THE CRANKY KAISER Not Only a Victim of Circum stances Attending His Birth, but Also CRAZED BY AN EAR TROU BLE Declared an Incurable Mental Invalid by an Eminent Physician. OTHER GOSSIP OP THE CONTINENT. Voung Emperor William's Antipnthy to Ills Father's Memory nnd to Ills Mother's Person Explained in a Charitable Man ner He Had Much Better Been of Igno ble Birth The Present Ear Trouble Bound to be Fntnl His Mind Jfow Sel dom His Own Bismarck Thought to be TakincAdvnntnge ofllic Munition in His Own Way Morier Hated Because of n Supposed Leak to the Enemy. The development of the mental phases of the young German Emperor's character be coming daily a more -distasteful subject to contemplate. His ear trouble, it is asserted, rill sometime cause an explosion that can't be smothered, as some have already. He's often not mentally responsible for his acts, and the growth of his disease is but a ques tion of time, as it is incurable. It has as yet shown itself most prominently in the hatred of the young Kaiser ior the memory of his father and the person of his august mother. The hatred of Morier due to the fact that he was too friendly with Germa ny's enemy, while also a friend of Freder ick's. IBY CABLE TO THE DISrATCH.3 London, January 5. Copyright. The study of the young German Emperor's per sonality is one which 'becomes each day more curious r.nd distasteful. If he had been born to a social condition suited to' his ability, he would have been simply woraed as a disagreeable young man, piqued to some extent, perhaps having had his disDO 'sition soured by a phj sical deformity; but he is looked upon as altogether too much of a braggart to be deserving of great sympathy. As a chief of a great nation and the mas ter of the greatest army in the world, how ever, it is the first business of every one whom European affairs interest to follow carefully the development of his mental phases. His hatred of his father and mother is made each day more apparent. Many believe that he is energetically encouraged in his unfilial course by Bismarck, whose pergonal hatred for the Empress Frederick is as notorious as his rage at the publication of her husband's diary, tfhieh. sought to rob Bismarck of the glory ot having trans formed his master, the King of Prussia, into an Emperor. Forever Fighting His Father's Memory. However great or insignificant may be the influence of Bismarck's promptings, young 'William is tireless in his task of fighting the mpmory of his father. His latest display of contempt for his father's judgment has been so marked as to create comment in every quarter of Europe. Among Frederick's latest acts was the dis missal from the Prussian Cabinet of Herr Von Puttkamer. who was charged with electoral malpractices and was undoubtedly guilty. Three days ago Puttkamer received from young William the highest distinction in the German Emperor's gift, the Order of the Black Eagle. Again, the present attack on Sir Robert Morier is an indirect blow at the memory of Emperor Frederick. Morier, who is now the British Embassador at St Petersburg, was stationed during the Franco-Prussian war at Darmstadt. Morier was then and later the intimate iriend of the late em peror. Morier Accused cf Rank Treachery. In the refutation of Frederick's diary Bis marck flatly declared that Frederick was not allowed to possess any war secreets for fear he would betray them to England, which was full of French sympathies. 2sow, in support of this insinuation, and in order to show that Frederick actually did betray German secrets to France's friend, Morier is accused of having supplied Bazaine, the leader ot the French, with his first information of the German forces hav ing crossed the Moselle. This accusation has palpably the support and encourage ment of the highest German authorities. Admission to the State archives has been granted to tie Cologne Gazette to aid it in strengthening if case against Morier, and the latter receives from Herbert Bismarck an emphatical refusal of any opportunity to vindicate himself through the official press, which has attacked him. Morier, though he may possibly have communicated official secrets to the French, as assarted, cert ainly deserves to be considered innocent until some facte against him are produced. He had no possible interest to serve, and the only evidence against him is a conversation which an unknown German, Major von Veiner, declares he had with Bazaine, and the latter, who figures as the accuser, is himself a convicted traitor and unworthy of belief. Baznine's Wretched End Recalled. Beside all this. Bazaine before his death wrote to say he did not know Morier during the war, and never get any news from him. The poor, wretched'Bazaine toward the end of his life was reduced to borrowing shil lings, and neither his revelations nor de nials are important. A ridiculous assertion is put forward to explain the fierceness of the official German attack, namely, that Herbert Bismarck hav ing been wounded in the "fight which fol lowed Bazaine's receipt of the news about the crossing of the Moselle, hankers for re venge on Morier, who supplied the news. Herbert, it is true, was 6hot in the thigh in the charge which the Germans like to de scribe as a "death ride," but it has never bothered him much and has left no effects, and earned him the Iron Cross, so that it was rather a good thing for him. In Paris, two days ago, I talked about Emperor William with a friend of mine, whose fame as a medical man is world-wide, and obtained for The Dispatch readers some most Interesting and definite informa tion as to the young ruler's physical condi- J tion. My injormation may be relied upon as exact. Doubly Unlucky in His Birth. "Beyond any question of doubt, young William w.s unlucky in the first place," said my friend, "in having a Princess for a mother, and equally so in having been born a Prince. These two circumstances account for his unhappy deformity. The usually accepted accounts of its nature and origin are imaginative rubbish. The Crown Princess Frederick was, .as is generally known, traveling in an out-of-the-way place at a very indiscreet period. The birth of the present German Emperor was unex pected, and he was helped into the world by some little obscure doctor with an awe of royalty far in excess of his knowledge of surgery. If he had been allowed to think that his patient was simply an ordinary woman, of strong physique, all would prob ably have been well, but the fact was care fully impressed upon him that he had in hands the life of the future Queen and the birth, perhaps, of the heir to the Prussian throne. This so demoralized the little doctor that he added the strength of his own muscles to the forces of nature, and so severed all the muscles of the infant's left arm. Ilnd Better Been n Grocer's Son. "When I was called to Windsor by Queen Victoria, to attend the little boy, I saw at once that his case was hopeless. If he had been a grocer's son some good doctor would have been called in and one sound method of cure adopted and followed. As he was a prince, however, he had been seen by every great doctor. 2fo system was followed out, and the worst possible result of the accident ensued, complete atrophy of the arm. It is wasted completely away, and is probably smaller than when I examined him as a boy at Windsor. Fortunately, such wonderful skill has been shown by the German surgeons as to save him from the mortifica tion o having it plainly seen that one of his arms is simply the withered arm of a child. The withered limb is padded out in a most lifelike fashion, and not only that, .but within the padding is a most wonder fully clever machine, a series ot strings and cords, acting like the museles of the arm. These artificial muscles are connected with the good muscles of the shoulder most adroitly, so that, while in a natural condi tion. hi would be incapable of moving his withered arm, this most ingenious mechan ism enables him to impart to it movements that are almost lifelike. He. can raise or lower his artificial hand, and use it suf ficiently well to guide the carefully trained aud broken chargers which are selected for him." The Enr Tronblc Most Serious. The readers of The Dispatch will re member that I have frequently insisted upon the great gravity of the disease which is concentrated in the unlucky Emperor's head, and which is officially described as a slight affection of the ear. My statements as to the seriousness of this trouble were based upon authentic information from the Berlin Court, and are confirmed by the comments ot the phvsician quoted above. "The Emperor's deformity," said he, "is nothing, except as it mortifies and irritates an extremely proud and sensitive man, but .the disease in his head is one which may have most serious consequences for all En rope. It mav drive the Emperor to the most extravagant acts, or suddenly, by kill ing him, end the endless speculation as to what his career may be. I cannot tell you positively that it aheady makes him insane atjntervals, but he was insane when he de livered certain speeches which his advisers were compelled to revise and interpret offi cially. He is mentally deranged by his suffering and the direct effect of his malady is upon his brain. An Explosion Bound to Come. "All the skill of the doctors about the Emperor is concentrated into a fight with the disease that is growing in his head. Once already it-has gone beyond the control ot the doctors, and the Emperor suffered a most dreadful attack, all knowledge of which was carefully kept from the public. When the disease reaches a certain point there will come an explosion, and the Em peror will either die or become hopelessly insane. Just what the disease is I will not say. Its nature may be described as that of a tumor or an abnormal growth within the brain. The skill of bis physicians may fight off the final stages of the disease for a longer period than at present seems proba ble, but there is very little hope that they will be able to cure it. The young Emperor is decidedly an unlucky man. The old Em peror suffered, which is not generally known, from petit mal, a form of epilepsy, and his grandson, who has inherited the trouble, is afflicted with fits of an epileptio character." BRITAIN A POOR WAYE RULER. Her Nary Not Nearly naif It Has Been Cracked Up to Be. Hir CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.! LONDON, January 5. The English arc gradually waking up to the fact that their navy is not what they have imagined it. The statement that 16 armor-clad ships are all ready to sail, but could not hurt an enemy except by rnnning against his ships, as they have no guns, has borne tne British naval deficiency strongly in upon British minds. Lord Charles Beres ford is working hard to get things into condition, and will not accept any half measures. At a dinner last night he de clared that he wouldn't rest until he had in duced Parliament to make the fleet of this country strong enough to defend its shores and its commerce against the fleets of any other two nations, one of them to be France, which is very nearly, if not quite equal to England in naval strength, a fact that makes it uncomfortable for the traditional ruler of the waves. Lord'JSalisbury, in a recent speech, has shown that the complaints of frightened Englishmen, led by the Telegraph, as to the incomplete defenses of the country, have at last affected him, and England may be ex pected very soon to be asked for a tremen dously large sum, to get in fighting condi tion. Certain tables recently produced, showing the war strength of the European nations, has caused England, with her hand ful of soldiers, to reflect that things are not as they used to be. A CHANCE FOR THE MAORI. Tho Bible to bo Translated So That the BoaRter Can Read It. fBT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. Pabis, January 5. The Scriptures are being worked at very industriously just now, to get them into shape for.various read ers. Prince Lucien Bonaparte is revising the proofs of a Basqu edition, and the Acts are being done into Irish, though for what reason is not clear. An edition of the Kew Testament in Swedish and Finnish is being prepared, as well as versions of the complete Bible in various Chinese dialects ana the Maori language. This last will give an opportunity to the big and boastful man who met Sullivan in Madison Square Garden to read in his own language about pride going before a fall, which was so distinctlv borne home to him. Bismarck's Cause f r Ferocity. .tmr CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. Berlin, January 5. Copyright Prince Bismarck is again suffering with neuralgia and the lack of sleep which ac companies it This may account to some extent for the ferocity with which he pur-' sacd-Sir Robert Morierlhrough the press. ' 0SM1N DIGNA IN TEOUBLE, The Dervishes Dissatisfied With Him Emln Bey Again Said to bo a Captive. Suakiji, January 5. One of Osman Digna's lieutenants has deserted his leader and has arrived here. The deserter reports that the rebels are enraged with Osman Digna for seizing their effects and their wives, he giving as his reason that the rebels chewed tobacco. which Is contrary to the precepts laid down by the Mah di. He also reports that 2,000 dervishes at Handoub are squabbling with Osman Digna con cerning the evacu ation of the place, a majority of the dervishes being de sirous of retiring (Jjifess "3 from the town. The deserter de Jlajor General Grenfell, clares that Emin Commander at Suakim. Bey has been cap tured, and that he is a prisoner at Khar toum, where he is well treated by his captors. Major General Sir Francis Grenfell, who commanded the British forces at the battle at Suakim on Thursday, is the Sirdar of the Egyptian army. He has had a varied experi ence, having served in the Griqualand expedi tion of 1875. and against the Kaffirs and Zulus in 1878 and 1879, taking an active part in the battles ot Quintana Mountain and TJlundi. For bis distinguished conduct during the list mentioned engagement be was commended In the official dispatches. He was a member of Lord Wolselev's staff during tho Tel-el-Kemr campaign, and took part in the maintenance of the lines of communication when the expedi tion subsequently ascended tho Kile to relieve Gordon. Afterward he commanded a division of the frontier field force at Giniss. General Grenfell is 47 years old. and is said to be very popular In thu army. Last year he was mar ried to a darghter of General Blncher Wood. A IIPE TO BE REGRETTED. The Dying Kins: of Holland Has a Career He Can't be Proud Of. rnr cable to the dispatch. The Hague, January 5. Old King William III, of Holland, is dying under uncomfortable circumstances, which are calculated to make him reflect seriously on the folly of wasting a large fortune and boundless opportunity in the pursuit of pleasures for one's self. While he is dying the newspapers, which have no praiseworthy deeds of his to chronicle, are regaling their reminiscences of his early days. It is told how he used to present invariably to one of his favorites an American, by the way, and the wife of an accom plished musician a little bird cage with a bird in it, each time she visited him in Holland, and how she invariably disposed of it, not caring for sentiment, to the first railroad guard on the way home; how his devotions for a certain Emilie, a clever actress, took the form of regularity sending her the menu of what he had to eat, while he insisted she should send him hers in return; how he spent millions in cover ing women with jewels who laughed at him for his folly, and so on, witb, perhaps, a few words at the end of the article, showing how he might have done better and not worn out his health and used up his fortune, had he not been so unfortunate as never to meet the right kind of a woman on his journey through life. POLITICS MUST BE IN IT. GIndstono Thought to Have nnd n Quiet Word on Home Role With the rope. TBV CABLE TO THE DISPATCil. LONDON', January 5. Copyright. Mr. Gladstone, in talking to .the young man from the Riforraa, has told us about his trip to Borne and his visit to the Pope. He has expressed his opinion that the holy father's temporal power is incompatible with the liberty and unity of Italy, but that the person of the Pope was very near his heart, and that he desired to see him surrounded with every Tespect and prestige, aud with full guarantees of his authority. If is per haps permissible to doubt the Grand Old Man's statement that his call at the Vatican would be a mere act of politeness in passing through Borne and have no relation to po litical affairs. It will be very surprising indeed, if Mr. Gladstone does not expend some of his elo quence in inducing the Pope to take a dif ferent view of the Irish question from that which has recently been submitted to him by Lord Salisbury's envoys. BISMARCK MAGNANIMOUS. His Release of GcfUckcn Shows Ho Con siders the Little Doctor Beneath Him. BT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH.1 London, January 5. Copyright The news of Dr. Gefficken's release shows that Bismarck can occasionally be magnani, mous. Ho didn't wait to injure that unim portant little scientific man, evidently con sidering him beneath his vengeance, and he has simply kept him confined, with the hope, as I wrote at the time of his arrest, of proving what is undoubtedly true, that Gef ficken was but a tool, and that the publica tion of the diary written to decrease Bis marck's prestige, was due to the Empress Frederick, by whom the tone of the diary was evidently inspired. As it has been impossible, apparently, to prove this, Gefficken, who sobbingly came back from Heligoland to be locked up. is now allowed to go and continue his studies. ROYALTY VERY FORGETFUL. The Princess Doigoronki Falls to Attend Her Benefactor's Funeral. JUT CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. Paris. January 5. The celebrated Rus sian General, Count Toris Melikoff, died at the beginning of this week at Nice, and his friends are greatly indignant that Princess Touriewsky was not there. He was an in timate friend of the late Czar, and through his influence it came about that Princess Youriewsky Dolgorouki became Alexander II's morganatic wife. For bringing about this match, which didn't please the rest of the Czar's family, the General was promptly expelled from Russia, and his friends, who are numerous, freely express their opinion that the Princess, whose marriage brought her a great many millions, might at least have appeared at the funeral. ANOTHER ON THE LIST. Lady ShaResbnry Joins the Ranks of Wom en Who Earn Their Living. BY CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. London, January 5. The name of Lady Shaftesbury, niece of the Marquis of Done gal, is now to he added to the list of sensi ble women who have gone into business to get money and make their titles and social positions worth having. She has started a store at Bournmouth for the sale of farm and dairy product, a por tion of which comes from her own property. KING MILAN OCT OF TROUBLE. His Ministers Pend la Their Resignations, Which are Accepted. IB-t CABLE TO THE DISPATCH. Loudon, January 5. King Milan has got over his trouble in a manner which has considerably increased respect for his ad roitness and courage. Servia has now a brand new constitution, and nextweek will have a new ministry, for all the ministers sent in their resignations to-night, and the lung nas accepted tnem. HIS GAME OF BfiUEF. r n n t Has Blaine Played His Last and Best Card and Failed to Win, or IS THE PORTFOLIO IN HIS POCKET? j? Harrison Worried by IndIana"AspIrants for Cabinet Jobs. i PREPARING FOR THE INAUGURATION. I The Frcsident-EIect Purchasing a Elite Caxrkgt and Horses. f ! The latest news from Indianapolis is that maybe Biaine will ba Secretary of State, and maybe ho won't. As this has been the prevailing opinion for some time, it is com forting to have it confirmed. The President elect has taken time, while engaged in con structing his Cabinet, to order a 'State car riage, and will purchase horses to draw him to the "White House on March 4. SPECIAL TO THE DISrATt '. Indianapolis, January 5. If Mr. Blaine's game is one of bluff there is no doubt he has thrown up his hands, unless ho has all the aces up his sleeve and his let ter of appointment in his inside pocket. It is certain as anything that is not certain can be that the story of his being about to come to Indianapolis was tne highest card in his hand and that it' has proved worth less. The game opened some six weeks ago, when a correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer, whose relations with Blaine are said to be very close, telegraphed from New York that the portfolio of tho Department of State had been formally tendered to Mr. Blaine, and that he had accepted it. The correspondence on the subject; he said, would be made public in a fevr hours. Tho correspondence has yet to see the light of publicity, but from that day to this morning the Enquirer's correspondent has" never ad mitted, even in the most indirect way, that there was any doubt that his original state ment was substantially correct, INSPIRED BT MR. BLAINE. The -Enautrer nrinted a dispatch from the same" correspondent dated at "Washington, and bearing every evidence of having been inspired, if not by Mr. Blaine, then by his intimate friends, in which he says: "I still believe Mr.-Blaine has been tendered and will accept the Postfolio of State. I like wise believe that if, up to this writing. Mr. Blaine haB not been tendered the State Portfolio, that ie will not ' be President Harrison's Secretary of State. By this I do not seek to make the impression that it may not be offered to him; on the contrary that- it will be. Mr. Blaine, however, could hardly accept it after the idea had been fixed that he was not seeking to break into the Cabinet Jt would, if he did not comport with his usual dignity and pride. To await until the eleventh hour to determine where to placo Mr. Blaine, and meanwhile have his ene mies malign and misrepresent him" would, indeed, be an ungracious act. The accept ance of the place under such conditions would be no honor to him or credit to the one tendering the .appointment, MAYBE HE WOULDN'T TAKE IT. Of course the .correspondent who Trotyl tms may not oe at an me mouinpiece or Mr. Blaine, and what he says may be mere speculation, but nobody among the poli ticians here takes that view of it, and opinion is almost unanimous that the friends of Blaine have at last concluded that it was of no use to try and break into the Cabinet, and are doing the best they can for their champion by seeking to create an impression that he would not take the office now if it were tendered to him. ' The general belief is that the story of Blaine's intention of coming here .was a feeler, and that when it was met by the prompt statement from the Harrison house that if he did so it would be upon merely a general invitation, the Blaine men decided that they might a well drop the game, If these ideas are carried out, a lot of in teresting political history will leak out as time passes. Some scattered links are al ready available. It is as good as known that the original statement of Blaine's ap pointment was made by the correspondent of the Enquirer upon the authority of Walker Blaine. ANOTHER SENSATIONAL STOUT. One of the other sensational reports of the period was the story sent out from New York to the same newspaper that General Harrison was coming here to be the guest of Steve Elkins, attached to which were various prognostications as to the Blaine aspect of such a visit. It is alleged that the facts upon which that story was based came from Steve Elkins himself, and that he has since admitted his responsibility lor them, but there was nothing in the story just the same. The yarn about Blaine's contem plated trip here has the same ear-marks as the others, but just .where the responsibility for it lies is not known here. "While the Blaine question is worrying the Indiana politicians, there is good ground for saying that General Harrison himself is a deal more bothered over the Indiana poli ticians than he is over the statesman from Maine. It is known that he is very much vexed over the shape in -which the Huston and the Porter booms have been forced upon his attention recently. KILLED BY THEin FRIENDS. Even if he had any idea of appointing either of these men, the action of the friends ot one in serving him with written demands signed by most of the Chairmen of the Re publican County Committees in the State and of the friends of the other in storting a regular literary bureau in his behalf, have placed serious obstacles in the way of the President-elect. The most reasonable conclusion, however, is that General Harrison has no intention of appointing either man, and is vexed be cause their claims have been presented to him in snch shape that he must offend a lot of people in ignoring them. General Harrison has bought his inaugu ration carriage, and it is now being made by a well-known firm of manufacturers in this State. It will be what is called a state coach, a sort of a large landau, and its price is 2,000, which is the sum that General Harrison will pay for it, he having insisted that he should be charged the regular price. From the same makers the President-elect has ordered a family shopping carriage to cost $1,000. Besides this he has made ar rangements for securing for his use in Washington a stable of probably a half dozen horses, all to be at least 16 hands high and cherry bay in color. The whole outfit is expected to be in "Washington ready for use bv March 4. THE BOOMEBS AND THEIR BOOKLETS. "When the local newspapers announced this afternoon that Cleni StudebakerT of South Bend, Ind., and P. E. Studebaker, of Chicago, bad arrived in the city and would call on General Harrison, it was taken for granted that the boom for Blaine was to get a boost, and that incidently ex-Governor Porter's boomlet would get a boostlet. Clem Studebaker was a delegate to the last Chicago Convention, and is reported to be a Blaine man. P. E. Studebaker is his brother, and was a delegate to the Republi can convention eight years ago, and won fame by sticking to the 306. under somewhat trying circumstances. The brothers did call upon the President-elect to-day. but the object of their visit was not to talk for either Blnihe or Porter, thouch no doubt th&V did. saya word for bothof those men, but to show General Harris6n plans from which he should make his selection of carriages. It has been said that the buying of horses has been trusted to Colonel Bridgeland, of this city, formerly Consul to Havre, but the Colonel denies it and says he does not even Ocnow that General Harrison is going to buy any horses. Colonel -Bridgeland is a raiser of draught horses himself. The Stude bakers are interested with some New Jersey men in the same business, haying a large raneh in Colorado where they raise mam moth Percherons. IS SHE HIS WIFE? Miss Jonnlo A. Stoncr, a Noted Educntional Worker, Claims tho Estate of A.Penn Imsk on the Ground That She. IVns married to Him Some Years Ago. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Harbisbukg, January 6. The auditors appointed to distribute about $60,000 belong ing to the estate of the late A. Penn Iiusk, who died in this city last year, are finding much trouble in disposing of it, owing to a claim made by Jennie E. Stoncr, a former resident of this city, against the estate of the deceased on the ground that sho was married to Mr. Lusk in 1832. Miss Stoner, taught school here for many years and held the position of Superintend ent of the infant Sunday school department for 13 years. She traveled extensively in Europe, and attended a noted conference in Switzerland as a delegate from this country. She was highly educated and established a good reputation as a public talker. Accord ing to her story she became acquainted with Mr. Lusk iri 1879. They were never known as man and wife, and the claim that she had been married to him created great surprise here, A child was born to her several years ago, and in his will, tho alleged father set aside $3,000 in trust for it. He also left its mother some property. Mr. Lusk was the brother-in-law of Mr. James J. Dull, one of Harrisburg's wealth iest citizens, who has been made the admin istrator of the estate. The auditors in the case have had a petition presented to them by the claimant's connsel asking for an issue to try the question of fact as to the marriage of Mr. Lusk to the .woman. The petition is supported by the woman's affidavit alleg ing marriage to Mr. Lusk. Her counsel want to prove ' her marriage by her testi mony, but the auditors are not sure as to her competency as a witness, and have post poned action on the question until next Monday to enable them to thoroughly ex amine the law of 1887, known as tho witness act, and other statutes. This is said to be the first time a question of this kind has come before a court of law. A REMARKABLE WOMAN DIES. She Married at SO nnd Lived to Enjoy 13 Years of a Honeymoon. (SPECIAL TELXOBA1I TO THE DISPATCH. Xexington, Ky., January 5. Mrs. J. G. Chinn died in this city last "Wednesday of pneumonia at the great age of 102 years. Not only was she remarkable for her age, but also for the fact that she was married at a time of life which but few people attain. Her marriage took place just 13 years to a day before her death. Her husband was only seven years yodnger, their ages being 89 and 82 years respectively at the time of their nuptials. Dr. Chinn had once been Mayor of this city, and bDth come of old families. Their health wag excellent, and both appeared younger by many years than their aotual age. Mrs. Chinn preserved her mental faculties to aremarkable decree. She was a fine .c-nvemtiojialist, and had an almost unimpaired memory. She was a devoted member of the Christian Churob, or Camp bellites, as the denomination is generally termed. Her large fortune was liberally handled. Dr. Chinn survives his aged wife and is still in good health. PERJURY AND CONSPIRACY. Ugly Charges Against a Bradford Hotel Keeper Arrested in Buffalo. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Buffalo, . January C John A. Butter field; a prominent hotel keeper at Bradford, Pa., was decoyed by a detective to Buffalo, this afternoon, and arrested on a charge of perjury. The complainant, George "W. Rockwell, an ex-United States detective, charges Butterfield with having falsely sworn that Rockwell was married to Annie Demps,ey. Rockwell subsequently married a rich spinster who willed him her fortune. Her brother contested the will and on But terfield 's evidence Judge Haight pro nounced his marriage a fraud and decided against him. Rockwell says he is the victim of conspir ators, and that Butterfield is the first of many enemies whom he will prosecute. AFRAID TO GO TO SEA. Tho Scythla's Firemen Refuse to Sail on nn Alleged Overlonded Bont. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCU.1 Boston, Januarys. Just previous to the hour for the departure of the Cunard steam ship Scythia, this afternoon, a gang of 20 men, with their baggage, were seen leav ing the vessel. These men were a majority of the steamer's firemen, and they had re fused to go to sea in her, claiming that she was overloaded, and that it would be dan gerous to cross the ocean on her. The steamer started from her dock on time, but brought up at quarantine, and waited for the arrival of her new men who had been hastily collected. She pointed her nose sea ward at 3:30 o'clock. The pilot admitted to night that there has been trouble, but he refused to state the cir cumstances. An investigation will reveal some interesting facts. LOSING OUR NAYI. The Yantlc Having Yellow Fever on Board, Will Piotmbiy be Destroyed. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. 1 ISew York, January 5. The news that yellow fever has broken out on the United States ship Yantlc, in Hayti, is being dis cussed with interest at the Brooklyn navy yard. The possibility of the Atlanta being sent to take her place is also being can vassed. The Yantie has never had the feveron board before, and, as she is a wooden ship, naval officers say she may as well be destroyed. The Boston has been bereft of all her con tents. To-day she was abandoned. Early next week she will be filled with burning sulphur. t MORE BAD DOLLARS. A Barber Shop at Scrnnton Used as a Mint by Counterfeiters. SobantON, January 5. At Dunmore, this afternoon, "William Degan, alias Kiely, the proprietor of a barber shop, and Bern hard Meehan, were arrested for manufact uring counterfeit money. "Beneath the floor of the barber shop there was found a counterfeit outfit. In a coal bin adjacent to Ihe barber shop there was found a canvas sack filled with-new dollars. FLORIDA ALL RIGHT. Health Ofllclnls Send Ont Reassuring Bulle tins, to (heTonrists. Jacksonville, January 5. The Board of Health of Duval county announces that there has not originated a case Of yellow feverin the city of Jacksonville for the past 24 days, and no na in the county of Duval for the past 14 days. This city is entirely free from epidemio diseases of any kind at the present time, Jind is perfectly safe for WAa1stsn4 Ami ttia(M " iwiuLuw nuu vtuist- aj. THE BILL WILL PASS. Dilatory Tactics of Democratic Sena tors Thought of No Avail. TWELVE DAYS MORE OP DELAY. The Tariff Bill Then to Go Through and he - Sent to the House. SENATOR QUAY HAS TO GO SOUTH la Order to Avoid the Persistent Hash and Clamor of Office Seeiers. Twelve legislative days yet remain in which to consider the tariff bill in the Sen ate. A vote is to be taken on the 21st, and as only 20 pages of the bill, except the free list, remain to act upon, the programme will doubtless be carried out and the bill pass on schedule time and sent to the House. Senator Quay forced to leave "Washington by therush of office seekers. Death of a man with on odd history. (SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DtSFlTCR.l "Washington, January 5. Though this is the close of the fifth week since the meet ing of Congress, and the tariff bill was taken up the second day after Congress convened, on the first Monday in December, to-day completed only the twentieth day of the dis cussion. That it might easily have been disposed of before this, with ample time allowed for the usual stump speeches, is evident from the progress made with the bill. Seventy-two pages and 333 paragraphs of the bill have been disposed of. This in cludes the extended provision for the aboli tion of the tobacco tax, and really all of the important schedules except that relating to 'wools and woolen goods. Only 20 pages remain, preceding the free list, and most of these are devoted to wools and woolen goods and silks. The remainder are made up of sundries and then comes the long free list, which may afford basis for humor and sarcasm from the Democratic members, but not much reason for serious criticism. E1AYING UPON EMOTIONS. The wool and the woolen schednle is really all that will provoke extended dis cussion, and the prospects are that every Democratic Senator will have something to say about the poor man's coat and the poor man's blanket, as this will be their last chance to play upon the emotions and sym pathies of those who are caught by senti ment instead of facts. ."With this opportu nity they will be able to eke out the remain der of the time which they have fixed for the discussion of the bill. The agreement was that a vote should be taken on the 21st of this month, and there fore 12 legislative days yet remain for dis cussion of the bill. Had At not been for speeohes made purely for dilatory pur poses, it is easy now to recognize the fact that the bill might have been through the Senate and sent to the House before the hol idays. At any rate there will be no excuse for the Democrats fighting for an extension of time, as some of them talk of doing now. A few important paragraphs have been passed over temporarily at the request of the Republicans', but these can be quickly -disposed of. i - CAN'T HELP BLUNDEBLNG. The proceedings of the last few days have not afforded evidence that the Democrats have improved in their knowledge of the question or the bill during the long discus sion. Every day some Democrat makes one or more absurd 'blunders in his interpreta tion of the bill, such as that of Senator Jones, of Arkansas, to-day, in which he made a heated argument on the assumption that the bill increased largely the duty on certain jute and hemp manufactures be cause they could be imported at a certain price per pound. After he had thoroughly committed himself, Senator Aldrich as tounded him by showing from the list that the price he had quoted was for a yard in stead of a pound, and that each yard was supposed to contain two pounds. The fiery Arkansan was completely discomfited, and sat down in great confusion of mind. There is no evidence whatever that there will be any disagreement among the Repub licans in regard to the bill, as has been re cently reported. This is merely the revival of an old story. It is much more likely that the bill will receive Democratic votes than that it will lose Republican. The vote will be taken two weeks from Monday, and the bill have a majority on its passage. PLEADING FOR PROTECTION. angnr Men Ask That the Tariff be not Sorl onsly Reduced. "Washington, January 5. The sub committee of the Senate Finance Committee to-day gave a hearing to adelegation of per sons interested in the sugar industry. The delegation consisted of Messrs. John Dy mond, John Foos, Henry McCall and Henry Miner, all of Louisiana. Mr. Dymond was the speaker and explained that the delega tion had come to ask that the sugar sched ule, as proposed by the Senate tariff bill, be modified, on the ground that the 50 per cent reduction in the duty on sugar would ruin the sugar industry, not only in the tropical cane of Louisiana, but also of the beet sugar industry of California, and the sorghum in dustry of Kansas. At the hearing this afternoon Mr. Park inson, of Ft. Scott, Kan., and Representa tive Peters spoke in behalf of the sorghum producers in Kansas, asserting that if the sugar tariff was undisturbed the business would be largely developed in the immedi ate future. They objected to a bounty be cause it was likely to be of only temporary duration. Henry C. Minor and Henry Mc Call, of Louisiana, on behalf of the sugar planters of that State, also spoke against the bounty system and pleaded to be left under the present tariff conditions. QUAY HAS TO RUN AWAY. lie Is Forced to Go South by the Importu natcness of Office Seekers. rSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE PISPATCIt.l Washington, January 5. Senator Quay returned to the city last evening, but did not make his appearance on the floor of the Senate to-day, as the weather was ex tremely bad and he felt that he needed rest. He had many callers, but only a very few were admitted to his house. Others than those whom the servant Jhad instructions to admit were told that the Senator was not at home. This is absolutely necessary if the Senator would have any peace at all, as otherwise he would not only not have tho day to himself, but would be disturbed every hour of the night. He has about con cluded to start on Monday for a short visit to Florida, partly for the purpose ot secur ing a good rest, and partly to escape the in flux ot office seekers whom he does not wish to see. Senator Cameron is also absent from the city, and for the same reasons. He went a few days ago for a visit in South Carolina,, with Senator Butler, who is one of his most - intimate friends, and felt so much benefited by the change that he prolonged his stay several days after Mr. .Butler's return. It is expected he will again be on the floor of the senate Monday. - BLAINE HAS GOT IT. , Republican Senators in Washington Firmly Convinced That the Man From Maine Has Been Assured of the Stats Portfolio by General Harrison. lSPXClALTZLEGIIUM TO T1IS DISPATCH. "WASHINGTON, January 5. -The Repub lican members of the United States Senate, who, it is well known, are almost without exception opposed to J. G. Blaine as a party leader, have heard some startling and unpleasant news from Indianapolis, and they talked of nothing else to-day. The reason for the depressed ap pearance of Senator Hiscock upon his re turn from Indianapolis yesterday, and the satisfaction expressed by Senator Plumb at the same time, were explained this afternoon by a report that went swift ly from one Senator to another. It was that President-elect Harrison has prac tically determined that he cannot escape the necessity of offering Mr. Blaine a seat in the 'Cabinet. This is not a rumor, but a fact. General Harrison said as much to one of his Senatorial callers and it Was commonly talked among the Senators to-day in their private conversa tions. A Senator who is one of Mr. Blaine's most bitter opponents said this afternoon that from the manner in which the in formation was conveyed to them there can be little doubt that un less General Harrison within the next few weeks fiuds some way now unforseen to arrange conflicting interests, he will offer'to Mr. Blaine the post or Secretary of State. The particular cause of Hiscock's dis appointment is found in the fact that if Mr. Blaine troes into the Cabinet Mr. Piatt will remain out of it. Mr. Harrison told his Senatorial callers that while he did not at first look favorably upon the plan of putting Mr. Blaine into the Cabinet, he had, after listening to all the appeals made him, partially at least de termined that only by Mr. Blaine's appointment could all factions of the partv be brought into har mony. The Blaine men, he said, are numerous and clamorous, and it would be a good stroke of policy to get rid of them all by appointing Blaine, and then telling them that the debt between him and the Blaine people was paid. AN OLD CHARACTER GONE. Death of Captnln Grant, the Old-Tlme Boomer of Cnpltol lUlli . fSPXCIAL TELEOKAV TO TILE DISPATCH. "Washington, January 5. Old Captain Grant, who a few years ago was one of the best-known citizens of Washington, died this morning. Before the war he was an architect in New England cities. Daring the war he had a remarkably thrilling ex perience, being almost as much in rebel prisons as in the Union army, occupying during four years service no less than nine, and making three successful escapes. After the war he set up shop in "Washington. 'At that time everybody thought that Capitol Hill would be the fashionable quarter of the city, and all the tendency was in that direction. This led Grant and others to or ganize a gigantic syndicate which bought up or controlled in one way or another nearly all the land on the Capitol hill. They put up the price to an absurd figure, and thus drove out those who wished to in vest in homes. Other speculators took up and began to boom the northwest section. The British Government was induced to locate the legation building far away from the city of that time, in afield of mud. This gave an jvpptus to tho northwest rdovement which has never ceased. The Capitol Hill speculators were ruined, nnd had left as a monument of their foil the Grant block, which is yet one of the finest in the city, but which is devoted to the speculation only of the boarding house keeper. After this downfall, old Captain Grant for years conducted a little real estate office in a tumble-down building just across the street from his famous row, but latterly he has been so blind that he had to abandon business altogether. INTERESTING DEVELOPMENTS. Progress In the Investigation of tho Snper vlsing Architect's Office. "Washington, January 5. The investi gation into the conduct of the Supervising Architect's office by a Senate sub-committee began this morning and was conducted in secret; It was developed that Architect Freret has awarded contracts for the preparation of plans for four or five build ings to architects in "Washington, and that clerks employed in his office are working on these plans, out of office hours. THE GHOST NOT WALKING. Director Hlrschbach Wants Six Months' Salary From Carl Strakosch. rSFECIAL TELXQKAK TO THE DISPATCH. 1 2iEW Yc-BK, January 5. Carl Strakosch, who bloomed out as an operatic manager after he became the husband of Clara Louise Kellogg, seems to be having an interesting time in his dnal capacity. His greatest troubles are apparently with musical di rectors, and he is now in hot water with three of them, according to Mr. Joseph Hirschbacb, the one who made a trip re cently to Hamsburg to harass Mr. Stra kosch with legal proceedings. Mr. Hirschbach said to-day that the prima donna's husband owed him a large portion of 26 weeks' salary at $75 a week, which he would have earned according to a verbal contract, if he had not been dis charged without cause when the Company was in Brooklyn. According to Mr. Hirsch" bach, Signor Serrano and the Chicago di rector are also hunting for money lor broken contracts. COOPER APPEALS From the Decision of tho Lower Conrt De claring Him a Fraudulent Debtor. tSFECtAL TELIGKAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 Harkisbtjbg, January 5. The case of George P. Cooper, of the collapsed, firm of Cooper, Reynolds & Co., which operated the Lochiel Iron "Works, has been appealed to the Supreme Court. The Dauphin County Court recently de cided that he had fraudulently contracted a debt with Hart & Co., Philadelphia, and therefore could not take advantage of the act of 1842. which abolished imprisonment for debt. Cooper's bail has been forfeited and nothing is known as to his where abouts. TOLLS TOO HIGH. A Competing Bridge to be Built to Overcome the Difficulty. tSFECIAI. TZLEGRAU TO THE DISrATCH.l HABBISBURG, January 5. The extor tionate tolls charged by the company which operates the historical bridge spanning the Susquehanna river at this point has led to a movement to organize a company to build an open iron bridge, estimated to cost about 5200,000. Meetings are being held in this city and Cumberland county to boom the new enterprise, and nearly 100,000 worth of stock has been subscribed. A LIZARD IN HER ST01IACH. No Wonder a Canadian Woman Has Not Been Healthy. Toronto, January 5. Physicians to-day relieved Mrs. John Hawkins of a lizard eight inches long and an'inch in diameter. She had been treated for various diseases, and suffered great pain tor years. BIT BT A LITTLE DOG;; A Yankee Teamster is Seized Witiy Hydrophobia Sometime Later.j FEW OP THE USUAL STMPTCMS; Appear in His Case, and He Dies in Spasca v of buffering-, Bat - WITHOUT HYSTERIA OR INSANITII HcCooIy Prepares far the InetlUMe aad Lita Bat ' Two Days. v Physiciani in the East are interested in the details of the death of a man from hy drophobia, with none of the usual feat ures of insanity or hysteria. He was taken ill mysteriously and know ing no cause for it. First he was treated for rheumatism, when the doctor reached him, only a couple of day before his death, he found the man unable to swal low liquids without effort. He soon learned that his patient had been bitten by a dog, but had nearly forgotton it. The poor suf ferer was conscious and without hysteria till death relieved him. rSFECIAL. TELEORAU TO TOE DISPATCH.! Fall River, 3Iass., January C Tho case of Thomas Stone, who died on Friday at the Fall River Hospital, of hydro phobia, is of interest to physicians as one in which the usual features of hysteria and insanity were absent. Stone was about SO years old, a teamster by occupation, indus trious and frugal, and owned a house and lot and a few horses. He was of splendid physique, about six feet tall, and of phleg matic temperament. On Wednesday evening he sent for his physician, Dr. William A. Bolan, who found him lying on a lounge in good health as far as outward appearance went, and unable to give much account of his trouble, except that he "didn't feel well at all." He complained of pain in his arm and book, but had nothing definite to complain of ex cept a general feeling of poor health. As the doctor pressed him for further par ticulars of his symptoms, he mentioned incidentally that he couldn't swallow, and there seemed to be some trouble with his stomach. He said he had not felt well for two days, but had been at work as usual. That morning his wife bad given him some medicine for rheumatism, and he had not been able to eat much breakfast. Later in the forenoon, while at his work, he went into a saloon to get a glass of beer, but was unable to swallow it. HE COtTLDN 'T SWALLOW HIS BEEB. As he related the incident he seemed to feel more the fact that he could not swallow the beer, which made him the subject of jokes in the barroom, than to imagine -that it had anything to do with the symptoms. A cup of tea stood on a table in the room, and the doctor asked him to try and swal low it. He attempted to do so, and as ha raised the cup to his lips the doctor noticed that he braced himself in the effort. As tho cup reached his lips his mouth closed in a . .spasm, and the small quantity of liquid - which had entered the mouth., was sx- pejred.. . . -T--.r "'' ,t The conviction at once forced itself upon the doctor's mind that Stone had hydio-i phobia. As soon as the doctor could control! himself he resumed his questioning, and asked Stone if he had ever played with dogs. Stone answered no. The doctor then asked him if he had ever been bitten by a dog, and Stone again answered no. A few minutes afterward he said he had. been bitten by a, little black-and-tan dog about three months' ago. but had forgotten about it. The dog bit him in the little finger, and he had tho wound cauterized. He then said to the doctor: "Yon; don't think that ha anything to do with the way I feel, do yon?" The doctor answered that he feared it had. Stone then inquired if he had the hydrophobia, and the doctor replied that he had the symptoms of it. COOLT PREPARED FOE DEATH. Meanwhile the spasms had been recur ring, which btone had been inclined to at tribute to. some trouble in his throat. Father Kiernan, his parish priest, and also an intimate friend, came in at this time, and to him Stone said he had hydrophobia and wanted to prepare for death. He made his will and received the last sacraments. Although he fully realized that there was no hope for him, he was cool and collected and showed no .signs of fear. He asked the doctor to have him removed to the Fall River Hospital, saying that he feared if ha. remained at home he would go ont of his head and hurt somebody. He asked to be put udder restraint, so that he conld do no injury. Dnring the evening he showed another well-defined symptom of hydrophobic. A draft of air or any one passing him quickly would throw him into a spasm. On Thurs dav morning he was taken to the hospital. He walked ont of his house to the carriage with a firm step, bidding good bye to his wife, and, without a tear or tremor, stepped into the carriage, which ha knew would convev him to his deathbed. During the day his spasms increased in frequency and in force. At noon a consul tation of physicians approved the diagnosis of Dr. Dolan, and the latter and Dr. Eddy decided to try treatment by etherization, a method which has not been tried before la case of hydrophobia. ONE CHANCE FOE HIS LIFE. The man had such a splendid physique that it was thought that perhaps the etheri zation might relieve the strain on his ner vous system, so that there might be a chanca of preserving his strength sufficiently to re cover from the spasms. This treatment was adopted with the patient's consent. Before he was placed under the influence of ether he was told that it might be the last time he would have his mind clear, and he was asked if he had any message to leave. He said no, that he was fully prepared for the worst. He was placed under the influence of ether at 3.30 p. m. on Thursday. He was not kept etherized continually, but ether would be applied for half an hour and then kept away perhaps an hour. The spasms continued even while the patient was under the influence of ether. Then the curara treatment was tried, but nothing had any effect. i Stone died at 8.45 on Friday morning. He bore himself throughout with the utmost fortitude. tTURNERS AND THE BLAIR BILL. They Opposo It Because It Provides for tia Christian Religion In Schools. Louisville, January 5. In response to a circular from the Executive Committee of this district of the Turners' Union, the local organization last night adorned resolutions condemning the Blair educa tional bill for attempting to introduce the J Christian religion Into schools. A mass meeting to discuss the bill was appointed for January 13, at which Colonel Robert lngersou is expected to be present. A Railroad President Resigns. 1 Louisville, January 5. President Young, of the Louisville Southern Railroad, has resigned and Theodore Harris has beeal elected tn his place., , i 1 5V V5lB&UsSidB..lLiSUK .. IWKS!