munity whose members think it no sin to
pay road taxes by "soldiering" a few days
each year on them and calling it work, but
it won't answer in a wide-awake village
which Coraopolis begins to promise to be, at
some time or other.
In view of the recent Law and Orde
prosecutions, the following from the opin
ion delivered in the case of Crawley et al
vs the Commonwealth, by Justice Sterritt,
of the Supreme Court of the State, may be
of interest. In this case it was claimed
that the judgments obtained against Craw
ley in the lower court were for violations
of the provisions ot the Act of
February 26, 1855, relating to the
sale of liquors, while the Crawleys"
license was issued in pursuance of the
act of April 3, 1872, which repealed all laws
and parts of laws in force relative to the
sale of vinous, spirituous, malt or brewed
liquors, or any admixture thereof in said
county." The opinion first quotes from the
opinion delivered by the Court in the case
of Sanders versus Commonwealth, as fol
lows: The effect of the third section of that act
(Act of May 13, 18S7) Is to permit the granting
of licenses under former laws to the 30th of
June, 1SS7. This necessarily keeps In full force
all the provisions and penalties connected with
the granting of such licenses, not only up to the
time aforesaid but until tho expiration of such
license. It would bo a curious legal anomalv to
hold that the liquor vender might have his
license under the former act and yet be exempt
from the conditions to which, by the same act,
it was made subject.
The license in this case was granted before
the passage of the act of 18S7, lor one year
from February 1st of that jear. During that
ear there was nothing to exempt the license
from the provisions and penalties of tho law
under which his license was granted; and, if he
incurred anv penalty, covered by the condition
of his license bond, and had been prosecuted
to judgment for the same, his sureties would
doubtless have been liable in accordance with
the provisions ot the law under which the li
cense was granted. The sum claimed in this
case is the aggregate amount of judgments re
covered under the provisions of an act not in
force until after the license was granted.
This decision reverses that of the lower
Marriage License. Granted Yesterday.
Name. Residence.
I Luigl Antoinettl Baldwin township
I Luiggla Morrino Baldwin township
tl'cterWilderman j JMttsburg
Katie btolze Snowden township
(Michael Brady -....MlUvale borough
1 Catharine Burke r.Plttburg
5 Timothy Raleigh , .Pittsburg
IJIaryKlley llanksvillo
BLAIR-PARKER On Wednesday after
noon, January 9, 1SS9. at the residence of the
bride's father, o. 177 Bush street, Chicago, by
the Rev. William H. Vibbert, S. T. DM Emma,
daughter of James H. Parker. Esq . to THOMAS
SHOEKBERGEIt BLAIK, JR., of Pittsburg.
James F. HIcKcown Returns From His Late
Indian Wife's Possessions.
James F. McKeown, of Allegheny, who
was the husband of the late Indian Princess
on Nunnery Hill, returned home on Thurs
day from Mexico. He had gone there to
look after a valuable estate which his wife
was said to have left. Mr. McKeown says
the land is extensive and underlaid with
precious stones.
At the proper time he will apply to the
American Consul in Mexico for aid in re
covering this estate. Mr. McKeown found
that the Indian Princess' biithright had
been indorsed by the judges of New Or
leans. He feels be will have no trouble
establishing a clear title to the property.
In the meantime, Mr. McKeown will make
preparations to continue his wife's business
in Alleghenv. He knows all about the
Indian medicines she was so successful
with in treating patients, and just as soon
as he can be legally admitted to practice
medicine he will trv to cure people ds she
Other Nice Law Interpretations by the Su
premo Court.
In the case of John Spencer et al against
John Jennings, the Supreme Court has
settled the question of jurisdiction over
private sales and mortgages between Butler
and Allegheny counties. The decision is of
immense interest, because it will upset in
numerable titles to property acquired by
private sales under the act of 1853.
In another Supreme Court opinion which
arrived in the city yesterday from Philadel-
Ehia, the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company
as secured a victory over the borough of
Wilkinsburg in the matter of the vacation
of a portion of a publio road in what was
Sterrett township.
The Supreme Court, in the case of Mar
land vs the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Bail
road Company, sustains the decisions here
tofore rendered that in order to recover
damages from a railroad company the
plaintiff must show that there was no con
tributory negligence.
Herr Kruger, Director of the Detective
Department, has reported that an agitation
is being carried on by Socialists and An
archists, and he advises that extra precau
tions be taken to protect the Emperor. In
formation has been received that a French
man broke the windows of the German Cus
tom House at Avn court and threw in in
flammatory documents.
The Nord Deutsclic Zeitung, commenting
We are accustomed to worse things at the
hands of France, and therefore we will not
allow our blood to boil. We wish, however to
point ont that tho French officials refuse to
take the necessary steps to detect the hero of
this patriotic feat.
An officer of the French Engineer Re
serve corps named Dreyf U6, who was recentlv
arrested at Strasburg without a passport
and having in his possession sketches of the
forts there, will be prosecuted for high
treason. It is asserted in financial circles
that the Italian Government has been
negotiating for a loan, but was unable to
agree upon terms with the German bankers.
A Sidnev letter on the subiect of ,.
Samoan troubles, which appears in the
Frankfurter Zeitung, declares that the
truth of the report that the rebellion was in
stigated by Americans is frankly acknowl
edged by all English correspondents in
Samoa, all of whom deeply regret the ac
tion taken by the Americans. Captain
Leary, the American commander, is severe
ly reproached for encouraging Mataafa.
The rebels, owing to the lack
of ammunition, would long ago have con
sented to negotiate had not American trad
ers promised the arrival of a steamer from
San Francisco with arms and ammunition.
The letter also indicates that the turning of
the English consulate into a hospital led to
the German complaint that the English offi
cials were showing sympathy with the
Incidents of a Bay In Two Cities Condensed
for Ready Reading.
The cars will not run on tho Butler street
end of the Citizens' cable road this week.
Andrew Carnegie visited the upper and
lower Union iron mills yesterday morning.
Stage Carpenter Perkins, of tho Bijou,
fell through a trap yesterday and broke his leg.
The Rev. Father Lambing, of Wilkinsburg,
will lecture this evening on temperance in St.
Mary of Mercy's Church.
Hon. W. A. Holdheyer will talk on "Lib
ert j" this evening to the Sons of Temperance
at their rooms, 7 Ohio street, Allegheny.
A lot of tools fell upon William Baker at
the Forge and Iron Works jesterday, injuring
him badly internally. He lives at Verner station.
Mr. Thomas Pickering will donate 5 per
cent of his sales the current week for the re
lief of the Diamond and Wood street sufferers.
Officer Geter. of Allegheny, last night
arrested Henry Sloan for stealing six brooms
from in front of a grocery store on Middle
When the Board of Viewers met yesterday
in regard to Lovme street, John Beech pre
sented a claim for damages on the ground of
adverse ownership.
Joseph Petehs had his arm crushed while
coupling cars yesterday afternoon in Carnegie's
Thirtj -third street null. He was taken home.
Forty-eighth street.
The Castle Shannon road is putting down
a 53,000-sewer at the foot of the incline. The
work is preparatory to building the new in
cline to the summit.
J. P. Conkers, a baggagemaster on the
Pemickey, had bis arm cut off yesterday morn
ing in trying to board a train. He was taken
to the Won Penn Hospital.
John Shields, a workman in the Black
Diamond Steel Works, was splashed" in the
face with hot metal yesterday. He was taken
to his home on Forty-fourth street
William Lee, colored, says James Harris
hit him on the head yesterday with a stone.
He brought suit against him for assault and
battery before Alderman Richards.
A 12-yeab-old boy named Kcnneweck. re
siding at City View, out tho East street Alle
gheny road, fell over a 30-foot wall near that
place yesterday and was slightly injured.
The two Italians who sell Turkish candy on
Smithtield street, were arrested yesterday by
Inspector McAleese and Detective Coulson for
blocking the sidewalk with their stand.
Gospel Temperasce Union No. l will
hold its usual meeting in University Hall
Sixth street, this evening, commencing at 7.30
o'clock. Captain Barbour will conduct the
Philip Niter, a driver for Schutte, the
Southside lumber dealer, had an ankle broken
by a hore falling upon it lat evening. He
was removed to his homo in non alley in the
Peter Miller was thrown from his wagon
on Filth avenue, Oakland, yesterday, the
horses having taken fright. He was rendered
unconscious, but his only wound was a cut on
IIJB Blue uj. iuq ueuu.
Mrs. Warnes Huntley, the evangelist,
will address the constitutional amendment
meeting, to be held by Golden Circle Division,
bons of Temperance, this afternoon, in Moor
head Hall, corner of Second avenue and Grant
Tho Plnco for You to Bay, Whero You Get
New Goods, Best Quality, and Lowest
50 bars good Scrubbing soap SI 00
32 bars Floating soap 1 00
26 bars Proctor & Gamble's Lenox soap 1 00
25 bars Proctor & Gamble's Ivory soap 1 00
26 bars Schultz & Co.'s Star soap 1 00
25 bars Koko soap 1 00
"We have in stock one ton of pure Butler
county Buckwheat, which we are selling at
3c per lb., or 35 lbs for 1 00
Honey Drip Syrup, ner gallon 30c
New crop Orleans Molasses, per gal
lon 45c
Good Maple Syrup, per gallon 9Qo
Pure Maple Syrup (guaranteed) per
gallon 1 00
Eock Candy Syrup, per gallon 1 00
Standard Tomatoes, per can 8c
Sugar corn, per can 8c
14 lbs tine large ltaibins (no stems;.... 1 00
18 lbs new currants 1 00
20 lbs new Turkey prunes 1 00
25 pounds Rolled Oats 1 00
16 quarts Navy Beans 1 00
13 lb Granulated Sugar. 1 00
15 lbs White Sugar. 1 00
Sugar cured Hams, per lb lie
Sutrar cured Shoulders, per lb 9Uc
Goods delivered to all parts of both cities.
' To those living out of the city will pre
pay freight on 10, ?15 and 20 orders.
Send for catalogue.
M. R. Thompson,
301 Market street and 69 Third avenue.
ASTON-On Saturday, January 14 1S89, at
6 15 p. m., Mr. William Aston, in 71st year of
his age.
Funeral from his late residence, Wabash
street, Thirty-sixth ward, West End, on Mon
day, January 14, 1S89, at 2 p. m. Friends of the
family are respectfully invited to attend. 3
HAGMAIER On Friday evening, at 8
o'clock, Clara, only daughter of John iind
Eosa Hagmaier, aged 1 year and 7 months.
Funeral from parents' residence, No. 91 Esvst
street Allegheny, Monday at 2 p. M. Inter
ment private. 2
LANE-On Thursday evening, January 10,.
Miss Sarah Hetich Lane, at her residence,
jno. tooiJiua street
Funeral services on Sunday afternoon
at 1 o'clock. Interment at Chambersburg, Pa.
MANOHESTER-On Thursday. January 10,
18S9, at 6 o'clock P. M., SUSSANA PALMER, wife
of Dr. H. Manchester, in her 62d year.
Funeral services at her late residence, 1617
Penn avenne, on Sunday, January 13, at 2 P.
m. Friends of the family are respectfully in
vited to attend. 3
MURPHY-On Fridav, January 11, 18S9, at
1250 a m., Mary A. Green, wife of John
Murphy, in the 37th year of her ago.
Funeral from her late residence, Railroad
street, between Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth
streets, Sunday. January 13, 1889, at 230 p. k.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited
to attend.
ROGERSON Snddenly, on Wednesday,
January 9, 1889, about 12.30 o'clock P. m., John
L. Rooerson. in the 83th year of his age.
There will be a special train leave for Castle
Shannon on Sunday at 1150 to convey those
wishing to attend the funeral services. Breth
ren of all orders of which he was a member are
especially invited to attend.
SOWEB8-On Thursday evening, January
10, 18S9, at 5 o'clock, Elizabeth Sowers,
aged 83 years, 6 months and 13 days.
Our mother has gone to a mansion of rest
From a region of sorrow and pain;
To the glorious land of the blest,
Whero she never will suffer again.
While in this tomb our mother lies,
Her spirit rests above;
In realms of bliss, it never dies,
But knows a Savior's love.
Sleep on, mother, thy work is done,
The mortal pang is past;
Jesus has come and borne thee home,
Beyond the stormy blast
Funeral will take place from the residence
ot her son-in-law, David R. Wilson, Edmund
street, near Penn avenue, on Sunday after
noon, at 3.80 o'clock.
SCHICK On Saturday, January 12, 1889, at
12.30 a. M., Albert, son of John and Emma
Schick, aged 13 years and 2 months.
Funeral from the residence of his uncle, Al
bert Rese, 185 Beaver avenue, Allegheny, on
Sunday, January 13, at 3 o'clock P. H. Friends
of the family aro respectfully Invited to at
tend. WHITESIDE On the 11th inst , William
Webb Whiteside, at the residence of his
parents, Harrisburg, Pa., in his 31st year.
Funeral Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
83 50.
The best stock ever brought to this market
P. C. Schoeneck,
Who are looking for correct
styles in either every-day
wear or party Shoes should
If perfection is the word,
and it surely is, our designs
and accurate fitting add to
untold comfort and pleasure.
Our prices, too, underreach
any other attempting to meet
us. Best Patent Leathers, all
widths, $5, A A to E,
$ 5 Overcoats for $ 4.
$10 Overcoats tor $ 8.
$15 Overcoats for $12.
$20 Overcoats for $16.
$25 Overcoats for $20.
And all other prices in
the same proportion.
This sale will last only
a few weeks and an early
call is therefore advisable
Clotliers ai MercMt Tailors,
161 FEDEBAL ST., Allegheny.
430436 Market St.
Braddock House, 916 Main St.
james m. fullerton;
undertaker and embabmeb,
No. 6 Seventh Steeet.
Telephone 1153.
Undertakers and Embalmdrs and Livery Stables,
uu. tiuurau.aucci, unriuu avenue.
At the old stand fine carriages lor shopping or
parties or opera at the most reasonable prices.
1 elenhone 223. oc31-dS-WSu
JOHN L. Tkexlek.
Paul Bauer.
Undertakers and Embalmers, Livery and Sale
Btablc. No. 378 and 30 Beaver ave. Branch
office, G79 Preble ave., Allegheny City.
Telephone 3116. auS-t62-MThsu
Tho Wonders of Electricity.
.For determining and locating diseases of
the brain, the system of electropathie diag
nosis and treatment of brain diseases, dis
covered by Dr. S. L. Johnson, of 30 Ninth
street, and the result of many years' scien
tific experimentation, is accomplishing re
markable results in serious brain troubles.
One of several cases. Mrs. N.. a healthv-
looking lady of this city, was afflicted with
great depressions, loss of memory, walk un
steady, forgot what she had said, or where
domestic articles were placed, could not
sleep, nor be trusted alone. She was taken
to Dr. Johnson for electropathie diagnosis,
which demonstrated not only the nature, but
location of her disease, which was sclerosis,
or hardening and thickening of the brain
centers. By his electropathie treatment she
has been entirelv cured.
Advice to the Aged.
Ago brings infirmities such as sluggish
bowels, weak kidneys and bladder and torpid
Tutfs Pills
have a specific effect on these organs, stimu
lating the bowels, giving natural discharges
without straining or gnoing, and
to the kldnejs, bladder and liver. They are
adapted to old or young.
Sold Everyivhere.
EBS, Artiste in Hair Goods. Call and Sf e
my switches, ranging from $1 60 up; also, try
my delightful shampoo preparation, something
No. 25 Fifth avenue, Hugus fc Hacke buildinjr,
upsuma. UeitU-WSU
BUM)! '' " ' ttJUlhl
Although we have had an
extraordinary large Holiday
trade, we still have a choice
line of Furniture on hand, and
owing to the fact that it is be
tween seasons, we are offering
our stock at specially low
All goods of the most relia
ble make.
The Most Complete
Stock in the city.
We also manufacture this
wonderful combination
Easy Chair.
No. 3 SIXTH ST.,
630 Smithfleld Street,
A fine, large crayon portrait $3 50: see them
before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets, S2 and
12 50 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY.
Travelers tell us that the northern side of the Alps, facing Germany,
is oftentimes covered with snow and ice, while only a few miles farther
on, just across the summit, facing Italy and the south, where the warm
breezes from the Mediterranean are wafted against the mountain heights,
reigns perpetual spring. Green shrubs and blooming flowers of Italy
make a sharp contrast to the bleak, snow-clad German Alps. As sharp
a contrast is shown in our store, on our first floor. Upon entering you
are greeted with a pleasing sight of spring and winter, entwined with
flowers upon a handsome arch. The fjagrance of the blooming plants
on one side, contrasts beautifully with the suggestive holly and mistletoe
of winter. To the left you have another glimpse of springtime bower3,
artistically represented by our dainty array of white goods, embroideries,
delicate laces and bright hued ribbons. On glancing to the right you
draw your wraps closer and whisper "Winter." Great banks of snow
drifts confront you in our piles of winter underwear. Great bargains,
too, drifting to you in our whirlpool reductions.
4-4 Dauntless Muslin at 5c a yard.
4-4 Soft Finish Chapman Muslin at 6c
a yard.
33-inch Hero Muslin at 6Xc a yard.
36-inch Hero Muslin at 7c a yard.
4-4 Blackstone Muslin at 7c a yard.
4-4 Fruit of the Loom Muslin at 8c a
4-4 Fruit of the Loom Cambric at 8c
a yard.
, 4-4 Williamsyille A -1 Muslin at 8c a yard, ,
4-4 Lonsdale Muslin at 8c a yard.
4-4 Utica Mills Muslin at 8c a yard.
4-4 Lonsdale Cambric at 10c a yard.
4-4 Wamsutta Muslin at 10c a yard.
Ladies' Muslin Underwear.
Ladies' White Skirts.
Ladies' Chemises. t
Ladies' Drawers.
Ladies' Corset Covers.
Ladies' Muslin Gowns.
Laces and Lace Goods.
Linens, Towels find Napkins.
Snowy White Handkerchiefs.
Corsets, Bustles, etc.
Two Dnys More.
Being unable to properly serve our num
erous customers and patrons yesterday dur
ing our great $15 sale, we shall for the bene
fit of those who failed to receiye proper at
tention continue this great bargain sale for
two days more. This sacrifice sale begins
to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock, and closes
Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock.
You can have your choice of the finest
satin-lined overcoats or suits for $15 in our
men's fine clothing department It makes
no difference what the former selling price
was, 540, 530 or $25, you can take your pick
and choice for
Every gentleman in this city should take
advantage of this sale. P. C. C. C,
Cor. Grant and Diamond sts.,
Opp. new Court House.
Ho Come In on a Cable Car
"With a package under his arm and was
seen shortly alterward to ascend the steps
corner "Wood street and Fifth avenue, lead
ing to the repairing and tailoring estab
lishment of James Dickson, 65 Fifth ave
nue, where he intended tohavehis garments
cleaned, pressed and repaired so as to look
like new. Dickson makes a specialty of
this kind of work. Telephone 1558.
Do not be deceived
and buy faded parlor
goods, shop worn, old
style Furniture, when
you can buy the very
latest and the best at so
extremely lowprices, at
Furniture Warerooms,
17 Federal St.,All'y,Boyle Block,
In Honor of Damn.
The third annual concert, supper and as
sembly of the Caledonian Society of Alle
gheny will be given in the ilanchester
Turner Hall Friday evening, January 25,
the anniversary of Burns' birthday.
A pointer. Boys, if you must mash go
to Harris' this week and take some lessons
from Mark Devine, the masher, in "One of
the Finest."
Fine watch repairing, lowest
Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave.
prices, at
Speino styles of English percales for
shirting And shirt waists at 12Uc per yard,
now opened at Hugus & Hacke's.
Will never use any other medicine after one
giving MAGEE'S EMULSION a fair trial.
The rapidity with which it promotes digestion
and builds up the entire sj stem is astonishing.
Even the weakest dyspeptic can retain the
Emulsion on his stomach, and that means a
continual improvement andperraanent cure.
New York, December 13, 1887.
S. A. Magee & Co., Lawrence, Mass. Gen
tlemen: I have been troubled with djspepsia
for j ears, and have tried various remedies with
out success. I have used three bottles of your
Emulsion, and have been greatly relieved.
Yours, etc, Joseph Payton,
153 Henry street. New York,
is equally valuable in cases of Consumption
The Rev. Alfred S. Stowell writes:
Debrt Depot, N. H., August 15, 1887.
Messrs. J. A. Magee & Co. Gentlemen:
Last fall my wife was completely prostrated.
Bhe was suffering from extreme debility, accom-
?ni sweats, ny auvice oi
commenced taking your
rer Oil. Khfi tnnfc a hnttlp
a week for more than six months. She 6oon
commenced to cain slowlv. and aftp r a tlmr hpr
.night sweats ceased; she gained considerably in
ucau, uiu ai present umo'is in aDOUt ner usua
neaitn. Alfred S. Stowelu
Pastor of Baptist Church, Derrv. N. H.
Famous Household Furnishing Bazaar
Phenomenal as our business is, while other stores are nlavincr to
empty houses, we intend this week to attract the attention of every
housekeeper wanting any kind of Household Furnishing Goods and
Carpets to our wonderfully grand bargains. That people are not slow to
see where their best interests lie, the immense quantity of reliable goods
we sell is most conclusive proof. That the wives and daughters of our
best citizens are quick to determine between brag and bluster of other
dealers (whose business announcements are such as make them the
laughing stock of all sensible readers) and reliable goods at lowest pos
sible prices and on easiest terms of payment, is evidenced by the great
number of lady patrons who daily throng our store. We're sacrificing
our present stock of goods in order to make room for spring goods. Our
Carpet bepartment will shortly undergo great alterations, and as an extra
inducement for people to buy Carpets right now, we shall until February
i maKe ana lay carpets tree or charge, lne good treatment we give
everybody is proverbial, the politeness and courtesy of everyone in our
store is well known. Come and see us.
In order to show our practical sympathy with the poor sufferers of
the recent Diamond alley and Wood street catastrophe, ivliereby
16 poor fellows lost their lives, we will donate 5 per cent of our
sales this week toward the fund noiv being raised for the benefit of
all the sufferers. Tlie committee is invited to call either Saturday
next or Monday morning following and receive the amount which
will be thus placed at their disposal and which we trust will
amount to as handsome a sum as the otiject deserves,
At Cost and Away Below Cost
Misses' and Children's Cloaks.
Ladies' Cloth Newmarkets.
Ladies' Winter Underwear.
Ladies' Winter Hosiery.
Ladies' Winter Gloyes.
Ladies' Winter Mitts.
Men's Winter Underwear.
Men's Winter Hosiery.
Men's Winter Gloves.
Men's Winter Mitts.
Children's Winter Underwear. .
Children's Winter Hose.
Children's Winter Mitts.
504-506-508 Market St,