mwjt t rr Iff A BUSINESS WAT. The Past, Present and Future Some Jobbing Interests. of A HEALTHY COXDITIOX OF TRADE "oted in the Lines of Gent's Furnishing Goods and Headwear. DXUSUAL ACTIVITY IN HARNESS Office of the Pittsburg Dispatch, Tuesday, January 8, 1889. The jobbing trade in gents' furnishing goods, as a distinct industry in Pittsburg, does not'date back further than 1880. Up to that date this line was simply an adjunct to the holesale dry goods trade, or was controled by agents of Eastern jobbing houses. About the time ot the Garfield Hancock campaign, the jobbing of men's furnishing goods became one ot our distinct industries, and now there are two firms de voted exclusu ely to this line whoe business together aggregates more than 500,000 an nually. This trade has in the main been wrested from jobbing houses of Xew York and Boston. An interview with a member of one of our jobbing firms develops the fact that the volume of trade shows an incrcaso the past year of 12 to 15 per cent overlSST.which was one of the best year la the history of the trade. Reports from both firms devoted to the whole sale trade in men's furnibin;r goods, as well as from drj goods bouses show a healthy condi tion or trade in this Hue, with an outlook for the future in eierj way promising. The total value of cents' furnishing goods jobbed here the rast car is estimated at JiOOO, 000, more than one-half of which i as controled by home jobbers. A decade ago three-fourths of this trade was handled bv Eastern jobbers. WHOLESALE CLOTHING. In companions of trade between 1SST and 1SSS it is well to remember that the former jear was an extra good one in nearly all jobbing lines in this city. The record w hich that year made was one or the Tery best in oar commer cial history. Omens of labor troubles, and a backward spring. In 1SSS, had the effect of re tarding trade movements in many lines. If stock had been taken midway of the year the wholesale clothing trade of Pittsburg would have shown a decline from the first half of the nrcvious ear. Now. that returns are all in. it appears the volume of trade for 1SSS, wastullv nn to that of 18S7. One of our reprecntivc clothing manufac turers and jobbers thus puts the situation and outlook of his mdustr "We do not claim for oar trade the pist vear anything liko a boom, nor did we desire it. The wholesale clothing trade of Pittsburg has moro than doubled m the past six rears, and we hae had our full share of this increase and are entirelysatisfled. j e could easily enlarge our trade by pushing I out agents, but have little desire in tbatdirec- I tion. being disponed to let well enough alone. ' Tne trade for ISbS sbos a slight adtanceon i JsS7, in our case the increase for the year being ti'.U'U uur competitors appear to ueoomg well, and you ma a that the jobbing trade in rcad-made clothing was never ma healthier condition or had a better outlook than it has now." 3IEXS HEAD WEAK. There are four firms m this city devoted ex clusively to the wholesale trade in men's head wear. One ol these firms will dp able to cele brate its centennial in 189S, being the successors of a house established in 1TJS by Robert Pee bles The estumte value ot this jobbing traue f or 1SS7 was SbOOlOOO. In 1SS0 the trade was le-s than half that amount. The record for 1SS7 showed an increase of fulh20pcr centotcr lsSo. As the former year was the best in the lustorj of this jobbing trade, it would have been glory enough in lbsS if the business had held its own. A member of one of the firms renorts an increased business for ISsi over 1SS7. of 10 to 15 per cent, and expresses the behet that the other firms in the same line could re port a like advance. HARNESS. One of the foremost manufacturers of har ness in the city reports that his trade has never been as good this time of the year as now. Said he "We have bad unusual activity for the past two years. At this time of the year we generally look for a slack time. This season has been an txception to the rule, and our hands are working full time with plenty of ii.ghtwork. If you want to tell The "Dis patch re iders how the harness manufactur ing trade flourishes, yo i ma say that the year past with us has been one of the best on rec ord, and that oar bonks will show an advance or 2o per cent o- er li57. w hich was a very satis factory j ear in our line." MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Wheat Unsettled bnt Higher Corn Moves Up n Point Onm Qnict Pork and Lard JMcndy Short Ribs Handled on the Slid injt senle. Chicago A fair business was transacted In wheat and the feeling was unsettled. General indications were favorable for a better market, and prices did average higher, but there was more or less opposition to the adt ancirg prices in the shape of free offer ings by two prominent local traders. The open ing was strong, 63c higher than jesterda)'s closing, aud advanced c more, later eased off under free offerings and prices declined Jc, again rallied lc, fluctuated some and closed Je higher than jesterday. The principal feature of strength on the market was the strong tone of European advices, both private auu puuuc caoies quoting nigner prices, uo- mestic markets did not appear to ssmnathize with the advance until late in the da v. Shorts covered f reelv and cood buvinc was credited to ., i, i, ;., ," .. ,,... . , ..T.., -I,,'' .b "long" and "short" account. nucuci ii-cuug niis ucvuujieu iq corn, ana trading was of a larger volume than for some time past, though the range was narrow. There . ... i ....... i.-. r.i i ..? j wasalargeline of "shorts" covered, one house being reported as buying 500.000 bushels, for slaughterers direct: no trading m live hogs; Trading w as largely in May and at 3737Jc: of- nominal value S5 355 CO per 100 pounds, f enngs were very liberal, two or three houses ST. Lours Cattle Receipts. LC00 head: ship- freely within the range mentioned. The ments, none; market strong; choice heavv market opened at yesterday's closing prices native steers S4 755 SO; fair to good native andadvanced?6'craIdsteadyandclosedK 1S ZTeeZr c higher than yesterday. There was only a coodi s oo3 10: rangers, corn-fed, S3 004 10 moderate interest taken in the oats market, grass-red. S2 004 15. Hogs Receipts, 5,000 Outside orders were in rather limited supply, head; shipments, 100 bead: market easier; and local traders were inclined to go slow dur- choicehcavy and butchers' selections,$510g!520; im- the Greater nar- of the session A tteadipr Packing medium to prime. 55 OOlf 5 15: light lng the greater par. ot tne session. A steadier erads. ordinary to bet, $4 90(S5 05. Sheep feehng prevailed on the near and distant f ut- Receipts. 900 held: shipments, 500 head; market ures. and prices advanced Vi&Mc and the mar- strong: choice, S3 OOg-J 4a ket closed firm. 'Quite a good speculative Chicago CatUe-Recelnts, 8,000 head; ship trade was reported in mess pork, and prices me,lti:. 4,000 i,ead; market steadv; beeves ruled with considerable lrregularitj. At the & T55 40; steers. S3 001 50: stockers and opening the feeling ;was weak and sales were feeders, S3 003 SO: cows, bulls and mixed. madeatSlo 001 oO, a decline on the closing ji $5133 25; Texans, SI C53 C5. Hogs Rei figures ot jesterday. Later the market exhib- I ceipts oooo bead; shipments, 4,000 head: ited more strength, and prices rallied 1520c marKct active. 10c lower; mixed. $5 10S5 25 and fluctuated considerably within a small pcIlt, So 055 25; skips S3 005 00. Sheep range and closed comparatn cly stead. Trad-, Receipts, 7.000 head; shipments 2,500 head ing was quite act ve in laraana tue leenng was somewhat unsettled. A reduction ot 2Vite was established at the opening, but prices later lm protedoc. Later a reduction of I0l2jfc was submitted to, but near the close rallied 2jt5c, and the market closed steady. Trading in short ribs was moderatch brisk, aud prices fluctuated considerably Prices opentd l(' 12)c lower, but quickly advanced 73lOc Later a weaker feeling was developed and a re duction of 10c was submitted to. Toward the close the matket was strong and prices rallied and closed steadx. The leading futures ranged as follows: Cons No. 2 January .ilE33Ke: March. S5U aSV; May,3737JiSJhjT7c Oats No. 2 January. 2lJ425c; February, 25l425-X2oV25V; 5laj. ibS2S'fZ7Ji:s2Sc Jitss r ft is Lakd per 100 Bis January, r o7t7 42JS) 7 307 27K: Februan. f7 4JV74f7 3oa! 4 ., iua. St M-72l31 U'72'J!' OJW Ut. Short Rigs, per 100 &. Jauuan. SB RiHi 6 90- Match. S6 97JJT&7 Oo6 9JKS7'00; May, S7 027 1247 0Jg7 10. Cash quotations were as lollows: Flour, stead and unchanged. No. 2 spring w heat, SI 001 OOVi: No. 3 spring wheat. bfiVc; No. 2 red, SI lOflll 00" . No. 2 corn. 33c No 2 oats, 21Jc No. 2 rye, 48c No. 2 barley noaun al No. 1 flaxseed, II 6L Prime timotbj seed firm. Mess pork, per barrel, S13 2513 30. Lard, per lOOlbs. S7 40712. Short ribs sides (loose), 690. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), unchanged. Short clear sides (boxed), do. feucars Cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour, 9,000 barrels; wheat, 20.000 busbeh:corn, 109.000 bushels: oats. ir',000 bushels: rye. 9.000 bushels: barley, 7G.0H0 bushels Shipments Flonr.12,000 ban els; wheat, U0110 bushels: corn. 173,000 bushels: oats. 101.000 bushels: rve. 5 JTOObushels; barlej,3L000 bushels. un tne rroatice Exchange to-day the butter market was dull and unchanged. Eggs easy at ADC New Yoek Flour Receipts. 18,741 pack ages; exports, 4,613 barrels, 300 sacks; steady and active: higher grades held firmer; sales, 15.300 barrels. Cornnical moderate demand and steady. Wheat Receipts. 1.100 buhels; ex Jwiits. none: sales 2,3-UOOO bushels futnres, lfc,0U0 bushels spot: spot market iSKcbigher, with the option firm anil quiet: So. 2 red. $1 Olifgl OIW:. Jl 031 OPS t. o. b.; No. 3 red. u&e: No. 1 white. SI 3; No. 1 red, 51 OU; No. 2 Chicago. $1 Osl OS: options moder ated active and firmer; early VKc higher: declined KS'sC closing Hhfi ver esterdav; No. 2 rcJ. January, closing at SI tXftj; February, Jl 01Jil OM. closing at SI COS.: March. SI 0.&S1 C3iT. clos ing at SI03W; Mav.S105Xl J-, closing at SI 0 June," SI OoVffil 6a, closing at SI 00: December, S)ic. llirlev quiet; No. I Canada, S8gs9c; N". 2" do. S5gS6c Barley malt dull. Canada, 90I 05 for old; SI 006S1 15 for new. Corn Kbceipts, 350,400 bushels; exports, 1.711 bushel: sales, 1,71X1.000 bushels futnres; 144 000 bushels spot; spot market les active, ($ ?ic higher. Meady: No. 2. 45U15JJc in ele vator, 46l!e afloat; ungraded mixed. 3SSJ 4tKc:No 3J41c No.2white, 45Kc; steamer mixed. 415!it; options more acme. HAe bicher. firm; January, 45Vi616Jic closing at 45Kc; February, 4546c chains at 4i)ic; March. 45Jei3c closmg at 45c; May, 45f JBc closing at 45Jc. Oats Receipts, 51,uu0 bushels; exports, 220 bushels; siles, 205.000 bushtls tutures, 135,000 b.ishcls spot: spot market fairl actire, ic higher: options dull at iXc higher, firm; Januarv, SlHdSlc. closing at 32c; February, 32K ?! closing at 32Kc; May, o-i1 h(iX?ic, closing at33c: spot No. 2 white. 3i;fic; No. l,32Kc;lo white. SSic: mixed western, 2s32c: white do. 3140c;No.2 Chi cago. 32c. Hops quiet an i steads. Coffee Options opeDod barely steidy and 1020 points down, closed steadv o10 point below yester day; moderate business; sales, 55,500 bag), in cluding January, I5.S015.40c; Febniarv. 15.15 15.25c; March, liSO; April and Mav, 15.1515.85c: June, 15 1515.30c; Jnlv, 1530c; August. 15.30 15.40-: September, 15 1015.50c; October, 15.1a 15 50: November. 15.50c. Spot Rio dull; fair cargoes 17c. Sugar Raw nominal: refined un changed. Riceflrm.quier. Eggs firm on freh;fair demand; western, lhlSc: receipts 3,272 packages. Pork Old mess, S14 00314 2o: new mess S14 25i4 50. Cutmeais firm; middles firm; short clear, $7 50. Lard loner on manip ulation, closed steady and moderately actie; snlcs, western steam. S7 00: January. S7 S3!S 7 00; February, $7 73Si7 82, closing at S7 S3 asked; March, S7 7S7 87, closing at S7 79 bid; April, S7 S3 asked: Mav, 17 Slg7 91, closing at S7 85 aked: June. S7 S5bid. Batter in moder ate demand and weaker; western dairy, ll21c; do creamery. 172Sc: Eltnns, 30c. .Cheese strong and quiet; w ostern, 10ll'c Philadelphia Flour Demand light and general market weak. Wheat opened firm and advanced JJc under higher Western ad vices; demand light, and with the subsequent reaction in Chicago fell back to yesterda's closing prices for all months except Januarv, which ruled firm at the best rate of the day under light offerings. Sales No. 2 red in ex port elevator. 90c; No. 2 red, Januarv. 9696Vc; Februan. 9t,VT97c: March. 9SV'g9S?ic: April. S100Q1 00?i;May, SI 02Jil 02J.. Corn firm and prices of both spot and future deliveries of No 2. and steamer closed l.c higher. Spec ulation, however, was tame and ex port demand very moderate. Car lots for local trade scarce and firm, with fair demand; No. 4 high mixed track and gram depot. 45c: new No. 2 mixed In export wc; February. 4lIlc; March. 42icL Corn elevator, -iii4c; o. -j. mixed, januarv, 41 Jv Western firm: mixed snot. 41Mf?114jC: Jan- nary. JlKSUJXc: February. 41j4Jc; March. 42Ji42Kc; steamer, spot, SSc Oats quiet YM Hi sieauy: western unite, aaissc; do mixed. 20S31c; graded No. 2 white. 33c asked. Rye nominal at 00c Provisions steadv. Carlots Mes pork. S15 00. Butter dull: western packed, 14T20c: creamery, 2028c Eggs steadier at 1617Jc. Coffee easy, no fair at 17c. ST. LOUIS Flour quiet and easy but unchanged. Wheat firm and hurher. The opening was strong, and i cent advance was paid early on better markets, elsewhere firmer cables and wet weather, but sbirp declines at other points brought out such free selling as to depress prices rapidly, the report liter that a blizzara was coming caused a reaction and the close was about 6c above vesterdav's No. 2 cash. P5Hc. 'Mav. SI OOVfRSl olU. closed at SI 01Kl OIJi asked: June. 97j;ifi95C, closed at 98Hc bid; Jnlv, S&iQ&tliK. !os-d at Stye, Corn firmer; No. 2 mied cas1i.SCJc; TcGruarv, 3g30&c bid: March. 31iSll?sC, closed at 31Ke bid; May, 33g33Ifc closed at 3,'c Oits active: No. 2. 21c bid: May. 27J.J ?27Jc Rye, 4SS1SKC Barlev. little doing. Baggmgdull, depic-aed, but pries unchanged. Provisions fairly steadv. Pork, S13 75. Lard Prime steam nominallv S7 25. Drvalt-meats Shoulders, S6 25; loncs and ribs. S7 00; fhort clear, S7 25. Baron Boxed shoulders, S7 00. Hams, $10 37M12 75. Cincinnati Flour quiet Wheat steady; i No. 2red.979Sc, Receipts. 1.000 bushels: shnV iiiuta, iiuuci vgiu juiail uciuanu UIIU cieiiui ; No. 2 mixed, 35Kc Oats in good demand and firm: No. 2 mixed, 272Sc. Rye dull: No. 2 55c Pork firm at S13 7tl Lard dull at S7 35J 7 15. Bulkmcats and bacon quiet and steady. Butter weak and lower; fancy northwestern creimery. S0$82c; choice rrll, 1315c Sugar dull and weaker. Cheese firm. B.LTI3IOBE Wheat Western firm: No. 2 winter reil. snot, )SQ&ic: Feliniarv.S97c; jwarcn, vtavjft" April, -jf'3$c:3lay, 41 Oatt Carloads dull: No. B. 32Kc: No. 2. u. tnv iou. ia. tvf iuv white elevator. 34c: do in criin. do at 3l'c Futures dull and unchanged. Provisions steady but quiet. MlLWArKFE Flour dull but steadv. Wheat firm; cash. SPia February, 9lJic: Mav, SSWc Corn firmer: No. 3. 303lc Oats steady: No. 2 white, 2Sg2SKc Rve finn:No. 1, 4SKc Birley finn:No.2.(i!)c Provisions firm. Pork.Sl325. Iird. S7 37J.J. Cheese steadjj Cheddars, 10 lOKc Toledo Cloverseed firm and a little higher; February, S5 25; March, S5 30. LITE STOCK MARKETS. Condition of the Market nt the East Liberty Stock Vards. Office of the Pittbukg Disptch,1 Tuesday, January a J Cattle Receipts, 171 head: shipments, 152 head: market firm at yesterday's prices; no cattle shipped to New York to day. Hogs Receipts, 1.200 head: shipments 2,"00 head; mirket firm; Philadelphias, 55 20g5 25: mixed. S5 15: Yorkers 55 25w5 35: common to fair, S5 205 25; pigs. S5 25(55 35; 11 cars of hogs shipped to New York to-dav. Sheep Receipts, 4,800 bead: shipments, 4,000 head; market steady at yesterday's prices. Br Telegran'i. j,Ev York Beeves Receipts, 520 head. equally divided letncen a beef evnorter and a clt3 slaughterer: none for sale; dressed beef PIme at S8c Per P?n.d f(T natlve sides and is.cior lexasana Colorado; exports to-dav. 3.000 quarters of beef. Sheep-Keccipts. 550 head; the limited business strong, particularly wi iai sutrep, auu mauve!, cjusea iirm witn an upward tendency: common to good sheep sold 5 "J!."!0 f ""ls; v"ml nd ,ext,ra co., at So 50WS, ana common to choice Iambs ,t soar t . HoTs-Reee.nts S4rn h, , i market steadv; natives. S2 69fl5 25; Western corn-fed, 54 404 70; Texans, $2 753 40; lambs, Si ToS'b uu. CEfcnWATi Hogs steady: common and light. Si 405 20: packing and butchers'. So 05 go 20; receipts, 4,960 head; shipments, 9W) head. Wool Markets. New YofcK, January 8 Wool firm and in fair demand; domestic fleece, 30(SSSc; pulled, 26 39c; Texas, 146:6c Philadelphia, January 8. Wool and prices steady and unchanged. quiet St. Lons, January 8. Receipts, 73,659 pounds. Very few lots in first hands, and mar ket quietand steady. Boston, January 8. The demand has con tinued fair for domestic wool and prices re main firm on all grades; holders are not press ing anv lots for sale; good Ohio and Pennsyl vania fleeces command 3331c for X and 35J5 37c for XX and above; Michigan X fleeces are held at 3233c, but it is difficult to get over the inside price. In No. 1 wools there 5s good trade with sales at 38c, but stccks are smalk Combing and delaine selections aro firm and in demand. In un washed combing wools there has been a good trade, with sales to some extent at 3031c for one-quarter blood and 32g33c for three eighths blood. Territory and Texas and other unwashed wools are In demand and sales have been made principally in the range of 50B3c for fine and medium t-coured. Pulled wools are active and strong, choice supers selling at 4oiS) lie: fair to good supers at 3339c; extra at27Q32c Foreign wools quiet and firm. When baby was sick, we gave her Castotta When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Jnhll.hBj-siWT&SU A BAMffle CRISIS. The Object of the Proposed General Law Fully Explained. OIL AND STOCKS M0YIKG SLOWLY. Local Financiers Gfre Up the Bulk of the Day to Annual Elections. A DROP IN CLEARING HOUSE BUSINESS The movement for a general banking law in Pennsylvania, in the opinion oflead ing financiers, comes none too soon. The Bank of Pittsburg is not alone affected. The success or failure of the project may have an important bearing on the future of the National banks. The basis upon which their business rests Government bonds will in a few years be taken from them, after which they will be compelled to go out of existence unless the Government creates a special bond for their benefit. This w ould encounter serious opposition from the enemies of the national bauking system, who are neither few nor unimportant, render ing the passage of such a law at least doubtful. In this exigency they would be compelled to reorganize under Stato laws, which in some States would be speciaL As special laws are impossible in Pennslvania under the new Constitution, a general law would have to be framed to meet the emergency. This is the object of the present movement, in which the Bank of Pittsburg has the lead. Although the necessitv of the law will not be felt for three years, during which there will be two Legislatures, it is considered unsafe to let the matter run beyond the present session. To put it off to the last moment would involve creat risk, and possibly result in failure. It is proposed, therefore, to secure the desired legis lation as soon as possible. No special difficulty is apprehended. LOCAL SECURITIES. Stocks Modcrntelr Active With No material Change in Fignres. Stocks started off rather tame, but the inter est soon grew and bidding became more ani mated. Gas stocks w pre firm at substantially the prices that have ruled for some time. Phila delphia again led in point of activity. Traction was neglected. The afternoon call was almost devoid of spirit, only the securities being handled. Bids and offers appended show the drift of tho day's operations: MOBVIfO. AFTEUVOOX STOCKS. Allegheny .at Bank. Citizens' Sat. Bink.., Al. and M. Iat. Bank. Union Insurance ffliartlers Vallpv Gas . Hid. Asked. Bid. Asked. 51 CT 57 4S ?7? 58 a 40 39 67 79 50 57 5a "395 2aV 2at. Oas Co . W. Va.. SS4 53 2SJf Gl 75 43 Ohio villey Gas si riilladclnluaUas Co... Wheeling (js Co WashliiRton Co. Oil... Citizens' Traction lMttsbuTg Traction .... La oria JI Co Kist End Llectrlc L't. West' h on se Elec. L t Union switch A sljrnal W tstlng'se Urate Co . Kxchauye Nit Bank. Iron City atlonil htrstone .National 23i 64 iH 50 3Gf 10 Gl 9 81K 81 50 S2 91 60 The sales included 30 shares Wheeling Gas at 2S: 110 Philadelphia at 3314, 3 39f; 15 Wash ugton Oil Company, b. 0., at 06; oOPeunstl vanii Gas, 15; 100 Westinghouse Fjeatnc 3 and 25 shares same, bO days, at 36. The total sales of stocks in New York yester day were 111.501 sliares, including: Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. 12,265; Erie, 3,200; Northwestern, a330; Reading, 48,510; St. Paul, 1(1,010; Union Pacific, 15,435. IN BANKING CIRCLES. Election Multc nn Inrond Upon Lcgitlmato Business Clearing Honso Figure. Yesterday was election day at the banks. In most cases the old boards of directors were re-elected. This divcrson intcrferred to some extent with legitimate business. The result being a rather quiet day in money matters. This is illustrated in the Clearing House state ment, showing a smaller aggregate of trans actions than on any previous day of the new ear. The exchanges were S1,975,43L4B, and ttin hnlnnpps S3J14 577.77. Monev on call in New York iesterdav was easy at 3ST1 per cent. Prime mercantile paper ruled at 5JiC' Per cent. Sterling exchange was dull but firm at 4S4K for 60 day bills ar.d4SSK for demand. Government and State bonds were steady. Tho followingwere the closing prices of bonds in New York: U. S. 4s, registered, 126; U. S. 4s, coupon, 126; U. P. 4Ks, registeied, 10S; U. S. 4Ks, coupon, 10S; Pacific 6s of 'So, 11S. New Yobk clearings, $143,351,513; balances, $6,193,501. Bostox Clearings, $14,519,202; balances, $L 549,874. Baltimore Clearings, $2,lil,73S; balances, S261.001. Philadelphia Clearings, $12,747,250; bal ances, $1,030,433. St. Louis Clearings, $3,543,820; balances, $195,231. CniCAGo Monev stiff at 6S per cent; bank clearings, $10,036,000, STILL SHAKY. Tho Oil Dlnrkct Continues Under Bearish Influence False Prophets. Oil drops whenever a Standard man puts in his appearance, is an old sayingamong oil men. He did not show up at the Exchange yester day, but his influence was felt all the same. While the expectation of those who predicted o5c w as not realized, the market was weak. Heavy buying in New York held prices up. The opening was S6c This was almost imme diately followed by a break toS5Jc, and by a rally to 85c Another wave of weakness then struck the boys, and there was a drop to 85c. This was regarded as low water mark. At all events, it proved so for the day. Again the price shot up to S6Kc then fell to 85c, which were the figures at the close. Trading was light and the market was without support, except what it received from Ncwork. The field news was more encouraging. The Neelywell, Washington county, was through the sand and made a strong flow. Refined in London dropped Jd. There was no change in carrying rates. A. B. JIcGrew quotes: Puts, 85c; calls, WMGXc Tne following table, corrected by Da Witt Dll wortli, broker In petroleum, etc.. corner Fifth avenne and Wood street, nttsbarg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc: Time. Hid. t Ask. Time. Bid. Ask. Open'd 86 Sa"s KM5P. jr.... 85M 85 10:15a. ..-. KJ, Rojj 1:00 r. m... Sis 855, 10:30ju U.... SS S6!$ 1:15 r. M.... 85V 8-i 10:45A. m.... ss 80S l:30r. M.... 85V fc5;s 11S0A. M.... 86 K'i 1:15F. M.... So 5 11:15 A. M.... 66!i 2 00 p. M.... 85 85 11:30a. U.... tfl SC'ji ::15?. M.... 85V &h 1I:A. M.... So 86 2.30P. jr.... 85V 851 12.00M S5K' 8VVI !.r. M.... 85V Sa'i 12:15 r. M.... 85V Si's Closed 85 .... 12;30r. M.... SGljl 851 flnpnpil. 86c: blgheot, SG;c; lowest. S5c; closed, 85c Barrels. ,.... 63,657 39,941 ..... 98,610 62, K9 ,Y,Z 24,444 .....2,178,000 Drllv runs Acrape runs Dally shlnments Averacc shipments Dallv charters Average charters... Clearances Jew lorfc closed at RSJc. Oil City closea at 85,c. llradiord closea at 85c ew VorE. reflned. Ju London, reflned. CW.l. Antwerp, refined, lulr. W0RKIXG NEW TERRITORY. Good Outlook for Oil nnd Gas In the Upper Townships. The company controlling the Elflnwell oil and gas territory, in Shaler township, has been reorganized to drill on the Bryant farm. They propose to sink the old well deeper and will give the territory a thorough test. They have leased 300 acres. The oil well on the Siebert farm atTallycary, Hampton township, is said to be a good one. The company has established a pumping sta tion at Valencia, on the Pittsburg and West ern, whence they are piping oil to Sharpsburg. AN0TIIER STANDARD GOBBLE. Tho monopoly Makes a Bis Purchase in the Findlay Territory. , IKPZCIALTELIGBAHTOTItEniSPATCH. Findlay, O., January 8. The most im portant transaction yet accomplished by the Standard Oil Company was the purchase to-day of the Cory estate, in Wood county, consisting of 960 acres, for the gum of $180,000. QuBatur- THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, "WEDNESDAY, JANUARY day last some ot the owners were in consulta tion with the Standard people all day here, but the trade was not perfected until this after noon. There are no wells as yet on any part of the property, bnt there are producing wells on ad joining property on all sides. Set en years ago tho late Judge Cory pui chased this entire tract of land for $20 an aero. Otlirr Oil Markets. Bradford. January 8. Opened. S5Jc; high est, k6Jc: low est. 85c: closed. 85c Trrr;svn,LE. Januarv 8. Opened, 85)c; highest, S6c: lowest, 85c: closed, 85c Oil City. Januarys. Opened. 85c; closed, S5Jc; highest, 86c; lowest. SoJc. New York, January 8. Petroleum opened steadyat S5c, but after a slight decline be came strong and advanced to 80c A sharp reaction then set in, after which the market became quiet and closed steady at S6c Sales, 1,617,000 barrels. THE DEMAND KEEPS DP. Keal Estnte Badly Wnnted, bnt Views of Prices Conflict. There was no special movement in real estate circles yesterday. The inquiries were many but tho sales were few. Tho "big things" hitherto noted have not crystallized. They will come to the front later on. Agents and dealers have about closed up the January rent busi ness, and will soon settle down to legitimate work. Then the public may look out for lively times. Buvers are settling down to the con viction that prices will not recede. James W. Drape & Co. clo-ed the sale of three houses and lots on Bertha street, city, lots 90z 150 feet, $S,50a They alo placed a mortgage of 53,000 on property on Main ana Fortieth streets, city, at 6 per cent, and a mortgage of $1,000 on proi erty in McKeesport at 6 per cent. Black & Baird, 95 Fourth avenue, sold to P. H. Peabody for Galen C. Hartman, a new Queen Anne frame dwelling of eight rooms, finished attic and laundry, with all ennven iences.on Abner the Baum Grove plan at Rnnp station, Pennsylvania Railroad, with lot 40x110 feet, for $8,500 cash; also, for W. E. Reynolds, lot in the Morns McComb plan of lots on the corner of Edgerton avenue and Shady lane, being 117 feet by about 330 feet, for SoOO cash. Albert A. Alles purchased of William Rich ards a lot of ground on the south side of Brownsville, near the line of the Thirty-first ward, on which ho will erect at once a fine resi dence: also sold for Mrs. Sarah Perry property No 236 Brownsville avenue, Southside; consid eration, 1J075. C Bennger & Son. 103 Fourth avenue, sold two lots at Wood's Run, in J. A. Eckert's plan, 20tl00 feet, to James Buchman atSOOOjalsoIn the same plan one lot 20x112 to W. V. Brad dock at $450. IN BAD SHAPE. Stocks Kept In the lint by tho Uncertainty of Rnllrond Revenue. New York. January 8. The stock market to-day was extremely dull, narrow and uninter esting, with a general downward tendency of prices, and the result of the day's trading is to leave almost everything fractionally lower than last evening. The market hung upon the action of the meeting between the railroad Presidents and tho bankers, and while it was expected that some plan wonld be perfected whereby more revenuo would he assured to the roads, there was a marked indisposition to enter into new ventures pending the annual settlement of the question. Nothing definite was accom plished, however, and affairs remain in tho same undecided condition. The dealings as a consequence were even more of a professional character than for the past few days, and such interest as was infused into the market from the operations of the trading clement were confined almost cntirelv to the coal stocks, Union Pacific and New England. First prices wero generally from to per cent below last night's figures, and while New England developed marked weakness in the early trading the rest of the list remained stagnant and onlv Roading showed any anima tion whatever. Lackawanna followed with a fractional decline, but nntil well into the after noon tho market was still devoid of feature, when Chesapeake and Ohio common stock rose a point on small transactions. Union Pacific later became weak, nnd the general list then sympathized, bringing prices in most stocks down to the lowest prices. The close was dull and fairly steady. Almost the entire list is lower. Omaha preferred lost New En gland, Union Pacific and Omaha common 1 per cent each, and the others f racttonal amounts. The dealings in railroad bonds were in marked contrast to those in shares to-day, the market beintr both active and stronc: through out, and while the final advances are not marked they are general and uniform. The effect of the January disbursements is only just beginning to be felt, and brokers report a large inquiry for bonds of the investmentkind, and this is reflected also in the prices of the speculative variety for the time bemjr. The only weak spot in the list were the Gulf, Colo rado and Santa Fe 6s, because of tho uneasi ness .iinong holders as the bonds, while a valid obligation of the Atchison, are not guaranteed and aro a lien only upon that part of the road which has not earned the dividend upon the Atchison stock "iven in exchange. The sales reached $1,816,000, and the only active feature was the Richmond and Alle ghany lsts, $152,000 of which changed hands. The important gains comprise Morris and Essex Ms 2, to lift. The few declines include Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe 6s 2J, at 78. Tbo following table snows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney & Stephenson, members of New York Stock iutcnange, bi t ourth avenue: open ing. Am. Cotton Oil 51, Atch . Ton. & S. F.... 56 Canadian Pacific Canada southern hV.i Central of New Jersey. 97 Central Pacific C , llur. & Qulncv ....103' C, Mil. & St. Paul .. 63 C, Mil .tbt. P.. pr....l0S C, itockl. &P 3 C bt. L. & Pitts C, M. L. & Pitts, pf.. ... C, ht l'M,iO 31' C, fct. P.,M. &0., pf. 92 C. & Northwestern... .yn C.i Northwestern, pf. tlCCtl 67V Col., Coal & Iron 291 Col. & Hocking Val Del., L.iW W$ Del. & Hudson Ulh E.T., Va. iOa 9 E T.,Va. &Ga , Jstpf .... E.T, Va. JtGa. 2dpf. .... Illinois Central Lake Eric A A estcrn Lake Erie & West. pf.. 62'( Lake Shore i,M.S ...103V Loulsvllle& Nashville LSU Mobile & Ohio Mo., K. Alexis Missouri Pacific 72V New iork Central.. ...107Ja N. Y.. L. E. & V 27 N. Y., L. E. & W.pref 62J N. y., C. Afet. L N. Y., C &St.L. pf. N.Y., C. &St. L.2dpr.... N. Y&N. E 41J N. Y., O. & W Northern Pacific Northern Pacific pref. Sl Ohio& Mississippi... . 22)i Oregon Improvement. 71 Oregon Transcon M Pacific Mall 3i,V Peo. Dec. & Evans Vhlladel. A, Heading.. 43 Pullman Palace Car ..171 Richmond ,t W. P. T 21S bt. Paul & Duluth bt. Paul DUuth pf. bt. P., Minn. & Man.. 99 St.L. Aban Fran fct. L. & ban Fran pf. C6S High- Low- Clos est, est. lng. 51 56 55M 651 514 5J5s iy, bl4 972s 97 97 35V 108V 108 308S K4 63 6i'i 1034 103J4 103 Ss 97Ji 97'S 14S 33V Si's 31 30K 12 m'i no 107K 107 307 ui 57V 574 5;, 29i 29 21 2Vf 140i 1391,' 139, ni 131 130)4 9 9 9 65 2: 114'f IGlJ e:x 62'f 6iv 103 s 103f 103S 5G", 56 567, 8 Wl 73 72) 72H 107 IC7'3 1074 279s 27J 275t eSi 62 61 '4 !; OS 37 43 15 25)4 59 5W &L 22) 22J4 22 71 71 70 31 30!)t 30 363s 2J 4SV 4V 48Ji 175 174 174H 24K Wi 2l'i 3i 91 99 99 99 &i C6'4 6654 113 113Si 113-4 22'$ 22S! 22 65 CVs Ci 1?4 2!' m7i ai wh coy, mi 59's l. ij. a san r. 1st pi.iu Texas Pacific... , S'i Union Pacific Wabash , Wabash preferred. Western Union.... Wheeling &L.E., 64l 60 BOSTON STOCKS. Tbo Little Land Stock Boom Continues to aicrrlly Boom. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TOE DISPATCH.! Boston, January 8. Boston's little land stock boom continued to day, and furnished about all the feature of the trading. Talk of a re funding scheme and contemplated land sales form the basis of the rise, but the street is very willing to trade in land stocks, and does not require any particular basis, although it is just as well to have a leader in such a move ment, and have that leader rise on merit. The land stocks have not had much attention in the Boston market since West End reached K and began to react, which took place back in Sjav, 1SS7. At the moment railroad stocks offered little attraction, as a kind of transition period in railroad affairs appears to be upon us, and copper shares, while holding firm, have had a pronounced advance, and do not tempt much new trading, save in a few in stances. Why not take a turn in the land stocksr appears to be a very proper question, and the street responds favorably, hence the present very pretty little movement. No less than 16 land stocks fonnd sales, and doubtless tho remainine: seven will be given a show later on. xne closing ngurcs to-day were: 1 Atnl, rnllntMl Ko C7UI ITItn. . 1. u . Atch. Collateral 5s.. 87' Flint APereM. nfd. 99 Aiciiisun Jrust OS...1UJ Atlantlciraclliclnc 21 Chi.. Kan A W. 6s. 83 Mexican Central .... 12JJ N. Y. ANewEng... 43K N. Old Colony 171 Oregon Short Line.. 43 Union Pacific 63& West End Land 23 Hell lclephone 201 Calumet & Hecla....295 Tamaracjc 155 Uoston Montana.. 613 Franklin 16-j Osceola 20S Qulncy 85 N. Y. &N.E.2d 6s 105K N. Y. N. E.7S....124), oonorats... e7 W Is. Central lsts. .. 81K Wis. central Inc.... 39 " Atrhison stock 55H Atlantic Pacific... 8sf C. B. Jl Northern.. 41 C. B. &U 108V Cinn. ban. & Cleve. 24 Fltchburg 75 Flint PereM 30 Philadelphia Stock Closing quotations of Philadelphia stocks, for- nlshed by Whitney i. Stephenson, brokers, No. 57 Fourth avenue. Members New l'orfe Stock Ex change. Bid. Asked. Pennsylvania Itallroad , Reading Kallroad , Iluflalo, l'lttsburg andWestern. . Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation Philadelphia and Erie Allegheny Valley bonds U. Co. "s kevr Jersey Northern 1'aclnc Northern Pacific preferred .. S.W .. 24 1-16 .. 13 .. 54 ..SIX .. 31 ..112? .""MX S3V 4)3 54H 51 '4 31 22iii 25K 69 1 BALLOTING AT TUE BANKS. The Old Directors Generally Accorded the Honor of Re-Election. Yesterday was election day with almost all the banking institutions of the two cities, na tional and State. There were very few changes in the directory, the old boards being almost without exception re-elected. At the People's National!). E. Park took the place of R. C. Gray, deceased, and at the Fort Pitt National D. Herbert Hostetter assumed the position made vacant by the death of his father. Re sults of the elections are given below: pittsbueg. First JfATiovAb Alexander Nlmlck, Kobert S. llavs, James II. Lindsay, James S. McCord. John H. McKelvy, Thomas Wightman, John Wilson. James Langhlln, Jr., Harry Brown. Tradfsmev's National A. Uradler. Wm. Vanklrk. John Dunlap, John F. Uravo. W. 1). Wood, John C. Klshcr, bnlltvan Johnson, Oliver P. bcalfc, James M. Schoomnakcr, Charles II. Bradley, S. Hamilton. Fort Pitt National James M. Bailey. John B. Dunlevv. Patrick Smith. Samuel Ewart. Kobert II. King. Ithamar D. Klsher, Allen Klrk patrlck. 1). Lest Ilson, II. Herbert Hostetter. Citizen's Natioaal Geo. A. Berry. John C. Itisher, Wm. McCretry, lrankltihrn, H.C. Hugh man, Um. B. Ncgley, Kobert Pitcalrn, Geo.w. Oilwortli. A. C. McCillam. Dlqcesne National Wm. G.ffohnston. Ed ward Ulndley. M. Munhall, James McKay, W. K. Hoggs, J03. Shallenberger, Georgo Wilson, John Munhall. John W. Bobson. John Ulndlcv. Marine national Wm W. O'NcIl, fi. F.Wil son, D.W. C. Bldwell, Am. France, Geo. S. Grls com, Jacob Klee, W.J. Lewis. Kobt. Montgomery, John O Phillips, J. B. bneithen, H. J. lRlntz, John H. Wilson. T. J. Wood. Monontgahela National Thomas Jamison, John Hood, Wm. Campbell, Geo. Y. McKce, C. C. Hax, James . Grove, John M. McCance, Theo. Sproull. James McCandless. bEcoD National James II. Willock. Frank lin osburn, George II. Iliuler, M. B. buydani, William McConwav, Levi adc, U. N. Hoffstot, Wm Curry, Geo. B. Barrett. German National Adolph Groetzlnger, John F. Ilavekotte, Ernest H. Myers. Christian blebert, Peter Ilabermann, Edward Franenhelm. Her mann II. Niemann, Martin Lappe, Joseph Vogel, br. National Bank op Commerce Joseph T. Col vln. Charles Lockhart, Joseph Anderson, Henry C. FrlcS, A. M. Mellon, Samuel S. Brown, James W. Arrott, P. C. Knox, Charles Arbnthnot. 'I hird National Wm. E. Schmertz, Geo. D. McUrew, Henry l)allme)er. Chas. F. Wells. John Daub. A. C. Dravo, John M. Kennedy, B. Wolff, Jr., Jae. T. Hamilton. Diamond National A. Garrison, William M. Hcrsh, J. W. Carnahan, A. L. Koblnson, W. A. Nimick, J. W. Porter. Joseph Albree, John A. Eckert, Charles Donnelly. Exchange National Mark W. Watson, John H. Dalzell. John H. bhoenberger, 1 rank S. Bls sell. Calvin W ells. C.B. Herron, James P. Ilanna, II. S. McKee, J. W. Dalzell, John B. Jackson. W. II. Singer. James W. Brown, Maxwell Moorhead. Allegheny National W. McCandless, Joliu& Rhodes, John Caldwell, Jr., B. H. ltnbie, James McGregor, J. McM. King, Walter Chess, llliambtewart Thomas Eans. People's national J. W. Chalfant. B. F. Jones, A. E. W. Painter, D. McK. Lloyd, A. S. II. Morgan, J. Painter, Jr., G. C. Davis, Charles H. bpang, D. E. Park. Commercial National M. W. Rankin, John W. Herron. 11. D. Smith, J S. Keymer. S. S. Marvin, J. H. Borland, E. A.Mjers, R. C. Em crv, James Dickson. finsT National Bank of Birmingham ii. bellers McKee, A. B. Stevenson, Josepn Walton. Daniel McKce, William B. W olfe, DanlelP. Berg, Joseph Katie. Merchants and Manotactcrers' National E. M. Ferguson. Oeorge A. Kello, Henry I.lovd, H. Sellers McKee. John E. Hurford, K. P. Wallace. John Caldwell, James A. Chambers, Thomas D. Messier. Farmers' Dfposit National Joseph Walton, John L. George. James A. McDevltt. Hay Walker, Jr., James H. Heed, bamnel P. Harbison, T. II. Given. mechanics NATIONAL-Jas. Atterbury,Henry Hays. A. U. Howard, Philip Reymer, Thomas Snowdon. V,'. It. Thompson. Christian Ycager. Wilson Miller, George J. Gorman. Iron City National Alex. M. Byers, James Herdman, W. W. bpeer. Samuel Llnday, Jr., J. I). Layng, Clias. L. Cole, J. Kldd Fleming, W. N. rrew. uonn it. Jicuiniev, james a. r.eea, J. Jl. Byers. Lewis Irwin, D. C Clapp. Metropolitan NATiONALlohn Runnette, E. I.. Black, Joseph Vogel. Henry Baub, Charles Hook, A.. F. Keating. W. L. Van Kirk, Murray A. Verner. Robert Lldell. Fifth National Robert Arthurs, F. L. btephenson, P. C. Knox, Jesse H. Llppincott, W. . Patrick. Richard Coulter, i. B. Finley. Fourth National James M. Bailey, John M. norner, Jacob Porter, Stephen C. McCandless, John B. Jackson, John D. Nicholson, Samuel D. Herron, Jr. ,.,.v, ..aiiviau-u. .j. uiiiia ,, in. Aiai&i;i, Jr , Addison Lysle, Charles Atwell. J. C Lappe, A, G. Cubbage, Joseph Home, Samuel Wilson, Thomas M. Armstrong. ALLEGHENY CITY. First National Jamea McCutcheon, John Thompson, U. C. Uoyle. Wm. Harbaugh, Geo. W. Cochran, Edward Groetzlnger. Joseph Mc Naugher, C. F. Nevln, John Ugden. Skcond NATIONAL-J. P. Lang, A. Clendcn nlng, A. Alston, J. Groetzlnger, A. M. Marshall, J. N. Davidson. Geo B. Hill. Third National W. M. McKelvy. K. H. Baggs, W. U. Conley. N. H. Voegtly. Thomas Morrow, W. S. McKlnney, Samuel McHenry W arner, R. C. Macferron. German Nation IL-Leonhard Walter, Fr., llamas Lutz, John II. Lotz, Wm, Rlemensnydcr, F. JL Eggers, Wm. Buente, H. W. Hecheluun, John Helm, F. N. Hoffstot. OTnER ELECTIONS. Safe Deposit Company of Pittsbueg Abra ham Garrison, Edward Gregg, Wm. M. Lyon, A. E. W. Painter, m. Kea, Charles J. Clarke, Thomas W rlghtman, Felix K. Brunot, Andrew P. Morton. People's Natural Gas and Pipeage Com pany John U, Hendricks, Joseph U. Rose, Wm. F. Lloyd, Kobert McAtee, W. .1. Lanfltt, E. 11. Myers, John Verner, Albert Pltcalrn, b. L. Mc Kalllp. WESTEKN PENNSYLVANIA EXPOITION SOCI-ETV-S. S. Marvin, John Bindley, H. Buhl, Jr., D. C. Herbst, A. P. Burchtteld, W. K. Lupton, H. J. Heinz, E. J. Unger, D. C. Ripley. M.Rosen baum, Kobert Pltcalrn, A. F. Keating, Wm. Mc Crecry. North Side Bridge Company James H. Lind say, W . J. Lewis, Isaac S. Van Vorhis, W. B. Rogers. German Savings and Deposit (Sonthside) Frcdcrlck Mauk Adam Franz. Bernhard Krugh, Joseph Ploger, Ferdinand Bentz, Jacob Roth, Andrew Ponn. JobnB. Lutz. Lewis Haszelbarth. L John Frederkk, A. Krut, J. P. Walker, Henry Real Estate Loan and Trust Company-G. Jlejer, Nicholas Seibert, Wm. Guckert, A. F. Keating, Chas. Falkeustein, John B. Striebig, John Hoffman, Henry Lenz. John A. btnder. MASONIC-Peter C. Shidle, John J. Lawrence, TAllliam McCullough, Harry P. Dilworth, Will iam C. King, George W. Sfmonds, Joseph Elch baum, William F. Wilson, John M. Kennedy, John F. Scott, Charles B. McLean, James T. Arm strung, I rederlck Gwlnner. Jr. ClTYbiMNGS-James Gallery, James Phelan. P. Kane, Charles F. McKenua, P. LeGonllon. Will iam J. Burns, James Curran, C. O'Donnell. J. Lawson Callery, William Scmple, George W. Schmidt, Jolin.0. Rcilly, John Stafford. lllininc Stocks. New Yoke, January 8. Closing prices la New York were: Amador, 15; Bodie, 165; Con solidated California and Virginia, 887; Com monwealth, 425; Hale and Norcns. S4: Home stake, S12; Iron Silver, S3; Mexican, S3: Ontario, S32; Plymouth. 825; Savage. 250; Sierra Nevada, 3; Union Consolidated, 200; Yellow Jacket, 410. Business Notes. TnE Wilkinsburg gas well is a mystery. Bane stocks aro in demand, but holders re fuse to sell. Packers at the Washington, Pa., glass works are on a strike. The Youngstown Car Company is building S00 cars for the Schoonmaker Coke Company. The Reading paid full interest on the first and second and 2 on the third mortgage bonds. Edgewood wants a "borough or a uew town shipIt don't care much which. It will have a church and a school before long. Several business houses will be erected in Wilkinsburg next spnne. Wood street will soon be the principal thoroughfare. The Builders' Exchange elected W. B. Lip ton, R. H, Barnes and A. Alston, Vice Presi dents; E. A. Knox, Setietary, and Treasurer, T. J. Hamilton. Brown fc Cochran have bought the sur face of the Alexander Sherrard farm of 150 acres, adjoining tho Nellie works, for 521,000. They already owned the coal. A SHOCKIfi Q ST0EY. While in a Hospital His Wife Dies and is Dissected and Cremated. ISPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Chicago, January 8. John Somers, the father ot nine children, broke his arm last July, and was taken to the county hospital. He sent word to his wife to come and see hira. She did not come. When Somers lett the hospital in September, he went to his house and found it vacant. His wife was nowhere about, and his furniture was gone. After a long search he learned that his wife had died of quick consumption at the hospital while he himself was an inmate of that institution. Then he began to look for her body. This was no easy task. The corpse had been buried in Potters field, bnt the grave had not been marked. Last week he learned that the body of his wife had been dis sected in the Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. He went to the institution and was told by the engineer that the bones had been burned. To-day Somers brought an action for damages against the professors of the college. 9, 1889. DOMESTIC 'MARKETS. Drift in All Produce Lines is Down ward, Poultry Being THE ONLY EXCEPTION TO THE EDLE Supplies of Hay Too Large for the Demand Cereal Markets, BI I MAJOEITr, IN BDIEKS' FAT0E Office of Pittsburg DisrATm, J Tuesday, January 8, 18b9. J Country Produce, Jobbing Prices. "With the one exception of poultry, tho entire drift of things in countryproduce lines is down ward. The weakness of butter and eggs for the past few days has culminated in another decline. Some commission men profess a readi ness to furnish the best eggs going at 20c. Others claim that a reliable article commands 22c. At Chicago to-day tho best Elgin creamery butter is going at 2Sc, a figure about 15e below the rate which ruled for a week or two in No vember. The failure of the cold weather to como to tlmo has entirely disappointed calcula tions of speculators in hen fruit and diry prod ucts. Said a Liberty street commission mer chant: "We are overstocked with everything, and, as much of our stuff is very sensitive to the weather, the mild weather we are having has very much demoralized trade. Apples are rotting in large quantity, and I wouldbe mighty glad to come out somewhere near whole on the stock I am carrying." Beans Navy from store, pnmehandplckcd, $2 00.2 10 per bushel; medium, $2 00: Ohio and Pennsylvania do, prime and medium. $2 Ww 1 10; imported do, SI 802 00: Lima, 5c per ft; marrowfat, S2 752 80 per bushel. Butter Creamery, Elgin, 3133c: Ohio do, 2528c: fresh dairy packed, 20J3c: country rolls l&i?20e: Chartiers Creamery Co.butter.are. Beeswax 2323c per a for choice; low grade, 1618c ClDER-Saud reflned, S6 507 50, common, S3 504 00: crab cider, 8 00S 50 f? barrel; cider vinegar. 1012c & gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese. September make. 12 12Vc; New York, September make, 1213c; Liraburger, HJi12ic: domestic Svteitzer cheese, 1313Kc Dried Peas 81 451 50 ?1 bushel; split do, m. 9i an n. Eggs 2022c ft dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, SI 25 to SI 75 f! barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25o $1 lb; cranberries, 58 OO 1 barrel: S2 75 W bushel. Feathers Extra live geese, 60C0c; No. 1 do. 4045l; mixed lots 30J5c S-ft. Homi.vy-$3303 40 fl barrel. Honey New Crop, lc; buckwheat, 1315c. Potatoes Potatoes, 3540c ft bushel; $2 50 2 75 for Southern sweets; S3 253 50 for Jer sey sweets. Poultry Live chickens, 5570o 1 pair; dressed chickens. 1213c fl pound; turkeys. IS U"e live, 16318c drcsed $1 pound: ducks, live. 8085c pair; dressed, 18c fl pound; geese, $1 Wl 10 $1 pair. bEEDS Clover, choice, 62 S3 to bushel, JG per bushel; clover, largo English. 02 fts, S6 25; clover. Alsike.SS 50; clover, white, S9 00; timo thy, choice, 45 lbs Si 90: blue grass extra clean. 14 fts, SI 00; blue grass, fancy, 14 fis, SI 20; orchard grass W fts, $2 00; red top, 14 lbs, SI CO; millet, 50 Bs, SI 25; Germin millet, 50 lbs, S2 00: Hungarian grass, 48 Es, $2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of line grasses 25c per lb. SHELLBARKS- BARKS SI 50 1 7.J. Tallow Country, 45c: city rendered, Tropical Fruits Lemons. S3 00 J 50 9 box; Mesina oranges. S2 503 50 W box; Florida oranges, S3 003 50 ft box: Jamaica oranges, fanc, S4 505 00 $ barrel; Malaga grapes. $5 507 CO 'f keg: bananas, $2 50 firsts, SI 502 00; good seconds fl bunch; cocoa nuts, S4 00 ft hundred; pineapples, $10 0018 CO 53 hundred; new figs, 1214c $ pound; dates, 5;c $j pound. Vegetables Celery, 1030c fl bunch; cab bages, S3 00ig5 00 ?! 100; onions, oOc ty bushel: Spanish onions, $1 001 25 $i crate; turnips, 30 40c bushel. Groceries. Contrary to general expectations, green cof fee was not able to hold the advance of a made in the past few days, and is off 30 points This decline will prevent the rise of package coffee, which would have been due to-day if markets for the green article had not n eak cned. Greet Coitee Fancy Rio, 2021Kc; choice Rio, 1920c; prime Rio, 19c; fair Rio, 18lSJic; old Government Java, 2GKc; Mara caibo, 21K22c; Mocha. 3031c; Santos, 1SJ 22c: Caracas coffee, lK2lc; peaberry, Rio. 20 21Kc; Lagnayra, 2021c. Roasted (in papers) Standard brands, 22c: high grades, 23K2fic; old Government Java, bulk. 30K31Kc;Maracaibo, 25K26Kc: Santos, 2122c: peaberrv, 25'f!c; choice Rio, 2:c; prime Rio, 21c; good Rio, 20c: ordinary, 19c. Spices (whole) Cl.ives, 2125c; allspice, 9c; cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c: nutmeg, 7080c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test, c; unio, la-", ej.c; ueaungni, ioo , ac; waierwniie. lOc: globe,"l2c; elaine, 15c; carnadine, lljc; roaline, lie. bYEUPS Corn syrup3, 2323c: choice sngar syrup, 3536c; prime sugar syrup, 3033c; strictly prime, 33 35c. N. O. Molasses Fancy, old. 43c; choice, 45c; mixed. 4012c: new crop, 4T0e. Soda Bi-carb in Kegs, 3g4c; bi-carb in Js, 5c: bi-carli, assorted package?, 56c; salsoda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, per set, 8Kc; parafflne, HK12c. Rice Head. Carolina, 7Kc: choice, 6 7c; prime. 5X6Kc; Louisiiua, 60S6J4C. Starch Pearl, 2c; cornstarch, 67c: gloss starch. 67c. Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, $2 65; Lon don laer, S3 10; California London layers, S2 50; Muscatels, S2 25;i California Jlnscatels, S2 35: Valencia, new, 67c; Ondara Velencia. 7V7Jt; sultana, 7c; currents, new, i oc; lurkey prunes, new, 4K4c; French prunes, 8J13c; Salonica prunes in 2-ft pack ages, 8c: cocoanuts, per 100, $6 00; almonds, Ian., per lb, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12W15c: Sicily tlberts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 1216c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c: citron, per S, 21CD c; lemon peel per ft, 1314c; Orange peel, 12c. Dried Fruits Apples, sliced, per ft, 8c; ap ples, evaporated, 67c; apricots, California, evaporated, 1518c;peichcs,evaporated, pared, 223c; peaches, California, evaporated, un pared, 1213Kc; cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 56c; raspberries, evap orated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 7K8c; huckle berries, 1012c Sugars Cubes, 8c; powdered, 8c; granu lated, 7JsCc; confectioners' A, 7Xc; standard A. 7c; soft whites, 6$7Kc: yellow, choice, 6J fcc; yellow, good, b?s6Jic; yellow, fair, 6c; yellow, dark, 6c. Pickles Mediums, bbls (1,200), S4 75; me diums, half bbls (600), S3 00. Salt No. 1 '$ bul, 95c; No. 1 ex, fl bbl, SI 05; oairy, uoi, 51 xi; coarse crystal, $i mucin's ,ureKa. i du sacK. ! 80; Higgm's Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, S3 00. Canned Goods standard Peaches. SI 50a 1 60; 2ds, $1 30I 35; extra peaches. SI .151 90; pie peaches, 90c; finest corn, $1 3001 60: Hfd. Co. corn. 7590c; red cherries, 90c$l 00; lima beans, SI 10: soaked do, 85c: string dodo, 75S5c: marrowfat peas, SI 1001 15; soaked peas. 70 75c; pineapples, $1 401 50; Bahama do, $2 75; damson plums, 9oc; green gases, SI 25: egg plums, $2 00; California pears, S2 50; do green gages, $2 00; do egg plums, $2 00; extra white cherries, S2 90; red cherries, 2fts. 90c: raspber ries, SI 151 40: strawOerries. SI 10; gooseber ries SI 201 SO: tomatoes, 9295c; salmon, 1 ft, $1 752 10: blackberries, 80c: suceotash, 2-fi cans, soaked, OOc; do green, 2fts, SI 251 50; corn beef, 2-ft cans SI 75; 14 ft cans 513 50: baked beans. SI 401 45; lobster, 1 ft. $1 75 1 80: mackerel. 1-ft cans, broiled, SI 50: sardines, domestic, s, 1 254 50; sardines, domestic. Ks !S 25S 50; sardines, imported. fe, $11 50 12 50; sardines, imported, s, SIS 00; sardines, mustard. 84 25. Fish Extra No. 1 mess mackerel. $30 31 bbl; No. 1 do, S2022: extra No. 2 do, $24 00; large No. 3 do, Slfl. Whole codfish George's medium, 4jc; do large, 4c; boneless hake. 5c; do cod-h-h, "K8c; smoked halibut, 1012c; blue fish, 8c; split herring, $6 006 50; white fish, half bbl. 100 fts, S7 50; lake herring, new, 100 fts $3 25; Portland round herring. 200 fts. SI 50; do half bbls, 100 fts $6 65; trout, 100 fts $5 50. Buckwheat Flour 3'43c per pound. Oatjieal $6 S06 60 bbl. Miners' Oil No 1 winter strained, 5962c I? gallon. Lard oil, 75c. Grain, Flour and Feed. Total receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change were 24 cars, 15 of which wero hay. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago 8 cars of hay, 5 of oats, 1 of flour. By Pittsburg, Cincin nati and St. Louis, 1 car of oats, 5 of hay, 1 of corn. By Baltimore and Ohio, 1 car of corn, 1 of hay. By Pittsburg and 'Western, 1 car of bay. The only sale on call was 1 car No. 2 y. e. corn, 39c, 5 days. Out of a total of 91 cars bul letined yesterday and to-day, 51 cars were bay. As a result of this overdose of the meadow crop, prices are off, as will be seen by quota tions below. The promised improvement in cereal markets after holidays has not yet ma terialized. Buyers and sellers are still far apart in their views of values. The former think there should be concessions and the latter are unwilling to concede. The outlook at this date is in the buyers' favor, since every thing outside of wheat is in abundant supply. As to wheat and flour, the short export de mand, as compared uith last year, would seem to more than ofiset the shortage of crop. One thing is certaiu, the efforts of Northwestern millers to stiffen prices of flour by restricting product are not, 60 far, a success, ; "WnEAT-Jobbing prices No. 2 red, Jl 07 10S;No.3red,95c$l. ,,,., Corn-No. 2 yellow, ear, 41012c; high mixed, ear. 3940c; No. 1 vellow. shelled, 3840c: liigh mixed, shelled, S637c; mixed, shelled. - Oats No. 2 white, 3?33Jc: extra . J 31K32c;No. 3 white, 30K31c; No. 2 mixed. Rye No 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio. 6061c: No. 1 Western. C053c; new rve. 5KS57C. Barley-No. 1 Canada, 93cJlJ 00j : No. 2 Canada. 9S98c:No.3 Canada, S92c; No. -Western. 83S5c; No. 3 Western, .07oc; Lake Shore, 7oM)c. . . - FLOUR-Jobbing prices, winter patents, SB .- 66 50; spring patents, $6 506 75: fancy straight, winter and spring. So 7oS 00; clear winter. $5 505 75; gjncht XXXX bakers', So 25o 50. Rye floor. S3 751 OX Coenjieal In paper. 60$70c MlLLFEED Middlings, fine white. S20 50 21 00 5B ton; brown middlings, $17 5018 OO: winter wheat bran, $15 5016 00; chop feod $21 0O22 00. cn,r-5 Hay Bailed timothy, choice. o 50015 5; No. 1 do, S15 0T15 23: No. 2 do, $13 0013 25; loose from wacon, S23 00028 00: No. 1 upland prairie. $10 50010 75; No. 2, $9 50 10 00; packing do. $8 00. ' Straw Oats. $8 009 00; wheat and rye straw, $3 003 50. Provisions. Large hams. 18 Bs and upward. 10Jc: medium hams, 14 to 18 fts. llc; small hams, 14 fts and under, HKc; picnic or California hams, 9c: boneless (in skins), 12c: sugar-cured shoul ders, 9Jc: bacon. SJJe; dry salt, OJc; breakfast bacon, IOKc;Touletts (boneless s. c shoulders), 10ic; regular smoked sides, 9c; bellies, smoked sides, SJc; regular dry salt sides, 8c;. bellies, dry salt sides, 8c; dried beer, sets 3 piecos 10c; dried beef, flats. 9t; dried beef, rounds 12c: dried beef, knuckles, 12c: pork, mess. $16 50; pork, family, $17 00; Pig pork, half barrels, $9 00; long sausage. 5Jic. Lard Tierces 323 lis 7c f) ft: half barrels 120 fts, 814c fl ft: tubs wooden. 60 fts Vip $ ft; buck ets, wooden. 20 fts, 8!c fl ft; 3-ft tin pails. 60 Bs, 8c fl ft:5-ft tin pails. 60 fts Sc ? ft; 10-ft tin pails, b0 fts. 8c it ft; 20-ft tin pails, 80 Bs, 8c; 50-ft tin pails, 100 fts, be ft ft. Dressed Meat. Armour & Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Bee' carcasses, 450 to 550 fts 5 5Mc; 600 to 630 Bs. 66Kc: 700 to 750 Bs. 77Kc. Sheep, 7c ?) ft. Lambs, 8c ft ft. Illetal Marker. St. Louis, January 8. Lead quiet and un changed. New York. January 8. Pie Iron firm. Cop per nominal: lake, Januarv, $17 35. Lead quiet and barely steady; domestic, $3 87. Tin dull and steady; straits. $21 85. Whisky Markets. The rnling price is $1 03 at all the principal Jiolnts of production. The tone of the market s steady to active. River Telegrams. ISPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THIS DI8PATCH.1 Brownsville River 8 feet 3 inches and falling. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 42 at 6 P. 31. M org antown River 6 feet 10 inches and stationary. Weather clear. Thermometer 46 at 4 p. jr. AVaeren River 3 410 feet and rising. Weather cloudy and mild. THE NATIONAL REMEDY, PRAISED BY ALL Bilious Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness Positively cured by LITTLE HOP PILLS, The People's Favorite Liver Pills. They act slowly, but surely, do not gripe, and their effect is lasting; the fact is they nave no equak Small dose: big results. Sugar coated and easy to take, send tor testimonials. 25c, at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepared by an old apothecary, Five bottles $L The HOP PILL CO., New London, Ct. Hop Ointment cures and makes chapped, rough, red skin soft and clear. 25 and 50c nol-MWF ARMOUR & CO., PITTSBURG. Dressed Beef, Mutton, Pork, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Pork Bologna And all other varieties of Sausage of the finest ?inalitv, at very moderate prices, received dally rom their immense cooling rooms at Chicago. WHOLESALE ONLY. delS-58-Mwr THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield St. CAPITAL. . . - . $200,000 00. DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Prest. JAMES P. SPEER. Vice Prest sel-k35-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. DIVIDENDS. Office of 1 German Fire Insurance Co., Pittsburg. Iinuarv8, 1889. ) DIVIDEND NO. 50-THE DIRECTORS OF this company have declared a dividend ot TWO DOLLARS PER SHARK (KOUKPER CENT), payable on and alter January 14, 1SS9. F. L. GROSS, ja9-59 Secretary. Office of the Humboldt Fire Ixsur- a-sce Company, aixeohent. j DIVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS company have this day declared a semi annual dividend of $1 50 PEP. SHARE, pay able on demand. A-H. TRIMBLE, ja9-21-WFS Secretary. Office of Allegheny Insurance Co., No. 67 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, January 7, 18S9. DIVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS company have declared a dividend of 1HREE(3)PERCENT. pavable on demand. ja8-54 C. O. DONNELL, Secretary. Office Union Insurance Co., Pittsburg. Pa. January 7. 18S9. rilii DIVIDEND-THE BOARD HAVE THIS day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT on the capital stock, out of the proiits of the past six months, payable forthwith. J. W. J. McLAIN, jaS-66 Secretary. German American Ins. Co. of Pa., 4 Office No. ill Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg. Jinnarv 4. 1SS9. TVVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS JL company have this clav declared a semi annual dividend of FOUR PER CENT ($2 per share), payable on demand. ja5-66 d W. J. PATTERSON, Secretary. Arsenal Dank. Pittsburg. December 31. 18SS. TMVIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIRE! ECT- U ORS of this bank have declared a divi dend of FOUR (4) PliR CENT out of the earnings of the last six months, payable forth with. W. S. WILLIAMS, jal-55-D Cashier. Odd Fellows Savings Bank, ; Pittsburg. Januam 2, 1889. -rvIVIDEND-TIIE DIRECTORS OF THIS I bink have this dav declared a dividend of THREE (3) PER CENT ont oi the earnings of the last six months, payable on demand, free of tax. F. E. MOORE, Cashier. ja314 Allegheny National Bank. Pittsburg.r'a. riTHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVE 1 this dav declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT out of the earnings of the past six months, payable Jannary 2, 18S9. T. C. HUTCHINSON. Cashier. December 3L 1S88. ja3-13 Office Wistern Insurance Co., i Pittsburg, Januarv 8, if 89. DIVIDEND NO. 73-THE BOARD OF Directors have this dav declared a divi dend of THREE PER CENT, or ONE DOL LAR and FIFTY CENTS upon each share of the capital stock, payable on and after the 11th msr. WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. ja9-3J-D The Northside Bridge Co., J Pittsburg, Januart 8, 18S9. DIVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS cnmpanv havo declared a dividend of TWO (2) PER CENT, payable at the office of tbe company at the south end of bridge, on and after the 16th day of January, 1889. Transler books closed until January 16. 18S9. ja9-33 R.L-ORR, Secretary. Office of ins Philadelphia Co.,') No. 820 Penn Avenue. y Pittsburg, Pa., January 8, 1889. ) DIVIDEND THIRTY-NINTH DIVI DEND The Board of Directors of this corapanv have this day declared a dividend of ONE PER CENT, payable on the 25th instant. Transfer books will be closed from the 15th to the 25th instant, both inclusive. Checks will be mailed to stockholders. ja9-23 JOHN CALDWELL, Treasurer. NEW ADVETiTTSEarEXTS. BUTTER, :: BUTTER, :: BUTTER. EVERY POUND WARRANTED PURE Chartiers Creamery Coi Warehouse and General Offices 708 SMITHFIELD STREET, Telephone 1423. Bissell Block. rrETSBTJRG-, PA. Factories throughout Western Pennsylvania. For prices see market quotations; Wholesale exclusively. aua-soS-srwj" WHOLESALE HOUSE, JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of n 1U Special offerings this weekia SILKS, PLUSHES, DEESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and CHEVIOTS. For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. vholesale"exclusively fe22-r8.1-D HKOKEES FINANCIAL. De WITT DIL IVOR TH, BROKER IN ifiettoXjIettim: Oil bought and sola on margin. de-!7-21-Dsu WIIMEY & STEPHE.TO 67 FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS THROUGH MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN & CO NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. ao2S-x75 MEDICAL. WHSTTIER 030 PENN AVENUE. PITTsBTJRU. PA, As old residents know and back files of Pitts, burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From gsponsbgpersons flQ pf J IML"DfilIQ ana mental diseases, physical I'tinVUUO decay, nervous debility, lact of enerfry, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrnst,bashfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organic weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for business,society and mar riage, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN fenWS blotches, falling hair, bona pains, glandular ulcers, old sores, are cured for hie, and blood nmsnns tnoroazniv erauicaieu iromtna svstem. lgui flDIMADV kidney and bladder deranjre- uiimnn 1 1 ments. weak back. trraveL ca tarrhal aiscnarges, muammauon ana other painful symptoms receive searching treatment; prompt relief and re..l cures. Dr. whittier's life-long, extensive experience insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-sense principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday, 10 A. K. to 1 P. M. only. DR. WHITTIER. 9j) Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. jaii.-5-DSuw A CURE GUARANTEED-HEALTH.EN ERGY and strength secured by using Am oranda Wafer3. These wafers are the only rell able safe remedy for the permanent cure of im potency, no matter how long standing.seperma torrhoea, overwork of the brain, sleepless, harassing dreams, premature decay of vital power, nervous debility, nerve and heart d5 ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting of vital forces; 75e per box or six boxes for SU six boxes is the complete treatment, and with everv purchase of six boxes at one time wo will give a written guarantee to refund the money if the wafers do not benefit or affect a perma nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAL LNTS1TUTE. For sale only by JOSEPH FLEMING.. M Market street; Pitts burg, Pa.. P. O. box J7 apld-koe-ltwrsu Gray's Specific Medicine. TRADE MARK The Gpeat TRADE MARIC1 ENGLISIIItEJI- rS. EDY.AnnnttU iujc cure for bemlnal Weak ness sperma torrhea, impo tenty, and all diseases that follow as a se quence of belf-4 Abuse: as loss BEFORE TAXIMB.Univires?ii!ars: AFTER TAKING. situde. Pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Fre matureOId Age and many other diseaes that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prematura Gnve. eS-Ful' particulars In our pamphlet, which wo desire to send free by mall to every one. 3"Tha Specific Medicine is sold by all drocsists at 1 per Sack jjre. or six packages for S3, or will be sent frea y mail on the receipt or the money, by addressing THEGKAY MEDIC1NECO., Unttjlo, N. Y. On acconnt of counterfeits, we have adopted tha Yellow Wrapper: the onlv gennlnc. Sold in Pittsburg by S. b. HOLLAND, corner Smithfield and Liberty streets. mh!3-kl3 CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH n 22) c:::: viz::o izizj, OrlttaaLbctt. enlr zrflvlac tni rciiaoio pui wr sue. ctetiiu. i,Uk lor laicjuiltri Anguui I Diamond Brand. In red me- ' K ullw boxc. wlta blue nl- Jlton. At Druffcfptft. Accept nn Ath,- All dills la n&aU- boira bozei . pink wrappers, ire s danger on counterfeit. Send 4c. r.-np for rutieubrs mi! "Kelleff.irLndleo,-!' Ittttr. br return mill. 10.000 teitl alaMrCwhobarsiuedlhem. KuneFaper. Chichester t'tcmical Co.,SxdisonSqFlilUPs. de28-21--WT3uwk DOCTORS LAKE PRnTATE DISPENSARY OFFICES, 908 PENN AVE. PITTSBURGH. PA All forms of Delicate and Cony. nhcatcd Dfases requirinc Cos- FiDEXTLU.nnd SciEMincilcdi cation are treated at this Dispensary with a suc cess rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake is a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, and is tbe oldest and most experienced SpecU 1ST In the city. Special attcnt ion gn en to XeiT cms Debility "from eicessiver ntal exertion, u discretions of youth, Ac., cosing physical and mental decay, lack of energy, despondency, eta ; also Cancers, OM SorC3. Fits. Tiles, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Skin, Blood, Luns, Urin ary Organs, ic Consultation free and strictly confidential. Office hours 0 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays 2 to 4 p.m. only. Call at office or address K.LAKE..M.D..M.R .CP-S-or E-J.Lake,M.D.' sel-i3Mrwwk WEAK! 1 AS TOffcrlnfffroin tns rf I fflj fects of youthful er. N ra B g Ba B ror, eany nccaj, low manhood , etc. I win M-no a valuable treatise (Msled) contaiulne full partlcnlars for home cure, frea of chaI. Address, . PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moodus, Conn. J noS-kSl-DSUwlc . . i f rS'Sr A54 w onimafros - S! .-