tHTOgg "tjj- THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, THUESDAT, JANUARY 10, 1889. LIGHT ENOUGH NOW. Ihe Great Hoosac Tunnel, Formerly in Egyptian Darkness, ILLUMINATED BY ELECTRICITY. An Achievement of the Com pany Astonishes the World. FIVE MILES OF ELECTRIC LAiirS The "Westinghou'-e Electric Company has jut finished the contract of lighting the Hoosac tunnel with incandescent lamps, which is regarded as one of the most diffi cult electric achievements the world has ever seen. The tunnel is five miles long, and is cut throngha mountain ridge, which is filled with numerous springs. "When the railroad com pany decided to cut the tunnel they built two canals, one on each side of the tracks in order to force the water into these channels, so it would run out of the tunnel. They frequently attempted to illuminate the tunnel with oil. gasoline and gas, but the dampness air invariably caused pervading the the lights in go out, and the tunnel was more or les in Egyptian darkness all the jcar around. The contract was then offered to several electric light companies but none of them desired to accept it, because it was thought an imposi bilitj by all electricians to put electric light" into the tunnel. It wa argued that the danip atmosphere pervading the tunnel and the water from the vail, and rouf would so break the electric ennent that not a light would be of auj ue. But Air Westinghouse was convinced tbat with a plant constructed according to his methods the Uk of illuminating the tnnnel could be achieved successful!. Contracts w ere at once drawn up and the preliminary ar rangements for the work were inaugurated. scorrnns have a laugh. The entire electric world laughed at the idea and pooh-poohed it as a quixotic notion. This tkepticism grew as the work advanced, and prophesies of a dismal failure were heard in every quarter The successful comnletion of this grand electric feat is therefore a remark able triumph of skill and perseverance. The work of constructing the line was per formed by the Marr Construction Compam of 1'ittsliurg. an associated interest of Mr. Wet inghouse Tuewo'kwas personallv superin tended bv Messrs. Thomas Spencer, J A. Gner, J.d Davis. EJ R-Grleranel Jobnfetalev Mr. Spencer wa recently sent to London, England, to construct a plant of the Westinghouse Electric Companj trerc. The dimcultv or working in the darkness of the tunnel, where torches shed a meagre and uncertain light r distance of a few feet onlv, can in a measure be imagined. With sinoko and constant dripping of water from the roof and siile. the laj ing of lOmiles of lead-covered cables in a wooden conduit in a ditch on cither side of the track was an undertaking requir ing extreme care and watclilulncsi One man v as employed .ill da long to carry oil to the men at work, and there were two barrels of that fluid used every day while the construc tion of the line was going on. To that trouble was also added tho incessant pxssing trains. 01 suipnurous gases irom cngmes. corroding nil the metal parts from the excessive mois ture, and rendering imperative absolutely per fect insulation over t-,000 feet of distance. This gigantic undertaking was commenced 12 months ago last November and completed two weeks ago. On the 1st of January the machin ery as started on a 30 daj s' trial, one of tho conditions of the contract, and if the trial is successful tho plant wdl be given over to the railroad company. "WHAT THE TLAXT IS. The machinery consists of two 123-horse power boilers, a 123-horse power engine, three No. 1 Westinghouse alternating current dyna mos, each with a capacity of 630 IC-candle power lights, and two direct current machines for exciting larger dynamos. This provides for an extra machine in case of accident to either of the others. The lamos are arranged in sections of 20 50 volt lamps in a series, or 1,000 volts to a section. In case of break any section may bo cut out without interfering with the rest of tho svstem. Each lamp is provided with a chokc-olf coil case, and if one burns out the other lamps in the section are not affected. The lamps are placed 10 feet apart on both sides of thetunnel, alternating and making one lamp to every 20 leet. Blue lights mark the manholes or places of -safety cut in the sides of the tunnel. The Fitthburg Railroad Company had several objects in view w ben going to the immense ex pense of lighting the tunneL There was, first, the additional safety to the traveling public and workmen. Then there will also be great saving of time, formerly trains had to pass through the tunnel one at a time and at a very slow speed. It has been calculated that in the wavof speed the trains will save at least SO minutes in their passage through the tunnel. The trial has now ueen going on fornino daj s. and from a letter, which was received at the Marr Construction Company yesterdaj, a DiiPATcn reporter was informed that not a single blow-out has occurred since the first daj of the trlaL This alone is an unmistakablo cwdence of the lact that the plant is a success. If Guilty of Assault and Battery Upon your stomach with blue pill, podvphvllin or other rasping purgatives, positnely "despair of helping your liver. Violence committed upon jour inner man will do no good. Real help, prompt and thorough, is to be found in the wholesome anti-bilious medicine, Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters, which is, moreover, pro ductive of happj results in malarial disease, rheumatism, dj spepsia, nen ousness and kidney troubles. For Three Days Only, At 515, for your choice of any suit, over coat, ulster or cape coat in our entire stock. It is a recognized fact that wc carry the largest assortment of fine tailor-made cloth ing in Pittsburg, ranging in price from $25 to &40. At this sale we will not reserve a single garment. You can take vourpick and choice in our entire establishment for 513 The P. C. C. C. are known always to ful fill their promises, and stake our "business reputation that the values given in this sale cannot be equaled by any clothiers in Pitts fairg. Watch daily papers. P. c. c. c, Cor. Grant and Diamond sts., Opp. new Court House. To-DajWhitc Goods Bargains. See the plaid nainsooks, large and showy Styles, at 12 cents a yard. This is extra value. Jos. Horne & Co.'s, Penn Avenue Stores. OwiDg to Exaggerated Accounts Of the damage done us in the recent acci dent, we deem it advisable to state that we are prepared to resume work as usual Thursday, January 10. JOS. ElCHBAUM & CO., 48 Fifth avenue. Acw Yenr. "With the new year try the new brand ot flour Rosalia manufactured by TVhitmyre & Co., Thirty-eighth street and Allegheny Vallej Railroad, guaranteed to be the best flour in the market. White Crotchet Bed Quills Fall Stock. And note the prices: C3c, 73c, 85c, 95c Our $1 quilt is extra good in qualitv and extra large size; beauties at ?1 25 and SI 40. Marseilles spreads, extra good values, at 52 to 512. JOS. HORNE & CO.'S. Penn Avenue Stores. JLOLETORFORSALE- An Elegant. Comoiiis and fell-Fro-isiBft House on nfti AyennB, Near Dinwiddie street Built and finished in thebcststjle. Just the place, and an admirable chance for physician, dentist or professional person, tho cable cars bringing 20,000 people to it every day. Southside, Lawrenceville and Miners ville districts within a few minutes by bridge and Fort incline plane; Oakland, East Liberty and the old city quickly accessible by cable cars. Owing to central situation on main thorough fare and to new facilities for access, this prop erty will soon be as desirable for professional men as Penn at enue formerly was. Apply to BLACK 4 BAIRD, Real Estate Agents, 95 Fourth avenue. delS-lG6 NOTICE To the public. The public is hereby notified that no person is allowed to sign our name, collect accounts or make contracts for us with out exhibiting letter of authority. H. W. AHLERS A CO., , Lumber Dealers, JW6 Allegheny, Pa. f SS' Display advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified adierttse menu on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, elc ten cents per line for each inser lion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BBAXCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public. Branch Offices havo been established at the following places, where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will bo received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with The DIS- l-ATCH. riTTSBUKG. THOMAS StcCAFFRKI, 3ou8 Butler street. i:.MIL G STUCKET. Hth street and I'cnn ave. E. G STUCKEY A CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton st. . STOKELY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST EUD. " J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAD. MCA LLISTEK J. SIIEIBLER, 5th av. Jt Atwood St. SOUTHStDE. JACOB SrOHX No 2 Carson street. CIIAb. faCHWARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. .1. KAERCHEU, 59 Federal street. McliKIDE BliOS.. Federal and Ohio streets. FIIEDH EGGHRb. 172 Ohio street. F. IL I"GGEi:s4M)2, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin aves. G. W. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. l'EKKYM.GLEIM. Rebecca and Alleehenv aves. WANTED. Male Ileln. -VXTASTED-A. GOOD W SFCOND AVE. BABBFK- AT 13GG JalO-M "YTTAVTEn-A MAN FAMILIAR WITH TAK- ING oil and iras leases Address, with refer ence. A. B. L., Dispatch office. jalO-39 WANTED A TRAVELING SALESMAN. one that has had experience in the dry poods line Cll with reference at D. BObLNlliAL, 37 U ylle ave., city. JalO-2 TTTANTFD T O FIRST-CLASS " AGON it n makers: none hut those acenptomed to coach top work need apply. R. J. CASEY, Vlr pln and Cherry alleys. Jal0-C6 TITANTED-YOUNG M N TO DO COLLECT- ! ING and general office work: must hive some exrerb nee and furnish references. Address uui.lii-CTOIt, Dispatch office. JaIO-10 -VTTANTFD-RELIABLE COACHMAN ELL t acquainted with streets In rlty; best of references required. Apply to COL. JASIS ANDREWS, Nunnery Hill. Allegheny. jalO-6I nrTANTLD - FIRST-CLASS MELTERS on open hearth furnaces; also first helpers for ditto: state vrarres and Inclose copv of testimoni als, etc. Address STEEL, Dispatch office. JalO-27 "YfTANTEI)-AGETS-75 A MONTH AND 1 T rvpen-es paid anv person to sell our goods; no capital: salarv monlhlv; particulars free. STANDARD SILVERWARE CO.. Boston. OC4-18 -TTTANTED - AGENTS TO SELL CLINE'S foot heaters and patent fuel for carriages, wajrons rtr.: sells at sl;;ht. Inquire after 3 p. si., A M. SEMFLE. JR., 165 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. del6-l-D TTTANTrD-MAXAGER FOR OUR PENN- SYLVAN IV office: salary, Jl.81- control HO0O (wholesale) worth of poods: must make 1.500 deposit reference WILSON, 2 Cooper Union, New ork. Jal0-8S ttantfd-an ambitious, active man. residing outside Pittsburg, to act for old house in own state liberal salarv: references ex acted. MAN UFACTURER'S SUPT., Lock Box 1C10. N. 1. Oc7-4o-Th WANTFD-A GENTLEMEN WHO IS CAPA BLE of writing historv and compiling statistics: he must be extremely energetic and verv thoronph. Address without delay, J. L., Dispatch office. JalO-59 WANTED-'W AITKR IN A PRIVATE FAM ILY : must be experienced and well recom mended, liberal wages paid. Address R. W., Dispatch office, giving references amount of ex perience, age and address. Ja9-10 AN TED-AGENTS EVERYWHKRE TO sell Ta-va-zon Cough Svrup: uuequaled for coughs colds bronchitis asthma, throat and lung diseases; 25 and 50 rents: liberal pav: (In close stamp). GRIFFITH DRUG STORE. "Third and Grant, I'lttsburp, Pa. JalO-71 AN TED-BOOKKEEPER AND CASHIER- An energetic honest, methodtcal and com petent man with business experience, who can give security: state ape, whether married or slnplc. past experience, references salary re quired Address DOUBLE ENTRY, P. O. Box 105, Last Liverpool, O. jalO-ll TTTANTED - AGENCY - EXPORT SOUTH V America an energetic joung gentleman who Is at present In New York and who has been traveling In the Argentine ltepubllc tor the last 3 years successfully, representing a largo German steel manufactory, desires to take the agenev of some large Iron works and hardware manufac tories Address IRON, P. O. box 3367, New York. Jal0-19 Female ITelD. -TTJANTED- AN EXPERIENCED FEMALE V nurse. Address W. A. C, Dispatch office. JalO-12 WANTFD-FFMALE SHORT ORDER COOK. AMNSORHOTEL, corner Grant and Water streets. jalO-Sl TTTANTFD AN EXPFRIENCrD LAUN V DRFSS. Inquire at AVEsr PENN HOSPI TAL, Twenty -ciEhtii st. JalO-18 DInle and Female HcId. TTT-ANT ED-IMMEDIATELY-PASTRY AND V vegetable cook, 100 house girls 10 for hotels; cooks and chambermaids. 2 dining room girls; employers supplied with first-class help on short notice. MRS. MEEHAN.545 Grant st. JalO-D WANTED AGENTS - GENTLEMEN OR lady canvassers for rittsburg, Allegheny and suburban towns to sell on commission a laundry article, readily sold with good profit. Applv between 9 and 10 o'clock A. M., atll. HOL17.MAN iSONS, 35 Sixth St., Pittsburg. Pa. l)sl0-67 6 Situation. WANTED-POSmoNAsANEXPERIENCED stenographer and typewriter; can furnish machine lr required. Address J. T. S. , Dispatch office jalO-75 TVTANTED-SITUATION-BY YOUNG MAN 18 years old. In any business; has knowledge of bookkeeping and will make hlmseirgenerallv useful. Address Y. H., Dispatch office. JalO-100 -TTTANTED-SITUATIONBYAIOUNG MAN 18) ears old as bill clerk, assistant book keeper or salesman; can give best of reference from lormer employer. Address Z. Z. N., Dis patch office. JalO-14 Piutncrs. -TTTANTED-PARTY.WITH ABOUT M,000TO V take half interest in an old and wcll-pajing photograph business; good operator or cra3 on ar tist nrefcrred. Address AKTIiT, Dispatch office. Ja9-74 Rooms, Houses. Etc -TTJANTED - TW O MCELY FURNISHED rooms in good locality; central situation. Address K. O., Dispatch office. JalO-70 TTJAXfED-TO PUKCHASE-ONE THOU- M ban u live ana six-room nouses la Alle. glieny and Pittsburg. 62 1 ourth ave. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, jas-i WANTED-DESK ROOM IN OFFICE ON ater st , in the neighborhood of coal or Iron Exchange. Address LXCHASOE. DIs- paten omce. JalO-5 WANTED-TO PURCHASE FIVE HUN dred elirht-room houses In Oakland, Belle field. Shadyslde and East Liberty. GEO. JOHNSfON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. ja8-l -TTJANTEU-BY APKIL L SHOWKOOM ON V first floor on good business street; would rent one-halfoflarge room with first-class party. Address SHOW ROOJ1, Dispatch office. dc7-f33 -TTT A NT 1 E D TO PUKCHAbE 1 HREE V houses In Second, Third. Fourth, Fifth or Sixth wards, Allegheny, at 3,000 cacti or less; thev must be excellent value. AMERICAN 1KU5TCO., 504 and SOS fcmlthfield St., Pittsburg. Jal0-26 Financial. WASTED-GOOD MORTGAGES FOR ANY amount; lowest rates of Interest and commis sion. PlTTbBURO CO.. LIMITED, Real Estate and Insurance, 133 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Jal-91-D Wantfd-?i, To LOAN ON PITTS BURG and Allegheny property, in sums of 15,090 to J100.0O0, at 4KandS percent: no Mate tax. GEO. JOHXbTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. JaS-1 XfASTEiy-TU LOAN o00,000. IN AMOUNTS V of ?3,O0O and upward, on city and suburban property, on 4i percent, free or tax; also smaller amounts at S and G per cent. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth a enue. se21-d26-D -TTTANTED-TO LOAN ?2O0,O0O ON MORT- t UAMts; -fioo ana upward at 6 per cent: $100,000 at 4K per cent on residences or bnslness propertv; aiso in aajoinini tKtNC'H, 125 Fourth avenue, counties. S. H. oc31-e84-D WANTED-MOKTGAGE3-l,000,il001OLOAN on city and suburban properties at V4, Sand C per cent, and on farms in Allegheny and adja cent counties at 6 per cent no nionev loaned out of Pennsylvania. I. M. PENNOCK"& SON, lOo i ourth a, enue. ap7-f41 WAM'Ell-HOUfeES TO BE.NT AND UEN1S to collect; prompt returns and itemized statements; also mortgages in large or small amounts at 4, .1 and 6 per cent and no tax or de lay, provided titles be good. JAMES DCRMITT, 4W Grant street. JaM4-TTS WASTED-HOUSES TO KENT AND RESTS to collect In both cities. AVe give special attention to repairs, taxes. Insurance and man agement of properties: Itemized accounts, month ly settlements. PITTSBURG CO., Llni., 138 tilth avenue. Real Estate and Insurance. JaI-91-D Tn-ANTED-LES-SEKS FOR HOTELS-ANY- ON E wishing to go Into hotel business with any amount capital, fiSOO to 125,000: not fl bonus money: furniture sold for Its value: good lease. A RD 4 BUSW ELL'S. 171 Broadway. N . Y., Hotel Brokers (specialty). Hotels In eery btate; no charge to buyers: business confidential; state your capital, j&s-'O WANTED. Flnanclnl. YTTANTED-IIOUSES TO rfENT AND RENTS V to collect, and ilntler sts. A. II. LESLIE, Forty-second Jc31-15 WANTED W E HAA E 5,000 TO LOAN FOR lonjr or short time at 5 per cent. D. P. THOMAS & CO., 403 Grant St. nol4-o73 WANTED-IiENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH LY settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK & itAIRD. 05 Fourth avenue. aSS-aSD-D TTTANTED-MORTG AGES MON E TO LOAN In sums to suit, at 4K, 5 and 6 per cent GRAEMNG i, LYON, 135 1 ourth ave. ap6-el-D -TTT-ANTED-HUSINESS HOUSES, OFFICES V and dwellings to rent. W. A. IIERRON A. SOM S, 80 Fourth a enue. Ja2-44-4, 8, 10, 15, 17, 12,24.2), 1 TT7-ANTEI1-MORTGAGES ON CI1Y TltOI' V EUTi, over fi 000: 4 ner cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVLlt & CO., 92 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D -VTTANTEO-HOCSFS TO RENT AND RENTS V to collect; speclil attention given to this branch of our business. J. R. COOPERS, CO., 107 Fourth ave. 1att-a-TTS3ii Miscellaneous. TT7-ANTED-TO BUY SHOOTING GALLERY t or outut complete. Address, for one week, SURE SHOT, Dispatch office, Pittsburg, l'a. X1TANTED-A CORNER LOT COVERING V about2.O00 or 3,000 feet Adduss, piling location, size and price, BOX 232, Pittsburg P. O. jsS-44-TWIS -VXTANlrD-EVFRlBODl TO KNOW THE V ELITE GALLERY, 51G Market st , Pltts bunr, makes the finest photographs for lcs nionev than any other gallery fh the two cities: cabinets 1 per doz. dell-k24-TISSn -T7"A.NTED-TO RENT STABLE SIXbTALLS, V with otheryard or stable room: preferred location lower Allegnen. between Seventh street bridge and railroad bridec. Address BOX 753, location property aud rent. Jal0-1 TirANTED-PUPlLS DESIRING TO LEARN 1 V Pitman's or Graham's shorthand and type writing: experience of 25 years as a practical stenographer. Address or call at MARTIN'S SHOR1HAND SCHOOL, 412 Wood St. JaI0-41 WASrLD-BYl'ER-.ON. LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 98 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Ftderai street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he is making line cabinets at f 1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised, .nstan taneous process. mhI3-k27 TOR SALE. Citr Residences. T710R SALE IINE TWO-STORY BRICK X: dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, bath, etc . on Clark St.. near Miller st ; a bargain. C. BALTEN feFEKGEK S. CO., 154 Fourth ave. Jal0-63 FOR SALE-CHEAP, AT A GREATLY RE DUCED price, if sold at once, on Bluff, near Chestnut St., Sixth ward, a brick houseofS rooms, late Improvements; lot 21x100 feet. W. A. HEB RON &50NS, EOFourth avenue. Ja4-10-4,7,10,12 FOR SALE ONLY 50,800-LOOUsT, NEAR Gist St.. elegant pressed brick dwelling, 9 rooms, double parlors, marble mantels, ball, bath, w c, range, laundry, with stationary tubs, nat. and art. gas large lot: the most desirable location on the street: easy terms. J. B, COOPER & CO,, 107 Fourth ave. Ja-10-72-Ths EOR SALE (99)-FIFTH AVE. SACRIFICE, 57,750, corner property near Gist street, substan tial 2-storvand mansard brick dwelling, containing 9 rooms hall in center, inside shuttera and w. c, laundrv, bath, range, hot and cold water, etc. The corner room is so arranged that- It can at sPght cost be converted into an excellent storeroom- terms to suit. Call and see floor plans. S. . BLACK & CO.. 99 1 ourth ave. Jal0-89 East End Residences. TT10R SALE-IIOUsFS OF TEN ROOMS. ON J? Walnut st., bhadvsldc: good lot: low price. u.u.tiuu9iu, Agent, b rourcn ave. jas-i FOR SALE-NO. :320 VIRGINIA AVE., J2.000. on payments that should suit any, brick, 6 rooms bath, range, hot and cold water, nat. sa6. Call or send for particulars. W. A. HERRON JL SONS, SU Fourth avenue. JalO-42-10,12,15,18 -TJiOR SALE-SEVrRAL VERY FINE KES1- JL iJi-Uf irontingon Neville St., Ellsworth ave.. fifth ave. and other leadinir streets and avenues In Oakland, East Liberty. GEO. i ourth ave. Bellefield. Shadvside and JOHNSTON, Agent. 02 JaS-1 FOR SALE 4 ACRES OF DESIRABLE ground at Oakland, only 5 minutes or cable cars with large mansion and outbuildings' plentv of fruits: price low and terms eas : must be sold to settle an estate. W. A. HEBRON Jt SONS. 80 Fourth a, en ue. JaS-94-TTS FOR SALE-fiSOO. BRICK DWELLING OF 4 rooms basement kitchen, on Lenora St., 7 minntcs from East Liberty station, having slate roof, water, rear porch and good drv cellar; this bclnga brick house. It is undoubtedly a special bargain. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. 1aS-S3-S,9, 10, 1L 12, 14, 15, 18, 19 FOR SALE HANDSOME MODERN QUEEN Anne dwelling, Stanton ave., near HUand ave.: 10 rooms reception hall, range, bath, laun drv, wide porches and fine lot 50x135 feet; good 6table, stalls for three horses; both pases In house and stable; sneclal bargain: onlv$10,000, uneasy payments. BLACK A BA1KLV-&5 Fourth ave. ue.7-4S-iTISSU FOR SALE -(99)-SHADY AVE., E. K.. NEAR Filth, elegant three-story, pressed brick, Queen Anne sty.c dwelling, containing 11 rooms reception hall. bath, w c. gas InsMe shutters, etc.: all modern conveniences; lot G2xl5S; this is a corner propertv, and must be 6old at once: nrlce very low. SAMUEL . BLACK Jt CO , 99 Fourth ave. JalO-91 F OR SALE AN ELEGANT 10-ROOMED house, two stories and mansard, with all modern conveniences, Inside w. c., stationary washstands range and bath: lot 21x110, side en trance: this propertv Is convenient to the busi ness portion of the city and on the line of the new cable road: ?1,500 cash, balance long time. BLACK Jk BAIRD. 95 1 ourth avenue. jaS-86-D FOR SALE-(P9)-OAKLAND. BROWNSTONE front dwelling, 3,500: near Craft ave.; two stories and mansard, containing nlnerooms hall, vestibule, laundry with stationary tubs, range, both Inside shutters and w. c, sliding doors, slate mantels with cabinets, tile hearths electric bells, cemented cellars, etc.; lot 50x200 leet: five minutes' walk from cable line; a bargain. SAM UEL W. BLACK Jt CO., 99 Fourth ave. Jal0-90-ThS FOR SALE-EAST END SPECULATION-A substantial two-story brick dwelllng.9 rooms hall, etc; lot 120x257: frontine on 2 verv desirable streets, one of which is paved,sewered and a first class business street: can be nicely sub divided; must be sold owing to removal of owner: two squares from East Liberty station, 4 minutes from either cable line. For price and terms call on SAMUEL W. BLACK Jt CO., 99 Fourth ave. JaI0-SS I7OR SALE-(99)-J12,500, A BARGAIN, EAST ? End residence, on paved and sewered street, substantial 2-story doublebrick dwelling, 9 rooms, hall in center,, bath, inside w. c laundry, electric lights marble mantels etc. with lot nearly 100x200 feet, with stable and carriage house on rear; also fruit and shade trees. Tills very de sirable property Is within two squares of both cable lines; less than 5 minutes' walk from P.M. It. station; a portion of the lot could be sold to ad--tautage. SAMUEL W. BLACK JL CO., 99 Fourth ave Jal0-S8 FOR SALE-SEE THIS; ONLY ,500 IF faOLD at once: I'cnn ave.. on line of new cable cars, one of the most desirable homes in the East End, being a two-story and mansard orlck dwell ing of 8 rooms, ball, vestibule, bathroom, with stationary wash stands, inside w. c , good dry cellar, etc.; range, hot and cold water, frontand back stairs, msiae mutters, slate mantels through out, tile hearth I'ocKtt and Club house grates,' sliding doors, stained glass windows; housestands back 20 feet from pavement; the pavement is 20 feet wide. Mc will make terms to suit the pur chaser. BLACK i CAIRO, 85 Fourth ave. jal0-87-TTS Allegheny Residences. FOR SALE-6-UOOM UKICK DWELLING. NO. 60 Arch street. Allegheny; 5, 00; on easV terms. GEO. D. RIDDLE, Attorney,lI8 Diamond street. jaIO-15-D T710K SALE-S1.650, SIXTH AVAKD, ALLE- X' 6I1LM, new 3-room frame on corner lot: cosv little home. ft HALTENbPERGLK &, CO., 154 Fourth ave. jaiu-M TJIOR SALE-THREE FRAME DAVELLINGS. J with lot 49x60 feet, on Arch street, near Ohio street, Allcgneny. GEO. D. KIDDLE, Attorney. 118 Diamond 6trcet. JalO-16 FOR SALE-KI1IKPATRICK AVE., ALLE GHENY brick house or five rooms and attic; all conveniences; guaranteed bargain. B. F. BEALE, Harrison St., Allegheny. Ja8-40-TTS FOR SALE-ELEGANT ALLKGHEXY RESI DENCE of 10 rooms, 2 bath rooms, w. c, both gases, elegant gas fixtures; house finely flulshed. W. AV. MCNEILL & BRO 162 B'ourth ave. , 1a8-57-TTS FOR S ALE-ON L Y f 18, 000-N OHTH AA'EN UE, corner Webster st., Allegheny, brick dwell ing, 10 rooms, well improved and in good order; lot 20x107 feet. Vi. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Ja4-10-4,7,10,12 FOR SALE-NO. 64 RIVER AVENUE, ALLE GHENY, near Ninth street bridge; a good bick house of 9 rooms in first-class order; late Im provements; lot 24x70 ft; at a low price if sold at once. W. A. HEKHON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Ja3-34-4,7.10,14 FORSALE-ONLY fa 100, NEAR ALLEGHENY Park, a desirable 2-story brick dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, range, hot and cold water, nat. and art. gas, linndry, electric bells and every modern convenience; terms, H.OoO cash, bal. to suit purchaser. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. Ja8-87-8,9,10,H,12 15,17,19 TTIOB SALE HOUSES AND LOTS A RAUK JL" I investment A block of new brick dwellings in tue seconu warn, Aiiegneny; Datnroom, natu ral gas and otlur modern conveniences: massive stone foundations, dry cellars, perfect sewerage, etc. etc: everything in flrst-class condition; rents about $1,600 annually. Terms trom JAS. W. DRAPE & CO , La 1 ourth ave., Pittsburg. Ja9-45-jiwihs Special. -TTlORSALE-DICKSON LOTS: DICKSON LOTS; JL? Dickson lots; Dickson plan of lots; Ihlrtv thlrd street: buy a choice, level lot: price low; terms easy, bee THOS. McCAFFRETi, agent, 3509 Butler st., at once; office open evenings. JalO-94-TTSn MniiufncInririR Sites. FOR SALE-SEVERAL FINE MANUFACTUR ING sites fronting on rivers and railroads and convenient to city. GEO. JOHNSTON, Aeent, 62 Fourth ave. JaS-1 I7IOK SALE -MANUFACTURING SITErONE ? of the best in tbe citv, near Twenty-firth St., on Alleshcny Valley Railroad; has an iron clad building on lot I0irxl20 feet, on long lease; side-track connections with Allegheny Valley Railroad. For all particulars address CARRIER 0. 26, Pittsburg P. 0. JaJ-w-D FOR feALE Suburban Residences. 1710RSALE-ATINGRAM-FRAME HOUSE OF ? 6rooms, lot 50x150 feet; aboutSmlnutes' walk from station; easy payments. Agent, 62 Fourth avenue. GEO. JOHNSTON, lao-x ITIOKj SALE AT INGRAM-VERY FINE SIX ? room house, fronting on Uiddletown road; good lot: about 15 minutes' irom. station. GEO. JOHNSION, Agent, C2 Fourth avenue. JaS-i I7IOR SALE J2,50O, BELLEVUE, NEW FRAME ; bouse of 5 rooms, hall, porches, etc.; con venient to station lot 37x100. easy pavmenti. C. BAL'IENSPERGER&OO., 154 Fourth ave. jaio-ra FOESALE-A LOVELY EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE at Idlewood: natural gas all modern im rTovcments. good neighborhood: 4 minutes' walk rom station. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 02 Fourth ave. Ja8-1 FORSALEEDGEWOOD, P.R.R.-A PRETTY cottage of 6 rooms In nice location, is just new, will bpII at a very low price and on the easiest of Bayments: it will pay you to investigate. See LACK 4 BAIRD, S5 Fourth avenue. Ja8-86-D Ilazelvrood Residences. FORSALE-DWELLINGHOUSEOF9ROOMS: modern Queen Anne st le and abo at 2 acres of ground with frnlt trees, grapes, flowers: also cottage of 5 rooms, outbuildings, etc, situated in the Twenty-third ward about 5 minutes walk from IS. & U.K. It; all for fs, 000. terms made to suit purchaser Inquire of owner L. T. lODLR. 133 1 bird avenue. deS-55-TTS City Lot FOR SALE LOTS FRONTING ON WYLIE, elistcrand Bedford aves , Thirteenth ward. GEO. JOHN SION, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. Ja8-1 FOR SALE ONLY $230 IF SOLD IN THE next few days; lots 24x120 leet on Charles st. near Boggs avenue, Mt. Washington; call at once. AV. A. HEREON SONS, 60 Fourth avenue. jaS-01-TTS FOR SALE-LOTS. LOTS; BARGAINS IN lots In Dickson and Denny's new plan; 500 building lots, between Twenty-eighth and fliirty tliird street, above P. R. If., at prices Irom 8100 to fkOUOperlot, on very easy payments; call and see nlans at my office at once If on want the pick of location and beiore the price goes up; come and see me before purchasing elsewhere. Call or send for Immense list of oacr 700 properties for sale all over both cltiej lna suhnrbs, by THOs MCCAFFREY, Notary Publlo and Leading iteal Estate Agent, 3509 Butler street. Telephone lb41-2. ofllce open evenings. Jal-29-TTS East End Lots. FOR SALE LOTS IN ARDARY PROPERTY. Shadyslde, Liberty ave., Atlantic ave, and Rebecca st. : certain of enhancement. BLACK Jt BA1KD, 95 Fourth avenue. jaS-S6-D TrWR HALE FOUR LOTS, 40x100 feet each, near 1 Shadyslde station, for only S1.200 each: these lots arc beyond a doubt a special bargain. BLACK Jt BAIRD, 95 Fourth ave. JaS-SS-9,10,12,14,15,17,19 FOR SALE-1N LLOYD PLAN. LOTS ON Fifth avenue, Craig and Dlthrldge streets, Bellefleld, on line of Filth avenue traction road; choice lots in "the circle." location unrivalled. BLACK JL, BAIRD, 95 Fourth a, enue. Ja8-S0-D FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS, AT DALLAS STA TION, P. R. R, convenient to steam and street cars: cheap and on easy terms situation unsurpassed: price ranging Irom ?400to?600. In quire or D. C. NLGLLY, G106 Penn ave. East End. no28-y7S-TTS FOR SALE-IF YOU HAVE 500 ONLY AND wish to own a house, we will sell you a lot In Baum's Grove and lend you money to build a house to suit your own ideas and give -. on ample time to renav the loan: send fnr nlan nf tlipco rtiet Fact End lot. BLACK Ji BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. Ja8-S0-B OR SALE ?o0 DOW N AND $10 A MONTH will buy a line building site at Brnshton sta tion: Bank of Commerce addition; this propertv is right In the line of rapid Improvements and with building restrictions makes it very desirable for a home no city taxes. Secure plan from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smlthfield street. JiG-il-TTSSu Subnrbnn Lots. TJIOR SALE AT INGRAM. LOTS RANGING JL' in prices rromfflOO to 2,500. STON, Agent, 62 Fourth avenue. GEO. JOHN- Jas-1 T7IOR SALE-AT INGRAM. ONE. TWO. JL? three, four, five, six. seven, eight or nine acre lots. GEO.JOHNSION, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. ja&-i T7IOR SALE-AT INGRAM: LOTS OF ALL Jc sizes and from two. five, ten and twenty min utes from station. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 lourthave. JaS-1 T7IOR SALE AT EMSWORTH. P.. FT. W. i. C. X1 K. It., about 30 acres of line lying land to cut uij iui mis; a jcueu mvesimcnE. SON, 103 Fourth ave. C. BEK1NGER & Ja9-53-WS FOR SALE-AT INGRAM. l ACRES OF OLD I leecedale place, one of the most bcautilul and picturesque locations In the Ingram aallev:20 minutes Irom station: easy terms. GLO. JOlIN S TON, lteal Estate Agent, 62 Fourth ave. jaS-1 Fnnns. FOR SALE TWO RICH MERCER COUNTY. Pa . farms; 117 acres and G2 acres; fine build ings, rich land, good orchards, near schools and churches: will sell or exchange: owner lives In Richmond, Va. Particulars R. B. CHAiFINA CO., Richmond, Va alu-17-D Business Chances. FOR SALE GOOD CORNER CIGAR STORE In Allegheny. Apply at 81 SECOND ST., Al legheny. Jal0-95-Tl,su FOR SALE-BARBER SHOP, WITH 3 CHAIRS and a cigar store. Apply at 262 SPRING GARDEN AVE , Allegheny. Jal0-21 FOR SALE-GOOD BAKERY STAND; DOING abusinessof 15 to 16 barrels of flour aweck; for particulars, call at NO. 2715 JANE STREET, boutusldc. JaS-01 FOR SALE-FIRST-CLASS CONFECTION ER1, bikeryand restaurant doing a good business and in a goodlocatlon: terms reasonable, as I wish to retire Irom business. Inquire at VA FEDERAL ST., Allegheny. JalO-22 FOR SALE-GOOD PAYING, ESTABLISHED business, fully equipped and running; 3 good chance forjparty with enc-gy and push, with f 1. 300 to J2, 000 cash, to make money: sickness cause or selllnc. Address RARE CHANCE, Dispatch office. JS1U--4 F OR SALE-LONG ESTABLISHED. DESIR ABLE citv business: the owner hvwhnm it was founded 26 vears apo is retiring: annual sales iu,uw- can ue largely increased: capital required about JtftOOO. Apply to I. M. PENNOCK&SON, 105 Fourth ave. JaS-56 OR SALE-COAL AND TIMBER LANDS 4.000 acres, with 6)4 feet or excellent coal, and ten million feet of valuable timber; six miles rrom It. K. ; clear title. Price only 830, 000 cash. A grand bargaiu. Address DAVID LOGAN, Agt., Mcadvilic, Pa. jalc-6-ihs FOR SAL E-S15.C00 WORTH OF STOCK AT par, paying 20 per cent: extensive coal works, good small hotel, stores, drug stores, boarding houses, tea stores. 6lioe stores, bakeries, con fectioneries, and other business chances. SHEP A11D & CO., M Fifth avenue. Ja3 FOR SALE-STOCK OF DK GOODS, LEASE and fixtures, or lease and fixtures sepirate; best stand on Federal st , Allegheny! rare chance roraoungman to embark in business; present Sroprictor wants to retire. For particulars ad ressM. FIRE, 102 Federal st., Allegheny. Ja8-34-TTS FOR SALE-GROCERY STORE ONE OF THE finest in the East End; commands large and profltaDle trade: good reasons for selling: will in voice about $3, 000; ?2, 000 cash, balance in one 1 ear. For full particulars see DENN1SON A hCHWAN, 103 Fourth ave , orfafAHON SI'. AND P. R. R., Eastisna. FOR SALE-LEASE, FURMSHMENT AND good-will of the best farmers' hotel and board ing house In Allegheny; 30 rooms, well furnished; 80 stalls and yard-room; allinflrst-class condition; best of reasons for selling: immediate possession Inquire of J. M. SWAN, 1S9 Federal st , Allegheny Pa. Ja3-51 Business Standi. FOR SALE-SEVERAL VERY FINE BUSI NESS properties fronting on Fifth, Penn, Sixth and other avenues, GEO. JOHNSfON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave, Ja8-1 FOR SALE-NO. 29 FOURTH AVENUE-LOr 21x80 feet, with 3-story store and dwelling: good business location; price low. AV. A. HER ROX & bONS. 80 Fourth ave. Ja5-87-TTS FOR SALE-COR. NORTH AVENUE AND lederalsL, Allegheny, a very desirable busi ness property; a large 4-storj building in good condition: now paying a handsome Ap plyatonce. AV. A. HERKON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Ja3-33-TTS FOR SALE-THAT VERY ELIGIBLY LO CATED hotel property corner Ohio and Arch streets. Alleehenv: lhree-storv hi-lplf hnlhllnir. 30 room6 and four storerooms, all In good order; lot 60x100 feet. UEOKGE D. KIDDLE; Attorney, 118 Diamond street. Ja5-2J-D Machinery mid Metals. FOB SALE REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS, cabinets, office supplies and fine grades of linen papers for writing machines. A. M. MARTIN, 412 A ood St. aiO41 FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 13x22, 1 Ball engine, 1 small dvnamo and 2 lamus and meatchoppers, rendering kettles, etc. VLDTE& MCDONALD, Pennave., cor. Thirty-second st. Jel6-I63-rTS FOR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery: engines from 4-horse power up, HP.",e.1?;-n?nVP. et(-: cal1 or Tlte for prices. FAHEY & PFALLEB, Faber and Washington sts., near Union depot. ap24-v35hi-TTS Hones. Vehicles, Live Stock. &c I710R SALE-CIIEAP-ULACK MARE, HAR- NEbiand two-seat light barouche, or will trade for horc suitable for express wagon. Ad dreas UORSIy Dispatch office. JalO-23 1 AUCTION SALES. nARPETS, CURTAINS, RUGS. FURNI- TURE, bedding, stoves, etc, at auction FRIDAY' MORNING. January lLat 10 o'clock, at tho rooms, No. 311 Market St.: fine chamber suits in walnut, oak and cherry; wardrobes, dressers, -nashstanas, bedsteads, cabinets, cheffonlers, folding beds, bookcases, side boards, cbeval and pier mirrors, center and extension tables, desks, cupboards, china closets, decorated elinner and toilet ware, pic tures, clocks, bronzes; ladies' and misses' wraps and jackets; notions, pillows and bolsters, mat tresses and springs; elegant parlor suits at nil prices; cooking utensils, laundry and kitchen furnishments, ball, room and stair carpets; harness, chandeliers, tools,(wringer, machines, etc. etc: goods now on exhibition at rooms. HENRY- AUCTION COmM., Auctioneers. 43.10-00 TO LET. City Residences. TO T,ET-(99)-663 FIFTH AVENUE, TEN minutes from Court House: neat two-story press brick dwelling, seven rooms and attic, salon parlor, bath, ranpe, hot and cold water, both pases S30 per month; immediate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK. S: 0., 9-J iourth avenue. Ja5-CJ-TTS Enst End Residences. TO LET-(99)-5506 WALNUT ST., EAST END. two-story mansard brick residence, eight rooms, hall, vestibule, laundry, yard, cellar, both gases; near station; possession Feb. 1, 1&J9. SAMUEL. W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. Ja6!-TTS Alleslicnr Residences. TO LET - HOUSE, FIVE ROOMS. HALL: rent only S10; also seven rooms and hall, only fin. Inquire 61 SAN DUSK V si'., Allegheny. jaio-is Suburban Residences. TO LET VERY DESIRABLE SUBURBAN residence, 2 squares ofif cable line, on Robin son St., Oakland: large, new double house, 12 rooms: 2 acres of ground; stable: possession at once if desired: only $55 per mo. W. A. HFRRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. ja3-3l-TTS Apartments. TO LET SUIIS OF TWO AND THREE rooms: also store. Inquire at 61 SANDUSKY SI'., Allegheny. JalO-13 - Farms. RM. culture. Jal0-18 TO LET-KS ACRES, FINE HOUSE, BARN, orchard, near station on P. & L. E. 1J. R.. short distance from city: natural gas for fuel; rent $240: 80 acres, house, sUble, orchard, near above on same road; rent $250: 3D acres rich river bottomland, adjoining above; rent 2o0. GRAEB ING Jt Li ON, 135 I ourth avenue. jaG-36-TTS OfUccs. Desk Room, etc TO LET-LARGE FRONT K003I, SECOND floor. 518 Smlthfield st , opposite City Hall and adjoining Duquesne Hotel, desk, etc. MORRIS Jt LEM1N wuu chairs G, 10O Iourth de4-d63-TTS mo LET IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK. JL smlthfield. I.lhertv and Seventh avenue. well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. ja8-32 Ti, LET flKFlfiT IS BV 54 liT V. 11.1. 11 eh ted: on first flour of Germanla ftavint-s' Bank bulldln?: rent reasonable to annrned street. ec25-alH-iTS TO LET (09-RFDUOED RENTS: OFFICES IN Eisner building. Fifth ave. and ood St.; finest location In city: large, light rooms: janitor service and steam heat free. SAMUEL W. BLACK i CO , 99 Fourth ave. oc21-x!7-D TO LFTl'-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. The Germanla Savings Bank. 423 Wood st,, having changed the Interior of Its building by adding 15 large, airv and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc , offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. de2I-75-D Bnslness Stands. TO LET-HOUSE. NINE ROOMS AND STORE ROOM, near bridge. Inquire 61 SANDUsKV. SI'., Allegheny. . JalO-18 TO LET TIVOLI GARDEN-PITTSBURG Opera House now known as London Thea- ler. Apply lO CULUaUSUS VUL-dA.X, sunt. Opera House building Ja8-33 TO LET-HOTEL CONTAINING 30 ROOMS; first-class order: corner Ohio and Arch streets. Allcghenv; Immediate possession. GEO. D. RIDDLE, Attorney, 113 Diamond st. Ja5-2-D TO LET-511 FIFTH AVENUE, AN ALM03T new brick store and dwelling of 6 rooms, good style, late Improvements; possession at once, ir desired (rent to April 1, '89, very cheap). W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. 1a4-l0-4,7,l0,l2 PEIWONAL. PERSONS WISHING TO LEARN THE ART of cutting gentlemen's garments please call on UHL1N G & BHAMMAH, 701 Penn ave , city. Jal0-51-TTSU ERSONAL-NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! come and seel come and seel rood editions leiw prices St. LEVI'S BOOh. STORE, 900 Liberty U04-18 PERSON AL-YOU WILL BK A LONGTIME dead, but a short time alive, so be up and make the best of It: see that vour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, tho Tailor, of 65 Fifth avenue, corner Wood street, second floor, makes a specialty of fine cleaning and repairing: give him a trlal.'lelephonel5o8. Ja8 LOST. LOST-ON THURSDAY. THE 3d INST. BE TWEEN Coptland ave. and Brushton sta tion, lady's gold hunting case watch with initials b. L. K. on back; reward If returned to A. KEL LER, Penn ave. near Parkway ave. jalO-96 LOST-ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON, BE TWEEN Thirty-fourth st. and Penn and Fifth aves., a pocketbook containing some pict ures and papers of value ouly to the owner. The finder will be rewarded by leaving It or address ing JOHN GRANT, 62W Penn ave., East End. J -110-74 MEETING!-.. Western Pennsylvania Hospital, I Pittsburg, January 8. 18S9. f THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CON TRIBUTORS to the Western Pennsylvania Hospital will bo held at the Department for the Insane, at Dixmont. on TUESDAY, January 15, Detween tne nours 01 iz m. ana 3 ociock p. m. jalO-3 JOHN A. HARPER, Secretary.l Hall of "Local Onion, No. 230, " U. C. and J. of A. y FlTTSBunG. lanuary , 1889. I BROTHER YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI FIED to meet at the halI,corner of Eleventh and Carson streets, on Friday, January 11, at 1 o'clock P. M. sharp, to attend the funeral of our late brother. Georee Hass. Bv order. C. A. CALER, President. B. B. BAUMGARDNER, Financial becretary. jalO-79 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Monongahela Naviga tion Company will be held on THURSDAY, January 10. 18S9, at the office of the company, No. 104 Grant street, Pittsburg, Pa., at 2 o'clock p. 31., for the election of officers and managers of tae company for the ensuing year and other business. AV. BAKEWELL, Secretary. Pittsburg, December 19, 18S& del912-19,21,2I,26,28,29,31,ja2,4,7,9,10 Office of The Char-tiers Valley Gas Compan 'OMPANY, D AVE., f c. 31, 18SS J CORNER AVOOD ST. AND THIRD PITTSBURO. Pa.. Dec. NOTICE-A SPECIAL MEETING OK THE stockholders of this company mil he held at the office of tho company on Wednesday, March 8, 18S9. at 2 o'clock P. M., to take action on the recommendation by the Board of Direct ors to issue bonds to the amount of 81,000,000, secured by mortgage upon the property of tho company, being for tho fundine of the debt of said company. F. J. TKNER, Secretary. ja3-3S-Th BUSINESS. CILVNGES. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP -NOTICE Thepartnershipherctofore exist ing between G. AV. Hammer and Ewald Riodel, under the Arm name of Hammer, Ricdcl & Co., has this d3y been dissolved by mutual consent; all claims outstanding, and due by the said firm, will be settled by G. AV. Hammer at his office. No. 62G Wood street, Pittsburg-, Pa. G. AV. HAMMER, EWALD RIEDEL. The business will be continued at tbe old stand. No. 32 First ave., by tho remaining mem ber, Ewald Riedol, to whom I respectfully ask a continuance ofpast favors. Pittsburg, Pa., January, 18S9. ja9 23 G. A. HAMMER. AMUSEMENTS. BIJOU THEATER. TO-NIGHT "HELD RyljlB ENEMY." Next week Kate Castleton "A Paper Doll." jalO IRAND OPERA HOUSE EXTRA CT SALE OF SEATS TO-DAY For the world-astounding -HERRMANN, In bis latest and preatest of all sensations, C-R-E-M-A-T-I-O-N, And a host of new MYSTERIES. SURPRISES AND REVELATIONS. jal0-78 GRAND OPERA HOUSE EDWIN BOOTH AND LAWRENCE BARRETT. TO-NIGHT. "H A M L E T." Week January 14, HERRMANN. jalO-77 TJ ARRIS' THEATER- Every night and Monday, Wednesday Friday and Saturday matinees, "LIGHTS O LONDON." Next week "One of tho Finest." ja"-10 CASINO .MUSEUM WEEK OF JANUARY 7. The Crescent City Combination, headed with Symonds, Hughes and Rastus, John W. Cof fee, the skeleton dude. Admission, 10 cents. Open from 10 A. M, until 10 P. M. H ARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-nieht Matinees Tuesdav. Thnrsrlav and Saturday, ROSE HILL'S ENGLISH FOLLY COMPANY. Walter j. usborne. Richard barrows. BARROWS fe OSBORNE JOB PRINTERS, . W Diamond street Telephone No. 8L5 se2-k56-TTSSa OFFICIAl-PITTSn URG. Department of Public Works, i Pittsburg, Pa.. January 4, 1889 s NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of viewers on the construction of Cotton alley and Valley street sewer, from Eden alley to Forty-second street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Fleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. ja4-19 DEPAETIIBNT OF PtTBLIC WORKS, I Pittsburg. Pa., January 4, 1SS9. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of viewers on the grading, paving and curbing of Linden street, from Pennsylva nia Railroad to Fenn avenue has been ap proved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in tho Court of Com mon Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. ja4-19 Department of Public Safety, l Pittsburg, Pa.. January 5. 1839. J SEPARATE AfiD SEALED PROPOSALS will bo received at the office of the City Controller until 2 o'clock P. it. on SATUR DAY. January 12. 18S9, for painting, varnish ing, eta, at Municipal Hospital; for furnishing ten heating stoves, more or less, at said hospi tal; for remodeling garbage furnace on Hill street, and for the removal of ashes from said furnace. Plans and specifications can bo seen at the omce of the Bureau of Health, No. 7 Seventh street. Bonds in double the amount of bid3 will be required. Said bonds to be probated before tho Mayor or City Clerk. Tho Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN. Chief of Department of Public Safety. ja6-49 D NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE assessments for the opening of the follow ing named streets and avenues, viz: Opening of Center avenue, from Soho to Neville street. Opening of Negley avenue, from Bryant to Butler street. Opening of GreenbuBh street, from Wyoming street to Bogcs avenue. Opening of Bellefonto street, from Fifth avenue to Walnut street. Opening of Moultrie street, from Fifth ave nue to Tustm street. Opening of Brady street, from Fifth avenue to Monongahela river. Opening of Elwood street, from Roup to O'llara street. Opening of Clinton street, from South Fifteenth street to McKee's line. Opening of Cowan street, from Greenbush to Wyoming street. Opening of Breed street, from Uxar alley to South Fifteenth street. Are now in my hands for collection, and, if not paid within 30 days of tho date hereof, liens will be filed for the unpaid assessments, with interest, cost and fees. W. C. MORELAND, City Attorney. Pittsburg, December 29, 1883. de29-78-D No. 211.J AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE Chief of the Department of Public Safety to purchase feet additional of ground adjoining lot upon which Engine Com pany No 16 is located, in tho Twenty first wareL Section I lie it ordained and enacted by the tho city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tho same. That the Chief of the De- Eartment of Public Safety shall be and is hore y empowered and directed to purchase from John F. Steel a piece or parcel of ground on Penn avenue, adjoining No. 16 Engine House, in the Twenty-first ward, Pittsburg, said piece of ground having a front on Penn avenue of 5 feef and extending back, preserving the same parallel width a distance of 91 feet, more or less: provided that the cost shall not exceed tho sum of five hundred (500) dollars. Section 2 That upon the receipt from John F. Steel of a deed for said piece or parcel of ground in fee simple, and the approval of tbe title by the City Attorney, tho City Controller shall be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue his certificate on the Mayor for a war rant in payment of tne purchase money there of, and charge the amount to appropriation No. 4. Section 3 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with tho provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so ue same anects tins ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 31st dav ot December, A. D. 1888. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Major's Office. January 7.1889. Approved: WM. MCCALLLN, Mayor. Attest: AV. HMc CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6, page S63, Sth day of January, A. D. 18S9. ja9-S0 1N0.210.T" " AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE Chief of the Department of Public Safety to appoint additional patrolmen for service in the Bureau of Police. Section 1 Bo it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it 13 hereby ordained and enacted by tbe authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Safety be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to employ eight (8) additional patrolmen for service in said department, the compensation to be same as that now paid other patrolmen. Section 2 That any ordinance, or part, of or dinance, conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be, and tbe same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 31st dav of December, A. D. 18S8. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office. January 7, 18S9. Approved: AVM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H. Mc CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6, page 562. 8th day of January, A. D. 1S89. ja9-80 TAXPAIEKS' NOTICE. Office of the Boars of Assessors, Pittsburg, Pa.. January 9, 1SS9. Valuations upon property in the Fourth, Eighteenth, and Twenty-sixth wards havo been completed for tho triennial assessment of 1SJ9. Appeals may be made from January 1G to 19 inclusive, upon forms furnished with tran scripts, which can be had at once upon per sonal application, or by letter or postal card. Alf appeals must be probated at this office. Office hours from 9 a. m. till 4 r. m. Attention is called to section 23 of tho new charter, which provides that "The Board of Assessors shall assess all property taxable for city jrarposes at its actual cash value; pro vided, that do property shall ho assessed for a less amount than tne price paid for at tbe last recorded sale." By order of Board, FRANK P. CASE, ) PHILIP HOERR, Assessor. JAMESJ.LARKIN, jtlO-SO TAXPAYERS' NOTICE. Office of the Board of Assessors, 1 Pittsburg, Pa., January 7, 1&S9. J Valuations upon property in the Seventeenth, Twenty-seventh and Thirty-second wards have been completed lor the triennial assessment of 1S89. Appeals may be made as follows: From January 14 to 17inclusive, upon forms furnished with transcripts, which can be had at once upon personal application, or by letter orpoStal card. All appeals mnst be nrobated at this office. Office hours from 9 a. m. till 4 P. M. Attention Is called to section 23 of the new charter, which provides that "The Board of Assessors shall assess all property taxable for city purposes at its actual cash value-provided, that no property shall be assessed for a less amount than the price paid for it at the last recorded sale." By order of board. FRANK P. CASE, " PHILIP HOERR, J-Assessors. JAMESJ.LARKINj ao-38 EDUCATIONAL. PENNSYLVANIA FEMALE COLLEGE East End, Pittsburg. Second term opens February 1, 1689. Dllworth Hall is ready for occupancy and will accommodate a larger num ber of students. Apply to MISS HELENS. PELLETREAU. President. ja8-48 TO LET. Some of the finest rnnmfi in thn citv fnr general business purposes at tho iNew Dispatch building, 75, 77 ana 79 Dia mond street. WELL LIGHTED, well ventilated, with con venient passenger and freight elevator service. SITUATION, tho most central in the city, within a few hundred feet of the post offices, (new and old). City HaiL the new county buildings, Fifth avenue, Smith field street and Fourth avenue. PARTIES requiring power service also sup plied, with special quarters and every convenience. ELECTRIC LIGHTING, steam beating and janitor service included in tho rents, which are moderate. GREAT advantages and economy in theso new quarters. Apply between II a. M. and 5 p. M. at tbe 1 NEW DISPATCH BUILDING, 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street. 99) SAIL f . BUCK & CO, (89 99 FOURTH AVENUE, ' LOAN MONEY On mortgages in city and country at lowest rates of interest. de29-76-mhs ELECTIONS. German American Ins. Co. of Penna., 1 Office No. HI Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, January 4, 18S9. ) ELECTIONTHE ANNUAL ELECTION for 12 directors of the company will be held at this office MONDAY, January 14, 1889, be tween the hours of 11 o'clock A. M. and ja5-67-D W. J. PATTERSON, Secretary. GERMANIA SAVTNG3 BANK, 1 Pittsburg. January 10. 1839. J ELECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTION for nine directors" of this bank, to serve for the ensuing) ear, will be held at the bank on TUESDAY, January 15, 1889, between the hours of II o'clock A. If. and 2 o'clock p. M. jal0-25 CHAS. SEIBERT, Secy. Office Columbia Oil Co., ; PITTSBURO. December 28, 18SS. THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE stockholders of the Columbia Oil Co. will be held at No. 511 Market St. on THURSDAY, January 10. 18S9, at 11 o'clock A. M.. for the election of directors and for the transaction of such business as mav be nresenterL de2S-17-p A. P. McG REW. Secretary. OFFICE OF ALLF.OHENY INS. CO., 1 Si Fourth Avenue, J Pittsburg, January 7. 1S89. ELECTION AN ELECTION FOR DIREC TORS of this company to serve during the ensuing year will be held on MONDAY, the Hth inst., between the bonrs of 12 m. and 1 p.m. ja8-53 C. G. DONNELL. Secretary. Iron- City Gold Mining Co.. 1 Pittsburg. Pa. f ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for Directors or this company will be held at the Columbia Oil Company's Office. He Clintock Block, Market street, TUESDAY, January 15, between the hours of 3.30 and 4 p. M. JOHN R. WATSON, Secy. ja6-6-D Office of Ben Franklin Insurance Co. 43 Ohio Street. Allegheny, Pa.. January 1, 18S9. ELECTION. THE ANNUAL ELECTION of directors of this company, to serve dur ing the ensuing year, will be held in the office of tho company on MON DAY, January 14. 1889, between tho hours of 10 A. M. and 2 p. nr. WM A. FORD, Secretary. ja2-39-D Office Pennsylvania insurance Co., 1 419 Wood Street, Pittsburg. December 20. 1888 THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR DIREC TORS for this companvwill be held at tbe office as above on Thursday, January 10, ISS9, between the hours of II A. 11. and 12 3r. THOS. D. KELLER, Secretary. dc20-92-TTsi Office Pittsburg. Allegheny and 1 Manchester Passenger Railway Co., Pittsburg. January 10. I8S9. ) ELECTION THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of the Pittsburg, Alle gheny and Manchester Passenger Railway Company, and tbe election for managers to serve for tho ensuing year, will bo held at the office of the company, corner of Liberty and Market streets, on MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1889, between the hours of 2 and 3 o'clock, P. 31. jalM0-D CHAS. SEIBERT, Secretary. Nations Bank for Savings. Allegheny. Pa., December 26. 1SS8. ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for nine (9) directors of this bank, to serve for the ensnlng year, will be held at the bank ing house. No. 43 North Diamond street, Alle gheny, on 3IONDAY. January 14, 1889, between the hours of 1 and 3 P. .w. JOHN T. 3IORTON, Secretary and Treasurer. de2&26,27.28.23,jal,3,5,8,10,12 Pittsburg Union Passenoer ) Railway Cojipany. v Pittsburg, December 29, 1888. ) ELECTION-THE ANNUAL MEETING of stockholders of the Pittsburg Union Passenger Railway Company and tbe election for President and directors to serve for the eisumg year will be held at the company's office, corner of Liberty and Market streets, on MONDAY", January 14, 1SS9, between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock p. 31. CHAS. SEIBERT, Secretary. de29 87-29.31,ja3,5,8.10,12 The Southeast Bridge Coiipany, j Pittsburg. December 3L 1888. i THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of this company will be held at their general office, corner Third ave. and Trv st, Pittsburg, on MONDAY, January 14, 1889, between tho hours of 3 and 5 o'clock P. 31., for the election of a President and Board or Directors to serve for the ensuing year, and for transacting such other business as may be brought before the raectintr. JAS. LAUGHLIN.JR., ialO-53 Secretary. PIIOPOSALX. PROPOSALS FOR 12-INCH STEEL GUN forcings Ordnance Ofhce. War Depart ment, Washington, January 4, 1S89 Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be received at this ofllce until 3 o'clock P. jr., on FRIDAY, JAN UARX 18. 1889. at which time they will be pub licly opened, for supplying the Ordnance De partment, U. S. Army with Steel Forgings. of American manufacture, for hoops and breech mechanism for a 12-inch steel gun. Early de livery is desired. Blank forms on which nro- posals must be made and all information re quired by bidders can be had upon application, fa. V. BENET, Brig. Gen.. Chief of Ordnance. ja6 71-D Office of the Controller of 1 Allegheny County. - Pittsburg, January 10. 1589 J rOTICE TO BAKERS AND BUTCHERS. Ji Sealed proposals will be received at this omce until a ociock uaiuiuiai, January 12, 1S89, for supplying Allegheny county jail with bread and meat, from January 15, 18S9, until July 1C, 1889. Bread, to be of good quality wheat bread. Proposals for meat will be 1st, good quality boiling beef, not to contain more than 2j per cent bone; 2d, to be free from bone and fat, accompanied with such an amount of soup bono as the Warden shall direct. The board reserve the right to consider either proposition in the interest of the county. All supplies to be subject to the approval of the Warden, and to be furnished in such quantities and at such times as he shall direct. For further informa tion inquire at the county jail. The board re serve the right to reject auv or ail bids. JOSIAH SPEER. Controller. jalO-68 and Secretary ot Prison Board. PROPOSALS FOR MINERAL OILJef f ersonville, Ind., December 20, 1S88. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to usual condi tions, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock, a. m., (central standard time,) SATUR DAY, January 19, 1889, and then opened, for iurnisning ana delivering at tne quarter master's Depot at this place, 50,000 gallons of Mineral Oil, in cases of two iive-gallon cans each. Proposals for the deln ery of the oil at other points will bo considered. The Govern ment reserves tho right to rejpet any or all pro posals. Preference will bo given to articles of domestic production or manufacture, condi tions of quality and price (includmgin the price of foreign productions or manufactures tho duty thereon) being equal. All information furnished on application to this office. Envel opes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Mineral Oil," and addressed to undersigned. HENRY C. HODGES, Assistant Quartermaster General, U. S. Army, Depot Quartermaster. de20-50-20,21,22,23,ia9,10 Ohio Connecting Raiiyay, Office of Chief E-mgixeeh, Pittsburg, Pa., December L7, ISS3. J KOTICETOCOHTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at tho office of tho undersigned, Pennsylvania Companvs Building, Penn street, near Tenth street, Pitts burg, Pa., until Saturday. 2Cth January, lis!), for the grading, foundations, masonry, and bridge superstructure of the Ohio Connecting Railway, between Nimick station, on the P. C. & St. L.' Rv and Wood's Run station, on the P.,Ft.W.ttC.Ry. The length of the line is two and one-fourth (!R-J) miles, and embraces the following work: 5,000 Cu. yds. earth excavation. 16,000 Cu. yds. loose roclc excavation. 30,000 Cu. yds. solid rock. 19.7C0 Cu. ytls. excavation of foundation, drr. 5,800 Cu. yds. excavation of foundation, wet. 6,340 Cu. yds. excavation for caissons and crillage foundations. 5,675 Cu. yds. concrete in foundations. 2.1 63 Cu. yds. concrete filling in caissons. 208,0u0 feet b. m. timber in foundations on plat forms. 5,000 Lin. ft. foundation piles. 3,400 Cu. yds. abutment masonry. 11,100 Cu. yds. pier misonry. 850 Cu. yds. masonry in viaduct pedestals. 580 Lin. It. framed wooden trestle work. 300 Lin. It. pile trestle work. 2 Spans pin connected Iron deck bridge 121' 0" each. 1 Span pin connected iron through bridge 416' 0". 11 Spans pin connected iron deck bridge 171' 154" each. 1 Span pin connected iron through bridge 525' C'. 1 Span pin connected Iron deck bridge 137' G". 2 Spans pin connected iron deck bridge 105' 8" each. 651 Lin. ft. iron plate girder viaduct in alter nate spans of 30 and id ft. 270 Lm. ft. iron plato girderviaductin alter nate spans of 30 ft. 75 Lin. ft. iron plate girder viaduct m one span. 1 Japan wooden Howe trus3 through bridge CO ft. long. Plant and specifications for this work are now ready for examination at thia office. The right is reserved to reject anv or all bids. 31. J. BECKER. Chief Engineer Ohio Connecting Railwa v. ja39TT8 riEO. H.BARBOUR. JC CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor. Draughtsman and Designer of Bridges Roofs ind Mill Buildings, Room 62 Eisner Buildintr. del2-k68-D 64 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. ITOTICES. County Commissioners' Office. Pittsburg, January 7, 1889. rrHE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wi XLIi JL. hold appeals on the following named dis tricts at their offices as follows, to wit: Tuesday, January 8. Franklin township. Wednesday. January 9, First, Second an4 Third wards, Tareutum borough; Bharpshnrg borough, First and Second Wards; Verona bor ough. Thursday, January 10. Sewickley borough, BMtzboover borough. Tuesday, January 15, Sterrett township,Glen field borough, Osborn borough, Bellevue bor ough. West Bellevue borough. By order COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. P. W. SIEBERT, Clerk. aS-97 QECTION 1.-BE IT ORDAINED AND Q enacted by the borough of Beltzhoover, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same. That a boardwalk be constructed on tbe west side of Beltzhoover avenue, commencing at Fifth street and ending at Eighth street, in the said, borough of Beltzhoover, to be constructed as follows: That said boardwalk shall bo four feet in width, to have three string pieces run ning, parallel with said street; said stringpieces to be four-by-four inches, to be of nine laid on pine cross ties, not less than four-by-four inches thick, spaced eight feet from center to center, and each cross tie to bo placed on lo cust posts: tbe cap boards to run at right an gles with tbe string: pieces, and to be one inch in thickness, spaced one-fonrth of an inch apart; that all lumber used in the construction of said boardwalk to be pine, free of all imper fections, the outside stringers to be placed three inches from outer edge of cap boards, and tbe other string piece to be in center of cross ties: said boardwalk to be three feet from curb, as per borough ordinance No. 5, section 4. Sec. 2. That any ordinance or part of an or dinance conflicting with the provisions of till! ordinance be and the same is hereby repeale so far as the same affects this ordinance. JAMES BARR, Burgess. Attest: W. D. Pollock, Borough Clerk. a9-23 INSUR 1XCE STATEMENTS. STATEMENT OF THE ARTISANS IN SURANCE Company of Pittsburg, Pa., for the year ending December 31, 1888. Capital stock $100,000 CO Authorized capital 2CO.000 00 ASSETS Bonds and mortgages '. J73.S40 G2 Real estate 29,O0O0O Stocks L950 00 Interest due and accrued 2,614 00 Loans on collaterals 8,000 00 onds 6.969 00 Cash in banks and in office 12,015 62 Premiums in course of collection... 2,412 52 Agents' balance 707 35 items elue anel accrued 3S2 75 Reinsurance due from other com panies 16150 108,983 4S LIABILITIES. Unpaid losses 8225 SS Unpaid dividends 450 0O Unpaid bills 72 6 Capital stock 100,000 CO Reinsurance reserve fund 18,405 00 Surplus 17,829 89 $138,983 4G INCOME. Premiums, net $23,142 64 Interest, Tents and all other sources 5,193 10 $23,340 74 EXPENDITURES. Fire losses $6,124 37 Expenses, rents and salaries 6,278 30 Commissions and State taxes 2,545 06 $14,943 23 Dividends natd stockholders 5,658 00 Losses paid from organization to date...-. 227,421 83 Dividends paid from organization to date 221.000 00 Risk in force, December 31, 18SS.. 3.120,131 07k jalO-46 CHAS. P. SMITH, Secretary. STATEMENT OF THE TEUTONIA IN SURANCE Company of Allegheny. Pi, for the year ending December 31, 18S8: Capital $125,000 CO With privilege to increase to 200,000 00 ASSETS. Bonds and moitgages, firstliens $184.916 00 Interest due and accrued 3,543 37 Real estate 4,093 2S Nation..l Bank stock. 6,250 00 Bills receivable PJ0 55 Premiums in course of collection... 2,924 29 Cash in bank and office 8,875 78 $210,7J3 25 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $125,000 00 Unpaid losses. L525 01) All other claims against company.. 3 78 Reinsurance reserve 21,824 10 Net surplus over all liabilities. 50,445 39 $210.793 25 RECEIPTS. Premiums $32,544 08 Interest. 10,943 50 Rents 621 00 f 14,103 S3 EXPENDITTrRFJ-!. Fire losses of 18S7 H141 67 Fire losses of I8SS 7.869 38 $12,011 03 Return premiums and abatements. . $3,262 SO Reinsurance. 257 51 Rents, taxes and all other expenses. 3,215 61 Commissions 4,424 34 Salaries. 3.519 95 Dividends Nos. 30 and 31 10,000 00 t S3G.C9125 Receipts in excess of disbursements 7,417 33 Risks in force December 31. 18S3.... 3.C91.313 00 ja8-73-r C. W. GERWIG, Secretary. STATEMENT OF BIRJIINGHAM FIRE INSURANCE C03IPANY,-ot Pittsburg, Pa., for the year ending December 31, 1888: Cash capital 83)0,000 00 ASSETS. Bonds and mortgages J217.030 93 Real estate 13,749 93 Cash in bank and office 7,68163; Premiums in course of collection.... 6.S64 93 Interest due and accrued 3,869(3 Rents duo and unpaid 52 75 All other property of the company.. 1,207 72 250.457 53. LIABILITIES. Reinsurance reserve 3 19,527 00 Unpaid losses 1,758 00 Unpaid dividends 193 50 Unpaid bills, etc 99 00 8 21.575 50 Capital stock 200,000 00 Net surplus above all liabilities 28,882 05 250,457 55 RECEIPTS. Premiums $ 23.3S3 28 Less reinsurance 933 S8 822,419 42 ... 12i72u 3S ... L006 38 S 36,132 IS ..8 3,298 00 .. 5,63718 Interest on mortgages.. Rents , DISBURSEMENTS. Losses from previous years Losses in 1SSS S 8,935 IS Commissions 2,474 69 Salaries, rent, tax, etc. 6,95115 S 18,364 00 Dividends to stockholders 12,000 00 8 30,364 00 E.Q.SCHOLZE.Sec'y. JaS-72.TTS E OR SALE SEWICKLEY, ROSEBEHG STATION, Fmo residence property of WILLIAM STANTON. Samuel W. Black & Co., jal0-52 99 FOURTH AVENUE. NOTICE. REA BROS. & Co., Bankers and Brokers, Will occupy temporarily office in Germanl Savings' Bank Building, corner Wood and Dia mond sts., directly opposite former office. En trance on Diamond St., rear of Mutual Union Tel Co. jalO-57 CONTINENTAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. of New York. CASH CAPITALASSETSOFOVER $5,000,000 The agency of this company for the South side of this city, extending from the year 1883. has just been closed, and the company is now prepared to appoint a new man or men for that district. Applications may be made at once either in person or by letter to the undersigned. J. W. AP.ROTT, 611 Wood St., Pittsbnrg. Pa. JalO-97 CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE IN stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using the Eureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full information, call on or address JAMES ANDERSON, 63 East Diamond street. Je5-n57.TT3 .Allegheny, Pa. p A.BALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenue, Pittsbnrg. Pa. Telephone 1341. ie5-nC0TTJ ,