irEisa mM FT -3v. "Vl , YiV- THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, SUNDAY, JANUARY . 13, 1889. 3k jL ffi22EfisB2i IN EVERY DEPARTMENT THIS WEEK Uncus fc Hacke Offer Many Spccla Bnrcalns. In silks, one lot of 24 colorings of moire Irancaise and satin stripe at 75e per yard. These are beautiful goods and are now sell ins: in Eastern cities at $1 25 per yard. Short lengths in colored silks, plushes, yel vets, etc., etc, at 50c per yard. An elegant line of colors ot art work and costume plushes, and at a reduction of 33 per cent. Dress goods, all prices from 12Jc per vard upward. The many plaids, checks, stripes and henriettas at 50c and 75c per yard, comprise an assortment that for value and variety cannot be equaled in this city. The low prices, great variety and excel lent values offered, keep the counters of our black goods department crowded. An elegant assortment of fine French flannels, suitable for gowns, waists, skirt ing, etc, lrom 35c per yard upward. In our cloak department all garments have been reduced. Fleece-lined jersey waists, all sizes, plain and braided, that have been selling lrom 57 to 510 each, now marked $3 and 55. Plush coats and wraps all at 'way down prices. Braided long wraps, striped raglans, plain ulsters, jackets, etc, etc., at positive reduc tions. London-dyed seal muffs, best quality, vrere 15, now reduced to 510 each. Hugus&Hacke, Fifth avenue andllarket street, mwfsu Pittsburg, Pa. Many have tried to save money by de positing their earnings in a savings bank, but soon failed, becanse tbey had nothing to urge them to continue. The same parties, if members of the Second .Modern Building and Loan Association would undoubtedly succeed because the resular meetings would be an incentive to continue the payments. Office 138 Fifth avenue. JO-Display advertisement one dollar per sgvare for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line or each inser tion,"and none taken Jar lest than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad verljsements -will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with The DIS PATCH. rrrrsBCKG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 35o9 Bntlcr street. EJ1IL G. STUCKEY. Hth street and Penn are. E. G STUCKEY & CO., Wylie ave. and Fulton St. . bTOKEliY, Filth Avenue Market House. EAST EXD. J. AY. WALLACE, 61Z1 l'enn avenne. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER A SHEIBLER, 5th av. 4 Atwood St. SOUTOSIDE. JACOIS SPOH2T. No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A J. KAEKCHEK, 59 Federal street. McKRIUE BROS., Federal and Ohio streets. FREDH. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGEKb & b02. Ohio and Chestnut sts. J F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY, Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES, l'enns)lvaniaand Beaver aves. PERKY M. GLEIM. Kebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Financial. TTANTEI-HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS LESLIE, Forty-second V to collect, and Butler sts. A. H. de31-15 -TTTANTED BUYER FOR GOOD FAYING YV drug store near city; no triflt-rs; will in voice about S3, 000. Address OPIUM. Dispatch office. Jall08 TJTANTED-GOOD CITY MORTGAGES. IN V large or small amounts: Interest t'i. 5 and 8 it. as to amount, sccuritv. 93 Fourth avenue. .LOVE, jau-t WANTED-PURCHASER FOR 12,500 GILT EDGE stock which secures officer's posi tion: salary $200: reference. Address BOX 12, fetation 1), New York. Jal3-74 FOR SALE. East End Residences. FOE SALE-ONLY P.00O-NEW AND HAND SOME 10-roomed brick residence at a bargain; bt.Oalr street, Nineteenth ward, near cable line. MELLON BROS , 6.149 Station street. East End. Jall-8-11,13, 15, 17,19 ITlOHSALK H2,500-NEW AND SUBSTANTIAL brick residence, containing 10 rooms and alt Improvements; lot: 50x142: desirably located In bhadyside. AV. C. &TWART,H4 Fourth avenue. Jal3-7 WANTED. Come in the morning for bargains and avoid the afternoon rush; you will hare better attention and an opportunity to get many pood bargains that, owing to the crowded condition of our counters later in the day, make it impossible to show. MWFSU Htjgus & Hacke. pTfaTolB i . u w u . ii ii ii P. .. ... . I WW i, ilTB US I 11 i H II I 'miBP N WIFE (BAK1N& KOWPEgL. Blnlc Ilcln. WANTED-AN UPHOLSTERER WHO CAN make and lay carpets. Address 1". L., Dispatch office. Jall-94 fTfANTED-A GOOD WAGONWAKEK WHO has references. Apply to ROBT. SCOTT. E. T. STEEL WORKS. Bessemer. Jall-H WANTED-ONE GOOD TINNER -NONE but good workman need apply; good wages 40 ana a u.a.iuu.a ai. and steady work. jaij-iu. S. S. TTTANTED-AGENTS -IRIDIbO'ENT SIGNS V and advertising novelties: Immense sales and profits; outfit free. ROBERT SIMS A CO., -VTTANTED-GOOD MORTGAGES IN ALL V amounts from $300 upward: mjneyaH, 5 and 6 per cent, as to size of mortgage, security. etc C. H. LOVE. No. 93 Fonrth aTenne. Jal2-I TTTANTED-1NVESTORS TO BUY PAID UP TT stock In the becond Modern Building and Loan Association; pays 6 per cent per annum, cash dividend, at end of every sli months' term: mortgage security. Apply at the office, 138 FIFTH AVENUE. Jal3-9G leirlipnvand nnl: cent counties at 6 ner cent: no monirlnAiiiHinnt of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK Jt bON, 105 Fonrth avenue. ap7-f41 WANTED -ALL HOTEL AND SALOON keepers to know that now is the time to file all applications and bonds for liquor licenses. Get alt papers proper! v made out by THUS MC CAFFREY, Notary Public, 3309 Butler st. Have all the blank forms on hand; office open evenings. J49-C1-WSSU WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY-WE HAVE over one million dollars to loan on city and suburban property at 4 per cent; no tax; we will also loan money on Improved farms In Alle gheny, Beaver, Fayette. Washington and West moreland counties; any marketable security taken for loins of any amount. BLACK & BAIKD. 95 Fourth arc. je3-a9-su Miscellaneous. WANTED-TO SELL A DRUGSTORE DOING a good business; going to quit. Address DRUGS, Dispatch office. ja!3-21 WANTED-AHOUT 1,000 YARDS GOOO filling: Walnut street, near Roup street. Ad dress H. LOXTERM AN, 6439 Anrella st. Jall-S5 VTTANTED-THl!; PEOPLE OF THE TWO V cities to call at 63 Federal street, Allegheny. Pictures of an kinds at lowest prices. STAN FORD CO. J19-40-W6SU Washington, v. C. Jal3-77 TrANTED-ron A STEEL CASTING FOUN- V DRY a man as foreman who understands the business. Address, with full particulars, BOS A. 1)., Dispatch office. jall-11 VX7"ANTE1)-AGENTS-J75 A MONTH AND V V expense paid any person to sell our goods; "" tl"i; iry miiniDir: particulars iree. STANDARD SILVERWARE CO.. Boston. OC4-18 WANTEU-AIRST-CLASSSALESMANFOR local cigar and tobacco trade: must have experience and comewellrecommendca. Address, by letter only, K. W. J., Dispatch office. lalS-50 i-A " aV Charlotte Rnssc. Take one quart rich cream, four table spoonfuls powdered sugar, two teaspoonfuls extract vanilla, place this in a vessel packed with chopped ice; allow it to thoroughly chill, then beat (Dover egg-beater) into this two teaspoonfnls celatine that has been dis solved in two tablespoonfuls sweet milk. Prepare your cake as follows: Take the white of 11 eggs beaten stiff, one and one half teacupfuls granulated sugar measured after siftinc; beat the Bugar in gradually, also the yolks of two eggs and one teaspoon ful extract of orange; stir into this one tea cupful flour measured after sifting four times, having, mixed thorough the dry flour one measure "Banner Baking Powder.' Bake 40 minutes, slow oven; square pan. "When cake is cold cut out the center and pouHn the whipped cream; drop over top candied cherries or other conserves. There is no Baking Powdercomparable to the old reliable Banner Baking Powder, which has been used in many of our very best families for nearly a quarter of a cen tury. Amateur bakers and even quite small children bake delightful cakes with it. Or der a pound can with the Banner llecipe Book from your grocer. If he cannot sup ply the book, send your address to B. B. Powder Co., P. O. box 245, Pittsburg, Pa., and v, e will mail it free. TTJANTED-AGENTS-WE WANT FIRST tV CLASS men. who are already traveling salesmen, to carry our lubricating oil samples as a side line. Address J. R. TIMMDSS & CO., Cleveland, O. jall-19 "TTTANTED-A YOUNG MAN COMPETENT V to Veep books and attend to general business to take a half Interest In an established cltv busi ness; capital required. Address PROPRIE TOR, Dispatch office. Jal3-K WANTED-FIVE ENERGETIC AND RELIA BLE men to solicit in Plttsbnrg ana vicin ity: experience not requisite: compentatlon lib eral. WHEELER A WILSON li'F'G CO.. 6 jaI3-79 -TTTANTED-DRESSSIAKERS AND TAILORS V to learn "llio Irue Tailor bvstem" now being taught by the Inventor at GRAHAM'S FUR STORE, 415 Wood St. Ial3-41-TTSSU WANIED-YOUNGMENANUWOMENWHO wish to thoroughly learn shorthand: such are helped to positions. MARTIN'S SHORTHAND BUHUOL, 412 W FOR SALE-DAVIS ST., NEWBRICK HOUSE, 6 rooms, finished attic, hall, vestibule, marble mantels, good cellar, nat. and art. gas: lot 20x94: cheap and terms easy. J. K. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal3-94 FOR SALE COK. SHADY AND HOMEWOOD aves., 5 acres beautifully situated, frame dwelling, Brooms, Irult trees and vineyard: price low and terms easy. J. H. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal3-94 FOHSALEON PARK AVE.. NEAK FRANKS TOWN ave.. lot 26 ft. front, new frame bouse 8 rooms, bathroom, natural gas, electric bells and all modern Improvements; about 6 minutes from East Liberty station; only ,0C0. THOS. LIG GETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. jal2.J9-TIS8u Allegheny Residence. SALE-HWO-7-ROOMED HOUSE IN ART, 114 Fourth ave. TTIOR J? good repair: Poplar streetJ W. C. SfEW- Jal3-7 TTIOK SALE-f4,000-MODEltN BKICK, SEVEN jl' rooms: aa improvements: uoyie street. . C. STEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. Jal3-7 FOR SALE-K600-NEW PRESSED BRICK, house of 8 rooms: all conveniences; Klrkpat- FORSALE. Bnslneu Ctanneea. TTlOR SALE-GOOD CORNER CIGAB STORE jLi in Aiiegneny. legheny. Apply at 84 SECOND ST., Al-JalO-95-Tl.SU FOR SALE-SSJ0 WIliL SECURE A GOOD AND increasing business; no competition In West ern Pennsylvania: rare opportunity for active man. Address H. B,, Dispatch office. Jal3-25 FOB SALE-OWING TO ILL HEALTH OF proprietor, a first-class saloon; centrally lo cated; doing good business, at Canton. O. Ad dress or callon M. K. W., No. 8 N. Market, Can ton. O. Jal3-73 PROPOSALS. FOR SALE-RESTAURANT-ONE OF THE best in the city; central location: established 20 years; splendid chance for an energetic man: must be sold soon. J. K. COOPER CO., 107 Fourth ave. all-S2 FOR SALE-GENTS FURNISHING GOODS store and fixtures, centrally located, doing paying business: good reason assigned for selling; sold by Inventory or appraisement to cash buyer. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fourth ave. Jal3-33 FOR SALE LONG ESTABLISHED. DESIR ABLE city business: the owner by whom It was founded '26 years ago Is retiring; annual sales fW,O0O: can be largely Increased: capital required about 110,000. Apply to I. M. FENNOCK & bON, 105 Fourth ave. Jag-56 FOR SALE DBYGOODS AND SIILL1NERY store; a fine stock of drygoods, millinery, trimmings and good will of trade; doing a good paying business; owners want to retire from dus (ness. Particulars at PITTSBURG COMPANY, mi., 138 Fifth ave. Jal3-9S-itwssu rick avenue. Jal3-T AV. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. FOR SALE-H500-THE BEST HOUSE ON Clifton avenne, containing 8 rooms: large lot: good neighborhood. AV. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. JaI3-7 FOR SALE-S.C09-NEW QUEEN ANNE-10 rooms, all Improvements, never occimled, hrge lot desirably located; terms easy. W. O. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. Jal3-7 FOR SALE-SI2,S0OSUBSTANTIAL BRICK IN good repair; 10 rooms; located In one of the most delightful neighborhoods In Allegheny City. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. Jal3-7 FOR SALE -MADISON AVE.: 4 BKICK houses of four rooms; finished attics and halls; each lot 33x83; fronts two streets: rent S720: price S3. 700. J. B. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. jal3-94 FOR SALE-I3.CO0-PHESS BRICK, JUST finished, containing 9 rooms; all Improve ments: partly finished In hardwoods: located in Second ward, near parks. AV. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth avenue. a!3-7 I'ood st. Jal3-60 XHTANTED-LOT, ABOUT 50X100: AATTHIN 10 V or 15 f quares'of the postoffice; corner pre ferred. Address, stating locatlon,slze,prIce,etc, BOX 232, Pittsburg Postoffice aJll-8 XU"ANTED-EVERYUODY TO KNOW V ELITE" GALLERY'. 516 Market St.. burg, Pa., will make cabinets for f 1 00 per do: until May 1, 1SS9; use elevator. Jall-89-wssu 'THE Flus ter doz. WANTED-LADIES TO LEARN DREbSMAK INGand cutting at GARNIER'S SCHOOL. 25 Sixth ave.: thorough instructions In all branches of artistic dressmaking; ladles Inter ested call at once. Jal3-104 TTJANTEU-EVERYBOnY TO KNOW THAT H. Terheyden has laid In a large stock of American watches, gold and silver, that ho can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, SMbmlthfield st. noll-srwTsu Sixth street, Tittsburg. -TTJANTED-A MAN AS SPECIAL DETECT- V IVE in every localltv, to act under our In structions; experience not necesarv: send for particulars. CE.MKALDETECTIVE'BUREAU, Box 122, Topeka, Kansas. Jall-46 WANTED-A MAN WHO THOROUGHLY understands the making of Bessemer steel, both high and low carbons; one who Is competent to take chargi of a six-ton converter. Address, stating salary, experience, reference, etc., BOX 1). A., Dispatch office. Jall-12 TV7"ANTED-COLLECTOE-A MAN AVHO IS TV experienced In the sewing machine busi ness and can furnish his own horse, to collect and sell; permanent place and good salary to the right party. WHEELER & AVILSON M'F'G CO. 6 Sixth street, Pittsburg. Jal3-79 WANTED -BOOKKEEPER ACQUAINTED with Toucher system: an energettc honest, methodical and competent man with business ex perience; state age, whether married or single, rast experience, references, salary required. Address BOOKKEEPER, P. O. box4S; Allegheny, ? JalJ-SY Best aioqucttcs $1 00 nni SI 25. One line best quality moquette carpets at ?1 00 per yard. One line best quality moquette carpets at fl 25 per yard. Borders to match all patterns. These are special prices to clean out the stock, and the goods won't last long. Edward Groetzinger, C27 and 629 Penn avenne. INSURANCE STATE 9IENTS. STATIU1JSAT OF THE TEUTONIA I1S SURANXE Company of Allegheny. Pa for the year ending December 31, 18S8: Capital. 5123,000 00 AA ith privilege to increase to 200,000 00 ASSETS. Bonds and moitgages, first liens.... $184,916 00 Interest due and accrued 3,54? 37 Real estate 4,09S 2S Nation J Bank stock. 6250 00 TTT ANTED SUPERINTENDENT OF 1 1 wholesale and retail book store at ntts-burg.-wlll have charge or 810,000 stock of mer chandise, large forceof employes and all finances; salary J2.0CO and commissions: cash deposit of M.iwana Dest rererences required. JEWELL, iJo Wabash arc, Chicago. Jal3-"6 WANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue. Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making fine cabinets at f 1 30 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. mhl3-k27 FOR SALE-SEDGWICK ST., ALLEGHENY, brick residence 8 rooms, hall, bath, w. c., range, Inside shutters, marble mantels, both gases, and in best of repair: lot 24 ft. front: cor ner property. J. It. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal3-94 PO B S A L E-J15.000 WORTH OF STOCK AT par, paying 20 per cent: extensive coal works, good small hotel, stores, drug stores, boarding ouses, tea stores, shoe stores, bakeries, con fectioneries, and other business chances. SHEP ARD & CO., 54 Fifth avenue. Ja3 FOR SALE-GROCERY STOREONE OF THE finest in the East End; commands large and profltanle trade; good reasons for selling; will In voice about $3, tflO; $2,000 cash, balance in one year. For full particulars see DENNISON & SCUWAN, 108 Fourth ave., or STATION ST. AND P. R. R., East End. Ja8-M FOB 8ALE-LEASE, FUBNISHMENT AND good-will of the bestfarmers' hotel and board ing house in Allegheny; 30 rooms, well furnished; 80 stalls and yard-room; all In first-class condition; best of reasons for selling: Immediate possession given. Inquire of J. M. SWAN, 189 Federal St., Allegheny. Pa. Ja3-51 FOB SALE-t2,000-FOB THE GOOD WILL and furniture of one of the finest first-class private boarding houses In the two cities, facing the Allegheny Parks, being a modem brick resi dence of 10 rooms; bath, etc., complete; rooms all rented to first-class parties; bring in (1,000 per year; lease can be had for a term of years; must be sold by Wednesday. REED B. COYLE & CO.. Ml Fonrth avenue. Jal3-64S FOR SAL E-NORTH AVE., FRONTING Darks, Allegheny City, 2-story brick dwell ing 7 rooms, bath, h. andc water, nat. and art. gas; everything in first-class order: price low; terms to suit: lot 19x1(0 to alley. J. C. KEILLY, 77 Diamond ft. Jal3-S4 FOR SALE-P2.500-NEAV AND SUBSTAN TIAL brick, 12 rooms, all conveniences, ele gantly finished throughout In hard woods: In fact, no better house built: located near parks in one of the finest Improved neighborhoods In AUegheny City. W. C. STEWART. 114 Fourth ave. 1al3-7 FOR SALE-GREATEST BARGAIN AND best Investment ever offered, on one of the principal streets; will pay 9 per cent clear of taxes, insurance and repairs: 10 two-story brick houses with lot 97x130: cor. property: terms to suit J. B. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal3-91 -TTJANTED-BUYERS FOR GOLD AND SIL V VER watches, diamonds, clocks and Jewelry for cash or on weekly or monthly pay ments: old jewelry reflnlhed like new or taken In exchange. MITbCH. the Jeweler. 130 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. del2-k67-MWT8u WANTED -NAMES-10 CENTS (SILVER pays for your address In the "Agent's Dl rectory, " which goes whirling all over the United btites. and you will get hundreds of samples, cir culars, books, newspapers, magazines, etc., from those who want agents You will get a lot of mall matter and good reading free, and will be well pleased with the small investment. List containing name sent to each person answering this advertisement. T. D. CAMPBELL, B. 73, Bovleston. Ind. de0-60-ssn FOR MLS Citr Residences. FOR SALE-SOHO STREET - 1.400 -NEAT frame house. 3 rooms; good cellar, etc.; lot 20x100. J. K. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal2-30 FOR SALE-f3,000-BRICK HOUSE CONTAIN ING C rooms and all conveniences; located on Overhlll St. AV. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. lal3-7 Female ITclD. TrjANTED-A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL "JV housework. Call at onceat American iiuusc to t ji. ritiujc TTTANTED-A GIRLTO DO CHAMBER WORK 1 1 and sewing: none but a competent sewer i'i"j. Auurc5s . a., mspaicn omcc. jal3-43 TTT AN TED-YOUNG LADY IN HAIR STORE, I T one willing to learn the business and wait i'i?5aC!i5,SS?- AppIy at oncc t0 S LAN DERS, Z I Ifth ave., upstairs. Jal3-49 nrrrXNT e d - immediately - experiT 7 ENCED girl for cuff and collar machine; also first-class fine Ironer for laundry: reference required. Call at MRS. AA'ALKER'S, No. 6 Sixth street. Jal3-93 -TTTANTED- A FIRST-CLASS COOK; MUST '.;.. he a reputable. Intelligent woman not over middle age; a steady Job to the right kind of a woman at good wages; none others need anDlv. Address PARK HOTEL, New Brighton, Pa., for J312-G3 one week. Bills receivable. Tremiums in course of collection Cash in bank and office 190 55 2,924 29 8,875 76 J210.79S25 LTABiriTIES. ' Capital stock $125,000 00 Unpaid losses 1,525 00 All other claims against company. . 3 76 Reinsurance reserve 24,824 10 Net surplus over all liabilities. 59,445 39 210,793 25 RECEIPTS. Premiums 532,544 OS Interest. Ecnts EXPENDITURES. Fire losses of 18S7 Fire losses of 1SS8 10,943 50 f44,10S58 $4.14167 Dlnlo and Female Hcln. -TTTANTED-AGENTS, MEN OR WOMEN, TO II sell Missouri Steam AVasher to families; ar guments in Its favor numerous and convincing sales made without difficulty; profits large; sent on two weeks' trial, to be retumei at my expense ir not satisfactory: write ror lUustratcd circular and terms. J. A OBTH, 51 Beekman, N. Y. no25-w80-SU FOR SAl,E-OA'ERHILL ST., J3.200, NEW pressed brick dwelling, 8 rooms, hall and good cellar. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal3-94 FOR S ALE-MILTENBERGEK STREET-S2. 500. Brick bouse, 4 rooms, good cellar, etc: lot20x 70; very easy terms. J. R. COOPEB & CO., 107 Fonrth ave. Jal2-30 Snbnrbnn Residences. FOR SALE-3,0C0 WILL BUY A FRAME house or 6 rooms and hall: lot 73x100, at West Bellevue, Pa., near 6tatlon. iuj r cacrai si, EWING & BYERS, jai3- TTIOR SALE-WEST BELLEVUE-I,100-NEW x. iramc ouiiaing, t rooms ana nmsiiea attic. cellar; lot 25x120; easy payments, & CO., 107 Fourth ave. J. R. COOPER jal2-30 FOR SALE-JUST ACROSS NEWBRIDGE AT Thirty-third street, in Dickson's plan of lots, finest view and best location In the city: Thomas C. Dickson and the late Joseph Dickson's resi dences, at a big sacrifice, with three or more lots to each; verv easy payments: also hundreds of housesand lots all over both cities and suburbs; carriage alwavs in waiting to take parties to see property. THOS. MCCAFFREY, the leading agent. 3509 Butler street. Office open evenings. Telephone 1611-2. jal2-33-ssc Business Stands. FOR 8ALE-160,000-AN ELEGANT PIECE OF property on Penn ave.; 90x130. AV. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. Jal3-7 FOR SALE-I75.000-ONE OF THE FINEST locations on Penn aTC.; lot 45x125 feet. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. Jal3-7 FOB SALE-S30.000-A DESIRABLY LOCATED and well Improved piece of property on Penn ave.; large lot. W. C. srEWART, 114 Fourth ave. jai3-7 FOR SALE-GOOD BAKERY STAND; DOING a business of 15 to 16 barrels of flour a week. For particulars call at No. 2715 JANESTBEET, BonthSlde. ja8-51 -7OR SALE-CHEAP-FIXTURES AND LEASE JL of the best flourrgrain and produce stand In Allegheny; nothing for good will. G. D DIs patch office. Ja3-23 SOB SALE-NO. 25 DIAMOND ST., 4-STORY brick building containing store and 11 dwell . rooms: good bargain. LASHELL&HANKIN, B7 Fourth ave, Jall-17 FOR SALE-W00O-ONE OF THE BEST LO- CATED nieces of property on Smithficld St.; well Improved; lot 40x65 feet. W. C. STEWAUT, 114 Fourth ave. Jal3-7 FOR BALE-8350,000-THE LARGEST PIECE of property In Pittsburg; has a lrontage of 515 feet, a depth of 120 feet, and located within five minutes' walk of Postoffice. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. Jal3-7 FOR SALE-A BUSINESS PROPERTY ON Fifth ave., near Court House, two (2) brick houses, 4 rooms and storerooms each: good cellar, water and gas; lot 20x60 ft; terms easy. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. JaI2-78 Cltr liota FOR SALE-THREE ACRES, THIRTEENTH ward, fronting on paved street; cheap and terms easy, J, R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave. jai3-94 FORSALE DICKSON LOTS; DICKSON LOTS; Dickson lots; Dickson plan of lots; Ihlrty thlrd street; buy a choice, level lot: price low? terms easy, bee THOS. MCCAFFREY, agent, 3509 Butler St., at once; office open evenings. JalO-94-Tisa Enst End Iots. FORBALE-HOMEWOOD-LANG AVE.. ONE lot 68x122; a bargain. J. B. COOPER & CO. 107 Fonrth ave. Jal3-91 TDAOR SALE-LOT 25X100, COR. IVY AND EL- ju MKtt st.; a minutes irom roup station. J.u, COOPEB & CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal3-94 FOR SALE-8 ACRES, THIRTEENTH WARD, near Center ave.; cor. stable; fronting on 3 streets. For particulars see J. R. COOPER 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. jai3-94 107 Fourth ave. Jal3-91 lOR SALE-RUBICON ST., NEAR ROBERTS, Mt. Washington. 3-room cottage home in good condltlon;prlce $900, half cash; lot 50x138. J. C. REILLY, 77 Diamond st. jal3-S4 F TOR SALE-CLARK ST, X' 2-1 an be boti gl J. C. RElLLY, 77 Diamond st. order, can street, NEAR CRAWFORD. story brick dwelling. 6 rooms In perfect De bought at a low figure, lot iiaj to JalJ-81 FOR SALE-JS.00O-A BRICK RESIDENCE, containing 8 rooms, all Improvements, In Dest or repair: aesiraniv locatea on onterave., ,.tv W IV KTF.WAKT 1U Vnnrth ,,-. II57 city. Jal3-7 FOR SALE -ON MAGEE STREET-BRICK house, 6 rooms, finished attic, natural gas, city water, good cellar, etc.; will be sold at a bar gain. J. K. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth ave, Jal2-30 I7IOR SALE-,800-NEW BKICK HOUSE, ' having vestibule, hall, 7 rooms and all im provements; lot 24x130 feet: located on Penn ave., near Thirty-ninth st. W. O. bTEWART. 114 Fourth ave. Jal3-7 Eltuntlon. TTTANTED-SrrUATION AS CUTTER BY AN 1 1 experienced man. Address CUTTER, Dls patch office. jal3-23 TTTANTED-POblTION AS STENOGRAPHER TV and typewriter (lady); correspondence preferred. M. AV 184 Webster ave. Jal3-22 TTTANTED-A SITUATION BY A STEEL IT mixer of 20 years' experience: the best of reference given. Address LOCK BOX 266, Pitts . Pj Jal3-48 -TTTANTED-POSITION AS MANAGER OR II head clerk InaretaU pharmacy; best of city reference. Address COMPETENT, Dispatch office. jaI3-l TTTANTED POSITION AN ENGINEER 1 1 with 3) years' experience In stationary en gineering is open Tor engagement; is entirely competent and capable to take care of first-class plant or outside work for machine shop. Address 0. C B.. Dispatch office. Jal2-66 Return premiums and abatements.. Rcnsurance. ". Rents, taxes and all other expenses. Commissions Salaries. Dividends Xos, 30 and 31 J12.011 03 S3.2fi2b0 257 51 3,215 61 4,424 34 3.519 96 10,000 00 Receipts in excess of disbursements 7,417 33 Risks in lorce December 31. 16S8.... 3,691,313 00 jaS-73-D C. AV. GERAVIG. Secretary. AMUlsEJIENTS. WANTED-TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS with first lamllies to act as chaperon or sec retary: also to give Instructions in riding or act as attendant to ladies or children on the drive1 wonld also exercise ladles' horses and maintain In good shape for riding, by ladv who Is an expert orsewoman. Address CHAPERON. DIsnatch office. TTIOR SALE-COB. FORBES AND MARION ( rfs 1.r,mv h.V T.ltillnr. tretA ..nAM, lar; would make a splendid building location: can be bought right; lot 62x40. J. O. KE1LLA", 77 Diamond st. , Jal3-84 FOR SALE-EXTRA GOOD INVESTMENT AA ylie avenne, 2 new brick dwellings, 6 rooms each; also 2 brick dwellings on rear of lot, one of 6 rooms, other of 4 rooms; rents for S70 per month; lot 40x112 feet; price $5,000. ALLES & BAILEY, 164 Fourth avenue. Telephone 167. Jal3-Tnsu TTIOR SALE 5 LOTS COR. GROSS AND SCIOTA JD sts., 20x100 each, within 5 minutes' walk ot lien Venue station, offered at a bargain. THOS. ijiuutii, ao. in rounn ave. jaiz-19-rrssu FOB BALE-BENTS FOR J516 0J; PRICE, S3, 803: a great bargain; 2-story mansard frame house;6 rooms and 6tore room; hall, nat. gas, etc.: also frame house, mansard roof; 5 rooms: hail and good cellar; lot 40x70. J. R. COOPER A CO., 107 Fonrth ave. jal3-94 TO CONTRACTORS FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Office of tite ) Board of public Imfhovements. ST. Louis, January 8, 1889. ) Sealed proposals for the public work hereinafter mentioned will be received at the office of the Board of Public Improvements of the City of St. Louis. Mo., until 12 M. of the 23th day of February, 1889, at which hour they wUl be publicly opened and read, viz.: For lighting with electricity for the term of ten years from January 1, 1890, tho streets, public places and such public buildings as may be desig nated in the following districts ofthe City of St. Lonls, Mo., viz.: Letting No. 2, 503. The district described as the southern district In ordinance numbered 14, 697, ap proved December 29, 1883. Deposit required, 5,oco. Letting No. 2.504. The district described asthe northern district In ordinance number 14,697, ap proved December 29. 1888. Deposit required, 85,000. Bidders will state prices per annnm at which are lights of 2,000-candle power each, or incandescent lights, or 30-candle power each, will be furnished, operated and maintained, for lighting streets and Fiubllc places: also prices per annum at which arc Ights, of 2, 000-canale power each, or Incandescent lights, of 16-candle oower each, will be furnished, operated and maintained forllgbtingpubllcbulld-lngs. Everything required for the aboveelcctrlc light ing shall be furnished and maintained by the con tractor. The contract with the city will carry the privil ege of furnishing electricity for light and power to private parties and corporations along the lines of distribution. The contract will contain stipulations by which the City of St. Louis may acquire the entire elec tric plant and appurtenances at the expiration of the contract. Bidders must submit with proposals, general and detailed plins and specifications of the pro posed system of distributing the electricity, mode of supporting the lights and wfres, and of safety appliances. Proposals must be made on blank forms and in closed In envelopes furnished by the Board of Public Improvements. The certificate of the Treasurer of the City or St. Louis that the sum of 5,000 has been deposited in the treasury must be Inclosed with the proposal. The right to reject any or all proposals is ex pressly reserved. bpeciflcations, form of contract and plans of the districts to be lighted, may be seen at the office of the President of the Board of Public Improve ments ofthe City of St. Louis, on and after Janu ary 28, I8S9. Any contract let hereunder will require the ap proval of the Municipal Assembly by ordinance. By order of the Board. HENRY FLAD, President. Attest: EMORY S. FOSTER, Jall-22 Secretary. DIVIDENDS. NEW ADTXKTISEMENTS. :)$-C Every Twentieth Sale Given Away Free -A.T- H GUSKY'S I OVER 1,000 PERSONS ALREADY MADE HAPPY -BY BEING- PRESENTED WITH THE GOODS THEY BOUGHT Undoubtedly the Greatest Business Venture .:. of She Day. .:. Ben Franklin Insubancb Company 1 or the City of Allegheny, Pa. Allegheny, January 9, 1889. J DIVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OP THIS company have this day declared a divi dend of THREE PER CENT (one dollar and fifty cents per share), payable on and after Monday, January 14. 18S9. JalO-7 WM. A. FORD. Secretary. Office Union Insueance Co., 1 Pittsburg, Pa, January 7, 18S9. f DIVIDEND THE BOARD HAVE THIS day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT on tho capital stock, out of the profits ui mo pant six monius, payaoie lortnwiin. J.W. ja8-68 J. SIcLAIN, Secretary. ELECTIONS. ION Germania Savings Bank, PITTSBUBG. January 10. 1889. TI.i'ECTTON' TWF. aKMTTat. OT.prrrri JCi for nine directors of this bank, to serve ior me ensuine year, will do neia at tne DanK on TUESDAY, January 15, 18S9, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock p. m. JalO-25 CHAS. SEIBERT, Secy. j1OKSALE-J3O,00O-A SUBSTANTIAL, TYELL JD IMPROVED and desirably located property on Penn avenue; without exception the best and cheapest piece on the avenue: will be worth 50 per cent more In a short time; large lot. Full par ticulars of W. C. STEWART, 114 fourth ave. JalJ-7 Machinery nnd Metal. FOHSALE-12H. P. ENGINE AND BOILER; also a band saw; cheap. Apply to CONRAD BAUEK, bouthernave., Mt. Oliver. Jal2-80 FOR SALE-THE UNEQtJALED ItEMING 10N typewriter; the fastest writing machine In the world. For descrlntive namnhlpti and price lists call on or address A, M. MARTIN', 412 .Woodst JalJ-60 T?IOR SALE-THE UNItlVALED TAYLOR JD BECK Automatic Engine for electrio lighting; engines and boilers In every size and style; also 1 second-hand double hoisting engine, 7 10 and 112 H. P. portable engine on wheels; large lot of good second-hand enginei, from 3 to 35 H. P.. verv eap. HARME'S MACHINE DEFOT, 97 and First ave., Pittsburg. ap29-y77su FOR SALE-S3.750-LOTS 60H7O FEET, LO CATED In the finest neighborhood In Shady side, are, without exception, the best and cheap est lots In the East End; only a few left. W. C. STEWART, 114 Fourth ave. JalJ-7 FOR SALE-BEATJTIFUL BUILDING LOTS on South rilland ave., Walnut St., Howe St., McCuIly st., Roup st., Linden ave. and all the principal streets and avenues in the East End. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. Jal2-l9-rrssu FOR SALE-LOTS IN LINDEN PLACE FLAN Linden ave., 50x120 to 20-foot alley, fl,2M each: also on Hastings St., 25x120 to 20-foot alley, from HS to ?600 each: one-third cash, bal. in one and two years. THOS. LIGGETT, No. lit Fonrth avenne. Jal2-19-TTBSU FOR SALE-ONLY fW AFKONT FOOT, 118x140 feet, as a whole or to suit purchaser; located on Atlantic avenue, Shadyslde: this neighborhood will undoubtedly be strlctlv first-class: street to be paved in spring: handyto "cable cars and Shady side station. W. C. STEWAIST, 114 Fourth ave. JalS-7 FOR SALE-AN EXCEPTIONAL BAItGAIN Mt. Washington, fine river view, two squares from incline, very neat frame, mansard roof, dwelling, 7 rooms, halL water and gas, recently papered and painted: lot 35x293: only fi, 400; easy terms. J. K. COOPER & Co., 107 Fonrth ave. Jal3-94 TTIOR SALE-ON MONDAY.JANUARY21. JD at 2 p. M.. on the premises, at anctlon, at 1714 Iney street, Soatbside, frame dwelllng,2 rooms; o, brick dwelling In rear of 9 rooms; lot 40x1:0 Sidne: also. feet to a street; Terv desirable property. ALLES & BAILEY, Real Estate Auctioneers, 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. Jal2-77-12,13,15,17,19,21 Dispatch Jal3-14 rumen. TTTANTED-PARTNER WITH SMALL CAP T ITAL: one with Knowledge of painting preferred. BOOM 40, Eisner Phillips building! Fifth avenue, city. Jal3-15 FOK SALE-BLUFF ST., FINE NEW PKESS brick dwelling, mansard, 9 rooms, vestibule, hall, w. c. Inside shutters, both gases, hot and cold water, good cellar, 6ewcred: frontins two paved streets; first-class In all respects: lot 20Kx 152 ft to 24-n alley, side alley. FriLef6,200; terms easy. Bluff St.. near Chestnut, desirable new press brick dwelling, mansard, 10 rooms, vesti bule, hall, bath, w. c, hot and cold water, both gases. Inside shutters, tile hearths, slate, sewered, mantels; lot 23 ft 91nxl39to an alley; a finished residence in ail particulars. ALiLts UAILEY, 164 Fourth ave. Telephone 167. jal2-79-vssu FOR SALE-?3.750-THAT ELEGANT BUILD ING site. 5SX163 feet located on Rehprca it.. bhadyside, adjoining the elegant residence of bainuel Hamilton; faces the Banm nrrovc: has a good elevation, eastern exposure, and is within 3 minutes' walk of l'enn avenue cable car line and 8 minutes of bhadyside station. W. C. STEW- aai, u ji ourm ave. Jal3-7 Hones. Vehicles, Lire Stock, fcc. FOR SALE-GOAT-TRAINED TO DRIVE; also harness and four-wheel wagon. Can be seen at 638 ROUP ST. jai;-87 Office Uniojj Insurance Co. TjlLECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION Cj fori? directors of this company to servo for the ensuing year will be held at office of the company. No. 515 Wood St., on MONDAY, January 14, 1889, between the hours of 11 a. m. and 1 p. jr. J. AV. J. McLAIN, iall-84 Secretary. AUCTION SALES. ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE OF ALL consignments, bv order of consigners, at the auction rooms. No. 311 MarKet street, to the highest bidder, TUESDAY MORNING, January 15, at 10 o'clock, fine parlor suits in silk and satin brocatellc, silk and plush group hair cloth, oak, walnut and cherry folding beds, chamber suits, dressers, cabinets, cheval classes, chiffoniers, bedsteads, washstands, bookcases, hall racks, secretaries, desks, side boards, decorated dinner and toilet ware, blankets, pillows and bolsters, mattresses and springs, stoves, lamps, dishes, notions, tea, glassware, rugs, curtains, Brussels and ingrain, rag and Venetian carpets, all kinds chairs and rockers, couches, bed lounges, cupboards, clocks, mirrors, pictures, upright piano, cabi ret Singer sewing machine, harness, ladles' newmarkets. gas nxtures, etc., etc etc. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM., 'aloVS9 Auctioneers. TO LET. East End Residences. TO LET-ON BOND ST., NEAR HILAND ave; large lot: modern frame honse ot 8 rooms, bath room, elegant front and side porches, natural gas. good neighborhood; convenient to both cable lines and steam cars; possession can bo had about February 1 if desired. THOS. LIG GETT, 114 Fourth ave. Jal3-5-TTS8u Allesbeny Residences. TO LET-TWO SMALL HOUSES IN ALLE GHENY; one brick house. 6 rooms. Eleventh ward, Pittsburg. W. J. PRENTICE, 1009 Liberty et- Jal3-4 TO LET-A DESIRABLE THREE-STORV press brick dwelling honse 9 rooms, finished attlo, laundry, natural gas throughout, heater In hall, all modern Improvements, Sherman ave.. gheny City. JaK-25 Allechcnv lots. FOR SALE-CHEAP-NICE LEVEL LOT ON East St., Allegheny: a) minutes walk from City Hall. Apply at 118 WEBSTER ST., Allegheny. Jal-35 Snbnrbnn liOts. FOR SALE-BELLEVUE ON LINCOLN ave., lots 85x100 each; choice location. For price and terms see J. E. COOPEB 4 CO., 107 Fourth ave. Jal3-94 FOR SALE-WILKINSBURG LOTS, LOTS Bargalns In choice building lots, 52x120 each; 6 minutes from station; new boardwalk all the way; streets sewered and macadamized; natural gas: beautiful location: small cash payment, bal ance to suit. J. R. COOPEB i CO., 107 Fourth ave. jal3-94 Forms. "TTJANTED-KELIABLE, ENERGETIC MAN V V to purchase hair Interest In good paying business and to act as business manager; capital required, ?200. Address PROFITS, Dispatch. Jal3-13 CATHEDRAL FAIR OPEN EVERY EVENING THIS "WEEK IN BASEMENT. Special attractions each evening. By direction of Rev. Father Wall, the pro ceeds of the Fair for Thursday evening will be given for the benefit of the sufferers of the Wood street disaster, at which a concert aud a aeries of recitations will be given. jal3-101 MEETINGS. ATTENTION, BRICKLAYERS You are requested to meet at Bricklavers' Hall, No. 41 Fifth avenue, this (Sunday) after noon, at 12:30 o'clock, prepared to attend the funeral of a deceased brother. jal3-78 JOS. NEVILLE. Sec. MEMBERS OF PITTSBURG UNION NO 102, E. A. Y are requested to meet at their hall. 3808 Butler street, on SUNDAY, Janu ary 13, at 1 o'clock p. si., sharp, to attend the funeral of Sister Mrs. ilary Murphy. Sister lodges are invited to attend. ial2 29 VfOTICE TO REPUBLICAN VOTERS 1 of the Sixth ward. There wiU be a pub lic meeting held at the Sixth ward public school house on TUESDAY, January 15, at 730 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of suggesting or nominating, as mav be decided at the time, ward officers, school directors and candidates for Select Council. Philip 8. Flinn, John P. McTighe. Robert Fowler, William McKelvy, Samuel R. Caskey, Cltv ommittee. il3J!i ja!3-Cl educational. PennsylvaniaTemale college East End. Pittsburg. Second term opens February X, 16S9. DUworth HaU is ready for occupancy and will accommodate a larger num ber of students. Apply to 2H8S HELEN E. PELLETREAU, President, jaS-43 Rooms, nonsca. JEtc -TTTANTED-A LARGE FLOOR, WITH OR YV without power, in Plttsbnrg or Allegheny. Address Box 232, Pittsburg Postoffice. jall-85 WANTED-TO RENT A MEDIUM-SIZED bouse between Plttsbnrg and East Liberty, eitner on cable line or r. K. K. Dispatch office. Address Z. O.. Jal3-47 WANTED-BY APRIL I, SHOWROOM ON first floor on good business street; wonld rent one-hairof large room with first-class party. Address fcHOWKOOM, Dispatch office. dc7-r33 WANTED-A LARGE FIRST-FLOOB ROOM with cellar, or large second-floor room with elevator: suitable for wholesale gents' furnishing goods: state location and rent. Address WHOLE bALE, Dispatch office. Jall-7 WANTED-TO BUY A HOUSE CONTA1N I OS or 6 rooms, near Fifth avenne cable, within 20 minutes' walk of P. O.twlil pay cash. Address, with fall description, M. 77, Press office. JalZ-3 Boarders and Lodeers. -TTTANTED OCCUPANTS FOR PARLORS. v furnished with carpets and portieres only facing park. Apply at 23 MONTGOMERY AVE." Allegheny. Jal3-20 East End Residences. FOR SALi:-?32,50O-A LARGE AND SUB STANTIAL brick residence, with an acre of ground. In bhadyside, on paved avenue. W. O. bTEWART, 114 Fourth avenue. Jal3-7 TTIOR SALE-fl8.000-A NEW AND SITIWTAV JD TIAL brick residence containing 12 rooms 1 all Improvements; large lot: desirably located North Inland avenue. W. C. STEWART. 114 Jal3-7 and on Fourth avenue. FOR SALE I1C.000-NEW, SUBSTANTIAL and attractive brick of 9 rooms, having all conveniences; lot 50x140 with good stable, located on paved avenne, with good sewerage, in one of the finest neighborhoods In East Liberty. W. C. bTEWART, 114 Fonrth avenue. Jal3-7 FO 1 IOR SALE-ON BOND bT.. NEAR HILAND ave . lot 60x100 to 20-foot allev. irnori frama house of 8 rooms bathroom, hot and cold water, natural gas, elegant front and side porches, good neighborhood, etc.; very desirable and cheap. THOS. LIGGETT, N o. 114 Fourth ai e. Jal2-19-TTSSn OR SALE-ON LINE OF FIFTH AVENUfc cable cars. East End, lot 37!xl40 to 20-foot alley, selected brick house of6 rooms, bath room, 3 finished rooms in attic, large front porch, shade trees, frame stable, elegant neighborhood, rt.- a perfect hou6e In every respect; terms reasonable. THOS. LIGGETT, No. 114 Fourth ave. Jal2-19-TTSSu FOR 8ALE-RANCH-OR EXCHANGE FOR Allegheny county property or securities: a magnificent cattle ranch containing 3,680 acres, well watered and fenced: first-dags hniMinr nH barns to shelter 650 head or cattle; on railroad, near market, and growing in value. Address W. R. D. Dispatch office. del5-m93-Su TJAOR SALE-170A., 150 A. CLEARED, FENCES Jj good, stockwater in every field but one, grass and clover In abundance, smooth, faces east and south, on pub. road; about 800 bearing trees, principally jvlnter apples: large 2-story finished Irame house, extra large bank barn. 2 threshing floors, fancy wagon shed, carriage house, harness room, crib on stone posts, etc: neighborhood civil, churches, school, mUl, P. o., store, etc, very convenient: AH miles from county seat and State Normal School: title Indisputable; price only 30 per a., inpayments, interest 5 per cent; H.000 can remain on long time: lists free. E. H. liiUTEKBAUGH, Homer City, Pa. jal2-35 Apartments. mO LET-DESK ROOM. WITH USE OF DESK. X in our main office. C. H. LOVE, 93 Fonrth avenue. Jal2-4 O LET-HANDSOME FURNISHED ROOM, with bath room; suitable for one ortwogen tlemen. 428 PENN AVE. JalS-31 Farms. TO LET-A. FARM IN BEAVER CO. OF about 100 acres; good buildings: has been ueu ior aairy purposes, inquire or WM. JLO LET OR FOR SALE k Elegant. Commota and Well-Fin- isliefl House on fifth Ayenue. Near Dinwiddie street Built and finished . in the best style. Just the place, and an admirable chance for physician, dentist or professional person, tho cable cars bringing 20,000 people to it every day. Southside, LawTencevilIe and Miners ville districts within a few minutes by bridge and Fort incline plane; Oakland, East Liberty and the old city quickly accessible by cable cars. Owing to central situation on main thorough fare and to new facilities for access, this prop erty will soon be as desirable for professional men as Penn avenue formerly was. Apply to BLACK & BAIRD, Real Estate Agents, 95 Fourth avenue. de!3-166 While other houses have be a comparatively idle we have been do ing a rushing business, and we have had the pleasure of giving to over 1,000 purchasers the goods they oought, free. Do we care for any losses we may have sustained by reasoa of the business jollification we have provided for our customers? Ne-t a bit. No firm in this great country can better afford to spend a few thousand dollars to further enhance their good name than ourselves; no firm in the world does it more cheerfully and willingly than we do. We'r bound to retain the great lead we have over all competitors, and as a further proof of how easy we can astound patrons and cause a CYCLONIC DISTURBANCE IN THE CLOTHING WORLD CUSTOMERS WILL FIND FOR THIS WEEK ALL OUR $40 OVERCOATS REDUCED TO $30 And every twentieth sale given away free. ALL OUR $35 OVERCOATS REDUCED TO $25 And every twentieth sale given away free. ALL OUR $30 OVERCOATS REDUCED TO $24 And every twentieth sale given away free. ALL OUR $25, 26, 28 OVERCOATS REDUCED to $20 And every twentieth sale given away free. ALL OUR $24 OVERCOATS REDUCED TO $18 And every twentieth sale given away free. ALL OUR $20 OVERCOATS REDUCED TO $15 And every twentieth sale given away free. ALL OUR $18 OVERCOATS REDUCED TO $12 And every twentieth sale given away free. ALL OUR $15 OVERCOATS REDUCED TO $10 And every twentieth sale given away free. ALL OUR $12 OVERCOATS REDUCED TO $8 And every twentieth sale given away free. FORMER PRICES IN BLACK. REDUCTION FIGURES IN RED In our stock, from which you can select at the above bona fide re duced figures, you'll find Storm Coats, Cape Coats, Box Coats and the regulation style Overcoat You can select from Overcoats made of Kerseys, Meltons, Beavers, Castor Beavers, Fur Beavers, Chinchillas, Elysians, Montagnacs and all the prevailing and popular fabrics. Satin lined, quilted Satin-lined and fine and richly trimmed garments are offered in this sale. In fact you can go.through our entire stock, choose any Overcoat at any one of the prices named above and you'll say, and with the greatestjustice too, that you've got the bargain of a lifetime. THIS IS THE GREATEST REDUCTION SALE KNOWN IN OVERCOATS OF EVERY GOOD KIND. and even if you're not in immediate want of an Overcoat, you should not neglect this opportunity, as probably never again will you be given such a chance to secure extra fine, stylish, elegant and serviceable Over coats for so little money, and at the same time receive as a free gift Overcoat purchased, if you should be lucky enough to strike the twen tieth sale. MITCHELL. SH Wood st. Ja9-9-wssu Offices. Desk Room, ifcc TO IKT- IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smithfleld, Liberty and faeventh avenue, well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise cleva tors. JaS-32 Business Stnnds. TO LET-SMITIIFIELI) ST. STORE, 4-STOKY building; well located. C. H. LOVE, 93 fourth avenue. Jal2-4 Special. FOR SALE-FINE BARGAINS IN CITY, SUB URBAN and farm properties. LASHELL & KANKIN, 67 Fourth ave. Jall-17 WANTED OCCUPANT FOB WELL-FURNISHED, pleasant room, second floor: rererence required. Jal3-lS room and board S5 a week NO. 145 bZVOyU AVE. Financial. WAITED - MORTGAGES IN LARGE OR small amounts on Improved city or Alle gheny conntv property at lowe6t market rates. THOS. LIGGETT, o. 114 Fourth ave. Jal2-20-MWThSSU TTTANTED-LESSEES FOR HOTELS-ANY-T T ON E wishing to go into hotel business with any amount capital, p.500 to K5,tt: not fl bonus money: furniture sold for its value; rood lease. WARD A BOSWELL'S, 171 Broadway, N. Y., Hotel Brokers (apecUlty). Hotels In every Mate: no cnaree to buyers; business conadentlal; state your capital. jbato FOR SALE-ON A GOOD ST. IN THE EAST END, on line of Fifth avenue cable line and convenient to IL It. station, brick house of 10 rooms, double parlors, folding doors, marble mantels, front and side porches, wide halls, good Fixed lot, elezant neighborhood, etc.:-only 5S.500. THOS. LIGGETT, Ao.lH Fourth ave. Jel2-30-MWThssu FOR SALE-f!, 000 CASH. BALANCE LO00 PER year, will buy a new pressed brick dwelling at Brushton station; reception hall and 4 rooms first floor, 5 rooms on second and 5 rooms In attic: hardwood stairway, slate mantels, with Improved fireplaces; laundry, with cemented floor; lot Svl40 to 25-foot alley, with perfect sewerage: bouse now open for inspection; immediate possession: excep tionally low price. See JOHN F. BAXTERAgt?, 512 Smithfleld street. lal:t-54-Tusu FOR SALE HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS AND FINE attic papered throughout, both gases, good cellar, water In kitchen, electric bells; bouse al most new; lot 24x120; price low; terms easy. Ap ply C439 AUKEUA ST. Also at Hallman. near jtiarcnana St., new nouse oi o rooms and fine attic, ball and a estlbnle, slate mantels In din. room and parlor, and front and side porches; cemented cel lar; lot 27x120 to an alley: price low; terms easy. Address H, LOXTEBMAN, 6439Aurella St., E. E. J&12-8S FOR SALE-BY EWING & BYERS, 107 FED ERAL street: S3,30O, on N. Diamond st., brick house Brooms and . attic $3,750. on Esplanade St., brick house 7 rooms and hall. 4,500, on Pearl St., brick house 7 rooms, hall and attic. (3,000, on Monterey St., brick house S rooms, hall and attic. 3,600, on Lacock St., brick house 7 rooms and hall. 2,500, on Clifton ave., frame house 6 rooms, hall and attic. 4,000, on Boyle st., brick house 6 rooms and uau. riiu lit -nvuLi GARDEN-piTTSBURG riMi r mn nnn X Opera House-now known as London Thea- I I l I V U,H W ter. Apply to COLUMBUS COLEMAN, Supt., LUlLi I tUUiQULd Opera House building. Ja8-33 - ' TO LET-SECOND AND 1HIRD FLOORS OF a large building situated on Third avenne: size 20x70 feet; suitable for light manufacturing or storage; will rent cheap to a good tenant. Ad dressLONG LEASE, Dispatch office. Jal3-8S TO LET. Some of the finest rooms in the cltv for general business purposes at the New Dispatch building, 75, 77 and 7J Dia mond street. WELIi LIGHTED, well ventilated, with con. venient passenger and freight elevator service. SITUATION, the most central in the cltv. within a few hundred feet of the post offices, (new and old). City Hall, the new county buildings. Fifth avenue, Smith field street and Fourth avenue. PARTIES requiring power service also sap plied, with special quarters and every convenience. ELECTRIC LIGHTING, steam heating and janitor service included in the rents, which are moderate. GREAT advantages and economy in these new quarters. Apply between 11 A. M. and 5 p. M. at the NEW DISPATCH BUILDING, To. 77 and 73 Diamond street. THOR SALE- FOUND. FOUND-DR. GRIFFITH'S GREAT TA-VA-ZON herb remedies are positive cure for catarrh, scrofula, blood poison, dyspepsia, neu ralgia, rheumatism, all diseases of the blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidneys and nerves: are Indorsed by the London College of Physicians (highest authority In the world): examine home testimony of cures when all other means had failed: avoid quacks and fraudulent nostrums; get the Simon pure Ta-va-zon remedies: all who use them enjoy Ufe: Inclose stamp or call for "Key to Health." DR. GRIFFITH DRUG CO., Practical Chemists (33 years' experience). 301 to 307 Grant St.? cor. Tnird avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. Ta-va-zon L. C. syrup ceres the worst colds, coughs, throat and weak lungs; 25 and 60 cts. )al2-91 PERSONAL. brick house 7 rooms and ., two frame houses of 6 (4,600. on Poplar St.. nan. 4,500, on Sampson st. rooms eacu. (3,000, on Adams St., new brick house-6 rooms and attic. (1,905, on W. Jefferson St., frame hout of 4 rooms. 3,400. on Sandusky St., brick honse 6 rooms and hall. (SOO, on W. Market st., frame house 3 rooms. $1,200, on W. Market st, frame house 5 rooms. SOO, on Pcrrysvllle ave., lots 40x125 each. (1,200, on Perrysvllle ave., lots 40x225 each. (6,500, on Rlverave., house8rooms; lot 60x100. jal3-32 miscellaneous. , FOR SALE-ONE BILLIARD AND TWO pool tables; Brunswick-Balke male; size 4x8. Address B., P. O. BOX10U, Washington, Pa. Jall-96 TTIOR SALE-SMALL SAFE. jl. coLaumaiiouiocK; in the market near so rounn avenue. NEW. WITH Ice only (30 cash ; nothtn g p. C. B. LOVE, No. 93 J&li-i TERSONAL-NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! come ana sec i come ana see I good edition! low prices, st. LEVI'S BOOi. STORE 900 Liberty HLH-13 PERSONAL-THE VILLAIN STILL PUR SUED ner until she reached Arons' Jewelry store, where she purchased one of those solid gold rings he sells for (I 00, an elegant solid gold watcn with chain attached for (11 50 and apalr of solM gold eardrops (brilliants) forJJ 00. Then be mar ried her. H. E. ARONS, 313T3mltbfield St. Look for name and number. ja!3-103 LOCUST, NEAR GIST STREET, Elegant Pressed Brick Dwelling, 9 rooms, double parlors, marble mantels, hall, bath, w. c, range, laundry, with stationary tubs, natural and artificial gas, large lot; the most desirable location on the street; easy terms. J. R. COOPER & CO., 107 Fourth avenue. ja!3-92.TTSSU NOTICE. REA BROS. & Co., Bankers and Brokers, Will occupy temporarily office In Germania Savings' Bank Building, corner "Wood and Dia mond sts., directly opposite former office. En trance on Diamond st., rear of Mutual Union Tel. Co. jalO-57 REWARDS. BEWAKD-100-100 WILL BE PAID AND no questions asked, lor the return of goodd stolen from my place of business Christmas night; some ofthe roods are of no value except to the owners. JOS. M. SUHAEFER, 36 Fifth ave.. sec ond floor. Jal2-2S BUSINESS CHANGES. -j-OTICE- I have this day purchased all the right, title and interest of J. L. Kennedy In the livery business, at 133, 133 and 137 Sandusky street, Allegheny, and solicit a continuance of the favors shown to the old firm by their patrons. jaU-21 F.B.HGGETT. x WANTED - HOUSES. BUSINESS AND DWELLING HOUSES TO RENT. Renting andiCollecting Rents a Specialty. J. R. COOPER & CO., jal3-03-TTSSu 107 FOURTH AVE. Waitek J. Osborne. Richard habbows. BARROWS & OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, 90 Diamond street. Telephone No. 812 se2-k5G-TTSSu ANTHONY GUCKERT, Manufacturer of DESKS AND TABLES, ALL KINDS OF WOOD TURNING AND SCROLL SAWING. Corner Cherry and Strawberry alleys, Pitts burg, Pa. noll-nifB-su Greatest Slaughter in Suits Known The utter absence of "trash," "odds and ends," etc., from this sale will cause no end of surprise. People generally expect a bazaar of rem- , nants, but as they find, on looking our goods over, nothing but new goods displayed, they will only RECOVER FROM THEIR EXPRESSIONS OF ADMIRATION TO BE DUMF0UNDED BY THE LOW PRICES. While other dealers urge as reasons for selling their goods so ruin ously (?) "backward season," "overstocked," etc., we have no such flimsy excuses to offer for giving right now to our patrons the bargains of a lifetime. We have had right through the season a glorious business and of course replenished our stock from manufacturers who were willing to accept almost any price for what they had on hand. No statement, how ever strong, will give these goods more than is due them. They are grand and every sale we make will win steadfast friends for our house, because it will put money into every patron's pocket. We make no ridiculous claims of selling "40 Overcoats for $10," "35 Suits for $12," etc. Our reductions are bona fide and you can find reduced prices ior plain figures. Read what we have done: ALL OUR $30 SUITS REDUCED TO $24 And every twentieth purchase given away free. OUR $28 SUITS REDUCED TO $22 And every twentieth purchase given away free. OUR $2; SUITS REDUCED TO $20 And every twentieth purchase given away free. ALL OUR $23 SUITS REDUCED TO $18 . And every twentieth purchase given away free. ALL OUR $20 SUITS REDUCED TO $15 and $16 And every twentieth purchase given away free. OUR $18 SUITS REDUCED TO $14 And every twentieth purchase given away free. OUR $ik SUITS REDUCED TO $12 And every twentieth purchase given away free. ALL OUR $13 and $14 SUITS REDUCED TO $10 And every twentieth purchase given away free. FORMER PRICES IN BLACK. REDUCTION FIGURES IN RED You can take choice from upward of 5,000 Suits better values, considering style, make and finish, than ever offered before in this city. Fine Suits in Cheviots, Tricots, Cassimeres, Worsteds, English Plaids and Checks, Austrian Stripes, Belgian Pinheads, German Tricots, American Corkscrews and choice imported Wales in all widths in every shape and style dressy prince Alberts, form-displaying cutaways, Chesterfield frocks, handsome walking and fine business suits, single and double breasted sacks in square and round corners, all thoroughly tailored and nicely shaped. They're superb goods. Any color, any mixture you want The reductions are bona fide, you can depend on, and it's to your interest to come and see us at your earliest convenience. 44 0$ 3 ALL ALL ALL ALL -s$- - PlERSONS WISHING TO LEARN THE ART of cutting gentlemen's garments please call on TJRL1NG 4 JiBAJUIAB, 7M Penn aye., city, JalWl-TTBU . GUSKY'S GRAND BARGAIN STORE, 300 to 400 Market street, ' jal3-ii3Str , AJ ;3'fa jiM' ..fcA J"a , EkBH &w