Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 09, 1889, Image 1
SMALL ADVERTISEMEHTS For to-morrow's DISPATCH can be left at main office till midnight or at branch offices t?ll 9 P. M. FOKTY-THTRD YEAR IGL Quite Numerous in the Alle gheny Delegation Booked for Duty at Harrisburg. HOW THEY LOOK ON PAPER With Brief Biographical Sketches for Their Constituents to Peruse. SOME MEN "WHO WILL BE HISSED. Hon- the Inter-Municipal Act Cort Con tractors Rig Sloney I.rsislating in the Wrong Direction A ick Elcctoi The Inauguration to Furnish Another Vaca tion lor the Boys Some Kcforins g gestcd Governor Dearer to !jitrinaJic nlly Arrnnpo Harrison's Innugnral bcuator Uutan to Jump on Dclancy Without Cercniory. The faces of nearly all the members of the Legislature from the "State of Alle gheny" appear below. Several familiar ones will be missed. The yonthful features of the new ones will doubtless lead the old campaigners to reflect on the pushing pro clivities of therising generation. Some old heads sit gracefully on the young shoulders, however, and Allegheny will undoubtedly hold her own on the Hill at Harrisburg. The gossip going in Legislative circles yes terday is also appended. "When the Speak er's gavel calls the members of the State Legislature to order at coon to-day, the number of new faces among the Alle gheny county dele "gationwill doubtless be a subject of com ment among Eastern and Northern repre- James S. liutan. sentatives. The few old members lrom "old Allegheny" seemed lonely among their new colleagues. Among the old familiar faces most missed will be that of Uncle Andy Robertson, of the Fourth distiict. The genial counten ance of "Wash" Moore will be also notably conspicuous by its absence, and Sam Church will also be missed from 'ts accustomed seaf In place of these will be Alf Marland, of James L. Graham, Mt Washington; D. F.. Weaver, of the Twentv-fourth ward, and Thomas J. Chal- i-nt, of Miflin street. The new members will unquestionably nifict considerable attention on accouut of tne youthiul appearance of several of them. The bovish-looking figure of George Shiras, Jr . Third, will seem out of place among the other bearded, old representatives. His dignity added a charm to his youthful looks. Among the other new members are Charles W. Robin son, of the First Alleghenv district; William T. Marshall, of the Second: D. R. Jones, of Homestead, and Captain J. W. Nesbit, of Oakdale, representing theSixth or borough district; Dr. William H. Mc Gcorge Shiras, I1L Cullongh, of Taren tum, and William H. White, of Sharps burg, representing the Seventh district. The latter is a son of Hon. Judge White, of this citv. There have been no changes made among the State Senators from Allegheny county. Messrs. Rutan, Newmyer, Steel and Upper man will look after the interests of this part of the State with the same watchful eye that characterized them in past sessions. Among the best known of the representa tives in the Senate is Senator Eutan, whose picture accompanies this sketch. The Sen ator was born in Car roll county, Ohio, May S3, 1838. He was ed ucated in the common schools and afterward at Richmond College, Ohio, and Beaver Academy, Pennsyl- 'vtkj vania. He is an nt- W1 torncv by profession. xiewas elected Dis- Alfred Marland. tnct Attorney of Beaver county in 18G2 and was re-elected in I860. In 186S he was a Prcsidental elector. He was elected to the State Senate lrom Beaver and Washington districts one year later. In 1872 he was re-elected to the position. Dur ing the session of 1872 he was Speaker of the Senate. In 1876 President Hayes tendered him the appointment as Consul to Cardiff and Florence, but he declined both. A few months afterward he was appointed Col lector of the Port of Pittsburg, and served until June, 1881. He was then appointed United States Mar shal for the Western district of Pennsyl , vania, and sened until he was re moved by P-esidcnt Cleveland in No- vember, 1885. At John Uppcrman. ' the breaking out of the war he enlisted and served as First Lientcnant of Company F, One Hundred and First Eegimcnt Pennsylvania Arolun tccrs. In August, 18G2, he w.is honorably discharged. In 18SG he was elected to the State Senate lrom this county. Senator Upperman who is now serving his third term, is a native of this city. He was born May 13,1845, and received hiseducation in the public schools. He learned thetrade,of) a tinner, but the business not suiting his you 1 Ml "TSim vsvoass" wmrP 'Sy ft y BcfJ tastes he quit nnd engaged in the livery bus iness. In 1877 he represented his ward in Select Councils. He was first elected to the Senate in November, 18S0. John C. New myer, of this city, was first elected to the State Senate in 1875. He has since that time served at each session and was President pro tem. ot the body during the session of '76 and '77. He was born i n Westmoreland county in 1848. In John C. Xevcmyer. 1867 he graduated at the Western University of this city and en tered at once into the study of law. He was shortly afterward admitted to the bar and is still practicine his profession. Samuel S. Steel, of Green Tree P. O., was born in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, April 9, 1837. He received a public school education, and learned the trade of a black smith. He has served as delegate to State and County Conventions for a number of years. During the war he was a private in Scott's Sixteenth Massachusetts Bat. tery. He was first James Bulger. elected to the Senate in 18S4. Of the 16 Representatives in the House there is but one Democrat. He is James Bulger, of Smallman street, a young man who bids fair to make his mark. He was born in the Twelfth ward, February 25, 1857: received all the education he possesses in the public schools. He is a glassworker by trade. He was a member of City Coun cils and served as School Director for several years. This is his second term as a legislator. George Shiras, Third, who will let people hear of him before the close of the session, is a well known young at torney of this city. He was born Jan nary 1, 1857, and graduated at Cor nell University in S. V. Stewart. 1SS1. He immediately entered the law school at Yale, and graduated there two years later. William T. Marshall is a resident of Fulton street, Allegheny City. He is well known about town, and is entering upon his first term. James L. Graham was born in this city in 1819. He was educated at the old Alle gheny Seminary, and in 1857 was elected Sheriff of the county. He served until 1SG1, when he was elected to the State Senate. He was re-elected each term until 1873. During the year of 'CS he was Speaker of that body. He was elected a member .of the House of Repre sentatives in 1883 and two years later was elected Speaker of the House. Michael B Lemon was born in West moreland county in June, 1S44. He was Wm. T. Zlarzhall. educated in common and private sthools and in August, 18C2, enlisted in the One Hundred and Filty-fifth P. V. He was severely woundedin the battle of the Wilder ness in 1864. His wounds were so severe that he was honorably discharged upon his recovery. He was President of the South School Board for lour years and in 18S5 was a delegate to the State Convention. James F. Richards, of the Third Pitts burg district, is a resident of Watson street. He was born in this citv November 21, 1851, and, like the majority of public men, received his ed ucation in the public schools He left school when quite a youne boy to learn the trade of a ma chinist, which he fol lowed until 1884. He has been a deputy sheriff, and served three terms in Coun- TT. Jlobison. cil. Samuel M. Lafferty is one of the best- knowu stock drovers at the East Liberty yards. He was born at Elders Ridge. Indi ana county, January 11, 1833, and attended the common schools. He has represented his ward in Select Council, and his first ap pearance in the Legislature was made in 1883. Alfred Marland, of Mt Washington, is among the new members. He is a native ot England, being born in Ashton Under-Line in March, 1837. He was educated at a private school, con ducted by his mater nal grandfather. He learned the trade ol machinist, and at the breaking out of the Rebellion came to this country. He located in Pittsburg, in 1863, and worked at his trade for sev eral years. He w as made Superintend ent of Woods' old nut factory, and af J-f. B. Lemon. terward connected himself with the Standard Nut Company. He remained there until he lormed the firm ot Marland, Neely & Co., of which he is still an active partner. He represented the Thirty-second ward in Coun cils ten years. D. E. Jones, of the Sixth district, was born and raised on a farm near Swansea, Wales. He came to this country when quite young, and wonted in the mines at Wilkesbarre, this State, as laborer and underground engi neer. Durini; the panic of 1873 he was thrown out of work, and with what money he had saved went to Mt. Union College, Ohio, for an education. He was there four years, ex cept when teaching common schools during the winter months. He gradu James F. McJiard. ated in 1878 and came to Pittsburg to read law. He was, lor lour years, chief execu tive officer of the Pittsburg Miners' Asso ciation, where his advice was always prac tical, sale and conservative He was ad mitted to the bar in 1882, and since that time has been practicing law. He was elected Burgess ot Homestead two terms. William H. White, son of Judge White k? If ftp I I rMiJ w c. c 5w dial 2b yjl of the Common Pleas Court, was born in SewicKley in Novem ber, 1855. He lived there until within a few weeks of last election day, when he removed to Sharpsburg. He is a graduate ot the '80 class of Allegheny col lege at Meadville, and was admitted to the bar in 1882. John W. Morrison, Chief Clerk of the House, is a Sixth ward, Allegheny, merchant. S. 31. Lafferty. He was born in Phila delphia about 4G years ago. He removed to Pittsburg in 1857, and entered the store of which he is now proprietor, as an errand boy. At the breaking out of the Rebellion he enlisted as a private, and was afterward a commissioned officer in the well known "Roundhead" regiment, the One Hundreth P. V., commanded by the late General Daniel Leasure. At the close ol the war he returned to Pittsburg. Mr, Morrison has served as Journal Clerk of the House of Eepresentatives two terms. He was a member of that bodjr dur ing the session of 1881, representing the Fifth district. He was a member of Colonel Gray's staff for some years and also on the staff of General Beaver. He is a memberofPost88, G. A. R., and of Union Veteran Legion No. 6. Bv the new ap portionment Al- Thos. JjChalfanL legheny county is entitled Jo 16 repreenta tives. They are divided into eight districts. There are four Senators from the county. The districts represented are the Forty-second, Forty-third. Forty-fourth and Forty fifth. A FEW KEEDED REFOEMS. Sir. Faeh, of Somerset, Names Several Chnnses He'd Like to See Made. rSrECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUX DISPATCH.l Harkisbukg, January 8. Among the few members of the House who did nof re turn to their homes after the adjournment of a week is Representative Pugh, ot Som erset, who has been giving some considera tion to suggestions looking to the introduc tion of a bill to dignify the office of district attorney by removing the temptation of fees and allowing that official, in lieu of them, a good salary. Mr. Pugh thinks such an act would promote the interests of justice, while it would at the same time elevate the stand ard of the office. The same representative favors the passage of a bill reducing the charges of court stenographers, w ho, he says, are being paid too much under existing leg islation. A well-guarded insolvent law, Mr. Pugh believes, is needed, and as an illustration of the want of such a measure he refers to the fact that in his town a number of young men have not only been obliged to sacrifice their homes to make good the embezzlement of county officials on whose bond they were, but under ordinary circumstances they w ill not be able to recover the lost ground, be cause they cannot own any property until thev have fully met the obligation which their kindness placed on them. ADDITIONAL LAW JUDGES. Philadelphia to Be Accommodated at the ipfmo of the btate. rSrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISTATCII. HAKEiSBtTBG, January Sv Several hills have been prepared for the consideration of the Legislature, providing for the creation of additional law Judges. Representative Fow, of Philadelphia, is evidently going to make himself solid with the Philadelphia Judges, whom he proposes to relieve of much of their work by addincr three to the number of members of the Common Fleas Bench of that city. Westmoreland, Northumberland and other counties will also be represented in demands for acts to give them each an additional Judge The judiciary of the State now takes a slice of over "S500,000 annually out of the public treasury, and owing to the creation of new Judges the expense is gradually in creasing. The records of the several courts in the State show that the Judges in very lew districts ore overworted, and in nearly all of them they have an abundance of leis ure. Instead of adding to the number of Judges the Legislature would do itself more credit by devising means by which the force could be lessened. A COSTLY DECISION. Ilcavy Iosscs Sustained by the Failure of the llarrlsburp Intcr-Municipnl Act rSFECIAI. TELEGBAM TO THE DISrATCH.l Habrisburg, January 8. The decision of the Supreme Courtin declaring the inter Municipal Act 'unconstitutional will cause a loss of over S20.000 to the Barber Asphalt Company, in work done in this city. The cost of paving and curbing Market street was about 35,000, and owners of property abutting the street assessed in the aggregate about $19,000 refused to pay their pro rata share of the expense. Others paid a portion of their assessments, and some of them will doubtless decline to iSake further payments because of the Supreme Court decision. In addition to losing 20,000 on account of paving, the Barber Asphalt Company erected expensive works here, which they will probably be obliged to remove. The company will lose in the State about S100, 000, if the court should not reverse its opin ion deciding the municipal act of 1874 un constitutional as well as that of '87. INAUGDEAL ARRANGEMENTS. Governor Beaver's Linc-of-March Order to be Issued in a Few Days. tSPECIAI. TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. Habrisburg, January 8. General Hastings will leave for Washington to morrow, to begin systematic' arrangements for the inauguration of General Harrison. He will be assisted in his work by the ex ecutive clerk of the Governor, Major Lock hart. General Hastingswill spend much of his time in Washington between this and the inauguration, in the performance of his duties as Governor Beaver's chief of staff. An order relative to the general informa tion of the line of march will be issued in a few days. Governor Beaver, as Grand Marshal of the procession, is selecting mem bers of his staff from the large number of Eersons all over the country whose names ave been submitted to him the past month. 21DST go Dome sdndat. Members of the House Won't Stny in Harris burn Over the Sabbath. ISPECIAL TELEGBAM TO Till DISPATCH.l Harrisbubg, January 8. This week probably only two sessions of the House will be held, but next week that body will likely begin meeting on Mondav evening and ad journing the following Friday. Some of the members who find it inconvenient to yisit their homes because of the distance they would have to travel are favorable to Sat urday sessions, but they are in a minority, and any effort they might make to expedite the business of the House wonld be prompt ly squelched. The next long adjournment will not occur before the February election, .when nearly Continued on Sixth Panr, t v PITTSBURG, WEDNESDAY, JAISTCJARY 9, 1889. A THUD ON THE WAT. It is Almost Due at the Bit? Indianap olis Cabinet-Making Shop. BLAINE, ALGER AND HASTINGS Have Their Innings, Although Allison May Knock Oat James G. B. THE NEW T0EE PROBLEM TETUNS0LTED A Chicago Man Milliner MaVin? the Harrisons' In- augural Clothes. A dreary thud is looked for shortly at the Indianapolis Cabinet-making shop. Again the rumor floats about that even Quay couldn't persuaae General Harrison to re ward John Wanamaker's campaign liber ality with a Cabinet position, and now it is Adjutant General Hastings who is said to be the President-elect's choice of Penn sylvanians for the coveted plum. A Chi cago man milliner is busjly engaged on the inaugural outfits of the General and his wife. tSrECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH Indiau apolis, January 8. There is an. ominous silence about the Cabinet-making shop up on North Delaware street this last day or two that is entirely consistent with the theory that something is about to drop in that neighborhood with a dreary, dismal thud upon the aspirations of 993 of the 1,000 Cabinet exnectants. The visits of states men from other parts of the country have ceased entirely, and the groups of local politicians have quit predicting, and simply sit aronnd the hotels and look glum, as though awaiting news of a death in the family. Even the special dispatches o the metropolitan papers on Cabinet matters fail to arouse the wonted amusement in these Hoosier statesmen who have known it all ever since election. The nearest approach to a statesman that has registered at the hotels to-day, barring Legislators who are coming into town on every train, was that "amoosin' cuts," ex Congrcssman Roswell G. Horr, of Michi gan. Mr. Horr was here once before, soon after election, and then ventilated bis views as to himself in the Cabinet pretty freely. The gist of them was that there wasn't any more chance of his going into the Cabinet than there was of the angel Gabriel going to Hades, and that he didn't think much of the Cabinet anyway, and would not go into it if he had a chance. WHY Hfc CALLED AGAIN-. Mr. Horr's visit here at the present time is not to inform General Harrison that he has reconsidered the matter and will go Into the Cabinet, after all, but is an inci- dental stopover in the course of His trip to Juihll jecture engagements. Jtte maae tne people laugh at Lebanon, O., last night, and his next engagement is at Valparaiso, Ind., for which place he started after a short stop in this city. He went out to call upon General Harrison while the General was tramping about in the rain down town. Mr. Horr says that he feels prouder than ever of Michigan since some Michiganders have succeeded in unloading electric sugar upon the sharp New Yorkers at such a profit, and he thinks there is more reason than ever to expejt that General Alger wli', go into the Cabinet. He also proposes to suggest the electric brand of sugar to the National Commitiee of the two parties as a good substitute for the grades of sugar ordi narily used in political campaigns. He be lieves in encouraging home industries, and proposes to boom Michigan electric sugar all he can. j HASTINGS HAS nOPES. Some significance is attached here to the stories from the East that Adjutant General Hastings, of Pennsylvania, is a possibility for Postmaster General. The story agrees with the belief here that one thing which Quay learned while here was that Mr. Wanamaker was not eligible for the Cabi net. It is taken as certain that Pennsyl vania ought to have some one in the Cabinet if Quay asks it, and, with Wanamaker counted out, almost any man Quay might name would possibly be chosen. Another story that has gained strength since it was first hinted at a few days ago, is the one that Senator Allison may be Secretary of State' instead of the Treasury Department, It is recognized that such an appointment would solve the Blaine-Sherman rivalry in the way that seems to be a favorite one with General Harrison, by ignoring it entirely, and it would also make it possible to give New York the Treasury. v Dispatches froii New York, stating that Miller's friends claim that he is still among the possibilities, are not credited here. It is thought that any provision for Miller will have to be made in some other way than by a Cabinet appointment, in the way of the extensive indorsement of Piatt by the New York leaders. There is no doubt, though, from the personal relations of the two men, that Jtiuier will be loosed alter in some other way when Harrison gets into office. A MAN-MILLINER HARD AT WORK. Carriages are not the onlv thing which General Harrison and his lamily will de pend upon the resources of the West. The President-elect will be inaugurated in Chi cago clothes, and his wife and daughter will wear in Washington an outfit of tailor made costumes from the same tailor. Both the General's coats and trousers and the ladies' gown will be made at the same place, the esUblisment of George W. Matthews. Mr. Matthews was sent lor to take the or ders of the family some time ago, and to-day made his third trip to this city on that busi ness. He took General Harrison's measure first, and orders for as rich and becoming suits as tould be made for use on an inaug uration day and evening. The visit to-day was to submit samples to Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. McKee. The busi ness was serious, and it took both afternoon and morning sessions to complete it. Sev eral lady friends of the family were present on both occasions, to assist the judgment of Mrs. HarrisoD and her daughter in the mat-. ter of colors and styles. Still another visit by Mr. Matthews will be necessary before any cloth is cut. He will bring his artist with him then, and effective draping will be devised as for all the costumes. Final orders will then be given, and the dresses will then be complete in time for use at Washington. WHAT THE DRESSES WILL BE. The costumes Mr. Matthews will make are those that the ladies wili need for street, shopping and calling wear. A more elaborate costume for Mrs. Harrison to wear at the inaugural ball is now being made in this city, it is said. Cincinnati dressmakers, it is said, may also get some orders for full dress costumes for the ladies of the family. Mr. Matthews has done work for the Har risons before. He has been Russell Harri son's tailor for a good many years, and is making several suits for "him now. He tried four coats on him last night in Chica go, where Russell stopped over on his way to Omaha. H. M. Garlick, an artist of Chicago and Secretary of the Tippecanoe Clnb of that city, came to Indianapolis to-day to make sketches of the more notable of the souv enirs which have been sent to the President elect. He was especially careful to get a good copy of the painting of the original log cabin, and, it is said, will produce it in an enlarged form. ONLY SUCKERS LOST. Nope of the Managers of the Electric Sugar Wreck Are Oat of Pocket The IiOiers Are Those Who Bought the .-hares. fSPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! New York, January 8. President Cot terill, of the electric sugar wreck, sent word to-day from Michigan to Robertson, Treasurer, to be silent as to his doings in Michigan. The announcement that no mention of raw sugar to be refined by the professor's process appeared in the contract between him and Mrs. Friend, and the company represented by Mr. Woodworth and Mr.Cotterill was variouslyreceivedhere. Mr. Robertson said it was a quibble that would not stand for an instant. Concerning Mr. Cotterill's troubles with Major Patter son, Mr. Robertson said he spent Monday evening and early yesterday hunjting up Mr. Cotterill's alleged conduct and the re ported misappropriation of the Major's money. Mr. Itobertson said that friends of Mr. Cotterill's had told him that the story was not true. A good deal of stress was put upon Mr. Robertson's statement that he and Mr. Cot terill had not lost anything by the smash. Neither did Mr. Woodworth, the first President of the company. Neither has R. a. itobertson, the treasurer s uncle, now in Florida. Neither have the Friends and , the Howards. Indeed, they are all very much better off from their connection with the company. The loss has fallen upon those who purchased the shares lrom them. Mr. Robertson said to-day that of the original 10,000 shares of the company the protessor received 6,000, and he, Mr. Cot terill and Mr. Woodworth had the remain ing 4.000 shares eauallv divided nmnntr them. They were to organize the companv J and furnish the money for the factory and me macninery nnu inciaeniais, such as the raw sugar for the experiments. Mr. Robertson reiterated his state ment that the company had received only 350,000 from the sale of shares. Of this $220,000 had been paid out for the factory and the machinery. This leaves a balance of S130.800 not accounted for. Mr. Robert son said point blank that he would not tell where this money was. It would be known 1 when he issued his statement to the share holders. A PALACE SHAKEN. Djnamilo Startles Itoynltv at Madrid A Petard Exploded on a Grand Stair case Windows Shattered and Courllr Folk Badly Scared. Madrid, January 8. An attempt to blow up the Royal Palace was made here to-day. No one was injured, and the only damage done was the smashing of many windows. The petard with which the at tempt was made was exploded on the stair case of the palace. Great excitement prevailed for a time, the members of the royal household being al- j most panic-stricken. Prime Minister c.. Sagasta, as soon as he heard of the attempted outrage, hurried from the Congress to the palace, where he at once was admitted to an audience with the Queen. The explosion has caused widespread alarm. The previous explosions of petards in the street werelittle noticed. The petards were carelessly, almost harmlessly, con structed. ine uovernor 01 .Madrid received an anonymous letter on Sunday saying that the outrages would be continued. The ex plosions are supposed to be dde to the re cent active raidings of a gambling house, the frequenters of which were arrested and fined, and the money found on the tables confiscated. A EEGCLAR TERMAGANT. Henry Gaynor Fully Convinced That Mar riage Isn't a Saccess. rSFXCIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH.l New York, January 8. Henry Gaynor married Mary Smythe three years ago. She was then 16 years old. She began to throw things at him before their honeymoon was up. She hit him on the head with a beer mug. She nearly set fire to the house by throwing a lighted Limp at him. She beat her baby as soon as it got old enough, and got drunk repeatedly. Last Christmas Sirs. Gaynor was too drunk to get supper for. the baby and Mr. Gaynor. Then she left him to live with her parents. He wanted a divorce at once, but he could get no chance to serve the papers. On New Year's Eve his mother-in-law gave a party. He dressed his clerk up in his dress suit, put the papers in his pocket, and sent him to the party a an invited guest. As soon as the clerk found Mrs. Gaynor iu the parlor he thrust the papers into her hand and made off. AN ACT OP DIABOLISM. Methodist Missionary In Iionlslana Is Be lieved to Hare Been Murdered. Amite City, La., January 8. A short time since a missionary of the Northern Methodist Church, whose name cannot be learned, appeared at Pocbatoula and preached to the negroes. The next week he went to Springfield, where he had a largo negro congregation. A ball was given In the town the same night, and during its progress a number of young roughs seized the preacher, beat him brutally about the head, stripped him and switched him terribly on his bare back. It is stated that after the whipping the minister was chased into the river, which he attempted to cross. It is thought he lost his life. The roughs who committed the crime charge that the minister was inciting negroes to riot, but this is denied by the better element, who denounce the outrage as an act of diabolism on the part of men naturally vicious. DIAMOND CDT DIAMOND. A Shrewd Bank President Swindled by a Shrewder sharper. TSrECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH. Frederick, Md., January 8. Joseph D. Baker, President of the Citizens' Bank, of Frederick, mourns the loss ol 83,000. A sharp swindler dressed up to represent a rough-looking farmer took him out in the country and showed a fine farm and this he sold him for the sum named, taking a check and giving a receipt and contract to make a deed. The swindler had no title to the land, but he succeeded iu beating the banker back to town and got away with the money. STANFORD MUST BE ABSENT. Democrats Organize Both Branches of the California Legislature. Sacramento, January 8. The Legisla ture permanently organized to-day. The Democrats control both houses. S. M. White, who was temporary chairman of the National Democratic convention at St. Louis June last, was elected President pro tem. of the Senate. Robert Howe was elected Speaker of the Assembly. The latter made a short address in which he-called attention to the necessity of revis ing the registration and election laws of the State. HYPPOLITE IS AHEAD, His Forces Have Defeated Legitime in Three Engagements. ANOTHER SIDE OF THE HAITI WAR. Lawlessness Prevails Thronghout the Isl and, and There HAS BEEN A EETDEN TO CANNIBALISM. Legitimes Orjin Bitterly Attacta the Coarse of the United States. The latest news from Port-au-Prince is that Hyppolite's forces are closing in on the city. Legitime's career is believed to be nearly ended. In the interioi of the island a horrible state of affairs prevails, and can nibalism is practiced. The steamer Hay tien Republic has not been released. A Legitimist newspaper is very bitter on the actions of the American Consul. Port-au-Prince, Hattt, December 30. As this dispatch is being written the depo sition of Xegitime by the dissatisfied citi zens of the Capital, or by the advancing vic torious troops of the North under Hyppolite, appears to be shortly expected by all but the immediate supporters of Legitime. Three battles have been fought and lost by the Legitimists in the past ten days. Thefirst, nearHinche. was most disastrous, followed by an engagement on December 22 a few miles northeast by road from here. During the rapid retreat on the Capital two divisions of the Southern army deserted to pursuine Northerners. The army of the North is entrenching it self some 20 miles from Port-au-Prince, completing their lines of communication, reorganizing their augmented army and awaiting the arrival of recently purchased arms and munitions of war. They are also devastating the great agricultural section where they are now encamped, and from which Legitime received the greater portion of his supplies. General Hyppolite, having been elected and declared Provisional President by the central and northern departments, on his capture of the capital will demand a Con gress of Deputies from all the departments and the election of a permanent President, declaring Legitime's election unconstitu tional and void. He will probably then be the only candidate in the field, horrible cannibalism. Without law, life or property is unsafe in this section. Excess of every kind is the rule. The horrid canniballistic rites of vou dooism are revived, and reports reach this city of a meeting of several thousand Christ mas night near Jacmel, and the sacrifice of a voung girl and the greedy scramble far some portion of the half-cooked flesh. The deVastation of the central part of the island has been the cause of the robbery of recently buried bodies, and the devouring ot the same. These are well authenticated facts. The French warships cabled for have not arrived. The schooner Aurora was captured in ban Domingo waters, her mail bag weighted with lead seized before it could be thrown overboard, the letters opened and found to contain statements implicating some 30 prominent persons at present in Port-au-Prince, most of whom were prev iously unsuspected. All have been thrown into prison, and it is feared that all will be shot or held as hostages in attempts to parley with the northern forces, and on their near approach to this city summarily shot. Many ot these persons held high positions in Legitime's Government. The seizure of the vessel in foreign waters, offeringno reason for such action, was another high handed outrage. The cargo of provisions was in stantly appropriated as being much needed. not a legal blockade. The whole Haytian navy, consisting of some eight vessels, occupied the inner harbor December 24 and 25, thus rendering null and void any previous blockade. The Havtians claim they were ordered in to prevent the seizure of the steamship Haytien Republic, but their real mission was to delend Port-au-Prince from Hyppolite's forces. The French Minister Le Compte de Leo Maisons will be re called as soon as Hyppolite, who has already cabled a protest to Paris, reaches Port-au-Prince. The steamship Haytien Republic is still in the hands of Admiral Luce. While it is impossible to secure the $350,000 indemnity demanded for her detention and damage to property of her owners, passengers and crew, it is thought that it will be possible to secure some cash down. The Government pleads poverty, but has recently paid 100, 000 for a former Eoglish mail steamer which they have fitted out as a gunboat, and on December "6 paid to the steamer Andes 827,500 for 5,000 Winchester rifles" and 100,000 rounds ammunition all in gold. It is also claimed that Legitime has ap propriated to his own privy purse all the re mainder of the cash in the treasury and will flee by his fastest gunboat as soon as his fall is an assured fact. Unless the indemnity, is paid by the Legitime Government it is hardly probable that n will be paid at all, as nyppoute is noi nsieiy 10 assume naou ity for the excesses and outrages of the pres ent Government. SLIGHTLY INFLAMMATORY. Legitime's official organ issues the follow ing to the American and European press, under the title of "Une Infamie (An out rage.) It is deplorable for a great and historical na tion, and a republic as well, to abuse its power by oppressing the feeble in illegally opposing the power of reason with its guns. But after all Is it the great and historical nation which must be accused, or is it her accredited repre sentatives who abuse their great power by lead ing their Government into wrong action. This is what has taken place in our little Republic, which, from its geographical position, should appeal to its protection or certainly to its im partiality. The United States is onr senior. A civil war prevails, a merchant ship the Hay tien Republic sides with the rebels. Interferes with our affairs, transports arms and material of war, soldiers and delegates for the insur gents. A blockade is declared, and, in defiance of all rights, this vessel forces this blockade, after having attempted to stir up the people of peaceful towns to revolt. The capture is made after the blockade had been duly establi-hed, and after due judgment tins prize has been de clared a legal one. Nothing can be said in de fense. No argument, no protestation can be made against it, as it is clear and in evidence that the vessel is a legal prize. But here we have Mr. Thompson, Consul for the United States, who, notwithstanding the declared opinion of the American press that the United States Cabinet should not join in with the rebels against a friendly nation, but, on the contrary, should abide by a judicial decree. This we submit to the judgment of the press of America and Europe." A NEW L0TE FOR AN OLD ONE. Harry Mead Gets Rid of His Wife nnd She's ns Glad as Ho Is. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TIIE DISPATCH.l Brooklyn, January 8. Harry O. Mead, of this city, got' an absolute divorce from Mrs. Mead to-day. He wished to be separ ated from her because his servant girl saw her kiss Frank Pkochelle, and drink wine out of the same bottle with him. As soon as the servant girl told him what she saw he put his wife out of the house. She told him she was glad to be rid of him. She has lived with Rochelle since then. She expects to marry Rochelle now that Mr. Mead has made her free. IT1 ,vColumns a fierce steuggle. Both Parties Trying to Organize the West Virginia Lealslntpre Kenna's Strength Great In the Dem ocratic Caucus. rSFZCTAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.l Charleston, W. Va., Jmuary 8. The members of the Legislature are all here. The Senate stands: Democrats. 12; Repub licans, 13. Independent Union Labor, 1. One Republican Senator, it is said, will not vote with his party because of ill treatment at their hands two years ago. The House stands: Democrats, 34; Republicans, 31, but it is also said by some that there are some disaffected Democrats in the House who may not be relied upon to vote for regu lar caucus nominees, so that the organiza tion of either House ia uncertain. The Union Labor Senator did not go into either caucus, so his course is unknown. The only action to he expected from the session is political. Fleming, Democrat, has served notice of contest on Goff, Republican, for Governor, and it is rumored the Secretary of State will be enjoined from delivering the results of the election to the Legislature, as Goff would have 30 days in which to file his re ply and 30 more in which to carry on the contest, by which time the session would be over and Goff would be Governor until a special session should he called. Both parties are determined to do all in power to obtain the Governor, the Republicans claiming the election on the face of the re turns, and the Democrats claiming lem-l ing's election if the most palpable frauds are thrown out. No stone will be left un turned by either side. On joint balbjt the Democrats have a ma jority of one, counting the Independent as Republican, so that unless there is a split in the party a Democrat will be elected. Shoujd a caucus be held now it is certain that " Kenna, Democrat, would receive the nomination of his party, but whether he would receive their unanimous indorsement is questionable. To-night nothing definite can be known. Both parties working hard to organize the Houses. Caucuses were held this evening and the Democratic nominees are: For Speaker of the House, J. J. Woods, of Wheeling; Clerk, J. M. Hamilton, of Calhoun county. These nominations show that Kenna's strength is the greatest, notwith standing rumors of disaffected Democrats. These nominees will probably be elected. Up to a late honr the Republicans were still in caucus, and nothing is known as to their nominees, although it is probable that R. S. Carr, Union Labor, will receive their nomination for President of the Senate, which will be understood as a bid for his vote for Senator. SPIKED THEIE GUNS. How Qnny. CIarkon nnd Dudley, It Is Said, Robbed the Prohibition Organ of Its Effectiveness A Tale of Two Thieving Clerks. SPECIAL TELEQBAU TO THE DISPATCH. New York, January 8. The proprietors and publishers of the Voice, the organ of the Prohibition party, make some very un pleasant charges against Quay, Clarkson and Dudley, the managers of the Repub lican campaign. They are to the effect that two clerks in the office of the Fbice stole the Voice's mailing lists and sold them to Quay and Clarkson for i-W) and a promise of other situations. These libts, it is alleged, were used during the recent campaign to defeat the object of the Prohibition party, the 5,000 subscribers to the Voice being flooded with Republican anti-Prohibition literature in the place of their regular organ. The story covers nine columns of this week's issue of the paper, and is backed up with the sworn confessions of the two thiev ing clerks, and fac simile copies of brief notes from Clarkson and Dudley. These notes, however, are not in any way com promising, except in so far as they show that Clarkson and Dudley were in correspondence with the thieving clerks. The story would indicate that Clarkson entered into negotiations with the clerks with the expectation of receiving from them proof that the Prohibition campaign was being backed by funds from Democratic sources. There is no proof of this, however. One of the twoMishonest clerks was a deaf mute. He was arrested a few days since at Braddock, Pa., and brought here from Pitts burg. MARRIED IN A COUNTY JUL Edward Fenton Honeywood,a Forger, 'Weds His Fnitiifnl Sweetheart. lEFECIAB TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCTt.l NEWARK, N. J., January 8. Edward Fenton Honeywood, scion of a noble house and a convicted forger, who was sentenced on Monday to two years in State prison, was married in the Essex county jail, to-day, to Miss Minnie A. Ayres, the 19-year-old girl to whom he was paying attention when he forged a check for 15 and passed it upon Mr. P. McDonald, a Newark drygoods dealer. Honeywood was boarding with the girl's mother, in Commerce street, this city. The girl stuck to Honeywood through his trial. Mr. James A. Brady, counsel for Honey wood, disapproved of the marriage, but the couple were persistent, and Rev. William Day, of the Warren Street Methodist Church, was asked to perform the cere mony. Quite a large party gathered in the office of the jail at 7:20 o'clock to-night, when young Honeywood, pale and interest ing, was brought from bis cell. He stood up at the side of the blushing girl, who greeted him warmly. After the long cere mony was completed, Honeywood kissed his wife and also Miss Hawthorne, and was escorted back to his cell. TEETH RAPIDLY EXTRACTED. A Jealous Italian I.over Performs a Light ning Piece of Dentistry. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TII.I DISPATCH.! New York, January 8. Thomas De Martin went into a restaurant at 65 Mul berry street last night, and a pretty Italian girl behind the counter smiled when he said "Good evening" to her. With a howl of rage her lover, Antonio Gallio, rushed at DeMartin with an open razorand clipped his head with it. The proprietor seized De Martin and the girl fainted. As she fell she knocked over a stove, and Gallio seized a red-hot stove lifter and again at tacked DeMartin, knocking out two teeth, which DeMartin alterward" recovered from the floor. Gallio was arrested. DeMartin was con siderably bruised when he appeared against Gallio at the Tombs Police Court to-day. He showed the two teeth in court and Gallio was held for examination. MORE BOY THIEYES. Another Organized Bond of Juvenile Scamps Broken Up by Arrest.- SPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DWFATCH.1 Lancaster, January 8. To-day 20 boys of this city, ranging in age from 15 to 20 years, were arrested for stealing from the large hardware and cigar stores. Two of the gang arrested early in the week confessed and implicated 20 others. The boys had An organization to steal, and have been operat ing for two years, during which time they stole thousands of dollars' worth of goods, which they sold. A number of boys of re spectable parents are in the trouble, and their arrests created a stir. it All having hous3 to Let can reach the best tai through the . of THE lf-,1 Wk 'lTCH. TT -QE . CENTS JOSS IN W HOME. Kew York ChinamtJjfcTondly Dedi cate Their House .fbrship. , THE TOP FLOOR OF A TENE5IEJTT - Remodeled and Made the Sacred Receptacle of Their Loved, Idol. A FEAST PREPARED FOE OLD JOSS Afterwarii Taken Home and Eaten With a Gusto ty the Contributors. Joss is in his new New York temple. His faithful subjects dedicated their place of worship yesterday. The ceremonies were characteristically peculiar. After placing , numerous offerings at the feet of their Joss, the votaries of the idol took home the ediblt portions of the feast and ate them. SPECIAL TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 New York. January 8. The Chinese dedicated their new Joss house It 16 Mott street to-day. The new temple is on the top floor of the building, which the Chinamen of New York have recently bought and re fitted for the purpose, and the rest of the building is devoted to profane purposes. The building was originally a tenement house, and its purchase and alteration to itf present uses cost more than 525,000. The removal of Joss from the Chatham square tabernacle to his new home took place on Saturday. When to-day, the day of dedication, dawned, the imperial banner of China, a yellow ensign bearing a blue dragon, floated from the top ot the new teSn ple. Two enormous Chinese lanterns of variegated hues hung from the balconies along the front of the building, which was otherwise bedecked with bits of color. Yee Shaw How, the Chinese Consul, ia full mandarin costnme, with his staff, also clothed in formal attire, was on hand shortly after 6 a. m., and an hour later the open ing dedication service began. Ny Yuen Ti, Chairman of the Chinese Board of Alder men, acted as high priest, and two well-to-do Mott street merchants were bis assistants. how tiiet were dressed. The high priest wore a robe of blue silk, and his cap, of the same material, was capped with a red button. The assistant priests were yellow silk robes, with the collar and sleeves bordered with white. Some ot the elders of the congregation wore mandarin costumes,-but the rank and file wore the ordinary blue blouse. No women were present. The opening ceremony was the bringing in ot an immense roast pig on a red wooden tray. The pig, which was curiously paint ed and decorated, was placed on a table in front of the altar. Around it were grouped other offerings to Joss in the shape ot boiled goats' flesh, chickens, pigeons, ducks.young pigs, etc These offerings were variously disguised by Chinese cuisine skill. A duck, for example, was made up to look like a small deer with an nnuiually broad snout; chickens were ornamented with peacocks heads and tails, s.o that they resembled the vainer fowl, and were so carved a"s to look like miniature dragons; the suckling pigs were decorated with queer shapes; the dif ferently colored cakes were arranged in pyramids, and the other thincs were 'made conspicuous, either by their bright colors or unusual shapes. THE ALLEGED MUSIC. The appearance of the offerings was hailed bv the clashing of cymbals and beating of tom-toms, wbieh could be heard at the neighboring Church of the Transfiguration, where early mass was in progress. The musicians, who were 12 in number, also bore gongs, violins, drums, flutes and a sort of instrument which evolved sounds like those of a bagpipe. The dedication services were conducted by clans, or families, of whom there are about 20 in the Chinese colony, the Mooy clan having the first call. Mooy Chnen occupied a conspicuous place at the opening service, being Secretary ofi State and interpreter for Joss. As such he stood at the right of the throne and carried a small yellow flag. He chanted as the priests approached the altar: "Zun-ch-ing-lov-ve-e-e" ("Behold, thy servant is com ing"). "Ch-ing-khi-ee-ho-o-o" ("they are al ready here") was the response. As the priests, with heads bent down, stood in front of the shrine, one of the elders in mandarin costume chanted: "Sh-kiv-ay" (before Holiness kneel"). "Oi-mi-to-fo, oi-moi-to-fo" ("the sacred name of Buddha"), chanted the three priests in response. "Oi-mi-to-fo," repeated the congregation in one voice. THE CLOSING EXERCISES. The priests now knelt and struck the floor with their foreheads three times. Ris ing, thev placed Jos sticks in a huge urn on the altar and set fire to them. Then they knelt again, and a tray holding three tiny cups of tea was placed before them. Each took a cup with both hand3, and, holding it as high as his forehead as he faced Joss, said : "Sh-ing cha, oi-mi-to-fo, shing." ("Drink tea. Oimitofo, drink.") Wine was next offered, with similar ol servances, and then more Joss sticks were burned, together with a lot of make-believe paper money, which is supposed to be as much used as genuine in the other world. The big pier and the rest of the offerings on the table were then presented to Joss in the following formula: "Behold, your Holiness, all the smallest tokens of our regards. Please receive these viands and oblige your humble servants." The band played out again at the conclu sion of the ceremonv. Joss never got the pig and its accessories, after all. They were taken home and eaten by the contributors. SIGN0R BLITZ'S MISFORTUNE. Removal of the Fnmons Magician to nn In sane Asylnm In the East. (SPECIAL TKLEGKAM TO THE DISPATCH.l New York, Jannary 8. David Batchis, who a few years ago was widely known as "Signor Blitz" the magician, is at the, Kings County Hospital at Flatbush, hope lessly insane. He was lately transferred to that institution from the State Asylum at H.irrisburg, Pa. Miss Marie Vanzandt, the well-known vocalist, is his granddaugh ter. Batchis is a Hebrew, and is about 70 years old. His wife lives in Brooklyn, and her objeet in having him removed to the Flatbush Asylum is to have him near her. The once famous prestidigitatenrlwas re duced to his present condition bjr Daralysis.' He speaks plainly, and occasionally ha shows gleams of his former art. A few davs ago he asked for a pack ol cards and wanted to give a performance for the benefit of his fellow patients. His last pnblio ex hibition in Brooklyn was given at the Athenxum Club, ten years ago. TIio Hnpplrst Day of His Life. rSPECTAL TELEOUAM TO TUB DISPATCn.l New York, January 8. Adolph Reich;' the wife murderer whose death sentence has been commuted by the Governor, was taken to Sing Sing prison to-day. He made six larewell visits to condemned murderers just before leaving the Tombs. He told them all to-day was the happiest day of his life. - S .tfkAj- r Vl-. WUff.-mJa fsWWssHKraUri