Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 13, 1889, Image 1

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A Wave of Bloodshed Sweeping
With a Resistless Rush
Over England.
An Epidemic of Burglary Also Wor
rying the Detectives.
liord KackTille'a Explanation Printed It
Fall Very Flnt The Toiles Exnlt Be
ennee the Tarncll Fund in America is
Growing Less Edward Harrlnjtton Sub
jected to the Indignity of Having Ilia
Luxuriant Mnstncfae Shaved Off The
Queen ol Beleinm and Her Dnughtcr
Embark in Business as Publishers of nn
Aristocratic Magazine teleamcr Stew
ards' Fees Denounced as Too Extor
tionate. Harder is the fashionable thing just now
in England. The success of the White
chapel fiend in eluding detection has
spurred many imitators on to emulate his
awful crimes. As the police and detectives
seem unable to obtain any clew to the per
petrators, it is suggested that younc Britons
be trained to tell the truth, so that when
they do murder they may go straightway
and tell of it. Tories are exulting because
the Parnell fund in America is growing
smaller. Sackville's defense admittedly
weak. The Belgian Queen and her daugh
ter go into business as publishers of a mag
London, January 12. It is sad to have
to say so, but murder in its most unattrac
tive shape is becoming positively fashionable
on this island. Stories of wanton butchery
come from every part of England to help
the sale of the dull London papers and to
increase the growing panic The British
maiden is fairly hysterical, the matron is
chronically faint, the steady Briton pain
fully worried in his mind, while the citizen
with tendencies not toward law-abiding
gives daily evidence of the spirit of emula
tion which fires him.
That pat and favorite phrase of Toryism,
"crime-ridden Ireland," it may be incident-'
ally mentioned, is not quite as popular as
it was, for Ireland, unlike England and
Scotland, has yet to furnish an instance of a
desire to outdo the Whitechapel fiend. The
"Whitechapel murderer's exploits were
promptly and universally credited to some
foreigner, an American preferred, on the
ground that the slaughter of defenseless
women was incompatible with the noble in
stincts of Englishmen; but this characteris
tically British theory has been damaged by
the readiness which the English mind has
shown to imitate the "Whitechapel methods,
and the American with the low-hat theory
is being gradually abandoned.
None Genuine Unless So Marked.
A review of the list of crimes apparently
founded on the "Whitechapel series would
be useless. Though very imperfect imita
tions, these crimes all recall those of "White
chapel, through the unvarying success dis
played by the murderers in keeping clear of
the simple-minded English detectives. The
man who strangled the woman at Poplar is
still at liberty to plan improvements on his
presumably first attempt So is the cow
ardly brute who killed and mutilated the
little boy at Havant, and the murderer who
killed another boy, 7 years old, at Bradford,
under such horrible circumstances, and a
lot more.
One murderer the police have got and
they are very happy over it, though it is
hard to tell why, for this murderer was
only a weak-minded, self-styled artist, and
gave himself up to the authorities volunta
rily. This man brutally murdered his
sweetheart, Emily Joy, and could give no
better reason tor it than that a sudden im
pulse came over him. He is not insane,
and Miss Joy had given him nothing to
complain of. To prove his original good
faith, the young murderer, whose name is
Jenkins, but who calls himself E. S.
"Wheatcroft, M. R. S., produces a lengthy
agreement, part of which runs as follows:
A Crank in Every Line of It.
Ebcnezer Samuel Wheatcroft, M. R. S. A., etc.,
December 1SSS:
Miss Emily Joy I, the undersigned, asrree
to marry Emily Joy at any time she may state.
and I can farther state that X have a standing
income besides my small capital, which amounts
in cash to 500.10, and that I will swear I will
never Rive said Mis Joy any reason to complain
of any unhappiness. I will also state that since
I have been with the said Miss Joy I have
never been in company with any younc lady,
and that I have never in my life wronged any
young lady, and that 1 was never married
daring my past life, and I agree to make said
young lady happy all her life. All I have said
I will swear to on oath.
Ebenezeb Samuel Wheatcbokt,
M. R. & A.. Artist
This illustrates how useless a contract
sometimes is.
Another captured murderer is a Scotch
peddler named Mackenzie, who relied on
his wife not to accuse him, and took no
pains to conceal his whereabouts. The poor
woman, bearing in mind, perhaps, the habit
which judges over here have of treating
brutality to a wife as a very trifling offense,
was several days in the hospital before she
said that her husband had attempted upon
ier the devilish "Whitechapel atrocities,
which he had read about, and that it was
only when frightened by the neighbors
that he besan kicking and beating her to
make it appear that nothing unusual was
Not Believed Cntll Dead.
The hospital authorities, who had been
treating the poor creature simply as in need
of rest and freedom from kicks, had barely
time to verily the truth of her statement be
fore she died. It was found that she had
suffered the most shocking mutilation.
The good old theory that murder will out
has suffered in reputation through the im
munity of the "Whitechapel murderer, and
now that all his humble imitators go free,
the murder-will-out idea is abandoned, and
the popular verdict has changed the saying
to "murder will out, providing the murderer
goes ,and tells the police about it." A great
many believe that the crcat number of murr
ders is largely due to the abolition of the j
theory that a murderer is always discovered
sooner or later, and that England is now
suffering irom the development of all the
murderous instincts which have been lying
dormant through fear of the gallows.
To add to the general disquiet, there is
also a panic about burglars. These gentry
have lately got into a bad way of shooting
as well as robbing their clients, and these
burglars have also been going scot free.
Everybody is alarmed and busy increasing
the alarm of his neighbors.
A Great Ware of Bloodshed.
The entire press, with singular unanimity,
announces that a wave of bloodshed is pass
ing over us. The Daily Ketcs, grown hys
terical, says "the trap is always falling or
ready to fall. No wonder Mr. Berry walks
the streets with a swagger. He is the busiest
of our public fun ctionaries. A strike of the
hangman would paralyze our administra
tive machine."
Every one, of course, accuses everyone
else of making things worse by sensational
talk and loathsome details. The British
father turns up numerously, as he always
does, with a demand through the Times that
every one shall be flogged, especially
burglars, and that would deter them, and the
police probably think, though they do not
say, first catch your burglar. The only
sound remedy would appear to be to culti
vate truthfulness in the British child, so
that when he grows np and murders, his
early training will prompt him to go and
tell the police about it
An unhappy man is C. Shuckfath Dixon,
who keeps a public house in "Whitechapel
road, and is now passing through bank
ruptcy because the "Whitechapel fiend
frightened away his clients, consisting of
"Whitechapel wretched women and their
acquaintances. His place got a bad name
because the murderer was supposed to have
picked up one of his victims there.
An Amerlcnn Prima Donna Specially
Favored by the British Koynlty.
London, January 12. Mr. Blaine and
Mr. Depew shed glory on their respective
towns by knowing the Prince of "Wales, and
now Geraldine TJlmar, the attractive young
woman who does the high notes at the
Savoy, has done as much and more for her
town of Boston. Miss TJlmar saw the
Pnnce and raised Blaine and Depew con
siderably by seeing all the Prince's family,
wife, boys and daughters. She saw them
all Sunday evening and part of Monday
morning at Lady Bandolph Churchill's
dinner party and was favorably impressed
The Prince's womenfolk, it seems, are very
nice, and not above learning new points
about singing negro songs, of which they
arc fond.
The Princess has a foreign accent which
is pleasing, and takes a childish interest in
finding out about things that happen on the
stage. The daughters are jolly, and the
oldest boy is not dull, as he is ordinarily
described. The tact that an American
should have been the first comic opera
prima donna ever invited to join the quiet
royal party and help royalty to sing negro
songs of a Sunday night has filled many
English comic opera breasts with rage. It
should swell our national pride in propor
A Well-Known Englishwoman Whose
Nerves Need Tobacco Smoke.
London, January 12. A society sheet
accuses the Comtesse de Paris of smoking a
short clay pipe, and not in private either,
but as she drives about. This is probably
one of the tales for which society sheets are
famous. Cigarette smoking by women,
however, is becoming more common every
day in England, where it used to be con
sidered an awful crime, and only yesterday
I heard a certain well-known woman
mourning because she had been over two
weeks at a house where she could not smoke
cigarettes after dinner without exciting
comment, and had been troubled by her
nerves in consequence.
Edward Harrington's Jailers Shave Off His
Luxuriant Mustache.
London, January 12. Poor Edward
Harrington has been the victim of oppres
sion, both serious and ludicrous, because he
refused to promise not to report any more
speeches. He was sentenced to six months'
hard labor, a brutal piece of tyranny, and
then, to vent their spite, the authorities not
only had his head shaved, but had him held
by the warders while his mustache, the
luxuriant growth of years, was taken off.
This last outrage Harrington proposes to
resent The law provides for cutting off the
hair and beard, but Harrington declares his
mustache is not his beard, and he means to
prosecute the authorities for an assault
They Rejoice to See the Slow Growth of
the Parnell Fond In America.
London, January 12. Irishmen in
America ought to know that the Tories are
exulting over the slow growth of the Parnell
defense fund in America, and upon this the
Tory papers base the assertion that the de
cent Irish in the States see through the col
lecting game by now and are tired of it.
It is to be hoped that Irishmen in America
will soon cause Parnell's andGladstone's
enemies to give up the pleasing delusion
that Irishmen at home are in the future to
be leit without substantial encouragement
from across the Atlantic
A Wisconsin Officer Sails for England to
Identify a Prisoner.
London, January 12. The police au
thorities to-day informed the magistrate at
the Bow Street Court that an officer named
Sangeroud sailed from New York to-day lor
the purpose of identifying Johann Kuhne,
who was arrested December 29, on board the
steamer Lord Gough, from Philadelphia,
on her arrival at Queenstown, charged with
the murder at Primrose, "Wis., of William
Christen, and who was arraigned yesterday
on an extradition warrant
Sheriff Estiss. of Dane county, Wisconsin,
is conferring with the officials of Scotland
A Four-Year-Old Piano Flayer Who Can
Play Only Chopin.
London, January 12. Another juvenile
prodigy has just made his debut at St
Petersburg, but he hardly comes up to the
average demanded of prodigies nowadays,
He is already 4 years ot age and plays only
Chopin, beside which his lather has to work
the pedals for him, on account of the short
ness of his legs.
His name, which will keep him from
being very well known, is Baoul Cocznlski.
Waiting; Till TJnrrison Is Seated.
London, January 12. The rumor that
the Government will appoint a successor to
Lord Sackville as Minister to the United
States after the inauguration of President
Harrison is confirmed.
He Falterlnely Says He Thought He Was
Doing What He'd a Right to Do His
Government Not Censuring Him
Generally Written an Ass.
London, January 12. A parliamentary
paper is issued to-day, publishing as much
as is thoupht advisable of the correspondence
relating to the Sackville matter. The inter
esting fact is that Sackville, doubtless be
cause of his respectable relations, isn't in
the least censured by his Government a
fact which makes little difference, since his
country so unanimously pronounced him an
ass. In his letter, Sackville defends him
self in a weak kind of a way, as having
thought his letter a private one,
and as having done what he had a right
to do. He also accused Mr. Bayard of
unfairness, and declares that he did not at
tempt to do away with the effect of bis letter,
through the channel which gave it publica
tion, namely, the press, as he knew that to
contradict what newspaper reporters said
would only get him into a disagreeable and
unseemly controversy. Mr. Phelps figures
in the light' of a peacemaker, expressing
grief and sorrow all around, dilating at
rather unnecessary length upoD the Irish
vote and the struggle for its possession, and
practically excusing Mr. Cleveland to Lord
Salisbury on the ground that he had todo
so to keep the Irishmen from abandoning
bim, and so forth.
The iunny thing is that both Sackville
and Salisbury, instead of realizing that one
is a fool and the other at best a tool's de
fender, are inclined to take a high and
mighty tone, half pugnacious and naif of
injured innocence. Lord Salisbury de
clines to accept the principle that the ac
ceptance or retention of a Minister was a
question solely to be determined by the Gov
ernment to'which he was credited, either
with or without the assignment of reason,
and in support of his opinion quotes Lord
Palmerston on the occasion of Sir Henry
Bulwer's sudden dismissal from Madrid in
The Foreign Office displays unusual en
terprise by publishing a lac simile of the
New York Tribune's iront page which con
tained a reproduction ot Sackville's written
exhibition of himself.
The Belgian Queen and Her Daughter
Pnblishing a Magazine.
London, January 12. Maria Henrietta,
Queen of the Belgians, has gone in for
editing, like Miss Cleveland and other dis
tinguished women before her. She and her
youngest daughter, Clementine, have just
started a magazine of an inoffensive type,
which is called La Jeune Fille. The idea
is to keep young girh up in household
matters. The Queen writes about the way
to keep house, and theater criticisms, while
her daughter, who signs herself Marthe
D'Orey, does art and literature. Carmen
Sylva, which is the nom de plume of the
Queen of Boumania, has been engaged on
the staff to write a poem for every number,
and it is expected that Stephanie, the
Crown Princess of Austria, will do the
If the Archduchess Maria Valoya comes
into the scheme, as is probable, this paper
will be an altogether aristocratic affair.
Their cnance of journalistic success, how
ever, would have been very much better
had they started a society paper and each
engaged to write all they knew about her
husband and his friends, the King of the
Belgians and the Crown Prince of Austria
being among the most notorious types of
European royalty.
Leads Four Russian Peasants to Commit a
Useless Murder.
London, January 12. A curiously un
pleasant peasant superstition has just been
revealed at a trial in Southern Bussia,
which ended in the conviction of tour
peasants for the murder of a girl 11 years old.
The superstition recalls that about the
thieves and the candle narrated in connec
tion with the Whitechapel murders. These
peasants, it seems, were believers in the
superstition that candles made of human
fat rendered the bearers invisible. To ob
tain these articles they first attempted to
murder a boy in the forest, next tried to kill
an old peasant, thirdly a Bussian clergy
man, and being disturbed on all three occa
sions, at last succeeded in murdering
Sukeria Cherkaschiua.
With the fat from the child's body they
made candles, and with their help attempted
to commit robbery. The light of the candles
betrayed them, which seems a singularly
just happening, and on being arrested they
confessed everything. The evidence in
court showed the belief in the thieves'
candles superstition to be very widespread
in Bussia.
Boiling Water, Pitchforks and the Knlfo
Used by Irish Tenants.
Bublin, January 12. A party of officers
engaged in evicting a tenant named John
Heany from his holding on the estate of
Lord Lurgan, at Lurgan, County Armagh,
to-day, met with a vigorous resistance, the
inmates of the house assailing them with
boiling water and pitchforks. A bailiff
was stabbed and Lord Lurgan 's agent and a
policeman were seriously injured. The riot
act was read, when a number of arrests
were made. Heany is a prominent member
of the National League.
Father Marriman, a priest of Castle
Connell, County Limerick, has received
three summonses to appear in court to an
swer charges of inciting tenants to commit
outrages. Mr. Daly, proprietor of the
Connaught leiegrapn, nas receivea tnree
summonses under the crimes act, for pub
lishing articles calculated to incite the peo
ple to commit crime.
A Prlzo of 200 to be Awarded to a
Modern Venus of Dlilo.
London, January 12. A man who makes
soap and advertises very largely is organiz
ing a beauty show lor next June. The ad
vertisement promises to be successful, and
there is one grand feature which will recom
mend itself to sensible folk, namely, no
wasp-like beauty need apply, and a good
old-fashioned Venus-of-Milt shape will not
prevent the modern Venus from getting
200, the first prize. Boyal Academicians
will select 30 beauties to compete, and the
public will ballot for the best of them all.
A Crnsade Against Their Extortion Breaks
Ont In the Newspapers.
London, January 12. A crusade has
broken out in the newspapers against fees
paid to the stewards on the trans-Atlantic
ships. Excited correspondents are very nu
merous who tell how much they had to p3V
for having things brought kto them in their
cabin, and for having their wires looked
after when they were ill.
The companies are accused of underpay
ing or not paying the stewards and so prac
tically pocket the 10-shilling pieces extorted
from their passengers.
Liquor Men Insist That the State
Shall Eeimbnrse Them
A Strong Effort to Continue the Soldiers
Orphans' Schools.
Department Employes Would like the rriTileges cf
the State Library. ,
There is not much interest being taken at
Harrisbnrg in the prohibition questionl
There appears to be a movement on foot
among the liquor dealers of the.State to in;
sist that if prohibition becomes a law they
shall be reimbursed by the State for the
damage to their property and business. It
is believed that the prohibition amendment
will be submitted to the people with that
Habbisbubg, January 12. Prohibition
is not an exciting topic in and about the
Capitol of the Commonwealth. Tha consti
tutional amendment is hardly discussed by
the legislators, and obtains more promi
nence in the judicious hands of the corre
spondents th.n the mouths of the Pennsyl
vania lawmakers give it.
It is a foregone conclusion that the pres
ent Legislature will send the amendment to
the sovereign people in the same form the
last Legislature left it. The Republican
party is pledged to this course, and the Ee
publican leaders do not need to use a glass
of any description to find their majority
when it is wanted. Consequently ligugr
dealers, distillers and brewers who hafb
money to spend to fight prohibition will
make no mistake in saving it to use later on
where it will do the most good.
The Republican members of the Legisla
ture are by no meaus a unit in their advo
cacy of prohibition, but the general feeling
among them is that they are in honor bound
to give the voters a chance to express thdr
opinion on' the subject, and it is with the
voters the liquor people must deal. The
missionary work will probably begin imme
diately nn the report of the constitutional
amendment to the House for action, and tbe
iorm it will take will probably be a demand
for compensation for the property destroyed,
should the people mako the measure a part
of the State s organic law.
It is not thought the Legislature is any
more likely to give such a pledge this ses
sion than it was the .previous one, but the
voters will be given t understand that such
compensation is demanded and expected
and that should the amendment succeed at
the polls the Legislature on which will de
volve the duty of passing the laws necessary
to make it effective will also be required to
appropriate money to make good the losses
of the liquor men.
Such is the drift of the talk as drawn out
by pointed questions put to some oi the old
er members, not all of whom expect, a ma
jority at the polls for a measure whose prin
cipal ntility is thought by many of them to
be in the line of clipping what the Brooks
high license left of the wings of the Pro'.i-
Dition party in tne ncystone fjtate. ?&
Captain Billingsley Will See to it That
Titer Are Continued.
Haebisbueg, January 12. The old
soldier has already been made to under
stand that patriotism is by no means dead
in the Pennsylvania Legislature, and fresh
evidence on the subject will be given him
before tbe session ends.
Captain Billingsley, of "Washington, is
one wearer of the Grand Army buttons who
thinks it too late in tbe day to close the
soldiers orphans' schools of the State
against the children of the veterans, and he
is prepared to give substantial backing to
his views. There are yet children to be
educated whose fathers were as faithful to
their country in its hour of peril as were
the fathers of children who reflect honor on
the State that saved them trom the alms
bouses, and Captain Billingsley wants all
to be treated alike. He thinks the number
of schools can be reduced, the industrial
features extended, and the schools continued
lor some time yet as a credit to the great
State that has led the Union in substantial
tokens of gratitude to the old boys in blue.
To Have an Early Report on Appropriation!
Meeting With Favor.
Haebisbueg, January 12. Representa
tive Kauffman, of Lancaster, seems to have
placed an idea before the Legislature that
threatens to become popular. Members re
maining here to-day expressed the opinion
that something should be done to prevent
the rushing throngh of appropriation meas
ures, good, bad and indifferent, at the end
of a session on the strength of the simple
assertion that to endeavor to amend them so
late is to kill them.
A member of the Appropriation Commit
tee expressed himself in lavorof some action
in line with Mr. Kauffman's suggestion,
his principal objection to which is the early
date fixed for the report.
Much of the talk heard to-day on the sub
jectas to the effect that the idea of bring
ing ttie appropriations more under the con
trol of the House is a good one in the light
of history. But if someone else had brought
it up it wouia nave given greater pleasure.
The Employes of the State Department De
sire Access to the State Library.
HAEBISBUEG, January 12. Tbe em
ployes of the various departments have
been laboring along under a grievance that
has become so heavy that they "have de
termined to rid themselves of it if possible.
The rules coverning the State Library pro
vide that only the heads of departments and
members ot the Legislature may take books
therefrom, and so strictly does the Librarian
adhere to the law, as laid down for his
guidance, that it is said even the Deputy
Secretary of the Commonwealth couldn't
have his order for books honored on a recent
occasion when the Secretary was absent.
To-day a petition was circulated in the
departments and was generally signed by
officers and employes. It asks the Legis
lature to relax the rules and give the clerks
a show for reading matter out of office
A Long Session of tho Legislature Confi
dently Predicted.
Haebisbueg, January 12. Senator Ru
tan and ex-Speaker Graham agree that the
session of the Legislature is quite likely to
last until June. The spring elections and
the inauguration of President Harrison
will cause two adjournments of a week
JAJSTUARY 13, 1889.
each, and with these before them the mem
bers are not apt to feel like making haste.
These views are born of long years of ex
perience with legislation and legislators.
Will Take nothing- for Granted, Bat Will
Watch nndWalt.
Haebisbueg, January 12. The Pro
hibitionists are everywhere getting ready
to make a systematic, persistent and united
effort to pass the amendment prohibiting
the manufacture and sale of Intoxicating
liquors. It is almost universally conceded
that the Legislature will stand by its action
of two years ago and provide for the sub
mission of the amendment to the people,
bat some of the more cautious cold water
advocates will not take anything for granted,
and propose to have representatives sent
here to watcu the progress of the amend
ment so that no calamity befalls it.
The formation of a State League of Pro
hibition Clubs is one of the main agencies
that will be employed to make the prohibi
tory amendment a part of the Constitution.
On Tuesday afternoon next Dauphin, Ches
ter, Lancaster and other counties will be
represented by Prohibitionists at a meeting
to be held at Lancaster. The object of the
conference is to lay the ground-work for a
State League of Prohibition Clubs. On the
22d of February a convention of all kinds of
temperance organizations will be held here
for the purpose of making systematic
preparation to win a majority of votes for
the amendment.
A Kentucky Woman Robbed In a Queer
Manner Her Loss tho Neighbors'
Gain She's Glad That the Lot
Was Not Taken Too.
Louisville, Ky., January 12. Ahighly
peculiar robbery was reported to the police
to-day. Mrs. Jane Boss, a wealthy widow,
who resides in Jefferson county, some dis
tance from this city, is the complainant. She
owns, or did own, a two-story brick building
on Fifteenth street, between Kentucky and
Prentice, This is that portion of the village
known as "California," and is a very quiet
suburb, inhabited mainly by working peo
ple. The house had eight rooms, a nice
stable and other outbuildings, and was
valued by Mrs. Boss at about 52,500. A
tenant moved out oi it one year ago, leaving
it in fairly good repair, and, as the owner
demanded a stiff rent, there has been no one
living in it since. This did not trouble
Mrs. Boss much, and. as she does not need
money, it happened that she was never in
terested in her property enough to pay it a
yisit until yesterday.
There are boys in the neighborhood, and
these began a work of destruction by break
ing the windows with stones. Then some
body tore down and carried away the front
fence. Perhaps other people concluded
after this that the house was a stray one, for
they tore down the stable and other out
buildings. The shutters, doors, windows,
floors, etc., next disappeared. "California"
does not have many brick pavements, and
an idea struck some of the people that these
pavements were good things. This was why
large loads of bricks began to leave the
house, and in a short time all the neighbors
had paved yards and sidewalks.
The walls crumbled away and fell in, and
in a short time scarcely a semblance of the
house remained, however, and possibly few
of those who were appropriating a few
bricks at a time had any idea that they were
committing a theft The owner came in
yesterday io tee how her property was get
ting along. After she had recovered from
the shock she made inquiries of some of the
neighbors, and learned what had become of
her house. She knew she could make
nothing by a prosecution, and took her loss
coolly. Across the street is a sand pit. As
she turned to leave she remarked: "Well,
I'm glad my property wasn't over there, or
they would have stolen the lot too."
Scarlot Fever, Diphtheria and Smallpox
Raging in Small Towns.
Columbus, January 12. Scarlet fever
and diphtheria of the most malignant type
are raging in many parts of Ohio. At New
Holland these diseases are declared epi
demic and the public schools have closed.
At New Washington, Crawford county, in
addition to these terrible scourges, smallpox
is raging, there having been six cases and
two deaths in une family alone. Often the
little sufferers die before complaining much
about sore throat.
In other cases the disease, diphtheria,
which appears to be the most fatal of the
three, is accompanied with a high fever,
utter prostration and delirium, sometimes
for a week before death. Physicians differ
as to the large number of cases now, but all
agree that poor drainage and uncleanliness
have a great deal to do with scourge.
Rochester Observers Witness a Phcnorae
nnlly Beautiful Sight.
Rochestee, N. T., January .12. A re
markable aurora was observed here this
evening at 7 o'clock. It consisted of a vast
circle of white light, its center near the
zenith and the circumference passing over
tbe moon. Streamers reached up to it from
the north. The diameter of the circle was
about 75 degrees. At 7:45 a similar circle
of shorter diameter lormed. It also passed
across the moon.
As the moon rose still higher another
circle of still smaller dimensions, still pass
ing over the moon center removing at zenith.
The approach of the moon toward zenith
seemed to regulate the size of the circle.
The semi-diameter of the circle was on each
occasion the distance from the zenith to the
Tho Inventor's Attorney Arraigns the Con
duct of a Judge.
Philadelphia, January 12. The Su
preme Court this afternoon heard argument
in the habeas corpus proceedings by which
John W. Keely, the inventor, iwas re
leased from the county prison last Novem
ber, after having been committed by Judge
Finletter for alleged contempt of court in
not obeying the order to exhibit and ex
plain his motor to experts appointed by the
Court at the request of counsel for Bennett
O. Wilson, plaintiff in an injunction suit
against Keely.
Wayne MacVeagh, the counsel for Keely,
in his argument to-day criticized Judge
Finletter's judicial conduct in the case with
most unsparing severity. Upon conclusion
of the argument the matter was held under
An Ohio Conplc With Eight Children to be
Akbon, O., January 12. A sensational
divorce case filed to-day is that of Clara
McAlpine against Zebulon McAlpine, tbe
defendant being one of the largest land
owners in Medina county, and the plaintiff
a resident of Akron since separation from
her husband. Charges of cruelty are nu
merous. At one time the defendant, the petition
says, seized a butcher kuife and was about
to cut plaintiff's throat. At other times he
threatened to shoot her. Ther have been
married 25 years, and have eight children. J
He Wore Out All Opposition, and Will
Be Quietly Permitted
Republicans Confident of an Extra Session
Being Called.
Dalzell's Christmas Girt to Veterans Causes Irouole
at tbe Treasnrj.
General Weaver's obstruction methods
have succeeded, and an arrangement has
been effected whereby the Oklahoma bill
will be called up under a suspension of the
rules. There is considerable talkof an extra
session, which is confidently predicted.
There are a number of claimants for the
$14,000,000 Private Dalzell presented to the
old soldiers as a Christmas gift.
Washington, January 12. After a
siege of ten days, during which the galleries
have been emptied of visitors, and the floor
of the House nothing but an nnceasing
round of dilatory motions and roll calls, fili
bustering has ceased and the business of the
House began to proceed in the old way,
with a look of serious purpose in it that it
has not had previously this session. General
Weaver has subsided. Thongh he defeated
the most wily attempts of the Speaker and
others yesterday to throw him off his guard
and get the start of bim with other business,
he cunningly met all the assaults and main
tained his ground.
Everybody expected that the same tactics
would exhaust the session of to-day and
everybody was surprised, when after the
reading of the journal, the obstinate Iowan
sat silent in his seat. There was no demon
stration when it was found that the famous
deadlock was at an end, except a few hu
morous remarks in undertones, from such
perennial jokers as Tom Beed, and -the
Speaker in a very commonplace manner be
gan to clear his desk of a mass of matter
that had accumulated dnring the deadlock.
It isgenerally understood that this very pleas
ing change in theconductof theHouseisdue
to the fact that the persons against whom Mr.
Weaver particularly directed his obstructive
tactics, surrendered to him almost uncondi
tionally, and that he has an understanding
that the Oklahoma bill will be called up and
treated fairly as soon as possible, under sus
pension of the rules.
The exact character of the arrangement is
only known to the three or four parties to it,
but whatever it is, it is perfectly satisfactory
to Mr. Weaver. It is possible that some one
of the opponents of the bill may filibuster
against it when the attempt is made to get
it up, and. therefore, it is probabletbat be
fore that time the appropriation, river and
harbor, and other important and indispensa
ble bills will be got out of the way.
Aside from these measures there will be
very little legislation this session. The Re
publicans are quite indifferent about the
enactment of any laws on the side of the
House which are absolutely necessaryas it
is nearly certain that there, will be an early
extra session. Very few of the members of
that party oppose the extra session, and the
information that come from Indianapolis on
the subject indicates pretty clearly that
President Harrison has made up his mind
to call an extra session as soon as practica
ble after his inauguration.
Senator and Mrs. Stanford Give an Elaborate
Dinner Party.
Washington, January 12. Senator
and Mrs. Stan ford gave a magnificent dinner
party last evening, the guests of honor be
ing Secretary and Mrs. Whitney. The pre
vailing colors of the table decorations were
"pink and white, and the center piece
of roses and lilies of the valley was flanked
with high pots of roses in silver brocade
bags tied with heavy cord. The candelabra
held pink tapers with pink shades, and the
corsage bouquets for the ladies were La
France roses, tied with pink satin ribbons.
The boutonniers were Parma violets and
lilies of the valley, and the cloth was strewn
with clove pinks.
The place cards for the men were prettily
inscribed parchments, and those for the
ladies had California flowers painted in
water colors upon rough-edged cardboard.
Other guests were Postmaster General
and Mrs. Dickinson, Senator and Mrs.
Palmer, Justice and Mrs. Field, Justice
Lamar, Senator and Mrs. Manderson and
Secretary Bayard.
Being Eagerly Sought by Numbers of Old
and Needy Soldiers.
Washington, January 12. Among the
myriad of letters received at the Treasury
Department in regard to the Christmas gift
of Private Dalzell was one received to-day
from a soldier in Decatur, 111,, in which the
writer states he understands that Private
Dalzell has deposited $14,000,000 in the
Treasury for the benefit of old soldiers, and
he urges that the authorities of the Treasury
remit to him his share as soon as possible,
as he is much in need of it.
If Dalzell makes his deposit of that
amount the Treasury clerks will be set to
work at once to calculate the pro rata share
of each applicant and remit, but as yet no
word of the deposit has been receivea at the
Minister Yon Tnver bays Dl Mnrka Was
Assisted by the Austrian Consul.
Washington, January 12. Cheva
lier Schmit Von Taver, the Austrian
Minister, said to-day in regard to the alle
gation of Madame Ilena di Murska, the
prima donna, that the Austrian representa
tives in this country had absolutely refused
to assist her.
"There is very little truth in the state
ment. I was in Europe all last summer and
I know of po appeal that has been made to
our office in this city. I am acquainted
with her case, however, and know personally
that she received quite a sum of money from
the Austrian representative in New York
Harrison la Ilenrjr Clay's Carriage.
Washington, D. C.,January 12. "The
Father of Protection," as Henry Clay was
called, was presented by his admirers with
a carriage in 1833, during the excitement of
the tariff. , This carriage is still in existence
in Louisville, and has been prepared for
use. A suggestion has been made to Chair
man Britton, of the, Inauguration Commit
tee, that it might be made a feature of the
inauguration paiade, and will be used by
the President-elect.
Iron for PIttsbnrg'a New Fostofflee.
Washington, D. O., January 12. It is
anticipated at the office of the Supervising
Architect of the Treasury that within about
a week or ten days invitations will be adver
tised for proposals to construct the iron
work of the new Government building in
Pittsburg. -The Seavy has arrived at Balti
more with a cargo of stone, and another
vessel is on her way to the quarries to take
in a cargo, as navigation is still open.
Two Men Killed and Many Injured by
Deputy Sheriffs Officers Will bo
Lynched if Not Kescned Tho
State Troops Ordered
to the Scene.
Wichita, Kan., January 12. General
Murray Meyers received a dispatch this
morning from Governor Martin, informing
him of a county seat war in Gay county be
tween the towns ot Ingalls and Cimarron,
and ordering him to proceed at once to the
scene of trouble and restore order. Com
panies A and H, of the State Guard, were
ordered to be in readiness to move, and Gen
eral Meyers, with the members of his staff,
left at 5 o'clock, intending to take Company
F, of Lamed, with him.
Only the most meager reports could be ob
tained, but late to-night a private dispatch
was received which confirmed the wildest
rumors. There has been trouble for a year
over the election of the county "officers of
Gray county. At the last election all the
Ingalls men had been elected and commis
sioned except Surveyor and Clerk. The
commissioners refused to cauvass the vote
until ordered to do so last Monday by the
Supreme Court. In pursuance of this order
three Deputy Sheriffs went to Cimarron to
place N. F. Watson in charge of the office
of Clerk, and also to take the records of the
county to Ingalls.
While thus engaged they were fired on by
a mob of 300 Cimarron men and a bloody
fight followed. The shots were returned
with a vengeance, and when the firing
ceased it was found that J. W. English, and
J. Bliss, two prominent citizens of Cimar
ron, were killed, and quite a nnmber
wounded. George W. Bolds, a Deputy
Sheriff, was shot in the leg, and Lemuel
Breeks and C. Rothfelter, two other depu
ties, received flesh wounds in the arm and
head. The mob, infuriated by the death of
English, charged upon the brick building
in which were Watson and the deputies,
and at last reports had them hemmed in
and brisk firing was in progress between the
two parties. Only the arrival ot soldiers
can save the deputies from destruction.
A Fashionable. Chamnasne Boomer Saed for
Not Spending; Money Freely.
New Toek, January 12. Schreck &
Co., wholesale liquor dealers of 37 Beaver
street, have brought suit to -recover from
Alfred Claggett $200 paid to him to boom a
new champagne of which the complainants
are the American agents. They say he did,
not spend money as he agreed to. In the
latter part of August Mr. Claggett came
unsolicited, they say, to the office
and offered to crack up their champagne
among his "fashionable acquaintances" for
a consideration. He told them that he used
a large quantity of champagne daily, and
found the expense a great burden. If ihey
would pay his champagne bills he pro
posed, so the lawyers said, to confine his
purchases solely to their brand, and praise
it in the fashionable circles in which he
moved. When asked what these circles
were he mentioned most of the big clubs,
and among many personal names those of
Jordan L. Mott, Mrs. Langtrv, the Vander
bilts. Jay Gould and Mrs. Frank Leslie.
Schreck & Co. investigated and found
that Mr. Claggett's social connections were
really likely to be advantageous to dealers
in champagne. Thereupon they verbally
contracted to pay him 550 a week, all of
which, their lawyers say, was to be spent by
him in purchasing the firm's brand of wine.
He drew his salary regularly, but failed to
spend any great amount of it for the firm's
wine. Claggett's explanation is that few of
the high-toned restaurants and bars which
he patronizad had the wine for sale.
The Colored Murderer of a Woman and Her
Boy Obliged to Flee.
Birmingham, Ala., January 12. A
double murder was committed at about noon
to-day at Praat's mines, six miles from this
city, and if the murderer is caught it is
doubtful if even Sheriff Smith and his posse
will be able to prevent a lynching. Mrs. J.
S. Eellan, wife of a machinist, and her 9-year-old
son were murdered by a young ne
gro whose name has not yet been learned
Mrs. Kellan and her boy went out
in the woods, a short distance
from the house, to look for a
milch cow. Meeting a negro man, they
asked him if he bad seen anything of the
animal. He replied that he had. and said:
"Come with me and I will show you where
the cow is." He led the way a short dis
tance, going further into the dense woods.
Then suddenly turning he struck Mrs.
Eellan on the head with a large stick
which he carried. She fell senseless to the
groun. The boy started on a run toward
home, screaming for help.
He had gone only about 100 feet when
the negro overtook him. With one blow
with his stick he crushed in the boy's skull,
killing him instantly. The boy's screams
had been heard, however, and at the sight
of a white man approaching the negro fled.
As quickly as possible the bloodhounds
kept at the mines for trailing escaped con
victs were brought out and a party
started on the trail of the negro.
The Situation In West Virginia Seems
Favorable to GofK
Chaeleston, W. Va., January 12. At
present the Republicans seem to have the
best of the situation. The. Supreme Court
to-day quashed the motion for a writ of pro
hibition to restrain Judge Guthrie from
going on with his mandamus proceedings
against the Secretary Of State, and also de
cided that Judge Campbell had no right to
interfere with the Secretary of State in the
discharge of his duties, unless some other
heretofore unthought-of action is taken be
fore the courts. The full returns will be
laid before the Legislature in joint session,
and it is presumable that the Republicans
will promptly organize the Senate on
Monday afternoon. This being the case
Goff will have the majority on the face of
the returns, and Judge Fleming's only hope
will be in contest before the Legislature on
the ground of illegal votes being cast.
It Has Attacked the Weak minded Id Suf
folk County, New York.
New Yobk, January 12. The White
Cap mania has attacked several little towns
in Suffolk county. In Flushing this notice
has been served upon all members of a
social club which meets between 1 and,5
o'clock every Friday morning:
Headquarters WniTB Caps, I
Flushing Division, No. 82.
Special Order.
Dear Sir Yon are hereby requested to re
main at home with your family evenings, and
stop visiting hotels, drinking whisky, and neg
lecting your business, or take tbe lash.
White Caps.
At letfVis What a Birr Mega-
tio'u-, general Harrison.
And Baj3 the Appo?" Would Terrify
Southern 1. .ocrats.
Confederates Bale in tho Sonth, asi llihons b On ,'
cl ue Honored.
A large Virginia delegation visits the
President-elect, and presents the claims of
General Mahone to a seat in the Cabinet.
Tbe ex-Senator is described in glowing
terms as the savior of the Southern Repub
licans. His political record is said to be
without a parallel fn the country. General
Harrison promises to carefully consider the
Indianapolis, January 12. This was
Virginia day with the President-elect, his
principal visitors being the large delegation
of prominent Republicans from the ten Con
gressional districts of Virginia, who came
to urge the appointment ot General William
Mahone to a place in the Cabinet. The
delegation comprised the following gentle
men: Judge Edmund Waddell, Jr., W. S.
Lurly, H. De B. Clay, Asa Rogers, J. H.
Stubbs, O. D. Foster. A. H. Lindsey, J. S.
Smith, T. B. Taylor, J. S. Bethel, R. B.
Berkeley, J. P. Proffit, D. H. Pannell, Hon.
P. H. McCannell, J. S. Newman, B. T.
Brayley, S. M. Meckle, D. A. Windsor. A.
M. Dickinson, S. Brown Allen, and Hon.
W. E. Craig.
Tbey came as a delegation appointed by
tbe Republican Committee of Virginia at
its last meeting, on December 13, to convey
to President-elect Harrison certain resolu
tions aiiopted at that meeting in the inter
est of the appointment of General Mahone.
They also brought a memorial signed by the
Republican members-elect of the Virginia
Legislature to the same efiVct. The delega-
tion organized this morning by electing
Judee Edmund Waddell, Jr., of Richmond,
as Chairman, and the selection of W. F.
Craig, of Staunton, to present the resolu
tions of the State Committee with an ap
propriate speech to the President-elect, and
Dr. J. B. Webb, one of the members of the
Legislature from Rockingham county, to
present the memorial from the Legislature.
They were a fine looking body of men. It
was 2 o'clock when they reached the Har
rison residence, where the General received
them in the back parlor. Judge Waddell
introduced the membersand Colonel Craig
presented the resolution. In his address to
the President-elect Mr. Craig said they
came by authority and appointment of the
Republican party of Virginia, and for the
best interest of that party, and not as advo
cates of the personal claims of any man.
That they asked the appointment of Gen
eral Mahone to the Cabinet because that
was the almost unanimous desire of the)
party in Virginia, and because it would in
sure Republican success, thereby invigorat
ing the Republicans and striking tenor to
their opponents.
That if there was a Cabinet office given to
the Southern States, Virginia should have
it by reason of her past .prominent place in,
the Union and of her present position as the'
foremost State in the South. That all"
efforts to break the solid South had tailed,
and in fact, the Republican organization in
Virginia was abandoned till in 1879, "Wil
liam Mahone led the liberal movement,
whereby over 50,000 ex-Confederates and
their sons united with the faithful
band of Eepublicans still existing,
and for the first and only time'
since the war broke the solid South lor
four years, restoring free suffrage to the
people of Virginia, abolishing the whipping
post law, restoring the free school system,1
and more than doubling its efficiency", sup
porting the charitable institutions of thu,
State and taking from the jails the lunatics,',
placing them in other institutions, building
an asylum for the colored insane, and a
collegiate institution for the colored youths,
and increasing the Republican representa-J
tion in Congress from two to six members.
and electing two United States Senators.
Colonel Craig urged that when, in 1881,
the momentous responsibility was placed
upon General Mahone in the Senate, he had
the courage, in spite of Democratic
anathemas, to save that body to the Re
publican party of the nation. That Gen
eral Mahone was the only prominent man
South who dared lead such a movement;
that now he has a party at his back eager
and. confident of success, and that his
record is without a parallel politically in
the United States, where, in so short a time,
he was followed from one party to another
by 75,000 men.
Such leadership alone, said the speaker,
can break the solid South. That as in the
North, the sentiment of the Federal sol
diery controls political opinion, so does the
sentiment of the ex-Confederate soldiery
control it in the South, and what the South
needs is a Mahone in every Southern State.
As to the opposition against General Ma
hone in Virginia, it practically amounted
to nothing. That since the last National
convention recognized the regular Republi
can organization of the State, the most
prominent leaders of the opposition submit
ted thereto, and were now working in ac
cord with the present organization.
That the remnant left only exists by rea
son of the prominence given them by the
Democratic preu, and by tbe shadow of en
couragement given them by some Northern
Republicans who do not understand the sit
uation in Virginia. Colonel Craig con
cluded with a statement that at least 99 out
of every 100 Republicans in old Virginia
wanted to see General Mahone in the next
Dr. Webb then presented tbe memorial of
the Republican members-elect of the Vir
ginia Legislature. His remarks covered
much the same ground as Colonel Craig's.
General Harrison was an attentive listener
to all that was said, and, after cordially
welcoming the visitors ti his home and ex
pressing his pleasure at meeting them, he,
briefly stated, in substance, that the matte
present should receive his careful consid
eration. It cannot be learned from any of
the visitors that the President-elect dropped -a
single word of any significance as bearing1
upon the object of their visit.
Captain Asa Rogers, Colonel De Clay
and Messrs. Lnrty and McCaulI also made
brief but earnest talks for General Mahone.
Lurty is a cousin of Stonewall Jackson,
and was in the Confederate army from the
first month ot the war until its close. He
was among the first Confederates to come
over to the Republican party. The Vir
ginians expressed themselves as greatly
pleased with their visit, and especially their
cordial reception by General Harrison.
They left lor home by the evening train.1
A Score of American Fishing; Schooners In-1
side of the Limit.
Halifax, January 12. A Shelburne
dispatch says it is reported that a couple of
dozen of American fishing vessels have been
trawl fishing within a mile of McNutt'
Island light, and inside the limit for over a
week, and are there yet
Local fishermen complain that this trawl-v
lng win destroy tne snore fishing next-
spring unless sioppea at once.
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