Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 12, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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The Lull That Follows Holidays Kow
on in Mail Trades.
An Active Demand for Fish, Oysters, Poul
try and Flowers.
OrricE or Pittsburg dispatch. J
Friday, January 11, 1SS9. J
The lull -which always follows holiday
trade is fully on as retards retail trade for
market basket materials. "Shadow and
shine is lile." Through the closing -week of
the dead year and the opening week of the new,
tradespeople had a fair share of tbe shine. This
has been a week of shadow, not only in trado
lines, but as regards tbe terrible calamity
which has befallen our city. The calamity be
fore which all classes stand in awe, and which
has brought sorrow and anguish into many
hearts and homes, has also bad its effect on
The uniform report which is heard from
dealers in meats, fruits and vegetables is that
the week's trade has been very slow. The
spring-like weather has, no doubt, had the
effect of restricting demand in many lines of
market basket filling.
Everything Cheaper.
At the fish and oyster stalls a fair week's
trade Is reported. Florists also report that
business has been fair to middling. The fancy
prices which ruled for flowers during Christ
mas week, when it was impossible to meet ue
mands,no longer rule. Prices, as will be seen
by quotations, are drifting back to ante-holiday
figures. Tulips of rarest beauty ire in
supply for the first time this season.
The drift of eggs for the past week has been
Heartily downward. The same is true of cream
ery butter The great scarcity of fancy coun
try rolls at this season keeps prices of this arti
cle up, notwithstanding the downward tenden
cv of other grades.
"The appetite for game is evidently on the
wane,judgiug from reports of dealers. And
strange to say, demand lor old reliable meats
does not grow in proportion. At the Diamond
.Market butcher stalls there was general com
plaint that tbe volume of trade had fallen be
low that of last week. Following are retail
prices given by dealers in materials for Satur
days market basket:
The prices called for at the Diamond Markets
remain unchanged. The best cuts of tenderloin
steak range from 20 to 25c, with the last figure
for very fancy, which are very often no bet
ter than tbe 20c article; sirloin, best cuts,
from 18 to 20c; standing rib roast, 15 to 20c;
chuck roast. 10 to 12c; best round steaks, 15c;
boiling beef, 5 to 8e: sweet breads, 25c rer
pain beef kidneys, 10c apiece; beef liver, 5c a
pound: calf livers. 25c apiece; corned beef
from 5 to 10c per pound. Veal for stewing
commands 10c: roast, 12j to 15c: cutlets. 20o
Iicr piund; spring lambs, fore quarter, 12 to
5c: hind quarters, 15 to 20c A leg of mut
ton, hind quarter, of prime quality, brings
12)c; fore quarter. Sc; loin of mutton, 15c.
Vegetables and Frnit.
Jersey sweet potatoes, 25c a half peck;
potatoes, 15c a halt peck; celery. 10c a bunch;
squash, 10 to 25c; tomatoes, 50c per quart
box; pumpkin. 15 to 25c; cabbage, 5 to 10c;
apples, 15c to 20c half peck: bananas, 15 to 25c
a dozen: lemons, o to avc per aozen; oranges. &xg
0c: Malaga grapes, 25c per pound; onions, 25c a
alf peck: spinach, 25e per peck; lettuce, 10c per
tench, 3 tor 25c: radishes, 5c par bunch; cran
berries, 15c per quart: cucumbers, 25c a piece.
Plovers 52 00 a dozen; woodcock, 6 50
dozen. Ducks, 75c to $1 00 a pair,
yigeons, SOc a pair. Squirrels, -10c a pair.
' allard ducks.Sl a pair; quai1.S3 00 to3 50 dozen;
i ed birds, 1 00 per pair. Teal ducks, 65c a
air: canvasluck ducks. $5 00 per pair; red
ad ducks, 2 50 per pair. Pheasants, SI 2o a
ir. Rabbits, 25c a pair. Venison, 35c pound,
eaks; whole deer, loc to 18c 1'raine chick-
is, SI 25 a pair. Bear steaks, 35c per pound.
Butter, Eggs and Poultry.
The best creamery butter is 40c Fancy
pound rolls of country butter arc 60c
The ruling retail price for eggs is 25c
Choice country eggs bring 40c
The range for dressed chickens is 75c to
1 00 per pair. Turkeys, 15c per pound.
Fish nnd Oysters.
Following are the articles in this line still on
the stalls, -with prices: Lakealmorv 12Jc; Cali
fornia salmon, 40c pound; white fish, 12J.JC; her
ring. 4 pounds for 25c; fresh mackerel, 2oc apiece;
Spanish mackerel. 45c to 50c a pound: sea sal
mon. 40c a poundiblue fish, 20c; perch. 10c:
halibut, 26c; rock bass. SOc; black bass, 20c: lake
trout, 12c: lobsters, 25c: green sea turtle. 28c
Oysters: standard, SI per gallon; select, $1 50
to SI 75; N. Y. counts, SI 75 per gallon; snaps,
SOc: shell oysters. 25c dozen; smelts, 20 to 25c
pound; dams, SI 25 gallon; scollops, 50c a
La France roses, S4 00 per dozen; Bride roses,
J3 00 per dozen; Perles, SI 50 per dozen; Nlphc
tos, SI 50 per dozen; Bennetts, S3 00 per dozen;
American Beauty, SI 00 apiece; Mennets,
S3 00 per dozen; De Wattville. S3 00: carnations,
75 cents a dozen: Marguerites, 30 cents per
dozen: Violets, 13 09 a hundred; Lilv or the
Valley, SI 25 per dozen; Maiden Hair fern,
50c per doz. fronds. Bermuda Easter lilics,S3 50
per dozen: tulips, SI per dozen.
Wheat Breaks Under a Flood of Selling Or
ders Corn. Oafs nnd Pork Active nnd
Higher Lard Stronscr, and Short Ribs
Chicago In wheat to-day there was
considerable trading within a range of
lKc Prices were lower, and he speculative
offering quite large, with a good deal of long
wheat reported to have come out at tbe de
cline. The opening was weaker than yester
day's closing figures, rallied with some fluctua
tions c but at the higher prices a flood of
selling orders came on the market which car
ried prices down lc There was a rumor that
the Government report would show a crop of
420,000,000 bushels, but no one could be found
that had seen such a report, and, like the ru
mor yesterday, it may have been started for
effect From the inside prices a recovery of
igc occurred, due to the covering by "shorts,"
v again eased off, then ruled irregular, and
ted about 4e lower than yesterday,
here was a moderate speculative business in
n, though most of trading occurred early in
session, after which the market ruled
idy and inactive. The openinc was at about
terday's closing prices, and under a good
al demand prices advanced Kc, reacted
, became steady and closed JQJc higher
j yesterday.
Tading in oats was fair and the market
rly supported, the close being steady at a
ght advance over yesterday's. June received
ore attention, but trading as yet is light. The
jar futures also sold moderately at ii&Ac de-
Considerable interest was manifested in mess
k at times, and trading was moderately ac
t. Prices ruled irregular, though averaging
moderate trade was reported in lard and
feeling was stronger. Prices ruled 2Koc
ter early, but closed easier.
ery little interest was manifested in short
and trading was limited. Prices were ad
id 2U5c early in day, but settled back
and closed quiet
J leading futures ranged as follows:
iEAT-Ko 2, January, 989SK9S9Se;
tt'ryjj B999JJ9989c; May, SI 03gl 03'J
trjl 02; July. 4'435K93i69ic '
LJffl35c: May, 363636S5c.
cs-No. 2 January, 24c:May,273427K
f S PORK, per bbl. Januarv, $13 25S13 40
Sfl3 35: March. S13 5513 55313 45
May, S13 C013 7513 C0Q13 70.
TD per 100 as. January, $7 37J7 35;
i. S7 47H7 507 42$7 47& 1 May,
J,7 607o57 5:S. "" JU,li'
-BT Ribs, per lot) fts.-Januarv, J6 92U:
-. S7 02K7 07k7 02J7 02; May.
;7 157 107 12&. "' J
i quotations were as follows: Flour,
"allv unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat
)8c: No. 3 spring wheat t5g9Sc; No.
S7&ISe. No. 2 corn. 33gc No. 2 oats,
No. 2 rye, 4Sc No. 2 barley. 71c f. o. b
aaxsced, SI 62. Prime timothy seedSl 53
. Mess pork, per barrel, S13 3013 35,
per 1001bs.7357 37. Short ribs sides
). $8 95. Dry salted shoulders (boxed).
i$ W. Short clear sides (boxed), S7 25
,'. Receipts Flour. 6,000 barrels; wheat
bushels; corn. 106,000 bushels: oats. 98,000
els; rye, 6,000 bushels; barley, 30,000
sis. Shipments Flour, 9,000 barrels;
t, 21,000 bushels; corn. 98,000 bushels: oats.
bushels; rye, 4,000 bushels; barley, 3L0O0
the Produce Exchange to-dav the butter
:ct was dull and unchanged. Eggs stead v
IW YonK Flour Receipts. 14.285 pack
; exports, 2,190 barrels. 2.795 sacks: mar
leld steady and quiet Cornmeai steady
In moderate demand. Wheat Receipts,
bushels; expone, 9.931 bushels; sales, LbQO,
ushels futures, 8.000 bushels spot; spot
! market dull and lower with No. 2 red, SI 00
1 00V. elevator; SI 01ll 01 afloat; SI 00
61 i&i f. o. b.: No. 3 red. &K095c: No. I
rea. st 08; So. 1 white, SI 01: No. a Chicago,
J 1 OS: options moderately active and irregular;
95iic: Februarv. SI 001 OOJf, closing at SI 00;
March, Jl ORg&l 02, closing at Si 01: May.
SI 03K1 0 closing at SI 04: June, SI 03 11-16
1 6 closing at SI 04; Ji.lv. SI 001 00.
closing at SI 00: December, PS5fi!99c, closing at
9Sc Rye weak; Western, 56S9c. Barley dull.
Corn Receipts, 280,400 bushels: exports, 80,
118 bnshels; sales, 312.000 bushels futures. 147,
000 bushels spot;spot market moderately active
and steady: No. 2. 44Kc In elevator, 45J
4Ric afloat: No. 2 white, 4JJil5c; No. 3. 39
40ijc:uncraded mixed. SSJi816c;steamermlxed,
40j42l,c: options less artive and steady, clos
ing weak; January. 44l$44Jc, closing at 44Jc;
Februarv. 41J44 15-16C, closing at 44J4C;
March, 4o45 7-16c closing at 45c; May. iolA
45-Kc, closing at 45c Oats Receipts, 53,000
bushels; exports, none: sales, 195,000 bushels
futures, 78.000 bushels spot; spot market quiet,
heavy and Jc lower: options quiet, HK
lower and weak; January. 31Ji31Jic closing
at 31c; February, 32K32gc, closing at 31Jc;
May, S2;i&'32c, Cosing at 32jc: spot
No. 2 white, 313Kc; mixed western,
2832c; white do, 3440c; No. 2 Chicago.
32J4C Hay steady for demand. Coffee
Options opened steady and 515 points down;
closed steady, 5 points above vestcrdav; trading
dull: sales, 29.000 bags, including February,
14.9offl5.00c: March. 14.85ffil4.95c: Anril. 14.90
H.95c; May. 14.8515.05c: June. 14.9015.00c;
July, 15.O015.16e: August, 15.0015.05c: Sep
tember. 15.1015.25c; October. 15.1515.25c: De
cember, 15.30c Spot Rio dnll; fair cargoes, 17c
Sugar Raw quiet; fair refining. 4 13-164c;
centrifucals. 96 test K2c: sales 400 bars Mus
covado at 4Jc: refined dull. Molasses Foreign
nominal: 50 test, 21Kc; New Orleans quiet: opev
kettle, prime to choice, 3543c Rice quiet
Egcs Freh easier and quiet: western. 19?i
20c; receipts, 3,192 packages. Pork quiet; old
mess, S14I4 25; new mess, S14 2514 50. Cut
meats firm: sales 2,000 pounds; pickled bellies,
12 pounds average TVc: pickled shoulders. GJi
7c; do hams, 1010iic Middles quiet Lard
steadier and quiet: western steam, $7 75: Janu
ary. 57 75: February, S7 74, closing 57 75; March,
S7 75: April. S7 78 asked; May. V 797 81.
closing at S7 SO asked: June. $7 807 82. closing
at $7 81 asked; July, S7 82 asked; August S7 82
weak; dairy, 1421c; creamery, 1727c: Elgin,
2$29c Cheese firm and in moderate demand;
western, llgllc
St. Louis Flour lifeless. Wheat was Arm
and higher early, but broke 6oon after. Later
it rallied again and closed tirni; No. 2 cash,
95c: February 96c; Mav. 99cSl H, closed
at SI 00; June, 9bc; July, 888SKc closed
at 88c bid. Corn quiet: No. 2 mixed cash,
29J(c: Januarv, 29CK!9J6c, closed at 29JJc hid;
March, 31c, closed at 31c bid; May. 32K33Jc,
closed at 33c Oats firmer; No. 2 cash,25c: May,
27Ji27Kc Rye. 474Sc. Barley Nothing
done Provisions firmer. Pork, $13 5013 75.
Lard Prime steam nominally higher at S7 25
67 30 Drv saltmeats Shoulders, JO 25; longs
and ribs, 57 00; short clear. $7 25. Baron Boxed
shoulders, Sfi 75; longs and ribs, J7 757 87;
shoulders. SS 00.
Baltimore Wheat Western weak; No. 2
winter red, spot and Januarv. 94945c: Feb
ruary. 95U95Kc; March, 97K9c: April, 99e
asked. Corn western firm; mixed spot and
January, 41K41c; February, 41V41?c;
March, 4242J.ic: steamer, spot S9c Oats
steady with lair trade. Provisions firm and
unchanged. Butter dull: western packed, 14
20c; best roll, 14lSc; creamery, 202Sc Eggs
nrm at 1. c
Cincinnati Flour dull. Wheat dull and
firm; No. 2 red, 9Sc Receipts. 500 bushels;
shipments, 5.000 bushels. Corn firm; No. 2
mixed, 3535c. Oats in fair demand and
steady: No. 2 mixed, 2S2SJc Ryo easier; No.
2. 5556c Pork quiet at SIS 75. Lard firm at
57 40. Bulkmeats and bacon steady. Butter
dull. Sngar quiet and easy. Cheese firm.
Milwaukee Flour unchanged. Wheat
2 white.
firm: No. 2, 69c Provisions steady. Pork at
S13 40. Lard. S7 35. Cheese unchanged; Ched
dars, lOglOXc
Toledo Clovcrseed active and lower; Feb
ruary, So 40, March, So 45.
Ulnnnlnctnrcrs Holding Back for Better
Prices Tbe Outlook Encouraging.
There is nothing in the iron market this week
requiring extended notice. It is in a waiting
attitude. There is no special demand and no
pressure to cell. Muck bar is firmly held in the
expectation of better prices. We reduce quota
tations nominally on neutral gray forge and on
muck. Practically, however, there is no change.
Casing is down a trifle The outlook is cood.
Pio Iron Neutral mill, S15 5015 75. cash;
all ore mill. S10 Tog 17 00; wtrite and mottled.
$15 U013 5;No. 1 foundry, SIS 0018 50; No. 2
foundry, Si7 0017 50; No. 3 foundrv. SI6 60
16 75: No. 1 charcoal foundrv. $23 5024 00: No.
2 charcoal foundry. S21 0022 00; cold blast
charcoal, $25 0028 00; Bessemer iron, S17 25
17 59.
Ferro-Maxganese Eightv per centS56 50
57 00: speigel-eisen, S27 5028 00 f or20per cent
.Muck Bae-S20 5029 00.
Manufactuked Iron Bars of good Qual
ity, l.t1.85c: plates. 2.2g2.25c and No. 24 sheet,
2.8502.11c: skelp, grooved, LS5L9c; sheared,
2.1Q2.12J4C All 60 days, or 2 per cent off for
Nails Carlots 12d to 40d, SI 90, 60 days; 2
per cent off for cash.
BILLF.TS-S2S 50g2S 75 cash, f. o. b. at works;
slabs, S23 002S 25.
Wrought Iron Pipe Discounts on steam,
gas and water pipe; black. 14 to li-inch, 62Kper
cent IK to 12 inches, 62; galvanized. to
lj-inch. 45 per cent; 1 to 12 inches. 62 per
cent; oil well casing, 60 per cent: 5J-inch cas
ing, 37 per net foot; 2-inch tubing, 13c; boiler
tubes and oil well casing, 60 per cent off large
Merchant Steel Took Sc; crucible
spring, 4c; crucible machinery. 5c; open
hearth machinerv, 2JXc
Rail Fastenings Spikes, 22c per pound,
30 days; splice bars. l.K1.9c per pound; square
nut track bolts. 2.85c and hexagon nut 2.95c
cash, f. o. b. Pittsburg.
Old Rails American tees, $25 00g25 25;
steel do, $18 50 for short, S20 50forlong.
Steel Rails Heavy sections. S2S29 cash,
at works.
Scrap Iron No. 1 wrought, S21 per net ton;
cast scrap, $15 5016 00: wrought turnings. $13
14. net: cast borings. S12I3, gross: car axles,
$25 5026 50, net; old car wheels, $19 5020 00,
gross; ran enus, yia axg,a w; moom ao, sia 60,
ris Generally Slcndy Rnlls and Bloomi
Firm Manufactured Vnrietles Active.
Special Iteport by Cable for the American Manu
facturer. LOXDO jr. Januay 10, 1889.
Scotch Pig Barely steady market, but busi
ness fair.
No. 1 Coltness 51s. Od. f. 0. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Suinmerlee 503. Od. f. 0. b. Glasgow
No. 1 GarUherrie 49s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. lLangloan 60s. Od. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Carnbroe 44s. 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Shotts 49s. 6d. f. o. b. Glasgow
No. 1 Glengarnock 4Ss. Od. at Ardrossan.
No. 1 Dalmellington ...43s. Cd. at Ardrossan.
No. 1 Eglinton 42s. Od. at Ardrossan.
Bessemer Pig Market continues, firm but
quiet West Coast brands quoted at 45s Od for
Nos. 1. 2, 3, f. o. b. shipping point
Middlesbrough Pig Steady market, but de
mand moderate. Good brands quoted at 33s. 9d.
for No. a f. o. b.
Spiegeleisen Market continues firm, with
cood business. English 20 per cent quoted at
80s. Od. f. o. b. at works.
Steel Rails Firm market and business good
Standard sections quoted at 1 1 o. b. shipl
ping point
Steel Blooms Market holding firm, demand
fair. Bessemer 7x7 quoted 3 17s. 6d f. o. b.
shipping point
Steel Billets This market firm, on a good de
mand. Bessemer (sire 2x2$) quoted at 4 5s.
6d. 1. o. b. shipping point
Steel biaus steady market with trade fair.
Ordinary sizes quoted at 3 17s. 6d. L o. b. ship
ping point
Crop Ends An increasing demand has made
this market firmer. Run of the mill quoted at
2 12s. 6d. f. 0. b. shipping point.
Steel Wire Rods Demand Increased and
prices firmer. Mild steel. No. 6, quoted at
5 17s. 6d. f. o. b. shipping port
Old Rails Market dullandprices unchanged.
Tees quoted at 3 5s. Od. and double heads at
3 10i Od. c. i. t. New York.
Scrap Iron Slow market,no change in price'.
Heavy wrought quoted at 2 2s. 6d. f. 0. b. ship
ping points.
Manufactured Iron Market continues firm,
with good business.
Stafford, ord. marked bar6(f.o.b.Lpool)8 12s 6d
" common bars 0 .0s Od 512s6d
" blk. sheet singles 0 0s Od 712s6d
Welsh bars. f. o. b. Wales... 5 2s Cd 0 OsOd
Steamer Freights Glaszow to New York,
4s. Od. Liverpool to New York. 10s. Od.
Over Three-Qnarlcrs of a million Men En
eaced in the Service.
The magnitude of the railway business of the
country may be estimated from the fact that
the employes of all kinds, officers and men,
form an army not far from 785,000 strong.
Eighteen of tbe States have each over 3,000
miles of track. Over7,000miles of rails were laid
last year, and 36,000 new men called into the
This is an encouraging fact for railway men
and those desirous of entering tho railway pro
fession to bear in mind, and it is alo encourag
ing to tlioie'who are seeking promotion to re
member that the number of officials of all
ranks must continue to increase
H A N n 1 N R The laieU Metropolitan inno
UrtlSUiSlU vationt arc fully described in
The DisrATCir to be issued to-morrow.
Eeal Estate Dealers Generally in Love'
With the Exchange Movement.
Gas Stocks ActiTe and Steady With a
Steadily Increasing; Demand.
The proposition to establish a Real Estate
Exchange in Pittsburg, as noted in this de
partment ot The Dispatch yesterday,
meets with general favor. A number of the
principal dealers were interviewed on the
subject, and they all agreed that it would be
a good thing, supplying a long-felt want.
Among other advantages which it -would
possess, as pointed out by the gentlemen in
question, would be the placing of the real
estate business on astrictly legitimate basis,
the same as bonds, stocks and produce.
This would be productive of a spirit of
fairness that is sorely wanting under the
present system of every man for himself and
Old Cloven Foot for the hindmost This
would be one result. Another would be to
stimulate business by insuring owners of
property prompt and cqnitable treatment.
They would no longer be compelled to resort
to huckstering to make a sale. They would
know just what to except, and could make
their calculations accordingly. It would save
them time and trouble.
The argument that it would not succeed be
cause a certain class of dealers do not want to
make their business public, is answered by
pointing to the success of similar organizations
in the Eastern cities, where this objection has
been overcome.
There are about 200 real estate dealers In
Pittsburg. Of this number 75 or 100 would bo
eligible to membership under the sifting rules
it is proposed to adopt Jnst where the line will
be drawn has not been determined further than '
that the qualifications will be character, ability
and standing In the business community. De
tails will be formulated when the committee re
turns from the East
Philadelphia, Cbarticrs nnd Wheeling in
Good Demand and nigher.
Captain Barbour had a hard time yesterday
to arouse brokers to the sticking point That
stocks were strong was shown by the general in
disposition to sell. Gas stocks were nearly all
firm, Philadelphia, Chartiers and Wheeling
especially. Traction was a trifle weak. Electric
were quiet and steady. Bids and offers follow
morkinq. afternoon
stocks. Hid. Asked
Alleghenv Nat. Bank. 60 ....
Commercial Nat Bank .... ....
Exehance Nat. Bank. 81 ....
Bid. Asked.
Iron City N atlonal no
Keystone National 59X 60
jiasonic Jjanx
il. and Jl. Nat. Bank.
German National
H. E. L. AT. K. Co....
Allegheny Gag Co., Ill
littbnrg Gas Co.. 111.
Ch&rtlers Valley Gas..
Manufacturers' Gat Co
.'at. Gas Co., W. Va..
i'hlladelnhia Gas Co...
Wheeling Gas Co
Columbia Oil
Washington Oil Co....
Citizens Traction
l'lttsburp Traction
La Morla M. Co
Allcg'y Co. Electric.
West'bonse Elec. L't .
Union Switch Sle nal
58 .... 58
.... .... 35 ....
.... S7H .... 57
13 22 24
SS CO 57
sari 40 40 40H
29 30 29K 20
aii 70 65i '.'.'.'.
77 80 76 80
.... 50 43 SO
.... 100 .... 100
5s 36M 3S 384
9 10H
West'houseUrakeCo 63
Sales on call Included: Ten shares Keystone
Bank at 60. 40 Wheeling Gas at 29KandlO at
29, 100 Philadelphia Gas at 40, and 20of West
inghouse Electric at 3SH. Between calls there
was a sale of Philadelphia Gas at 40. Henry
M. Long reported the following sales: Ten
shares AV'estinghouse Electric. 3S; 50 same,
Z0H. and 25 Philadelphia Gas at 39
The total sales of stocks at New ork yester
day were 159,208 shares, including Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western, 11,320; Erie, 17,440;
Lake Shore, 7,075; Missouri Pacific. 8,575;
Northwestern, 8,661: Northern Pacific pre
ferred, 8,057: Oregon Transcontinental, 5.352;
Readimr, 11,950; St Paul. 32.250: Union Pacific,
4,950; Western Union, 3,892.
But Clearing Honse Figures Shown Firm
nnd Buoyant Spirit.
Whilo there was no snap in the local money
market yesterday, there was the usual amount
of checking and depositing. Again the ex
changes at the Clearing House fell under
$2,000,000, the figures beine: Exchanges, $1,710,
154 46; balances, $267,639 37. These aggregates
represent a largo amount of solid business,
such as is at all times characteristic of Pitts
burg. Money on call at New York yesterday nu
easy at 2K3 per cent last loan at 2, closed
offered at 2. Prime mercantile paper, 5V$7.
Sterling Exchange dull but firm at $4 S5Vi for
60-day bills and 54 88 for demand.
Bonds closed in New York yesterday as f cl
ows: U. S.4s, registered, 126K; (J. 8. 4s, coupon.
126K;U.S. 4Ms, registered. 108K; U. S. 4U$,
coupon, 10SS; Pacific 6s of '95, 119.
New Yoke Clearings, 8111,250,047: balances.
Boston Clearings. S14,595,44S; balances, $1,
436.659. Money, 34 per cent.
BAT.TIMOF.E Clearings, $2,012,425; balances.
Philadelphia Clearings, 512,309,096; bal
ances, 1,571,223.
Chicago Monev easy at 68 per cent
Bank clearings. $9,540,000.
St. Locis Clearings, $3,388,119: balances,
S4G7.493. '
Oil Goes Off a Little, Closing Weak A
Bullish Outlook.
Oil was firm at the opening yesterday, being
Jc higher than the day before, caused by lib
eral buying in New York and the West, but in
the absence of supporting orders it soon sold
off. After the first two hours the tendency
was downward, although several attempts were
made to buoy up prices. What little business
was done was of a purely professional char
acter. The close was weak and Jfc below that
of Thursday. The opening price was 87Jc
highest STJlc, lowest 86, closed at 86a Thurs
day's clearings, 512,000 barrels.
Operators nesitate to express an opinion as
to the future course of tho market Available
facts indicate a bullish outlook. The retire
ment of a large number of certificates natur
ally narrows the working margin. Cause and
effect, supply and demand, prevail in oil as in
everything else. The more the cheaper, the
less the dearer. Scarcity, real or imaginary,
stimulates demand ana demand makes prices.
If the bull argument be true and known facts
seem to bear them out that tho working mar
gin has been cnt down, a btiffer market is
A. B. Mcurew quotes: Puts, S5to85c;
calls, 86c
Tne following table, corrected by Be Witt 1)11
worth, broker In petroleum, clc, corner Fifth
avenue and Wood street, 1'ittsburg, shows the
order of fluctuations, etc.:
8a'8il2:45P. K....
;! l:00r. M...
Bi l:15p. M....
KH 1:30P. x....
87 1:45 P. M....
87 I 2:00 P. M....
2:15 P. M...
2:30 p. M...
2:45 r. M...
Opened. S7Jc;
closed. 8GXC.
highest, (j-Jj'c; lowest, 86c;
. 37, 150
. 41.734
, 24,762
. 32.5S7
Dflly rum
Average rnn
Dallv charters
Average charters
Jcw York closed at 86c
Oil City closea at 66c.
Bradiord closea at 86c
&cw Vort. relineil. 7c
London, renncd. 61.
Antwerp, refined, lvjr.
Bullish Keivs From Taylorstown.
Taylorstown, January II. McKeown No.
2, on tbe W. Knox farm, is through the sand
and filling up at a depth of 2,000 feet. It Is
thought to be good for a 75-barrcl pumper. N.
Ncely 2 was hot to-dav and responded
promptly. The Donahey No. 2 is through the
sand nnd not much good. The Beakout is in
and has some gas and a little oil. This well-is
similar to the W. C. Grimes on the adjoining
f:irn. James Noble No. 4 and Isaac liodgens
No. 2 have started up.
Other Oil Markets.
New Yore, January U. Petroleum opened
Time. , Bid.
Opened 87!4
10:15 a. m.... s;X
10:30A. M.... S7H
10:45A. M.... ST'-j
11.-00A. M.... 86?a
J1:15A. M.... S6J
11:30A. M.... MS
11:4SA. M.... W
12:00 M M!
12::5r. M.... SfiSa
12:30 r. M.... (eh
steady at STKc, and, after a slight advance in
the early trading, became dull and heavy, and
the price declined slowly to 85c A slight im
provement was then recorded, and the market
closed steady at 86c Sales, 843,000 barrels.
Oil Crrr, January 1L Opened, 87Kc; high
est 87c; lowest, 86c; closed, 86c
Bradford, January 1L Opened, 87Kei high
est, 87Jc; lowest, 86c; closed, 86Hc
Real Estate Men Have No TImo to Swap
Real estate men were busy as bees yesterday.
Setting up leases and rents took up a large
share of their time. There -was no falling off
in the inquiry for city and suburban property,
and there seemed to be a better understanding
concerning prices.
Graeblng t Lyon, No. 135 Fourth avenue,
sold for the Third National Bank, of Pittsburg,
five acres land with a largo frame dwelling
house, carriage house, etc, fronting on Beaver
road, at West Bellevue. for 810,000; they also
g laced a mortgage for SL700 on property in the
ixth ward. Allegheny, at 6 per cent.
James W. Drape & Co. reported the sale of a
bouse and lot in Allegheny, a two-story brick,
with lot 20x100, for $8,000; also sale of .1 farm of
85 acres, with improvements, for 811,000. They
also placed a mortgage of $6,000 at 5 per cent
on a house and lot on Fifth avenue: also five
mortgages from $1,500 to $1,000 and 8500 on city
and suburban properties at 6 per cent
Black fc Balrd, No. So Fourth avenue, sold to
Thomas McNeil, Esq., for Thomas Kerr, a
piece of ground fronting 207 feet on Lang ave
nue, north of Penn, by 100 feet in depth, for
$3,500. They also placed a mortgage of S4.0CO
for five years at 6 per cent on a Shadyside
Reed B. Coyle & Co. placed a mortgage of
$5,000 on East End property for three years at
6 per cent
C. Baltensperger t Co., 154 Fourth avenue,
sold lots Nos. 31 and 35, in the Bigham plan.
Twentv-second ward, at the corner of LaBelle
and Piermont streets, to Mrs. E. E. Under
wood, for $475. They also placed a mortgage
foa $6.800 at 53-10per cent on Allegheny busi
ness prop erty for six years.
Business Crippled by the Uncertainty Attend
ing the Itnllroad Conference.
New Yokk, January 11. Except for a pe
riod of moderate activity in the forenoon, the
stock market to-day was equally as dull and
uninteresting as that of yesterday. The prog
ress made by the railroad presidents and the
bankers in their ta9k of restoring the prop
erties to a dividend paying basis did not meet
with any response from the speculators of the
street The market still waits for more pro
nounced action and the dealings remain almost
purely professional.
This inaction in the face of tho general ex
pectation that the action of the presidents
yesterday would result in a marked improve
ment in values of securities caused much dis
appointment on tbe street and had it not been
ior tne liberal foreign purchases a weaK mar
ket would probably have succeeded. There
was no weakness apparent, however, even with
the prevailing dullness, and the traders at one
time thought that they detected buying from
Gould sources. Little evidence was shown,
however, that any large Interest was
doing anything, but there was a slow but
steady hardening of values which carried
nrices In some stocks mi as mnch as 1 ner cent
The improvement was most noticeable in the
Grangers, and those stocks overshadowed all
tbe rest of the list, although there was activity
in Erie, which was bought largely for foreign
The market opened with a show of anima
tion, and first prices were all higher than last
evening's figures, although the gains were con
fined to small fractions, except in the cases of
Atchison, Burling, on and Pullman, which were
, 1 and 2 per cent higher respectively. Lacka
wanna took tho lead in the general upward
movement which followed, though its advance
was only J per cent, and in the others still
smaller fractions. Most of the gains were
afterward wiped out, and the market subsided
into the usual dullness.
Later there was a renewal ot the upward
tendency, and before noon all tbe active list
had again reached the abovo first prices. Tho
trading exhibited a steadily declining volume,
however, and no progress was made until the
last hour except in the Grangers, in which St
Paul was most conspicuous. Just previous to
the close there was more animation, and every
thing again moved up slightly, the market clos
ing dull but firm to strong at fractions better
than the opening figures.
On the whole, the dealings in railroad bonds
exhibited more featnres than those 111 shares,
althongh tbe business done fell short of tbe
totals of the previous few days, reaching only
$1,794,000. Erie seconds were again active, but
failed to move to any material extent, while
the Colorado Coal sixes developed marked ani
mation and strength, and recovered a portion
of the losses of the past few days. The Gulf,
Colorado and Santa Fe bonds resumed their
advance, and to-night are nearly up to the
figures prevailing before the late scare. Tho
Erie seconds furnished S171,000. the Colorado
Coal sixes S126.000, and the Atlantic and Pacific
fours $97,000 to the day's total. The general
list was firm.
The following table shows the prices of active
stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.
Corrected dailj for The Dispatch by Whit
ney & Stephenson, members of New York
Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue:
High- Low- Clos
est est. in.
56K K-S CA!
52H 51 53
5:Ji 52U 52
8SJi 97H BM'
109& 109M 109J4
MJi MH 64.H
104 104 104
89 8SX 8S;S
IS! 15 15
37 34 361
93 83 82)j
107,'a 107M 107M
5t4 S82 63
30 59 MK
i 146' HiH
13174 13171 1313
1154 115,' 1HK
52 52 Stti
104) l('i 10IH
57 6S7S 57
87 87 87
8 8 Vi
13M 13V! 13ii!
74 73M 74
JOS 107 108
28J 27 23
63 62 6li
"."a 17)4 17
uotton 011.
. 51K
Atch.. Top. & S. F.... sm
Canadian facine a-H
Canada Southern 5-M
Central of New Jersey. 934
C, Bur. & Qulncy 109
C, Mil. A St. Paul.... 63
C 3111.4 St. P.. pr....lC4
C, Kockl. &P 88X
C St. L. AFltt 15
C, St. L. & Pitts, pf.. 36
G, St. P..M. &0 31j
C, 8t.P.,M.&0., pf. 93
C. & Northwestern. ...107!
0. c c & 1 is
Col., Coal & Iron VSii
Col. & Hocklhg Val
Del., L. &W 140
Del. & Hudson 131
Denver &, Rio U., pf.
Illinois Central 115.
Lake Eric & Western
Lake Erie & West pr.. SZH
Lake Shore & M. S 1WU
Louisville i Nashville. 57
Michigan Central 87
Mobile & Ohio 8
Mo., K. Texas lSJf
Missouri Pacific 74
JewYork Central 107K
. Y.. L. E. & V Z7,'I
N. Y., L. E.&W.prer62
N. Y., C. A St L 17tf
N. Y., U&St. I,. pf.
N.Y., C. ASt. L.2dpf ....
N. Y., O. & TV
Norfolk A Western
Norfolk & Western, pf 51
Northern Pacific pref. 597s
Ohio A Mississippi 22
Oregon Improvement
Oregon Transcon 30M
Pco. Dec. & Evans 23K
I'hlladel. A Beading.. 4m
Pullman Palace Car...l78,'J
Bichmond A W. P. T.. UV
St. Paul A Dnluth
8t. Paul A Duluth pf.
St P., Minn. A Man.. 897
St.L. ASan Fran
St. L. A San Fran pf.. 6G
St. L. A San F. 1st pf.H3a
Texas Pacific
Unlonl'aclflc 61Jf
Wabash preferred 25)4
Western Union S4,i
U'4 43
28 ,S
307a SOU
6) Si
Philadelphia Stocks.
Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur
nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers, No. 57
Fourth avenue,
.aiemuers jxew York Stock Ex-
Pennsylvania Kallroad 54W
Heading Railroad 24 5.15
Buffalo, Pittsburg and Western 121.'
Lehigh Valley mjJ
Lehigh Navigation si;
Philadelphia and Erie 3is
Allegheny Valley bonds 1121
U.Co.'s New Jersey 221W
Northern 1'aclflc 25
Northern Pacific preferred 60i
Business Notes.
Omo Valley No. 2 well, In the George
town field, started off with a rush. It promises
to be a gusher.
It was reported on 'Chance yesterday after
noon that Philadelphia Gas was up l in New
York. It was a good bull card.
George B. Hill fc Co. sold $4,000 Pittsburg,
Cincinnati and St Louis 7s at $1 21U, $6,000 at
$1 21, and ten Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and
Chicago at $150.
Pr is stated that the Beech Creek Railroad
and the bituminous coal operators on the line
of tbe road have consented to enter the Sea
board Steamboat Coal Association.
New officers of the Columbia Oil Company
are: President, George D. McGrew: Secretary,
A. B. McGrew: Board of Directors, W. A. Rob
inson, James B. Scott, William Steinmeyer, J.
R. Watson, John F. Scott and William Rose
burg. Benjamin Thaw and James Darsie, of
Pittsbure. have boucht 400 acres of coal, under
lyins tbe 270 acres of Levi B.Springer's farm, in
North Union township, Fayette county, and
the 130 acres of the Dr. G. S. Gaddis farm ad
jacent Tbe price paid was $150 per acre.
Wool Markets.
St. Louis tVool quiet but steady and un
changed. Philadelphia Market
quiet and un
New lORK wool strong and quiet;
mestic fleece, 803Sc; pulled, 2639cj Texas, 14 1
Trade Movements Continue Sluggish
in Produce Lines.
Bottom Out of Hay Market Cereals Still
Drifting Down.
Friday, January 11, 1889. J
Country Produce, Jobbing Prices.
To-day has been anything but a good Friday
to produce commission merchants, judging
from the uniform reports of quiet trade. We
are forced again to lower our quotations on
eggs, which very rarely touch as low figures at
this tlmo of the year. One dealer professes
a readiness to furnish the best in the
market at IB cents. Advices from New
York are that creamery butter fS down
to bedrock, and that any changes here
after must be toward higher prices. The de
mand for poultry has eased up slightly, but
supply is still small. With the winter nearly
half gone, and no old-time blizzards coming to
the front, tho trade in fruits and vegetables so
far has cut a sorry figure, as compared with ex
pectations of commission men. Dealers in
country produce are pessimistic by a large ma
jority. Beaks Navy from store, prime hand picked,
$2 003 10 per bushel; medium, $2 00; Ohio and
Pennsylvania do, prime and medium, $2 V0
2 10; imported do, SI 902 00: Lima, 6c per ft;
marrowfat, $2 752 80 per bushel.
Butter Creamery, Elgin, 3133c; Ohio do,
2528c: fresh dairy packed, 2023c; country
rolls, 1820c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 28
Beeswax 2325c per ft for choice; low
grade, 1618c.
Cider Sand refined, $8 C07 50, common,
S3 S04 00: crab cider, $8 003 SO ? barrel;
cider vinegar. 1012c $ gallon.
Cheese Ohio cheese. September make, 12
12Uc; New York, September make, 1213c;
Limburger. ll)12Xc: domestic Sweitzer
cheese, 1313c
Dried Peas $1 4ol 50 t3 bushel; split do,
2KSKo f ft.
Eggs l92Qc dozen for strictly fresh.
Fruits Apples, $1 25 to $1 75 ?) barrel; evap
orated raspberries, 25c $1 ft; cranDerries, $8 00
3? barrel: $275 W bushel.
Feathers Extra live geese, 5060c; No. 1
do. 4045c; mixed lots. 8035c ft.
Hominy S3 303 40 barrel.
Honey New Crop, 18c; buckwheat, 1315e.
Potatoes Potatoes, 3540e W bushel; $2 50
2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 253 50 for Jer-
Poultry Live chickens, 5570c 33 pair;
dressed chickens, 1213c pound; turkeys, 18
15c live, 1618c dressed fl pound: ducks,
live. S085c $) pair; dressed, 16c ft pound;
geese, $1 001 10 1 pair.
Seeds Clover, choice, 62 fts to bushel, $6 per
bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, $6 25;
clover, Alslke,$8 50; clover, white, S9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 fts, SI 90s blue grass, extra clean,
14 fts, $1 00; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 20;
orchard grass, 14 fts, $2 00; red top, 14 fts, SI CO;
millet, 50 fts, SI 25; German millet 50 fts, $2 CO:
Hungarian grass, 48 fts, $2 00; lawn grass, mix
ture ox nne grasses, joc per is.
Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered,
Tropical Fruits Lemons. $3 003 50 sp
box; Messina oranges. $2 503 50 W box;
Florida oranges, $3 003 50 ty box: Jamaica
oranges, fancv. S4 505 00 barrel; Malaga
grapes. $o 507 00 f keg: bananas, $2 50
firsts, SI 5002 00; good seconds & bunch: cocoa-
nuts, $4 00 9 hundred; pineapples, S10 0018 00
9 hundred; new figs, 1214c ) pound; dates,
&K6c $ pound.
Vegetables Celery, 1030c B bunch; cab
bages, S3 005 00 9 100; onions, oOc bushel:
Spanish onions, $1 001 25 V) crate; turnips, SO
40c i bushel.
Sugars are off in price, and our quotations
are reduced c on standard and conf ectioneip
brands, and c on the balance ot the list
Green Coffee Fancy Rio, 2021Jc;
choice Rio, 1920c; prime Rio, 19c; fair Rio,
18lSic; old Government Java, 26Kc; Slara
caibo, 2122Jc: Mocha, 3031cj Santos, 18
22c: Caracas coffee, 1821c; peaberry, Rio, 20
21c; Lagnayra, 20K21c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 22c;
high grades, 23X21c; old Government Java,
bulk. 303IKc;Maracaibo. 25U26Kc: Santos,
2122c; peaberry, 25c; choice Kio, 23c; prime
Rio, 21c; good Rio, 20kc; ordinary, 19Kc.
Spicks (whole) Cloves, 212oc; allspice, 9c;
cassia, 89e; pepper, 19c: nutmeg, 080c.
Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) Hottest, TVc;
Ohio, 120, 8c: headlight, 150, 9c; water white.
10Kc; globe, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, HKc;
rovaline, 14c.
Syrups Corn syrups, 2325c: choice sugar
syrup, 3536c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
Strictly prime, S3g3oc.
N. O. Molasses Fancy, old. 4Sc; choice, 45c;
mixed. 4G42c; new crop, 4350c
Soda Bl-carb in kegs, 34c bi-carb in Ks.
5c: bi-carb, assorted packages, o6c; salsoda
in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine,
per set, 8Kc; parafflne, HM12c.
Rice Head, Carolina, 77ic; choice, 6J
BTAltcH Pearl, 2Jc; cornstarch, 67c; gloss
starch. 67c.
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don layers, $3 10; California London layers,
S2 50; Muscatels, S2 25; California Muscatels,
prunes, 813c; Salonica prunes, in 2-lb pack
ages, 8c: cocoanuts, per 100, $6 00; almonds,
Lan., per B, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c;
walnuts, nap., 12K15c: Sicily Alberts, 12c;
Smyrna figs, 12)16c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans,
ll15c: citron, per St, 2122o; lemon peel per B,
13lic; Orange peel, 12c.
Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 8c; ap
ples, evaporated, 67c; apricots, California,
evaporated, 1518c;peaches,evaporated, pared,
2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, un
pared, I2K13Kc: cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unpltted, 66c; raspberries, evap
orated, 2124Kc; blackberries, 78c; huckle
berries, 1012c.
Sugars Cubes, So powdered, 8c; grann
lated, 7c; confectioners' A, 7Kc; standard A,
7Jc; soft whites. 7c; yellow, choice, 6Jg6Kc;
yellow, good, 66c; yellow, fair, 6c; yel
low, dark, 5c
Pickles Mediums, bbls (1,200), $4 75; me
diums, half bills (600), $3 00.
Salt-No. 1 9 bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, bhl, $1 06;
dairy, bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal, $ bbl, $1 20;
Higgitfs Eureka, 4 bu sack, $2 feO; Higgin's
Eureka. 16-14 B pockets, $3 00.
Canned Goods standard Peaohes. $1 500
1 60; 2ds, $1 301 35; extra peaches. SI 351 90;
pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, SI 301 50; Hfd.
Co. corn, 7590c; red cherries, 90c$l 00; lima
beans, $1 10: soaked do. 85c: string dodo, 75S5c:
marrowfat peas, $1 101 15; soaked peas. 70
75c: nineanDles. $1 40:5)1 50: Bahama rin S9 7.v
damson plums, 5c; green gaces, $1 25; egg
plums, $2 00; California pears, 82 60; do green
gages, $2 00; do egg plums, $2 00; extra white
cherries, $2 90: red cherries, 2fts, 90c: raspber
ries, $1 151 40: strawberries. $1 10; gooseber
ries. $1 2001 30; tomatoes, 9295c; salmon, 1
ft, $1 752 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash, 2-ft
cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 21ts, $1 251 50;
corn beef, 2-fi cans, $1 75; 14-ft cans, $13 50:
baked beans, $1 401 45; lobster, 1 ft, $1 75
1 80: mackerel, 1-H cans, broiled, $1 50: sardines,
domestic, y.s, $4 254 50; sardines, domestic.
Js. $8 258 50; sardines, imported, s, $11 50
12 50; sardines, imported, s, $18 00; sardines,
mustard. S4 2-5.
FiSH-Extra No. 1 bloater mackerel, $38 f?
bbl; extra No. 1 do, messed, $40; extra No. 1
mackerel, shore, $32; extra No. 1 do, messed,
$36; No. 2 shore mackerel, $24. Codfish Whole
Pollock, 4JaC $1 ft; do medium George's cod, 6c;
do large, 7c; boneless bake, in strips, 6c; do
George's cod. in blocks, 67Kc. Herring
Round shore, $5 50 W bbl; split, $7; lake, $2 75
V half bbl. White fish, $5 ) half bbl. Lake
trout, $5 50 il half bbl. Finnan hadders, 10c
13 ft. Iceland halibut, 13c V ft
Buckwheat Flour 3U3Kc per pound.
OATMEAL-S6 30S6 60 53 bbl.
Miners' Oil No 1 winter strained,
gallon. Lard oil, 75c
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change were 31 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne
and Chicago, 2 cars of oats, 16 of hay, 3 of flour,
2 of bran, 1 of middlings, 1 of cbopfced, 1 of
feed. By Baltimore and Ohio, 2 cars of hay, 1
of corn, 1 of bran. Sales on call were 1 car
sample s. corn, 36c, spot, regular; 1 car sample
white middlings, $18, 5 days: 1 car mixed clover
hay, $13 25, 6 days. Out of 163 carloads received
this week, 98 have been hay. Tbe liberal re
ceipts in this line have knocked the bottom out
of markets, and the situation is very decidedly
in the buyers' favor. This appears to be the
situation In all cereals. Trade movements are
very slow. Holders of grain and hay would be
ready to meet the cash customer at liberal con
cessions on most of quotations below. Tbe
drift of wheat is still downward, and the effect
on flour is weakening, though jobbers hold
prices at old rates.
WHEAT-Iobbing prices No. 2 red, $1 070
Corn No. 2 yellow, car, 40ilc; high mixed,
ear, 3910c; No. 1 vellow, shelled, 3S39c; high
mixed, shelled, S637c; mixed, shelled, 3536c.
Oats-No. 2 white, 3333c: extra No. 3,
31Ki32c; No. 3 white, 3031c; No. 2 mixed,
Kye No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 60061c;
No. 1 Western, 5053c; new rye, 6557c
12, 1889.
Barley No. 1 Canada, 9ScSl 00: No. 2
Canada, 9598c: No. 3 Canada, 9092e; No. 2
Western. 8385c; No. 3 Western, ,700750; Lake
Shore, 7oS0c.
Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, S8 23
6 50; spring patents, SB SXB 75: fancy straight,
winter and spring. S5 756 00; clear winter,
S5 50(85 75; stright XXXX bakers', J5 255 50.
Rye flour. S3 7o4 Oa
Cornmeal In paper. 6070c
Millfeed Middlings,:flne white, $20 50
21 00 ton; brown middlings, $17 501S 00:
winter wheat bran, $15 5016 00; chop feed
$17 5018 00.
Hay Baled timothy, choice. $18 005318 50;
No. 1 do, $15 00Q15 50: No. 2 do, S13 5014 00:
loose from wasoD, $23 0026 00: No. 1 upland
Srairie. $10 5010 75; No. 2, $9 009 50; packing
o. $6 50ig)7 00.
Straw Oats. $8 009 00; wheat and rye
straw, S3 008 50.
Large hams, 18 fts and upward, lOJc; medium
hams, 14 to 18 fts. llc; small hams, 14 fts and
under, llc; picnic or California bams, 9c;
boneless (in skins), 12c: sugar-cured shoul
ders, 9Kc: bacon, sjfc: dry salt, 9c; breakfast
bacon, lOc; rouletts (boneless s. c. shoulders),
lOJfc; regular smoked sides, S4c; bellies,
smoked sidesf 9c; regular dry salt sides, 8c;
bellies, dry salt sides, SKc; dried beef, sets 3
pieces, 10c; dried beef, flats, Sc; dried beef,
rounds, 12c: dried beef, knuckles, I2c;pork.
mess. $16 50;potk, family, $1700; pig pork, half
barrels, $9 00; long sausage. 5c. Lard
Tierces. 325 fts, TJic ft: half barrels, 120 fts,
8Ko 3 ft; tubs, wooden, 60 fts. 8Kc f! ft; buck
ets, wooden. 20 2s, 8Kc W ft: 3-ft tin pails, 60 fts,
8c ? ft; 5-ft tin pails. CO fts, SKe yl ft; 10-ft tin
pails, 60 fts. 8c ft; 20-ft tia pails, 80 fts, 8Jc;
50-ft tin pails, 103 fts, oc fl ft.
Dressed Meat.
Armour & Co. furnish tbe following prices on
dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 fts. 5
5Kc;600to650fts 66Kc:700 to 750 fts, 77Kc
Sheep, 7c ft ft. Lambs, 8c ) ft.
All Efforts to Make Things Lively at Boston
Boston, January 11. The current rates for
general loans range from 4 to 5 on call, with
time paper at 4 to 6. Tbe stock market
opened strong with a few Western roads to
1 higher than last night All efforts to secure
further advances or mako trading more active
upon the outcome of the presidents' meeting
was a dismal failure. Tbe market was simply
a traders one, with a general complaint of lack
of support except from the short interest
Bonds were neglected, even Mexicans selling
Off a fraction.
Atch. ATop.K. B... E6!
Boston & Albany.. .201J4
Boston & Maine 179 'i
Untland preferred.. I7
Wis. central, com... 18
Wis. Central pt... Z3
AllouezMVCo.(new) m
Calumet A Hecla....2M
J.. B. SU lift
Clnn. San. & Clove. 24H
Ssierni.. n w
stern B. It Ss 124
Flint FereM 29
Flint 4 Fere M. DM. 93
K.C.. St. J.AC.B. 78.122
Mexican Central .... 14
il. v., IstMort. bds. 68V
'. Y. A .New Ens-... 4I
N.Y.&NewEng 75.124)4
Did Colony 171
Catalna 17
. IS
,.. 6
... MM
.. 83
... m
.. 27
ueu Telephone..
Boston Land
Water Power....
Condition of the Market at tbe East Liberty
Stock Yards.
Cattle Receipts, 1,520 head; shipments,
1,463 head: market nothing doing; all through
consignments; no cattle shipped to New York
Hoas Receipts, 3,100 head: shipments, 4,100
head; market very dull on heavy, brisk on
light: Philadelphias, $5 005 15: mixed. $5 25
5 30; Yorkers, So S"5 40: common to fair. $5 20
5 30; pigs, $5 255 35; 18 cars of hogs shipped
to New York to-day.
Sheep Receipts, 1,600 head: shipments, 1,600
head; market nothing doing; nothing on sale
but feeling firm.
By Telesranh.
New York Beeves Receipts, 2.400 head, In
cluding 34 carloads for city slaughterers direct.
43 carloads for exportation alive and dead, and
63 carloads for the market, and 10 carloads of
sale cattle were In the pens since Wednesday;
the market was about steady, and the pens
were cleared: ordinary to strictly prime native
steers sold at $4 005 25 per 100 pounds; bulls
and dry cows at$2203lu. Sheep Receipts.
5,600 head; market steady at $4 005 75 per 1C0
pounds for sheep, and $6 007 15 for lambs; no
extra lambs shown. Hogs Receipts. 1,950 head,
all for slaughterers direct, except one carload;
nominally steady at $5 305 80.
St. Louis Cattle Receipts. 700 head; ship
ments, 1,100 head; market steady; choice heavy
native steers. $4 7005 30; fair to good native
steers. $4 0004 SO: butchers' steers, medium to
choice. $3 0004 10; stockers and feeders, fair to
good, $2 0003 10; rangers, corn-fed. $3 0003 $0:
grass-fed. $2 0003 00. Hogs Receipts, 5,100
head; shipments, 1.000 head; market stronger:
choiceheavyand butchers' selections,$5 1505 30;
packing medium to prime. $5 0005 20; light
grades, ordinary to best, $3 0005 15. Sheep
Receipts, 1,200 head; shipment, none; market
steady: fair to choice, $3 0004 60.
Chicago Cattle Hecetnts. 4,000 head; mar
ket weak, closing 10c lower; choice to extra
beeves, $4 505 95; steers, S3 0004 40; stockers
and feeders, $2 2503 50: cows, bulls and mixed,
$1 6003 25: Texas cattle, $2 5003 5a Hozs
Receipts. 18.000 head: shipments, 6.000 head;
market steadyjmixed, $5 Cb05 30; heavy, $5 15
05 35: light, $5 1005 30; skips, $3 5005 10.
Sheep Receipts, 5,000 head; shipments, 2,000
head; market steady; natives, $3 5005 00;
western corn-fed, $4 4004 70; lambs, $5 0006 75.
Cincinnati Hogs firm; common and
light, $4 4005 20; packing and butchers', So 10
5 20; receipts, 4,000 head; shipments, 1,350
Sletnl market.
New Yore. January 11. Pie iron dnll.
Copper easier: lake, January, $17 40. Lead
dull. Tin weak and more active; straits. $21 70.
Boston There has been a good business in
wool in the past week and tbe sales of all kinds
have been 4,427,000 pounds. Large sales of
foreign have been made, consisting of 199,000
pounds of Australian on spot at 36039c and
595,000 pounds of new Australian to arrive at
4043c Foreign carpet wools have also been
active with sales of 681,000 pounds at 1425c.
In English wools sales of 49,000 pounds at 38
42c, and there is a large supply of them offer
ing. In domestic wool the principal movement
has been in washed fleeces and pulled wools.
Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces have been sell
ing at 33034c for X.3536c for XX and 38c for
No. 1. Michigan wools have been in fair de
mand with X selling at 31K3Sc; No. 1 at 37
3Sc Combing and delaine fleeces have been
firm with stock light Territory and other un
washed wools have been in demand and selling
at previous prices. Pulled wools active with
sales of super at 3442c, extra at 2530c and
combing pulled at 38c
Another Half Million Bushels of Coal
Floated to Southern Ports.
The stago of water yesterday afternoon
reached 10 feet 2 inches.
The Dick Fulton arrived yesterday morning
from below with a tow of empties.
A number of the boats were partially dis
abled by the recent cyclone. The packets, in
particular, suffered the most They had to
seek shelter near the shore, and were away be
hind in arriving in Pittsburg.
It is estimated that over 600,000 bushels of
coal were started to the lower ports on the
present rise yesterday morning. The following
named boats with tows 'eft: Percy Kelsy, with
13 barges and boats; Fred Wilson, Diamond, J.
S. Mercer, J. A. Blackmore, one of Fawcett's,
the Hornett, the Sam Clark with 12 barges and
5 coal boats. The 5 coal boats of the Clark will
be left at Cincinnati to be taken below by the
J. F. Walton.
The wharf from Smithfield to Market streot
has been made a dumping ground for the
bricks, beams and deoris'taken from the Wood
street wreck. So much material has been de
posited on the levee that rivermen are begin
ning to complain. The packets are reached
with difficulty by passengers, and river freight
traffic is almost interrupted. Gangs of tramps,
newsies and loafers stood around watching the
rubbish, ready to pounce on any valuable that
might be discovered.
River Telesrums.
Moroantown River 7 feet and failllng.
Weather clear. Thermometer 40 at 4 p. M.
Warren River 4 8-10 feet and stationary.
Weather moderate; light snow.
Brownsville Kiver 10 Teet and falling.
Weather cloudy. Thermometer 42 at 6 p. m.
Toronto, Ont.
Burdock Blood Bit
ters cured me of oft
recurring Sick Head
ache, from which I
have suffered for years,
often rendering labor
C. Blackktt Robinson,
Publisher "Canada Presbyterian."
i charleStown, Mass.
I thank you for the great good BURDOCK
BLOOD BITTERS have done me. I was long
subject to very severe Sick Headache. By
using two bottles I was permanently cured.
Maggie Sullivan,
It will be of more service to you than to be
able to read Chinese. But, strange to say, there
is no one in this community wbo can say no
when asked if ever they heard of the Pure
Eight-Year-Old Export Guckenheinier Whisky,
8oid only by Jos. Fleming & Son, Druggists.
This whisky is known and used far and near
for the simple reason it has all tbe qualifica
tions claimed for it It is as good it not better
than the best, on account of its age and purity,
and the price of this old export is what helps
to give it the lead. Full quartsSL or six for $5.
Our friends and customers will find us fuily
stocked up with such goods as
Danville's Old Irish Whisky. SI 50 per quart.
Cork Distilleries Co. Irish Whisky, $r 50 per
Kentucky Bourbon, ten years old, fall quarts,
Overholt's Pure Bye, five years old, full
quarts. $L
Pure Imported Holland Gin that will take a
premium anywhere, full quarts, $1 25.
Purchasers will find these goods genuine
and as here quoted.
All orders and communications by mail
promptly attended to.
Jos. HerninE & Sod, Drniists,
84 Market Street, Pittsburg, Pa.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this weekia
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
No. 410 Smithfield St.
'CAPITAL, . - - . 8200,000 00.
JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prest
JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier.
nrel fntenne Itchlntr
and fttln gins; mMtftt
ignii worne dt
ncrmccniiiff ji ai
lowed to continue
becoming very nore. BWAYNE'8 OINT.
ME.NT atosn the Itching and bleeding, heals
ulceration, and In moAtcABCRrcmoyeii the to-
mors. Swayrs's Oistmivt Is told by druggit tt, or mail-d i
any addrct oo receipt of price, 50 ot. a box ; 3 boxes, S1.2&,
Addrese letttn. OB. SWATNE SOX. nuladelpbia. Fa.
JL Rye Whisky of all ages' from 12 to JS per
Burgundy, Claret, Rhino and Moselle Wines by
case or bottle. Rich Island Madeira, Old
Oporto Port and Rare Amontillado Sherrv for
tho sick room. Pinet, Castillon, Otard, Mar
teli and Rochelle Brandies, Holland Gins and
a full stock of Cordials. English Pale Ale.
Brown Stout, Ginger Ale and Pure Vinegars
for the table. All goods strictly pure and at
cheapest possible prices. F. ANDRIESSEN.
0 and 42 Ohio street Allegheny. mylZ-rrs
DER. Roaches banished by con
tract Satisfaction guaranteed or
no nay. 35 SEVENTH AVE..
Pittsburg Pa. Price SI 50 per
pouna. az06-s
O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents,
131 Fifth avenue, above Smithfield, next Leader
office. (No delay.) Established 20 years.
Wild boars' head. Irish sausage. Glencairn
camp pie. potted game, pate diable, etc Fresh
no27-t73 Liberty and Ninth sta.
Ben Franklin Insurance Company 1
of the city of allegheny, pa.
Allegheny. January 9, 18S9.
company have this day declared a divi
d of THREE PER CENT (one dollar and
fifty cents per share), payable on and after
Monday, January 14. 18S9.
jal0-7 WM. A. FORD. Secretary.
Office of the Humboldt Fire Insur-
ance Company, Allegheny.
dividend the directors of this
company have this day declared a semi
annual dividend of SI 50 PER SHARE, pay.
able on demand. A. H. TRIMBLE,
ja9-21-WFS Secretary.
Nations Bank for Savings.
No. 43 North. Diamond Street,
19. S
ALLEGHENY, PA.. January 2, 1889.
I TORS of this bank have this riavrierlareri
a dividend of THREE (3) PER CENT, out of
the earnings of the last six months, payable
forthwith, free of tax.
Ja3-58-3,4,5 tts Treasurer.
Nos. 526 AND 528 WOOD STREET, V
Pittsburg, Pa., January 9. 18S9.
company have this day declared a semi
annual dividend of THREE PER CENT (SI 50
per share), payable on and after Monday. Jan
uary 14. inst. CHAS. F. HERR03EE.
jalOS-MThs Secretary.
A BTTE . vo' T..OT... . ,.. ,..... . m,-..
Office, corner Wood street and Third avenue,
Pittsburg. January 8, I8S9. S
TORS of this company have this day de
clared a dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND
FIFTY CENTS a share, payable forthwith.
Jal0-I7-D CHARLES P. SMITH. Secretory.
Office of Allegheny insurance Co.,
Pittsburg, January 7, 1889.
company have declared a dividend of
THREE (3) PERCENT, payable on demand.
jaE54 C. G. DONNELL Secretary.
Office Union Insurance Co.. 1
Pittsburg, Pa, January 7, 18S9. J
day declared a dividend of THREE PER
CENT on the capital stock, out of the pronts
ox me pasb aia. luuntus, payauie iorxnwitn.
German American Ins. Co. of Pa.. ")
Office No. 1U Fourth Avenue, y
Pittsburg, Jannary 4, 1889. )
company have this dav declared a semi
annual dividend of FOUR 1?ER CENT ($2 per
share), payable on demand.
ja54i6 D W. J. PATTERSON, Secretary.
Allegheny National Bank. Pittsbnrg.Pa.
this day declared a dividend of THREE
PER CENT out of the earnings of the past six
months, payable January 2, 1889.
F. C. HUTCHINSON. Cashier.
December 31, 18SS. ja3-43
Office Western Insurance Co.,
riiisuui'.u, Januarys, icra.
XJ Directors have this dav declared a divl
LAR and FIFTY CENTS upon each share of
the capital stock, payable on and after the 11th
Inst .WM. P. HERBERT, Secretory.
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool
Cabin passage $33 to So0, according to location
of state room. Excursion & to 30.
Steerage to and from Europe at lowest rates
S3 Broadway. New York,
or J. J. M'CORMICK, Agent.
2I-r79-D FourihAvenua ind SmithHeld SI.
Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations tor
all classes nnsurpasscd. Tickets sold to and
from (treat Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe
den, Denmark, ic
General agents. 307 Walnut st, Philadelphia
Full information can be had of J. J. MccOR
MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfield street
LOUIS MOE3ER, (116 Smithfield street
German American Iss. Co. ot Pexsa., Y
Office No, 111 Fourth Avenue, -Pittsburg,
January 4, 1889.
for 12 directors of tbe company will be held
at this office MONDAY, January 14, 1889, be
tween tbe hours of 11 o'clock A. H. and 1 P. X
jafrC7-p W.J.PATTERSON, Secretary.
Geemania Saytnos Bank,
PlTTR-nrmn .Tannarv 10. 1S9.
"Tlection the awttat. F.r.Errric
JLli for nine directors of this bank, to servo'
iorine ensuing year, will be held at the Dana;
on TUESDAY, January 15, 1880, between thej
hours of 11 o'clock A. M . and 2 o'cl ockP. jr.
jalO-25 CHAS. SEIBEBT. Secy.
Office Union Insurance Co.
for 12 directors of this company to servo,
for the ensuing year will be held at office of the
company. No. 545 Wood st, on ilONDAYf'
January 14, 1889, between tbe hours ot 11 A. M.
and 1 p.m. J.W.J.McLAIN,
jalI-84 Secretary.
Office of amjeoheny ins. Co.,
67 fourth avenue,
Pittsburg. January 7. 18S9.
TORS of this company to serve daring ths
ensuing year wili be held on MONDAY, tho'
14th inst, between the honrs of 12 jr. and 1 P.M.
ja8-53 C. G. DONNELL. Secretary.
Iron Crrr Gold Mining Co..
mttsburq. pa. i .
for Directors of this company will be heldi
at tbe Columbia Oil Company's Office. Mo
Clintock Block, Market street, TUESDAY,
January 15, between the hours of 3-20 and 4 P.
at. JOHN R. WATSON, Secy. '
Office of Ben Franklin Insurance Co..
43 Ohio Street, Allegheny, Pa v
January L 18S9.
of directors of this company, to servo dur
ing the ensuing year, will be held In the offlca
of the company on MONDAY, January 14. 1889,,
between tba hours of 10 A- M. and 2 P. jr. WH,
A. FORD. Secretary. ja2-39-D r
Office Pennsylvania insurance Co.. 1
J1U Wnn.1 STDrpr t
Pittsburg. December 20. 1883 j
TORS for this company will be held at tho
office as above on Thursday, January 10, 1889,
between the hours of 11 a. jr. and 12 jr.
THOS. D. KELLER, Secretary.
Nations Bank for Savings. J
Allegheny. Pa., December 26. 1888. j
for nine (9) directors of this bank, to serve)
for the ensuing year, will be held at the bank,!
ing house. No. 43 North Diamond street, Alle
gheny, on MONDAY, January 14, JSBy, between
the hours of 1 and 3 p. M.
Secretary and Treasurer.
TnE Dawson. Bradford and
Mi. Pleasant Railroad Cojipany,
Pittsburg, Pa,. December 29. 18S8. .
stockholders of this company will be held
at their general office. No. 77 Fourth avenue,
Pittsburg. Pa., on MONDAY, January 14, 1S89,
between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock p. JL. to
elect a President and Board of Directors to
sorvo for the ensuing year, and for such other
business as maybe brought before the meeting,
de29-78-3 JNO. G. ROBINSON. Secretory.
Mansfield Coal and Coke Company, )
Pittsburg. Januarv 12, 1889. (
of the'stockholders of the Mansfield Coal
and Coke Company will be held at tbe office of
the company. No. 1042 Penn avenue. Pittsburg,
Pa TUESDAY. February 12. 18S9, at 2 o'clock:
p. jl, to hear the report of the board, elect
directors for the ensuing year, and act upon
such other business a maybe brought before
them. JOHN K. SHUIN, Secretary.
Office Pittsburg, Allegheny and 1
Manchester Passenger Railway Co., V
Pittsburg. January 10. 1S89. j
of the stockholders of the Pittsburg. Alle
gheny and Manchester Passenger Railway.
Company, and the election for managers to
serve for the ensuing year, will be held at tba
office of the company, corner of Liberty and
Market streets, on MONDAY. JANUARY 21,
1889. between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock, p. it.
jalO-40-D CHAS. SEIBERT. Secretary.
Pittsburg Union Passenger
Railway company.
Pittsburg, December 29, 18S8.
of stockholders of the Pittsburg Union
Passenger Railway Company and the election,
for President and directors to serve for tho
ensuing year will be held at the company's
office, corner of Liberty and Market streets, on
MONDAY, January 14, 18S9, between the hours
of 3 and 4 o'clock p. M.
CHAS. SEIBERT, Secretary.
de29-87-29.31.a3.5. 8.10.12
CITY OF ST. PAUL, Minn., 4 1-2s;
CITY OF OMAHA, Neb., 6s;
ILLINOIS CENT. Collateral Trust
GOLD 4S, 19o2:
collateral trust gold Ss, redeemable
after august, 1889. and paybale1898,
and other investment bonds.
For sale by
5 NASSAU ST., N. Y. :
Oil bought and sold on margin. 'de27-21-Dsu
As old residents know and back files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established and
most prominent physician in the city, devoting
special attention to all chronic diseases. Front
jgpmNQ pEE yNJJL
MLTDXfillC and mental diseases, physical
IVtnYUUO decay, nervous debility, lade
of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, self-distmst.bashfulness, '
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business,society and mar
riage, permanently, gaiety ana privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIDIMAPV kidney and bladder derange
Unllinn 1 1 ments, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptomsreccive searchins treatment
prompt relief and real cures.
Dr. Whittler'sllfe-Iong, extensive experlencs
insures scientific and reliable treatment oa
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as It
hero. Office hours 9 x. H. to 8 p.m. Sunday,
10A.Jt.tolP.H. only. DR. WHITTIER, W
Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. jaUi-5-ESuw
For men! Checks the worst cases in three)
days, and cures in five days. Price SI 00. at
ja5-29-TTS3u 412 Market street
For LOST or railing:
Weakness of
Body & Mind.
Lack of Strencrth. VIeor and De
velopment caused bv Errors, Excesses, Ac. Book,
Mode of self-Treatment, and Proofs mailed
(scaled) free. Address K11IE MEDICAL CO.,'
Buffalo, N. Y. de25-57-TTS4wk
are to be tonne
In thn
the speedy cure of Nervous xietiiity,Lost Jianhood,
Despondency, etc. A copy of this book will be sent
free" sealed. Address SCIENCE ofHEALTIL.
130 West Sixth Street, Cincinnati, Ohlo.J
WE A V aovics ms. how to act.
"Jr V LMtVlgfirandManhoodRestored. Pre-
M--an, w-mroaeviuio uai nnciionai aiwr. ilBB
ft, ,,.A''ercii'lirtUo(StoinachMillctaei.
TQnMSJs!aMTrrti"al'r,'aPPlfcJoa. 'JH
W1 JtUJa V MARSTCH CO.laPxrknxM.J.wl.rt. .V
de-15gTT3VB'k B
D """" "" I JlIpslHror, early decay. lost -JB
manhood , etc I will nemi Taln&ble treatise (sealed) JBfl
eontainlwr full particulars tor home core, free of, 'Bj
chare-. Address, C
PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moodus, Conn. J - 3fl
noS-kSl-DSUwk , ,JK
4 1
a --"'.aYXi