jpsp? .mtf THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, "WEDNESDAY, JANUARY' 9, 1889, -3 mMmmmmBmmmmmmmmmmm -,, y-r- .---!.---...- -,-.- "' v ' rvarr-rKS" - - - -v- - j . - ? - -i - , - --. - , v ? AFTER AGENT O'BRIEN lhc State Board of Charities Making an Investigation. A CASE AT THE CITY POOR FARM TTTiicri is Charged to te the Eesnlt of Yerj Gross Negligence. WANT CHUDBEX BETTER CAEED FOB The State Board of Charities is finding fault with the Humane Society's methods, and has complained to Secretary Davis, of the latter, concerning the agent's course. One young coman was taken ont of the So ciety's charge yesterday (or rather from the City Poor Farm, where Agent O'Brien had placed her) by members of the State Board of Charities. These members claim that sufficient care is not taken in the placing of children by the Humane Society, and point to the young woman taken from the City Poor Tarm yes terday as an awful example of carelessness or neglect on the part of Agent O Bnen. About ten months ago a young woman, who is now 17, was left an orphan by the death of her mother. She went to lire with her brother, but he cither would not or could not keep her, and she went to work for a woman on Perrysville avenue, Alle gheny. The sons of the house are alleged to have corn c home drunk and abused her, and at last she appealed to the Humane Society. Agent O'Brien placed the girl in the temporary home on Penn avenue for a short time, and then sent her to live with the wife of a saloon keeper in Allegheny. "While tnere the girl suffered a downfall at the hands of a boarder, a plumber by trade. The girl says that when the lady of the house learned of her condition she told her to keep quiet about the matter and pro cured medicine for her. It failed ot its effect, however. TVHEKE nn SENT HEB. Then the Humane Agent was called in, and he sent the girl, who was the Tictim of an awful malady, to the City Farm. She is now about well. The case was brought to the attention of the State Board of Charities, two of whom visited the g.rl yesterday at the City Farm and heard her story. Last night they called on Secretary Davidsor and inquired if the Humane So ciety w ii aware of the fact that its agent had placed any unprotected children in saloon boarding houses. The committee then requested that a more careful ov er sight be maintained over children, so that they might not be placed where both health and morals are ruined. It is charged by the girl in the case men tioned that the agent made no effort to punish the young man whom she charges with her downfall. The State Board of Charities, or rather the committee acting in the 6ae, say that thev are carefully investi gating the matter and that they will place the responsibility where it belongs. AN OFFICIAL QtJEItY. A member of the State Board of Chari ties handed the following 10 a DlsrATCH reporter last night: The people ot our city had better look a little more carelullv into details of the benevolences for which they pa their money and in winch tliej place confidence. We hear that an agent of such a society when called upon to protect a joungprl from the abue of the family In which she was living, placed her in a saloon hoarding bouse, where her health and morals were ruined. Under kind and skillful medical treatment at the Pittsburg Citj Farm she is no restored Querv Are desolate, unprotected children to he consigned to the tender mercies of saloon boarding bouses Querv Are there not suitable men to be ob tained for these positions of trust, where the lires and morals of the young may be preserved or Imperiled SPECIAL 9ICM.1N U!DER.vVEAIt feLE. New Muslin Underwear Gowns, 95 Cents. "Sote these garments, for finish and trim ming, also the drawers at 50 cents and chemises at 50 cents very best at these prices. This is a special sale, too. JOS HOEVE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. Eejisasis in table linens, bleached, half-bleached and turkey red; these are slightly toiled and will be sold at half price. Hugcs & Hacke. 3IWFSU Fixe silk umbrellas, musical boxes and imported artificial flowers and plants at re duced prices at Hauch's, 2fo. 293 Fifth ave. vrsu Hand Embroidered French Underwear At very low prices the work on these is exquisitely fine. JOS. HOKKE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. NO LADY should be without a shawl; our S3 50 and 55 quality cannot be equaled at double the price. Htjgus & Hacke. mwfsu Closing Oct An extra bargain in gent's grain tap sole waterproof bals, worth S3, at only S2 per pair, at G. D. Simen's, 78 Ohio street, Allegheny. mwf "VTomek avoid suffering by using Parker's Ginger Tonic, as it is adapted to their ills. Parker's Hair Balsam aids the growth. LACE CURTAINS. Don't Dare to Forjtct the Special Sale Kow going on in our bright new curtain room. .Everybody who comes buys. JOS. HOBNE & CO.'S. Penn Avenue Stores. Fixe watches a specialty; low prices a certainty at Hauch's ICo. 295 Fifth ave. vvfsu LEGAL JOTICES. -VrOTICE-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN J.1 thin an application will be made to the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania od Mon day. February 4, 16S9. bv Abner V. Howard, S. J. Wainwnght, V IL Nimick, J. S. Morrison and J. M. Howard under trc Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29, 1874. for the charter of an intended corporation to be called the "Howard Plate Glass Company, the character and object of which is the manufacture and sale of plate and other articles of plabs, and articles ol glass in connection with other materials, and fortius purpose to have, posse-s and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and its suppliinents. ja9-3w THRESH BUTTER Jl RECEIVED DAILY BY GEO. K- STEVENSON &. CO., GROCERIES AND TABLE DELICACIES, SIXTHAVENUE. jaMDnrwr TO LET. Some of the finest rooms in the citv for general business purposes at the New Dispatch building, 75, 77 ana 79 Dia mond street WELL LIGHTED, well ventilated, with con venient passenger and freight elevator service. &1TUATIOV the most central in the city, within a few hundred feet of the post offices, (new and old). City Hail, the new countv buildings. Fifth avenue. Smith field street and Tourth av cnue. TARTIEs requiring power service also sup- " plied, with special quarters and every convenience. ELECTRIC LIKimMJ, steam heating and janitor service included In the rents, which ate moderate. GREAT advantages and economy in these new quarters. Apply between 11 A. at. and 5 v. ji. sf the SEW DISPATCH BUILDING. 75. 77 id 79 Diamond street. tSfDisplay advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as fronted, For Sale, To Let, etc-, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cent' THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, "where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient advertisements -will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion nest morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with Tub Dls- FATCII. rirrsBurto. THOMAS MCCAFFItKI, 3M Butler street. E.MIL G. STUCKEY. Slth street and Fenn ave, E. G STUCK EY & CO., "Wyllc ave. and Fulton St. '. srOh,LLY, Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST ED. J W. "ft ALLACE, Mil Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTEK & SHFIBLER,5thav. J. Atwood U socmsiPE. JACOB brOIIN. No 2 Carson street. CHAb. SCHWARM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. 3. KAEKCHEU, 59 Federal street. McURIDE ItltO . Federal and Ohio streets. FRFDII EGUEKb. ITS Ohio street. F. H. EGEKs&bO Ohio and Chestnut sts. J F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAb MCHENRY. Western and Irwin aves. G. V. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. I'EKUY M GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny aTes. WANTED. Male ITclo. w- ANTED A GOOD BARBER- YOUNG man preferred. Apply at 2S3o FEN NAVE. jjw-n "TTTANTFO-A GOOD CUFOl.A MAN. IN- QUIRE at foundry THOMAS CARLIN'S SONS, sanduskv street, Allegheny. U9-S2 Ytateo-boy a, nn Jli 00 CASH SECUR ? 1T1 to act as news a cent on railroad Ap ply UNION NEWS CO, Union Depot. ja -44 -rrTATFI-A YOUNG MAN FOR A MANU- V FACTURING office: mu-t be familiar -with tvpcwrltcr. Address IRON, DHpMcli office. Ja8-30 WANTrD-THO 'kOUNG MFV TO ACT AS news tpents on tlie triln, with i cash secur ltv of?lo Inquire at UN ION N EN S CO., II. & O. Depot. Ja9-64 WANTED 1MMED1ATFLY TWO FIKST class wood workers: none hut experienced men need apply. K. J. CASE. Virgin and Cherry alleys Ja9-70 WANTFD-AN AUCTION ELK WHO IS EX 1'EKIENCED in the furniture business; none other need anply: sute ciperlcnce. Address H., Dispatch office Ja9-6o -rVrAT"" D-IMMEDIATEI.Y THRIE GOOD Vt pullers ont on iraa crnclble lnmices. Ap ply THE CHICAGO CRUCIBLE felEEL CAST ING CO , room 11, 156 Lake St., Chicago. Ja9-28 -rrTANTEI)-AGENTS-S75 A MONTH AND V expenses paid an v person to sell our goods; nn capital: salnrv monthlv; particulars free. STANDARD SILVERWARE CO.. Boston. OC4-18 -TTTAN TED-YOUNG MAIi 10 TO 18 YEARS W of age, to work in shoo store: must come woll recommended and he resident of Seventeenth wird. Address T. H. s., Dispatch office. Ja8-49 WANTED AGENTS TO SELL CLINE'S foot heaters and patent fuel for carriages, wigons. rtr.: 6ells at sight. Inquire after 3 p. M., WM. SEMl'LF, JR., 165 Icdcral St., Allegheny, I'a. del6-0-E TTTAN1ED-MVNAGFR FOR OUR l'ENN V SYLVAMA ofhee: sal i ry. t UW control ?4 000 (wholesale) worth of goods: must make $1,500 deposit; reference WILSON, I Cooper Union, New ork. Jal-43 ANTED--H AFTER IN A FBIVATE FAM 1L : muthe experienced and well recom mended: liberal wages paid. Address R. W., Dispatch office, giving references, amount of ex perience, age and address. Ja9-16 -TXANTFI-A DRIVER WHO UNDEH vV STANDS the furniture business; one who has some experience as salesman and collector preferred: cash security required. Address FUR NITURE, Dispatch omcc Ja9-63 WANTEH-IN THE OFFICE OF A MANU FACTURING corapanj. ayoungman who Is a stenographer and typewriter, but will be ex pected to devote a large portion of his time to cler ical work. Address, stating salary expected, I). B. U , Dispatch offioe Ja8-62 WANTrO-GLASS PACKERS-FOUR EX PFRIENCLD prescription wire packers at Aashington Glass Co. " ashlngton. Ia. Apply t . s. JlcKLE'N 12) First ave., Fittsburg; none but first-elas workmen wanted, come prt pared to go to-dav between 1 and 2 o'clock r. M. Ja9-09 ANTED-A COLLECTOR ANDSALESMAN who resides at East Liverpool or steuben ville. Ohio, to sell and colleeton installment sles; salarr or commission paid, cash securitT required; none but a man who is acquainted with the terri tory need apply. Address R, Dispatch office. JaD-C? YTTANTED-SALESMEN-TO SELL OUR V goods (salt water llsh) on commission to the wholesale and retail grocery trade; men having regularly established routes preferred. Address, stating route, experience and nge. with refer ences, LEONARD A. TREAT, 145 state St., Bos ton. ja8-7J-MWS -TrrANTEU-MAN-TO TAKE THE AGENCY of our safes size S8xl8xlS inches: weight SOOlbs.; retail price fC other sizes in proportion. A rare chance and permanent business. These safes meet a demand never before supplied by other safe companies, is we arc not governed by the afc pool. ALFIN ESAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. EC8-pM-ws Female ITclD. -rTTANTED-GIRl. FOR GFNFRAL noUSK- VVjW OltK. Apply 521 FORBES ST. Ja9-32 WANTFD SECOND COOK: FEMALF. GOODWIN'S RESTAURANT, 115 Fourth ave. ja9-68 TTTANTFU A GIRf. FOR GENERAL nOUSE V 'WORK. Inquire at No. 313 BEDIORD AVE., city. ja9-15 TTANTEn-A LAUNDliTSS: MUSTUNDER- V si AND all kinds of laundry work. Address BOX 89, Tarentum, I'a. Ja9-C WANTED-A GERMAN GIRL TO TVKE careof children and assist in housework; references required good wngcspiid. Call from 9 to 1 o'clock at 116 SHEFFIELD sr , Allegheny. Ja9-31 -ryANTFD-COOKS AGEs ft; CHAMBER- MAIDS, dining room girls, nurses, laun dress, waitress, housegirls Fnelish, German and l'rotestant girls MRS. THOMPSON. 60S Grant St. Ja9-73 -TTTANTrtl-A 'WELL-RECOMMENDED BUS TY INLss ladv to act as epcrialealcsladyln our retail order department, (all after 10 a. m. Wednesdav. SUI'FRINTEN DENT'S OFFICE, Room 11, 54 sixth st. JaS-il lllalc nnd Fctnnle flelp. -TTJANTED-IMMEDIATFLY LAUNDRFSS. V ?4pereck; pastry cook. per week; 100 house girls, cooks, chimbermaids dl'-hwaslicrnnd waitress, nurse girls: all iirst-class help report here. MRS MELIIAN, 545 Grant st. dc31-D Sltunton--rTJANTED-SITUATlONASCLERKIN STORE tt orofllcc. byvoung man: very best refer ences Address C. B., Diipatch office. ja-52 TTrANTED-l'OSlTION AS COACHMAN AND V to do general work around the place; 10 years' experience. Address COACHMAN. Dis patch office. Ja9-29 TTrANTrD-MTUATION.' BY iOU.NG MVN with experience as bjokkeeper, assistant or bill clerk: can speak and write German: first class reference. Address It., Dispatch office. ja9-8 -rrjANTED-SlTUATION BY IOU.NG MAR- R1LD man as driver In wholesale procery or commission house, or on gentleman's place; references. Address A. 15. D., Dispatch office. JaS-4G rarmeni. WANTED-rAUTY WITH ABOUT C000TO take half Interest In an old and cll-pavfng photograph huelness; good opentor or cra on ar tist preferred Address ARTIST, Dispatch office Ja9-74 WANTED-AN EXFERIENCED MAN WHO can invest Jo, coo to 10,000 to take charge of the branch store In Pittsburg of a New lork book publishing and retail house. Address 1. O. BOX 1ZS, New ork. Ja8-52 WANTLD-FARTNEK UTjI f500 CAPITAL against experience to etart the electro-plating business also to manufacture a patent house hold article. Address or Inquire H. J., 1C3 La cock St., Allcclicny. Ja9-t Itoom. nouscn. Etc WANTED-TO PURCHASE-ONE THOU SANDfue and six-room houses In Alle gheny and Pittsburg. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Kourth ave. jaS-1 WANTED-TO FUKCHASE HVE HUN drcd ciLht-room houses in Oakland, Bcllc Seld, ShadAsidc and East Liberty. GEO. JOHNSTON. Agent, K Fourth arc. JaS-1 WANTEU-liY Al'KIL I. SHOW'UOOJl ON first floor on good business street; would rent one-halfof large room with firot-ciaes party. Address SHOW ROOM. Dispatch office. de7-I33 Financial. WANTED-MORTGAGES OX CITY FHo ERIY. over JtOOO; iH per cent; no tax. HLNR A. WEAVLR&CO., S2 Fourth avenue. mliS-aS-D -TTTANTED-HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS V? to collect In both cities. We ghc special attention to repairs, taxes, insurance and man-as-eii'put of oropcrties: Itemized accounts, month l setilements. FITTsBURG CO., Llm., 138 Fiftn avenue. Real Etate and Insurance. Jal-94-D XTTANTED-LESSELS FOR 1I0TEI-NY- V ONE wishing to go Into hotel business with any amount caplttl. ,0JO to J25,0: not ?I bonus money: furniture sold for its value; good lease. V. ARD & BOSW ELL'S. 171 Broadfla), N. Y., Hotel Brokers (specialty). Hotels in every State, no charge to buyers; business confidential; state your capital. JiS-70 WANTED. Finnnciol. WANTED-HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS to collect. A. H. LESLIE, Forty-second and Butler sts. dc31-15 TTrANTFD E HAVE ?5,0C0 TO LOAN I Oil V long or sliort time at 5 per cent D 1. THOMAS A CO., 40S Grant st nol4-o73 ANTED-TO LOAN 75,000 ON IMPROVED city and farm property, LASHLLL & RANKIN, 67 Fourth ae. no23-u74-Mvr -YX7"ANTLD-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH LY LY settlement with itemized statement. BLACK & BAIHD, 95 i ourth avenue. a2i-a2)-D WANIED-MOP.IGAGES-MONEYTOLOAN in sums to suit, at iH, 5 and 6 per cent. GRAEBING & LION, 135 1 ourth ave. apG-el-D WANTED-MORTGAGES OV PlTlsBUKG, Alleghcnv or suburban improved real estate at lowest raes in large orsmallamounts. ALEX AN DLR A LEE, 313 ood St. Ja5-55-TIWS -TTTANIEU-MORTGAGES-SUMS UtOM JjOO t V to SHOCO to loin on eity and country prop erty;4V, and 6 per cent. JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 121 i ourth avenue, Pittsburg. Ja4-9S-Mwrs WANTED-GOOD MORTGAGES FOR ANY amount- Ion est rites of Interest and commis sion. PlITsBURO CO.. LIMriED, Roil Estate and insurance, 133 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. JaI-31-D -rV7"ANTFU-Sl,OC0,O0O TO LOAN ON 1'ITTS V BOKG and Alleghcnv propertv. In sums or So. 000 to fioaooo, at 4Sand5 percent, no State tax. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 i ourth ave. Jas-1 -TTTANTED-IO LOAN SoOaoOa IN AMOUNTS V of $3,000 and upwird, on city and suburban property, on 4 per cent, frecoftax; also smaller amounts at 5 and 6 per cent. BLACK A BAIRD, 951 ourth avenue. se21 dJb-D TTT-ANTED-PROPERTi OF ALL KINDS TO sell, houses to rent, rents and accounts to collect: pcr60iil attentlonand prompt settlements guaranteed. THOS. McCAFFRLi, Not-uy Pub lic a09 Butler street. feI2-16-w -rVTANTLD-TO LOAN 2)0,000 ON 31010' V GAGES; J100 and upward it 6 per cent: $500,000 at 4 per cent on residences or busim ss poperl; also In adjoining counties. S. H. FRLNCH, 12o Fourth avenue. oc31-tS4-D WAN TED-MOKl G AGES-fl.000, OOOTO LOAN on city and suburban properties at 4, 5and 6 per cent, and on nrms in Allegheny and aaja cent counties at 6 per cent: no mone loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK A SON, 10j I ourth a enue. ap7-fl -VTTANTED-HOUSES TO RfcNT AND RENTS V to collect: prompt returns with itemized statements. Also mortigcs in lirge or small amounts at 4, 5 and 6 per cent and no tax or dela. provided titles be good. JAMES 1)1 R 5I1TT, 407 Grant street. Ja9-7-ws SllsccIInncons. -TTTANTED-A COIENER LOT COVERING V about S. 000 or 3,000 feet Address, giilng location, size and price, BONIS!, Pittsburg P. O. Ja8-44-TWTS WANTEU-THr; PEOPLE OF THE TWO cities to call at C3 Federal street, Alleghcnv. Pictures of all kinds at lowest prices STAN FORD OC Ja9-40--nssu ANTFD A ON E-IIORSL PLATFORM spring wacon. covered, must be in good ccndltion and cheap for cash. Address AGON, Box 137. postoface, city. Ja9-3u ANTED PERSONS DESIROUS OF PUR CH SIN G writing midlines to cill and ex amine the unequaleil Remington as recentlv im proved. A il. MARTIN, 411 ood St. Ja9-54 -XTANTFO I'UPILS TO LLARN" SHORT- V IIAN L) and typewriting; anv of the leading systems taught; twentv-fivctrpewriters. Address or cill au MARTIN'S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 4L2 Wood st. Ja9-54 WANTED-EVEin BODY TO KNOW THAT Ii. Terheyden hiB laid in i large btock of American watches, gold and slhcr, that he can sell as low as the lowest: remember the place. HENRY TERHEYDEN, 5J0 Sinllhueld st. noll-Mwrsn WAN'l ED BY PEARSON. LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER. 96 Firth avenue, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, erervbodyto know thf t he is miking fine cabinets at SI oO per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous process. mhl3-k:7 -rT7-ANTEl-BY ALL-HOLIDAY BARGAINS V in finely ornamented watches, diamonds, sllTcrwarc, Jcwelrv, cloiks, bronzes, gold pens, spectacles, etc: Rogers' knives ind forks SI 7a per set; goods on monthly payments. MlTsCH, the Jeweler, 130 Federal St., Allegucny. dci;-k67-Mwrsu TTT-ANTED ALL HOTEL AND SALOON W keepers to know that now Is the time to file all applications and bonds tor liquor 1U enses Get ill papers propcru made out byTnos JIC CAFIRKi, Notary Public .1509 Butler st. Have all the blank forms on hand; office open evenings. Ja9-Cl-wsu FOR SALE. City Residences. I7I0R SALE-513TO, IF SOLD AT ONCE, NO. . 109 CUif st. ; lot Jlx78 icet: 2 houses. 1 brick, I frame, terms easy. . A. HERRON A SONS, 80 lourin avenue. Ja4-10-4,7,9,i: FORSALE-ONLIBFRTYAYE..NEARHFTH St. lofJOxIlO feet, with a good 3-story dwell ing: price reasonable if sold at once. ". A. HER RON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth avenue. ja9-49-9. 12,16, 18 FOR SALE-1F SOLD AT ONCE ONLY 4 6T0 lot 25x100 feet, with a brlek dwrlliue of 8 rooms, late improvements; BlulT, near Chestnut street: terms can be made very easy. . A. 11EK RON A SONS, No. M) Fourth avenue. ja9-49-9, 12,16,1( OR SALE-CORNTR WYLIE AVENUE AND Caramel alley. Thirteenth ward a neat 2-story brick dwelling of 5 rooms and finished attic: lot 2Uxo teet: low price and eisv terms. In quire at GERMAN 1A SAVINGS "BANK, 423 Wood street. dcC-194-ws East End Residences. FOR SALE-HOUSFS OF TE" ROOMS, ON alnut st.. Shadvslde: good lot. low price. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. jaS-1 FOR SALE BEUTIFUL E. E RFIDENCE of 7 large rooms: bath, w. c., both gases, finely finished: near Hith ave. cible road- lot x 143- price. S4.500. easy pavments. W. W. Mc N EILL A BRO , 162 Fourth aTe. jaS-58-wrssu FOR SALE-IN HIE MIDST or OAKLAND: very cheip, on iccount of removal of owner: on Fifth, neir Meyran st.: lot 22x127 feet good brick house. 7 rooms: call at once W. A. HER EON ASONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Jal-10-4,7,9,12 FOR SALE SI.VFRAL VERY FLNE RES1 DFNCES, fronting on Neville st., Fllsworth ave., Ilfth ave, and other leiding streets and avenues In Oaklind, Bellefield Shadvslde and East Liberty. GEO. JOHNsrON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. ja5-l FOR SALE-AT J3.W0-A NFT DWELLING of fi rooms, lot 25x100 feet; well located, on Ellsworth avenne: convenient to cible and steim ca'-s. and near Roup street- averv good propertv for the money. . A. HERRON A sons'. No SO i ourth avenue. ja9-49-9,12,16,18 F OR SALE-52,500. BRICK DWELLING OF 4 rooms, hisement kitchen, on Lenora St.. 7 minutes from Last Liberty station, having slate roof, water, rear porch ind good dr cellar, this is undoubtedly a special bargain. BLACK A BA IRl, 95 i ourth ave jaS-89-S, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19 FOR SVLE AN ELEG VNT 10-ROOMED house, two stories and nimsard, with all modern conveniences inside w. c.. stationary washstands, range and bath: lot 21x110 sidecn trance: this property is convenient to the busi ness portion of the city and on the line of the new cable road- SI. r00 cash, balance long time BLACK A BAIRD. 95 1 ourth avenne. JaS-SG-D FOR SALE N EW EAST END RF.SIDFNCE, 2 squares from cahle line, on Walnut st , 8 rooms, latest Improvements, all in first-class or der, and with i fine large lot. 85x110 rect: price only 51.700, it disposed of bvleb good reasons for t-elling. W. A. HERRON A SONS, No. 80 Fourth ave. ja0-4s-9,ll, 15,17,13 AHrfiheny Residences. FORSALE ON WESTERN AVE , NEAR THE Parks, brick house. 8 rooms: lot 35 feet front: will give you a big bargain if bought quick. A. D. W 1LS0N, 55 Federals;., Allegheny J-15-42-MWS FOR SALE ON ALLFGIirNY AVE.. FINE brick dwelling, 10 rooms rooms large and well finished- corner lot- all modern fmpts : price. If sold soon. 5U,CC0. A. D. WILSON, J5 t edcral st , Alleglicn) . jaMH-jiw s FORSALE-OMi 6.100. NEAR ALI.FMIKNY Park, a desirable I-ston brick dwelling of 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, range, hot and cold water, nat. and art. gas, liundrj, electric bells and every modern convenience, terms, S1,0U0 cish. Jal. to suit purchaser. BLUk & BAIlll). 95 Fonrlli ave. jaS-ST-S, 9. 10,11,1: 15,17,19 OP. SALE-HOUSLS AND LOT.S-A.RAKE investment A hloel ol new brick dwellings in the Second ward. Alleglienv: hithroom. natu ral gas and other modern conveniences: missive stono foundations, drj ci liars, perfect sewerage, etc., etc.; everything in first-class condition; rents about $1,000 annually. Terms from JAS. Y. DRAPE A CO, 13 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. ja9-45-MWThS TTIOR SALE A UNE RlAIDENCE ON T.TN- E COLN avenue, hiving 10 rooms, together with hith, lavatory, cedar closet, liundry, hot and cold water throughout, natural gag, Inside shut ters, plate-glass windows, tpiclous vestibule and hallnav; evcrvthlng In tlie most complete and perfect order: laree lot: side entrance; brick stable and cirriage house allev In the rear. Par ticulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO , 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, ja5-79-MWS Gnsl End Lois. FOR SALE-LOTS IN ARDARY PROPERTY, Shadvslde, Liberty ave. Atlantic ave , and Rebecca St.: certain or enhancement. BLACK & BAIRD, 85 Fourth avenue. ja8-S6-D T7I0R SALE-FOUR I-OTb, 40x100 feet each, near J Shadvslde Station, foronlj S1.2C0 each: these lots are beyond a doubt a special bargain, BLACK A BAllili. 95 Fourth ave. JaS-38-9, 10, 12, H, 15, 17, 19 FOR SALE-IN LLOID PLAN. LOTS ON Fifth avenue, Craig and Dithrldgc 6treets, Bellefield, on line of Fifth avenue traction road; choice lots In "the circle:" location unrivalled. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. Ja8-86-D FORSALE-IF 10U HAVE 5-jOO ONLY AND wishtoownahonse, we will till vou a lot in Kaum's Grove and lend you monty to liiillrt a house to suit your own tdcas. and give j on am pie time to reply the loin: send lor plan of these choice East End lots. BLACK A BAIRD, 93 Fourth avenue. JaS-S5-D FOR SALE-LOTS1 LOTS! LOTsl LOT81-A small cash paj ment and balance monthly or annually, as desired, will Imva fine building site, 40x137 feet. Bank of Commerce addition, Brushton station; this year's tixes paid hv owner; call or send for plan. JOHN F. BAXlER, Agent. 51S Emithneld street. Ja7-4jiwr FOR SALE Suburban Residences FOR SALE-NEAR EMSWORTH, 1M TO 4J, acres of ground with small frame house, at a bargain C BERINGEK A SON, 103 Fourth ave. ja9-53-WS I7IORSALE-ATINGRAM-FRAMEIIOUSEOF 1 6 rooms; lot 50x150 feet; about 5 minutes' walk irom station; easy payments. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 I ourth avenue. Ja3-1 OK SALE-AT INGRAM-VERY FINE SIX room house, fronting on Mlddletown road: pood lot; about 15 minutes' from station. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 i ourth avenue. JaS-1 FOR SALE-A FINE, LARGE RESIDENCE atEmsworth, P.. Ft. W. A C. R. R.: elegant fxounds and first-class neighborhood: or will rent U C. BERINGER A SON, 103 Fourth ave. " Ja9-53-WS OR SALE-AT GLENF1ELD. P., FT. W. & C. R. R , dwellings of all sizes, with large lots or acres; good board wilks and mostly near the station C. BERINGER A SON, 103 1 ourth ave. ja9-53-WS FORSALE-A LOVELYEIGHT-ROOM HOUSE at Idlewood: natural gas- all modern lin rxovements. good neighborhood- 4 minutes' wait rom station. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent. 13 Fourth ave. ja3-l ITIOR SALE-A GOOD FRAME HOUSE OF 7 ; rooms, ball, etc., with nearly 2 acrc3 of nice ly laying land planted in fruit and slude trees: price S-i.500. at Emsworth. C. BEKINGI R A SON . 103 Fourth av c. Ja9-53-ws TTSORSALE-EDGEWOOD, P.R.E -A PRETTY X? cottage of fl rooms In nice location. Is Just new, will sell at a very low price and on the easiest ol Biyments; It will piv yon to investigate. See LACK A BAIRD, "Jo Fourth avenue. Ja8-86-D FOR SALE-FINE SUBURBAN PROPERTY on the Perrysville road, only a short distance from the city, on line or Electric Railway: house nearly new: contains 8 rooms: hall in center: lot 100 it. front by 825 deep. 110,000. A. D. ILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. a5-U-MVS FOR SALE AT JACK'S RUN STATION, Fl'. WA1NE R. It., large lot (over an acre) of ground, frame house. 8 rooms, hall, porches, etc., etc.: stable wajron shed and other outbuildings: house and grounds in splendid condition; will sell cheap: oulv $5,000. A. D. WILSON, W Federal st., Allegheny. Ja5-42-jiws I7IJR SALE-AT W1LKINSBURG, SOUTH J street, a new frame bouse, 8 rooms, finished attic hall and pantry, inside shutters, nicely papered, natural gas. front and back porch, well of good water, dry cellar, street graded and stone pivements; lot 37)x132 feet; 2 minutes' walk from station. J. MILLER. Ja7-1 City Lots T7;OR SALE-LOTS FRON1ING ON WYLIE, ebsiter and Bedford aves ", Thirteenth ward. GEO. JOHNSfON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. JaS-1 Ilazclwood Lots. FOR SLE-FINE BUILDING LOTS AT IIA ZELW OOD, B. A O. R. R , Twenty-third ward, trains run to station In 10 to 12 minutes; price JIM to S3CC, terms made to suit purchasers. S. MclltlUKART, new No. 1010 Penn avenue. no4-h9-ws Snbnrban Lots. FOR SALE-AT INGRAM. LOTS BANGING lu prices fromSSOO to 82,500. GEO. JOHN STON, Agent, 62 ourth avenue. JaS-i FOR SALE-AT INGRAM, ONE. TWO, three, four, five, six. seven, eight or nine acre lots. GEO. JOHNSfON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. JaS-l FOR SALE AT INGRAM; LOTS OF ALL sizes and from two five, ten and twenty min utes from station. GEO. JOHNSfON, Agent, 62 Fourthave. JaS-l FOR SALE-AT EJISWORTIL P., FT. W. A C. R. R about 1 acres of fine lying land to cut up for lots; a good Investment. C. BERINGER A SON, 103 Fourth ave Ja9-53-ws FOR SALE-A FINE LOT AT EMS WORTH, 50x285 ft , at a bargain, as the owner don't live here: also others at all prices. C. BE1UNGLK A SON, 103 Fourth ave. Ji9-53-ws F IOR SALE 24 UNE BUILUING LOTS AT Crafton station. 5 minute' walk from R. R. station at only 5&0 each; terms to suit. JAS. A . DltAPE A CO., LS Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Ja5-79-MWS FOR SALE-AT INGRASL 9 ACRES OF OLD I leecedale place one of the most beautiful and picturesque locations in the Ingram vallev 20 minutes from station: easy terms. GEO. JOHN STON, Real Estate Agent, 62 1 ourth ave. JaS-1 -JORSALE ASPFCULATION-GENTLEMAN L returning to England will sell four acres in Clay I o , Ha. The property is opposite depot (I, 1. AK. W.V, divided into lots, two houses, and is planted with orange, pear ind peach trees. War rantv deed given. AddressT. W.GREEN WELL, Orange Park, Clay Co., Fla. Ja9-53 Fnrrus. FOR SALE-A LARGE FARM, 530 ACRES, close to railroad about 15 miles from the city: dwelling, outbuildings, orchard, coal, water, etc., etc.; will be sold ehcap, as owner is a non resident: terms to suit; title perfect. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE A CO , 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg, ja5-79-MWS FOR SALE OR TO LET A GOOD FARM: possession at once; at Stoops Ferrv, on the line or P. A L E. R R , within 0 minutes walk of stitlon: bandy to all cbdrcnes and schools: 114 acre3 of good laud. 60 acres cleared: log house of 1 rooms, stable etc ; good orchard; price only 530 per acre: (1,000 cash, but to suit purchaser; oil ind gas on adjoining farm: will rent fortl25per yeir Call or address THOS. McCAIFKEY, 3i09 Butler St., for particulars. Je9-75-w Business Chanrcs. ITIOR SALE-A GOOD PAYING BAKERY and confectionery. Address BAKERY, Dis patch office. Ja9-ll FOR SALE-GOOD BAKERY STAND, DOING a business of 1j to 16 barrels or flour a week; for particulars, call at NO. 2715 JANE STREET, soutlisldc. JaS-ol FOR SALE-GROCERY. WITH EXTENSIVE trade: nice fresh stock; invoice, 52,300, finest room and best location; rare opening. C. 11. IOLSOM, Lima, O. jaO-21-Sa.w FOR SALE ALL LGHENY GROCERY, DOIN G fine business in countrv, city and Bhipplng trade; will invoice about 1.300; good reasons for selling. bULPARD A CO., H Fifth avenue. Ja6-52-MWTSu FOR SALE SHOESTORE. WITH LARGE established trade; best selected stock of staple goods in this growing citv; invoice, 52,500, elcgint room in best location; bargain. C, H. FOLSOJL, Lima, O. ja6-2l-suw FOR SALE-LONG ESTABLISHED. DESIB ABLh city business- the owner by whom it was founded S years ago Is retiring: annual sales 510,000 can be largely Increased: capital required about 510.O00. Applj to J. M. PENNOCK A SON, 105 Fourth ave. JaS-50 F OR SAL E-515.000 WORTH OF STOCK AT oar. narinsr20 per cent extensive coal works. good small hotel, stores, drug stores, boarding nouses, tea stores, shoe stores, bakeries, con fectioneries and other busiuess chances SIIEP ARD A CO., 54 I Ifth avenue. Ja3 FOR SALE-GROCERY STORE-ONE OF THE finest In the East End; commands Urge and profitable trade: good reasons for selling: will in voice ibout $3, W0, S2, 0CO cash, balance in one v ear. or full particulars see DEN N ISON A SCIIVVAN, hWlourth ave , orbTAIION SI. AND V. R. R , East End. Ja8-36 TTIOR SALE-LEASE. FUKMSHMENT AND FJ good-will of the bestfarracrs' hotel and board ing house in Allegheny; 30 rooms, well furnished; no stalls and yard-room : all in first-class condition , best of reasons for selling: Immediate possession given. Inquire of J. M. SWrAN, 189 Federal st , Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-51 machinery nnd Metals. T7OR SALE-SFCOND-IIAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept in stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest prices; mounted portable engines, 8 to 25 h. p. ij-25 Park way. J. fc. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. ja3-92-MWF FOR SALE 28x43 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a yeir: can be seen in operation: price on application; also a new strange Co. stave ma chine, all complete; capacity 10,000 in 10 hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK. 150 IMrstJvc aul-pB-JlWF F lOR SALE-LARGE STOCK OF ENGINES, boilers, clav and ore nans, crushers, holstlnir engines, wire rope, steel hoisting tubs, 1 nils and contractors' mac htnerv, shears mill machinery, etc. IHOMASCAKLlN's SONS, corner Lacoek and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. teI3-MWF Special. FOR SALE-'WILKINSBURG, LARGE BRICK house 9 rooms, splendid condition; 52,500 cast, balance on long time. For salc-Wilklnsburg, Queen Anne frame hon-e, neir stitlon, at a bargain. Lot4ix!2. For sale 'W ilklnsburg. two new Irame houses, Oroomseach Lot41xl24. Justnew. lor sale Hazel-rood, two double brick houses; citv conveniences: reisonable price and time, tall on J. DiRMlTT, 407 Grant St. ja9-7-T S FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE ON PENN AVE and Butler and adjoining streets: call or send lor immense list of houses and lots for sale: the Butler st. and Penn ave. cable line commence op erations on or before Dec. 15, fare only 5 cents to Allegheny Cemetery giteon l'ennave.,7 cents to East Liberty; this Is official; now 1j the time to hay yourself a home, as property In this neighbor hood Is sure to advance aftcrcablellneis running. Be sure and sec THOS. McCAFIEEl, the leading agent, 3509 Butler St., before purchasing; office open evenings; telephone 1641-2. no27-y43-ws rinslneas Stands. FOR SALESEVEHAL VI RY FINE BUSI NESS properties fronting on Fifth. Penn, Sixth and othir avenues. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. Ja8-l FOR SALE-HUblNFSS BLOCK ON CORNER of 2 good sts. luthe Fifth ward, Alleglienv : three 3-story brick modern built buildings: will sell separate lor particulars call. A.D.WILSON, 55 Federal St.. Allegheny. ia5-42-MWS FOR SALE-THAT VERY ELIGIBLY LO CATED hotel property corner Ohio and Arch streets, Alltghtnv; thiee-story brick building, 30 rooms and lour storirooras, ail In good order; lot 60x100 reet. GEORGE D. RIDDLE; Attorney, 118 Diamond street. Ja5-2-D FOR SALE -HOTEL, FURNITURE AND lease; 50 rooms, furnished throughout A No. 1, and modern Improvements; tine bar trade: ex tensive transient custom: finest brick houses in citv; prl-c, 56.CO0: investigate; population, 18.000. C. II. 1 OLSO.M, Lima, O. Ja6-21-SuW Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, &c FOR HALE-OK EXCHANGE IN PART FOR A good buggy, good cow, or for lumber: a well bred, 5-year-old, lamily, pacing and saddle mare. Iff bands; price 5200. Address A, G., Dispatch Office. Ja9-3G FOR SALE. Manufacturing Sites. FOR SALE SEVERAL FINE MANUFACTUR ING sites fronting on rivers and railroads and convenient to city. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. JaS-1 FOR BALE -MANUFACTURING SITE: ONE or the best in the citv, near Twenty-fifth st., on Allegheny Valley Railroad; has an iron clad building on lot 100x120 feet, on long lease; side-track connections with Allegheny Villey nauroad. For all particulars address uAiituta NO. 25. Pittsburg P. O. Ja3-S0-D TO LET. Citv Residences. TO LET-516FER MONTH; NO. 39 TWENTI ETH street. Southslde: five rooms, W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Ja9-50-9,H,14,17 TO LET-THREE NEW BRICK TWO-STORY dwellings, in a very respectable neighbor hood: street cars passing every 15 miuutca: on Center avenue (corner Grove St.); six rooms and attic, with all modern conveniences: hot and cold water, bathroom and w c.: wishtubs In cellar; portable ranges, rent 525 per month; water rent pald;readv for occupancy Jbebruarv 1. Inquire at 9U LIBERTY br. Ja9-24 Allegheny Residences. TO LET-PART OR ALL CF AN 8-ROOMED bouse, furnished or unfurnished; central; facing parks, Allegheny. Address B. O., Alle gheny P. o. Ja9-10 Apartments. TO LET-FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE familv, 10 minutes' walk from Court House and on eable Hue. References required, at 6 GIST HI'. Ja9-13 Forms. To let-a Farm in beaver co. of about 100 acres; good buildings; has been used for dairy purposes. Inquire of WM. AUTCHELL. 611 Wood st. Ja9-9-WSSa Offices. Desk Room. &c TO LET IN TnE MCCANCE BLOCK, Smlthfield, Liberty and Seventh avenue, well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors; JaS-32 TO LET-(99-REDUCED RENTS: OFFICES IN Fisner building. Fifth ave. and Wood St.; finest location in city; large, light rooms: lanltor service ind steam heat free. SAMUEL W. BLACK A CO , 99 Fourth ave. oc21-x!7-D rpo LEI N EW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. JL The Gcnnanla Savings Bank. 423 Wood St., having changed the interior of its building by adding 15 large, airv and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc , oiTer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once it the Bank. de21-75-D Business Stands. TO LET-NO. 83 WATER ST, ; 3-STORIES: 160 feet deep, to 1 lrst ave. : elevator and In first class order. W. A. HERRON A SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Ja9-50-9, 11 14,17 TO LET TIVOLI GARDEN-PITTSBURG Optra House now known as London fhea ter. Apply to COLUMBUS COLEMAN, Supt., Opera House building. jaS-33 TO LET-HOTEL CONTAINING 30 ROOMS: first-class order; corner Ohio and Arch streets. Alleghenv; immediate possession. GEO. D KIDDLE, Attorney. 118 Diamond st. Ja5-2S-D PERSONAL. PERSONAL-NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKSI come and seel come and see! good editions low prices. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, 900 Liberty st. no4-18 PERSONAL YOU WILL DBA LONGTIME dead, but a short time alive, so be np and make the best of It; see that vour wearing apparel always looks neat and tidy. DICKSON, the lallor, or 60 Fifth avenue corner W ood street, second floor, makes a speclaltv of fine cleaning and repairing; give him a trial, telephone laoS. Ja8 PERSONAL A GRAND SCHEME AFLOAT if I can enlist a sufficient number of my friends and the public; nothing more or less than taking your last winter's suit and cleaning, repairing it for a trifle, so that you can tide over the fail months. It Is well worth thinking of, and 1 shall be pleased to see you at mv rooms 65 I lffa ave., second floor. JAMES DlCKSON, Tailor: tele phone 1558. aul6-nS7-D LOST. LOST DOG-TTALIAN GREYHOUND Finder will be rewarded by leaving at 21 MARION AVE.. Allegheny. -' JaQ-20 MEETINGS. THE ANNUAI7 STOCKHOLDERS MEET ING of the Western Pa. Poultry Society will bo held at C03 Smitnfieltl st ,on MONDAY, Jan 14, at 2 o'clock r. jr. C. B. ELBEN, Secy. ja9 47 TOTICE TO OFFICERS AND JIEM 1 BERS of Iron City Council, No. 171, Jr. O. U. A. M are requested to meet at their hall, Carson street, between Nineteenth and Twen tieth streets, Southslde, on WEDNESDAY, January 9, at 12.30 P. si. sharp, to attend the funeral of our late Brother John Meyeis. Members of sister eonncils aro Invited to at tend. By order of J. W. HOLT, Councilor. JAS. A. MOREISON, Sec'y. ja8-4 THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Monongahela Naviga tion Company will bo held on THURSDAY, Januiry 10. 18S9, at the office of the company, No. 104 Grant street, Pittsburg, Pa., at 2 o'clock p. St., for the election of officers and managers of Lie company for the ensulns year and other business. W. BAKEWELL, Secretary. Pittsburg, December 19, 18k8. del912-19.21.2I.26.2ii.29.3I.ja2. 4,7.9,10 BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE The partnership heretofore exist ing between G. W. Hammerand Evvald Riedel, under the firm name of hammer, Riedel & Co., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent; all claims outstanding, and dno by the said firm, will be settled by G. W. Hammer at his office, No. 62G Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa. G. W. HAMMER, EWALD RIEDEL. The business will he continued at the old stand. No. 32 First ave.. by the remaininc mem ber, Ewald Riedel, to whom I respectf ally ask a continuance of past favors. Pittsbuiig, Pa., January, 18S9. ja9-23 G. W. HAMMER. DISSOLUTION NOTICE.-The copartner ship of SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO. expired by limitation December 31, 1SSS, James Adair retiring. bet'lements of all accounts will bo'made by SAMUEL W. BLACK, who will continue the re il estate business as heretofore, at No. !9 Fourth ave , under the name and style of SAMUEL W. BLACK fc CO. Dear Sir: At this opening timo of the rent. tag season, and in retiring from tho above firm, it is seasonable and appropriate for me to say that 1 take pleasure in recommending my late partner, Ma SAMUEL W. BLACK, Especially to all who want their property made productive and profitable in the highest de cree, as he possesses tho skill and experience necessary for establishing rental values, secur ing good tenant', collecting rents, directing re pairs and managing property generally. Respectfully, JAMES ADAIR. To tho patrons and friends of Samuel W. Black & Co. Pittsburg. January I 13S9 jaS-37-WF AMUSE3IENT:s. BIJOU THEATER. MATINEE TO-DAY AT 2 P. M. "HELD By the ENEMY." Next week Kato Castleton "A Paper Doll." 138-16 GRAND OPERA HOUSE EDWIN BOOTH AND LAWRENCE BARRETT. TO NIGHT. "O T H E L L O." Week January 14, HERR1IANN. ja9-78 ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL FAIR-OPEN every evening this week in tho basement of the Cathedral. Speciil attraction each evening. On Wednesd-vy evening tho popular comedian, William T. J. Lvnch. will give sev eral selections of songs and recitations. ja9-79 TT ARRIS' THEATER- Every night and Monday, Wednesday Friday ana Saturday mitinees, "LIGHTS 0' LONDON." Next eek-"0ne of tho Finest." ja"-10 CASINO .MUSEUM WEEK OF JANUARY 7. The Crescent City Combination, headed with Symonds, Hughes and Rastus, John W. Cof fee, the skeleton dude. Admission, 10 cents. Open from 10 A. Jf. until 10 p. m. JTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night Matinees Tucsdar, Thursday and Saturday, ROSE HILL'S ENGLISH FOLLY COMPANY. EDUCATIONAL. PENNSYLVANIA FEMALE COLLEGE East End, Pittsburg. Second term opens Febraary 1. 1S89. Dllworth Hall is ready for occupancy and will accommodate a larpernun Iier of students. Apply to MISS HLLEN E. PELLETREAU. President. ja8-43 fTEO.H.BARBOuTw Vj CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designer of Bridges Roofs -ind Mill Buildings, Room 62 Eisner Buildlnir. del2-k66-D 61 FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. UFTICIAL FITTSnUKG. Department of Public Works, l Pittsburg, Pa. January 4, 1S89. s -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE XN report of viewers on the construction of Cotton alley and Valley street son er, from Eden alley to Forty-second street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unles an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. ja419 Department of Public Works, 1 Pittsburg, Pa, January 4, 1SS9. J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of viewers on the grading, paving and curbing of Linden street, from'Pennsylva; ma Railroad to Penn avenue has been ap proved by Councils, which action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Com mon Fleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIG FLOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. ja0 Department of Public Safety. I Pittsburg, Pa , Januarys, SS9. J SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Controller until 2 o'clock P. M. on SATUR DAY. January 12. 1SS9. for painting, varnish ing, etc., at Municipal Hospital; for furnishing ten heating stove, more or less, at said hospi tal; for remodeling carbace furnaco on Hill street, and for the removal of ashes from said furnace. Plins and specifications can be seen at the office of the Bureau of Health, No. 7 Seventh Bonds in double the amount of bids will be required. Said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids J.O.BROWN. Chief of Department of Public Safety. ja6-49 D " fVJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i.1 assessments for the opening of the follow ing named streets and avenues, viz: Opening of Center avenue, from Bono to Neville street. Opening of Negley avenne, from Bryant to Butler street. Opening of Greenbush street, from Wyoming street to Boggs avenue. Opening of Bellefonte street, from Fifth avenue to Walnut street. Opening of Moultrie street, from Fifth ave nue to Tustin street. Opening of Brady street, from Fifth avenue to Monongahela river. Opening of Elwood street, from Roup to O'Hara street. Opening of Clinton street, from South Fifteenth street to McKee's line. Ooening of Cowan street, from Greenbush to Wyoming street. Opening of Breed street, from Uxar alley to South Fifteenth street. Are now in my hands for collection, and, if not paid within 30 days of the date hereof, liens will bo filed for tho unpaid assessments, with interest, cost and fees W. C. MORELAND, City Attorney. Pittsburg, December 29, 1883. de29-78-D No. 211.1 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE Chief of the Department of Public Safety to purchase b feet additional of gronnd adjoining lot upon which Engine Com pany No. 16 is located, in the Twenty-nrst ward. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by tho the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Councils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of tho same. That tho Chief of tho De partment of Public Safety shall be and is here by empowered and directed to purchase from John F. Steel a piece or parcel of ground on Penn avenue, adjoining No. 16 Engine House, in the Twenty.first ward, Pittsburg, said piece of ground having a front on Penn avenue of 5 feet and extending back, preserving the same parallel width a distance of 91 feet, more or lessiprovided that the cost shall notexceed the sum of five hnndred (SCO) dollars. Section 2 That upon the receipt from John F. Steel of a deed for said piece or parcel of ground in fee simple, and the approval of the title by the City Attorney, tho City Controller shall be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue his certificate on the Mayor for a war rant in payment of tne purchase money there of, and charge the amount to appropriation No. 4. Section 3 That any ordinance or part of or dinince conflicting with tho provisions .of this ordinance be and tho same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 31t day of December, A. D. 1888. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Office, Januiry 7.1889. Approved: "W M. McCALLIN, Maj or. Attest: W. H.Mo CLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, voL 6, page E63, 8th day of January, A. D. 1889. ja9-80 (No. 210.1 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE Chief of tho Department of Public Safety to appoint additional patrolmen for service in tho Bureau of Police. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted bv the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by tho authority of the same. That the Chief of the Department of Public Safety be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to employ eight (8) additional patrolmen for service in said department, the compensation to be same as that now paid other patrolmen. Section 2 That any ordinance, or part of or dinance, conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 31st dav of December, A. D. 1883. H.P.FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD. Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common Council. Mayor's Oflice. January 7, 18S9. Approved: WM. McCALLIN. Major. Attest: W. H. Mc CLEAIiY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded In Ordinance Book, vol. 6, page 562, 8th day of January, A. D. 1SS9. ja3-80 TAXPAYERS' NOTICE Office of the Board of Assessors, 1 Pittsburg, Pa . January 7, 1SS9. Valuation' upon property In the Seventeenth, Twenty seventh and Ihirty second wards have been completed lor the triennial assessment of 18S9. Appeals may be made as follows. From January 14 to 17inclusive, upon forms furnished with transcripts, which can be hadatoncenpon personal application, or by letter orpostal card. All inpeals must be nrob-ited at this office. Office hours from 9 am. till 4 p. m. Attention is called to section 23 of the new charter, which provides that "The Board of Assessors shall assess all property taxable for city purposes at its actual cash value; provided, that no property shall be assessed for a less amount than the price paid for it at tho last recorded stle." By order of board FRANK P. CASE, V PHILIP HOERR. Assessors. JAMES J. LARKIN, I iaS-33 TAXPAYERS' JTOTIOE. OFncc of the Board of Assessors, ) Pittsbueo, Pa, January 3, 1889. J Valuations upon property in the First, Sixth, Twelfth First, Twelith Second, Thir teenth, Sixteenth,TwcntY-third,Twentv-eighth, Thirty fourth, Thirty-hfth and Thirty sixth wards have been completed for the triennial assessment of 1889 Appeals inav he made as follows- First,, Sixth, Twelfth First, Twelfth Second, close January 12, 4 P. jr.; Thirteenth, Sixteenth, Twentj third.close January 14, 4 p. ji.; Twenty eighth, Thirty-fourth, Tlnrtv-fifth, close Janu ary 15, 4 p. M, Thirty-sixtn, close January 16, 4 r. si , upon forms furnished with tran scripts, which can he Jiad at once upon per sonal application, or by letter or postal card. All appeals most be probated at this office. Oflice hours from 9 A. si. till 4 P. M. Attention is called to Section 23 of the new charter, which provides that "The Board of Assessors shall assess all property taxable for city purposes at Its actual cash value; provided, that n property shall be assessed lor a less amount than the price paid for at the last re corded sale." By order of Boird. FRANK P. CASE, ) PHILIP HOERR. Assessors. JAMES J. LARKIN, ) ja3-48-D lO LET OR.FOR SALE- ii Elepiit, Cornell anfl M-Fiii- isM House on Hftli Ayenns, Near Dinwiddle street. Built and finished in the best style. Just the place, and an admirable cbance for physician, dentist or professional person, tho cable cars bringing 20,000 people to It every day. Southslde. Lawrenceville and Mincrs ville districts within a few minutes bv bridge and Fort incline plane; Oakland, East 'Liberty and the old city quickly accessible by cable cars. Owing to central situation on main thorough faro and to new facilities for access, this prop crty will soon be as desirable for professional men as Penn avenue formerly was. Apply to BLACK & BAIRD, Real Estate Acents, 95 Fourth avenue. dell-lCS NOTICE To the public Toe public is hereby notified that no person is allowed to sign our name, collect accounts or make contracts for us with out exhibiting letter of authority. H. W. AHLERS & CO., Ttimlwir TIoiIiitc ia9-78 Allegheny, Pa, I ELECTIONS. German American fcrs. Co. of Pfisa., ) Office No. ill Fourth Avfnue, Pittsbueo, January 4, 18S9 ELECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTION for 12 directors of tho compiny will be held at this office MONDAY, January 14, 1SS9, be tween the hours of 1 1 o'clock A.M. and 1 P. 31. ja5-67-p W. J. PATTERSON. Secretary. Office Colusibia Oil Co., Pittsburg. Decern oer 28. 1888. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Columbia Oil Co. will be held at No. 511 Market St. on THURSDAY, January 10, 188!), at 11 o'clock A. SI., for the election of directors and for the transaction of such business as may be presented. de28-17-D A. P. JIcGREW. Secretary. arsenal bank. Pittsburg, December 31. 1883. ELECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTION for twelve directors of the bank will De held at the banking house, corner of Butlerand Forty-third streets, on WEDNESDAY, JANU ARY 9, 1889, between the hours of 11 a. m. and 1 p. 31. W. S. WILLIAMS, Cashier. jal-56-D Office of Allfgheny Ins. Co , 67 Fourth avenue. ,i Pittsbueo. January 7. 1889. ELECTION" AN ELECTION FOR DIREC TORS of this company to serve dnnng the enduing year wili be held on MONDAY, the 14th inst, between the hours of 12 3f. and 1 p.m. ja&53 C. G. DONNELL. Secretary. Iron City Gold Mining Co , 1 Pittsburg. Pa. j ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for Directors of this company will be held at the Colombia Oil Company's Oihce. JIc Clintock Block, Market street. TUESDAY, January 15, between the honrs of 3.30 and 4 P. M. JOHN R. WATSON, Secy. jaC-6-D Office of Bex Fbankxin Insurance Co., ) 43 Ohio Stbeet, Allegheny, Pa . V Jan nary 1. 18S9. S ELECTION.-THE ANNUAL ELECTION of directors of this company, to serve dur ing the ensuing year, will be held in the office of the company on MON DAY, January 14. 18S9. between the hours of 10 A. 3f. and 2 P. 31. WM A. FORD, Secretary. ia2-39-D Mononoahela Connecting R. R. Co. ) Pittsburg, Deeem her 29 1S88. ELECTION-THE ANNUALMEET1NG OF the stockholders of this company will be held at their general office, corner Third avenne and Try street, Pittsburg, on MONDAY, Janu ary 14, 18S9. at 2 o'clock p. 3L. for tho election of a President and Board of Directors to serve for the ensuing year.and for transactingsucb other business as may be brought before the meeting. JAMES LAUGHLIN, JR., Secretary. Ja2-57-w PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR 12-INCH STEEL GUN forgings Ordnance Office, War Depart ment, Washington, January 4, 1889 Sealed proposals, in duplicate, will be received at this office until 3 o'clock P. 31 , on FRIDAY, JAN UARY 18. 18S9. at which time tbey will be pub licly opened, for supplying the Ordinance De partment, U. S. Army with Steel forgings. of American manufacture, for boons ana breech mechanism for a 12 inch steel gun. Early de livery is desired. Blank forms on which pro posals must be made and all information re quired bv bidders can be had upon ipplication. S. V. BENET, Brig. Gen . Chief of Ordnance. ja6-71-D PROPOSALS FOR MINERAL OIL. Jcf fersnnville, Ind , December 20, 1888. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to usual condi tions, will be received at this offico Until 11 o'clock, a. m., (central standard time.) SATUR DAY, January 19, 1889, and then opened, for furnishine and delivering at tho Quarter master's Depot at this place, 50,000 gallons of Mineral Oil, in cases of two five gallon cans each. Proposals for the delivery of the oil at other points will be considered. The Govern ment reserves the right to reject any or all pro posals. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production or manufacture, condi tions of quality and price (includingin the price of foreign productions or manufactures the duty thereon) being equal. All information furnished on application to this office. Envel opes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Mineral Oil."' and addressed to undersigned. HENRY C.HODGES. Assistant Quartermaster General, U. S. Army. Depot Quartermaster. deg0-50- AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE THIS (WEDNESDAY) morning at 10 o'clock at No 422 Liberty St.. of furniture, carpets and beddinc by order of administrator-. HENRY AUCTION CO , LIM Auctioneers. ja9-55 PUBLIC SALE FARM OF DO ACRES, VA miles from Harmarville, W. P. R. R., 12 miles from Allegheny Citv, known as "Cready farm?' large orchard; improvements and in ex cellent condition, will be offered for sale at auction on the premises, Thursday, January 10, 1SS9, at 11 o'clock A. 31. JOSEPH BARTON, Harmarville, Pa. W. J. BARTON, No. 1 Wylie avenue. de22-S0-ws 109 WATER ST. 140 FIRST AVE. Assignee's Sale, Consisting of a Large stock of table glassware, lamps, library lamps, lamp burners, vases, cups and saucers, prisms. Japanese coods, cntlery, etc. S. FRANK. Assignee of ja9-56-3tWF GALLINGElt & CO. ASSIGNEES' SALE-IN THE MATTER of the voluntary assignment of the Far mers' and Mcchanicfv1 Banic of East Birming ham to J. H. Sorg. H. Berg, Jr., and L. S. Cun- ningnam. No. 482 December Term, 1S8S. And now to wit, December 21, 1888, the within petition pre sented in open court and the prayer thereof is granted and it is ordered, adjudged and de creed that the property within described be sold on the premises on the 31st DAY OF JANUARY, A. D., 1889, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M, And that notice of said sale be given twice a week in two newspapers, one mornins and one evening for six weeks prior to said sale, also by hand bills. By the Court. Pursuant to the authority given us bv the above order we will expose to public sale on the premises on THURSDAY. JANUARY 31, A. D, 18S9, AT 10 O CLOCK, A. JL. the followine described property: All those TWO CONTIGUOUS LOTS OF GROUND, each having a width of 20 feet, situate in the City of Pittsburg, together bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at tho northwesterly corner of Carson street and Eighteenth street and run ning thence along Carson street westwardlv 40 fet; thence northwardly parallel with Eigh teenth street 120 feet to Wneht's alley; thence eastwardly alongsaid alley 10 feet to Eighteenth street, and thence southwardly along Eigh teenth street 120 Teet to the nlace of begimng. Havinir erected thereon two three story build ings, with mansard; ono of which was lately oc cupied by the said bank; the other is a store building. Being the same property which Frederick Ilinisen, executor, by deed dated Septembers. 1871, and recorded in Deed Book, Vol. 339. page 660, conveyed to James McMaster. President and Trustee of Farmers' and Jlecnanics Bank of East Birmingham. ALSO. ALLTIIAT CERTAIN LOT OR PIECE OF GROUND SITUATE IN THE TWENTY-SEVENTH WARD OF THE CITY OF PI CTSBURG. Bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the southerly line of Pius street, at a point 66 feet westerly from tho western line of land now or late of Josephine Yard, formerly Jose phine Ormsbv: thence westerljr along said Pins street 31 feet to line of land of St. Michael's Church, thence along tbe line of said land southerly 86.70 feet to the northern line of Gregory strtct: thence alonj: the line of said street easterly 32 feet, more or less, to the line of land of Leo Biegcr, and along tho line of said Biecer's land northwardly 87 feet, more or less, to Pius street, the place of beginning. Whereon is erected a two-story brick dwelling houso and outbuildings. ALSO. ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL OF GROUND SITUATE IN THE TWENTY-SEVENTH WARD OF THE CITY OF PIT1SBURG, Bounded and described as follows: Bejrinnins; on the line of land now or late of Josephine Yard, formerly Josephine Ormsbv. at tbe dis tance of south 14 15 , west 135 U-lu0 feet from the south line of Pius street and on south line of Maple street, continued from Yard's plan: then-" along said line south 14 15', west 202 76 100 to line of land of Bishop Tuipr;; thence along the same north 75 61'. west 63 feet to line of land of St. Michael's Church; thence north 9 47'. east 193 5-10 feet to line of Maple street aforesaid, and thence by the southern line ot said street easterly 0 feet, more or less, to place of beginning, comprising ten building lots. All tho above property, which is susceptible of division, will be offered first as a whole and thenseparatel). Terms: One-third rash and the balance in one and two , cars, secured by tiplitbond and mortgage, with SO t'v8' scira facias clause on the property sold. J. H. SORG. H. BERG, JR.. L.S. CUNNINGHAM, Assignees. de27-3M7.9,31, ja2.7.9,14.16 21.23.2S.30 Tl ,f CKNIGHT & VICTORS PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEA3I FITTERS, Dealers in GAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, HOSE, te, 416SMIT1IFIELD STRELT. Special attention given to natural gas fitting Telephone 7C9 eM 10-M wf rUNCAN C. WHITE, Building Contractor, 71 Diamond street. Second door above Smlthfield, Pittsburg; BecSS-Mwr &OTICES. County Commissioners' Office. 1 Pittsburg, January 7. 1889. J rPHE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILJ JL hold appeals on the following named disf tricts at their offices as follows, to wit: Tuesday, January 8. Franklin township. Wednesday. January 9, First, Second anl Third wards, Tarentum borough; Sha'pshurg borough, First and Second Wards; Verona bor ough. Thursday, January 10. Sewickley borough, Beltzhoover borough. Tuesday, January 15, Sterrett township.Glen. field borough, Osborn borough, Bellevue borj ough. West Bellevue borough. By order COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. P. W. SIEBERT, Clerk. ja8-97 SECTION L-BE IT ORDAINED AND enacted by the borough of Beltzhoover, in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same. That a boardwalk be constructed on the west side of Beltzhoover avenue, commencing at Fifth street and ending at Eighth street, in the, said borough of Beltzhoover, to be constructed as follows: That said boardwalk shall be fonr feet in width, to have three string pieces run ning parallel with said street; said -tnng pieces to be four-by-four inches, to be of Dine laid on pli.e cross ties, not less than foar-by-foor inches thick, spaced eight feet from center to center, ard each cross tie to be placed on lo cust posts: the cap boards to run at right an gles with the string piccec, and to be one inch, in thickness, spaced one-fourth of an inch apart; that all lumber used in the construction, of said boardwalk to be pine, free of all imper fections, the outside stringers to be placed three inches from onter edge of cap boards, and the other string piece to be in center of cross ties; said boardwalk to be three feet from enrb, as per borough ordinance No. 5, section 4. bEC. 2. That any ordinance or part of an or dinance conflicting with the provisions of tbi ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ord nanco. JAMES BAKR, Burgess. Attest: W. D. PoAlock, Borough Clers. ja9-23 INSURANCE VTATEIIENTSi. STATEMENT OF THE TEUTONIA IN. SURANCE Company of Allegheny. Pa for the year ending December 31. 1883: Capital 5123,000 OO With privilege to increase to.. . 200,000 Od ASSETS. " Bonds and moitgages, first liens.... $151916 CO Interest dne and; accrued 3,543 37 Real estate 4.098 2S Bank stock. 6,2cO CO Bills receivable 190 55 Premiums in course of collection... 2,124 291 Cash in bank and office 8,875 75 S210.4SS 25 $125.(00 CO, L)j25fiO 3 78 24 821 10 53,415 S3 5210,798 25 $2.54! 03 10,943 50 621 0C, 544,103 58! $4,141 67 7.869 38 12.011 03 $3.2f2 80 257 51 315 61 -J. 124 34 3.519 88 10.0COOO LIABILITIES. Capital stock Unpaid losses All other claims against company., Reinsurance reserve Net surplus over all liabilities. RECEIPTS. Premiums., Interest...., Rents EXPENDITURES. Fire losses of 1887 Fire losses of 1888 Retnrn premiums and abatements.. Reinsurance Rents, taxes and all other expense9. Commissions Salaries Dividends Nos. 30 and 31 838 091 23 Receipts in excess of disbursements 7,417 33! Risks in force December 31. 1SS8 ... 3,691,313 CO. jaS-73-D C. W. GERWIG, Secrt tary. . TATEMENT OF BIRMINGHAM FIEEl INSURANCE CO.MPANY.or Pi-itsburg, Pa., for the year ending December 31, 1 SS8- ' Cash capital SW,CC0CO ASSETS. Bondsand mortgages ......217.030 92 Real estate 13,749 S3 Cash in bank and office 7,6sl fj) Premiums in course of collection.... 6.864 9. Interest due and accrued 3,869 68 Rents dne and unpaid 52 75, All other property of the company.. 1,207 73 254457 53 LIABILITIES. Reinsurance reerve S 19,527 00. Unpaid looses L738 00 Unpaid dividends 133 50, Unpaid bills, etc 99 ooi 8 21.575 50l Capital stock 2CO.0O' CO Net surplus above all liabilities 28,882 03 5250,457 55 RECEIPTa Premiums S 23,183 23 Less reinsurance X3 86I 522.449 ij 12,72838 Interest on mortgages., Rents -d S 36,182 IS, DISBURSEMENTS. Losses from nrevious years S 3.2E8 CO Losses in 1858 5,63716 S 8 935 18 . 2.474 69 . 6.954 15j S 18.384 OO . 12.000 00. Commissions Salaries, rent, tax, etc Dividends to stockholders., S 30,3bl CO' E. G. SCHOLZE. Sec'y. ! j"a8-72 I5A.NK STATE.11ETS. mHE FIFTY-FOURTH SEMI-ANNTJAI s'Ntjal for Sav-J X statement ot me iritteoarg Danh. lore Ings, 20. 60 ourtn ave,, rittsDurg, fa. LIABILITIES. Amount due depositors..Jl,727,0S2 63 Six months interest credited to the ac- countsof depositors 29,493 03 1,755.580 68. Capital stoek paid in.. Contingent fund Undivided profits '.'. io,ono co, .. 34,o9S 94 SL94L179 c0j ASSETS. Bond', mortgages, collateral loans and other valid securities 1,252,723 85 Mortgage interest due 4.844 931 Accrued interest 4,748 02i Demand loans with collaterals 159,323 CS Bank stocks 7,524 SSi Bonds, West Penn Railway Co L5W) CO; bond", Waverly Coal ana Coke Co.. 10,000 CO Bonds, Mansfield Coal and Coko Co. 24,094 S3 Bonds, Pittsburg. New Castle and Lake Erie Railway Co 805 00 Bonds, People's Park Place Passen- er Railway Co 5,000 00, Bonds and stock of the WilMns- a hurg and East Liberty Passenger Railway Company 750 CO Stock of the Fidelity Title and TrustCompany 1,000 CO City of Pittsburg 8,110 CS Banking-house 41.258 05.' Real estate 47.145 09 Furniture and fixtures 5,077 39 Cash in Citizens' National ' Bank SI72.4H 67 Cash in Tradesmen's Nat ional Bank 162,991 53 Cash on hand 31,833 33 367,272 6f $1,941,179 60 CHAS. G. MILNOR, Dec 31, 1SSS. Treasurer. The undersigned Auditing Committee report that tbey have examined tbe books and assets of the bank and have compared them with tba above statement, and find them correct and to agree therewith. ' H. C. BUGHMAN, 1 CHAS. F. WELLS, Committee. J.K.D0KRINGT0N.J ' Jan. 3. im ja8-I . s EWICKLEY PROPERTIES AND FINE RESIDENCES ALONG P., Ft. W. & C. R. R., FOR SALE AND RENT. SEND FOR OUR NEW LIST. Some Desirable Suburban Residences included in them. SAMUEL W. BLACK 4 CO.. ja9-57-MWF 99 Fourth avanne. OuRSPECIALTl- RENT COLLECTING. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 FOURTH AVE., ESTABLISHED 1878. de27-25-W3 HOLIDAY PRESENTS TO THE OLD country. Drafts, money orders, steam ship tickets, etc.. at lowest New York rate. Pircels forwarded to anypart of Europe. MAX SCHAMBERO A CO , Foreign Bankers, 5J7 Smlthfield sr.. Pittsburg. wsu fNCORPORATED 17J4-THE INSURANCE & I COMPANY OK THE STATE OF PENN. 1 hYLVANIA. of Philadelphia. 1 Cash assets 700.10100 M Losses paid since organization 13,544,827 09 GEO. W. DEAN & CO., 101 Fourth are. 'M nolS-rid-Tra - JM