THE PITTSBTJ-RG- DISPATCH, FRIDAY, JANTTART 41880 - ' ' 5 "iB COMACKEBS CONFESS To Having Been Manufacturing Spur ious Coins for Over 35 Years, A COURTROOM. MwrlMelJceMM Granted Teiterday. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICIAL-MTTSBURG. raVffoPVERTIgElHEKTg. . r nrrrtA WEW ADYEKTlHfcaiSSTH '," f:::::::::::::Xk WATTLES & SHEAFER, &&tt tflW - " 'M viewers 01 street improvement pr"""" ""Tfl Mfffl r n JmK. .ML Mtm ., their duties, mntmc appeaU to Councils and. ... . ' v;.:;:":--'-.".- JSxQ&& ''SWaA fl bfiBI HfalflH luiflfl 9M TO-DJL"2" I I ATTEMPTED SDICIDE OS A TRAIN. Johnstown to he Connected with rittstrarg by Telephone. ALL TIIU CREAM OP ROUNDABOUT NEWS IfrTClAL TtLZGRAX TO THE OISrATCH. Altooxa, Pa., January 3. Solomon Stroup and "William M. McCartney -were given hearings before United States Com missioner Ambrose this afternoon on the charge of making and passing counterfeit money. They were both held without bail for trial at the Circuit Court at Scranton on March 4. Stroup's wife made a pitiful ap peal for his release. Both admitted their cailt, McCartney saying that he had been manufacturing spu rious coin for the past35 years. John Bow ser, John Sipes and Frank McConnell were each held in $1,000 for trial on the same charge. This is the beginning of the break-np of a large and well-organized gang of counter feiters in this section of the State. Detect ive Bonnclla has been at work on the cases for the past five years. FIGHT IN Beaver' Barges Knocked Down and Rolled Into a Comer Daring the Battle. rSrzCUX TXLXQtULX TO TBS DISPATCH. 1 Beaver Falls, Fa., January 3. An excit ing scene took place in the burgess' office this afternoon at the hearing of S. K. Mellon, the broker charged with embezzlement by several parties here. Mellon had been bound over to court in the sum of $2,000, and his father-in-law and brother Edward were arringing to go on his bail, when John Graham, a prominent liveryman of this place and one of Melton's al leged victims, walked up and called the broker a thief. Graham had hardly uttered the words when Mellon jumped and struck him twice, knocking him down. In the contusion that followed the Burgess was rolled over Into one corner and narrowly escaped Injury from flying feet and fists. The three police who were present separated the men and the Burgess promptly fined each for contempt of court. Hot words passed between John Buchanan, Esq.. of Beater, and Ed. Mellon, in which the Beaver lawyer threatened to wipe the earth with Mellon as soon as they were outside the shadow of the courtroom. BRADDOCK BUDGET. Into Liquor end Cnnls Get Tiro Men Trouble In tho Borough. fSrECIAL TELEGBAJJ TO THE DISFATCn.l Bhadpock, Pa, January 3. Charles Ed waras ana "Heddy" Cobbs were sent to jail this evening after a hearing beforo 'Squire Holtziuan on charges of selling liquor without license and running a gatnDling place on Sixth fticeu The charges nero made by Officer lleed. The members of Post 1S1 have settled up everything in connection with their 15-nights entertainment, and find they have a balance of JTS4 44. This was a pleasant surprise. The Presbyterian Sunday school has elected new officers as follows: Superintendent, Prof. C D. CoQey:Assistant,JohnRinard;Librarian, George A." Smith; Treasurer, Mr. Franklin; Secretary, "Will llinard; Assistant, Hasson Carline. Ex-Constable "William Shearer will be a can didate for constable of Braddock township. "Will J. Dlblo will be a candidate for Council in the Second ward. The German paper JVi'e Prase has ceased to be. after being issued bnt four times No one thinks the proprietors intended its continuation from the start. C03IE AGAIX. White Cnps Bob Up in New Castle A $1,000 Fire. rSrEClAL TELEGRAM TO TUB DISFATCn.l New Castle, January 8. A. respectable farmer named Patrick Sconlon, of Mahoney township, reports having received a notice signed "White Caps," in which he was admon ished to steer clear of Petersburg, O., where he has occasion to visit often, and was fired upon several times last night as lie was leaving the borough. The affair is looked upon as the work of piactical jokers. I ire early this morning destroyed about J1.000 worth of goods and property, in the rear part of Kirk's hardware store, on Washington street. Cause unknown. It was fully insured. M'KEESPORT NOTES. The Novelty Plant Possibly Lail-DIri. Cnpt. Bailey's Injuries. rSPECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.! McKeespoet, January 1 The outlook for the location of the Novelty Steel Wheel Com pany plant in this vicinity is not so rosy as it was. Over half of the stock has been sub scribed here, and the failure of wealthy men at Bissell to become subscribers, it is feared, will interfere with the prospects for the lo cation of the plant at Bissell. It was" confidentially expected that Messrs. Lemon and Bi'sell. the gentlemen alluded to, would subscribe, but they failed to become interested, and several McKeesporters who have subscribed are of opinion that Bis sell will get the works. The TjDion Encaustic Tile "Works will be put into full operation Monday, the work of placing machinery having been completed to-day. Mrs. Captain C. M. Bailey, who was struck by the car, sustained no fractured limbs, but suffers from injuries to her side and the severe shock, and, beinjr somewhat frail, may experi ence serious trouble. Neel & Wamplcr, the planing mill men, have commenced to observe the nine-hour system. A Fatal Jog of Whisky. rsrECl AL TELEQRAM TO THE CISl'ATCU.l UsioNTOWs-, Pa-, January 3. John F. "Williams, colored, was arrested at Fairchance and brought to jail to-day for shooting Michael Uusco last September in a quarrel over a jug of whiskv. He claims that the whisky was his and that he was attacked by the JIungarian first. Ncishborhood Notes. An electric street railway for "WellsTille is be ing projected. The Beaver County Teachers' Institute will close a successful session to-day. The National Hotel, Beaver, was sold yester day by Senator Quay to James H. Cunningham for So,50u. The Ohio "Woman's Suffrage Association will hold a convention at Columbus, O., on the 15th and 16th insts. Herbert Bloor, a young man, was acci dentally and probably fatally shot at a shooting match at East Liverpool yesterday. Sahoei, Jonxsox, whose execution was fixed for the 16th inst, for the murder of John Sharpless, was respited to-day until April 17. Mrs. C. H. Lewis, tho woman who became insane in St. Louis, is the same woman who was driven out of Beaver by "White Cap" no-tioes. Louisa C Bchaub Baldwin township J Vincent LuKaszewicz Natrona 1 Alice Czernlczky Natrona j Michael Kehak Natrona Anna Czernlczky Natrona j Alexander C Ricks..... Cambria county Isabella linrkhart Cambria county (Hiram K. Jordan Fayette county 2 Anna Oreenawaldt Westmoreland county iJcirgcn Krumm... l'ittsburg (Anna Kumiss , l'ittsburg "William Schulte Mifflin township Annie Schlrley Mifflin township J James E. McClure Pittsburg; (Maggie J. Lamont Pittsburg j William J. McCune Allegheny i Elizabeth Patten Allegheny 5 Mathlae Burps taller Allegheny Maria Haegely Allegheny (John Eteeb. Jr PittsbnrB (Blglna Kunzmann Pittsburg JJohn W. Welghtman Pittsburg I Ella Stratton Pittsburg niARIUED. BIDDLE HUNTINGTON At Trinity Church, by Rev. a A. Maxwell. Thursday, January 3. 1SS9, "William M. Biddle and Florence M. Hcjjtixgtox, daughter of C. S. Huntington. All of Pittsburg. JORDAN-GREENAWALT AttheMono'n gahela House, January 3, ISS9, at 11 o'clock A. 'M.. Mr. Hiram F, Jordan, of Fayette county, Pa., and Miss Annie G. GreenatVALT, of "Westmoreland county, by the Rev. C. A. Gardner. AVENUE, Have replenished their stock with nice goods suitable for New Tear's Presents. All our goods are strictly first-class and prices low. About February I we will remove to 37 Fifth avenue. de28-MWF IIELI.O, JQIINSTOWN. The Utile City Putting in Telephones Which Will Connect With Piltsbnrg. rsr-ECIAI. TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Johnstown, January 3. Superintendent Metzgar, of the Pittsburg District Printing and Telegraph Company, came to this city to day, accompanied by others who will have charge of the erection of poles and stringing wires for the Johnstown exchange. This fore noon Metzgar leased for a term of five years the front room of second floor of Loutber & Green's building for an exchange. The poles for the street w ires are all here. On Monday a force of workmen will come from Pittsburg to erect poles, and it is expected thatthey will put the telephones in place and the exchange in full operation by tile 21st inst. Mr. Metzgar states that his company's inten tion is to run a line from Pittsburg to this city, connecting Greensburg, Latrobe, Blairsvilie and other places, thence to Ebensburg. JIUBDEE ASD MOONSHINERS. WANT CHEAPER NATURAL GAS. New Castle People Ask for nn Injunction Against the Shenango Company. rsrECIAX TELEGEAX TO THE DISPATCH.3 New Castle, Pa, January 3. Judge Mc Michaels to-day heard the application to con tinue the preliminary injunction against the Shsnango Natural Gas Company, which pre vents them increasing their rates or shutting off the gas to consumers who refuse to pay the increased price. The plaintiffs took the ground that the ac ceptance by the gas company of the ordinance stipulating the rates charged not to be above the average Pittsburg rate for a like meter was a legal contract and binding, while the de fense argued to the contrary. The Judge reserved his decision. A Fight Between West Virginia Brothers-In-Law Start a Vendetta. ETECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH.1 CRABLESTON, "W. Va., January 3. In formation just received from Logan county gives the particulars of the murder of Floyd Dingess by "William Hale, which oc curred at the mouth of Heart creekpLin coln county, recently. The men were brothers-in-law, but quar reled some time ago about a married woman to whom they had both been paying their attentions, which quarrel was resumed when they met each other at the place mentioned. After some words had been passed Dingess struck at Hale with a hand spike which slipped from his hand, and as he stooped to rj;ck it up Hale drew a revolver and shot him in the mouth, the ball ranging upward ana lodging in his brain. Dingess' father and brother came up a short time afterward, and seeing him lying in the road, went through his pockets and found a bottle of whisky, from which they cooly wiped the blood and drank its con tents. Henderson Dingess, Floyd's father, is running a moonshine distillery in the neighborhood, and about eight miles away, on Marrowbone creek, another is located. Both are run in open defiance of law and the owners have gathered about them a body of men, all under oath to stand by each other, and they run the neighborhood' to suit themselves, the law-abiding citizens fearing to do anything or give any information that would get the moonshiners into trouble. The general sentiment is that Hale was justified in his action, bnt the Dingess family and their followers have sworn vengeance against him, and are searching for him in every direction. He has manr friends and it is feared that there will b'e further trouble over the matter. INSANE OXA TRAIN. James Smith Tries to Cat Ills Throat and Then Jumps Oft" the Car. rerECIALTELEGRAilTO THE DISPATCH.J Lima, O., January 3. Last night James Smith, a resident of Desbler, while on a train on the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton road, near this city, went suddenly insane and at tempted suicide by cutting his throat. He was prevented by his fellow Dassengers after he had w ounded himself. Just as the train was "pulling into this city he rushed to the platform, and throwing himself uu, was aeriuuaiy iuj urea. Aie is m a precari ous condition. A GUN ACCIDENT. Dennlson's Connctl Puss a Local Option Or dinancc and the Saloons Mnst Close. tSrEClAL TELEGRAM TO THE DISPATCH. Dennison, O., January 3. Two brothers named Baker were out gunning to-day. The gun of the elder brother was accidentally dis charged, the load striking the younger brother in the neck and face. His condition is pre carious. Council, by a unanimous vote, last night re passed a local option ordinance. The one Eassed last May was declared invalid by the ircuit Court, and the saloons have been run ning since the Court's decision. A BAD DOSE. A Mother Gives Her Child Carbolic Acid Instead of Coogh Mixture. rSPXCIAI. TELEGBAM TO THE DISPATCH.! WlLLlAMSPORT, Pa., January a Tho wife of Robert H. Piersou, residing at Salladasburg. got out of bed several nights ago to give her sick child a dose of cough medicine. In the dim light she took up a bottle of carbolic acid, and administered a teaspoonf ul to the child The little sufferer lingered in great agony until this morning, when it died. The mother is well nigh distracted over her terrible and fatal mlEtake. MURDER AT A DANCE. . George Cornell Stabs John Brewer to Death and Then Escapes. JEPECIAL TELEGBAU TO THE EISPATCri.1 Charleston, W. Va January a On New Year's night, at a dance at the residence of William Gebhardt, on Union Ridge, Cabell County, a dispute arose between George Cur nell and John Brewer, when, after a few words, Cumell sprang at Brewer and plunged a knife in his neck, severing tho jugular vein. Brewer died in a short time afterward. Curnell escaped and has not been heard from since. WANTS THE CHINESE TO STAT. C. P. Hnntington Declares the Exclusion Act is a Donble-Headcr. rSrECIAI. TELEGKAM TO THE DISPATCH.! Kev York, January 3. Collins P. Huntington, through A. A. Law, asked the Chamber of Commerce to-day to favor the amending or abrogation ot the Chinese ex clusion bill. Mr. Huntington, in a long letter, protests that the bill is injurious to the commercial relations of the two coun tries. Mr. Hnntington does not believe that honest people in America are opposed to the Chinese. Trade,, he says, is lalling off with China, because of the bill, and, be side, there is no good reason why China should not retaliate. In that event, he adds, the American trade now drifting to England and other powers would be alto gether lost. Mr. Huntington further says that the- measure was the result ot partisan pressure and a political device. "Is not this," he concludes, "a heavy price to pay for the luxury of the hoodlum vote of California (lor l believe the fanatical hostility to the industrious Chinaman is limited to Cali fornia, where the Irish Catholics swing the balance of power)?" DIED. BLACKMORE At Cincinnati, O., on Wed nesday, 2d inst., at 3 P. M., AGNES, wife of Florance J. Blackmore. BECKER At his late residence, 2 Main street, Allegheny, on Wednesday, January 2, 18S9. at 6 o'clock A. it., HENRY Becker, Sr., in his Tlth year. Funeral will take placo on FridAT after noon at 130, to proceed to tho St. Peter Evan gelical Protestant Church, on Liberty street. Members of John Huss Lodge No. 24, A. P. A, and the members of Eft. John's Society and friends of tho family are respectfully invited to attend. z COWAN-On Wednesday, January 2. 18S9, at 1020 a. m., John Cowan, in the 75th year of his age. Friends of the family are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral from his late resi dence, Ann street, Ninth ward, Allegheny, on Friday, January 4. at 1 P. sr. DOWNEY-Tanuary 3, 1SS9, at 6:15 P. M., at the residence of his parents, Swissvale. JOHN Downey, oldest son of Alice M. and Alex. Downey, aged 5 years 9 months 15 days. Notice of funeral hereafter. DIMLING-On Wednesday, January 2. 16S9, at 1230 o'clock, Carletta, daughter of George and Emma Dimling, aged 1 year 6 months and 25 days. Carletta was our darling pride Of all our hearts at home; The angel came and whispered, dear Carletta do come home. Funeral services take place at the family res idence. No. 17 Diamond square, on Friday, January i, at 2 o'clock r. Ji. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 FAER On Thursday morning, January 3, ibsv, james fAZE, aged a years. Funeral from his brother's, Thomas Faer, C8 McDonald street, on Saturday morning, January 6, at 10 o'clock. Friends of the fam ily are respectfully invited to attend. GREY At Rome, N. Y., Jane, wife of Thomas Grey, Manager of C. G. Hussey & Co.'s Copper Works, Soho, city. Notice of funeral hereafter. GARROW On January 3, 1SS9, in Cheyenne, Wyo. T., Miss Nettie Garbow, formerly of Pittsburg. GASCOINE Suddenly, at 1J0 o'clock on Thursday. Joseph L. Gascoine, in the 12d year of his age. Funeral from his late residence. No. 3918 Liberty avenne, THIS (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Friends of the family invited to at tend. GRAHAM On Thursday morning, January a 1SS9, at 5 o'clock, John Graham, aged 64 years. Funeral services at his late residence, 15 Kirkpatrick avenue, Allegheny, on Satur day, January 5, 1889, at 130 r. M. Interment private at a later hour. HAWORTH On Wednesday. January 2. 1859, at 10:45 r. M.. at the residence of her mother, rear of No. 61 Race street, Allegheny, Willa G., youngest daughter of the late William G. and Grace C. Haworth, aged 8 years and 4 months. Funeral services Friday at2r. m. Inter ment private. JACKSON On Wednesday morninir at 9 JO. Caroline, beloved wife of Porter Jackson, in her 64th year. At Rest Funeral will take place from her la to resi dence, No. 393 River avenue, Allegheny, on Friday, at 230 p. M. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. 2 McCARRELL On Thursday, January 3, 18S9. Thomas B. McCarrell, son of Dr, James McCarrell, in his 81th year. Funeral services at the residence of his father, No. 64 Bidwcll street, Allegheny City, on Saturday afternoon, January 5, at 2 o'clock. Interment private. 2 McCANDLESS At 6:45 p. m. Wednesday. January 2, 1S89, Georqe McCandless, aged 77 years and 22 days. Funeral from his late residence, No. 2115 Penn avenue. Sunday, January ft, at 3 p. m.. to proceed to St. James P. E. Church. Inter ment private. 2 RIGGS On Wednesday morning at 1135, Mrs. Annie B., wife of Robert A. Riggs and daughter of J. F. Oeff ncr. Funeral services from her late residence, E87 Fifth avenue, city, on Friday, at 2 p. m. Friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend. Kansas City papers please copy. 2 WILLIAMS On Wednesday mornine. Janu ary 2, 18S9. at her late residence. No. 209 Wash ington avenue, Allegheny City, Mrs. Eliza "Williams, relict of the late William Williams, in her 71st year. Funeral this afternoon at 2 o'clock. WRIGLEY On Thursday, January a 18S9, at 7 o'clock A. ai., John Wrigley, in his 64th year. Funeral services at his late residence, 305 Federal street, Allegheny City, on Sunday, January 6, at 2 o'clock P. jr. Interment private. Cincinnati and Canton papers please copy. OLDEST FUR HOUSE IN THE WEST. PAULSON BROS., Manufacturing Furriers, Fifty-Second Season. Special Sale SEAL SACQUES and WRAPS At a POSITIVE EEDTJOTION. We have made a positive reduction in above goods and in ALL SMALL FURS, so as to re uce our large stock before January 1. paulsonIrothers. 441 WOOD STREET. de28-MWF CHRISTMAS IS 0YEE, BUT OUR BARGAINS IN MUFFS, STOLES, VICTORIAS, GLOVES and CAPS aro not. The balance of our Fur stock will be sold at such prices that not a dol lar's worth will be packed away. Room we must have, so do not delay, for by doing so you are the loser. Come early and yon will be more than repaid. tionof damages and benefits, authorizing the use of private property and providing for filing Hens and regulating proceedines thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets without authority of Councils," approved the 14th day of June, A. D. 1887, respectfully report: That, having first been duly sworn and qnal ified according to law, they proceeded in the manner and according to the directions of said Act to discharge tho duties of their appoint ments; that, having viewed the premises, they made an assessment of said cost and expense upon the property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to ha made, as reauired by said Act; and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meet ing, thoy met on the 31st dav of December, A. D. 1888, at the office of the Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence offered, and, having made all modifications and corrections which they deem proper, assessed the cost and expense of con structing said sewer upon the following prop erty, upon each for tho amount set opposite the namo of the owner thereof, viz.: statement of cost. 313 lineal feet 18-inch pipe sewer, SLW S5H 32 One drop, J50. 60 00 Three man-holes, S30 90 00 3,935 pounds castings (Fisher F. &M. Co.). J1.63 , 66 11 Superintending, engineering, advertis ing .T. 50 00 Printing ordinances and notices 40 00 Printing viewers' report 19 00 Making plan and serving notices 5 00 Viewers' time 21 00 SSM43 ASSESSED. Selby alley, north side, from South Eighth street to South Ninth street John Adams, 72 feet J147 76 AaamsALO.,zi ieet .......... ' Boyle & Co., 72 feet 147 76 4T ii 93 50 49 25 6162 30 83 32 89 32 89 3194 36 89 950 63 60 950 A SPLENDID III, PPORT Qeortre Kslrnflpr- 24 feet . Morris Walsh, 48 feet J. H. Sorg (trustee), 24 feet South side Hannah Robson (31), S3 feet Cornelia Hiller (16). 19.50 feet Franz J. Kunkle (17). 20 feet John Bowers (17). 20 feet G. Kunold (18), 20 feet John Hahn (19), 20 feet Eliza J. Thompson (19).20feet. Dllworth. Porter & Co. (127,) 121 feet.. Hannah Robson (19), 20 feet $854 43 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN, ) DAN1ELWENKE. IVIewcrg TIMOTHX" O'LEARY, JB., ) PlTTSBUBQ, December 29, 18S8. ja4 yiEWERS' REPORf- On the construction of a public sewer on Cen ter avenue and Barton street, from Walling ford street to sewer near the Pennsylvania Railroad. To the Select and Common Councils of the City We commence tearing out walls and rebuilding in a few days, and must positively re duce our stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Over coats, Suits and Pants, also, Shirts, Underwear, Knit Jackets, Gloves, Umbrellas, etc. More than one-third of our present room must be vacated, and a large portion of our most seasonable goods will have to be sold regardless of cost or loss. lEgr Overcoats and Suits made to order are included in this forced sale, $ FRIDAY, JAN. 4, IS THE The undersigned. Viewers of Street Improve' tents in the Cltv of Pittsburtr. annointed bj the Court of CommonPleas of Allegheny coun- mil THE HATTER, 431 MARKET ST. de31-KWF TTJNCAN G WHITE, Building Contractor, 71 Diamond street, , Second door above Smlthfield, Pittsbure. se4-c28-MWT OFFICIAL PITTSBURG. yiEWERS REPORT On tho construction of a public sewer on Spring alley, from Sixteenth street to Fif teenth street. To the Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg: The undersigned. Viewers of Street Im provements in tho city of Pittsburg, ap pointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county and authorized by an ordi nance passed on the 27th day of December, A. D. 18S7, a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assessment of the cost and expense of cuusuuculu -a puouc sewer on apnng alley, from Sixteenthstreetto Fifteenth street in said cityupon the property benefited therebyunder the provisions of and in accordance with an Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of tho second class to provide forthe improvement of streets, lanes, alleys and public highways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and court, providing for the assessment and collec tion of damages and benefits, authorizing the ling and tyand authorized by an ordinance passed on the 21st day of November. A. D. 1887, a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assess ment of the cost and exDense of constructing a public sewer on Center avenue and Barton street, from Wallingford street to sewer near the Pennsylvania Railroad, in said city, upon the property benefited there by, under the provisions of and in ac cordance with an Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the improvement of streets, lanes, alleys and public highways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for tho appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street Improvements, prescribing their duties, granting appeals to Councils and Court, providing for the assess- tnAnf Ani4 jmlTkAfinti aF i1imnnaa am9 flanAflfa authorizing the use of private property, and Drovidincrforfllln liens and reeulatinc pro ceedings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets, without authority of Councils," approved the 14th day of June, A. D. 18S7, re spectfully report: That, having been first dnly sworn and quali fied according to law, they proceeded In the manner and according to the directions of said Act, to discharge the duties of their appoint ments; that, having viewed the premises, they made an assessment of said cost and expense upon the property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said Act, and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meet ing, they met on tho 29th day of December, A. D. 1883, at the office of the Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence offered, and havingmadeall modifica tions and corrections which thev deem nroner. assessed the cost and expense of constructing STRASSeURGER & JOSEPH, GIolMers and Merclant Tailors, 161 JFEDEBAL ST., Allegheny. Last Day of Our Clearance Sale i FOB SATURDAY, JTA2T. 5, WE ANNOUNCE Our White Opening ! Special Sales of White Muslins, Ladies' Muslin Under wear, Laces and Embroideries, Etc., Etc FLEISHMAN 504-506-508 Market Street, ja4-p CO.'S Pittsburg, Pa 4 is: fr' de30-wTSu f oilowinc nroDertv. unon each for the amount set opposite the name of said sewer upon the the owner thereof, viz STATEMENT OF COST. 398 lineal feet 15-lnch pipo sewer J2 95 i J 1,174 10 340 lineal feet 18-inch pipo sewer, S3 19 1,034 60 4drops, J60 240 00 3 manholes at 555 00 105 00 Extra work allowed on voucher 1,021 61 8,580 pounds castings (to Fisher F. t M. Co.) SI 78 152 72 Superintending, engineering, adver tising, etc Printing ordinances and notices Printing viewers' report Makinc plan and serving notices Viewers' time Reduction Sale -AT- Mrs. CWeisser's, 435 and 437 Market St BECH Offers anything in his mam moth stock at one-half its value for 30 days, to reduce stock and make room for goods. Come, it will pay. Is - I . $ CCpU 923 and 925 rxLLUn. Penn Avenue. IsTeax ISTxiEL-bltL S-bxee-fa. . CSOpen Every Saturday Till 10 P. M. A CLEAN CUT -IS EVERY- Department. Stock must be'reduced and these prices will do it. 425 00 40 00 20 25 10 00 42 00 SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION. It Is Responsible for the Los of a Ship and Tiro Lives. tSFECtJLL TELEGKAM TO THE DISFATCH.1 New Yoek, January 3. Particulars of the loss of the ship J. F. Horton are coming in slowly at the Maritime Exchange. The Horton left Calcutta early in October, with a cargo of hemp and jate. Shortly after rounding the Cape of Good Hope spontane ous combustion took place in the hold. With difficulty the captain and most of the crew got away from the ship in small boats. Two seamen were not quick enough to escape. The Horton was valued at f75 -000 and her cargo at 5100,000. ' Held for Court. ISl-CCIAI. TZLECllAK TO TUX DISPiTCn.i SHAitoN.PA, January 3. B. G. ilaxwell and J. B..Hadler, of Sharpville. charged with conspiracy to defraud their creditors, after failing for 12,000, were to-day bound over to court in the sum of 10,000. Rheumatism According to recent investigation is caused by excess of lactic acid in the blood. This acid attacks the fibrous tissues, particularly in the joints, and causes the local manifestations of the disease, pains and aches in the back and shoulders, and in the joints at the knees, ankles, hips aud wrists. Thousands of people have found in Ilood's Sarsapanlla a positive and permanent cure for rheumatism. The medi cine, by Its purifying and vitalizing action, neu tralizes the acidity of the blood, and also builds up and strengthens the whole body. I was laid up for six months with rheumat ism, and used many kinds of medicines without good result till one of my neighbors told me to take Hood's Sarsaparilla. When I had used half a bottle I felt better, and after taking two bottles 1 think 1 was entirely cured as I have nbt had an attack of rheumatism since." Eu or.XE H. Dixon, Kossville. Staten Island.N.Y N. B. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. 51: six for 85. Prepared only by C. L HOOD &. CO- Lowell, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar ANTHONl MEYER, fSuccessors to Meyer, Arnold & Co., IIm) UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER. Office and residenco, 1131 Penn avenue. Tel. cphono connection. mylO-hSS-Mwy JAMES M. FULLERTON. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER, No. 6 Seventh Steeet. Telephone 1153. OC18-WFSU FLORAL EMBLEMS. CHOICE CUT FLOWERS AND SMILAX A. M. C JT. B. MURDOCH, R-l A SMITHFIELD ST. OIU Telephone 429. de6-H-MWT CHOICE ROSES Including all the fancy varieties Carnations, Lily of the Valley, Maidenhair Fern, etc. Prices always consistent with quality. JOHN R. & A. MURDOCH, Telephone 239. 503 Sjiithfield St. de2S-MWF TiEPRESENTED IN PITTSBURG IN 1SC1 ASSETS . . J9j071,69833. Insurance Co. of North America. Losses adjusted and paid by WILLIAM L JONES. S4 Fourth avenue. la20-s2-D THE MERCANTILE AGENCY E. ft Bun & Co., Gcrmania Bank Building. 423 Wood street, cor ner of Diamond, Pittsburg, Pa. This establishment supplies all necessary information as to the standing, responsibility, etc., of business men throughout North Amer ica. It Is the oldest and by far the most com plete and extensive system ever organized for the accommodation of Banking and Mercantile interests and the General Promotion and Pro tection of Trade. Debts Collected and Legal Business Attended to throughout the North American Continent. use of private property, and providingf or fi liens, and reculatinc nroceedincrs thereon. prohibiting the use of public streets without auinomy oi councils," approved tne 14th day of June. A. D. 1SS7, respeetfullv report: That havlnc been first dulv sworn and nnali- fled according to law, they proceeded in the manner and according to the directions of said Act, to discharge the duties of their appoint ment; and, having given the notices required by said Act, they viewed the premises, they made an assessment of said cost and expenses upon the property benefited, and caused a plot and statement to be made, as required by said Act, and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meet ing, they met on the 22d day of December, A. D. 1888, at the office of the Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence offered, and having made all modifications and corrections which they deem proper, assessed the cost and expense of con structing said sewer upon the following prop erty, upon each for the amount set opposite the name of the owner thereof, viz: STATEMENT OF COST. 370 lineal feet 15-In. pipe sewer, SI 30. . $514 30 1 drop,S50 .-. W) 00 3 manholes, $28 84 00 Superintending, engineering, adver tising go 00 3,655 lbs. casting (to Fisher F. and M. Co..) $1 68 61 41 Printing ordinances and notices 40 00 Printing viewers' report 19 25 Making plan and serving notices 5 00 Viewers time 2100 S4.315 2S ASSESSED. Barton street and Center avenue, east side, from Wallingford street to Two Mile Run sewer, west side Henry M. Bissell, (73),60feet. $ 228 67 Sarah L. Hitchcock, (434), 355 feet.... 1,347 62 James McKay, (161), 132 feet. 499 92 West side Bella A. Knhn. (52), 100 feet 156 97 184 'JJ. 476 79 910 80 J. W. Paul. (611. 50 feet J.S. Arnold, (155), 163 feet. Alex. Bradley, (294). 340 feet. Wallingford street, north side, from mciwcu street to uarton IB.A.:R,G--A.x:rrs -AT- Mrs. C. Weisser's, ST. 437 ja4-KWl' OUR JANUARY Muslin Undergarment SALE HAS COIVIMENOED. A Large Line of Ladies' a de27-tVFSu Mrs. E. A. King, (170). 100 feet, .57 South side Willis L. King (132). 53 Charles E. Jones (343), feet. . 349.68feet.. ASSESSED. Spring alloy, north side, from street io nixrcenin street. Paul Seibert. est.. (16.11), 42.6 feet..... John Schreiber, 20 feet Esther Conway, 20 feet Susanna Kearns, 16 feet James Wilson et aU, 20 feet Samuel R. Sloan, 24 feet John Herron, 20feet Knights of St. George Hall Associa tion Co. B., (02), 11 feet Lorcnz Selzer, 14 feet Louis Debedts, 16 feet., Presbytery of Pittsburg, 16 feet Henry J. Weber, 24 feet Sarah E. McKee, 48 feet South side Marshall, Kennedy & Co., (62.6) 162.6 feet Martha and J. Mo Watson, 1S6.10 feet. Jane L. King, 416 feet $314 96 Fifteenth . $2133 3020 3020 2116 3020 36 24 30 20 93 81 21 15 24 16 24 16 36 24 72 40 M vrrii, PHOTOGRAPHER, 16 SIXTH STREET. A fine, largo crayon portrait $3 50; see them before ordering elsewhere. Cabinets. $2 and 12 50 per dozen. PROMPT DELIVERY. oc9-p70-anvFsu Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY ALLEN, DANIEL WEVKK TIMOTHY O'LEARY. JR., PITTSBUEG. December 22 1SSS. 94 64 205 53 67 35 S844 36 Mrs. E. A. King (91), 15L07 feet Pittsburg Safe Deposit Company (trustee), (38)38.73 feet Bella A. Kuhn (18). 20 feet. Pittsburg Safe Deposit Company (trustee), (57). 60 feet Bella A. Kuhn, 40 feet Charles E. Jone3 (138), 120 feet Center avenue, south side, Bidwell street to Barton Otis Sheppard (113), 90 feet M. E.Rees. (81). 00 feet John A. Wilson (10), 30 feet. safe Deposit Pittsbure (trusteo) (o), s.uu teet... North side Alex. Bradley (710), 5S0 feet. Company 42 50 33 00 85 75 22 75 950 450 14 25 10 00 3150 28 23 20 25 10 00 18 75 177 50 Respectfully submitted. EDWARD JAY ALLEN, DANIEL WENKE, TIMOTHY O'LEARY, Jn., ' PrrrSBUBO, December 28, 18S& ' $4,315 28 Viewers, jal IIMA .a9 VoiL n-j ?JLJJggwyac .V ARTISTIC ADVERTISING .'. Designs and Enirayings for tie Hays AT BnOET NOTICE. no25-w78-TUFSu P ATB1TTS O. D. LEVIS, Solicitor of Patents, 131 Fifth avcnue.abovcsmithfleld, next Leader office. (No delay.) Established 20 years. se29-hl0 Sight Gowns, Chemises, Skirts,' Drawers and Corset Coiers,! Ready at very low prices. See Special Bargains on Center Counter. "2 W alsn rnTtimflti'P fTiJc wodlV flmnA Par1.infinn C? ; iff MEN'S WINTER UNDERWEAR. We have selected out about fifteen lines in the lower and medium grades of goods at reduced prices as follows: o cent White and Gray Merino Shirts and Drawers at 40 cent3 each, or 75 cents per suit ' 75 cent grades at 65 cents each, $1 25 a suit. $1 grades White, Gray and London Tan Merino, 75 cents each. ; $1 50 White Merino at $1 each. '; $2 White Merino at $1 50 each. Si 50 Natural Wool and Camel's Hair at Si 25 each. Si 75 Striped Camel's Hair at Si 50 each. $2 Striped Merino at $1 so each. The above are all bargains and can be seen displayed on long coun- ; HORNE & WARD, JMO. 41 JflJrTH AYENUE. jal-p -X2-t -L J4 -A. Hartford, Conn. Assets, January 1, 1887 ty.5SS.839 3 EDWARDS& KENNEY, Agents, OQ Fourth avenue. Pittsbure lal2-p39-MF A. GARRISON FOUNDRY CO., Manufacturers of Solid and Holloir. Chilled Sand and Patent Homogeneous Steel Rolls and RolllngMill Castings. Office Nos. 10 andl2 WOOD STREET. ja7-13K-MWF AT WM, SIWWQ JANUARY 4, 1889. AT WM, BmPlS'S Special Good Bargains in Every Department. ' All Winter Goods Closing Out 'and New Goods Suitable to the Season Ctoenins. SILKS. Oar special brand black gros grain silks gives unbounded satisfaction. Pure silk, soft finish, at 75c, $1, ?1 12; full 4-inch at $1 25 and $1 50 are the cheapest goods in the market. Faille Francaise, 75c up to 52. Satin merveillcaux, Baratheas and fancy silksat low prices. Colored dress silksat50c np. Silk plushes and velvets at attractive prices. J Viewers. ja4 V IEWERS' REPORT On the construction of a public sewer ou Selby alley.from South Eighth street to South Ninth street. To the Select and Common Councils of the City of Pittsbure: The undersigned, Viewers of Street Improve ments In the city ot Pittsburg, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county and authorized by an ordinance passed on the 10th day of October. A. D. 1887, a cony of which is hereto attached, to make an assess ment of the cost and expense of constructing a public sewer on Selby alley, from South Eighth street to South Ninth street, in said city, upon the property benefited thereby, under the provisions of and in accordance with an Act of Assembly of 'the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An Act authorizing and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the imnroremmit nf 1 streets, lanes, alleys and public highways, ME S FURNISHINGS Shirts, white and colored, laundried and unlanndried. Our 50c, 62c and 75c unlaun dried shirts are the best values ever offered. Collars and cuffs, best makes. Neckwear all reduced. Mufflers and silk handkerchiefs at extremely low prices. "Winter gloves in great variety. Blankets, Comforts, Flannels and QUILTS at reduced prices. Balance of holiday novelties clearing at half price. UNDERWEAR. Grand clearing sale of winter underwear for men, boys, misses and infants. PBEVTOUS TO TAKING STOCK WE WILIi OFFER ON WEDNESDAY, JAN'Y 2, All short lengths of dress goods, silks, flannels, crashes, sheetings, embroideries and laces, prints, ribbons, shirtings, table linens, etc., without regard to regular price or cost. "We prefer to do.this rather than inventory them. On THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY All odd lots of Hosiery, gloves and underwear of every kind will be disposed of. DRESS GOODS. 500 pieces on cheap dress goods counter at 12Jc to 25c. Many of these Just half price, consisting ol plain, striped, plaids, fancy; weaves and mixtures, at 30c, 37c. Bare values in plain and mixed cloth suitings, superior finish. See the French cashmere and Henri. ettas, all colors, at 50p, worth 75c. Notable bargains in English and French dress fabrics 50c, 75c, 90c and 81. Broadcloths, 90c, ?1, $1 25 and SI 50. ' MOURNING FABRICS. -All-wool cashmeres, silk warps, and all-wool Henriettas, Australian cords, armnres, camel's hair serges, Drap d'Almas, albatross, nnn's veilings and fancy weaves. "We have nothing but reliable makes, and gnarantee the prices low for quality. CLOAKING CLOTHS. 6-4 cloths, in plain, checks, stripes and mixtures, for ladies and misses, long or short garments, at specially low prices to close. Samples Sent When Requested. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. 167-169 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. CLOAESANDSUITS Now is the time to get bargains in this de partment. "We have put the prices down from 60 to 75 per cent to unload all our iaaies cloth tuckets of every kind, Striped, plaids and plain; also raglans, newmarkets ana moajessas. Immense bargains in seal Slush jackets, coats, wraps and dolmans, lisses' and children's coats, jackets and gretchens, 11 sizes, 2 to 18 years. Beady- made suits and dresses for ladies and misses all reduced. It will doubly repay you to visit this department. FTJJs. Lots of time to wear furs yet. Prices, tempting. Muffs, boas, collars and trim mings in all the desirable furs. CARPETS. Before taking stock, aud to give us room for our new spring arrivals, we will close out all short lengths up to 25 yards of ft pattern atone-half their actual cost. Bargains in body brussels, tapestries, ingrains, hall and stair carpets. Eugs, mats and oilcloths at! jow prices. LACE CURTAINS. Best values in this market from 50c up. v ... vmuum irom i to o a pair, 'xurc man and chealllo curtains and portlert bottom pnees. ' . V 4 Iiii3tr.-.I,'C L