Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 12, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Easiness Continues Rather Stagnant,
But ttradstreet's See
Speculation in Abeyance Dnrinjr the Big
Eailroad Jleetinj.
Will naTC Xe remanent J fleet. According to E. G.
Sua & Cl's Kciicw.
Reports to Bradstreet's show the trade is
generally dull. This, however, is natural
at this season, and an improvement is ex
pected. The railroad meeting quieted spec
ulation. "Wheat and grain are somewhat
lower. K. G. Dun & Co do not look for
any marked decrease in the price of sugar.
Xew Yoke, January 11. Although
special telegrams to Bradstreet's from lead
ing trade centers do not indicate any very
general improvement in business, dullness
is the natural accompaniment of annual
stock-takinc, and the reaction from the pe
culiar activity of the holiday season now is
merely a wholesome development. It is yet
too early for widespread or decided activity
to appear, hut at 'ew Orleans there has
been a marked increase in the movement of
Ftaple goods to the interior as well as of cot
ton to market.
At Burlington commercial travelers are
starting out, and at Boston some revival in
several lines is already apparent, notably in
drygnods. At Chicago general trade is ex
pected to increase with colder weather, after
the middle of the month. Business is only
fairly active at the Xorthwest, ana has been
checked at Kansas City and St Joseph by mild
v cather. Reports from the white pine districts
tributary to Chicago indicate a shortage in the
log crop of 18S9. Industrial conditions are less
satisfactory than last week, as strikes have
been quite numerous, embracing a large num
ber of employes. Wage disputes are becoming
more prominent.
Stock speculation was quiescent while the
great railroad settlement was in progress.
Prices are improving a little, but public opin
ion seems to depend upon a fuller development
of the effect and probable success of the com
pact. Bonds aro Ann and hither, thouch an-
ticipated defaults caused declines in a few
classes. Money at XcwYork is easier. Call
loans 3S4 per cent Foreign exchange is dull
aud lower on the easy money market at Lon
don and the lowering of tho 'Bank of England
rate. Demand sterling, $4 8SJil SS.
Bank clearings at 40 cities reporting to Brad
stricts this week, aggregate JLtiS9,2Ki,00u,
against SU04.107.S62 last week, and i9f2,(i2iWS
in the second week of January, IbisS This
shows a gain of 9.7 per cent oTer the record a
ear ago, but a decline of 1.3 per cent from last
week. The wheat and flour markets have
been duller, with reactions in price this week,
wheat declining 2Jc per barrel and flour 5gl0c
per barrel. The exports, both coats. have
equaled 144.3S3 barrels of flour and 1.033.139 bush
els of wheat the equivalent of 1.C32.3&5 bushels
of wheat last week and 1,857,309 bushels iu the
like week in 1ESS. There wero but 54,700 bush
els from four Atlantic ports this week, against
over 97,000 bushels last week.
Facinc coast shipments for the week ended
Januarj 10 aggregated SITS, 451 bushels, and in
the preceding week only 511,237 bushels, and
350,042 bushels in the becondweck of January,
ibSS, Stocks of ts heat at points of accumula
tion In Australia, as cabled Bradstreet's, ag
gregated 3,123,000 bushels on January 1. At
the interior, in farmers and dealers hands, there
are additional, but not large stocks of old
wheat The crop now being harvested in
Australia will probably not yield more than
4,000,000 bushels, sufficient only for colonial
consumption and seed.
Raw sugars close at Jf ew York and San Fran
cisco HCgc lower on bearish foreign advices
(and heavy receipts on the Pacific coast) with
light demand, and only fairly free meltings in
this country. Brazilian advices aro for 0,000
tons shortage in exports against last year. Re
fined lias been VMz lower, closine steady.
At "Sew Orleans, however, sugar prices are
firmer. Somewhat heavy arrivals of Rio and
Santos served to offset the bullish tendency in
coffee prices, based on advices from most for
eign markets. The decline has been from
Cotton mill agents report a slightly improved
demand for goods at firm prices. Leading
lines of fancy prints range at last season's
prices. A tendency to curtail discounts in
ginghams is noticeable, and this feature tends
to delay operations. Print cloth is taken as
fast as offered, bnt prices are unchanged.
Woolen goods note an Increased inquiry. The
season's prices for casimcres are not yet fixed.
Higher prices for heavy weight goods tend to
render business slow. Raw wool is in moderate
demand and firm, with stock small The
feature in the iron trade is the cut of half cent
per pound, or til 20 per ton. In beams, with the
option of either iron or steel, to stimulate con
sumption. Steel rail mills have but little ti ork;
not a single heavy order this week. Lake Su
perior ore looks weak.
Business failures reported to BradttreeVs
number 337 In the United States this week,
against 2b6 last week and 312 this week last
j ear. Canada had 2S this week, against 22 last
week. The total of failures in the United
States January 1 to date is i$ ac amst C05 two
full weeks in 18S8.
But the Feeling of Confidence in the Financial
Fulnre Is Unshaken.
New York, January 11. R. G. Dnn A Co.'s
weekly review of trade says: Not the least im
portant feature of the railroad presidents' ar
rangement is the fact that bankers of large in
fluence commit themselves, in case the compact
is signed, to refuse their countenance or aid to
the negotiation of securities for new competing
lines or extensions, where either of the railroads
agreeing to the compact objects. The report of
the Inter-State Commission shows that on 120 -000
miles of road, for the year ending June 30,
I8SS. the stock and bonds were of equal oar
value, but on 52K Per cent of the stock no dlvi-
dend was paid, at d on 20 per cent of the bonds
no interest while the proportion paving less
than 4 per cent was 63 per cent of the stock and
21 per cent of the bonds.
The decision of Judge Barrett, holding that
the Sugar Trust is illegal, is of very large im
portance. No change occurs as vet in prices of
fcugara, and it may not be premature to suppose
that other forms of agreement escaping the
legal objections found in this case, may not con
tinue to control markets. There are signs in
Europe that the Copper Trust is trving to cast
upon the public part of -its accumulating lead
through the organization of a copper bank.
Speculation in hogs and lard has tended to
ward lower finances.
Another fall in wheat has occurred, the price
closing lc lower for the week, exports being
still arrested. Corn fell lKc.and oats advanced
nearly 1c, with oil practically unchanged and
cotton a shade stronger.
The weekly output or anthracite and coke
Iron January 1 was 142,452 tons, against 106.027 a
month ago. and 121,307 a year ago. For the past
year the production is estimated at 6.500,000
gross tons. The enormous supply makes the
market duller than usual for the season. In
the railmarket no change is reported. The de
mand for bar iron is somewhat improved and
1.80 to 1.85 is quoted for tho best refined. The
coal trade is very dull, and the restriction of
output is now so f ar entorcca that tho record
for the last week of December was only 471.-S-J2
In the wool trade the demand is not large, bnt
prices are firmly held in the belief that stocks
are scarce. Cotton goods are in better demand
at steady or improving prices. Sales in specu
lative markets have been small during the past
week, and the general tendency of prices for
commodities as a whole is Etill downward.
Reports from interior towns show that fail
ures continue numerous and the complaints of
ordinary collections frequent But there is
hardly any complaint of monetary scarcity.
The Treasury holds about $5,100,000 less cash
than it did a week ago, and at present appre
hensions of gold exports are lessened by heavy
exports of merchandise. The money market
hero i6 easier and rates lower than a week ago,
and the feeling of confidence in the financial
and commercial future is still unshaken.
The failures during the last seven das num
ber 351, as against 3S7 last week and 229 the
week previous. For the corresponding week
of last year the figures were 279.
Marvin's Milk Brend.
Try Marvin's new milk bread, the most
wholesome and delicious bread ever made.
It is a triumph of baking. Get it from your
grocer. tussu
B. &B.
"vTe sold upward of 100 wraps yesterday.
The prices do the work here and we will
keep it up. "We'll not have many garments
jiito take in stock February 1. Come soon for
te soon
; Horn.
choice oi bargains. Boggs &
Condensed Special Dispatcher From Sur
rounding Communltlc That Are Tribu
tary to Pittsbnrc.
Woostek Disciples will build a new church.
West Bridqewateb is to have a fire de
partment Two inmates of tho Charleston Poor Farm
were killed by a train yesterday.
Pbooiiessive letters raised 1450 for St
James' Episcopal Church. Wooster.
TnE Allegheny Bessemer Gas Company has
commenced drilling in the Versailles territory.
The man who is lost in tho woods near Du
Bois is Henry Simmons, of Allegheny City.
Albert Williams, of Lancaster, a victim
of tho Sunbury nail mill disaster, died yester
day. Tun funeral of Dr. Harry S.McKennan took
place at Washington j esterday and was largely
Asdbew Cajwegie and a party of-friends
inspected the Edgar Thomson Steel Works
j esterday.
Beaver Falls is agitated over the question
of the legality of increasing the debt for elec
tric lighting.
The Crawford County Teachers' Institute
closed yesterday with an address by Mrs. Mary
A. Livermore.
Governor Beaver will attend tho inspec
tion of the Slippery Rock Normal School on
February L
Otto Spesdler, of Scranton, blew his
brains out yesterday because Mary Young
wouldn't marry him.
Jacob McMarlik, 11 years old, of Reynold
ton, has been missing since January 1. It is
feared he is drowned.
The Wheeling Lodge of Elks held their an
nual benefit yesterday, and it was very success
ful. Allen O. Myers delivered an address.
Frederick Sipsley, of Lancaster, was
sent to jail yesterday for 72 hours for swearing.
This is the first enforcement for many years of
the law of 173a
The continuous roll department in the Na
tional Rolling Mill, at McKcesport, broko
down yesterday, and will be idle several days
for repairs.
Suit has been brought for J10.O00 against
Adam Forepaugh by the parents of William
McAmant, who was killed at Du Bois while
assisting to load an elephant in a car.
W. S. Bailey closed a successful series of
temperance meetings at the Beaver M. E.
Church last evening. A Young Men's Temper
ance Union, with 60 members, has been formed.
A bill has been introduced in the Ohio
Legislature to regulate telephone rentals.
President Cleveland yestordav sent to the
Senate the name of Henry W. Beckwith, of
Illinois, to be United States consul at Bermuda.
The Secretary of tho Treasury yesterday
afternoon accepted the following bonds: 4
ercent, registered su,uuu at lui: ssi.wuat
Governor Waterman has appointed M. H.
Do Young, proprietor of the San Francisco
Chronicle, as Commissioner to represent Cali-
iornia at toe l'ans .reposition.
Mayor Grant of New York City, yesterday
appointed Maurice F. nolahan, an old Tam
many chieftain, a Commissioner of Accounts
in place of James Daly, removed.
Frederick E. Whitney, a New York paper
manufacturer, doing business as F. E. Whit
ney fc Co., made an assignment yesterday to
William R. Koehl, without preferences.
Richard Saucr, manufacturer of show
cases, in Baltimore, made an assignment yes
terday for the benefit of creditors to Robert E,
France, trustee, who gave bond for 550,000.
Mr. Robert Gent Davis, Member of Parlia
ment, who was committed to prison for con
tempt of court in failing to pay tho sum of
3,778, due by him as administrator of his
uncle's estate, has been released.
The negotiations between the Chinese and
Indian Governments regarding Sikkim, have
been brought to a standstill by the refusal of
the Thibetans to further discuss the matter,
unless their sovereignty over Sikkim is ad
mitted. The Illinois Central Railway Company has
purchased the right of way of tho projected
Midland road from Madison to Fon du Lac and
thence along the shore of Lake Winnebago to
Florence, with a branch line on the east side of
the lake to sturgeon Bay.
Last night an altercation occurred in a
schoolbouse near Vienna, III., between Charles
Jacobs, John Briages and Charles and Joseph
Arnctt Eight shots were exchanged. John
Bridges was killed and Charles Arnett wounded.
The other men were arrested.
The Western Freight Association has de
cided to advance the rate on dressed beef from
Missouri river points to Chicago to the basis of
2$ cents per 1,000 pounds, this being in accord
ance with the recognized basis which menu
such business. The present rate is 26 cents.
-The funeral of Owen Brown, son of John
Brown, the Abolitionist, and last survivor of
the Harper's Ferry tragedy, was held yester
day, and was attended by an immense number
of people. Mr. Brown was 74 years of age, and
had lived for many years in retirement at Pas
adena. The committee appointed by the last Na
tional Encampment ot the G. A. R. to form a
basis of consolidation for the two organiza
tions of Sons of Veterans, known as the Camp
system and the Post sjstem, has met in Cincin
nati, and is considering the claims of tho two
The Bradford, Yorkshire, magistrates to
day decided that a prima facie case had not
been proved against Barrett tho milkman, who
was charged with the murder of S-year-old
John Gill, whose body, horribly mutilated, was
found in an outhouse on the morning of De
cember 29.
Sergeant Albert A. Thurston, of the Sec
ond police precinct of Buffalo, while making
his rounds at 2:Wyesterday morning, was Etruck
and killed by an engine at the Seneca street
crossing of the Western New York and Phila
delphia Railroad. Both legs were severed from
the body.
The reports of the fighting between the
Germans and the followers of tho deposed King
jsiataaia in samoa, nave neen connrmed. The
Germans allege that Mataafa's men flred the
first shot, while the follow era of Mataafa assert
that the Germans first shot an important chief
and his son.
The Executive Committee of tho American
Newspaper Publishers' Association, in session
in New York City, has selected New York,
February 15, as the place and time for holding
the annual convention of the association. An
exhibition of type-setting machines will be
given in connection with the convention.
Judge Barrett's decision in the Sugar Trust
case, w hile warmly received by all anti-monopo-hsts,
seems to fall short of the champion trust,
the htandard OiL Mr. Dodd. the solicitor, says
nis company 13 ciuijjij a uinuu 01 ElOCKUOiaerS,
and not of corporations, and that the decision
against the sugar company will not affect it in
the least
The cocoanut laden brig Nile, from San
Bias, which was thought to have been lost in
the storm of November 25, arrived at New
York Thursday night without the loss of a sail
or spar. The Nile did not leave San Bias so
early as was thought and Captain Coffin savs
he was out only 21 days. Heavy northwest
winds were experienced during the voyage.
The opposers of the Eiffel tower, on the
Paris Exposition grounds, are spreading re
ports that the structure is unsafe, and state
that some of the workmen declare that the
swaying of the tower Is dangerous and terrify
ing to one unused to giddy heights. The tower
is now over 740 feet above the surface of the
Seine, and has over 200 feet more to rear itself.
A dispatch was received at the Navy De
partment yesterday morning from L'eutenant
Cowles, at Philadelphia, stating that the
dynamite cruiser Vesuvius, at the third official
trial yesterday attained a speed of 21.64 knots
an hour, an excess of 1.64 knots over the speed
required by the contract The trial took place
in deep water in Delaware Bay over a 2 mile
course, the vessel running back and forth.
The vessel will undoubtedly be accepted by the
ing American story is carried forward in a
fascinating manner in The Dispatch of to
morrow. Do Yon Know
You can have your choice at P. C. C. C. of
the finest satin-lined overcoat or suit for 515,
in their men's fine clothing department? It
makes no difference what the former selling
price was 540, $30 or 25 you can take
your pick and choice for
Only one more day to secure the most
wonderful bargains ever offered in this
world. To-day only that you can buy ?40,
535 and 530 suits and overcoats for 515.
Every gentleman in this city should take
advantage of this one-day sale.
P. C. C. C., Cor. Grant aud Diamond sts.,
Opp. new Court House.
The Queen of Flours
Is a new brand, "Rosalia," manufactured by
Whitmyre & Co., Thirty-eighth street and
Allegheny Valley Railroad. Try it and be
convinced that it is a flour of most excellent
Mothers give Angostura Bitters to their
children to stop colio and locseness of the
B. &B.
Plain and striped French flannel wrappers
down to $3 from $8 and 510; regular sizes.
To be sold quick. Come, if interested.
Boaas & Buhl, Allegheny.
BLENDINGER Suddenly, on Wednesday,
January 9, liS9. about 12.30 o'clock P. M.,
George Blem dinger, In tho 21st year of his
Funeral from tho residence of his uncle,
Georgo Blendinger, Spring Hill, Allegheny
City, on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Friends of the family are invited.
BRQWN On Wednesday. December 9, at
12:45 p.m., suddenly, SAMUEL BKOWN, Jit,
aged 31 j ears, 6 da) s.
Funeral from residence of his father, 48 Race
street, Allegheny, on Saturday, January 12,
at 2 p.m. Friends of the family aro respect
fully invited to attend. Interment private at a
later hour.
BIGLER On Fridav, January 11, 'S9. 2 P. M..
Jessie E., daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth
Bijler, aged 2 years 5 months and 11 days.
Funeral from the residence of her parents
Saturday at 2 r. M. Friends of tho family are
respectfully invited to atlend.
EVANS-On Thursday, Januarv 10, at 1125,
George William, infant son of Byron and
Ella Keefer Evans, aged 1 year.
Funeral services from the parents' residence,
8 Lombard street on Saturday, January 12.
at 2 p. M. Interment private at a later hour. 2
JARRETT On Thursday, January 10, 1SS9,
at 6 p. jr., Willis Herbert, only son of A
C. and Harriet E. Jarrett, aged 2 years, 6
Funeral from parents' residence. No. 2320
Carson street Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Friends of the family are respectfully
invited to attend.
KNEELAND-On Friday, January H, 18S9,
at 920 A. M at tho residence of his son, E.
Knecland, Emsworth, Pa,, D. C. Kneeland,
in tne utn year ot nis age.
Funeral from his late residence, Monday,
January 14, at 1130 o'clock. Interment private.
Friends of the family are respectfully invited
to attend. Train loaves Allegheny at 11 o'clock,
city time.
LANE On Thursday evening, January 10,
Miss Sarah Heticii Lane, at her residence,
No. 150 Bluff street
Funeral services on Sunday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. Interment at Chambersburg, Pa.
MANCHESTER On Thursday, January 10,
1839, at 6 o'clock p. m.. Sussana Palmer, wife
of Dr. H. Manchester, in her 62d year.
Funeral services at her late residence, 1617
Penn avenue, on Sunday, January 13, at 2 P.
M. Frionds of the family are respectfully in
vited to attend. 3
MORRISON-On Fridav, January 11, 1S89. at
11 o'clock a. m., James Belden Morrison,
aged 3S years.
Funeral services at the residence of his
father. No. 507 Penn avenue, Pittsburg, on
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment
at Steubonville, O., Monday moening.
MURPHY On Fridav, January 1L 1SS9, at
1230 a. m.. Mary A. Green, wife of John
Murphy, in the 37th year of her age.
Funeral from her late residence, Railroad
street, between Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth
streets, Sunday, January 13, 1SS9, at 2:30 p. m.
Friends of the family aro respectfully invited
to attend.
McKEOWN-Suddenly, at Weldin's build
ing, Wood Street, Charles AIcKeown, aged
42 years.
Funeral from tho residence of his brother-in-law,
Samuel Steel, head of Castle Shannon In
cline, on Saturday, January 12, 1SS9, at 2
o'clock P. M. Carnages will leave the foot of
incline on Carson street. Friends of the family
arc requested to attend.
RAY On Thursday morning, January 10,
1E89. at 4:15 o'clock, Ada S.. daughter of W. E.
and K. M. Ray, in her 22d year.
Friends of the family are respectfully in
vited to attend the funeral services at tho resi
dence of her parents, No. 123 James street,
Third ward, Allegheny, on Saturda. aftee
noon, January 12, at 2 o'clock. Interment
private. 2
READ Suddenly, Dr. J. L. Read, In the
Slst year ot his age.
Services at Christ M. E. Church, Penn ave
nue. Pittsburg, Tnis (Saturday) mousing, at
10:30. Interment private at a later hour.
MYERS On Friday morning, January 11,
ISbU, at 730, Josem, son of Joseph and Annie
Myers, aged IS months.
Funeral from his parents' residence, 311 Sec
ond avenue, Sunday afternoon, at 2:30
o'clock. Friends of the family aro respectfully
invited to attend.
ROGERSON Suddenly, on Wednesday.
January 9, 18S9, about 12.30 o'clock P. M., John
L. Roqebsox. in the S5th jear of his age.
Funeral services at the residence of his
father-in-law, Jacob Ulrich, Castle Shannon, on
Sunday morning, at 1230 o'clock. Friends of
the family are respectfully invited to attend.
Interment private at a later hour. 2
SOWERS-On Thursday evening, January
10, 18S9, at 5 o'clock, Elizabeth Sowers,
aged S3 years, 6 months and IS days.
Our mother has gone to a mansion of rest
From a region of sorrow and pain;
To the glorious land of the blest,
Where she never will suffer again.
While in this tomb our mother lies,
Her spirit rests above;
Iii realms of bliss, it never dies,
But knows a Savior's love.
Sleep on, mother, thy work is done,
Tho mortal pang i ast;
Jesus has come and borne thee home,
Beyond tho Etormy blast.
Funeral will take place from tho residence
ot her son-in-law, David R. Wilson, Edmund
street, near Penn avenue, on Sunday after
noon, at 3:30 o'clock.
117. 119 and 130 Third avenue, two doors below
Smithfleld st, next door to Central Hotel.
Carnages for f unerals,$3. Carriages for operas,
parties, ic, at the lowest rates. All new car
riages. Telephone communication. my3-d60-TTS
ASSETS - . J9J071.69633.
Insurance Co. of North America.
Looses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L
JONES. WFonrth aienue. ia20-s2-D
Assets SUS.50187
JOHN B. JACKSON. Vice President.
felS-ooa-TTS WAI. r. HERBERT. Secretary. I
Our Annual Clearing Sale
New goods for spring trade now open.
Splendid assortment new Hamburg Edgings
and Inserting., 3c, 5e, 6c, 80 and lOo up.
New Cambric,Svriss and Nainsook Embroid
eries. "Wide Embroideries for Pillow and
Sheet Sbams. All Overskirtings and
Flouncings. New designs. Beautiful
White Goods in Plaids, Stripes ard new
Lace effects. All at lowest prices,
Ml Dill
This department, always a favorite in
our bonse,is full up with new Table Linens,
best German, English, Scotch and Irish
makes. Our 40c, 50c and GOo Damasks
hare never been equaled in value. 72-inch
wide 85c, 87c and $1 equally good values.
On counter, one lot, fast colors, Turkey Bed
Tablings at 25c; worth 37o and 50c.
Towels and Napkins at low prices.
Short lengths Hope Muslin at Cc
Short lengths Lonsdale Muslin at 7c.
The same
ax which
has cut in
twain the
prices of
and Holiday Furniture has
made its ruthless edge felt
upon the prices all through our
Furniture Department. The
goods must be sold and our
stock reduced.
Housefurnishers who fore
see their prospective need of
any article of furniture should
look through our stock at
once, as the exceptional bar
gains now offered by us in
first-class Furniture will
scarcely be equaled this year.
Wood St. and Fourth Aver
Bayers of Boys and Girls' shoes should
see our stock of durable, wcll-mado and
stylish shoes, at very low prices. We hare
all widths, A to , heeled and spring
heeled. Ladles and Misses' Eld and Mo
rocco Spring-heeled Shoes, all widths and
sizes from No. 11 to 5.
"We hare Just recieved a new lot of our
well-known line of Ladies' Blnmong Kid
Shoes at $2 and $2 SO. Common Sense and
Opera lasts, A to E E widths; best yaluo
for the money ever offered.
401 Wood St Cor, Fourth Ave,,
Established 1S49.
usnea iw. Telephone cal
Telephone Call 1075.
Contractor and Manufacturer of
Doors, 'Wainscoating, Ceilings and Hard Wood
Work of every description, for building and
decorative purposes. Mantels, Cabinets and
Furniture of Special Designs. Drawings and
Estimates furnished on application. Office and
factory. No. 6S and 70 Seventh Avenue, Pitts
burc. Pa. Hard wood lumber. nZ7-hlOO-TTS
Or the Liquor Habit Positively Cured
by Administering Dr. Hainet'
Golden Specific.
It can be riven in a cup of coffee or tea without
the knowledge of the person taklne it: Is abso
person taking It: Is abso-
lutely harmless, and will effect a permanent and
EDeedy cure, wnether thi
pecdy cure, whether the patient is a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thonsands or
urunK&ras nav neen made temperate men who
have taken Uolden bpecinc In their coffee without
their knowledge and to-day believe thev quit
drinking from their own free will. IT N"EVEB
FAILS. The svstem onre imnrcirnated with the
Specific It becomes an utter impossibility for the
liquor appetite to exist. For sale by A. J. Bankln,
blxtb and Penn ave.
. l'lttsburc; E.
Uolden & Co.,
63 E. Federal St., Allegheny. Trade supplied by
tcu. a. Ami, o yu., x uiBonrg , jra. aez--iio
Still Going on, and
New Goods Suitable to
Being our custom to clear ont as far as possible all garments in the season for which
they were made, we have but few from former seasons. You will find the newest and
most correet styles and choicest fabrics in this department at prices that are bound to clear
them out at short notice. Come early for choice. Cloth Jackets at 51, reduced from 52;
at ?2, reduced from W, at $3, reduced from $5;
f 10 and ?12. Long Cloth Newmarkets at ?3 50, reduced from $5; at $4, reduced from ?6;
at $5, reduced from $8; at 87 50, reduced from $10 50; at 58, reduced from 12; at ?10, re
duced from 515; at 512 50, reduced from 518 and 520. Seal Plnsh Jackets, 510, 512 50 and
515. Seal Plush Wraps, $10, 512 50,'515 and $J8. Seal Plush Coats, $16 50 up. Seal Plnsh
Modjeskas and Dolmans at cut prices. Misses' Jackets and Newmarkets, Children's
Coats and Gretchens included in this great sale. Also Cloth and Silk Wraps for elderly
ladies. Shawls and Infants' Cloaks.
Ladies, Misses and Infants' Muslin and Cambric Underwear. Chemises, 25o up.
Drawers, 25e. Nightgowns, 25c up. Skirts in great variety. Embroidered and Lace
Trimmed, 25c up to finest Corset Covers 25c np.
Samples Sent by Mail on Request, All Orders Promptly Filled,
$8 Trousers.
No house in the country
thinks of competing with us
on the $8 Trousers, made to
measure. They are unexcep
tionally the finest of materi
als, and just such as are be
ing sold for $12 and $14.
It's by far the greatest divi
dend declared in January,
Depend on the tailoring.
It'll be Wanamaker's best.
And what is our motive,
pray? To make every dollar
you spend with us mirror back
its full value to you, and
Wanamaker's the store of the
city for fine Trousers.
The very finest goods in
large variety to make to meas
ure. Quick prices on all winter
goods. Great bargains in spe
cial lots.
& Brown,
Sixth street and Penn avenue.
All Traveling Expenses Included.
The Fifth, Sixth and Seventh parties of the
season will leavo Philadelphia in February,
All travel bejond Chicago and Cincinnati in
Special Trains of Magnificent Vsttibuled Pull
man Palace Cars with Pullman Palaoe Dining
Cars included. The dates and routes are as
Thursday, February 7. Via Wilmington,
Baltimore, Washincton, Pittsburg, Chicaeo,
Kansas City, Las Vegas Hot Springs, Santa Fe,
Albuquerque, Barstow, San Bernadlno, etc.
Monday, February II. Via Wilmington,
Baltimore Washington. Parkersburg, Cincin
nati, Mammoth Cave, New Orleans, Galveston,
San Antonio, etc.
Monday, February 25. Via Wilmington,
Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburg, Cincinnati,
Mammoth Cave, New Orleans, Galveston, San
Antonio, etc. This party will be in New Or
leans at the Mardi Gras Carnival, March 5.
Fifteen returning parties, nnder special es
cort, and a choice of Five Different Routes
Return tickets also good on all Trains until
July. Independent Tickets, covering every ex
pense both ways, and giving entire freedom to
the passenger while in California, and also in
making tho homeward journey. Hotel cou
pons supplied for long or short sojourns at all
the Leading Pacific Coast Resorii.
Dates of Other California Tours, Match 7
and 11.
Dates of Mexico Tours, January 14, Feb
ruary 11 and March 11.
Nintn nnnuiiapring excursion io iaiuornia,
Sixth Annual Spring Trio io California and
Pacific Northwest, May 2.
S"Send for descriptive circulars, designat
ing particular trip desired.
III South Ninth Street, under Continental Ho
fol, Philadelphia. jalO-44
B y a thorough knowledge of the natural laws
which govern the operations of digestion and
nutrition,and and by a careful application of the
fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps
has prodded our breakfast tables with a deli
cately flavored beverage which may save us
many heavy doctors' bills. Itisbytke judicious
use of such ai ticlea of diet that a constitution
may be gradually built up until strong enough
to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds
of subtle maladies ai e floating around us ready
to attack wherever thcro is a weak point. Wo
may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping our
selves well fortified with pure blood and a prop
erly nourished frame." Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk, gold
only in half pound tins by Grocers, labeled thus:
no3 h-90TuS
With an Increased capacity and hydranlio
machinery we are prepared to furnish all work
in our line cheaper and better than by the old
methods. Repairing and general machine
work. Twenty-ninth street and Allegheny Val
ley Railroad. feo-ctiS-TTS
9, 1889.
Continue Until All Our Winter Goods Are Closed Out.
the Season Opening.
at U, reduced from 58; at ?5, reduced from J
B. &
Increasing in interest
Out on our counters every
day. These mammoth
stocks to be re'duced to
the extent of
$ 200,000
This is an important un
dertaking, and more
important are the prices
required to accomplish
this. Nothing excepted.
Double width American and im
ported Dress Goods and Suitings,
iSc, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1, etc., lots
that will pay you to see promptly.
Large lot genuine imported
Printed Flannels at 30c 75c qual
ity at 30c. Other lots of same, in
choicer printings, at 45c and 50c
Black Silk Velvet Brocades, 25c.
Entire stock Fancy Velvets, 25c,
50c, 75c, $l, $1 SO.
Table Linens, Towels, Napkins,
Fancy Linen Lunch Sets. Table
Linens by the yard at 15c to 3 50,
but the remarkable bargains at 50c
and 75 c are worth early attention.
Black Silks, Surahs, Colored Silks,
Faille Francaises, Moire Silks, at
prices that make trade lively
greatest bargains are in the finest
goods 24-inch Black Silks, 1; 23
inch Black Surahs, 75c These are
sample bargains you never saw
such values.
Federal Street, Allegheny.
N. B. New Embroideries im
portations surpassing anything
hitherto shown. Fine goods and
new styles low prices. Entire
stock of last season's Embroideries,
Skirtings, etc., out on counter, at
surprising prices.
Double width Tricots. 12Wc; worth 20c,
40-inch Tricots and Cloth Snitings, 25c;
were 40c. Estra line Plush Wool Suitings
and Cloths, 30c and 37c; were 50c. 52
inch Broadcloths, newest colors, 90c; were
$1 50. 46-inch Colored Cashmeres,50c; were
75c. Fancy Plaids and Imported Novelty
Weaves at low prices.
At 75c, 51 and ?1 25, worth respectively
51 25, 51 50 and $1 75.' Colored Dress
Silks," Armures and Fancy Weaves at low
For Men, Boys, Ladies and Children in
cluded in this great sale.
Blankets, Comforts and Flannels at un
precedented low prices.
Muffs, Boas and Collars and Fur Trim
mings at cut prices to clear.
Special reductions in prices of Hosiery
and Gloves for Men. Boys, Ladies and
FoifBlf Gil Ms te
From far and near, from busy
conditions and classes of life have
participate in the benefits derivable from our great, bold and resolute
plan to advertise ourselves as the
1st Progressive House
Notwithstanding the fact that
the year, marked down the prices in every department are selling fine
goods at prices which other dealers charge for goods of but very inferior
quality yet we positively
Give Away Free, Without Price,
No distinction is
Poor, Merchant or Mechanic, Clergyman or-';
Nor yet are the goods given away
They include Overcoats, Suits, Pants,
Shirts, Waists, Hosiery, Gloves, Caps, Shoes, Slippers, etc., etc.
Do You Know Any of These ?
Do You Recognize Any Name ?
The names given below are but
been among the lucky ones the past
nothing. Hundreds of
others were
to give names of all.
Snlt underwear, Mrs. Fitzsimmons, Ferry St.
10 overcoat, Parkes ScanUrollc, Watson
town, Ligonler county.
Pair $5 pants, Max Veshowsky, Chatham st
S10 overcoat John Dorgan, Peters township,
Westmoreland county.
ta dot's suit, j. moan, auv second ave.. my.
S4 50 toilet setThomas Collins, Zellenople, Fa.
Fine hat, 8. Bernard, Fredericktown, Pa.
Tie, W. Decker, Allegheny.
Snlt, James Lane, SO Lombard St., city,
Pair gloves, W. H. Grim, Allegheny.
Hat, Dan Rosener, Natroona, Pa.
Collar, Mrs. McDonald, Sbadyside.
Waist, T. C. Freakerson, Soutnside.
Cap, W. Fray, Verona.
Hat, J. E. Snyder, Newton Falls.
Tie, W. Stanton, Mlnersville.
Fair shoes, C. H. Patterson. Hazelwood.
Fair pants, John Davidson, Beaver county.
Neckwear, Fat McCIoskey, Filth and Oak
land aves.
Hat, Mrs. Atkins, Sobo.
Gloves, Frank White, Allegheny.
Collars, H. F. Beckman, Hoboken, Fa.
Cap, J. Itainey, Pleasant Valley, Allegheny.
Pair shoes, Miss Wagman, Rebecca St., Alle
gheny. 8uit, J. Steward. West End.
. Pair Pants, C. Fleming, Four Mile Run.
Handkerchief, L. Eversmann, Webster St.
Hhlrt, W. Nelson, Bargettstown. Pa.
Hose, Z. B. Paulson, Duquesue Heights.
Pair shoes, W. L. Clarke, Fif tesntli Station, O.
Pair pants. Thomas Collins, Lawrsncsville.
Pair shoes. Ellen Gregg, Lincoln ave., East
Pair pants, Fred Yerggy, McKee's Bocks.
Pair pants, Mrs. Noah, Thirty-flrsi ward, city.
ami underwear, Airs. (jampDcu, city.
Cap, Mrs. Fanner. Webster ave., city.
Shirt, M. Fnstel, Smitbfleld St.
Collar, T. Keller, Allegheny.
Pair shoes, E. E. Way, Glenneld, Pa.
Hat, J. H. Shiber, East End.
Ties, R. B. Scandrett, Allegheny.
Fair shoes, Mrs. Thorn e. Ligonler st,
Shirt, F. Cosjrove, Salem, O.
Cap, Mrs. Moodyjleltzhoover.
Fair (5 pants. E. R. Trundell. 560 Fifth ave.
Underwear, John Blondnn,Tblrty-sixth ward,
West End.
Shirt, John Holland,!!! Janiata st.Allegheny.
Pair pants, Miss Springer, Beaver. I
Golden Opportunities,
Despite the fact that we give away
so until further notice, every article
There's a Rich
OF$ -
cities and quiet hamlets, people of all
nocked in their thousands in order to
on the Amepioan Continent.
we have, as is our custom this time 0
made between Rich or
confined to-any particular department,
Shoes, Neckwear, Underwear, Hats.1
the first hundred of those who havejl
week and got their purchases fori
equally lucky, but we haven't space 1
J15 coat and vest, John P. Toliyer, 75 Second
ave.. city.
$12 suit, Mrs. Gross, 231 Sheridan ave- EL E.
ti bov's suit W. H. Little. Homewood.
Pair $3 50 pants, Michael Kennedy, Twelfth
and Penn.
Tie, Mrs. Woods, 3W1 Penn ave.
Pair snspenders. Robert Dodd, Allegheny.
Shirt, S. S. McClnre, Enon Valley.
Pair pants, W. Kerry. Banksville.
Pair socks, H. Dorman, Third ave.
Pair shoes. Mrs. Born. Liberty ave.
Jacket, P. Krembel, Allegheny.
Pair pants, Nat Havelin, west End.
Collar, Mrs. Manchester, East End.
Pair pants, N. Haviland, Sonthside.
Hat, T. M. Bryson, Kittanninff, Pa.
Fair pants, E. Ravenstein, Broshton,
Hat, A. H. Hill. Freeport.
Pair bose, M. Wilson. First ave.
Pair pants. S. McAmee, Shonsetown.
Collar, Otto Ettlnger. Thirteenth ward.
Pair pants, F. F. Garrett. Columbus, O.
Collars. J. Ashlin. West End.
Pair gloves, K, D.Thompson, Third ave.
Shirt. D. L. Abeo, West Elizabeth, Fa.
Cap, George Spooner, city.
Fair rubbers. Mrs. Nelson, city.
Pair shoes, Mrs. hong, city.
Suit underwear, Mrs. Gillett city.
Pair hose", F. M. Schaefer, McKeesport
Neckwear. Ella Mnlholland. Dallas, Fa.
Pair shoes, Mrs. Preseott, Glenwood.
Pair oants, W. Lewis, Mansfield.
Pair rubbers, B. Storey. McKee's Rocks.
Shirt, A. McMatri, 124 Liberty st
Collar. John Pickles. No. 2 Enzine House.
Pair pants, Wm. Jones, Beltzhoover Borough. 1
Fine bat, J. P. Ripper, Evans City, Butler
county. Pa. S
Fur cap, S. Butler. Beach Cliff, Allegheny!
Overalls, Lizzie Davis, Forty-eighth st, city.'!
Pair shoes. Miss AiiDrient. west .na.
Pair rubbers. C. N. Noll. East Liberty.
Pair slippers, Mrs. Stockton, Klrkpatrlck st, j
Shirt II. McGuIre. Penn ave. and Main st
Tie and umbrella, John Snyder, Lincoln town. J
shin, aDove McKeesport
Hat. E. M. Bowen. Twenty-seventh St.. S. S.
Collar, Charles Berry, Ethel Landing, Beaver
Tie, Jim Keeley, Craf ton, Pa.
20th sale; and shall continue to do!
we sell is "catching" enough to m
Harvest For All!
WJ Wip ftOllt,
300 to 400 Market street
.urn. miMm.amim.'mM.jmm