Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 10, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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Leading Features of- Markets at tlie
Central Stockyards.
Good Butchers' Stock Active-Sheep and
Lambs Very Lively.
ED esd ay, January SL 18S9. J
Cattle receipts on Monday varied very little
from the previous Monday, the total being 7j
The grade of those received this week showed
a slight improvement on receipts for several
weeks past. While there were a few last wcet
of a hicher grade than any received this week,
there were also more of the common and low
Erado stock
The majority of the cattle which showed np
this weeK ha o been fair to good batcher stock
ranging from 1.2 0 to 1,400 pounds Very few
light butcher cattle were among the supplies.
Good butcher stock rules firm at from o to loo
above rates of las,twcck. The bet pneesob
tamed. so far as could be learned, w ere SI To to
Heavy grades were slow at last week's prices.
Export demand has almost ceaed,and buyers
for heavy cattle h n e been cry scarce for a
few weeks past. The trade now i almost cn
tnelj iwth batchers and countrj people. ith
light demaud lor export cattle risks of buyers
aie big, and they arc not disposed to invest, ex
cept on large concessions.
A leading stockman thus puts the case, "Our
foreign bound steamers at this time of the year
are generally loaded with more profitable
freight than livestock. This is the time for
heavy cotton shipine-its. At any rate there is
no lorger any demand for export cattle. This
is alw.is tne situation from the holidays till
spring Toward spring I expect to see good
butcher cattlt nearly as high in pnee as export
rattle The sappl of cattle wanted by butch
ers is hardl up to demands, and this is likely
to be the situation for a couple of months yet.
On the other hand, judging from pist experi
ence we w ill have more heavy cattle lietuetn
now and spring than the trade here demands."
There were no cattle left over to-da as was
the case last week. A few loads could have
been sold yesterday, after supplies were
cleaned np, and this at an advance on Mon
day's rates.
Supplies of sheep at the beginning of the
week ere about double thoe cf the week be
fore, the total being 2a cars against 12 cars
each for the two previous week. Notwith
standing this largo increase in supplies, mar
kets are active and strong at last week's prices.
The market for sheep and lambs has been bet
ter thi week than for a niontn past.
Stock was all cleaned upjeterdayandpnces
ruled firm until the last bunch was gobbled
Good sheep in Xew York markets brought
Cc je-terday: and choice lambs uould have
shaved Tc ver) closely at Liberty for the last
day or two, if they had appeared.
A verj large run of hogs on Monday broke
markets in the early part of the day In the
afternoon of that da, after word had come
from Buffalo and other points and holders had
time to "view the landscape o'er," markets
rallied and have been grow ing stronger up to
day, w ben prices are nearly where they were
on Saturday.
Receipts to-day at Chicago were 21000 head
and prices there are 5c lower than yesterday.
At Eat Libert prices are stcidj at rates 13
to 20c above thee which ruled "on Monday
morning. The uemand for ligbt-w eight hogs is
fitill better than for heavy-weights, with prices
in favor of the former.
SIcCall & Co.'s Report.
McCall A. Co. report as follows: With a fair
Fupplj of cattle the market opened up slow on
Mondav, but closed fctiong and all sold. On
Tuesday and to-daj the supph being light and
demand fair, the market closes for the week 10
to 15c per cw t. higher on all grades. M'e give
the following as ruling prices- prime, 1,300 to
l.tXW pounds SI o0g!4 90; good, 1,200 to L-J00
pounds S4 OOgl oO: good 1,000 to 1,200 pounds.
f3 t0gl 10; rough fat, 1.100 to 1.300 pounds S3 50
(J3S0: stockers and leeders ! 603 2o; fat
cows, bulls and heifers. S2 50S 50; Iresh cows
and springers, S23 00($40 00 per head.
The receipts of hogs for Monday were heavy,
and. with 30 carloads left over from (Saturday,
the market opened dull yesterday, and to-day
the suppl is light and the market'active at the
following quotations Philadelphia, S3 156)
6 23: good light Yorkers, $3 25g5 30; coirse
heavy Yorkers, So 155 20, roughs, S3 50t 75.
The receipts of sheep Monday w ere light, and
sold fully 4c per cut higher than lat week.
Tucsdar and to-day receipts were onlj fair.and
telling 10g20c per cvrt low er than Monday. AH
Fold e quote as follows: Prime Ohio and
Indiana wethers, weighing here 110 to 120 fts
U C0g4 SO; good wethers. 90 to 100 fts S4 2j
4 40: fair to good mixed, &5 to 90 Bs S3 SO"! 75;
common to fan, 73 to 80 lbs, $2 75S3 S3- prime
lambs, 75 to SO lis, S6 KF9 10: fair to good, CO to
&5 fts. U 7525 SO. veal calves, 110 to 140 as,
Br Telegraph.
Szvr YoKK-Beeves-Receipts, 1.S00 head,
including $8 carloads for the market and 14 car
loads for citv slaughterers direct. Licht steers
of medium and fair quality wcieashade firmer
while heaw steers of good to prime quality
ruled rather dull, and closed weak. Common
to prime native steers sold at S4 O05 20
per 100 pounds; bulls and dry cows, S2 503 50
including fair to good bulls at S2 753 30,
feheepand lambs Receipts. 6,700 head; mar
ket fairly actn e and a fraction higher for both
hheep and lambs: poor to prime sheep sold at
S3 505 75 per 100 pounds; common to prime
lambs at $0 0000 50. Hogs-Receipts. 8.660
head, all for slaughterers direct; nominally
Bteady for live hogs at $5 005 75.
CEJCcre ati Hogs m fair demand and easy:
common and light. S4 405 20: packing and
liutchers', S5 05S5 23; receipts, 7,300 head: ship
ments, L240 head.
Operators at Sea Id Record to the Outcome
of Wheat Another Drop Corn and Oats
Quiet nnd Easy Fork Stilt Unsettled
Lard Stendr.
Chicago Only a moderate aggregate
business was transacted in wheat, and at
times the market was very dull. Operators
lire just as much at sea which course to pursue
as they have been. The early feeling was weak,
and prices declined Jele from opening figures.
The offerings were fair, and it was claimed that
possibly some long wheat was sold, the incent
ive for selling being the fall of snow which ex
tended over some portions of the winter wheat
conntry. At the decline there was a good de
mand, apparently a great many resting orders
being on the market at SI 04 for May, and
under steady buying prices were advanced c
The firmness was partially attributed to bullish
news from the Northwest. The market ruled
weak, the last half of the session, and the clos
ing was about Jc lower than for jest erday.
A quiet, easy feeling prevailed in corn all
day, trading as only moderate and fluctuations
narrow Prices wire governed laigeh by local
Influences. Opening hales were a trifle below
the closing quotations of yesterdav with offer
ings very liberal and the market declined He,
rallied some and closed K2bC lower than j es
terday. A quiet and steady feeling prevailed in oats.
Buvers were slow to take hold, but, there being
110 particular pressure to sell earlj and several
heavy traders offering lanre lots quite free! v,
prices were forced down c from out6ide fig
ures and the market closed easj.
A fairly active trade was leported in mess
pork, but the feeling was somewhat unsettled,
and prices fluctuated considerably within a
moderate range. Opening sales were made at
2Kc advance on yesterdaj'.s closing figures, but
a weak feeling was soon developed, and a re
duction In prices of 20322Jc was submitted to.
Later prices rallied 2J5c, and the market
closed steady.
There was a moderate business in lard and
the leeling was easier. Prices gradually de
clined 1012c on the whole range, but rallied
rt.glitly near the close and ruled comparatively
Trading was only fair in short ribs, and the
feeling was easier. Prices declined 7Qi0c
and the market closed quiet at medium figures.
The leading futures ranged as follows.
Wiieat No. 2. January, S99Jc; Mav, SI 03
m &y3l Oljfl&l 0 July, 6e96&&93;i
Cons No. 2 January, S3J33Xc; May, STJf
Oats No. 2 January, 2424Jic; May, 8l
lltss Ponicper bbl. Jannary, 13 15: Febru
ary $13 2,j13 2i13 12K13 15; May, $13 05
13 C7HS13 45313 5a
Lard per 100 fts January. S7 3337 S57 23
7 27K: Mav, S7 C07 607 507 50.
Hhoet Knss, per 100 tt. Januarv, JO 62X
66 62& May,J7 10g7 107 007 02.
Cash qnotanoni were as rollows: Floor,
nominally unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat,
999;; No. 3 spring wheat, 8590c; No.
2 red. 9998Jc No. 2 corn. S3c No. 2 oats,
2fJ4e25a No. 2 rye. 48c No. fbarley nomln
bL No. 1 EAiieea, tl 6L Prime timothy teed
SI 53. Mess pork,per barrel,S13 12K13 25. Lard,
perlOOlbs. S7 27ji7S0. Short ribs sides (loose).
S6S5. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), to 37K6 40.
fehort clear sides (boxed), S7 257 S7K- bugars
Cut loaf, S5?SJc; granulated, 7?e; standard
"A," TKc Receipts Flour, 19,000 barrel";
wheat. 26.000 bushclsicorn, 250.000 bushels: oats
SS.000 bushels: rve. 7.O00 bushels; barley, 53,000
bushels. Shipments Flour.10,000 barrels; wheat,
15.000 bushels; corn. 131.000 bushels: aats. 77.000
bushels; rve. 5,000 bushels; barley, 43.000 bushels.
On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter
market was dull and neglected; fancy cream
cry, 2627c: choice to fancy, 2022c: good to
choice. 14015c. Eggs dull and easy at 15c
New Yor.K Flour Receipts 19 072 pack
ages; exports. S,2S barrels 3.078 sacks: steady
and moderately active, export and home
trade; siles 1S.150 barrels. Cornmeal
quiet and steady. Wheat Receipts.
50.372 bushels; exports, none; sales, tOS,000
bushels futures no spot: spot market dull,
weak and nominil: No. 2 red, SI 011 01i.
elevator; SI OJJfQl 02JS afloat; SI OlUgl 02
fob; No. 3 red. SSHQic; No. 1 red,
i OS: No. 1 white, SI 02; No. 2 Chicago.Sl 0"K
(tl 07"i: options dull, heavy and lower: opened
'- c tin declinedKC closed $$ c under j cstcr
dav; No 2 re I. January, SI vOm 00JJ, closing
at SI Oii; Fcbruan, SI 01Jtf?l ftM. closing
at SI OIK: MarUi, SI (Ul 03, clos
ing at SI IS; Mav, SI 035'1 0C, closing at
SI 0,.sft June, SI OjJQI 00, closing at
SI (CV llarley quiet. Barley malt dulk
Corn Receipts, 22s,400 bushels; exports, 135,
402 bushels; sales, 4 H5.000 bushels futures; 134.
000 bushels spot; spot market less active and
weak, i&,ic lower: No. 2. 45Ji15c in ele
vator: ungraded mixed, SSCS4oVic; No. 3, 39
40' ic No. 2 white, 45JJc; options less active,
,c lower, wcik; January. 45'f45c closing
at 45Jc; Tebruarv, 4545c, closing at
4Vi;c; March, 4515c closing at 45c;
Mav, 45Jc, closing at 4oc; steamer mixed.
February, 42;;43;c Oats Receipts, 5ti,000
bushels;" exports, 1.S70 bushels: sales, 155 WO
bushels lutuies, 7G,C0O bushels spot: spot
market moderately actire, stronger; options
dull; January, 32?32c closing at Sic;
Februarv, S2Kc; May, 33ic; spot No. 2
white, SJVfff.'Vjrc; mixed western, 2s5J33c:
white do, 3240c; No. 2 Chicago. 33c Coffee
Options opened steady and 5JJ15 points down,
closed steadv 10(J1j points below jesterda;
sales 30,500 bags, including January, 15.25SS
15 30c; Februarv. 15.20c: April. 15.15c; ilay and
June, 15 1515.20c Spot ltio dull; fair cargoes,
17c Sug.ir Raw dull and nominal: refined
steady and quiet. Molasses nominal: New Or
leans quiet. Rice quiet and firm. Pork dull;
old mess, S14 00(314 2i: new mess. S14 25i4 6a
Cutmeats quiet: pickled bellies, TJigTJjC;
pickled shoulders, fr'4Z7c; pickled hams, 10c;
middles easy; short clear, S7 50. Lard lower
and quiet: sales, western steam, S7 75: citv
steam, S7 40; Januarv. S7 70; February, S7 72
asked; March, S7 740)7 73. closing at S7 73
asked; April. S7 70; Mav. 7 7Sffl;7 63, closing
at S7 79 aked: June, S7 79g7 80, closing at
S7 80 aked: August, S7 87, closing at S7 83
aked. Butter ouiet and easy: western d liry.
i 14g21c; do creamery. 17S2Sc: Elgin. 2930c
uneese nrm ana quiet; western, luigiijic
ST. Loos Flour nominal. Wheat market
declining right at the opening and asnow storm
dif ipating all fears as to damage to crop bv
drop by cold weather. The close was weak
with sellers Jc below veterday: No. 2 red cish,
9Gc bid; May, SI (MSI Dili, closed at SI (X
asked: July, SS'jSsOKc closed at S'Jc asked.
Corn dull and with little change in value: No. 2
mixed cash, "Soke; Januarv. 30Kc closed at
aic aked; Februarv, S0-1'Kc, clo-edat
&J.. SO1 ic asked; March, 31Ji31JsC closed at
31,ic asked: Mav. SJ'fc closed at 31K031K c
uatsnrm: o. casn. iuc uiu:iiaj, .'osasc
aked. Rje, 47ic. Barley slow and noalcs
Provisions dull and lower. Pork, S13 50?13 75.
Lard J?nme steam not quotable oerS7 12 J.
Dry salt-mcats-slmrt
clear. S7 :
s Shoulders,S6 2o; long rib, S7 00;
Bacon Boxed shoulders.
S7 00: lonir and nbsS7 75(ffi7 80: short clear. SS Oa
Hams S10 2 i12 00 Bagging lower and un
settled; Impound. 10c; 2 pound, 10Jc
BALTTMonE Wheat Western easy: No. 2
winter red. pot and Januarv, 933XS90c: Feb
ruary, 96?497c; .March, 9s34ffi99c; May, SI 02J4
bid. Corn Western easv; mixed snot and
January, 41K415c; February, 41K?42c;
March, 42?42Kc: steamer, spot, S939Jc.
Oats dull and nominal. Rye nominally easier
at 5960c Provisions steady and unchanged.
Butter very flat; creamery at 202Sc
CiNCDfSATi Flourmore active. AVh eat dull;
No. 2 red. 4bc Receipts, 700 bushels; ship
ments, 3,000 bushels Corn in good demand and
linn: No. 2 mixed. 33Vc Oats demand fair:
No. 2 mixed.2Sc Rve dull; No. 2, 55c Pork
quiet at S13 75. Lard dull at S7 35. Bulkmeats
easy, short rib. S7 C07 12J. Bacon quiet and
unchanged. Butter weak. Sugar quiet and
easy. Cheee firm,
MrLWATTirK Flour unchanged. Wheat
easier; cash. 92!c; Februarv, 9tc: May, 97Jc
Corn dull: No. 3, SOJSIlc Oats steadj : No. 2
white, 2S2SKc Rvenrm;No.l, 4bc Barley
firm: No. 2, OtgOTVc Provisions easier. Pork,
S13 12. Lard. S7"27J. Cheese unchanged;
Cheddars, 1010Kc
Toledo Cloverseed actire and firm; cash and
February, So 37J: March, S3 40.
Tbo WcBt Virinia Courts Decide in Favor
of the Repnblicnns.
Chaeleston, "Vr. Ta., January 9. In
the Circuit Court this morning Judge
Guthrie quashed the rule awarded against
the County Court to show cause why it should
not bo fined and attached for contempt in for
warding the cirtificates of elections in this
county for Governor and Congress in violation
of an injunction granted by Judge McGmnis.
of the Cabell Circuit Court. It also dismissed
the bdl of injunction and the certiorari hereto
fore awarded at the instance of Judge Flem
ing and Mr. Alderson.
Tins is a complete victory for the Republi
cins and gives Gofl and Mc'Ginms a clear plur
ality in the face of the returns for Governor
and Congress. The case will probably be taken
to the Supremo Court.
Bounced far Kot Resigning,
Washington, Jauuary 9. Lewis McMnllen,
Appraiser at New York, was requested to re-
Eign, but lefuscd to do so. The President
has therefore directed his removal from ofticc
White Cap notices posted at Catasqna, Pa.,
are causing considerable consternation.
i The Manhattan Club, New York, was dam
aged to the extent of S10.G00 by Are yesterday.
The trial of ex-Aldenmn McCleary, of New
York, charged with complicity in the Broad
way Railroad boodle deal, will commence on the
21st inst.
Tho contending factions for the Governor
ship ot the Chickasaw Nation reached an
agreement. Each chief agree to submit his
claims to tho Governorship to Secretary Vilas,
and allow him to decide, both agreeing to abide
by the decision.
A lamp exploded about 8 o'clock yesterday
morning in the basement of the station house
of the Pittsburg and Lake Erie Railroad, at
Stoops Terry. The building, with entire con
tents except an -organ owned by the station
agent, was consumed.
Ilarry D. Schall, Assistant Cashier in the
Paymaster's office of the Chicago and North
western Railroad Company, has left with Sll,
500 of the company's funds and $2,500 belong
ing to the Clerks and Mechanics' Building and
Loan Association, of which he was the Treas
urer. Mr. Bradley Martin, of New York, who has
rented Balmoracan Forest. Im crncsshire, dur
ing the last four seasons from Lady Seafield,
has taken the place for another term of three
years. Ho also rents the adjacent shooting
of Lochletter, and lias altogether about 50,000
Several villas at and near Naples have been
inspected during the last fortnight by an agent
from St, Petersburg, who is charged to engage
a residence there for the Empress of Russia, as
a thorough change of scene is declared to be
absolutely necessary in order to prevent a
complete breakdown of her nervous system,
Charles Pionofski is under arrest at
Ashland, Wis, charged with the attempt
which was made Monday to murder a
whole family of Hungarians by dosing
with strjchnine the meat which thev were
to eat at breakfast Several days ago Pionof
ski had a quarrel with Polawa and his family
over the ownership of some property, in which
the latter got the best of it Seeing that he was
beaten, Pionofski swore revenge.
The remains of Albert Labetta, who was
lynched at Gilman, Mondav. for blowing up a
house, were brought to Seattle. At the Coro
ner's inquest ewdenco was produced to the
effect that Labetta came from Chicago, was a
professional dynamiter, an old Bohemian
bomb thrower and an expert handler of ex
plosives The scene of the explosion i3 de
scribed as desolate in the extreme Four of
the victims are now dead. Bodila, wife and
son are all expected to die The lynchiDg
meets with general approval.
New York. January 9. Joobers are having
a firm package tradein plain and fancy cottons,
which are in light supply with agents Ameri
can prints were placed on the market to-day at
6 Fancy woolen underwear is being ordered
for next fall.
Wool Markets.
St. Louis Wool quiet owing to verv littlo
offering; unwashed, bright medium, 192G$c;
coarse braid, 1222c; low sandy, ll18c; fine
light, 1723c; fine heavy, 1319c; tub-washed,
Metal Market.
Nbw Yobe, Januarv 9. Copper firm and
quiet: lake, Jannary, f 17 4a Lead quiet; good
domestic, J3 8i Tin dull and easier: straite.
$21 60.
Salvation Oil is not a cure-all, but it
will cure your headache, or toothache every
Tho Present Year Full of Omens ot
Continued Prosperity.
Storm and Disaster Combine to Paralyze
Business at the Exchange.
Patrick Henry's estimate of the value of
experience is good enough in its way, but
too much reliance on the past sometimes
leads to impotent results. In all business
calculations the future should be allowed to
play an important part, as its worth as a
factor in meeting unexpected crises and
guarding against possible reverses is too ap
parent to be ignored.
It is not questioned that the nast year was
one of almost unexampled prosperity in all
of the activities of life. So much is certain.
But what of the year that has just made its
bow and taken'its place upon the stage of
action? "Will it witness a continuance of
the era ot good times, or will it be charac
terized by disaster? A brief look ahead may
help to solve these questions.
From data on file at Dun's Commercial
Agency.on Wood street, it can be stated with a
reasonable degree of certainty that the present
year will be even more prosperous than its pre
decessor. Of course contingencies aro not
taken into the calculation. Business every
where appears to bo on a suro footing. There
are fewer embarrassments than usual. There
is an abundance of money for all legitimate
purposes. The speculative power is subsiding.
Railroad affairs are being brought under the
control of law. Tho fight against trusts and
combines is making that species of monopoly
odious. New enterprises are starting up and
old ones reviving in all parts of the country.
Several important manufacturing concerns in
the East that had been idle for years aro in
full operation.
Another element that has an important bear
ing upon the business of the new year should
not be overlooked. Merchants and manu
facturers consider that the tariff question was
definitely settled at the recent election. They
think the protective principle is no longer in
peril. This gives confidence that was lacking
I in lhSs, and will result in the investment of
I millions in the diversified interests of tho
conntry, which, if the result of the election
had been in favor of low tariff, would be tied
up or merely placed as an investment When
confidence and money go hand in hand there is
no limit to possibilities. That is what they aro
doing. The conjunction gives assurance of a
busy and prosperous year.
Otic of the Dullest Days Ever Known at tho
Stock Exchange.
Only two sales were effected at the Stock
Exchanges yesterday forenoon. There were
none in the afternoon. The day was, therefore,
one of the dullest ever known, the reasons for
which are stated elsewhere In this column.
Bids and offers are given below:
moitntnq. aftebvoov
STOCKS. Hid. Asked. Bid. Asked.
Commercial NatBank 93 93
Kxchinge at. ll.mk. tl 82 Sljf 82
Iron City National S3
Masonic Bank 53
it. and at. at. Bank. 57
tiermin .National 140
Cliartlers Valley Uas.. 6C1( 57M S6K 57K
Ohio Valley Gas 32 33 .... ....
l'tnn'a. Gas Co 15 .... IS
l'hiladelphla Gas Co .. 39 M 396 39Jf
V cstmoreland & Cam. S3
heelinn Gas Uo Kli
Citlzens'Tractlon 75 60
l'ittsnurg Traction
Alleg'y Co. Eltctrlc 100
Bast End Elec'ric L't. 10
W csfboue Wee L t KK SBU 36' 3GK
Union switch & StKiial 9 u ....
Allegheny Xat. Bank 60 ....
li.Norla M. Co lf lj
The sales included 10 shares Philadelphia Gas
atS and 2 of Westinghouse Electric at 36.
Alter tho morning call77; was bid forCitizens'
The total sales of stocks in New York yester
day were 3-ll,5S3 shares, including Delaware,
Lackauanna and Western, 700; Erie, 8,855;
Lake Shore, i300; Louisville and Nashville, 3,
3C0; Missouri Pacific, J2,010; Northwestern, 6,
710; Beading, 23,000; bt. Paul, 3,650; Union Pa
cihc,13,CS5. SH00TH SAILING.
Tho Sitnntfon nt the Bunks Perfectly Satis
factory Clearlna Home Figure.
The Clearing House report yesterday showed
a larger aggregate of transactions than on the
previous day, the exchanges running above
$2,000,000. The figures are: Exchanges, $2,013,
Wl 3. and the balances S330.410 5S. When it is
considered that these totals represent very
little of the speculative element, being neirly
altogether the results of legitimate enterprise,
the situation assumes an importance and takes
on an aspect of hopefulness that are liable to
be overlooked by tho casual observer. The
deeper Pittsburg business is probed the more
substantial it appears.
There was no special demand for money other
than to meet tho usual requirements. Counter
business was moderately active. Rates ruled
at5G. The annual elections being over, busi
ness will now settle down without further in
terruption, unless the unexpected should
Monev on call in New York yesterday was
easy at 2iffi3 per cent; last loan. 2 per cent;
closed offered at 2 per cent. Prime mercantile
paper, 5X7 per cent. Sterling exchange was
dull butateady at 4S4 for 00 day bills and 4SSj
for demand.
The following were the closing pricesof bonds
in New York: U. S.4s, registered, LW; U. S. is,
coupon, 12 U. a 4J& registered, loS: U. S.
4s, coupon, 103; Pacific Cs of '95, 119.
New Yoke Clearings, ?115,4S5,507; balances,
Bostox - Clearings, $14,091,353; balances, ?L
531,003. Money. i per cent.
Philadelphia Clearings, 811,885,781; bal
ances. 1,991,214.
Baltmoee Clearings, 52,063,019; balances,
St. Louis-Clearings, $2,8SL233j balances,
Producers' Oil Hanging Over the Exchange
Like a Wet Blanket.
Oil opened He higher yesterday than the
closing price of the day before, but the market
soon broke, and with the exception of a few
spasmodic rallies, which Eoon subsided, there
was no improvement The closo was weak.
The ruling figures were: Opened. S6c; high
est, SOJic: lowest, SOJic; closed, ti0Jc. It was a
hucksters' market from first to last
1 he principal trouble in oil is the 5,000,
000 barrels, known as producers' oil, set apart
by the Standard at the beginning of the shut
down movement. This is a constant menace to
the market, causing professionals to move cau
tiously and keeping outsiders out. It could bo
used at any time with disastrous effect.
There was no field news worth mentioning.
London and New York prices for refined were
unchanged. Carrying rates were the same as
before noted. Tuesday's clearings wore 1,846,
000 barrels.
A. B. McGrcw quotes: Puts, 85Kc: calls, STUc
Tne following table, corrected by De Witt 1)11
worth, broker in petroleum, etc., corner Fifth
avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the
order of fluctuations, etc. :
Time. Bld Ask.1 Time. Bid. Ak.
Opened S( Saisis.P. m.... S6J4 SCH
10.15A. M.... 86! 86 l.OOr. M... 83)4 S0
10.30 A. M.... M'4 KS 1:15 P. K.... 86H 86H
10:45A. M.... 86H SOfi. l:30p. M.... Kh 6K
IIKWA. Jt.... 8GS HH 1:45P. JI.... S6 SS
11:15a. m.... $6i b6H S.U0P. M.... SfiX MH
11:30A. M.... MS S6'i I.15F. M.... 86M 86?J
11:45a. M.... C6H E6S J3"P. .... 86 864
12-OOM S63 88k S:45P. M.. 86 M
K:MP. m.... M5, SW.Closed i6h ....
12:30 P. M.... MM M,H
llnoiipil. WVc: hlZhesL KflVr- Inwnat. Mill"
olncnri. SR&
- 73,015
Drily runs
Avenge runs
Average shipments
Dallv charters
Average dinners.,
,..w 31.3EJ
Clearances .......... 184,600
.ew lore ciosea si xc
Oil City closed at SSSc
Jlradrord closed at 86 c.
Aew Vori. refined. 1c
London, refined. 6MI.
Antwerp, refined, WKt
Other Oil Market!.
TmrsvnAE, January 9. Opened, S6c;
highest, c: lowest, 86c; closed, 86c.
On. Citt. January 9.-Opened, SfiKc; high
est, 66c; lowest, S6c; closed, 86Kc
Bradford, January 9. Opened, 86Kc; high
est, M'c; low est, 86c: closed, 86c.
Netv Yoek, January B.-Petroleom opened
firm at EOKc, but after the first sales the mar
ket became strong and advanced to SG?jC. A
period of dullness then set in, which Continued
until the last hour, and the market closed
steady at 86Jc Consolidated Exchange: Open
ing. Si'yic; highest, 80?ic; lowest, S6c: closing,
8flc Stock Exchange: Opening. fc6cj high
est, S6?c: lowest, 86c; closing, 8bjjc. Total
sales, 900,000 barrels.
Accident and Alarm Take tho Life Out of
Several causes conspired to restrict business
in oil and stocks yesterday, the first and great
est being the awful disaster on Wood street.
When the news reached the Exchange there
was a stampede for tho scene of the accident.
The few who remained had no heart for bus
iness. Even Captain Barbour's persuasive elo
quence failed to arouse them to action.
Another cause of the dullness was tho havoc
wrought with the wires and tickers by tho
storm. Communication with the East and with
Oil City was practically cut off. What little
news that did come over the wires was spas
modic and unreliable. Captain Barbour said
that before the first call ho felt it in bis bones
it would be a bad day, and the result showed
that he was right.
(The afternoon call was over in about ten min
utes. Thero n ere a few offers, but not a single
sale. The room was deserted in a few minutes
after the hammer fell.
Twelve Hundred Dollars Per Foot Paid for
Groand on Pcnn Avcnne.
The exciting incidents of yesterday had a de
pressing effect upon real estate. There was the
usual number of inquiries, and considerable
work was laid out, which will materialize in a
shott time.
Black $. Baird, No. 95 Fourth avenue, sold for
S. Zoch two dwellings on Penn avenue, at the
southwest corner of Evans alley, being Nos. 415
and 417, with lot 60x180 feet, through to an al
ley, for $70,000. This is almost 1,200 per foot,
and is the highest pnce,so far.paid for property
on this portion of tho avenue. The purchaser
was a well-known capitalist,
Algeo Bro . No. 201 Federal street, Alleghe
ny, sold for Robert Chambers to J. B. McKiu
nev. honso on Clifton avenue, Allegheny, for
52,000 cash
Allesi Bailey placed a J3.0O0 mortgage on
property in the Thirteenth ward, Pittsburg.
C. Baltenspcrger d. Co. sold a new five-room
frame bonse on Irwin avenne. Allegheny, with
lot 23x80, to W. M. Greenlee, for David Gow;
consideration, SL750 ca'h; alo for Thos. Miller
to Miss E. Fleck, a grocery store at tho corner
of Locust and Van Braim streets city.
Samuel W. Black & Co., 93 Fourth avenne,
sold for 58.000 cash, for Clanz & Ecker. a to
storv double brick dwelling, containing nine
rooms, with lot 90x135 feet, on Sheridan ave
nue, Nineteenth ward.
They Glvo Wny Cndor Judge Barrett's
Swcrplna Decision Bonds Film.
New Yore, January 9. Tho waiting for the
final outcome of the conferences between the
bankers and the President keeps all new ven
tures in the background. London was a buyer
of securities at the opening this morning, but
outside interests were almost entirely unrepre
sented, and tho improvement mado by the for
eign purchases was soon neutralized by the
selling of the local operators. Missouri Pacific
and Lackawanna were tho first to show any
marked improvement, but while the former
continued strong, the latter gave way in tho
nnai rise to isevr England. 1 no stocK dividend
declared upon Louisville and Nashville had no
effect upon the stock, but the decision of Judge
Barrett, dissolving the North Iliver Sugar Re
fining Company, was looked upon as a blow at
trusts, and Cotton Oil, after rising over a point,
lost all the advance.
Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Western pre
ferred sold down 2 per cent from last even
ing's price, but recovered all but 1 per cent for
no apparent reason but that the movements in
tho rest of the list were small and unimportant.
In the last hour there was a renewal of tho
buying and everything moved up, with Mis
bouri Pacific aud New England specially activo
and strong. The market at the close was quiet,
but strong at fractional advances for the day,
while not generally up to the best figures.
While the tone of tho bond dealings was
firm the final changes are quite irregular.
Colorado and Santa Fc firsts fell 4 to UO,
and the seconds 7, to 71.
Canadian Pacific .". Mf
Canada bouthern hZ
CentralPaclflc 3-i
C , Dur. & (Julncy 308S
Del. & Hudson . isi'f
Del., L. &W H0
Denver iltloO ic
K. T., Va. AUa 9i
E T.,Va, Oa., lstpr G8
K. T, Va. &Ga. 2d pf. 22'4
Illinois Central mJ
Lake Erie ft Western 16)J
Lake Erie Jt West, pr, 52
LakeShore&M. S ....: 10.HS
Louisville & Nashville S!ii
Michigan Central 8J
Missouri Pacific 74
Mobile Ohio 8
oriblk& Western, pr 51
Northern Pacifio 2j
Northern Pacific pref. EiH
New orfc Central 107
N. V., C. &M. L 17J4
N. Y.. U. &St. L. pf. 68
Ohio A Mississippi 2i
Ohio & Mississippi, pr. 81
Oregon Improvement 705f
Oregon Transcon so?j
Pacific Mail m
Pco. Dec. & Evans 211
Pullman Palace Cir I74i
1'hlladel. & Heading is
bt.L. &San Fran 26'f
St. L. & San Fran pf. 65M
bt. L. & ban F. 1st pf. Ill
St. P., Minn. &ilan 99
Texas Pacific 22V4
Unlonl'aciflc 64J
Wabash 13!
Wabash preferred U'i
estern Union S3i,
Am. Cotton Oil &$
Boston Stocks.
Atch. &Ton..lt7s. 120
Old Colony 171
liutland preferred.. S7
Wis. central 15
MlouezM'gCo.fnew) i7i
Calumet ft Hecla....2Wt
CatalDa 17
Atch. &Top. It. K. . 56'
.Boston & Aiuauy...rj4
Boston & Maine i:a
C. B. &Q 109
Clnn. ban. Cleve. 24
Eastern R. K 83
Kaatcrn II. IE. 63 125
KllniA PereM 30
Flint ft PereM. nrd. 99
K.CSt.J.&C.B. 75.122
Hell lelephone.,
Water Power...
.. 20S
.. 82
.:: 78
Mexican Central.... 13K
M. ('., IstMort. bds. (W,
N. Y. & JiewKnz... 4Jjj
sau Diego 21H
A. LiETieWADg 7S.U4)
BiiHincss Notes.
Mb. Westinouotjse has gone to New
York on business.
WrxKlxsnURG and Edgewood are to be
lighted with electricity.
The Artisans' Xnsuranco Company has de
clared a dividend of $150 a share.
THE Philadelphia Company yesterday an
nounced its thirty-ninth regular monthly divi
dend of 1 per cent.
The National Insurance Company, of Alle
gheny, has declared a dividend of $2 per share
for the last six months.
A good sign of prosperity is the promptness
with which tenants are Squaring up. Roal
estate men say thev have less trouble on this
account than ever before.
TnEjold Board of Directors of the Braddock
National Bank were re-elected, viz.: Robert E.
Stewart, Joseph N. Anderson, James B. Corey,
John C. Newmyer, Robert P. Duff, Thomas
J. Kenny, Jr.. Andrew W. Mellon, John M.
Kennedy, W. E. Schmertz, Hon. John Dalzell.
CInns Sprecklcs Says We Cnn Compete
WUli the World With tho Present TarjlT.
Washington, D. C. January 9. To
day Claus Spreckles made a statement be
fore the Senate Committee on Finance con
cerning the beet sugar industry in thiscoun
try. He said that for the year ending Juno 30,
1887, thero were imported into the United States
1,459,076 tons of sugar, while in the following
year the imports wero 1,235,872 tons, showing a
decrease in importations during the latter year
of 223,000 tons. As the consumption has in
creased it is evident that the production of
sugar in the United States is also Increasing,
as the decrease in importations plainly
shows. The proposed reduction in the
sujrar tariff represents $25 per ton
which will bo said to preclude any further
progress in beet sugar manufacture in this
country, as the profit has been demonstrated
to be but $20 per ton, or 7 per cent on the capi
tal Invested. As the duty on sugar remains to
day the United States can successfully pro
duce all the sugar required for home consump
tion. If any redaction be made In the duty
then this can't be done.
It remains, he said, for Congress to determine
whether or not Americans shall raise all their
own sugar on American soil, and also become
exporters instead of importers. Ho said that
for refining there was practically no difference
between the products of beet and cane.
During tte hearing it was intimated that the
committee would insert in the bill a provision
making the bounty of 1 cent a pound operative
until the year 1900.
When the mucous surfaces of the bron
chia are sore or inflamed, Dr. Javne's Ex
pectorant will afford prompt relief. For
breaking ub a cold or subduing a cough
70a will find in it a certain remedy!
Eainy Weather Blights Hopes of
Commission Merchants.
The Hoped-For Activity in Cereals Fails to
Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, )
Wednesday, January 9, 18S9. J
Country Produce, Jobbing Price.
Rainy weather continues to blight the hopes
of produce dealers. Pricesof apples aremerely
nominal. Large quantities aro daily going to
tho dump pile, and the only hope of those car
rying large storks, is in the survival of tho
fittest. Cheese is about the only reliable factor
of dairy products. Wlulo there is no activo
movement in cheese, stock is unusually light
for this time of tho year and prices rule firm.
Reports from E gin indicate that there i con
siderable difficulty holding the old butier board
intact. Among tho most lamentable failures in
commercial history was tha attempted butter
corner in November, which sent Elgin creamery
for a very brief period up to 42c at headquar
ters. Tho greed of dealers defeated its own
end, and for the past si-: weeks thero has been
a steady downward drift, until prices are now
as much below what they should be as they
went above real values. Eggs gi e no signs of
recovery from their depression. Some dealers
profess a readiness tofuiui h the best in the
market at 20c. Others claim that a reliable
article of hen fruit commands 22c
BnAXS Navy Irom store, pnmehandpicked,
52 002 10 per bushel; medium, $2 00: Ohio and
Pennsylvania do, prime and modium, $2 005)
2 10; imported do. SI 90&2 CO: Lima, !c per fi;
marrowfa , 2 75$2 SO per bushel.
Buttek Creamery, Elgin, 313Tc; Ohio do,
252Sc: fresh dairy packed, 20i3c: country
rolls 1820c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter.SJc.
Beeswax 2J25c per & for choice; low
grade, IG18c.
Cider Sand refined, $0 G0f?7 50, common,
53 50ffil 00: crab cider, S3 00S 50 Q barrel;
cider vinegar, 1012c ?! gallon.
Ciieese Ohio cheese. September make, 12
12Vc; New Vork, September make, 1213c;
Liraburger, 1112c; domestic Sweitzor
cheese, lZG113y2c
Dried Peas SI 4ol GO 1 bushel; split do,
2?3Kc ft a.
Eggs J022c p dozen for strictly fro-'h.
Fruits Apples, SI 25 to $1 75 1 barrel; evap
orated raspberries, 25c ) it; cranberries, S8 00
9 barrel; $275 11 bushel.
Fpathers Extra In e geese, 50060c; No. 1
do. 40i5c; mixed lots 3C35c fl 111.
Homist S330Q3 40 barrel.
Hoey New Crop, lhr; buckwheat, 1315c.
Potatoes Potatoes, 3o10c 1 bushel; S2 50
2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 25Q3 0 for Jer
sey sweets.
Poultry Live chickens, 5570o pair;
dressed chickens 1213c fl pound; tnrkcs. 1J
15c live, lGSlbc dressed pound: ducks,
live, 80S5c 1 pair; dressed, 10c f) pound;
geese, $1 001 10 p pair.
lh17T.T.7 Pin... .Iinliui CO W. n l.nelinl fff? iu
bushel; clover, large English, C2 Its, S6 25;
clover, Alsike, S8 50; clover, white, S9 00; timo
thy, choice, 45 Us SI 90: blue grass extra clean,
14 fts, SI 00; blue grass, fancv, 14 fts, SI 20;
orchard grass 14 lis S2 00; red top, 14 fts, SI 00;
millet, CO fts, il 25; German millet, 50 Bs, S2 00:
Hungarian grass, 43 fts S2 00; lawn grass, mix
ture of fine grasses, 23c per ft.
SnELI.TJARKS SI 5051 75.
Tallow Country, 4)5c; city rendered,
Tropical Fnurrs Lemons, S3 003 50 $1
box; Mesina oranges. S2 503 50 Jl box;
Florida oranges, S3 003 50 box; Jamaica
oranges, fancv, S4 50(85 00 $ barrel: Halaga
grapes So 607 00 fi keg: bananas, 82 50
firsts, SI 50((?2 00; good seconds 51 bunch; cocoa
nuts, S4 00 i hundred; pineapnlcs, 810 0018 00
53 hundred; new figs, 12l!c ?1 pound; dates,
6K6c pound.
Vegetables Celery, 1030c V bunch; cab
bages, S3 005 00 100; orions, oCc &) bushel:
Spanish onions, SI 00Q1 25 1 crate; turnips, 30
Q40c fl bushel.
Grees Coffee Fancy Rio, 2021Kc;
choice Rio, 1920c; prime Rio, 19c; fair Rio,
lS18Jc; old Government Java, 26c; Mara
caibo, 21K22c; Mocha, S031c; Santos, 1S
22c: Caracas colfee, 19K21c; peaberry, Rio, 20
21c; Lagnayra, 2021c
Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 22c;
high grades, 23K2flc; old Governmeut Java,
bulk, 30K31Kc;Maracaibo, 25K26c: Santos,
21J2c; peaberry, 25!jC; choice ltio, 23c; prime
Rio, 21c; good Rio, 20c; ordinary, 19ijc.
Sl'lCES('n hole) Cloves, 2125c; allspice, 9c;
cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c: nutmeg, 7080c.
Petroleum (Jobbers' prices) 110 test, TVc;
Ohio, 120, SJc; headlight, 150, 9c; water white.
10Kc: G'be, 12c; elaine, 15c; carnadlne, llc;
rovalme, lie.
Syrups Corn syrups, 2325c; choice sugar
syrup, 33S0c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c;
strictly prime, 3335c
N. O. Molasses Fancy, old. 48c: choice, 45c;
mixed. 4012c; new crop, 4350c
Soda Bi-carb in Kegs, 34c: bi-carb in Js,
&c; bi-carl),ssorted packages, oGc; salsoaa
in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c
Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine,
per set, 8c; paraffine, li;12c.
Kick Head, Carolina, ?7Jfc: choice, 6
7c; prime, 5KS6KC; Louisiana, 6JGc.
Starch Pearl, 2c; cornstarch, b7c; gloss
starch. &X7c.
Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon
don lavprs. 3 10? n.lllfnrnis. Trfinrlmi lamro
S2 50; luscatels, 2 25; California Muscatels,
S2 3.5: Valencia, new, (7c; Ondara Velencia.
"Mc; sultana, 7c; currents, new, 4
oc; Uurkey prunes, new, 4::; French
prunes, 8J13c; Salonica prunes, in 2-& pack
ages, 8c: cocoanuts, per 100, S6 00; almond",
Lan., per ft, 20c; do ivica, 19c: do shelled, 40c;
walnuts, nap., 12K15c; Sicily filberts. 12c;
Smvrna figs, 12lGc; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans,
ll15c: citron, per ft, 2122c; lemon peel per B,
1314c; Orange peel, 12c.
Dried Fruits Anples, sliced, per ft, 8c; ap
ples, evaporated, 67c; apricots, California,
evaporated, 1518c; peaches,evaporated, pared,
22-3c; peaches, California, evaporated, un
parcd, 12K13c; cherries, pitted, 2122c;
cherries, unnitted, 66c; raspberries, evap
orated, 2124c; blackberries, 7Sc; huckle
berries, 10l2c
Sugars Cubes, 8c; powdered, 8c; granu
lated, 7Kc: confectioners' A, 7c; standard A,
7Jc; soft whites, 67c: yellow, choice, 0K
bc; yellow, good, bgGJic; yellow, fair, 6c;
jellow, dark, 6c.
Pickles Mediums, bbls (L20O), 84 75: me
diums, half bbls (600), S3 00.
Salt-No. 1 fl bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, 1 bbl, SI 05;
dairy, W bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, $ bbl, SI 20;
Higgirfs Eureka, 4 bu sack, $2 80; Higgin's
Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00.
Canned Goods standard Peaches. SI 505?
1 60; 2ds, SI 3Cl-35; extra peaches SI 351 90;
pie peaches. COi.; finest corn, SI 301 50: Hfd.
Co. com. 7590c; red cherries, 00cSl 00: lima
beans, SI 10; soaked do, 85c; string do do, 7585c:
marrowfat peas, SI 101 15; soaked peas, 70J5
75c; pineapples, SI 401 50; Bahama do, S2 75;
damson plums, 93c; green gages, SI 25: egg
plums, S2 00; California pears, S2 50; do green
gages, S2 00; do egg plums, J2 00; extra white
cherries S2 90; red cherries, 21t, 90c: raspber
ries SI 151 40: strawberries. SI 10; gooseber
ries $1 2U1 30; tomatoes, 9295c; salmon, 1
ft, SI 752 10; blackberries, 80c; succotash, 2-B
cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 2&s, SI 2JQI 50;
corn beef, 2-ft can3, $1 75; 14 ft cans, S13 50:
baked beans, SI 401 45; lobster, 1 ft SI 75Q
1 80: mackerel. 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 50: sardines,
domestic, M, St 254 50; sardines, domestic.
H". SS 258 50; sardines, imported. Ks, 511 50$
12 50; sardines, imported, Js, 218 00; sardines,
mustard. S4 25.
Fish Extra No. 1 mess mackerel. S30 13 bbl;
No. 1 do, S2022; c-ttra No. 2 do, $24 00; largo
No. 3 do, S'JO. Whole codfish George's medium,
45c; do large, 4c; boneless hake, 5c; do cod
fish, 7K3c; smoked halibut, 1012c; blue nsb,
8c; split herring, $6 006 50; white fish, half bbl,
100 fts, S7 50: lake herring, new, 100 fts S3 25;
Portland round herring. 200 fts S4 50; do half
bbls, 100 Bs, S6 05: trout, 100 Ss 85 60.
Buckwheat Flour 3J3jc per pound.
Oatmeal-SS S0Q6 60 fl bbl.
Miners' Oil No In inter strained, 6962e
3) gallon. Lard oil, 75c.
Grain, Flour nnd Feed.
Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex
change were 41 cars, of which 29 cars were bay.
By Pittsburg and Lake Erie, 4 cars of hay, 1 of
rye, 7 of wheat, 1 of malt. By Pittsburg and
Western, 8 cars of hay. By Pittsburg, Cincin
nati and St. Louis, 8 cars of bay, 1 of corn. By
Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 9 cars of
hay, 2 of flour. Sales on call were 1 car w. mid
dlings, 19c. 10 days, Pennsylvania Company:
1 car, 150 bushels white ear corn, balance yel
low, 37c, o da s, Pennsylvania Company. Tho
total receipts bulletined for the first three days
of tho week havo been 132 cars. Of these SO
have been hay. The hoped for active move
ment in cereals is yet in the future. The faith
of operators is, however, still strong that a
more active movement will be inaugurated at
an early day. The good time coming is, bow
ever, not here. The situation is in favor of
buyers, but sellers are not yet disposed to make
concessions. The fall of the mercury wonld, It
is thought, very materially change the situa
tion. WnEAT-Jobbing prices No. 2 red, SI 07
Coen-No. 2 yellow, ear, 41012c; high mixed,
ear, 3940c; No. 1 yellow, shelled, 3940e: high
mixed, shelled, 8G37c; mixed, shelled, 353Gc
Oats No. 2 white, 3333Kc; extra No. 3,
31K32c;No. 8 white, 30&31cj No. 2 mixed,
RYE No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 6061c;
No. 1 Western, 5053c; new rye, 55B57c
Barley No. 1 Canada, 93cSl 00: No. 2
Canada, 959Sc: No. 3 Canada, 9092c; No. 2
Western, 8385c; No. 3 Western, 70(g75c; Lake
Shore, 75b0c
Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents, SO 25
6 50; spring patents, SB 50f?6 75: fancy straight,
winter and spring. So 756 00; clear winter.
So 505 75; stnght XXXX bakers', $5 255 50.
Rye flour. S3 751 00.
Cornmeal In paper, G070c
Millfeed Middlings, fine white, $20 50
21 00 fl ton; brown middlings, S17 6018 00:
winter wheat bran, S15 50lo 00; chop feed
S21 0022 00.
Hay Bailed timothy, choice. $15 50Q15 75;
No. 1 do, S15 0013 25; No. 2 do, $13 0C13 25;
loose from wagon, $23 OOS2I3 00: No. 1 upland
prairie. $10 50gl0 75; No. 2, S9 5010 00; packing
do. SS 00.
Straw Oats. S8 009 00; wheat and rye
straw, $8 0008 50.
Largo hams, 18 fts and upward, 10-c; medium
hams, 14 to 18 fts. llc; small hams, 14 fts and
ru-der, 11c; picnic or California hams, 9c:
boneless (in skins), 12gijc: sugar-cured shoul
ders, 9Kc: bacon. SJJc: dry salt, 9c; breakfast
bicon, lOJc; roulctts (boneless s. c. shoulders),
10c; regular smoked sides, OJc; bellies,
pmoked sides, OJc; regular dry salt sides, 8Kc;
bellies, dry salt sides, SJc; dried beef,. sets 3
pieces 10c; dried beef, flats, 9c; dried beef,
rounds, 12c: dried beef, knuckles, 12c: pork,
mess. S1G 50; pork, family, S17 00; pig pork, half
barrels, S9 00; long sau3age. Sic Lard
Tierces 325 Bs 7cf?ft; half barrels 120 fts,
8c ?1 ft: tabs, wooden. 60 Bs. 8Jc fl ft; buck
ets, wooden, 20 fts, 8Kc 1 ft; 3-ft tin pails. 60 Bs,
8o B; 5-ft tin pills. CO fts, K5 9 ; 10-ft tin
pails, 00 Bs. 8c ?t B; 20-ft tin pails, 80 Bs, $c;
50-ft tin pails, 100 Bs, be ft B.
Dressed nicnt.
Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on
dressed meats: Beef circles, 450 to 550 fts. 5
5c; 600 to 650 fts, 6GXc: 700 to 750 Bs, 77Kc.
Sheep, 7c $ B. Lambs, 8c ft.
TINE trarLASED yard qcotatiovs.
Clear hoards, per M f52C053 00
Select common boards, per M 30 (0
Common boards per M 20 00
Slicatliinjr 18 CO
Pine lrame lumber peril 23 C0!7 CO
Shlnjtles, iVi).!, 18 In. peril 5 00
fehlngles. So. 2, 131n. per M S 75
Lath 300
Cleir boards, per 31. J 60 00
i-nrfjcc boards 30 00V 00
Heir, a-lnch beaded ceiling 2f! CO
Pirtition boards, peril B500
Hoorlng, iNo.l 3000
flooring, So. 2 25 00
Yellow pine Boorlug 30 0010 00
Weather-boarding, moulded. So. 1.... 30 00
Weather-boarding, moulded, io. 2.... 25 CO
Wcather-boardinff, -inch 2000
ABb, lto41n JWOHS50 00
Black walnut, green, log run 45 (WWO CO
Mack walnut, dry, log run 60 00(3175 00
Cherry 65 0oS;5 00
Oreen white oak plank, 2 to 4 in 25COSB0 00
Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 in 25O03O0O
Dry white oak bo-irds, lin MOOfiwoco
West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch 20 OCias 00
estVa. yellow pine, IK Inch 25 0030 00
West Va. jellow poplar, Htolln 25 00&CO
nitKurr, !$ lojin 10 M "j
Hemlock building lumber, peril 1300
Bunk rails 15 00
Jloat stnddinir 14 00
Coal car plank 18 00
Ash, lto41n 23 00O30 00
ISlack walnut, preen, log run 45 0O5O0n
.Black walnut, drv, log run 30 0OT&S5 00
Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 17 00ft20 00
Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 in 18 00(3)20 00
Dry white oak boards, lln 19 OOfCO 00
West Va. yellow pine, lln lSOOMiOoo
WestVa. yellow pine, 1 in 19 0OS22 00
West Va. vcllow poplar, ftolln 1(5 aria 00
Hickory, l)to 3 hi 1S0W22O0
Hemlock building timber, II 10 00L! 00
Hunt rails ; 14 00
Boat Studding 14 00
Coal car plank UiOO
That Was Giound Out by the Local Mills of
Justlco During Yesterday.
In tho breach-of-contract suit of Master &
Co. against the Wampum Iron Company, a ver
dict was rendered yesterday for the defendant.
The County Commissioners yesterday heard
appeals from tho assessments in Sharpsburg,
Verona and Tarentum boroughs. The most of
tho appeal" were from Verona, but none of the
cases were serious.
Johanna Elzholtz and Dora Schuman
pleaded guilty to the larceny of dress goods,
etc., from the store of Fred Knmmer, of the
Southside. Mary Gestock was convicted of
larceny in the same case, and Johanna Grimpo
was acquitted.
The widow of tho late D AStewart yester
day took out letters of administration on tho
estate of her husband, he having left no will.
She gave bond in the sum of S1,000,000, the
sureties being John H. Stewart, Andrew Car
negie and Samuel E. Moore.
The grand jury yesterday indicted Fred Fish
er and Joseph Conloy for selling liquor without
license; Edward Dawson,-James O'Brien, sell
ing liquor without license, and on Sunday;
Christina Keib, malicious mischief; Barney
Walker, larceny and receiving stolen goods, two
John Kenna yesterday filed a bill in equity
against John B., James E. and Bernard Kenna.
Both plaintiff and defendants in the case com
prise a firm for tho manufacture of wagons, at
tho corner of Twenty-first and Piko streets.
Kenna claims that James E. and John B. neg
lected to pay any attention to tho business.
Patrick Linnet and wife and Patrick
Bntlor and wife yesterday entered suit against
the Linden Steel Company for 510,000 damages
in each case. It was claimed by each conplo
that their sons, Thomas Linney and John But
ler, both minors, weie fatally injured January
31, ISSi, by the breaking down of a platform in
the mill of the company.
The will of Anna Maria Schmitt, of the
Twenty-first ward, was filed for probate yester
day. One thousand dollars are bequeathed to tho
pastor of the Assumption Church, of Summit
township. Butler county, or to his successor,
the interest to bo applied for so many low
masses for the repose of her soul and that of
neraeceaeu nnsDanu. five nundred dollars
are given to the Little Sisters of the Poor, and
the rest of tho estate is divided among rela
tives. In the suit of Holdshlp i Irwin against
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Judge
Ewing yesterday handed down an opinion dis
charging the rule on the plaintiffs for a further
and more particular bill of particulars, which
had been asked for by the defendants. The
suit is for $150,000 damages. Holdshlp & Irwin,
who aro oil refiners, claimed that they wero
overcharged on oil shipments from Pittsburg
to Philadelphia during the years 1884, 1885 and
18SC. They said they wero discriminated
against, other shippers receiving rates of 13
cents per barrel less than they were given.
The overcharge amounted to S34.0O1 23, and the
resulting damage to them for loss of business,
etc., made a total damage of S150,000.
To-Day'sTrinl Lists.
Common Pleas No. 1 Adler et al vs Ferguson;
MaxfieldifeCo. vs Boehmer; Pennsylvania Com
pany vs tho Second National Bank of Pittsburg:
Barndollar vs B. & O. It. R. Co.; Farley vs
Chartiers Valley Gas Company; Reno et al vs
P. & W. R. R. Co.f Perkins et al vs B., P. & C.
R. R. Co.: Stonervs Southwest Penn Railroad
Company; Morrison vs school district of Mifflin
Common Picas No. 2 Evans & Cunningham
vs Waguer, garnishee; Brown, widow, vs B. &
O. R. R. Co.: Friday vs O'Neil; Wadworth vs
Jones; Denger vs People's Natural Gas Com
pany; Bissell, executor, vs Patterson; Ronald
vs Dnquesne Natural Gas Compiny: Jones vs
Chartiers Valley Gas Company; Aumbert vs
Criminal Court Commonwealth vs Thomas
Sheridan, Henrv Mehring (2), Jam;S Manion,
Henry Harris, James M. Dunmore (2j, James
Mill, Joseph Thalma. Frank Gardner, John Con
nelly et al, lames Bennett, D. A. Cruikshank,
Henry Mehel. Pearre Bracken et al, Lawrence
Knuzleman, Edward Reams, George Arbnckle,
William Bechtold et aL Yerck Wall W. F.
Jones, Springer Lenhart, George Bales et al,
Joseph Allen, John Powelson. Mary Schock et
al, James Richards, William Hall, Patrick
Sullivan, Henry Reif er, Catharine Schmidt (2,
Mary Herdman.
To-Dny's Audit List.
Estates or Accountants.
Before Judge Hawkins.
Thomas D. Powell John T. Powell et al.
Henry Weldman C. II. A. bicker.
J. II. Brenneman .1. S. Powers.
George IL McCIoskey.... James a. llcCIoskey.
Kobcrt S. FIglcy J. h. DeLoog.
Before Judge Over.
nenry McCollough J. D. O'llryan.
Annie U.Simpson J. D. Simpson.
Annie C. Moebner W. J. Stoebaer.
John P. lir.iun H. Voegele.
James 1). Patterson Dr. 11. S. Mewart.!
Lying Opposite Those Portions of Rnitronds
Which Ilnvo Not Been Constructed.
Washington, January 9. At a meet-'
ing of the conferees of the two Houses on
the bills to declare a forfeiture of unearned
railroad land grants, a basis of agreement was
reached substantially in the line of the Senate
bill which simply proposes to declare a for
feiture of so much of the land grants as lie op
posite those portions of the projected roads
over which the lines have not been construct
ed up to the present time.
B. F. Pralt, a Well-Known Society Gentle
man, Dies Most Unexpectedly.
The many friends of B. F. Pratt, a well
known society gentleman, son of J. IC
Pratt, oi Wood street, will be shocked to
hear of the young man's death last evening
at 6 o'clock. i
It was most unexpected, as be had acted
as pallbearer at the funeral of Mrs. McNish
last Monday. On Monday night, however, he
was suddenly stricken with cerebral apoplexy,
and regained consciousness only for a few
moments at a time until his death.
Mr. Pratt's home was at Middleboro, Mass.:
he was but 25 years of age, and but six months
ago he had married a charming lady, Miss
Davis, of Campello, Mass. His mother arrived
ye-terday, just in time to attend his death bed,
though up to the time of her arrival she was
not aware of his illness. Hi3 body will be taken
to Middleboro on the 7J5 train this evening.
Open Instnllntlon of Officers of Thomas A.
Arimtrong Lodge, K. it L. of II.
An open installation of officers of Thomas
A. Armstrong Lodge. Knights and Ladies
of Honor, with an address by W. D. Moore,
Esq., and other interesting exercises, wdl be
held in Lafayette Hall to-morrow evening. The
following are tho officers who will be installed :
Past Protector, David Goodman: Protector,
Harry L. Berger: Vice Protector, Alex. Little;
Chaplain. Mrs. M. E. Bereer; Qnide, Mrs. E.
Lenz: Secretary, W. J. McKean; Treasurer. J.
B. Berlin; Guardian, Wm. Durell; Sentinel, L
Tho installation will be conducted bv Grand
Protector of Pennsylvania L. B. Lockard,
Grand Vice Protector George W. Miller, and
Grand Secretary B. Goodman.
lllnggie Regal Dies in New York of Starva
tion and Pneumonia.
New Yoek, January 9. Maggie Eegal,
1G years old, caught a severe cold nine days
ago. She was compelled to remain in bed
three days with little or nothing to eat. On
the fourth day she become delirious. Her
father was too drunk to realize her condi
tion, her only sister had left home to escape
the abuse of her father, and her mother was
dead. No doctor was called and no food
was given her.
She died last Monday of starvation and
pneumonia. Her body still lies on the bed
she died in, as no undertaker has been
called to take care of it.
Found In His Room Nearly Dead From the
Effects of Illumlnntlnit Gas.
Washington, Pa., Jannary 9. Dr.
Harry McKennan, son of Hon. "William
McKennan, Judge of the United States Cir
cuit Court, was found in his room in the
Bryson building in an unconscious condi
tion at noon to-day. He had became asphyxi
ated by illuminating gas, which had been
blown out by the wind. Physicians are
working with him, but have no hopes of his
recovery. t
Tho Mississippi River Commission.
Washington, D. C, January 9. Tho
Secretary of War sent to the House to-day
a supplementary report from the Mississip
pi River Commission. The Plum Point and
Lake Providence reaches have been deep
ened from G to 12 feet. The commis
sion complains that it is hindered by the
failure of appropriations and the prohibition
of revetment constrnction.
To Go to Samoa.
Washington, D. C, Jannary 9. The
Secretary of the Navy has issued perempto
ry orders to hasten the work of preparing the
United States steamers Atlanta, Vandalia
nnd Mohitan for sea. It is reported that
the two last named will be sent to Samoa to
reinforce the Nipsic.
Bond Purchases.
Washington, D. C, January 9. The
Secretary of the Treasury to-day purchased
S457.000 regular 4s at 108J.
Condensed Special Dispatches From Snr
roundlnff Communities That Are Tribu
tary to Pittsburgh
The printers on the Beaver Argus struck
yesterday for union wages.
The clerks of Beliaire are agitated over a
movement of the merchants to keep stores
open until 9 P. n.
The Beliaire NailWorks has closed down
for repairs and tb take stock. A new gas fur
nace for the nail factory is being erected.
William Cairns, wife and child were found
suffocated by coal gas at Sanbury yesterday
morning. Cairns was dead, but hii wife and
child were resuscitated.
Roland H. Baldwin, of "ioungstown, has
sued the New York, Lake Erie and Western
Railroad Company for $25,000 damages for in
juries received in a wreck last September. The
suit of Mary Wilson, hurt in the same wreck,
was compromised by the payment of 1,000,
River Teletrrams.
Brownsville River 7 feet 10 inches and
falling slowly. Weather cloudy. Thermome
ter S7-" at 620 p. m.
Moeoantown River 6 feet 10 inches and
stationary. Weather cloudy. Thermometer0
at 4 p. x.
WARREN-Eiver 2 9-10 feet and falling.
Weather cold and storming.
Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts.,
Importers and Jobbers of
Special offerings this week la
For largest assortment and lowest prices call
and see us.
czemn,vltchr, Scaly, Skin Tortures.
The ilmple application of "Swatiti OrrTMXTT without
any internal medicine, -will core anT ease of Tetter, Salt
Bheum. Ringworm. Pilel. Itth. Sorq fimpln, Errliprl" 11
do muter now obstinate or long funding. Sold bj drogsim,
or lent by mill lor 50 cu. 3 Bow, tlSi. Addreti. P
Cinn i Sos, PUltdeljilili, Pi. A nr droi r l
To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin nd Liverpool
Cabin passage 3 to 5o0, according to location
of btate room, Excursion So to t'JO.
Steerage to and from Europe at lowest rates
53 Broadway, New York,
or J. J. M'CORMICK, Agent,
21-r79-S FoorihAvenue and Smlthfield SI.
Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia
and Liverpool. Passenger accommodations for
all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and
from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe
den, Denmark, Ac
General agents, 307 Walnut st, Philadelphia
Full information can be had of J. J. McCOR
MICK, Fourth avenue and Smithfleld street
LOUIS MOESER, 613 Smithfleld street
op tub Citt of Allegheny, Pa.
ALl.EOHEjrv'. January 9, 1889.)
company hare this day declared a din
ilend of THREE PER CENT (one dollar and
fifty cents per share), payable on and after
Monday, January 1-J. 18S9.
ialO-7 Wil. A. FORD. Secretary.
AiLEKAmnA Fire Instbaitce Co.
Nos. 526 AND 528 Wood street.
Pittsbcro, PA.,January 9. IS.
company have thi day declared a semi
annual dividend of THREE PER CENT ($1 50
per share), payable on and after Jlondav, Jan
uary 14. inst. CHAS. F. HERROSEE.
jalO-8-3iTbS Secretary.
Office of
Gbiuian Fire Insurance Co-
PrrrSBTTRO. lannarr 8. 1SS9.
this company have declared a dividend of
CENT), payable on and alter January It, 1SS9.
F. L. GROfeS,
ja9-59 Secretary.
Artisans' Insurance Company,
Office, corner Wood street and Third avenue,
Pittsburo. Jannarv 8. 18S9.
XJ TORS of this company have this day de
clared a dividend of ONE DOLLAR AND
FIFTY CENTS a share, piyable forthwith.
jalQ-17 CHARLES P. SMITH. Secretary.
National Insurance Company,
43 south Diamond street,
Allegheny, Pa.. Jannary 7. 1SS9. )
RECTORS of this company have declared
a dividend of TWO DOLLARS per share out of
the earnings of the last six months, payable
forthwith. H. 31. SCHMITT. Secretary.
Office of alleoheny Insurance Co., 7
No. 67 Fourth Avenue,
Pittsburg, January 7, 1SS9. J
company have declared a dividend of
THREE (3) PER CENT, payable on demand.
jaS-ol C. G. DONNELL, Secretary.
Office Union Insurance Co..
Pittsburg, Pa, January 7, 1889.
889. f
J day declared a dividend of THREE PER
uiUjNi on tne capital stocs, oui oi mo prouu
of the past six months, payable forthwith.
jaS-CG Secretary.
German American Ins. Co. of Pa.. 1
Office No. Ill Fourth Avenue, V
Pittskuro, Januarv 4, 1889. )
company have this day declared a semi
annual dividend of FOUR PER CENT (S2 per
share), payable on demand,
jao-w; d W. J. PATTERSON, Secretary.
1 thi day declared a dividend of THREE
PER CENT oat of the earnings of the past six
months, payable January 2, 18S9.
F. C. HUTCHINSON. Cashier.
December 31, 1S8S. ja3-43
Office Western Insurance Co., I
Pittsburg, January 8, 1889.
Directors have this day declared a divi
LAR and FIFTY CENTS upon each share of
the capital stock, payable on and after the 11th
inst. WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary.
The Norttjside Bridge Co., ?
Pittsburg, januarv 8, 1889.
companv have declared a dividend of
TWO (2) PER CENT, payable at the office of
the company at the south end of bridge, on and
after the 16th day of January, 1889. Transfer
books closed until January 16. 18S9.
ja9-33 R. L. ORR, Secretary.
Nations Bank for Savings.
No. 43 North Diamond Street,
Allegheny, pa.. Januarys, ism.
TORS of this bank have this day declared
a dividend of THREE (3) PER CENT out of
the earnings of the last six months, payable
forthwith, free of tax.
ja3-5S-3,4.5 TT3 Treasurer.
No. 410 Smithfield St.
CAPITAL, . . - . S'2C0,000 00.
JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prest
sel-lc33-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. .
CITY OF ST. PAUL, Minn., 4 l-2sj
CITY OF OMAHA, Neb., 6s;
ILLINOIS CENT. Collateral Trust
GOLD 4S, 1952:
collateral trust gold 5s, REDEEMABLE
For sMo by
Oil bonght and sold on margin. de27-21-B3U
As old residents know and back files of Pitts
burg papers prove, is the oldest established and
most prominent physician in the city, devoting
special attention to all chronic diseases. From
cjJreds""0M no fee unt,l
IViCDXnllC and mental diseases, physical
lL.nYUUO decay, nervons debility, lack
of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem
ory, disordered sight, 6elf-distrust,bashfumess,
dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions. Im
poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak
ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un
fitting the person for business,society and mar
riage, permanently, safely and privately cured.
blotches, falling hair, bone pains, glandular
swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throatj
ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood
poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.
IIDIMADV &dney and bladder derange
Unllxnn I i nients, weak back, gravel, ca
tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other
painful symptoms receive searching treatment
nrompt relief and rel cures.
Dr. whittiers life-long, extensive experiencs
Insures scientific and reliable treatment oa
common-sense principles. Consultation free.
Patients at a distance as carefully treated as If
here. Office hours 9 A. m. to 8 P. X. Sunday.
10a7sC to 1 F. M. only. DR. WHITTIER, 93ii
Penn avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. jaW-5-DSuw
For men! Checks the wont cases in three,
days, and enres In five days. Price SI 00. at
ja5-9-TTS3u 412 Market street
For LOST or Filllnir
MAN HOOD. Nervous
ness. Weakness of
Ilodv .t Mind. Lack of strength. Vizor and De
velopment, canned bv Errors, Excesses, Ac. Book,
MODEof bELF-TREAKiEXT. and Proofs mailed
(sealed) free. Address ERIE MEDICAL CO.,
Buffalo, Jf. Y. de37.rrslwk
the speedy cure of Nervons Debilltv.Lost Manhood,
Despondency, etc A copy of this book will be sent
free'sealed, Address SCIENCE of IIEALTil
130 West Sixth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio,
IxjstvigoraiidMstihocdRntored. Pre.
nutate Decline ind Functions! dlsor.
M'ViHflE mature Decline ind Functions! dlsor-
k ders cored inlAoitfStomMh Xedlchm.
, Scaled TradsesentfrwonspplioJloii.
' "SR5T0.1 CQ.13ParkFli,IwIop.
de-15 gTXS'snc
rofferinsfromtne ef
fects of youthful er-
ba usliluav 1tH
ro&nhooa , etc I will send a, vaj
&lu&bl treatise (sealed)
full nartlcularB for lioma cor. fre or
ehanw. it
PROP. F. C. FOWLER. Moodus. Conm;.
no3-k31&suwk v"