HKgm '$ v-S5 'trfr' - ; ym vsmi?P&&!Fi m rmt'?&jsf ' THE PITTSBURG- DISPATCH, TUESDAY,- JANUARY -8, - 1889. EMPTY ICE HOUSES. Serious Results Are Likely to Fol low the Mild Winter of 1888-9. 20T US ICE CAKE HARVESTED YET. An Advance In Prices Next Summer Feared bj -111 Consumers. A PANIC AMOSG MARPJAGEABLE MEN "Ice cream will be dearer next summer if- "Great Scott! Tou don't mean it, do The first remark came from a group of Italians on Virgin alley. It was close enough to one of those cheap ice cream factories to be considered an authoritative announcement. The second exclamation sprang from the lips of a young man passing by. He had halted instantly upon over hearing the words. Evidently he was marriageable, but had expected to go single through the next heated term. " if we don't have some mighty cold weather the balance of the winter," contin ued the Italian vender. "Oh!" ejaculated the young friend of the ladies. He passed on the to signal service office. "How do you make that out?" coldly inquired the ever-present reporter." "No cold weather not a bit of ice yet open winter until February can't make ice cream without ice ice scarce in spring and summer bigger prices Italian poor Ford Committee charge more for icecream because we pay more for ice see?" "With that idea in his mind the newspaper man visited florists, butchers, beer sellers and even undertakers. In each and every instance they could only echo the query: "Where's the ice to come from for next summer?" WHAT THEY MOST FEAR. They are all perplexed. The one para mount fear is that the scarcity of ice which I will result from the mild winter will cause Higher prices. Pork and meat packing companies which have not got artificial ice makers are already caught. A few are be ing supplied with small quantities of ice from Western beef dressing houses. The others simply do without. Local ice dealers are discouraged. There is not a pond, river or lake in "Western Pennsylvania that has yet produced a single cake of ice thick enough to put in the chute. At this time last winter one dealer had 1,200 tons already stored and was as busy as he could be. Lake Erie, which is usually a bountiiul source ot supply for Allegheny county, has not forwarded as much as a car load lor shipment from Erie up to yester day. The railroads report a big difference to this date in the amount of ice they carried up to January 10 from Erie and Chautauqua lakes and from points in Ohio. The Chautauqua Lake Ice Company is the largest doing business in the city. Mr. "Wilson, the Secretary, said yesterday after noon in reply to the reporter's questions: "We have not yet been able to harvest any ice for next summer's trade. Chautauqua Lake has XOT TET JTROZEN OYER. Usually at this time of the year we have a considerable quantity of ice stored. But this winter has been so open that the very little cold weather we have had has brought us no ice. However, it may turn out cold enough yet in January and February, and the winter may be so late that in the end the crop will be large. "While we have not bad anything to do this season yet, we are not alarmed." "Will the open weather thus far experi enced cause an advance in the price of ice next summer?" asked the writer. "We cannot answer that yet," replied Mr. Wilson. "It all depends entirely on the severity or mildness of the winter yet to come. It might be possible that in the next two months we will have weather cold enough to make up in the quantity of ice lacking in December and early January." "What is the ice tonnage ot Lake Chau tauqua?" "We could hardly tell that without figuring from our ibooks. But the con sumption of Lake Chautauqua ice in Pitts burg alone amounts to about 100,000 tons." TITTSBUEG'S FATED CANNON. Tbe Remnants of the Balnsworth Gun Brousbt Back to tbe City. The pieces of the ill-fated Pittsburg steel gnn have arrived in the city, and are now lying in the freight yards of the Pennsyl vania toad. Superintendent Hainsworth, of the Hainsworth Steel Company, will have them removed to the works on Twenty sixth street, where a careful examination of the pieces will be made in order to more fully satisfy himself as to the causes of the gun's failure. The result will not be known for several days. It there is any hope of final success in casting steel guns another attempt will be made by Superintendent Hainsworth. "While the fragments were en route to this city from Annapolis on the Pennsylvania road, one of the pieces fell from the freight car at If ineveh station. It lay unnoticed on the track until the Fast Line on its way from New York to Pittsburg ran into the obstruction. The onlv damage done was the breaking of the engine pilot. Kate Gaflhcy's Anxious mother. Kate Gaffney, aged 18, left the" home of her parents, James and Ann Gaffney, in Soho, New Year's Day, and has not since been heard from. She is a tall, slender girl, with brown hair, blue eyes and heavy eyebrows, and two of her upper front teeth are partially decayed. Her mother prom ises to receive her kindly if she will only come home. If Guilty of Assault and Battery Upon your stomach with blue pill, podyphyllin or other rasping purgatives positively despair of helping your liver. Violence committed upon your inner man will do no good. Real help, prompt and thorough, is to be found in tbe wholesome anti-bilious medicine, Hostet tor's Stomach Bitters, which is, moreover, pro ductive ot happy resu..-s in malanal disease, rhenmatism, dyspepsia, nervousness and kidney troubles. Even 0nr 10- Cent Embroideries Are Not Coarse, Common styles; a great difference in this embroidery business when it comes to finish and wear; the best are here, even at 5 and 10 cents. Jos. Horne & Co.'s, Penn Avenue Stores. Try a Pound. Marvin's new Orange Blossom soda crack er is something that you will always use if you try it once. All the sweet nutriment of the wheat grain is retained in its manufac ture. Your grocer keeps it. tufsu More Jacket Bnrgnlns Than in Any Jan uary Before and the prices all the lower, because we have so many, too many; come this week. JOS. HORNE & CO.'S Penn Avenue Stores. A New Year. Housekeepers, turn over a new leaf and use the best flour in the market Rosalia manufactured exclusively by "Whitmyre & Co., Thirtv-eighth street and Allegheny Valley Railroad. REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, LIM., 01 Smltliflcld Street, cor. Fourth Avenue. Capital, 8100,000. Surplus, $38,000. Deposits of $1 and upward received an3 interest allowed-at 4 per cent. tts THE! CAN DO THE BLOWING, Bn Pittsburg Coal Men Will Reno the Fronts in Cincinnati. The managers of the new Huntington Railroad into Cincinnati from the West Virginia and Kentucky coal fields have gotten it into their heads that they can knock out the Pittsburg coal in supplying Cincinnati with cheap fuel. The toad is 200 miles long, but they propose to deliver coal into Cincinnati for SI 52J per ton (25 bushels), which can be retailed at 52 25. The price of Pittsburg coal there is about 53 per ton, retail. A number of Pittsburg coal operators were seen yesterday about this new rival; but the report didn't strike terror, nor even a shudder, into their hearts. Said Captain Jutte, for example: It sounds very well on paper; but I would like to see it done before I will believe it. I really don't know anything about the new road, and, as I sell bnt little coal In Cincinnati, it doesn't wrong me. Captain Marsh McDonald That's cheap enough; bnt I don't think they can best us. I am going down to Cincinnati, and while there will make an investigation. When I come hack I will tell yon all about it. Captain J. M. Risber 'I know this is to be a coal road: bnt It can't hurt us verv much. Like all other poor coals taken to Cincinnati, it will have a tendency to keep down our prices. It is nonsense to say that West Virginia and Ken tucky coal equals the Pittsburg article. That idea was exploded lone ago. It is soft and flabby, and, when placed under a boiler, hums up like so much tinder. It does not possess tbe beating qualities ot Pittsburg coal, and I have always lonnd that people would rather have the Monongahela coal than any other soft fnel, when they can get it. The competition of the Panhandle and Hocking Valley coal is nothing at all, an t the Kanawha river coal is of such poor quality that it doesn't stand anywhere in comparison with the pure, bald variety from this neighborhood. This coal road inavniake big claims, but nill go no further than that. They had better do something before they talk. COAL STATISTICS. The Annual Work Commenced To-Day by Charles A. Ashburner. Sir. Baird Halberstadt, of Pottsville, re cently superintendent and mining engineer of a Virginia coal and iron company, and formerly an assistant on the State Geological Survey, has just come to Pittsburg to assist 51 r. Charles A. Ashburner in collecting the statistics of the coal mines of the United States Tor the United States Geological Survey. Mr. Ashburner has had charge of this work for the Government for a number of years, and his annual reports have proved of such value to practical coal men and the coal trade throughout the States that lie proposes this year, with Mr. Halberstadt's assistance, to extend the practical scope of the work. WESTINGHODSE BUILDLNG BRACED. The Cracks ITnve Proved Ominous, and the Walls Are Very Weak. The reports made about the cracks in the great "Westinghouse building, on the corner of Penn avenue and Ninth street, sometime ago, have turned out to be prophetic of ex isting danger. A careful examination of the building, instituted last Saturday, proved that in some portions the building is very weak. Yesterday work was commenced to put up several iron braces along the center walls where the greatest weight bears down on the foundation. A Suicide's Request. Dr. Paul Gawrzyjiski, the Polish physi cian who committed suicide on the South side, left a letter to Mayor JlcOallm, ask ing that his two sons be sent to their uncle, Theonhil Lagrabski, of Belleville, HI. BUSINESS CHANGES. VfOTICE IS HEREBY SERVED THAT I J' have this day purchased all the stock of the storeroom. No. 21 Federal St., Allegheny Citv, from the owner, .Mr G.T. Hilleary. Said goods are in my possession and I warn any and all persons from interfering with the same. C. C. SCHRIVER. AiucniKT, Pa- January 5. 1889. ja8-50 NOTICES. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. Pittsburg. January 7. 1889. , Pltl rpHE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL JL bold appeals on the following named dis tricts at their offices as follows, to wit: Tuesday, January 8, Franklin township. Wednesday. January 9, First, Second and Third wards, Tarentum borough; Sharpsburg borough, First and Second Wards; Verona bor ough. Thursday, January 10, Sewickley borough, Beltzlioover borough. Tuesday, January 15, Sterrett township.Glen field borough, Osborn borough, Bellevue bor ough. West Bellevue borough. By order COTTNTY COMMISSIONERS. P. W. SIEBERT. Clerk. jaS-97 LEGAL NOTICES. TOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHAR 1M TER Notice is hereby given that on WEDNESDAY, the 23d of January, 1889, the undersigned will make an application to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania for a charter of incorporation for the Totten and Hogg Iron and Steel Foundry Company. The proposed corporation is one of the second class enumerated in the Corpora tion Act of 1S74," and has for its object the manufacture of iron and steel castings and machinery, and is the successor to tbe business and good-will of the partnershiD heretofore existing inthe city of Pittsburg under the name and style of Totten & Co., Fulton Foundry and Machine Shop. ROBERT C. TOTTEN, NATHANIEL B. HOGG, GEORGE A. HOGG. GEORGE E. HOGG, JR., NATHANIEL B. HOGG, JR. GEORGE SHIRAS, JR. Counsel for applicants. jal-89-Tn DIVIDENDS. OFFICE OF ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO., No. 67 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, January 7, 18S9. TMVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THIS J company have declared a dividend ot THREE (3) PER CENT, paablo on demand. jaS-54 C. G. DONNELL, Secretary. Office Union Insurance Co.. Pittsburg, Pa, January 7, 1SS0. TMVIDEND-THE BOARD HAVE ' THIS XJ day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT on the capital stock, out of the profits ui uiu post aii iuuuius, paauie lorxawitn. J. W. J. McLAIN, jaS-68 Secretary. German American Ins. Co. of Pa ") Office No. Ill Fourth Avenue, v Pittsburg, January 4, 1S89. I DTVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS company have this dav declared a semi annual dividend of FOUR PER CENT (f2per Share), payable on demand. ja5-b6 D W. J. PATTERSON. Secretary. Arsenal Bank. i Pittsburg, December 31. 1SS8. DTVIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIRECT ORS of this bank have declared a divi dend ot FOUR (4) PlsR CENT out of the earnings of the last six months, payable forth with. W. S. WILLIAMS, jal-55-D Cashier. Odd Fellows Savings Bank, i Pittsburg. January 2. 1KS9 l E TH TVIDEND THE DIRECTORS OF THIS bank have this dav declared a dividend of REE (3) PER CENT out ot the earning of the last six months, payable on demand, free of tax. P. E. MOORE, Cashier. ja3-14 German Savings and deposit ) Bank of Birmingham. January 3, 1S89. J DIVTDEND-THE BOARD OF DIRECT ORS of this bank has this day declared a dividend of FIVE (5) PER CENT out of the earnings of the last six months. Payable Tuesday, January 8. jal-8 J. F. EBNY, Cashier. Allegheny National Bank, riHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVE 1 this dav declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT -out of the earnings of the past sir months, payable January 2, 1889. F. C. HUTCHINSON. Cashier. December 3L 1S8S. ja3-43 Nations Bank foe Savings, ) No. 43 North Diamond Street, Allegheny, Pa.. January 2, 18S9. ) DIVIDEND-THE BOARD OF DIREC TORS tit this bank have this day declared a dividend of THREE (3) PER CENT out of tbe earnings of the last six months, payable forthwith, free of tax. ,, JOHN T. MORTON, ja8-3,4,5-TTS Treasurer. Kf-Display advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, For Sale, To Let, etc, ten cents per line for each inser tion, andnone taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For the accommodatioriof the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, -where Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with The Dls- rATCH. rrrrsiinKG. THOMAS MCCAFFREY, 59 Butler street. EM1L G. STUCKEY, Ilth street and Penn ave. E. O. STUCKEY A CO., Wylle ave. and Fulton St. N. bTOKELY, Firth Avenue Market House. EAST EXP. J. W. "WALLACE, 6121 Penn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & SHElBLER,5thav. & Atwood St. ROtmiSIDE. JACOB SPOHN. No. 2 Carson street. CHAS. SCHWABM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY". A. J. KAEKCHEK, 59 Federal street. McBRIDE BKOS., Federal and Ohio streets. FRED II. EGGEKS. 172 Ohio street. F. H. EGGERSJtSON, Ohio and Chestnut sts. J. F. STEVENSON. Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and lrwlnaves. G. W. HUGHES. I'ennsylvania and Beaver aves. FERRY M. GLEIM. Rebecca and Allegheny ares. WANTED. aialc IIcId. TVTAN'TED-A GOOD TINNER. APPLY AT Ja8-J3 Yt I S,2fi0 BUTLER ST. TKTANTED-TWO "iOUNG MEN AS WATT- IV EKS. Apply at NO. 49 DIAMOND ALLEY, JaS-78 l'lttsborg. TTANTEI)-A YOUNG MAN FOR A MANU- V FACTURING office; must be familiar with typewriter. Address IRON, Dispatch office. jaS-80 WANTED A BOY 14 TO 16 YEARS OLD FOR general office and other work. Where last employed, residence, etc.. AMERICCS, Dispatch office. Address promptly. jaS-63 WANTED-A GENTEEL AND INTELLI GENT young man forapermancut position; reference required. Apply S. H. l'INE, Albe marle Hotel irom 8:30 to 10 A. M. JaS-45 WANTED-A BOY WHO HAS HAD SOME experience in the barber huslness: none other need apply. HENRY STORMFELS. 101 Tustln ave., or 496 FIFTH AVE. JaS-180 -TrANTED-AGENTS-S75 A MONTH AND . ?T expenses paid any person to sell our goods; no capital: salirv month 'O.'V! lartlculars free. STANDARD SILVERWARE O a. OC4-18 WANTED-YOUNG MAN 16 TO 18 YEARS of age, to wwkln shoe store: must come well recommended and be resident of Se enteenth ward. Address W. H. S., Dispatch office. Ja8-19 XV7" ANTED AGENTS TO SELL CLINE'S T foot heaters and patent fuel for carriages, wagons, etc ; sells at sight. Inquire after 3 P. u ., WM. SEMFLE. JR., 165 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. del6-9-P WANTED-IN THE OFFICE OF A MANU FACTURING company, a young man who is a stenographer and typewriter, but will be ex- fiected to devote a large portion of his time to cler cai wort. Address, stating salary expected, D. B. II., Dispatch office. JaS-62 Female TIclD. -TTAN1 ED PAN'I MAKERS INQUIRE OF VV CROZIER& CO., manufacturers and job bers of men, boys and children's pants, 521 Wood St., upstairs. Ja8-43 WANTED-1MMEDIATELY, A GOOD PROT ESTANT female cook and baker at the PROTESTANT HOME FOR INCURABLES: a good home for the right party. ja8-42 WANTED-LADY OF GOOD ADDRESS FOR our subscription department; wages 57 to flO per week. Call between 9 and 12, room 4, ICCANCE BLOCK, cor. Seventh ave. and Smith field st. dcS-67 VTJAN TED-LADY FOR LIGHT "WORK IN A V business capacity, at moderate pay; must be lndnstrious and of engaging manners; canem plov one permanently. If suitable. E. Wj WALKER & CO., 55 Ninth St. Ja8-68 Male and Female Ilcln. TffT-ANTED-YOUNG LADIES AND GEJ.TLE- t V MEN wUhlng to adopt the stage; experience unnecessary: also, man with small capital. Call at RESTAURANT, IbSLacock street, Alleaheny. Ja8-Sl -rrr-ANTED-IMMEDIATELY LAUNDRESS. VV H per week; pastry cook. $5 per week; ICO house girls, cooks, chambermaids, dishwasher and waitress, nurse girls; all .first-class help report here. MRS. MEE1IAN, 515 Grant St. de31-D Eltuntlons. tTTANTED-BYA LADY, QUICK AT FIG YV URES ana a plain writer, a position of any kind in which she can make her6clt generally use ful. Address R., Dispatch office. Ja3-77 -TTTANTED-SITUATION BY VOUNG MAN VV with experience as bookkeeper, assistant c bill clerk: can speak and write German; first class reference. Address R., Dispatch office. Ja8-41 WANTED-SITUATION BY YOUNG MAR RIED man as driver In wholesale grocery or commission house, or on gentlemin's place; references. Address A. B. D., Dispatch office. Ja8H6 -TT7"AI.TED SITUATION BY MAN AND V V wife as first and second cook in restaurant, hotel or boarding house: ten years1 exDerience. Address MAN AND WIFE, Dispatch office, for one week. jaS-79 Partners. WANTED-PARTNER IN BUSINESS THAT will pay first-class: this Is a rare chance: Investigate: capital required &500: good reler ences. Address M. R., Dispatch office. ja6-79 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED MAN WHO can invest $3,t0 to ?10,UCOto take charge of the branch store in Fittsburg or a ew York hook publishing and retail house. Address 1. O. BOX B27, New York. JaS-52 -TTANTED A COMPETENT BUSINESSMAN V V to take a half Interest In an excellent man ufacturing business situated in Eokomo, Ind.; capitalreqnlred from fS.O.0 to s.1,000. For particu lars Inquire ofW. H. WALTER, 419 Smlthficld st. JaS-64 WANTED-A COMPETENT BUSINESS MAN to take a partnership Interest and act as Secretary In a large manufacturing city in Ohio; business well established and making money: a rare opening for the right mm; capital required from 810,000 to J20.OOO. Particulars confidentially rrom JAS. "W. DRAPE & CO., 13 Fourth ave nue, Pittsburg. Ja5-80-D Rooms, nouses. Etc WANTED-A SMALL HALL ALTERNATE Saturday evenings. Address It. O., Dispatch office. JaS-" XVTANTED-TO PURCHASE ONE THOU VV SAND five and six-room houses in Alle gheny and Pittsburg. 62 Fourth aye. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, jaa-i -TTANTED-TO PURCHASE-FIVE HUN- V area eignt-room nouses in Oakland, lielle- field. Shadvslde and East Liberty. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. JaS-1 -TTT-ANTED-BY APRIL I, SHOWROOM ON VV first floor on good business street; would rent one-half oMarge room with first-class party. Address SHOWROOM, Dispatch office. de7-f33 Financial. XTTANTEWMORTGAGES ON CITY PROP- VV ERTY. over M.000; 4f per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER CO., 92Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D -TTTANTED-HOUSES TO KENT AND RENTS VV to collect; special attention glyen to this branch of our business. J . K. COOPER CO.. 107 ourtn aye. Ja6-05-TTSSU WANTED-GOOD MORTGAGES FOR ANY amount; lowest rates of Interest and commis sion. PITTSBURG CO., LIMITED, Real Estate and Insurance, 133 Firth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Jal-Sl-D -TTrANTED-fl,OO0.O0O TO LOAN ON PITTS VV BURG and Allegheny property. In sums of K.C00 to flOO.000, at 4Kand5 percent; no State tax. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth aye. JaS-1 WANTED-TO LOAN MONEY IN SUMS from SS0O to SM.O00at4K to 6 per cent, ac cording to size and kind of mortgage: no delay if the title is good. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth ave. Ja2-42-2,5.8.12,15.l9,22,26,29 WANTED TO LOAN S500,00a IN AMOUNTS or $3,000 and upward, on city and suburban property, on per cent, free oftax; also smaller amounts atSand 6 percent. BLACK & BAIRD, 85 Fourth a enue. se21-d26-D WANTED-TO LOAN S200,000 ON MORT GAGES: S100 and upward at 6 per cent; J500,000at !i per cent on residences or business property: also in adjoining counties. S. H. FRENCH, 125 Fourth avenue. oc31-eS4-D TTANTED-MOKTGAGES-fl,00O,tl00TOLOAN V V on city and suburban properties at 4K, Sand C per ccnL and on farms in Allegheny and aaja cent counties at 6 per cent; no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. 1. M. PENNOCK &, bON, 105 Fourth ayenue. ap7-f41 WANTED-nOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS to collect; prompt returns and Itemized statements; alo mortgages In large or small amofints at 4K 5 and 6 per cent and uo tax or de lay, provided titles be good. JAMES DERMITT, 407 Grant street. jaV-34-TTS TTTANTED-HOUSES TO KENT AND RENTS VV to collect in both cities. We give special, attention to repairs, taxes, insurance and man agement of oropertles: Itemized accounts, inonth lysettlcments. PITTSBURG CO., Llm., 138 Finn avenue. Real Estate and Insurance. Jal-94-D WANTED-LESSEES FOR HOTELS-ANYONE wishing to go into hotel business with any amount capital, .500 to 25,u00; not !1 bonus money: furniture sold for Its value: good lease. WARD & BOSWELL'S, 171 Broadway, N. Y., Hotel Brokers (specialty). Hotels in every State; no charge to buyers; business confidential; state your capital. J&9-7D wanted: Financial. TTTANTED-HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS VV to collect. A. H. LESLIE, Forty-second and Butler sts. dc31-15 -VTTA.NTED WE HAVE S3.000 TO LOAN FOR VV long or short time at 5 per cent. D. P. THOMAS & CO., 408 Grant st. nol4-o73 WANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT; MONTH LY settlement with Itemized statement. BLACK & BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. a2S-a29-D WANTED-MOHTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN in sums to suit, at 4W, S and 6 per cent. GRAEBING & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. apG-cl-D WANTED-BUSINESS HOUSES, OFFICES and dwellings to rent. W. A. HERRON & SONS, SO Fourth avenue. JaI-44-4, 8, 10,15, 17,22,24, 29, 31 Miscellaneous. TntTANTED TWO SECOND-HAND STEAM VV elevators: capacity each 1,500 lbs; platform 6x4 feet. Address ELEVATOR, Dispatch office. de8-65 "TTTANTED-A CORNER LOT COVERING VV about2.000 or 3,000 feet. Address, giving location, size and price, BOX 232, Pittsburg P. O. Ja8-44-TWTS yTTANTED-EVERyBODY TO KNOW THE W ELITE GALLERV. 516 Market St., Pitts burg, makes the finest photographs for less money than any other gallery lu .ie two cities: cabinets l per doz. deH-k24-rrssu WANTED-BY PEA'RSON, LEADING PHO TOGRAPHER, 96 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, aqd 43 Federal street, Allegheny, eyerybodyto know that he is making fine cabinets at f 1 50 per dozen; photos delivered when promised: instan taneous process. mhl3-LZ7 -CTTANTED-IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW VV to write a good business nand. write a bus iness letter, add a column of figures rapidly, make out an ordinary account, wite a receipt, write a promissory note, reckon the discount on it for dajs, months and ears, and get a general knowl edge of bookkeeping, penmanship and arithmetic. attend the College oi commerce, va ronnn ave. W. W. MCCLELLAND, Prin. no20-SlOO-TU8 FOR SALE. City Residences. TTIOR 8ALE-AT 10,000, ONLY ABOUT ONE T half Its value 2 corner lots and line 10-roomed brick house with every moaern convenience: but 7 squares from P.O., and a few steps rrom traction cars. Address OLD RESIDENT, Dispatch office. JaS-65 East End Residences. FOR SALE-HOUSES OF TES R0O31S, ON Walnut st., Shadyslde: good lot: low price. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth aye. JaS-1 -po OR SALE-MEADOW ST., S3, 600-7-ROOMED frame dwelling, slate roof, porch, hall and vestibule, natural gas: lot 22VxMI to alley. PITTSBURG CO., Limited, Real Estate and In surance, 138 Fifth ave. Ja3-3-TTS FOR SALE-3 ACRES OF GROUND, OAK LAND, only Isq from cable road, wlthS room brick house, carriage house, stable etc.: all modern conveniences; only S12.000. KEE1) B. COYLE & CO., 131 Fourth are. JaS-9 JJiOR SALE-SEVERAL VERY FINE RES1- DENCES, fronting on Neville st., Ellsworth ave.. Fifth aye. and other leading streets and avenues In Oakland, Bcllellcld. Shadyslde and East Liberty. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent. 62 Fourth ave. Jas-1 OR SALE-52,500. BRICK DWELLING OF 4 rooms, barement kitcben. on Lenora St., 7 minutes from East Liberty station, having slate roof, water, rear Dorch am id pond dry cell cellar; this is undoubtedly a special bargain. BLACK A BAIRD, 95 Fourth aye jaB-tU-S, y, 1U, 11, 1Z, 14.U, 15, i'J FOR SALE-ONLY 3 MIN. FROM SHADY SIDE st'n., P. R. K..7-room frame dwelling, bath. h. and c. water, st'n. w. s., inside w. c, laundry, st'n. tubs: nat. and art. gas, slate man tels, tile hearths, nicely papered throughout: lot 50x220: onlr S0.200; terms reasonable. REEDB. COYLE & CO., 131 Fourth ave. Ja8-69 FOR SALE-AN ELEGANT 10-ROOMED house, two stories and mansard, with all modern conveniences, inside w. c. stationary washstands, range and bath; lot 21x110: side en trance: this property Is convenient to the busi ness portion of the city and on the line of the new cable road: 1,500 cash, balance long time. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth avenue. Ja8-80-D F piORSALE-(99)-OAKLAND BROWN STONE front dwelling, S3.500; near Craft ave.; two Btories and mansar rd, containing nine rooms, halL vestibule, laundry with stationary tubs, range. Doin insiae snutiers ana w. c, suaing aoors, slate mantels with cabinets, tile hearths, electric bells, cemented cellars, etc.; lot 50x200 feet: five minutes walk from cable line: a bargain. SAM UEL W. BLACK A CO., 99 Fourth ave. Ja4-95-TP Allcelieny Residences. FOR SALE-K1RKPATRICK AVE., ALLE GHENY, brick house of five rooms and attic; all conveniences; guaranteed bargain. B. F. BEALE, Harrison st., Allegheny. JaS-40-TTS TTIOR SALE-ELEGANT ALLEGHENY RES1 JJ DENCE or 10 rooms, 2 bath rooms, w. c, both pases, elegant gas fixtures: houso finely finished. W. W. MCNEILL & BKO 162 Fourth ave. Ja8-57-TTS FORSALE-ONLY Sfi.100. NEAR ALLEGHENY Park, a desirable 2-story brick dwelling or 8 rooms, hall, vestibule, range, hot and cold water, nat. and art. gas laundry, electric bells and every modern convenience: terms, $1,0U0 cash, lial. to suit purchaser. BLACK & BAIRD. 95 Fourth ave. - J aS-87-8, 9, 10, 1 1, 12 15, 17, 19 T7V X: lots In Allegheny, close to Perrysville avenue electric cars: o rooms, summer Kiicnen. natural gas, hall and cellar, etc.: 2 fine lots 43x120 feet; irult trees and shrubbery, etc.; will be sold for 3,300, ou easy payments; Immediate possession. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Federal St., Alle gheny. Ja5-80-D nnzelvrood Residences. FOR SALE-A LOVELYEIGHT-ROOM HOUSE at Hazelwood: natural gas; all modern Im provements: good neighborhood: 4 minutes' walk lrom station. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. Ja8-1 I7OR SALE-DWELLING HOUSE OF 9ROOMS: ' modern Queen Anuestyleandabojt2acresof ground with fruit trees, grapes, flowers: also cottage of 5 rooms, outbuildings, etc., situated In the Twenty-third ward ahout 5 minutes walk from B. &O. R. R.; all for 88,000: terms made to suit purchaser Inquire or owner L. T. YODER. 138 Third ayenue. de8-55-TTS Suburbnn Residences. FORSALE-ATINGRAM-FRAMEHOUSEOF 6 rooms; lot 50x150 feet; about 5 minutes' walk from station; easy payments. Agent, 62 Fourth avenue. GEO. JOHNSTON, jae-i FOR SALE-AT INGRAM-VERY FINE SIX room house, fronting on Middletown road: good lot; about 15 minutes' from station. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth avenue. JaS-1 i .i k CUhl!LC u. o ivuiua 111 uicu lueaiiuu. lb JU3b lien. will sell at a very low price and on the easiest of Bayments; it will pay you to Investigate. See LACK ct BAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. jaS-86-D n .. -.. -, -t .t . i . Cltr Lots FOR SALE LOTS FRONTING ON WYLIE, Webster and Bedford aves.. Thirteenth ward. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth avo. Ja8-l F lOR SALE-ONLY J230 IF SOLD IN THE next few days: lots 24x120 reet on Charles st. near Boges ai enue, Mt. Washington; call at once. W. A. HEBRON & SONS, SO Fourth avenue. jaS-91-TTS TTIOR SALE-LOTS. LUTS: BARGAINS IN OR SALE-LOTS, LUTS IT lots in Dickson and Denny's new plan; 500 building lots, between Twenty-eighth and'Thlrtv third street, above P. R. It., at prices lrom S100 to 1,000 per lot, on very easy payments; call and see plans at my office at once If vou want the pick of location and before tbe price goes up: come and see mc before purchasing elsewhere. Call or send for Immense list of over 700 properties for sile all oyer both cltle. ind suburbs. byTHOS. MCCAFFREY. Notary Public and Leading Real Estate Agent, 3509 Butler street. Telephone 1041-2. Office open evenings. Jal-29-ns Enst End Lots. FOR SALE-LOTS IN ARDARY PROPERTY. Shadyslde, Liberty ave., Atlantic ave., and Rebecca St.: certain of enhancement. ELACK& EAIRD, 95 Fourth avenue. JaS-SS-D FOR SALE HO WE ST.. NEARCORNER DEN NISON ave.. lot 23x120; alley in rear: cheap it sold soon. PITTSKURG CO.. Limited, Real Estate and insurance, 133 Fifth ave. Ja3-3-TTS FOR SALE-IN LLOD PLAN. LOTS ON Fifth avenue, Craljr and Dlthridjre streets, Rellefleld, on line of Fifth avenue traction road; choice lots in "the circle:" location unrivalled. RLACK & BAIRD, 93 Fourth avenue. Ja8-86-D FOR SALE 4 ACRES OF DESIRABLE ground at Oakland, only 5 minutes of cable cars, with large mansion and outbuildings: plenty of fruits: price low and term easy: mnst be sold to settle an estate. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth a enue. JaS-94-TTS FOR SALE-IF YOC HAVE 8500 ONLY AND wish to own a bouse, we will sell you a lot In Raum's Groye and lend you money to build a houso to suit your own Ideas, and give yon ample time to repay the loan: send for plan of these choice East End lots. BLACK & BAIRD, 93 Fourth avenue. JaS-86-D TTjIOR SALE-HANDSOME MODERN QUEEN Jj Anne dwelling, Stanton ave., near Hlland ave.: 10 rooms, reception hall, ranee, bath, laun dry, wide porches and tine lot 30x133 reet: good stable, stalls lor three horses; both leases in house and stable; sneclal bargain: only (10,000, on easy payments. BLACK & BAIRD, S3 Fourth aye. de27-49-TTSSU FOR SALE ?50 DOWN AND ?10 A MONTn will buy a fine building site at Brushton sta tion: Bank of Commerce addition; this property is right in the line of rapid Improvements and with building restrictions makes it very desirable for a home: no city taxes. Secure plan from JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent, 512 Smlthfleld street. ' a6-41-TTSSn Snhnrban Lots. FOR SALE AT INGRAM. LOTS" RANGING in prices from $C00 to fetOO. GEO. JOHN STON, Agent, 62 Fourth avenue. jaS-1 FOR SALE-AT INGRAM, ONE. TWO, three, four, five. six. seven, eight or nine acre lots. .GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. jas-l FOR SALE-AT INGRAM; LOTS OF ALL sires and from two. five, ten and twenty min utes from station. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave jao-i FOR SALE-aT INGRAM, 9 ACRES OF OLD Fleecedale place, one of the most beautiful and picturesque locations In the Ingram valley: 20 minutes from station; easy terms. GEO. JOHN STON, Real Estate Agent, 61 Fourth ave. JaS-1 FOR SALE Bualnoss Chances. FOR SALE-A GROCERY STORE, NO. 70 RIVER AVE., doing a good business. Ja8-95 FOR SALE GOOD BAKERY STAND; DOING a business of 15 to 16 barrels or flour a week; for particulars, call at NO. 2715 JANE STREET, Soufhslde. JaS-ol FORSALE-FINEDRUGSTORE-OLDSTAND; no better location can be had; paying large; cheap to a good druggist. SHEPARD & CO.. 54 Fifth ayenue. ja6-53-TUSn FOR8ALE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED JOB BING business: clean stock of fresh goods; good reasons for retiring from the business: men meaning business need only apply. Address M. G. W., Dispatch office. Ja6-37 "COR SALE-LONG ESTABLISHED, DESIR- X' ABLE city business; the owner by whom it was founded 26 years ago is retiring annual sales lf),O00: can be largely increased: HO. 000: can be largely increased: cart capital required ahout 810,(00. Apply to J. M. FENNOCK&SON, 105 Fourth ave. JaS-56 FOR par, SAL E-J15.00O WORTH OF STOCK AT paving 20 per cent: extensive coal works. good small hotel, stores, drug stores, boarding nouses, tea fttnrpn. rIiog stores, bakeries, con fectioneries, and other busluess chances. SHEP- FOR SALE-STOCK OF DKYGOOD3, LEASE and fixtures, or lease and fixtures separate; best stand on Federal St., Allegheny; rare chance fora young man to embark In business; present proprietor wants to retire. For particulars ad dress M. FIRE, 102 Federal St., Allegheny. Ja8-34-TTS FOR SALE-GROCERY STORE-ONE OF THE finest In the East End; commands large and profitable trade; good reasons for selling; will In voice aboutM, COO: fiOOOcash, balance In one jear. For full particulars see DENNISON A SCHWAN, juor ourtn aye., orsiAiiuiM oi. al r. a. it. East End. Ja7-3S FIR SALE-LEASE, FURNI3HMENT AND good-will of the best fanners hotel and board ing houseln Allegheny; 30 rooms, well liirnlshed; 80 stalls and yard-room: all In flrst-class condition; best of reasons for selling: immediate possession Kiven. Inquire or J. M. SWAN, 189 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. Ja3-51 FORSALE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED WHOLE SALE and retail hardware business in one of the most prosperous cities In Ohio: largest and best store In the cltr; present proprietor has cleared a fortune and wishes to retire; this is tbe only reason for selling: such a favorable opening rarely occurs. Particulars from JAS. W. DBA PE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Ja5-80-D FOR SALE-A ONE-THIRD INTEREST IN one of the oldest houscfurnlshlng firms in the city that has always been successful; profits last year S25 COO; more assistance needed to meet the In creasing business; a fine chance to acceptable man; all communications and correspondence will be regarded as confidential. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. JaS-80-D Business Stands. T7IOR SALE-SEVERAL VERY FINE BUST JL NESS properties fronting on .Firth, l'enn NlTth anil n.T. - -..annas fifc'fl .NIK .. .u ai.u v.111 a.vuuw. v ayenues. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth aye. ja&-i FOR SALE-NO. 29 FOURTH AVENUE-LOT 21x80 feet, with 3-story 6tore and dwelling; Sood business location: price low. W. A. HER ON 4 SONS, 80 Fourth aye. Ja5-87-TTS TTOR SALE-COR. NORTH AVENUE AND JL reaeraist., Allegheny, ayery desirable busi ness property: a large f-story building in good condition: now naylng a handsome Ap ply at once. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. JaJ-33-TTS FOR BALE-THAT VERY ELIGIBLY LO CATED hotel property corner Ohio and Arch streets, Allegheny: three-story .brick building, 30 rooms and four storerooms, all In good order; lot 60x100 feet. GEORGE D. RIDDLE; Attorney, 118 Diamond street. Ja5-25-D Machinery and IHctals. FOR SALE-CHOICE LOTS, AT DALLAS STA TION. P. R. It., convenient to steam and street cars: cheap and on easy terms, situation unsurpassed; price ranging from 8400to$i00. In quire of D. C. NEGLEY, C108 Penn ave.. East End. no2S-y78-TTS FOR SALE-2 HORIZONTAL ENGINES, 18x22, 1 Ball engine, 1 smill dvnamo and 2 lamps and meat choppers, rendering kettles, etc. YELTE & MCDONALD, l'enn ave., cor. Thirty-second st. Jels-163-TTS FOR SALE-NEW AND SECOND-HAND machinery: engines from 4-horse power up. boilers, pumps, etc.; call or write for prices. FAHEY PFALLER. Faber and Washington sts., near Union depot. ap24-v35)-TTS Farms. FOR SALE-IN WASHINGTON COUNTY, 2 farms, one of 222 acres in North Strabane township, and one of 165 acres in Nottingham township : both on the B. & O. R. R., 20 miles from Pittsburg: good buildings and improvements and under fine cultivation; they are well timbered, underlaid with the best coal: the 222 acres is on the oil belt, and the 165 acres on the gas belt. If not sold soon will be rented. For further particulars apply to HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 82 Fourth avenue. JaS-35 Horses. Vehicles, Live Stock, ifcc. TTIOR SALE-ONE-FIFTH WHEEL WAGON, Jj new harness, horse and privilege of steidv hauling: will sell at a bargain. Address HORSE &, WAGON, Dispatch office. jaS-83 Manufacturing Sites. FOR SALE-SEVERAL FINE MANUFACTUR ING sites fronting on rivers and railroads and convenient to city. GEO. JOHNSTON, Agent, 62 Fourth ave. jaS-1 FOR SALE -MANUFACTURING SITE: ONE of the best in the city, near Twenty-fifth St., on Allegheny Valley Railroad; has an Iron clad building on lot 100x120 feet, on long lease; side-track connections with Allegheny Valley Railroad. For all particulars address CARRIER NO. 25, Pi Ittsburg 1. O. Ja3-90-D Special. TTIOR SALE-HOUSES-SI, 400 Brownsville sye new 3-rooined frame dwelling, good cellar; lot 24x100 feet. 1,500-Cedar ave., Nos. 56 and 57, fronting park, 3 frame 5-roomed houses (Schenley lease). 2,509 Fifth ave., near Fourteenth ward school, 5 rooms and store; lot 24x100 to Forbes st. 13,000-Bradfordst., S. S., 3 rooms and store; lot 50x200 feet. 3,500 Meyrau ave., near Bates. 5-room frame. nicely finished; lot 22x100 feet. 3,600 Meadow st., E. E., 7-room frame, slate mantels, large windows, 22x141 feet. 4,500 Emerson St., near cable cars, 6 rooms, bath, near Hoeveler St., 28x120. 4,700 Meyran ave., new brick, 8 rooms, bath, modern improvements; lots 25x100 feet. 5,500 Meyran ave., 2 new bricks. 8 roomsteach, bath, slate mantels; lot 25x100 feet. 16,000 Fifth ave., cor. Congress, 3-story brick, 12 rooms and store: lot 23x110 feet. PITTSBURG CO.. Limited, Real Estate and In surance, 133 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Ja7-12-TUF TCTOR SALE-LOTS- S 630 Brownsville ave., S. S., near electric road, 5 lots, each 22x1:5 leet. $ 750 Cassatt St., between ells' and Bedford, lot 17x75: good location. i 900 Cassatt St., near Cliff St., 3 lots, each 20x75 feet; nice and level. $ 950 Howe St.. near Dennlson ave., an elegant location; lot 25x120. $ 1,100 Cliff St., corner Cassatt, 2 lots, each 3x70 reet. r 8 1,230 Larimer ave.. near Meadow St., on East side, lot 27x98: easy terms. f 2,250 Carroll st., E-E., running back to Valei auey. -luts, eacu oaxi-u. $ 2,700 Oakland aye. (north side), includes flag stone walk, 50x103 feet. $ 2,930 Emmerson St., E. End, 2 lots, each 60x123 feet, back to alley; near to cable cars. $ 7,500 Forbes ave. and llalket, back to an alley, 60x125 feet; elegant property. $7,500 Fifth ave. and Halket, back to an alley, 60x125 feet; very cheap. $8,800 Hiland ae near St-inton, runs through to Farragut st. ; S0x5. $34,000 Prebhle ave., connects with two railroads, 339x240 reet; manufacturing site. PITTSBURG CO., Llm . Real Ebtate and Insnr ance, 133 Fifth aye., Pittsburg. Pa. Ja7-12-TnF PERSONAL. PERSONAL-NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! come and seel come and seel good editions low prices, St. LEVIHJ BOOh. STOKE, 900 Liberty U04-18 PERSONAL-A GRAND SCHEME AFLOAT if I can enlist a sufficient number of my frieuds and the public: nothing more or less than taking your last winter's suit and cleaning, repairing it for a trifle, so that you can tide over the fall months. It is well worth thinking of, and 1 shall be pleased to see you at mv rooms, 65 Firth arc., second floor. JAMES DlCKSON, Tailor: tcle phone 1538. aul6-ns7-D LOST. LOST-BKINDLE BULL TERRIER WHITE and.gray, In Lawrencevllle on Friday even ing. Reward will be paid if returned to T. W. BROWN, Davison St., between Forty-fifth and Forty-sixth sts. Ja7-23 J,0 LET OR FOR SALE An Elegant. Commodions and f ell-Fin-isMHonse on fifth Ayenn?, Near Dinwiddle street. Built and finished in tbe best style. Just the place, and an admirable chance for physician, dentist or professional person, the cable ears bringing 20,000 people to it every day. Southside, Lawre.ncevlllo and Miners ville districts within a few minutes by bridge and Fort incline plane; Oakland, East Liberty and the old city quickly accessible by cable cars. Owing to central situation on main thorough fare and to new facilities for access, this prop erty will soon be as''desirable for professional men as Penn avenue formerly was. Apply to BLACK 4 BAIRD, Real Estate Agents. 95 Fourth avenue. del3-16S CONSUME YOUR OWN GARBAGE IN stoves and ranges while using the same for cooking, or any other purpose, by using tho Eureka Garbage Burner. For illustrative cir cular, containing full information, call on or address JAMES ANDERSON, 53 East Diamond street, je5-n57.TTU Allegheny. Pa. PI ABALPH, BUILDING CONTRACTOR, 41 Seventh avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Telephone I3H. se5-n60-ra TO LET. City Residences. T LET-NOS. C6 AND CS SIXTH AVENUE: that fine, large, double house, cor. of Cherry al ley: 11 large rooms: a most desirable honso for club rooms or a boarding house. W. A. HEKRON & SONS. 80 Fourth ayenue. ja.T-30-TTS TO LEl'-(99)-563 FIFTH AVENUE, TEN minutes from Court House; neat two-story press brick d (relling, seven rooms and attic salon parlor, hath, Tangc, hot and cold water, both gases: S30 per month; immediate possession. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., t Fourth avenue. Ja5-C3-TTS East End Residences. TO LET-(99)-5506 WALNUT ST., "EAST EN D. two-story mansard brick residence, eight ory , Vis: rooms, hall, vestibule, laundr , yard. cellar, both BLACK & gasi-a; uear siauon, CO., 99 Fourth are. Ja5-64-TTS Snburhnn Residences. TO LET VERY DESIRABLE SUBURBAN residence. 2 squares off cable line, on Robin son St., Oakland: large, new double house, 12 rooms: 2 acres of ground: stable: .possession at once if desired: only 855 per mo. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. Ja3-31-TTS mO LET-16 ACRES. FINE HOUSE. BARN. JL orchard, near station on P. A. L. n. It. R short distance from city; natural gas for fuel; rent 3240: 80 aeres, house, stable, orchard, near above on same road; rent 5250: 39 acres rich river bottom land, adjoining above; renti2J0. GRAEB ING & LYON, 135 Fourth avenue. ja6-36-TTS Ofllccs. Desk Room. &c. rpO LET-DESIRABLE FOURTn AVENUE ofllces cheiptn the Dallmcyer block. Call or send for particulars. W. A. HEKRON It, SO S. 89 Fourth avenue. Ja3-32-TuF rriO LET LARGE FRONT ROOM, SECOND JL floor. 518 Smlthfield St.. opposite City Hall and adjoining Duquesue Hotel, with chairs, desk, etc. MORRla & FLEMING, 106 Fourth ave. de4-d63-TTS rr0 LET IN THE MCCANCE BLOCK. X Smlthfield, Liberty and Seventh avenue. well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; -passenger and merchandise eleva tors. Ja8-32 TO LET -OFFICE 18 BY 24 FT.; WELL lighted: on first flour of Germanla Savings' Hank building: rent reasonable to approved tenant. Apply to THOS. D. KELLER. 419 Wood street. oc25-a64-TTS TO LET (99-REDUCED RENTS: OFFICES IN Eisner building. Fifth ave. and Wood st.; finest location in city; large, light rooms: iinltor service and steam heat free. SAMUEL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. oc21-xl7-D TO LET NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. The Germanla Savings Bank. 423 Woodst., having changed the interior of its building by adding 15 large, airy and well-lighted offices, with all modern convenience", elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. de21-75-D Business Stands. TO LET TIVOLI GARDEN-PITTSBURG Opera House now known a3 London Thea ter. Apply to COLUMBUS COLEMAN, bupt.. Opera House building. ja8-33 TO LET HOTEL CONTAINING 30 ROOMS; first.class order: corner Ohio and Arch streets. Allegheny; immedute possession. GEO. D. RIDDLE. Attorney, 118 Diamond st. Ja5-25-n Special. rpO LET HOUSES $240 Johns St., near Klrkpatrick, 3 new 2-story brick; 7 rooms, hall, vestibule, nat. and art. gas; with nat. gas f!4 per month. 360 Logan St., cor. Wilson, new, 6 rooms, brick, near Wylle, nicely grained and finished. 600 Wylle, cor. Logan, new, 8 rooms, brick, bath, w. c. basement laundry, art, and nat. gas; grained throughout; nice loca tion. PITTSBURG CO.. Limited, Real Estate and In snrance. 133 Fifth ave., Pittsburg. ja7-13-Tnr EDUCATIONAL. PENNSYLVANIA FEMALE COLLEGE East End. Pittsburg. Second term opens February 1, 1S89. Dllworth Hall is ready for occupancy and will accommodate a larpcernum ber of students. Apply to MISS HELEN E. PELLETREAU. President. ja8-48 piTTSBURG FEMALE COLLEGE Unsurpassed for health and comfort. Music, elocution, fine arts, English literature, classics, French, German, etc Full courses of stndv. Largest and best equipped school for ladies. Tv. entv-three instructors. Thonext term will begin January 29. Send for catalogue to REV. A H. NORCROSS, D. D.. ja6-48-Tns Pittsburg, Pa. AMUSEMENTS. BIJOU THEATER. TO-NIGHT 1 WH.TiTAjM GILLETTE'S GREAT MILITARY PLAY, "HELD By "the ENEMY." Next week Kate Castleton "APaperDoIl." jari7-18 TT ARRIS' THEATER Every night .and Monday, Wednesday Friday and Saturday matinees, "LIGHTS O't LONDON." Next week "One of the Finest." ja7-10 GRAND OPERA HOUSE ' EDWIN BOOTH AND LAWRENCE BARRETT. To-night "THE MERCHANT OF VENICE." Week of January 14 Herrmann. ja8-98 CASINO MUSEUM WEEK OF JANUARY 7. The Crescent City Combination, headed with Symonds, Hughes and Rastus, John W. Cof fee, the skeleton dude. Admission, 10 cents. Open from 10 A. Jf. until 10 P. JL ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL FAIR-OPEN every evening this week in the basement of the Cathedral. Special attraction each evening. On Wednesday evening the popular comedian, William T.J. Lynch.will give several selections of songs and recitations. ja8-96 TTARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY To-night Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, ROSE HILL'S ENGLISH FOLLY COMPANY. OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. Department of Public Works. ( PiTTsnuno, Pa.. January 4, 18S9. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE L report of viewers on the construction of Cotton alley and Valley street sewer, from Eden alley to Forty-second street, has been approved by Councils, which action will be final, unles an appeal is filed in theCourtof Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. jal-19 Department of Public Works, 1 PittsbUeo. Pa., January i, 1889. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of viewers on the grading, paving and curbing of Linden street, from Pennsylva nia Railroad to Penn avenue has been ap proved by Councils, which action will bo final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Com mon Pleas within ten (10) days from date. ' E. M. BIGELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. ja9 Department of Public Safety, Pittsburg, Pa., January 5. 1889. J SEPARATE AND SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Controller until 2 o'clock P. M. on SATUR DAY, January 12, 1SS9. for painting, varnish ing, etc., at Municipal Hospital: for furnishing ten heating stoves, more or less, at said hospi tal; for remodeling garbage furnace on Hill street, and for the removal of ashes from said furnace. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Bureau of Health, No. 7 Seventh street. Bonds in double the amount of bids will be required. Said bonds tolje probated before the Mavor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN. Chief of Department ot Public Safety. ja6-49-D "VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE J.A assessments for the openineof tho follow ing named streets and avenues, viz: Opening of Center avenue, from Soho to Neville street. Opening of Negley avenue, from Bryant to Butler street. Opening of Greenbush street, from Wyoming street to Boggs avenue. Opening of Bellefonte street, from Fifth avenue to Walnut street; Opening of Moultrie street, from Fifth ave nuo to Tustin street. Opening of Brady street, from Fifth avenue to Monongahela river. Opening of Elwood street, from Roup to O'Hara street Opening of Clinton street, from South Fifteenth street to McKee's line. Onening of Cowan street, from Greenbush to Wyoming street. Opening of Breed street, from Uxar alley to South Fifteenth street Are now in my bands for collection, and, If not paid within SO days of the date hereof. Hens will be filed for the unpaid assessments, with interest cost and fees. W. C. MORELAND, City Attorney. Pittsburg, December 29, 1S88. de29-78-D Contlnuedon Seventh Page. ELECTIONS. GERMAN SATNGS AND DEPOSIT") Bank of Birmingham. J-, January 3, 1S59. J TT1LECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTION jLu for thirteen directors of this bank will be held at tbe banking honsa, corner Carson and Fourteenth streets, TUESDAY, January 8, be tween the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock p. ar. jaI-9 J. F. ERNY. Cashier. First National Bank. Pittsburg. Pa., i Pittsburg, December 10, 1S8S. ( ELECTlON-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for nine Directors of tbe bank will be held at the banking house, corner of Wood street and Fifth avenue. January 8, ltSO. between the hours of 11 o'clock A. x. and 1 o'clock P. JL dell-i87-D J. D. SCULLY. Cashier. German Asierican Ins. Co. of Penna 1 Office No. Ill Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg, January 4, 18S9. 5 ELECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTION for 12 directors of the conmanv will be held at this office MONDAY. January II, 1889. be tween tne nours ot 1 1 ociock a. m, ana ir.n. ja67-D W. J. PATTERSON, Secretary. Office Columbia Oil Co., Pittsburg. Decern uer 28. 18S8. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Columbia Oil Co. will bo held at No. 514 Market St. on THURSDAY, January 10, 1889. at II o'clock A. M., for the election of directors and for tbe transaction of such business as mav be presented. de28-17-D A. P. McGREW, Secretary. Office of Allegheny Ins. Co., ) 07 Fourth avenuk, Pittsburg. January 7. 1889. ELECTION-AN ELECTION FOR DIREC TORS of this company to serve during the ensuinjryear wili be held on MONDAY, the 14th inst,, between the hours of 12 m. and 1 F.1L C G. DONNELL. ja8-53 Secretary. Office Pennsylvania insurance Co., ) 411) Wood Street, V Pittsburg. December 20. 1883 J THE ANNUAL ELECTION FOR DIREC TORS for this company will be held at the office as above on Thursday, January 10, 1889, between the hours of 11 a. m. and 12 Ji. THOS. D. KELLER, Secretary. de20-92-TTS ELECTION-THE SAFE DEPOSIT COM PANY of Pittsbnrg. The annual election of nine directors of this company, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the office of the company. No. 83 Fourth avenue, on TUES DAY. January (S. 1889. between the hours of 10 A. Jf. and 12m. "Wii. T. HOWE, Secretary. de27-57-TTS Masonic Bank, Pittsburg, Pa., December 31, 188S. ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for directors of this bank, to serve for the ensuing veir. will be held at the banking house on TUESDAY, JANUARY, 8. 1889, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. jr. and 1 o'clock p. JL jal-67-D CHAS. & McLEAN. Cashier. Arsenal Bank. Pittsburg. December 31. 188S. ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for twelve directors of the bank ill Do held at the banking house, corner of Butlerand Forty-third streets, ou WEDNESDAY, JANU ARY 9, 1889, between the hours of 11 A. M. and 1 P. JL W. S. WILLIAMS, Cashier. jal-66-l. Ikon City Gold Mining Co., 1 Pittsburg. Pa. f ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for Directors of this company will be held at tbe Colombia Oil Company's Office. Mc Clintock Block, Market street, TUESDAY, January 15, between the hours of 3.30 and 4 p. M. JOHN R. VATSON, Secy. ja6-6-D Office of Ben Franklin Insurance Co., 1 43 Ohio Street, Allegheny, Pa.. January 1, 1SS9. T7ILECTION. THE ANNUAL ELECTION 111 of directors of this company, to serve dur ing tbe ensuing year, will be held in the office of the company on MONDAY, January 14, 1889, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. WM. A. FORD, Secretary. ja2-39-D Nations Bank for Savings. Allegheny. Pa.. December 26. 1883. -T7ILECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECT ION Vl for nine (91 directors of this bank, to serve for tbe ensuing year, will be held at the bank ing house. No. 43 North Diamond street, Alle gheny, on MONDAY. January 14, 1889, between the hours of 1 and 3 p. jr. JOHN T. MORTON. Secretary and Treasurer. de2626,27.28.29,jal,3,5,8.10,12 PrrrSBtTKO Uniox Passenger Railway Company. Pittsburg, December 29, 18S8. ELECTION-THE ANNUAL MEETING of stockholders of the Pittsburg Union Passenger Railway Company and the election for President and directors to serve for the ensuing year will be held at the company's office, corner of Liberty and Market streets, on MONDAY, January 11 1889, between the hours " oi a ana 4 ociocc p. Jr. CHAS. SEIBERT, Secretary. de29-87-29.31,ja3,5,&10,12 Office Western Pennsylvania i , Exposition Society, Pittsburg, January 1. 1889. ) T1LECTION-THE ANNUALMEETING OF !i members of this society for the election of thirteen directors to serve for tbe ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other reg ular business as may be brought up, will be held in tbe music and art room, second floor of Hamilton building. Fifth avenue, TUESDAY, January 8, 1SS9, at 3 o'clock P. 31. By order of the Board. ja3-20-P 'JAS. W. BATCHELOR, Secretary. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR 12-INCH STEEL GUN forgings Ordnance Office, War Depart ment, Washington. January 4, 1889. Sealed proposals, in duplicate, wilLbe received at this office until 3 o'clock P. M., on FRIDAY, JAN UARY 18. 1889. at which time they will be pub licly opened, for supplying the Ordnance De partment, U. S. Army with Steel Forgings. of American manufacture, for hoops ana breech mechanism for a 12-inch steel gun. Early de livery is desired. Blank forms on which pro posals must be made and all information re Suired bv bidders can be had upon application. . V. BENET, Brig. Gen.. Chief of Ordnance. jaC-71-D Ohio Connecting Railway. Office of Chief Engineer, i PrrrSBUito, Pa, December 27, 18S8. J NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned, Pennsylvania Company's Building, Penn street, near Tenth street Pitts burg. Pa., until Saturday. 26th January, 1889, for the grading, foundations, masonry, and bridge superstructure of the Ohio Connecting Railway, between Nimick station, on the P. C. & St L. Ry and Wood's Run station, on the P..Ft W. & C. Ry. The lenirth of the line is two and onn-fnnrth (24) miles, and embraces the following work: 5,000 Cu. yds. earth excavation. 16,000 Cu. yds. loose rock excavation. 30,000 Cu. yds. solid rock. 19.7C0 Cu. yds. excavation of foundation, dry. 5,800 Cu. yds. excavation of foundation, wet. 6,340 Cu. yds. excavation for caissons and cnllage foundations. . 5,675 Cu. yds. concrete in foundations. 2,168 Cu. yds. concrete filling in caissons. 208,000 feet b. m. timber in foundations on plat forms. 5.000 Lin. ft foundation piles. 3,400 Cu. yds. abutment masonry. 11,100 Cn. yds. pier masonry. 850 Cu. yds. masonry in viaduct pedestals. 580 Ian. ft framed wooden trestle work. 860 Lin. ft pile trestle work. 2 Spans pin connected Iron deck bridge 121' 9" each. 1 Span pin connected iron through bridge 416' 0". 11 Spans pin connected iron deck bridge 171' 15" each. 1 Span pin connected iron through bridge 525' C'. 1 Span pin connected iron deck bridge 137-6". , 2 Spans pin connected iron deck bridge 105' 8" each. 654 Liu. ft. iron plate girder viaduct in alter nate spans of 30 and 46 ft 270 Lin. ft. iron plate girderviadnct in alter nate spans of 30 ft 75 Lin. ft. iron plate girder viaduct in one span. 1 Span wooden Howe truss through bridge 60 ft long. Plans and specifications for this work are now ready for examination at this office. The right is reserved to reject anv or all bids. M. J. BECKER, Chief Engineer Ohio Connecting Railway. ja3-33-TTB TUCET7 Some of the finest rooms in the city for general business purposes at tbe New Dispatch building, 76, 77 ana 79 Dia mond street. WELL LIGHTED, well ventilated, with con venient passenger and freight elevator service. SITUATION, the most central in the city, within a few hundred feet of tbe post offices, (new and old). City Hall, the new county buildings. Fifth avenue. Smith field street and Fourth avenue, PARTIES requiring power service also sup plied, with special quarters and every convenience. ELECTRIC LIGHTING, steam beating and janitor service included in the rents, which are moderate. GREAT advantages and economy in these new quarters. Apply between U A. M. and 5 p. m. at the HEW DISPATCH BUlLDrNO, 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street AUCTION SAI.ES. AUCTION SALE OF FINE CARPETS, curtains, silverware, household furniture, rugs, bedding, etc. being:the complete furnish ment of an elegant home, and whose owners are obliged to leave the city, thus making it necessary to sell goods at once. Fine chamber snits. cheval class, chiffonier, pier mirror, wardrobes, bureaus, bedsteads, wasbstanda, hall, room and stair carpets, in good condition; hair and husk mattresses, pea springs, deco rated toilet ware, dining room suit in leather, pictures, bric-a-brac, clocks, ornaments, bronzes, lamps, fine brocatelle parlor suit, music cabinet, bed lounge, coucb, book case, li brary furniture, upright piano, fancy rockers, laundry and kitchen furnishments, etc., etc. Goods now on exhibition and for sale a-auction at the rooms. No. 311 Market St., Tuesday morning. Jan. 8, '89. HENRY AUCTION CO LIM., Auctioneers. ja6-5i BY GEORGE JOHNSTON. "" AUCTION OF SALE Valuable Real Estate, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 8,-ISS9, At3 o'clock on the premises, 62 HIGH ST PITTSBURG. That Valuable Property. Situate as Above. TWOFRAMEDWELLIHGS Containing six rooms each. Lot 29x78 feet. Terms One-half cash; balance one or three years, secured by bond and mortgage. GEO. JOHNSTON. Auctioneer. ja8-2 62 Fourth ave. INSURANCE STATEMENTS. STATEMENT OF THE TEUTONTA IN SURANCE Company of Allegheny, Pa., for the year ending December 31, 1838; Capital 3125.00O0O With privilege to increase to 200,000 00 ASSETS. Bonds and moitgages, first liens. Interest due and accrued Real estate Natiomd Bank stock. , Bills receivable Premiums in course of collection Cash in bank and office , S18L916 00 3,513 3T 4,098 CS 6,250 00 190 55 2,924 29 8,S7 78 $210,738 25 125,000 CO 1,525 00 3 78 24.821 10 59,445 39 LIABILITIES. Capital stock Unpaid losse. All other claims against company., Reinsurance reserve Net surplus over all liabilities. 210,793 25 RECEIPTS. Premiums .7 S32.&44 08 Interest. 10,943 50 $14,108 SS , $4,141 67" 7.869 36 $12,011 03 $3.262 80 257 51 3,215 61 4.424 34 3.519 96 10,0(10 00 EXPENDITURES. Fire losses of 18S7 Fire losses of 18S8 Return premiums and abatements.. Reinsurance. ....:....... Rents, taxes and all other expenses. Commissions. - Salaries '. Dividends Nos. 30 and 31 $38.69125 Receipts in excess of disbursements 7,417 S3 Risks in force December 31. 18S8 3,691,313 00 ja8-73-D C. W. GERWIG, Secretary. STATEMENT OF BIRMINGHAM FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ot Pittsburg, Pa., for the year ending December 31. 1888: Cashcapital $200,000 00 ASSETS. , Bondsand mortgages $217,030 93 Real estate 13,749 93 Cash in bank and office .' 7,63163 Premiums in course of collection.... 6,864 93 Interest due and accrued 3,869 68 Rents due and unpaid....'. 52 75 All other property of the company.. T07 72 $250,457 53 LIABILITIES. Reinsurance reserve ...$ 19,527 00 Unpaid losses 1,756 00- Unpaid dividends 193 50- Unpaid bills, etc " 99 00 8 21,575 50 Capital stock 200.00UOO Net surplus above all liabilities 28,882 05 250,457 55 RECEIPTS. Premiums S 23,383 28 Less reinsurance 933 86 522,449 43 Interest on mortgages 12,728 38 Rents : , LOGS 3S S 13.732 7J $ 36,182 18 DISBURSEMENTS. Losses from previous years 5 3.298 00. Losses In 1883 5,637 IS ' S 8.935 18 Commissions ................. 2.474 69 Salaries, rent, tax, etc 6,954 15 S 18,364 00 Dividends to stockholders 12,000 00 . S 30,364 00 E. G. SCHOLZE. See'y. jaS-72 BANK STATE31EXTS. THE FIFTY-FOURTH SEMI-ANNUAL statement of the Pittsburg Bank for Say-. Ings, No. CO Fourth ave,, Pittsburg, Pa, LIABILITIES. Amount due depositors ..$1,727,083 63 Six months interest credited to tho ac- countsof depositors.... 29,493 03 1,756.550 68y Capital stock paid in 75,000 00 Contingent fund..... 75.000 CO Undivided profits 34,598 91 $1,941,179 601 ASSETa Bonds, mortgages, collateral loans and other vaua securities usu,72i so Mortgage interest due., 4.844 93 4.748 02. Accrued interest Demand loans witn collaterals Bank stocks Bonds, West Penn RailwayCo Bonds, Waverly Coal ana Coke Co.. Bonds, Mansfield Coal and Coke Co Bonds, Pittsburg. New Castle and lake Erie Railway Co 159,323 69; 7,524 88'' 00 24,094 82 805 00. Jjonds, People's Park Place Passen er Railway Co Bonds and stock of tbe Wilkins burg and East Liberty Passenger Railway Company Stock of the Fidelity Title and Trust Company. ........ ... City of Pittsburg. Banking-house....................... Real estate Furniture and fixtures Cash in Citizens'' National Bank J172.444 67 Cash in Tradesmen's Nat ional Bank. 162,994 55 Cash on hand 31,833 33 1 5,000 00 -fir 750 CO" 1,000 00' 4t 8,110 38 ' -M . 41.258 93'. M 47.145 09. 'M 5,077 S3- JS 367,272 6ff, 1.94L179 60 CHAS. G. MILNOR, Dec 31, 1888. Treasurer. The undersigned Auditing Committee report' that they have examined the books and asse.ts', of the bank and have compared them with, tha above statement, and find them correct and to agree therewith. H.C.BUGHMAN, . CHAS. F. WELLS. Committee. J. K. DORRINGTON, ) Jan. 3. 1S83L ja8-7r'- , jj OR SALE CHEAP BUSINESS PROPERTIES.. Cor. Taggart and Gallagher sts., Allegheny; -lot 20x80 ft; well Improved; $6,500. Jackson, near Monterey st, Allegheny: lot 23 xlOO ft, with a new building, consisting ofstora, and dwelling; 57,000. No. 366 Fifth avenue: lot 20x100 ft; fair build ing; about $900 per year rent lor 510,000. Car. Penn ave. and Twenty-seventh st: lot U xl20 ft; large 3-story building, store and dwell. ing,8,X. '' Also others. Call or send for particulars. ; k 80 FOURTH AVENTJK ja5-S6-Tus r EO. H. BARBOUR. VX CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designer of Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, Room 62 EisnerBuildine. del2-k66-D M FIFTH AVENUE, Pittsburg. Walter J. Osborne. ' Richard Harrows.' BABROWS & OSBORNE 1"'OJ""'uwa' , JOB PRINTERS, m . v ,, .. 80 Diamond street. Telephone No. 813 - , , i .1 If i. i&-.efi;2&2i1-; y-'i, :J.3.LAA ...s't&.li 1 V" Tf TlT ftfifcf" Hi hSKKSS ikJL3ti&trLi