- - .V: THE PITTSBTJKG- DISPATOH, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1889.- mt Mmlt ESTABUSHED FEBRUARY S, 1S4G. Vol. 43, 'o. 333 -Entered u I'lttsburc I'ost cSice, !toeinberl4, VsS, as stoond-ciass matter. Bu6ln6EsOfflce-97and9B Fifth Avenue. News Rooms and Publishing House 75, 77 and 79 Diamond Street. This pnper liming more than Double the circulation of any oilier in tlie Stale outnidc c J Philadelphia, its advantages ns an adver tising medium will br apparent. TERMS OK THE MsFATCH. TOSTAGE FKEE IX THE CXITED STATES. DAVLV DisrATCH. OucVcar. 8 00 DAILY UisrATCit, l'cr Quarter -00 Daily DisrATCH, OncMonth u Daily DlSl'ATCU, Including Sunday, one year 1000 Uailt Dispatch, Including Sunday, per quarter ... 250 Daily Dispatch, including bunday. one month BO Eckday Dispatch, oncyear. ISO VXXKXY Dispatcii, one year 123 The Daily Dispatch U delivered by carriers at IS cents per eck, or including tbe sundav edition, at a cents per week. P1TTSRPRG, THURSDAY, JAN. 10. lbS9. THE FATAL BUILDING. The terrible disaster during the storm yesterday, which blew down a hall-finished building on Diamond street, ciushing in its fall the bookstore of J. R. Weldin & Co., killing a dozen of people and injuring a score more, affords a prima facie case ot reckless and incompetent building opera tions. The sudden blast of wind, though a severe one, was not unprecedented; and the fact that there were in the immediate vicini ty two buildings in almost the same stage ot completion, which stood the storm with out the slightest exhibition of weakness, argued something inherently wrong with this structure. So far as the investigation has gone, this inference of carelessness and flimsy work is fully sustained. The building was run tip to the height of six stories without regard to the tact that at this time of the year tbe practical certainty that mortar can not dry and adhere properlv, makes such construction a tempting of Providence. "With the huilding left open and unbraced against the winds, and with the mortar in a condition which, as one builder puts it, has "no more adhesiveness than so much saw dust," the terrible casualty is fully accounted for. In short the case looks like one in which the only effort had been to run up a huge shell, without regard to security or perma nence, and the remorseless forces ot nature exposed the sham with a terrible destruc tion of property and still more fearful loss of lire. The fatality throws a great deal of light on the practice which has been increasing o! late years, of erecting high brick walls during the winter season, when the mortar cannot set unless artificially dried. Inter views with builders show a geneial recogni tion of the fact that a brick wall before the mortar has dried is not safe: and yet it has become by no means unusual to see build ings going up at a season when thorough drying is practically impossible. To do such a thing with the knowledge that it im peiils life is criminal; and the fact that it lias been done seems to call for legal checks on the practice. The question, whether methods of con struction that work such wholesale loss of life shall be permitted,rcsts with the people. As The DisrATCn has often pointed out, criminal carelessness which destroys life can only be stopped when the people re sponsible for it are visited with the penal ties of manslaughter. It is for the people to say whether penalties that stop that sort of thing shall be enforced. So far, the pub lic have not been aroused as to demand the enforcement ot effective penalties; and so the responsibility for every life needlessly sacrificed yesterday, while resting princi pally with those who put up unsafe build ings, is secondarily chargeable to the whole public This terrible lesson must also lend force to the issue already under discussion, namely the importanceofhaving building inspectors who inspect. Builders, architects and city authorities must understand that they are responsible for lives that ore lost through their inefficiency or indifference. NEW THE0EY OF COMMERCIAL JUSTICE. A very remarkable view of trade influ ences, as well as individual rights, is ex pressed in an interview published yester day from an oil producer. The idea is that J. W. Craig, by his contumacy in pursuing the business of an independent petroleum producer and refiner, is injuring tbe oil people, because "the Standard will not let oil go above 51, so long as Air. Craig has such a hold in the "Washington field." It might occur to people who had an idea of personal rights, that if some great power were depreciating an entire interest in order to gratify its enmity against a single person, the proper object of blame would be the combination that conspires against the mar ket for illegal purposes. The idea that if there is an oil producer who has become ob noxious to the Standard he must be shoved out of the business in order to make peace "with the monopoly, is a striking example of the change that has been wrought since the day when the oil producers scared the South Improvement Company out of the field. NOT GENERALLY UNDERSTOOD. The comments on the decision of the TJnited States Circuit Court at Louisville, with reference to a case taken up to it from the Inter-State Commission, show the usual amount of ignorance with reference to the law. There is a general disposition to rep resent the law as "knocked out," to quote the language of one cotemporary, be cause the decision states that the Commis bion has no powerto enforce its findings. It has not been unusual for people to com ment on this law without reading it; but those who have gone through that prelimi nary know that the only enforcement pro Tided by the law in case a railroad does not voluntarily obey the rulings of the Commis sion is to take the case before the TJnited States courts. That was the course adopted in this case. The objection to the jurisdic tion ot the court came lrom the railroad, and the ruling of the court that it had juris diction upholds the law. "With regard to the practical point in volved, the effect in preventing discrimina tion is less clear. The court upholds the enactment of the law that a railroad must exchange freights with any connecting line, on the same terms as it gives to other con necting roads; but it qualifies the broad principle in its application, so as to raise a question whether if this ruling stands the law will not become inoperative as to the interchange of freight by connecting lines. To illustrate the decision locally, it would start it by asserting that the Penn - sylvania Railroad can, if it chooses, refuse - to interchange freight with any Western railroads; but as it undoubtedly will inter change freight with some it must give the tame terms to all railroads as those with which it makes the first agreement So far, all is right; but when the courts -make a ruling that will permit the Pennsylvania Railroad to interchange freight only with the railroads that reach its yards at the Union Depot, and to refuse a connection.say at Thirty-third street or Brinton, the hair splitting appears to have nullified and ignored the provisions of the law, which enacts that railroads shall receive freight "from all connecting lines without delay or discrimination." The decision is a questionable one in its operation; but so tar as the abstract princi ples of the law are concerned, it is worth while -to recognize that it upholds them in every respect TEE SUGAR TRUST ENJOINED. The fist round of the fight between the people and the Sugar Trust is decidedly in favor of the people. The decision of Judge Barrett, of the Xew York Supreme Court, forfeiting the charter of the North Eiver Sugar Refining Company because it has been reduced to a mere section of the monopoly, defines the legal status of these combinations to exact excessive prices from the people. Other decisions ot the same import against the trusts have been made by courts in the South against the cotton bagging combination and the Cottonseed Oil Trust. Xone, however, have involved the significance of this decision right in Xew York against one of the greatest and most defiant of the brood of monopolies. Judge Barrett, who rendered the decision, is one of the strongest Judges on the Xew York bench. His declaration that the rights of a public charter are violated by subject ing them to the control of a conspiracy against public policy, is conclusive on the legal aspect of the case. There has really been little room for doubt as to the law. All the other authorities agreed that the trusts were illegal; and these organizations rested their operations not on a belief in their legality, but on their faith that their wealth and influence enabled them to defy the law. With regard to that question the practical effect of such a ruling in suppressing the trusts the decision is not so clear. "What will be the result of the forfeiture of the charter? "Will the property of the corporation go to the shareholders in their individual capacity, or will it be for feited to the State? In that latter case, the remedy will cause the trusts to vanish; in the former it will leave the trust undis turbed. The last decision of the Xew York Court of Appeals indicates that the latter will be the disposition of the property in volved, in which case the public will have to be content with the declaration that the trusts are illegal. Of course the Sugar Trust will fight this decision to the last court, and then exhaust all the means of evading the law. But with the first step so successfully gained, the public will be encouraged to keep up the fight for the abolition of privileged classes in trade. FORAKEE'S BAD BREAK. The remarkable passage in Governor Foraker's message published the other day, in which he says that having received as surances from the "White Caps, who were all "leading and influential citizens!" that they would not commit any more illegal acts, he did not consider it necessary to take any more steps against them, is a singularly artless, hut, nevertheless, instructive state ment in an official document of the preva lent idea that influential citizens are enti tled to tender treatment when they commit crime. The practical acknowledgement of this idea in the case of millionaires who en gage in swindling stock manipulations, and great politicians who indulge in bribery has been notorious; but Governor Foraker is the first official to state it in a public docu ment. The Governor's idea evidently needs correction. If citizens of social standing and influence take to midnight assaults on other citizens' houses, and indulge in riots and conspiracies, those influential persons should go to prison like any other common man. If our laws are worth anything they should extend the same protection and the same punishment to all people, regardless of their position. It is just such idiotic ideas as that people of standing can commit criminal acts, and be treated leniently, that makes the law a byword, and produces "Whitc-Capism and anarchy. ANOTHER TRUST BREAKS UP. The present docs not appear to be a very favorable season of the year for trusts. The black eyes which the Sugar Trust got in the Xew York courts, yesterday, is accom panied by the statement that the cotton bagging combination has gone clear to pieces. The pretexts and professions of the trusts are fully illustrated by the details of this break-up. The claim that they do not advance prices beyond a fair figure is illus trated in the fact thatin nine days since the breakup of the trust,prices have declined one third of the trust prices; and the further claim that there is no money in the business at competitive prices, is contradicted by the fact that tbe mills which were shut-down under the combine aie preparing to start up at the reduced prices. The people who own the mills know when they can make money by running; and their action in starting upon an eight-cent market, after having been shut down under a conspiracy to main a price fifty per cent higher, gives an idea of the extent of the abandoned ex tortion. It is pleasant to note in this case that the greed of the combination defeated itself. The monopolists got a chance to squeeze the cotton planters on their last crop; but they have called into existence several rival materials, and they have lost the chance of selling a great deal of their product at fair prices. It is to be wished that this legiti mate penalty for efforts to levy illicit profits on the public by means of combinations and conspiracies, was sure to happen to all such monopolies. CniKA'S new railroad is giving general satisfaction to both the people and the stock holders. This contrast to the results of the railway system of the United States may convey a lesson to the railway interests of this country when the further fact is stated that its capitalized cost is put at $9,000 per mile. - THE reported remark of one of the build ing inspectors, that "we could not prevent the big wind," is very true. But if build ing inspectors cannot prevent buildings be ing put up so that they will go down before a big wind, there will be a pretty general demand for a system that will be able to stop the erection of fire-traps in the closely built portions of the city and secure staunch buildings at the same time. There is a Mexican law, according to report, which provides for the punishment of a joke in the columns of a newspaper. The Mexicans would have no objections to Col. Elliott I". Shepard's paper. There are no jokes in the columns of that sheet It is the whole paper itself that is the joke. Tun Germans have grabbed Samoa and 1 evidently intend to stay there, but, as a cotemporary remarks, "whether any other civilized country will feel called upon to interfere is more than doubtful." Of course it is. Interfercnce'with Germany is a very distinct thing from interference with Hayti. The task of wiping the German navy off the ocean would be too painful for the United States to undertake it. Mb. Limbekger, of Xew York, has ob tained legal authority for eliminating the first syllable of his name, and will here after be known only as Bcrger. This is evidently a case where the interested party thinks that Limberger by some other name will smell a good deal sweeter. The detectives who worked up the case of Red-Nosed Mike the anthracite coal murderer must be credited with thoughtful- ness in keeping their plan of operations secret. If it had been made public that they were on the track of a man with a red nose it might have been the source of much uneasiness to a considerable number of in fluential politicians. At the present price for alcohol, if the Government tax were removed, the quota tion ought to be about two gallons for a quarter. This would establish a halcyon condition of affairs for the citizeuwho suc ceeds in striking the passer-by for a quarter to pay for a night's lodging. Baenabee, the comedian of the opera troupe, which has been noted as distinctive ly American, is quoted as saying: "Let the loreign actors come in and let the best sur vive." This is the true policy; and yet it is rather severe. If none but the best sur vive, there will be a fearful mortality among the profession, both foreign and do mestic. The prediction of warmer, southeasterly winds given by the "Weather Bureau yester day morning, was not an unqualified suc cess. The winds came, and they "increased in force" about noon; but they were not warmer, by a good deal. The astonishing feature of the building calamity yesterday was that so many who were involved in the fall escaped with their lives. It is especially to be remarked of the young man who fell from the top of the building, a hundred feet, and, was walking around last night, that he seems fated to die of old age. Xothing else is likely to kill him. There is every reason to believe that the public will now make a rather strong de mand for a thorough and effective system of building regulations. The declaration that "the Panama canal is likely to breed an international scab," made by the Chicago Inter-Ocean with the further deliverance that "no European power will be permitted to take charge of the isthmus," would sound very imposing if it were not for the prevailing donbt as to which side the scab will be located on. The Sugar Trust is now fairly confronted with the question whether it is bigger than the law. But the question is not fully an swered yet hes Mr. Le Grand B. Canner, direc tor of forty-five railroad corporations, gets to the point declaring that what the rail road situation needs is to "insist on honest management" it is an encouraging indica tion that the railroad magnates are be ginning to perceive what has been plain enough to outsiders from the first. The Sugar Trust seems to be confronted with the necessity of buying up a Supreme Court, or returning to legitimate business methods. Of course the prison officials abused Mr. Harrington, by treating him as if he were a criminal in need of shaving and cleansing. "What satisfaction could there be in sending a popular leader to jail for de fending the rights of the people, if he could not be maltreated after h'e was safe behind prison walls? PERSONAL FACTS AND FANCIES. They have actually got up a "Boulanger Calendar" in France. "When he is angry Mr. Gladstone's eyes seem actually to emit flashes of light from within. Count HehbertJBismarck is particularly popular among the young offlcei s of Berlin, and his bachelor dinners and other entertainments are much sought after. "Don't talk to me about my voice," said Mr. Gladstone the other day, "I hate it! Once I had a voice with which I could do what I wanted; but I have that no more." Edward O. Wolcott, who is going to the United States Senate from Colorado, is a biblio maniac He has a library of 15.000 volumes, to which ho is constantly making additions. The Austrian Emperor is very fond of out-of-door exercise, particularly of shooting. His favorite game is chamois and capercailzie. He shoots with a muzzle-loading gun, and is attired in the ordinary Styrian dress. Tho Emperor is no bureaucrat, he dislikes town life, and is not a lover of society. A strict observer of etiquette and conventionalities, his tastes are those of a wealthy squire; but before all he is a soldier and a statesman, a friend to the poor and a bigh-sonled gentleman. M. COQtJEMN, the French comedian, is a close student of history. He is, like most of his countrymen, well up in the details of his country's past. He considers Napoleon III. a bungler and knave. He recently remarked: "Napoleon JH. is responsible for all the trouble existing in France to-day, and his memory should be odious to every Frenchman." Coquo lin is a Republican to the core, and he has no faith in Boulanger. Ho is studying our institu tions carefully, and may write a brochure on 'Democracy in America" on his return to France. The Earl of Onslow, the new Governor of Xew Zealand, is an alert, terrier-like little man, with keen, intelligent eyes, a narrow profile, crisp manners and brindled hair. He thoroughly understands the art of dinlnc, and can drive four horses respectably: loves chil dren, hates the sea, and has achieved a modi cum of success as an amateur photographer. Lord Onslow has no intention of permanently interrupting his "promising political career." He goes out, indeed, chiefly in order to study the colonial question on the spot, and nothing will persuade him to accept another vice royalty, or to extend his term of office beyond the conventional period. Laay Onslow and family (including Lord Cranlev, a bright lad of 12) accompany his brand-new Excellency, who will not, however, leave London till February next Mb. Nathaniel Burwell, of Clarke county, Virginia, has in his possession the will of "King" Robert Carter, of Carotoman Creek, Lancaster county, in that State. It covers 63 pages of closely written manuscript and dis poses of 300,000 acres of land and L100 slaves. Accompanying the will is the report of Robert Brooke, surveyor, who had been authorized to survey a tract of land containing 60,212 acres lying "on the N. W. side of a branch tnat issues out of the Potomack, now called Shenan doah," in order to divide the tract into eight equal parts for the following persons: Landon Carter and George Carter, sons of "King" Car ter; Carter Burwell and RobertBurwell, Carter Burwell, Robin Page, Benjamin Harrison, great-great-grandfather of the President-elect, and Robert Carter, son of Robert Carter, Jr. This survey was ordered by a decree of the court in 1730, and the return was made ten j ears later. Didn't Concur. "Washington, January 9. The Senate non conenrred in House amendments, and a Nica- ragua canal bill couference as appointed. THERE IS PLENTf OP OIL IN OHIO, i But as It Cannot Be Converted Into Kero seno Its Uso Is Limited. From the New York World. 1 The statement that Pew fc Emerson aro going extensively into the-tanKing. piping and refin ing of oil in the Ohio field in opposition to the Standard Oil Trust has not attracted much at tention in the market. So long as the Ohio oil cannot be Buccessfullyconverted lntokerosene, entire dependence will have to beplacedon the Pennslvania product. Although extensively used as fuel, the production in Ohio Is far in excess of the demand. The Increase in the amount "in store" last 5 ear was 7,500,000 barrels. There were 6,000,000 barrels previously on hand, so that the visible supply is now 12,500,000 barrel". TheStandsrd has expended something likeS10,00O.0O0intanks,pipelines and refineries in Ohio, but up to this time its p'ofits navonoiDeen commensurate wuu uiu uuu. The asreement among the well owners in Pennsvlvania to boro no new holes for one year expired September 8. Since that time 9G9 wells have been drilled, of which 196 were dry holes. Wells that were stopped under the same agree ment and which produced 19,000 barrels a day, were reopened November 1. But now, with no restriction on tbo production, the yield is only 4S.O0O barrels a day, while tbe consumption is about 75,000. Oil wells run out and the supply from the newwells andtheold ones which have been reopened has not increased the total very much. Oil has not shown the disposition to advance in price at a rate corresponding to the decline in the supply. Owing to the limited transport ation facilities the suppl) from the Russian field cannot be increased to mako up for de ficiency of any size in the American supply sent to the European market. There is plenty of oil In Russia and tho demand for it may cause, sooner than expected, the construction of a pipe line for Its transportation to tide water. H. M. Flagler, the Secretary of the Standard Oil Company, speaking of the report of Pew Jt Emerson's operations, said: "We have heard nothing of their opposition to us in storing, piping and refining Ohio oil. I don't think they are known in the trade. At least I don't know them. If they can successfully refine the Ohio oil they can do what we have not been able to do. I wish we had back tho money we ex pended in the effort." SHE FOUGHT THREE WILDCATS. A Flacky Llttlo Woman's SinIe-Haudcd and Successful Strngale. II and AN, Dak., January 9. On a farm 10 miles west of here lives Charles Casperdone with his family, consisting of a wife and two little boys. On Sunday night, while Mr. Cas. perdone was at Mandan, the chicken-roost was visited by wildcats. When Mrs. Casperdone heard the noise she bounced out of bed, grasped an ax and sallied forth. At the door of the hennery she encountered a wildcat, which sprang at her, catching one of its claws in her leit arm and lacerating it ter ribly. Pushing the animal away, she struck it a blow which rendered It unconscious. An other of the cats sprang at her, seizing the calf of her right leg, and cutting it severely with his teeth. Mrs. Casperdonelaimed a blow at the beast, which mised, but the animal be came frightened and ran into the woods. The third cat, whieh had been crouching in a corner, then sprang upon tho plurky little woman, getting its teeth entangled in her cloth ing and tearing it almost Into shreds. She suc ceeded in pushing the infuriated animal from her, and, as it sprang at her throat the second timp, dealt it a blow which killed it Mrs. Cas perdone was so overcome that she fell in a faint, and was found thereby a neighbor who had been summoned by one of the boys. She is still suffering from her wounds, but will re cover unless blood poisoning sets in. SHORT EVENING SESSIONS. The Honso Hcnrs a rrnycr Senator Rntan Spnres Dclnney for a Day. Special Telegram to the Dispatch. HAnniSBUno, January 9. Speaker Boycr was not ready to announce his committees to night and the House, after, listening to the in vocation of the chaplain, adjourned until to morrow. The Grangers started their fleht against the Chicago meat kings through Senator Brown by having a bill introduced intended to stop the importation of dressed meats, which is said to be seriously hurting the cattle interests of Pennsvlvania. Worthy Master Rhone, of the State Grange, sat by Senator Brown when the repressive measure was introduced. Ill health prevented Senator Rutan from get ting to the Senate chamber to make his prom ised revelation. QUAY'S WORD IS LAW. He Notifies TIN Men Tlmt Prohibition Most bn Voted on Next Summer. Special Telegram to the Dispatch. Habeisbubo, January 9. The vote on the prohibition amendment will betaken at a spe cial election next summer. Colonel Quay hav ing given notice that he wants the Legislature to snbmit the amendment to the people before the November election. The Republican mem bers of the Legislature are already being told of Quay's wishes in this matter, and they will yield obedience to him. Lick Qnay, the Senator's son, is said to be bearer of a message from his father suggest ing that tho Legislature provide for the sub mission of the prohibitory amendment to the voters of the State at a special election. A STRANGE CASE. now a Delicate Surgical Operation Saved a Boy's Life. Greensboro, N. C, January 9. One of the most remarkable accidents on record occurred yesterday at this place. A young lad named Orrell, in running through a field, ran against acucklebnrrbusli. and. as he was drawing in hi breath at the time, one of the burrs was in lnled into the larynx, producing great pain and danger of immediate suffocation. Physicians were summoned and found it necessarv to per forin tracheotomv so the patient could breathe. At last accounts the boy w as doing w ell. CONFERRED WITH BLAINE. General Agnus lias No Desire for a Cabi net Position. Special Telegram to the Dispatch. Washington, January 9. Gen.Felix Agnus, of the Baltimore Amerian, came to this city thismorningand shortly after noon called upon and remained closeted for some time with Mr. James G. Blaine. This led to a report that General Agnus was to bo considered in con nection with a Cabinet position, but that gen tleman assured the correspondent of The Dis PATrn that his viit was only a friendly one and bad no bearing whatever on the question of the Cabinet. The conference took place at the Hotel Normandy, where Sir. Blaine has arranged for a suite of rooms which he expects to occupy with his family to-morrow. Noff'i England's Chance. From Life.2 If England desires a casus belli with Ger many, it ought to be found in the following ex tract, concerning a state ceremony, from a South German newspaper: "After him came Lord Salisbury on his head; a white hat on his feet: larjre. weil-lilacked boots on his brow; a dark cloud in his hand; the unavoida ble walklnfr-stick In his eyes; a threatening look in gloomy silence. ' The editor ot the newspaper claims that the seeming reflection upon the dignity of the En glish Premier is only the result of indifferent punctuation on the part of the proofreader; but England is not obliged to accept this ex planation. ' Church Orgnn Inaugural. The new organ of the Point Breeze Presby terian Church will be dedicated to uso on Fri day evening next by a grand inaugural concert. A choice programme has been arranged under tbe direction of Mr, Clarence Eddy, who will be assisted by the jfnllowing well known musi cians: Miss Mamie Reuck, violinist; Mrs. Adah S. Thomas and Prof. Everson, soloists, and the Alpine quartet, consisting of Messrs. D. E. JS'uttall. W. K. Haines, W. S. Weeden, John A. Strauss; Sam. M. Brown accompanist. A Lost Gns Line Recovered. The Bellevue Gas Company's line, which re cently rolled overboard into the Ohio while resting on barges, was fisheti up yesterday and the connections made. It was quite a difficult piece of work, and laborers have been at it for over a week. Church Lecture on tbe Life of Christ. Mrs. E. H. Monroe will g:ve her celebrated lecture on the "Life of Christ," in the Cen tenary M. E. Church, this evening at 8 o'clock. Fifty stereopticon views will be exhibited on a canvas containing 400 square feet of surface. One of these views Is Munkacsy's "Christ Be fore PiUte," colored as in the original. Two Good Reasons. The Fort Pitt Natural Gas Company will sell its oil leases near Crafton. Some of the com pany object to touching tbe oil question, and besides, th charter prohibits it. SUPREME COURT OWLS. Birds of Wisdom Perched on tho Hlgh Bncked Chairs of the Justices. From the Philadelphia Record. Two little owls are perched on tho back of each of the chairs in which the Supreme Court Justices sit in their apartments at tho City ilall. They look down upon tho Court witn preternatural solemnity and never blink. Tho new chairs are of dark mahogany, with un usually high backs, and in place of the leather there is old-fashioned horsehair both on the seats and backs. The most surprising Xhing about the chairs, however, are the little owls on each. These birds aro rather a novelty in Phila delphia courtrooms,' and Colonel Greene, the prothonotary of the court, was asked yester day why they had been placed on tbe chairs, whether they were supposed to typify the wis dom which characterizes the decisions of the Supreme Court, or what the reason was for their being there. "Ob, those owls," he replied; "I don't know who ordered them to be pnt there. You see, the chairs are copied after those used in the rooms of the Supremo Court at Pittsburg, and they have owls on them. I don't know whose idea it was originally. The owl, you know, was the pet bird of Minerva, tbe Goddes of Wis dom, and their reputation for wisdom is prob ably the reason for their being placed on the chairs." Another curious thing about these Supreme Court chairs is tbe absence from the State coat-of-arms, which they bear, of the horses that are usually depicted as being particularly rampant. Colonel Greene could throw no light upon the omission of these noble animals from the crest ERIE ETCHINGS. A Tour of Investigation A Division In the G. A. R. Special Telegram to the Dispatch. Erie, Pa., January 9. A committee com prising several Councilmen and contractors of Akron, O., came here to-day on a tour of in vestigation. Akron is about to have its streets paved, and tho committee came here to inspect the Barber Asphalt pavement, and wont from here to Buffalo, and from there will visit Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Philadelphia andHar rieburg. The County Commissioners have elected officers as follows: Chairman, "W. R, Wade, of Elgin; Solicitor, D. A. Sawdy: Erie County Plijsiclan, Dr. Delaney, and Commissioners' Clerk, Giles D. Price. The Poor Directors elected Henry Dunn, President; J. A. Robinson, Secretary; Dr. Seward, County Physician, and Colonel Gould, Solicitor. There is a quiet movement on foot in certain Grand Armv circles to defeat tbe election of General D. B. McCreary as Department Com mander of the G. A. R. next month. The feel ing against the General grew out of his in dorsement of Major J. W. Walker, of Erie, for a place in the Soldiers and Sailors' Home Commission. All the posts in tbe Northwest ern part of the State bavo indorsed the Gen eral for Department Commander. A SLAI1 AT WANAMAKEE. Senator Vest Donbts the Genuineness of His Advocacy of American Lnbor. Washington, D. C January 9. During the discussion of the tariff in the Senate to-day Mr. V est interrupted the reading at paragraph 375 (in relation to velvets and plushes, includ ing ribbons), and asked whether that was the item involved in tho suit between Mr. John Wacamaker, of Philadelphia, and the Govern ment He said that Mr. Wanamaker's conten tion was that ribbons came in under another clause in regard to trimmings for bonnets which paid a less duty. He saw by to-day's papers that tho suit had been decided in favor of Mr. Wanamakcr, and that an appeal had been ttken to the Supreme Court He had also seen it stated that Mr. Wanamaker was manufacturing such goods in Berlin, although he was one of the most distinguished advocates of American labor and American workmen. Mr. Aldrich stated that the suit referred to was in reference to the proper construction of paragraph 413, in schedule , of existing law. The defect in existing law was radically cured by tho substitute. SHE SWALLOWED A PIN. How Doctors Managed to Snntch Annlo Riley From tho Grave. Philadelphia, January 9. Little Annie Riley, aged 4, is at the Children's Hospital in as comfortable a condition as a child can be who who had a three-inch shawl-pin with a largo brass head on the inside of her throat for 11 days. Annie swallowed the shawl-pin on Christmas day. She did not say anything about it for fear of punishment by her mother. So sharp was this fear that when the doctor was called into her father's house. No. 742 North Thirty-sixth street, she said it was only a little pin which sho bad swallowed, and that it no longer troubled her. Spasms of coughing continued, however, and the little girl was taken to the hospital. There, as she grew no better, tracheotomy was performed, and a violent fit of coughing super vening, the tube which had been Inserted after the operation was removed. The point of tbe pin then revealed itself to the astonished doctors. It was easily taken out, and the child will soon be out of the hospital. UNCLE SAM DELINQUENT. New York Election Officers Making a Rig Kick for Their Pay. Fpeclal Telegram to the Dlsnatch. New York, January 9. The Deputy United States Marshals and Supervisors of Elections here wish Uncle Sam to pay them some $100,000 right off, for their services at the last election. Uncle Sam, as represented by Attorney Gen eral Garland, is giving little attention to their loud demands, they say. Marshal McMahon thinks the deputies will be obliged to wait for their wages until Con cress makes the necessary appropriation, "al though many of them are unable to meet their obligations and are suffering actual hardships" on account of Uncle Sam's delinquency. John I. Davenport is made the scapegoat for the troubles of the supervisors. He refuses to fur nish lists of them without being paid 25 cents per folio. Marshal McMahon tells how scandal ous this charge is in a half-column interview in an afternoon paper to-day. Domestic Democracy. From the New York World, 1 Lillie Devereux Blako says that the word "obey" should be omitted from tho marriage service. Fashionable society 13 beginning to agree with her, for many of the brides of the last few months failed to promise obedience to their husbands as they stood at the altar. Per haps the time is not far distant when it will be the custom for tho bridegroom to repeat the word which so many brides at present find ob noxious. Domestic democracy majr not prove practicable. A family must have a court of last resort A Biff Morlcage Recorded. Special Teleeram to the Dlsnatch. Erie, January 9. A $200,000 bond and mort gage was recorded here to-day against the Erie Electric Motor Company in favor of the Cen tral Trust Company, of New York. The loan was effected for the purpose of completing the Erie City Passenger itailwav, which has a paid np capital of $400,000. The bonds are of the de nomination of $1,000, 0 per cents, maturing in 30 years. Ex-President Tluycs Entertained. Special Teleyram to the Dispatch. New York. January 9. The executive part of the Centennial Committee entertained Rutherford B. Hajes, of Ohio, as its guest at a meeting to-day. After the meeting the com mittee took Mr. Hayes to a reception given by the Entertainment Committee on Army and States to visiting committeemen. An Involuntnry Acrobat. Special Teiepram to the Dispatch. New York, January 9. Samuel Smith fell from the elevated railway track this morning. He keeled a complete somersault, and struck the pavement in sitting posture. An examina tion at a hospital showed that he had suffered only a big bruise on his body. He returned to work this afternoon. A Doctor in Five Weeks. From the New York World.! Cincinnati, O., has a medical college wbich turns out a graduate in five weeks. There may come a time when a man can drop a nickel in tbe slot ana obtain a doctor's diploma. For Stcnllna From n Jmlge. Detective Roger O'Mara yesterday charged Mary Hurley with stealing some wearing ap parel from tbe bouse of Judge Magee last Sun day. She was sent to jail in default of $500. Crushed attfae Black Diamond. James Albertsom who lives on Forty-fourth street, bad his tiot crushed in the Black Diamond Steel Works yesterday. DIVORCE LAWS IK ENGLAKD. Tho Effect of Providing Greater Facilities for Obtaining Judicial Separation. From the London Standard. But the figures now before us are quite suffi cient to indicate what a great effect the divorce act of 1857 has had in shaking tbe sanctity of the marriage vow. From the Reformation un til the year 1867 the total number of divorces obtained by acts of Pailiament was 317. Ot these, considerably over half were passed in the first 57 years of the present century, the average even in that period being only a little over three a year. The contrast between these figures and the number of applications for dissolution of mar riage made to the Divorce Court during tho past 80 years is most striking. In the first ten years, 185S-67, after the passage of Lord West bury's act, it would appear that soma 2,188 pe-' titions for dissolution of marriage were filed, and 536 petitions for judicial separation. During tho next decennial period, lS68-77,the petitions for divorce numbered 3,272, an in crease of about 50 per cent on the number re corded in the previous ten years, while those for judicial separation rose to 927, an increase of 72 per cent. In the ten years 1K78-S7 4,761 ap plications for divorce and 1.230 for judicial separation were filed, the increase, compared with the period 1863-77, being over 45 per cent in the case of the former and 32 per cent in that of the latter. It thus appears that in the 30 years 1S5S-S7 no fewer than 10,221 petitions were filed for dissolution of marriage and 2,603 for judicial separation. Theso figures clearly indicate tho effectwhlch the great facilities "for obtaining divorces afforded by the act of 1857 have had upon the morals of tbe people. Not only has the offense for which divorce is granted come to be very lightly regarded but it would seem that tho easy dissolubility of marriages has led to their being entered into with considerable reckless ness. There is. indeed, no doubt, as Lord Jus tice Stowell once observed, "that the knowl edge of persons united in marriage must con tinue husbands and wives often makes them good husbands and wives, for necessity is a powerful master in teaching tbe duties which it imposes." NEW LIBEL LAWPE0P0SED. The Michigan Press AsocintIon Outlines a Bill For Ibo Legislature. Lansing, January 9. The Michigan Press Association, in session here to-night, unani mously approved a draft for a new libel law which will be put be foro the Legislature at once. Tho bill provides that the mere publication of a libel shall not be presumptive of malice, and that the burden of proof of malice shall rest on the plaintiff. In the absence of malice only actual damages shall be awarded, and no exemplary or punitive damages. No action shall be brought unless the plaintiff shall first ask for retraction and allow reasonable time in which to publish such retraction. Proof of such retraction or correction shall be admissi ble in evidence on the question of good faith of the defendant and in reduction of damages. It shall be unlawful for any attorney to con duct an action for libel for a contingent fee or on any understanding that he shall receive part of the damages as bis compensation, nor snail he advance money to his client or incur any liability in the case. TO LASSO ALLIGATORS. Fire Small Dots From Brooklyn Stnrt Out to Seek Adventures. Special Telepram to the Dispatch. New York, January 9. Arthur Redding, Albert Stovens,John Fleischman, and Fred and Harlow Sparks, all about 13 years old, started for Florida from Brooklyn yesterday to shoot alligators. They carried two big and two small revolvers, five knives and a small lariat They had S5 50 in cash. Eight miles down the Penn sylvania railway track they found a freight train standing. They pried open a freight car and got in. They were carried on to New Brunswick, N. J., where they decided to put up for the night A detective in citizen's clothes gained their confidence enough to learn their plans. Ho promised to let them sleep all night in ham mocks if they would go to the police head Suarters with him. They did it This morning le detective brought them home. MORMONS MAKE POOR CITIZENS. Governor "West Opposes the Admission of Utah as a State. Washington, January 9. Mr. C. W. West who was appointed Governor of Utah by Presi dent Cleveland, appeared before the House Committee on Territories to-day to oppose the admission of Utah as a State. This sentiment he says, is indorsed by near ly every non-Mormon or Gentile in the Territory. Governor West bases his ob jection on the ground that the Mormons aro unfitted to exercise the rnrtits of American citizenship. He favors leaving it as a Terri tory, but so amending the law as to greatly abridge tbe power of the Mormon Church. He says the Mormons have no political convictions, bnt affiliate with the party which is the most useful to them, whether it bo the Republican or Democratic party. A MORMON FUNERAL. The Late William Morris Goes to Heaven Via Salt Lake City. Special Telegram to the Dispatch. New York, January 9. William Morris, a Mormon, died of asphyxiation in Brooklyn three days ago. Yesterday his friends celebrated his funeral with Mormon rites. Some 20 men and more women sang over bis coffin. Everyone present who had known Mr. Morris, told all they knew about Mr. Morris' life. Then an elder in tho Brooklyn Mormon Church de scribed what a good timo Mr. Morris was hav ing in the Mormon heaven. The body was sent by express to Elders Richards and Morris in Salt Lake City. PENNYPACKER PLACED. Governor Beaver Places a Mnn Named by Quay on the Bench. Special Telegram to tbe Dispatch. Habrisburg, January 9. Governor Beaver this evening appointed Quay's candidate, Samuel W. Pennypacker, for a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, in place of Judge Mitchell, elected a member of the Supreme Court at tho last election. Pen nypacker is a distant relative of Quay. The nomination will be confirmed to-morrow if two-thirds of the Senators are in their seats. Journeymen Plasterers' Demands. The Journeymen Plasterers' Protective Asso ciation has issued a notice to the bos plasterers to the effect that on and after the first Monday in August, 1889. the members will do no plaster ing, work on lath driven by lathers. Only union plasterers must be employed, but boss plas terers and apprentices are not included. Frank Edgen is President of tbe Plasterers' Union. Filibustering In Consress. Washington, D.C., January 9. Mr. Weaver. of Iowa, who desires his Oklahoma bill acted upon before any other business is accomplished in the House, to-day raised the point of no guorum immediately after the House met. The peaker sustained tbe point, and directed tbe clerk to call the rolh The filibustering con tinued until 3:30 P. M., when the House ad journed. Want a Netv Connty. Special Telcsram to the Dispatch. Harbisburg, January 9. Ex-Representa-tize Boyle, Mino Inspector Rhoderick, and At torney Kline, of Hazletnn, are here to secure legislation taking the Fourth Legislative dis trict out of Luzerne and a slice from Schuyl kill county to form a new county. A Broken Leg nnd Thiab. Thomas Mulveyhill, of Alpine avenue, Alle gheny, fell down a flight of stairs in front of his residence last evening and broke his left leg at tho tbigb. He was taken to the Alle gheny General Hospital in the patrol wagon. Dend Brnt Sucar. From the New York World.i The sugar used by the electric refining swindlers was distinctly dead beat sugar. THEATRICAL NOTES. Manager Wilt proposes to give a benefit on next Wednesday afternoon, for tho sufferers in yesterday's accident. He will devote his share of tbe receipts from the matinee per formance to this purpose, and ha' telegraphed to Prof. Herrmann asking if he will do as much on bis part. A favorable reply Is looked for. The Grand Opera House box office opens to day tor the sale of seats for the Herrmann en gagement. AT Harris' Theater, "Lights o' London" is drawing crowds so large tbat the "standing room only" sign is exhibited at almost every performance. The Rose Hill Folly Company is equally successful in filling the Academy with people every night. Kate Castleton, in her new and success ful play, "A Paper DoH,' will be the attrac tion at the Bijou next week. The sale of seats begins to-day. COAL ON THE PKEE LIST. Senator Vest Wants to Take the Doty On" Bituminous Coal. WASnrXGTOX, D. C, January 9. In the Senate Mr. Vest moved to amend paragraph 393, taxing coal (bituminous and shale) 75 cents per ton, by making It free. He argued that coal as well as lumber should be free. Mr. Gorman opposed the amendment The Senator from Missouri, he said, proposed to put coal on the free list and to strike down all the bituminous coal interests east of the Alle ghenies, knowing as he did very well that the hltuminona coal of Maryland wonld not, on ac count of the cost of transportation, come into competition with coal in Illinois and Indiana. The"Senator from Missouri would find the lesson of the past repeated, and that was that whenever the old declarations of the Demo cratic party were departed from, whenever tho declaration made In the Democratic platform of 18S4 was departed from, so long that party would remain the party of the minority. Mr. Vest replied to Mr. Gorman, and said that the Demociat who flinched now from the principles of the party on this subject of the tariff, gave up his flag and could not justify hirnselftbefore the country. Democrats had to stand by their position in the last canvass, whether they were willing to do it or not. Mr. Voorhees also opposed the amendment Tho Mills bill had been indorsed by the Demo cratic National Convention, and the Dill con tinued me amy oi 10 cents per ton on Ditumm ous coal. Other Senators could do as they ch'se, but be should Btand by the authorized declaration of his party. Finally the vote was taken on Mr. Vest's amendment to put bituminous coal on tho free list, and it was rejected yeas, 11; nays, 31. THE CELEBRATED CLEVELAND MAXm. The Approaching Centennial ot the Origin of a Famous Phrase. From the New York Snn.l The record of the celebrated Cleveland maxim, therefore, as ascertained to date, is shown in tbe following synopsis: 1790 Lord Loughborough "Public ofllce a place of public trust." 1S64 Justice Field "Public offices are trusts held solely for the public good.'1 1ST8 Democratic Platform "Offices are not a pri vate perquisite, they area public trust." 1S77 Judge Cooley "Public office is a public trust." 1882-D. B. Eaton "Public office is a public trust." 1832 Lalor's Cyclopedia "Public office Is a public trust." 1835-drover Cleveland "Public offlcelsapabUc trust." 1883-Johu James Ingalls-Public office is a private snap. We shall welcome any information tending to show that the idea was distinctly formu lated before Lord Loughborough's time, when it had apparently already come to be regarded as a common law maxim. In the lack of such evidence, we venture to assume that Lough borough is the author and that the maxim at tributed to Mr. Cleveland is 99 years old. A CONJURER'S EEAT. The Remarkable Trick Which Warn Cleverly Performed by a Parsee. From the San Francisco Examiner.! I saw a remarkable conjuring trick per formed by a Parsee on a voyage from London to Calcutta. He was a small landowner travel ing for pleasure, and had taken up conjuring for amusement. He asked for a rupee. We all inspected it; it was a genuine rupee. Then he gave it to a gentleman to hold and asked him to think of a country in Europe. After a moment's pause the gentleman who held the coin said he had thought of a country. "Then open your band," said the juggler. "See what you bavo got, and tell me if it is a coin of the country you thought of." It was a five-franc piece, and our friend had thought of France. He was going to hand the coin to the Parsee, but the latter said: "No; pass it to another sahib." As 1 hap- Eened to be the nearest the five-frank piece was anded to me. I looked closelv at it. Then, shutting my hands, thought of America. AVhen I opened it I found a Mexican dollar. This I handed to :ho gentleman on my right, who in turn thought of Russia, and. on opening bis hand, found a Russian silver piece in place of the Mexican dollar. The juggler performed several other tricks during the voyage, but they were of a commonplace kind and in no way comparable to the coin trick, which I have never seen rivaled. MR. CfllLDS BAY OP SUNSHINE, It Pierced the Dark Clouds Tlmt Huns Over a City Editor's Ilcnd. From the Philadelphia Kecord.1 Every cloud has a silver lining, and so it ha3 proved in tho case of Mr. Robert McWade, the city editor of the Public Ledger, .vhose home at Wayne was destroyed by tiro on Saturday last. After years of toil Mr. McWade had secured a fine home and a library of rare merit The labor of a lifetime was swept away in less than an hour, and McWade wa3 left on Sun day in about tbe same condition that he started some years ago. On Monday last a gleam of sunshine pierced the dark clouds when Mr. Geor e V. Childs, proprietor of the Public Ledger, and Mr. McWade's employer, kindly Informed the unfortunate editor that he would restore his home and make the waste place at Wayne blossom again as the rose, and defray all the expenses. A POPULAR EECT0E Chosen as General Missionary for theUnited States by Episcopalians. Special Telegram to tbe Dispatch. Erie, January 9. A telegram received here to-night notifies Rev. G. A. Carstensen, rector of St Paul's Episcopal Church, of his election as General Missionary of the United States. Rev. Carstcnsen is of Danish birth. He lsla gentlman of fine education, and Is one of the ablest preachers in the church. He is a yonng man, and is peculiarly adapted for general missionary work. His salary as General Mis sionary will be $4,000 a year and expenses. Mr. Carstcnsen stands highly in Masonic circles, and, in addition to being a Knight Templar, is one of the Grand Chaplains of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. SCARLET FEVER IN FINDLAT. Children In the TabUc School Affected Fenrs of an Epidemic. Special Teleeram to the Dispatch. Findlat, O., January 9. Scarlet fever in a malignant form was discovered in this city to day, and as the children affected were taken out of the public scbool3 with the fever upon them, fears are entertained that the disease will become enidemic. Tho Board of Health has been called in extra ordinary session to provide measures to prevent the disease preiaiugand to confine it within its present boundaries. Advising Kutnn to Lay Low. Representative J. L. Graham, of Allegheny, returned to Harrisburg last night. Mr. Graham expressed the hope that Senator Rntan would not go Into any fights at present. His health is not good, and tbe least excitement disturbs his exceedingly sensitive nervous system. Can't Find His Wife. Joseph Nossek, of Sbaler township, reported to tbe police yesterday that his wife Clara, bad disappeared on Monday night about 10 o'clock. He has been unable to find any trace of her, and fears tbat she has met with an accident or f onl play. Panic In a School Room. A slight explosion of natural gas in room No. 12 of the Third ward school, Allegheny, caused a panic among tbo pupils. No ono was in jured. MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS. To avoid indulging in the wretched habit of snoring keep awake. To bring on a f reo perspiration, wear an over coat during tbe month of July. A JIIACKSNAKE whip, properly applied, never fails to act as a strong stimulant. Sufferers from cold feet have been known to obtain relief by putting them near tbe stove. To bring r. healthy color to the face, draw on a boot a couple of sizes too small for your foot. Ladies desiring the removal of superfluous hairs from their face should go to a barber and get shaved. Persons afflicted with aching teeth should visit a dentist and obtain a new Bet. iV, Y. Evening Sun. Biliousness, especially when caused by high living, may be remedied by living at a cheap boarding house. Scarlet fever patients should go to the Gulf coast for a change if they desire to change their fever to the yellow brand. To cool the blood, shut yourself np in a re frigerator for an hoar. This has not only been known to cool the blood, bnt the flesh and bones as well. CUBI0USC0NMSATI01S,, An Italian family In Boston made $4,500 a year grinding hand-organs. The Falls of Niagara carrr down 10, 000,000 cubic feet of water per minute, equal to about 3,000,000 horse power. Sacramento, Cal., has passed an ordi nance making it unlawful for any person under 17 years of age to smoke cigarettes within the city limits. Mrs. M. S. "Wolf, of Delaware, O., got a mother's best Christmas present. Her son, whom she had mourned as a victim of the war, returned home on Christmas morning. It is stated that the TJnited States Gov ernment has paid more money in the investiga tion of the disease of hogs than it has for aR the diseases affecting the human race. A book published in 1832 describes the devil fish as a fish from 10 to 30 feet long, with a single horn on either side or the head. The real monster had not been seen up to that date. A butterfly was recently seen flying about a Hartford, Conn., garden above a bed of English violets In bloom. Even as the ill timed voyager disappeared over a wall, the air was growing colder and the winter sky was darkening. James Price, of Oconee, Ga., dreamed that if he would go to Athens on the second day after Christmas he would find a draft for several hundred dollars awaiting bim. He went and found tbe draft awaiting him ac cording to his dream. Probably the richest newsboy in tho West is Moses Jacobs, who sells papers on the streets of Des Moines, Ix He is 13 years old and has sold newspapers for the last 14 years, during which time he has acquired $4,000 worth of real estate from his savings. Ski running, a Scandinavian sport, la becoming popular in Minnesota. The per former slides down hill on long wooden skates, or foot toboggans, and at a prepared jolt makes a leap into space. Ninety-five feet is the long est ski-jump on record in Norway. Mr. Charles W. Coombs, taxidermist, of Belfast, Me., in preparing to mount a great horned owl, found the owl's body full of porcu pino quills. The flesh was literally packed full of them, as well as the roof of tbe mouth. Tha owl evidently had dined on hedgehog. A recent sight on the Norwich, Conn., town road was a lad leisurely riding a 3-year-old Alderney bnll northward. Tbe bull bad a ring in his nose, and the boy beld the other end of a rope that was attached to the ring. The novel steed plodded along as placid as yon please. W. II. Howard, of Lexington, Ga., has in his possession tbe brand that was used dur ing the days of slavery for branding slaves who were guilty of murder. It is a rudely con structed "M" made of iron, which was heated redhot and applied to the person, sometimes to the cheek, of the one to be branded. The poet "Whittier invariably receives on his birthday a barrel of pitch pine kind lings from the Whittier colored school at Tus caloosa, Ala. The kindlings were accompanied this year by two photographs one of the 200 children composing tho school and the other of the children in the act of voting their thanks to tbe poet. Theodore Knapp, of Norwalk,Conn., ha3 in his restaurant a sea gull that was captured down the harbor some weeks ago. The bird seems perfectly contented, but it is not wise to trifle with him. He has a very robust appetite, and will eat two quarts of clams at a meal anil then call for more. Another queer thicgabont the bird is the fact that, after he has eaten two quarts of clams, you can put his body in a quart measure. In a list of "the greatest living En Iishmen." which has been compiled according; to tbe votes of tbe readers of the Saturday Journal, Tilr. Gladstone heads-the poll with twice as many votes as has been given to Lord Salisbury, who stands second. Mr. Gladstone's number was nearly 400,000. Mr. Irving is be tween Mr. Spurgeon and Mr. Chamberlain, who will be pleased to learn that he received abouti 30,000 fewer votes than the actor. Nitro-glycerine bids fair, say the doc tors, to become an important remedy for dis eases of the kidneys; and experiments are now making in cases of Bright's disease. Nitro glycerine of a pure quality, possessing all the explosive powers of the substance, is prepared in alcohol (which removes tho explosive qual ity) in the proportion of one part of the nitro glycerine to 99 of alcohol, and is then prepared with sugar or milk in tablets. Thus prepared, it is called "Trinitrin." An absent-minded old gentleman of Snmpter county, Georgia, bathed, shaved and started for the depot after his wife, who had been away on a visit He had forgotten the time the train arrived, and she met him half way home. She got into the buggy, and after greeting him affectionately, said: "I'm glad you didn't come clear to town. I shonld havo been ashamed to ride with you." "Whyf" ho asked, innocently. "Look at yourself," sho replied. He was arrayed in bis underclothing. Since electric lights were introduced in Georgia large gray bugs have become common. Tbey aro called electric bugs. The other' evening John McLaughlin, of Savannah, was sitting by an open window and one of these bugs, about two inches long, flew in, and,, lin picked it up to throw it out of the window and the bug sunk its claws into his band. Ho said tho sensation was as though several flsn hooks were being pulled through the arm. Im mediately his hand began to swell, and small pimples appeared on bis hand, arm, and face within 24 hours. For over a week the hand and arm were very sore, and at ono time tha case looked dangerous. A tragi-comic romance lately occurred at Buda-Pestb. A stripling of 17 fell in lova with a girl three years his' junior, and the chil dren were in such despair at the prospect of having to wait so long before they could bo married that they decided to commit snicidc. After kissing each other farewell the couple repaired to tbe Danube, and, with a fortitude worhy of a better cause, the girl jumped in. Fortunately she could swim, and availed her self fully of her capabilities in tbat art. Sho shrieked for "help," which was soon at hand. Just as she was safely landed her lover aimed three pistol sbot3 at himself, but none of them took effect, and a quarter of an hour later tbe young folks were handed over to their respect ive parents. Perry J. Chace, a retired Providence merchant the owner of many houses and various other buildings, a widower and a man of 12 winters, recently decided that he wanted a wife, and so he asked a lady friend of his if she Knew ot any gooa woman aoout ms aga whom he might marry. She said that Mrs. Sarah A n Tilton, of Boston, was certainly good, was S3 vears old and might possibly wish to marry. "I'll see If she'll let you call on her," said the friend, "and if so will take you thero and introduce you." When she saw Mrs. Tiltoa tbe widow langhed at the idea, but said Mr. Chace might call. At his socond call he pro posed, at the third arrangements for the wed ding were made and within three weeks from the first call tbe venerable couple were mar ried, and are now living happily in Providence. TAKEJf FRODI LIFE. Kich relatives are like wine. They grow dearer with age. The humorist who said the Potomac waa running for Congress -was little familiar with pop ular Congressional beverages. A la Mode. Miss "W. (from Chicago) Do you know, my dear, I think I shall have my new dress made In the empire style. The Western newspapers relate the case of a dentist who tried to fill the teeth oTabuzzsiw. He succeeded, so tbe Coroner thought. An old motto is: "Start your boys on the right track." That's easier said than done; it re quires too much switching in some cases. Madam (to applicant) Where was your last place? Applicant At the hossplttel, mom. Madam Were you a nurse there? Applicant .No, mem; I waa a smallpox pa tient. A Faithful Heart Tumblethwaite had proposed and been accepted, and as he slipped the engagement ring upon her anger, he said, tremu lously: "Darling, you will always wear It upon this An ger, won't you?" and the girl, with a shy glance of love, replied: "Always, George, always when I am with yon." In the Music Boom, Sunday Evening.- Mamma (at the piano) Now, Georgte, what shall we sing something for Sunday, you know? Ueorgie (after thought) Let's sing "Shall we go in swimming." Mamma Why, Georgle, there's no inch hymn as that! Gertie I guess, mamma, he means "Shall We Gather at the Elver?" "Gentlemen," said a member of a poker party, suddenly but solemnly, "is it possible that we have all forgotten that we're playing poker on New Year's Eve? A hnsh fell upon the room. "Gentlemen," said Brown,as be rose from the table, "you must excuse mo, lean play no more to-night." Presently another one dropped out, and In a short time the room was empty, with 'the' excep tion ofthe one who had "busted" them alli-.,- -MJroi,X4J