Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 07, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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5t 1
Allegheny's Solicitor, George Elphin
stone, Dvs a Bill
Neither an Inadequate Third Class, Nor
let a Costlj Second.
City Solicitor Elphinstone was seen last
'night and said that he was preparing an
act, the substance of which is printed below,
providing for the change of classification of
the City of Allegheny, which 'he thought
would satisfy all parties interested, as it
provides for practically no change except as
to the street and sewer laws.
Those citizens of Allegheny who are op
posed to being placed among the smaller
cities in the third class, and thus subjected
to the minute provisions of the legislation
jroverning that class, ought, he thinks, to
be satisfied, because his proposed act takes
them ont of tnat class, and those citizens of
Allegheny, and there are many of them,
n-ho object to Allegheny's becoming a city
of the second class for fear of the expense
and cumbersome machinery of the govern
ment of Pittsburg, ought to be satisfied, he
also thinks, because it is Jeft optional with
the City of Allegheny through its Councils
Jintil the year 1900 to come into the second
class and have the departmental features of
the Pittsburg government. This they may
do it they see fit.
He has not finished his act as yet, but
The DisrATCH gives it as far ascom
By the draft of his act it will be seen, by
reference to its first section, cities are given
all powers necessary to municipal govern
ment, except such as conflict with the Con
stitution and laws of this State and the
Constitution and laws of our nation.
Section 2 vests the municipal taxing power
Wholly in Councils.
Section 3 provides for chance in class for
cities, and gives the City of Allegheny until the
ear 1900 to reflect whether she will adopt the
Pittsburg departmental features or not, as
well as retaining local legislation not expressly
repealed or abrogated by necessary implica
tion relating to tbe city of Allegheny. This
Section also leaves tbe organization of Councils
as it Is until chanced by themselves by
Section 4 provides for the redistribution of
powers upon the adoption of an ordinance, or
not putting it into effect.
Section 5 proTidcs for local laws not re
pealed, and hon they shall be construed un
der the new oi der of things.
Section 6 provides for only two police
Solicitor Elpliinstone has endeavored to
'meet every objection coming either" from
persons opposed to or in favor of Allegheny's
Decomine a city of the second class by leav
ing the city practically as it is.
The assertion of some of the papers that
Allegheny could have special legislation by
publishing notice of its proposed legislation
lor 30 da s prior to its introduction to the
legislature is evidently amistake. Section
7 of Article 3 of our State Constitution ex-
, pressly prohibits the passage of local or
special laws relating to the affairs of cities,
townships, etc.
Section 1. Be it enacted, etc, That every
city of this Commonwealth shall have all the
powers necessarj for its government except as
limited by law and not conflicting with the Con
stitution and laws of this btate or the United
The intention is hereby to invest the local
Legislature, viz., the City Councils and the
Mayor, with legislative powers for all purposes
of municipal government which the General
Assembly for such purpose could lawfully
Sec 2. The municipal taxing power in cities
of this Commonwealth shall be vested wholly
id ue councils mereoi, ana ine annual levj oi
taxes and water rents shall be based upon full
statements of receipts and expenditures of
every department of the city government, giv
ing the amount and objects of expenditure.
Section 3 Whenever tho classification of a
city Is changed by reason of an increaso or a
decrease in population as provided by law,
the following rules shall apply, viz.:
First The CouncUs shall be numerically the
came in the different wards, and be elected at
tbe same time and for the same term as if there
had been no change in classification until
Councils shall by ordinanco pro ide the num
iber of members of Select Councils, which may
consist of one or more members from each
ward as shaU be determined in said ordinance
'and a ratio of representation on which the
membership of Common Councils shall be
Second The officers of any such city except
'as provided by this act shall remain tbe same,
perform the same duties, and be elected in tbe
same manner for the same terms and receive
the same compensation until their trrmsnames,
duties and compensation shall have been duly
readjusted by ordinance duly enacted so as to
conform to tbe laws relating to the class with
which snch city is classified.
' Third The executive powers and duties of
the several officers of any sucn city shall, be
fore the first day of January, Anno Domini 1900,
be assigned by ordinance, to the appropriate
Department pronaeo. lor in tne laws relating
to its changed class, and when so assigned tbe
department, bureaus and offices thus supplied
Ehall he abolished.
, Fourth The street and sewer laws of the
class with which such city is placed shall be in
full force and operation immediately succeed
ing such change, except as to improvements
previously under way or provided for.
Fifth All local or ceneral laws relating to a
city whose class mav be changed by reason of
any law of this Comn-.onwea'th shall be and
remain in full force and virtue unless repealed
expressly or by necessary implication by the
laws relating to the changed class.
Section 4. For the purpose of redistributing
the powers conferred and the dnties imposed
npon the officers and departments of any city
whose classification is changed, contained in
any laws, ordinances, or regulations not
repealed or supplied, existing at the time of
such change,evcry power theretofore conferred
and duty imposed upon any such municipal
executive officer, not inconsistent with the laws
relating to the class into which such citv is
changed, shall be deemed and construed to
"be the power and duty of the proper depart
ment or officer who shall have control of the
subject matter in the appropriate department
created or authorized.
Section 6 Whenever words are used in any
existing law, ordinance, resolution or contract
In force prior to a. change in classification re
ferring to any department or officer of the city
government, and such law, ordinance or reso
, lntion is not supplied or repealed by the laws
relating to the class into which such city shall
Ve changed, they shall be deemed to mean and
apply to the proper officer or department hav
ing relation to the subject matter whether
named or not In the laws appertaining to rh
class into which tbe city is changed or in the
ordinance reorganizing the departments.
Section 6 Wherever the office of police
magistrate Is provided for in existing
legislation for any city or the second class, a
city hereafter entering snch class b reason of
an increase or decrease of population shall have
no more than one police magistrate for each
CO.000 of population, and the term of such offi
cer, and the salary and territorial jurisdiction
of such office shaU be determined by ordinance.
Look Here!
Crayon portraits and cabinets, all styles,
at lowest prices. Prompt delivery and
satisfaction guaranteed by Stanford & Co.,
C8 Federal St., Allegheny. ThsuM
Save 91 JPerPalr.
Gent's fine calf sewed shoes, worth $3, at
only ?2 per pair, in button, lace and con
gress, at G. D. Simen's, 78 Ohio street, Al
legheny. MWP
Bedto the little ones to Elite gallery, 61G
Market st, Pittsburg, this month; fine cab
inets $1 per dozen. Use elevator.
roBTr-ElGHT-ESCH cream French dress
flannels reduced from SI 25to80e per yard.
Mwrau Hcgus & Hacke.
XlES popular gallery, 10 and 12 Sixth
st. Cabinets, all ttylcs, 1 SO per doz.
prompt delivery. Mwrsa
Data and a Diagram Indicating How the Rich Down Town Property Will be Assessed
An Aim to Make the System Equitable, From $3,500 a Foot Down.
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fimilAfield JS2S
One of the most vital and interesting ques
tions connected with the city's pending tri
ennial assessment now confronts the offi
cials. Moreover they have already taken
qnite a long step toward furnishing a fair,
frank and open answer to it The question
is: What rates of valuation ought to be ap
plied to the most valuable of the downtown
business property in the very heart of the
TheTBoard of Assessors has at last com
piled its list for preliminary calculation
upon this most valuable property in the
city, viz: the blocks fronting on Fifth ave
nue, bounded by Smithfield, and Market
streets and Virgin and Diamond al
leys. The Chief Clerk of the of
fice, Samuel M. Clark, has compiled
such a statement of the approximate
figures for several varying depths of the
different properties. This calculation was
computed upon the general estimates of the
board as to "through and half depths"
under the old rule of making assessments.
The figures given below are only approxi
mate calculations, it should be remembered,
and are not yet official. They are given
with the view of obtaining opinions from
the newspapers and those, interested as
citizens and taxpayers.
The board has endeavored to comply with
the law in treating these properties by
ascertaining the cash value of the property
according to the latest sales in the im
mediate vicinity. For instance the Maltby
Hall property on Fifth avenue was sold
about ten days ago to Mr. IT. P. Heed for
5102,500. The property adjoining was based
npon this sale.
These valuations, however, are upon the
ground only. The improvements in the way
of buildings, etc, did cot cuter into tbe
calculations, as they are itemized separately
when the assessments are made. Here are
Jfth avenue.
240 feet depth, either side 5 3,500
120 feet depth, either side 2,830
100 feet depth, either side 2.500
J90 teet depth, el&crside 2,300
CO feet depth, either side 2,000
Smllhfleld street, between Fifth and Diamond.
60 feet depth , 1.600
120 feet depth..." 2,800
iVood street, between Fifth avenue and Virgin
50 feet depth, both sides 1,250
60 feet depth, both sides 1,250
80 feet depth, both sides 1,500
Military Sent to the Scene, and Several
Men Arrested for Murder.
Poetlaitd, Ore., January 6. The com;
panies of militia uiider command of Colonel
J.,G. Haines, yesterday morning went up to 1
New Castle to quell any renewed outbreak
that might occur. All was quiet there, and
Company E returned to this city at noon,
leaving Company D, to be relieved later if
necessary by Company E. Miners to the
number of ISO returned to work in'the New
Castle mines yesterday morning, the pres
ence of the soldiers having nodoubt relieved
their apprehension of arenewed attack from
the Gilmau miners and the Knights of
Burnett Malarky, James, Cod, Kelly
Bamsey and P. S. wilkes were to-day ar
rested for taking part in the riots, and
'William Jones, Frank Terrace, B. Woods
Market strut, between Fifth avenue and
SOfeetdepth $2,150
CTfeet depth 2,050
143feet depth 2,600
Market street, bcttvccn Fifth and Liberty.
SOfeetdepth S 2.150
67 feet depth 2,050
143 feet depth 2,600
Market, Between Diamond and Fifth Aienue.
101 feet deep 52,300
i'Hteet deep 1,470
Fifth Avenue, Uetwecn Smithfield and Cherry
110 feet deep, either side $1,325
120 feet deep, either side 1,350
Fifth Atcnue, From Cherry to Grant.
100 feet deep S1.150
uuieet aeep ., v-o
The board proposes to place assessments
upon the Diamond alley and Virgin alley
fronts by comparison with the through
depths. "For instance, ifthethroughdepths
are assessed at $3,500 and 120 feet, Or one
half at 52,850, then the 120 feet fronting on
the alley will be tbe difference, $650.
The whole subject is made much clearer
by the accompanying diagram, which may
be examined in detail by those having an
interest in the subject.
Let the reader who is familiar with the
heart of the citv, in looking, npon the dia
gram printed herewith, imagine himself
standing upon the upper or eastern side of
Smithfield street. Upon the right the
arawing shows him the Government andthe
city property not assessable, and upon the
left he has the ontlines ot the Howard
block. Down Fifth avenue Husscys' and
The DisrATCH's iron front buildings, as
well as the new and elegant structure!
of Schmidt & Friday and Samuel Hamil
ton, all of which occupy or are seated upon
"through depth" lots, that is, lots running
through to Virgin alley. Then comes the
familiar Masonio Hall lots, running the
half of the square. Other through and
short depths, including Jhe Penny Press lo
cation, will then be recognized. TJpon the
left from Smithfield street we see the Mor
ton lots half depth where the Zimes is
located, and the Coleman property (the
Opera House), built by the Odd Fellows
order and for a time used by them. The
diagram is deficient here in not showing
some of the lots of the Coleman estate as
through depths. Following these we have
the lines ot two apparently insignificant
pieces, bnt yet how valuable!
The Adams Express and the Maltby lots
show next, the latter but recently purchased
by Mr. X. P. Heed at a figure stated to be
over f 100,000. Next we have the Bite of the
"Old Drurv" Theater. UDon part of xrhirh
the Gazette is located. This block is part of '
and S. Ashby, who were subpoenaed last
night to act as witnesses in the Coroner's in
quest over the body of William Buston,
were also arrested on the same charge. They
were released on $250 bonds for examina
tion on Monday. Wilkes is at present
Court Commissioner, and he makes no de- i
mat to having participated in the riots by
furnishing whisky to the Knights of Labor.
The inquest over the body of Buston was
held yesterday. A large number of wit
nesses were examined, but no conclusions
have as yet been reached-
"Evil be to him who evil thinketh," of
the merits of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 25
Cabinet photos, all styles, Jl 60 per doz.
Prompt delivery. Lies popular gallery,
10 and 12 Sixth st. aiwFSu
Fine cabinets $1 per dozen at
gallery, 16 Market st., Pittsburg.
the large estate of William Carr, Esq., but
recently deceased.
we have npon the right the most beautiful
iron building in the city that of the First
National Bank. Back of it, and indeed on
both sides of Fifth avenue, will be seen
upon the map alleys almost opposite one
another, and yet of different names and dif
ferent widths. It is doubtful whether the
nomenclature of these two little passages is
familiar to the general reader even though
he may know that such apertures exist.
Book alley is not mentionable as being
' memorable in any way, and the naming of
it is only to be conjectured in that the Post
printing office stood in place of the bank for
many years. Sturgeon alley is familiar to
those bibulously inclined for Charley Spen
cer's gilded saloon and ante and upper
rooms. It was for a long time a favorite
resort because, not only ot its elegant fur
nishment and supplies of "the best the mar
ket affords," bnt for tbe fact that gentlemen
could drop in there from the most promi
nent thoroughfare of the city with little if
any observation. Judge Ewing squelched
the place on the first heat under the Brooks
Further down, the iron bank block con
taining the Allegheny National and the
Central banks front the elegant Exchange
Bank buildings upon the other side.
It will be noticed that land upon these
opposite squares is cut lip into odd shanes.
which must render the matter of assessing
equitably very difficult. The McClintock
property on the right runs through and they
hold to itthe tail of an L. Kings alley
next them is comparatively unknown, and
is indeed a private alley for the convenience
of abutters thereon. Whether or not this
and other private "thoroughfares" are as
sessed is not known.
James Phelan has an elegant square (lot)
about opposite this, but has no rear opening.
About this locality years ago there stood a
hostelry, which will be remembered by older
citizens as one of the more prominent stop
ing places (as was also Hares' Hotel,) for
the country folk attending market. It was
called the Iron City Hotel, and no doubt
offered yard room for the Conestoga wagon
as well as "accommodations for man and
No prominence can be given the Virgin
alley front further than that it has been
dubbed by reporters as "tin-pot" allev.
Diamond alley, now dignified in its appel
lation, has always heretofore been known
for its saloon and gambling houses. Bihl-
man's restaurant has alwavs been visited by
the best people, while Captain Gallisath
and his anniversary are not unknown. The
Brooks enactment has been fatal to Dronertv
owners on this thoroughfare.
He li Struck by a Locomotive and Instantly
. Killed.
Bertie Gittens, a 7-year-old orphan, was
Instantly killed by the Chicago express at
Jack's Bun station.on the Ft Wayne road,
yesterday. He lived with his uncle, Ed
mund Gittens, and was on h'n way to church
about 10 o'clock in the morning, and was
accompanied by his aunt. They were walk
ing along the track and did not notice the
train approaching.
The boy was struck by the engine and
thrown oside. His skull was fractured and
his arm broken. One of the bones pierced
his heart, and he died instantly.
The body, was taken home and Coroner
McDowell was notified. The parents of the
boy died about a year ago. .
Horsford'a Add Phosphate
Believes indigestion, dyspepsia,' etc
Viovrs of a Member of the Denomination on
tho Conference of tho North and
-South Committees The Attl
tndo of the South.
New York, January 6. The conference
between the Northern and Southern com
mittees of the General Assemblies of the
Presbyterian Church was closed on Monday,
and there's a strong interest among the Pres
byterians to learn what results were accom
plished at this important, conference. Some
good points were learned to-day from a well
known Presbyterian, who was unwilling,
however, to'allow the use of his name. He
believed that the majority of Sonthern
Presbyterians were warmly in favor of an
organic union. The negro question was, of
course, a serious obstacle. He added:
But the case in the committee was this: Tbe
machinery of the Southern Church was in the
hands of those who opposed an organic union.
The Southern committee was opposed to union
because it was-organized to oppose union, and
its directions practically forbade union. But
great points were gamea oy co-operation, r na
tion is gieatly enhanced by the starting of now
church enterprises, rival or competitive in
some degree, m the growing towns of the South
and Southwest. Tbe lack of financial means in
tbe South for aggressive mission work is a
well-known fact Ihe strength of the North
ern Church, with nearly 80d,000 for home mis
sion work, enables it to respond to the calls
made upon it from this section to enter fields
which the Southern Church must necessarily
The social intercourse between the Assem
blies and committees will necessarily disarm
prejudice. Such meetings as that-between the
two General Assemblies at FbiladelDbia
last Mav. and of tbe committees here.
together with tho social reception by the
Presbyterian Union, have been wisely
followed by an adjournment to meet in
the capital city of the New South At
lanta. A meeting thero will result in mingling
Northern and Southern people together. All
these are steps in the right direction. The day
of argument has been in progress since the
close of the war. Manyof the old Southern
leaders have passed away, and those who re
main are becoming more liberal. The young
men do not inherit the bitterness and feeling
of exclusion. It Is not a principle, only a feel
ing, that prevents a union, and hence, when
these old leaders die, those social feelings
which are kindled, and those bonds which are
formed, will be strong and lasting.
Better Than a Closing Sale
Are theprices of Hugus & Hacke all the
time. We have no antiquated or shop-worn
foods, which of necessity must be sold at
alf price, regardless of cost, etc., etc. All
our stock ii late fall importations, therefore
what you purchase of us at our cleaning-up
prices yon have the satisfaction of knowing
are the latest and best in the market
In dress goods we have checked suitings
at 12c per yard; at 25c, checked, striped
and plain suitings; at 35c; a 42-inch striped
suiting which is a positive bargain at 50c,
an assortment unsurpassed for variety and
value: at 75c. 54-inch cloths and 44-inch
, check suitings all cut from higher prices.
All-wool Henriettas irom oicper yarn
upward. A drap d'ete at ?1 50, which for
merly sold for 52 50 per yard.
Combination robes at prices that must
command a quick sale.
Black goods, staple and fancy weaves,
from best manufacturers, at bottom priees.
Mohair siciliennes, the latest fabrics for a
black costume, all qualities, from 50oto
jl 60 per yard.
See our bargains this week in odd lengths
of striped surahs, Indias, striped and fancy
velvets, at 35c per yard. This lot includes
many goods that formerly sold from ?2 to 54
per yard none were less than $1 per yard.
Something new a ribbon-striped Pongee
silk, 24-inch, at SI per yard.
New novelties in black and white striped
silk for skirts or combination.
Costume plushes and velvets, all shades
and prices. A special bargain in 22-inch
pure silk Lyons velvets at ?3 75, were for
merly ?5 per yard. t ,
Jackets, long and short wraps, Newmar
kets, etc., at greatly reduced prices. For a
bargain, see our $20 plush wrap, the best
value ever offered. Although seal garments
will be Trery much higher neit winter, ad
hering to our established rule not to carry
stock to another season, we have pnt prices
oh our remaining garments that must close
them out. All lengths in seal jackets, 22,
24 and 26 inch, from 875 to 8125 each. Plain
eal wraps, were $200, now $100 and $123
cacn. jjynx-tnmmea seal wraps ana man
tles all reduced to close.
Htjgus & Hacke,
' Fifth avenue and Market street,
MWTSu Pittsburg, Pa.
The Bent is Cheapest.
Especially is this true in regard to "Rosa
lia," a flour manufactured by Whitmyre &
Co., Thirtv-eighth street and Allegheny
Valley Bailroad.
Closing Ont
An extra bargain in gent's grain tap sole
waterproof bajs, worth $3, at only $2 per pair,
atG. D. Simen's, 78 Ohio street, Allegheny.
Tiie Best People
Patronize the "Elite" Gallery, 516 Mar
ket street, when they want fine and stylish
photographs and no fancy prices; children
always welcome; cabinets, $1 per doz. Come
early; use elevator.
'Absolutely Pure?
This powder never varies. A marvel of pur
ity, strength and wholesomeness. More eco
nomical than the ordinary kin ds, and cannot
be sold In competition with the multitude of
ow est, short weight, alum or phosphate pow
ders. Sold only in cam. ROYAL MAKING
POWDER CO.. 106 Wall St. N. Y.
.... llnnnnM Vl,i1 .. .1 FT... !.., .1 f
Magic Lanterns, Microscopes, Barometers,
Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses.
KOIINBLUM, Optician,
delO-MTWTTSuwk No. 37 Fifth ave.
D. R. SPEER & CO., '
We cannot particularize everything, lint have selected the f ollowinc list as samples of bar
'pains to be found In every department. No exceptions have been made. Everytnin?, stock,
lock and barrel, must go, and that at exceedingly tempting prices.
150 pieces Hamburg Cream Table Linens, in lovely designs. They're 66 inches wide, very
heavyj and only 60o a yard. You'll find it hard work to match these at 65c.
Tfen the five cases of very pretty yard wide heavy Country Flannels, all thoroughly scoured,
that we bffer at 28c are just 10c cheaper than you can buy them for anywhere.
It seems ridiculous to offer 24-inch Plushes, all shades, at 75c but that's jnst what we're do
ing. They'd Be cheap enough at SI 25. And these 10 cases Beautiful Ginghams that came in the
other day we'll sell for 5c a yard.
. AVe'vo got about 2,000 importers' Lace Curtain samples. They're lust the very thing for lam
brequins, toilet tables, etc., and wlUbe sold at from 10c to 50c each. In no case are they worth
less than double. Some are really worth four times as much as we ask for them.
Come and See TJs This Week We'll Mak;e It Interesting and Profitable.
151 and 153 FEDERAL
7, 1889.
Sneezing Catarrh.
ThedistressinR sneeze, sneeze, sneeze, the
acrid, watery discharges from the eyes and
nose, the painful inflammation extending to
the throat, the swelling of the mucous lining,
causing choking sensations, cough, ringing
noises in the head and splitting headaches
how familiar these symptoms are to thousands
who suffer periodically from head colds or in
fluenza, and who live in ignorance of 'the fact
that a single application of.SAHFOBD'S Radi
cal Cube fob Cataebu will afford inttan
taneous relief.
But this treatment in cases of simple Catarrh
gives but a faint idea of what this temedy will
do in tbe chronic forms, where the breathing
is obstructed by choking, putrid mucous ac
cumulations, the hearing affected, smell and
taste gone, throat ulcerated and hacking cough
gradually fastening itself upon the debilitated
system. Then it is that the marvellous curative
power of Sanfokd's Radical Cure mani
fests itself in instantaneous andgratef ul relief
Cure begins from the first application. It is
rapid, radical, permanent, economical, safe.
Sanfobd'3 Radical Cube consists of one
bottle of tho Radical Cube, one box CA
halee; price, SL
Potter Dbuo and Chehical Co., Boston,
sides, kiuney and uterine pains, and
all pain, inflammation, and weak
ness rcllered In onifmlnato by tbe
Cutlcum Anti-Pain Piaster. The first and
only pain subduing Dlaster. New, original, in
stantaneous, never failing. Vastly superior to
all other plasters and remedies for the relief of
pain Atalldruggists,25cents;flvefor$l 00; or,
postage free, of FottebDbuo and Chemical
Co., Boston, Mass. 3JF
"I wish to give my testimony as to what the
physicians of tlie Catarrh and Dyspepsia Insti
tute, at No. 22 Ninth street, have done for me.
I have been afflicted with catarrh for several
years. The symptoms that alarmed me most
were, almost a continual hawking and spitting,
headache, sore throat, tenderness across the
lungs, with pain under my shoulder blades, a
tired, worn out feeling, belching of gas from
my stomach, and a full, distressed I eeUng after
eating. The above symptoms have entirely
disappeared by the use of their vegetable
"John H. Rahenkamp. SO Locust st."
They treat catarrh, rheumatism, dyspepsia,
bronchitis, asthma, ulcers, seminal weakness,
salt rheum, kidney, blood, liver and female
Office hours, 10 A. M. to i p. if., and 6 to 8 p.
jr. Sundays, 12 to 4 p. M. Consultation free.
Treatment by correspondence. de21-arwF
Real Values Annihilated !
Slaughter Without Mercy!
Overcoats, SuitSjPantaloonSjBoys'
and Children's Clothing, Men's and
Boys' Hats and Furnishings, Ladies'
Cloaks, Wraps, etc., have been
slashed and cut in prices. All winter
goods must be sold, no matter what
the loss.
Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers,
Corner Diamond and SmiMeli Streets.
$8 oo Day.
$8 oo Day.
$8 oo Day.
The meaning is that' we be
gin the New Year with ex
ceptional and unusual value
in Clothing.
The specialty is Best
Trousers we ever made for
the money, and made to your
measure. The regular $12
and $14 quality, 25 to 33
per cent less than former
1 here snouid be a reason
for such a low price for such
Here it is Had we bought
only enough cloth to make
500 pairs you would have
paid us $12 and $14. The
facts'are we bought enough
to make 5,000 pairs and you
get them at $8.
You have our word for it,
the cloth is the best that it is
possible to manufacture.
Keep it in mind the best
goods possible to manufacture,
and made to "your measure at
$8 00.
Large dividends in our
Ready-Made, Last year's
prosperity stimulates to a
greater trade for '89. Low
prices and reliable goods are
our only weapons. x
& Brown,
Sixth street and Fenn avenue.
k m i
ft True toils of
To compare KAUFMANNS' with other clothiers, when liber
ality is the subject, would be like placing a tallow candle along
side of the brilliant electric light Comparison is simply out
of the question. Indeed, if liberality is a virtue, then KAUF
MANNS' are possesed of this virtue to the highest degree. To
say that for every cent given away by others, KAUFMANNS'
give a dollar, would be a fair estimate. This is true, and don't
you be misled by noisy actions of certain clothiers. They may
shout a hundred times louder than KAUFMANNS', but the
latter will give you a hundred times more than the shouters.
Take KAUFMANNS' present
For instance. This matchless sale, as its name implies, means
nothing more or less than the presentation to each customer of
33 1-3 per cent of the amount cf his purchase. Who can cite
a parallel to this striking liberality ? Who can name another
house that actuallygives away one-third of its sales ? Who can
point out another concern that has ever had the pluck and
nerve to go through its stock and mark down every garment a
full 33 1-3 per cent ?
And Kauinanns' Only !
And, remember, you needn't first consult the stars to find out
which is your lucky day. There is no doubt or uncertainty
about your being the " lucky one " when you buy from us.
Come at any time to-day you please and you are sure to get
1-3 off on Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats,
1-3 off on Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks. .
1-3 off on Men's, Women's and Children's- Shoes,
1-3 off on Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps.
1-3 off on Men's and Boys' Shirts'and Underwear.
1-3 off on Men's, Women's and Children's Hosiery.
1-3 off on Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs and Mufflers.
1-3 off on Neckwear, Gloves, Silk Umbrellas and Canes,
1-3 off on Trunks, Valises, Satchels, Pockelbooks, Card
Cases. Etc.
1-3 off on Foot Muffs, Carriage Robes and Blankets of
every kind.
We haven't forgotten a
single Garment in our big
MABK-BOWN, and the re
dttced price is written plainly f
on each ticket. jj
Fifth Avenue and Smithfield Street.
Manufacturers of unfailing spe
cifics for Catarrh, Rheumatism,
Djspepsiaand the kidneys, superior
'Liver Pills. Liniment, Sarsaparllla,
Beef, Wine and Iron, etc.
J. L. Irwin, Letter Carrier, Pitts
burp, says: Tua Anchor Rheu
matic Remedy cured me of a dis
tressing case of rheumatism which other treat
ment failed to benefit.
George Guttendge, with J. J. Gillespie & Co.,
Wood street, 'says: The Anchor Rheumatic
Remedy was worth its weight in gold to me,
baring cured me of a hopeless case of rheuma
tism which professional skill had failed even to
We have no hesitation In asserting that onr
Rheumatic Remedy and Liniment will cure any
case of rheumatism. Complete treatment on
application by mall or in person for SL
Offers anything in his mam
moth stock at one-half its
value for 30 days, to reduce
stock and make room for
goods. Come, it will pay.
ICCIPU 923dhd925 m
ixCE-On, Penn TA venue. M
3STea,n? lETi :n
Biropen Every Saturday Till 10
I ,'
1 It !
real stone,
threo colors.
children and
: adults.
i For $1.73 or
S2.CO a good
Apply for Descriptive Catalogue, sent post-free, to
810 Broadway, Z7ew York.
. - fclfci. Steee-b.
P. M. -
AT. J&. )