Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 12, 1889, Image 1

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For to-morrow's DISPATCH can
bo left at main office till midnight
or at branch offices till 9 P. M.
mW1k I rS ASM-MID MhO - -
?1HB C5 W I Li I A11 havinE' houses to Let can ""-
jLL 9 -jLV LI VEr' lr reach the best tenants through the M
T '" fjg Wr'W VJ Columns of THE DISPATCH. f
Kauffman Opposed to Passing
Appropr.ation Bills With
out Debate.
Eepresentative Lemon "Wants the
Blue Laws Amended.
Mr. Knuflmann's Motion oo Appropriation
Bills Considerable Opposition to It
The Bine Lam to Be Amended Old
University Building to bo bold A
Moigue for AUesbcnjr County Draio
Presents llis American nag Kesolntlon
Pittsburg InMltDtlona Kcmcmbercd in
the Appropriations.
A large number of bills were introduced
into the Legislature yesterday, many of
them of local interest. Among the bills
introduced was one making it an offense to
incite to crime, aimed at the agents of the
Law and Order League. Others were for
the establishment of a public morgue in
this county, and to enable the County Com
missioners to sell the old University build
ing, which has been used for Court House
purposes. Generous appropriations were
EUgpested for rittsburg institutions. Eepre
sentative Kauffman created a sensation by
insisting that all recommendations for ap
propriations be reported to the House by
March 4, to allow time for debate and to
prevent an injudicious expenditure of the
public funds.
Habeisbtjkg, January 11. The reading
of the more or less uninteresting titles of
130 bills would have closed the Legislative
half day in the House in dry and dreary
fashion had not Eepresentative C. C Kauff
man, of Lancaster, thrown a bomb into the
midst of the chamber as the hands of the
clock began to close in on each other at the
sign of noon.
Mr. Kauffman is a mild looking young
man, with a fresh complexion and brown
mustache, who doesn't appear as though he
would be guilty of such a thin?, but he
nevertheless succeeded in bringing memoers
to their feet in rapid succession to file pro
test and express opinions. It was all about
the appropriation bills. Mr.' Kauffman
offered a resolution that the bills be all re
ported to the House from committee by
March 4.
He Will Fisbt.
He supplt; .et! the resolution with the
assertion that at the last session of the Legis
lature several appropriations were made
that shouldn't have been made at all, and
others were made that should have been cut
down at least one-half. When he raised his
voice in opposition at that time, he was met
by the argument that to send the bill back
to committee would cause its failure, and it
was too late in the session for anything of
that kind. He brought the matter up now
with the assertion that if the resolution fails
he will fight objectionable appropriation
items on the floor of the House whenever
they appear there.
When Mr. Kauffman sat down. Chairman
Dearden, of the Appropriation Committee,
raised his voice in protest against the seem
ing reflection on the present committee.
John H. Fow, of Philadelphia, seconded
lis indignation, and "W. C. Kreps, of
Greencastle, in a witty speech, took the
same side of the fence, and condoled with
Mr. Kauffman for his membership in the
last House.
Supporting Kir. Knuflinan.
Dr. "Walk, of Philadelphia, managed to
get the floor to support the motive that
prompted Mr. Kauffman, but tnought the
time fixrd much too early in the session.
He referred severely to the hasty work at
the close of the last session, and hoped the
rules would cover the intent of Mr. Kauff
man's resolution. He sat down to give a
number of other gentlemen a chance to
catch the Speaker's eye, hut that gentleman
had his wary optic fixed on the clock and
ended the first burst of excitement by drop
ping his gavel on his desk and declaring
the Honse adjourned until Monday.
Before the members left the chamber Mr.
Kauffman received many promises of sup
port. There is a strong sentiment against
him, though, because of his connection with
the former independent Republican move
ment and his training under ex-Senators
Lee and Emery, whose memory is still
thought of in a vigorous and uncompromis
ing way by the stalwart and triumphant
wing of the party. If Mr. Kauffman suc
ceeds in carrying the principle of bis resolu
tion to a successful finish it will be purely
on its merits.
University Building to bo Sold The
American Flag; BUI.
Hahbisbukg, January 11. Among the
bills introduced to-day of local interest was
that of ex-Speaker Graham, authorizing
AUegheny county to dispose of the old
University building lately used for court
nd county purposes, and Eepresentative
Marland's bill authorizing the establish
ment of a public morgue, to be supported at
public expense. The latter gentleman also
introduced a bill providing fine and im
prisonment for anyone who does miscklcrto
property of motor power companies
Eepresentative Dravo, of Beaver, was
just a lap ahead of Eepresentative Brown
in his now celebrated American flag bill.
Mr. Brown introduced his resolution by re
quest of some persons offended by the re
marks Mr. Bravo didn't make, but kindly
yielded precedence to the latter.
Representative Richards, of Allegheny,
is the author of a bill providing for the ex
amination of stationary engineers. Eepre
sentative Billingsley, of Washington, pre
sented a bill that provides that a member
shall be detailed from each Grand Army
postof the State to compile a list of the
soldiers and sailors in his locality, the com
piler to be paid 10 cents for each name by
way of compensation, and the Auditor
General to print 4,000 copies of the whole
list of names. SlMPSOif.
Representatives BInrland and Lemon Want
More Liberal Legislation.
Habbisbubg, January 1L Eepresenta
tive Marland went home to-day with a very
sore throat, but before going paid his com
pliments to the agents of the Law and Order
Society of Pittsburg by introducing a bill
for the fine and imprisonment of persons
who induce others to break laws for the
purpose of having them fined for so doing.
Mr. Marland's idea is to punish such in
citers to law-breaking by fining them not to
exceed ?500 and to imprison them not more
than 12 months either or both. He thinks
he knows at least one agent of the Law and
.Order Society who could be punished were
this bill now a law, and he has heard re
ports of others.
Eepresentative Lemon also introduced a
bill to amend the law of the last century for
the prevention of vice and immorality and
of unlawful gain and disorderly sports and
dissipation on the Lord's day. Mr. Lemon
provides in his bill that druggists may carry
on their ordinary bqsiness on Sunday, as on
any other day of the Eeven, even to the ex
treme of sellfng'aerated waters. It also ex
pressly provides that business may be done
on Sunday by newspapers and street rail
ways; that church trains may be run and
railroads transport live stock; authorizes
telegraph and telephone companies to do
business, as well as lighting and heating
corporations, blast furnaces and glass mak
ing establibhments; gives coal and lumber
operators and shippers the right to send coal
and lumber out on a rise of water occurring
on Sunday, and last but not least, permits
'"the sale of non-intoxicating refreshing
beverages or ice cream and cake at anypub
lic resort or park or other places" on Sun
day. Boarding houses, etc, protected by
former legislation, are also cared for in this
amendment. Siarrsos'.
Kcw Legislation Introduced Affecting Many
and Varied Interests.
Hakrisuueg, January 11. Among the
new bills introduced into the House to-day
were the following:
Empowering county commissioners to ap
propriate not exceeding $10,000 for erecting
suitable monuments to Union soldiers and
sailors at or sear the county scats.
Providing for the punishment of anyone in
any way connected with the printing and post
ing of handbills, etc, representing a person in
the act of assaulting another in a threatening,
brutal and savage manner with a pistol, knife,
dirk, (larger or any other deadly weapon.
Requiring the Governor to issue commissions
to persons who hare been declared elected,
without regard to any contest.
Proposing radical changes in the election
laws of the fetate, providing uniform ballots,
requiring the name of the political party to
which the oter intends to deposit his ballot to
be printed on the outside.
Allowing Judges of the courts on the recom
mendation of the jury to sentence persons
convicted of murder in the first degree to im
prisonment for life.
Providing that in every public department
and on all public works of the fatate, honorably
discharged soldiers or sailors shall be preferred
for appointment and employment.
To provide for a uniform contract or policy
of lire insurance to be issued in this State by
all insurance companies taking fire risks.
Requiring foreign fire insurance companies
to pa premiums for the support of fire depart
ment of fire companies.
So Legislation to be Introduced Affecting
Pipe Line Interests.
Habkisbukg, January 11. Present indi
cations are that no legislation similar to the
Billingsley bill of last session, to regulate
petroleum pipe line charges, will be intro
duced in the presentLegislature. Mr. Bill
ingsley hasn't heard on any reliableauthority
that he intends to repeat the act which two
years since made his name a household word
in the oil regions, notalone of Pennyslvania,
but also of Ohio and New York.
Representatives Burdick and Griffith, of
Moh.ean county, to whom some such Inten
tion has been attributed, deny the solt im
peachment, and no other members have
heard anything about it. The concessions
made by the pipe line people after the fail
ure of the Billingsley bill, and the progress
of events since that time in the land of
grease, have probably throttled anything of
the kind. Simpson,
Chnunccy Blnck Preparing for tho Next
Political Campaign.
Habbisbubg, January 11. Ex-Lieutenant
Governor Chauncey F. Black paid Har
risburg a fleeting visit to-day, returning in
the afternoon to his home in York. He has
established National Democratic Club head
quarters in close communication with the
State Committee rooms. In a few weeks he
will summon the delegates of the clubs to
meet in national session at the home of
Henry "Watterson, Louisville, Ky., there to
absorb inspiration from the Democratic sur
roundings, liquid and solid.
State Chairman Eisner is here preparing
for the meeting of the Democratic State
Committee. This seems to occasion Repub
lican Chairman Andrews no special worry,
and his smile all day was as urbane as
though Democrats had completely ceased
from troubling. Simpson.
Appropriation Bills Introdnced in tho Sen
nto Legislature Yesterday.
Hakkiskueg, January 11. Among the
appropriation bills introduced into the
House to-day were the following:
For the erection of an additional hospital for
the insane in counties of Allecheny, Beaver,'
Lawrence, Butler, Armstrong. Jefferson, In
diana, Cambria, Somerset, Westmoreland,
Fayette, Greene and Washington, $200,000; sup
port of nupils in Pennsylvania institution for
the instruction of the deaf and dumb, Pitts
burg. Si8,400; Home for Aged Colored Women.of
Pittsburg. $3,000; Pittsbnrc Hospital for Chil
dren, to be erected, S50.000; Huntingdon Re
formatory, f210,500; Normal schools of the
State, 8165,000; Board of Agriculture. $10,500;
Mercy Hospital, Pittsburg, 813,000; Western
Pennsylvania Hospital. Pittsburg, $142,516;
Soldiers' Home at Erie, $186,300.
The Pennsylvania Beblnd tho Salt Against
the Phtsbnre, Sheuanco and Lake Erie.
Habbisbueg, January 11. Attorney J.
Ross Thompson failed to appear when the
case against the officers of the Pittsburg,
Shenango and Lake Erie Railroad was
called to-day. The charge was issuing fic
titious stock, and there is a story afloat that
the Pennsvlvania Railroad was behind the
suit, the animus being the fact that when
the Piitsburg, Shenango and Lake Erie is
completed to a connection with the Nickel
Plate road it will be another link in fhe
chain of Vanderbilt competition against
the Pennsylvania. Simpson.
He ! Dnly Elected President of the Inter
national Union.
Si. Paul, January 11. The Plasterers
International Union completed its work this
moraine and adjourned. The election of
officers resulted as follows:
President, Robert Tenary, of Pittsburg; Vice
Presidents, Edward Carroll, of Denver; L W.
Dornsif, of Toledo, and William Trushour, of
Omaha; Secretary, E. P. Hayes, of Kansas City.
The next meeting will be held at Toledo.
A Thief Goes Throunh a Man's Clothes
Enrly la the Morning, and nt 2
O'clock In the Afternoon Is En
Rome to Sins; Sing.
New York, January 11. When Police
man Charles Eiekcrd was caught stealing in
a Nassau street store, at 3 o'clock in the
morning of April 30, and was locked up in
Sing Sing before sundown of the same day,
the case was hailed as the quickest ariminal
prosecution on record. It was beaten to-day
by two hours, and the case occurred in the'
same precinct where Rickerd committed his
The victim of the law in this case was
Frank Butler, a brass finisher, 23 years old,
who lived at 108 South street. Early in
the morning he entered a. room in the build
ing at 8G Sonth street, and went through the
clothing of Frank Chini, who was sleeping
there. Butler took away a gold ring and a
handful of English coins worth 536.
Chini is a seaman. He had engaged him
self to sail from this port to-day, and, as his
testimony was necessary to secure conviction
in the case. Captain McLaughlin deter
mined to push matters as rapidly as pos
sible. Butler was arrested at 5 A. M. by
Policeman Madden. As soon as the Tombs
Court was ready for business, Captain Mc;
Laughlin was on hand with his prisoner!
Justice Ford conducted the preliminary ex
amination, and promptly remanded Bntler
to await the action of the grand jury. There
was not much waiting about it, for the
Captain explained the situation to the jury
men, and an indictment was forthcoming
before noon, when Captain McLauchlin
rushed his prisoner and his witnesses into
the Court of General Sessions, Part 2, where
Judge Martin was hearing a variety ot
Butler's ease was taken up at about 1
o'clock. He was found guilty in short
order, and was sentenced to Sing Sing for 2
years and 11 months. At 2 o'clock a police
man walked into the Old Slip station, and
reported that Butler was on his way to
prison. He left New York for his up
country residence at the same hour Rickerd
did, but there had been two hours less time
between the arrest and the departnre.
Excitement Occasioned at Erie by the Sad
den Return of L. S. Norton.
Ebie, January 11. Theie was consider
able excitement here to-day when it was an
nounced that L. S. Norton, Esq., of Kirk
bride Asylum fame, had returned to the
city. Mr. Norton lost his mental balance
at the conclusion of a Heated and unsuc
cessfurcandidacy for President Judge, and
was taken to Kirkbride. He got himself
out in a short time on a writ of habeas
corpus, and proved conclusively that his
mind had returned. "While he was in the
asylum he had written letters to different
persons who had been instrumental in
placing him in the asylum, threatening to
kill them.
When he came to Erie this morning lie
refused to register at the hotel, and inad
vertently showed a revolver while trans
ferring it from his satchel to his pocket.
Although he said he was here purely on
business, one or two of those whom Norton
had threatened rushed into the court almost
breathless, and begged the Court to restrain
Norton in some way. Meanwhile Dr.
Drake met the issue squarely, and issued a
warrant for Norton's arrest, charging him
with surety of the peace. Norton, when ar
rested, was quietly arranging about fitting
up his office.
When lie was taken before the magistrate
he waited patiently three hcare for his ac
cuser. He then sent for a brother attorney
who entered bail in the sim of $300 for Mr.
Norton's appearance next Monday. Mr.
Norton was scil-possessea throughout his
trying position, and showed a balance of
mind and temperament which was remarka
Two of tho Screnadcrs Become Involved In
a Quarrel and One is Killed.
Chahbebsbtbo, Pa., January 11.
Among the young men who attended a cali
thumpian serenade at Charles M. Cressler's,
in the eastern part of the county, last night,
were Charles Meredith and Perry Rhone, of
Stoney Point. They became involved in a
quarrel there, bnt were quieted, Meredith
desisting from fighting with the remark
that he would get even with Rhone. On the
way home he stopped at a cross-roads, and
when Rhone came up knocked him down
and kicked him in the abdomen several
times. Rhone died almost instantly, and
was carried to his home in a blanket.
Without waiting to see the effects ot his
attack Meredith went home, and this morn
ing began his work as usual. "When in
formed of the consequencesof his fight, he
surrendered himself, and is now in jail
Both are said to have been ordinarily in
offensive, but Rhone was drunk. They are
about 18 years old. This is the furth mur
der in this county within six months.
All Sects Will Now Have Equal Privileges
in New Hampshire
Concoed, N. H., January 11. At the
Constitutional Convention to-day considera
tion of a special order was entered upon, it
being an amendment to strike out the word
"Protestant" from article 6 of the bill of
rights. Also to strike out the article entire
and substitute one reported by the Com
mittee on the Bill of Rights, inserting the
following for that article:
Every religious sect or denomination de
meaning themselves quietly and as good sub
jects of the State shall be equally under the
Detection of the law, and no subordination of
one sect or denomination to another shall ever
be established by law.
An amendment was offered to the substi
tute report, by msertinga provision that
the Legislature have the power to grant all
religious societies within the State the
privilege of selecting and contract
ing with their own teachers of religion,
morality and piety, and that no one sect
shall be compelled to pay toward the sup
port of teachers of any other sect or de
nomination. This amendment was adopted.
Henry Erlz Shoots nt a Man and Then Com
mits Suicide.
St. Louis, January 11. Henry Kriz, the
man who shot Ward McManus, a prominent
St. Louis capitalist, yesterday, and for
whom the police have been searching ever
since, committed suicide at 2 o'clock this
afternoon in a lodging house at 716 North
Third street. Kriz, it is thought, had been
rendered insane by the failure to secure
money with which to push his car motor.
Deceived by His Bride and Died.
New York, January 11. Francis As
trada, 25 years old, married Maggie Brown
three weeks ago. He was unable to earn
enough money to support her. He learned
that she had a bad reputation among the
young men of his neighborhood. This
morning he swallowed pans green. He
died before a doctor could be called.
f1 1 1 1 n A Discourse on Women's Clubs in to
uuiun morrow's Issue 0 Tub Dispatch,
The stand the lakes will surprise the public
The Presiding Officer of the Senate
Was Not Invited to Attend
The President Couldn't Forget What Fol
lowed a Similar Occasion.
Bat a rialn Intimation to the Man That He Can
Sever Be Forgiten.
In making out the list of guests for his
Cabinet dinner of Thursday President
Cleveland omitted the name of the presiding
officer of the Senate, John James Ingalls.
"Washington official society is all agog'over
the slight for they do call it an intentional J
snub perpetrated by the President fnre-
taliation for the rumors that followed . a
similar dinner last year. H-V 2
"Washington, January 11. Official cir-'
cles are greatly agitated to-day 01 'the
state dinner given "by the President in
honor of his Cabinet last evening. It has
long been the custom of the President to in
clude among other guests asked to
meet the Cabinet, the President of the
Senate and the Speaker of , the
House. For some years back the general
of the army and the Admiral of tho navy
have been included in the company at the
Cabinet dinner. But on Thursday evening;
the President chanced all that. The" Presi
dent ot the Senate was not among the trests'l
bidden to the "White House, thouglfa the
Speaker of the House was.
To-day the question in official circus is,
"Did the President snub Mr. IngallsrT It
looks very much like it. The question, like
most questions, has two sides. The slight
was intended for Mr. Ingalls, and not for
the presiding officer of the Senate. But
whatever provocation tho President
may have to justify him in alight
ing Mr. Ingalls, the fact remains
that it is the President of the Senate, never
theless, who is slighted. The President
could have no speeial reason for inviting
Senator Ingalls or any other Senator to the
dinner. But there is a special reason for
inviting the President of the Senate, as
there is for inviting tho Speaker ot the
House official etiquette has made it axaw.
The compliment is to the office, and not the
man who happens to be the officer. X
The Cabinet dinnsr civen by the Presi
dent on January 5, 1888, will go in to -history
as the occasion at which Senator 3n
galls is said to have talked about liis host,
the President of the United States. The
President of the Senate and Mrs. Ingalls
were among the guests asked to meet the
Cabinet officers and their wives, so were
the Speaker of the House and Mrs. Car
lisle, the General of the army and Mrs,
Sheridan, and the admiral of the navy and
Mrs. Porter. The other guests of the Cabi
net at this now somewhat famous dinner
were Senator and Mrs. Hawlev, Senator
and Mrs. Hearst, Governor and Mrs. Jack
son, Mr. and Mrs. Condert, Mrs. Pruyn,
Mrs. Berry and Mis? Nelson, the latter a
guest at the "White House. It was a dinner
of SO covers, 16 less than the dinner to the
tiaDinet wis year. j
ine story is ttiat tne president ot tiiiam-
ate talksd "to the ladv on hisrieht,
he said so many harsh things of their host as
to merit the lady's reproof. Mrs. Endicott
is the lady who sat at Mr. Ingalls' right
hand at that memorable dinner on the 5th
of January, 1888. The wife of the Presi
dent's Secretary of War is probably the last
woman in the world to whom Senator Ingalls
would say the things he is accused of saying.
"Was it to the lady on his left, then, that
the presiding officer of the Senate berated
the President? Mrs. Sheridan sat at his
left, and whatever indiscreet things he may
have said, Mrs. Sheridan is much too dis
creet a woman to repeat them. If this
were not reason enough, another
would be the place at the stable
occupied by Senator Ingalls a place but
two seats distant frorn his hostess, Mrs.
Cleveland. The Secretary of the Treasury
sat at Mrs. Cleveland's left, then Mrs. Endi
cott, and then Senator Ingalls. It will be
seen that the presiding officer of the Senate
sat so .iear the hostess as to fill one of the
places of honor at the President's board.
"Whatever influence the Cabinet dinner of
last year had upon the President this year
in the action of omitting the President of
the Senate from his list of guests, it is cer
tain that tne .airs, wmtney interview
had even more weight. Whether the
President believed that Senator Ingalls
had abused his hospitality or not, he could
not well get round the Mrs. "Whitney in
terview. Altogether it is a terrible tangle. The
direct question of veracity between Mrs.
Whitney and Mr. Ingalls, as shown in the
interview, would have made the situation
of the two facing one another at the Cabinet
dinner something appalling.
A Boy Kidnaped by n Womnn Who Grew
Very Fond of Him.
Jersey City, January 11. Early yes
terday morning a colored woman called at
Publio School 12, in this city, and took
George Graham, a 13-year-old colored boy,
away. She said she was a relative of his.
About 1 o'clock the boj's foster mother,
Mrs. Hannah Graham, called at the school
and found the boy missing. She told the
police that from the description of the
woman who had taken the boy away, she
thought it was Mrs. Sofia Bennett, of Balti
more. About i. o'clock Detective Dalton saw a
boy answering the Graham boy's descrip
tion, going on a Pennsylvania Bailroad
ferryboat. He arrested him and took him
into the railroad depot, when a colored wom
an answering the description of Mrs. Ben
nett asked the detective what he was doing
with that boy. He arrested her, too, and
took her to police headquarters. Mrs.
Graham said tne woman had been fond of
the boy at one time, and had threatened to
steal him.
The Mercer Prohibitionists nnd Liquor Men
Sinking Things Hnm.
Greenville, January 11. The license
contest in Greenville is still interesting.
The three hotels have majorities of from 10
to 80 on the face of the returns, but both
sides are having numerous affidavits taken to
have names striken off their opponents' pa
per, and the majorities in some cases are so
small as to leave the result uncertain. Both
sides make numerous charges of crooked
ness, and there may be interesting develop
ments. The same state of affairs exists at
The Mercer county grand jury this week
indicted six persons for selling liquor with
out license. To-day Joseph A.uble, of.
Greenville, was arrested on the same charge,
and a Mercer doctor has been detected giv
ing prescriptions to men of intemperate
habits. These cases, together with the
license petitions, will make things lively.
JANUARY 12, 1889.
The SIoop.af.War Ynntlc Strictly Quaran
tined Yellow Ferer Patients Bet
ter A Statement From
the Captain.
New York, January 11. The United
States sloop-of-war Yantic, with yellow
fever, from Port-au-Prince, Haytl, remains
at quarantine, with the yellow fever flag
flying. Lieutenant Charles Bichard Miles
was in a very critical condition last night.
The other yellow fever patients, Cadet Bris
tol and Equipment Yeoman Kellar, are con
valescent. Charles William Bowe,
corporal ' of marines, was buried
at sea with military honors on Monday.
Lieutenant Miles was the first man aboard
to get the fever. He was taken 'sick on
December 28, on which the Yantic had ar-'
rived at Port-au-Prince on her return from
Santiago de Cuba. She had been three days
at Santiago. On December 29 Yeoman
Kellar and Cadet Bristol came down with
the fever. Corporal Kowe took it on the
-night of Decemoer 31.
T" No one was allowed aboard the Yantic
to-day, except the 'quarantine officials, but
Captain Heyerman sent this statement
We had no report concerning the state of
affairs at tho north of Haytl between December
2S and January 1, when we left Port-au-Prince.
Neither Mas there anything said abont any in
tention on Legitime a part of leaving Haytl.
The Dessallner. theToussalntl'Ouverture, tho
Belire and the Grand Riviere (Legitime's gun
boats), were all in the harbor of Port-au-Prlnco
wben we left. We heard nothing
of the Pinnanto or the Maned. I
do not know Admiral Luce's opinion of the
blockade, but I think it inefficient. Ihere were
so many conflicting rumors concerning the
state of affairs in Hartl that it was impossible
to distineuish between truth and mere conjec
ture. My own cabin is turned into a yellow
ieyer hospital just at present, and everything
is in such confusion that I cannot make a more
complete statement at thlB writing.
Anofficer of the Yantic stated that Legi
time is ready to pay Mr. Morse, the repre
sentative of the Boston owners of the seized
steamship Haytien Eepublic, $100,000 dam
ages, but that Mr. Morse holds out for $350,
000. 'Xhe Yantic will remain in quarantine
until the patients are removed or have re
covered, and until the health officers are sat
isfied that all traces of yellow fever have
disappeared from the sloop. Meantime, no
onewill be allowed on shore( and either Dr.
Smith or Dr. Sanborn will visit her daily.
The Writer of a Number of Tronblcsomo
Anonymous Letters Confesses.
Elmika, N. Y., January 11. For six
years a large number of the people of El
mira have been perplexed by receiving let
ters of a singular nature, in many cases the
epistles being signed, but the signatures
proving forgeries. The Eev. Ir. Spooner
received many of the letters, which con
tained many disrespectful allusions to both
pastor and flock. Members of the same
church have received letters of a similar
nature, purporting to be signed by fellow
members, the signatures to all of which,
when they were signed at all.were fictitious.
Several married ladies received letters con
taining scandalous information about their
husbands, and, in fact, few of the promi
nent members of the church were slighted.
The writer of the mysterious and trouble
some letters has just been discovered. It is
Mrs. A. V. Both well, who, under pressure
of the Chief ot Police, has confessed and
will be properly dealt with. The strangest
part of her deviltry is the fact that she fre
quently warned ladies to look out for that
woman, Mrs. A. V. Bothwell, who, she al
leged, was paying too much attention to
their hnsbands. This was probably doce to
ward off suspicion. It is said by the police
that many families hare been broken up,
and many disagreeable scenes enacted in
others by the foul letters.
He Refuses a Cabinet Position In Order to
Continue His Contest.
CHAKLESTOirt "W. Vs., January 11. The
time of the Supreme Court has been occu
pied to-day in hearing argument on the
motion to dismiss the injunction to prevent
Judge Guthrie from issuing a mandamus
against Secretary of State Walker, com
pelling him to report Kanawha county's
returns to the Legislature. The decision is
expected to-morrow.
The Senate held a two hours' session to
day, at which one ballot was taken for
President and adjourned until Monday
afternoon. The House held a half hour
session and also adjourned nntil Monday.
The Republicans will organize the Senate,
but do not intend to do so until the matter
now Dending in the Supreme Court is dis
posed of, as the vote of Kanawha is necessary
to the election of Goff.
General Goff arrived to-day from "Wash
ington, and it is stated on apparently good
authority, has declined the Secretaryship of
the Navy, tendered him by General Harri
son, preferring to make the contest for the
A Yonnt; Man's Plan of Rlnrrylng; a Family
Spoiled by Oao Wife.
New York, January 11. Gerard B.
Douglass is in jail in Borne, N. Y., because
he has two Mrs. Douglasses here in New
York. He married Miss Florence Barbier
last October. After living with her ten
days he began to love her sister Emily. He
proposed marriage to Emily, and she ac
cepted him. They eloped" to Hartford,
Conn., just four weeks aiter Douglass began
marrying the family. The proper Mrs.
Douglass and her brother followed them.
In Hartford ther found the minister who
married the eloping couple. Douglass and
Mrs. Douglass had'moved on to Borne, how
ever. Mrs. Douglass No. 1 went to Koine
too. When Douglass learned of her arrival
he tried to slip away. A policeman with a
warrant stopped him.
Not Only From the Navy, bnt of Three
Wives as Well.
New York, January 11. James A.
Prosper! has three wives. The first two he
married and abandoned some years ago. He
was employed as a marine at the Portsmouth
navy yard. He made a bad record there,
and eventually deserted. He married Miss
Mary Duffy, in New York, just one year
ago. He lived with her in her 'boarding
house till blizzard Monday. He went out
to get a drink in the evening and did not
Yesterday this wife met him by chance in
the street He asked her to lend him some
money. She talked with him until a police
man came along, and then had him arrested.
He has been turned over to the United States
Commissioner as a deserter.
A Missing Ohio Man Discovered in a Log
Heap Near Col ambus.
Columbus, January 11. The body of a
stranger was found in a log heap north of
the city to-day and brought to the Coroner's
office. The face had been eaten off by hogs.
The body was identified late to-night as
that of Thomas Wilson, who has been
missing since Friday.
He formerly resided at London, O. It is
thought Wilson was murdered and thrown
in the log heap.
He Fails by Six Inches to Enter the
Indiana Senate Chamber, and
His Successor Granted the Privileges of the
Joint Session.
He Beesmmends New Election Laws and Says White
Capism Is Orer.
The Indiana Legislature met yesterday,
and in joint session listened to Governor
Gray's message without the attendance of
Lieutenant Governor Bobertson. Lieuten
ant Governor-elect Chase, however, by
unanimous consent, sat beside the presiding
officer. Bobertson came within six inches
of entering the hall. His party friends are
said to have deserted him because of hi:
lack of spirit. Governor Gray dwelt at
length on election frauds, bribery and in'
timidation, as well as the suppression of
White Capism in the State.
Indianapolis, January 11. Lieutenant
Governor Bobertson came this morning
within six inches of getting past the burly
Bulger who guards the Senate chamber
door, and playing with the Democratic ma
jority and its President inside. Bobertson
walked np to the State House with Senator
Demotte, a Republican, and followed be
hind him up to the door. The doorkeeper
opened it to admit Demotte, without noticing
Bobertson, and just at that moment some
one calling his attention, he turned his head
aside and Bobertson stepped forward into
the door. Bulger turned his head just in
time to thrust bis arm out, and caught the
knob of the door, making a bar to the far
ther progress of the Lieutenant-Governor.
"I want to come in," said Bobertson. "I
am the Lieutenant-Governor, 'ftnd it is my
business to enter and preside oyer the Sen
ate." y
"You cannot come it; themp' orders, and
that's all there is about it," replied Bulger,
pushing him back. J
Bobertson turned away, and soon after
ward left the State House without having
made any further effort to assert his rights.
The Bepublicans are disgusted with Bobert
son 's lack ofgrit in not attempting to effect
a forcible entrance yesterday, and the Re
publican Senators will pay no more atten
tion to him, except to place on file their
formal protest against the proceedings at
tending the organization of the Senate.
There was trouble over the journal report
ing these proceedings when it came to be
read this morning. The attempt of the Sec
retary to straignten out the remark about
parliamentary procedure that attended the
organization naa oecn a lamentaDle Liilure.
The Bepublicans declared that it was not a
true record, and the Democrats wereJCafraid
that it was too true to be creditable, so a
committee wa3 appointed to fix it up into
some shape that would do to become official.
At 2:30 the general assembly in joint ses
sion was called to order by Speaker Kiblack.
On motion of Senator Howard, Lieutenant
Governor-elect Chase was unanimously in
vited to occupy a chair besirt'e the Speaker.
"CtcutenantGovernoi Bobertson -was not
present. When Governor Gray appeared,
escorted by the joint committee, he was re
ceived with applause. The Governor's mes
sage took an hour in its deliverv. He
treated at length of the finances, showing
that the debt was now ?6,6T0,608. Of that
one-half was owing to the school fund and
drawing 6 per cent interest. He recom
mended that the debt to the school fund be
paid, and the money distributed to the
counties to be loaned to the people, as other
moneys belonging to that fund are. The
State could borrow all the money, she
wanted at 3 per cent, and the saving on in
terest annually would be over 8100,000. He
recommended that a tax of 2 cents on the
100 be levied to pay off the debt of the
State. He dwelt at length on the reform
needed in the election laws, and said in part:
I earnestly invite your attention to the im
perative necessity for a revision ot the election
laws, so as to guard more effectually the exer
cise of the elective franchise, and secure to the
people fair and honest elections. It is mani
fest that the public faith In the purity of our
elections has become shaken, and the feeling is
widespread that the decision at the ballot box
no longer reflects the honest judgment of a
majority of the voters. It is needless to
say that the ballot box is the super
structure upon which is built our representa
tive form ot government, and in our ability to
maintain the purity lies the only hope of the
perpetuity of oar free institutions. You can
render the State no more exalted service than
to frame aud enact such laws that will, so far
as legislation can accomplish, prevent the cor
rupt use of money, preserve the secrecy of the
ballot, secure pure elections and pnnish by the
severest penalties all who may be guilty of
committing fraud upon tbe ballot box, of
bribing or attempting to bribe any elector, or
of corrupting in any manner the suffrages of
the people.
The ballot should be printed by the State
and procured by the voter only at the colling
places, under such restrictions as will give
every voter the opportunity to select and vote
the ticket of his choice without interference
by others, and congregating and electioneering
about the polling places should be strictly pro
hibited. The law should be so framed as to ex
cludo all surveillanco over the voter while cast
ing his ballot. I would reeommend that tho
election precincts contain not over 200 voters.
I feel that I cannot too strongly urge upon you
the importance of giving the matter earnest
and early consideration.
On the subject of "White Caps" outrages
the Governor says:
Evidence was finally procured against the
principal participants, who were indicted and
luv inai bb. ivi xvtciuuer 4, 1000. Alio de
fendants have taken a change of venue, and
tho time of trial is now fixed for March 28.
The lawlessness has been completely sup
pressed. Intimations have been given by per
sons implicated that they desired to arrange
with tbe State, agreeing that no further out
rages would be committed if prosecutions on
the part of the State would cease. I felt that
the State could not afford to compromise with
persons guilty of such offenses, and have in
structed the authorities to prosecute all against
whom evidence can' be obtained to the full ex
tent of the law.
The Governor recommends that the con
stitution be amended so as to make the
term of all county and State officers four in
stead of two years, and providing for their
election on years when no Presidenfel con
test is up. He gave in detail the work that
had been done on the new public institu
tions of the State, and the estimates that
had been made as to the cost of their com
pletion. To meet the deficiency now exist
ing, and to provide for the current expenses
until an increase of revenue can be had, a
new loan of $2,000,000 will be needed.
At the conclusion ot the message the
General Assembly stood adjourned until to
morrow. Governor-elect Hovey arrived
from Washington to-night. He was met at
the depot by -a number of friends, including
several members of the 'Legislature, and
escorted to his hotel. He will to-morrow
hand Governor Gray his resignation as Con
gressman from the First Indiana district,
and it is thought the Governor will im
mediately issue notice for a special election
to fill the vacancy. General Hovey will be
inaugurated Governor of Indiana at noon
Rll I NVF Contributes the prospectus of
D 1 1.1a II I d the Congressional Record far
1889 in to-morrow's issue cThe Dispatch.
It's real Junny.
Tragic Seqnel to the Slyiterloas Death of
a Doctor's Wife Shot Dead In the
Open Street A Ballet In
His Brain.
Stevens Point, Wis., January 11. Dr.
O. C. Meyer, a physician of this city, aged
34, was shot dead abont 4 o'clock this after
noon by Phillip Griffith, his father-in-law.
Half an hour beiore the murder Meyer and
William Grifiith, his brother-in-law, had
quarreled in front of the postoffice and had
xiome to blows, but had been separated by
bystanders. Afterward they walked down
Main street together and turned south on
Third street. Less than SO feet from the
corner Meyer's father-in-law stepped np
behind him, and placing a revolver at his
head, fired the fatal bullet, remarking as he
did so: "Blood for blood."
The shot entered the head justjabove the
right ear, passing straight into the brain
and lodging within at the opposite side.
The doctor dropped to the walk dead, with
out uttering a word. Both of the Griffiths
were immediately arrested and taken to
jail. The elder, who is about 60 years old
and physically feeble, freely admitted that
he committed the deed and "expressed satis
faction. On December 19 Mrs. Meyers, the wife of
the doctor, died from the effects of a re
volver shot. The hnsband claimed at the
examination that she came to her death by
her own hands. Circumstances warranted
the Coroner's jury in not bringing in a
verdict of suicide, but the deed was charged
to no named person. The parents and
brother of Mrs. Meyers the Griffiths
stoutly maintained that she did not commit
suicide, and the father has since then tried
to secure a warrant for the doctor's arrest.
Having no additional evidence in his pos
session, the officers did not feel warranted in
issuing the writ. To-day's tragedy 13 the
Two Olen Shot In a Dlipnte Over a Small
Caulhowe, Mo., January 11. A fatal
affray between physicians occurred here.
Dr. Starke, 33 years of age, is a practicing
physician, and bears the reputation of a
quiet, inoffensive nature. Dr. Pitzer 13 the
same age as the other physician. He, too,
is a man who stands well with his neigh
bors. The trouble grew out of a small
account which Dr. Starke claimed Dr.
Pitzer owed him. The account was sent to
Dr. Pitzer, and a while afterward the two
men met and quarreled over it. At the
time Dr. Pitzer had a double barrel shot
gun, but whether he took it with him be
cause he expected a quarrel or not is not
Friends prevented them from coming to
gether, and they separated. After supper
the men of the town gatHered in the store,
among them Dr. Starke. Later Pitzer
came in and their quarrel was renewed, the
men coming to blows. Pitzer is much the
larger and stronger man, and Starke was no
match for him. Again friends interfered,
and Pitzer turned to Starke, whipped out a
pistol and fired at him. The bullet missed
its mark and took effect in the side of Alex
ander McLin, an old gentleman a?ed 75
years, making a serious fiesh wound. Starke
fired again and again, the two last shots en
tering Pitzer's back, one passing entirely
through his body, inflicting a fatal wound.
Starke is in custody.
Sensational Developments Awaited la the
Solatloa ofan Assassination Mystery.
Hannibai,, Mo., January 11. Some
very sensational discoveries have been made
by the officers at work on the Stillweil mur
der case. On December 17, Amos J. Still
well, the wealthiest citizen of the city, was
murdered in his bed by an assassin whose
motive was supposed to be robbery. A
portion of the clothing and some money be
longing to Mr. Stillweil were found in the
yard in rear of his house. It is reported
that the officers have learned that the assas
sin took no money, bnt purposely dropped
it to create the impression that that was the
motive for the crime.
It now turns out that Stillweil wasn't
murdered by a burglar, but by some one
concealed in the house. Mrs. Stillweil,
who has been driven almost insane by the
tragedy, tells some conflicting stories about
what occurred in the room, but is giving
the officers every assistance to apprehend
the murderer. The whole city is still dis
cussing the tragedy and watching develop
A Government Revenue Cotter Maks a'RIch
Haul in Paget Sound.
Fobt Townsend, W. T., January 11.
The largest opium and Chinese seizures
made on Pnget Sound for several months
was made last night, when nearly 55,000
worth of opium and 12 Chinamen were
captured in the British sloop Emerald, near
the mouth of Port Discovery Bay. The
vessel was in charge of Benjamin Lundy
and Frank Hall, and was loaded with 400
pounds of refined opium and a dozen China
men from Victoria. The master was to re
ceive $20 for every Chinese landed on
American soil, besides $2,000 on opium.
All the Chinese were provided with
British certificates entitling them to return
to Victoria. The smugglers, when they ob
served the revenue cutter Oliver "Wolcott
bearing down upon them, threw a large
quantity of opium overboard, attached to
floating life preservers, a few of which the
officers picked up. They were heavily armed,
but offered no resistence. The smugglers
were bound over in the sum of $3,000 each
to appear for trial.
Justice Meted Out to'a Mnrderer by a Party
of Citizens.
New Flobence, Mo., January 11. A
shooting, affray occurred at this place yester
day in which D. E. Driscoll was instantly
killed by Isaac Willis, who escaped from
the jail at Danville some time since. Willis
had been imprisoned some months for an
unsuccessful attempt to kill his wife. On
the night of December 30 he escaped. Noth
ing was heard of him until yesterday morn
ing, when he made his appearance at an early
hour at Mrs. Peter's, where his wife, from
whom he had been divorced, was living.
He made a desperate attempt to gain ad
mittance to his wile's room, but was pre
vented from so doing until she could secure
herself in a neighbor's house. Driscoll, the
City Marshal, was notified of "Willis ac
tion, and proceeded to arrest him. Willi3
shot him through the heart. Willis was
followed by a posse of citizens and killed.
A New York Murderer Captured After a
Chase of Threo Weeks.
New Yoke, January 11. John Burke,
a murderer, was in court for the first time,
this morning. Three weeks ago the Burke
and Moore families passed an evening in an
uptown saloon. Young Burke fell to quar
reling with Michael Moore. He eventually
plunged a big knife into Moore's groin, up
to the handle.
He then carefully withdrew the knife,
handed it to his sister, and walked out of
the saloon. Moore died three days later.
Burke was caught in Newark last night.
. - j
- V. "Si.
The :&. .-adoes Asain at
:&. .-adoes
WriA) East End.
Made Upon Arthur Creighton JTear
tbe Bailroad Station.
But They Fire Upon the Officers Chasing
Them and Escape.
Highway robbers knocked Arthur
Creighton down near East Liberty station
at an early hour last night. After heating
him brutally, they took his gold watch.
They were chased by a crowd, but created
confusion by firing several shots among tho
people and thus made their escape. The
bold character of the deed, rather than what
the rascals secured, has again alarmed East
End people.
The East End is terrorized again. Not
since the wife of ei-State Treasurer Livesey
was attacked by highwaymen on Shady
avenue has there been so daring a robbery
and so murderous an assault out there as
one which was perpetrated last night shortly
aiter 9 o'clock. It will be apt to cause a
renewal of the demand for mounted police
men in the suburban wards.
The crime was committed a! a spot where
there always are many people around the
East Liberty station on the Pennsylvania
Bailroad. From the subsequent accounts
of spectators, it was learned that fully half
an hour before the time mentioned, two
shabbily-dressed men were observed loiter
ing abont the depot. They looked like
tramps. One was very tall, probably two
inches over six feet, and his companion was
scarcely five feet high. Their prototypes
might be found in the two jolly robbers of
the opera of 'Erminie." However, both
rascals in this instance wore broad-brimmed
stiff hats, and they had no ancient um
brella to protect them from the rain and
What made them chiefly conspicuous was
the skulking. They seemed to carefully
avoid the gentlemen's waiting room and the
well-lighted platform, sneaking to and fro
along the side boardwalk leading to Penn
avenue and hiding in the depot yard. One
gentleman remembered afterward that he
had seen the two fellow: follow a prominent
iron manufacturer to a point near Calvary
P. E. Church and then drop back.
One other man they tried to track. Ho
had paid the baggagemaster some money
and they evidently watched him through a
window. But that chase they evidently
gave up too. Arthur Creighton crossed the
raiiroad a little after 9 o'clock, going from
Frankstown avenue over to Penn avenue;
Upon him the tramps centered their atten
tion. The smallest soon caught np to him,
and by some pretense, induced him to step
across to the darkest side of the Station
street road, east of the railroad tracks. He
there engaged him in some meaningless
conversation which was scarcely a moment
in duration, for the tall brigand bringing
up the rear, so stealthfully that he was not
heard, dealt Mr. Creighton a powerful blow
on the side of the head with some heavy
weapon, which the victim says felt like a
Creighton is a little man himself. He is
about SO years of age, and has but little
strength for such an unexpected combat.
He attempted to arise, but received a kick
in the side and several brutal blows in the
chest. When he tried to yell for help, he
was kicked again, and one of the ruffians
held his mouth. They went through his
pockets, tearing his gold watch from the
silver chain, and, finding no money abont
him, ran away toward Penn avenue, appar
ently thinking their victim was unconscious.
In their flight the highwaymen ran
plump into two citizens. One of these told
Sergeant Best at the police station that they
tried to stop the fugitives at once, sup
posing something was wrong, but the tall
fellow told them there was a fight down
By that time, however, Mr. Creighton
was on his feet yelling lustily, "Stop thief!"
The two citizens dashed up street after
the two robbers, and a few steps
around the corner took them past the
Nineteenth ward station house. Here
Captain Mercer, Officers McLaughlin and
McNalley and two patrol wagonmen, joined
in the pursuit. Just across the Penn ave
nue railroad bridge the party were fired
upon by either one or both tbe runaways.
Four shots were fired back in quick succes
sion, but the aim was bad and no one was
The shooting brought a big crowd to the
scene, but, in the contusion that followed,
the footpads made their escape. From all
indications they are supposed to have gone
to Fifth avenue and hidden in some of the
fields between East Liberty and Oakland.
Sergeant Bert telephoned their descrip
tion to all parts of the city. Mr. Creighton
went to the station house, got his fare
washed and a gash on his head attended to,
and went home. His clothes were ruined
by the mud in which he had wallowed. His
watch was worth $150.
The most intense excitement prevailed in
the East End after the occurrence. The
fact that the tramps were hiding along some
of the lonely streets, and the similarity of
the affair to previous deeds of desperadoes
out there, scared several women so badly
that they had to beg for escorts to their
homes. It was still early, and ladies on the
streets were numerous. The attempted rob
bery of an Oakland store this week was
spoken of in connection with last night's
affair by one of the officers. An unusually
large number of suspicious characters have
been seen in the East End district within
the last month. Citizens want some of
them arrested as a scare.
A Cheap Bookkeeper Drops aHoll of $1,600
In the Tlser Lnlr.
New Toek, January 11. John E. Fos
ter, a bookkeepor on 513 a week, and father
of six children, has gone wrong. George B.
Bidwell, his employer, has put him in jail
because ho stole $1,600 from the safe of
Bidwell & Co.
Foster sayj he spent the money in playing
faro. He took the money in small amounts,
and concealed the thefts temporarily b
"doctoring" the books.
. " &