Pittsburg dispatch. (Pittsburg [Pa.]) 1880-1923, January 07, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    he givmt UP.
J. F. McMson Abandons the
Big Exposition Scheme.
He Praises the Local Board, Blames
Pittsburg Enterprise.
Interesting Talk With President, Marra
on the Subject
There was considerable of a stir in certain
quarters last evening over a statement that
Mr. J. F. Nicholson, the gentleman who
came here from Cincinnati to gather $500,
000 for onr new Exposition, had become
weary of the task and proposed handing in
his resignation on Tuesday. As the readers
of The Dispatch are aware, while the ad
vantages of an Exposition seem perfectly
clear to everybody, substantial aid was slow
in coming. It was thought that Mr. Nich
olson's successful experience in similar en
terprises at Cincinnati wouldsolve the ques
tion here. A large salary was offered him,
but he felt so confident that he preferred to
work for a small percentage. For two
months past he has been, with his family,
domiciled at the Monongahela House.
Mr. Nicholson now says that life is too
short and time with him too precious to go
on soliciting from Pittsburg business men
with so better results than he has so far
A Dispatch reporter, to get at the in
side of the matter, called upon Mr. Nichol
son last evening and asked if the rumor was
true. The gentleman replied that it was,
and went on to make some interesting re
marks besides, which, it not wholly com
plimentary, are at least instructive. Mr.
Nicholson said:
"There is no unaminity of action in this
city; each line of trade watches the other,
and they delay action while they calculate
the benefit: to themselves and other lines of
"I leave this city with only regret
for the society; but the climax was capped
yesterday when a prominent and well-known
projector of enterprises sent his secretary
out to say that he 'had spent thousands of
capital in Pittsburg, and had brought mill
ions oi foreign capital into it, but that he
had not been appreciated. On the contrary,
he bad been jumped on in the courts, his
ventures were frowned upon as schemes by
the city, and he was not going to put a
cent into an Exposition scheme; the city
could take care of its own public ventures,
and he would take care of himself.'
"As it is now, many lines of business are
not represented at all in the Exposition list.
Take music for instance, whose loans to the
fund amount in toto to only whatone manu
facturing concern ofl'ers, and it receives but
one-tenth the benefit Their apathy is sim
ply amazing.
"I leave here with only one regret, not
that I have spent 1,000 for nothing, but
that I have tailed to make your business
men understand that ten years' effort in
other directions will not bring them the
busi ness of one year's Exposition. Just think
of it, 500,000 strangers annually, spending
an average of 5 a head, means 2,500,000
brought into the city; but your so-called
business houses quibble and ask, 'What has
my neighbor done?
"Many of your leading manufacturers
here, who have made a petty loan, refuse to
increase it at all. Efforts at a revival nay, in
other hands, I trust, prove more successful
than in mine.
for raising the fund; but excuse me, I have
sot a lifetime to spend on you people. 1
am going back to Cincinnati, into the real
estate and stock business, and I wish you
godspeed with your beautiful Exposition,
lor such it will be when it is finished.
"If your people do not come forward with
subscriptions the buildings must be aban
doned or mortgaced, and bonds issued, and
then when it is completed and running
beautifully your conservative lirms will
crise and raise a howl and say the stock
holders are making money out of a public
institution. Of course they will be, unless
business houses take hold of it.
"My resignation will be a surprise
day, and 1 am sorry to leave;
already accepted
their work. I am extremely sorrv that Mr.
Nicholson was not more successful. He is
a perfect gentleman, being courteous, pleas
ant, polite and very nice in his conversa
tion. He tried to do everything to get the
money, and the failure is no fault of his.
"Mr. Nicholson says that we would have
500,000 admissions to the Exposition in a
year. I will go farther, and say that we
will have a million. To get these people,
though, we must have something better than
a penny show.
"I think that a month from now will see
us in much better shape than we are now.
For the past week and next week merchants
have been busy and will continue to be busy
taking stock in their stores. "When they
see how they stand and how much money
they have made the past year, they will
come in with good subscriptions.
"There is one thing certain, if we do not
get more money very soon, there will not be
any exposition in this city next fall. An
exposition cannot be built in 30 days and
the people should not put the matter oS any
longer. The merchants should take it up
at once so there will not be anymore delays.
I wish every member of the society
would go down to the Point and sec the
buildings as they now stand. Then they
would come to the meeting and redouble
their efforts to raise the money.
"There are" over 800 subscribers in the
society, and they are worth on an average
about $100,000 each. "Where could you get
more tangible wealth?
"We have Only about $140,000 subscribed
for. All of this has been paid in with the
exception of about 25,000. We had 10,000
subscribed on condition, $5,000 was promised
by William Thaw and another 5,000 by
Andrew Carnegie if we got $5,000 each from
three other gentlemen ot the city. When
this offer was made we thought that we
could easily raise the other 15,000, but Mr.
Nicholson has gone to every person almost
in the city, but could not get one-third the
amount. Unless wc raise the 15,000 we
will not get the subscriptions from Mr.
Thaw and Mr. Carnegie.
"I cannot, for the life of me, imagine
that, in a city of so many wealthy men,
three could not be found to subscribe 5,000
each. From the date of the formation of
the society I have not for one moment
thought otherwise than that the Exposi
tion would be built, and it will be an Ex
position that Pittsburg citizens will be
proud of. In conclusion I may say that the
scheme will not fall through."
First Sunday of the'Drnggists' Shut
Pown Move in Operation!
Both Sides of the Question,' and Strong
Kicks From Everybody.
"e mouH
Judge Fntton Collecting Material for a Life
of Stnnton His Glowing Tribute to tho
War Secretary.
Judge Benjamin Patton. of Hicksville,
O., is at the Monongahela House. The
Judge formerly lived in Pittsburg, and js
well known here. He has come to spend a
few weeks in the city, and will take ad
vantage of his opportunity to collect ma
terial and reminiscences for a life of Ed
win M. Stanton. The Judge wrote what he
knew about thi distinguished Pittsburger,
and the gentlemen getting out the book
were so well pleased that they asked him to
furnish more facts about Mr. Stanton's life
The Judge would be pleased to receive per
sonal reminiscences of the war secretary in
the possession of anyone in the city. Judge
Patton said yesterday afternoon:
Stanton was an exceedingly brusque man,
and his manner made him lots of enemies,
more than there was any necessity for. I knew
him well. Judge Greer, Stanton and myself
were warm personal iriends, and I understood
both men perfectly. Judsrc Greer often told
me that he regarded Mr. Stanton as the ablest
lawyer of his age. He was Indeed a remarkable
man. Even if he hadn't the temper he had his
personal traits and manners would have made
mm unpopular. The South cordiall) hated
him. They thoroughly despised the man who
worked so hard to defeat them.
Nou, it is commonly said that Stanton com
mitted suicide, but that is not true. He died
from the effects of a severe cold. I never
knew a man who had a greater desire to live.
After tbc war, when he was appointed Chief
Justice of the United States, be had reached
the height of his ambition. He was anxious to
live to enjoy the office, but he died soon after
ward. His tastes and previous training amply
fitted him for tbe position.
When be was Secretary of War I called on
him one day in tbo War Department. He was
suffering from a violent congh that made bis
frame quiver. I told him at tbe time if ho
couldn't check that cough it would kill him,
and it did.
Mr. Lincoln had a faithful and trne adviser
in Stanton. He was alwajs candid and open.
Tbe Emperor Diocletian resigned because, as
he said, be couldn't penetrate the veil of un
truth around him, but Lincoln never had any
reason to suspect Stanton.
AND upon.
a certain day
of the week
and upon a
certain hour of
the day, be
hold the lame
and thepalsied
and the blind
went down in
to the pool o
Siloam and
came forth
whole and went
their way rejoicing. This original pool, like
the hot springs of Arkansas bears a pecu
liar resemblance to the present druggists'
pool, and the mud in the latter has been
stirred up from its very depth. This sim
ile may not be very clear, but it is apt, and
the tardy one who came moseying down to
the pool after office hours received as great
a shock as the man who hustled around yes
terday with a prescription and an internal
disorder, only to find the doors of the men
of pills and pomade closed against them.
Of course the pool of Siloam got in its fine
work many years before physicians and
druggists were invented, in the days, by the
way, when men lived to be a few hundred
and odd years of age, while now they can
scarcely struggle through with the odd
years. This may merely be a startling co
incidence. Nevertheless there are some
people who still pin their faith to the Bible.
There is a sweet old Enclish ballad that
says "You'll never miss the lager till the
keg runs dry," and 'so it is with a physician
or a drugsist. You never miss him until he
can't be found, and of course you never find
him if you miss him.
When a man wants a druggist, he wants
him real bad, and to be stared in the face
by a cold statement on a printed card that
"This store will open only from 6o9"is
calculated to aggravate both his indisposi
tion and his temper.
"Great heavens," groaned a victim of
Saturday's laxity and Sunday's .laws.
among his brother druggists, and found
most oi them open. He then tookinbis
sign and merrily propounded prescriptions
all day long.
J. K. Gasaway, on the corner of Federal
and North avenue, was found to be open
and doing a good business. The gentleman
is most certainly a man of convictions, and
he freely expressed them when he told why
he remained open.
"It is merely a move of retaliation," said
he, "intended. to arouse public opposition to
laws that bind them. A man was here to
ask me to sign an agreement to keep open
at only certain hours, and I refused to do
so because I don't believe in it. The move
will not succeed because it is a petty one.
"I am selling certain'medicincs and spe
cifics without a prescription because I think
it is right. We are here to relieve suffering
and if I am sued I will appeal and carry it
on to higher courts, and I will call as wit
nesses those to whom I sell. It may not be
necessary for me to sell these medicines, but
it is certainly necessary that the sick people
shall buy them. I am not selling in defi
ance to any law and order, but because I
have hundreds of regular customers whose
doctors have told them just what they
need, or to refill certain bottles of
medicine, and I do not propose to
go into a movement that will make my
iriends and customers suffer instead of my
self. "They cannot repeal that old law.and they
cannot pass special legislation, but they
can and should pass a law making it a pen
itentiary offense for a man to sneak around
like a cur and solicit one to sell him an arti
cle for the purpose of suing him for doing
it. Just this afternoon a suspiciously
pimpled fellow came in and asked for a
wisp broom. I handed one out and he
asked 'How much?'
" 'Just?31 50, said I, and he sneaked out
of the door, the worst crushed man I ever
saw, for the 31 50 is just what it would
have cot me to sell that broom to tho spy."
Mr. Rankin, on Sixth street, was found
to be open only during the hours specified.
He differed very widely from the views ex
pressed oy Mr. Uasaway. Me thought everv
man was entitled to his opinions and should
stick by them, and that the druggists' move
would result in some wiser law being
enacted. Meanwhile, a Pittsburg public
stands around and anxiously waits for the
issue, sincerely hoping that it won't be
seized with a fatal disorder while it is pend
ing. The Lawrehceville druggists remained
open all day, but it was the result of a dis
agreement. jfcThey promise to join the ranks
with their city brethren next Sunday.
Pittsburg's Patriotic Irishmen
Reply to the Slanderer.
Bat a Continuous Determination to Aid
Parnell, the Patript.
to leave; but I have
contracts for leading
American houses in the Paris Exposition
this yearj and I have no time to lose. The
Exposition will go through, if a splendid
board can put it through; but I have no
time to waste. I am going back to God's
country C incinnatl.
"By the way," concluded Mr. Nicholson,
"I want to say that never before in all my
varied experience have I seen the newspa
pers of any city so ably and unanimously
take hold of a scheme and give their best ef
forts to put it through. If it depends on
the newspapers of Pittsburg to put up those
Exposition buildings, thev will be finished
ana open for business on the 1st of August,"
and the genial, gentlemanly Nicholson had
Mr. S. S. Marvin, President of the Expo
aition Society, was interrogated in regard to
the facts recited above, and said:
"The project will not be abandoned, and
" can say in all sincerity that it will be
mpleted, notwithstanding the adverse cir-
jnstances which we had to contend against.
is supposed that from all the information
e have been able to gather that the present
joard of directors will be re-elected. This
means that renewed efforts will be made to
jurrv Pittsburg business men up. and make
them see the necessity for sending their sub
scriptions in at once.
"If the present board is not re-elected,
others will be put in their places who will
not let tho interest in the scheme lag. X
hardly think that any others want to be on
the board, as the office, instead of being a
light-hearted pleasure, has become a burden
some task. If new members are elected, we
will keep harping at them until the raise
all the monev necessary.
"As Mr. Nicholson says to your reporter,
there is a lack of unanimity of public senti
ment about the Exposition. Rich business
men ask 'What good will the Exposition do
me?' I know of several jewelry firms in
this city who subscribed 100 each. The
idea of $100! "Why, that amount is made
by them on one sale! There are others In
business who subscribe tbe same small
amounts who do not think anything of
making that amount of money" in a few
"I have received any number of letters
from men who were among the first to send
in subscriptions. They tell me that when
we get hard up and things look as if we
would have to stop work, they would double
their subscriptions. These letters are from
public-spirited men, whotske great pride
in Pittsburg, and know the advantages of
similar expositions in othef'cities.
"1 do not think that anyone can find fault
with the present board. I know that the
majority of the members of the society are
favorably disposed toward them, and have
st numerous times commended them for
Bcllevnc's Sew Episcopal Church Opened
for Worship.
Under the most favorable auspices the
Episcopal Church of the Epiphany was
dedicated in Bellevue, with services in the
morning, afternoon and evening, yesterday.
The pretty little edifice was taxed to its ut
most to hold the congregation, and the
services, which were conducted by the
Eight Kev. Cortland Whitehead, D. D.,
Bishop of the diocese, assisted by Eev.
Messrs. Bragdon and Dyees, were most im
pressive. The music was under the direc
tion of Miss McKinley, and the organ was
in charge of B. L. Orr.
The attractive edifice, which was de
scribed fully in these columns and illus
trated at the time the corner stone was laid,
last autumn, and the story of the rapid
growth of the church and congregation
was recited. Crowded columns this morn
ing leave only the possibility of alluding to
the dedication of the church, almost lree
from debt, and to congratulate Rector
Dyees and his promising congregation.
Holy communion and confirmation ser
vices were held in the morning; the after
noon was devoted to children's service and
holy baptism, and in the evening there was
a service of prayer. A number of persons
from this city were present.
"Great heaven, I repeat, do they expect me
to get sick by the clock? Am I only to be
seized by smallpox, diphtheria or the gripes
between the hours of 9 and 12 A. ar. and 6
and 9 p. m. on Sunday. Must I go home
and calmly explain to my 6-months'-old
child that she is entirely out of order and
hasn't the proper respect for her country's
blue laws when she insists upon acquiring
a large quantity of croup out of office hours?
Must I demonstrate to my boy with a
howling toothache that this is the Lord's
day and he must let her howl? Must I
Will I " but his convictions and his pain
were too much for him, and he stabbed
himself to death with his own prescription.
"What man is there among you if his ox
or his ass fall into a pit on the Sabbath day
that will not take him out." These quota
tions may not be literal, but the sense is
preserved and proper credit given, and the
only reason they are used is because they
are so singularly appropriate.
Yesterday was the first day of the Sunday
closing movement, and 135 druggists, out of
a total of 165, announced their intentions of
opening but two hours in the morning and
three in the afternoon; torefuse to open to
anybody between those certain hours, and to
fill only prescription orders.
The stopping of the sale of milk
shakes and soda water, except in a
few instances, was almost unnoticed.
When cigars and tobacco could not
be purchased men waxed indignant, but to
no effect, since their better halves were
against them. When it comes down to stop-
pingthe sale of medicine, however, it is a
far different question, the very hearthstone
is aimed at, the precions jewel of health is
A Druggist Gets Lemons of n Grocer For a
Dying Typhus Fntlcnt.
"Do you see this prescription?" said
Druggist Samuel Bellman, of Totterf &
Bender's, to a reporter last evening. The
newspaper man glanced at the curious
writing and symbols on the back, and said
that he did, but was none the wiser for
"I cannot fill it," the druggist said,
"without violating those precious old blue
laws, and it is really a case of life and
death. The patient for whom it has been
prescribed is in the very lowest stage of
typhoid fever. This prescription is the last
one resorted to bv physicians in that dis
ease. It Calls for 2 ounces of pure lemon
juice. We do not keep lemons in the store,
as there is no demand for them,.and I will
have to buy some at a store." '
He hurried out of the store, and, after an
absence ot several minutes, .returned with
some lemons.
"I had to violate the law, and had to have
the shopkeeper do the same. It just hap
pened that I knew the man, or I would not
have got the lemons. It would have been 9
o'clock before the next drugstore could have
been reached, and it would th-n have to be
closed, according to the new Sunday laws.
"I won't sav anvthins further nn fhi
question, but will aliow people to draw their
own conclusions." ,
A meeting of citizens who have been ac
tive and interested in past efforts made in
behalf of the cause of Ireland was held at
the house of John McFarland on the South
side yesterday afternoon, to condemn Ed
ward Flanagan, an informer, who testified
before the London Times commission that
he attended-a meeting in Pittsburg whe're
Stephen Joseph Meany presided, and where
money was collected for the purchase of
arms to be sent to West Clare, Ireland.
On motion of Mr. "William "Walls, P.
Foley, Esq., was elected Chairman, .and W.
J. Brenuan Secretary of the meeting. Mr.
Brennan was then officially directed to pre
pare affidavits in contradiction of Flana
gan's statements, and the following resolu
tions were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, We, the undersigned, who "have
participated in every "Land League" meeting
in Pittsburg from tho inception of said meet
ings, bave beard with shame that the English
Tory Government and London Times have re
course to their usual and customary auxiliary,
the "informer," to make good their concocted
and villainous charges acainst the noble and
patriotic Charles Stewart Parnell; and.
Whereas, A cultmnator, perjurer and In
former, in the person of one Flanagan, has
sworn an unmitigated falsehood, not alono
against tbo living, but'the dead, when he
swears that "Stephen J. Meany presided at a
Land League meeting in Pittsburg and col
lected funds to bay arms;" therefore, be it
Resolved, That we brand Flanagan as a per
jurer of tbe blackest type, and a vampire that
has crawled out of his hiding place to aid tbe
Tory Government in its infamous work of
slandering the fair fame of Ireland and her
patriotic sons; and farther, be it
Besolved, That while condemning the "in
former," we also condemn the Tory Govern
ment for the brutal, barbarous and Unchristian
1 work of its Crowbar Brigade that is now evict
ing hundreds of the Irish people, men, women
and children, and casting tbem out on the pub
lic highways to starve and die.
Besolved, That wo have the utmost confi
dence in Charles Stewart Parnell and Michael
Davitt. and that we renew our pledges to do
everything within the precincts of ourpower to
aid and assist them in their noble stand for
home rule for Ireland.
Resolved, That we wish the Rt, Hon. Will
lam E. Gladstone long life, and that he may
live to see the effort of bis life crowned with
succes3and victory in Ireland) raining home
w. j. beennen,
John McFaklajtd,
Wm. McAuliffe,
C. P. HAGAlf,
John Murphy,
James McLaughlin,
James Meehan,
P. Foley.
William Watts,
Wm. McNamaba,
James Graham,
P. M. Carr,
Thomas Brown.
Thomas Marlowe,
James Corcoran.
Tbe Gymnasium to be Opened After the Fair
Has Been Closed.
The Young Men's Catholic CInb, connect
ed with St. Paul's Cathedral, held a meet
ing yesterday in the basement of the church
and adopted a new constitution and by-laws.
The clnb is now in a flourishing condition,
and the membership is increasing each week.
The attendance at the club rooms for tbe
nast week has been verv liberal owin? to
the new rtock of books and magazines that.
has just Deen received.
As soon as the fair closes and Father Wall
has more time to devote to the boys a gym
nasium will be fitted up in the old Episcopal
residence. The use of two large rooms has
been secured, and all that is needed is the
muscular appliances.
They Need More Electric Lights, and Want
lo Try roe Gas.
General Fullerton, of St Louis, arrived
in the city last evening. He represents a
big electric light concern in St Louis and
he has come to Pittsburg to examine into
tbe Westinghouse system with a view to
placing some heavy contracts.
He is also interested in fuel gas, and while
here will examine the process for making
this product He is anxious to see the fuel
tried in St Louis.
Preparing for Their Parade.
Representatives of 2G divisions of the
Ancient Order of Hibernians, of Allegheny
county, met in Hibernian Hall, Wylie ave
nue, last evening, and decided to parade on
March 17, St Patrick's Day. The parade
promises to be a large one. v
Tbe Stan Didn't Come.
Booth and Barrett did not come in last
night with the other members of the com
pany. They remained over to spend Sun-,
day in 2? ew York, and are expected to ar
rive here this morning.
ssra w--
S. i 1 T II M rft. " 71
f Yd ih&
trifled with, and the women are in arms,
and the babes in arms, and when that oc
curs, something must be done. In order to
ascertain just what was to be done, calls
were made upon the druggists yesterday.
Louis Emanuel, President ot the Druggists'
Association, was found at his home. His
store was closed, and he had turned away
a score ot applicants, many of
whom, he thought, had prescriptions
for more or less dangerous ailments. He
said Quay's ideas that the blue laws could
not be tampered with were only the expres
sions of one man. Boston had once gone
through just such a siege, even going so far
as to close entirely onSunday, and hanging
crape on the doors, with the result that on
May 10, 1887, a supplement was added to
the blue laws in that State that gave the
widest Sabbath liberty.
Splane's place, on Smithfield street, was
closed all day, and as far as could be
learned he was" the only one in the city who
remained entirely closed.
There was a big break in the ranks in
Allegheny, though Pittsburg stuck faith
fully by her 'promise. Mr. "Searcher, on
Federal street had displayed signs' in the
Private Dalzell Repeats His Offer to Old
Soldiers -A BInnk From tho Second
Auditor Bears Him Out.
In direct contradiction of the denial of
United States Auditor. William A. Day,
and various newspapers, Private "Dalzell
has again written The Dispatch, and
clinches his arguments by a printed blank
from the front office.
He says he has not been misinformed, but
both officers and men are collecting mileage
for every foot of ground traveled from
place of discharge, and for returns and reg
ular per diem pay, and that he can collect
such bills for nothing, and the proof is on
the back of every discharge certificate in
black and white, unless it has been paid be
fore, "Transportation furnished."
The Second Auditor is right in saying 5
cents a mile is not paid technically, but it
is called "travel pay" and is collectable un
der a decision of the Supreme Court of the
United States in an opinion riven in full.
Dalzell encloses the following blank from
the Second Auditor, which, he claims, set
tles the question beyond a doubt:
claim fob travel tat.
Stateof .... County of ....sj:
On this .. day of ..... A. 1. 188 , personally ap
peared before me, a in and for the county
aforesaid, a rcuident of , in the county of
..... and State of ..... and made oath indue form
of law that he is the identical , who was a
.... of Company., of the .. Kcglment of.... in
the war of 1861. That he was duly commissioned
as such, and was mustered into the United Mates
service on the .. day of .... 186 , and remained In
actual service until the... davof is6 .whi-n in.
was hononhly discharged at , by reason of
..... etc. That he claims there Is due him from
the United Mates, for pay and allowances, as fol
lows: Fay and rations, or an equivalent in moncv,
for such term of time as shall be sufficient to travel
from the place he received his discharge, to
In the county of and Stateof the
place of his residence, computing at the nte of
one day's pay and allowance for each 20 miles, un
der the decisions of the bupreme Court of the
United States. That the pay and allowances now
claimed and set forth as aloresatd bave never been
paid to him br the United btates or any of its offi
cers: and he hereby appoints with full power of
substitution and revocation , his atturncs,
aid authorizes, .to present and prosecute this
claim, and to receive and receipt for the certificate
and moneys that may be Issued or paid upon his
forepolnc application, and to do aay and all acts
necessary to eflcct the purpose of said appoint
ment, rllcrn follows claimant's sl&maturA and tvnn
certificate of two witnesses to the effect that the
claim set forth above Is made by the Identical ncr-
tbey believe.
son named, and is correct, as t
Chats With Prominent Men on a Variety of
Political Snbjects.
Congressman Hatch, of Missouri, went to
Washington through Pittsburg last night.
Mr. Hatch thought the Senate tariff bill
would pass that house on the 21st, but it
would be killed in Congress. He said that
Maine was the most corrupt State politically
in the Union. He believes they hold their
elections in September so that both sides
will have to buy up their votes. Democrats
and Bepublicans are to blame alike. In re
gard to the Speakership right, he said :
It is a contest between tbe East and
West I think Mr. Cannon's chances are gooi
and I would like to see him elected. Ho is
popular, has the experience, and would make
an excellent presiding officer. Becd ha3 a
strong Eastern following, but he has made
I understand Blaine is working hard for a
Cabinet position, but he can't pull tho wool
over Harrison. The now President hasn't
much personal magnetism, but I regard him as
a good marl, and I know he will do well.
General Green B. Baum, of Illinois, was
on the limited last night returning from
Washington. He said:
I have been mentioned in connection with
two or three places, but I am not seeking an
office. I gave 13 years of my life to the Gov
ernment, and I think I bave done my share.
There is no salaried office that would tempt me
to Washington. I can make more money in
my profession. ,
If it was left to the vote of tbe people I don't
believe Blaine would get into tho Cabinet. Sen
ator Farweli is sometimes talked of for one of
tbe portfolios, but he doesn't want a Cabinet
position. He has immense Interests to look
after, and he needs all tbe leisure he can get
He wouldn't be tied down to routine work.
Next week the Illinois Legislature will re-elect
Senator Cullom. His term has expired, but he
will be returned Without a dissenting vote.
John F. Hope, of Philadelphia, a partner
of John Wanamaker in the card business,
passed throueh the city last nieht bound for
"I am not going to see.General Harrison,"
he said. "I do know that Mr. Wanamaker
can have a Cabinet position if he will accept
it. Hot only is Quay favorable to him, but
what is better President Harrison wants
him as one ot his advisers. He wouldn't be
Secretary of the Treasury, for he would
have to give up his business, but he can be
Postmaster General without" doing that.
If he accepts anything it will be the latter
position, beyond a doubt"
Made by Lending Knighti of Labor Will
tho Barry Meeting This Evening Result
The arrival of Tom Barry and his inten
tion of putting in a week's work in what
was once considered the banner district in
tbe Knights of Labor, is causing someJun
easiness on the part of the administration
ists. They evidently fear that Barry will
induce a large number of members to leave
the order, and, as D. A. 3 is not now in
shape to lose many members, desperate
measures may be taken to prevent the meet
ings announced. .
The first step in this direction was taken
on Saturday-by Master Workman Doyle,
who announced that Barry should not ad
dress any meeting in ihe D. A. hall. He
also notified the trustees not to lease the
hall fbf a Barry meeting. The hall is in
charge of a Board of Trustees, and any one
member can sign a lease and receive the
money for the use of the hall. The notice
from Mr. Doyle came too late, and yester
day Matt Smith, a leading member of the
district, was carrying around with him a
receipt for money paid in advance for the
use of the hall on Monday night It was
signed by two trustees, in order to make it
more binding. Their names, are T. J.
Dicus and John D. Hughes.
Mr. Smith said yesterday that the meet
ing ' would undoubtedly be held, and that
Tom Barry would spea'k, but seemed to be
afraid that some administratiooists might
pack the meeting and interrupt if. Mr.
Smith continued:
This can verv easily be done. and. althoneh
I have not taken side with Mr. Barry, I believe
in Powderly's motto, "Hear both sides, then
judge." I am determined to do all In my power
to aid Mr. Barry In laing his case before the
members of D. A. i If he is wronp, tbe
members need not pay any attention to his ad
rice to withdraw from the order: but if he is
right it is time that something is done. If
Barry's charges against Powderly and the
members of tbe G. E. B. are false, why don't
they sue him for slander? Barry is evidently
right when he says they are afraid to appear
before the bar of the order, tbe bar of public
opinion or in a court of law to answer these
charges. I have been a Knight of Labor for
many years and would like to see these troubles
settled, and tne order would soon regain lost
There were hundreds of Knights of Labor
around the hall yesterday alternoon and
evening, inquiring for news concerning the
Barry movement Some of them say that
Powderly members will undoubtedly turn
out in full force and attempt to break up
the meeting; but the latter say they will use
no violence, but will try to prevent the
meeting in a legitimate way.
U$e of tbe most startling reports that was
ever circulated in the ranks of the Knights
of Labor came from a member who recently
returned from Philadelphia. He said:
"I believe there is a scheme on foot to de
stroy the 550,000 palace at Philadelphia by
fire, in order to destroy the records, which,
if produced in court would injure some
people. If the bcilding is burned down
and the records are destroyed, Barry will
have some difficulty in proving some of his
Tne statement was mentioned to a mauin
authority in the order, and one whose opin
ion is worth something. He refused to al
low the use of his name, but said:
"I would not be surprised to hear of the
building being destroyed, and have been ex
pecting to hear of it every day."
Why Washington Territory Should be Ad
mitted Into the Union.
W. H. Kneeland, of Tacoma, Wash. T.,
is stopping at the Dnquesne Hotel. He is
interested in the construction of the Mason
County railroad, 38 miles long, in Washing
ton Territory, and is looking out tor rails.
Mr. Kneeland stated that the people of
the temtorv are anxious to be admitted as
a State. He claims that they have more
than the necessary number of people, and
they are not afraid of the population de
creasing, as in the case of Nevada. The in
habitants are engaged in lumbering and
agricultural pursuits, occupations that are
Tiermnnent and not like mininer mnp.li,
temporary. He hopes to see the Territory
admitted as a Republican State during the
Mr.' Kneeland formerly lived in Brad
ford, and before he went West tried to buy
the Haymaker gas well at Murrysviile.
He hadn't heard what had happened sub
sequently, and when he learned the fate of
Weston and Bowser, he said he was glad he
didn't purchase.
Ii an Inmate at tbe Worlihouae and Will
be Sent to That City.
Marshal Williams and Officer Donnelly,
of Xoungstown, yesterday identified a pris
oner in the Allegheny County, Workhouse
as"Shong" Gillespie, who is wanted in
Youngstown for being implicated "in a
burclarv in that citv on the nivhtnf A tirm.t
io oois'
io, xooo.
Beauisition Darters will hn nlitpJnofl ,1
morning stating that he would be open only I as soon as Gillespie is released he will be
bv cerium no urs. xie wok .a run srouno ( sent oacsTOXoangstown.
Ono Man Arrested for Pntlinc His Wife Out,
and Another for Being Fat Oat.
There were only two cases before Mayor
Pearson, of Allegheny, yesterday, but they
were of a very peculiarcharacter. One was
arrested for putting his wife out of the
house, and the other was arrested for being
put out of the house by his wife. L. J.
O'Brien, of Sandusky street, was taken into
custody by Officer Boyd at the instance of
his wife, who claimed that her husband had
ejected her from the house. He got 48
Patrick Wright was found by officer
Richardson asleep in the doorstep of his
house on Preble avenue. The officer told
him to go into the house when he said that
his wife had put him out and that he could
whip any copper on' the force. He took a
ride in the patrol wagon, and got a five
days sentence.
A Iioaded Revolver That Was) Discharged
by the End if n Towel.
A peculiar accident happened at the
Newsboys' Home on Old avenue yesterday
morning. Daniel Turner and John Hanna
were washing themselves when the latter
attempted to pull a towel out of the drawer
of the washstand. pne end of the towel
caught in the hammer of a loaded revolver
in the drawer and the pistol was discharged.
The ball struck Turney in the right sid.e
of the face cutting a deep gash. Turney's
injuries are not very serious.
A Notable Allegheny Wedding.
Mrs. Hannah F. Aston, a very estimable
colored woman, who has been a domestic in
the family of Mrs. Eliza Brown, of 293
Federal street, Allegheny, for 30 years, was
married last week. The groom is Mr, John
Bobinson, of Leetsdale. Mrs. Bobinson. is
48 years of age, and her husband is a few
years her senior.
APiltsburg Firm Ships Its Ennlnci to Every
Quarter of the Globe 1,500 Feet of
Lumber Needed to Pack One.
Pittsburg locomotives are now shipped to
every part of the civilized world. Their
levers are operated by the hand of the
Japanese engineer as well as the dark
skinned engine driver of the South Ameri
can Governments.
Messrs. H. K. Porter will, in a few days,
ship six engines to, Buenos Ayres,
Argentine Republic, South America, to be
used on a railroad which runs between that
city and the coffee plantation lying out in
the country. They are of special sizes, with
a 9-inch cylinder and a 16-inch stroke. A
young Lawrenceville mechanic, Mr. Will
iam Byers, will accompany the engines to
their destination and superintend their re
construction. The greatest obstacle to be overcome in
shipping of such freight to foreign markets
is in packing them. Each of these engines
have been put together in their works, and
have been subjected to a severe test This
is necessary as the contract demands tbat
the engines must prove entirely satisfactory
before they are accepted by the railroad
company. They are then taken apart, and
each piece of the engine is packed in a
separate box, which is made expressly for
that purpose. About 1,500 feet of the best
hemlock lumber was required to pack- one
of these little engines. They are shipped to
New York, and from thence by a sailing
vessel to their destination.
Each is supplied with automatic and
steam brakes. The airbrake has not yet
been introduced. The couplings also differ
slightly from engines used ou American
railroads. The furnaces are so constructed
that either coal or wood can be used as fuel.
This is tbe first shipment of engines ever
made to Buenos Ayres by this firm, who enjoy
the. reputation of beinz the first firm to in
troduce an engine in Eastern Abia.
A model engine is now being constructed
for the World's Exposition to be held in
Paris during the coming spring. It is ex
pected to wm the first prize in the exhibi
tion of light locomotives.
It Drives Two of Them to Suicide, and the
Family of One of Them Into TJestlta
tion A Sail and Singular Coincidence.
Two Pittsburgers tried suicide Saturday
and yesterday, and one of them succeeded.
The Coroner will hold an inquest on the
body of Dr. Paul Gawrzyjelski, who took
his own life last Saturday afternoon by tak
ing an ounce of laudanum, at his home,2727
Carson street, Southside.
The doctor came to this city last June
from Indianapolis, where he had been em
ployed as a journalist on the Telegraph, a
German newspaper of that city. The man
now dead has been in this country since
1869. He was a professional journalist, and
had been a writer on German papers in
New Orleans, Chicago, New York and Mil
waukee. '
In Indianapolis, however, he suddenly
conceived the idea that he Cueht to study
medicine. This he did, and was graduated
from the Medical College in Indianapolis.
Bnt ever since he has been unfortunate.
He came to this city and bung out his sign
on Carson, near South Eleventh street.
Later he moved up to Brownstown, but he
had no success in either place. He had a
wife and four children' and it is supposed
that his extreme poverty caused him to
commit the deed. His wife stated to a
reporter last night tbat her husband was a
very highly educated man, who could speak
five languages and had written poetry and
novels in German and Polish.
Drs. Noss and Bahauser held a post
mortem examination upon the bodv of the
man yesterday; but they would not state
the result of it until this morning at the in
quest. It was admitted, however, bv one of
them, that he believed the man had com
mitted suicide.
Case No. 2: Joseph Crawford, a finisher
employed at McEenna's brass foundry, 4
trieu to commit suicide yesteroay alternoon
at the Bank Exchange Hotel, by stabbing
himself with a pocket knife. For some
time he has been on a spree, and for two or
three days has been going through the an
nealing process known as "tapering off."
Yesterday he could get no liquor and, be
coming temporarily insane, went to his
room. The occupant of the adjoining cham
ber heard him cry out:
"I've done it 1 I've done it at last !"
Upon rushing into the room the man
-found Crawford lying upon the bed with
the hjood streaming from gaping wounds in
his breast. He said he was tired of life and
wanted to die. He is said to be a son of
Samuel Crawford, of Brownsville avenue,
Southside. He separated from his wife
some time ago. He will recover from his
wounds. ,
They Are Not Nihilists, bnt Members of a
Social CInb.
The "Alpha Tan Omega," a social club
composed of a number of well-known young
men on the hill, will give a select reception
at Brooks' Dancing Academy Thursday
evening, February 5. The Original Eoyal
Italian Orchestra .will be in attendance.
. January" sale.
Enough to say that we never sold a rainy
in four days as we did last week.
On the 50c table to-day wo offer entirely dif
ferent lines of goods, thusinsorlng to buyers
fresh selection of equally good value all-wool
dress fabrics.
The styles we are selling even for 25c a yard
are equally desirable for the price, being all
wool and double width in serviceable col
o rings,
Ai In Olden Time.
The Bandall Club will celebtate Jackson
Day on Tuesday evening at their club house
onSixth avenue. The exercises will consist of
music, singing and speech-making by mem
bers of the club. A collation will be served.
To Let for Business Purposes.
Parties who require a power service in
their business and who can see advantages
in being in the most central situation in the
city, should call and examine the rooms of
all sizes now ready for occupants in the new
Dispatch building, 75,77 and 79 Diamond
Besides being ready of access to custom
ers, tenants are supplied with every facility
for the rapid and successful transaction of
Elevator service, both passenger and
freight; prompt janitor service, steam heat
ing and electric lighting free; besides, splen
did light and ventilation of the rooms are
among the attractive features.
Econonomy, as well as other great ad
vantages, in renting here. Apply at Dis
patch, new building, Diamond street.
In addition to tha bargains previously there,
we this day add one case of Printed Jersey
Silks, choice colorings, new styles, at 75c
yard. These fabrics have mora body and
weight and will give better service than low.'
priced India Silks, and never were loldai
cheaply before this sale.
More and very excellent bargains are still to
be found in Plushes and Fancy Brocade Vel
vets this week.
Edwnrd Heed, a Scene Shifter, Badly In
jured Last Night.
Edward Reed, one of the scene shifters at
the Grand Opera House, while working
among the "flies" on the stage last night,
fell through an opening in the platform
upon which he was standing and was very
bady injured.
He fell a distance of about 40 feet and lit
upon the boilers in the rear of the stage. He
was very Daaiy cut about the head and re
ceived severe internal injuries.
Will be Diicnsied by the Southside Medical
The Southside Medical Association will
hold its regular weekly meeting to-night at
the office of Dr. Brewster, on Carson, near
South Tenth street. The plans for the
founding of a hospital on the Southside will
be discussed, and definite arrangements re
garding the project are to be given into the
hands of a committee which will be ap
pointed for that purpose.
AJfew Year.
With the new year try the new brand ot
flour Bosalia manufactured by Whitmyre
& Co., Thirty-eighth street and Allegheny
Valley Eailroad, guaranteed to be the best
flour in the market.
Air extra bargain 200 dozen linen
towels at 12Jc apiece, regular price 20c
apiece. Hugus & Hacke.
We have a revised list of prices this day eo
our entire stock of Seal Plush Garments, Short
Jackets, English Walking Jackets (extra
lengths), Sacques, Mantles Modjeskas agef
Newmarkets. We call special attention to the
full lines of superfine quality of Seal Plush
Coats at H5, $33 and $25 as being simply un
equaled at these prices, better In every respect
than have ever been seen for the money.
Also two lower grades at 15 and $20 that ars
very excellent value.
Our special bargain in Cloth Ulsters, Rag.
lans and Newmarkets include the newest ma
terials, colorings and shapes, and arothoronc.br
lywell made.
The "markdowns" in children's winter gar.
ments, 2 to 16-year sizes are general, including
this entire and very large stock.
Special Bargain.
To close out, ladies' glove kid slippers at
only 50 cents per pair, at G. D. Simen's, 78
Ohio street, Allegheny. mwp
Hexexa, M. T. t
JAN.26.lS8i J
Messrs. Fleming Bros.:
Gentlemen I have taken a (Treat many of
ir. i. luu-Liine s L.eieDraiea i.iver rms, ana
find them to be a wonderful pill all that you
claim for them. They act Ii ke a charm in cases
of biliousness, sick headache, dysentery etc.
Cure sick headache, biliousness, liver com
plaint, dyspepsia, heartburn, indigestion, mala
ria, pimples on face and bodv.TmDureblood.
etc, by using regularly Dr. V. MeLane's
Celebrated Liver-Pills prepared only by Flem
ing Bros., Pittsburg; Pa. Price 25 cents. Sold
by all druggists. Insist upon having the gen
uine Dr. U. MeLane's Liver Pills, prepared
only by Fleming Bros., Pittsburg, Pa, the
market being lull of imitations ot the name
McLane. spelled differently but of the same
pronunciation. Always make sore of the words
,FlemingBros.,Pittsburj:, Pa.," on the wrapper.
An Esteemed Mannaer1.
The employes of Hussey, Binns & Co.,
manufacturers of shovels, on Saturday pre
sented their manager, Mr. F. B. Newton,
with an elegant watch and chain. These
men claim that they have always been com
pelled to work on holidays, but through, the
exertions of Mr. Newton, thev were printed
a day off on New Year's., ' i
Grip Can on Batler Street.
The officials of the Citizens' Traction Com-
Eany said last night that cable cars wonld
e running on the Butler street branch today.
Incident! or a Day In Two Cities Condensed
for Beady Reading.
Mks. Makt Gbossjies, of Elm street
fractured her right arm and sustained internal
injuries by falling down a night of stairs last
A blight Are in Bing's saloon on Sixth
street caused by natural gas, was extinguished
by Engine Company No. 1 yesterday afternoon
before much damage had been done.
Magistrate McKestua, yesterday morn
ing, at tbe Twelfth ward station house, sent
John Lorrain to the workhouse for SO days on
a charge of being a suspicious character-
Fob flrinc a revolver on Fifty-first street yes
terday and frightening the residents of that lo
cality, Peter McCnllough, of the Eighteenth
ward, was arrested last night by Officer Shultz.
A meeting of citizens of tbe Ninth and
Eleventh wards, Allegheny, will be held at
Hartman's Hall this evening to protest against
Allegheny being made a city of the second
is well dressed in
pur Kid Gloves
and Corsets. Of
course you ought
to put on some of
our Woolen Un
derwear to keep
warm. Also a pair
of our 23c All
Wool Hose. Bar
gains all over the
house now.
T. T. T.
Of new patterns fc choice goods at lowest
prices ever known. It is an easy matter by
buying now to save the price of a pair by the
purchase of two or more pairs. A visit to our'
curtain room will prove this to be a fact Re
member, there are superfine curtains, parlor
curtains, library curtains included in this sale,
and down the scale of quality till you come to
the 73c a pair curtains.
In embroideries oc a yard to finest, matched
sets, new hemstitched embroideries, newt
showy edges, neat baby edges, new sMrtings ,
and floundngs, new all overs; the largest choice ,
of all that'a newest and at prices that for Sua '
goods like these are Ion er than in any previoaf , -,
109 Federal Street,
TtT t,v 4A fl.l.n.. rt An ri..k 0 ..ni
1,0 mm.d .ua MM.uve vt uiu B.WJk gi UJ1&
furs, muffs, boas, collars, shoulder capes al
marked down to close tbem out. j ;
Some very excellent bargains also in flnejjffi
Alaska seal mantels and jackets, unsurpassed ffi
quality and richness of fur. , 2a
is iuu oi interest anacmns teij tow uncNts
on some goods ordinarily of much greater
value. This is the case in every department'?
J" .-, -,"
- V --, , .Jt, . 'li.t"aMililOB;
T .. I4. t. . 7 - , -V '1 .WV IHI