Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 09, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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s "W .JUl'
Pees of Constables Beduced by
the Count)' Controller.
Tlie Eule Will Break Up a Loose Prac
tice Among Witnesses,
The County Will Pay Only for Such Sub
poenas as Are Answered.
County Controller Speer has inaugurated
another reform. It is in relation to the
fees of constables. He expects to save the
county thousands of dollars by enforcing
the new rule.
Heretofore the county has paid constables
for every subpeeua they have served upon
witnesses in cases before the aldermen. The
county also has to pay all the costs in suits
where the Commonwealth fails to make out
a case on account of insufficient evidence.
And it voy frequently happens that a case
fails because witnesses do not appear at the
preliminary bearings belore aldermen.
There has never been a strict rule observed
in regard to the attendance of witnesses at
such preliminary hearings. "Writs are always
served on them, but they have been using
their own judgment as to whether or not
they will appear.
The result has been that in two or three
classes of cases before aldermen few or none
of the witnesses put in appearance, although
their subpoena has been a costly item of ex
pense to the county. For each subpoena
scaled a constable receives 50 cents out of
the county treasury beside his mileage. In
a case where say ten witnesses naa Deen
summoned, the county would thus have
paid So for the mere work of notifying them
of their summons. Yet not a single one of
the ten persons apparently need attend the
hearing if it does not suit him.
But there is going to be a grand shaking
up in the luture. Controller Speer, acting
under a recent decision of the Supreme
Court, has decided to pay constables for
only such subpoenas that are obeyed by wit
nesses, for instance, if a constable sum
mons six persons to testify at a hearing and
only two appear, the official will receive but
SI, whereas under the old rule he would get
So. In that one case that would be a saving
of $2 to the county. A very large amount
of money is paid out every quarter by the
county for these fees. It will average
15 subpoenas reported each month by
every Alderman in the county.
Alderman O'Brien, who was convicted of
fraudulent returns, reported 50 subpoenas
one month. In some other Aldermen's of
fices a smaller number of subpoenas are now
reported than before the O'Brien revela
tions. The constables are extremely vexed by
this new rule of the Controller's. They say
they do their work faithfully, and should
be paid for it. They serve the writs fur
nished them by the magistrates. They can
not do otherwise without violating their
This brings up the question, why can't
the Aldermen and constables compel wit
nesses to attend hearings? If that were done
the county would not be in much dancer of
losing cases, and the constables would earn
just as much money as they ever did. Some
Aldermen hold that they have not suffi
cient authority to enforce attendance of wit
nesses. But the law is against them in that
They have ample power to compel witnesses
to attend hearings. If they are unable to
find such authority, they need simply jro
into court for assistance, and they will get it.
Yesterday the first instance of this kind
was developed in Alderman McMasters'
office. A suit lor violation of the liquor law
was called for hearing. It. S. P. McCall,
the county's license agent, was the prose
cutor. He previously placed in the consta
ble's hands the.names of six witnesses for
the Commonwealth. Not one of these wit
nesses appeared. The constable testified
under oath that he had snbpoenaed everyone
of them, naming them. It was known that
he bad remained up nearly all night to see
some of them.
Agent McCall at once asked for an attach
ment on each witness, to compel their at
tendance. This will be a test case, and
Alderman McMasters wUl compel the wit
nesses to attend the adjourned hearing, if it
is at all in the power of the county adminis
Committees Appointed to Select a Design
nnd a Site for It.
The Executive Committee of the Thomas
A. Armstrong Monumental Association met
last night in the Amalgamated Association
rooms, the object being to decide on a design
and location for the monument Nothing
definite was done, outside of the appointing
of the following committees: To solicit de
signs and bids, Messrs. Martin, Moore and
Shields; to report suitable location, Messrs.
Sturgeon, Kelly and Bitcnour. The amount
of money now in the hands of the treasurer
of the fund exceeds $3,000.
TTrbana Authorities Want Information Aboat
John Laneenn.
Yesterday afternoon Chief Kirschler, of
Allegheny, received a telegram from C. E.
Imhoff, Coroner of TJrbana county, Ohio,
asking if the body of John Lanegan was
wanted in Allegheny City.
There were no particulars, but it was sup
posed that the body was found on the rail
road track at that place. The Chief tele
graphed for lurther information. Nobody
by "the name of Lanegan is known to be
missing from the city.
A SUsbt Advance on Everything From This
The freight rates from this city to all Texas
common points have been advanced, to take
effect on the 20th inst. The new rates are as
First class, SI 63; second, fl 42; third, $1 21;
lorn th. JI C6; fifth, S5 cents. Class A, 81; 15, 82;
C, 72; D. 5b; E, 5X1 cents per 100 pounds. Bottles
are fourth class, window glass, iron and wire in
carloads fifth class.
The Election Contest Mill Undecided.
The hearing in the case of an election
contest for Councilman in the Thirty-fifth
ward between Bcssell and Binder was con
clude! yesterday before Commissioner
Young, with the examination of 12 wit
nesses, of whom Joseph Beckman, George
Lang and John Quinn were proved not to
have paid their taxes, though they voted.
The verdict will be rendered in a few days.
The Gronins City.
In tbe completed report of the Building
'Inspector's office for December, 1888, it is
shown that 136 permits were issued, of
which 35 were brick buildings, 96 frame and
fi ironclads. The estimated cost is $296,063.
This is an increase over the report Jor De
cember, 1887. The proceeds of the office for
the month were $629.
The Randall Club Glories in iho General's
Grand Cnrccr nnd His Victory Over the
British In 1S15.
The rooms of the Bandall Club, on Sixth
avenue, were dressed in robes of glorious
festivity last night to do honor "to the mem
ory of General Jackson and the battle of
New Orleans. The large number of mera-
f bers of the club and their friends succeeded
in enjoying the memorial exercises in a very
delightful manner.
It was the first time in the history of the
club that the day of the patron saint of the
Democratic party was passed in celebration,
but upon the countenances of every member
present last night it could be read that it
should not be the last time if they couldhelp
it. lhe clubhouse looked at its best for the
occasion, and, in order to impart staying
qualities into the party, Mr. Timothy
O'Leary invited every one into the dining
room immediately upon entering the club.
Here a very inviting collation was laid
out, consisting of a bill of fare which might
tempi even the most fastidious of dainty
Democratic palates. The collation being
disposed of an adjournment was made to the
assembly room of the club, and here the
Hon. Morrison Foster addressed the party
on the subject, "Why Should we Celebrate
and Honor the Memory of Andrew Jackson
and the 8th of Januarv?"
The speaker gave a short historic sketch
of Andrtw Jackson and his times, and he
told his audience how the 8th of January
was celebratad in Pittsburg 60 years ago.
He related how the stanch old Democrats of
that time had met in the Washington Coffee
House, on the corner of Penn avenue
and St. Clair street, and had a grand
supper. He rend a number of the names of
the gentlemen who sat down there to a sup
per in 1828. The speaker closed with a
grand eulogy upon General Jackson, and
begged of his listeners that while they lived
they should always uphold his career as one
of the grandest among the American people.
A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr.
Foster, and the evening's programme was
changed into a musical and vocal entertain
ment. A full orchestra had been engaged,
and general enjoyment reigned supreme
until an early hour this morning.
The T.ndies of tbo W. C. T. U., No. 2, En
tertained Salesmen Lost Xisbt.
Some thirty traveling salesmen gathered
in the "W. C. T. TJ. rooms at 4 o'clock yes
terday evening, belonging to the firm of J.
P. Hines & Co., this city. The service was
tendered to them by the W. C. T. TJ. No. 2,
which meets in the Morehead building, cor
ner of Second and Grant streets.
Mrs. B. B. Jones presided and on opening
the meeting called on Mrs. Huntly, of
Sharpsburg, to lead in prayer. A good
choir was in attendance and the music was
appreciated by all. Mrs. Jones addressed
the meeting in regard to the temperance
question in terms peculiarly fitting to the
temptations which beset traveling men. She
urged that they would boldly assert for tem
perance, thus exerting an influence and
power for good from ocean to oocan. At the
close she made an appeal for pledge signers
of total abstinence and not a few responded
to the request Mrs. Stratton Horner ad
dressed the meeting also, and was listened
to with close attention.
At the close a testimonial of regard was
presented to Mr. Hines. which was received
with a fitting speech on the part of that
Monthly Meeting of tbe Allegheny
County Union.
Mrs. H. C. Campbell presided at the
monthly meeting of the Allegheny County
Woman s Christian Temperance Union in
the Penn building yesterday. Considera
ble discussion was indulged in on the re
marks of Mrs. B H. Jones, who wanted
temperance literature printed in all lan
guages and distributed among the coal
A committee was appointed to district the
city for work among the various unions.
Each union is to have a certain section of
the city to look after. A prayer meeting
will be held to-morrow afternoon at No. 534
Smithfield street.
Mrs. Maier spoke on the work being done
among railroad men. Many brakemen
have sent in requests for Bibles, etc. Miss
Martha McConuell and Mrs. B. J. Smith
spoke of the good work being done in their
The Operator Fled, but Was Arrested Be
fore Gelling Very Far,
Lincoln Laugher entered bail on Tuesday
night before Alderman Cassidv, on a charge
of embezzlement preferred against him by
G. 31. Nickel.
Laugher is alleged to have opened a
bucket shop in Brookville, Pa., and, during
the time he operated there, to have succeeded
in fleecing a number of the Brookville citi
zens to the extent of 53,000. At last the
town became too hot for him, and he had to
fly. The case was then given into the hands
of Perkins' Detective Agency, and Detect
ive Donly arrested Laugherin this city. He
will have a hearing before Justice Walker
in Brookville on next Saturdav.
In Honor of St. Jackson's Da A Brilliant
Martini Affair.
Yesterday afternoon the Court Infantry
parade took place with all the pride, pomp
and circumstance of glorious war. The
brilliant uniforms of the officeis, the
gorgeous marching of the privates, would
have made Coke and Blackstoce sigh with
envy had they seen it
Entrancing martial music enlivened the
route ofthe procession. Several movements
a la militaire were gracefully executed.
A erand banquet at Court Infantry Cafe
closed the parade and anniversary. Vive
la, vive, Court Infantry! They are, every
time, ready to charge and to on on with
the forward movement
A Break for Liberty That Was Subse
quently Broken Up.
Last night between 8 and 9 o'clock Officer
Madigan saw two men groaning under the
burden of a considerable collection of shoes,
and when he accosted them they broke for
liberty like sons of freedom, as they were,
up to that time One, however, was over
hauled and placed in the Fourteenth
ward station. He signed his name William
She Takes Folion Efleclivclj.
Mrs. Louisa Mason, wife of Lee Mason, a
cooper, who resides in the rear of No. 110
Forty-seventh street, committed suicide
yesterday morning by taking poison. She
was demented, and had often threatened to
take her life.
Declaring the Itcgnlnr Dividend.
The regular monthly meeting of the Phil
adelphia Natural Gas Company was held
yesterday afternoon in the office of Mr.
Charles Paine, Vice President, and the reg
ular 1 per cent dividend was declared.
The Son Also Arrested.
Frank KoVinsky, aged 15 years, son of
the Polish shoplifters, was arrested last
night and wiil be held until his parents
have been given a hearing.
Into Other Pursuits.
James B. Conners, employed by the C,
B. L & P., has resigned and will go into
the brokerage business with his brother.
He Expects to Succeed Hero Despite
the Efforts of M. W. Doyle.
Macbeth" Co. Take Steps to Avoid Trouble
in the Event of a Strike.
Tom Barry did a good day's work yester
day, notwithstanding the fact that lie was
barred from making a speech in Knights of
Labor Hall. He organized a branch of his
new order, the Brotherhood of United
Labor. It was a mixed branch, several dif
ferent crafts going into it, and all are mem
bers of D. A. 3.
Several organizers certificates were issued
yesterday. They are written on a letter
head bearing the motto: "Equal and exact
justice to all special privileges to none."
The new order bars bankers, lawyers, saloon
keepers and proprietors of gambling houses.
Three-fourths of every local branch must
be wage workers.
Mr. Barry said that the only meeting ar
ranged for this week will be an open one on
Saturday night, which will be held at La
fayette Hall under the auspices of L. A.
1548. K. of L., attached to N. T. A. 154.
This assembly is composed of ax workers,
and Mr. Barry is the National Master
Mr. Barry and his confidential secretary,
T. J. Wallace, were busy all day and even
ing visiting members of the order who had
invited them to call.. They finally drifted
into the Home Hotel to rest, and a Dis
patch reporter saw them there. Barry
wa3 asked the question: "What do you
thiuk of the method adopted by Master
Workman Doyle to prevent the meeting
last evening?" and he said:
iie can't undeestand it.
I am at a loss to understand how men can he
so unmanly as to act in such a manner, or
what reasons they should have to fear the
truth. Mr. Doyle probably thought that if the
truth were revealed to the masses, or their
representatives in the district, it might jeopar
dise his chances for re-election to tbe position
he now, by accifient holds. The great majority
of the workingmen that came to the ball last
night to attend the meeting were very muck
disappointed at not beine; able to hear me.
They expressed their contempt for the men
and organization that would practice such
methods in endeavonne to bury their acts In
silence, knowine that thev will not bsar'the
light of investigation. I belie e that Mr. Doyle
acted In accordance with instructions received
from General Master Workman Powderly, as
it is in keeping with his w ell-known methods.
Mr. Powderly had better change the motto on
his letter heads, "Heir both sides, then
judge." to "Hear my side, then judge."
With regard to the opinion of me given by
Messrs. Denny and Campbell. I am surprised at
Mr. Denny saving that I amount to nothing.
I amounted to sufficient to stop his little pleas
antries at the Bingham House, Philadelphia,
and his loafing there at the expense of the
w orking people. He was supposed to be a gen
eral lecturer in the interest of the order, but
was idling his time in Philadelphia. While be
was loafing at the Bingham House I settled
three strikes and mixed in three others. At
Auburn and Medina, N. Y and New Britain,
Conn. Upon my return from Connecticut he
was still there, bnt he was only one of tbe
many that enjoyed life at the Binebam House
at poverty's expense. I insisted that he cotno
Defore the board, transact his business and get
out I said in the board room that if these
royal loafers who are living at the Bingham
House at the expense of poverty are not pre
vented from so doing in the future I will ex
pose them and the order if I had to do it in the
public press. Powderly never raised his voice
against them being Kept there, or did anything
to prevent this uncalled for expenditure of
labor's money.
My acts have always been such as to invite
tbe opposition of scabs. I never met a scab
that could understand or appreciate manhood.
I have never revealed any of the secrets of the
Knights of Labor, and 1 do not intend to. but
I have exposed the rottenness and corruption
of tbe general officers, and will continue to do
so until honesty is established in the labor
Powderly, they say, will likely be here be
fore the end of the week. I will not evade him
by any means. Nothing would please me bet
ter than to meet Mr. Powderly on the stage at
Lafayette Hall on Saturday night I will guar
antee him a respectful bearing, and will
charge him nothing for the use of the hall. I
understand that money is scarce at head
quarters, and I offer him the privilege of
sharing the hall with me at my expense. An
other gentleman offers to pay his fare if be will
come. So I can see no good reason why hs
should not be here on Saturday. I wonder if
he will.
The Brotherhood of United Labor will never
become a synonym of scabbism, as has tbe
Knights of Labor through their whitewashing
of unfa.r people, who went foul on their trade,
and the discharging of true and tried mem
bers of the Knights and the employing of non
union oeonlp in their places. The haadauar-
ters of the Knights of Labor at Philadelphia
had become a luxurious home for unfair peo
ple, and Mr. Powderly is not satisfied with the
employ ing of that class of people, bnt would,
if monkejs could do the work, and initiate
them into the order afterward.
Mr. Barrv will spend the day in visiting
local assemblies of the order aud will ad
dress a public meeting at Beaver Falls on
Thursday night He is well satisfied with
the outlook here and believes that the mem
bership of D. A. 3 will be materially re
duced in a few weeks.
When Master Workman Doyle was
spoken to yesterday he said that he did not
think tbatBarry's work in this vicinity
would amount to anything. There are some
kickers and they may listen to him, but
Mr. Doyle does not believe that any of them
will joiu his new order.
Macbeth & Co. to Erect n. Wnrebonso and
Put in a Stock to Last Ttvo Vears Work
to be Commenced Soon.
Macbeth & Co., the largest chimney man
ufacturers in the world, is the first firm in
this section to take steps to prevent any em
barrassment on account of labor troubles
next summer. There seems to be no doubt
that the workers will demand an advance in
wages during the summer shutdown. This
demand, if it is made, will be resisted, and
in order to do so the chimney men will be
compelled to have a stock on hand to supply
the trade until the trouble is settled.
The firm of Macbeth & Co. have made,
or rather, are making, provisions to supply
the trade, strike or no strike. No firm in
the city has any extended facilities for
stocking its product that is not sold. At
present wages chimneys can be made
cheaper and better than ever before.
In order to build up a stock to carry the
firm through an ordinary strike, Macbeth &
Co. have decided to erect a large warehouse.
The contract for the building was let yester
day, and the warehouse will be the largest
in the county. It will be built at the corner
of South Ninth and old Sarah streets. The
dimensions of the building, according to the
plans, will be 296x64 feet, and five stories
high. The building will require fully
1,500,000 brick to build it.
This building will be used to store all
chimneys not sold between the time it is
completed and the workers' strike for an ad
vance in wages, if the latter should ma
terialize. The proprietors of the works pro
pose to have a warehouse in which they can
store a two-years' supply. More men will
be put to work, and every effort made to
"stock up."
The information given above came from
a seemingly very reliable source; but when
Mr. George A. Macbeth was spoken to last
evening, he refused to aamit that the firm
intended to erect such a warehouse for such
a purpose.
Serious Illness of Mr. J. C. Blsher at Bis
Allegheny Home.
Mr. J. C. Bisher, one of the leading. coal
operators of this vicinity, is dying at his
home in Allegheny. His physicians do
not think he will live through the week.
Mr. Eisner has been in the coal business all
his life, and is very well known.
Permanent Organization nnd Officers of tbo
Bakers' Association.
A largely attended and harmonious meet
ing of the Bakers' Merchant Protective As
sociation was held in the Grocers' Exchange
building last night. The final report of the
Committee on Constitution was read and ac
cepted, and the hall was rented as a per
manent meeting place, and proper weights
and measures to suit the public were dis
cussed. The following permanent officers
were elected:
President John Dimling; Vico Presidents, J.
Goettman, C. A. Slagle and D. F. Git; Secre
tary, T. L. Pfarr; Treasurer. B. B. Ward: Di
rectors, J. Dodds, P. Smith. J. Kaltcnbauser,
G. Ward. C. Slagle. G.Lanz,G. Orth, O. Kon
stancer and J. A. New.
Lnbor Orators nt Work.
Master Workman John F. Doyle, of D.
A. 3, General Lecturer T. Walls and J. E.
O'Shea of the Knights of Labor, went to
Mansfield last night and addressed the mem
bers of Labor Assemblies 7600 andG2G2 K.
ofL. '
Labor Notes.
A break of the squeezers in Zug's mill last
night caused a shut-down of the entire pud
dling department
General Lecturer William Wall, of
the Knights of Labor, is a candidate for Select
Council in the Twenty-seventh ward.
The report that H. M. Curry is to take tho
place of the late D. A. Stewart as Chairman of
Carnegie, Phipps Co., is denied by members
of the firm.
A Rcgnlnr Increase in Private Property
Assessments Vis Incrcaso In Glass
Iloascs nnd Mills.
Official and final assessments on property
in the Twenty-ninth ward, issued yester
day, show a uniform increase, though it is
especially noticeable in valuable mill prop
erty, as is indicated irrthe following sample
The Iron and Glass Bank is raised $1,000 over
1SS7; Mrs. P. Shannon's lot and glasshouse is
$79,650, compared to S53,190 last year; Adams &
Co.'s glasshouse, $5G,979, to 517,721; George
Duncan fc Sons, $53,711, to $11,323; Dojlo & Co.,
S37.3S0 to $2S,06S.
George A. Macbeth is nearly doubled, the
rise being from $16,372 in '83 to $31,000 in '89;
A. M. Byers & Co., on Bingham street, $215,337
to $158,330 last year; A. Garrison Foundry Com
pany, $128,108 to $109,380; H. B. Scutt & Co., lot
and factory, $75,900 to $22,680 in '83; Oliver Bros.
4 Phillips, $252,103 to $132.S9i
In the Thirteenth ward a regular advance
is also shown, with the exceptions, as usual,
in the case of large manufacturing interests:
Abel, Smith & Co., on Carson street, aro ad
vanced to $131,017, from $S7,011 last year; Rob
inson, Rea &. Co , lot and foundry, to 3113,633,
from $SS,8oO; G. T. Robinson, 11 arres and
house on Coal Hill, to $10,582, from $21,776. The
South Pittsburg Planing Mill Company on Mc-
Kcan street is an execution, being assessed at
$25,300 for 1889 to $30,361 in ltS8. There is cer
tainly a most notable advance in the assessed
valuation of Dllwortb, Porter & Co. It was
$182,970 last year, but rises to $21S,201this sea
son. Then the Oliver Wire Company, Limited,
came up from S53.S3! to $76,932; William Rich
ards, $10,518 to $12,150.
These are the most noticeable cases,
thougn the increased value of properties
under 10,000 in value is quite up to the
Some High School Pupils Will bo Given a
City Superintendent of Schools Luckey
reported at the meeting of the Central
Board last night that there were on an av
erage 22,789 pupils enrolled in the schools
in December. This is a gain of 1,314 over
the same month of the preceding year.
A resolution was passed censuring the
' principal of the South school for altering
certificates at the recent High School ex
ruination. The O'Hara night school will
be continued another month.
A resolution was offered by Dr. Staub
and referred to the High School Committee.
It is to the effect that all pupils who failed
at the recent preliminary examination for
the High School be re-examined in April;
that hereafter two preliminary examina
tions be held, one in December and one in
April; that pupils shall not be examined in
April in studies in which they made at the
December examination 75 per cent; that the
April examination shall be open only to
purjils who failed in December.
It was decided to give the pupils who
failed to make CS per cent in drawing at the
recent examination, but -passed in the other
studies, a re-examination. Another teacher
was granted the Luckey district.
Tho Great Manufacturer Tlsits the City
bnt Keeps Mum.
Mr. Andrew Carnegie arrived in the city
last evening, and will remain in Pittsburg
for a few days. He said that everything
was quiet in the East, and that he would
not "talk Indianapolis."
Mr. Carnegie said that he had not re
ceived any word from Mr. Blaine for several
days, and that he has not taken any parr in
any Cabinet making, nor could he express
any opinion as to who would be appointed.
He was accompanied by Mrs. Carnegie
and a party of friends.
The Democrats of (he City to Hold a Sleet
ing and Orgnnize.
The Allegheny County Democracy held a
meeting last evening. Officers for the en
suing year were elected. A resolution was
passed requesting Chairman P. Foley, of
the City Democratic Committee, to call a
general meetinff for the purpose of organiz
ing tne democrats lor tne city elections.
Invitations for the County Democracy
celebration, on February 15, "were distrib
uted. Bonglit for tbe Creditors' Bcncflr.
At a Sheriff's sale, held yesterday morn
ing, representatives of the defunct Farmers'
and Mechanics' Bank on the Southside
bought the property of the Independent
Glass Company lor the benefit of the credi
tors ot the bank. The bank held a mortgage
of $11,000 on the property.
Ventilation for tbo DNpensary.
The directors of the Pittsburg Free Dis
pensary met yesterday afternoon in the law
office of John M. Kennedy, Esq. Theques
tion of ventilating the new building by the
Smead system was left in the hands of the
Conld Not Ilnve Done it Himself.
Drs. Pcrchment and McCandless yester
day held a post mortem examination on the
body of Albert Davis, who was murdered
in the East End. They declared that the
deceased could not have inflicted the wound
A General Fight.
Mrs. Long, Annie Long and Mrs. Hig
cins were arrested by Officer Thompson at
No. 1220 Spririg alley yesterdav alternoon
for fighting. A bottle of whisky was the
cause of the quarrel.
To Taxpayers.
Through an error The Dispatch yester
day announced that appeals would be heard
from property owners of the Twenty-second
ward. The notice should have read "ap
peals from the Twenty-seventh ward."
Allegheny's City Attorney Receives
the Supreme Court Opinion
Why the law Governing the Korthslde is
When Allegheny Common Council met
in special session last night to consider the
new charter proposition, Mr. "Wertheimer
moved for an immediate adjournment. He
did not think they knew anything more than
they did the other night, and it would be
dangerous to make a move until the Su
preme Court had made its decision.
City Attorney Elphinstone informed
Council that a synopsis of the opinion of
the Supreme Court had been published in
the morning papers, and it showed, as he
had said before, that there could be threo
classes only. He expected to receive a copy
of the opinion about 0 o'clock, and it would
appear in the morning papers. He added
that he wished it understood that he had
not swerved a hair's breadth from what he
said Thursday night. Thereupon Council
Later in the evening the Citv Attorney
received from Philadelphia the full text of
the Supreme Court's decision. It declares
the classification act of 1887. under which
Allegheny has been acting, unconstitu
tional, and it opposes more than three
.classes. The opinion is a vindication of the
position taken by Mr. Elphinstone, and in
dorses the position he took in asserting that
there could be but three classes of cities in
The decision is put upon thebroad ground
that under the spacious guide of classifica
tion the act is local and special legislation,
pure and simple, which without pretense of
necessity opens wide the door for further
legislation of the same vicious and inhibit
ed character.
"It is difficult if not impossible," said' Judge
Stcrrctt, by wbom the decision of the Supremo
Court was delivered, "to escape from that po
sition. The pernicious system of special legis
lation practiced for many years before 1871, had
become general and deep-rooted, and the evils
resulting therefrom so alarming that the peo
ple determined to apply the only remedy that
promised hope of any release, and the result of
that determination was tha adoption of the
Constitution'. One of the manifest objects of
that instrument was to eradicate that species
of legislation and substitute in lieu of it gen
eral laws, whenever it was possible to do so."
After quoting several provisions of the
acts to show the lack of necessity for any
further classification, Judge Sterrett an
swers the argument that the question of ne
cessity for classification is a legislative and
not a judicial one in this way.
"The answer to that is obvious. The people
have seen fit not only to prescribe the form of
enacting laws, but also, as to certain subjects,
the method of legislation, by ordaining that no
local or special law relating to those subjects
shall be passed. Whether in any given case
the Legislature has transcended its power and
passed a law in conflict with that limitation is
essentially a question of law, and must neces
sarily be decided by the courts. To warrant
the conclusion that the people intended to in
vest their lawmakers with judicial power and
thus make them tbe official arbiters of their
own acts would require the clearest and most
emphatic language to that effect. No such in
tention is expressed in the Constitution, and
none can be inferred from any of its provisions.
That these limitations were design ed to estab
lish a fixed and permanent rule cannot be
doubted. But if tbo ultimate application of
that rule were to rest solely on the judgment
of the body on which it was intended to oper
ate, nothing could be more flexible.
"No such proposition can be entertained hv
the courts without abandoning one o( the most
important branches of jurisdiction given to
them by the fundamental law. namelv. the
j-power to ultimately determine whether or not
a given taw is local or special and has been
passed in disregard of the constitutional limi
tation that has been
een maced urion thnnowprnf
the Legislature. It follows that the decree of
the court below is correct, not only on the
ground that as to the city of Wiikesbarre the
act of 18S7 is not yet operative, but also on the
broader ground that the act is nnconstitnttnnal
and void."
Classification is not expressly forbidden by
the Constitution. On the contrary, it is dis
tinctly recognized, for certain purposes. For
example: Article 9. section 1, declares, "All
taxes shall be uniform, upon the same class of
subjects, within the territorial limits of tha
authority levying the tax, and shall be levied
and collected under general laws." Thus, by
necessary implication, anthonty is given to
classify property for the purpose of taxation,
but by express mandate of the last clause
above quoted, all taxes must be levied and
collected under general and not special or local
During the session of the Legislature, Im
mediately preceding the adoption of the pres
ent Constitution, nearly 150 local or special
laws were enacted for the city of Pittsburg and
for other municipal divisions of theStatcaboot
the same proportion. This was by no means
eitcpuuuiu. Autrpernicious system oi special
legislation, practiced for manvvears before,
had become so general and deep-rooted,and tho
evils resulting therefrom, so alarmingtbat tho
people of the Commonwealth determined to
apply tho only remedy that promised any hope
of relief.
The act of 1S74, dividing the cities of the
State into three classes, viz.: Thoe containing
over ."500,000 nonulation, those containing less
than 300,000 aud exceeding 100,000, and those
containing less than. 100.000 and exceeding
iu.uw, was iusiaineo as 10 sucli ot its provisions
as have been involved in adjudicated cases be
cause it was considered within the spirit, if
not tho letter of the Constitution. As to the
number of classes created, that act appears to
have covered tho entire ground of classifica
tion. It provides for all existing as well as
every conceivablo prospective necessity. It is
impossible to suggest any legislation that
has or may thereafter become necessary for
any member of either clas, that cannot, with
out detriment to other membeis of same class,
be made applicable to all of them. If classifi
cation had stopped where the act of 1874 left it,
itwotild have been well; butitdidnot. With
out the slightest foundation in necessity, the
number of classes was soon increased tn five,
and afterward to seven; and if the vicious
principle on which that was done be recognized
by the courts, the number may at any time be
further increased until it equals the number of
cities in tbe Commonwealth. The only possible
purpose of such classification is evasion of the
constitutional limitation; and as such it ought
to bo unhesitatingly condemned.
They Jack Up Freight Cars nnd StonI Bear
ings by Wholesale.
In speaking of the methods of brass
thieves, who formed a gang to steal car bear
ing, General Superintendent of Transporta
tion Wood said yesterday that they had
broken up a similar gang in Detroit, and in
Chicago, aud he would not be surprised if
sucn gangs were operating nere, as they
frequently miss the brass castings.
In ten minutes a bearing can be stolen,
by "jacking up" a car unobserved, and it
may not be missed until the car has run a
mile or so, as friction generally ignites the
oil packing. Thieves work in between long
lines of freight, and arc generally safe. The
bearings weigh ten pounds each, and are
worth to the railroads about 17 cents per
Mrs. Albert Davis is Hold for the Marder
of Her Husband.
The Coroner began his investigation yes
terday morning as to the homicide of Albeit
Davis, colored, who was murdered at No. 80
Frankstown avenue, at an early hour yes
terday morning.
It was learned that Cable W". Nicholas,
Beuben Austen and Charles Palmer, were
in the room beneath the one in which the
shooting occured at the time of the tragedy.
Testimony was given by several witnesses,
including Millie White, the white child,
who was asleep in the room. The inqnest
will be continued to-day.
Caroline Palmer, alias Caroline Davis,
was held for murder. No evidence was
given, however, proving that she is the
guilty person.
Newspaper Attacks on Some bf the Great
Western Rallwnjs.
Eailroad off cials and financial men in
Pittsburg have been reading the vigorous
attacks of the New York bun on railroad
presidents and managers, especially of some
of the great Western lines, for their stock
jobbing and other transactions, which have
resulted in losses to stockholders. The Sun
asks the question if there is any adequate
reason why the railroad managers should
smash rates in December of 1887. and then
restore them in December of 18S8 at a loss to
stockholders of 540,000,000?
But the question affects the interests of
Pittsburg very little. The Dispatch in
terviewed several bankers yesterday after
noon. They all regarded "it as of little
moment to Pittsburg whether rates were cut
every few months.
"It is a matter peculiar to Wall street,
New York," said Mr. John Harper, Presi
dent of the Bank of Pittsburg. "Ourbanks
here do not hold railroad bonds or stocks.
We have never observed any effect on finan
cial business of this city from this rate cut
ting, although I suppos'e, as the Sun says, it
may bo an evil in financial circles else
where. Tho Sun is a power in whatever it
takes hold of; so is the Pittsburg Dis
patch; but in a question like this, where
a railroad manager has thousands invested
in a railroad, I am afraid the greatcstpapers
win oe powerless to change ms idea oi
These Notorious Disturbers Roll an Officer
In the Mud.
The Fair sisters, of Allegheny, the three
midgets who have probably put in as much
time at the Workhouse as any rounder in
the city, were arrested yesterday by Officer
Moreland. Last week their brother died,
and since then they have been celebrating
the event in the wildest Bohemian style.
The complaints from the neighbors got so
numerous that the officer went to their hoube
yesterday and tried to arrest them. The
women are only about four and a half feet
in height, but they make up in muscle.
They adjourned to the street and proceeded
to do business under catch-as-catch-can
Half of the time the officer was in the
mud, and the other half they were. At
length he managed to control the three of
them aud sent them to the lock-up. The
women are married, but do not live with
their husbands. Their names are Maggie
Kellar, '"Becky" Lapsley and Mary Fair.
They may make another trip over the hill
this morning.
The Annual Statement of the Allegheny City
The annual financial report of the Alle
gheny Poor Board 'shows the total expenses
for the year were 855,333 49. Of this $10,
786 96 was for outside relief in the city.
The balance on hand in the treasury is
5185 24. The total expense of the home for
maintenance was 520,821 33. The receipts
from the sale of produce, boarding inmates,
etc., were $2,292 11. The average monthly
number of inmates in the home was 251.
The average yearly cost per capita was
$98 23.
The total receipts were $55,332 82. The
assets of the board aggregate $339,813 79.
The liabilities $30,000, being a mortgage
and loan.
The Westlnehonse Building Solid.
A prominent official of the Philadelphia
Company was reported yesterday to have
stated that, in spite of the appearance of
cracks in the Westinghouse building, on
the corner of Penn avenue and Ninth
street, and the placing of pillars to brace it,
the building is as sound as a dollar. The
bracing is simply put up to protect any
further cracks. The building cost $418,000,
and it is considered one oft the best invest
ments in town.
A Steamboat's Crew Surprised.
When the Brownsvill epacket, Adam
Jacobs, tied up at Greensboro on Sunday
last, a little surprise awaited the crew. It
came in the shape of an invitation to ban
quet that evening. Mr. E. L. Pancost and
wife, well-known restaurateurs of that
place, gave the feast, and it was a fine one.
The boys did ample justice to the entertain
ment. A Fireman Injured.
George McClelland, of engine company
No. 15, teceived a severe scalp wound by
being struck on the head by a brick, which
fell from a chimney on the house of Mrs. J.
Derry. on Eighteenth street. An alarm had
been sent in from box 61 for a slight fire on
the roof of the building.
Stolen Goods Identified.
A number of those articles found at the
residence of Mrs. Kovinsky, at No. 49 Mnl
berry alley, have been identified by Penn
avenue shopkeepers. The goods recovered
by the police are now at Inspector Mc
Aleese's office.
First Popnlnr Excursion of tbo Season to
nshington City, Via BtfcO.IE.lt.
On Thursday, Januarv 17. 1889, fare $9
round trip, tickets good for return passage
10 days. Trains leave Pittsburg 7 and ll:d0
A. si. and 1020 P. si. Pullman Parlor Cars
on morning trains and Sleeping cars on
night train. This will afford excursionists
a fine opportunity to see Congress in session,
and will also give them a chance to visit Old
Point Comfort. For illustrated circulars
giving full information call onoraddress E.
D. Smith, Division Passenger Agent, Cor.
Fifth avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg,
Entries Close Jananry 19.
Premium list can be had at the following
S laces: Davidson's gunstore, 29 Ohio st.;
lax Klein, 82 Federal st,; William Littell,
79 Federal st,, Allesheny City. James
Bown & Son, 603 Smithfield st.;W. S.
Brown, 520 Wood st.; Louis Buple, 236
Smithfield st.: Geo. Wills, 510 Smithfield
st.; Johnson's gunstore, No. 621 Smithfield
st.; Howard Hartley, 400 Smithfield st,. or
address C. B. Elben, Secy., P. O. Box 303,
Pittsburg Laborers.
Pittsburg laboring men stand well to the
front in labor organizations and in other
schemes lor the protectionof wages. One of
the most prominent of these is Accident
Insurance, and on; of the leading companies
in Pittsburg is the National Benefit Associa
tion of Indianapolis. J. T. CUNNINGHAM,
agent, 51 Lewis Block.
OorJnnnnrr Dress Goods Sale.
Be sure to see the French broadcloths at
$1 50, $2 and $2 50 we know they are the
best at these prices iu anv store.
Penn Avenue Stores.
The Qneen of Flours
Is a new brand, "Bosalia," manufactured by
AVhitmyre & Co., Thirty-eighth street and
Allegheny "Valley Bailroad. Try it and be
convinced that it is a flour of most excellent
An extra bargain 200 dozen linen
towels at 12c apiece, regular price 20c
apiece. Hugos &,Hacke.
Business nnd Dress Suits.
For a good fitting suit go to Pitcairn's,
434 Wood street. ' wsu
Sweeping Redactions.
Extra fine kid button, hand turned ladies'
shoes,fc3 50 shoes, at $2 and $2 50 per pair,
fl VI RirnAn' 7Q OMn .(Mat Alia
at G
Simen's, 78 Ohio street, Alle-
FiNEwatoti repairing at Hauch's, No.
295 Fifth ave. Established 1853. wrsa
To the Evidently Grounded Circuits That
Supply Electric Lights in the Magnifi
cent New Court House-Will TheyKe
Wlrelt? '
Some people are inclined tothink the
County Commissioners did not make any
money by letting the contract for lighting
the Court House with electricity to the low
est bidder, though they find no fauH with
the Commissioners for doing so, as it was
"strictly business." ' It has all along been
held by" the competitors of the United States
Electric Light Company that it had taken
the contract at too low a rate to allow the
work to bedonc right, and these competitors,
or some who at least talk as though they
were their champions, the Westinghouse
and Edison companies, now point to the
work of the lamps in the Court House in
proof of their assertions. If the work of the
lamps be the best the United States Com
pany can do, the detractors have certainly
won their case, for half a dozen of the
burners do notgivo as much illumination as
one should do.
Commissioners McWilliams and Mercer
were spoken to yesterday regarding the mat
ter, and they did not seem prepared to de
liver an ex-cathedta opinion. They stated
that it was possible, and they seemed to
think probable, that the wires were
"grounded" so that the greater part of the
current was wasted, and that the trouble
might be remedied.
In the Various departments the opinion
was expressed that the fitful kerosene lamp
would be an immense improvement. The
matter will be overhauled ere long, and the
nature, cause and cure of the trouble in
vestigated and remedied, as something must
be done, or the Court House habitues will
soou resemble a spectacle-bestridden school
of German savants.
Two Drunken Men Making Merry With
Donshnnts, Cakes, Etc.
The air in the vicinity of Lacock street
and Madison avenue was full of cakes,
doughnuts, small pies, etc., about 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. At that hour one of
the drivers of Hilbert's bakery, on Spring
Garden avenue, was delivering goods to
some of his customers in tbe neighborhood.
While stepping out of his wagon to enter
a store, he met William Ealers and Bobert
McKelvy, two more or less disorderly
yonng men, and the latter proceeded to
have fnn with the driver. One of them
stepped up to him and kicked the out
stretched tray in his hands. The contents
of the tray were scattered about the street,
greatly to the delight of a number of small
boys. Officer Snyder gathered in the
To Let for Business Purposes.
Parties who require a power service in
their business and who can see advantages
in being in the most central situation in the
city, should call and examine the rooms of
all sizes now ready for occupants in the new
Dispatch building, 75,77 and 79 Diamond
Besides being ready of access to custom
ers, tenants are supplied with every facility
for the rapid and successful transaction of
Elevator service, both passenger and
freight; prompt janitor service, steam heat
ing and electric lighting free; besides, splen
did light and ventilation of the rooms are
among the attractive features.
Econonomy, as well as other great ad
vantages, in renting here. Apply at Dis
patch, new building, Diamond street.
A New Year.
With the new year try the new brand ot
flour Bosalia manufactured by Whitmyre
& Co., Thirty-eighth street and Allegheny
Valley Bailroad, guaranteed to be the best
flour in the market.
Attend our sale of odd lengths of
striped surahs, India silt, striped and fancy
velvets, at 35c per yard.
85 Pants nnd $35 Salts
To order at Pitcairn's, 434 Wood st.
Cash paid for old gold and silver at
Hauch's, No. 295 Fifth ave. wrsu
HEM2TA, 3r. T.
2JlS. 28, 18S3L J
Messrs. Fleming Bros.-
Gentlemen I have taken a great many of
Dr. C. MeLane's Celebrated Liver Pills, and
find them to be a wonderful pill all that you
claim for them. They act like a charm in cises
of biliousness, sick headache, dysentery etc.
Cure sick headache, biliousness, liver com
plaint, dyspepsia, heartburn, indigestion, mala
ria, pimples on face and body, impure blood,
etc, by using regularly Dr. C. MeLane's
Celebrated Liver Pills prepared only by Flem
ing Bros., Pittsburg, Pa. Price 25 cents. Sold
by all druggists. Insist upon having the gen
uine Dr. C. MeLane's Liver Pills, prepared
only by Fleming Bros., Pittsburg, Pa, tbe
market being toll of imitations of tho name
McLane. spelled differently but of the same
pronunciation. Alwaysmake sure of the words
bFlemmgBros.,Pittsburg, Pa.," on thewrapper.
is well dressed in
our Kid Gloves
and Corsets. Of
course you ought
to put on some of
our Woolen Un
derwear to keep
warm. Also a pair
of our 25c All
Wool Hose. Bar
gains all over the
house now.
T. T. T.
109 Federal Street,
VftiCl boars' head. Irish stusage. Glencairn
cainp pic, potted game, pate diable, etc. Fresh
no27-ws t Liberty and Ninth sts.
L layer and pulled figs, choice layer and
bunch raisins, French prunes, Fard dates, Vos
tezzi c rrants, princess and Languedoc al
monds, Texas polished pecans, Grenoble
walnuts: all selected new crop. JNO. A. REN
SHAW & CO., Family Grocers, Liberty and
Ninth sts. dell-wa
Enough to say that we never sold as many
in four day3 as we did last week.
On the 50c table to-day wo offer entirely dif
ferent lines of goods, thus insuring to buyers a
fresh selection of equally good value all-wool
dress fabrics.
The styles we are selling even for 25c a yard!
are equally desirable for the price, being all.
wool and double width in serviceable cok
In addition to the bargains previously there,
we this day add one case of Printed Jersej
Silks, choice colorings, new styles, at 75c a
yard. These fabrics have more body and
weight and wfll give better service thaalow
priced India Silks, and never were soldo
cheaply before this sale.
More and very excellent bargains are still to
be found in Plushes and Fancy Brocade Vek
vets this week.
We havo a revised list of prices this day on
our entire stock of Seal Plush Garments, Short
Jackets, English Walking Jackets (extra
lengths), Bacques, Mantles, Modjeskas and
Newmarkets. We call special attention to the
full lines of superfine quality of Seal Plush
Coats at $15, S35 and S25 as being simply un
equaled at these prices, better In every respect
than have ever been seen for the money.
Also two lower grades at $15 and $20 that are
very excellent value.
Our special bargain in Cloth Ulsters, Ka"
lans and Newmarkets include the newest ma
terials, colorings and shapes, and are thorough
ly well made.
The "markdowns" in children's winter gar
ments, 2 to 16-year sizes are general, including
this entire and very large stock.
Of new patterns In choice goods at lowest
prices ever known. It is an easy matter by
buying now to save tbe price of a pair by tha
purchase of two or more pairs. A visit to our
curtain room will prove this to be a fact. Be.
member, there are superfine curtains, parlor
curtains, library curtains included in this sale,
and down the scale of quality till yon come to
the 75c a pair curtains.
In embroideries 5c a yard to finest, matched
sets, new hemstitched embroideries, new
showy edges, neat baby edges, new skirtings
and flouncing?, new alt overs; the largest choice;
of all that's newest and at prices that for flna
goods like these are lower than in any previous
We havo the balance of our .stock of small
furs, muffs, boas, collars, shoulder capes all
marked down to close them out.
Some very excellent bargains also In flna
Alaska seal mantels and jackets, unsurpassed
quality and richness of fur.
Is full of interest attaching to very low nrleeS
on some goods ordinarily of much greater
value. This is the case in every department.