Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 11, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Eight Clubs Gained For the
Allegheny County Leape.
Hnlholland and Mahan Fisjht Nearly
Six Hours at Trisco.
He Explains How He Was Bolted at
There promises to he greater activity
among what is termed local amateur ball
this year than there has ever been. There
will undoubtedly be among clubs in and
about the city, but the great feature will be
the Allegheny County League. The gen
eral interest in this organization has been
demonstrated recently by the exchange of
of opinions published in these columns.
HoweTer, it may be stated as a fact that the
league will be organized and will be strong
er than heretofore: at least this was stated to
be a fact by an official of the league yesterday.
He said:
"Wc hare definitely resolved to increase our
league to eight clubs. Of course they hare
not been selected yet, but I can. I think, name
the eight. They will be: East End Athletics,
Homestead, Braddock and Duqacsr.es; the
four being the old league.
The new four will be the Emsworths, Se
wickleys, Etna Stars and a team made up of
players from the G. T. Ts. and "V. J. Knchnes.
The clnb will take the latter name. If nothing
unforeseen occurs these eight clubs will form
the new league. However, 1 hear that Ed
Monis intends to organize a strong team with
England as pitcher. If this is done Morris'
team may be admitted instead of some other.
Hazelwood has also applied, together with one
or two other clubs. The league meeting will
not be held until some time next month, and
I feel certain that the teams named will be
selected. AVe have beard from them all."
The question of grounds is a difficulty hard
to overcome by some clubs, but great encour
agement is given on the matter by the fact
that at the league meeting a change will be
made in tbe constitution to meet the case.
Clubs not having grounds of their own will
have their home games scheduled on the
grounds of other clubs. In these home games
the club claiming them a such shall have con
trol of all the receipts, out of which they must
pay for all advertising, balls, etcx, the 'visit
ing" or the real home club paying for the
umpire, the same as if the game was bemc
played by tbe club away from its own grounds.
A change of this kind, it is expected, will
Surmount the difficulty complained of. The
clubs having grounds are: The Braddocks,
Homesteads, East End Athletics, Emsworths,
Etna Stars and Sewickleys. This leaves only
two clubs without grounds. The creat benefit
resnlting from having an organization will
probably prompt all parties concerned to act in
a give-and-take spirit as much as possible. If
this is so there is no fear of the league.
The league's season will open on April 20
and close on September 17. Referring to this
the official alreadv quoted said: "We will close
at the time named, because the weather begins
to break up about then: at any rate tbe attend
ance falls off greatly. Vt'e have, or at least we
Intend to have, four regular umpires and a sub
stitute Each umpire will be paid $2 per game.
There are plenty of men to select from, and I
think that Zachariah, of Homestead. Jlyler, of
the East End, and Arbergart, of Allegheny, will
be three of the umpires."
The East End Athletics are not sure of the
services of Ad Gumbert, the pitcher, for the
reason. He told a friend tbe other day that if
lie can obtain six months' leave of absence
rnm his employment at the Piothonotary's
office he will play in Chicago. If he cannot se
cure leave of absence, however, he will remain
here, and will pitch lor the East Enders. This
will give them a great advantage, and in all
probability the amateur pennant. The Ems
worths, however, nromise to be strong, as they
have two excellent pitchers who will help out
the weak batting of the team. The Home
steads will be strong as ever, and altogetner
the league will be a good one.
Australians Did the Amcrlcnn Hall Flayers
Affectionate Farewells.
Laig's Bay, near Adelaide, January 10.
Copyright. The Uorth German Lloyds
steamer Saille with the American baseball
teams on board, left here to-day for India.
Hundreds of farewell telegrams were received
by the Americans here, all full of good wishes
and hopes of a safe journey home.
There are at present 18 baseball clubs in
Australia, and many more will be lormed in
the near future. The weather is torndly hot
Tbe ship's stay was so limited that no oppor
tunity was given to play for the Adelaldeians.
Xew Orleans Races.
JfEW Orleans, January 10. The weather
to-day was clear and cool, and the track heavy.
First race, nine-sixteenths ol a mile -Leo Uriegcl
woninI:01K, Lovelace second. Dot third.
Second race, thlrtcen-slxteenths of a mile
AVooley won in liS-i. Kadlcal second, Jlmmic B
third. Ed lllrhardson, the owner. Jockey btone,
tin1 rider of Gleaner, were ruled off, it being evi
dent that it was their purpose to lose the race.
Third race, five-clpbtlis of a mile Lamont, Get,
Ked Leaf, VattrlL Joylul. Jim D and Gabc start
ed. Lamont won in 1:07,, Bed Leaf scevnd. Get
Fourth race. one mile and seventy yards I'robus
won in 1:57, McMurtry 6econd, Countess third.
Detroit's Programme,
Detroit, January 10. It has been decided
that the members of the Detroit nine will re
port at Richmond, Va., April 1, and after about
ten days' practice, will gradually work north
ward to the place where they open the season
on May i. Exhibition games will be played at
"Washington. Baltimore, Pittsburg. Columbus,
and other cities yet to be arranged for. Man
ager Lcadley is a firm believer in the efficacy
of preliminary practice in the South. Detroit
will play no Sunday games.
Kllrnln Will Fieht.
New Yokk, January 10. The following is a
copy of a dispatch received by Richard K.
Albakt, N. Y January 9, 1SS9.
Police Gazette, Sew York.
Many concessions have been made by my rep
resentatives in arranging the match, and I
think the other 6ide has got much tho better of
it Notwithstanding that I feel sure of win
ning the fight Jake Kilratx.
Grant nnd Dnrrnh Mny Fieht.
Beaver Falls, January 10. Elmer Grant
the local pugilist well known in Pittsburg, left
to-day for East Liverpool to make final arrange
ments for a ficbt with Jim Darrab. Tbe battle
will come off in a short time near the Virginia
lh.e. Efforts have been made at intervals
during the last two years to get the men to
gether, and it is thought that the present at
tempt will be a go.
A Fittabnrger Will Back Campbell.
roRTLAK D, Ore., January 10. Dave Camp
bell, the young pugilist whom Jack Dempsey
knocked out in three rounds two years ago, has
received a telegram from C. M. Mensinger, a
prominent sporting man of Pittsburg, Pa
offering to back him for $5,000 in a fight to a
finish with Dominick McCaffrey.
Campbell has retired from the ring, but is
disposed to accept the flattering offer.
The Rifle Shooters.
The strong wind Interfered with the Pitts
? burg Rifle Club shoot yesterday. There were
L numerous contestants, but only two made any
' scores these beinc J. A. Huggius and Louis
j Urchin. Their scores were:
r- JIucpins-76, 84, 71, St 83, 85, R3. Averaee, S1S-7.
Krplim-JA fll . Tfl Tl HI Tt -i n w Avr
s2 - are. 76 3-10.
Trouble in the Cnmp.
New York, January 10. The Association
Schedule Committee continued its labors
yesterday. Messrs. Byrne. Von der Abe and
Barnie were closeted during almost the whole
day, and at a late hour to-night were still at
work. There seems to be a hitch somewhere.
It is rumored that Von der Ahe is dissatisfied
with the Brooklvn club's share of last year's
plums, and is making a strenuous fight for an
equal division of next season's fruit The
session will probably not be finished before
to-morrow night Barnie is between two fires.
Billy is well able to look out for number one.
Mulholland nnd Mnhnn Fight Nenrly Six
Hoars nt 'Frisco.
SAJf Francisco, January 10. The fight
which occurred at the gymnasium of the Gold
en Gate Athletic Club last night between the
lightweights, Billy Mahan, of California, and
George Mulholland, of Australia, was the long
est ever seen on this coast Tne battle com
menced at 9:40 o'clock and continued until 325
this morning, when it was declared a draw at
the close of the eighty-seventh round. Joe
McAuIiffe, who was recently defeated by Peter
Jackson, was referee.
Throughout the fight Mulholland showed
himself tho superior in ecience and quickness,
but Maban exhibited all the qualities of a
game and hard fighter. About the fiftieth
round it seemed almost certain that Mulhol
land would win, as he had been punished very
little, while Mahan's lips and check were
badly swollen and his eyes nearly closed, and
he had lost one tooth by contact with the
Australian's head. However, Mulholland did
not seem able to give the knock-out blow, and
during the last two buurs of the fight Mahan
was as fresh as his antagonist and adminis
tered some severe punishment on Jlulholland's
wind. Both men slipped and fell to the floor
several times durinc the battle, but tho only
clean knock-down was in tbe fifty-second
round, when Mulholland was knocked under
the ropes bv a terrific blow in the stomach.
After it became apparent that neither of the
men was likely to be knocked out there were
numerous demands for a draw, and the referee
finally consented to the proposition, as the
battle had lasted five hours and three-quarters
and both men were too weak to strike an ef
fective blow.
ninnncer Phillips Desires to Find Him
Locnl Ball Gossip.
Manager Phillips is gradually regaining his
strength and expects to be out enjoying the
fresh air within a week or so. Yesterday after
noon he had a few words to say about baseball
matters. He said:
"I have not heard from Von aer Ahe yet, and
if I knew where to reach him I would wire him
at once asking definitely what he means. I
want to know whether or not he'll play, as I
can make other arrangements if thev won't
play. I have had a letter from the Detroit
club. The latter wants to come here and open
the grounds for the season on April 13. If we
return from our Western trip by that time De
troit's desire will be granted."
Referring to Mr. Spaldlnc's opinions as ex
clusively stated in The Dispatch yesterday,
Mr. Phillips said: "I think that if the Associa
tion docs not adopt the League graded salary
rule it will interfere greatly with the latter, as
it will be sometimes difficult to buy an Associa
tion player without paying high for him."
The Local Sprinter Snys Ho Was Robbed
nt Sheffield.
A letter was received in the city yesterday
from George Smith, tbe local sprinter wbo
started in tbe recent Sheffield Christmas handi
cap. The letter was not long but very pointed.
It was written two days after the handicap.
George says that bo was absolutely robbed by
the referee. He. Smith, declares that he won
his beat by fully a half yard and that the
referee decided against him. A scene of the
wildest kind followed, is the public had backed
Smith heavily. He started first favorite, his
price being 7 to 2 against two days before tbe
handicap started. Smith adds that a serious
riot almost took place on the grounds.
The Mania .Sprcndlnc.
"Warren, CL. January 10. A three days'
walking match begins at the Warren Rink, at
11 A. St., January 17, A nnmber of entries have
been made, one or two from abroad being guar
anteed as good ones. Poff, the local ped, who
made a good showing in the Pittsburg match,
is entered. The entries can be sent to F, M.
Kirk, up to next Tuesday. The purse is one
half the gross receipts, which will no doubt be
good, as the walk is under the management of
the Dawson Fire Company.
The American Won.
Amsterdam, January 10. In the skating
championship contest here to-day the two-mile
race was won by Joseph F. Donoghuo, of lew
burg, N. Y in 6 minutes and 24 seconds. His
opponent Panschin, the Russian champion,
covered tbe distance in 6 minutes and 31 sec
onds. The best record previously made for the
same distance was 6 minutes and 41 seconds. A
thaw has set in and tbe ice is rapidly melting.
More Entries Received.
Another large batch of entries for the ap
proaching dog show was received yesterday.
Among the number were the entries of several
setters entered by Fred Pastre, of this city.
Sporting Notes.
J. F. Latrobe B, of course, is entitled to
the pot
Norristowx has organized a club for the
Middle States League.
Kilratk wants the final stakeholder ap
pointed at once to clinch matters.
It seems as if Von der Ahe has something
easier in view than tackling Pittsburg.
There are letters at this office for Harry
Nikirk. the pugilist and Peter Priddy, the
Washington has signed Ebright a Call
fornia catcher. He is considered a good all
round player.
There are nearly 700 entries for the Ama
teur Athletic Union's games, which take place
on the 19th Inst
BertScheller defeated Merrine Thomp
son, on a foul, in a 2S-round prize fight near
Nashville on Wednesday night London Prize
Ring rules governed.
It is pretty nearly settled that Will Dalzell
will start in as the regular pitcher of the Yale
club next spring, and if be fails to make a good
showing Stagg will be called on.
Ramsey and Browning will get paid on the
bonus plan next season. Good behavior and
temperance will yield them a nice snug sum,
while dissipation will cut down their compensa
tion to hardpan figures.
Articles were signed at Denver vesterday
for a fight between Lx Blanche and Ed Smith,
tbe middle-weight champion of tbe West The
mill is to como off February 20, and will be
catch-weight and for $1,000 a side.
Jimmy Wakely is anxious to have Charley
Mitchell and his friends consider carefully his
proposal to match Dempsey to fight the En
glishman in the same ring as Sullivan and Kil
rain for S5.000 aside Mr. Wakely thinks that
Charley's hand will be all right in six months'
With retard to the application of the Newark
and Jersey City clubs for admission to the In
ternational Baseball Association, President Mc
Connell. of the Toronto Baseball Association,
says that Toronto will vote in the negative. He
is of the opinion that eight clubs in the League
are quite enough.
According to the outlines given by the
American Association Schedule Committee,
the Eastern clubs will go West before the
Western clubs come East and while they are
in the West the Western clubs of tho League
will make their first Eastern tour. It is thought
that there will be very few if any conflicting
dates in the East between tho Association and
the League.
John J. Murphy, proprietor of the Hub
Billiard Palace in Boston, will back Engeno
Carter, the Chicago billlardist, for J1.000
against any man in America at cushion car
roms, Jacob Schaefer barred. Mr. Murphy's
word is as good as any man's bond, and he will
put up a forfeit at any time or place that may
be agreed upon wucn the challenge is accepted.
New York World.
Executive Committee Appointed by the Pres
ident of the Association.
Washington, January 10. Mr. Dan.
A. Budd, President of the Colored Catholic
Congress, has, by order of the congress, ap
pointed the following named persons as an
Executive Committee:
Mr. C. H. Butler, District of Columbia;
Mr. Wm. H. Smith, District of Columbia;
Mr. S. E. Hardy, Minnesota; Joseph Wilk
enson, Missouri: A. E. Itobinson, Georgia;
J. A. Spencer, South Carolina; H. L. Jones,
Louisiana; J. Boisnear, Rhode Island; J. B.
Kellv, Marrland; R. Sansburv, Kentucky;
A. Taltso, Illinois; B. P. Oliier. Virginia;
Frank Dorsey, Pennsylvania; Robert N.
"Wood, New York.
Gold Hunters Lost.
Needles, Caxa., Jannary 10. It is re
ported here that out of a party of seven
prospectors who left here recently in a small
boat for new gold fields, four were drowned
by the capsizing ot the boat while going
through the rapids of the river below here.
Exciting Scene at the Opening of the
Indiana Legislature.
And lieutenant Governor Bobertson
Barred at the Door.
Scenes and Incidents at tne Home of rrcsilenUEIect
The Democrats organized the Indiana
Legislature yesterday. Lieutenant Gov
ernor Itobertson was refused admission to
the Senate chamber. Great excitement pre
vailed throughout the proceedings, Mrs.
Harrison is asked to abolish wine from the
White House. The General is presented
with a unique cane.
Indianapolis, January 10, The Fifty
sixth General Assembly of Indiana con
vened this morning. The Democratic caucus
nominees for the various offices were duly
elected. The House stands: Democrats, 57;
Republicans, 43. Hon. Mason J. Niblack,
of Knox county, son of ex-Judge Niblack,
of the Indiana Supreme Bench, was chosen
Speaker. The other House officers chosen
are: Clerk, Thomas NcwKirk; Assistant
Clerk, John S. Scobey; Doorkeeper, Frank
B. Heimbaugh.
The chief interest in the session centered
around the Senate chambers. Crowds gath
ered about the lobby in anticipation of see
ing a genuine fight, as it was understood
the Democratic Senators had by caucus
action determined not to recognize the
authority of Lieutenant Governor Kobejf
son. The Democrats have a majority of
four in the Senate. Admission to the
Senate chamber was by ticket. Colonel
Bobertson arrived early and elbowed his
way through the crowd. A big sturdy
doorkeeper named Bulger, the same who
laid violent hands on Colonel Itobertson
during the last session, stood at the entrance
and refused to admit him.
"I am President of the Senate and demand
admission," said Bobertson.
"You can't have it," replied Bulger. I
am acting under instructions. Please stand
back and make room for the gentlemen with
Colonel Bobertson stepped back and made
no further attempt to gain admission, al
though he remained near by until adjourn
ment. Under the law it becomes the duty
of the State Auditor to organize the
Senate in the absence of the pre
siding officer. Judge Mitchell, of
the Supreme Court took the
gavel and inquired whether Auditor Bruce
Carr was present. Mr. Carr stepped out
and briefly declined to act, stating that he
knew Lieutenant Governor Bobertson, the
constitutional presiding officer, was at the
door demanding admission, and hence he
would not usurp his power.
Senator Johnston then read, midst great
confusion, a letter from Bobertson stating
that he was at the door ready to fulfill his
duties, and requesting that fact to be called
to the attention of the Senate. Senator
Johnson concluded by submitting a reso
lution directing that the Auditor of State
direct the doorkeeper to admit Colonel
Bobertson. Johnson put his resolution to
vote the Senate was in a perfect uproar
and declared it carried, but it had no effect
on the doorkeeper.
Judge Mitchell and the Democratic mem
bers of the Senate then proceeded to or
ganize that body, the Republicans retrain
ing from voting. James F. Cox was by
resolution chosen President of the session,
and took the chair. The Bepublicans pro
tested acaiust Cox taking the oath, but
Judge Mitchell administered it and then
left the chamber.
- Alonzo S. Smith was declared elected Sec
retary of the Senate. The vote was chal
lenged and the debate was very acrid. The
minor offices were filled likewise and the
Senate adjourned.
Mrs. Harrison had a goodly number of
callers to-day. The total abstinence ladies
are importuning her to discountenance the
use ot wines at the White House, while
other ladies are troubled over the matter of
bustles and such like, the sinfnl use of which
they think Mrs. Harrison ought to frown
upon, but Mrs. Harrison declines to become
or to assume to become an arbiter of fash
There was a large number of visitors at
the Harrison residence, but not many po
litical callers. One of the first visitors of
note was the Hon. J. A. Edgcrton, Senator
elect from the new State of South Dakota,
who is on his way to Washington. He
had a conference with the President-elect
and talked over the prospects of the early
admission of the Dakotas. No special sig
nificance is believed to attach to his visit.
He left for Washington by the early train.
Other visitors were the Hon. W. D.
Farquhar, of Massachusetts, and Captain
Pratt, of the Carlisle Indian school. The
Captain is a native of Indiana. His confer
ence with General Harrison was upon In
dian educational affairs. A party ot promi
nent Ohio people from Cleveland were
among the callers this afternoon. The party
comprised Colonel D. P. Ellis and wife,
Hon. Truman E. C. Handy and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Waite and Mrs. Anna C.
Crowell. Their visit was entirely social.
General Harrison was to-day the recipient
of another carved cane, more unique if any
thing than its predecessors. It comes from
Joseph Bolt, a blacksmith at Schuylkill
Haven, Pa. It is of hard spruce. In the
middle is carved a log cabin from which a
boy carrying his school books has emerged
and is climbing upward. The next figure
shows the boy grown to manhood and riding
his charger with drawn sword in battle.
Near the top stands Uncle Sam holding a
laurel wreath in one hand for the soldier
and with the other pointing upward to the
temple of fame with which surmounts them.
The handle is an eagle resting upon the
temple. The whole is carved from a single
piece. The ferrule is a horse's foot with
miniature steel shoes.
Officers Installed.
The Keystone Legion No. 3, Select
Knights, A. O. U. W., met last night in
Lawrenceville and installed the following
named officers for the ensuing year: Grand
Commander, Frederick Maumann; Vice
Grand Commander, U. Ketterer; Lieutenant,
C. Grudman.
Mnny Wires Down.
Nearly all the wires of the Western
Union Telegraph Company between this city
nnd New York are down. Messages are de
layed five hours. The wires throughout the
"West are in a bad condition. The Postal
company report their lines in good shape,
except the one through the oil regions.
Will Defend the mormons.
Colonel Broadhead, of St. Louis, passed
through the citv last night en route to
"Washington. He and Senator McDonald,
of Indiana, have been employed by the
Mormons to defend them in the suit of the
Government to compel this class to forfeit
all their lands, stocks, etc.
General Bonlanser Will Resign.
London, January 11. The Standard's
Paris correspondent confirms the statement
that General Boulanger intends to resign
his seat in the Chamber of Deputies for the
Department of the Nord, and that he will
preface his resignation with a motion de
manding the dissolution of Parliament.
Return of tho Ynntlc With One Death From
Yellow Fever to Report Another
Invalid on Bonrd-The Two
Cndeti Convalescent.
New York, January 10 The wooden
United States cruiser Yantic, Commander
Hegerman, which was compelled to leave
Port-au-Prince on New Year's Day because
yellorr fever had developed aboard her alter
the surrender oi the steamship Haytien Ke
publictoAdmiralLuce,arrivedatquarantine to-night, with one death to report. Cor
poral Bowe, of the marines, died on Mon
day at sea. Lieutent Miles is seriously ill,
but there are hopes of his recovery. Cadet
M. A. Bristol and Yeoman Kceler also
had the fever, but are convalescent The
Yantic arrived at quarantine at 11:03 p. m.,
and will lie there until she has been dis
infected. Getting yellow fever out of the
wooden Yantic will not be so easy as it
was to purify the iron cruiser Boston.
The Yantic has 125 officers and men
aboard. Her list of officers includes the
names of Captain Oscar F. Hegerman;
Lieutenants, E. H. Gheen, G. W.
Mentz and F. H. Tyler; Ensigns,
F. w. Kellogg and F. B. Ashmore;
Cadets, M. A. Bristol and F. M. Swanstron;
Past Assistant Engineer, Jefferson Brown;
Past Assistant Paymaster, B. T. M. Ball;
Past Assistant Surgeon, E. H. McCarthy.
Hnngnrians Strongly Object to Heine Com
pelled to Learn the Germnn LnnBUaqc.
Vienna, January 11. In the Lower
House of the Hungarian Diet to-day Count
Czaky, the new Minister ot Education, re
ferring to the Government's refusal to
insert a clause in the army bill
declaring it unnecessary to pass an
examination in German defended the Gov
ernment on the ground that its promise of
exemption, backed by the Emperor's prom
ise, was sufficient without the in
sertion of the clause referred to,
the adoption of which would lead
to a. similar demand on behalf of all the
Austrian provinces. He was interrupted
at this point by shouts of "Germanizer,"
"Germani Minister," etc.
Minister Czaky, however, continued,
coolly" saying: "The ability of the country
to defend' itself is a matter which takes
precedence of education. Every one is a
better Hungarian and a better patriot, the
better he knows German.'
Hereupon there arose a! deafening uproar
which lasted five minutes, but Count Czaky
stuck to his guns, and was eventually re
warded for his peristence by cheers of ap
proval from members of the Ministerial
Allegheny Detectives Arrest a Young Lady
for Grand Lnrccny.
Detectives John B. Murphy nnd John
Glcn, of Allegheny, made an important
arrest last evening. Chief of Police Kirseh
ler received a telegram from Superintendent
of Police Hubbard, of Chicago, that Mrs.
Pearl Clark, alias Mrs. Charles Walters,
alias Maggie Degnan, was wanted there on
a charge of grand larceny. The girl is
only 26 years of age, and her parents reside
on Walnut stree, Allegheny.
The detectives found that she had been
home, but had gone away. Later they ar
rested her on South Canal street about 6
o'clock. The young prisoner admitted that
she had heard she was wanted in Chicago.
She was locked up, and the Chicago author
ities notified to call for her. The young
lady has had an eventful career, but de
clines to talk about her past life.
Incidents of a Day In Two Cities Condensed
for Ready Reading.
Mr. D. C. Hebbst went to Cincinnati last
The contract to built dam No. 8 on the
Jlonongahela river was awarded yesterday to
C. L McDonald.
The society class of Christy's Dancing
Academy will give their annual full dress re
ception Thursday evening, January 31.
Joseph Crane had his right band caught in
the cogwheels at Jacobs' blacking works
near Soho yesterday. It was badly smashed.
Jeremiah Dunlevt, of the firm of Walker,
Dunlevy fc Co., pork packers, is lying danger
ously ill at his home on Fifth avenue, Four
teenth ward.
TnE grocery store of J. W. Corley, Monterey
street, Allegheny, caught fire about 11:30
Wednesday night. A lot of canned goods in
the cellar were damaged. The loss is $800.
A heavy weight fell on Elmer Luce's leg
yesterday in Carnegie's Twenty-ninth street
mill, and broke It. He is 17 years old, and was
taken to his home in the Thirteenth ward.
So few of the members of the Historical
Society wero notified that a meeting Was to be
held yesterday afternoon that a postponement
was made until the second Thursday in Febru
ary. Pbof. P. A Shanob, principal of the public
schools at West Newton, delivered one of his
highly entertaining lectures before the con
gregation ot tne Mount z,ion lutneran unurcn
in Allegheny last evening.
Mrs. Brieu who claims to be the wife of
Guss Brill, of the East End, called at police
headquarters yesterday for aid to get to Chica
go to see her son, who, she said, had gotten into
trouble. Bhe didn't get the money.
Mr. Harry A. Neeb, or the Freheiu
Freund, while standing on Federal street
when the storm struck the city, was picked up
by the wind and violently hurled against a
hitching post. He was bruised about the body.
Thieves tried to rob tho storo of Geo. A.
Charles, corner Ward and Sample streets, Oak
land, Wednesday night, but were scared off.
The gang then tried to break into the store of
August Alles, a square away, but were chased
by the police.
The Italian Parliament reopens on the 2Sth
Hon. Perry Belmont, the new American
Minister to Spain, has arrived at Madrid.
Dr. TnCRBER has been appointed pastor of
the American church in the Rue Bcrri, Paris.
Alessasdro Gavazzi, the anti-Popery
lecturer, has died in London, in his 80th year.
TnE Pope has sent chalices to Cardinal Man
ning, Cardinal Newman and the Archbishop of
The Ministry of New South Wales has been
defeated on a domestic question aud has
Princess Louise, sister ot the Empress of
Germany, has been betrothed to Prince Leo
pold, of Prussia.
GENERAi.vosrScinvErNrTz.the German Am
bassador at St. Petersburg, will go to Berlin to
receive tbe Order of the Black Eagle.
President Carnot, of France, gave a
grand banquet last evening to all the foreign
Ambassadors and diplomatis representatives.
Colonel Von Williams, who goes to St.
Petersburg as German military attache, takes
with him a very friendly letter from the Kaiser
to the Czar.
The French Minister of Marine has received
a dispatch from the Governor of Obock,
stating that he and the Captain of a French
man-of-war have taken measures to repress the
slave trade in the Bed Sea.
In the French Chamber of Dcnuties yester
day President Meltne declared that his only
ambition was to promote the policy of peace.
He dwelt upon the necessity of the contlnuitv
of the parliamentary regime. Time was re
quired to attain perfection.
Prohibition In New Hampshire.
Concord, N. H., January 10. The Con
stitutional convention to-day adopted an
amendment to the. Constitution prohibiting
the manufacture and sale of all intoxicating
liquors, except cider.
Ten Buildings nursed.
Ehreveport, La., January 10. Fire
broke out to-day in Schwartz & Kerns' fur
niture warehouse, and that .and nine other
buildings were either destroyed or partially
burned. Lou, $75,000.
He Says tlia Railroad Managers
Should Advise Their -Agents to
Violations of the Act Will Only Stave Off
All Modifications.
Daring the Fresent Session, aid a Glance at the
Changes Eocbt For.
Students of transportation are watching
the meeting of the railroad Presidents at
New York. Congressmen believe that
obedience to the Inter-State Commerce law
on the part of the railroad managers would
lead to modifications in their favor. Judge
Cooley, however, does not think any relief
can be obtained at this session. The pend
ing amendments to the law, now before
Congress, are recalled, and are interesting
at this time.
Washington, January 10. The meet
ing of the railroad presidents with the
members of the Inter-State Commerce Com
mission is attracting a good deal of at
tention here, particularly among those who
have made the transportation problem a
study. It was a matter of the mountain
going to Mahomet when the commissioners
went to New York, but they preferred to do
so, as there was another matter over there
to be looked after.
The feeling is general among Congress
men that if the railway officials would
agree to obey the law strictly for a few
months, so that it might be seen whether it
required amendment, there would be
little difficulty in making the necessary
modifications. But it is claimed that the
law hasn't been literally obeyed for a
single month by any trunk line railroad
since it went into operation, and there is,
therefore, less spirit of concession than
there otherwise would be. Senator Cullom
expressed the prevailing sentiment to-day
when he said:
"If the conference recommends changes in
the inter-State commerce law, I fear that
they will be disappointed. The condition
of legislation in both Houses is such
that it would be impossible to
get anything through at this session,
although it might be done if all the
parties concerned agreed unanimously, and
could show that it was absolutely necessary.
Of course I should feel bound to give earnest
consideration to any suggestions that may
come from this conference, but it seems to me
that the efforts of the gentlemen gathered in
New York might best be directed toward
securing an honest observance of the law by
their officers and agents. I believe that it
would be the most simple and effective way
of curing the troubles complained of. The
railroad presidents might compel their
subordinates to obey the law instead of vio
lating it, for a short time at least, as an ex
periment, just to se6 how it would woik."
"Have you been considering any amend
ment to the anti-pooling section?"
''I have been intending to take up the
snbject, and if agreeable to my colleagues
on thecommittee, call together some of the
best representatives of the several inter
ests the railroad managers, the stock
holders and the shippers to get their
judgment as to what improvement might be
made in the law, but I have been prevented
from so doing because the tariff bill has
absorbed all the time and attention of the
other members of the committee, as well as
my own. And I have hoped, too, that the
commission would institute such an inquiry
to ascertain what is necessary to be done,
and recommend it to Congress.
"I think one of the most hopeful signs of
the times is that the representatives of ihe
stockholders are becoming interested in the
subject, and are beginning to express their
views to managers of their property. I infer,
too, that the Presidents and man
agers are beginning to realize that
there is a law regulating inter-State com
merce, and I hope they will conclude that it
ought to be obeyed, so as to enable the law
makers of this country to ascertain what its
defects are and intelligently correct them.
There were several amendments to the
inter-State bill made at the last session of
Congress, which still lie in the hands of a
conlerence committee, consisting of Cul
lom, Piatt and Beagan on the part
of the Senate, and Crisp, O'Neill
and Anderson, of Kansas, on tbe
part of the House. The delay in
the passage of the bill is due to the refusal
of the Senate to agree to the amendments
made by the House. It amends the exist
ing law by requiring the railway cunpanles
to give public notice for ten days in advance
of the reduction of any rate, just as they
are now required to give notice
of anv increase in rates, which is
intended to give stability to th? tariff
schedules and retard the present tendency to
rate wars. The penalty for
is increased so as to include imprisonment
as well as fine. The practice known as un
derbilling is made a criminal offense, and
the shipper who deceives the carrier as to
the character or value of his goods, or en
deavors to secure a lower rate than he is
entitled to by underbilling his freight, is
punished by imprisonment as well as fine.
The section of the present law which
authorizes the commission to assess dam
ages was drawn by Senator Edmunds, and
received the sanction of the most eminent
lawyers of the Senate, but it has neverthe
less been declared unconstitutional by Judge
Cooley, and hasn't been enforced for that
reason. The pending bill modifies it to
meet Judge Cooley's views.
The Standard Oil amendment, as it is
called, which was attached to the bill at the
instigation of Mr. Eice, of Marietta, who
has been fighting that company for several
years, isalso objected to by the Senators be
cause it is in the nature of special legisla
tion, and they do not see why they should
make a law for the transportation o'f oil any
more than for the transportation of dressed
beef, or grain, or coal.
Germany Making Preparations to Send a
Strong Colonization Force.
Berlin, January 10. The introduction
of an East Africa bill in the Eeichstag will
probably be delayed in order that East
Africa travelers may be consulted before
the terms of the measure are settled.
Surgeon Schmalzkopf and Herr "Wolff
have withdrawn from the Emin relief expe
dition, which it is reported will be merged
in an Imperial expedition, with Lieutenant
Vissman in command.
Consul Vohsen, the German East Africa
Company's agent at Zanzibar, has been
summoned to Berlin to consult with the
officials of the company regarding the en
rollment of colonists. After the passage of
the East Africa bill several retired officers
hitherto in the service of the company will
join Lieutenant "Wissman's colonial corps.
Natives at Linde recently fired upon a
man-of-war boat which they supposed to be
German. Upon learning that the boat be
longed to an Enclish war ship they apolo
gized for their mistake.
An International Cable.
London, January 11. The Anglo-Belgic
Telegraph Convention provides that on the
expiration of the concession to the Sub
marine Telegraph Company the cables will
be worked by the two countries, and that no
further concession will be granted to private
persons. The rates will be 2d. per word.
Continued from First Page.
for her, and as she didn't come, thought she
had gone to visit some friends. Later she
learned of tbe accident, and was about to
rush off to the scene of the disaster, when
she was met at the door by people bearing
her daughter, the upper part of whose body
was crushed black from congestion' and
smeared with blood aud mortar dust. The
screams of the mother at this gruesome sight
aroused the whole neighborhood. She was
carried to her-bed, where she remains, ut
terly prostrated by the terrible shock.
An instance somewhat the opposite of
this is that of Enoch Savior, who thought
he recognized a body taken out from the
ruins as that of one his daughters, and had
it taken home in one of the patrol wagons.
"When he came to his house and was about
to have the bedy carried in, he was met at
the door by both of his daughters, who were
alive and well.
David Nester, of New Einggold, Schuyl
kill county, whose daughter was employed
in the mill, hearing of the accident, came
down to look after her. He had hardly ar
rived at the place when his daughter, who
was the last victim recovered, was carried
out crushed out of all human shape.
Nothing could be more significant to the
extremity of the anguish of some of the poor
bereaved creatures who had lost their loved
ones by the disaster than the frenzied excla
mation of a woman who walked up and down
among the crowds last night, with clenched
hands, exclaiming aloud in a mixture of
grief and wrath:
"There is no God. A good and wise God
would not allow such a thing as this."
During the day m3ny people began to
carry away pieces of machinery and bales of
raw "silk, which were scattere'd among the
ruins, in order to prevent as well as
interfere with the work of search.
The Beading artillery were called to the
aid of the police, and formed a cordon
around tbe rnins, forbidding anyone to pass.
They are guarding the ruins to-night. Cor
oner Hoffman to-day empaneled two juries,
one of the silk mill and the t other of the
paint shop. He will begin his investiga
tions to-morrow. He will make it thorough
and ascertain definitely.
Following is a list of the killed and in
jured as at present reported:
Burned to death In the P. & R. paint shop Allen
Landenberger, head, legs and arms missing: John
Foreman, crushed to death: John II. Kaler, car
penter, bead crushed; Sheridan Jones, burned to
death; Gesrce A. Schiller. lefts burned off. In
jured George Knabb. badlv injured; Arthur De
wald, i.:m broken; Sam Nevrklrfc, Internal in
juries. The following is the silk mill list:
Dead: Saille Saylor, Mary Evans, Harry
Crocker, Annie liaudmancr, Mamie Lees, Ella
Kldenhowcr, Saille iilckct, Eva Leeds, Sophie
Wlnkleman, forewoman: Katie Leads, Millie
Cbrlstman, Barbara Sellhclmer, William Sny
der, George Nicman, uiy Shaffer, Daisy
lleckcr, Emma Nestor, Saille Harner,
Annie Fisher, Saille Harrison, Annie Kcrshner,
Mary Fltzpatrick, Saille Faust, D. K. Becker.
Matilda Grow, Sadie Snade, Fmma Blum, John
Injured Katie Bowman, leg broken: Harvey
Lees, arm broken: Annie Krlck, snoolder blade
broken: Annie Bricker, back and bead hurt;
Howard Bricker, Injured in legs, back and face;
Ratio Evans, badly Injured: Annie Hartmau,
butt In back and face: George Kalzcnmeyer. leg
broken and Injured internally: Katie Hartman.
uamr Druised and Injured internally; George
Penman, hurt in back; Katie Latzworth, leg
broken; Amelia Crlssman, head and face cut:
Emma Bauenzorn, injured internally and
bead and face cut: Mamie Klnzer, face
cut and brnlsed about the body; Amelia
Fern, hurt in tbe back and foot mashed;
Rose Clemens, hnrt side of head; Augustas F.
Baskop, foreman in silk mill, slightly lnjnred;
Miss X'rcsser, injured internally; Lizzie Haas,
head cut and arm sprained: Katie FeDpler, badly
hurt internally and head crushed; Robert Grim
sbair, superintendent of the alikmlu. hurt In the
bead and neck: Amelia F. Hoyer, hurt in head;
IdaShaefer, head hurt: Saille Hassler. back hnrt;
Annie Sullivan, hurt in the back: Ella Savage,
arm sprained and back Injured; MIMa Langer,
leg sprained, lnjnred internally; OUIe Hartman.
bruised on body: Katie Coxcn, leg broken and
face hnrt; Elllo Crick, shoulder blade
broken and head cut; Ellle Carl
and sister, both injured internally;
Mary Fltzpatrick, breast crushed; Aggie Savage,
Internally lnured; Amelia Uofer, ecalp-wonnd;
Charles Leas, lelt arm broken; William Grubcr,
sprained arm; Becklc Hover, Internal Injuries:
Jacob SeldeL hand mashed; Fanl Mangel, bead
cut: FrcdReiS". hurt In bead; Dolly Holmes. In
jured Internally: Annie Loveland, injured lu
falling outside from third story; Clara Girt, rib
broken: Annie Hart, injured internally; Ella
Carr, back hurt: Rebecca Founce, forelady,
leg broken; Nora Saylor, head hnrt;
Katie Link, head .crushed; Irwin and
George Katzennoyer, both Injured internally;
Nellie Sproesscr, leg hurt; Saille Uasser. injured
internally: Mary Mailer, face and head cut:
Joseph Schllckner, lnjnred about the head and
face: Cherry Jones, Injured in spine and head
cut; Charles Knabb. leg broken and injured In
ternally; Charles Kreppebncb, head cut and foot
crushed; Irene Dickinson, Moss street, arms and
legs badly bruised; Lizzie Owens, head cut and
injured Internally: Alice Long, back hurt; Bertha
Herman, arm broken; Margaret Seithelmer. In
jured internally; Jennie Salford, both legs
broken; Lizzie JIawes was cut out from the tim
bers and was only wet from the condensed steam
from the steam-beating pipes, which were broken;
Beckle Hoyer, latally bruised: Bertha Taylor, left
arm broken, wound on right side of face: Kate and
Clara Allsback, badly injured; Emma Bloom, un
conscious; Charles Leas, left arm broken: Amelia
Uafer, face badly cut; Gertie shadel, lower limbs
Dauiy nun; oaran .cvans, Daaiy nnri; donn iieDer,
badly lnlured; L. Lovrbert, heart hurt and foot
mashed: Lizzie Hast, fatally injured: Tracer Bllly
meyer, burt In back and limbs: Clara Noll, leg
broken and lnjuredlnternally;MaryBocbter,head
cut: Annie Daepler.lnternal Injuries: Ella Bright,
head crushed and back hnrt; Katie Ashback, badly
Injured in back: Celia Erlacher, fatally lnjnred;
Bessie Taylor, leit arm broken: Harry Fetter,
head terribly crushed and arm broken; Ella F.
Lum, badly hurt internally; May Reeser, sprained
ankle: Gcrrv Glasser. lnlnred lnternallv: Mamie
Klnsey. badly Injured: Starr Hasson. lnlured in-
i... rtu ts t- -. . . ..
Internally; Mary Fltzpatrick, Katie Bickel, Jane
A inkleman, Mary Mellon, leg broken and in
ternal injuries; Laura Wright, both legs broken;
Lena Snyder, leg broken and bead cut: Ella Cress,
leg broken; Letta Saylor, leg badly sprained: Katie
Sullivan, arm broken ana internally Injured:
Ella Krlck, shoulder and ankle broken, internal
injuries; Bertha Saylor. arm broken and hurt
about bead and face; Carrie Kershner, foot In
jured: Mamie Stoltz, internal lnlurlcs; Mary
Evans, internal Injuries and cut about bead;
Saille Young, both legs broken and hurt internal
ly; Annie Fry. aged 17, leg broken; Ellen Rhode,
slightly Injured: Anule Krull. leg broken: Saille
Savage, injured internally; Ellle Long, badly in
jured Internally; Laura Hoffmann, Injured about
the back: Martha Taylor, badly bruised; Annie
Glazer. slightly injured: Charles Oaehlor, bead
injured, and Mary Beescr, slightly injured.
It is at present thought the number of
deaths will be between 30 and 40.
Storm Debris.
The roof was blown off the Catholic church
at Loretto.
The roof of the Seiberting flour mill at
Akron was blown off. Loss, 1,500.
Several buildings at Du Bois were wrecked
and the Presbyterian church was damaged.
Five thousand dollars' worth of derricks in
tbe neighborhood ot "Washington were
A number of derricks were blown down at
Cannonsburg..and telegraphic and telephone
communication was cut off.
Considerable damage was done at Mc
Keesport. Houses were unroofed, trees up
rooted, and river craft suffered to some extent.
The fishing fleet at Erie bad a narrow es
cape and lost several thousand dollars' worth of
net. The revenue cutter broke from her moor
ing and was somewhat damagod.
The roof of tho Red Jacket Furnace at New
Castle was blown on to the Pennsylvania Rail
road tracks, delaying travel for several hours.
Farmers in the vicinity complain of great dam
age to fencing and outbuildings.
Twenty-five men were on the Easton sus
pension bridge during tbo storm. A guy rope
broke, and tho bridge swayed violently. Oscar
Walfram was blown into the canal beneath, a
distance of SO feet, but swam ashore. The other
men succeeded in holding on until the storm
EVANS-On Thursday, Januarv 10, at 1125,
George William, infant son of Byron and
Ella Keefer Evans, aged 1 year.
Funeral services from the parents' residence,
8 Lombard street, on Saturday, January 12.
,at2r. M. Interment private at a later hour. 2
8AUERS On Thursday evening, January
10, 1889, at 5 o'clock, .Elizabeth Sauces,
aged 83 years, 6 months and 18 days.
Our mother has gone to a 'mansion of rest
From a region of sorrow and pain;
To the glorious land of the blest,
Where she never will suffer again.
While in this tomb onr mother lies,
Her spirit rests above;
In realms of bliss, it never dies.
But knows a Savior's love.
Sleep on, mother, thy work is done,
The mortal pang is past;
Jesus has come and borne thee home,
-Beyond the stormy blast.
Funeral will take place from the residence
ot her son-in-law, David G. Wilson, Edmund
street, near Penn avenue, on Sunday after
noon, at 3:30 o'clock.
The Complicated Apparatus Vied by the
Tollers of the Sea.
rrovldenee Journal.l
From the nelmet projects a coil of snake
like rubber hose, a sort of antenna, which
passes down under his left arm and up
through the water, connecting with an air
pump on a float-stage or in a boat, the pump
manipulated by two men, and iumishes
compressed air for breathing when under
water, which exhausts into the water by a
valve in the helmet, enabling him to
breathe continually fresh air(i while when
he comes to the surface the windows of his
helmet can be opened and he can breathe
without the assistance of the air pump.
"When he goes down into the water ne has
two means of communicating with those
above, the hose and tbe life line. By the
latter he also descends and comes up when
necessary. By each of these he gives and
receives signals mutually understood, three
sharp pulls on the life line indicating that
he is ready to ascend. In order to overcome
the natural buoyancy of his body and make
its specific gravity such that he can readily
walk about on the bottom of the sea he
wears shoes with soles heavily ballasted or
weighted with lead.
The upper part of his body is protected,as
is also his lower half, by heavy canvas cov
ering, consisting of jacket with sleevs and
pantaloons with terminations which fit
closely with elastic bands clinging to his
flesh, the jacket fitted closely to the helmet
with metallic bands bolted together, with a
rubber gasket, between. No water or air
can get to him, except the latter bv the hose,
unless he opens the glass window of his
helmet, which he is not likely to do unless
occasion requires. Additional weizht is
placed at his chest and back; sometimes
a breast-plate and a shoulder-plate of lead,
sometimes a belt heavily weighted which
can be thrown on or off the shoulders and
hang down in front aud behind when in
The Affair Still Causing Considerable Trou
ble nnd Talk in Europe.
Beelin, January 10. There is a well
founded report that Prince Bismarck will
touch upon the Morier and Geffcken inci
dents during the coming debate on East
African matters.
The Deutsche Wochenblatt, a free Con
servative, declares that Prince Bismarck's
report on the Geffcken affair resulted in his
defeat, and that the Morier incident is a
still uglier echo of the diary affair. Tnines
have gone so far, it says, that the continu
ance of Morier at St. Petersburg will be a
severe blow to German diplomacy and diffi
cult to explain away.
The Correspondence De L'Estt of Vienna,
has been confiscated for publishing a Berlin
letter inveighing against the conduct of
Germany in the Morier case and similar
The St. Petersburg Svet condemns the
apathy of the Russian press regarding the
attacks upon Sir Robert Morier as showing
a lack of the hospitality which the British
Ambassador should enjoy as long as he re
tains Russian esteem.
The Supremo Conrt of Massachusetts Mar
Compel Seelye to Tnlk.
Andovek, January 10. Ex-Governor
George D. Robinson, sitting as Commis
sioner for the Supreme Conrt, resumed to
day the hearing in the famous heresy case
in Prof. Smyth's appeal against the decision
confirming his removal by the Board of Vis
itors of the Andover Seminary from his
chair in that institntion. Several wit
nesses were examined as to the various steps
that led to the noted ecclesiastical trial and
the persons most active in the movement
against Prof. Smyth and the other professors
accused of teaching a new theology namely,
the possibility of probation after death and
the fallibility of the Bible.
The most interesting point in the hearing
was Commissioner Robinson's decision to
report to the Supreme Court the refusal on
Friday last of President Seelye, of Amherst
College, to answer certain questions, with a
view to ascertaining if he can be compelled
to answer. The hearing was adjourned,
pending the answer of the Supreme Court.
A Sadden Fire Destroys Three Blocks of
Basinrss Houses.
Bbadfoed, January 10. Fire caught in
the kitchen of the Palace Hotel at 10:30
last night, and three business blocks were
burned and ten business houses gutted. The
Palace Hotel was burned to the ground,
with the "Walsh block and tbe Durfey block
The principal losers are Greenwal Bros.,
clothiers; Mclvory Bros., wholesale prod
uce; A. F. Moore, grocery; J. Heyenson,
fancy goods; J. B. Fox, hardware; A. Line,
confectioner; I. Marks, boots and shoes; P.
Ardigom, barber. Total loss estimated at
Gladstone's Scheme.
Rome, January 10. It is stated that Mr.
Gladstone's recent letter with reference to
the position of the Pope was part of a con
certed effort on foot here to persuade
the Vatican that Mr. Gladstone, if re
tnmed'to power would promote a European
Congress to settle the questions at issue be
tween Italy and the Papacy.
Capture of a Big Sea Horse.
Foet Morgan, Ala., January 10. This
morning Mr. Joseph Thompson, while walking
on the south beach, on his way from Navy
Cove to this place, discovered something in the
water near the beach, which, upon examina
tion, proved to be an enormous sea horse.
After a great deal of trouble he succeeded in
getting it on the beach, and now has it in the
office of the Mobile and Gulf Telegraph Com
pany in a large tnb. It measures 3 feet 4
inches in length, is 8 inches across the head,
and with ears 1 inches in length. Across the
back it measured 11 inches. It is said to be the
largest ever seen this side of the equator.
Offers anything in his mam
moth stock at one-half its
value for 30 days, to reduce
stock and make room for
goods. Come, it will pay.
1 c rAM 923 and 925
lx C CI J n . Penn Avenue.
ZLSTeait?' 35Ti.XL-b3n. S-b:r?ee-b-
W Open Every Saturday Till 10
For Western Penn
sylvania and Wett
Virginia, generally
fair, stationary tem
perature; winds gen
erally southwesterly.
Pittsbubo. January 10, 1889.
The United States Signal Bervice officer Jai
this city furnishes the following:
Time. Tlier.
Mean temp S3
Maximum temp.... 13
Minimum temp..... 32
1MX.lt 32
10:00 A. H 33
l:0O r. M.
4:00 r. M 38
7:00 P. II 31
10:00 F. 31 33
Precipitation 00
KlTerat5r. if., 9.6 feat, a rise of 1.3 feet tatk
list 24 hours.
An Agent in Trouble.
Philip Marcnson, a bookstore man. Elev
enth and Carson streets, Southside, charged
A. Embs. his agent, with larceny and em
bezzlement before Alderman Succop yester
day. He claims 'Embs collected money for
magazine subscriptions and didn't pay it
over. Embs was sent to the lockup fcr
lack, of $1,000 bail.
Struck by Bricks.
Lena Hoffman, a 10-year-old girl living
at 149 East street, Allegheny, was fatally
injured yesterday. She was walking along
Madison avenue yesterday afternoon when
three bricks from a new building fell, strik
ing her on the head. Her skull was fract
ured, and it is thought that she will die.
On Prohibition.
Rev. I. N. Hays, of Allegheny, has is
sued a little pamphlet entitled "Does Pro
hibition Prohibit ?" in which the reverend
gentleman cites a nnmber of facts to support
the affirmative position he takes. The paper
is well worth reading.
Died From Injuries
Coroner McDowell held an inquest over
the body of W. L. Tapendorf, who fell
from a ladder at the Eliza Furnace, Novem
ber 24. He died yesterday morning, and
the verdict was: accidental death.
A Surprise Pnrty.
A surprise party was held last evening at
the residence of Dr. A. J. Barchfieldf,
Eighteenth street, Southside. Luncheon
was served at 10 o'clock.
J eel Wee taying
BOOTS and shoes dressed with
Always look neat. Equall7(oodfarMen's.Women's
or Ohilds Shoes. No blacking brash required, and
tha polishing is done in three minutes without labor.
WATERPROOFand warranted to preserve
leather, and keeps it soft and durable.
Bold by Shoe Stores, Grocers. Druggists, ie.
Try it on your Karnes:
WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
DR. F. A. COOKE, D. D. S.,
voices the opinion of his profession regarding
"In my judgment it meets just the desired
need. After using The Polisher my teethhavs
a smooth, clean feeling that cannot be obtained
witb the bristle brush."
no yon Suffer with Dyspepsia?
yOU can be quickly cured!
Cimply use the T. TC Tablets,
plenty testimonials to these facts.
Cvery case of indigestion and
Qangs and tortures of Sick Headache
c urely and speedily relieved.
In no case will they fail.
A cure guaranteed always if the
are used. Price. 23 and 0 cents a box. Mailed
anywhere for the monev.
DOOLITTLE & SMITH. Selling Agents.
24 and 28 Tremont street, Boston. Mass.
For sale by Geo. A. Kelly & Co., Pittsburg.
P. M.
, .
r -1