,JHBHHHHHHHflPQHHH THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH, MONDAY, JANUARY 7, .1889. 7- TBADE GLEANINGS. Dealers in Hides and Calf Skins Ee solre on Lower Scale OF PRICES ON AND AFTER MONDAY. Calf Skins Touch the lowest Price Since Before the War. A DKOP IN HOGS AT EAST LIBERTI Officz of the Pittsbukg Dispatch, ) Satckday, January 5, 1889. The market for hides has shown a dorn ward drift for a month or two past. Iu the early part of D.ecember, light hides were reduced lc per pound, and now heavy hides hare been fixed to follow suit. A drop in heavy hides of lc, and calf skins of c per pound was agreed upon 1t the leading tanners of Allegheny this week, the reduction to go into effect Monday, January 7. Prices arc now fully lc lower all around than at this time last year when it was thought bottom had been reached. Said a leading dealer in hides: "The demand was very poor all through last month, and there is, thus far in the new year no nnticeahlo improvement. Tanners have been stocking upat present low prices, and are generally provided with stock a month to six weeks ahead of needs. This tends to depress markets. o have had similar spells before, and feel con fident that the depression will work its own cure, when tanners once get stock worked up, which cannot be longer than a month hence. In the 15 years I have been in the business I . havi nrvpr known hides as lowas tbey are now. Old timers sav that hides have not been as low since before tbe war as they are now. There can hardly fail to be an improvement in prices and oemand in the next few weeks. The sitna tion is now at its worst. Things can't stay long at the worst, and as we leel that our trade is at its worst, are confident of an improvement bet een now and February. CALFSKIXS CHEAI". Raw calf-skins, according to the testimony of dealers, have no been as low in the memory of the oldest inhabitant as now. ot more than a dozen years ago the price was 15c per pound. Year by year prices have been drooping until, as will be seen by quota tions below. 5c is now the figure. The reason for this decline is thus given by a dealer: "By improved machinery tanners are now enabled to tplit cow hides into three pieces, two of which are finished up so as to make as good an appearance as the average calfskin. "The growth of this split-leather trade has worked against the demand for calfskins, and brought prices of the latter down to these pres ent low figures." Following are the prices of hides and calf skins to go into effect on Monday, January', as furnished by John H. Stratman tCo., 416 Liberty street: Green steer hides, trimmed, 75 lbs and up, Tc . Green steer hides, trimmed, 60 lbs to 75 lbs, 7c $lb. Green stecrbides, trimmed, under60 lbs, 5c 4 lb. Green row hide, trimmed, all weights, Sc ( lb. Green hull hides, trimmed, all weights, 4c "f lb. tireen steer hides, with one or more grubs, l"c "$ lb less. ,rcen cow hides, with one or more grubs, lKc ? lb less. Green bull hides, with one or more grubs, J-'c Tj blcs. Green calf skins, 9 to 15 lbs. Sc ? 2. Green calf skins, under 9 lbs, 40c apiece. No. 1 hog skins, 25c apiece. I o. 2 hog skins, 15c apiece. HOGS. At Chicago to-day hogs have advanced strong 10c and markets are reported firm at the ad vance. At East Liberty receipts have been large and prices are off about 20c from the mid dle of the week. Rates here are fully 15c be low Chicago rates to-day. The average weight of hogs received at Chi cago for December was 262 pounds For the same month of 1SS7 the average was 235. an in crease of 27 pounds, which dealers consider im mense. In ordinary seasons heavy hogs bring from 25 ,to SOc per pound more than light hogs. This year they are about 10c lower. Heavy weights are too plenty, light weights not up to demand. TBE IVOHIt OF A WEEK. A Review of Business Hatters Shows Every thing la in the Swim No Ballooning in ruixliurg A Determination a All Sides to Break Ln.1 Yenr's Splendid Record An Encouraging Frospect Abend. A review of the week's operations in local business circles discloses several interesting features. The feeling in nil directions was J hopeful, if not buoyant Trade, almost without exception, showed a gain over the corresponding period of last year. There were no breakers ahead so far as could be discovered. Everything was resting on a substantial basis. There was very little ballooning. Money was working easily, accommodations being readily obtained on ac cepted collateral, iron men had reason to ex pect a turn of the tidein their favor. Coal and coke were being placed on a better basis. Stocks were in demand with a large aggregate of transactions. There were several notable advances. Oil was unsettled under bearish in fluence, nd the result of the week's efforts was to leave prices fractionally lower. Ihe cost of the buildings for which permits were granted will aggregate about S15.000. Real estate, especially building sites, found many applicants, and a large number of sales were effected. STOCKS GALMXG GROUND. The Market Active nnd Prices Firm More Buyer Than Seller. Stockf exhibited a waywardness Saturday that confused buyers and sellers alike. Phila delphia Gas, as usual of late, received the lion's share of attention, and moved up and down with a celerity that would have done credit to an acrobat. The variations, however, were bo small as to cause no particular alarm to either side of the market Chartiers Val ley made a substantial gain over the preceding day. All the gas shares were active and gen erally Ann. Wcstingbouse Electric recovered eome of its lost around. There was no special demand for Traction stock. The general tone of the market was Arm. The total sales aggre gated S71 shares, of which 710 were Pbiiadel-' phia Gas. There was a heavy demand for bank stocks, but the sellers wero few. Miniuc ouotatlons closed at Now York: Ama dor, 150; Belcher. 525: Best and B. S6; Bodie, 190: Caledonia, J3: Crown Point, Jfi: Consoli dated California and Virginia, 912; Deadwood, 160: Homestake, 11.50; Iron Silver, 290; Ontario. 3250; Opliir. 675; Plymouth. 58. ice total sales ot stocks at New York yester day were 70,321 6hares. including Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 2,1 (X): Sfissourl Pa cific. 4.175: Northwestern, 2,950: New Jcrsev Central, 3.610; Northern Pacific preferred, 1120; Oregon Transcontinental, 2,2U0; Heading 12,000; Richmond and West Point, 2,150: Sti Paul. 8.M0; UnionPacific, 3,140. THE NIMBLE SHILLING. Banking Operations Show on Increaae Over Sme Time Lmt Yenr. Business at the banks for the first weeTc of the new year shows a material increase over that for the same time in 1858, with a still better prospect Easiness in nearly all lines is so active and so indicative of expansion that an unusual demand for money is expected in the near future, sufficient, it is thought, to absorb the largeamonntof funds that has accumulated within tbe past few weeks. Bankers have been too busy since tho begin ning of the year, cutting coupons, collecting dividends and straightening uoaccounts. to pay close attention to strictly legitimate business, but nevertheless thev all concur in the state ment that the financial situation is peculiarly gratifying. While there was no special movement in monetary circles yesterdav. business was far removed from the ttip Van Vwnkle state. Large amounts of cash were taken in over the counters and considerablepaid out the former being 'in a large majority." Rates were un changed. There was a better demand for ex change, but not enough to disturb tbe equi librium with currency. Analysis of the Clearing House business for the week (four days) shows the following re sults: . Exchange. Balances. Wcdncsdjy t 2.864,1:1 20 476.243 88 Thursday. 2.40.7!Sltt 343,853 7;; Fridav 1412.534 55. 4ns,M8 85 buturday 2.1H.6M4: 9137,683 09 , Totals forth week..?I.H2.C89 34 1,95318 73 txchanges, daliyaverage 2,440,417 87 For the same week last year the exchanges w ere 11,369,212 19 and the balances $1,534,021 63. At New York money on call was easy at 24 per cent It was offered at 3 at the close. Ster ling exchange was active and Steady at 484K for 60-day bills, and 4S8V for demand. Prime mercantile paper ruled at 87. Government and. btate bonds were dulL lilBMWtllMtlWtllllllWlilllllriLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII laKKKIKBKtmBKrYfrniWmTiiimitMlwtimfll mJISI JasaCTWBfBVIElraH S!o3aViMBEWiTBgf WsWwyigsfilBtggSi'TSTsiMTMl- MMm&&!& BijBm-wb.wsl The weekly statement of the New York banks is as follows: Reserve. Increase f 1,051, 750 Loans. Increase 3,538,200 Specie, Increase SU,fl Legal tenders. Increase .. 2,691,000 Deposits. Increase 8,601,800 .Circulation, decrease 11,800 The banks now hold 57,272,495 in excess of the 25 per cent rule. Boston Clearings today. $14,230,370; bal ances, $1,702,155. Money, 5 per cent. Baltimore Clearings to-day, $2,330,478; balances, 315,810. PmLADEtrniA Clearings to-day, $13,470,520; balances. $1,735,839. St.- Louis Bank clearings to-day, $3,488,650; balances, $548,009. New York Clearings to-day, $128,496,313; balances, $6,287,282. For the week, $702,790,118; balances, $38,490,126. SHORT AND SWEET. Twenty Minnies of Good Trading In Oil, Closing Dull and Lower. Tbe bulk of the business at the Oil Exchange yesterday was transacted in the first 20 min utes. There was considerable excitement at the opening, attended with free buying. This stiffened the market and prices moved up a point, to SOU. Trading then relapsed into a state of dullness, which lasted until the close, which was i4 below the opening. The market closed weak and uncertain as to the future, owing to the impossibility of fathoming the de signs of the Standard. That it is engaged ins deal of some kind no one doubts. Pivotal prices ranged: Opening, 86; highest, S6K: lowesr. 56; closing, S6Jjf. Field news was a little mere encouraging. Brokers almost without exception concur in the opinion that there will be little or no improvement so long as prices remain on the existing basis. Ninety cantor dollar oil would interest outsiders and quicken trade. A. B. McUrew quotes puts, S5Ji to 85: calls, 8 Ine following table, corrected by De 'Witt nil worth, broker in petroleum, etc. corner Fifth avenue and Wood street, Pittsburg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc: Time Bid. Ask.l Time. Bid. I Ask. Opened 10:15 a. M-... 10:30 A. 31.... 10:45 A.M.... 11:00 A. M.... S6 Sslesill:15 r. M bS I MS1 11:30 P. M.. Hi stSslll:45r. m.. 8611 64 lzan 86, eiih Closed 864; SB1 sc4 86? st.u Opened. 86c: closed, Wju highest, S6Hc: lowest, ssc; Barrels. .. -15.716 .. 44,250 .. 00.156 .. 65,633 -. 61.904 41,216 ..1,42,010 Drlrr runs Average runs Dally shlnments Average shipments Dailv charters Average charters Clearances Sevt York dosed at 86c Oil City closed at 86c. Bradiord closed a! M'sc ew Yorx. mined. Jc London, rennet. 6 13-lSd. Antwerp, refined. MHt WASHINGTON OIL NEWS. An Experiment in Drilling A Big Purchase Officer Elected. 'SrECIAL TEIXGBAX TO THE DISFATCH.1 Washington, Pa., January 6. An expert ment of great interest to oil men is about to be tried in the Taylorstown held. Contractor Yorkc, who has the contract for sinking Thompson No. 4, is making arrangements to test a wire cable for drilling. lie is using a five-eighths-inch wire rope as a sand line,and it has given perfect satisfaction. The price of the common hemp cable now in use recently advanced 2 cents a pound, making it cost 15 cents, and the cost of a 2,400 foot cable, weigh ing 3,200 or 3,300 pounds thus formed a largo portion of the contractor's expense. The wire cable which Mr. Yorke is preparing to use will be one inch in diameter, and besides weigh ing less per foot than the old hemp cable, will cost only about one-fourth as much per pound. Attempts have already bee cmade to supercede the hemp cables with tbe wire ones, but for some reason they have never come into use. Pat Galligan. the well-known contractor, says that he helped drill a well on Oil creek with a wire cable 22 years since, und that it worked very nicely, but did not harmonize with the imperfect machinery of those days. About 14 years since, at St. Joseph, Butler county, an at tempt was made to pump the Weiser well with a wire cable in lieu of sucker rods, but it was a failure, as the outside strands wonld soon wear out and the pieces which dropped down inter fered with the valves. Joe Craig has made another big purchase in the Taylorstown field, paying $15,Cu0for the interest of Pat Biggins in the White farm. Mr. Biggins owned a three-sixteenths interest in tbe Shamrock and one-eighth in the Allegheny Oil Company, which together control 98 acres of tiio White farm, and they now have three weus. ro. iismaKingiJoana.ao.z uuoarreis a day. N'o. 3 is just being completed and shows good for probably 150 barrels a day. Its coming in this way makes quite a lot of the surrounding territory which was apparently condemned by the dry holes drilled by Caldwell & Co., on the W. B. and S. J. Crothers farms, look quito good again. The Elyria Oil Company's Weirich well should be in shortly and give some Indica tion as to how far south the pool extends. Quite a serious mischance happened at the Buffalo Oil Company's William Knox No. 6 a day or two since. An attempt was made to shoot' the well with 20 quarts, but it was not known whether the glycerine exploded or not. The next day the tools were run and coming in contact with the glycerine exploded it, shatter ing the tools and probably plugging the hole. The following officers of the Well Drillers' Union, of this place, were elected last night: President, Daniel Bell; First Vice President. William Grcen:Second Oice President, George Swingle; Recording Secretary, James Callinan; Financial Secretary, Frank Coulter; Delegate to General Assembly, Frank B. Snyder. Buffalo Oil Company's Knox No. 4 has been drilled through the sand, and is small. It is good for only 40 to CO barrels a day. LEASED BI THE STANDARD. The Great Grab.All Gelling Aggressive In tlio Vicinity of Bcllaire. , 16PECIAL TELECRAM TO TBI DISrATCH.l Bellaihe, January 6. Representatives of the Standard Oil Company have leased most all the farm land west of this city at $1 an acre. This company has hela leases fn this county for over three years, but not until the indica tions were favorable for oil at Glencoe did it become aggressive. There is lots of oil at tbe latter place, but the owners have keptthe wellnluggea and guarded since the find, and no definite particulars can bo obtained. Other Oil markets. Oil City. January a-Opened,S6c: highest, S6Kc; lowest, 85c; closed, 860. BRADFORD. January 5. Opened, 86c; high est, 6c: lowest, 85c: closed, bGc Titcsyille, Januarv 5. Opened, 86c; highest, 86ci lowest, Sc; closed, 86c New York, January 5. Petroleum opened steady at 86!4c, and after a slight decline in the early trading rallied and closed strong at 66c. Total sales, 854,000 barrels. M0YING UPWARD. Stocks Without Speclnl Feature but Close a Trifle Hither. NEW YOEK, January 5. The stock market was not so dull as it. has been on some previous Saturdays to-day, but it was as devoid of feat ure as possible, and tbe result of the day's transactions is to leave almost everything but Bhghtly changed. There was very little doing on the part of tbe commission people and out siders, and except for Jersey Central and New England the movements in the list were en tirely unworthy of notice. Tho Grangers, on account of the settlement of tho strike on 'the Burlington, were rather better supported, but tbey moved within the narrowest limit. Tbe supporters of Jersey Central seemed to have exhausted themselves in the effort to get It to par and It slowly fell back to 9butre' covered a small fraction before the close. The temper of the room was bullish, but the only stock making any movement of importance in the upward direction was New England, and although tbe sales made were said to be for Boston account, there was a good demind for the stock, and it scored a gain of nearly a point, but lost a portion later. The advances are in a small majority this evening, but are confined to fractions. Railroad bonds were quiet but firm to strong throughout, and final figures show marked gains in some instances. The sales were S677.000. PE0PEETI ON THE JUMP. Real Eslnto Transfers Make a Good Show Ine The Sale Increasing. Three of the principal real estate dealers on Fourth avenue when buttonholed for news yes terday got off by saying: "We have something big on the string, but it is not in shape to make public." It is understood that one of the "big things" refers to the sale of a business house on Penn avenue and another to a dicker of the same sort in Allegheny. There are plenty of applicants mostly for residence properties but tbey hesitate at the prices. As there is no prospect of a tumble they would probably make money by investing at once. The trans lers consummated are noted below: Allesi Bailey sold a business property on Fifth avenue, two squares from Court House, for $7,000. The name of the purchaser is with held. Reed RCoyle 4 Co. sold 24 lots in the B. M. Kennedy rolan. Eomewood station. Pennsvlva. Jnia Railroad; price 910,000. The boom at that place is caused by the electric road. They also closed a mortgage on MeKeesport property for $1,500, three years, at 6 per cent, and one on Cnraopolis property for $1,200, three years, at 6310. Ewing fc Bycrs placed a mortgage of $1,700 on property in the Second ward. Allegheny, for three years, at 8; also placed a mortgage of $1,300 on West Bellcvue property at 6 per cent. W. 3. C. Floyd sole! to James Mullen one lot for $300: to Thomas Murro, one lot for $450; to John Small, one lot for $500; to John Fagin, two lots for $150; Lewis Edwards, two lots for $400; to James Gallagher, one lot for $300; to. Hen Eicheuberg, one lot for $425; to Alex. GiBson, one lot for $450; also, five others at similar prices. All these sales were effected the past w eek, several ot them yesterday. Samuel J. Flemintr, 147 Fourth avenue, sold to Oswald Werner, 36x120 feet, Forbes street, Bellefleld, foi J. O. Petty, for $2,525, being a fraction over $70 per foot front. John F. Baxter sold to Jacob Schumacher, lot No. 48, Bank of Commerce addition ex tended. Brushton station, frontage o 60 feet on Baxter street bv 250, for SS00. Black & Baird, ft Fourth avenue, sold to John H. Armstrong a lot on Perrv street. Eleventh ward, city, 20x112 feet, for $800; also to William J.'Willlams a lot on Hamilton street. Twenty seventh ward. 20 by about 50 feet, for 3125. EGYPTIAN MONUMENTS. Steps Taken to Protect the Old Tombs and Monuments. Cairo Letter to New York Mall. The Egyptian Government has at last taken steps to preserve the monuments from the further detacement of the tonrist and the destruction of time. A law went into effect two weeks ago obliging all who wish to visit the temples, tombs and other antiq uities on the Nile to carry a ticket which costs $5. It is estimated that this admission fee will yield an annual revenue of 510,000. Every lover of art and history will be glad, to hear that the sum is' wisely used to pro tect an architecture which has been left utterly unprotected for centuries. The learned and the unlearned alike have made tree with ancient inscriptions and sculpture. Lepsius enriched German museums by chiseling out royal cartouches from the tombs of the Kings at Thebes, and the Egyptian peasant chips off without restric tion any portion of sculptured figures that may realize a small reward from the seeker of relics. No land has been so generous with her monuments as Epypt, from the obelisk, which the late Mr "W. H. Vanderbilt re moved from Alexandria to the Central Park, New York, down to the valuable cruciform inscriptions discovered last winter at Tel-el-Amarna; but Egypt cannot afford to allow the work ot hacking and destruction to con tinue upon her great monuments which will never be removed. The only illustra tion of an attempt to preserve from decay which I have seen was at Phils. A large slab of the pediment of Pharaoh's Bed, which was cracked and about to fall, threat ening the disfigurement of the entire beau tiful structure, has been frapped by a band of iron and held in place. The inscription indicates the parties who did it: "2d Com p. B. E., 1887." PRESIDENT GREEN TALKS On the Suit Brought Against the Western Union by tho Attorney General. Philadelphia, January 6. The Phil adelphia managers of the Western Union Telegraph Company were served with writs of quo warranto yesterday commanding them to appear at Harrisburg on the 29th instant to explain why their property in Pennsylvania should not be forfeited to the State because of the alleged violation oi the Constitution and tbe laws in the purchase by their coamany of the Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Company, a competing line. Dr. Norvin Green, the President of the "Western Union, in speaking. about the suit, said: There is no good ground for the suit, and we are not at all disturbed by it. Just who the parties that havo instituted the suit are I do not know, as I have not seen the papers. At tbe time of the purchase of the Baltimore and Ohio property by us we Ruarded against the very points that are raised by this suit. Under the United States law of 1SS6 all telegraph com panies wero given the right to operate tbelr lines in an states, ana even n mere is a renn sylvania State law, as is alleged, it would have no effect in the face of the United States law. The United States Supreme Court has decided over and over again that telegraph business is Interstate commerce, and cannot be inter fered with by State action or statute. There is no consolidation of tho Western Union and tbe Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Companies. The latter is still maintained as a separate and competing company. Then again the Western Union, when it made the pur chase, did not buy that portion that was oper ated under the Pennsylvania charter. The Baltimore and Ohio parent company was char tered under, the Maryland laws. In each one of the other States, where the company built lines separate State charters were secured, and each of these separate companies was leased by the original company. The Pennsylvania Com pany was not included in the purchase, we ex pressly refusing to purchase, as we were aware of tbe stringent State charter and did not care to enter into any controversy over it. FIGHTFORACOUMl' SEAT. Nebraska Citizens TJusiou Winchester Rifles to Protect the County Records. Elwood, Neb., January 6. The Sheriff and a posse of 75 men made a descent ou .Homerville yesterday, and in the absence of the county officials at McCook, disarmed the citizens who were guarding the court house with "Winchester rifles, and brought back a portion of the county records to El wood. On November 30 a long and bitter fight for the location of the county seat ot Gos per county culminated in" an election in which the necessary two-thirds vote for its removal from Homerville to El wood was secured. Homerville, however, refused to give up the records. The latest development of course divides the records between the two towns and broadens the chasm between their respective citizens, with excellent prospects of further hostility in the near future. THREE KILLED. Fighting Between American and Mexican Cattle Bleu in Arizona. Tucson, Abiz., January 6. Advices from Solomonville. Ariz., say James Lassi ter, foreman of the Chiracahua Cattle Com pany's jcamp on the Bonita river, a tribu tary of the Gila, has -arrived and brings news of the trouble between the company's men and some Mexican sheepmen from Apache country, which resulted in the kill ing of at least three Mexicans on Thursday. He states that the Mexicans have been grazing a flock of sheep near the company's range,' which brought on trouble, and the Mexicans on Thursday ambushed some of the company's men. It seems, however, none of the latter were killed, while it is probable all the sheepmen met their deaths. The under-sheriff and the Coroner have gone to the scene of the trouble. TWO STEAMERS COLLIDE. One Goes to the Bottom and the Chief En gineer is Drowned. Baltimore, January 6. The British steamship Montana, Captain "Williams, which sailed this morning for Lon don with an assorted cargo and 214 head of cattle, was this afternoon in collision off North Point with the North German Lloyd's steamer Main, Captain Jaegar, which was coming in from Bremen. The Montana was struck full in side and sunk in a few minutes. Chief En gineer Kobcrt M. Young was killed, but the rest of the crew was transferred to the Main.' The latter vessel was not injured. The Montana is one year old, was 320 feet long, and was valued at $300,000. The cargo was worth nearlv as much more. The latter was mostly .shipped throuch from the West,! a cousiuerauie puruuu ueiug consigned, uy Armour & Co., of Chicago. The greater portion ol the cattle were drowned. Mrs. Jacob Greenup, of Bonne Terre, Mo., thought she heard her eldest son, a man ot 27, singing a favorite song in his bedroom. She knew lie must be at work at"a saw mill, and, feeling nervous, started out to see him. As she stepped through the front door men were carrying the lifeless remains of the son Into the yard. He bad been killed by the bursting or a saw. DOMESTIC MARKETS. A Wet Saturday Dampens Produce Trade Poultry Scarce. BUTTER AND EGGS CONTINUE SLOW Improved Tone to Cereal Markets, and Ex pectations Big. GEEEN COFFEE STILL .ASCENDING Office of Pittsburg Dispatch, ? Sattjbd ay, January 5, 18S8. J Country Produce, Jobbing Prices. - Saturday is proverbially quiet in produce lines, and when the skies are weeping as to-day, the quietness is intensified. The prayers of commission merchants are in the direction of blizzards and old-fashioned winter weather. Weather so far has not been cold enough for hens to lose their grip, and eggs are dull and dropping at insido quotations. Dairy products are little better, though an improved tone to cheese is reported. Vegetable and fruit markets continue in favor of buyers. The customer with cash has little difficulty obtaining concession on quotations. There is still a market scarcity of poultry and prices in this line rule firm. Beans Navy from store, prime hand picked. $2 002 10 per bushel; medium. S2 00: Ohio And Pennsylvania do, .prime and medium, ?2 UW 2 10; Imported do. SI 902 00: Lima, 5c per ft; marrowfat, $2 752 80 per bushel. Butter Creamery, Klgin, 3335c: Ohio do, 2730c: fresh dairy packed, 2325c; country rolls, 1820c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter.3oc Beeswax 2325c per ft for choice; low grade, I6j$i8c p Cider Sand refined, S8 507 50. common, S3 50Q4 00: crab cider, S8 0C3 50 barrel; rMpr Tinefar irVS)19p 3 (rallnn. Cheese Ohio cheese, September make, 11 12c; New York, September make, 1212Kc; Limburgcr, lljf12e: domestic Sweitzer cheese, 1313c. . Dried peas $1 451 50 f? bushel; split do, 2i3lAc V Eggs 2123c 9 dozen for strictly fresh. Fruits Apples, $1 25 to SI 75 ft barrel; evap orated raspberries, 25c tt; cranberries, $800 f? barrel: $275f? bushel. Feathers Extra live ceese, 50060c; No. 1 do. 4045c; mized'lots. 3035c $1 ft. Hominy S3303 40 $ barrel. Honey New Crop, 18c; buckwheat, lS15c Potatoes Potatoes, 3o10c -H bushel; S2 50 2 75 for Southern sweets; $3 253 50 for Jer sey sweets. Poultry Live chickens, 5570o $ pair; dressed chickens. 1213c fl pound; turkeys. 13 15c live, 1618o dressed $? pound: ducks, live. 8085c pair; dressed, 16c $ pound; geese, SI 0U1 10 f) pair. Seeds Clover, choicta, 62 fts to bushel, S6 per bushel; clover, large English, 62 fts, 6 25; clover, Alsike.SS 58; clover, white, SO 00; timo thy, choice, 45 fts, $1 90: blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts, SI 00; blue grass, fancy, 14 fts, SI 20; orchard grass, 14 fts, $2 00; red top, 14 fts, SI 00; millet, 50 fts, SI 25; German millet, 50 fts, 82 00; Hungarian grass, 48 fts, 82 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fino grasses, 25c per ft. Siieli.bakks SI 601 75. Tallow Country, 45c; city rendered, 65c. Tropical Fruits Lemmons. S3 004 00 p box; Florida orances. S3 003 50 box; Jamaica oranges, fancy, S4 505 OU barrel; Malaga grapes. So 607 00 it keg: bananas, 82 00 firsts, SI 250)1 60; good seconds W bunch; cocoa nuts, S4 00 hundred; pineapples, S10 0018 00 hundred; new figs, 1214c ! pound; dates, 5K6$c 13 pound. Vegetables Celery, 1030c W bunch; cab bages, S3 O05 00 ft 100: onions, 50c V bushel:. Spanish onions, SI 00Q1 25 $ crate; turnips, 30 40c 1 bushel. Groceries. Green coffee has advanced another K in New York, making a c rise in two days. Higher priced package coffee is almost among the certainties at an early day. Gkeen Coffee Fancv Rio, 20Ji21Kcr choice Rio, 19g20c; prime Rio, 19c; fair Rio, lStSJic: old Government Java, 26Kc; Jlara caibo, 21K22Kc: Mocha. 3031c; Santos, 18f 22c: Caracas cotfee. 1921c; peaberry, Rio. 20 Bi!iJ4c; Jaguayra, zutariic Roasted (in papersj-i&tandard brands, 22c: high grades, 23K2fic; old Government Java, bulk. S0J431Kc;Xlaracaibo. 25K26Kc: Santos. 21022c; peaberry, 25Kc; choice Rio, ZiKc; prime Rio. 21c; good Rio, 20Kc: ordinary, 19c. Spices (whole) Cl.ives, 212oc; allspice, tfc; cassia, 89c; pepper, 19c: nutmeg, 7080c. Petboleusi (jobbers' uricesl 110test. TV.a Ohio, 120 SJic; headlight, 160, 9c; water white iuc giooe, 12c; eizune, ioc; caraaoine, lijic; royaline, 14c BTBUPS Corn syrups, 2325c: choice sugar syrup, S538c; prima sugar syrup, 3033c: strictly prime, 3335c. N. O. MoLASSES-Fancy. old. 48c; choice, 45c; mixed. 4042c; new crop, 4350c. Soda Bi-carb in Kegs, 3i4c: bi-carb in , 5c: bi-carb, assorted packages, oJ6c; salsoda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c. Candles Star, full weight, 9c; stearine, per set, 8Kc; parafiine, HK12c RlOE-Head, Carolina, 77Kc: choice, 6 7c; prime. &Kfc; Louisiana, 6SGte. Btabch Pearf, 2Jc; cornstarch, 67c: gloss starch. 57c Foreign Fruits Layer raisins, S3 65; Lon don layers, $3 10; California London layers $2 SO; Muscatels, $2 25; California Muscatels, S2 35; Valencia, new, 6?i7c; Ondara Velencia. V47HC sultana, TJic; currents, new, 4J oc; lurfcey prunes, new, 44Jic; French prunes, S13c; Salonica pruues. In 2-ft pack ages, BKc: cocoanuts, per 100, fX 00: almonds, Lan., per fi, 20c; do Ivica, 19c; do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12U15c: Sicily filberts. 12c; Smyrna figs, 1216c; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, llgloc: citron, per ft, 2122c; lemon peel per ft, 18lc: Orango peel, 12Kc ' Dried Fruits Appfes, sliced, per ft, 8c; ap ples, evaporated, 67c; apricots, California, evaporated, 1518c;peaclies,evaporated, pared. 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, un pared. 12K13Kc: cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unpitted, 66c; raspberries, evap orated, 2424Kc; blackberries, 7K8c; huckle berries, 1012c. Sugars Cubes, 8c; powdered, 8c; granu lated, 7Jc; confectioners' A, 7Jc; standard A, 7c; EOltwhites, 6K7Kc; yellow, choice. 6V 6c; yellow, good, (?6J4c; yellow, fair, 6Mc; yellow, dark, 6c. PlCKLES-Mediums, bbls (1,200), U 75; me diums, half bbls (600), S3 00. Salt No. 1 bbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, bbl, SI 05; dairy, H bbl, SI 20; coarse crystal, fi bbl, SI 20; Higgirfs Eureka, 4 bu sack, J2 i0: Hlceiu'a Eureka, 16-14 ft pockets, IS 00. Canned Goons-Standard Peaches. $1 500 1 60; 2ds. 81 3C1 35; extra peaches. $1 8501 90; pie peaches, 00c; finest corn, SI 301 60: Hfd. Co. corn, 7590c; red cherries, 90c?l 00; lima beans, 81 10: soaked do, 85c; string do do, 75S5c: marrowfat peas, 1 101 15; soaked peas, 70 75c; pineapples, fl 401 50; Bahama do, ?2 75; damson plums, 95c; green gages, SI 25: egg plums, $2 00; California pears. $2 50; do green gages. $2 00; do egg plums, $2 00; extra white cherries, $2 90: red cherries, 2fts, 90c: raspber ries, SI 151 40: strawberries. $1 10; gooseber ries. Si 20l SO; tomatoes, 9295c; salmon, 1 ft, SI 752 10; blackberries, SOc; succotash. 2-ft cans, soaked, 90c; do green, 21ls, $1 25(31 60; corn beef. 2-ft cans, SI 75; 11-ft cans, S13 50: baked beans, $1 401 45; lobster, 1 ft 51 75Q 1 80: mackerel. 1-fi cans, broiled, Jl 50; sardines, domestic,, $4 254 50,' sardines, domestic Ks. SS 258 50; sardines, imported, is, fll 50 12 50; sardines, imported, Js, SIS 00; sardines, mustard. $4 25. Fish Extra No. 1 mess mackerel. JSO SI bbl; No. 1 do, J2022: extra No. 2 do, $24 00; large No. 3 do, Sit). Whole codfish-George's medium, c; uo large, c; Doneiess nake, Mic; do cod nsh, 7K8c; smoked halibut, 1012cfblue flsb. 8c; split herring, 56 006 60; white flsb. half bbl. 100 fts, 57 50: lake herring, new, 100 fts, S3 25; Portland round herring, 200 fts. $4 50; do half bbls, 100 fts S6 65: trout, ICO Its. ?o 50. Buckwheat FtonK-3W3Kc per pound. Oatjieal-SS 306 60 jff bbl. Miners' Oil No 1 winter strained, 6962c H gallon. Lard oil, 75c Groin, Flour and Feed. Receipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change we're 21 cars. By Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago, 3 cars of corn, 9 of hay. 2 of oats. 2 of middlings, lot flour, 1 of feed. By Pitts "burg, Cincinnati and St Louis, 3 cars of hay, 1 ofmillfeed. Sales on call: One car new high mixed s. corn, 35c 5 days; 2 cars y. e. corn, 39Kc, 5 aays; 1 car prairie and timothy hay, 510 To, track. Total receipts for the week were 212 cars, against 163 for last week, and 253 for the week before. The past three days show a steady decline in receipts. While it cannot be said that any active movement In cereals has set in, tho tono of markets Is healthier than a week ago and the faith of operators is strone that lively trade is not far away. WHEAT-Jobbing prices No. 2 red, II 07 1 OS; No. 3'red, 95cJl. Coen-No. 2 yellow, ear, 42c; high mixed, ear,,3940c; No. 1 yellow, shelled, SOe: high mixed, shelled, 3837c; mixed, .shelled, 3536c Oats No. 2 white, 3333Kc; extra No. 3, 31H32c; No. 3 white, 3031c; No. 2 mixed, Rye No. 1 PennsTlvania and Ohio No. 1 Western. 6053c: new rve. 55M57e. BARLET No. 1 Canada, 98cSl 00;' No. 2 Canada, 9598c; No. S Canada, 902c; No. 2 Western, S385cj No. 3 Western, 7075c; Lake Shore, 7580c FLOUB-Jobbing prices, winter patents, $8 25 66 60; spring patents, Sd 508 75; fancy straight, w'?J" 5Pd spring; t5 755 00; clear winter. 55 505 75; srrlght XXXX bakers', 15 25Q5 50. Rye flour, S3 754 00. CORNMEAL In paper, 6070c MlLLFEED MiddlWi. Ann wMta X tMfi 2100 ton; brown middlings, 17 6018 0V; JtjiS. & winter wheat bran, S15 5016 00; chop feed, S21 00S22 00. HAY Bailed timothy, choice. SIB 00Q16 50; No. 1 do, S15 5016 00; No. 2 do, S13 6014 60; loose from wagon, S23 0026 00: No. 1 upland prairie. S10 50010 75; No. 2, $9 5010 00; packing do. SJ 00. Straw Oats. S3 009 00; wheat and rye straw, S3 008 50. Pro. visions. Large hams, 18 fts and upward. He; medldm hams, 14 to 18 fts. llc; small hams, 14 fts and under, llc; picnic or California hams, 10c; boneless (in skins), 12c: sugar-cured shoulders,- 8c: bacon, OJJc: dry salt, 9Jc; breakfast bacon, 10c; rouletts, (boneless s. c shoulders), llc; regular smoked sides, 10c; bellies, smoked sides, lOc; regular dry salt sides, 94c; bellies, dry salt sides, 9c; dried beef, sets 3 pieces, lie; dried beef, fiats, 9c; dried beef, rounds. 12c: dried beef, knuckles, 12c; pork, mess, 816 50; pork, family, S17 00; pig pork, half barrels, S9 00; long sausage. 5ic Lard Tierces. 325 fts. 80 V ft; half barrels, 120 fts. 8c fl ft; tubs, wooden. 60 fts. 8Je ft; buck ets, wooden, 20 fts, 8Jc Vt ft; 3-ft tin pails. 60 fts, 9c iflfi:5-fttin pails. 60 fts, 8c? tt;10-fttin pails, 60 fts. 83f c $t ft; 20-ft tin pails, 80 fts, 8Kc; 60-fi tin pails, 100 fts, ec fl ft. Dressed Ulent. Armour fc Co. furnish the following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 fts, 5 5Kc; 600 to 650 fts, 66Jic; 700 to 750 fts, 77fcJ Sheep, 7c 3 ft. Lambs, 8c ft. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. A Break in Wheat Caused by Speculative Offerings Corn Neglected Oats Active Pork Steadier Lard Firm. Chicago There was a very fair aggregate trade in wheat to-day and the feeling was un settled. The news wasof a variable character and generally made to appear favorable to the bull side, and although prices ruled higher at the start, the speculative offerings were too heavy to sustain the market and aweak feeling set in. A prominent local operator was credited with having fed the market with wheat most of the session, and as other oper ators w,ere all loaded with long wheat the de cline brought most of this out, thus aiding in establishing the decline. The opening was some c higher than yesterday, advanced K and then declined lc, advanced c and closed Jc lower than yesterday. There was a rumor that drought in India was doing damage to the crop there, and that shipments from Russian ports were cut off by ice. Some export demand .was again reported at Baltimore. Corn was In much the same condition as on yesterday, there being but little disposition anions: local operators to trade to any extent, and the pit at times was quite deserted. Tho feeling was notably steady and fluctuations limited to c range, the market closing about the same as yesterday. In oats a good business was transacted early In the session. Offerings by several large trad ers were free and prices for -May declined c. After the urgent sellers had withdrawn there was a little offered, a few buyers came in, and prices reacted to opening figures. Ouly a fair trade was reported In mess pork, and the feeling was steadier. Little was doing outside of May contracts. Opening sales were made at 5c advance, and afurtherimprovement of 5c was gained. Later the offerings wero in creased somewhat and prices declined 1215c Toward the close the market was stronger and prices rallied 2022c, closirg comparatively steady. Trading was only moderately active in lard, and tho feeling was stoadier. Prices ruled 7 10 higher, and tbe market closed steady. Only a limited trade was reported in short ribs and the market was comparatively steady. Prices ruled? bout 7K10c higher and closed quiet. The leading futures ranced as follows: Wheat No. 2, January, 99cSl 0098K 9Sc: February. Jl 001 XMl 00K1 Ogl; lay, i uofls'i uojis i ivwais vn my, ?i4TOtsf v;(0OC. corn jno. 2 January 33K33J$33J33ic: 4c; May, 363i36 March, 34J34Ktf34Xl 36c Oats No. 2 Januarv. 1WM111& February. 25Kig25i25'2c; ilay, 27 276Z7k275c, BlESS Pork, per bbl. Jannarv, (12 8512 95 12 9512 95; February. $12 9513 05Q12 95 13 05; May, S13 2513 37&13 12K1S 35. Lard per 100 fts. January, 87 407 45 7 37KQ7 45; March. $7 47K7 507 42J7 50; May, S7 57K7 627 52j7 02. SUORT Ribs, per 100 fts. January. S6 75(3 6 806 766 80; March, $6 87K6 950 82K 6 &.; aiay, lo vnyjai uosjo wj$' is- Cash quotations were as rollows: Flour, steadv and unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, 98K9Sc: No. 3 spring wheat. 8788c; No. 2 red, 98U(393Kc. No. 2 corn. 33J4c No. 2 oats, 24c No. 2 rye, 47c No. 2 barley, 74c f. o.b. No. 1 flaxseed, Jl 62. Prime timothy seed, SI 501- 57. Messpork, per barrel, 312 9012 95. Lard, per 100 lbs. 87 45. Short ribs sides (loose). SS 80. Cry salted shoulders (boxed). 6 25 6 S7K. Short clear sides (boxed), S7 007 12. Sugars Cut loaf, unchanged. Receipts Flour. 0.000barrels:wheat. 21.000 bushels: corn. 161,000 bushels: oats. 95.000 bushels: rye, 2,000 bushels; barley, 4a,ouu Dusneis. enipments Flour, 14,000 barrels: wheat, 14,000 bushels: com. 217,000 bushels: oats. 131.000 bushels; rye. 2,000 bushels; barley, 23,000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was dull; extra creamery, 2728c; extra firsts, 2324c; extra dairy, 22624c; extra firsts, 2021c Eggs weak and lower at 1618c New York Flour Receipts. 10,458 pack ages; exports, 6,009 barrels. 3,425 sacks: gen erally steady and a shade nrmcr.moderata busi ness; sales. 11,800 barrels. Cornmeai dull and weak. Wheat-Receipts. 2,200 bushels; ex ports, none; sales, 488,000 bushels futures; 6,000 bushels spot: spot market KKc hisber, with tbe options quiet: No. 2 red, SI OIK i oi in elevator, i viM. ikk, auoat, SI 021 04 f. o. b.; No. 3 red. 96c; un graded red, Jl 02; No. 1 white, SI 0 No. 1 red, 'SI 09; No. 2 Chicago, SI 08; options dnll; early JiKc lower, advanced c closed KSiJc over yesterday; firm; No. 2 red. January, closing at SI 00; February, SI 011 02K, closing at SI 02: March, closing at SI 03; Mav, S10S&106 closing at Jl 06 June, $1 WM 0 closing at Si (KM: July, SI 01S1 01&, closing at SI 0 Rye dull, western 6660c Barlev steady, dull: No. 1, Canada. SSS9; No. 2 do, 8586c Barley malt quiet; Canada, 9ucSl 05 for old; SI 00 1 15 for new. Corn-Receipts, 338,185 bushels; exports. 146,894 bushels; sales, 963,000 bushels; futures; 190,000 bushels spot; spot market falrlv active chiefly for export, lc lower; No. 2, UVic in elevator, 4oK47o afloat: un graded mixed. SS45Kc; No. 3, 3SK39& No. 2 white, 41K15c; steamer mixed. 41Jil2c; options more active, weak, YSYtfi lower on early months; firm on late; January. 44 445jjc, closing at 44c: February, 44K4oc, closing at 45c; March, 4545c, closing at iSUc: Mav. 45!445c. closinc at 45c: June. &4. Oats Receipts, 67,000 bushels; exports, none; sales, loo.uoo Dusneis; lutures, oi.uuu bushels spot; spot market quiet, shade lower; options, dull, steady; January, SlJc; February, 32c: May, S3c: spot No. 2 white, S4K; mixed western, 8032c: white do, 3339c; No. 2 Chicago, 32c. Hops, quiet and steady Cnffee Options opened barely steady and 620 points down; closed steady 10Q20 points below yesterday; sales, 22,250 bags, including January and February, la5515.65c; March, 15.6C15.6oc; April, 15.65c; Slav, 15.65 15.80c: . Juno and July, 15.75c; August, 15.S015.85c; September. 15.9516.00c; October, 15.9oc. Spot Rio steady; fair cargoes, 17Jc. Sugar Dull: nominal. Molasses For eign nominal. Rice Quiet; strong; domestic, iJiSo. Eork easy and quiet; mess, 813 75 14 00. Cutmeats quiet: pickled bellies, 77c; pickled shoulders, 6c; middles slow; short clear, $7 85. Lard stronger and quiet; sale Western steam, 57 90: Januarv. S7 80; February, $7 767 SO, closing at S7 76; March, $7 78; April, $7 787 79, closing S7 79; May, $7 82 7 85, closing at ?7 82; June, $7 S27 85, closing at S7 82. Butter weak and dull; Western dairy, ll22c; do creamery. 17fi!29c: Elgins, 31c ... .!... ' '... ... uneese quiet; western, xoiffliijic. St. Louis Flour quiet and easy but un changed. Wheat Cash, dull at 06c In options there was a firm feeling during tbe early hours and prices gradually advanced; Chicago broke sharply and set the local crowd to selling, with a large decline as the result, closing Mav a and July c below yesterday, August, 87jb, closed at 86a nominal. Corn stronger; No, 2 miied, cash, oWe: January, 3030c; March, aic. Closing arsiMcmujiMay.iHiaMJiSiSJjgc. closing at 33K33ic asked. Oats lower; N o. 2 cash, 23Kc bid; May. 27J$27Kc; June,26c; Feb ruary, 24c bid. Rye firmer: No. 2 cash, 4S49c Barlev quiet; Iowa, 63c 'Provisions steady. Pork,tl3 50. Lard-Prime steam, 87 37K. Ury saltmeats Shoulders, 6 00; longs ana ribs, 5 75; short clear, $7 00. Bacon Boxed shoul ders, 7 00; longs and ribs. $7 657 80: short clear, $8 008 05. Hams, 510 37"12 75. Bag- pinc tending lower; IK pound, lOJc; 2 pound, 11$. Iron cotton ties, Jl 201 25. Philadelphia Flour dull. Wheat opened firm and prices of options advanced about ic, but later the advance was lost, market closing weak at about yesterday's final price?. Wheat: February. 9W97c; March, 8SM99c; April, $1 006)1 X Slay, $1 WM 0 Corn-In elevator a sliade lower for both spot and fu ture deliveries. Low grades steadily held. No. 4 mixed in grain depot, 37c; No. 3 mixed in do, 38c; steamer No. 2 mixed do, 39K; steamer No. 2 mixed in export elevator, 39c; No. 2 mixed in export elevator, 41Hc; No. 2 mixed, January, 4104lc; February, il&iVAc; March, 42!442c; April . 4343Xc; M3y, 43 43c Oats-Carlots dull; No. 3 white, 32c; No. 2 white, 31c; futures dull and unchanved.i Whenbaty was cic, we gave her Castorla When she w a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she becamo Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. J mhll-hSo-itwrAao 4t2i Butter dull and weak; Pennsylvania creamery, extra. 28c; Pennsylvania prints extra, SOc. Eggs dull and weak: Pennsylvania firsts, 20c Baltimore Wheat Western weak: No. 2 winter red. spot. 95Kc; February, 9696Hc; March, 98k38kc Corn Western quiet; mixed, spot and January. 41K41Kc; February, 41J41?c; March, 42c; steamer, spot, 38K39c. Oats dull; western white, 3233c; do mixed, 29 31c; graded No. 2 white, 33c bid. Rye quiet at 60c Coffee quiet and steady. StoWATiKEE Flour steady. Wheat, cash, 91Kcr February, 93ic: May, 97c Corn dull; No. 8, 3031c Oats steady: No. 2 white, 28 2Xc Rve easy; No. 1, 4Sc Barley firm; No. 2, 67Kc Provisions steady. ForkJ12 75. Lard, S7 40. Cheese unchanged: Cheddars, 10 10Kc Cincinnati Flour steady. Wheat firm: No. 2 red. 98c Receipts,. 1,000 bushels; ship ments, none. Corn steady; No. 2 mixed, 35 35Uc. Oats in moderate demand; No. 2 mixed, 2728c Rye dnll; No. 2, 55c Provisions quiet and stronger. Sugar steady. Cheese firm. Toledo Cloverseed steady and low;r; Feb ruary, J5 20; March, S5 25. By ToleaTaph. Sr. Louis Cattle Receipts. 500 head: ship ments, 100 head: market strong; choice heavy native steers. S4 005 25; fair to good native steers. S4 1004 90: butchers' steers, medium to choice. S3 00l 40: stockers and feeders, fair to good, $2 0002 30: rangers, corn-fed, $3 004 10: grass-fed. S2 003 15. Hogs Receipts, 2.S00 head; shipments, 1,000 head; market Higher; choice heavy and butchers' selections.SS 105 20; packing medium to prime, 85 005 10; light cradps. ordinary to best, S4 955 05. Sheep Receipts, 100 bead; shipments, none: market steady; fair to choice, $3 004 40. Chicaoo Cattle Receipts, 3,000 head: ship ments, none: market steadv; choico beeves. $4 504 80; steers. S2 904 40; stockers and feeders, IS 903 30: cows, bulls and mixed, SI 403 00: Texas cattle, S2 003 30. Hoss Re ceipts. 11.000 head: shipments, 4,000 head; market strong ana 10c higher; mixed, $5 COg 5 25: heavy, $5055 30: light, S5 005 30; skips, S3 405 00. Sheep Receipts, 1,700 head; ship ments, 800 head: market steadv: natives, S3 00 Ui 75: Western corn-red, S4 2oQ!i 7a; xexans, S2 503 50; Iambs. SI 004 90. Buffalo Cattle Common, nothing dbne; receipts, 1,000 head of throusb, 100 head sale. Sheep and lambs Receipts. 1,400 head through: 2,800 head sale, with SCO head sale held over; sheep firm; shipping, $4 004 50; lambs, west ern, 4050c: fair to good, $5 355 85; Canadas steady at $0 907 10. Hogs dnll and 1015c lower; receipts, 4,600 head of through; 15,000 head sale; mediums, S5 005 10; Yorkers and pigs, $5 15JS520. Cincinnati Hogs in fair demand and firmer; common and light, $4 405 20: packing and butchers'. S3 055 20; receipts, 8,860 head; shipments, 2,0u0 head. movements of Specie. NewYork, January 5. The exports of specie from the port of New York last week amounted to S4l4,270, of which $198,627 was in gold, and $213,643 in silver. All the gold went to South America, and all the silver went to Europe. The imports of specie last week amonnted to 62.643, of which 46,597 was in gold and S15.751 silver. Drygoods. New York", Januarv 6. The market was restricted, but relatively fair. Prices at flm hands are unchanged and under a firm tone. Jobbers experience an active local demand for wash dress fabrics, and are doing a good pack age business in plain cottons. Mctnl Markets. New York Copper quiet, unchanged. Lead easier and inactive. Tin dull and steady; Straits, $21 95. St. Louis Lead firmer; common, S3 62 corroding and chemical hard, S3 65. THE NATIONAL REMEDY, PRAISED BY ALL Bilious Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness Positively eared by LITTLE HOP PILLS, The People's Favorite Llvar Pills. They act slowly, but surely, do not gripe, and their effect is lasting; tho fact is" they have no equal. Small dose: Dig results. Sugar coated and easy to take. Send for testimonials. 25c, at all druggists, or mailed for price. Prepared by an old apothecary. Five bottles SL The HOP PILL CO., New London, CI. Hop Ointment cures, and makes chapped rough, red skin soft and cleat 25 and SOc nol-MWF OUTSPOKEN SCIENCE. i The following statement came voluntarily to the proprietors of ihe great preparation of which it speaks. They have never had the pleasure of meeting the eminent scientist who I-wrote it, but appreciate the honest candor which prompted it: TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: This may certify that as the result of extend ed researches I am able to state that, in the Duffy Malt Whiskey alone, there is to be bad such a pure article as I have described in my paper on "A Scientific Specific for Intemper ance," in the North American Review for July, 1SS8. It is, of course, a well-known fact that wo may procure, as a laboratory product, a whiskey that shall be free of fusil oil: but it is with pride that I state that alone of commer cial whiskies the Duffy Malt declines to injure the brain and tho system. WTLLARD H. MORSE. M. D., ja7 Westrleld,N.J. BUTTER, :: , BUTTER, . :::. BUTTER. EVERY POUND WARRANTED PURE Chartiers Creamery Co. Warehouse and General JOfflces 708 SMITHF1ELD STREET, Telephone 1420. Blssell Block. PITTSBUKG, PA. Factories throughout Western Pennsylvania. For prices see market quotations Wholesale exclusively. auS-sM-MWi' Insurance of Titles. Execution of Trusts. FidelilyTitle & Trust Company, Insurer of Titles, Acts as Trustee, Administra tor and Guardian; also Publisher of theOffl. cial Daily and Weekly Trial List. No. 100 DIAMOND STREET. CAPITAL, -. $500,000 Jno. B. Jackson, President. James J. DonnelL Vice President. Charles B. McVay, Secretary and Treasurer, George P. Hamilton, Trust Officer. Georze Shiras, Jr., General Counsel. Telephone 1244 Title Insurance and Bulletin Department Telephone 907. JOHN A. WILSON, Manager and Title Officer. ja8-h88-M I?BESH BUTTER ' RECEIVED DATLT BY GEO. K. STEVENSON & CO., GROCERIES AND TABLE DELICACIES, 8IXTHAVENDE. ja69-jnrr lQg Possesses many Important Advantages over H other prepared Foods. BABIES CRY FOR IT. INVALIDS RELISH IT. Makes Plump, toughing. Healthy Babies. Regulates the Stomach and Bowels. Sold by Druggists. 23c, GOc, 81.00. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO.. BOaunSTOff.VT. Baby Portraits. A Portfolio of beautiful baby portraits, printed on fine plate paper by patent photo process, sent free to Mother of nny Baby bom within a year. Every Mother wants these pictures; send at once. Give Baby's name and age. WEUS, RICHARDSON & CO., Preps., Burilngtcn, Vt, It's Easy to Dye WITH Iyss Superior IN Strength, Fastness, Beauty, . jAhd y Simplicity,, Warranted to color mora trends than n v nther dyes ever made, and to give more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond, and take no other. 36 colors ; to cents each. WELLS. RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington. Vt. For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Cents. OCZJ-JIF ARMOUR & CO. PITTSBUKG-. Dressed Beef, Mutton, Pork, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Pork Bologna And all other varieties of Sausage of the finest ?.uality, at very moderate prices, received daily rom their immense cooling rooms at Chicago. WHOLESALE ONLY. delS-58-MWF WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO.. Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLUSHES, DRESS GOGDS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, GINGHAMS, PRINTS, and OHEVTOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. WHOLESALElXCLUSlVEL'Y fe22-r83-D THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfieid St. CAPITAL. - - - - 8300,000 00. DISCOUNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Prest JAMES V. SPEER, Vice Prest sel-Ko-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. UROKEKS FINANCIAL. De WITT DIL WORTH, BROKER IN IFIETIROLiETXIiyi: Oil bought and sold on margin. de27-21-ssu WHITNEY & STEPHEM, 67 FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS' CREDITS TTrROUQH MESSRS. DREXEL. MORGAN & CO NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. an2S-x78 KAILUOADS. pENNSILYAlUA COMPANY'S LI.NES- X uccemoer 24. 1583, Central Standard Time. TKAIS DEPART As follow? from Union Station: for Chicago. 7:25 a. m., 12:20. 1:00, 7:45..110 p.m.; Toledo, 7:25 a. m., 12:20. 1:00 and 11:2) p. m.;L'rcatllne. 5:45a.m.; C.evelind, 6:10, IS a.m., 12:50 and 11 OS p.m.: Hew Castle an Youngstown, 7:05a. m 12:3), 3:4") p. ni.; Jleadvl'.le, Erie and Ashtabula, 7;03a. n 12:20 n. m.: Nlles and Jamestown. 3:15 n. m Slasslllon. 4:10 p. m.; Wheeling and Bellalre. 6:10 a. m., 12:50, 3:30 p. m.: Heaver Falls, 4:00, 5:05 p. m.; Leetsdale. 5:30 a. m. ALLEGHEjSY-Eochester, 6:30 a. m.; Beaver Falls, 8:15, 11:00 a. m.: Enon, 3:00 p. m.: Leets. dale, 10:00, 11:43 a. in., 2:C0, 4:30, 4:43, 5:30, 7:00, 9:00 p. m.: Conwar, 10:30 p. m. ' SUNDAVTRAINS-From Plttsburg-For Chi cago, 7:23 a. m.. 12:20. 1:00, 7:45, 11:20 p. m.: Cleve land. 11.05 p.m.; Toledo, 12:20, l:CO and 11:20 p. ra.; YounKStown, 12:20 p. m.; Beaver Falls, 8:20 s. m. From Allegheny for fair Oaks, ll:iOa. m.; Leetsdale, 8:30 p. rn. TKAINS AKK1VE Union station from Chicago. 1:50, 6:00, 6:35a. m., 7:35 p.m.: Toledo. 1:50. 6:-i5 s. m., 7:35 p. m.. Crestline, 2:10 p. m.: Yoangj town and New Castle, 9:10 a.m., 1:25,-7:35, 10:15 p. in.; Cleveland. 5:50a. c, 2:25, 7:45 p. m.; Wheel ing and Bcllaire, 9:00 a. m 2:05, 7:43 p. m.; Erie and Ashtabula, 1:23,10:15 p.m.; Jlassillon. 10:00 a. ni.; Nlles and Jamestown. 0:10 a.m.; Bearer Falls, 7:30 a. m.. 1:10 p. m.: Leetsdale, 10:) p. m. AKRIVE ALLE(JIIEY-From Enon, 8:00 a. in.: Conway, 6:50: Rochester, 9:40 a. m.: Hearer Falls, 7:10a. m., 6:40 p. m.: Leetsdale, 5:50, 6:13, 7:45 a. m.. 12:00, IMS. &. 6:30, 9:00 p, m. SUNDAY TKAINS arrlre Union station from Chicago. 1:50, 6:0a 6:35 a. m.. 7:35 p. m.; Toledo, 1:80, 6:S5 a. m.; Yonnjstown, 7:3a p. m.; Cleve land. 5:50a. in.: Bearer Falls. 8:25 p. m. Arrive Allegheny from Fair Daks. 3:55 a. ra.: Leetsdale, 6:0-5 p. m. E.A. FOKIX Gen'l Pass. Art. E. B. TAYL0K, Gen'l Hnpt. JAJiES McCREA, Gen'l Manseer, rittsunre. Fa. nol7 BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD Schedule In effect NoTember 29, 18S3. For Washington. D. C. Baltimore and Phlladelnhla. 11:30 a.m.and'IO:a) p.m. For Wushlnzton. D.C, and Baltimore, 17:00 a.m. For Cumberland, t7:00, 11:30 a. m and10:20 p. m. For ConnellsvlIIe, t7:00 and 'liao a. m.. tl.-OO, t4:00and i0:20n. m. For Unlontown. t7:OO.tll:30a.m., t!:0Oand4:0O p. p. For Jit. l'leasant, t7:C0 and til :30 a. m,, tl:0O and tlrtO p. m. For Washington, Fa.. 7:30, t9:30a.m., '3:35, f3:30 and S:30 p. m. For Wheel in?, 1&. f9:J0a.m., 'Z'i, 8:A1 p. m. ForCtn clnnatl and 8t. Louis. Ta. m.. aat. tn. Vnr LColninbns, 7:30a. m., S:30 p. m. For Jlewark, tiAf, Tj:ooa. in., -.:., -a:i p. m. xor unicago, 7:30. t9:30a. m.. 3:35and 3:30 p. m. Trains ar rlve from l'lnladelphia, Baltimore and Washing ton, 7:l0a.m. andC:.J0 p. m. From Cotumbns, Cincinnati and Chleigo, 7:4S a. m. and 9:10 p. m. From Wheeling, '7:4. "10:50 a. m.. t5:00, "9:10 p, m. Through sleeping cars to Baltimore, Wash ington and Cincinnati. For Wheeling. Columbus and Cincinnati, 11:S3 pra (Saturday only). ConnellsvlIIe ac. at J3;30 am. Daily. tDallT except Sunday. SSunday only. The Pittsburg Tranticr Company will call for and check baggage lrom hotels and residences upon orders lelt at Ii. A O. Ticket Office, corner Fifth arennc and Wood street. W. M. CLKJIENTS, CHAS. 0. SCULL. General Manager. tien. Pass. Agt. PANHANDLE KOUTE-NOV.li 18S8. UNIOM station. Central Standard Time. Leave fur Cincinnati and St. Louis, 7:30js. in.. 8:00 and 11:13 p.m. ; 12:03. lienmson, zsfep.m. coiumunj,andChlcaaro ii:d p. m. unceimg, i:au a. m., u-.u 6:10 p. m. bteubenville. 5:5oa. m. Washington. 5:55, S:35 a. m 1:13, 3:30, 4:55 p. m. Bulger. 10:13 a. m. Uurgetutpwn, : p. ra. juansneid, 7:15, 8:33, llrtO a. m 1:55, 3:3), 4:53, 6:30, 8:35; 10:40, p. ra. McDonalds, 4:15, 10:00 p. m. From the West, 1 JO, 6:00, a. m.. 3:03, 3:."Bp. m. Dennlsou 9:3.5 a. in. Steubenvllle, 5:05 p. m. Vbeeling, 1:50, 8:45 a.m.. 3:05, 55n.m. Unrgetts town, 7: 15 it. m. Washington, 8:55, 7:50, 9:55a. m.. 2:35. 630 p. m. Mansfield, 55, 65, 7:50, 30 a. m., 12:45 and 10:(X)p. m. Bulger, 1:40p.m. McDonalds, 6:35 a! m., 9:00 p. m. Sunday-1'or Cincinnati nnd the West, 7:30 s.rc, 8:00 and 11:15 p. n. For Chicago, 11:15 p. m. Bnr gcttstown, 11:35 a. m. Mapslleld, 8:35 p. m. 11c Donald.1, 4:15. 10:00 p.m. Krom the West, 1-JSi, 60 a. m.and 5:55 p.m. Burgettstown, 9:05 a. m. Mc Donalds, 6:33, 90 p. m. Mansfield, 6:S) n. m. E. A. FOKD, Gen'l Paiseneer Agent; JA3. Mc CREA, Gen'l Manager, Pittsburg, ?,; J. JT. UILLEB, Gen'l snp' V Colombus, 0. JJyifftQHD ri'jssss RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD ON AND after November 28, 1SSS. trains leave Union Station, Flttsburtr. as follows. Eastern Standam Time: MAIN LINE EASTWARD. New York ana Chicago Limited of lullman Ves tibule dally at 7:15 a. in. Atlantic Express dally for the East 3:00 a.m. Mall train, daily, except Sunday, 6:55 a. ra. Sun- aaj, mail, o:wa. ua Ma Day express dally at 8.00 a. a exprP3s daily at 1 :CO r exnrpsft d&llTAt l:fnn. j uuauejpnia express aau ,.., j r.iz. . -"-- - tally at at 4:30 p. m. tasiern exoreo dauy at 7:15 p, East Line dally at 9 m. 9:00 m. Greensburic express 5:10 p. m. week days. lJerry Allthi express 11:00 a. m. week days. rough trains connect at Jersey City with f "Brooklyn Annex' ror RrnoklTn. N. Y.. ouch tr "Brook ' dnnhtn boats of Brooklyn Annex" for Brook avoiding double ferriage and Journey through N. Y.Clty. Trains arrive at Union Station as rollows: Mall Train, dally a)p.m.' esiern upress. oany t 7:43a. m. Tacillc Express, dally K:p.m. :: p. m. ., 1:30 p.m. Ii 1:53 p.m. II vyijiiuu jjinjiicu repress, aauy.. ...... o:ju t Fast Line, dally. 11:55 1 SOUTHWEST PENN KAILWAY. For Unlontown, 5:45 and 8:Ma. m. and 4:25 p. m., witbont change of cars: 1.00 p.m.. connect ing at Greensburg. Trains arrive from Union town at 9:15 a. m., 12:3). fi:I5nd 3:20 p. m. WEST PENNSYLVANIA JJIVISION. From FEOEHAL ST. STATION. Allegneny City. Mail train, connecting for Blalrsvllle... 6:4a a. m. Express,, for Blalrsville, connecting for Butler J:JS p. in. Butler Accom 8:20 a. m., 2:25 and 5:45 p.m. Snrlngdale Accom 11:40 a. m. and 8:3) p. in. Freeport Accora 4:00, 8:15 and 10:30 p. ra. On Sunday 12:50 and 9:30 p.m. North Apollo Accom 10:50 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. Allegheny Junction Accommodation, connecting for Butler 8:20 a. m. Blalrsville Accommodation 11:30 p. in. Trains arrive at FEDEKA L STREET STAIION: Express, connecting from Bntler 10:35 a..m. Mall Train 2:15 p.m. Butler Accom 9:25 a. m., 4:40 and 7:20 p. m. KlalrsTlIle Accommodation 9:52 p.m. Freenort Accom.7:40 a.m.. 1:32, 7:20 and 11:00 p. nu. On Sunday 10:10a. m. and7:COp.m. Sprlngdale Accom 6:37a. m., and 3:02 p. m. North Apollo Accom S:40a. m. and 5:40 p. m. MOKONGAMELA DIVISION. Train leave Unionstatlon.Flttsbarg. as follows: For Monongahela City, West Brownsville and Unlontown. 11a. m. Jor3IonongabeIaC!ty and West Brownsville, 7:05 and 11 a. ra. and 4:40 p. m. On Sunday.-! :01 p. m. For JlomJngahell'Clty, 5:U p. m.. week davs. llravosburg Ac week davs, 3:20 p. m. West Elizabeth Accommodation. D :50a.m., 2KXJ, 6:20 and 11:35 p. m. Sunday. 9:40 p. m. Ticket offices Corner Fourth avenue and Try street and Union station. CHAS. E. PUUH. , J. K. WOOD, i General Manager. Gen'l Pass'r Agent. PITTSBURG AND LAKE ERIC RAILROAD COMPANY-Schednle In effect December 2, lass. Central time: P. & L. E. It. K.-DlPART-For Cleveland. 5:39. "7:40 A. M.. 1:20, 4:15. '9:30 p. jr. For Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louis, 5:30 a. 31., 1:20. 9:30 F. x. For Buffalo, 10:20 a. jr. (on Sundays, 7:49 A. sr.), 4:15, 9:30 F. yi. For Salamanca. 7:40 A. Jl.. '1:20., 9:30 F. M. For Beaver Falls, 5:30, 7:4a 8:40. 10:3) A. r., J0, 3:30. :i5. 5:20, "9:30 p. x. For Char tiers, 5:30, '5:35. :40, 6:50. 7:10, 8:40. 3:0S, 9:25, 10:3) A. Jl.. 12:05, 1:08. 11:25, 1:4 S:30. 4:45, S:10, 5:20. "3:43. 10:30 p. jr. lSnndays only. AH.MVE From Cleveland, '3:20 A. Jt.. 1:00, 5:4a S:00 F. 31. From Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louis, 'l.-OD, "8:00 F. jr. From Buffalo, 6:30 A. M., l:0n, 5:40 P. jr. From Salamanca, 1:C0, 8:U0 V. jr. From Youngstown, 5:20, '8:30, 9:20 A.M., 1.-0O, 5:40, 3:00 P. Jl. From Beaver Falls, 5:20, 6:30, 7:20,9:20 A. JL, '1:00. 1:35:5:40. 3:00.85 P. Jf. From Chartiers, 5:15, 5:20, lS, S-JO, 7:08. 7:30, 9:03, 9.-20. 10:10 A. Jf.. 12:00 noon. 12:30. 1:12. 1:35, "3:15. 4:00. 4:35, 5:00. 5:27. 5:40, 8:35 P. M. P., McK. A Y. R. K. Depart For New Haven, 6:35 A. ., "3:25 p. jr. For West Newton, 9:25 A. Jf., 5:45 p. jr. Abrtve From New Haven, "9:00 A. jr.. "5:05 1, IT. From West Newton, 6:45 A. M., 1:05 P. Jf. "Dally. K. HOLD ROOK. General Superintendent. A. E. CLARK, General Passenger Agent. City ticket office, 401Smlthneld street. ALLEGHENY VALLEY KAILKOAD Trains learo Union btatlon (Eastern Standard time): Kittannlng Ac.. 6:55 a. m.; Niagara Ex.. dally. 8:45 a. m.. Helton Ac. 10:10 a.m.; Valley Camp Ac., 21:05 p. m.; Oil City and DuBoIs Ex-' press,2:00 p.m.; IlalWn Ac. 3:00p.m.: Klttannlnj Ac, 4:00p.m.; Braeburn Ex.,5aX)p.in.; KlUann lng Ac. ,o JO p. m.; Braeburn Ac.,6:20p.ra.: llnl ton Ac, 7:50 p. m.: Buffalo Ex.. dally. 8:50p. m.; Hnlton Ac. 9:45 n.ra.: Braeburn Ac. 11:30 p. m. Church trains Braeburn. 12:40 p. m. and 9:35 p. in. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Pittsburg and Buffalo. E. H. UTLEY. G. F. St P. A.: DAVID MCUABGO. Gen. Supt- PITTSBURG AND CASTLE SHANNON1 K. K. Co. WlnterTlme Table. On and after October 14. lsss, until further notice, trains will Tun as follows on every day except Sunday, Eastern, standard time: Leaving Pittsburg 6:15 a. m., 7:15 a.m., 9:30a. m 11:30a.m., 1:40p.m., 3:40 p.m., 5:10 p.m. 6:30 p. m., 9:30 p. m 11:3) p. m, Ar lington 5:45 a. m.. 6:30 a. m.. 8:00 a. m.. 10:3 a. in.. 1:00 p. m.. 2:40 p. m.. 4:20 p. m.. 5:50 p. m.. 7:15 p. in.. 10:30 p. m. Sunday trains, leavlne Pittsburg 10 a. m.. 12:50 p. m.. 2:30 p. m.. 5:10 F.m., 9:30 p. m. Arlington 9:10 a. m., 12 m.. :50p. m., 4:3) p. m.. 6:30 . m. JOHN JAHN, Supt. Pittsbukg and western railway Trains (Cet'l Stan'dtlme) Leave Arrive. Butler Accommodation Day Ex. Ak'n.ToL, CPn, Kane Butler Accommodation Chicago Express (dally) New Castle and Greenville Ex Zellcnople and Foxburg Ac. 6:00 am 7:20 am 7:10 am 7:23 pm 4:00 nm 9:3) am 12:30 pm 1:50 pm 11:05 am 9:36 am 5:30 ara 2:10 pm 4:40 pm 5:40 pm jiuuer .accommodation. Through coach and sleeper to Chicago dally, MEDICAL. DOCTOR WHSTTIER 930 PEXX AVlCf UE. PITTSBURG. PA, As old residents know- and bade files ot Pitts burg papers prove, is the oldest established arid most prominent phpician in the city. deTothij special attention to all chronic diseases. From gpnNQ pEE UNTL MCQnQ and mental diseases, physical nLn YUUO decay, nervous debility, lacS inx energy, aiuui.iuu ouu uujjci uuuairea mem ory, disordered sight, self-di3trttst,bashfulness, fHTrinoaa slpcnlP5SniSi!- nimnl(s mnMin I. poverished blood, failing powers, organic) weak ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, on fitting the person for business-society and mar riaqe, permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN feeAnf. blotches, falling hair, bona pains, glandolai swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throat ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system. 1 1 D I M A R V kidney and bladder derange UnlllAn 1 1 ments, weak back, grareL ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching' treatment; prompt relief and re;.l cures. Dr. whittiers life-long, extensive experience) insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-senje principles. Consultation free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as if here. Office hours 9 a.m. to 8 p. h. Sunday, 10A.JC.tolr.ll. only. DR. WHITTIER. ail Penn avenue, Pittsburg. Pa. dei-lSIK-i3awv A CURE GtJARiNTEED-HEALTH.E.t ERGY and strength secured by H3lns Am oranda Wafers. These wafers are the only rcli able safe remedy for the permanent cure of im potency, no matter how long standing,seperma. torrhoea, overwork of the brain, sleepless, harassing dreams, premature decay of vital power, nervous debility, nerve and heart dis ease, kidney and liver complaint, and wasting of vital forces; 75c per box or six boxes for 54; six boxes Is the complete treatment, and with dverv purchase of six boxes at one time we will -pive a written guarantee to refund tbe money if the wafers do not benefit or affect aperma. nent cure. Prepared only by the BOSTON MEDICAL rNTSITUTE. For sale only by JOSEPH FLEMING.. 81 Market street. Pitta, burg. Pa.. P. O. box 37 aplO-kS&ttWTsa Gray's Specific Medicine. TRADE MARK The Gbkat TRADE MARlt XDT.Annnrall lng cure for Seminal Weak ness, Sperma torrhea, lmpo- tency, and all diseases that follOTras a se- iiuLiau xv&ji auence of Self-. Aouse; as loss "a5tvv " I i . . - BEFORE TAIIIQ.Unlversai La'sL ftFTER TAKIKB. sltnde. Pain In the Back. Dimness of Vision: Pre mature Old Age and many other dlseaes that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prematura Grave. "Full particulars In our pamphlet, which wafci desire to send free by inall to every one. J3TueV Specific Medicine Is sold by all druggists at II per ' package, or six packages for S3, or will be sent free by mail on the receipt of the money, by addressing ' THE G1JA Y MEDICINE CO., Buffalo, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper: the only genuine. Sold in Pittsburg by S. S. HOLLAND, corner Smithfieid and Liberty streets. mhl3-k43 DOCTORS'LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY OFFICES, 908 PESK AVE. PITTSBURGH, PA All forms of Delicate and Cam plicated Diseases rcoriirlM Cos. FlliKrrrAT.ftnfl RnirvTTPT.rrf. cation are treated at this Dispensary -with a suc cess rarely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake is a membel of thuKoyal College of Physicians andSnrgcons, and is the oldest and most experienced SPEcit. JST In the city. Special attention given to Nei T ens Debility from excessive r mtal exertion, ia discretions of youth, &c, causing physical sad mental decay, lack of energy, despondency, etc: also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, Piles, Bheumatisa and allcliseases of tha Skin, BJood, Lnnn, Urin ary Organs, &c Consultation free and strictly eonfldentlal. Office hours 0 to 4 and 7 to 8 p jo. t Bundays2top.m.only. Call at office or addreei ,?,E-I-R c-p-s 0I E.J.Lake,lLIX iulfertnefroTnthe ef fect! ot youttuTul er mrn. earlr decav. loitfi manhood , etc. IwllI senaaTalt ralnabifl treatise- fseaiedl containing full particulars for home curs,' free of tharge. Address, PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moodut. Conn.; noS-kSI-DSuwk; WSJ' r " 'fta 3 -