fT ! A EOT YARD In Contemplation as a Big Gobble for the P. & L. E. ALL THE SOUTH CHAMEL Of the Ohio, Six Miles Along Neville Island, to he Reclaimed WHEN UNCLE SAM SHOTS IT OFF. A Comprehensive Scheme to Get the Cheap est Plat Xear Pittsturg. WHAT ATTOBKET SHAFER SATS OF IT A little the largest movement yet de veloped in the railway and real estate circles is now on foot, and it is no less than the conversion of 150 acres of Neville Island and all of the south channel of the Ohio river for six miles into additional yard room for the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Kail Tray Company. It is, with extensions, the same project once attempted by J. H. Mc Creery, but they are not "Wud McCreery now." Noah "W. Shafer, Esq., is attorney for the islanders interested, and as soon as a meet ing of the railway authorities can be ar ranged, activehostilities will be inaugurated. Mr. Shafer states that there appears to be nothing in the way that is at all discourag ing at present, except that some of the islanders do not seem disposed to make much effort. This has hitherto been the home of all the enterprises pnshed in that direction. Propo sition after proposition has been made to the islanders, any one of which would have trebled or quadrupled its value, bnt the people did not catch on promptly. It seems, however, that they are wider awake now than at any previous time, and it has dawned on the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Bailroad managers that it is TOLLT TO TAT 510,000 an acre for yard room at Chartiers or Mc Kee's Bocks when land equally available can be had for 51,000 an acre, and the possi bilities of vast extension are no longer mere possibilities, but demonstrated certainties. The company must have the outlet and can utilize the cheap ground to fully as much advantage as the dear. As to some of the people, they are like nnto some living on the south bank of the river, waiting for creatness to be thrust upon them. It has long been a marvel that this place has not been utilized, as for railway pur poses it has advantages not even possessed by the East End, but a man who has been urging development for many years offers an alleged explanation, that there are some men in the world as mean as a woman in a railway train, and they will not allow com munities to advance lest some one more en terprising than themselves should pay them two prices for property and still make money out of it. Mr. Shafer states that the first move will be to connect the island at each end with the railway, and then when the General Government FILLS UP THE BACK CHAKXXL above Davis Island and throws the water all to the north side of Neville Island, get the State to allow the filling of the bark channel. This would not only make a bet ter river on the north side of the island, but would add 480 acres of taxable land to Alle gheny county, which would be worth a mil lion dollars. It is said this all might have been accom plished ere this had it not been that Mr. McCreery wanted to make more money out of his scheme than the railroad company thought him entitled to. . The pathetic Neville Islanders will never rue it but once, should they succeed in thwarting the measure, but that would be for the space of all their lives. They have already fright ened away a host of opportunities, and the time is not far off when they will submit to allow the island to be utilized, nolens volens. Should the entire island be used for com mercial or railroad purposes the city could struggle along without its gardens, and it might be an inducement to some Hip-Van-Winkleish farmers on the mainland to enrich themselves by gardening. There is fertilizer sufficient -wasted in these cities to make a garden of the whole country, if util ized. A TOO PKEVI0US AEEEST. A Zelienople Tax Collector Arrested For Leaving the Town. A. W. Phillips, of Zelienople, the man who was arrested yesterday by Detective Glenn, of Allegheny, was released last night upon a deposit of $100 to secure his bonds men against loss. He was a tax collector at Zelienople, and sold out his store at that place a few days ago. Yesterday morning he bought a round-trip ticket on the Pitts burg and Western Bailroad and started for this city, intending to spend the day here. His bondsmen thought something was wrong, and that Phillips must be short in his accounts, or he would not have sold his store and left town. Acting on this suppo sition, the man, "whose name is Lusk, tele graphed to Chief Kirschler, of Allegheny, asking him to arrest Phillips. .The Chief did so, and telegraphed to Zelienople for an officer to come and take the man back. The Chief received a polite invitation to bring the man back himself. The latter re fused to do it, as he had no authority, and, thinking the man was being unjustly de tained, he ordered his release. Mr. Phillips says he will bring suit against Imsk for or dering his arrest. AX AUTOMATIC COUPLER. A. Pittsbnrger'a Novel Invention for Con necting Railroad Cars. John Louis Shoenberger, a relative of the wealthy iron manufacturer of that name, of this city, has patents in this country and in England dated August, 1886, for an automatic car coupler. The coupler can be used equally well on freight or passenger cars, and the coupling can be done on high or low cars. The inventor says cars can be coupled on the famous Horseshoe curve. It operates by means of a hook, spring and buffer, and weighs only 250 pounds. The action is automatic and the coupling is effected without shock or strain. Mr. Shoenberger says he has great hopes of soon introducing it into general use, as he notices by a recent number of the Cin cinnati paper that a bill will be introduced into the Ohio Legislature to compel the adoption and application on all trains of the safest aud most perfect coupler known. A Southside Benefit. The Jr. O. TJ. A. M. Hall Association, which is now holding a fair at Salisbury Hall on the Southside, wiU give an enter tainment for the benefit of the sufferers of the Wood street accident next Tuesday evening. K the Wood street accident next Tuesday I throat diseases exclusively. Office. 718 Penn K evening. I street, Pittsburg, Pa. S&su paperhangers ore requested to attend. I JAIL BREAKERS' STORY. Miller Makes nDamnalng; Confession Thes sen Tells How He Cnmo by tho Hope Warden Berlin Talks. Edward Thessen and "William Miller, the two men charged by Warden Berlin with attempting to escape from the jail, had a hearing before Magistrate Gripp in the jail yesterday afternoon. B. H. Johnson conducted the prosccutidn, the pris oners having no counsel. The rope iound in Thessen's cell together with a knife and two iron hooks, was ex hibited. Prisoners Eibs, Finnefrog, Britton and Beams testified to having conversed with the two principals in the laundry on tig subject of escaping and the structure and position of the bars. Beams had con fessed to Miller that he bad escaped from the jail at Mnrrysville some time ago. Warden Berlin testified to having watched these six men in the laundry for the past four Thursdays. He did not see them make any rope, but did see them ex amining the bars on the outside of the jail window. Miller confessed to ha vine said to Finnefrog one time when they stood look ing down at the yard gate that "Pepper would be a good thing," inferring that it could be thrown in the eyes of the guard. Thessen told a straightforward story to the effect that a former prisoner, John Kaylor, had told him he had a rope made by which to escape, and invited himto join in the attempt. He expected a friend to climb up the wall at night and cut the bars, when he would climb outintothe triangular yard and thence over the wall to Fifth avenue. Thessen declined to give a positive answer. When Kaylor was sentenced to the peni tentiary he asked Thessen to conceal the rope. The latter carried small portions of it into his cell and concealed them in his pillow, expecting to leave it behind him when he got his sentence. He had written several letters to Jennie Ware, in one of which he asked for acid; He had thought several times of committing suicide, and then he wanted to enlist her sympathy, so she would not testify against him. Jennie Ware is charged with being an accomplice ot Thessen. Under questioning Thessen still told a straight story, though his memory was con veniently uncertain at times. He said Kaylor, during his absence from his cell, took the pieces of duck on the edge of his cot, which he had refused to him. Magistrate Gripp had the men returned to their cells and announced that he would hold Thessen on the charge, and delay de cision in Miller's case until Monday. THE DUQUESNE SUXK. Efforts to be Made To-Morrow to Raise tho Steambont. The harbor steamer Duquesne lies on the river bed of the Monongahela, opposite Thirty-fourth street, in 12 feet of water. Her pilot house just appears above the sur face. An effort will be made to-morrow to raise the craft. The adventures of the Duquesne escaped notice in the more exciting news of the week. She was moored to the north side of the river when the cyclone struck the city last Wednesday. A dozen coal barges on the south side, at Cook & Graham's saw mill, were blown from their moorings and shot clear across the stream with a terrific fcrce. Jack Slarley, a deck hand, was aboard. He saw what must happen and left the boat just in time to save himself. The barges stove in the whole side of the Duquesne, and she sunk. She was valued at $7,000 by her owners. A GK0CEE IN TK0UBLE. Various Firms Make TJjjly Charges Against a Liberty Street Merchant. Petitions for the issue of attachments against George C. Boll, the grocer at the corner of Liberty and Ferry streets, were filed yesterday. The claims aggregate 20, 526 30, and the claimants are Meyer & Lange, New York; Marshall, Kennedy & Co., Arbuckle & Co., limited, and Luebbe &Bros. It is claimed that Boll is insolvent and unable to pay his debts; that he has prop erty and goods that he is concealing with intent to defraud his creditors; that he ob tained the goods knowing that he was in solvent, and intended to defraud his credit ors, as he sold the goods at below cost price, and that Boll has concealed himself in order to elude his creditors. Attachments are asked for on Boll's places of business, at 407 Ferry street and at Lib erty and Ferry streets. 0UE C0DELESS LAWIEES. They Are Opposed to Modifying Any Conrt Practices. There would be a radical change in forms of procedure among lawyers if the Legisla ture adopts the acts proposed by Judge Ar nold, of Philadelphia, and known as the Arnold code. The acts provide for the establishment of a code for the practice in the courts throughout the State. At a meeting of the Allegheny County Bar Association yesterday Judge Braden, Judge Mellon, Mr. McClnng, Mr. Sponsler, C. C. Dickey, Mr. Henderson, W. S. Wil son, Thomas Patterson, J. D. Schafer, S. H. Thompson, and F. C. McGirr opposed it. The result was the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That it is the sense of the Alle- ftieny County Bar Association that the act of lay 25, 1SS7, should be repealed, and that no attempt to modify the practice o the courts of the State by the adoption of a code should be made. IT WILL BE OPPOSED. The Movement to Distribute Prohibition Literature In the Schools. A prominent liquor dealer said yesterday that if the Women's Christian Temperance Union attempted to distribute constitutional amendment tracts and advertisements in the public schools for the purpose of reaching fathers through children, he would in augurate a movement to stop such distri bution. As Etated in Tns Dispatch this week this plan is contemplated by the ladies in order to secure votes in the coming cam paign. The gentleman alluded to says the Pro hibitionists have no more right to pollute the schools with tracts for political purposes than the Republican or Democratic parties. He thinks there will be no trouble to find law bearing on the subject. . ASSESSORS MUST HUMP. A Chance for County Valuation Men to be Fined 50 Cents a Day. Controller Speer yesterday announced that, under a law discovered by the County Commissioners lastnyear, all the ward, borough and township assessors must make their returns by Tuesday, January 15. Those'not completing their work on or be fore that time will be charged a penalty of CO cents per day for every day they were employed, and will receive no'pay for any time they may work after that day. Near ly all the assessors have made their re turns. THE GAME INTERRUPTED. A Jackpot That Failed to be Opened in Time to Materialize. A number of young men were enjoying a game of poker at the foot of South Eighteenth street last evening, when Officer Mike Wright surrounded them just as a jackpot was about to be opened. He suc ceeded in capturing John Smith and James Carroll, who will be given the opportunity to "ante up" before Judge Brokaw this morning. TH& BAKRY'SBITTEHTALK He Scores Powderly and -His Col leagues at a Public Meeting. SOME SECRETS OF THE K. OF L. Figures Showing the Lack -of Uniformity in Wages and Prices IN THE COiN'NELLSVILLE BEGION Tom Barry has at last had a hearing be fore the Knights of Labor of this vicinityr In a three hours' speech he told seyral hundred Knights who assembled at Lafay ette Hall last night how he thought they had been deceived by "Terrence the First," as he called the General Master Workman yot the order. ' The meeting was under the auspices of Ax Makers' Assembly No. 1548, and E. W. Murphy, of that local presided. There were several stanch administrationists in the hall, who had evidently come for the purpose of breaking up the meeting, and one of them, at one time prominent in the Trades Assembly, avowed his intention of bringing in a crowd and dispersing the gathering. He attempted to speak several times and interrupted Mr. Barry until he was forcibly ejected from the hall. Mr. Barrv spoke for three hours, and said many things that have already been pub lished in this paper. The substance of his most interesting remarks fs appended: I would much rather occupy the platform to discuss other questions. Sir. Powderly and his friends have said that I am here for the purpose of breaking up tho organization; but this Is not my mission. 1 merely want to tell of the cowardice and treachery of the leaders of the Knights of Labor. I am still a Knight of Labor, notwith standing my expulsion by the G. E. B., and I was a union man when some of my detainers were scabbing in their respective trades. I believe a great deal of good can be accom plished by the Kniehts. When I joined there were no eeneral mofnils. Mr. Powderly's only answer to my charge of malfeasance in office was to call me an An archist and an infidel. It would have been more honorable i f he had told poverty what had been done with $195, U00 of their money. THE KICKEK DEFINED. They say "Why did not Barry kick sooner?" I will say in public that l have been kicking since 1BS3. but have been three times elected a member of tho General Executive Board without solicitation. "What do you mean by kickers?" called out Mr. Ennis, from the audience. "A kicker in the Knights Is a man who ob jects to a centralization of power," was Mr. Barry's reply. Continuing, he said: I would have resigned a year ago, as my health had given out, but I found that I would live longer, and wanted to begin the work of reformation in the order. After I received a second stroke of paralysis I requested Hayes, Aylsworth and Carlton to do my work, but they refused. Hayes was paid $49 a week while he was courting his wife, and other members of the board were paid a like amount for talking to pretty stenographers. A report has frequently been circulated all over the country to tho effect that Powderly was dangerously ill lrom over work. I saw him eating dinner on one of the occasions when he was recorded sick, and this is what he ate: Soup and fish, roast beef and turkey, pie, pudding and cream, concluding with fruit and nuts. Mr. Powderly is one of the most suc cessful "fakes" in the country. Not one member of the order can name a strike that was satisfactorily settled by Mr. Powderly. It was not Arthur that de feated our people in the Sonthern strike, but it was Powderly and John W.Hayes. That fljht was won when Powderly wired to Irons to order a resumption of work, after ho had held a conference with Jay Gould. If be had not interfered the strike would have been won without a doubt. The same thing occurred in the stockyards strike in Chicago. I had the ficht won when Pow derly declared the strike oif, telegraphing his order to mo and to Phil Armour at the same time. There is not a butcher in Chicago who does not believe that Terry was .well paid for that. John W. Hayes now draws $53 a week salary for seven days' work, receiving pav for the day he should spend in church, and fiS a week for hotel bill!', and he even turned in 23 for Mrs. Hayes' wash bill and an account for im- Eorted ale served in his room at the otel. When Dovey, of your city, was asked for an itemized account of the expenses, it was said that if one was made it mightbreakup the order. Then I said that the order was paying for this information, and it was Mr. Dovey '8 duty to report, bnt it was not given. NO EEPOKT GIVEN. The stenographer's report of the proceedings at Minneapolis was never published in tho re port, and the members of tho order are ignor ant of the proceedings of that body. The constitution of the order provides for a fair and impartial trial of members who violate their obligation; bnt I was never tried. I could put some of my traducers in the peni tentiary if I had time to bother with them. Sir. Barry was here interrupted by cheers, Hades will never be filled until it gets some of these people. I have more respect for Jesse James, who robbed and murdered people In the West, and who, I believe, had more honor than some of those cringing scoundrels who are robbing the poor working people. Mr. Barry then referred to Pinkerton and his men as assassins. Continuing, he said: Tom O'Reilly was paid 5750 by Powderly and 500 byJohnV the order, whe IV. Haves out of the funds of the order, when he was not doing anything. It defrayed bis expenses to Florida, where he went for the benefit of his health, and the only return the order re ceived was a baby alligator 1 Mr. Reilly sent it to headquarters, the freight being paid by the order, and it was kept in one of.ttie bathtubs in the place built with poverty's money. At this point Mr. Funis arose and inter rupted the speaker, when Chairman Mur- phv ordered him to sit down, saying: "I" have learned that you intend to raise a dis turbence here, and if you do not sit down I will have you ejected from the hall." Mr. Barry then proceededj saying that heretofore D. A. 3 had "sent intelligence to the General Assembly, but this time it sent boodleism and a chunk of flesh." He told how Powderly had transferred locals from N. T. A. 135 to various districts in order to increase the membership so that his friends could be sent to the General Assembly. District 135, he said, had fallen from 29,000 to 19,000 in less than a month. Continuing, he said: Terrence the First went before the Congres sional Committee and swore that we had G0U, 000 members. He only lied on 1341,000 as we had at that time but 259,000 members. IN EVIDENCE OF THE CLAIM. Mr. Barry concluded his remarks by say ing that all" the big strikes that were ever settled by the General Executive Board were settled by him, and showed a gold watch and chain presented him by strikers in Cohoes for the work hehad done there. He stated that he would answer any ques tions asked, and a number of persons re sponded, but the questions and answers were not of special interest. An affidavit from T. F. Donnelly that he expected to read could not be procured. Mr. Donnelly, in a letter which was read, explained that he could not find it. tAmong the prominent members of D. A. 3 who attended the meeting were Worthy Foreman Hooper, Homer L. McGaw, Secre tary. L N. Boss, John O'Shea, T. J. Dicus, I. E. Lovine, Joseph L. Evans, Felix Maue, M. P. Carrick, Charles Bonsall, Miss Mattie Call, also David J. Bowen, of N. T. A. 198; William Martin of the Amalgamated Association; William Dillon, ot the A. F. G. W. TJ., and others. PAPEEHANGEES ORGANIZE. Men Who Feel the Need of Union as Well as Anybody. A meeting was held last 'evening at 82 Fourth avenue for the purpose of forming a paperhangers' association. There was quite a large attendance and, after the election of a President and Secretary, it was decided that the association be called the Paper hangers' Association of Allegheny county. After the usual business had been tran sacted the meeting was adjourned until 7:30 P. M. Saturday, -the 19th instant. All paperhangers ore requested to attend. PITTSBURG - DISPATCH, THEY WANT UNIFORMITY. The 13,000 Coke Workers Will Insist That Wanes and Prices In the Region Bo Mndo Uniform some Figure Given. There is money in coke, evidence of this having been given in The Dispatch yes terday morning, when it was announced that two leading window glass manufac turers had decided to engage in the business. Ever since the disruption of the syndicate there has been no uniformity in wages or prices. The H. C. Frick Company is the only concern that adopted a sliding scale of wages, and the wages paid are Gyi per cent above those paid at other works in the region. This scale will remain in force un til February 1. and although the workers have madca demand for a uniform scale of wages, no attention has been paid to the demand by the operators. A representative of Coke Country Chronicle has made a tour through the re gion and has obtained some information that will be very valuable to the workers. A reporter of this paper, who secured a copy ot the article that will appear in the current issue of that paper, showed it to several leading operators audit was pro nounced correct in every detail. The fig ures given below will be of interest to the 15,000 men employed in the coke region. Under the H.C.Frick coke scale the follow ing wages are paid, and to make it plain it has been reduced todays, ovens and wagons Mining coal, W bus. waprons (level fall) 30 6-lOc go . 45c Haulers, per day of 9 hours 183i190 Day laborers pcr.day 135 Drawing small ovens at Eaule. David snn tRx.mt flirpnft.llmtnwnandLjaugh- Hn) 64 to 66c Drawing large ovens at Standard, Mor gans, Henry i-Clay and Trottcn, same size evens (bnt lighter chargers) as Leisenrlne, Allcei Itedstouc 78to79c At the Jimtown works of the philan thropic J. M. Sehoonmaker the following wages are paid: Mining coal 35 bus. wagon (piled up) 28Kc Day laborers per day 120 Haulers 1 75 Drawing, small ovens 53c " large ovens 63c At the Bedstone Alice works of the same company the following wages are paid: Drawing large ovens 63c Daylaborcrs. perdav 1 15 Mining co.il. 35-bushel wagons (piled). .. . KKc At James Cochran & Sons' Jackson mines they pay: Haulers, per day 170 Drawing and leveling small ovens GOc illnlug coal per 30-nusbel wagon 24c At the Connellsville Coke and Iron Com pany's Leisenring mines they pay: Drawing large ovens 63c Day laborers, pcrday 1 15 Mining coal, 50-busbcl wagons (piled) 41'ic At Laughlin's, Broadford: Drawing and leveling small ovens 63c Drawing and leveling large ovens 65c Laborers, perday of ten hours 1 20 Mining coal, IH-busbel wagons (piled) .... 28)ic The other companies get as much for their coke and in some places more rent for their houses, and can afford to pay the same wages as the H. C. Frick Company. There is also a great difference in the prices charged at the company stores of these leading companies. A list and comparison of prices of necessary articles at the stores of the Union Supply Company (Frick), Jimtown Works (Sehoonmaker), and tho Leisenring's stores, are given below : Frick. Schoon- Lelsen maker. ring. Men's brogans, per pair ............J 90 SI 60 to 2 0) 11 50 to S3 M Men's sllDDcrs 56 Men's overshoe ... 33 80 Ladies' overshoes ..25 50 Men's rubber bu .ts. 1 "5 3 00 14 lbs. sugar 1 00 11 lbs. 1 00 II lbs 3-lb. can table ft Mi es, 4ior 50 33c each 3-lb. can pie pcacnes, 3 for 25 15c each 1 lb. coffee, ISc, 3 for SO 1 lb. 25c Tea, 4 lbs. for 1 CO cheapest 60c Itaspberries, per lb.. 25 Ulackberries.31b. for 25 65 50 300 100 25 12M t 60 30 12 As will be seen by the above prices the Sehoonmaker and the Leisenriug firms have larger profits in the stores than the Frick Company, although the latter pays higher wages. The company houses at Jimtown, it is stated, are almost unfit for habitation. and lartre rents are charged for them. The Chronicle concludes by saying: Aside from the matter of wages paid for labor and the "pluck-me" prices,' the measuro taken by some of the employers to crush out and keep out organization was not only cow ardly, tyrannial and un-American, but it was treacherous and inhuman. To enter into de tails would require too much space, but suffice it to say: Tho difference in the condition of the men with and without a 'scale to govern their wages should convince all that it is only justice to men and operators that all should have the same pay and privileges. Organization among tho workers is a neces sity and the sooner all are in the fold of tho National Progressive Union the better. As before stated, the H. C. Frick Company are not paying wages that are too high. In fact their scale should he higher than it is, but nevertheless the others should be compelled to give the advances necessary to equalize wages. The workmen could get it without a strike if they were in a position to strike if necessary, but they should prepare, and if circumstances compelled a stoppage of work, public opinion would not be against them. Several large operators were seen by a Dispatch reporter yesterday in relation to the report that a restriction" of production was necessary, and the substance of their remarks is given. The demand during the past month was extraordinary, consumers evidently expecting an advance in price. Most of them have a stock on band at pres ent, and the demand has fallen off. In order to prevent an overproduction some operators have decided to shut down their works one day a week. The lull is only temporary, and it is believed all the ovens will be in operation six days a week in a short time. mf DELEGATES ELECTED. Tho Trndes Council Nomlnntes New Officers for the Coming fear. The Trades Council met last night. Cal vin Wyatt, M. P. Carrick and Emil Gu wang were appointed a committee on cre dentials, and reported that the following named persons, as new delegates, were en titled to seats: William H. Schleicher, Typographical Union No. 9: John Flannery, Salesmen's Assembly 4907: Levi J. Regan and Frank Clancey, Glass Packers' Assembly 1653: C. A. Calor and J. P. Burns, Brotherhood of Carpenters Joiners' 230: Robert Davis and W. R. Nelson. Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners' 211; Thomas Evans, C. H. Wm. Ruhe, L. D. Simpson and August Kreil, Musical Mutual Protective Union; County Commissioner Daniel McWilliams, Salesmen and Collectors' Assembly GS75; James O. Stuart and John K. Ryan, Bricklayers and Masons' International Union No. 2: John East ley. James Hooper and John Fllnn, Bricklayers' Assembly 2940; Joseph Salm, German Typo- grapnicai Assemuiy oooi; jonn reman .ana enry Zeiniger, Cigar Makers' Assembly 1374; atrick Havey. Conrad Auth and D. A. Haves. Patrick Havey, Conrad Auth and D. A. Hayes, Green Glass Blowers' Assembly 6111: Charles Sweeney, Daniel Bradley and Fred Ashliman, Teamsters' Assembly 1577: James U. Yonnc. Painters' Assembly 1397; John Eichenlaub and Emil Guwany, Furniture Makers' Union No. 21; P. M. Carr. International Molders' Union No. 243: John P. McCormick, Horseshoers' Union No. 9: Patrick Wilson, Custer Lodge, A. A. of L & S. W.; M. P. Carrick. Painters and Decorators' Union No. 15; O. T. Carlin, Benjamin Fink, Nathan Greene, John Davies, Thomas J. Dicus and Joseph L. Evans, Typo graphical Union ,No. 7; William G. Nellis, Charles F. Warde and Calvin Wyatt, Printers' Assembly 1630, A resolution favoring legislation tending to divide large estates was referred to the Executive Board. The various unions were asked to give money for the benefit of the sufferers from the Wood street wreck. Nominations of officers for the year were made as follows: ensuing Presidents, Joseph L. Evans, John M. Kelly: Vice Presidents, Calvin Wyatt, John H. Ryan; Recording Secretary. Charles F. Warde; Finan cial Secretary, Levi J. Regan; Treasurer, Daniel McWilliams: Trustees (three to elect), J. P. Burns, L. D. Simpson, Calvin Wyatt; Sergeant-at-Arms, J. O. Stuart; Executive Board (nine to elect). M. P. Carrick, E. Guwanc. Daniel McWilliams, P. M. Carr, J. C. Flinn, Frank Clancey, James C. Young. J. H. Ryan, Fred Ashllmau, John Flannery, John M, Kelly, J. L. Evans. An Elcvnlor to be Depended On. The elevator in the AVeldin building was one of Marshall Bros, make, and it was one of thesafest. Noteven the mirror in the car was broken; the safety appliances pre vented the descent of the car. This, truly, must be a satisfaction to the builders. B. & O. First to tho Front With the popular excursions to Washing ton, D., 0., on next Thursday, January 17. $9 the round trip. SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, A DAT OF MOURNING. Kemains of the Victims of the Wood Street Accident Interred WITH IMPBESSIVE CEREMONIES. The Search for Bodies in the Wrecked Buildings Concluded. BRIGHT HOPES FOR THE WOUNDED. The search for bodies in the ruins of the Willey building and Weldin's store ended yesterday. No more victims of the dread ful accident were found. A deputy sheriff is now in charge of the bnilding and at midnight the ruins, with the exception of a lew officers, were deserted. The work of removing the debris will be continued on next Monday morning. The condition of the wounded at the different hospitals at midnight was very favorable. The chances for the recovery of those who were in a critical condition are rapidly increasing. Quinton Barber, the colored man from Millvale, is yet in a dan gerous condition, but at a late hour last night was resting easy. Michael Hollerin and John Donnelly, two of the patients at the Homeopathic Hospital, were discharged. The funerals of a number of the victims were held yesterday. A brief report of each is appended. A large congregation of sorrowing friends attended the funeral services of Dr. J. L. Read, which were held in the Christ M. E. Church yesterday mornine. Dr. O. J. Cowlcs, pastor of the church, and Key. Charles Smith, D. D., read an impressive service as the funeral procession made its way slowly up the aisle of the church. The casket was carried by Bev. T. J. Leake, D. D., Bev. C. A. Holmes, D. D., Bev. Homer, D. D., James Brooks, T. J. Arnold and Adam Ammond. A CHAJfT WAS SUJf G by- a quartet composed of Miss Belle Tomer, Miss Emma Bingler and Messrs. J. O. Homes, Jr., and Will McCutcheon, after the casket was placed in front of the altar. The congregation then sang a hymn and Dr. Smith lead in prayer. Dr. Cowles read the regular funeral service of the churoh. The remains were interred in the Homewood Cemetery, where further services were held. The funeral of Joseph L. W. Gearing took place yesterday morning from St. Peter's pro-Cathedral in Allegheny. Father O'Connell celebrated high mass and deliv ered a touching sermon. The remains rested in a white cloth covered casket and were surrounded by many floral offerings. The little errand boy had a host ot friends. The body was buried in the St. Mary's Cemetery. Bev. Goettman, of Trinity Lutheran Church, and Bev. Hermann, of the West End, conducted the services at the funeral of Willie Goettmann, who was employed in Thoma's leather store. The services were held at the home of his parents. No. 160 Bidge avenue, Allegheny. The interment took place at Bosedale yesterday morning. The remains of George T. Mason, a car penter, were buried from his late home on Fountain street, Allegheny, yesterday morning. The members of the Carpenter's Union and the Duquesne Greys' Band, both of which organizations he was a mem ber, attended the services in a body. The funeral services over the remains of Samuel Brown. Jr.. one of the victims. were held at his late residence, No. 48 Bace street, Allegheny, at 2 r. M. yesterday. The many friends of the young man thronged the house. A large number were unable to gain admittance. On every side expressions of genuine sorrow and regret for his untimely end were heard. The casket containing the remains lay in the parlor of the little home. Herb was a scene of inexpressible sadness. The old father and mother, the promised bride and the brothers and sisters sat around all that was mortal of the loved one, in deep, unutterable grief. Bev. J. W. Witherspoon read a scripture lesson, and then briefly spoke of THE GREAT CALAMITY that had saddened so many homes. He dwelt upon the grand character and esti mable qualities of the deceased and uttered words of comfort for the living. The ser vices closed with an eloquent prayer for God's blessing and comlorting love. The interment took place at Hilldale Cemetery after a brief service. About 150 members of Carpenters' Union, No. 211, of which the deceased was a mem ber, attended the funeral in a hody. The father, who was also hurt in the accident, was able to go to the cemetery. The floral offerings were numerous and of elegant and handsome designs. The funeral of Charles McKeown, the packer at J. B. Weldin & Co.'s, took place yesterday afternoon from the residence of his sister, Mrs. Samuel Steele, on Williams street, Mount Washington. The remainslay in a handsome, cloth covered casket within a small room, which was crowded with the friends of the bereaved family. Around the remains had been scattered natural flowers, and about the casket had been placed many beautiful floral offerings which were received from the friends of the deceased, who had been a very popular young man. Bev. Nevin Woodsides, of the Grant Street B. P. Church, conducted the services. In his address he referred to the true and noble qualities of the man who had been so suddenly summoned before his Master. The interment took place at the Union- dale Uemetery in Allegheny City, it was largely attended. ALL BODIES RECOVERED. The Bottom of the Diamond Street Wreck Reached at Last Six Fnnernls Ycster dny :Tho Coronlnl Investigation. It is now believed that all bodies have been recovered from the Diamond street wreck. There were 15 cf them in all. Mr. Barber, the injured man lying at the Homeo pathic Hospital, who was reported to have died, making the sixteenth fatality, is still living. His condition, however, is fyery critical. The Coroner's jury yesterday inspected carefully the specifications for "the Willey building. The paragraph referring to the mortar to be used in the building proper reads: , "Mortar to be of the best grade of fresh burnt No. 1 lime, and clean, sharp, river sand, mixed in proper proportions. The lime to be thoroughly slacked, and the lime paste should be allowed to stand at least one week before beini; mixed into mortar." The Department of Public Safety has cleared Diamond alley, and that thorough fare is now open to the public. The wreck has been inclosed with a high board fence. All the money in Weldin's store, some 300, has been found with the exception of $50. To show how complete was the wreck of the stock, out of about 300 dozeu packs of play ing cards, only four dozen were recovered in a fit condition for sale. "Valuable books are torn and bent, choice albums and works of art are ruined. The fuuerals of Dr. Beed, Samuel Brown, Jr., John Goehring, George Mason, Charles McKeown and Charles Fritsch took place yesterday. The other victims will be buried to-day and to-morrow. TOM AT IT AGAIN. The Gutting- Gun Itlnn Brines Salt Agnlnst D. Elklns for Perjury. Tom Whittaker, of the defunct Gatling Gun, charged David Elkins with perjury before Alderman Porter yesterday. Whit taker alleges that Elkins perjured himself when he said, before Alderman Burns, that he, Whittaker, had confessed to Mrs. Elkins that he had served a term in the Western Penitentiary 'for the murder ot David Sproul. 1889. VERY SUSPICIOUS CHARACTERS. Men Who Carry Plenty of Watches In Their Tronscrs' Pockets, as Well as Other Goods Various Suspects Cor raled. Officer Hugh Madison yesterday forenoon picked up two men on Sixth avenue, and ran them in for-investigation. They regis tered as Frank Lewis and Louis Denna buck, Erie. The officer thought they were carrying too much 'cargo. It consisted of two revolvers, a lot of cartridges, five silk handkerchiefs, several new pocketbooks, two watches carried in trousers' pockets, $59 in cash on one and $17 on the other, and a miscellaneous assortment of things too numerous to mention. Officer Sol Coulson found two Italians running a candy store on the steps of the Masonic Bank building, on Smithfield street. Coulson thought they occupied more room than they paid taxes and rent for, and blocked the street, and so he took them to the Central station. They gave the names of B. Episcopo and Joseph Mazzoni. Officer McKelvey lassooed three men on Water street, Frank Hughes, John Her man and John O'Bourke, the second and third named being charged with a design of going through the first. All three are at the station. ME. MORROW EXPLAINS. Moreno Fees Are Customary nnd the City Contributes Nothing;. Superintendent of the Morgue George A. Morrow was seen last evening in reference to a statement which had appeared in an afternoon paper that a fee of $5 had been demanded from the friends for the deposit of the body of each victim of the recent dis aster. Mr. Morrow said: It is quite true that I asked a fee of $5 for the bodies. It was more human to wash and clean the bodies of the victims and care for them than to let them lie there uccared for, just as they were brought in, for several hours. Any undertaker would have charged as much or more for the same service. Moreover, it is customary to charge that fee in all cases. The fee was not insisted upon in any case, and in that of tho man who worked for Mr.'Skelton, and who had no friends here, no fee was charged at all. None of the friends made any complaint about the fee at the time, and that was all I profited by it. The service of washing those bodies was cer tainly worth that much. The man referred to lay in the morzue from 3 p. it. until noon the next day. His brother identified him that night but did not take him away until the fol lowing day at noon and made no complaint about the charge. If any of the parties are needy or dissatisfied, I will refund tho money. Neither the city nor the county contribute one cent to the maintenance of this morgue. AGAINST THE REBEL FLAGS. Southern Congressmen Afraid to Tote for tho Bill. John H. Stevenson, of this city, has re ceived a letter from a Congressman to whom he wrote in regard to the presentation of a bill making it a crime to display rebel flags in any commonwealth in theUnited States. In the letter the Congressman states that the present session of Congress will be too short to present it this term, and there is no use trying to get it through the next Congress. From the complexion of the latter the writer argues that too much influence will be brought to bear upon the representatives from Southern States, and they could not be persuaded to support the measure. These members rely on the ex-rebel votes for continuance in office, and would he afraid to do anything in office but take sides against the bill. The writer says there is not enough power in Congress to prevent the display of rebel flags in the South. BOM IS LEAD. The Southsldo Police Officers' Dog is Baselr Assassinated. "Bum" is dead. He met his death by the hand of an assassin. After a long career of ups and downs, with more of the latter than the former, he was called to his final sleep just as he was commencing to enjoy the most prosperous and comfortable part of his ex istence. Cut off in the very prime of a promising life, he will be missed by his many friends and associate!'. "Bum" is a dog, you know, and he came to the Twenty-eighth ward station house one day last summer, and, without even saying "by your leave," settled down and made the station his home. He soon won friends, and was being well taken care of. when someone placed a seductive dog hut ton within "Bum's" reach. Notwithstand ing his sagacity, he yielded to the tempta tion; consequently he will yield no more. A ROSY 0DTL00K. Mr. Byers Says the Prospects for Business Were Never Better. Mr. A. M. Byers, the iron manufacturer, is very much pleased with the business out look. In a short chat last night he said: "In my experience I never saw business in a better condition in January than at pres ent. The iron men are"feeling good, and what is best of all have money enough to Iiay their debts. The prospects for an excel ent business year are bright. Certainly about the holiday season trade is more or less depressed, but the orders for agricultural implements are coming in rapidly. The farmers have been blessed with first-class crops and they are expending some of their surplus earnings in improving their farm implements. "The price of pig iron has gone down, but that will be temporary. The trade is not seriously affected." IT MAT RESULT FATALLY. Southside Boys Who Caused a Horse to Kick His Drivrr. Some bad boys on the Southside last night by throwing stones at a horse caused the latter to kick Phillip Miter, a driver, and the injuries received may result in the latter's death. The affair occurred at the stable of Schulte & Co., on Harcum alley. Miter was rubbing the horse's legs, when the boys began to annoy him by throwing pebbles at the horse. The latter kicked and caught the driver on the leg, breaking that member and otherwise badly injuring him. He was removed to his home, at No. 21 Union alley, where he lies in a serious con dition. The boys were not arrested. REV. FATHER SHEEDl'S CIRCULAR. He Calls on Presidents of Unions to Pnsh the Temperance Work. Bev. Father M. M. Sheedy has issued a circular to the Presidents of all the subordi nate unions of the Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America, in which he states that as First Vice President he is authorized to appoint organizer in every ecclesiastical province to start new societies and visit those already formed. At present Father Sheedy says it is not practicable to send out organizers, and he calls on the Presidents of unions to do this work and explain the principles, of the movement everywhere. MAGGIE CALLED BACK. The Chicago Female Will Accompany nn Offlcer Homo To-Dny. Detective O'Brien, of Chicago, arrived in Allegheny last night to take home Maggie Dignam, who was arrested on Walnut street Thursday evening by Detective Glenn. Maggie sails under the alias of Mrs. Walters and Dora Clark, and was wanted by the Po lice Department of Chicago for stealing a gold watch and chain and a diamond ring. She 13 well known in Allegheny. The de tective will leave with her at noon to-day. FUMY MOOT COURT. The Law Students Conduct a Trial Before Judge Fetterman, RESULTING Iff AMUSING TILTS. The Plaintiff Tangled, led to Lie and Forced to Swear to It. A JIUBDER CA8E NEXT ON THE DOCKET The first mock trial of the Winter series of the Law Students' Association of the Allegheny County Bar was held yesterday in room 21 of the Court House. A trial will be held every Saturday, and all kinds of cases will be argued. The young men have secured the co-operation and approba tion of the oldest attorneys at the bar, and they expect to derive a great amount of practical experience through the trials. The trial yesterday was presided over by Judge Fetterman, who imparted a wise and patriarchial appearance to the youthful court. I. Morgan Silvey acted as clerk. The attorneys for the plaintiff were Messrs. Dunn, Lewis and McCirdy, and the defense was represented by Messrs. Goss, Challender and Johnston. The title of the case was Ashworth versus Schlegel. It was an action on a promissory note drawn by the defendant in favor of plaintiff, the payment being re fused. The jury was Urawn from the large crowd of spectators. The opening address was made by Mr. McCirdy, and the closing argument by Mr. Challender. A number of ludicrous state ments were made by the witnesses, and every now and then the Court had to "sit down" very hard on some of the ambitious young attorneys. The latter asked AXiI. SORTS OP QUESTIONS, and secured more contradictory questions than could he heard at the naturalization of a Celtic would-be policeman on account of illness. The plaintiff, Mr. Ashworth, was not present, and F. V. McMullin appeared in his stead. One of the attorneys for the de fense, in his cross-examination, asked the plaintiff what time he went to New York. Plaintiff I went to Hew York before the note became due. Attorney Did yon go to New York be fore or after the maturity of the note? Plaintiff Before the maturity of the note. Attorney Were you not in Pittsburg on the day your store was burned, which was a week'after the note became due? Plaintiff Yes. sir. The witness here became confused, and the attorneyagain asked the question: "Did you go to New York before the burning of your store or afterward?" . Plaintiff I say I' mean to say I went to New York after the burning of my store, and not before the maturity of the note. Attorney Then you mean to say that what you have testified previous to this is untrue, and that you have told a lie? Plaintiff Yes, "sir. Attorney Then yon are a falsifier, and you have not told the truth in the matter? A TOUGH ADMISSION. The witness grew read, stammered several times, and finally confessed that he had not tola the truth. At this there was a ripple of laughter from the audience. Bev. Dr. Lindsay, pastor of the United Presbyterian Church, was called to testify for the plaintiff. In describing the location of his church he also got very much mixed up. Under the cross fire of the attorneys for the defense he stammered and said his church was at the corner of Ferry street and Second avenue. The defense had a rude map of McKees port, and tried to make the plaintiff show wnere His store in mat piuce was auuuieu. The plaintiff, when put upon the stand the second time, was asked how he could be certain that he had received a $100 note, as this trausaction occurred about ten yeara ago? The plaintiff replied that he could remember such an occurrence, especially as it was an unpaid note. This caused a smile from the Court, and boisterous laughter from the spectators. The trial consumed nearly the whole afternoon, and, at 430 o'clock, the court ad journed to meet Saturday next. The murder trial of the Commonwealth vs White will then he taken up. The trial is to be the result of a supposed murder com mitted in this county in May, 1883. The Commonwealth will be represented by Messrs. Lindsay, Ashworth and McMullin, and Messrs. Ammon, Briel, Bitchic and Schlegel will appear for the defense. It is expected that Thomas M. Marshall, Esq., will sit on the bench during the trial. The following Saturday a suit for loss of life against the Pittsburg, Fort Wavne and Chicago Bailroad will be tried. The ac cident is supposed to -have occurred at Bellevue. OIARSHELL.THE CASH GROCER, Will Save Yon 3Ioney. The opening of our new tea department was a gratifying success. Our new arrange ments greatly increased our accommoda tions, but apparently this was what the peo ple were waiting on, for they flocked in, and we were as badlv crowded as before. It is very apparent that the old chestnut of "presents given away with tea" has become very moldy indeed, and the people are with us when we offer them good tea at wholesale prices and send them to the crockery store for their crockery ware. Every tub stands on its own bottom in our store, and we sell everything cheap be cause we sell cheap, and we don't put any extra profit on our tea to make up losses on other goods. One of the popular features of our new tea department is our arrangements for drawing tea on a moment's notice. Everyone cau taste the tea before buying. One of the fre quent remarks about our 19c tea was: "Ob, how cheap ! But it can't be good." Then Mr. Shaw was in his element, and, pouring out the tea, said: "Taste it." That settled it, and it was a sale every time. Of course there are some people who have not sense enough to come in out of the wet when it rains, nnd these people always judge tea by the price they pay for it. But the majority of people have "horse sense," and as they drink tea every day are able to tell good tea when they teste it. Buckeye flour is having a wonderful boom. People are tired of flour that "tastes like chips,' and appreciate the Buckeye, that has the full strength of the wheat. Send for weekly price list and order by mail. Orders amounting to $10, without counting sugar, will be packed and shipped free of charge to any point within 200 miles. Give me a trial. I will save yon money. Marshell, 79 & 81 Ohio st., cor. Sandusky, Allegheny. Two Days More. Being unable to properly serve our num erous customers and patrons yesterday dur ing our great $15 sale, we shall for the bene fit of those who failed to receive nroper at tention continue this great bargain sale for two days more. This sacrifice sale begins to-morrow morning at 8 o'clock, and closes Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock. You can have your choice of the finest satin-lined overcoats or suits for $15 in bur men's fine clothing department. It makes no difference what the former selling price was, $40, $30 or $25, you can take your pick and choice for FIFTEEN' DOLLARS. Every gentleman in thi3 city should take advantage of this sale. P. C. C. C, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., Opp. new Court House. Don't Forget the Popular Excursion to Washing-ton, D. C, Next Thursday, January 17, via B. & O. B. R. Only $9 round trip, including a trip to Baltimore. THE FLEMING SUIT. What la Thought of It by tho Greenvillo People. The following special dispatch was re ceived from Greenville, Pa., last night: Squire Fritz, the only acting justice in Green, vllle, denies the assertion made by Joseph Flemint: in to-day's Dispatch that he Is Pro hibitionist. He is a strong Republican, and in favor of license. It Judge Jlehard, of. Mercer, is meant the assertion is equally false, for he la a Democrat and granted ten licenses last year Instead of none, as Mr. Fleming asserts. In reply to this Mr. Fleming, the drug gist, said to a Dispatch reporter last night that he did not mean to misrepresent tho Judge. He had not said he was a Prohibi tionist, but he meant to say that he acted in thesame way Prohibitionists do. As indi cating the drift of public opinion down there the Greenville Independent of Friday said: The temperance people of this county seem determined to give their lawyers a chance to get a slice of the people's money. Tbey have had the well known and popular druggist, Jos. Fleming. &t Market street, Pittsburg. Indicted before the grand jury this week for selline liquor without license. We are sorry that Mer cer county has so many blind fools. Mr. Flem ing holds a wholesale license, and under that ho Is entitled to ship liquor into any part of tho State without violating the law. WHT THE! RUSTICATE. Rlvertlds nnd Clnremont Book Several Gnests for n Season and More. Here are the sentences imposed by Judge Collier yesterday: Joseph Bennett, highway robbery, workhouse 2 years; John Bolinger, aggravated assault, . workhouse 6 months and tlOO fine: D. A. Cruik shank, felonious assault on step-daughter, penitentiary 5 years and $100 fine; James Dan more, carrying weapons concealed, workhouse 3 months and S23 fine; John G ruber, indecency, workhouse 1 year; Harry Harris, liquor vendor without license (second offense), workhouse 3 months and $500 fine; Aaron alias Price King, horse thief and barRlar, penitentiary 4 years and 3 months; Thomas Kane, feloniously as saulting wife, penitentiary 2 years and 3 months; Lawrence Kinzleman, liquor vendor without license, workhouse 1 year and S350 fine; Thomas Sheridan and William Pittzer, larceny, workhouse 1 year each. To Let for Business Purposes. Parties who require a power service in their business and who can see advantages in being in the most central situation in the city, should call and examine the rooms of all sizes now ready for occupants in the new Dispatch building, 75, 77 and 79 Diamond street. Besides being ready of access to custom ers, tenants are supplied with every facility for the rapid and successful transaction of business. Elevator service, both passenger and freight; prompt janitor service, steam heat ing and electric lighting free; besides," splen did light and ventilation of the rooms are among the attractive features. Econonomy, as well as other great ad vantages, in renting here. Apply at DIS PATCH, new bnilding, Diamond street. BODY BRUSSELS CARPETS Aro Cheaper nt Groetzinger's Now Than Before Prices Advanced. We have a large line of best body brussels carpets worth ?1 37 a yard, but will let them go at 80 cents to $1 a yard during the com ing week. Borders to match all patterns. These patterns will not be duplicated in the spring stock. If they were you would . have to pay full price for'them. Edward Geoetzihgek, 627 and 629 Penn avenue. Be In Time To secure a share of the many bargains wa will offer this week. Prices cut in two. AH winter goods must be sold at any sacri fice. Ladies' newmarkets, jackets, jerseys, hoods, shawls, cashmere and flannel wrap pers, girls' winter dresses, gretchen coats and plush bonnets, blankets, comforts, spreads, lambrequins,, table scarfs, silk mufflers, gloves, winter underwear for men, ladies and children; full line of infants' wear, corsets, kid cloves, etc.. all at cut prices this week at Busy Bee Hive, corner. Sixth and Liberty. They Sny He Was to Blame. Bumor has it that a well-known business man has been separated from his wife all on account of her not being able to clean and repair his old clothes. Dickson, the Tailor, corner Fifth avenue and Wood street, can. prevent all these trifling difficulties. Clothes cleaned, pressed and renovated in a highly satisfactory manner. Charges moderate. Telephone 1558. Many have tried to save money by de positing their earnings in a savings bank, but soon failed, because they had nothing to urge them to continue. The same parties, if members of the Second Modern Building and Loan Association would undoubtedly succeed because the regular meetings would be an incentive to continue the payments. Office 138 Fifth avenue. Fine Rosewood Piano tor 8175. An excellent rosewood piano, used a short time, with latest improvements, splendid tone and rich rosewood case, a $450 instru ment, will be sold, fully warranted, for $175. A rare bargain, at J. M. Hoffman & Co.'s, 537 Smithfield street. " Also a splendid parlor organ for $50. Use Angostura Bitters to stimulate the. appetite and keep the digestive organs in order. All dress lengths and short ends offered -at greatly reduced prices during the morn ings only, at Hugus &Hacke's. irwrsa THE TURN OF THE YEAR SUGGESTS 8PRING. All Winter GSbds to be Converted Into Money. Prices Made to More Quickly. SILKS, SATINS, Flushes, Striped, Brocade and Shaded Velvets, Short and long lengths from Holiday Sales. FANCY BLACK DRESS GOODS, Fancy Pattern Costumes, Novelty Com- - blnation and Dress Lengths. , , . . Yard and a half wide Cloths, 50c, e5e -at 1 :o4 and SOc; yard wide Novelty Suitings, . m 35c; double-width Cloths at 25c; 'Jg Wool-faced Dress Goods at 13Jc aro a few of the many bargains for early comers. CLOAKS. 52 50 for a Plain Newmarket, with i i 1 " Cape; $5 for a Fancy Newmarket; . v. -.' 110 for a variety of styles in Plain, - T, Braided or Capo Sleeve Newmarket .j ; i1 UUUU.1U ,...w u wv vuv MM UXJ 1 .. ....If., iii n Ia ffn CIA . K.V3 saved on Pattern Garments, only" one of a kind, to to $15 on Plush, Garments. Seal Garments of the best class at special prices. HEBrd, Biter I EastnrC am Ajxuaui MArtKhi: BTBEEIL-' - j3-xfdsa M m i. kM