SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS ' f ttftttln&ft UtoJttftlVh ''''"" KEHfi J or at branch offices till 9 P. M. V F P V J w I ' v)Ev-f-rRT) TEAS. PITTSBURG, FRIDAY, JAITrjAlfe-" 11, 1889. THREE CENTS HETRIEDTlPLEASE. Speaker Boyer's Appointments More Than Satisfy the New Members. A CRUSH FOR LITTLE JOBS. An Expensive Contested Election In vestigation. TEIKG TO WIPE OUT TEE STATE DEBT. An Economical Spnsm Too Much Money Spent on rittburg Senator llclamntcr Opposed to Wasting Time The Juris diction of the Sennto Questioned Six Hundred Appointments Confirm ed Scrnb Women Jitter Places Too Colored Ele ment Recognized Governor BcaTcr Wants to Wipe Ont the State Debt They Don't LIko the buprcmo Court's Govrns. The news from Harrisburg to-day is of a decidedly interesting and chatty character. Speaker Boyer has succeeded in pleasing nearly everybody in making his appoint ments, and congratulates himself thereat. The rush for anything in the nature of a public office is shown by the throngs of ap plicants for the positions of scrub-women. Governor Beaver will, through the Attor ney General, push the suits against a number of large corporations to enforce the payment of taxes, and expects to collect enough money to pay off the State debt. The Osbourne-Devlin Senatorial contest is progressing slowly, and is expected to prove very costly to the State. rSPECIAI. TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. Hareisbukg, January 10. The Legis lature isn't showing much disposition to get down to work,although the committees have been announced a little earlier than usual. As there are 33 standing committees in the House, with an average membership of 25, the assignment of places is a very difficult task, and as many are necessarily disap pointed because they are not as conspicu ously recognized on the committees as they anticipated, it becomes a thankless one. Representative Boyer was greatly as sisted in making his selections by reason of his having been the preceding Speaker of the House, and because his re election was generally conceded after the November election. The certainty of his success enabled him to devote weeks in arranging the committees, and when the legislature met very little was left for him to do in that direction. His work hasn't been sub jected to much adverse criticism, the gen eral verdict being that he has performed his duty welL The new members are particu larly well satisfied, as they have been given more than ordinary recognition. An Economical bpasm. The House had an economical spasm to day. The Senate had made an amendment to a resolution largely increasing the num ber of copies of the Governor's message au thorized to be printed, and the House voted tdown the extravagant change by an em phatic vote, after Representative Kauffman had expressed his amazement at the rapidity with which printing bills were growing. This move of reform was supplemented by the withdrawal of a resolution for the print ing of 8,000 copies of a miniature legislative directory. The Senate was not excited to-day by any disturbing feature. There was a little de bate on Penrose's proposition to adjourn irora to-day until Tuesday, caused Ly the objection of Senator Delamater to the pro posed waste of time. He suggested that the Senate could at least make a pretense of doing work by meeting on Monday evening next, and he succeeded in having adopted an amendment to Penrose's resolution fixing that night for the end of the recess. Soon after the resolution as amended by Delama ter was rescinded and the original proposi tion carried after Senator Gobin had stated that owing to the Senatorial investigation eight members of the Senate could not at tend the session on Monday. An Expensive investigation. He explained that the Committee on Elections would have a meeting on Tuesday to give ex-Attorney General Cassidy an op portunity to make an argument on the jurisdiction of the Senate to inquire into the validity of Devlin's election, an investi gation, by the way, which a Republican member of the committee said to-day would protably involve an expenditure of between ?20,O00 and $30,000. The Senate confirmed over COO appoint ments made by the Governor during the legislative recess of the past 19 months. Amone other nominations confirmed was that of Samuel "W. Pennypacker by a unanimous vote. There was a big rush of applicants for the positions of scrub women in the rotunda of the Capitol to-night. About 125 persons are required to keep the hall of the House and the committee rooms clean, and the number of women who made application for places aggregated nearly 1,000. The rotunda was crowded long in advance of the time set for the announcement of the names of the lucky ones, and when the roll was completed disappointment was depicted on the countenance of many who failed to ob tain the recognition which they expected. Sknrp Contest for Small Frizes. The scrub women make, on the average, $1 a week, for which they work two even ings. In the Senate 80 scrub women are employed, and they get the same pay allowed those of the House. Th'e Senate appointments were made a few days ago, and over 200 applicants for the positions were disappointed. There is always a lively ,) scramble for these humble places, but the demand at the present Session was unprec edented in the number who applied for them and in the persistency with w hich they pressed their claims. There was a particu larly large representation of colored women in the throng to-night at the capital, and the hearts of a considerable number were gladdened by the announcement that they had been appointed. There were very few Democratic women present, as they are not encouraged to apply when the Legislature is in the hands of the opposition. The Senate Librarian makes these ap pointments for the Senate and the Chief Clerk for the House, and the lives of these men have been- made miserable by the im portunities of the applicants and their friends for the past few weeks. The contests for these places begin soon after it is known which party has sucoeeded, and it continues until the appointments have been maae. Senators and Representatives do not escape. They are expected to exert their influence in securing positions for those who call on them, and the legislators add to the troubles of the appoiuting officers by making appeals for the selection of those who have intrusted their cases to them. Enonch to Wipe Ont tbo Stnto Debt. If the State should succeed in collecting the tax which it maintains is due from various corporations it would be, able to wipe out the public debt within a short period. Governor Beaver is desirous of the extinguishment of this debt before his re tirement from office, and the news that there are over $5,000,000 owing from corporations has filled him with delight and inspired the hope that this fondly cherished anticipa tions will be realized. It is alleged by counsel employed by the State that these corporations have swindled the State for 15 or 20 years by making inaccurate and fraudulent reports to the Auditor General's department. The claims, which aggregate over 55,000, 000 are against eight companies. The Dela ware and Hudson Canal Company, which in 1870 paid taxes on a basis of only $3,700, 000 of capital invested in this State, is said to have a capital of 517,-000,000, according to reports filed at the Department of Internal Affairs. Tbe claim against it for tax, with interest and penalties, is 977,000. Lehigh Yalley Railroad Company, S744.000; Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Company, 5969,000; Philadelphia and Read ing, $06,000; Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany, 51,185,000; Erie and "Western Trans portation Company, 209,000; Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company, $419,000, and the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company, of Philadelphia, $300,000, making a grand total of $5,300,000. As the corporations against which these claims have been set tled will not pay them the court will be asked to compel them to come down with the cash. Tbcy Don't Approve of Silken Gowns. The wearing of silk gowns by the members of the Supreme Court is not a popular change, if the members of the House reflect the views of their constituents. The receipt of a postal by Representative Taggart, of Montgomery, from an indignant friend de ploring the action of tbe Supreme Court, has led him to ask a large number of his fellow-members as to their opinion of the innovation. The result of his investigation has been the expression of an almost uni versal sentiment in opposition to the gowns. The man who has communicated with Representative Taggart has suggested that he could immortalize himself by offer ing a resolution condemning and declaring improper the wearing of gowns by the Su preme Court, because it is against all ideas of democratic simplicity. '"The next thing," he says, "we shall address the Court as they do in England, 'May it please Your Lord ship.' " The Osbourne-Devlin Senatorial contest promises to be the most expensive in the legislative history of the State. Three or four stenographers are employed in taking down the testimony and writing it out, and already 800 typewriter pages are in the hands of the committee. Only a few hun dred witnesses have been examined. If the plan of contest is not changed there are thousands more to follow. The witnesses receive $1 50 each, which expense with other incidental costs will involve an ex penditure variously estimated at from $15, 000 to $30,000, unless the contestant (ex Senator Osbourne) changes his drag net tactics. MUST KOT KUSII THE GK0WLER. Proposed Amendments to tbe Brooks High License Law Transfers Fcrmltted. SPECIAL TELEGEAM TO THE DISPATCn.1 Haeeisbukg, January 10. Mr. Brooks, of Philadelphia, has prepared amendments to the famous bill, of which he was the author, which will be introduced in the House to-day. Transfers of license are permitted, and a license is held to be tangible property and can be inherited. Females and minors are forbidden to be employed at bars. Hours are fixed for closing bars from 10 P M. to 6 A. 3L, but in, cities, Councils may, by ordi nance, permit bars to keep open from 6 A. M. to midnight. Liquor retailed must be drank on the premises, and cannot be taken away. Mr. Brooks also has an act providing for the pay of constables who perform their duties under the high license act. IIOUSE COMMITTEES. The Places Filled by the Allegheny Connty Slembers. tSFECIAI. TBLEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Haekisbueg, January 10. The commit tees of the House were announced to-day, and the Allegheny county members were placed as follows: Ways and Means Graham, Chairman; S. M. Lafferty, Nesbit. Judiciary General-Hall, Chairman; Stewart Sbiras, White, Stewart. Appropriations Dearden, Chairman; Mar shall. Lemon. Railroads Brooks, Chairman; Richards, Bul ger. Apricultural-Hickman, Chairman; Nesbit. Corporations Billmgsley, Chairman; Mar shall, Lemon, Stewart. Municipal Corporations Connel, Chairman; Richards. Lafferty, Kobison. Education Bean. Chairman; Stewart, Citv Passenger Railways-Keyser, Chairman; Chalfant, White, Bulger. Judiciary Local Franklin, Chairman; Robin son, Jonc?. Insurance Baldwin, Chairman; Robison, Nesbit, Bulger. WILL BAR TEEM OUT. Cooper nnd Gobin to bo Legislated Ont of Their Districts. J SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCII.J Hakrisbueg, January 10. There is talk of legislating Cooper and Gobin, both of whom voted for Cochran for Chief Clerk, out of their separate districts. Neither Delawaror Lebanon has sufficient popula tion to entitle it to a Senator based on the census of 1880, which will govern in the drafting of the -Senatorial apportionment which is to he made by the present Legisla ture. Senator Rutan is Chairman of the Legis lative Apportionment Committee of the Senate. TEE PE0EIBIT0EI AMENDMENT. Its Friends Will Endeavor to Posh It to an Early Passage. IfrKClAL TELEGBAM TO THE OISPATCn.l HARr.lSBDT.G, January 10. Representa tive Dravo, of Beaver, has charge of the prohibitory amendment which will prob ably be introduced in the House to-morrow. An effort will probably be made by its friends to have it considered out ot order for the purpose of insuring its early passage. Dravo also has a bill to perpetuate patri otic memories, which authorizes commis sioners to expend $10,000 in the erection of soldiers' monuments. NEW LEGISLATION. A Number of Bills Introduced Into the Stato Senate Yesterday. rSFECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Habbisbtjrg, January 10. A number of new bills were introduced to-day. Among them were : An act to establish a State board of medical examiners and licensers. An act to repeal the fence law of 1700 requir ing fences to bo five feet high and close at the bottom. An act to establish a board of directors of nautical schools and to establish nautical schools. An act to amend the eighty-fourth section of the law of 1842. regulating election districts; providing for the selection of election judges, inspectors, eta, also requiring courts to make appointments to fill vacancies in offices of judce and inspectors by reason of death, etc An act to prevent the sale of intoxicating drinks on Decoration Day. An act providing for appointment of law librarians of court; also, an act fixing tho limi tation of prosecution for embezzlement by ad ministrators, guardians, etc. An act authorizing actions for mesno profits tn be begun in certain cases before recovery In ejectment. An act to continue existing charters and time for completing railroads. This is believed to be in tho interest of the South Penn. An act increasing the limit of real and per sonal estate which maybe held by corporations for religious and charitable purposes. Requiring names of principals doing busi ness through agents to have their names registered, etc. An act to prescribe time within which per sonal actions must be commenced. The Senate adjourned till 9 p. M. Tues day. TEE ONLY WAT OUT. A Constitntlonal Amendment Necessary to Remedy the municipal Muddle. Haekisburg, January 10. A constitu tional amendment has been prepared, which will be presented to the Legislature at an early day. This is believed to be the only way out of the confusion into which munici pal affairs have been thrown by the Supreme Court decisions, and is expected to satisfy the cities. The amendment reads: Section L Be it resolved, etc. that tho follow ing amendment is proposed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in ac cordance with the provisions of the eighteenth article thereof. There shall be an additional section to article three of tbe Constitution to be designated section 31, as follows: Section 31. The General Assembly shall pro vide for the classification of cities in accord ance with tbe population, and tbo class to which any city now in existence or hereafter to be created shall belong, shall be determined by the population thereof as ascertained by each United Stated decennial census, and cities shall be changed from one class to another as poDulation shall secure the number of the classes and tbe ratio of population to each class may be changed at the next succeeding session after each decennial census and not oftner. The General Assembly may pass laws regu lating the affairs of cities by classes in any or all of the classes into which they shall bo di vided. MUST DISCLOSE ALL. Tbo Attorney General Wants a Railroad to Tell All About a Bond Issue. SPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Haekisbueg, January 10. The At torney General of the State, not having been ready, the argument on the motion to dissolve the injunction against the Pitts burg, Shenango and Lake Erie Railroad Company didn't take place to-day. The Attorney General, in his suit against this corporation, asks the Court to require the defendants to make full discovery of all the particulars in relation to the alleged fictitious issue of bonds and to enter a de cree declaring such issue void, and that it be enjoined from disposing of any of its lands. THAT LIBEL SUIT. Inspector Bonflcld 'nnd Captnln Schaack Make nn Offer to tbe Times The Paper Refuses All Compro mise Case to Be Pushed. Chicago, January 10. To-night In spector BonSeld and Captain Schaack sent a formal offer to the Times to submit the whole matter of their alleged corruptness immediately to three of the Circuit Judges of the city, the trio to be selected by the lull Bench. It is urged by the officers that if the ordinary process of law is followed, it will be months before a decision can be reached, but that by the .method suggested the interests of the public, which are claimed to be suffering by the long contin ued attacks on the police can be protected without delay. The officers bind themselves if any two of the Judges find a single charge sustained to at once retire from office, and to dismiss all procedings civil and criminal against the Times and its editors. The Times to morrow will print the proposition in full, and will say that crime cannot be compro mised, and that it is not true that it will take months to determine the matter. The offer is declared to be simply a cunningly devised scheme to stem as far as possible the tide of public opinion against the two men. It would be the height of folly, the Times says, to permit a subterfuge o'f this character to betray the paper into a free-lor-all-go-as-you-please contest, for the police to corral and intimidate proposed witnesses, and without a tribunal legally constituted to try the case. The plan proposed seeks to stop the investigation of the Times at this point, while every day accumulates new and important facts substantiated by relia ble witnesses. PARALLEL LIKES. An Important Utterance at tbe Now York Railroad Sleeting. New Yoek, January 10. During the meeting of railroad Presidents and bankers to-day, Mr. Pierpont Morgan said: In regard to remarks made informally by Mr. Roberts about building parallel lines, and the attitude of tho bankers thereto, I am quite pre pared to say in behalf of the houses represented here, that if an organization oan ho formed practically on tho basis submitted by the com mittee, with an executive committee upon which tho bankers shall be represented, they are prepared to say that they mil not negotiate, and will do all in their power to prevent the negotiation of any securities for the construc tion of parallel lines or the extension of lines not unanimously approved by such an execut ive committee. IMPORTANT ACTION. Contract Let for tbe Construction of tbe Black Diamond Road. Paekeesbubo, January 10. Colonel Albert -Boone, of Zanesville, sends word that at a meeting of stockholders of the Black Diamond Railroad, a mortgage of 12,000,000 was ordered executed on the company's franchise, and that a contract was ordered let with Boone to build the entire road from Parkersburg to Clifton Forge, "Va. The road will connect theBaltimore and Ohio and Chesapeake andOhio, and running through the center of the State will open up one of the richest mineral, agricultural and lumber regions in America. Confederate Pension Jackson, Miss , January 10. The Con federate, pension fund of $21,000 appropri ated by the last Legislature is being dis tributed to 1,000 applicants, giving them $21 each. WEAVER'S OBSTINACY Keeps the "Wheels of Legislation Securely Deadlocked, and MAI TET GET HIM EXPELIED. Aland of $50,000 Quietly Raised and In vested for Mrs. 8heridan BY GEORGE W. CHILD8 AHD ME. DEEXEL. An Intimate Friend of Blaine a Says the Latter Will be Premier. Mr. "Weaver, he of Iowa, seems deter mined to adhere to his resolution to sit out the House. He has again refused to allow legislation to proceed. Under the rules he's all right, but some members are beginning to think he ought to be sent home and allow them to get through with their work. Re publican Senators have at last come to an agreement. Major McKinley is out of the Cabinet row and stripped for the Speaker ship race. George "W. Childs and Mr. Drexel have quietly raised and invested a fund of 50,000 for Mrs. Sheridan's benefit. rSPXCIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! 'Washikgtoh', January 10. The wheels of legislation in the House are again dead locked, and by Mr. "Weaver, of Iowa, as usual. A strenuous effort was made to pro ceed to business, but Mr. "Weaver, under the rules, was able to prevent proceedings. This he did by bringing forward two dila tory motions to adjourn, and that when the House adjourn it be to meet on Saturday. No quorum voted, and a call of the House was ordered; 253 members having responded to their names, further proceed ings under the call were dispensed with, and Mr. Springer asked unanimous consent for the entering of an order providing for a final vote on the Oklahoma bill, but his request was answered by loud cries for the regular order, Mr. Buchanan, of New Jer sey, voicing the opinion of the objectors by declaring that he desired to see whether or not one man could bulldoze the House. I The tellers having resumed their places on Mr. "Weaver's motion for an adjourn ment until Saturday, Mr. E. B. Taylor, of Ohio, rose and stated that he desired to offer a privileged resolution. The Speaker re plied that the House was dividing, but that the resolution might be read in order to en able him to decide whether it involved a matter ot such high privilege that its con sideration could supend the present pro ceedings. Thereupon, Mr. Taylor sent up the resolution, which was to the effect that as one man was able to persistently prevent legislation in the House, the Speaker should appoint a committee of five to labor with him and ascertain on what terms he wonld allow work to go on. The reading of this was greatly enjoyed by the members, but Mr. Reed found fault with the resolution in that it did not pro vide that the committee should be a perma nent one to treat with each member as he made his appearance. The gentleman from Iowa was only exercising a right which be longed to him (Mr. Reed) and to every member of the House. The Speaker ruled that the resolution did not present a ques tion of privilege. The count was then proceeded with, the tellers remaining at their posts until 1:40, when, on motion of Mr. Sowden, of Penn.v sylvaoia, the House, recognizing its "hope less helplessness," as one member expressed it. adjourned. The members of the House seem to see no way out of their difficulty, unless they should do as one of them declared to-day ought to be done expel Mr. "Weaver and go on without him. AN AGREEMENT AT LAST. The Troublesome Lumber Schedule Finally Oat oftheWnj. lEPECTAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 "Washington, January 10. The Re publican Senators, after a vast amount of caueussing, at which the interests of several States came into direct conflict, have at last agreed npon a resolution in the lumber schedule of the tariff bilL The duty upon white pine lumber, that is at present $2 per thousand feet, will be reduced to $1 50, and a proviso will be inserted in the bill that the reduction is only to take effect upon the removal of the Canadian ex port duty, which is now fixed at $2 per 1,000 feet. The agreement for the reduction was finally arrived at to-day, the Senators from New England, Michigan and "Wisconsin agreeing to stand by it after being appealed to by the men from Nebraska, Kansas and other States, who have been warmly urging free lumber for their sections. The contest over the lumber schedule has been a perplexing one, and has caused the Finance Committee much annoyance. They now feel assured that having settled it, and also made a satisfactory disposition of the su gar schedule, there will be little trouble in pulling the bill through the Senate by a good majority. BLAINE TO BE PREMIER. Ono of His Intimate Friends Says Thcrc'sKo Further Donbt of It. rSPECTAI. TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 "Washington, January 10. The Star has an interview with one of Mr. Blaine's friends in the House, in which it is said that there is no longer doubt as to the selection ot Mr. Blaine as Secre tary of State. The same authority says that great pressure is being brought to bear on Senator Allison to induce him to accept the Treasury portfolio. Neither Mr. Miller nor Mr. Piatt will get the place. Mr. Piatt may be made Collector of the Port of New York and a compromise candidate for the Cabinet taken from that State. The same friend of Mr. Blaine's says that a place will not be offered General Mahone. Henderson, of Missouri, he believes, will be the Southern man in the Cabinet. McKtnley Not a Cabinet Possibility. ISrEClAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISrATCU.1 "Washington, January 10. Mr. Mc Kinley has removed himself from the list of Cabinet possibilities by an emphatic declar ation that he is going into the Speakership fight to the finish, and will not let his name be considered by General Harrison. Oklahoma Boomers Deeply Interested. JSFECIAL TELEGKAU TO THE DISFATCB.l "Washington, January 10. There are a good many Oklahama boomers in town, and the gentlemen's gallerv of the House of Representatives is crowded with them every day, to witness the achievements of the champion, General "Weaver. Tbe Grind at tbe Tariff" Wheel. "Washington, January 10. Twelve pages of the tariff bill were disposed of to day. The duty on pearls was reduced from 25 to 10 per cent, and coal, slack or culm was struck off the free list. The other amendments were few and unimportant. A $50,000 Fnnd for Mrs. Shcrldnu. ISPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 "Washington, January 10. A fund of $50,000 has been quietly raised for Mrs. Sheridan and invested for her benefit by Mr. George "W. Childs and Mr. Drexel,' of Philadelphia. A QUIET DIV0ECE That Will Cause a Flnrter In Society Mrs. Ben Harrison Free Her Ex-Husband Is a Nephew and a Namesake of tbe President-Elect. ISPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE BISFATCR.1 SrEiNGFiELD, O., January 10. To-day, in a very quiet manner, Marie Goode Har rison was divorced from Benjamin Harrison, of Indianapolis, a nephew and namesake of the President-elect. Not half a dozen people in the city knew such a divorce pro ceeding was pending. By contrivance of attorneys and court officials the matter was kept from publicity. The wife was restored to her maiden name of Marie Goode, The petition was filed last fall, and as no one seemed to know where Harrison was to be found, summons was served by Dublication, and that's how the matter got to be public. The petition charged absence for three years and neglect of duty. No defense was made and a divorce was granted on undis puted facts. It is a little less than four years since this couple were married under the most favorable circumstances. Young Harrison is a son of J. S. C. Harrison, the then Indianapolis banker, who, though a Republican, could not support Blaine for President, and who failed shortly after Blaine's defeat. The bride was a daughter of Judge James S. Goode, among the most aristocratic people in this city. She was raised in luxury, given every advantage in lii'a, is highly accomplished and was a leader in society. Hardly had the honeymoon had time to wane when the wife came back to her mother, where she has been aver since. It was whispered on her return that young Harrison drank and was not kind, but her high standing prevented any publicity. Now that she is rid of her profligate husband, it is believed she will again enter society. UNCLE SAM SOBBED. New York's New Appraiser Says the Gov ernment Is Ont Millions f Dollars. ISPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH. New York, January 10. Appraiser Albert B. Stearnj took up the reins in the Laight street building this morning. He got there before Mr. McMullen, who came from his home in Brooklyn to greet Mr. Stearns and introduce him. The new appraiser has clear blue eyes, an iron gray mustache and a fine face. It was announced that Mr. Stearns will move rapidly toward remedying matters complained of by im porters and investigated by the Treasury agents. Colonel Montgomery, Chief of the Boston Treasury agents, will be in town to morrow, and, with Mr. Holahan, will have consultations with Mr. Stearns. Chief Hol ahan and Colonel Montgomery were in "Washington yesterday, at the Treasury de partment conferring with Mr. Fairchild. One of the first things the new Appraiser will do will be to dismiss Assistant Apprais er Sturgis and Examiner Hammill, of the tobacco division. Mr. Stearns did not care to discuss the charges to be made by him. "I will say, though." he remarked, "that the Government has been robbed of millions of dollars. This was said in clean cut and incisive tones, that were particularly em phatic. A STRANGE CONTRAST. Ono Sister Ides Cold in Death While the 'Other Is Being Married. tSPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 NewtYobk, January 10. Sadness and joy were strangely contrasted in the house ot Mr. George "W. Sackett, at 525 Madison street, Brooklyn, on "Wednes day night. His ld-year-old daughter, Bessie Hedges Sackett. lay dead in the front room on the second floor, while in the parlor underneath the Rev. Robert J. Kent was officiating at the marriage of Miss Susie Dorish Sackett, the eldest daughter of Mr. Sackett, to Fred Baker Morris, in the presence of 60 guests. Little Bessie had been sick for some time, but had been looking forward with the much girlish interest to the marriage of her sister. Her death came so unexpectedly at 1 o'clock in the afternoon that there was no time to no tify the invited guests, and it was deemed ad visable to go on with the ceremony. All the flowers which Miss Sackett had intended to wear, and which were sent by friends, were placed around the couch on which her dead sister reposed. A BLUE BOOK ON SUAKISI. Sir Evelyn Sarins Tells What Ho Knows About tbe Sondan Campaign. London, January 10. A blue book on Suakim affairs has just been issued. It shows that Sir Evelyn Baring foresaw that pressure would be made to induce the Brit ish to capture Handaub, but that he op posed the idea as useless, believing it to be impossible to tranquilize the Soudan with out the reoccupation of Khartoum, which would require a large force. In a telegram to Lord Salisbury on De cember 10 Sir Evelyn Baring declared that he had not the least opposition to the policy of negotiating and trading with the tribes, but he had little confidence in the results. He was unable to shut his eyes to the fact that supplies of food improvised by the dervishes had much facilitated and pro longed their siege of Suakim. A dispatch to the Post from Alexandria asserts that the Khedive some time ago de clined an offer from the Turkish Govern ment to occupy and defend Suakim. SHE WANTS THE LUCEE. Tho Duchess of Marlborough Appeals to Court for a Littlo Money. New Yoek, January 10. Application was made to-day to Surrogate Ransom by Robert Sewell, representing the Duchess of Marlborough, nee Mrs. Louis C. Ham mersly, for an order requiring the executors of her former husband to pay his client 5300,000. The Duchess in her petition for this allowance stated that the income of the estate in the hands of the executors was 5350,000 a year. She also asserted that she was entitled to this gum whether her former husband's will was probated or not. The Duchess in tends to use $150,000 of this sum in purchas ing a residence, and the balance to defray expenses and sustain the rank and social position which she has assumed. Decision reserved. A DANGEROUS INVENTOR. Ho Shoots a Capitalist Who Declined to Aid Him. St. Louis, January 10. Ward McManus, a well-k'nown capitalist and real estate owner of this city, was called to the door of his residence to-day, by Henry Krig, and shot twice. The wounds are not serious. Krig had invented a car motor and applied to McManus for financial aid in bringing his invention before the public. McManus declined, and to-day's sensational shooting is tho result Krig" escaped. THE SAME OLD GAME. Ohio Rcpnbllcon Senators Agnln Kick on tbe Organization of tho Senate. ISPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCn.l Columbus,- O., January 10. The Repub licans of the Senate had another bolt to night in caucus, and the indications are that the trouble of last winter over the or ganization will be, repeated. They could not agree on a candidate for tho clerkship, and the Democrats will no doubt join the bolters and 11 the "vacancy to-morrqw, THEKEADINGE0KR0R Fully as Bad as tho First Awful .Re ports Indicated it Would Be. DAY DA WHS ON TERRIBLE SCENES. The Number Killed Will Surely Reach 30 and Probably Many More. ASSISTANCE FOE THE SORE AFFLICTED. Already rabllc and PriTate Parses Are rourln? Out Their Contents. Daylight's dawn at Reading yesterday morning only made more evident the fearful effects of the tornado of the day before. The mas3 of ruins of the silk mill was visited by thousands of people, many in . search of missing relations and friends. The scenes were heartrending. Public meetings were held, subscription lists made np, at which 510,000 were collected for the benefit of the families of victims. ISPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TBE DISPATCH.1 Reading, January 10. As soon as day light dawned this morning upon the night of horror caused by the tornado, thousands of people thronged to the ruins of the silk mill. Thev looked upon a scene of desola tion and ruin such as is seldom witnessed. The stack and the tower were all that were standing of what was the handsomest manu facturing edifice in the city. In the cold morning air the aspect of the vast mass of wreckage and debris, composed of splintered beams, twisted and bent pieces of shafting, battered machines and great piles of brick, intermixed in inextricable confusion, was cheerless, desolate and depressing. Tbe bnilding, which the night before had towered to a height of upward of 60 feet, was reduced to a shapeless pile only about ten feet above the surrounding ground, and in this space was condensed the contents of the walls, the roof, and the five floors of the mill, together with all the machinery and silk in process of manufacture which it contained. All tbe varied material enter ing into the construction of the building was as thoroughly mixed and tossed to gether as if the edifice had been raised in the air and then hurled against the ground. CARING TOE THE VICTIMS. During the night the work of digging out the dead and dying was carried on by thelight of huge bonfires. At daylight the work was renewed with a larger force under the di rections of the police and the fire depart ment. The business progressed systemat ically and rapidly, and the victims were more readily found. All those who were alive had been taken out during the night, and those who were found to-day deeper down in the debris were all dead and most of them horribly crushed and disfigured. By 5 o'clock this evening the list of those who had been in the mill when it fell had been carefully gone over, and all accounted for except three. It was found by this method that the killed numbered 28 and the seriously wounded 76. As to the missing three, only a thorough search of the re mainder of the ruins will reveal their fate. It may take several days to complete the search, but as there is no probability of any one being now found alive in the ruins, the necessity for such great haste no longer exists. X GLOOM OVER AXL. The calamity has cast a gloom over the entire city, and scarcely any business was transacted anywhere to-day. The greatest kindness andjsympathy were displayed to ward those who had been bereaved and to those who were suffering from wounds. In none of tbe hundred or more home3 that had been touched by the great calamity did any one want for any necessary comfort, the neighbors giving up their beds and clothing and whatever they possessed that could in nnv way minister to the wants of the af flicted. In addition to thii private and spontane ous aid, in accordance with the proclama tion of the Mayor, a meeting of citizens con vened in tne Uourt House at lusooclocK this afternoon for the purpose of affording aid. It was called to order by the Mayor, who alluded to the immediate need of re lief, and bespoke a generous response to the call of the suffering ones. General D. McM. Cregg was made chairman and P. M. Er mentrout and D. H. "Wingard secretaries. As soon as the meeting was organized sub scriptions flowed in faster than they could be recorded, and in less than an hour $6,000 had been pledged, which, with what was raised elsewhere in the citv, will make the day's contributions fully 510,000. PRACTICAL SYMPATHY. Subscriptions are being taken up in all of the schools; the theaters have both offered to give benefits for the cause; the Ringgold Band will devote the entire proceedings of a concert to-morrow night, and from every source generous aid is offered which will go far toward relieving the want of all who are in need. As time is given to inquire into the cir cumstances leisurely, the horrors of last night are brought out more vividly. It seems that there was some little preliminary warning of the catastrophe. Previous to the fall of the silk mill the building trembled for a moment as if shaken by an earthquake, and in this short interval a great many rushed to escape to a point along the east side of the building toward the tower. It was owing to this that so many escaped death, the stout beams of the" flooring making a space that prevented them from being crushed. Three of the girls and one of the clerks were quick enough in their fright to jump from the third story windows, and strange to say, all of them landed safely. Many of last night's rescuers crawled on hands and knees with lanterns, tor long dis tances through the wreckage, frequently burrowing with their hands through brick and mortar, and in this way many a one whose voice, calling for help, guided the searchers. MANY GHASTLY SCENES. Many a ghastly scene met their eyes on these expeditions, and they frequently came out begrimed with blood, which was smeared upon the timber and dripped through the debris from crushed and man gled bodies. There was one young girl who, when taken out from the ruins and finding she was safe and' unhurt, suddenly became crazed by her terrible experience and ran away so swiftly that she could not be caught. She wandered around in the cold most of the night, and was found in Hockley lane toward morning, nearly half a mile from the scene of the accident. The time of the accident was just a few minutes before work ordinarily ceased for the day, and as the glare of the conflagra tion caused by the burning paint shops at tracted the most attention at the time, the news of the fall ot the silk mill did not spread to distant parts of the city at once. As a consequence, in most of the horn's ot the operatives the mothers were wailing supper for their sons' or daughters' return. In many instances, just while beginning to wonder at the delays, news came of tbe dis aster as the missing one was borne home dead. In either case the anxiety and grief in the several hundred homes of the opera tives were terrible and the suspense over powering. ONE OF THE GEUESOME SIGHTS. One of the examples was that of Miss Anna Seilheimer. Her mother sat waiting Continued on Sixth JPage. I0SS OYER $1,000,000. Niagara's New Suspension Bridge Blown Down A Handsome Structure That Will beMIssedbyTonrUtl De stroyed by tbe Gale. LOCKPORT, N. Y., January 10. The suspension bridge situated nearest the falls was carried away by the gale about 3 o'clock this morning and deposited in the river. The towers and cables remain intact. The bridge was completely rebuilt last season, enlargea for double track of material en tirely iron and steel. It was owned by the Niagara Falls and Clfnton Suspension Bridge Companies. The stock was held in Oswego and Canada, and always paid large dividends. The loss is about 575,000. The bridge will probably be rebuilt as soon as possible. The foot and carriage suspension bridge over Niagara river blown down last night was built in 1870. Its original cost was 5400,000, and fully half as much again has been expended on it since in improving it by the substitution of iron for wood work. The bridge was considered oneof the strong est structures of its kind iu the world. The gale destroyed much other valuable prop erty in this neighborhood, and the total loss will reach 51,000,000. BANKED ON A MASCOT. A Stock Exchange Tipster Suing for a liberal Fee. TSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISFATCB.l Newt York, January 10. Three weeks ago next Sunday night V. K. Stevenson, the real estate broker, and Thomas H. Burchell, known on the stock exchange, where he operates as a room trader, as "Jack the Ripper," met for the first time at the "Wind sor Hotel. The other day a friend of Stevenson approached Burchell on the Stock Exchange and presented a draft of 51,500, drawn upon him by Stevenson. Burchell indignantly refused to honor the draft, and Stevenson thereupon consulted his lawyer, with the result that Burchell was shortly served with papers in an action in the Court of Common Pleas to recover the 51,500 which Steven son alleged was his just and equitable recompense for information given about certain stocks npon which Mr. Burchell realized a handsome profit. Mr. Stevenson was seen to-day at his office, but referred thereporterto his lawyer, Mr. Flagg. Mr. Flagg said that his client's claim grew out of a legitimate business transaction in which he and Mr. Burchell had engaged for common profit. The money in question was Mr. Stevenson's share of a profit realized by Mr. Burchell on a tip given by Mr. Stevenson. Thomas H. Burchell was seen at his office to-day. He claims that he followed Steven son's advice, given in a public place and in a public manner, and did make money. He didn't think the man knew anything about stocks, but consider him a sort of a '.'mascot," and with that view he offered to make him a present. Stevenson declined on the ground that he was a gentleman. Later he appears to have changed his mind, fcr he sent the draft. AT SIXES AND SEVENS. Qneer State of ADhlrs In One of South Caro lina's Black Counties. tSPEClAl. TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. Charleston-, S. C, January 10. A queer state of affairs prevails in Beaufort, one of the black counties of the seacoast. At the recent election two connty tickets were in the field, both Republican. The irregular or, compromise ticket was declared elected on the face of the returns. The incumbents who were on the regular ticket refused to surrender their offices. A day or two ago the Circuit Court issued a mandamus, or dering the incumbents to turn over their offices to the successful candidates. Yesterday "W. J. "Whipper, Probate Judge of the county, was served with a mandamus. He refused to obey it, and getting a brass band, headed a procession to the public square, where he made a speech, in which he said that he would go to jail before giv ing up his office. Most of the other officers have followed his example, and great pxcite ment prevails. In the meantime, the affairs of the county are in a state of confusion, as the financial officers refuse to surrender the books. The creditors of the county are clamoring for their money, which they are unable to ob tain. It is probable that all the rebellious officials will be committed for contempt. HE LITED ON LIQUOR. Electric Sugar Fraud Friend Long Ago De clared a Lunatic. ISPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCII.J New York. January 10. It was learned to-day that Prof. Friend, the originator of the electricsugar swindle, was pronounced insane "by a physician who was called to see him in February last, and that he had evidently been living on champagne and brandy. The disease was the general paralysis of the insane, and the Doctor said the man could not have been for a long time in a condition to invent anything. Treasurer Robertson, of the Electric Sugar Refining Company, said to-day that the Friends and "all their crew had de ceived him," and that there was no hope that the company would resume operations. It was utterly wrecked, the Treasurer said, but he thought a little something would materialize when things were cleared up. He believed Mrs. Friend and the Howards would be prosecuted by the shareholders. BELIETE IN SECRECY. The National Fnrmera' Alliance Will Here after Work Without Noise. Des Moines, Iowa, January 10. The National Farmers' Alliance, representing the Northwestern States, is in session here. Reports were received from different States showing the growth of the organization. In Iowa there are 865 branches ot the alliance. The sentiment seemed to favor making the work of organization everywhere secret hereafter, as it is in Dakota, Nebraska and other States. President J. Burrows, of Ne braska, delivered the annual address. This afternoon and this evening a public meeting was addressed byGovernorLarrabee, President Chamberlain," of the Agricultural College, and others. THE SAME OLD ST0RT. Another Connty Treasurer Will Hereafter Reside In Canada. East Saginaw, Mich., January 10. Charles H. Dixson, Deputy County Treas urer, left the city four days ago, taking with him a considerable chunk of the coun ty funds. The Finance Committee of the Board of Supervisors, now making the an nual examination of the books, found several errors, but refuse to state the amonnt. Treasurer Bloss intimates that Dixson is in Canada. He says he would like to prose cute, but does not expect to get a chance. Dixson is supposed to have fled with a woman of bad repute. He left a young wife here. A Fittsbnrg Politician In the Soup. (SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Bbaddock, January 10. A. prominent Pittsburg politicia'n came to Braddoek last night and indulged a little too freely, fell in the river and was only saved from being drowned by Chitf Wymard,who went to his rrscne. He was taken before the Burgess and fined $1 and costs. TIE GHASTLY HUH Reveals the Crushed and Torn Bodies of Four More Victims in the DIAMOND STREET CRASH. Thirteen flames Are Now on the Death Koll. CONDITION OP THE WOUNDED. From Eight to Ten More Corpses Under nenth tbe Debris A Large Corps of Men Working Night nnd Day to Recover Them A Heroic Volunteer Appeared on the Scene Yesterday Dr. Reed's Body Has Not Yet Been Reached Young Gocttmnn's Remains at Last Taken Oat After n Long Struggle for Them For traits of Prominent Victims. The work of rescuing the bodies from the scene of the Diamond disaster was zealously continued yesterday and four more bodies were recovered, making the number of dead found to be 13. "While the operations of clearing away the debris were conducted without any system during the morning, some method was infused into the work when Mr. Flinn appeared on the scene last night by the authority of the Department of Public Safety. He set about 100 men at work, and it is thought that by to-night every body will be recovered. It is esti mated that eight or ten bodies may yet be recovered. The Coroner's inquest will bo commenced to-day. "When daylight broke upon the scene of the appalling calamity at Diamond and "Wood streets yesterday morning, it found there the same number of men who had been toiling all the night. They still worked Dr. Reed, Whose Body is Still in the JRuiru. with the same vigor, the same energy and perseverance, hunting for the dead who were hidden under the mass of ruins. As the morning advanced and the num ber of curious people grew larger, the corps of rescuers increased. The anxiety to help seemed to be instinctive among the people, and the man of leisure, dressed in the finest broadcloth, rolled up his pantaloons, threw off his beaver overcoat and commenced to dig or shuffle among the debris for the bodies of those that were still missing. John Bogerson, the bricklayer, was the last dead person that had been recovered at 5 o'clock in the morning and the people, be-, coming excited because not another ona' had been found for several hours, grew al- most feverish with anxiety. , At 1:30 o'clock the body of Sam Brown, Jr., a well-known young carpenter, who lived on Race street, Allegheny, was dis covered. He was found in the front of tha cellar of the Willey building, on Diamond alley. His head was crushed to a jelly; his body was doubled with his hands up to hia Samuel Brovm, a Well-Known Victim. head. A wheelbarrow alongside of him ap peared to indicate his last employment. A young man, who was standing along side of the wall when Brown was found, said: "I just missed what poor Sam got, be cause I was sick yesterday and not at work that's how I escaced." THE NIGHT TVOBK. At 6 o'olock in the evening there was a lull in 'the work, the men who had now been since early morning and some of them even since "Wednesday night were told to stop, because a fresh gang wa3 going to continue the work. A peculiar incident occurred just then. The lights had nut been lit yet, and the place was comparatively dark. Suddenly two men,dressed in very respectable clothes, jumped into the cellar of Thoma's store, where Albert Goettman was said to be lying, and where his voice had been heard the night before. These two men, quietly and without saying a word, went to work with a pair of shovels. The dirt and stones and spars of wood began to fly in all directions, and some of the Italians looked aghast in astonishment when they saw the vigor of the work. These two men kept right on until the fresh gang of men relieved them, then they put down their tools, climbed out of the cellar and disappeared np Diamond alley without looking at anybody. Nobody knew them, but it is supposed that they were relatives -5 4 e J