Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 10, 1889, Image 1

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For to-morrow's DISPATCH can
be loft at main office till midnight
or at branch offices till 9 P.M.
li$ratrt) .
A Jwins houses to Let can V
reaci $ost tenants throucrh. the S
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Eutlilessly Eends Tower
ing "Walls and Hurls
Tons of Brick on
Scores of Human Beings
Crashed Down to Death
in Dehris, "Where
While the Mighty Wind
Mockingly Over
Awful Ruins.
Faced Death in Eescuing
Living and Digging Ont
the Dead.
Injured, 10 More Hissing and a Property
Loss of $125,000 Tells the
Story of
One Buried Victim Pitionsly ricads for
Watt-r for an Hour, !nt Dies Upon Deinc
Exit icnted Rev. Father Cancvin's
Heroic Conduct reeding Medicine to an
Entombed Hoy Through a Hose Two
Men Risk Their Litcs to Snve Him
Braio rirrmen Tunnel the Debris to
Rc-cue Victims Gallant Work of the
Department of Public S?nfety nnd Volun
teer Fbynicinns Heartrendln;: Scenes at
the Hospitals and in the Moraue The
Twenty-Eicbth street Railroad Accident
Surpassed Fnll Details of the Horror
That Leads the New Year Record.
The cyclone which visited Pittsburg
yesterday blew down the unfinished seven
Btory business building of C. L. "Wilier,
No. 37 Diamond street. In falling it par
tially wrecked ten other houses which front
on "Wood street, Fifth avenue and Diamond
jEtreet. Seven people were killed, 35 others
are known to be injured, and 10 builders
were still missing at midnight. If they are
found under the ruins to-day, that will make
the total number of killed and wounded 52.
The loss entailed by the catastrophe will not
fall short of 125,000.
THE Black
. jj . jyigci suae a
hurried flight
er Pittsburg
yesterday. Its
deadly breath
lingered only
for a moment;
but there was
left a trail so
ghastly with
blood and ruin that it cannot be effaced. The
catastrophe at the corner of Diamond and
"Wood streets caused by the cyclone spread a
general gloom throughout the citv. It sur
passes the Twenty-eighth street railroad ac
cident of eight years ago in horror, and,
quite probably, in the number of people
killed and injured also.
To the victims death came in fearfully
contrasted forms. For some it was swift
and sudden. The same minute was their
farewell to earth, their welcome to eternity.
Others passed through an age of agony.
Crushed and buried from sight by huge
masses of debris, they were compelled to en
dure the torture of suspense as well as
the suffering of pain. It required hours for
rescuers to dig them out. This slow work,
the sound of groans and cries, and the sight
of dying struggles, made the afternoon one
of heartrending incidents.
The storm wrecked the buildings at noon
day. "When night closed in upon the scene
there was still a terrible uncertainty abont
the extent of the disaster. And at this writ
ing it is believed that many bodies are yet
beneath the tons of brick and timbers.
"What happened in almost the twinkling of
an eye will take two days to comprehend.
There Was a Warning.
At 12:30 the brickmasons and laborers
encaged in the construction of C. L.
"Willey's building wereeating their lunches.
The men were scattered throughout the
structure. On the very top John Huck
enstein end Jerry Faulklaud were sitting.
It was a breezy altitude. The building had
already reached sis stories, and the sev
enth was being floored. Its location, on
Diamond street, four doors below "Wood
street, placed it in a very bad spot for the
winds from all three rivers.
Sudden as the gale was, there seems to
have been a warning at this point. Both
Huckenstein and Faulkland noticed two
clouds gather off over the hills, and travel
very fast, until they converged exactly over
head. Huckenstein spoke to his friend
about this, and almost the same instant
Falkland's hat flew off in a rising wind,
which came from the south. The young
bricklayer grabbed for the hat, but it fell to
the alley below.
Scarcely two minutes from that time the
storm broke in all its fury. The front of
the building had not yet been put in and the
wind seemed to enter the hnge shell from
the open end. The high walls of bricks and
undried mortar were rent asunder as though
they were made of children' building
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blocks. As the walls parted each fell in a
different direction.
The Awl'ol Disnstcr.
' Dr. Harrington, the U. S. Marine Sur
geon, whose office is in the Chamber of Com
merce building, immediately across from the
"Willey edifice, was sitting at his desk by the
window. The unexpected gust of wind, and
the dash of hail against the glass, attracted
his attention. As he looked out he observed
a few bricks falling, as though hurled from
the top of the new building, to the roofs of
houses on "Wood street. Glancing closer,
he was almost transfixed with horror upon
seeing the great, tall brick wall nearest
Wood street sway backward and forward.
He had not sufficient time to calculate the
distance of the rocking motion, for, with a
deafening crash, the whole thing went down
before his eyes. Not only the one wall col-
.lapsed, but he saw, like a flash, fragments
of others flung through space.
A cloud of dust arose from the wreck so
quickly and became so dense that, by the
time Dr. Harrington threw open his office
window, it had become as dark as night, and
he could see nothing whatever, but retired,
But a boom like the report of a cannon,
away around on "Wood street, took him
quickly to the window on that side of the
building. There fell the front walls of the
two buildings occupied by J. II. Weldin &
Co., booksellers. That indicated what the
clearing of dust soon proved to be true, that
the immense height and weight of "Willey's
building had partially wrecked nearly a
dozen surrounding houses.
Extent of the Rnln.
The main force of the crushing building
was thrown against "Wcldin & Co.'s stores,
on "Wood street, and the barber bhop of
Fred Schnmaker at No. 41 Diamond street.
The rear end of "Weldin's store was crushed
in, and the fronts of both the storerooms
were shot out upon the street by the power
ful concussion as though blown to pieces by
.natural gas. The Diamond alley barber
shop was completely demolished. The
leather store next to the "Willey building,
occupied by W. H. Tomer, was also a total
wreck. The"rearendofH."Watts&Co.'s book
store was badly damaged. Some of the
falling structure struck Joseph Eichbaum's
building, breaking the windows and injuring
three or four workmen employed there. A
piece of the wall of Mrs. McGlone's mil
linery store, next to Tomer's building, was
broken in, and the roof was covered with
brick. "Windows and doors in several other
of the surrounding buildings were broken,
those on the Diamond alley side of the Ger
mania Bank being shattered to fraerments.
Confusion turned the scene into one of
madness. Within five minutes the streets
were filled with an excited crowd, notwith
standing the fact that the rain and hail
were pouring down in a perfect deluge.
Suddenly the big bell sounded an alarm
from box 14, corner of Diamond alley and
Wood street; but before the firemen ar
rived the rumor gained currency that the
wreck had taken fire. This was found to
be false. Nevertheless a second alarm was
rung to get a large number of firemen on
the ground for general service in rescuinc
people buried in the ruins.
The Work of Rcrcoc.
Chief J. O. Brown, of the Department of
Public Safety, took in the enormity of the
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accident at once. Calculating that 30 or 40
persons went down with the wreck, he at
once telephoned every section of the First,
Second and Third Police districts. His
orders were promptly messaged along the
beats, and by 1:30 there were 125 policemen
at the scene of the accident.
Long before that, however, the firemen
had begun the work of rescue. Citizens
assisted them in the gallant labor. Ladders
were rnn up to the second and third stories
of the "Wcldin building and the first one
taken out was a young lady employed as a
typewriter. As many as 15 persons were
taken from the various buildings in the first
hour. They were lying on top of the debris,
or were fastened by timbers so near the surface-that
their removal was comparatively
Police SnperintendentMcAleesehad sum
moned to the corner all the patrol wagons,
and soon these were reinforce diy the hospital
ambulances. Couriers were dispatched to a
dozen doctors' offices. Drs. "Wylie, Sutton,
JlcCann, Oldshuc, Logan and Barchfield
were among the first to respond. They
brought cases of medicine, rolls of bandages
and such instruments as might be necessary.
They rigged up an 'operating room in the
Model restaurant in short order.
Then commenced the real work of saving
people. The 200 policemen and firemen were
furnished with axes, picks and shovels. But
the great bulk of bricks, boards and iron
pieces had to be picked out and thrown back
by hand. This was tedious toil, but crowds
of willing citizens were eager to help and
every little while fresh localities where men
had been bnried were found. These were
ascertained by groans or cries which could
be heard down through the crevices between
rubbish, or by the disco very of hats, coats or
The Cries of a Person in Torture Under the
Rnins of tho Barber hop no is
Rescued, Dying nnd Tied
to a- Corpse Saddest
of Scenes.
By 2:15 o'clock 20 persons had been
taken from the ruins. Five of these were
already dead. After that, the rescues were
fewer and farther between. The deeper
down the rescuing party got in the dirt,
the harder the bricks and timbers were to
handle. Progress was therefore retarded.
A thrilling scene occurred at the ruins of
the barber shop. There were five people in
the shop when the accident occurred, the
proprietor, his assistant, a brush boy, and
two customers. It is possible there were
more; but that will not be known until to
day. Soon after the occurrence two terri
bly injured men were taken from the ruins
The A'oblc Work of Rescuers.
of the shop. "While working to find the
others the firemen at 2:30 heard a voice far
below them.
"Water! Water! For God's sake!" came
the words in faint tones.
The firemen yelled back, and soon came
to the conclusion that the voice came from
the cellar under the barber shop floor. Their
efforts to reach it redoubled. Fully sir feet
of debris would have to be penetrated be
fore they could hope to get even to the
ground floor.
A larger force was pressed into service.
Every few moments the voice could be heard
begging for water. One of the officers
thought he saw the glimmer of a light down
deep under the wreck. Endeavors to ask
the sufferer questions as to his place of im
prisonment were made, but he evidently did
not hear them.
Now a stone cornice had to be removed.
It weighed nearly a ton. It defied all labor.
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But it seemed right over the spot from
whence came the cries, and it simply had to
come out of that. A cable was procured,
tied about the stone, and 40 men pulled it
away in ten minutes. Fifteen minutes later
all work was again blocked by the cast-off
debris piling up so high on Diamond street
as to be in danger of falling back on the
workmen. As soon as possible 25 wagons
and carts were on the spot, through the
generosity of Booth & Flinn. They carried
away the rubbish as last as it was thrown
Still the victim pleaded for water. The
strain grew so intense that even brave fire
men were visibly affected. Foot after foot
of depth was opened. Now came the top of
the mirror into view; then the case contain
ing shaving mugs. Strange to say, neither
mirror nor mugs were broken. At last the
remains of the two large shaving chairs in
dicated the floor was being reached.
William Darley burrowed his head down
in the ruins like a dog, and, reappearing,
pointed, the way to the cellar door. Itpr?
uncovered as fast as human hands could
move. Presently the hole resembled the
entrance to a dark coal mine on the slope of
a hillside. Crawling into this, two of the
rescuers soon located their sufferer. A glass
of pure water was handed down.
Then was heard the sound of gurgling.
Perfect stillness had settled down upon the
group. Two or three minutes seemed like
an hour. Then one of the two men who had
descended into the cellar thrust out his arm
for a rope. After it was fastened, there was
a strong pull, and at 3:30 there came two
bodies up into view. One still contained
life, but it was unconscious life. He was
found lying so close to a corpse that both
were tied with the same rope.
The living man was so far gone that there
in the ruins Dr. Wylieset to work with him.
The poor fellow, whose voice had been heard
for exactly an hour, and who had lived un
der the debris for three hours, became en
tirely unconscious the instant he reached
daylight. Dr. Wylie beat the poor fellow's
breast, worked his arms, hammered him for
quarter of an hour to revive circulation. He
uas awarded, and the sufferer slowly opened
his eyes and murmured some incoherent
words. He was put on a stretcher and
started for an ambulance. But in Diamond
alley he was found to be dying. A cot was
slipped under him, and there in the
street Drs. Wylie and Sutton labored
to retain life. A hypodermic injection of
morphia was made. An umbrella handle
was stuck between his teeth to keep the
mouth open, while whiskv was poured down
his throat.
But it was all of no avail. The death
gasps came on, and at last, in the final fight
ior life, the poor man threw his arms about
and his whole body writhed frightfully in
the struggle for breath. He died on the
road to the hospital.
An hour later the colored brush boy was
taken from the cellar of the barber shop,
dead. The three persons must have been
forced down through the cellar door when
the building was crushed in.
The Kcmr.iknble Experience of One of the
Bnried Victims Father Cnnovla'g
Bravery and Eicape Dr.
Reed btill in tho
About 0:45 o'clock Joseph Gearing, the
1C year old boy who was employed in Wel
din's store, was rescued from the ruins. All
afternoon communication was had with the
bov who could be heard but whose position
was such that it was extremely dangerous to
try and liberate him. There was a joist
which kept him pinioned in such a way
that to cut it wonld, it was thought sacri
fice his life. Therefore he was kept alive
by means of a rubber tube being run down
to him, through which whisky and beef tea
were fed to him.
It wa3 finally decided to try extreme
measures to effect his rescue. Peter Snyder,
an expert carpenter and wood worker, and
OttoHauck.both of No. 1 Engine Company,
decided to cut the beam and trust to luck.
This was done and fortunately the beam did
not give way. The two firemen had worked
in underneath the boy, and after releasing
him brought him out the way they got in.
The little fellow, who is 16 years old, was at
once taken to the Central station and Dr.
Oldshue took charge of him. After an ex
amination it was found he was suffering
from a fractured leg, and was pretty
well exhausted alter his seven hours'
imprisonment in the ruins. At the station
the little fellow showed his great courage by
smiling at the doctor and telling him he had
n pretty tight squeeze. The physician said
he thought the lad's arm was fractured, but
the boy replied that it wasn't, as he could
move it, and proceedcdto do so. He said
that the only thing which bothered him was
the whisky they had gave him through the
hose made him sick, as he was not accus
tomed to drinking liquor. Dr. Oldshue
dressed the boy's injuries, and he was re
moved to the Mercy Hospital, where he was
shortly afterward visited by his father, who
was crying. The brave little lad bade his
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father not cry, as he was not seriously hurt.
Dr. Oldshue is afraid the boy has suffered
internal injuries. The injured lad lived on
Gallagher street, Allegheny.
The exertions of the rescuers were turned
during the evening to the leather store,
where a young boy named Goettman was
incarcerated, but the ruins were so bad at
that point that sharp work was an impossi
bility. The voice of the imprisoned boy
was heard, but it was almost impossible to
locate just where he was, so that the men
had to be very careful. About 8 o'clock a
gang of men started to work to tunnel from
the store next door to this building to try
and reach the lad, but as the wall of the
building was very treacherons the work was
very slow. About 9 o'clock another attempt
was made to locate the boy's voice, but this
time no sonnd could be heard and it was
feared the boy died from exhaustion. The
workmen did not relax their efforts, but re
doubled their energy to try and rescue the
imprisoned boy.
About 9 o'clock Chief Brown, at the sug
gestion of Colonel Norman M. Smith, sent
ont to the Pittsburg Transfer station for a
number of locomotive headlights to light up
the ruins, so that workmen could do faster
Early in the evening Chief Brown re
ceived word from the carpenter's union that
40 of their skilled workmen would volunteer
their services to help hunt for their un
fortunate brethren who were buried in the
ruins. The men were put to work as quick
as they reDorted. Chief Brown also made
arrangements to procure a number of up
right engines, which would be utilized in
lifting the heavy material out of the ruins.
In the meantime body after body had
been taken from the ruins of the Willey
building. Two of the patients were treated
by the doctors just where they were found
to save their lives. But in this wreck the
character of the debris was such that the
most of it cannot be removed until to-day.
There are "many heavy iron pillars to be
pulled away which will require blocks and
Young Huckenstein and Faulkland, who
fell from the top of the building, were only
slichtly hurt, and were able to tell their ex
periences to friends.
The crowd became so willine to make
themselves of service that Chief Brown or
dered the streets to be cleared for a square
each way. Assistant Superintendent of Po
lice Itoger O'Mara called the police, and
the streets were roped, and no one was al
lowed about the ruins but those assisting in
the rescue. This work was continued all
afternoon, and at 5 o'clock the Allegheny
Electric Light Company had several lights
put up so that the work could be continued
at night.
A pbiest's escape.
Father Canevin, who was helping to res
cue the victims, narrowly escaped being
killed. About.4 o'clock Joseph Goehring,
errand boy for Weldin & Co., was discov
ered among the debris. He was heard to
call for a drink of water, and Father Cane
vin and B. J. Develin got a tin of water.
Thev were about to let it down to young
Goehring through a small gum hose1, when
a partition wall in the rear of Weldin &
Co.'s store fell J covering up Father Canevin
and two or threeothermen. Develin escaped
with the handle of the tin which he was
When Father Canevin heard the wall
cracking he supposed he would be killed,
and, pushing Develin aside, he threw his
arms around a p illar so as to prevent the
air from being cut off from the Goering boy.
Fortunately he was not much hurt, and
when rescued he was able to walk across the
street, where he was attended by Dr. Barch
field .Building Inspector Eichlay was also
slightly Injured atthekt?m'&'
It was known that Dr. J. L. Reed, of
119 Sheffield street, Allegheny, who had his
office in the Weldin building, was buried
in the ruins. He is a well known home
opathic physician and ex-clergyman of the
Methodist Church. Up to 9 o'clock P. m.
he had not been found. His son, T. H.
Heed, of the Pennsylvania Construction
Company, assisted by Chief Brown and the
Building Inspector, were conducting a most
thorough search for the remains. Dr. Beed
is upward of 80 years of age, has flowing
white hair and of patriarchial appearance.
The fact of his being missing created a sen
sation everywhere.
Weldin Mason, the son of Henry Lee
Mason, a member of the firm of booksell
ers, was just going into the little recess be
hind the safe foe his bat and coat when the
crash came. He was buried in the debris,
but only had his leg-hurt and head slightly
cut. He could not be extricated for nearly
an hour.
"Help the others and do not mind me for
a while," he called up through the timbers.
Charles Petticord, the secretary, was seri
ously injured by tailing brick and was car
ried across the street to Backofen's store.
Although suffering intense agony, he in
sisted that his suffering comrades should be
taken care of first, and insisted that they
should be placed on the cots first. He also
continuously urged the people to go to the
rescue of Weldin Mason, whom he had
heard calling piteously for help under the
At the time of the accident H. Lee Mason
was at dinner, and he did not learn of the
catastrophe until about half an hour after
ward. He then immediately ran to the
scene, and when he entered the door some
one ran up to him and informed him that
his son was buried under the ruins and was,
no doubt, dead. A shudder passed through
his frame and his face clouded, but he im
mediately collected himself, and in a cool,
deliberate manner, assumed direction of the
work of rescue at his establishment, saying:
"Well, don't let them stop work for an in
stant. Keep on until every person who is
buried there is gotten out." In a minute
the voice of his son was heard from under
the wreck, telling the firemen he wis all
right, but needed a little air. Mr. Mason,
when he heard his son's voice, went to work
himself, helping to rescue the other unfortu
nates from their perilous position.
Scenes in the Hospitals Caring for the
Wouudctl Heroes Suffer in silence
Delirious Victims Cry Oat for
Help Anxious Friends
Weep and Rejoice.
"It looks like a field hospital after a bat
tle, said a gentleman to a Dispatch re
porter as the two stood looking in upon the
white cots and bandaged forms lying there
on, in the twentv-eighlh ward of the Homeo
pathic Hospital, last evening. It was in
deed a ghastly tcene, replete :vi(h details of
horror and sadness, and it went straight to
the heart "of the beholder and aroused every
sympathetic chord in his nature, these
strong men lying helpless in agony, bruised,
crushed and gasping, yet bearing all with
wonderful fortitude.
Here in a corner of the ward lava man
whose head was covered with snowy hand
ages, he was motionless, save' for a con
vulsive working of his lower jaw, as he
continually gasped for breath. There was a
horrible, rasping sound as he struggled to
breathe, but that was the only sound, for a
merciful unconsciousness kept him from know
ing aright of his ternblo Injuries. :
The house surgeon watched him and said
Poor fellow, his misery will be endeU before
morning." It was George Mason, a bricklayer,
his skull had been fractured at the base. He
had gasped that same way when he bad been
drawn a blackened mass from the ruins. He
died at 10 o clock. On another cot lay a young
delicate-looking boy: he also was badly hint,
but not a groan escaped him. Indeed, the for
titude of most of the victims was wonderful
and only occasionally did a deep groan startle
the. listening car, or tho pitiful words and
' CIJ' 9"mrV ': j& 'ranrf .
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pleadings of some poor, delirious sufferer
sounded wildly through the ward.
One thought he was still imprisoned in the
fearful ruin and cried wildly, as ho threw out
his arms, "Take it off I Take it oil! O, help
me I Help!"
One other wounded man often sprang up in
his delirium, and gazed about him vividly as
though he sought to escape some horrible fate,
and then sank back npon his pillow with a mut
tered cry for help. Others lay in a deep stupor
and seemed oblivious to every thing about
them. The same scenesina lesser degree could
be seen in the other wards.
A beautiful sight was the tender care he
stowed upon the poor, unfortunates by the
nurses. As they flitted noiselessly from cot to
cot, soothing one poor fellow with a gentle
touch, whispering softly to another who mut
tered in his delirium, attending carcf ally to the
wants and welfare of each, they seemed like
angels of mercy.
In a private ward was Wcldin Mason, and by
his side his father and mother sat watching,
and the look of joy in their eyes was a pleasant
sight. It had been reported on tho street that
Mr. Mason had died, but the doctor had ex
amined and found that he -ft as only badly
bruised and would recover. The mother watched
Ward- Wher'i"VteJfnJicr1:d Lav -in-the
Homeopathic Hospital.
tenderly at the side of her son until late into
the night, when she lefc with the happy assur-
i ine nap
be callei
ance that she wonld not
meu upon to
mourn her beloved son.
Friends of other patients in tboprivate wards
were permitted to see them, and there was
many an affecting scene when they ereeted
their loved ones, wounded and suffering, yet
still alive and likely to recover.
It was in the office below that occasionally an
Incident would occur that would move tho
stoutest heart. The friends of the patients in tho
public wards were not allowed to see them, and
wero told that it wonldbe better to wait until
morning, as their presence would excite the
Injured, who as a rule wcer much worse hurt
than those In the private wards. Their blanched
faces and tear-dimmed eyes as they hoarsely
begged to know of the condition of their loved
ones was pitiful in tho extreme, and many a
disinterested bystander furtively wiped away
a suspicious moisture that seemed to obscure
his vision.
The mother of little Alice Carty came in and
becged to be allowed to see her child and the
look of unutterable joy that illuminated her
face when she found herdaughter cheerful and
hapDy and not scrionsly hurt, wonld have
moved a heart of stone. A Mrs. McKeo and
her daughter came to see the husband and
father and were told that they had better not
see him until morning. The awful look of anx
ious suffering in their eyes, reddened with
weeping, was pitiful in tho extreme. Superin
tendent Slack hastened to assure them that he
was not fatally hurt. "Oh, I am so thankful,"
said the wife huskily, and silent tears flowed
softly down the daughter's checks. It was too
much for tho kindly Superintendent and he
took them to their loved one's side. Outsiders
did not see that affecting meeting.
The door bell rang almost constantly, and
people thronged in to inquiro after friends.
Most of them bore up bravely when told that
they could not seo their friends until morning,
but the look of deepening, almost hopeless de
spair and misery in tne eyes oi tnose wno railed
to find missing friends was awful to see. Many
telephone calls were received, and it was late
in the night before the anxious inquiries
ceased. Dr. Redding and Dr. Blystone, the
house surgeon and resident physician, together
with the nurses were doing everything in their
power for the poor unfortunates. But the
bight of thoso crushed and bandaged forms
lying on their snowy cots and the sonnd of
those awful groans were things to haunt the
uneasy sleep of the beholder lor many nights
to come with gruesome horrors.
They Amount to Considerable Also, as a Fnll
Statement Shows.
The losses, as near as could be estimated
by the owners of the building will be as
follows: No. 33 Diamond street was occu
pied by Thomas McGlone as a millinery store,
and owned by the Exchange Bank. McGlone's
stock was damaged to the extent of 31,000, and
the damage to the building will exceed S3,000.
A large portion of the south wall was torn ont
and the building wa3 otherwise damaged. No.
35 was owned and occupied by W. C. Thoma,
dealer in shoo findings. Th e building is a total
wreck, and was valued at $15,000. Thoma had
but a very small stock of sole leather on haud,
wor th about $1,500. His tools and machinery
are also lost.
The Willey building occupied Nos. 37 . d 39.
It is a total loss. Mr. Willey paid out about
820,000 and furnished all the lumber that went
into the building. This was valued at over
S5,000. The barber shop was next door and was
also totally destroyed. Tho building and con
tents wero worth Sf.000.
J. B. Weldin fc Co.'s store and building was
damaged to the extent of SbO.000. Tho building
was worth about $10,000 and the stock $100,000.
Half of the latter is totally destroyed.
The building at the corner of Wood and Dia
mond streets was owned by David Gregg. It
was cracked and torn in a number of places
and damaged to the extent of about 81,000. Mr.
Gregg also owns the building occupied byll.
Wall & Co. It was but slightly damaged. Tho
Exchange Bank also owns the Eichbaum build
ing, which was also slightly damaged in the
He Is Carried From tho Masonic Temple to
the Hamilton Building.
More than one person yesterday met with
a thrilling experience while the hurricane
lasted. A roofer working for Contractor
Balph on tho loof of the Masonic Temple was
lifttd bodilvby the force of the wind and car
ried on to the root of the Hamilton building.
He fell flat on his abdomen, and clung to the
roof for dear ltfo until tho wind subsided.
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A List That Grows as tho Hours Pass, nnd
That means an Awful Calamity,
Even if it Extends No Farther
Seven Dead Many
Injured nnd
The list of dead increased as the night
grew apace. The bodies were removed to
the morgue on Fourth avenue, and were
laid on the 'Blabs to await identification. A
large number of people, some out of morbid
curiosity, and others in search of missing
friends, passed through the dead room.
Three of the five victims at tho morgue have
been identified. Tho remains of one of tho
others are those of a man about 5 feet 10
inches in height, weight, about ICO pounds,
hair, black, with a light black mustache. The
cheek bones are veryprominent. There are no
marks on the body. His clothing contained no
papers or cards.
Samuel Stringer, resided with his pa
rents in the rear of No. 3D Resaca street, Alle
gheny, 15 years old. He as employed at a
printing establishment at No. 4JI Wood street.
The body has been removed to bis late home.
Thomas Jones, a laborer, employed on the
Willey building, resided at No. 77 Park way,
Allegheny, single. Ills brother will take
charge of the remiins
Charles Fmscn, Center avenue, agod
about 16 years. He was employed in the bar
ber shop and was found in an upright position
with a sponge in his hand. His face is discol
ored and has the appearance of having dud by
The remains of a colored boy were brought
to the morgue about 930 o'clock, having jnst
been recovered from the ruins of the barber
shop. He was a bootblack, and, judging from
the position m which he was found, he was
tiyingto escape from the shop when killed.
His body i3 frightfully crushed, and thcro is a
terrible gash across tho abdomen, through
which his bowels protruded. His breast is
o rushed and both legs broken in several places.
His name is not known for a certainty. An
old colored man was at the morgue early in tho
evening, asking after a boy named Hill. It Is
supposed the body is that of this lad.
George Masox. a carpenter, employed on
the Willey bmldin?. died at the Homeopathic
Hospital abont 950 o'clock. He resided on
Fountain street, Allegheny, and leaves a wife
and one child, the latter a boy abont 12 years
of age. Mason was about 31 years of age. He
was seen on the sixth story of the building
about five minutes before the accident. He
was one of the first recovered. His injuries
consisted of several ugly scalp wounds and in
ternal injuries.
The list of injured who have been removed
to the Homoeopathic Hospital numbers 21.
1 hey are:
Thomas McKee, bricklayer, married, aged
50 years, resided at Willis, below Bell avenne,
Allegheny. Serious internal injuries, right leg
fractured, scalp wounds, arms crushed. His
recovery is very doubtful.
Barber, carpenter, Bennett's station.
Injuries are fatal. He had not recovered his
senses at a late hoar last night. Cut about the
bead and internal injuries.
John Donnelly, bricklayer, Nunnerv Hill.
Allegheny. Several severe scalp wonnds.
Eyes are badly injured, and may lose his eye
sight. Martin Hollzrin, single, employed by
the Allegheny Electric Light Company, cnt
about the head and badly shaken up. Hewa3
resting easily last night and will recover.
JonN Rideout. colored, resides at No. 123
Anderson street, Allegheny, aged 37 years. In
jured about the head and face. Not serions.
Elmer McKeown. 91 West Diamond street,
Allegheny, head clerk for J. R. Weldin & Co.,
fractured clavicle and hand injured. Rapidly
recovering from the effects of the shock.
David Courtenay, bricklayer, 18 Federal
street, Allegheny, scalp wounds and back in
jured. Will recover.
E. E. Davis, Bcllevue, printer. Badly
Oscar Smith. Beltzhoover, employed as
stenographer by Summer Bros. Scalp w onnds.
Not serious.
Bernard O'Connor, bricklayer. 623 nomc-
wood avenue, Allegheny. Scalp wonnds and
ribs broken. Will recover.
TnoMAS Lemon, Nunnery Hill. Allegheny.
Eyes injured and serious Internal injuries.
His condition is serious. A bricklayer by oc
cupation. Frank Barrett, South Diamond street.
Allegheny. Scalp wounds, clavicle fractnrcd
and ribs broken. Will recover.
Charles H. Petticord, bookkeeper, 324
Washington street, Allegheny. Head cut open
and chest iujured. Resting easy last evening.
Weldin S. Mason, salesman, Ellsworth
avenue, near Bidwell street. Scalp wounds and
badly bruised. Will recover.
Alice Cartt, school girl. Scalp wonnds
and badly braised. Not serious.
Alfred Lambert, printer. No. 373 Wylio
avenne. Scalp wounds and serious internal
injuries. His condition is dangerous.
W. A. McCURDY, Ingram. Scalp wounds
and had bruises. Not serious.
James Watt, carpenter, 10S Webster ave
nne. Scalp wounds and back badly injured.
His condition is dangerous.
Michael Ryan, bricklayer, 337 Pennsyl
vania avenne, Allegheny, scalp wounds and
back badly sprained. Ryan was found standing
upright in the ruins, and was as cool as if be
had not just escaped a terrible death.
William Springer, engineer. Compromise
street, Allegheny, scalp wounds and bruises.
Very painfully.
Others who were injured and removed to their
homes, are:
August Measmek, printer, Mt. Washing
ton, leg broken and a shoulder blade fractured.
Not serions.
George M. Lang, compositor, 107 Taylor
avenue, Allegheny, scalp wound. Not serious.
George Scott, compositor, West End, scalp
T.E. Melvtn, Evergreen, Pa., printer, scalp
wounds and braises.
Joseph Goehring, boy employed in print
ing establishment; scalp wounds and broken
arm. Taken to home at No. 5 Gallagher street,
Allegbenv. Removed from ruins about 7:30
o'clock. Injuries not serious.
Samuel Brown, 35 Race street, Allegheny,
carpenter. Scalp wonnds and baa bruists.
John Huckenstein, head cut; lives in
Chahles Lawrence mcHexbt, Clifton
avenue, Allegheny. Right lpg broken and
bully bruised.
Bautley Cauley, Truck C. Badly cut and
Captain William Wilson, Engine Com
pany No. 12. Scalp wounds anil bruises.
EVANFcgh,Io.3. Cut and bruised.
John M. Goehring, attorney. No. 14 Jack
sou street. One leg broken and scalp wounds;
not dangerous. He was hurt while passing
down Diamond alley.
George Tbesiiel, Fourth avenue, near
Liberty street Scalp wounds and cuts on the
A." Shank, Franklin township, a farmer.
Struck on head by falling rnbbisb, while pass
ing along Wood street and ear split.
Fatbek Cassavas, St. Paul's Cathedral.
Struck by flying debris and badly bruised.
Charles O'Donnell, laborer, lives at the
Continued, on Second Page.
mW&ftt 'WrWftM
fllll XimM III I
A Newly Erected Silk Mill
Falls Before an Awful
Cyclone and
Naphtha Explosions Add Terror to
the Scene and
Fittsbnrc's Calamity Overshadowed by tho
Work of Fire and Wind at Reading
200 Lives at the Mercy of the Ele
ments At Least 60 Mnnsicd and Cre
mated and 100 Injured Nearly all tho
Victims Yonns Girls Darkness Closes
on a Wreck Unparalleled The Cries of
Agonized Mothers Heard AboTe the
Roaring Gale Graphic Narrative- of tho
Terriblo Calamity.
A cyclone struck Reading with fearful
force late yesterday afternoon. The large
silk works was destroyed, entombing 200
persons, most of whom were girls. Ex
plosions and fire in a paint works added
horror to the scene. The entire city is in an
agony of grief. Every effort is being made
to rescue the dead and dying, but the
progress is slow.
Reading, January 9. At CaSthis aft
ernoon a twisting cyclone, terrific and
quick in its terrible velocity, struck this
city from the southwest, resulting in wreck
and fire, which for horrible results was
never before equaled in the city's history.
At the above hinr the storm burst in fury,
striking the large paint shop of the Phila
delphia and Reading Railroad Company,
wrecking it. Then nine dwelling houses
fell, after which the terrific hurricane
twirled and twisted over the open building
lots, struck the large new brick building of
the Reading silk mill, wrepked it, and in
an instant over 200 operators, principally
females, were bnried in the ruins.
Then a violent explosion of naphtha and,
gas took place at the paint shop of the first
building wrecked, and immediately the
ruins were in a furious blaze, illuminating
the black, rain-filled sky. The rain poured
down in torrents. Clanging firebells and.
alarms and screeching steam whistles at
tracted hundreds of horror-stricken people!
to the scenes of disaster. The greater por
tion of the crowd ran to the -burning paint
shop, not knowing of the frighttnl wreck a
few squares in another direction.
While men were carrying out the dead
and wounded from the paint shop, hundreds
of others, just returning from work, rushed
to the wrecked silk mill to manfully work
in the dark and driving rain storm to rescue
those in the ruins. In a few minutes a por- '
f tion of the wreck of tbemill tcok.fire, iilu-yw
mmating the ghastly and terrifying scene.
Above the roar of the element were near the
terrifying cries of the struggling, bleeding
young women pinned in the ruins. Then
came the mothers of the young operatives,
fresh from their kitchens, where supper was
awaiting their home comings. The agon
ized parents wrung their hands, shrieked out
in their terror and agony, and rushed near
to the wreck. With great difficulty they
were kept back, because at that time dozens -of
men were throwing bricks from oft the
The fire in the wreck was quenched and
then all was pitch dark. Bonfires wera
speedily kindled, and the various ambu
lances and livery stable coaches were tele
phoned for. Scenes of terror were witnessed ;
under the glare of bonfires, as the dead and
dying were carried out. At first the dead
bodies were passed and the wounded taken
from under the wreck.
The three stories had crumbled in upon
the first floor, leaving the huge stack and
the boiler house standing intact. Agonized
mothers wildly moved about, closely scan- r
ning the faces of the wounded and mangled
as they were carried out. By this time at
least 5,000 people had congregated and
vehicles were backed up in front ofthn
wreck. The wounded were very difficult to
reach, because the entire wreck of the four
stories of the large building had collapsed
and fallen directly down in one confused
At Least Sixty Person Killed Outright aD,d
One Hundred Injured Horrible
Sights at the Scene of the
Disaster Aeony of the
Victims' Relatives.
Reading, January 9. This was the sad- ,
dest night in the memory of Reading. A
death-like pall hangs npon the city. A
hundred households are in mourning as
the result of one of thegreatest calamities in -
Pennsylvania. A cyclone swept over the
northern section of the city this afternoon,
and laid waste everything within its reach,
with a terrible loss of life. The lives that
have been sacrificed and the number that Jjj
have been injured can only be estimated.
The most reliable computation at 10 o'clock .
to-night is that not less than GO persons have
been killed outright and 100 injured. How "g
this calamity occurred is about as follows: ' i?
It was raining very hard all morning, -s'
Toward noon it ceased almost entirely, and 1
by 4 o'clock there was every indication that '-
there would be an entire cessation of tha
rain storm. Half an hour afterward the J
bright sun made every effort to penetrate the? 3
clouds. The tints of a rainbow were seen in
the eastern sky. It portended a beautiful '&
sunset. There was a clear sky overhead.
This continued for half an hour longer. $
Then the scene changed with a sudden-v -x
ness that was appalling. The fleecy clouds W
gave way to the ominous signs of a coming S
storm. Dark heavy banks of clouds mar- "S
shalcd themselves toward the town, and1 g
soon a gloom seemed to have settled over tha J
city. There was a stillness as of coming :
danger. Then the wind whistled, roared
and tore in mad confusion. The storm
clouds grew heavier still, and louder roared
the wind. In the western sky the storm
was seen approaching with a thundering jj
noise. ""1
The swath it cut was narrow, but its effect
was terrible. Persons residing along tha
track of the storm say that they saw the first
signs of danger in a funnel'shaped mael
strom, which seemed to gather up every
thing within its reach and cast it right and
left. The track of this destructive element
was not more than 200 feet wide. It cama
from the west, nnd fint touched the Mount
Penn Stove Works.
Here the corner of the building was
struck, and a portion of the root was cut oft
as nicely as if done with a pair of scissors.
Then the storm cloud scurried across soma
fields, took off a portion of the roof of J. H. ,
Continued on 'Sixth JPage,