BSgEJ ,sF PfF THE PITTSBURG. . DISPATCH, MONDAY, JANUARY; 1889. 3 A RTJSSIM REFUGEE. Mr. Colin, a Besident of Allegheny Tells About Nihilism AND THE DESPOTISM IT AIMED AT. Assassination of Hijh Tyrannical Poten tates, and Its Meaning. O.NE BRA YE GIEL WHO WAS LIBERATED Mr. T. Colin, a Russian refugee who lives in Allegheny, wrote a letter to The DIS PATCH a few days since, intimating that he would be willing to furnish au interesting article about the conditions, customs and sundry peculiarities of Russia, which might afford instructive reading to the gen eral public Accordingly a reporter went to see Mr. Colin yesterday, and, during -a very extended conversation, Nihilism and its followers served as an interesting sub ject. Mr. Colin is an adherent to the cause himself, although he does not like to be called a Nihilist. He said: The people, who are Indentifled with that name, are really a very peaceful-minded class of citizens; but their enemies have called them N ihilists more f or a nickname than anything else. In America, for instance, I do not believe that Nihilism is at all understood; for, if it were, the American, instead of associating us with murderers, cutthroats and foul conspira tors, would sympathize with us, because the fact is simrly this: The Nihilist is merely an apostle of republicanism; and the very form of liberty and democratic government which we enjoy in this country, tho Nihilists are endeav oring to introduce into Russia, to take the place of despotism, tyranny and slavery, which exist there now. Let me give you a synopsis of the history of that class of people, and then let j our readers judge for themselves. The being which a tyranical Government calls a Nihilist does not in reality exist in Rus sia any more. We call ourselves Radicals. The Ideal Nihilist you have heard of is an unbe liever in everything existing. Ho wants to up root the government, overturn religion, change all social relations and the economic cons trac tion of the country. Well, such a being was represented by a few scatterbrained individ uals, who were the extreme fanatics in a really good cause. To explain myself better, it is necessary for me to say that the intellectual faculties of the Russians HAVE MADE BAMD STRIDES during the last SO years. They became more intelligent by edncatlon. of course, and this font of knowledge made a few men vain enough to think that everything in this world was wrong. From those men came the Ni hilists; but they .did not last long. How ever, the general distribution of knowledge caused everybody to think, and a nat ural result was that the people gained the conviction that they should be free, men. and were not deserving of being treated like slaves. They felt that they were treated with restrictions by the despotic rule of the Russian Government, which were not compati ble with the free-born spirit of man. Hence the people of our country organized them selves for the purpose of curtailing the iron constitution and the supreme will of the Czar. A political party sprang into existence, whose alms were the introdnction of greater liberty tn the individual, and the abolition of arbitrary government and personal restriction. Those are the aims of the Russian Radical or, as he is wrongly called. Nihilist of to-day. It was in 1S74 that men of superior intelli cence went all through the vast country of Russia and preached to the people about their rights. They told them that the power to govern the land really belonged to them, and that, instead of the Czar owning the country, it ought to be their own, governed in such manner as they chose. The consequence was that the party soon grew. There were aristocrats, tradesmen, mechanics peasants and artisans enrolled among the Radicals, and steps wero taken to induce the Government to change sundry laws and forms in the constitution for the benefit of the population. It was the era of peaceful propaganda and the commencement of what is calledNihilism .r. But, peaceful as the propaganda was, the Government could not allow it to disseminate among the people, and a crusade was at once inaugurated against anybody who openly avow ed himself to be a Radical, or against him who was only suspected of being a Radical. The persons were immediately punished, exile or Siberia being the usual t-entence. Exile meant a change of residence and associations; Eiberia explains itself. A SYSTEM OP ESPIONAGE. The Government introduced a system of "es pionage." Men pretending to be Radicals were gome through the country, and while they os tensibly glorified in the dawn cf an era of lib erty, they quietly informed against the Radi cals wherever they were found. This system of persecution on the part of the Government naturally exasperated the people. It was not unusual to see mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, etc, separated and thrown into prison. Here, of course they were tiven Into the hands of Government officials, and these minions of the law, who were nothing if not the tools of the tyrants who oppressed the people, treated the political prisoners with despotic ana innmnan severity. The consequence was that the people aroused in utter indignation against their fiendish foes and murders took place In 1875 a spy was killed in Odessa, and in the follow ing year Trepof, the Governor of St. Peters burg, was snot by Vera Zasulitch, a young girl. The facts of the last case are simply these Trepof had maltreated a man named Iiogolubof in a prison It caused a terrible excitement among the people, but nobody seemed to have the nerve to get redress and reveuge from the governor. At last Vera Zasulitch came forth, and shot at the governor in his own office. The girl was, of course, arrested: but, in spite of the evidence against her. the jury ac quitted her. She was set free, but t'ie government was after her, and. liaditnot been for the interference of her friends, n ho got her out of the country, she vould, probably, have been sent to Siberia am how, and to-day she lives in Switzerland. The stand which the jury took in that case showed the Government how the people thought on the subject, and they introduced greater rigors and more stringent measures against the Radicals. The Government and the Radicals grew more and more incensed against one another, and, for the next year or was open war between the two parties. A CLIJIACTEEIC MOVE. Finally, in 18S7, the Radicals called a con gress at Lipetzk, in South Rnssia, and it was there decided to assume an aggressive policy against the government, simply as a matter of self defense. Then the government instituted capital pun ishment against all political offenders, and the blood of many true and noble Russians flowed after that. The government also invested the officials with greater executive power, and they all distinguished themselves bv their heartless ness and cruelty. But all this barbaiity had not the desired effect. The people grevr more incensed, and Radicalism grew more and more, until it culminated in the cons'iirary which re sulted in the assassination sf Alexander IL This opened the Government's eves, and Louis Melikoff was called to the head of the army. But even he failed. Then, when the present Emperor came to tho throne, the Radicals congratulated themselves that things looked better for them, because the voung monarch promised them all kinds of things immediately after his accession to power. But his promises were all idle words, and to-day there is not a man's life more un certain than thexistcnce of Alexander IIL You must not think that the Radical party of Russia is an organized bodv. No! Such a thmg could not exist tinder the argns eve of the watchlul Government and police of Rus sia But conspiracies are constantly being formed, and tho day will come when the head of the present monarch will fall, or else a gov ernment will be introduced into Russia which will give the poor man the right which was in culcated in him by his Creator, who did not make any man to be a slave. Coke nnd Coalmen Take Notice. The Arnheim Live Stock Company, Lim ited, has now in their stables at 2 Second avenue 100 choice mules, anyone wishing to purchase should call and examine our stock and secure prices before buying. Akniieim Live Stock Co. Limited, C2 Second avc, Pittsburg, Pa. Attend our sale of odd lengths of striped surahs, India silk, striped and fancy velvets, at 35c per yard. Mwrsn Hugts & Hacks. To Close Out. Gents fancy velvet slippers, worth $1 60y closing out at $1 per pair, at G. D. Bimen's, 78 Ohio street, Allegheny. twt BEAOTI IN ILLUMINATION. Lamps Ilave Once More Become Fashion nble In Flttsbnrc. According to the statement of a promi nent dealer in decorative household objects there are more lamps in use in this city now than there has ever been before. It has be come fashionable to light up the entire household with fancy lamps, and in many palatial residences in the bon ton portion of the city this method of illumination can be seen nightly. All Borts of devices are used, and they are at once novel, ingenious and artistic In the parlor window of a handsome house in the East End, there may be seen a beautiful stork standing upon one leg, with its head held aloft in delicious conceit, while from its partly opened bill there beams a bril liant light which is given a roseate hue by a daintily slained globe of crimson. In the upper portion of the house the lamps are more simple in construction, but bear the impress of testhetic art Most of these are in the form of fairy lamps covered with parti-colored globes representing "beehives, and here and there on these globes may be seen a tiny bee oi black glass. In the halls are lamps of crude iron with quaint-looking curves and angles; also one or two in brass repousse work. When illuminated the structure presents a magnificent appear ance. THE LAST IMPKESSITE KITES. Sad Hotel Men Look for the Last Time on the Face of Sam Jone. The funeral services over the bodyof Sam Jones were held at his rooms, 720 Penn ave nue, yesterday afternoon. The house was filled with the friends of the dead clerk, who feel the loss of his genial presence keenly. A magnificent broken column, presented by the Seventh Avenue Hotel, and a large floral offering in the shape of a hotel regis ter, from the hotel men of Pittsburg, rested at the head of the bier. TheRev. J. H. Robinson, of Allegheny, who knew Mr. Jones from boyhood, spoke of his kindness oi heart, his gentlemanly manners and his sunny disposition. Poor Sam, even in death", wears the same old peaceful smile. A number of hotel men accompanied the remains to the train last evening. The body will be interred in the family lot at Harrisburg. Frank Shreffler and Attorney Bees went to Harrisburg to attend the fu neral. SOME QUEER CUSTOMERS. A Fellow Who Sold Wbiteclmpel Mysteries Others Wero Terrors. There were some queer customers among the ten prisoners before Magistrate Gripp at the Central station yesterday. G. V. Par tiaz had been arrested for selling "White- chapel mystery" puzzles on Smithfield street without a peddler's license. He was given ten days to jail. Charles Byling, charged with disorderly conduct, was confronted at the hearing by John Colbert, who accused him of trying to stab him (Colbert) on the Washington street bridge with a knile. Byling was given 30 days to the workhouse. Teaney Welsh, accused of jumping on Officer Riley's back at the union depot Saturday night and striking him, was also given 30 days. HER HUSBAND DISLIEES TVOEE, And Panlino Hall Says Slio Didn't Mnrry to Fny nu Doard.Bill. The Casino Opera Company with Pauline Hail and the other stars was at the Union stati&n last night en route to Chicago. Speaking of her divorce suit, Pauline Hall said the prosecution was pending, but she did not know what would be the out come. "My husband, you see," she explained, "is a gentleman of elegant leisure. "When yon ask me what he does for a living all X can say is that he does nothing. That is the whole'trouble. I did not marry him to keep him. I am anxious to be released, but then the lawyers may think' differently." ANOTHER BAD CROSSING. ITesry Shields the Second Victim nt Thirty. Third Street. Henry Shields, a widower living on Forty-sixth street, was 6truck and instantly killed by the "Owl" train on the Pittsburg, Virginia and Charleston road at South Thirty-third street crossing about midnight Saturday. His head was split open and he had one arm cut off by the engine. This makes the second man killed at the cross ing on Saturday. THE! ARE NOT HAPPT. People Who Hutd Dono That Which They Shonld Not Hare Done. In the supplementary jail calendar jnst prepared, ot those who have entered the sacred precincts since December 1 last, 1 man is in for embezzlement, 18 for larceny, 4 lor selling liquor without a license audi lor retailing on'Sunday, 1 for gambling, 2 for burglary. 2 for entering other fellows' houses, and 21 other nnfortunates for various sins. A Fire Wltliont on Alarm. A defective flue set fire to a mantel in the house of a man named Smith on Kilbuck street, Allegheny, yesterday afternoon. The mantel and a trunk of clothing were des troyed. 2o alarm was sounded. Going Back to Work. "W. T. Dom, President of the Dawson Bank, passed through the city on his way to Dawson. He had been attending asocial affair at Greensburg, at which many Pitts burg guests were present. Samuel Ralaten's Sudden Death. The Coroner was notified yesterday that Samuel Ralston, a resident of McKeesport, had dropped dead suddenly on Saturday night. An inquest will be held this morn ing. Death of a Popular Yonnc Sinn. Albert Cooley, a i opular young South sider, died at his home on South Eleventh street yesterday morning. .He was a leading member of the Lotos Clnb. A Heavy Fe Before Magistrate Brokaw, Thomas Pee paid S7 50 for breaking a-window, and M. "Wright for refusing to pay 1 penny bridge toll, paid $5 B0. Yesterday's at the Jail. Services at the jail were conducted by Chaplain Milligan, assisted by Prof. Slack and a picked choir, .yesterday after noon. An Old Story With a New Kamc A 12-year-old boy named "Willie Gettner was struck by a freight on the Pittsburg, Ft. "Wayne & Chicago and almost instantly killed. The Qnecn of Flours Is a new brand, "Bosalia," manufactured by Whitmyre & Co., Thirty-eighth street and Allegheny "Valley Bailroad. Try it and be convinced that it is a flour of most excellent quality. Gas Fires and Cooking Apparatus. "We offer the largest and finest stock in the world, as used by Hep Majesty Victoria, the Eoyal Princes, Bank of England Clnb, etc O'Keefe Gas Apparatus Co., 34 Pifth ave. Attend our sale of odd lengths of striped surahs, India silk, striped and fancv vel vets, at 35c per yard. Hugus & Hacke. MWFSn Use Bosalia flour, manufactured only bv "Whitmyre & Co., Thirty-eighth street and Allegheny Tayey Bailroad, guaranteed the very best in the market. S3-Display advertisements one dollar per square for one insertion. Classified advertise ments on this page such as Wanted, lor Sale, lb Zef, eft, ten cents per line for each inser tion, and none taken for less than fifty cents. THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH BRANCH OFFICES. For tho accommodation of the public, Branch Offices have been established at the following places, where "Want, For Sale, To Let, and other transient ad vertisements -will be received up to 9 P. M. for inser tion next morning: Advertisements are to be prepaid except where advertisers already have accounts with THE 1)18 rATcn. riTTSBUUG. Tno MAS MCCAFFREY, 3569 Butler street. E.UIL G. STUCKEY, 24th street and Fenn ave. E. G. STUCKEY ACO.,Wylleave. and Fulton st. N. STOKELY. Fifth Avenue Market House. EAST END. J. W. WALLACE, 6121 Fenn avenue. OAKLAND. MCALLISTER & SIIElBLER,Sth av. & Atwood it. EOUTU8IDE. JACOB SPOIIN. No. 2 Carson street. C1IAS. SCHWAKM, 1707 Carson street. ALLEGHENY. A. J. KAERCHElt, 59 Federal street. McBRIDE BROS., Federal and Ohio streets. FEEUH. EGGERS. 172 Ohio street. F. IL EGGEKS & SON, Ohio and Chestnut sti. J. F. STEVENSON, Arch and Jackson streets. THOMAS MCHENRY. Western and Irwin aves. O. TV. HUGHES. Pennsylvania and Beaver aves. FERRY M. GLE1M. Rebecca and Allegheny aves. WANTED. Ulnlo Heln. fTTANTED-TOUNG MAN 18 OR 18 YEARS V V old to assist In office work. Address BOOK KEEPER. Dispatch once. Ja6-ol -TTT-AXTEU-BRICKLAYER FOR ROLLING Y mill; must be sober and competent: best of reference required. Address BRICKS, Dispatch office ja5-tl WANTED-BY PRESSED GLASS TABLE warein&nutacturer, a competent traveling man. Address GLSS MANUFACTURER, Dis patch office. Ja6-93 -TJANTED-AGENTS-P5 A MONTH AND V expenses paid any person to sell our goods; no capital; salarv monthly; particulars free. STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., Boston. OC4-18 WANTEU AGENTS TO SELL CLINE'S foot heaters and patent fuel for carriages, waroiiS. etc- ; sells at Blent. Inquire after 3 r. t., TVM. SEMFLE. JR., 185 Federal St., Allegheny, Fa. delC-9-D -VTJANTED-A RELIABLE MAN LOCATED TV outside large cities, to represent. In his own locality, a iargeN. Y. house: rood salary; references exacted. Address SUPT. MFG. HOUSE, Lock Box 1610. N. Y. Oc7-4J-M "Try AN TED-SALESMEN-TO SELL OUR v V goods (salt water fish) on commission to the wholesale and retail grocery trade; men having regularly established routes preferred. Address, stating route, experience and age, with refer ences. LEONARD A. TREAT, 245 State St., Bos ton. Jad-7J-MWS -TTANTED AGENTS TO SELL AND V everybody to use Dr. O'Keefe's "Boss Bit ters" for torniditv of the liver and Jaundice, re moving bile from the system, curing malaria, in digestion, aausea. waterbrash, biliousness and moving the bowels regularly without purging, also causlnfrafreeactlon of the ktaneys and curing Brlght's disease: a tonic for loss of appetite, lossof nerve or will power, weakness, night sweats, flood ing, hemorrhage, nervous and general prostration; a great tonic for ladies. DR. O'KEEFE & CO., Homeopathic Chemists, 34 Fifth ave. Ja"-19 Femnlo Uelt). -TTT ANTED GIRL TO DO DININGROOM V work, where meals are served at regular hours only. Apply, ready for work, at 189 KED- ERAL ST.. Allegheny. Ja7-27 -TTTANTED-A LADY OF GOOD HABITS, VV quick In figures, neat, rapid writer may secure a situation by addressing In own hand, LOCK BOX 91, McKeesport, Pa. jaC-19 Stale nnd Female fJcln. WANTED-1MMEDIATELY LAUNDRESS. S4 per week; pastrv cook. 15 per week; J0O house girls, cooks, chambermaids, dishwasher and waitress, nurse girls: all first-class help report here. MRS. MEE1IAN. 545 Grant st. de31-D Sltnntlon. T7-ANTED A SITUATION AS HOUSE- V KEEPER for widower with small family. Address J. K., 233 Locust st, Allegheny. Ja6-33 -TTTANTF.D-A POSITION IN RETAIL IJHUG- V STORE: am registered as manager: can furnish references: country prefered. Address OPII, No. 37 Anderson bt.. Allegheny. J a7-8 WANTED CONFIDENTIAL ASSISTANT will make change tf efficient shorthand work, reticence and general Intelligence gained by practical experience, will lnsm e advancement; references will bear strictest Investigation; no objection to leaving the city. Address H. S. D., Dispatch office. jaC-28 Partner. WANTED-PAHTNER IN BUSINESS THAT will pay first-class: this is a rare chance: Investigate: capltil required S2.500: good refer ences. Address M. R.. Dispatch otacc. Ja6-7 WANTED-A COMPETENT BUSINESS MAN to take a partnership interest and art as Secretary In a large manufacturing city In Ohio; business well established and making monev: a rare opening for the right man: capital required from f 10,000 to 130.000. Particulars confidentially from .IAS. TV. DRAPE & CO., 13 Fourth ave nue. Pittsburg. Ja5-80-D Rooms, Ilonse, Etc WANTED-UNFURNISHED ROOM FOR two gents convenient to Ft. Wavnc depot. Allegheny. Address A. B., Dispatch ofilce. ja7-21 -TTTANTED-BY APRIL L SHOWROOM ON V first floor on good business street; wonld rent one-half of large room with first-class party. AddresifSHOWROOM, Dispatch office. de7-f33 -rTTANTKD-TO RENT OR BUY-HOUSE OF V six or seven rooms, with large lot overlook ing river, on Ft, Wane road: not larther down than Emsworth. G. L. N., Dispatch office. Ja4-8I-MP Financial. -TTTAXTED-HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS V to collect. A. H. LESLIE, Forty-second and Butler sta. de3I-15 WANTED-TO LOAN 175.000 ON IMPROVED city and farm property. LASHELL Jfc RANKIN, 67 Fourth aye. no23-u74-Mwr XTT-ANTED VZ HAVE ?5,0C0 TO LOA'"FOR V long or short time at S per cent. D. P. THOMAS & CO., 403 Grant St. nol4-o73 ANTED RENT'S TO COLLECT; MONTH- LY settlement with itemized statement. B LACK & BAI III). W Fourth avenue. a0S-a2)-D -TT7-ANTED-MORTGAGES-MONEYTO LOAN W in sums to suit, at 4K, 5 and 6 per cent. GRAEBING & LYON, 135 Fourth ave. apC-cI-D -VTTANTED-RENTS TO COLLECT IN ALL Y parts of both cities: established 1853. VV. A I1ERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Ja2-43-3,7.11, 11,13.21,25,23 ANTED MORTGAGES ON CITY PROP ERTY. over M.O00; Aii per cent; no tax. HENRY A. WEAVER & CO., 82 Fourth avenue. mh2-a22-D ANTED-MOKTGAGfcS ON PITTSBURG. Allegheny or suburban Improved real estate at lowest rates iu large orsmallamounts. ALEX ANDERS LEE, 313 Wood St. ja5-55-MWS ANTED-MOKTGAGES-SUMS FROM ?50O to S50O.O1O to loan on city and country prop erty; 4j, 5 and 6 per cehL JAS. W. DUAPK & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Ja4-8S-Siwrs WANTED-GOOD MORTGAGES FOR ANY amount: lowest rates or Interest and commis sion. PITTSBURG CO.. LIMITEO, Real Estate and Insurance, 133 Firth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Jal-91-D -TTTANTED-TO LOAN (910,000. IN AMOUNTS T of fR.000 and upward, on Hty and suburban property, on 4,'i percent, free of tax; also smaller ainounU at 4 nnd 6 per cent. BLACK llAIltU, 95 Fourth avenue sc21-d3S-D WANTED-TO LOAN ?200,000 ON MORT GAGES: $100 and upward at 6 per cent: (900,000 at 4.S per cent on residences or business pronertv: also in aajoining counties, s. h. tsii ENCH, 125 Fourth atcnue. OC31-e84-D WANTED-MOKTGAGES-fl,O00.000TOI-OAN on city and suburban properties at AH, otind 6 per cent, and on larms In Allegheny and aaja cent counties at 6 per cent: no money loaned out of Pennsylvania. I. M. PENNOCK & fcON, 105 Fourth avenue. ap"-Hl WANTEO-HOUSES TO RENT AND RENTS to collect In both cities. We give special attention to repairs, taxes. Insurance and man agement of nroperties: itemized accounts, inonth lyscttlemcnts. PITTSBURG CO.. Lim., 133 Finn avenue. Real Estate and Insurance. Jal-34-D Uliscellonconv. WANTEU-EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT H. Terheydcn has laid in a large stock ot American watches, gold and silver, that he can sell as low as the lowest; remember the place. HENRY TERHEVDEN, SJ0 Smithfield st. noll-MWFbu TTTANTED-BY PEARSON, LEADING PHO V TOGRAPHER. 98 Firth avenne, Pittsburg, and 43 Federal street, Allegheny, everybody to know that he Is making fine cabinets at (l SO per dozen; photos delivered when promised: Instan taneous process. xnhl3-k27 -TTTANTED-BY ALL-HOLIDAY BARGAINS VV in finely ornamented watches, diamonds, silverware, jewelry, clocks, bronzes, gold pens, spectacles, etc: Rogers' knives and forks si 75 per set; goods on monthly payments. MITSCH, the Jeweler, "130 Federal St., Allegheny. del2-k67-cwrsn -1I CKNIGHT & VICTOB1. FLUMBI EBB, GAS AND STEAM FITTEBa, dealers in GAS FIXTURES, LAMPS, PUMPS, LEAD PIPE, HOSE, Ac, 16 8MITHFIELD STREET. Special attention given to natural gas fitting, Telephone 769. seffi-flO-MWF FOR SALE. City Residences. T7IOR 8ALE-S2.300. IF SOL"D AT ONCE, NO. Q 109Cll!Tst.: lot21-78rcet: 2honiDS. 1 brick, t frame, terms easy. W. A. HERRON & SONS. 80 Fourth avenue. Ja4-10-4,7,9,12 FOR SALE-CHEAP, AT'A GREATLY RE DUCED prlec. If sold at once, on Bluff, near Chestnutst., Slxthward, abrlckhouseorsrooms late Improvements; lot 21x100 feet. W. A. HER RON Jt SONS, JO Fourth avenue. Ja4-10-4,7.10,12 FOR SALE A GOOD BRICK DWELLING, No. 26 Fulton street. Pittsburg, near Wylle avenne street cars; 8 rooms, bath room, natural gas, hall and cellar, and good lot: to be sold at public sale on Monday, January 14, at 2 o'cloclcp. M on the premises; title perfect: immediate pos session. Terms, etc, from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., Agents and Auctioneers, 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Ja4-99-D East End Residences. FOR SALE-IN THE MIDST OF OAKLAND: very cheap, on account of removal of owner: on Fifth, near Mcyran St.; lot 22x127 rect: good brick house. 7 rooms; call at once. W. A. HEB RON & SONS, 80 Fourth avenue. Ja4-10-4.7,l,12 F OR SALE-A NEAT NEW HOUSE IN THE East End: 18 rooms, reception hall, attic natural gas. inside shutters, etc. : corner lot; a few fruit trees thereon: Immediate possession; small payment down, balance to suit. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Ja4-99-D -fiTOR SALE AN EXCELLENT BRICK JU dwelling at Shadyslde station, near cable cara and railroad, as good as new; 7 rooms, kitchen, laundry, bath, lavatory, porch, hall, dry cellar, natural gas, etc ; everything In prime or ler: beautirnl lot 72x100 feet: property Is well located and Is in splendid condition. Particulars from JAS.. W. DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. J14-97-P Allegheny Residences. FORSALE-ON WESTERN AVE., NEARTHE Parks, brick house, 8 rooms: lot 35 feet front: will give voua big bargain If bought quick. A. D. WU.S0N, 85 Federalst., Allegheny. . iaS-42-irws FOR SALE-ONLY $18,000-NORTH AVENUE, corner Webster St.. Allegheny, brick dwell ing, 10 rooms, well Improved and In good order; lot 20x107 feet. W. A. HERRON SONS. 8U Fourth avenue. . Ja4-10-4,7,10,12 FOR BALE-ON ALLEGHENY AVE.. FINE brick dwelling, 10 rooms: rooms large and well finished: corner lot: all modern impts.: price If sold soon. 811,000. A. D. WILSON. 55 Federal St., Allegheny. Ja5-42-MWS TTIOR SALE-NO. 64 RIVER AVENUE, ALLE L? GHENY. near Ninth street bridge: a good brick house or 9 rooms In first-class order: late Im provements: lor 2(x70 ft: at a low price if sold at once. W. A. HERRON & SONS, 80 Fourth ave. Ja3-34-4,7.10.14 -JTlOR SALE-A GOOD .HOUSE AND TWO Jj lots in Allegheny, close to Perrysvllle avenue electric cars: 6 rooms, summer kitchen, natural gas. halland cellar, etc.: 2 fine lots 48x120 feet: fruit trees and shrubbery, etc.: will be sold for 83,300, ou easy payments: Immediate possession, JAS. W. DRAPE A CO., 129 Federal St.. Alle gheny. Ja5-80-D FOR SALE A FINE RESIDENCE ON LIN COLN avenue, having 10 rooms, together with bath, lavatorv, cedar closer laundry, hot and cold water throughout, natural gas, inside shut tern, plate-glass windows, spaclons vestibule and hallway: everything In the most complete and perlfect order: large lot: side entrance; brick, stable and carriage house: alley in the rear. Par ticulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. JsJ-79-mws Suburban Residences. EOR SALE-FINE SUBURBAN PROPERTY on the Perrysvllle road, only a short distance from the city, on line of Electric Railway: house nearly new; contains 8 rooms; hall in center: lot icon, front by 825 deep: 10. 000.;A. D.WILSON, 55 Federal St., Allegheny. Ja5-42-MW8 FOR SALE AT JACK'S RUN STATION. FT. WAYNE R. R., large lot (over an acre) of ground, frame house. 8 rooms, hall, porches, etc., etc: stable wagon shed -and other outbuildings; house and grounds In splendid condition; will sell cheap: only 15.000. A. D. WILSON, 85 Federal st Allegheny. Ja5-C-MW8 FOR SALE-SUBURBAN RESIDENCE AND 2 lots on line of railroad. 3 minutes' walk from station. 8 rooms, hall, 2 porches, slate man tels, etc.: 2 lots 40x120 feet: fruit and shade trees: copious flow of water; fine situation: full river view: price only 3, 300. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Ja4-99-D East End Lota. FOR SALE-LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! LOTSI-A small cash pavment and balance monthly or annnally, as desired, will buy a fine building site 40x137 feet. Bank of Commerce addition. Brushton station: this year's ttxes paid bv owner; call or send for plan. JOHN F. BAXTER, Agent. 512 Smlthneld street. Ja7-42-uwr Suburban Lots. FOR 8ALE-24 FINE BUILDING LOTS AT Crafton station, G minutes' walk from R. R. station, at only 8350 each: terms to suit- JAS. W, DRAPE &CW-i J29 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Ja5-79,-MW8 Business Chances. TJWRSALE-rFLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE JU business doing a large and profitable trade. 8. Dispatch office. Jl5-S0 EOR SALE-ALLEGHENY GROCERY. DOING fine business In country, city and shipping trade: will invoice about fl.300; good reasons for selling. SHEPARD & CO., 54 Fifth avenue. Jae-62-uwFSu VTlOR SALE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED JOB X BING business: clean stock of fresh goods; good reasons for retiring from the business: men meaning business need only apply. Address M. G. W., Dispatch office. JaS-37 FOR SALE-ONE-HALF INTEREST IN A woolen mill and broom factory In one of the best towns in Western Pennsylvania: the only business of the kind in countv: fully equipped and doing well. JAS. W. DRAPE CO., 129 Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. J14-99-D F O l; SAL E-J15.000 WORTH OF STOCK AT par, paying 20 per cent: extensive coal works. good small hotel, stores, drug stores, boarding houses, tea stores, shoe stores, bakeries, con fectioneries, anrt other business chances. SHEP ARD & CO., 51 Fifth avenue. Ja3 FOR SALE A GENTS' FURNISHING AND clothing business In a growing town on line oftworallroids, about 50 miles fronxPlttsburg; stock Is In good condition: business prosperous; satisfactory reasons for selling. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth ave. Pitts burg. Ja4-99-D FOR SALE LEASE, FURNISUMENT AND good-will of the best farmers' hotel and board ing honseln Allegheny; 30 rooms, well furnished; 80 stalls and yard-room : all In first-class condition: best of reasons for selling: Immediate possession given. Inquire of J. M. SWAN, 189 Federal St., Allegheny. Pa. Ja3-51 FOR SALE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED COUN TRY store, with general stock of drygoods, carpets, groceries: one of the best conntry towns In the State; on line of two railroads: a corner property; finest stand and the leading store In the place: business runs about 3,000 a month and all safe: has always made monev. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO.; 129 Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Jal-99-D 1710R SALE-AN OLD ESTABLISHED WHOLE 1 SALE and retail hardware business In one of the most prosperous cities In Ohio: largest and best store In the city; present proprietor has cleared a fortune and wishes to retire: this Is the onlv reason for selling: such a favorable opening rarely occurs. Particulars from JAS. W. 11RAPE A CO., 129 Fourth avenne, Pittsburg. Ja5-80-D FOR SALE A ONE-THIRD INTEREST IN one of the Oldest housefurnlshlnr firms In the city that has always been successful; profits last year S25.CO0: more assistance needed to meet the In creasing business; a fine chance to acceptable man: all communications and correspondence will be regarded is confidential. JAS. W. DRAPE & CO., 12a Fourth avenue. Pittsburg. Ja5-80-D FOR SALE -A DRUGSTORE IN GOOD COUN TRY town within 100 miles from Pittsburg: two lines of railroad to and from the city: about 8,000 population and Increasing: the most pros perous town in the State of Its size, which has natural gas. large Iron works and glass lactory; this is the best urngstore in the place: rent low; stock, etc.. would Invoice about 3.000; satisfac tory reasons for belling. Particulars from JAS. W.' DRAPE & CO., 129 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg. Ja5-79-MWS Special. FOR 8ALE-FOK SALE-FOR SALE SEND or call for ropy of Immense list of property or sale, out to-day, free. THOS. MCCAFFREY, 5C9 Butler street. fel2-kI5-u F OR SALE-HOUSES- 1,400 Brownsville avc, new 3-roomcd frame aweiuug, goou ceuar; lotz-ixiuuieet. SI, 500- Cedar avc. No j. 56 ard 57, fronting park, 3 frame 5-roomed bouses (Schenlev lease), 2,500 Firth avc, near Fourteenth ward scbool, 5 rooms and store; lotlxlQO to Forbes St. 3,000 Bradrord St., S. S 3 rooms and store; lot 50x200 rect. 3,500-Meyran ave.. near Bates. 5-room frame, nicely finished; lot 22x100 feet. 3,CC0-Meadow st., E. E., 7-room frame 6late mantels, large windows, 22x141 leet, .84,500 Emerson (t.. near ciblc cars, 6 rooms, bath, near Hoevcler St., 23x120. 1,700 Meyran avc. new brick, 8 rooms, bath, modern Improvements; lots 25x100 feet. 5,500 Mcyran etc., 2 new bricks. 8 rooms each, bath, slate mantels; lot 25x100 feet. 16,000 Fifth avc, cor. Concrcss, 3-story brick, 12 rooms and store: lot 23x110 feet. PITTSBURG CO., Limited, Real Estate and In surance, 133 Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, Fa. Ja7-12-TUF . F IOE SALE-LOTS- 550 Brownsville ave., S. S., near electric road, a lout, eacu axiio leet. 730 Cissatt St., between Cliff and Bedford, lot i,jua; kvou location. SOO-Cassatt St., ncarCllffst., 31ots, each 20x75. feet; nice and level. 950 Howe St.. near Dennlson ave., an elegant location; lot 25x13). 1,100-Cliff st., corner Cassatt, 2 lots, each 25x70 feet. 1,250-Larlmerave.. near Meadow St., on East side lot27x9S; easy terms. 2,250 Carroll St., E, E.. running back to Vale alley. 2 lots, each 65x128. 2,700 Oakland ave. (north side), includes flag stone walk, 50x108 feet. S 2,950-Emmerson st-, E. End. 2 lots, eaeh 80x125 feet, back to alley: near to cable cars, 7,500 Forhes are. and Halket, back to an alley, 60x125 feet; elegant property. 7,500-Flfth ave. and Halket. back to an alley, .60x125 feet; very cheap. - i 8,S00 HUand avc, near Stanton, runt through to Farragut st. 1 80x325. 834,000 Prebble ave., connects with two railroads, 339x240 leet; manufacturing site. PITTSBURG CO., Llm., Real Estate and Insur ance 133 Fifth ave.. Pittsburg. Pa. Ja"-12-TuF FOR KALE Farms. FOR SALE A LARGE FARM, 230 ACRES, close to railroad, about 15 miles from the city: dwelling, outbuildings, orchard, coal, water, etc. etc; will be sold cheap, as owner Is a non resident: terms to suit: tltlo jerfect. Particulars from JAS. W. DRAPE & COf, 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. Ja5-79-MWS machinery and Metals. FOR SALE-SECOND-HAND ENGINES AND boilers; all sizes and styles kept In stock, from 4 to 100 h. p.; all refitted: good as new, at lowest S rices; mounted portable engines, S to 25 h. p. 1-25 Park way. J. S. YOUNG, Allegheny, Pa. JaS-92-JIWP FOR SALE 23x43 CORLISS ENGINE: ONLY run a year: can be seen In operation: price on application; also a new Strange Co. stave ma chine all complete: capacity 10,000 In in hours; will sell at low figure. J. A. MCCORMICK, 150 First ave. aul-p32-MWJ' FOR SALE-LARGE STOCK OF ENGINES, boilers, clay and ore pans, crushers, hoisting engines, wire rope steel hoisting tubs, T rails and contractors' machinery, shears, mill machinery, etc THOMAS CARLlN'S SONS, corner Lacocfc and Sandusky sts., Allegheny. sc13-mwf Business Stands. FOR SALE-BUSINESS BLOCK ON CORNER of 2 good sts. In the Fifth ward. Allegheny: three 3-story brick moderp built buildings; will sell separate. For particulars call. A. D.WILSON, 55 Federal st.. Allegheny. U5-42-MWS F1 OR BALE-THAT VERY ELIGIBLY LO CATED hotel property corner Ohio and Arch streets Allegheny: three-story brick building, 30 rooms and four storerooms, all In good order; lot 00x100 feet. GEORGE D. RIDDLE, Attorney,' 113 Diamond street. Ja5-25-D Horses. Vehicles. Live Stock, Ac TTIOR SALE-ONE OF THE MOST STYLISH JU driving horses in the city; a beautiful seal brown. 18 hands high; seven years old; sound and gentle and hasnotafault of anysort: the owner will sell him at a sacrifice as he Is leaving the city: The horse can be seen at the DUQUESNE STABLES, foot of Duqucsne way. jao-4S Itlanufhctnrlnir Sites. FOR SALE -MANUFACTURING SITE; ONE of the best In the city, near Twenty-fifth St., on Allegheny Valley Railroad; hasan Iron clad bnlldlng on lot 100x120 feet, on long lease; side-track connections with Alleghenv Valley Railroad. For all particulars address CARRIER NO. 15. Pittsburg P. O. Ja3-90-D TO I.ET. Allcttbeny Residences. T O LET-IMMEDIATE POSSESSION-BRICK house. 6 rooms and finished attic, bath. w. c. both pasfis. in Spconit ward. Allerhenv. AnnlY at 28 RESACCA ST., Allegheny City. Ja6-i7 TO LET-A NEW FURNISHED DWELLING In Allegheny, near parks and street cars: furniture and carpets all quite new; will rent only to a small family without children. JAS. W. DRArE&CO., 129 Fourth avenue Pittsburg. jaB-81-D Apnrtmenls. TO LET-SOME UNFURNISHED ROOMS suitable for housekeeping; store and dwell ing: 7-room house, with natural gas. Inquire 44 FOURTH STREET. JaS-35 Farms. TO LET-TWO FINE DAIRY FARMS, ONE ofroo acres and the other of 80 acres; good Improvements; near city. GRAEBING A LYON, Ho. 135 Fourth avenne laS-25-HThs TO LET AND FOR SALE-34 ACRES OF new ground in Ross township, Allegheny Co,, 6 miles Jrom city by good road, adjoining property of Col. Kay ne, in tlie borough of Bellevue: good water In abundauce: good 4 room house with stone cellar; barn and other buildings: one of the best locations for dairy, small fruit or vegetable cnltnre; will ssll the whole or the house with 5 or more acres; price low and terms to suit purchaser; possession April 1. Inquire of J. M. SWAN. 189 Federal St., Allegheny. Ja7-2S Offices, Desk Room. &c TO LET-IN THE McCANCE BfcOCK, 8mlthfleld, Liberty and Seventh avenue well-lighted offices, each room fronting on a prin cipal street; passenger and merchandise eleva tors. de25-44-D TO LET-(99-REDUCED RENTS: OFFICES IN Eisner building. Fifth ave and Wood st.; finest location In cltyt large light rooms: Janitor service and steam heat free. OADlUliL W. BLACK & CO., 99 Fourth ave. OC21-X17-D TO LET-NEW OFFICES: SPLENDID LIGHT. The Germanla Savings Bank. 423 Wood St., having changed the Interior of its building by adding 15 large alrr and well-lighted offices, with all modern conveniences, elevator, etc., offer the same for rent at reasonable terms. Parties desir ing a fine location should apply at once at the BANK. de21-75-D Business Stands. mO LET-HOTEL CONTAINING 30 ROOMS; JL first-class order; corner Ohio and Arch streets, Alleghenv; Immediate possession. GEO. D. RIDDLE, Attorney, 118 Diamond st. Ja5-25-D TO LET-S11 FIFTH-AVENUE, AN ALMOST new brtck. store and dwelling of 6 rooms, good style lato Improvements; possession at once If desired (rent to April 1, '89, very cheap). W. A. HERRON & SONS, SO Fourth avenue Ja4-10-4,7,10,12 TO LET-HOTEL-ONE OF THE MOST prominent hotels; situate ou one of the prin cipal avenues In the city: this Is a rare chance to rent a good, paying hotel. Apply to WM. 11. PRICE. Fire insurance Agent, No. 93 Fourth ave. Pittsburg, Pa. Ja3-18 Special, T O LET-HOUSES- 240 Johns st., near Kirkpatricfc. 3 new 2-story brick; 7 rooms, hall, vestibule nat. and art. gas; with nat. gas ?C4 per month. 300 Logan st., cur. Wilson, new, 6 rooms, brick, near Wylle nicely grained and finished. SOO Wyllc, cor. Logan, new, 8 rooms; brick, bath, w. c. basement laundry, art, and nat. gas; grained throughout; nice loca tion. X)o store Wylle cor. Logan, 18x35 feet, large show windows; an elegant location for dry good. Jewelry or shoe store. PrrrSHURG CO., Limited, Real Estate and In snrance 138 Fifth ave.. Pittsburg. Ja7-13-Tnr PERSONAL. PERSONAL NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! come and sec! come and see! good editions low prices. LEVI'S BOOK STORE, SOO Liberty st. no4-13 PERSONALA GRAND SCHEME AFLOAT If lean enlistasufflclent number of my friends and the public: nothing more or less than taking vour last winter's suit and cleaning, repairing It for a trifle, so that yon can tide over the fall months. It Is well worth thinking of, and 1 shaU be pleased to see you at rov rooms, 65 Fifth avc, second floor. JAMES DICKSON, Tailor: tele phone 1558. aulf-n87-D LOST. T OST-A FOX TERRIER, WHITE. EXCEPT 1 J face half black; John S.Ford name on collar; suitable reward will be paid by returning to P. PRESTON. Penn avenue, near Lang, East End. de30-24 LOST-BHINDLE BULL TERRIER-WHITE and gray. In Lawrenceville on Friday even ing. Rewara will be paid if retnrned to T. W. BROWN, Davison st., between Forty-fifth and Fortv-slxth sts. Ja7-25 DIVIDENDS. Gekman American Ins. Co. or Pa., ") Office No. Ill Fourth Aventje, V PlTTsnuno, Januarv 4, 1839. ) DIVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS company have this day declared a semi annual dividend of FOUR PER CENT (2 per share), payable on demand. jaSd D W. J. PATTERSON, Secretary. Masonic Bank, ; Pittsburg. Pa., December 31, 18SS. s THIRTY-SECOND DIVIDEND THE Board of Directors of this hank have this dav declared a dividend of THREE (3) rER CENT on the capital stock out of the earnings of the last six months, payable on demand. jal-66-D C. B. MCLEAN, Cashier. arsenal Bank. Pittsburg, December 31, 18SS. i DIVIDEND-THE BOARD OK DIRECT ORS of this hank have, declared a divi dend of FOUR (4) PkR CENT out of the earnings of the last six months, payablo forth with. W. S. WILLIAMS, jal-55-D Cashier. Odd Fellows Savings Bank, i PrrrSBUKQ. Januarv 2, 1SS9. EIVIDEND-THE DIRECTORS OF THIS bank have this day declared a dividend of REE (3) PER CENT out ot the earnings of the last six months, pavahlo on demand, free ot tax. F. E. MOORE, Cashier. ja3-14 German Savings and deposit ) Bank of Birmingham. J January 3, isso. ) DIVIDEND THE BOARD OF DIRECT . ORS ot this has this day declared a dividend of FIVE (5) PER CENT out of the earnings of the last six months. Payable Tuesday, January 8. ja4-8 J. F. ERNY, Cashier. CITY SAVINGS BANK OF PITTSBURG. Pa., December 31. 1883. The directors of this hank have declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENTUM on the capital stock, payable forthwith out of the earnings of the past six months. J. W. TAYLOR, Cashier. jal-70 . . Duquesne National Bank, J Pittsburg, Pa, December M, 1888. J DIVIDEND-THE B.OAKD OF DIREC TORS of thi hank have this dav declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENTUM oot or the earnings of the last six month, payable on demand, free of tax. A. H. PATTERSON, Jal-2 Cashier. AlleghenyNationalBank. Pittsburg,Fa. rPHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVE L this day declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT out of the earnings of the past six months, payable January 2, 1889. F. C. HUTCHLNBON. Cashier. . December 31, 1888. J&3-43 ' MEETINGS. PITTS3UHO, November 28, 1588. "VTOT1CE A MEETING OF THE STOCK JM HOLDERS of the McKeesport and Besse mer Railroad Company will bo held at tho office of the Company, No. Ill Fourth avenue, Pitts burgh, Pa at 2 r. ii-on Tuesday, the 5tb day of February, 1883, lor the purpose of consider ing and holding an election upon tho question of increase of the capital stock and indebted ness of the Company. By order of tho Board of Directors. W. T. WALLACE. Secretary. O FFI CIAL PITTSB ORG. Department of Public Works, i PITTSBURG, PA. January 4, 188). ? -vrcmcE is hereby given that the Jl report of viewers on the construction of Cotton alley and Valley street sewer, from Eden alley to Forty-second street, has been approved by Councils, whlch'action will be final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Common Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIGELOW, Chief of Department of Public Works. ja4-19 Department of Public "Works, 1 Pittsburg. Pa., January 4, 18S9. f NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE report of viewers on the gradins, paving and curbing of Linden street, from Pennsylva nia Railroad to Fenn avenue has been ap proved by Councils, which action will he final, unless an appeal is filed in the Court of Com mon Pleas within ten (10) days from date. E. M. BIOELOW. Chief of Department of Public Works. ja3 . Depap.tmf.xt of Public Safety, j Pittsburg, Pa.. Januarv 5, 18SU. J SEPARATE AxlD SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the City Controller until 2 o'clock P. M. on SATUR DAY, January 12, 18S9. for painting, varnish ing, etc., at Municipal Hospital: for furnishing ten beating stoves, more or less, at said hospi tal; for remodeling garbace furnace on Hill street, and for the removal of ashes from said furnace. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the Bureau of Health, No. 7 Seventh street. Bonds in double the amount of bids will be required. Said bonds to be probated before the Mayor or City Clerk. The Department of Awards reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. O. BROWN, Chief of Department of Public Safety. Ja(M9-D NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE assessments for the openinc of the follow ing named streets and avenues, viz: Opening of Center avenue, from Soho to Neville street. Opening of Negley avenue, from Bryant to Butler street. Opening of Grecnbush street, Irom "Wyoming street to Boggs avenue. Opening of Bellefonte street, from Fifth avenue to Walnut street Opening of Moultrie street, from Fifth ave nue to Tustin street Opening of Brady street, from Fifth avenue to Monongabeia river. Opening of Elwood street, from Roup to O'Hara street. Opening of Clinton street, from South Fifteenth street to McKee's line. Opening of Cowan street, from Greenbush to Wyoming street. Openinc of Breed street, from TJxar alley to South Fifteenth street Are now in my hands for collection, and, if not paid within SO days of the date hereof, liens will be filed for the unpaid assessments, with interest, cost and fees. W. C. MQRELAND, city Attorney. Pittsburg, December 29, 1883. de29-78-D TNO. 208. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE public sale of the property of the City of Pittsburg, situate m the Thirtieth ward of said city, now used and occupied as the Thirtieth ward police station Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cils assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Department of Public Safety be and is hereby authorized and empowered to make public sale, subject to the approyal of the Councils of all that certain lot or piece of ground and the im provements thereon, situate iu the Thirtieth ward of the City of Pittsburg, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning on the north side of Carson street, at the comer of Ut now or formerly owned byJno. H. Paeo and wife and at -a distance of 52 feet eastwardly from Third street, thence extending along Car son street eastwardlv 20 feet and in depth northwardly parallel with Third street, pre serving the same width of 20 feet, 100 feet to Chestnut alley. Being tho same lot or piece of ground which the South Pittsburg Co-Operation Association of the county of Allegheny by its deed, dated August 2, 1873, recorded in Deed Book voL 311, pace 532: granted and con veyed unto the said City of Pittsburg. Section 2 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same aSectsthis ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils this 10th day of December, A. D. 1883. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAV, President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk of Common CounclL Mayor's Office, December 14, 1888. Approved: WM. McCALLIN, Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY. Mayor's Cleric Recorded in Ordinance Book! vol. 6, page 660, 3d day of January, A. D. 1SS9. ja5 TNo. 209.1 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE manner of granting permits for the erec tion .of wooden buildings within the fire limits of the city of Pittsburg. Section 1 Be it ordained and enacted by the city of Pittsburg, in Select and Common Coun cil assembled, and it is hereby ordained and en acted byjthe authority of the same.That all pro visions of existing ordinances and regulations governing the granting of permits for the erec tion of wooden buildings shall be applicable to and shall he exclusively executed and enforced by the Building Inspectois and the Superin tendent and Assistant Superintendents of the Fire Bureau, who shall constitute a board to pass upon all wooden building permits that have been approved by the Building Inspectors, sub ject to the approval as hereinafter provided. They shall select their own Chairman, and. adopt such rules and regulations asthevmay think best adapted to the purpose,subject to the approval of tho Chief of the Department of Public Safety, under the Acts of Assembly and ordinance oi tue city. Section 2 That before any permits for the erection of wooden buildings within the limits aforesaid are issued they shall he approved by the Chief of the Department of Public Safety. Section 3 That any ordinance or part of or dinance conflicting with the provisions of- this ordinance be, and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained ami enacted into a law in Councils this 10th dav of December, A. D. 1888. H. P. FORD, President of Select Council. Attest: GEO. SHEPPARD, Clerk of Select Council. GEO. L. HOLLIDAY. President of Common Council. Attest: GEO. BOOTH, Clerk ot Common Courcil. Mayor's office, December 23, 1888. Approved: "WM. McCALLIN. Mayor. Attest: W. H. McCLEARY, Mayor's Clerk. Recorded in Ordinance Book, vol. 6, pace 561. 3d day of January, A. D. 1880. ja5 TAXPAYEES' NOTICE. Office of the Board of assessors, ) Pittsburg, Pa, January 3, 18S9. Valuations upon property in the First, Sixth, Twelfth First, Twelfth Second, Thir teenth, Sixteentb,Twenty-third,Twenty-e!ghtb, Thirty-fourth, Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth wards have been completed for tha triennial assessment of 18S9. Appeals may be made as follows: First, Sixth, Twelfth First, Twelfth Second, close January 12, 4 p. St.; Thirteenth. Sixteenth, Twenty-thlrd.close January IL 4 r. M.; Twenty eishth, Thirty-fourth. Tliirtv-nfih, close Janu ary 15. 4 r. M Thirty-slxtn, close January 16, 4 P. M upon, forms furnished with tran scripts, which can bo had at onco upon per sonal application, or by letter or postal card. All appeals MUST be probated at this office. Office hours from S A. it. till 4 r. M. Attention is called to Section 23 of the new charter, which provides that "The Board of Assessors shall assess all property taxable for citv nurnoses at It.3 actual cash-value: orovided. that u" property shall be assessed lor a less amount man tue pneo paia ior at tue last re corded sale." By order of Board. FRANK P. CASE, ) PnN JP HOERR. , Assessors. JAMES J. LARKIN, ) ja3-48-rj To LET OR FOR SALE- Aji Elept. CoMuioiis and M-Fii-Mea House oil fill Avenue. Near Dinwiddle street- Built and finished in the best style. Just the place, and an admirable chance for physician, dentist or professional person, the cable cars bringing 20,000 people to it every day. Soutbside, Lawrenceville" and Miners villo districts within a few minutes bv brid-re .and Fort incline plane: Oakland, East Liberty ny,sl tha rtlrl .ft itlsl., ofinaaalhla hv fHitil. cars. Owing to central situation on main thorough faro and to new facilities for access, this prop, erty will soon ' be as desirable for professional men as Penn avenue formerly was. Apply to BLACK & BAIRD, Real Estate Agents, 95 Fourth avenue del3-166 il EO. H. BARBOUR, VT CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designer of Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, , Room 62 Elinor Building. deB-kCO-D FIFTH AVEN.UE, Pittsburg. ELECTIONS. "UTY SAVINGS BANK Of PITTSBURG, vy Pa., December 31. 1888. The annual elec tion for directors of this bank will be held at the banking bouse. Sixth ave. and Smithfield st, on Tuesday; January 8, 1889, between the hours of 11 a. 31. and 1 P. M. jal-69 JOHN W. TAYLOR, Cashier. Gersian Savings and Deposit"! Bask of Birmingham. January 3, 1889. J T71LECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION JCj for thirteen directors of this bank will be held at the banking house, corner Carson and Fourteenth streets. TUESDAY. January 8, be tween the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock p. M. ja4-9 . J. F. ERNY. Cashier. First National Bank. PrrrsBURO. Pa., i Pittsburg, December 10, 1888. ELECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTION for nine Directors of the bank will be held at the banking house, corner of Wood street and Fifth avenue. January 8. 18S9, between the hours of 11 o'clock A. It. and 1 o'clock P. M. dell-iS7-D J. D. SCULLY, Cashier. German American Ins. Co. of Penna., 1 Office No. Ill Fourth Ajt.nue, Pittsburg, Januarv 4, 1889. ELECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTION for 12 directors of the company will be held at this office MONDAY. January 14, 1889. be tween the hours of 1 1 o'clock A. M. and 1 p. M. ja54Tr-D Y, J. PATTERSON, Secretary. Office Columbia Oil Co., i Pittsburg. December 23, 1888. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Columbia Oil Co. will be held at No. 514 Market St. on THURSDAY. January 10,1859, at 11 o'clock A. M.. for the election of directors and for the transaction of such business as mav be presented. de28-17-D ' A. P. McGREW, Secretary. Masonic Bank, i Pittsburg. Pa, December 31. 1RSS. s 3J1LECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTION It for directors of this bank, to serve for the ensuingyear, will be held at tha banking house on TUESDAY, JANUARY, 8. 1889, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. it. and 1 o'clock p. M. jal-67-D CHAS. B. MCLEAN. Cashier. Arsenal bank. i Pittsburg,. December 31. 1S88. ( -pLECTTON-THE ANNUAL ELECTION JCj for twelve directors of the bank will De held at the banking houe, corner of Butlerand Forty-third streets, on WEDNESDAY, JANU ARY 9, 1889, between tho hours of 11 a. m. and 1 p. M. W. S. WILLIAMS, Cashier. jal-56-D Iron City Gold Mining Co. Pittsburg. Pa. ELECTION THE ANNUAL ELECTION for Directors of this company will be held at the Columbia Oil Company's Office. Mc Clintock Block. Market street. TUESDAY, January 15, between the hours of 3:50 and 4 p. M. JOHN R. WATSON, Secy. ja6-C-D . ION Office of Ben Franklin Insurance Co., 43 Ohio Street, Allegheny, Pa.. January 1, 1SS9. -LECTION.-THE ANNUAL ELECTION JCj of directors of this company, to serve dur ing the ensuing year, will be held in the office of the company on MONDAY, January 14, 1SS9, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. WM. A. FORD, Secretary. ja2-39-D Office of National Insurance Co., 1 Allegheny, Pa., January 3. 18S9. f ELECTION-THE ANNUAL ELECTION for directors of this company to serve during the ensuing year will b0 held at the office of the company, Nn. 43 South Diamond St.. cor. Federal, on MONDAY, January 14, 1889. between the hours of 10 a. m. and 2 P. It. ja4-904,7,14 H. M. SCHMITT, Sec'y. Pittsburg Junction Railroad Company, Pittsburg. Pa.. December 31. 1883. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE X stockholders of this company to elect a President and Board of Directors for the ensuing year and to transact such other busi ness as may come before the meeting, will be held at room 11, Blssell Block, on Monday, January 21, 1889, between the hours of 11 A. M., and 12 o'clock, noon. jal-62-1,7.14,21 J. A. SMITH. Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Monongahela Naviga tion Company will ba held on THURSDAY, January 10. 18S9, at tho ofilce of the company, No. 104 Grant street, Pittsbnrg, Pa., at 2 o'clock P. M., for the election of officers and managers of tue company for the ensuing year and other business. W". BAKEWELL, Secretary. Pittsburg, December 19, 1SSS. del9-12-19,2L24.2G,23,29,31,ja2,4,7,9,10 Office Western Pennsylvania ) Exposition Society, Pittsburg, Jannarv 1, 1889. ) ELECTION-THE ANNUAL MOOTING OF members of this society for the election of thirteen directors to serve for the ensning year, and for the transaction of such other reg ular business as may be brought up, will be beld in the music and art room, second floor of Hamilton building. Fifth avenue, TUESDAY, January 8, 1889, at 3 o'clock P.M. Bv order of the Board. ja3-20-D JAS. W. BATCHELOR, Secretary. rOTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING OF Ll the stockholders of tho McKceapott and Belle Vernon Railroad Companv will ba held at the office of tho company, No. Ill Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, Pa,, on MONDAY, January 14, 1889, between the hours of 12 M. and 2 P. M.. to hear the report of the President, to elect a President and eight directors to serve for the ensuing year, and for such other business as may be brought before the meeting. W. T. WALLACE, Secretary. Pittsburg, Pa., December 29, 18SS. de31-2-M NOTICE-THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the 'Stockholders of the McKeesport and Bessemer Railroad Company will be held at the office of the companv. No. Ill Fourth ave., Pittsburg. Pa., on MONDAY. January 14, 1889, between the hours of 1 p. M. and 3 P. M. to hear the report of the President, to elect a President and six Directors to serve for the en suing year, and for such other business as may be brought before the meeting. W. T. WALLACE, Secretary. Pittsburg, Pa, December 29, 1888. de31-l-M LEGAL NOTICES. VTOTICE-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN J.' that application will be made at the next meeting oi the Board ot Pardons for tho pardon oi uonrau tteaainger, convicted at mayhem at Nn. 116, December sessions, Allegheny connty, 1SSS. W. D. MOORE, attorney for defendant. January 4, 1889. ja4-G6oiF Office of Clarence Burleigh, 403 Grant st.. Pittsburg. Pa. ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Li letters of administration on the estate of Mathew Ferguson, deceased, late of Pittsburg, Pa., have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted, to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against tha same will make them known witbont delay. JOHN FERGUSON 530 Carson street, Sonthside, Pittsburg. delG-17-Jt WM. M. McGILL, 157 Fourth avenue. ESTATE OE DANIEL YENNY, DE CEASED. Executrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary on the estate of Daniel Yenny, late ot Harrison town ship, in tho county of Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims or de mands against the same will make them known without delay, to REGINA YENNY, Executrix, de2-c6-M Box No. 62, Tarentum. Pa. TN T X No. l,of Allegheny county: Rose C. Schmidt by her next friend, etc., versus Joseph Schmidt, No. 439, September term, 18S3. In divorce. To Joseph Schmidt. Respondent: Rose C. Schmidt, your wife, has made an ap plication to said court for a decree of divorce from the bonds of matrimony. The snbpcna and alias subpeena have both been returned non est inventus. You are hereby notified to ap pear in said court to answer the said applica tion on me nrst Aiouuay oi iuarcn, iku, oeing the first day of the next term, and upon your failure to appear tho petitioner may proceed ex parte. ALEX JE. McCANDLESS, December, 29, 1888. SherifT. de30-62-M FRANK "W. SMITH, Attorney at Law. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT G. A. Pannier and W. H. Wagner, partners as Pannier & Wagner, of the city of Allegheny and county ot Allegheny, State of Pennsylva nia, bydeed of voluntary assignment, havo as signed all their estate, real and personal, to Frack W. Smith, of tho city of Pittsburg, county and State aforesaid, in trust for the benefit of their creditors. All persons, there fore. Indebted to the said Pannier & Wagner will make payment to the said assignee, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. FRANK W. SMITH. Assignee, 93 Diamond St., Pittsburg. de9-h27-M . PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR 12-INCH STEEL GUN forgings Ordnance Office, War Depart ment, Washington. January 4, 1889. Sealed proposals, in duplicate. will be received at this office until 3 o'clock P. M.. on FRIDAY, JAN UARY 18. 1889. at which time tbey will bo pub licly opened, for supplying the Ordnance De partment, U. S. Army with Steel Forcings, of American manufacture, for hoops ana breech mechanism for a 12-inch steel gun. Early de livery is desired. Blank forms on which pro posals must be made and all information re quired by bidders Can be had upon application. S. V. BENET, Bng. Gen., Chief of Ordnance. jaS-Tl-D ADCTION SALES. ASSIGNEES' SALE-IN THE MATTER' of the voluntary assignment of the Far mers' and Mechanics' Bang of East Birming ham to J. H. Sorg. IL Berg, Jr., and L. S. Cun ningham. No. 482 December Term, 1888. And now to wit, December 21, 1S8S. the within petition pre sented in open court and tha prayer thereof, is granted and it is ordered, adjudged and de creed that the nroperty within described be sold on the premises on tha 31st DAY OF JANUARY, A. D., 1889, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M And that notice of said sale be given twice a week in two newspapers, one morning and one evening for six weeks prior to said sale, also by hand bills. By the Court - Pursuant to the authority given us by the above order we will expose to public sale on the premises on THURSDAY. JANUARY 31,-A.D., 1889, AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M-, the following described property: All those TWO CONTIGUOUS LOTS OF GROUND, each having a width of 20 feet, situate in the City of Pittsburg, together bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at the northwesterly corner of Carson street and Eighteenth street and run ning tbenco along Carson street westwardlv 40 feet; thence northwardly parallel with Eigh teenth street 120 feet to Wneht's alley; thence eastwardlyalong said alley 40 feet to Eighteenth street, 'and thence southwardly along Eigh teenth street 120 feet to the place of begining. Having erected thereon two three-story build ings, with mansard; one of which was lately oc cupied by the said bank; the other is a store) building, , Being the same property which Frederick Ibmsen, executor, by deed dated Septembers, 1871, and recorded in Deed Book, Vol. 339. page 660, conveyed to James McMaster, President and Trustee of Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of East Birmingham. ALSO.ALLTHATCERTAINLOTORPIECE , OF GROUND SITUATE IN THE TWENTY-SEVENTH WARD - - OF THE CITY OF PITTSBURG. Bounded and described as follows: Begmnlns on the southerly line of Pius street, at a point 66 feet westerly from the western line of land -now or late of Josephine Yard, formerly Jose phine Ornisby: thence westerly along said Pins, street 34 feet to line of land of St. Michael's Church, thence along the line of said laud southerly 86.70 feet to the northern line of Gregory street; thence along the line of said street easterly S2 feet, more or less, to the line of land of LcoBieger. and along tho line of said Bieger's land northwardly 87 feet, more or , less, to Pins street, the place of beginning. Whereon is erected a two-story brick dwelling house and outbuildings. ALSO. ALL THAT PIECE OR PARCEL OF GROUND SITUATE IN THE TWENTY-SEVENTH WARD OF THE CITY OF PITTSBURG. Bounded and described as follows: Beginning on the line of land now or late of Josephine Yard, formerly Josephine Ormsby. at the dis tance of south 14 15". west 235 14-1U0 feet from the south lino of Pius street and on south line of Maple street, continued from Yard's plan; thn"e along said line south 14 15'. west 202 76-100 to line of land of BishopTuigg; thence along the same north 73 53'. west 63 feet to line of land of St. Michael's Church; thence north 9 47'. east 193 5-10 feet to line of Maple street aforesaid, and thence by the southern" line of said street easterly 0 feet, more or less, to place of beginning, comprising ten building lots. All the above property, which is susceptible of division, will be oliered first as a whole and then separately. Terms: One-third cash and the balance ,in one and two years, secured by tight bond and mortgage, with 30 d"s' scire facias clause on the property sold. J. H. SORG, H. BERG. JR.. L. S. CUNNINGHAM, Assignees. de27-30-27,29,31,jaZ7,9,14,16,21,23,2S.30 AUCTION SALE OF FINE CARPETS, curtains, silverware, household furniture, rugs, bedding, etc, being the complete 1 urnish mentofan elegant home, and whose owners are obliged to leave the city, thus making it necessary to sell goods at once. Fine chamber suits, cheval glass, chiffonier, pier mirror, wardrobes, bureaus, bedsteads, wasbstands. hall, room and stair carpets, in good condition; hair and husk mattresses, bed sorinjrs, deco rated toilet ware, dining room suit in leather, pictures, bric-a-brac, clocks, ornaments, bronzes, lamps, fine brocatelle parlor suit, music cabinet, bed lounge, couch, book case, li brary furniture, upright piano, fancy rockers, laundry and kitchen fnmishments, etc, etc. Goods now on exhibition and for sale a-auction at the rooms. No. 311 Market fit., Tuesday morning. Jan. 8. 'S9. HENRY AUCTION CO., LIM- Auctioneers. ja6-54 AMUSEMENTS. TT ARRIS' THEATER Every night and Monday, "Wednesday Friday and Saturday matinees, "LIGHTS O" LONDON." Next week "One of the Finest." ja7-10 , GRAND OPERA HOUSE EDWIN BOOTH AND LAWRENCE BARRETT. To-night-JULlUS CJESAR. Mr. Booth, Brutus Mr. Barrett, Cassius. Week of January 11 Herrmann. ja6-3 CASINO MUSEUM WEEK OF JANUARY 7. The Crescent.City Combination, beaded with Symonds. Hughes and Rastns, John W. Cof fee, the skeleton dude. Admission, 10 centi. Open from 10 A. M. until 10 P. M. , TTARRY WILUAMS ACADEMY To-night Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and. Saturday, ROSE HILL'S ENGLISH FOLLY COMPANY. - IJOU THEATER ' Commencing To-Night, "HELD By the ENEMY." Next week Kate Castleton. Jan7-16 RANK STATE31ENT3. mHIRTY-SEVENTH SEMI-ANNUAL X statement of the GERMANU. SAVUfGcC BANK, of Pittsbnrg, Pa., January 1, 1889. ASSETS. Bonds, mortgages and other securi ties 9 sia,BS6 OS . Accrued interest. 6,437 34 Bank property, corner Wood and Diamond sts Fixtures and furniture Rent due Jan. 1, 1859 Real estate Bank and other stocks City of Pittsburg 7 per cent bonds. City of Pittsburg 5 per cent bonds.. Allegheny county 4 per cent bonds.. Allegheny countv 5 per cent bonds. . Braddock water 5 per cent bonds.... Transverse Pass. R. R. 6 ner cent 199,273 93 . 3.127 50 " 1.784 48 J 57.639 50.-. 76.892 50." 16.750 00, 1.100 oo'- 10.500 00" 2,550 eg 25,500 00, bonds 2,040 09. Penn Incline 6 per cent bonds 5,100 00 Pitts. & Conn. R. R. 7 per cent bonds.. 2,400 GO Pitts., C & St. L. R. R. 7 per cent t bonds .." 6.100 00 Point Bridge Co. 6 per cent bonds... 10,800 001 "Williamsport Bridfe Co. 6 per cent ' bonds v.... 10,000 Off Demand loans, with collaterals 228.482 74 . Cash on hand and in national I $1,744,593 35 LIABILITIES. Due depositors $1,516,464 69 Six months' interestdue depositors 27,244 91 -Sl.543,709 60 Capital stock Contingent fund IoU,lxwou 40.C0O CO Undivided profits 10,883 75. $1,744,593 35 CHAS. SEIBERT. Treasurer. We, the undersigned Auditing Committee, do hereby certify that we have examined the assets of the bank and find them to agree with. the above statement. DAVID W. BECL. J. G. SIEBENECK. EDWARD GROETZ1NGER, ja6-49 Auditing Committee. TO LET. Snmfi of tho finest rooms InthftHfcvfn general business purposes at the "Neil Dispatch building, 75, 77 ana 79 Dia mond street. .WELL LIGHTED, well ventilated, with con venient passenger and freight elevator service. SITUATION, the most central in the city, within a few hundred feet of the post- offices, (new and old). City Hall, the new county buildings. Fifth avenue, Smith field street and' Fourth avenue. " PARTIES requiting power service also sup plied, with special quarters, and every convenience. ELECTRIC LIGHTING, steam heating and, janitor service included in the rents, , which are moderate. ; GREAT advantages and economy in these new quarters. Apply Between u A. M. -, NEW DISPATCH BUILDING, 75. 77 and 79 Diamond street. TTJUNCAN C. WHITE, Building. Contractor, 71 Diamond street. Second door above 8mithfleld, Pittsburg. se4-c28-JTWT 99)- Sam'l W. Black & Co.. 99 FOURTH AVENUE. ' LOAN MONEY - '., On mortgages in city and country, at loweH rates oi interest, deZ3-7B-jrrhs,, 3 va V -Hi 3 WBSSKmHSBmfSnSrmS ri