THE' -PITTSBURG- D1SP&TCH, SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 18S9. 13 THE EPIPHAMY STAR Hot. George Bodies Disconrses of the Countless Multitudes WHO HAVE EYES, YET CAXXOT SEE Only the Three Wise Men fiecognized the Star of Bethlehem. SPIRITUAL GRACE OP KIC0GKITI05 rmtirro" fob the dispatch.! A the year 1601 the great astronomer, Kepler, saw a strange sight in the sky. The two great planets, Jupiter and Saturn, stood in con junction. In the following year a third planet joined the group, the planet Mars. This singular assemblage of bright stars takes place, so the astronomers teach, every 800 years. It was visible in the year 800. It was visible and here is the notable thing about it in the year one, in the year when Christ was born. Astrono mers are agreed, I understand, that Jupiter and Saturn met three times in the year 747 of the Roman era, a little before the Chris tian year one. In the Roman year 748 Mars joined the group. This was two years be fore the accepted date of the birth of Christ. But here comes the strangest fact of all. Kepler, in 1864, saw in the midst of the three nlanets a bright, new star. This glowing star, after showing for a few days, vanished away. The astronomical records of the Chinese show that in the year which in the Roman era was numbered 750, and in our era is numbered 1, the very year of the birth of the Messiah, the same thing hap rencd. This bright, new, evanescent star was seen. Did the Eastern astrologers, whose mys terious visit is written in St Matthew's gospel, read in that strange grouping of planets a message which started them on their journev? .And after a two-years' journey did the new star shine out to light them over the path from Jerusalem to Bethlehem? THE STAB Or BETHLEHEM. Perhaps so. At any rate, with no "per haps" about it, this is certain that the whole world saw a strange sight in the sky about the time when Christ was born. This is history and science. The fact which I want to bring out is that everybody saw the star. You cannot hide a star. The wise men from the East had not the sight of the star all to themselves, we may be quite sure of that. This fact that everybody knew about this star emphasizes one singular thing about those mysterious Eastern pilgrims. They were not alone in their witness of the bright, new star, but in ono respect they do f-eem to have been quite alone. "When they saw the star they rejoiced with exceeding great joy." And nobody else, so far as we know, did that Many faces were, no doubt, upturned with curi osity, with admiration, with wonder. And many laces, probably, were not upturned at all. For some people walk so unheedingly, so blindly, through this interesting and beautiful world, that, as Charles Lamb sug gested, they would not be at all surprised if the 6un'vere to rise, some fine moraine, in the West, they would only wonder why so many people were looking so curiously into the sky. I suppose that many people" saw uo star at all. But among all who faw and wondered, the wise men alone found cause for rejoicing, they alone read the enigma of the sky, they alone translated the message of God which He had written upon the heavens. Even when they declared plainly and openly, as they did in the streets of Jeru salem, what the message was, what the star meant, people only looked blankly or un easily one at another. Some were per plexed, some were "troubled." some were too much in a hurry even to listen; some said, "Is that so? " and that was the end of it for them. Alone came the mlcrims to the Holy City, and there were no accessions to their company when they went away. Now, here is a strange thing. Here is something to wonder at. And if, like the wise men, we do not content ourselves with wonderine, but translate wonder into search and make our wonder a guide-post and not a hitching-post, a way and not a wall, we may learn something here. I find in these wise men of the Epiphany an example of the spiritual grace of recog nition. Sirs WHO HECOGXIZED. They were eminently the men who recog nized. There is a plain distinction between observation and recognition; between seeing a man and knowing who and what kind of man he is; between seeing a wheel in a ma chine and knowing what the wheel is for; between seeing a star and knowing as much about it as Professor Langley knows; be tween reading a sentence of Plato or St. John, ana recognizing the meaning of wnicn tne words are the messengers. There is a plain distinction, I say, between obser vation and recognition. A little child was one day carried in his mother's arms into the most sacred building in the world. The mother and the child had journeyed in from Bethlehem. They had traveled over country roads and city streets, meeting many people, but not attracting anybody's straying attention. And they stood in the temple court amid a crowd of others, quite unnoticed. A great many people saw them, but what they saw was only a peasant woman with a baby; a com mon sight Nobody looked twice at them. But suddenly an old man chanced to see them, and at once he recoznized them. A voice spoke in his heart and told him the great secret He took the child in his arms end thanked God. Here was the child of ancient promise; here was the Savior. "Lord," he cried,"Mine eyes have seen Thy salvation." But the bystanders saw no sal vation. They were only observers. Here was one who recognized. Our Lord stopped, one day, in the midst of a crowd which was pressing upon Him, and asked a question which the disciples thought was a very queer question, indeed. He said, "Who touched Me?" Why, they were all touching Him. les; they were all touching Him, just as all the people in the temple were beholding the holy child, just as everybody in the world was seeing the Epiphany star. But there was only one who was tonchine Him in the sense in which He meant it with the touch which gained a. blessing, the touch of spiritual closeness, of recognition. There are always two conditions necessary to the act of seeing: there must be a visible object, and there must be a seeing eve. I suppose that hardly any two people see' the same object in precisely the same way, be cause we all look out of different eyes. "The eye sees what it brings of seeing." j have heard of one to whom the whole world is gray. The world, as he sees it, is a world of gray grass and gray trees and gray sun sets and gray people. But the grayness is in the man's eyes. I know a man who misses one little corner out of every star. Every point of light an electric lamp, a moon, or a star has a little piece nicked out of the lower lefthand corner. But there is no nick in the star. These things are parables of this growth of recognition of which I speak. To one man all things connected with the spiritual life, with the great problems which have engaged the great thinkers all these things are simply uninteresting. The church, which stands for these things; the creed which voices the profoundest interpretation which the race has put upon these things, he sets quite aside. They are without interest to him. They are all a dull gray. But the dull gray is all in the man. THE MIND SEES. For, alter all, it is not the eye which sees; it is the mind, behind the eye, which looks through. It is not the ear which hears. The men heard lust thu ram snimrl nhn said, some of them, "An angel spoke to j Jrfe him," and some of them, "It thnndered." It is the same service and the same sermon after which some go away touched and helped, and others go away unhelped. I suppose that the dullest sermon that was ever preached helped somebody helned somebody who was ready to be helped. It is the same sacrament from which some carry away a blessed and strengthening presence in their hearts, and some carry away nothing at all, except a sense of separation between God and them. So it is said, "The pure in heart bhall see God," for only the pure can see God. The old legends told how the star of the Epiphany, after its ta&k of guiding was done, fell into a well, where it may be seen to-day, but only by the pure hearted. Only the pure hearted mav behold the stars of God, may hear the voice of God. It isn't that the stars of truth are not visible, or that the voice of truth is not audible, it is only that there is an impediment of the spiritual senses. It was strange that a star which everybody saw was really seen only by three or four. But you see that that was one of those strange things which happen every day. Certain sentences of Holy Scripture flash up into new light under the illumination of universal truth, that the difference be tween observation and recognition, between looking on and loosing in, is mainly a dil ference between men. If we would s'ee any thingthis is the principle we must have in ua the faculty of seeing. One of the sen tences which I have in mind is this: "Spiritual things are spiritually discerned." Another is this: "If any man shall do His will, he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God." Xou see that these are simply statements on the spiritual side of this universal truth, that sight depends upon the seer. If the revelation, the message, the gospel of the Christian religion, which is to some so blessedly full of comfort and joy and peace and spiritual satisfaction unspeakable. does not touch you, does not commend itself to you as true, does not bring any of its blessed peace and rest, of its sufficient an swer, into your lite, if to you the Star of Bethlehem is but a common and unmeaning star among the multitudes of heaven, and Christ but a common man, wholly human and not divine at all, among the multitudes of earth, you must confess that there is at least a possibility that the blindness is in you. Yon may be only an observer, lacking the grace of recognition. AVe do well to call those Epiphany pil grims the wise men. Here is precisely the distinction between a wise man and an un wise man. The wise man sees, recognizes. SPIRITUAL BECOGSTTIOH', Now, what made the wise men recognize the star? How came they, in a blind world, to see? We want to know the answer to these questions, because the answer is the secret of the grace of recognition. lucre are two answers, having verv much the same meaning, and each embodied by the Master in a short word. One answer is centered in the word "seek," the other in the word "watch." Thewise men here saw, because they watched and sought. Nobody else saw, because nobody else was either seeking or watching. The wise men, we cannot help believing, were looking for that star. The old tradi tion which shows them studying the prophe cies of Balaam and Daniel, pondering the meaning of the promise of the star, and watching the sky, night after night, for its appearing that old legend has n heart of truth in it. The wise men recognized the star because they were seeking and watching for it. They were ready for the sight. For watching and seeking result in readi ness, and the reward of readiness is recog nition. If we would behold new stars of truth in the sky of God, we must be ready. God is always revealing truth, but we are not always attentive to His views; we are not always ready. Sometimes the revelation comes In a language we do not understand. We ought long ago to have learned that language, but we have been idle over our lessons, and when the revelation comes we pay the inevitable penalty, of not understanding it. The highest revelations of God are like the profoundest books only they are helped icuu Lueuj juteiijireniiv. iKnnir men who date the real beginning of their intellectual and spiritual lives to the read ing of two books: The sermons of Fred erick Eobertson and the poems of Robert Browning. These books have actually re generated these men. They rose np "from reading them, and, for the "first time, saw. But we do not pnt these helpful books into the Sunday school library. "Why not? Be cause we know that they would do the boys and girls no good at all. The boys and girls have not yet learned the intellectual lan guage in which these books are written. They helped the men, because the men were ready Kecognition W8its upon readiness. Spiritual recognition waits upon spiritual readiness. Make yourself spiritually ready. Seek the revelation of truth along the path of daily duty. Keep your eyes and your heart open anu sensitive to an higher influences. Put yourself in the way of the surest Chris tian teaching you can find. Live among the saints; study the Christian Scriptures as the wise men studied the sky; do the nearest task; follow the clearest religious liht which you can see, and "you shall fin3 " Christ said so. Tou may trust Him. What ever of truth you need to know, you shall know. Geoege Hodges. Tho Advantages of Edncntlon. "2Tow, if I hadn't been able to read, what a fix I might have been in!" Life. Electrical Diagnosis of tho Brain. Several of the Eastern papers are noticing the electropathic diagnosis and treatment of the brain discovered by the electrical phe nomenon, Dr. S. L. Johnson, of this city, and speak-favorably of the remarkable re suits gained in diseases of the brain by his method. VELVET CARPETS AT S7 1-2 CENTS. Same Goods That Ilnvo Ilcen Helling nt S1.S3 a Yard nil Season. "We have about 1,000 yards velvet carpets of patterns which will not be duplicated in the spring goods. They are worth $1.25 a yard everywhere, but ours will go at 87J cents while they last. Borders to match all patterns. Edward Gboetziugeb, 627 and 629 Penn avenue. The Best That Is Blade. Marvin's rye bread is made by native Germans and is the best made this side of the Fatherland. If you want areally pure wholesome article, try it. tussu ' TJSE Rosalia flour, manufactured only by Whitmyre & Co., Thirty-eighth street and Allegheny Valley Railroad, guaranteed the very best in the market. F. G. Rertemax, manufacturer of re galia and lodge supplies for all societies. Flags and banners a specialty, nt low rates. 54 Sixth Street. Fixe silk umbrellas, lowest prices, at ' Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. No charge for j engraving. wrsu I Dabbs is making finer photographs than ever. SECflET SOCIETIES. Ilcptasophs. L A. Justice, Past Archon of Tonngstown Conclave, is a Past Grand Master Workman of the A. O. U. W. or Ohio. Indiana Conclave, of Indiana, Pa., was In stituted last July with 13 charter members; now reports 85 on Its roll. S. U. Trent, Esq., is the Supremo Representative-elect from Friendship Conclave; G. E. 'Williams, is tholternate. C. E.HambrigW, Deputy Supreme Archon of Allegheny count)-, Maryland, is the Grand Warden of the Royal Arcanum of Maryland. The L O. H. Degree team visited J. K. Moorhead Conclave, of this city, on last Mon day evening. Three candidates were initiated and live applications were received. A num ber of visitors wore present Speeches and a banquet were the closing exercises of an enjoy able meeting. The contest between Captains David "W. Sloan, Past Archon. and C. E. Harabright, Deputy Supreme Archon, of Knobly Conclave of Cumberland, Md., resulted in favor of Cap tain Hambright, who, with aids, proposed five more candidates there between July 1, lhSS. and January 1, 1SS9, than Captain Bloan and aids. A solid gold badge and a banquet was the reward. Supreme Organizer Samuel L Osmond re cently instituted a fine conclave at Youngs town, O. The following officers wore chosen: Past Archon, I. A. Justice, Esq.; Deputv Su preme Archon, J. M. Reno: Provost, M. W. Johnson, Esq.; Prelate, J. W. Jewhurst; In spector, Franks. McKeoj Secretary. Mansfield F. Milton: Financier. C. C. Howard: Treasurer. J. M. Stanton; Warder.D. A. Walker; Sentinel, Frank Predmore: trustees, C. E. Kennedy; A. M. Archer, John S. Roller: Medical Examiner, Dr.Gcorge S. Peck: Representative to Supreme Conclave, L A. Justice; alternate, J. M. Reno. At a regular meeting of Pittsburg Con clataNo. 89, held last Thursday evening, the following gentlemen were made "Hops:" V. H. Miles, Thomas P. Druitt, J. W. Heustis, C. IL Ogden and E. A. Graff. Deputy Supreme Archon S. U. Trent, Esq., assisted by Supreme Organizer Osmond, installed the following officers: Past Archon. Albert Clinc: Archon. John I. Shaw; Provost. Samuel McKlroy; Pre late, H. J. Lawrence; Inspector, R. Lowrv; Secretary, 0. D. Hartzell: Financier, V. 1. McGregor; Treasurer, W. H. Duffell: Warder, J. Howard Speer; Sentinel, Humphries Stiller; Trustees, A. C. Shaw, John W. Grove. Joseph Mcftaugher, Jr.; Medical Examiners, Drs. R. W. McClelland. Cyrus B. King.E. J. Matson; Representative to Supreme Conclave, S. A Duncan. Among the visitors was Past Archon R. D. Bryce, of Homestead Conclave. Past Archon ft. A. Dnncan, on behalf of conclave, presented an elegant umbrella to Deputy S. TJ. Trent. Major bidney Omohundro presented Archon John I. Shaw with a Waterbury watch. Supreme Organizer Osmond, for the conclave, presented Past Archon Omohundro with a solid sold badge of the order. Knights of Pythias. The open Installation of Smoky City Lodge Ko. 392, which took place on Thursday evening, at Maltby Hall, was a most interesting occasion. A choice musical and literary programme was presented, after which the following officers were installed by District Deputy 0. 13. Dr. J. N. Staun, assisted by D. R. Thompson, J. C. Stulz and Wm. Sellers: J. C. McKowan, C. C; William Wavman. V. C: Scott Dibert. Prelate: E. Jones, Warden; T. J. Thomas, L G.; M. Jones, O. G. District Deputy Philip Adler, assisted by E. Wraas and Charles Heinricb, of Gustav Adolph Lodge Uo. 419, installed Jthe following officers of Mozart Lodge No. 1S9, K. of P., last Tuesday evening: Chancellor Commander, Joseph Hcinmiller; Vice Chancellor, Henry Mathers: Prolate, Leopold Hoechstetter; Inner Guard, Adam Fakmger; Outer Guard, Peter Sturm. The order is in a very flourishing con dition in the First district. According to an interview with the District Deputy, Dr. Staub, over 100 members were gained in tho term. The funds of the lodges have increased, despite the fact that over $2,000 was expended for charity and relief. Suspensions were few. Of the 13 lodges In the city. Invincible Lodge, of the East End, leads with 27 new members. An organized effort is being made to properly cel ebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the order February 19 next. Order ofGolden Chnin. M. C. Bryant, Deputy Supreme Conncilor, installed the following officers of Allegheny Lodge, No. 48. Order of the Golden Chain, Jan uary 8: Commander, H. J. Mitchell; Vice Com mander, Wm. C. Nicholls: Assistant Vice Com mander, J. K. Liglitcan; Past Commander, C. D.Grupen; Prelate. D. B. Stevenson; Secre tary, L M. Eitenmiller: Collector, J. G. Smith; Treasurer, A. S. Smith: Guide, W. H. Mc Claren; Guardian, O. K. Shannon; Sentinel, R. P. Oliver; Trustees. H. B. Oliver, Dr. O.K. Shannon, M. C. Bryant, Tho following are tho officers of Avalon Castle No. 242 of Pittsburg, for tho ensuing six months tflrm; Past f!hipf "Wm T Pmrotlt Noble Chief, .Thomas E. Morgan; Vice Chief,' H. J. Bombaugn; High Priest, J, E. Stroniberg: Venerable Hermit, J. H. Stromberg; Master of Records, Louis Smith, Jr.; Clerk of Exchequer, George F. Cramer: Keeper of Exchequer. W. E. Macfarlane; Sir Herald, H. H. Heckmani Worthy Bard, Thomas Aston; Worthy Cham berlain, Anthony Schaefcr: Ensign, Jacob Schacfer; Esquire, C. S. Herman; First Guards man. W. H. Bateman: Second Guardsman, Ernest Keller; Itepresentative to the Grand Castle, Louis Smith, Jr. Knights of tho Golden Eagle. The following are the officers of Star of tho "West Castle No. 83, of Pittsburg, for the ensu ing Bis months' term: Past Chief, G. A Trivan; Noble Chief, E. G. Tavlor: Vice Chief, G. W. Scott; High Priest. Fred Pickard: Venerable Hermit, E. S. Hackwelder; Master of Records, Samuel Hackwelder; Clerk of Exchequer, H. E. Atkins; Keeper of Exchequer, James Mc Cauley; Sir Herald, 0. L. Koerner; Worthy Bard, E. C. Jennings; Worthy Chamberlain, R. P. Jennings: Ensign, Thos. Pickard; Esqniro, Charles Hellers: First Guardman, Davis Chersky; Second Guardsman, David Rees; Trustees, Thompson, Tavlor, Irwin; Represen tative to the Grand Castle, S. Hackwelder. Knights or Honor. January 8, Security Lodge No.703, K. of H., had a very pleasant time Installing the officers elected for the ensuing six months. The inter esting ceremonies were conducted bv D. G. D. Thompson, assisted by P. G. D. A. j'. Gill and Grand Guide Wm. Pitcalrn. The officers in stalled were: Dictator, John A. Adams; V. D W. C. Kraue; Reporter, J. F. Lobaugh; F. r!) W. H. Arthurs; Treasurer, J. A. Elphinstone, and Sentinel, C. Burgy. The order at large is in a highly prosperous condition. In Pennsyl vania over 1,000 applications have been received during the past j ear. Royal Arcanum. The tenth anniversary of Orion Conncil.No. 224. Royal Arcanum, will be celebrated at Odd Fellows' Hall, corner Eighteenth and Sarah streets, Southside, on the night of January 21 the program being unusually select The en trrtainnient will no doubt be an event long to bo remembered. The Great Western Band has been engaged for the occasion. The committee of arrangements consists of the following well known gentlemen: J. A H. Hunker, Phillip Hoerr. Wm. C. Burt, Caleb Davis. George Lauffer.C. E. Breitweisser. Dr. H. T RnmixEa and Ed. Campbell. Nntionnl Union. At the last regular meeting of Allegheny Council No. 228, National Union, the following officers were installed for this year: President, Robert Shearer; VicoPresident,H. A. Buehner: Speaker. Wm. Hall; Secretary. Archie Gar diner; Financial Secretary, Thomas W. Mc Masters; Treasurer, John H. McCbesney: Chap lain. Wm. Summerville: Usher, Geo.. A Drake; Sergeant-at-Arms, L. W. Kartlick: Doorkeeper, Fred Koerner: Trustees H. C. Thompson, F. P. Crooks and A. B. Smith. Wm. V. Koerner was appointed Council Deputy. Eccentric Circle. An election of officers of the Kccentric Circle was held Thursday night The follow ing gentlemen were elected tor tho ensuing term: President, Harry H. Peterson; Vice President, D. F. Danahey: Treasurer, John J. Reno; Secretary, M. S. Welsh; Speaker, Jos. Carlin; Steward, Owen Smith; Surgeons, P. Madden; Engeue Sheehan; Musical Instructor, J. L. Malone; Instructor of Elocution, John Stack. Sons of Veterans. Tho members of Major J. F.Slagle Camp No. 119. S. of V., were surprised at their lait meeting by a visit from tho Independent Aux iliary, who camo in in a bodv, br ingig nwith them all kinds of choice refreshments. The members hardly knew how to entertain the fair ladies, but they succeeded, with the ladies' as sistance, and every one present greatly enjoyed tho occasion. Jr. O. U. A. M. Hi dale Council No. 235 held a grand enter tainment at the Sixth ward schoolhouse, Alle gheny, on Thursday evening. C. E. Brown was manager, and Mrs. Alice Parsons, the Vog ler sisters. Leon J. Long, the Hamiltons and others took part in the programme. There was a large audience present. v. a. nr. Lincoln Commandery No. 4, of Bellevne, will hold a special meeting next Wednesday evening. The Supromo officers will be present and install officers. There will also bo three candidates initiated. Members of sister com mandenes arc requested to be present. Tariff Cnrtetn. The following are tho newly elected officers of the Tariffed Vice Frctidoiit, C.ui'ts: rresiucnr, L. Keiuuerg, R. Price: Trcasurpr. Hirry Feinherg: Commit tee on Uniform, W. Rosenberg and A, Shultz. A STIFF UPPEB LIP Characterizes Hustlers in All the Branches of Local Industry. OIL AND STOCKS GAININGJGROUB. Five Hundred Applicants for Seal Estate in the City and Suburbs. MIEMTS GBANTED FOE 33 NEW HOUSES The salient features of the week in local business circles present several points of general interest. Money ruled easy, with, a fair demand for strictly legitimate purposes. The upward movement in local securities continued. Gas shares were notably strong. Philadelphia, Chartiers and "Wheeling led In activity, and even closed higher than it opened on Monday. Tho influences underlying the oil market were rather bearish early in the week. Prices were wayward and the direction downward. Later on, however, the nulls took a hand in the play, and established a firmer feeling, though without augmenting the figures until just before tho close at noon yesterday, when they scored the biggest victory of the week, and claimed to havo changed tho tide permanently in their favor. The bears couldn't see it, however, and propose to continue the hammering process until they disclose the colored gentleman in the woodpile. It may be found that he belongs to the Standard family. Easiness in real estate was fully up to the aver age of the midwinter season. There were, it is estimated by a Fourth avenue dealer, at least 600 inquiries for property during the week and about 100 sales, cash being paid in most cases. Leases and rents were about closed up, A largo number of mortgages wero placed on city and suburban property, gcneraUy at 6 per cent The money thus realized will be largely applied to building purposes and to tho enlarge ment of business enterprises. Thirty-three permits for new buildings were granted during the week, at an estimated cost of $29,000. Iron manifested a waiting disposition. It was the genoral opinion that a good demand would soon set in and prices improve. Acting on this theory, the furnaces were not pushing their product. But wbile there was no pressure to sell there was no anxiety to buy the result being a doll market so far as business was con cerned. HOLD THEIfi OWN. AH tho Spcclnltlci in Local Stocks Firm Gas Still Cllmhinsr. Business at the Stock Exchange yesterday was not remarkably buoyant, but all the spe cialties were strong. This was notably the case with natural gas. The Philadelphia Company maintained its position at 40, with few sellers. Chartiers was also very strong. There was a better demand for Traction and Electric. Bank stocks, as a rule, are considered a good and safe investment They were badly wanted, but with one exception sellers failed to respond. A Fourth avenue broker who returned from New York yesterday reported a better feeling in railroad stock, owing to the probable speedy settlement of existing troubles, and the adop tion of a system which will D'revent the use of railroad securities for speculative purposes. The following quotations show the drift of prices on the local Exchange: stocks. Hid. Asked Allegheny National Bank 60 Bank of Pittsburg 70 Commercial National Bank 93 Diamond National Bank 150 Duqueene national Bank IS) .... Exchange National Bank 81 first National Bank, Pittsburg 163 Fourth National Bank 115 Freehold Bank 43 Iron City National Bank. 90 .... Keystone National. 60 .... Masonic Bank 53 .... Jiercts'ana ilannr. National Bank... 6S Odd Fellows' Savings Bank 63 Pittsburg National Bank Commerce. ...205 ritteburg Bank for Savings 100 i-eopies' national Bant ..140 ..160 ..ISO ..119 ..175 '.'. 53" .. 35 ..70 ,.53 ..57 159 l'conlcs' Havlnra Hank. Tradesmen's N, Bank , Herman National Bank Second National Bank, Allegheny. Citizens' Insurance Co , National Insurance Co Allegheny Gas Co. (Ilium.) , EastEnd (las Co. (Ilium.) Chartiers Valley Gas Co Natural Gas Co., W. Va Pennsylvania Gas Co , Philadelphia Gas Co Wheeling Gas Co , 42 57 15" 40 203? . 40 tax ixmimoia uu km. Washington Oil Co '. 79 4 wuzens' Traction 77 go Pittsburg Traction 43 La Noria Mining Co ijf i4 Allegheny County Electric 100 WestluKhouse Electric 33 hju Union bwltch and signal Co 9 wu Westinghouse Alrbralce Co 60 63 Pittsburg Cycloraraa Co 5 The sales comprised 100 shares Wheeling Gas at 30, and 25 shares at 2! 100 Philadelphia Gas at 40, 100 Keystone Bank at 60, After the call 20 shares of Keystone were sold by John D. Bailey, presumably at 60. Sales on change ag. gregated 235 shares, divided as above. A few Email transactions took place outside princi pally in gas. The total sales of stocks at New York yester day wero 117,152 shares, including Delaware. Lackawanna and Western, 17,200; Erie, 12.W0 Lake Shore, 7,305; Michigan Central, 2,480; Missouri Pacinc, 3,200; Northwestern, 3,110 Reading, 14,700; St, Paul, 16,000. MOSEY TALKS. Business at thr- Banks Yesterday and Dur ing tho Week. Bankers reported a good demand for yester day with which to clear up the week's obliga tions. There was no outside movement bow ever. Reports from all the prominent centers show an easy feeling, with supplies adequate to the demand. Pittsburg Clearing Honse business was slightly below the average, the exchanges Deing $1,726,708 32, and the balances $267,794 4a The subjoined table gives the totals for the past two weeks: This week. Exchanges. Balances. Monday $2,451,05127 t 393,623 68 Tuesday. 1,975,43148 304,377 77 Wednesday 2,043,04153 310,410 58 Thursday 1,635,852 85 268,833 64 Friday 1,710.154 40 267,639 37 Saturday 1,728,708 32 267,79140 Totals 111,572,849 89 (1,837,639 42 Exchanges, dailyaverage Jl, 928, 303 32 Last week. Trrhfinfr.. Balances. Wednesday f 2.S84.121 20 Thursday 2,405,703 66 Friday 2,442,534 & Saturday 2,133,696 42 t 476,245 86 313,853 76 408.043 85 337,633 09 Totals for the week. .$12. 202, 169 34 Exchanges, dailyaverage f 1,952, 313 73 2,449,417 67 These aggregates were In excess of those for the same time last year. They represent a healthy condition of the money market, and a large amount of substantial business. It should be remembered that last week was limited to four days, while the excitement attendant upon the Wood street accident practically clipped a day down this week. Money on call at New York yesterday ruled easy, with no loans at the board. It closed offered at 2 per cent. Prime mercantile paper was in demand at 4t. The weekly statement uf tho New York banks shows tho following changes: Reserve. Increase 17,216,050 Loans, decrease toislaoo Specie. Increase 5,118.200 Legal tenders. Increase 2,401,200 Deposits. Increase L231.40O Circulation, increase 12,600 The banks hold $14,432,545 in excess of tho 25 per cent rule. New TOBK-Clearings to-day, $112,295,868; balances. $G,5S2,17L For the week, clearings. $050,364413: balances, 835,372.630. - BOSTON Clearings to-day, $16,310,484; bal ances, $1,806,450. For tho week, clearings. J90.- 54,670; balanceal$8,332,2ua For same week last year, clearings, $95,697,370; balances, $9,215,043. BAiJnJ0EEclearln8s' ftSSS.m; balances, $364,355l Philadelphia Clearings. $11,174,309; bal ances, 81,555,476. For the week, clearings; $69, 917.251; balances, $9,999,519. CnioAQO Money easy at 08 per cent. Bank clearings, $10,497,000. OIL STK0NGER. The Market Opens Weal, but Grows Better nnd Closes Rather Bullish. The oil market yesterday was short bnt not very sweet. The opening was weak, In the ab sence of support, at 86,1 below that of Fri day. Then the boys braced up, resolved to do or die, and elevated the figures to 86. They soon found the thing wouldn't work, and lost courage, the result being a drop to 85Jf, the low water mark for the day. This was followed by a spasmodic reaction to 86, at which the market stood when the ham mer fell. This was figures, and gave the bulls reason to hope tjat the tido had turned In their favor. Toe feeling was strong at the close. In the opinion of the bull element the worst is over, for the present at least. Theopentng Srlce was 88; highest. 86: lowest. 85 closed. . Friday's clearings were 1368,000 barrels. Field news was unimportant. The carrying rates were unchanged, A B. McQrew quotes: Puts, Sc; calls, 87o tooTe. Tne following table, corrected ny Do Witt Dll wortb, broker In petroleum, etc.. corner Fifth avenue and Wood street, .Pittsburg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc. : Time. Bid. Ask. Time. Did. Ask. Opened 60 Sales 11:15 r. M.... 88 885$ 10:15 A. II.... 8C 86 11:30 F. M.. 86 86S 10:30 A. M.... S3 86 11:45 P. X.... K 86X 10:45 A.M.... 853 t0 12 W0 SBh .... 11:00 A. M.... 83S 83 Closed Opened. S6c: Wgiie.t, S6s'c; lowest. S5Xcs closed, Kftc Barrels. 1)UT runs........ 45,23 Average rum 42,083 Dally cnarters - 25,695 Average cnarters 3L8SS Clearances 1,369,000 New York closed at 85Xc OU City closed at 86c. Uradrord cloaca at t6iic lew YorE. rettned. 7c London, re&ned. Gd. Antwerp, reflned, lsf. Taylorstown Oil News. rSFECIAI. TELEGllAM TO TITB DtSFATCS.l Taylokstown, January 12. TbeBeabout is almost atogood agasser as the John Grimes' gas well. A bit was lost in hole this morning, and a good fishing job is expected. The Donabcy, since drilled in the sand, is showing up for a 75-barrcl well. James Hodgcns, Sr., No. 5, will be shot in a few days. James Hodgens, Jr., No. 2, will get the Band this afternoon. This well is sur rounded by the White Brothers wells and Indi cations show for a nice well. KEALIZLNG ON EBALTI. A Twenty-Flro Thonsnnd Dollar Deal In tho Thirteenth Ward. The feeling in real estate circles yesterday was quiet but hopeful. Considerable business was transacted that was not reported. A cer tain class of buyers aro wedded to tho opinion that it would injure them to do business openly. There was considerable favorable talk concern ing tho Exchange scheme. Negotiations were opened for the sale of two farms and a big suburban hotel. Steps were taken to plat 1 ten-acre lot, near the city, for building pur poses. Black & Baird, 85 Fourth avenne, sold for William Locffler, to Dr. John Logan, a new two-story and mansard brick dwelling on Fifth avenue, near Halket street, Oakland, with lot 25x127 feet, for 8,000. This is tho fourth and last of the four houses recently built by Mr. Loeffler, all of which havo been sold by the above firm. Ewing & Byors placoda mortgage of $1,000 for two years, at 6 per cent, on Sarah street property. D. P. Thomas & Co.. 408 Grantstreet, sold for Caspar Wensel, to Mary S. Sneer, the property lying between Wylie and Webster avenues. Thirteenth ward, Pittsburg, consisting of a number of lot", brickyard and three brick honsps, for 525,000. They also placed a mort gage of 51,000 on East End property. Alles & Bailey placed a mortgage for $1,000 for three ears at 6 ner cent on nrouertv in tha Twelfth ward, Allegheny City. John F. Baxter sold lot No. 40, Bank of Com merce addition extended, Brushton Station, frontage of 50 feet on Baxter street; 150 to 50 foot alley, to Fred Fenker, for 8500. W. W. McNeill ABro., of 1G2 Fourth avenne, reported the sale and settlement of a mortgage iorti,uw on property at urusnton station, Pennsylvania Railroad, 3 years, at 6 per cent; also, one of $1,100, one of $275 and one of $500 on properties in the Second ward. Allegheny, all at 6 per cant; also, a mortgage of 1,500 at 8 per cent on property at Bridgeville, in Upper St. Clair Township. Thomas McCaffrey, 3509 Bntler street,- ro- Sorted the following transactions: Sold for :ose Harty, on Forty-fifth street, near Fenn avenue, frame house, stable and lot tor 51,500; also for Daniel Douglass to Thomas Hogan, corner Main street anuHowlev avenue, house and lot for $1,600; also for William H. and George A. McWilliains to Elizabeth Phillips, five lots fronting on Dauphin 6treet, Nine teenth ward, for 81,250 each; also for 8. F. xMlnor to George W. Suckling, lot 20x100 on Mifflin street, near Main, for $700; also for Denny estate to John E. Fuchs, lot in Thirteenth ward, for $450; al3o for G. W. Rankin, administrator of John Woolslaver's estate, to' John Spcrber, lot 20x100, on Liberty avenue, between Thirty-ninth and Fortieth streets, for $875: also sold for Marearet Georire to Alex Wilkinson, frame house and lot on Denny, near Thirty-fourth street, for 12,250; also for S. F. Minor to W. G. Unis. lot 20x100, on Mifflin street, near Main, for $700; also for S. F. Minor to Margaret George, lot 20x100, on Mifflin street, near Main, for 1700: also same to John Thoma, lot 20x100. on Mifflin street, near Main, for $700. He also placed a mortgage of $850, one of $1,000 and one of $3,000, all for three years at 6 per cent, in Thirteenth, Sixteenth and Eighteenth wards. There is a big demand for property along Butler, Penn avenue and adjoining streets since the cable cars com menced to run out that way. Reed B. Coyle & Co. sold for Mr. Lloyd a modern brick residence of 10 rooms, on Craig street, in the Fulton place plan, with lot 50xlli for 514,000 cash. A LUILDIXG SPDET. Thirty.Tbrco Permits Issued tho Fait Week Descriptions of the Houses. Inspector Frank issued 33 permits for build ings of all kinds tho past week a large majori ty of them being dwellings. Tho total cost of these structures is estimated at $29,000. This is considered a remarkably good record for this season. The list is appended: A Northrop, iron-clad one-story wareroom, 20x72 feet, on Twenty-third street, between Mary and June. John and Mary Brenner, frame two-story dwelling, 17x32 feet, on Erie street, Twenty feventh ward. Jokn Butz, frame two-story dwelling, 18x34 feet, on Webster avenue, between Fran cis and Morgan streets. Christian Hieber, frame two-story dwelling, 22x32 feet, on Brereton avenue. Frank Kotoniski, two-story dwelling, 20x18 feet, on Conkling street, Thirteenth ward. Simon Kruczkowski, trame two-storv dwell ing, 20x16 feet, on Conkling street. Thirteenth waid. Samuel Riddle, frame two-story manu factory, 21x75 feet, on Liberty street, between Thirtieth and Thirty-first streets. Francis A Fischer, frame two-story dwelling, 16x30 feet, on Brereton avenue, between Dick son and Hancock streets. John Sperber, frame two-story dwelling, 17x32 feet, on Liberty street, between Thirty ninth and Fortieth streets. Louis Kerchner, frame two-story stable, 24x82 feet, on rear of Second street, corner of Maple alley. J. W. Eoessnor, frame one-story and mansard dwelling, 18x34 feet, on Rose street, between Charles and Addison streets. George Garbart, frame two-story dwelling, 17x32 feet, on Keystone 6treet, between Fif ty- urst auu ruty-beuuiiuDbicui Bartley Carn, frame one-story dwelling, 12x24 feet, on Park avenue, between Renfrew and Shetland streets. F. L. Loeffler, frame one-story stable, 14x11 feet, on rear of Craig street, between Forbes and Marbury streets. Jacob Josephs, frame two-story dwelling, 27xZ7 feet, on Second avenue, between Mauriel and Henry streets. Mrs. C. Watson, frame two-story and attic dwelling, 21x41 feet, on Park avenue, near dieauuw uircei. Dilworth, Porter & Co., ironclad one-story spike mill, 4Sxl50 feet, on river bank between South Fourth and Fifth streets. Jacob Zanner, frame second-storv addition to dwelling 12x16 feet on Harcum's alley, between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets. George Schanring, frame addition to two story dwelling, 12x14 feet, on Boggs avenue, be tween Saffel street and Southern avenue. Martin Scherer, frame one-storymeat shop, 12x15 feet, on Webster avenue, between Somers and Cbanney streets. Henry Gray, two frame two-story dwelling?, 14x17 feet, on Dauphin street. Nineteenth ward. John O. B. Sawyer, frame ono and a half-story stable, 30x18 feet, on Thirty-ninth street, be tween Butler street and Penn avenue. Elizabeth Von Hofen. frame two-story dwell ing house, 18x32 feet, on Mt. Oliver street, near Ruben street. Murphy & Diebold, brick two-story boiler house, 20x74 feet, on Enterprise street, between Radroad and Frankstown avenue. George W. Suckling, f ramo two-story dwell ing, lbx32 feet, on Mifflin street. Sixteenth ward, between Mam and Friendship streets. Patrick McQougb, frame two-story dwelling. 20x16 feet, on Bryant street, between Hlland and Euclid streets. Nineteenth ward. A L. Watklns, framo two-story dwelling, 20x 41 feot.on Sheridan street,nearIlooveler street, Nineteenth ward. E. JI. Lauscne, framfi two-story dwelling house, 20x41 feet, on Hoevcier street, between Collins and Sheridan streets. Nineteenth ward. George Marks, frame two-story dwc'ling. 22x 30 feet, on Castor street, between Independence anil Adolph streets. Thirty-sixth ward. Henry Holz. frame two-story dwelling and storeroom, 18x32 feet, on Second avenue, near Vespuscl street, James Webb, frame two-story dwelling on Blaine street, between Frazier street and Balti more and Ohio Railroad. Michael Hupf. frame two-story dwelling, 18x When baby was sick, we gave her Castorli When she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, sho clung to Castoria, When sho had Children, she gave them Castorlx mhll-hGJ-MWr&SU 82 feet, on Sterling street, Twenty-seventh ward. C. N. Reiner, frame two-story dwelling, 18x31 feet, on Mayflower street, near Park street, Twenty-first ward. PEICES MOTE UP. A Moro Confident Feeling Takes Possession of Wall Street Operators. New Yoke, January 12. The stock market to-day was more active than usual of late, and the'improvement In business went hand in hand with a strong tone which became very pronounced toward the close and carried prices up. The news of the day was almost all of a favorable character, and the bank statement showing an almost unprecedented gain to the banks, was a factor in the late dealings when the most marked strength of the day was shown. London and the continent were both liberal purchasers of their special ties, particu larly at tho opening, and after that time tho very fair local buying was sufficient to keep prices moving steadily toward higher figures. All classes of stocks felt the stimulus of the more confident tone to the speculation, al though the Grangers and Trunk lines were most prominent in the upward movement. Specially share advances were made by Man hattan, Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg and Omaha preferred, tho first named gaining over 4 per cent en a comparatively heavy trad ing for that stock. First prices were generally a shade lower than last evening's figures, because of. the realiza tions of the short-waisted bolls, but thedemand for stock made itself felt immediately and E rices moved up all around, with Delaware and ludson, Rock Inland and tho specialties lead ing. The improvement continued slowly until toward the close, when the issue of the bank statement made a more urgent demand for stocks, and In the last few minutes of the ses sion prices wore lifted more rapidly, the mar ket closing fairly active and strong at the high est prices reached. The entire list is higher. Manhattan rose 4, Koine, Watertown and Ogdensburg 2, Omaha preferred ljf, Delaware and Hudson 1, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy and Erie preierreo eacn 1$, jUicnigan central 1, iiani tobaand Consolidated Gas 1 per cent eacb, and others fractional amounts. Railroad bonds showed abont the usual amount of animation this morning, the sales of all issues reaching $983,000 for the two honrs of business. The Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe 6s and the Texas Pacific lsts were the most active bonds, the latter furnishiDg$9l,0O0 to the day's total. The tone of the market continued firm to strong, but the improvement in quota tions was most marked in the inactive issues, the gains among the others being confined to small fractions. The following table shows the prices of active stocks on tbe New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenne: Open- High- Low ing. Am. Cotton Oil 52 Atch., Top. & 8. F.... UU Canadian Pacific Canada Southern S2 Central ofNew Jersey. 9aS Ccntr'alPaclflc C, Bur.&Qulnoy 109 C, Jill. & St. Paul.... 64 V., J111.& Bt. P.. pf....l04 O.. Kockl. !.. 83K est. est. 6C 66H S3 S2M SX 83 liOK 109U MX 64K 1W2 1W'4 XL 32 95 92K 103,' 1071 C., St. P., 11. iO 32 0., St. P..M. &0., pf. 82 C. & Northwestern. ...1CJ5J C.& .Northwestern, pf. .... v. a a a i Col.. Coal & Iron Col. & Hocking Val Del., L. & W 141J4 Del. & Hudson 132 E.T., Va. &a E.T.,Va. &Oa., lstpr.... E.T., Va. AQa.2dpf. .... Illinois Central VSJi Late Shore AM. S 10436 Louisville A Nashville. S7X Michigan Central 87 Mobile & Ohio ti Mo., K. &Texas 13M Sllsaouri Pacific 74K New York Central.. ...108 S. Y.. L. E. W 2S N. Y., L. E. & W.prer M N. Y., C. A St. L.:. N. Y,, U&St. L. pf.. 69 N.V., C.&St.L.2dpf38M N. Y&N. E 44X JJ. Y., O. & W 5... Norfolk Western Norfolk & Western, pf BH Northern Pacific 25JJ Northern Pacific pref. 60 Ohio & Mississippi 22 Oregon Improvement. 71 Oregon Tranacon 31 PacificMail Peo. Dec. AKvans Fhlladcl. & Headta?.. 4 Pullman Palace Car...!"! Richmond &. W. P. T.. 24V Kichmond A W.P.T.pf78K bt. Paul&Dnluth St. Paul & DUuthpf. Kt. P., Jllnn. A Man.. St. I,. ASsn Fran St. L. A San Fran pf. tit. L. San F. lit pdl4jj Texas 1'acIUc Unlonl'aclfic MK Wabash Wabash preferred M Western Union 84 Wheeling & L. COM 1413 133)4 1W?8 13 74 108-y 69 3 44 SIX m 22 71K 31!4 102M 113 22?, 64 Boston Stocks. Atch.&Top.R.B... KH Boston & Albany.. .202 Boston & Maine 179S C. B.&l) 110H CInn. San. A Cleve. 24S4 Batland preferred.. 37 Wis. Central, com... 18 Wis. Central pf.... SS AlloneiM'gCo.(new) 45f Calumet A Heels. ...Ztt Catalpa 17K Franuin 16M Huron 8 .eastern it. r. vj Eastern R. it. 6s 124 Flint A Fere M 29 Flint APereM. nrd. 03 K.a.dt.J.&CB. 78.322 Mexican Ci rural .... 14 Osceola 20 yumcy 8454 Kelt Telephone 20SH Bolton Land 7m Water Power 8 M. 0 lstMort. Ms. 68,S .i, i. snew&nz... mi N.Y.4Newng76.12l Old Colony. 170 Tamaracs 158 San Diego ,. 27 Mining Stocks. NewYobk. January 12.-Amador. 150: Best and Belcher, 575: Caledonia, 2S5; Crown Point, V 587; Consolidated California and Virginia, 875; .ueuuwuuu, iw; urouiu anu uurry, ju; naie ana Norcross, $12; Iron Silver, $3; Mexican, 370; Mono, 110; Mutual, 135; 8 avajo, 150: Ontario, S32 60; Ophir, $8; Plymouth, 88; Savage, 350; Sierra Navada, 330; Union Consolidated, $3; YeUow Jacket. 4S0. Business Notes. Since the Wood street disaster quite a num ber of citizens have taken out accident policies. The local Insurance business was never in a better condition. Agents aro reaping a rich harvest. There was a heavy demand on 'Change yesterday for bank stocks, but the response was feeble. The People's Natural Gas and Pipeage Com pany yesterday declared its first quarterly dividend of 2 per cent. George B. Hixl returned yesterday from a business trip to New York. He thinks the railroad trouble is in a fair way for settlement, and that prices will soon shoot np. Ex-Mayor HejiisyA. 'Weaver declines the Presidency of the proposed Real Estate Ex change in favor of W. A. Herron, who Is the Nestor of the business In Pittsburg. S.A.KEAS 4 Co., No. 2 Wall street, New York, have just issued a small volume entitled "Bond Values and Interest Tables," whjch Is of special value to investors. The matters of which it treats are presented in convenient, compact shape for ready reference, and are easily understood. It is a great improvement upon any former work upon tbe same subject. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Wheat Brcnks Under a Flood of Selling Orders Corn and Oats Steady Pork Unsettled and Prices Irregnlnr L,nrd Tumbles and Rallies Short Ribs Neglected. Chicago Tho wheat market was heavy and the feeling at the same time unsettled within a lower range of prices. The weakness developed yesterday, and tho uncertainty in regard to the final Government report created uneasiness among traders, especially the weaker "longs," and when tbe rush was made to sell there was demoralization for the time being. The open ing was stronger than yestcrday's.cIosing, and prices from tho start were Jo to c higher, caused by some shorts covering, but the specu lative offerings increased and prices settled bock c, and fluctuated for a wbilo within a small range, but suddenly the speculative offerings became heavy, supposed to be due to the receipt of the Government report, and when prices reached below $1 02 for May stop limit loss orders were reached, and under a flood of selling orders prices declined to a point 2c below tho top price reached early in tho morning. Although tho Government report was not as largo as expected, it had its effect on tho already weak market which existed. There was a recovery of c later, influenced by covering of "shorts," but again ruled easier, and tho closing was 2c lower than yesterday. Very little interest was shown in corn. The market opened about yesterday's closing figures, changed but little, operators who usually trade in this cereal giving wheat their attention, and at the close prices were about the same as tho final figures yesterday. There was only moderato interest in oats, and quiet and easy feeling prevailed in the near lutures, but tne more distant ones were s.eady. A fairly active trade was reported in mess pork and tho feeling was somewhat unsettled and prices irregnlar. Opening sales were made at 1.0c decline and a further reduction of 10c was submitted to. About tbe middle of the session a stronger feeling was developed and prices rallied 1215c, closing steady. . Trading was- moderately active in lard. Early a weaker feeling prevailed and prices receded 7V10c; later more steadiness pre vailed and prices rallied slightly, closing com paratively steady. Only a light business was reported in short ribs and tbe feeling .was easier. Prices ruled 6U7jc lower and the market closed steady at outside figures. Tbe leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat No. 2, January. 96c; February. 99Ji W4ViV!c; May, $1 031 031 i opjjjj juiv, Kmukvmmyic. Cobn-No. 2 January, &c; March, S53oc; May, 363i36K3653okc. ,,m, Oats No. 2 January, 24Kc; May, Z7?i27& 27jj27c. "Mess Portx,per bbl. January, $13 20013 30 13 2013 30: March, $13 3U13 4513C0 13 45; May, $13 6013 6513 S013 65. Lahd per 100 Its. January, $7 27H07 3O mmi&f 30; March. $7 37KW S7K7 3JK 7 37K; May, $7 507 52U7 4o&7 47. hhobt UBS, per 100 ffii January, So BoiS March, $0 95; May, $7 057 107 05 7 07i Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, l ancnanged. Ho. Z spring wheat. No. 3 spring wheat. 83c; No. 2 red, 95J56c: 85Ki96c. No. 2 corn. SSMtXSXlic No. 2 oats. ZvsSMc. No. 2 rye, 48c. No. 2 barley, nom inal. Ao. 1 flaxseed, $1 62. Prime timothy seed $1 541 55. Mess pork, per barrel, $13 30. Lard, per 100 lbs. 17 30. Short ribs sides (loose). $8 00. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $8 37K 6 60. Shorf clear sides (boxed), $7 257 37k. Receipts Flour, 7,000 barrels; wheat, 12,000 bushels; corn, 97,000 bushels: oats. 85,000 bush els: rye, 4,000 bushels: barley, 45,000 bushels. Shipments Flour. 7,000 barrels: wheat. 14,000 bushels: corn. 98,000 bushels: aats. 72.000 bushels; rye, 9,000 bushels; barley, 23,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was better: extra creamerv. 2&g26c; extra firsts. 2123c; fancy dairy. 2123c; extra firsts, 1618c Eggs better at IBJiQlSc. LlVf! STOCK 3IAEEETS. Condition of the Market nt tho East Liberty Stock Yards. OmcK or Pittsburg dispatch. SATURDAY, January 12, 1SS9. J Cattlk Receipts, 817 head: shipments, 6413 head: market nothing doing; 21 cars of cattle shipped to New York to day. HOGS Receipts, 2,000 head: shipments, 2,5X0 head; market active; Philadelphias, $5 205 25; mixed. $5 40o 50: Yorkers, $5 4o5 65: com mon to fair, $5 30Q5 40; pigs, $5 505 5; 11 cars of hogs shipped to New York to-day. Sheep Receipts, 2,000 bead: shipments, 1,800 head; market stronger at yesterday's prices. LEGAL DRIFTWOOD. Items Abont Litigants nnd Lawyers and What Thcv Are Haying; nnd Doing. Phillip Y. Pendleton was yesterday ad mitted to practice at the Allegheny County Bar. Charters were granted yesterday to the Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church, of Pittsburg, and to the U. P. Church, of West Belle rue. Ik the casaof the Commonwealth ts M. F. Cassidy, Alderman, the Prothonotarv was or dered to pay to the State $130 paid into bis hands by the defendant, as fines collected in certain Law and Order cases. Subpoenas in divorce were Issned yesterday in the following cases, in all of which desertion was the canse for complaint: Mary Behers vs Franklin Behers; Appoloma McKeown vs John McKeown: Mary A. Powell vs Leroy C.Powell. Hawson Marshall yesterday withdrew tho caveat he had filed before Register Conner, Erotesting against the probating of the will of is father, Michael Marshall, who had left tbe bulk of his estate to his widow, Ann Marshal, and son Thomas P., giving Hawdon $2,000. Frederick Reiser, of McKeesport, son of Augusta Reiber, a widow with seven children, filed a petition yesterday asking for the ac pointment of a Commissioner in Lunacy, al leging that bis mother was unable to care for her property. H. B. Herron was appointed to hold the inquest. In the divorce suit of Agnes Scott against John K. Scott, the latter yesterday withdrew his request for a Jury trial, and R. H. Douglass, Esa.. was annolnted a Commissioner to take testimony. The suit grew out of the contro versy between Scott and Dr. Bingaman. In addition to tbe divorce suit there is one pend ing against Scott in tho Criminal Court for as sault and battery on Dr. Bingaman. The Judges of the Common Pleas and Or phans' Court met yesterday and decided that the examining committee for the admission of students to the bar be increased from five to six members, three of them to be appointed each year to servo for two years. The commit tee appointed' for 1SS9 was A. JI. Watson, Andrew P. Morrison andJ. Mc. F. Carpenter, to serve ono year, and W. B. Rodgers, William Scott and T. B. Alcorn, to serve tor two years. Judge Ewn? o yesterday filed an opinion In the suit of the First National Bank of Pitts burg against W. J. Kountz and R. H. King and others. The suit was brought under the act of 1S10, entitled "an act regulating suits on prom issory notes and for taking stock in execution." The Court had awarded a process in the nature of a foreign attachment to attach stock stand ing in the names of other persons, bnt alleged to belong to W. J. Kountz. The Court yester day discharged the rules taken to quash the attachments. Blondny's Trial List. Common Pleas No. 1 Reno et al vs P. 6W. Ry. Co.;Perkins et alvs B.,P. & C. Ry. Co.: Morrison vs school district of Mifflin township; Mugele vs Greer et aL: Wharton, Jr.. & Co. vs P., K. it St. C. Ry. Co.: McKelvy vs ilc Kee, administrator; Wilson et al vs Walton et al;VanVoorhis vs Gnmbert; Musterman vs Mnsterman; Ollinler vs Weiss; Call vs Ray. Common Fleas No. 2 Jones vs Chartiers Valley Gas Company; Rowley vs Sons of Vet erans; Louis vs Nimlck & Brittaln Manufact uring Company; Jutte et al vs Chartiers Val ley Gas Company; Didier vs Pennsylvania Company; Byrnes et alvs Porter et al; Sem melroch vs Tiers et al; Farrar vs Herron; Rob inson et al vs Howley; Donley vs Pittsburg Lo comotive Works. Criminal Court Commonwealth vs P. M. Mclnerny, P. M. Connelly, Yerck Wall, Henry Mebel, James Neil!, William Bcchtold et al, W F.Jones, Springer Lenhart, Joseph Allen, Mary rSchock et al, William Hall, Frank Gardener, Patrick Sullivan, Henrv Reifer, Catharine Schmidt (2), Mary Herdman (2). Barney Walker (2), Andrew Wilson, Andrew McGlnmphey, Reddy Cobbs, Mike Filkin, George W. Kaywood, Wm. Gray. Will BABIES CRI. What to Do With tho Little One When It Screams at Night. St. Louis Republic. The baby screams and the father, more often the mother, walks the floor with jt through the long hours of the night. Do healthy babies cry? They do not; when a baby cries there is something wrong in the management. Frequently it is the arrange ment of the clothing. Swaddle a young ape in the clothing a baby is obliged to wear and he will scream his life ont. They crawl naked in the sand aronnd the parental hut. Give the babies elbow room. A stoic could not endure the constrained positions into which babies are forced by their unnatural clothing. Often the fault is in the diet. The stimu lants which pervade the culinary depart ment irritate the young and delicate nervous tissue. Then bafiies cry and bother people; and "'paregoric" is brought upon the scene. The baby cries for a little common-sense treatment and receives pouon. Some people have conscientious 'scruples abont giving children paregoric, but other nar cotics are sold under pleasanter names and at popular prices. Life along the river front and the comi cal side of the life ot a New York policeman at Harris' this week. Rheumatism According to recent investigation is caused by excess of lactic acid in the blood. This acid attacks the fibrous tissues, particularly in the joints, and causes the local manifestations of the disease, pains and aches in the back and shoulders, and in the joints at the knees, ankles, hips and wrists. Thousands otuedpIe have found in Hood's Sarsaparilla apoitive and permanent cure for rheumatism". The medi cine, by Its purifying and vitalizing action, neu tralizes tho acidity of tho blood, and also builds up and strengthens tbe whole body. "I was laid up for six months with rheumat-. ism, and used many kinds of medicines without good result till one of my neighbors told me to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. When I had used half a bottlo I felt better, and after taking two bottles 1 think 1 was entirely cured as I have not had an attack of rheumatism since." Eu gene H. Dixox, Rossrille. Staten Island.N.Y N. B. Be suro to get Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggisti SI; six for tS. Prepared only hy C. L HOOD & CO, Lowell, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar """ City Contracts.' The largest contracts given out by tho Board of Awards yesterday were those for excavating a site for the Fourteenth ward police station, John Wales. $5,299, and re pairing the storm damage to Southside mar ket house, 5839. est CoiiEi Cure. For all diseases of the Throat and Lung3, no remedy is so safe, speedy, and certain as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. An Indispensable family medicine. "I find Ayer's Cherry Pectoral an invaluable remedy for colds, coughs, and other ailments of the throat and lungs." M. S. Randall, SOi Broadway, Albany, K. T. "I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for bronchitis and Lung Diseases, for which I believe it to be the greatest medicine in the world." James Miller, Caraway, N. C. "My wife had a distressing cough, with pains in the side and breast. We tried various medicines, hut none did her any good until I got a bottle of Ayer's Chercy Pectoral which has cured her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the measles, and the cough was relieved by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation in recommending this medicine." Robert Horton, Fore man Headlight, Morrillton, Ark. "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a severe cold which had settled on my lungs. My wife says the Pectoral helps her moro than any other medicine she ever used." Enos Clark, Mt. Liberty, Kansas. Ayer's Gfierry Pectoral, PREPAEED ET Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggist. Price $1 ; six bottles, (4. UKOKERS-F1NAXCIAL. De WITT DIL WOR TH, BROKER IN ifetiroliettim: Oil bought and sold on margin. deZ7-21-DSU WHITNEY & STEPIIENS0X 7 FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS THROUGH MESSRS. DREXEU MORGAN t CO, NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. aD2S-x78 COMMISSION, 1 Railroad Mining A ( 17 Stocks. Stocks. I U I L JQ BOUGHT Al SOLD SK&FSfe Man Francisco, Philadelphia or Boston Ex changes. Loans made at low rates of interest. Established 1S7S. 3-Weekly Circular FREE. A. R. CHISHOLM & CO., 61 Broadway, N. Y. mhl5-lo7-3u MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHITTiER 930PESN AVKNUE, PITTSBD1IU. PA, As old residents know and back files of Pitts, burg papers prove, is tho oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From gjfgggpNO FEE UNTIL (iCDfiIIQ and mental diseases, physical I'tLnVUllOdecay, nervous debility, lack of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, seMiitrmt,ba3hfulnei3; dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak' ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business,society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured, bCood and skin sfeis blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thorougnly.eradicated from tho system. IIDIMARV kidney and bladder derange. U lull nil I i ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment; prompt relief and rel cures. Dr. Whittier's life-long, extensive eiperienca Insures scientific and reliable treatment 05 common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as It here. Office hours 9a.m. to 8 p.m. Bandar, MA. H. to 1 P.M. only. DR. WHITTIER. 831 Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. jayk-5-D3uW A CURE G CAR ANTEED HEALTH. EX ERGY and strength secured by using Am, oranda Wafers. These wafers are the only reli able safo remedy for the permanent cure of lm potency, no matter how long standing.seperma torrhoeo, overwork of the brain, sleeplessi harassing dreams, premature decay of vital power, nervous debdity, nerve and heart dis ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting of vital forces; 75c per box or six boxes for Jl; six boxes is the complete treatment, and with everv purchase of six boxes at one Urns we will g've'a written guarantee to refund tho money the wafers uo not benefit or affect a perma nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAL IHTrflTUTE. For sale only by JOSEPH FLEMING.. 81 Market street, Pitts burg. Pa.. P. O. box 37 apl0-k5C-HWFSU EXHAUSTED VITALITY, A Great Medical Work for Tonnjr and" JUd die-Aged Men. KNOWLEDGE IS P0WEE. BEAD I KHOW THYSELF,, More Than One Jllllion Copies Sold. YOTJNQ and middle-aged men who are suffering from the Indiscretions of youth. Exhausted VitaUty.Kervous and Physical Debility, Prematura Decline, &a. and tho thousand untold miseries con sequent thereon, and all who are sick and suffering and do not know what alls them, can be cured with out fall by following the instructions In the Science) of Life or Self Preservation. Prico only $1 by matt postpaid, sealed. It is a book for every man, 3C0 pages, full gilt, 123 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases. Fully Indorsed by the National Hedlcal Association, who awarded the gold and Jewelled medal to the author. Illustrative sampln, with Indorsements of the press, sent free If you apply now. Address, The I-eabody Medical Instl tutf, P. O. box 1S05. Loston, Mass.. or Dr. W. H. PARKER, graduate of Harvard Medical College, 25 years' practice la Kston. as consulting physician to the Peabody Medical Institute, who may be con sulted confidentially. Specialty, Dlseares or Man. Co not be deceived by worthless Imitators. Be sura rou address or call at tbe Peabody MedlcatilnstV tut4.No. 4Bulflncllbt.Ko.4. jy23-i7lJ5uTurwk HARE'S REMEDY For men! Checks the worst cases in threa days, and enres In five days. Price SI 00. at J. FLEMING'S DRUGSTORE. ja5-C3.TTSSU 112 Market street Ti WEnKtaEHsSTSKSS KlS Sa la ror. etriy decay, lort ttinhbod .etc. I wlfi na a rilnAble treatise waieai containing fnU particulars for home cure, Ire or pOF:F.rc!'FOWLER, Mocdus, Conn.. noii-kSl-DSuwk TOEOSTO, OST. Burdock Blood Bit ters cured-me of oft recurring Sick Head ache, from which I have suffered for years, often rendering labor impossible. C 13LACKETT ROBISSOX. Publisher '"Canada Presbyterian." .. CHAELESTOWX, MASS. rth-n1c vnn for the srreat cood BURDOCK BLOOD BlTTERS havo done me. I was lonir,. subject to very severe oick uraoacne. ay,. using two DOtues a was permanemiy cureiu jUaais SvuivaSi fi0FMFEi mW PJMHfr f!