fBSTi RSKS !thepittsbukgispatgh; ?HjmsimF&muRY$ msm mrrnQ ?3SJS , LOCAL Lin STOCK. Leading Features of Markets at the East Liberty Yards. THE GRADE OF CATTLE IMPROVED, Light Weight Hogs in Better Demand and Higher Priced. GOOD SHEEP AXD LAMBS VERY FIRM Office of The Pittsbuik; Dispatch, ) Vedesdai January 2, 1889. The receipts of cattle Monday were TO loads, against 65 the previous Monday. The average number of receipts throucu Novem ber were about 150 cars. Through Decem ber the local receipts of cattle at the Liber ty yards were not more than one-half those of November. This decline is an index to the large consumption of poultry, name and oysters, which is always a cart of the Christmas festivities. Another reason for the decline is the absence of Eastern buyers, who in the fall months laid in their stockers and feeders for this season. The stock-raisers of the Eastern counties manage to lay in their stock before December. With the falling off of demand from this source, and .argc poultry and came consumption coming In at the same time, the local cattle demand has suffered a declire, which very materially affects the trade. . , , The Quality ot cattle received this week has been better than tfce a erase for the past mouth or two. Therchas been nothing strictly prime in the receipts, and, in lact, notumg quite np to some received last week. On the other there were scarcely any of the low grade Mock. GOOD BEEF. Said a leading stockman: "Our supplies this week have been in the main good butcher and lair shipping cattle. Very few common, thin butcher stuff were on the market, uch as w e had an over-supply of through the falL" Prices of common to good butcher stock rule strong, 5310c higher than last week. Lower frades rule 6trong. with no advance in price, air shipping cattle are hard to sell. The ship ping Interest setins to be in a condition of sus pended animation. The best price that could be traced for carload lots was $1 85. Notwithstanding light receipt, some four or Ave loads wrre lelt over from Monday, and were shipped East to-day in first hands. Those left over were what are termed bj the trade, heavy shipping cattle. Buyers of tbi6 class of stock appear to be in the holiday business this week, and hence the slowness of markets. SnEEP AXD LAMBS. Monday's supply of sheep and lambs con sisted of about 12 cars, the same number as the previous Monday. The larger portion of thoe received were common and low grade stock. The few good bunches that appeared found ready sale at a shade better prices than a week ago. The supply of good, juicy mutton and lamb his not for some weeks been up to de mand. Of the common, tough and juicclcss Huff, there has been all along a supply in excess of demand, and the situation in favorof buj era. Tms has been the situation very decidedly this week. Low grade sheep can hardly bring any profit to shippers, at prices which are ruling for this class. At Chicago receipts of hogs to-day were 15, C00 head, and prices ruled about the same there to-day as Monday. At East Libertv receipts were very light, and an advance of 15c to 20c nverMondaj's prices is reported by dealers. The range of the market at East Liberty to day is $5 15 to $5 70. The receipts on Monday were above 50 carloads, almost double the re ceipts of the previous Monday. The demand for good licit-weight hogs better than for heavy w. eights, which reverses the situation of a couple of we ks ago. Through November and early December heavy hogs were in de mand for lard supplies. It would seem that lard stock is well secured, and of late the rush is for light bogs. E. JlcCnll & Co.'s Review. The supply of fettle has been only fair, bnt fully equal to the demand. The market ruled slow on all grades, with common to medium strong at last week's prices: very little demand for good and selling very slowly at a shade lower prices. We quote the following as rul ing price: Prime. SX to 1.000 Us, Si 501 SO: good, 1,200 to 1.400 Sis, S3 Sj4 20: good, LWJO to 1.200 lbs, SS 404 00; rough lat, 1,100 tn 1,301) Jk, Jo 403 65: stockers and feeders, 52 003 00; fat cows, bulls and heifers. 52 253 25; lresh cows and springers, 2040 per head. The receipts of hogs on Monday were about equal to the demand, and the market ruled ac tive. Yesterday and to-day the supply has been very light and the market somewhat excited. We dou't look for present prices to continue. Sale" to-day were as follows: Fbiladelphias, S5 455 50; best light Yorkers, $5 C0g5 65; com mon to fair heavy Yorkers, 55 405 50; roughs, 54 25g5 00. The receipts of sheep this week have been light, and market firm at an advance of 1520c per cwt on all grades. We quote as follows: Prime Ohio and Indiana wethers, weighing here 110 to 120 pounds. S4 SC4 SO; good wethers, SO to 100 pounds, $4 40g4 C5; fair to good mixed, 85 to 90 pounds. $3 G01 00: common to fair. 70 to 80 pound. J2 63S3 12) prime lambs, 75 to 90 pounds, 55 756 25: fair to good.50 to 65 pounds, 5 O05 50; veal calves, 110 to 140 pounds, $5 50 b 25. By Telecranh. New York Beeves Receipts since Monday, 5.109, including 35 carloads for a beef exporter. 42 carloads for city slaughterers direct, and SS carloads to be sold: no market yesterday; 17 carloads were carried over on Monday and were for sale to-daj; market extremely dull and weak: ordinary to prime steers sola at 13S04 90 per 100 pounds: extra do at So 00 6 23: b fancy do at 56; 45; Colorado do, f365 3 M; exports yesterday and to-day, 3,230 quar ters of beef; to-day's Liverpool cable quoics American refrigerator beef firm at TJjjcper pound. Sheep Receipts for two davs, 6,500 head; market about steady for sheep and firmer and hijrher for pood lambs; common to prime sheep sold at S3 255 25 per 100 pounds; a few choice do at So 45; ordinary to choice Iambs. $6(jO7S0. Hogs F.eceipts for two days. 9.250, all for slaughterers direct; none offered alive; market nominally steady at S5 3-5 565. St. Lotjis Cattle Keccipts.LWX) head: ship ments, 200 head: market steady; choice hcavv native steers, J5 00Q5 50; fair to Rood do, $4 40fiJ 6 IP; butchers' steers, medium to choice, S3 30i 4 40: Etocfcers and feeders, fair to good, $2 10 3 10; rangers, corn-fed, S3 004 10; grass-fed, 52 003 15. Hogs Receipts, 9,300 head; ship ments, 800 head; market strong; choice heavy and butchers' selections, $5 20g5 SO; packing medium to prime. $5 10S5 25; light grades, ordinary to best. S3 00 15. Sheep Jlceip:, 1,000 head; shipments, 200: market steady; fair to choice, $3 004 4a CHiCAGO-The Drorcri' Jovrnal reports: Cattle Receipts, 10,000 head: shipments. 3.000 head: market steady: choice beeves. 4 3MJ1 90; steers, $2 65SJ4 50; stockers and feeders. 2 10 3 00: cows, bulls and mixed, SI 403 90; Texas cattje, Jl 75i 00. Hogs Receipts. 15.5(10 liea"d; shipments, 5,000 head; market weak and 5c lower: mixed and light. $5 005 20; heavy, J5O55S0: skips, S3 O0Q 0 CO. Sheep Keccipts, 4,300 head: shipments, 1,000 bead: market Krone: natives, 53 255J4 80: Western corn fed, H 00&1 60; Texans, 8 503 15; lambs, 51 00 o85. , CrscufXATi Hogs in good demand and "higher: common and light. Si 504 85; packing Mid butchers', S3 105 23. MAKKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Wheat Unsettled nud Lower Corn Qnlet Oats Active But Weak-Pork nnd Lard About Hold Their Own Short Itibs ftcndj. Chicago. There was a surprise in store for operators in w. heat in this market, and it came in the way of a sharp decline, instead of the ad vance they had calculated upon. The opening was strong and K?c higher than closing fig ures ot Monday, influenced, possibly, by the light deliveries on January contracts, and a decrease of 1,520.000 bushels in the quantity on passage, but soon after the opening the specu lative offerings became quite heavy and a steady shrinkage in prices followed, which con tinued Until a decline of 2c was established, when the market temporarily rallied 3c again became weak, declining to the inside range the day, and closed about 2c lower than Mon day. The receipts were light and export clear ances again small. In fact, there was nothing new from outside points to cause any special change in the market, and the decline of to-day was credited principally to the selling of a prominent local trader. This party, for several days past bad been a large buyer, and therefore a support to the market, and his adverse action to-day naturally had a doubly depressing ef fect. At the decline, or inside prices, there was good buying, sufficient to prevent further decline. This buying wan supposed to be mainly against rales made early in the day. Cera ruled rather quiet most of the session, though at times exhibited moderate activity. The feeling, considering the section, in which it ws relatively steady, and after the easiness displayed aronnd the opening the market ruled comparatively firm. Initial trades were ? higher than Monday's closing prices, afler which the market sold oS JfgKc, became steady and closed J4jtc lower than Monday. There was considerable changing ot January into the more deferred months, chiefly May. Oats were liirlv active, but weaker and lower. Offerincs, during the greater part of the sessiou were liberal, especially from "longs." fiavers appeared rather indifferent about takinghold. as other grains were weaker and lower, hence the market had little support and prices declined ie, and May delivery itffttC and the market closed easy at inside prices. Speculative trading was quite active in mess pork and prices ruledirregular. Offer ings were liberal, especially for Way delivery. Early prices were advanced 5c, but the market soon weakened and prices gradually declined 25330c. Later the market ruled steadier and puces advanced 5JjTc and closed steady. Qjiite an active business was reported In laid but the business was weak. Prices decllned20 25c on the whole range, but rallied 5"c and closed rather steady. Considerable interest was manifested in short ribs ard trading was quite active. Prices w ere weak early i the day and declined 1520c, but rallied 2Js5c later and the market closed steidy. The leadine futures ranced as follows: Wheat-No. 2, January, SI 021 02X9! RMc: Kcbnurv. SI 041 041 01K1 00).; .Mav. 1 U7i'4'l 01 04j(sl 04: July, 97K 97K,J3J6K'Jfc. Conx-No. 2 January. 34K34K33?ie33Kc: March. 33gJ5Kel5S35Kc; May, Sih&Siii SG'G3G?8'c. Oats-No. 2 Januarv. 2525c; February, 25r; Mav, 8K2SK2!ViXc Mess Pork, per bbl-Jannary, $12 83 12 0012 SO012 SO; February. SI2 97X12 97K 12 9012 32M: Mav. S13 401S 4513 1j13 2K. LA.KD per 100 Bs. Januarv. 7 C27 62JJ G7 32?7 40: February. 7 557 S57 40; May, $7 ml 0T S2lAl &. Shout Ribs, per 109 fts. January. $3 SO (TO Wf6 62M66 (S2K: February, SS 80g6 60 6 70ge 70; May, $7 62!$7 D26 82Js6 87& Cash quotations were as xollows: Flour, nominally unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat, S9Ji99Kc: No. 3 spring wheat bSR92c; No. 2 rl. WJieWK; No. 2 corn. S3cbid. No. 2 oats, 25?c. Ha. s rye. 50c. No. 2 barley, 7373c f.o. b. No. 1 flaxseed, SI E. Prune timothy seed, 51 ok Mess pork, per barrel, 12 S012 tS. Lard, per 100 lb. 87 42?7 45. Short ribs sides (loose). $6 GC(?6 75. "Dry salted shoulders (box ed). $f Toff 0 bK- Short clear sides (boxed), S7 007 12X. ."sugars Cut loaf, unchanged. Receipt's Flour, 12,000; wheat, 43.000 bushels: corn, 1x5,000 bushels: oats. 146.000 bushels; rye, 7,000 bushels: barley, 37,000 bushels. Ship mentsFlour, fe,O0C: wheat, 10.000 busheli; com. 348,000 bushels: oats. 150.000 bushels; rje.2.000: barley, 34.000 bushels. On the Produce Exchange to-day the butter market was dull; fancy creamerv. 28c; good to choice, 2324c; flue dairies, 20g22c; good to choice, 17S19c Eggs dull at 18c New Youk Flour Receipts. 18,656 pack ages; exports, 2,802 barrels, 7,491 sacks: irregu lar and heavy; moderately active; sales, 16.150 barrels. Cornmeal lower: more active; yellow Western, .J2 703 00. AVheat Receipts. 'J,M0 bushels: exports, none; sales, 6,648.000 bushels futures: 17.000 bushels spot: spot market quiet and KSlJfc lower; No. 2 red. SI 010 1 01 in elevator. SI 02(3)1 02 afloatpi 01(6 1 03 f.o. b.: No. 3 red. 95WC; No. 1 white,-Sl 01; No. 1 red. SI OS; No. 2 Chicago, SI 08: options more active and heavy: loner; eirly KMC higher, declined 22K, clos.ng tiVic under Mondavon realizing; No. 2 reil.Januarv, SI 00K 1 02J, closing at SI 01; Slarch, SI 03 1 05K. closing at SI 03; Mav. SI 061 08K, clos ing at SI C6; June, SI 05UQ1 OS, closing at SI 053$; July, SI 01K101?. closing atSlOl!. Kje. heavv; Western, -5S62c Barley dull; nominal. Barley malt dull. Com Receipts, 35,200 bushels: exports. Z73,780 bnshcls: sales. 352,000 buMi els futures: 16S.0U0 bushels spot; spot market fairlv active; export and home; steadv: No. 2. 4647Jc in elevator. 47J 4c afloat: ungraded mixed, SSK4: No. 2 white. 47c; steamer mixed, 42- 44c: No. 3. 3S3!Kc: options trifle firmer and quiet; Januarv. 4046c; February, 464J?,c. closing at 4Gc; May. 45s4fc closing at 45jc. Oats Receints. 82,000 bushels; exports, S bushels; sales. 810.000 bushels futures, 101.- 000 bushels spot; spot market fairly active and stronger: options lidc higher and dull: January, 30J31?ie, closing at 31?c; February, 3232 . closing &3ic: May. 33Kc; Pt Si " white, 0434Jic; mixed western, 3032c: white do.333&c:No.2Chicago.32Ve. Hav steady; shipping. iiC65c; good to choke, 7595c Hops steady and dull. Coffee Options openrd steady and 1520 points up, closed barely steady, and 4045 points above Saturdav; sales, 53.500 bags, melnding January, 14.9015.20c; Fcbruarv, 14.9C15.20c; Mareh, 14.95gl5.35c: April. lo.C'aio.wir: Mav, ia05l'i.40e: June, 15.10c; Julv,15 150)13 S5c:September.l5.3015.45c; October. 15.S5S15.45c: December, 15.4515.55o: Spot Rio stronger and more active: fair cargoes 17c Sugar Rwlower: fair refining. 4Jc: centrifugal, 96 test, 5Jc: reflned easierand quiet; confectioners' A. 7c: cutloaf, 8c; crushed, 8c: powdered, 7c: granulated, Tc Molasses Foreign nominal; New Orleans fairly active. Rice firm ana quiet. Pork fairly active; mess, S14 2514 50. Beef ca'ien extra mess, S7 7 25: plate, S99 50. Beef hams quiet. Cut meats slow: pickled shoulders.7c; pickledhams, KiQlOc: middles Inactive; short clear, S7 40. Lard depressed; realizing; spot dnll; Western, SS: options active; January. S7 888 00, closing at 57 S3; February, $7 83: March. $7 84go 00, closing at $7 84: April, $7 8T7 95. dosing at S7 87: Mav, $7 858 03. closing at S7 So: June, S7 89S 00, closing at $7 89. Butter about steady and quiet: Western dairy, 142c;do creamery. lPJ31c: Elgins. ?JJ33c Cheese quiet and firm; Western, 10llc. St. Louis Flour qniet and unchanged. Wheat opened strong ou light receipts, firm cables and higher prices elsewhere, but later, under bearish news from Europe and tumbles at all speculative centers, as well as the shut down of all local bus. less, there was a collapse and prices closed 2Jc under Mondav; No. 2 red. cash, 93J93c; Mav, SI 001 00?J 1 00K, closing at SI 001 00-; July, 99c SI 01& closing; at ESKc acked. Corn lower and weak; No. 2 cash, o0ffl30)c; Jannarr, S0 30c closing at :k Februarv, 30Jj;31c,clos ine at 30c asked: May, 3333c, closing at KtSH0 bid. Oats lower; Na 2 cash, 24c asked; Mav.2S)28Xc,cloing at 28Jc. Bye, firmer at 454S)c bid. Barley quiet; sample lots Wisconsin, 72iS75c; Iowa, 5561c: Dakota and Manitoba, 7273c Barging quiet at llVf 611?ic Cotton ties, SI 201 25. Provisions dull and weak. Pork Job lots, S13 50S13 75. Lard nominally 57 25. Dry saltmeats-Car lots loose shoulders; 6 25; longs and ribs, 7 00; short clear, SS 10S 12. PHii.ADEl.pniA Flour weak. Wheat a shade firmer, subsequently became weak and closed lower: No. 2 red, Jannarv, 9096c: Feb ruary. 979Sc: Marcb,99KJl 00; April, SI 01 01O1K: May, SI Ol my Corn-Carlots in desirable position for jobbers firmly held, with a fair inquiry: No. 2, in elevator, lower: specu lation quiet; No. 4 mixed, on track, 33c No. 3, 37SSc; steamer No. 2 mixed, in grain depot, 40c w ith S9c bid for do in export elevator; No. 2 mixed. 4242c in export elevator; old No. 2 mixed, elevator, 45c; No. 2 mixed. Jan uarv, 4:12c: February, 42K42Kr: March, CeKq April, Wmm May, 43Ktfc Oats-Oarlots dull: No. 3 mixed. 30c: No. 3 "white, 33c: No. 2 white, 3436Jc: futures quiet, tut steaav: jno. ; white, jannarv. wgg 34c: Fcbniary, 34K34;c: March, 313235c; April. 353-5Xc; May, 353Ge. CixciXNATi-Flournrm; family, S4 254 40: fancy. S4 75a4 90. Wheat quiet; No. 2 red. 97c Com active and steady; No. 2 mixed. 35 .t55c Oats steady: No. 2 mixed, 27J427c Ryein fair demand; No. 2, 66Kc. Pork mill at $13 75. Lard heavy and lower at $7 40. Bulkmeats dull and easier: short rib. $7 00 7 12J Bafcon quiet: short clear. SS 62K- Butter eaien extra creamery, 3334c; prime dairy roll,lS15c Sugar in moderate demand and steady; choice mild Ohio flat at 10)Ilc. BAiroionE Wheat Western steadv at a decline; No. 2 winter red, spot and lannary. 99c asked; February, 974c; March, 999!)ic. Com Western easy; mixed, spot and January, 4242Kc; February, 4212JJc; steamer, spot. 39c Oats steadv; Western white. 325831c; do mixed, 231r; graded No. 2 white, 33c bid. Rye firm at 0061c Hav dull; prime to choice timothy. S16 0017 00. Provisions steady and unchanged. Toledo Clovereeed very dull; cash, $5 10. A POOR OPENING. Disconrnpnc Opening of the Now Year in the Ronton Marker. CSPECIAL TELEGRAM TO TUX DISPATCH! Bostox, January 2. Atchison was the one feature of the Boston stock market to-day, he iug very active and weak. It was sold down by traders who started in for a turn on the bear side, and received aid from the room, from long stock and from stop orders. Opening at 3i it touched 55 "and recovered to 56. but weakened again in the last quarter hour and closed at 5454, the low est point of the day. and making the net result of the day's trading a decline of 3 points. The point was given out that November earnings would show a decrease in net as compared with 18S7 of 5300,000, and also that no dividend would be paid in February. The earnings disappointed extreme bearish anticipations, showing the comparative de crease has been 200,006. The day as a whole has proved a sorry one for the commencement of the new year. Atch. CollstcraI5s.. S.W CS.SQ 109 Fltchburff 77 Mexican Central.... nn ;. V. iewKnr... u S. Y.&AewEnr pr.liSK Orecon Short Line.. 43 Union Pacific w West End Land 1VA Atchison Trust fis.,,103 Atchison Trust 'S...1M Atlantlc&Paclficlnc 2L ilex. Central 4s b6' Alex, central Inc.... 2 N. Y. A N. E. 6S....114 N.Y.&N.E.2d6s.lKiV Oregon Short iCCs.lCTV! Bell Telephone 202 Union Pacific 8s Wi Calumet A HecU....299 Atchison stocL 54 ITamarark:. is? Boston & Albny...S0ljBoston& Montana.. 70X Philadelphia fitocks. Closlnjr quotations of Philadelphia stocks, fur nished by Whitney & Stephenson, brokers, No. 57 Fourth avenue. 1 Members New York Stock Ex Change., )Hd. AsVed. PennaylvanlaKallroad MK UK Heading KaUroad U ?-16 24W LehlftU Valley S4 M Ichlgli Navigation 61 51, U. Co, 's Kew Jersey t ......aiH KIK Northern Pacific .-25 && Northern l'scldc preferred CO ) A GOOD BEGfflMfr. The Kew. Year Promises to Breat the Best Business Record. EVERYTHING IS IN GOOD SHAPE Eeal .Estate Moving Quite Briskly, With Prices Pointing kjward. TRANSACTIONS IN OIL AND STOCKS The new year started off well in financial circles. There was no special movement, but business was quite brisk. Payment of dividends will begin in a day or two. This will put a large volume of money in circu lation. Nearly all the banks yesterday re ported depositing in excess of withdrawals. At most of them counter business was lively. The clearing house statement shows a large volume of transactions, very little of which was of a speculative nature. The exchanges were 52,864,121 20 and the bal ances $476,245 S6. Eastern exchange ruled abont even with currency. Rates for borrowing were 66 per cent. In a few cases gilt-edged paper was accepted at 4J Bankers generally express confidence that the present year will break the record for the volumo of transactions. The beginning points to this result. At New York money on call was tight, rang ing' from C to 8 per cent, last loan 8, closed of fered at 2. Prime mercantile paper, 56K per cent. Sterling exchange dull but steady at S4 Sii for fiO-day bills and SI SSJi for demand. STOCK TRANSFERS. Philadelphia Gns Lends In Foint of Activity Prices Bid nnd AsUed. The local movement in stocks showed no diminution yesterday. There was a good de mand for all the leading securities. The total sales aggregated 469 shares, of which 350 were Philadelphia Gas, which went off with a rush at 39J6 toS9Jg the highest figures beingrealized at the close of the afternoon call. Bidding was (juito brisk at both calls. The following will show the spirit of the martet: STOCKS. Fittsbur Insurance Hridecwater Gas Co Chartiers Valley Gas Co Natural Gas Co., W. Va...., Wheeling Gas Co Columbia Oil Co Washington Oil Co., ex-dlv. Citizens' Traction Bid. Asked , 32 aj S3 57 60 55 .... 27V SS 3X .... 70 79 88X Jo a ". IK 1H 1UI 50 .... Sj'i 36 Philadelphia Gas, Fi ttsburf- Junction Itallway Co. j.a Anna aiming i'o Allcflicnv County Electric. East End'Elcctric , M ct!nghouse Electric , Actual sales, omittinf? mentioned above, include 12 shares WhcelingJ f3n CnmmtiT nt 5S and 100 sharps f!itiPTm Traction Company at 60. Brokers reported very little business outside of the Exchange. Total sales of stocks at New York yesterdcy were 184.191 shares, including Delaware. Lacka wanna and Western, 21,b00l Erie, 4.120: Lake Shore, 10,712; Louisville arid Xashville, 4,270; Missouri Paciflc, 6,870; Northwestern, 8,165: New Jersev Central, 8.100; Northern Paciflc preferred, 1414; Oregon Transcontinental, S.0S0; Reading, 22,503; St Paul, 15,010; Union Pacific, 15,810; Western Union, 7,822. EXPIRATION OP A CHARTER. The Bnnk of ritlsbnrc Issues an Important Notice to .Stockholders. The Directors of the Bank of Pittsburg have issued a notice to stockholders to the effect that the charter under which that institution is operated will soon expire and urging them to adopt prompt measures to secure a renewal thereof. This must be done before the expiration of the charter, otherwise a general law of the Legislature will be necessary to prevent tho bank from going out of existence. Tho latter result would be a calamity to the business in terests of the city. The importance of the notice to the stockholders is therefore ap parent THE SPIRIT OF ' A Bullish Influence Boosts Qnoi Which Move Up n Foint, The first business day of the new year atihe Petroleum Exchange was characterized by a strong market and free buying. The influence was bullish, lioth here and in New York. Field news favored, higher prices, several wells of which much had been expected burning out badly. The opening price was87. Free bid ding, attended with considerable excitement, soon sent the figures up to 88. Another jump was then made to S This was followed by a drop, caused by reports of a strike in the Wash ington field. As soon as the report was shown to be bogus another advance was scored to SSJ. The market closed strong at 88. The lowest price touched was 87 and the highest 88. A. B. JIcGrew quotes: Puts, 87c; calls, Ine following table, corrected by l)e Witt DI1 worth, broker In petroleum, etc, comer Fifth avenue and Wood street, l'lttsburg, shows the order of fluctuations, etc.: lime. VBld. Ask. 'lime. Bid. Ask. Opened S7$ Sa'S12:p. St.... 88 SS'i 10H5A. M.... 68 W4 1:00P K... 83 U)i 10:30a. M.... &! S$!4 l:15p. M.... 88 88J$ 10:45tA. M.... m 88"4 1:301 M.... &.' h!4 1I.-O0A. M...i 8S!4 fcMH 1:43P. M.... iiii 8S 11:15a. M.... M SSJj S:00r. M.... 8SH tsjj D:tfA. M.... Mh 68K !:15r. a.... WH H 11:43A. M.... S3M SS 2:30 p. It.... 88 tSi 1!:00M 8S)4 m -ttr. M.... 63! 88 1I:;5 P. M.... S8 SSlClosed UH .... 12:30 P. M.... 83 8Slil Uneued. S7,'fc: highest, S8.: closed, g&Hs. Drily runs i Average rum Dally shipments , ATeraee shipments Dallv charters Average charters , lowest, Slfiet Barrels. m,,i... 108,776 43,.7)2 103.519 73.268 79. CW . 30,437 lle&rances Mtii, mm, tiu S72.CW lew York closed at SSJJc Oil CItvclosea at SSVr. Uradlorddosea nt Sin. Kew Yore, relined. .l0c London, reflned. 6 13-161. Antwerp, reflned, 19f. DISAPPOINTING TO SOME. Sharp Contest for (tracers of tiie Exchange The Successful Men. An election for officers of the Pittsburg Pe troleum, Stock and Sietal Exchange was held yesterday, which brought out a full attend ance. There wore several lively contests. Everything passed off harmoniously, however, and both the successful and the defeated can didates are satisfied with the result. It was a fair flgbt for the control of one of the most im portant business institutions of the city. Those who pulled through are: President, W. S. Alter; First Vice President, J. R. ilcKee, Jr.: Second Vice President, A. J. Lawrence: Tri asnrer, II. W. Hagan; becretary, J. K. Barbour. Hoard of Directors, H. Forst, f. I. Mutln, S. H. 3lnrrav, a. a. Anains, s. rritz. w. E. von, Knnnhnrst- G. C Kuhll. f K. TTnhn IV 1 liadccr. Arbitration Committee. K. T. Hunt, J. SI. Montgomery, B. 11. Kobiusou, J. L. Tracey, P. Eaton. Other OH AInrkcts. OIL Cmr. Januarys, Opened, 87c; closed, 8SXc; highest, 8SJc: lowest, 87c Bradford. January 2. -Opened, 8Sc; low- est, o7c: highest. SSe: closed. SSc New York, January 2. Petroleum opened firm at S7Jc and after the first sales became strongana advanced to 83Xc a slight reaction then occurred, hut the market rallied and dur ing the alternonn was very dull, closing firm at SSKc. Sales, 1)10,000 barrels. MOVEMENTS IN EEALTI. , The Boom Still On-Good Demand for Itcsi- dener Properties Latest Sales. Iiarge as were the transactions in real estate last year in Pittsburg and adjacent boroughs' and townships, the present year will probably witness even a greater movement. The feeling is in the direction of a boom. Of conrse this means higher prices. Just now the call Is for residence property, although business sites are quickly snatched up hcn offered at reasonable figures. Yeterda's transactions include: William A. Herron Son, lot 2090. on Adams street, near Preble avenue, Allegheny, 900 cash. Black &Baird to Alexander Turner, large, new, pressed brick residence. 241 Locust street, Allegheny, lot 24x65, $10,500. The same firm placed a mortgage of $2,250 on a piece of prop erty on O verhill street, for two years, at CJ per cent. ' Gracbins & Lyon sold 16 acres in West Belle- vuetoS. Delp for Sla600;aUoSo acre farm in Beaver county for!0,6tl0: also 320 acre farm in Osborne connty, Kansas, for $5,755. Messrs. Graeblng & Lyon placed mortgages on property in Pittsburg, Allegheny, McKeesport and Bea- vef county, at 53-10 to 6 per cent, running three ears. EwincAByers sold for James Gordon to Christ Bcfcert: 118 Webster street, Second ward, Allegheny, brick house and lot, 20x80, for 3,650. Two lots in the upper pari of Wilklnsburg enanged owners at SS00 each. IHB GRANGER8 SUFFER. They Sustain a Decline, While tbo Coolers Take a Step Upward. New York, January 2, The stock market at tho opening of the new year was something" of a disappointment W) the advocates of higher figures, as the day, except for a short time in the early morning, was given u to tho bears, although tho impression made upon values, ex cept in a few special instances, was not of special importance. The rise of the last part of Monday was continued in the early trading with London quite a conspicuous buyer, and the temper of the room was generally bullish, though the traders who were doing the most of the business were taking profits. The buying soon became scattered and the bears came to the front again, as circumstances were for the moment greatly in their favor. Monev was working very closely, rates being held at 6 per cent all the forenoon, and later moved up to 8 per cent the limit The rumor from Chicago of a hitch in the carrying out of the agreement 3mong tbo Granger-roads, and Boston sent a story of a probable passing of the next dividend on Atchison with the report of the earnings for November, showed a loss of nearlv S200.0UO, and, although this was about 100,000 better than had been expected, the effect upon the value of tho stock was very marked. It dropped 3 per cent and pressure was brought against the other Grangers, Rock. Island, Burlington and Bt Paul each yielding' over a point Some effort was made to make it 'appear that Mr. Gould was not In svmpathy with an advance at present, and Missouri Pacific was forced off materially. Outside of the shares mentioned, however, the losses were confined to fractions only, and good buving appeared at tho low range of quotations which latter rallied the list and Coal stocks became specially prominent for strength, .lersy Central in particular leading the upward movement with a gain of over a point and a half. Reading and Lackawanna were not so strongly affected by the bullish re ports on the Coalers, but the former was helped by the rise in the bonds, which were higher on rumors from Philadelphia of payment on tho first and second incomes. Bull points were circulated frtely upon New England, and that stock was one of the most active on the list, but its range of prices was not marked and it finally closed at an insignificant change from its Monday's figures. The opening figures were from an V, to per cent abovo Monday's prices, with Missouri Pa cific in the lead, but there was very little vim to the subsequent trading, and with the ex ceptions of New England and Lackawanna, no strength appeared. Atchison soon oame to tho front being very weak, and the rest of the list slowly followed, leading gradually un'il toward 1 P. 31. Rock Island, Burlington, St. Paul and Missouri-Pacific, however, in turn became prominently weak, and all retired a material amount before the rally set in. Jersey Central sprang into activity and rapidly advanced K per cent bringing the rest of the list with ft although in none were the early losses entirely recovered. Atchison moved up a point, but the recovery was afterward again lost The up ward movement was not of long duration, and in the last hour the marketagain became quiet i anally closing dull and stoady. generally at fractional losses.for tho day. Jersey Central shows an advance of 1 per cent, but Atchison is down 3, Burlington 1, Rock Island 1 and Missouri Pacific 1. The special feature ot the dealings in rail road bonds to-day was the activity and strength in the Reading incomes and 4s. and the la-t-named bonds contributed S257.000, the first in comes $162,000, and the second incomes $153,000 out of a total day's business of 31,551,000. The tone of the general market while rather firm, showed no decided character, and the changes in quotations for the day aro in all except a few instances for slieht fractions only, tbo Fort Worth and Denver firsts only displaying" anv animation. Mining quotations dosed: Amador, $2; Bodie $2: Caledonia.B. H., $3; Consolidated California and Virginia, 975; Deadwond, 160; Eureka, 3: Hale and Norcross, 1150: Iron Silver, SO; Navajo, 165: Plymouth, $8; Sierra Nevada, S3; Union Consolidated, S3. The following table shows the prices of active stocks on the New York Stock Exchange. Corrected daily for The Dispatch by Whit ney it Stephenson, members of New York Stock Exchange, 57 Fourth avenue: Open- High- Lotf-lnc.- est est High est. 58- n'oji 64 1C34 98J4 Clos ing. h M3, 52? mt 10SJJ 63 m4 sn " 31 31 H !GS 107Ji llil 57 za4 Zii im 131V 165i 45 $ '2J 114 16 52 103H S! 854 8 13' 72H 1075' esy S3 4,' )5a 17 m 60 ai 71 S0V4 E8M 24 4SX ir: 245,' 7Btf S9 H MX rv UV 22 64! 124 24 KH SS'A Am. Cotton Oil Mtf Atch., Top. & S. 1... 57 Canada Southern 52 Central ofMew Jersey. 95VJ Central 1'acltlc C, Bnr.i Qnincv lWii C, Mil. & St. Paul... 64 C, MI1.&M. P.. pf....M C, Kockl.il 9SjJ C., St. L. & Pitts C, St. L. Pitts, pf. U, St. P., it. & 0 32 C, St. P..M. &0 pf93 C. & Northwestern. ...ll'8 55 52; losif 33 03 lOSS m 132 32 W7K Hl)!f 57M ' IK C&Jsorthwestern, pf.0it U. V. V. & 1. :43S '.144, ..132 Col.. Coal A Iron.... Col. A Iloclting Val Del., L..tW Del. & Hudson Denver .tltloG Denver & KIo (1., pf... E.T., Va. &Ga K. T..Va. AGs., lstnf M 8! 9 23" HO VbH 52 lam 57-4 E.T., Va.Os..2dpf.23i Illinois Central 115 Uke Eric & Western.. 165 Lake Erie West. pf.. 52J Lake Shore & M. S IW'I Louisville & Nashville 57$ Michigan Central 87H ltob!le& Ohio Mo.. K. ATexas Missouri Pacific U JewYork Central 107V N. Y.. L. E. & W T,ii 23'f 115 573 72 6i 1 1W an a. i., j. rv w.prei ei Hi N. Y., C. &bt. N.Y., C&St. Li UH 17 I,. Df. N.Y., C.&St.L.2dpf .... N.Y1'. K 45 J). Y., O. & W KS Is or folk & Western Norfolk & Western, pf 50J Northern Paciflc 25 Northern Pacific pref. fiO? Ohio A, Mississippi..... V.4 43 15 MS 49X 39" 44K 154 m 60 22!i 36li 4SV ii'ii 39" ureon improvement. Oregon Transcon. 31K m ii" 1'aClDCMalI Peo. Dec. JtKvans..., Philadel. & Keadlnx. Pullman Palace Car.. Richmond & V. P. T.. !5X Richmond ft W.P.T.pf Ufr I'mil - llnlii.l. BLPaulAUulutli. bt. FaulA llUuth pf at. r., .uinn. s, .Man St.L. ASan Fran &t. J,. & San Fran pr.. Sfi te 65K bt. L. & San I". lit nf. Texas Paciflc 225( UnionPacltlc WA Wabash "Wabash preferred 24tj Western Union 83H WhceUng & L. CO 2iK 8S" (.Vi 60 B0XD3. U. S. 49 rep;..., U.S. 4s coup.. U. S. 4,sreg ...126111. S.4sconp., ...126 Paciflc 66 of '85., ....108Ji ..108 ..119 THE NATION'S DEBT. OverFonrtecn Millions of It "Wiped Ont Dur Inc December. WASniKOTON, January 2.-The-following is a synopsis of the public debt statement, issued to-day: INTEREST BEAJtlJTC DEBT. Bonds at 4 per cent f 181,152,300 00 Bonds at 4 per cent , 631, 1S7, 6C0 00 Refunding certificates at 4 per cent. 128,240 00 iavv pension fund at 3 per cent.... 14,000,000 00 Pacific Itallroad bonds at Sperccnt. 64,623,512 00 Principal 94L40I,65J 00 Interest 11,(50.34.100 Total S So2,C91,005 00 DEDT ON WHICn INTEREST HAS CEASED SIXCK MATrarrr. Principal S 2,094.69.5 00 Interest 16;), 783 00 Total $ 2,255,473 00 DEBT EEAr.IXG KO tNTEltEST. Old deinandandlcgiltcndernotes..f 348,737,823 CO Ccrtllicatcs of deposit 10,250,000 M d'nld certificates 120,888,413 00 Mlvercorttficates 246,2W,!flO 00 i'ractlonal currency, lea? (3,375,034 cstlmstedaslostordcstroed 6,919,526 00 Principal f 731,015,796 OO TOTAL DIBT. ' Principal fl, 674, 152,144 00 Interest 11,211,127 00 Total tl,6S5,363,271 00 Less cash Items avail able for reduction of the debt 330,(34,749 00 Less reserve held for re demption or United btates notes 100,000,000 00 490,664,749 00 Total debt, less avaUable cash ltems.tl, 184, 69 522 CO et cash in the Treasury.....: 60.636,264 00 Debt, less cash In Treasury Jann arv 1.18SJ $1,134, 062, 258 00 Debf, less cash In Treasury Decem ber 1. 188. (1,143, 49, 653 00 Decrease ordebt during December. 14,427,605 CO Decrease of debt since June 30,1833.. 31,52,398 ou CASIirXTHETBEASURY AVAILABLE FOB KEDCC- TI0.V OF THE PUBLIC DEBT. Gold held for gold certificates ac tually outstanding J 120,888,443 00 SUrer held for silver certificates ac tually outstanding 246,219,999 00 U. S. notes held for certificates of deposit actually outstanding 10,250,000 00 Cash held for matured debt and m- - tercst unpaid 13,305,822 00 fractional currency 479 00 Total available for reduction ofdcbtr300,C4,743 00 IUSEItVE FtTJfD. Held for redemption of United States notes, acts January 14, 1875, and July 12, 1382 1 100,000,000 00 Unavailable for tbe reduction of the debt: FractlonxUUver colnM,KJ,65,458 00 Minor coin 63, is w 23.733,7M 00 Certlflcatcs held as cash a 40,533,2ns 00 Net cash balance on band 60,536,254 00 Total cash in the Treasury u shown by Treasurer's general account 1 615,591,077 Co DOMESTIC MARKETS, Butter Still priflins: Downward, Eggs Barely Steady. POULTS! SCAECE AND VERY FIRM. Liberal Hay Eeceipts Depress Trade, Ee stricted Output OP F10UE DOES SOT E1ISB PEICES Office of tiie Pittsburg Dispatch, ) Wednesday. January 2, 18b9. Country Produce Jobbing Price. The country produce trado has not awakened from its holiday quiet. Retailers and con sumers are evidently pursuing the hand to mouth policy until old bills are settled. Butter continues on its downward way; prices are off lc at Elgin. If ever greed defeated Its own end, it was when, the big advance on Elgin creamery was mado a month or more ago. The reaction from flctitiousalues sought to be established then has sent prices so low that the difference in jobbing rates 'twixt now and then is fully 12c per pound. Eggs, too, continue very slow. There have been few holiday seasons in recent years when eggs brought' as low prices as during that just passed. The purchaser who is ready to put up cash will have little difficulty securing the best egg going in job lots at 22c. Poultry is scarce and firm and likely to con tinue so through tho winter, as stuff throngh the countrv is reported unusually well cleaned up. Beans Navy from store, prime hand picked, $2 ir2 15 per bushel; medium, $2 002 10: Ohio and Pennsylvania do, prime and medium, $2 00 2 10; imported do, $1 02 00; Lima, 556 per ft; marrowfat, $2 752 to per bushel. Butter Creamery. Elgin, 3335c: Ohio do, 2830c; fresh dairy packed, 2325ci country rolls, 2SS32c; Chartiers Creamery Co. butter, 33 d6C BtESWAX 2325c per ft for choice; low grade, 1618c Cider Sand refined, $6 507 50: common $3 504 00: crab cidor, .$8 00S8 50- barrel; cider vinegar, 1012e $ gallon. Cheese Ohio cheese, September make. 11 S12c; New Yoik. September make, 1212ic; timburger, 11H1 domestic Hweitzer cheese. 13gl3Xc. Dried Peas $1 451 50 f! bushel; split do, 2c ? a. Eggs 22023c 9 dozen for strictly fresh. Feuits Apples, $1 25 to $1 75 ty barrel; evaporated rasphcrnes, 25c ft; cranberries, $8 00 f barrel, $2 75 fl bushel. Feathers Extra live geese, 50ig60c; No. 1 do, 4045c: mixed lots, 3035c fl fi. Hominy $3 303 40 ?? barrel. Honey New crop, 18c: buckweat, 1315c Potatoes Potatoes, 3540c p bushel; $2 50 62 75 for Southern sweets; $3 25Q3 50 for Jer sev sweets. Poultry Live chickens, 5570c $1 pair; dressed chickens, 1213c 53 pound; turkeys, 13 15c lire, 1618c dressed $ pound; ducks, live, 8085c 9 pair, dressed, 16c fl pound; geese, $lgl 10 ft pair. Heeds Clover, choice, 62 Its to bushel, $6 per bushel; clover, large English, 62 fis 6 25; clover, Alsike, $S 50; clover, white, $9 OOjtimo thv, choice,45 fts, $1 00; blue grass, extra clean, 14 fts, $1 00; blue grass, fancy. 14 lbs, $1 20; orchard grass, 14 fts, $2 00; red top, 14 fts, SI 00; millet, 50 fts, $1 25: German millet, 50 fts, 52 CO; Hungarian grass, 48 fts, $2 00; lawn grass, mix ture of fine grasses, 25c per ft. Shellbarks $1 50I 75. ' Tallow country, 45c; city rendered; 55Kc. C Tropical Fruits Lemon's. $3 004 00 a box; Florida oranges $3 003 50 lp box; Jamaica oranges, fancy, $4 50S5 00 sp barrel; Malaga grapes $5 507 00 V keg; bananas, $2 00 firsts, $1 251 50 good seconds $ bunch: cocoa nuts, $4 00 ?! hundred: pineapples, $10 0CQ18 00 nunoreu; new ngs, izjshc n pound: dates, oj JfiUc ft pouniL VEC EOETAni.ES Celerv. lOSSOc 5Hbnneh:cah- baRes, S3 005 00 ?1 10(1; onions. 60c ty bushel: Spanish onions, 1 001 25 14 crate; turnips, 30 40c bushel. Groceries. Geees Coffee Fancy' Eio, 201rf21Jc; choice Rio, 1820c: prime Itio, J9c: fairltio, 18li8c old Government. Java, 26c:Mara caibo, 21J022"c; Mocha, 3031c; Santos, 1SJ 22c; Caracas coifee, 19K21c; peaberry, Rio, 20 21Kc;LaBuayra, 2021c- Hoasted (in papers) Standard brands, 22c; high grades, 2326c; old Government Java, bulk, S0-ilKc; Maracaibo, 2526Kc; 8anto3,2I22c; peaberry, 25Kc: choice Rio.ffiKc; prime Rio, 21c; Rood Rio, 20Kc; ordinarv, 19JCc. Spices (whole) Cloves, 2125c. allspice, 3c; cassia, 89c: pepper, 19c: nutmec 7080c Petroleum (jobbers' prices) 110 test. TVfct. Ohio, 120, Skcj headlight, 150, 9c; water white, lWcj astraline, OigOc; elaine, 15c; carnadine. lH?c; royal ine, 14c. bYRUPS Corn syrups, 2325c; choice sueac syruo, 35036c; crime sugar syrup, 8033c; strictly prime, 3335c. N. 0. iiiOLASSES-Fancy. old, 4Sc; choice, 45c; mixed. 4042c' new crop, 4850c. Soda Ui-carb in kegs, 3K4c; bi-carb in Ks, 5c: bi-carb, assorted packages, 556c; salsoda in kegs, lc; do granulated, 2c. CASDLES-Star, full weicht, !c: stearine, per get. 8Kc: paraffine. llKI2c Rice Head. Carolina, 77i4c; choice, 65 7c: prime, 56ic; Louisiana, C6Kc Starcii Pearl, 3c; cornstarch, 67c; closs gtarch, 57c. Foreign FKuns-Layer raisins, $2 65; Lou don layers, $3 10; California London layers. 82 50; Muscatols. 52 25: California Muscatels, S2 35; Valencia, new. 67c; Ondara Valencia, Sg8Iic;sultan.i,9c;currants,new,&g5c:Tnrkcy prunes, new, 5?c; French prunes", S13c; ealonica prunes, in 2-ft packages, 8Xc; cocoa npts, per 100, S6 00; almonds. Lan.,pcr fi, 20c; do Ivlca, 19c: do shelled, 40c; walnuts, nap., 12J5!l5c: Sicily filberts. 12c: Smvrna flss. 12W5) JOc; Brazil nuts, 10c; pecans, ll15c; citron, per ju, iiw iit, icuiuu pcei, per jb, ijxshic; orange peel, U4c. Dried FRUITS Annies, sliceiuer ft. Sc; an. rples, evaporated. 67c; apricots, California, evaporaiea, joigiBc; pcacnes, evaporatea,pared, 2223c; peaches, California, evaporated, un pared, 12J18c: cherries, pitted, 2122c; cherries, unuitted. 56c; raspborries, evap orated. 24Kf?a3c; blackberries, 79c; huckle berries, 10ffil2c SUQAP.S Cubes. 8c: nowdercd. 8e: (rrann. Uted, 7c; confectioners' A, 7c; standard A, 7c; soft whites, 67Uc: yeliuw, choice, 63 Cjic; yeUow, good. o6c; yellow, fair, 6ic; yellow, dark, to. PiCKLES-Mediums, bhls (1,200), 51 75; me diums, half bbls (600), $3 00. Salt-No. 1 1) hbl, 95c; No. 1 ex, a bbl, $1 05; dairy, 53 bbl, $1 20; coarse crystal, SJ3 bhl. $1 20: Higpirfs Eureka, 4 bu sack, J2 80; Higgin's Eureka. 16-14 ft pockets, J3 00. Canned GooDS-Srandard peaches, $1 50 1 H); 2ds. 81 30fl a5; extra peaches, SI 351 00; pie peaches, i)0c: ijnest corn, $1 S01 50; Hfd. Co. com, 75'J0c: red cherries, 90cl 00; lima beans, SI 10;soaked do. 85c: string do do, 7ob5c; marrowfat peas, 31 101 15; soaked peas, 70 7oc; pineapples, ?l 401 50; Bahama do, $2 7o; damson plums, 9oc; green gages, 31 25: egg plums, S2 00; California pears, S2 50; do irreen gages, $2 00;do egg plums, i 00; extra white cterries. $2 90; red cherries, 2 lbs. 90c: raspber ries, 31 151 40; strawberries, 31 10; gooseber ries. 31 201 30; tomatoes. 95rl 00; salmon, 1 i, 81 752 10; blackberries, (Or; succotash, 2-B cans, soaked, 90c; do green. 2 lbs, SI 251 50; corn beef, 2-& cans, 31 75; 14-ft cans, $13 50; uasea uean, i msi o; lonsrer. j D, ti o.$ 1 80: mackerel, 1-4 cans, broiled, $1 50; sardines, domestic, Ya $t504 75; sardines domestic, U. 38 25(38 o0; sardine', imported. 14s, $11 50 12 50; sardines, imported, Ji's, S18 00; sardines, mustard, -4 25. ,' FnH-Extra No. 1 mess mackerel, 330 ?1 bbl; No. 1 do. m&i extra No. 2 lo, J24 00; large n. 3 do.S20. i hole codfish George's medium, 4Jfc; do large, lc; boneless hake, 5c: do cod fish, 7M8c; fioioked halibut, 1012c; blue fish, fc: split herring,' go oojfe 50: white fish, half hbl. 100 tt', 87 SO; lake herrine, new, 100 3kbs, f3 25; Portlaul round herring: 200 ftbs. U 50; do half bbls, 1W fts, S2 &5: trout. 100 fts. So 5a Buckwhjat Flour SVilKc per pound. OAT3IBAi-30 S06 CO Lbl. Miners Dil-No. 1 winter strained, 5962c gallon. jardoil,75c Grnin, Flour and Feed. Total 0;ceipts as bulletined at the Grain Ex change vljre 77 cars. Rivinp a total for the week of 131 cats. To-day's receipts were: By Pitts burg, Ft! Wayne and Chicago, 14 cars of hay, II of corn,! Jof oats, 1 of rye, 3 of flour, 1 of feed. By PittsWg, Cincinnati and St. Louis, 17 cars of bay.Ji of oats, 9 of com, 1 of middlings, 4 of flour. Kales on call were 1 car No. 1 timothy hay, $lf 25, track, B.. & O.; 1 car No. 2 y. e. corn, 39c, la days, regnlar. Trade movements in cereal, are'slovr. Liberal receipts of hay "tend to depress markets in this line. The output of flour fat Northwestern mills week before last was little more than one-half that of the cor responding week of 1887. This is due to the combination to restrict product acreed on at Milwaukee a couple of weeks ago. The effort to hold Vp prices ot flour by curtailing output has yielded uo practical fruit as yet other than that there Is a little stronger disposition to buy WiisAT-Jobbiiig pricesNo. 2 red, Jl 07 1 03; No. 3 red, ic5l C2. C0KS-No. 2yellow. ear. ic; high mixed. ear, SSffllOc: No. 1 vellow, shelled, SStfJIOc; high mixed, shelled, 3637c; mixed, shelled. 553b?. Oats-No. 2 white, 33S3'c; extra No. 3, 31Ks'2c:.No. 3 white, 803f?No. 2 mixed,' 2930a Ryf: No. 1 Pennsylvania and Ohio, 606Ic; No. 1 Western, 6081c; pew rye, 675Se. Bablet-No. I Canada, 31 001 02; No. 2 Canaila,l)al!)8ojNo. 3 Canada, WS92ci No. 2 Westerii.cMc;N6.3 Western, 75$78c; Lake Shore, S590c. Flour Jobbing prices, winter patents,t6 25 8 GO: spring patents. 36 06 75; fancy stralgt, winter and sprint 35 756 OO; clear winter, 55 505 75: stralehtCXXX bakers',35 255 60. Rva ffnn 3 TRil OO V CorsmeaIi In .paper, 6070c. J MHJFEED-Middllnss, hne whlte, 320 501 -i uu fi ion. Drown miiiuuni;3, vii iuio uu. winter wheat bran, 315 50016 00; chop feed, 321 0OQ22 00. Hay Baled timothy, choice 316 00016 50: No. 1 do, 315 6016. 00; No. 2 do, 813 50314 50; loose from wagon. 323 002B 00; No. 1 upland prairie. 310 60010 75; No. 2, $9 5010 00; pack ing do. $8 00, Bteaw OaLi, 38 009 00; wheat and rye straw, 38 008 50. Provisions. Large hams, 18 fts and upward, lie: medium bams. 14 to IS fts, llc; small hams, 14 fts and under,llc;picnlc oi California hams,10c;bone Icss (in skins), 12c; sugar-cured shonlders, 9Kc; bacon,9$ic; dry salt, OJc; breakfast bacon, lOJc; rouletts, (boneless s. c shoulders), Ufc; regular smoked sides, lOWc; bellies smoked sides. lOVc; regular dry salt sides, 9Jc: bellies dry salt sides, 9c; dried beef, sets 3 pieces, lie: dried beef, fiats. 9c; dried beef, rounds, 12c; dried beef, knuckles, 12c; pork, mess, $1(1 50; pork, familv, 317 00; pigporfc. half barreK 3!) 00; Long sausage. 5Jic Lard Tierces, S23 Its, 8Jio V ft: half barrels, 120 fts, 8Jc ft: tubs, wooden, b0 fts, 8c J1 ft; buckets, wooden. 20 fts.8c $ ft;3-fi tin pails.v60 fts, 9c $ ft: 5-fi tin pails, 00 fts 8c ? fi; 10-Ia tin pads, 60 fts, 8Jc 5? ft: 20-ft tin pails, 80 fts, 8c; 50-ft tin pails, 100fts,83o?ft. Dressed Illent. Armour & Co. furnish tbe following prices on dressed meats: Beef carcasses, 450 to 550 fts, 5 5Kc; 600 to 650 fts, 6fifc; 700 to 750 fts, 77c Sheep, 7c$! ft. Lambs, 8c ty ft. Lumber. PINE UNPLACED TABD QtlOTATUNS. Gear boards, per Jl JfZ 005S OO Select common boards, per M 30 00 Common boards per Jl., : 20 00 Shealhlng , 18 00 Pine trame lumber nerM....- 22 002(27 00 l-hlncles. No. 1, IS In. per M SCO Shingles, So. 2, IS in. per il 3 75 Lath...?. .?. :. 300 PLANED. 4 Clear boards, per 31., 3 60 00 Surface boards 30 003SOO Clear, JS-lnch beaded celling M 00 Partition boards, per SI 39 00 Kloortnjr, No.l...f. 30 00 Flooring, Uo.2 25 00 Yellow pine flooriug 30 0040 00 Weather-boarding, moulded. Ho. 1.... 30 00 Weather-boirdlng, moulded, No. 2.... 25 (O Weather-boarding. J-inch SO 00 BAUD WOODS TAED QUOTATIONS. Ash, lt04ln t00(a0 00 lllack walnut, green, log run 45 00&iOOO Black walnut, dry, log run 1 60 00(475 00 Cherry 65 0Cffi75OO Green white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 3 00r&3) CO Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 In 23 0U30 00 Pry white oak boards, lln , 35 0C40 00 West Va. vellow pine, 1 Inch 20CeffiajS West Va. yellow pine, 1 Inch 25 0CO-T0 00 West Va. vellow poplar, H to 1 in 25 OOlSa) 00 HIckorv, t!to3fn 18 00322 00 Hemlock building lumber, peril 1300 Bnnk rails 15 CO Boat studdlnz 14 00 Coal car plank 13 00 HARD WOODS JOBBtNO HUCES. Ash, lto4In SOO.700 Black walnut, creejr, log run 45 0W50O Black walnut, dry. logrnn 30 00(3 00 Green white oak plank. 2 to 4 in J7 OXapOoa Dry white oak plank, 2 to 4 in 13COB20 00 Dry white oak boards, 1 In 13 00(300 00 WcstVa. yellow pine, lln 13OO0JOOO West Va. yellow pirie, lf in 19 0OS22 on WestVa. yeUow poplar, H to lln 16 cojiCJ CO Hickory, ljto 3 In 13 00022 00 Hemlock building Umber, ?iM 10 00I2 00 Bnnk rails 14 00 Boat studding. 14 00 Coal car plank 18 00 Drygoods. . New York, Januarv 2. There was. an ir regular demand for all classes of goods, but through deliveries a large business was af iected. Agents have made nrices of prints as follows: Pacific fancies, 6J-jC; do robes. 7c; cocheco fancv. 6Kc; do chocolate, 6e: encheco XX twills, 6Xc; Portsmouth robes, 6c; Wind sor fancy, B&c, and Steel River fancy, COc, with a reduced discount making jobbing prices lower. lUetnl Markets. New Yoek Pig iron quiet; American, 316 19. Copper nominal; lake, January, 317 25. Lead quiet and steady; domestic, 33 90. Tin dull and easier; straits, 321 95. WINTEK SPOflT. The most complete assortment of SKATES ever shown in this citv. J. B. KAERCHER, t de25-9h HI AVood st. Pittsburg, Pa. SY3IPTOM5-MoIt. urel Intenne Itching and utilising; mottat night) vom br Aenitchin lfaf B lowed to continue ITCHING PILES. WMtt becoming Very sore. SWAYNE'S OINT. MhXT stops the Itching and bleeding, hcnU nlcernllon. and la molt fUH remove the to. monu Svatms's Oiyth ut isaold bj drasUbt, or mailed to hot tddreu os rectif t of price, SO cu. a box ; 3 boiu, f l.tt Aililresi letters.DE. SWatsbIa soy, PMIaaelphia, Pa. OFFICIAD-PITTSBDKG. TTIEWERS' KEPOBT- On the frradine, paving and curbing of -Wine-biddle street, from Penn avenuo to Liberty avenue. To the Select and Common Councils of the city of Pittsburg: The undersigned Viewers of Stroet Improve ments in the city of Pittsburg, appointed by tho Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny county, and authorized by an ordinance passed on the 12th day of March, A. J). 1867 a copy of which is hereto attached, to make an assessment of the cost and expense of grad ing, paving and curbing of Wincbiddle street, from Penn avenue to Liberty avenue, in said city upon the property benefited thereby under the provisions o and in accordance with an Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled, "An Act authorizing and directing Councils of citie3 of the second class to provide for the Improvement of streets, lanes, alleys ind public. highways, sowers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for the appointment of a Board of Viewers of Street improvements, prescribing their duties granting appeals to Councils and Court, pro viding; for the assessment and collection of damages and benefits, authorizing the usa of private property and providing f or filing liens and regulating proceedings thereon, and pro hibiting the use of public streets, without authority of Council"," approved the 14th day of June, A. D. 1S57; Respectfully report: Thathavinsbeeiifirstdulyswornaird qualified according to law, they proceeded in the manner and according to tbe directions of said Acr. to discharge the dnties of their appointments; that having viewed the premises thoy made an assessment of said cost and expense upon the property benefited, and caused a plot and state ment to be made, as required by said Act, and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meeting, they met on the 29th day of December, A. D. 18S8, at the office of tho Board of Viewers, in the city ufPittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence olTerel, and having made all modifications and corrections which they deem proper, assessed the cost and expense of safd grading, paving and curbing upon the followinj property, upou each for tiie amount set opposite the name of the owner thereof, viz: Chief of Department of Public Works, state ment of cost. laftiOcu. yds. grading, 49c 5 5,218 50 7,727 sq. yds pavlnj. $3 25. 25.H2 7o 4.243H lineal ft. curDing, 83vV 3,622 11 Extra work on sewer drops and man holes r. II 75 Engineerinj:. advertising, etc 575 (X) Printing ordinances and notices 40 00 Printing viewers' report t 23 50 Making plan and serving notices 15 00 .Viewers' time 42 00 k 8H.360 61 ASSESSED. "Winnebiddle street, east side from Penn ave nue to Liberty avenn c Peter Lauer (64), 133.81 feet $ 456 42 Godfruv&Clark (198). 160.22 feet 1,40019 Ann Sutton (111), 105.14 feet 993 00 Daniel D. Dicke) (65), 47 feet 451 OS Win. H. Gerdes (132). 91 feet 941 6 Henry J. Lynch (131), 9i96 feet !)22 bl Henry J. Lynch (270), 204.96 feet I,9t8 29 Eliza J. Slataper (270), 201.9) feet 1,950 67 JIatilda G. McConnell (790), 5S3.92 feet 5,621 77 Matilda O. McConnell (17S), 32 feet.... l,2.'iU 42 James McNeil (132), 100 feet 91136 Mary A. Thoma3 (05). 40.75 feet ffl 55 George W. Given3 (48), 95.83 feet 312 31 Westside Mrs. H. O'Neil (58), 110.28 feet, 413 62 Mrs.E. Gross heirs. (71G). 570 feet 5,10615 Ida M. Scott (123),l00feet 877 IS Eliza J. Slataper (123). 100 feet 877 18 SIrs.E.Gross (123). 100 feet 87718 Felician Slataper (123). 100 feet 877 18 George W. Simonds (123). 100 feet.... 8t 14 ilargt. R. McCandless (81), 16.95 feet.. 5W5 M Mary C. Fisher (123), Meet ffill A. J. Stephenson (1JB). 100 feel t. 865 55" Vm. C. King (123), 100 feet $05 55 Mrs. E. Gross (US).-100 feet 877 17 Clara C. McLean'(123). 1C0 feet 865 65 Rebecca M White (163). 175.33 feet. ... 1,15.5 30 John H. Hampton (95), 1S7.SJ feet. ... 677 49 $34,369 61 Respectfully submitted, EDWARD JAY kiM ) DANIEL WENKE, Viewers. TLMOTHY O'LEARY, JR., ) Pittsburg, December 29, 1S8& ja3 draiCIAI-PlTTSBTJRG. TTrBWEBS' EEPOET On tbe construction of a public sewer on Lari mer avenne, from first crown north of Meadow street, to Everett street. To the Select and Common Councils of the City of Pittsburg: The undersijrned Viewers of Street Improve ments in the city of Pittabnrp, appointed by tne court or common neas oi Aiiegneny SMALigS? T3 Sa on the 21st day of Novemoer. A. D. 1887. a copy ot wnicn is hereto aitacneo, kj m" " oo; ment of the cost and expense of constructing a public sewer on Larimer avenue from first crown north of Meadow street, to Everett street, in said city, upon the property benefited thereby under the provisions of and in accord ance with an Act of Assembly of tbe Common wealth of Fennstlvania. entitled, "An Act au thorizinc and directing Councils of cities of the second class to provide for the improve ment of streets, lanes, alleys and public high ways, sewers and sidewalks, requiring plans of streets, providing for tho appointment of a Board df Viewers of Street Improvements, pre scribing their duties, prantlnf' appeals to Coun cils and court, providing for the assessment and collection of damages and benefits, au thorizing the use of private property and pro viding for filing Hens and regulating proceed-, ings thereon, and prohibiting the use of public streets, wiihout authority of Councils" ap' proved the 14tb day of June, A. D. 1887; re spectfully report: Tuat, having been first duly sworn and qual ified according to law, tbey proceeded in tbe manner and according to tbe directions of said Act, to discharge the duties of their appoint ments; that having viewed the premises, they made an assessment of said cost and expense upon the property benefited, and causedja plot and statement to be made, as required by said Act, and having given to the owner of each lot ten days' notice of the time and place of meeting: they met on tho 17th day of Decem ber. A. D. lbS8, at tbe office of the Board of Viewers, in the city of Pittsburg, heard all complaints and evidence offered, ana having made all modifications and corrections which they deem proper, assessed the cost and ex pense of constructing. said sewer unon the fol lowing property, upon each for the amount set opposite the name of the owner thereof, viz: Chief of Department of Public Works, statement of costs. 482 lineal feet, 18-inch pipe sewer, .$ 96100 271 lineal feet, 20-inch pipe sewer, 469 lineal feet 24-inch pipe sewer ,1 IA, ..a......... a. .-.. a.-.. t. --.. 8 drops, f 05 ..... 634 14 , L407 00 520 00 150 00 5 manholes, $30. 15,870 pounds castings (to Fisher F. and M. Co.) at 31 78 Superintending, engineering, adver tising, etc , Printing ordinance and notices Printing viewers' reports Making plan and serving notices Viewers' time 282 49 184 00 40 00 72 75 15 00 a 00 $4,311 33 ASSESSED. Larimer avenue, east side, from first crown north of Meadow street to Everett street HenrvOIosely (30). 25.75 feet. 55178 W. S. and R. J. Thompson (24), , 20.60 feet it. Eliza Adams (45). 5Z85 feet. John a Knipp (26), 27.44 feet John Moss. 60 feet Theo Weiss, 73.31 feet Peter Scbwan, 48.89 feet Lillie E. Robinson, 4S.8U feet Anthony Scbanb (34), 48.89 feeL... Peter Schwan (12j.b3.93 feet Mrs.JaneBoyer(39), 36 feet Eva Bishop (39), 38 teet Jennie V. D. Delevan (51). 47 Teet.. Charles Schwan (49), 45.04 feet.... William Curry. 112 feet Mrs. Mary K. Carpenter, 103 feet.. Theo Weiss (68), 108.26 feet Larimer avenue, west side Ij. W. McGonnigle, 24 feet ... Mary S.Dineer,24 feet Rev. J. Bier, 24 feet. Weldon & Kelly, 21 feet Annie Whitiuore. 24 feet Joseph Krewer, 72 feet Anton Blatz (46), 33.75 feet John W. Noland, 75.68 feet George W. Steinhauser. 24 feet... Peter Schwan, 21 feet Mary Krnft, 24 feet Mary Haucb,24 feet T. H. Murray, 24 feet L. FundK 48 feet Andrew Kessler, 48 feet. W.Jenkins. 24 feet T. M. Nairn. 48 feet W. S. Brooks, 24 feet F. Meisinger, 24 feet M. Zimmerman, 68 feet... Olivia Scott (3.58). 438.25 feet 43 82 82 17 47 48 109 50 133 92 89 27 89 27 43 82 21 91 7121 7121 9312 89 47 204 51 197 20 124 27 36 82 36 82 36 82 36 82 36 82 117 46 77 00 128 15 38 82 SS82 38 82 33 82 38 82 82 64 82 64 38 82 82 64 33 82 38 82 1W91 03 17 Auburn street, northside from Larimer ave nue to Lowell street- Mrs. Mirv K. Carpenter, 1S8 feet.. J as. stack, 26 feet P. McAllister, 45 feet Jos. Ganstcr, 161.13 feet Clarissa Woolslaver, 24 feet W.P.Clyde, 36.25 feet Henrietta Turner. 38 feet J. W. Rnppert. 24 feet M. L. Flister, 4S feet Mrs. C. Carlisle. 20 f"et , George G. Reimer. 100 feet Maria McFarIand,J0 feet , George G. Reimer, 105 feet , G. G. Walter. 77.11 feet , Rudolnh J. Abbv, 48 feet , V. Scliercr, 24 feet Casper N. Reimer. 97.86 feet Mary Ewlng, 174.88 feet , David Fleming, 70.14 feet. South side Theo AVeiss, 188 feet Thos. Donaboe. 23.04 feet J. McCarthy, 23.39 feet T. Matthews, 46.78 feet , A.Hartman,233i)feet , Maria Gloegle. 23.39 feet . F.J. Kost. 46.78 feet , M. A. Kridcr. 70.S7 feet Mary McVay. 48 feet. A. Clyde, 24 feet W.P.Clyde, 24 feet Edwin A. Mason, 24 feet M. McFarland, 24 feet Henry Meyers, 24 feet Theo. Pfahe, 4S feet F. Petften. 50. feet George G. Reimer, 140 feet George G. Reimer (140), 240 feet... A. Reimer (25). 20.80 feet L-Barkhoff (27). 22.-3 feet Andrew Reimer (1S6). 114 feet Aaron Reimer (191), 167 feet Mary Ewing (153), 16&24 feet 18 80 260 450 1616 2.40 3 62 360 2 40. 4i0 2 CO 10 CO 4 CO 10 0 7 71 480 2 40 979 17 43 7 01 18 80 230 2 31 468 234 2 31 463 702 4 SO 240 240 2 40 2 40 2 40 480 504 14 CO 14 00 250 2 70 13 60 19 90 15 30 Mayflower street, north side, from Larimer to Lowell. John Irwin (53), 47.54 feet S. E. Mnrdnck (12..), 103feet Catherine Lawrence (48). 40 feet M. A. Briel (U9). 109.64 teet James Crogrove, 75 8S feet..." Wra. M. Dnnn, 22 feet G. and A. Weiler, 44 feet Mrs. A. Neidhamiuer. 22 feet. M.Schupp, 22 feet John Knowlson. 62 feet W.V.Tinnev.23feet H.Wood, 23 feet M.A Schunp,23feet d. W. C. Neilander, 23 feet Henry Schusler, 23 feet George Friedman, 47.6 feet Casper N. Reimer, 112.88. feet M. Klch'-hnn. 22 feet Casper N. Reimer, C6 feet G.Clark. 22 feet J. K. Jordon, 22 feet E. Weisman, 22 feet Annie K Walker. 20.R3 feet David Fleming (270), 200 feet South side William Curry (E8). 183 feet. IL Robinson, 24 feet Flora M. Stoebcier, CO feet A. Jl. BurRer, 24.6 feet JaieMcEwen, 24 feet Virginia W. Smith. 21 feet MkE. Brecht. 48 feet L. Sprague, 21 feet R. J. Baldwin. 24 feet James Mnsgravc 70.28 feet . P.M. Kepner,-24 feet John llodgcrs, 21 feet Philip Dorn, 40 feet S. llossart, 23 feet C. Friedman, 23 feet G. C.Sclmpp. 23 feet M.H.Patton 23 feet J. T. Cyphers, 46 feet G.E. Schunp, 23 feet Fourth M. P. Church (72), 84.05 feet... A. D. Fierce (27). 30 teet Penn avenue C. Wacner (23), 77 feet Joseph Fueher (23). 24 feet Au':ustAeinger(23.,24feet Jl. JL Turner (21) 24 feet R.J. Davi (21). 24 feet G. G. Walter (23). 24 feet...-. Abram Reimer, 4S.40 feet E. F. McAllister, 48 feet Charles II. Salada, 21 feet GosC. Moll, 48 feet MaryEwine, 174.88 feet Carver street, north side, from Lari mer avenne to Lowell Anthony Schaub (21), 103.S4 feet Andrew Ri'imer,,47.20 feet Cb irlotte Blnme heir. 69.75 feet Caroline Bunnell. 23.25 feet Susan Bay, 2&C2 fcer William Sl.Ball. 23.63 feet W. ;. Bearer, 2162 teet F. H. Duncan, 23.62 feet Julia Connell. 38.10 feet Alfred Dver, 33.10 feet :. E. M. Heidtngcr,20 feet 5 50 12 20 480 12 90 759 220 440 2 20 220 620 230 2S0 230 2 30 230 4 76 1129 220 660 2 20 220 220 208 27 00 880 2 40 600 246 240 2 40 4S0 2 40 2 40 7 62 240 2i0 4 01) 210 230 230 210 4f0 230 7 SO 2 70 230 230 230 230 230 230 44 484 2 40 4 SO 17 49 2 40 4 72 617 232 230 2 36 2 36 23(3 3 81 SSI 2C0 2 40 G. G. Gibson, Zl leet A. C. Gie?, 24 feet 240 Mrs. M.A. Hardinp.21 leet A. Beeker, 21 feet Cath E. Hilty, 26 feet . Frank Reese, 28 teet ;.... Jlr?. C. Crura, 26 feet M. Schunp. 26 feet A. Strawbridec, 6 feet MaryHilty, 26 feet Aaron Reimer, 23 feet K.SiDuQU, 21 feet.,.. ..... I,.. 2 40 2 40 2 61) 3W '200! 260 260 260 230 2 JO 2 690 15 53 Thomas Hogan, 'R feet., Aaron Reimer, 60 feet.., Mary Ewing, 155.23 feet. OFFICIAL-PITTSBITSG. t- David Fleming. 239 feet....... Bamuet Kelly, 27" feet C A. Kennedy. 27 feet E.W.Imboff, 46 feet South side Charles Preller (34). 43.30 feet. .... 28 001 ...i 2 70' i ! xj. ioieman i-j,.h.14 ieei. C Blame heirs (76). 91.49 feet., E. Loeffier (20), 23.62 feet., LP. Schwan (20). 23 62 feet.. J. P. Urben (40), 47.24 feet.. Robert Cameron (331, mo Vert Lucy Loheyde (33). 38.19 feet, Charles Schwan (151. 20 feet. A. Newbert. 24.80 feet S.D.Barr. 24.80 feet J. Noc, 24.80 feet P.Spickert. 24.80 feet Catherine Kemmerer, 24.&0 feet... E. J. McLaughlin, 49.60 feet J.W.Kirker. 240feet E. Owens. 24.80 feet H. Bowes, 2180 feet - 2 43 Joseph s. Adams. 2a.o feet Daniel Becker, 25.80 feet C. Wagner. 2580 feet R. Johnston. 26 feet German 31. E. Chnrch. 59.44 feet James C. Dick, 56.98 feet A.M.KeppIe,28 feet W. J. Stoebener. 23 feet M. M. Kcil backer, 37 feet Horace F. Lowry, 29 feet E. Waener, 22 f eet Mary Ewing, 86.88 feet .. Meadow street, north side, from Larimer avenue to Lowell street Henry Mosely (76), 67.9S feet Amos O'Cavin (49) 43.93 feet Rev. G. W. Chalfant (81). 7150 feet.. H. Rav (e9), CO feet J. W.Doak (154). 134.50 feet E. T. Cassiday (50), 44.83 feet J,F. Hunter (50). 4183 feet John C. Knipp (.), 33.83 feet iatnenne MCriinney (,!), 33.x: leet... John C. Kninp (23). 20 feet- George K. West (102). 89.78 feef Samuel and Daniel Shaffer (14S),129.50 feet Jacob Keller (161). 140 feet Eliza Graham (133). 120 feet South side Andrew Keimeri23.6Q feet W. Woolslaver. 2160 feet C. Blume heirs. 9J feet Jennie and Lucinda McEnde, 47.24 feet J. A. Patterson, 23.62 feet W. C. Livengood. 23.62 feet Walter Cakey, 25.40 feet. Margaret Kahle. 25.40 feet Moses Laird, 25.40 feet GeorzeG. Reimer, 41 feet John Kaiser. T2 feet Anna M.Aland. 131 feet Margaret Layman, 22 feet John W. Reimer. 92feet R. C. Henderson. 23 feet J. B. Kennedy, 23 feet Mary Ewing, 110 feet. Samuel Luslc, 45.39 feet... David Fleming (125), 16L49 feet. 1W u 14 SO. 1610 H31I3S Respectfully submitted, EDWARD J 4.Y ALLEN, ) DANIEL WENKE. TIMOTHY O'LKARY. Jr., S Pittsburg. December 17. 1888. Viewers. Ja3' WHOLESALE HOUSE. JOSEPH HORNE & CO., Cor. Wood and Liberty Sts., Importers and Jobbers of BBTGAA an MWi. 1j.vx uivuisir u.uu IIU'IVIIVI Special offerings this week in SILKS, PLUSHES, ; DRESS GOODS, SATEENS, SEERSUCKER, ' GDTGTA1yTS, PRINTS, and CHEVTOTa For largest assortment and lowest prices call and see us. wholesaleIxclusively fe22-rS3-D THE FREEHOLD BANK, No. 410 Smithfield S CAPITAL. . . . S200.000 00. DISC9TJNTS DAILY. EDWARD HOUSE, Presto 1 "-, JAMES P. SPEER. Vlco Prest "' sel-k35-D JOHN F. STEEL. Cashier. GEO. H. BARBOUR CIVIL ENGINEER, Surveyor, Draughtsman and Designer of Bridges Roofs and Mill Buildings, . Room 62 Eisner Buihlinz. d12-k66-D 64 FIFTH AVENUE. Pittsburg. BROKERS-FINANCIAL. De WITT DIL WOR TH, BROKER IN :' PETEOLETJM Oil bought and sold on margin. de'7-21-Dsa. . WHITNEY & STEPMS(Wf, 67 FOURTH AVENUE. ISSUE TRAVELERS CREDITS Tnnouorr MESSRS. DREXEU MORGAN & CO,- NEW YORK. PASSPORTS PROCURED. anS-xTS STEAMERS AND EXCURSIONS. STATE IIM To Glasgow. Belfast, Dublin and Livarpaal" FROM NEW YORK EVER THURSDAY Cabin passage S35 to J50, according to Iocatioir' J Steeraceto and from Europe at lowest rates AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO.. Gen'lAgts, 53 Broadway, New York, er J. J. M'CORMICK. Agtml, . 21-r73-T) FourthAvenus :nd Smithfield SI. AMERICAN LINE, Sailing every Wednesday from Philadelphia and Liverpool Passenger accommodations lor all classes unsurpassed. Tickets sold to and from Great Britain and Ireland, Norway, Swe den, Denmark, Ac. PETER WRIGHT fc SONSL General agents. 307 Wahint st, Philadelphia, 1 uu uiiurmuuwu tan ue uau ui j. j. muiiVft t, .uiun, r ourtn avenue anu amituneiu street LOUIS MOESEK, 616 Smithfield street. mh8-dS0-TT3 MEDICAL. DOCTOR WMTTIER 930 FENS AVKNUE. PITTSBTJKU. PA As old residents know and back files of Pitts, burg papers prove, is the oldest established and most prominent physician in the city, devoting special attention to all chronic diseases. From gsnonsUilopersona NQ p J. NiCDnllQand mcntal lUseaseipaystcal l tn V UUo decay, nervous debility, lack; , of energy, ambition and hope, impaired mem ory, disordered sight, self-distrust,bashfulness, dizziness, sleeplessness, pimples, eruptions, im poverished blood, failing powers, organio weafe ness, dyspepsia, constipation, consumption, un fitting the person for businesisociety and mar riace. permanently, safely and privately cured. BLOOD AND SKIN ?&: blotches, falling hair, bone paius, elanduliif swellings, ulcerations of tongue, mouth, throa ulcers, old sores, are cured for life, and blood poisons thoroughly eradicated from the system.3 1IDIMADV kidney and bladder derange Unllinn I i ments, weak back, gravel, ca tarrhal discharges, inflammation and other painful symptoms receive searching treatment; prompt relief and reI cures. Dr. whittier's life-long; extensive experianca insures scientific and reliable treatment on common-senss principles, urasuitatioa free. Patients at a distance as carefully treated as IC;. here. Office hours 9a.m. to 8 p.m. Sunday. - ' 10ATx.tollMi.only. DK WHITTIEB, 834?' Penn avenue. Pittsburg, Pa. ueo-iMK-DSuWk. - MEN ONLY! A POSITIVE CUKE - For LOST or Falling MANHOOajJenons- ncsi. Wearneu of BodyiJIlnd. Lack of Strength, Vigor and De-' Telopmcnt. canted br Errors, Excesses, Ac Book. 3IODC or hELF-THEATMKXT. and Proofs mailed - (sealed! free. Address UI5IE MEDICAL CO.. - Buffalo, a. Y. dc25-57.TT3iWfe 4 . tfJ raEE PRESCRlPTlDHStotgi8? Eak "bCIE.NUK of HEALTH," U', thespeedycureotNervousDebility.LostMas&oodr (DejDondencr. etc. A copy of this book will b mit .1 free, sealed. Address SCIENCE of HEALTH J? 130 West Sixh Street, Cincinnati, Okie, ,-r ueis-oo-iisw it- Hiiiwiiw ArcwucacstirrcraBDUcaina. V W r'.8iT83 50irirtaw.Jrril.Ta (15-15 2TI3W8 TO WEAK tuttntost from tM rf rects of yoatanu er- I V """"JIIbj 11 rcrs, early decay, lert Buaiood,tc IUeenaaTalmUetre(!eiued) contalninz' fall particulars (or torn cM,mti PROF. F. C. FOWLER, Moodus, Corm. r?-& no8-k8I-l)Suwk Vs?fl B - JSKl 2 70 V 3 2sa 2 5Sii 2 60f;3 5S4 5 69" ZSO' 3 70 290 in 8 69 J?3 7 60 '-a 490 o jx o VJ 15 60, 500 SCO, 380 380 A OU 13 80- 2 33, S 2 36 -Tg 9 30 -1 4?J.-3 236 31 2 33 m 2 54i s 2 5J,. -i 4 40 ,d 720. 2 205 l3 233 $ 230 $ 1100 1 4 5.1 J 13 50 M . 'I : tl Ml ft 1 .'IjMffl